HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600328_19600404_regular_adjourned3/28/60 Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. deposit of $10.00, which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. the right to reject any or all bids. 45 Plans and specifications are available for a No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by The Council reserves BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Kohler on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Koh e; Tupa, aye; and Dickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. CLAIMS PAID. List dated March 28, 1960 Beim's motion for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre- General Fund $36,184.47 Liquor Fund . $36,978.80 Construction Fund 22,445.94 Sewer Rental Fund 235.34 Park & Park Const. 1 , 286.23 Improvement Fund 648.82 Waterworks Fund . 3,433.26 $101,212.86 and the following Refunds for Sanitary Sewer C-1 Assessments : Claim No. 13413 - Yinn. Fed. Svgs. & Loan $869.39 13414 - Twin City Fed. Svgs. & Laon 39.09 1 13415 - Geo. C. Sayer 36.04 13416 - NIJ Fed. Svgs. & Loan 40.67 13417 - Mpls. Svgs. & Loan 50.21 13418 - The Stow Co. 72.08 13419 - Prudential Ins. Co. 36.04 $1143.52 was seconded by Tupa and carried. The meeting's agenda's having been completely covered, Kohler moved for adjournment to 5:OO P.M., Monday, April 4, at' the Village Hall. by Tupa and carried. Motion seconded Meeting adjourn Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE MARCH 28, 1960 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, APRIL 4, 1960 AT 5:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HpLL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Kohler and Tupa. CONTRACT AWARDED FOR REPAIRS TO WATER WELL NO. 4. Tabulation of the three bids taken this morning for repairs to water well No. 4, bids being as follows: Bergerson-Caswell Co., $4,715.00 Base Bid, plus $2,300 for furnishing and installing new screen and attachments, using the 40 Ft. existing bottom section of 8'' Pipe; Tri-State Well Drilling Co., $5,722.00 Base, plus $3,545 for screen; Layne-Minn. Co., $7,422.00 Base, plus $5,175 for screen. Mr. Hyde told Council he feels that all bids are high, but that because of the ,urgency in getting the well in working order he will recommend award of.contract to the low bidder. Caswell Co., was seconded by Tupa and carried. Manager Hyde presented a Beim's motion, that contract be awarded to Bergerson- COUNCIL TO CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON PAVING OF w.493, ST~EET, AND HALIFAX AVENUE. Nanager Hyde presented preliminary estimates of cost for the construction of concrete curb and gutter and bituminous surface treatment in W.49k Street extended West of Halifax Avenue at the Post Office property, asking that Public Hearings be set for these improvements. travelled W.49% Street, and of Halifax Ave. between W.49S and W.50th Streetd,and because of the heavy traffic on these two streets, it was decided that Council will call public hearing on the construction of concrete paving on W.49% Street from France Avenue West, to and including the cul-de-sac, and on Halifax Avenue between W.49% St. and W.5Oth St., as soon as plans anci estimates for same can be prepared by Village Engineer. However, because of the break-up of the now- Agenda's having been covered, Tupa moved - for adjournment. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. Adjournment at i Cleric