HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600421_19600420_19600411_adjourned4/2 1/60 &KCMUTES OF THE k2RTL 21, 1960 ADJOURNED PORTION OF TKF: . c- 57 . 'Fr, - '3. APRIL 20, 1960 &IJOURN@ POkTIOR OF THE APRIL 11, 1960 P?.GULAR MEETING OF THE EbINA VILLAGE COUNCIL "v j 14eeting convened at 7:OO P.M. , with Beim, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen answering Rollcall. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. April 7 and 14, 1960, in Edina-Morningside Courier, of "Notice of Public Hearings on Bituminous Surface Treatment, Grading and Graveling, Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvements'1. Affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant to Notice, the following Public Hearings were conducted, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded. 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF 8ITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN W.49TH ST., WESTBROOK LANE TO PUJGJANA LANE, per assessable foot, being revised from the $4.96 originally estimated, because of bids taken yesterday on this same type of work. Mr. Robert Soelberg, 5105 N.49th St., asked about aid from the General Fund in surfacing Pulwana Lane, and W.49th St. from Pukwana Lane across tracks to Brookside; and on the East end of block, from I.7estbrookc Lane to Highway No. 169 service drive. surfacing of this one black, in the middle of two unsurfaced entrances, is not good planning, and reminded Council that general fund aid has been had in other circumstances. Mayor Bredesen told him that general fund moneys have been used on streets of specially heavy traffic; that it is his opinion that the traffic, at this point, will not be sufficient to warrant anything but an assessment project. Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson, 4840 Westbrook Lane, protestea the petition for this short street, but stated they are in favor of oil. Mr. Jarnberg of the Brltmore Apartments asked for permanent surfacing, and Mr. T.D. McKenznie requested surfacing all the way to Brookside Avenue. Mr. Soelberg told Council he would be in favor of both curb and gutter and blacktop all the way, but there was no other evidence of interest in curb and gutter. It was suggested by Manager Hyde that one compromise might be to permanently surface that portion of the street petitioned for, and to oil both entrances with a'-heavy coat of oil. Some suggestion was made that the railroad company be assessed for surfacing of the portion over the tracks, but it was thought it would be difficult to prove benefit. By common consent of Council Public Hearing was continued to Monday, May 9, for investigation service road. IN RIDGE ROAD FROM INTERLACIJEN BLVD., NORTH TO AND INCLURING CUL-u.tl-SAG. Estimate of Cost, as originally given in notice to property owners, 17as revised from $4.23 per assessable foot to $3.91. There were no objections to the proposed improvement registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. Beim's motion approving:project was seconded by Kohler and carried. meeting, ordering improvement). 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN &IAN< TERRACE uKIVJ3 FROM VALLEY VIEW ROAD, TO AND INCLUDING TURN-AROUND. Estimate of Cost, $4.59 per assessable foot, was revised to $4.04. Mr. R. F. Beedee, bY20, asked for a temporary improvemznt, rather than permanent surfacing. Council that the turn-around easement abutting his property is only a temporary one; that when the 25-acre tract directly to the south is platted, Mark Terrace Drive will be the entrance to it and the turn-around will be abandoned; that, if turn-around is blacktopped, now, he and his neighbor across the street will be forced to dig up the blacktopping upon abandonment of easement. that there is neither sewer nor water in the street; that, while it would seem to be some time before sewer will be available the water trunk is not very far away right now. That, too, without curb and gutter, the south end of the roadway will be washed away. Mr. Beedee asked that, if this improvement should be approved over his objections, the turn-around be kept to as narrow a radius as possible. To Mr, Zitan's reply, that Village maintenance equipment must use the turn-around, he told Council that his driveway could be used by Village crews, thus eliminating necessity of large radius. Mr. C.E. Edstrom,#6913, stated he does not feel that this is the time for permanent surfacing, but that he would