HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600411_19600420_regular_adjournedwhatsoever for Arcon's aceion. I'iikon anu Ni)eixmmut: un ~i.re west side of Riageview. Vriiage Ateomey Hassel- quist asked Mr. S-cow ro have his attorney, Mr. Brown, contact Mr. Hasselquist in order that Arcon's bonding company can be notified immediately. JUDGE WEEKS' DECISION ON PEARCE REZONING DISCUSSED; Judge 17eeks has ordered the Village to rezone the Pearce Tracts; that the trfangle shall not be used for filling station purposes. matter, and decision on appeal to Supreme Court was laid over to April 25: Askea wnat lots were affected, 14r. Stow could ''?A:-- not give legal description without plat, but he starea Ehey'are two ioes between * .h Manager Hyde reported that Some discussion was had on the CLAIMS PAID. dated April 11, 1960, was seconded by Kohler and carried: Beim's motion for payment 'of the .following Claims, as per Pre-List General Fund $10 , 702.20 Sewer Rental Furid $42.25 194.78 Poor Fund 92 .*06 Park & Park Const. .Waterworks Fund 107.41 $34,909.13 Liquor Fund 23,770.43 I F4 of) .. Kohler's motion for adjournment was seconded by Beim and carried. adjourned at 8:45 PA, to Wednesday, Hall. Meeting Village Clerk ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE -APRIL 11, 1960 MINUTES OF THE/REGULAR IEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD VEDNESDAY, APRIL 20, 1960, AT 7:OO P.M. AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL * Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. published in Edina-Morningside Courier April 7 and 14, 1960, Mayor Bredesen called the following public hearings, and action as hereinafter recorded resulted there- from. was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. W.62ND ST. FROM Im5AN AVENUE TO HANSEN ROAD. Engineer's Estimate of Cost on the project had been $3.54 per abutting foot; that, as result of bids taken today on this project, we feel that cost should be approximately $3.12 per foot. No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. by Kohler and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in evening, ordering improvement) . 2. PUBLIC J3EARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN BRITTANY ROAD, W.66TH ST. TO DUNBERRY LANE: AND DUNBERRY LANE, BRITTANY ROAD TO NEST SHORE DRIVE. Mr. Hyde reported that the low bid taken this morning on this project is lower than the Engineer's Estimate of $6.07 per abutting foot; that the new Estimate of Cost on the project is $5.15. He said that this project would not be done in its entirety until a storm sewer ro 'ec co tructed. There were no. objections registered against tr -come& was a question on being able to move onto the street this fall. unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in evening, ordering improvement). TREATMENT IN ZENITH AVENUE FROM #6104-05 TO N.62ND ST. Estimate of Cost $6.94 per abutting foot, stating that because of low bid received this morning, new Estimate is now $5.71. does not have sewer; that if there is any sentiment for sewer the main should be- put in before the street work, to save re-blacktopping coSts in the-future. Mr. Ralph Sampson and one,other gentleman were present at Hearing, told Council that the sewer must come from the South, through Crosstown territory; that everyone on the block except the corner house is already septic-tanked, and there is no need for sewer. There were no objections registered against the improvemsnt at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. by Kohler and unanimously carried. improvement) . TREATMENT IN TINGDALE AVENUE FROM W.64TH STREET TO W.b5TH STREET. o€ Cost 17as given as $b.95 per Assessable Foot; however, Mr. Hyde reported that bids taken this morning will lower cost to an estimate of $5.67. Tingdale and J.T. Sather, 6429 Tingdale, objected to this project while the cross streets--b4th and 65th Streets--were unimproved. Mr. I$. L. Henderson, 6401 Tingdale, asked that the work be done to allay the dust; stating that it t7as not 'ust to settle the dust that the project was petitioned--that there are ruts in he road a foot deep. Mr. Sather suggested a "community project'' of street Pursuant to "Notice of Hearings'' Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication of said Notice, which affidavit 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN Manager Hyde told Council that the Tupa' s motion approving project was seconded I Kohler's motion approving project was seconded by Tupa and 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONGRETE CURB AND GUTTER &D BITUMINOUS SURFACE Manager gave as the Engineer's He reminded the audience that this street They asked that the street improvement project be expedited. Beirn's motion for approval of project was seconded (See Resolution of later in meeting, ordering 4. PUBLIC JBARING ON PROPOSED CONCRETJ3 CUM ANU GUYl'KK ANU l5ITUMINOUS SURFAW Engineer's Estimate Mssrs. M. Bingert,6440 54 4/20 /6 0 improvemnt for "Normandale Second Addition", such as was recently undertaken by the Brookvier.7 Heights'group. He was advised that some of the streets need a storm sewer efore permanent surfacing; however, he and Blr. Wingert asked that their project be tabled until such time as the ""ormandale Service Council" could meet to plan for an area-wide improvement. new Hearing is requested was seconded by