HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600411_regular4/ 11/ 6 0 MINUTES OF THE R&XLAR MEETING OF THE: EDXNA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HFAD IiIBNDAY, APSXLT, 11, 1960 AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE: EPTNA WlllL4GE ML Nenibers answering Rollcall were Beim, Kohler and Tupa. Nayor in the absence of Bayor Bredesen and Mayor Pro Tem Dickson. NINUTES of the Regular Neeting of Monday, March 28, and of the April 4th Adjourned Portion of the Bfarch 28th Fleeting, were approved as submitted, by motion Beirn, seconded by Kohler and carried. Trustee Tupa acted as PUBLIC HEARING'ON PROPOSED VACATION OF '#THAT PART OF LARKSPUR LANE LYING WEST OF TRE EAST 60 FEET THEREOF AND IPSMEDIATELY ADJACENT TO LOT 11, BLOCK 3; LAKE EDINA ADDITION. March 17 and 24, and of Posting, Narch 18, of "Notice of Hearing"; and, pursuant to said notice, Mayor Tupa called Public Hearing on the above named proposed street vacation. Planning Director*Hite explained that this action has been recommended by the Planning Commission, in tieing the two Lake Edina Additions; that the Gas Company does need an easement in the street, and that if Council does vacate, proceedings should not be put on record until such easement is assured. received prior thereto, and Kohler offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Norningside Courier There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and none had been RESOLUTION VACATING PORTION OF LARKSPUR LANE -WHEREAS, two PJeekS' published notice and'posted notice of a hearing to be had on April 11, 1960, at 7 :00 P.M., on the proposed Vacation of the following portion of Larkspur Lane: -"That part of Larkspur Lane lying West of the East Sixty (60) feet thereof and immediately adjacent to Lot 11, Block 3, Lake Edina Addition, mre particularly ,described as follows : * I 'Commencing at the Southeast-corner of Lot 10, Block 3, Sake Edina Addition; thence South along the extension South of the East line of said Lot 10, a distance of Five (5)'feet to the actual pointof beginning; thence continuing South along the Southerly extension of the East line of said Lot 10, a distance of One Hundred Five (105) 1: feet more or less; thence West at an angle of 87 degrees and 46 minutes to the last described line, a distance of Fifty-four (54) feet more or less to a point on the Southerly line of said Lot 11, Block 3, Lake Edina Addition, said point being Fifty-five qnd ninety-one hundredths (55.91) feet East of the Southwest corner of said Lol 11; thence Northerly and Easterly along *the Easterly line of said lot 11 to the actual point of beginning' has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council: NOV, THEREFORE, B& IT RESOLVE0 by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that That that portion of Larkspur Lane hereinbefore described be and hereby is vacated. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follovs: Resolution was adopted. Beim, aye; Kohler, aye; and Tupa, aye; and the (%illage Clerk *. (- (Kohler then moved that Clerk be instructed to delay transmittal of resolution for record until such time as the requested easement has been secured by the Ninneapolis Gas Company. Notion seconded by Beim and carried. PUBLIC REARING ON PROPOSED VACATION OF "THAT PART OF SHERWOOD AVENUE LYING LEIMEDIATELY NORTH OF 17.69TH STREET, AS DEDICATED FOR PUBLIC USE IN THFt PLAT OF 'BROST ADDITION'" . Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Norningside Cburier March 17 and 24, 1960, and of Posting, llarch 18, of "Notice of Hearing", which were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. the proposed Vacation of that part of Shemood Avenue described in this title, and the following action taken. been recommended for approval by the Planning Commission; that the opmers of property facing Normandale Road have set their houses so far back from the Highway that it is impossible for them to divide their deep lots into two building lots and they, there- fore are unwilling" to dedicate 30 feet for a 6O-foot right-of-way; and'that the Brittany Road property owners prefer deep