like to see some dust coating. Inquiries were made to Engineer Zikan about Curb and Gutter, and he told the group that it is not needed, because the water is carried away to the south; however, there seemed to be some considerable sentiment for it, and, upon a show- of-hands vote there were eight for curb and gutter and one against. motion approving Bituminous Surface project was seconded by Beim and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in evening, ordering improvement). Kohler then moved scheduling Public Hearing for Monday, May 9, on proposed construction of concrete Motion seconded by Beim and carried. There v7as some question as to drainage at Valley View Road--installation of a culvert. Mr. Zikan told group that because Valley View is a County Road, permission must be received from the County before a culvert could be installed; that such permission is questionable. Clerk presented Af f-idavit of Publication Estimate of Cost was given as $4.36 He stated he felt that the on costs of surfacing to Brookside and to Highway #169 2. PUBLIC MAKING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BITU&ILNOUS SURFACE TREATMENT (See Resolution of later in He told the He also stated Kohler's curb and gutter in Mark Terrace Drive. DEAD END STREET SIGN REQUESTED FOR MARK TERRACE DRIVE. In connection with the above discussion and the necessity for maintaining a turn-around, one resident asked for installation of a "Dead End Street" sign, to eliminate some of the non-resident traffic. Cost, $4.45 per assessable foot, ~7as revised to $3.92. from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. Kohler's motion approving project was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. later in meeting, ardering improvement). There were no objections (See Resolution of 5. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BITUI*IINOUS SURFACE TREADENT IN EWING AVENUE (FORWRLY NAIJED CHOVEN AVENUE) FRO11 I7.63RD STREET TO W.64TH STREET. Estimate of Cost, as revised, 17as given at $4.34 per assessable foot for Blacktopping over the existing roadway; $4.36 for centerling the roadway. to the improvement from the floor, and those present asked that the roadway be centered. Bituminous Surface project was seconded by Kohler and unanimously carried. Tupa then moved, scheduling Public Hearing on Curb and Gutter for Ewing Avenue for lionday, May 9, and motion ~7as seconded by Beim and carried. later in meeting, ordering bituminous surface improvement). IN CHANTREY ROAD FRO31 AYRSHIRE BLVD. TO HWY.$169. $4.77 per assessable foot, ~7as revised do~hward to $4.20 pursuant to bids taken yesterday on this type o€ work. It 17as noted that property owners do not have Village water, and query was made of those present about having water installed before the Blacktopping. Nr. R. B. Swartwood, $5504, stated that water is no problem--that property owners have good, deep wells and large lots; that they do not want water. Pursuant to petitioners' request for a safer entrance to Chantrey Road from Highway #169, Mr. Zikan advised them he had received word, now, from the State Highway Department that the Department will not permit a deceleration lane coming west on a169 and then into Chantrey Road; that a larger radius at Chantrey road will be permitted but that the Department will not tell us, now, just how much larger it can be; that the Department will not share the cost of blacktopping the new entrance, but will extend the culvert and will put in fill. Nr. Zikan stated he feels that the cost of the larger radius will be a nominal addition to estimated cost given above. curb and gutter, and Hr. Van Meter, #5520, said that an informal poll had been taken,Mth residents rather cool to it. One gentleman inquired about concrete paving €or the street, but Manager Hyde told him he believes there are not sufficient unsurfaced streets in this area to secure a good bid on this type of work. approving b5tuminous surface treatment project, with understanding that bids will not be taken thereon until it is determined whether or not residents desire curb and gutter also, and scheduling Hearing on curb and gutter for bionday, May 9 providing petition for curb and gutter is received by Monday, April 25, vas seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried (See Resolution of later in meeting, ordering bituminous surface treatment improvement). ANI) CURB AND GUTTER IN DUNBERRY LANE FROX CORNELIA DRIVE TO THE FIEST LINE OF