Kohler and carried. that bid can be held for 30 days; Beim's motion that project be tabled until such time as a Mr. Hyde told delegation b , 5. PUBLIC IiEA.RING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREAENT IN 17ILFORD WAY, BRITTANY ROAD TO WEST SHORE DRIVE. Engineer's Estimate of Cost was given as $6.68 per abutting foot--changed to $5.39 as the result of lot7 bid taken today. No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. seconded by ICohler and unanimously carried (See Resolution of later in evening, ordering improvement) . BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATflENL' IN ROYCAR ROAD, BUTTANY ROAD TO SOUTHCREST DRIVE. Nr. Hyde told audience that, because of low bids received this morning the Engineer's original Estimate of Cost had been lowered from $7.20 per abutting foot to $5.98. No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. Tupa's motion for approval of project was seconded by Beim andunanircously carried. (See Resolution of 'later in evening, ordering improvement). BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN 17.62ND ST., WYMN AVE. TO CODE AVENUE. of Cost was changed at Hearing from the $6.58 original to $5.34, revised as result of bids taken this morning. and no objections had been received prior there; and Rohler's motion approving project was secopded by Tupa and unanimously carried. evening, ordering improvemznt). BITUhlINOUS SURFACE TREATNENT IN IiADDOX LANE), HANSEN ROAD TO T.M.zAN AVENUE. told Council that Engineer's original estimate of cost, $7.18 per abutting foot, had been changed as the result of bids talcen tpday (although bids were not on this specific project) to $5.96. He told Council that petition is in for only the Curb and Gutter portion of the project; but that, this year, the Engineer has been asked to make recommendations on the advisability of constructing curb and gutter and blacktopping together, where it is probable that one will suffer without the other; and that it is the Engineer's recommendation that the two be constructed together on this street. Nr. Jim Engquist, 5212 17yman Avenue, qu.estPoned the advisability of const,ructing . this one block; asked that i$ be delayed until the area could be done. informed that petition has now been received for Maddox from Wyman to Mildred Avenue; and Beim moved approving the project as recommended byathe Engineer. Motion seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. improvement). Hr. Hyde told Council that bids had not yet been taken for this project; that they could be delayed until Council had taken action on the new petition, and, if this latter project is approved both projects could be bid.. Beim's motion for approval of project was PUBLIC HEARLEG ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION :OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND 6.' 7. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND Estimate There were no objections registered at the Hearing, (See Resolution of later in 8. PUBLIC H!3ARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND Nr. Hyde He was (See Resolut.ion of later in evening, ordering COUNCIL SCHEDULED PUBLIC HEARING ON CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS STJEFACE TREATfENT FOR BiADDOX LANE, T.M.IAN AVENUE TO MILDRED AVENUE. Pursuant to the foregoing discussion, Beim moved scheduling Public Hearing for Monday, May 9, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., on proposed construction of curb and gutter and bituminous surface treatment for Maddox Lane between F7yman and Nildred Avenues. llotion seconded by Tupa and carried. 9. BUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CURB AND GUTTER AND BImlINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN HANSEN ROAD FRON W.61ST STREET TO VALLEY VIEW ROAD. Cost, based on today's bids €or this type of work, was given at $6.16 per abvtting foot. Tar. Larry Hill, otmer of a loteat Birchcrest Drive and Hansen Road, objected that there are eight lots without building; that heavy trucks will break up the blacktopping and that driveway approaches wil1,have to be located after curbing is in. He asked that the project be delayed until building on the street is more nearly complete. present signified that they should like the road improved now. approving project ~7as seconded by %pa and unanimously carried. later in meeting, ordering improvement). Estimate of @here vere no other objections registered, and those others Kohler's motion (See Resolution of 10. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRJ3TE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATCE3AT IN BIKLDRED AVENUE FRON VALLEY VIET7 ROAD TO 11.62ND STREET. llr. Hyde reported that, on the basis of bids taken today for this type of work, the Engineer's Estimate of Cost had been received from $7.58 per abutting foot to $6.29; that the Engineer recommends installation of concrete curb and gutter together with the petitioned blacktopping, because of the very flat grade. Nr. 1.1. B. Elliott,6209 llildred Avenue, objected, on the grounds that this project should be delayed until specific infomgion has=been received as to disposition of street at such time as Crosstown Highway is constructed. that three of the seven property o-ers do not want the improvement; that one of the petitioners is in California and cannot be contacted at this time. Mr. R. J. Kramer, 5216 Naddox Lane, expressed himself as being in favor. 