lots. of whom gave his name, stated they would much prefer not to have the road come north. Their were no objections to the proposed Vacation at the Hearing, and none had been filed prior thereto. Beim offered the following Resolution and moved it5 adoption: Pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was conducted on Planning Director Hite told Council that this Vacation has Two Normandale Road residents, neither TdHEMAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be +? had on April 11, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., on the proposed Vacation of the following street : c "That part of Sherwood Avenue lying immediately north of West 69th street, between the East Lot Lines of Lots 6 and 7, Normandale Terrace, and the West Lot Lines of Lots 1,2 and 3, Block 1, Brost Addition, as dedicated for public use in the plat of "Brost Addition" has been given and made, and'a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council : Edina, Hinnesota, that: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of THAT portion of Sherwood Avenue hereinbefore described be and hereby is vacated. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Kohler, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Tupa, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Beim, aye; Kohler, aye; and ' vpA Act$hg Mayor I V w PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION OF TIWNORTH 34 FEET OF THAT PORTION OF MAVELLE DRIVE LYING BETWEEN SAl\jDELL ROAD AND FRANCE AVENUE". "Notice of Hearing", published in Edina-Morningside Courier on March 17 and 24, 1960, and posted March 18, Mayor Tupa aalled Public Hearing on this proposed Vacation. Affidavits of Publication and Posting were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Presenting a plat of Stow's Edgemoor Addition, Planning Director Hite told Council that the plan is to move '%Javelle Drive" thirty-four feet South, and to return the North 34 feet of what is now Mavelle Drive to Block 1. Developer E. C. Stow was present to tell the Council that return of this street area to Block 1 will do no good,unless the 34Lfoot strip is rezoned to Community Store. explained that the balance of Block 1 is now zoned. vacation proceedings are necessary before the "Replat of Blocks 1, 2 and 9 can be approved. There were no objections to the proposed Vacation registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto; and Kohler offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Pursuant to Mr. Hite Mr. Hite explained that RESOLUTION VACATING PORTION OF MAVELLE DRIVE' WtlENAS, two weeks' pubiished notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on April 11, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., on the proposed Vacation of the following I street: "The North TPrirty-four (34) feet of that portion of Mavelle Drive lying between-'Sandell Road and France Avknue", as platted and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council : of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that vacated. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there ,were three ayes and no nays, as follows: and the Resolution was adopted. AT {ST: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT &SOLVZD by the Village Council of the Village THAT that portion of Mavelle Drive hereinbefore described Be and hereby is Beim, aye; Kohler, aye; and Tupa, aye; , (Village WJ&A Clbrk ( (Kohler then moved that Clerk be instructed to delay transmittal f esol tion for record until such time as - 1. Council has approved Final Plaf/oZp a Et focgs Y 1, 2 and g,Stow's Edgemoor; and 2. Applicant for Vacation has paid for the moving of a power pole at Mavelle and France Ave. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. COUNCIL TO CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON REZONING OF "NORTH 34 FEET OF MAVELLE DRIVE" TO "COMMUNITY STORE" DISTRICT. this tract, and Mr. Hite's recommendation for Public Hearing on the matter, Beim moved that Public Hearing be scheduled for Monday, April 25, at 7:OO P.M. seconded by Kohler and carried. Pursuant to Mr. Stow's request for the rezorhg of Motion 48 4/11/60 PUBLIC HEARIEG ON PETITION OF ROBERT BURSH FOR PElWIT TO PLAT LOT AT 5520 BENTON AVENUE (1.71/2 OF LOT 41, t7ARDEN ACRES) WITH FRONTAGE OF 72.5 FEET. ffidavit of Hailing of ''Notice of Hearing", which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. He reported that the Planning Commission recommended, at its April 6th meeting, that this request be granted. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. granting request 17as seconded by Kohler and carried. Hr. Hite presented Beim's motion PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION OF TRONES CONSTRUCTION CONPANY FOR 7.8-FOOT SIDEYARD SETBACK AT 4917 TRILLIUM LANE (LOT 2, BLOCK 4, LAKE EDINA ADDITION). Mr. Hite's Affidavie of Mailing of "Notice of Hearing" was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Planning Commission recommendation for permission for requested variance 17as reviewed; problem being that in order to set house back sufficiently on this pie-shaped lot to conformwith front-yard setback of neighbor, fhere is insufficient space for required sideyard setback. at the Hearing, Srnd none had been received prior thereto, and Kohler moved for approval of the zoning variance requested. There were no objections made llotion seconded by Beim and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION OF HR. FOLIU?, VICTORSEN FOR PERNIT TO FACE DWELLING ON WATERMIIN AVENUE BATHER THAN BLAKE ROAD (NE CORNER BLAKE AND 17ATEFUAN). of Mailing of "Notice of Hearing" was presented by Mr. Elite, approved as 'to form and ordered-placed on file. recommendation for permission for this facing; Mr. Victorsen feeling this is more desirable because of-the volume of trafEic on Blake. registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto, and Beim's motion granting permit for Waterman Avenue facing was seconded by Kohler and carried. Affidavit Council reviewed Planning Commission's April 6th . There were no objections WNDELSSOHN ADDITION-LIJNDfl0I.N REPLAT" P?LSlINARY PLAT APPROVED. being a replat of Lots 9, 10 and N. 70 Ft. of Lot 8, Block 2, lendelssohn Addn,, south of Spruce Road an& Vest of Arthur Street, was presented with Planning Commission's April 6th recommendation for Preliminary approval. Kohler's motion for approval in accord with Commission's recommendation was seconded by Beim and carried. This plat, SOUTHDALE APARDBNT ADDITION "STREET AND BLOCK LAY-OUT" APPROVED .* Preliminary Plat was presented, carrying Planning Commission's recommendation of April 6th - for approval. Hr. Robert Crabb of Southdale Holding Company, asked, however, for Council approval of the "street and block lay-out"on1y. It was noted'that this plat deviates from the usual pattern, providing for 50-foot rights-of-way, rather than the 60 feet usually required. This 50-fooF weald accommodate a 32-foot roadway, two 5-fOOt sidewalks, two &foot boulevard strips; parking t70uld be on one side of street only. Mr. Hite told Council that the Planning Commission has recommended that the 50-foot right-of-way be accepted for this plat, and that the same policy be followed in all apartment areas where there is a complete road pattern within the apartment sector. Mr. Hite presented a preliminary plat of the Pearce property, adjacent to the Southdale tract, showing that the two tracts F70Uld work well together. preliminary approval of the road pattern and block lay-out as presented, including 50-foot streets. "NOlWANDALE ADDITIOX-HILLER REPLAT" FINAL PLAT APPROVED. This replat, of * Lots 4 and 5, Block 17, Normandale Addition, into three lots, one of which faces 1.7.66th Street, was presented, carrying Planning Commission's April 6th recommzndation for approval, recommendation ~7as seconded by Kohler and carried,' Kohler moved for Motion seconded by Beim and carried. Beim's motion for approval of Final Plat in accord with Commission's- "CRESTON HILLS-BACH REPLAT" FINAL PLAT APPROVED. of Block 5, Creston Hills, had received the Planning Commission's April 6th recommendation for Final Approval; and Beim moved for approval in accord with Commission's recommendations. LAKE CORNELIA PAX ADDITIOX FINAL PLAT