SOUTH- DALE THIRD ADDN. to $6.25 pursuant to bids taken yesterday on this type of work. that petition is for Blacktop only, but that because of the flat grade the engineering department is recommending curb and gutter2 bSr. D. J. Saigh,#4409, objected to the curb and gutter, pointing out that neither Oaklavm Avenue nor Point Drive have curb and gutter at their intersections with Dunberry. Mr. Ira Hart stated he feels that property owners will t7ant to protect their investment in Blacktopping if they possibly can. Some discussion was had with regard to drainage, and one gentleman asked that profiles be presented at the next council meeting, so that owners might be aware just how the water does flow. Mr. Zikan pointed out that the curb and gutter portion of the improvement had not been officially advertised; and Tupat moved that the Public Hearing on Bituminous Surface Treatment be continued to llonday, Nay 9; that Hearing on curb and gutter be scheduled for that time. Beim and unanimously carried. TO DALE AVENUE. AND IN DALE AVENUE FROM BENTON AVENUE TO 573 FEET NORTH. Slide was shown, and Estimate of Cost was given as a Total of $7,506.33, proposed to be assessed over twelve lots, for $625.53 per Lot. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. project was seconded by Kohler and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting , ordering Improvemznt) . BENTON AVENUE AND IN BENTON AVENUE FRO14 DALE AVENUE TO BERNARD PLACE. Slide was shown, and Estimate of Cost was given at a Total of $6,941.09, proposed to be assessed over twelve lots, for $578.42 per Lot. at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. Tupa's motion approving project was seconded by Beim and unanimously carried. 10. PUBLIC HEARIXG ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN PEACEDALE AVENUE FROPI t7.62ND STREET TO f;l.64TH STREET. Vu-Graph Slide ~.7as shovm, and Estimate of Cost 97as given at $23,444.34, proposed to be assessed against 18 assessable lots, for $1,302.21 per lot. It 17as noted that cost is high because of the deep cuts required; hosever it was also pointed out that because of the proposed Trafzer plat, and one other, the matePy ~l~uuu per $Ot- There were no objections registered at the Hearing; none had been received prior thereto; and Beim's motion approving project 57as seconded by Kohler and unanimously carried. There were no objections A petition for Curb and Gutter was presented. Tupa's motion approving (See Resolution of 6. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATPENT Engineer's Estimate of Cost, A question was raised as to the possibility of having Some further discussion ~7as had on curb and gutter, and Beim's motion 7. PUBLIC JBARIEG ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF BITUEIINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT Estimate of Cost of $7.53 per Assessable Foot was revised downward Council was informed Notion seconded by 8. PUBLIC HEAIUKG OX PROPOSED SANITARY SEVER IN BENTON AVENUE PRO31 BERNARD PLACE Vu-Graph Beim's motion approving 9. PUBLIC HEARIKG ON PROPOSED I.IATERMAIN IN DALE AVENUE FRm-I GROVE STREET TO Vu-Graph There were no objections registered urn er of buil able lots will be increased--which should bring cost down to approxi- (See Resolution of later in meeting, ordering iqrovpemznt) . 4/21/60 11. PUB^ rn~~~l; ON JWPOSELI ~JATERMALN INPROVENENT XN PEACEDALE AVENUE 59 FRO11 11.62NB ST?3EET TO W~3f 04TB .$TMET: ISEST 64TH STEET FROM PEACEDALE AVENUE TO HALIFAX AVENUE: HALTPAX AVENUE FROM W. 649% STREET TO SOUTH LINE OF ROY PETEk$6bl'S SECOND ADDITION. Estimate of Cost was given at $16,429.03, proposed to be assessed over 34 assessable lots, for $483.20 per Lot. It was noted, once again, that plats will be filed, soon, subdividing some of this area, giving additional lots and thus decreasing the cost per lot. what will be the southerly extension of Halifax Lane must be secured before the line can be put in. had been received prior thereto. by Beim and unanimously carried. improvement) . FROM 1?.62ND STREET TO I.J.44TH STREET. was given at $9,451.33, proposed to be assessed against 2,521.14 assessable feet, €or $5.75 per assessable foot. Asked why the cost is so high, Mr. Zikan replied that the street needs to be graded to standard width; that it is quite narrow at the Dresent time. It was also'discovered that the estimate includes about $1,000 Nr. Zikan told Council that some easements through There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and