HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600425_regular4/ 25 16 0 blINUTES OF Ti% MGULAR Io~ETING OF THE EDINA VILL&E COUNCIL, HZLD MONDAY, APRIL 25, 1960, AT 7:OO P.M., AT TI33 EDINA VILLAGE HALL 1-lembers answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. BIREPIAN ALFRED B. JOHNSON 57as publicly wished well by the Village Council, on the occasion of his retirement from the Fire Department. i 6% 3. PUBLIC IUARINGS ON PROPOSED INPROVEMENTS FOR WOODDALE AVENUE. Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier on April 14 and 21, 1960, of "Notice of Public Hearing-Concrete Curb and Gutter", and "Notice of Public Hearing- Storm Sewer" were submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant to said notices, hearings were conducted on the following proposed improvements, and action taken as hereinafter recorded: Street to Tower Street; and Minnehaha Creek. Manager Hyde explained that it is the plan to widen Wooddale Avenue from W.50th Street to Tower Street, to surface it, and to install curb and gutter in it; that widening will be four feet on either side; that State Gas Tax Funds will be used to pay all the cost of construction except a portion of the storm sewer and all of the curb and gutter; that, with gas tax funds paying most of the cost of these improvements, thf $os&~.&os&-@ited property owners would be approximately $.031 per square foot/ $1.64 per front foot for curb and gutter, whereas the cost T'IOUld otherwise beabout $6.50 per front foot for curb, gutter and blacktop, and about $.12 per square foot €or storm sever. be widened all the way to Valley View Road. Wooddale, south of Tower Street, is only four years old; that the traffic pattern is heavier North of 56th Street. PIr. Hyde told audience that one reason for widening is that the State imposes cercain nunimum specifications-- * ' rhat their minimum is actually 44-foot width but that, with a restriction of "No-Parking" on the west side of the street we can get by with a 38-foot width. the widening of the street on the grounds that widening will be an invitation for more people to use Vooddale Avenue; and that putting more traffic on the street is not to the liking of owners of abutting properties. protesting petition carrying some forty-seven signatures, stating that the property owners who have signed this petition feel so strongly about this matter that they will be willing to pay a full assessment for the surfacing of Wooddale Avenue to keep it a residential street. 1. Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter in Wooddale Avenue from W.50th 2. Construction of Storm Sewer in Wooddale Avenue from 17.54th Street to Mr. Nyland, 5609 Wooddale Avenue, asked why the street isn't proposed to He was told that the surfacing of Mr, Everett W. Davies, 5601 Wooddale Avenue, led a delegation protesting Mr. Davies presented a Asked by llr. Bredesen about traffic, Mr. Hyde told audience he believes - that, eventually, there must be a restriction against parking on both sides of the street-that the street is so located that there will be heavy traffic regardless of whether or not the street is widened. Nr. John Hopkins, 5309 ldooddaie, pointed out that the petition circulated takes no cbgnizance of the four blocks of abutting property owned by the Edina Country Club. He expressed himself as being in favor of widening the street because he thinks it ~70uld be safer; also, that he is in favor of a sidewalk right next to the curb because he believes this would be safer for the children who must not7 walk in the street. as told by I4r. Hyde that, with a 30-foot street, "No-Parking" restrictions for both sides must come eventually. He Ehen asked if a storm sewer will be needed if the street is not widened, and was answered that this improvement will be needed, whether or not the street is widened--that one important reason t7hy the present surfacing has not held up is that insuffxcient provision has been made for drainage. Mr. Davies inquired as to why the General Fund cannot bear half the cost of surfacing, as ~7as done on the previous improvement. Mr. Bredesen told him that the General Fund might bear the cost of any surfacing "over and above residential specifications" but that he felt that no more than that could even be considered; and Mr. Hyde inquired as to whether che use of general funds could be considered sound, with gas tax money available. * A representative to St.Stephens Church inquired as to whether the proposed ban on parking t70Uld be on Sundays as well as.weekdays, and t7as answered in the aixirmative. assessed in full for the curb and gutter, surfgcing and storm sewer, ne expressea himself: as being in favor of the project presently proposed. will bear no part of the cost of the storm sewer, should the SO-foot width street be resurfaced; that: they, therefore, have less to lose by a cnange in plans than do those north of 56th Street. Nr. Tom Perpich, 5217 Wooddale, inquired about the parking problem, and Stating that it would be a