APPROVED. Final Plat of Lake Cornelia Park Addition in accord with'planning Commission recommendations of April 6, was seconded by Beim and carried. Village-owned triangular areas south of 66th Street between Cornelia Drive and Valley View Road. COUNCIL ACTS TO LEVY ASSESSBNTS AGAINST TAX-FORFEITED LANDS. It was suggested that Council act to levy assessments for Trunk Watermain No. 127 against twp lots now tax delinquent and in State ownership. and moved its adoption: This replat, being of a portion Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. Kohler's motion for approval of This plat is for Kohler .offered the following Resolution 4/11/60 kE S OLUTTON DETERMINING TOTAL AMOUNTS ?%.AT WOULD HAVE BEEN ASSZSSED AGAINST CERTAIN PARCELS OF TAX FORFEITED LANDS IF SUCH PROPERTIES HAD BEEN SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENT AT THE TIME OF DETERMINATION BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE FOLLOWING SCHEDULES AND DIRECTING THE VILLAGE CLERK TO PREPARE AN ABSTRACT SHOWING THE DESCRIPTION OF EACH PARCEL OF LAND FORFEITED TO TNE STATE FOR NON-PABENT OF TAXES AND THE TOTAL AMOUNT THAT S?OULD €UVE BEEN ASSESSED AGAINST EACH PARCEL IF IT HAD BEEN SUBJECT TO ASSESSMENT: AND DIRECTING SAID VILLAGE CLERK TO CERTIFY THAT SAME TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR PURSUANT TO PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER 394, LAWS OF MINNESOTA 49 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota: Viliage of Edina or tne zozlal amounts of money to be assessed in the proceedings of the improvements listed beiow, certain parcels of land had been forfeited to the State and were therefore not subject to assessment: Council. does hereby determine that each OX the parcels of land hereinafter described would have been assessed the amounts set opposite each such described parcel, if such parcel had not been tax-forfeited lands and therefore not subject to assessment, and the Village Council does hereby determine that each of said parcels has been benefited in an amount equal ti0 and in excess of the amount set WHEREAS, at the time of the determination by the Village Council of the NOW, THEREFORE, Pursuant to Chapter 394, Laws of Minnesota 1941, the Village opposite each of said parcels: t1 WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 490 1 I VALLEY VIEW HEXGHTS ADDITION (Plat No. 77580) Lot -10, Block 2 $109.98 Lot 11, Block 2 $115.44 I. The Village Clerk is hereby directed to make an abstract showing the description of each parcel of land forfeited to the &ate for non-payment -of taxes at the time of the determination by the Village Council of the amounts to be assessed .in ‘these proceedings, and showing, in accordance with this resolution, the total amount that would have been assessed against each parcel of land if it had been subject to assessment. to the County Auditor ‘of Hennepin County for presentation to the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County. . The said Village Clerk shall certi€y such abstract I Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Beim,. and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Kohler, aye; and Tupa, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. 1 I 17OODDALE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS TO BE CONSIDERED IN PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 25, 1960. Manager .Hyde spoke once again of the urgency of having Wooddale Avenue between,. 1?.50th Street and Tower Street widened an’d resurfaced this summer, which improve- anent would, in turn, necessitate construction of storm sewer’. Discussion was had as to share to be paid from gas tax funds, etc., and Kohler offered the f.ollowing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS IKl?ROVEMENTS. PROPOSED STORM SEWER AND CURB AND GUT-TER I BE 1T.RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: report as to the feasibility of the proposed Widening, Bituminous Surface and Concrete Curb and Gutter./or Concrete Paving with Integral Curb, and Storm Sewer Imptovements, said Curb and Gutter and Storm Sewer Improvements described in the Porms of Notice of He’arings set forth below, and as to the estimated . costs of such improvements, ‘said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said p’roposed improvements. 