none Kohler's motion approving project was seconded (See Resolution of later in meeting, ordering 12. PUBLIC MURING ON PROPOSED GRADING AND GRAVELING OF PEACEDALE AVENUE Estimate of Cost on this proposed project I of bituminous surface repair to 62nd Street, which should be included in sewer or water projects, rather than the grading and graveling. objections at the Hearlng, but Mr. Max Hoppe, owner of the southeasterly two lots explained to the Council that until he knows what the County will allow him to Uo with his property he is reluctant to pay out money for any special assessments. He queried Mr. Zikan as to the proposed grade of the street, and was told that Peacedale Avenue will tie in to the proposed county grade at the present timeL that the county has very recently effected some changes in its plans, which Mr. Zikan has not even seen. One property wner suggested delaying the grading job until the street can be blacktopped, but it was the concensus of Council's opinion that it would be to the public interest to have the street passable before blacktop could be done. Engineer Zikan left the meeting with Mr. Hoppe, to show him the proposed grade; and, after he had come back without Mr. Hoppe, Beim moved for approval of grading and graveling project. unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, ordering improvement). TRUNK SJIPJER TO JOHNSON DRIVE: JOHNSON DRIVE, GROVE ST. TO HIGHWAY 2169; HIGHHAY #169, JOHNSON DRIVE TO GOYA LANE: GOYA LANE, HWY.Vl69 TO CUL-DE-SAC. There were no real Motion seconded by Kohler and 13. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN GROVE STREET FRON EXISTING and 14. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ISATERMAIN IN JOHNSON DRIVE PROM GROVE ST. TO HW.~#i69; IWY.#l69, JOHNSON DRIVE TO GOYA LANE: GOYA LANE. EIf;nr.#l69 TO 95 FT. N. OF PROPERTY LINE OF DANIJOHNS ADDN. TO DONCASTER WAY: DONCASTER WAY, EASEMENT LINE TO HIGHWAY #169 : HIGHWAY #169, DONCASTER WAY TO TRACY AVENUE. The proposed Sanitary Sewer project was discussed, first, an Estimate of Cost in the amount of $37,821.18 proposed to be assessed over 28 assessable lots, for $1,350.76 per assessable lot, being given. lots, for $1,011.17 per lot was given for the proposed Watermain Improvement. Messrs. John Brost and Robert C. Prey, #S521 and 5517 Doncaster Way, protested Doncaster Vay's being included in the project, presenting an objecting petition from the majority of the property owners on the street. the matter of looping the main is vital to circulation and pressure; however, they maintained that they are being charged an excessive cost for the extension of the main under Highway No. 169 to serve Goya Lane. It was noted that the school property is to be assessed, and Mr. Don Prior told Council the school is concerned about two things--1. the location of the line through school property; and 2. the amount of the assessment to be borne for the improvement. He said the school does not need the main, but does like the fire protection-and resultant . decrease in insurance rate. The Doncaster Way contingent suggested that the proposed watermain improvement be restudied, with an idea to either making a tie to Goya Lane from the north side of Highway #169, or with the idea of allowing the developer of Danijohn Addition to plat without village water service, inasmuch as sewer service can be brought in. It was pointed out that this connection north of 8169 would be most expensive because there are so few properties to assess. Mr. Geisselbeck, owner of property on Johnson Lane, then suggested that Council study the possibility of looping the watermain on Johnson Lane back to Tracy Avenue south of the Highway; and, again, he was informed that such a project will be expensive. At that time Mr. Granger, 5533 Highway B169, suggested that sewer service will be cheaper to the residents south of #169 if a a169 crossing is not laid, and he asked that the north part of the sewer jfiQa$en@t&r eliminated or considered a separate project. continued to May 23, 1960 for further study by the Village engineering department in line with suggestions made this evgghng, looking toward new public hearings on separate projects, with engineering department to make its recommendations May 9. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. 15. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED GRADING AM, GRAVELING OF JOHNSON DRIVE PROM HIGHWAY 8169 TO GROVE STREET. be assessed against 2,532 assessable feet, for $6.00 per foot. Mr. Hyde told audience that aabout a quarter of this cost is for the removal of trees which are in the right-of-way. One gentleman voiced his objections to having to remove his trees proge&t was seconded by Koh?er and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, ordering improvement) , An Estimated Cost of $29,323.84, proposed to be assessed against 29 assessable They were informed that Tupa then moved that/both proposed Brojects be Estimate of Cost was given as $15,197.64, proposed to but there were no ob'ections to the improvement. Tupa's motion approving 4/21/60 u 'J 16. PUBLIC HJZARING ON PROPOSED S,ANITA.RY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN RUTLEDGE AVENUE FROM HOLLYWOOD ROAD TO BROOKSIDE AVENUE. Estimate of Cost ~7as given as $9,676.01, proposed to be assessed against 14 lots, for $691.14 per Zot. Mr. A. F. Brent asked to go on record as being in favor of the project. Some discussion was had concern- ing water for the street, but chances for a watermain loop, here, through Hollyvood Road, seem small. Kohler's motion approving Sanitary Sewer project was seconded by Beim and carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, ordering improvement). TRACY AVENUE TO VEST LINE OF BROADIIORE ADDITION. Estimate of Cost was given as $6,089.78, proposed to be assessed against seven lots, for $869.97 per Lot. There vere no objections registered at the Hearing and none had been received prior thereto; and Beim's motion approving project was seconded by Kohler and unanimously carried. 17. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATER-IAIN IIPROVDIENT IN GROVE STREET FROM Vu-Graph Slide was shown, and Tupa then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IHPROVENENTS STREET IIIPROVENENTS NOS. A-146,147,148 AND BITUIINOUS SURFACE IBIPROVENENTS SANITARY SEWER DIPROVEIBNTS NOS. 165, 166 AND 167: IJATERtWtN DIPROVEIIIENTS NOS. 145, 146 AND 147 AND GRADING AND GRAVELLING IIQROVEMENTS NOS. C- 7 9.80 UNNUMBERED BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvements; and at the hearings held at the timz and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed 17ith the construction of said improvement; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follo17s: Ridge Road, Interlachen Blvd., North to and including Mark Terrace Drive, Valley View Rd. to and including St.Johns Ave., I.J.5Sth St. to S. Line of Lot 22, B1.6, 1. BITUKtNOUS SURFACE TREATHENT IN: IYPROVEZ*ENT NO. cul-de-sac STREET IIIPROVEl*IENT NO. A- 14.6 turn-around STREET DPROVEMENT TJ"UI*IBERFtD Fairfax STREET DIPROVEI-ENT NO. A-147 Ewing Avenue from 17.63rd St. STREET INPROVEBENT UNNUI4BERED Chantrey Road, Ayrshire Blvd. to Highway $:169 STREET DIPROVEHENT UXNUlIBERED to I7.64th St. 2. BITUMINOUS SURFACE TIGATNENT IN: Dunberry Lane, Cornelia Drive to b7.Line Southdale 3 Benton Ave., Bernard Place to Dale Ave.; and Dale Ave., Benton Ave. to 573' North SANITARY SENER I"ROVE2ENT NO. 165 Peacedale Avenue, 17.62nd Street to 17.64th Street SANITARY SEVER DIPROVEbIENT NO. 166 Rutledge Avenue, Hollywood Road to Brookside Ave. SANITARY SEVER INPROVENENT NO. 167 4. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE IJATEREIAIN EXTENSION AND APPURTENANCES IN: Benton Avenue, Dale Avenue to Bernard Place, and Peacedale Avenue, 17.62nd St. to W.64th St.; 17.64th St., Peacedale Ave. to Halifax Ave.; Halifax Ave., W.64th St. to S. Line Roy Peterson's 2nd 17ATER.IAIN IZ.PROVEI4ENT NO. 146 STREET DIPROVEEENT UNNUMBERED 3. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY LATERAL SENER AND APPURTENANCES IN: Dale Ave. , Grove St. to Benton Avenue WATEREWN II*IPROVET*lENT NO. 145 Grove 'St., Tracy Ave. to 5.1. Line of Broadmore Addn. Peacedale Ave., W.62nd Street to 17.64th Street STREET II.IPROVEPL%NT NO. (2-79 Johnson Drive, Ewy.i%39 to Grove St. STREET UIPROVEl*33NT EO. C-80 VATEIlf.WN IZ*PROVEI*ENT NO. 147 5. GRADIXG AND GRAVELING OF: and the areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of said proposed improvemzntsshall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets proposed to be improved. Notion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were aye; and the Resolution ~7as adopted. four ayes and no nays, as fOlh7S: Beim, riayo r Village Clerk There being no Surther business to come before this meeting, Konier moved for adjourn- ment. Notion seconded by Beim and carrieu eting adjourned at 10 :3u P .$I. VLiiage Clerk