3ir. Bailey, 6212 Mildred Avenue, Cold Council There were no obher objections 55 4/20f60 registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. motion approving project was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. (See Beim's '4 Resolution of later in meeting, ordering improvement). AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE.I~~<. I 11. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER/IN SAXONY ROAD FROM BLAIU.?, ROAD TO WEST HIGHWOOD DRIVE. $6.71 per abutting foot, was revised pursuant to bids taken today on this type none had been received prior thereto. Mr. Hyde notified Council that Engineer has recommended the entire improvement for the full street because of the grade. No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. by Kohler and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, ordering improvement. ) PUBLIC FkARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN WOODDALE AVENUE, BELVIDERE LANE TO DUNHAM DRIVE W. Beport was made that Engineer's original Estimate of Cost, amount $7.33 per abutting foot, has been revised pursuant to today& bids on this type of work, to $6.08. Engineer Zik-an stated that because of the very steep grade, here, he firmly recommends installation of curb and gutter. There were no.objections registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto; and Tupa's motion approving project was seconded by Beim and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, ordering improvement). 13. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN ASHCROFT AVENUE BETVEEN VALLEY VIEF.1 ROAD AND W.62ND STREET. Petition, signed by.eight of 12 property owners, and protesting Curb and Gutter,was filed. stating that on' theibasis of bids taken today on this type of work project can be done for approximately $5.83; that Bituminous Surface alone, on basis of today's bids, would be $3.91. Mr. Geo. Beacom, 6120 Ashcroft Avenue, expressed himself as being willing to go along with professional advice; that he feels it would be +@ngy-wise--pound-fonlish to take blacktop only, in the face of the engineer's wk6rmnendation for the entire improvement. Mr. R. J. Sather, 6117 Ashcroft, stated that the property owners want the blacktopping improvement for its appear- ance; that they do not like nor want.curb and gutter. Mayor Bredesen agreed that curb and gutter is not necessarily an esthetic asset, but told group that experience has taught him that it is best to have it installed when it is recommended by engineer. Messrs. Bergerson, 6109, and Farr, 6105 Ashcroft, maintained that their troubles stem from the drainage reaching them from Virginia Lane; and some discussion was had about vacating the Lane inasmuch as no dwelling faces it. water moves slowly on it; that, even should the Lane be vacated, drainage would have to flow through this property. he is concerned people could take their choice of either having curb and gutter and blacktopping or of having an unimproved street--whereupon those present discussed tne matter and agreed among themselves to take che full. improvement.. Beim then movea approving project as recommended by the Engineer, and motion was seconded by Kohler and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, ordering improvement). 14. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION 0F.CONCIIETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUPIINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN YORK AVENUE, W.58TH STREET TO W.59TH STREET. Revised Estimate of Cost, pursuant to bids taken today on this type of work, was given at $5.84 per abutting foot. Original Estimate had been $7.04. Mr. Collander, 5800 York, protested all parts of the improvement, but gave no reason for protest. Mr. Zikan explained that the very flat grade makes curb and gutter necessary. highly in favor. none had been received prior thereto. recommended by Engineer was seconded by Beim and unanimously carried. Resolution of later in meeting, ordering improvement). HITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN AYRSHIRE BLVD. FROM DONCASTER WAY TO GLENGARRY PARKWAY. given as $5.30, as compared with original estimate of $6.39 per abutting foot. Mr. Hyde explained that 50% of the abutting property is park-owned land. were no objections registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. Beim's motion approving project was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of lat&r in meeting, ordering improvement). BITUMINOUS SUREACE TREATMENT IN NOWDALE COURT. Mr. Zikan told audience that he is recommending installation of.curb and gutter because of the.relatively flat grade, here; revised estimate being $5.96, based on bids taken today for this type of work, as compared with original estimate of $7.18 . of the proposed street improvement seemed to be of less importance to property owners than the method of accomplishing it. Lot 6, Block 1, Normandale Court came once again to the fore,.with Mr. R. P. Taylor's report that the dirt on Lot 6 belongs to him; and Mrs. J.F. Pitt's plea that the Village cut the corner at this location to rid itself of a traffic hazard. Engineer's Estimate of Cost, . z of construction, to $5.57. .No objections were registered at the Hearing, and Tupa's motion approving project as recommended by Engineer was seconded 12. Fir. Hyde reported Engineer's orginal Estimate of Cost as $7.02, Engineer Zikan told Council that Virginia Lane is very flat, that Trustee Kohler told group that insofar as . . , ,Nrs. Iriarion, 5833 York, and the owner at 5813 York both expressed themselves as There were no other objections registered at the Hearing, and (See Tupa's motion approving project as 15. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND Revised Estimate of Cost, based on today's bids on this type work, was There 16. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND LOT DIVISION DISCUSSED IN CONNECTION.WITH ROAD IMPROVEMENT. The actuality The matter of the subdivisiod of 4/20/60 56 , It came out in discussion that Nr. Saunders, the prospective purchaser of half of Lot 6, Block 1, is willing to let Mr. Taylor have such dire as it is necessary for him to excavate and grade from his lot, but that he cannot get the dirt to the.back of Nr. Taylor's lot vithout making a'lengthy haul--which last he will not agree to do. It mas pointed out that there is not sufficient room beside Nr. Taylor's home for lrthe big dump trucks to get into the back yard. Hrs. Pitt, Mr. Taylor's neighbor, stated she is reluctant to let her side yard be.used for this purpose because it costs her money each time it is done; that, if some arrangements could be made so that she could be assured that she V70Uld not have to re-sod, her property could be used. Hr. Taylor maintained that he is entitled to private and public property. sod fromNrs. Pitt's yard, save it, and replace it when the project is oyer; that the Village make arrangements to have the dirt hauled to Mr. Taylor's yard from the street cut; that 3lr. Saunders do the same with the yard cut. to Mr. Saunders, but he asked that he receive a letter 'from Dr. Ralph Peterson, developer9 agreeing to all matters pertaining to the division of Lot 6, Block 1, in oader that he might be sure that he would not be served with an injunction, upon starting work on his home. Because there were no.objections to the proposed curb,gutter and bituminous surfacing improvement, as such, Beim moved for approval of project as recommended by Village Engineer. dirt taken from Normandale Courc, both Elanager Hyde suggested that the Village remove the This was agreeable Notion seconded by Kohler and unanimously carried. Kohler then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING STREET IMPROVEIENTS CURB AND GUTTER II4€?ROVENENT NO. B-67: CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUf.IINOUS SURFACE . INPROVEMENTS BA1-BA14, INCLUSIVE BE IT'RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina; Elinn esota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published .on the following proposed improvements; and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notices the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby-determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements referred to in all subsequent proceedings as 1. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER 1?yman Ave. to Hansen Rd. SURTACE TREATNEWT IN: 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. are hereby designated and shall be folloWS : - Fl.62nd St., AND BITUMINOUS "E OF IEPROVENENT STREET DPROVENENT NO. Brittany Road, 1~7~66th St. to Dunberry Lane; and Dunberry Lane, Brittany Rd. to '[.lest Shore Drive Zenith Ave., %104-05 to 11.62nd St. Vilford Flay, Brittany Rd. to West Shore Drive Roycar Rd,, Brittany Rd. to Southcrest Dr. Il.62nd St., Flyman Ave. to Code Ave. laaddox Lane, Hansen Rd. to 17yman Ave. Hansen Rd,, FJ.6lst St. to Valley View Rd. Saxony Rd., Blake Rd. to 11. Highwood Dr. Hildred Ave., Valley View Rd. to 17.62nd St. Flooddale Ave., Belvidere Lane to Dunham Dr. 'I.J. Ashcroft Ave., Valley View Rd. to Fl,62nd St. STREET INPROVB4ENT BA-1 BA- 2 If If 0-67 If If If II If fl I1 II II 11 BA- 3 I1 BA- 4 . BA-5 BA- 6 BA- 7 If BA- 8 . BA-9 If I1 I1 If I1 II BA- 10 BA-11 BA- 12 11 If York Ave.. FJ.58th St; to W.59th St. BA- 13 13.. Ayrshire Blvd., Doncaster Flay of Glengarry Parkway BA- 14 14. Normandale Court. and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts.of land abutting the respective streets to be improved. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded four ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Koh and the Resolution was adopted. I1 I1 If If I a, and on Rollcall there were e; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; I w CONTRACT AT.IARDED FOR STREET II4PROVEMENTS NOS. B-67, BA1,2,3 3 b5. Tabulation of bids taken today on the above entitled six improvement projects and on curb and gutter and blacktopping of Tingdale Avenue from 17.63rd to W.64th Street, were presented, showing three bids received: Black Top Service Company, low bidder, at $60,394.53; Riegger Roadways, Inc., $66,018.45; Art Bolier Construction Co., $72,370.05. Manager Hyde recommended award of contract to Black Top Service Company at $60,394.53, less the $5,638.08 bid on Tingdale Avenue (see proceedings on this particular project earlier in evening) for $54,756.45. Kohler so moved. Motion 17as seconded by Tupa and carried. This evening's hearings having been concluded, Tupa moved for adjournment to Thursday, Nay 21, 1960 at 7:du P.N. Blotion seconded by Beim and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9 :30 P.1-I. I. - Village Clerk