3. place and purpose of said meethg to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications i’s to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notices shall be in sub- stantially the following form: I 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a’ preliminary 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, April 25, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., in Edina The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, .. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING CONCmTE CURB’ AND GUTTER I (1) TIE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall’ on Monday, April 25, 1960, kit: 7 :00 P.N., to cohsider the following proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953,-Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvement is estcmated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN ESTIIIATED COST THE F0LLOT;lING STREET : $11,975.96 of the above estimated cost will be assessed against the property Wooddale Ave. from W.5Oth St. to Tower St. $23,951.92 ot7ncrs. 50 i 4/11/60 The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvement include all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (2) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SEWER THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, April 25, 1960, at 7:OO P.N., to consider the following proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth belOV7: ESTIMATED COST COBSTRUCTIOX OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLO27ING: The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the Storm Sewer includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Commencing at a point on the E. line of Wooddale Ave. a distance of 315' S. of the center of Sec. 18, "q.28,R.24; thence S. along the E, line of Wooddale to the N.17. corner of Lot 15, Country Club District, Wooddale Section; thence E. along the N. line of said Lot 15, 35'; thence S. and.paralle1 to the E. line of Nooddale Ave. to the S, line of said Lot 15; thence SWly to the S.l?. corner of Lot 14, Country Club District, 17ooddale Section; thence S. along the E. line of P7ooddale Ave. to the N. I?. corner.of Lot 5, Country Club District, IJooddale Section; thence SEly to the S.E. corner of said Lot 5; thence SEly to a point on the S. line of 17, 52nd St. siad point being 50' E, of the NI7 corner of Lot 1, Block 3, South Harriet Park; thence SP7ly to the S.B. corner of said Lot 1; thence SWly to a point on the N. line of Lot 15, Block 3, South Harriet Park said point being 20' 17. of the NE comer thereof; thence S. and parallel to the E. line of t7ooddale Ave. to the S. line of Lot 14, Block 3, South Harriet Park; thence S7ly to a point on the N. line of Lot 12, Block 3, South Harriet Park, said point being 65' E. of the NI.7 corner of said Lot 12; thence S7ly to a point on the S..line of Lot 12, Block 3, South Harriet Park, said point being 35' E. of the 37 comer thereof; thence Sly, parallel to and 35' E. of the E. line of Wooddale Avenue a distance of 40'; thence S71y to the 97 corner of Lot 11, Block 3, South Harriet Park; thence S. to the NW comer of Lot 20, Block 4, South Harriet Park; thence SEly. to a point in Lot 20, said point being 35' E. and 12' S. of the N7 corner thereof; thence S. to a point on the N. line of Lot 18, Block 4, South Hariet Park, said point being 35' E, of the NI.7 corner thereof; thence SEly to a point in Lot 18, said point being 50' E. and 10' S, of the NW corner thereof; thence S, to a point in the N. line of Lot 11, Block 4, South Harriet Park, said point being 50' E. of the Nl7 corner thereof; thepce S71y to the 37 corner of said Lot 11; thence S. to the centerline of I.J.54th St,, which is the S. line of Sec. 18, 'hp,28, R.24; thence 17. along the S. line of Sec. 18, Twp.28, R, 24 a distance of 1.53'; thence MJly at a deflection angle of . 68O a distance of 455.'; thence Nly a& a deflection angle of 12' a distance of 80'; thence E. aga deflection angle OS 9D angle of 45O to a point 7' 17. of 17. line of Wooddale Ave.; thence N. and parallel to the I?. line of Wooddale Ave. a distance of 560.1'; thence F7. at right angles a distance of 40'; thence N. at right angles a distance of 160.1'; thence NEly to a point on the centerline of 'IJ.53rd St. extended, said point being 7' W. of the 14. line of 17ooddale Ave.; thence N. and parallel to the 17. line of Wooddale Ave. a distance of 251.7'; thence N7ly at a deflection angle of 45O a distance of 35.35'; thence Nly at a deflection angle of 45' a distance of 225'; thence NEly at a deflection angle of 22'30' a distance of 27.95'; thence N. at a deflection angle of 22O30' a distance of 27.95'; thence NWly at a deflection angle of 22'30' a distance of 27.95'; thence Nly at a deflection angle of 22'30' a distance of 100'; thence NEly at a deflection angle of 22O30' a distance of 27.95'; thence Nly at a deflection angle of 22'30' a distance# of 50'; thence Illy at right angles a distance of 30'; thence S7ly at a deflection angle of 35' a distance of 45'; thence Nly at a deflection angle of 123O30' a distance of 50'; thence Ely at right angles a distance of 37.5'; thence Nly at right angles a distance of 25'; thence Ely at right angles a distance of 12.5'; thence Nly at right angles a distance of 125'; thence 171y at right angles a distance of 30'; thence Nly at right angles adistance of 50'; thence SUly at a deflection angle of 125' a distance of 45'; thence SVly at a deflection angle of 25O a distance of 55'; thence S71y at a deflection angle of 17'30' a distance of 37'; thence N7ly at a deflection angle of 97' a distance of 30'; thence NEly at a deflection angle of 87' a distance of 30'; thence NEly at a deflection angle of 25O a distance of 50'; thence NEly at a deflection angle of 34O a distance of 65'; thence Ely at a deflection angle of 27' a distance of 22'; thence Nly and 7' 1.7. of the 17. line of 17ooddale Ave. a distance of 85'; thence E. to point of beginning". GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Wooddale Ave. from liinnehaha Creek to 17.54th St. $25 , 509.18 a distance of 200'; thence NEly at a deflection of 25'; thence NEly at a deflection angle of 22'30' a distance 51 4/11/60 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were three ayes and no nays, as follows:. Beim, aye; Kohler, aye; and Tupa, ay$;bi_ and the Resolution was adopted. APRIL 11 BIDS FOR GASOLINE AND FUEL OIL AFJARDED. of Bids taken today on Gasoline and Diesel Fuel, four bids having been received on the Diesel Fuel, three bids on Gasoline. Bidders on Gasoline were Wm. H. McCoy, Texaco, Inc., and Sinclair Refining Co., Texaco being 10.C7 bidder on the 89 Minimum . Octane at $.05250 per Gallon and on 98 Minimum Octane at $.OS150 per Gallon, both quotations being ''plud low market quotation as published in Midwest Edition of Wall Street Journal"--12C at present. and Kohler so moved. Ford Deep Rock Oil Company vas low, at s.11175 per Gallon, and Beim moved for award of contract to low bidder, in accord with Vanager's recommendation. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. Other Diesel Fuel biddersawere Pure Oil Company, Manager Hyde presented Tabulation 8 Manager recommended award to low bidder, Motion seconded by Beim and carried. On Diesel Fuel, Wm. H. McCoy and Sinclair Refining Co. CONTRACTS AI7ARDED FOR CHEMICALS FOR WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. Tabulation of Bids received this morning for chemicals for the village water system, complaining that OJJ two of the items bids had been identical, on the third, two identkal bids had been received, with the ehird bid slightly hidher than the other two; and that on the fourth item only one bid had been received. Bids were as follows: HYDROFLUOSILICIC ACID 25% - Hawkins Chemical, Inc., Lyon Chemicals, Inc., $10.50.cwt. each. CHLORINE, CYLINDER LIQUID - Hawkins, Lyon, Manarch Chemicals and McKesson & Robbins, identical bids of $14.25 cwt. AMONIUM SULPHATE 25% - Hawkins and Lyon Cnemicals, identical bids of $.Ob13 and McKesson & Robbins, Inc., $.u'3,23 ib. Y 918 BALL - Only Bidder, Nalco Chemical Company, at s.215 lb. Mr. Howard Hawkins of Hawkins Chemical Company told Council that bidders do not vary in their bids because of-the poiicies of their suppliers. Council that he has been caiiing on Edina for a number of years but has as yet to receive his first order. The representative of Lyon Chemicals, Inc., reminded Council that his company had sacrificed other municipalities in order to serve Edina during the war and immediacely thereafter, when these materials were very dilrficult to purchase; and Manager Hyde added that Lyon has always given the Village good service. Some considerable discussion was had on the matter of award, and I AClu, ChOiCLNE, and AMONsirM Su~i?kiATd, contract be awarded to Lyon Chemical Company for one six-months period, to Hawkins Chemical, Inc., tor six months. Notion seconded by Beim and carried. 2. Beim moved that contract for Y 918 Ball be awarded to Nalco Chemical Company. IRON KEMoV& rULS uISCUSSEIJ. Lvianagzr Kyde told Council that- a gravity-system plant will need a 21-foot roof; a pressure plant can be housed under a 12-to-14- foot roof; that the cost of operation is about the same, but that with a gravity system a booster pump must be used.. a half-dozen of the.other",.he asked the Council to think about the housing in relation to public reaction. No action taken. . a Manager Hyde presented He also told the 1. Kohler moved that in the cases of identical bids--HY:~~~~LUUSI~~Ci~ Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. Stating he feels "it is about six of one. and AVARD OF BIDS DELAXED ON TORPEDO SAND, BUCKSHOT, COARSE AGGREGATE, BITUMINOUS AGGmGATE. Presenting Tabulation of Bids taken- today on these items, Manager asked for time to check ptts and qua.lity of materials bid on. contracts delayed to April 25, by motion Kohler, seconded by Beim and carried. READY-MIX BITUMINOUS MATERIALS AWARDED TO BLACKTOP SERVICE CO. Tabulation of Bids received today, shoved four identical bids on approximately 5,000 Tons of MC2,3; AC 1,2, all bids being $5.50 per ton, loaded in Village Truck at Plant. Manager Hyde told Council that Village has dealt with Blacktop Service Company in the past, and is satisfied with its service. Blacktop Service Company, and Beim so moved. carried. Other bidders were J. V. Gleason Co., McNamara-Vivant Const. Go., and Bury & Carlson, Inc. Asirard of He recommended award to Motion seconded by Kohler and lb., CUTBACK ASPHALTS AWARDED TO RICHARDS OIL COMPANY. of this contract to Richards Oil Company, low bidder.of. three, on MC1,2,3,4 and RC1,2,3 at S.0985 per Gal. Delivered; S.095 Loaded Village Truck at Plant on the MC1,2,3,4; $.lo35 Delivered, $.lo Loaded at Plant on RC1,2,3. Zather bidders were Northwestern Refining Co. and J.V.Gleason Company. Quantities bid were approximately 100,000 Gals. MC; 10,000 Gals. RD. Mr. Hyde recommended award 4/11/60 ,*.a .. ' EhlULSIFi%D ASPHkT COXTRACT A'JAPiED TO L.N.STCKELS tb. today showed L.N. Sickels Go. to be the only bidder on approximately 25,000 Gallons of Emulsified Asphalt, at s.1275 per Gallon delivered in Edina; $$12225 Loaded at and Beim so moved. Tabulation of bids taken Hr- Hyde recommended award of contract to Siclcels Go., seconded by Kohler and carried, BINDER ROCK CONTRACT PJ;IARDED. on approximately 2,000 Tons Binder Rock; four bids having been received, with Northwestern Gravel Go, and Edt7. Kraemer & Sons, Inc., tied for low bid at $2.15 per Ton, delivered in Edina, and Kraemer being low bidder at $1-55 per Ton Loaded at Plant, and $1.55 from Stockpile at Plant. Hedberg & Sons Co. and Kohler moved for award of contract in accord with Blanager's recommendation. Hotion seconded by Beim and carried. RED BIRD CAB CotPANY DENIED TAXICAB LICENSE. Council Jaquary 25, 1960 (at which time he had applied €or a license to operate ten taxicabs in Edina) Nr. LE. Dodge, President of the Red Bird Cab Company, presented a list of those calls received by the Company.from Edina residents, asking for service within the Village limits. Hyde expressed disappointment at the list, stating he had expected it to be more detailed; and Nr. Dodge explained this represented only the calls at "not busy" times-that during busy hours the Company could not spend the time to explainc Council's request to callers. Asked about the age of his cabs, BIr. Dodge told Council that none of his cabs have been replaced since January; that normally three or four cabs are replaced each year. At inquiries from the Council, llr. Dodge stated.he is owner of the Company, that he is a public utilities employee, and employs a full time manager €or the Cab Company; that his garage is at 142 I.I.61st Street? granting of license to Red Bird. They presented their schedule of cabs in Edina; -and Hr. 3faurice Hessian read the Council a letter received from the Red Bird Company's attorney inquiring about Suburban,Yellow'q interest, if any, in purchasing Red Bird. lk. Heasian also pointed out to Council the fact that Suburban Pellow has been unable to make a profit, as yet, in Edina. He stated that, 17ith additional, licenses, none of the-drivers ~70uld make a livelihood. Beim moved for rejection of the application for taxicab license by Red Bird Cab Company, and Kohler, stating he feels that the p-rocedure in issuing cab licenses should be to determine whether Edina needs more licenses and then to open the subject for all applicants; that he sees no need for more licenses at present, seconded the motion; and it carried. IMPROVEHENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED: Tabulation v7as presented covering bids received today Ocher bidders were Oscar Roberts Go. and llanager Hyde recommended continuing with Edw. Kraemer & Sons,Inc., I Pursuant to request of the Village . List contained some twenty-one names. llanager Suburban Yellow Cab Company representatives were present to protest the I The following improvement petitions were submitted: Sanitary Sewer - East side of Nonnandale Road from Approx. 8.68th St. to 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. W.69th Street. it was noted that a house has very recently been moved in at 6801 Normandale- that owner will "have to provide private sewer facilities unless village sewer is installed, soon; and Nr. Hyde added he feels that special effort should be made, in such cases, to facilitate iriqarovements. Although no petLtion had been filed for Batemais, it vas discussed in connection with service to the Presbyterian Church. .This petition 17as signed by only one owner. face on either Virginia or Concord Avenue. Blacktop - Claremore Drive, Wooddale Ave.. to Oaklawn Ave. Blacktop and Curb and Gutter - Limerick Lane, 17.66th St. to W.68th St. Two petitioners were present to support this petition; and Blacktop - V.62nd St., Concord to Virginia. It v7as noted that the four other lots abutting this block At this time, Developer E. C. $tow asked that something be done to stop the wash of water from Limerick Lane into his Brookview Heights 4th Addition. Storm Sewer - Crescent Drive, Hillside to Westridge BlV& Curb and Gutter - I.J.60th St., Bernard Place to Hansen Rd. (5300 Block). Blacktopping -.17.6Oth Street, Code Ave. thru 6000 Hansen Rd. (Work to be done this summer, if possible). Oiling - 17.60th Street, Code Ave. thru 6000 Hansen Rd. (Work to be done only if Iilacktopping cannot be done during 1960.) Kohler's motion for acceptance of these petitions, and for referral to Engineer for prograeng, ~7as seconded by Beim and carried. CO>FLIBBNT TO POLICE DEPARTMENT REGISTERED. The complimentary letter by Mr. J.C. Barzen,6520 Interlachen Blvd., praising police Departmznt for its efficiency in apprehending juveniles who had broken ;into his home, vas publicly read, then. referred to Police Chief Bennett. VILLAGE PLACED ON NOTICE THAT PAVIHG CONTRACTOR, "ARCON CONSTRUCTION COHPANY" , HAS GRADED OFF PRIVATE LOTS. that Arcon paving project, has "deliberately taken two lots down, and hauled them ajqay"; that the lots have been cut dotm 1gwer than the railroad. had already cut the lots down to whe-re he wanted them; that he could see no reason &lr. E. C. Stow asked that the Council be placed on notice Construction Company, paving conjxactor for the Brookview Heights Be said that the developer