great hardship for the Church to be Mr. Hopkins then pointed out that the petitioners south of W.Soth Street 62 4!25/CO who stated that he admittedly certain that an assessmznt of street to TJ.54th Street would Mr. Everett &g, Council he is very \ AWUUC Lrom n.5itch speaks without authority , told $b .5u per root along Uooaaale meet with tremendous objection from club members who are residents of Edina. checked, somehow. Talking of the speedsters, and the trips they,take up onto her and her neighbors' lams, she asked for information on both the amount of traffic and the speed thereof, along Wooddale Avenue. She was told that this office ~7ould provide this information. Nr. Wynn Johnson, speaking for Edina Country Club, told Council that the Club is agreeable to the present proposal; that he is doubtful that it T.70Uld be agreeable to any proposal for-a full assessment for all improvemmts. heavier on Sundays than on weekdays; that with a shopping center at Valley View Road, Colonial Church at 56th Street, and St.Stephens Church and the Country Club at the north end of the street, Flooddale is almost like a small-town main street. Once again he advocated widening with gas tax funds, curb and gutter and sidewalk. A show of hands vote was taken, finding only four persons in favor of widening the street, using gas tax money; with some twenty-five in favor of keeping the street at 30 feet and paying full assessment. of his hedge; another wanted to know about a tree; and some of these present asked that they be Eurnished more information on comparative costs. 1. Hzs. J.R. 31ulligan, 5329 ?700ddale, asked that the speed of the traffic be Nr. John Hopkins told Council that Wooddale traffic on Sundays is considerably One gentleman asked if construction of a sidewalk V70Uld necessitate the moving Kohler then moved that: Present Hearings--on ppposed Storm Sewer Improvement from 17.54th Street to Minnehaha Creek, and proposed Curb and Gutter from t7.50th St. to Tower--at estimated assessments of $.031 per square foot and $1.64 per front foot, respectively, be continued to Idonday, Nay 23, 1960. Avenue to a %-foot width, from V7.50th Street to Tower Street, with Curb and Gutter, Sidewalk and Storm Sewer; with alternates as follows : A. Widening, and appurtenances as far as 54th Street only, with a 30-foot street from 54th Street to Tower, with Curb and Gutter and Sidewalk. 2. Ner.7 Public Hearing be scheduled for Nonday, May 23, on Widening of Flooddale 8 Notion v7as seconded by Beim and carried. BARBAROSSA CONSTRUCTION COMPANY UNDER FIRE FOR LACK OF STREET REPAIRS ON SANITARY SEVER II€PROVEI4l3NT NO.l59--VALLF;Y VIElj IEIGHTS, COUNTRYSIDE AREA. 25 residents of Arbour Lane, Crescent Drive, Tracy Avenue and the immediate neighbor- hood, led by Nr. R.B. Fkitz, 6217 Crescent Drive, President of the >Ed-Edina Taxpayers' Association, complained that the sever contractor, Barbarossa, has not backfilled his trenches, has left large holes in the street that are dangerous to life and limb, pumps water from one hole to another instead of carrying it off into nearby sv7amp, finishes no one street but seems to take pleasure in making all the streets in the area-impassable at the same time. deliver mail, that the garbage haulers and soft water people have stopped their services; that they must haul their groceries in by ~~~heelbarrov. They asked for immediate relief. very high water table and that contractor must pump constantly, thus slowing his work , Hr. Hyde told audience that, after a conference this morning; it has been determined that Barbarossa will finish the Valley View portion of the project first, then proceed to finish Tracy Avenue, then the balance of the project; that the Village ~.7il1 help as much as it can with temporary drainage problems but that area will have to be storm-sewered some day. administration for its part in attempting to get property owners to and fron their A group of about I Some people said that the mail man will not Stating that part of the difficulty is that this area has a Delegation left, thanking Village homes, and with the hope that their troubles vi11 end this GROVE-TRACY DRAINAGE PROBLEMS were reported to the Council said that clogged catch basins have caused them trouble at Tracy for two years--that they are tired of this condition from Village forces. summer. by two gentlemen ~7ho the corner of Grove and and hope €or some relief CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR STORII SEWER INPROVEMENTS NOS. 47 , 4.5 AND 4-9 (TRUNK MAIN NO. 1 AND LATERALS 3 IWD 4. ) Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids-Trunk Storm Sever and Lateral Storm Sewer'' published in Edina-lforningside Courier and Construction Bulletin March 31, April 7, 14 and 21, 1960, Nanager Hyde presented tabulation of bids received this morning on - 1. HAIN TRUNK SEWER AND APPURTENANCES, from Lake Cornelia to Nine-Nile Creek; 2. Road, and Southdale Road from Dunberry Lane to N. Line of Lot 16, Block 4, Southdale First Addition; and 3. LATERAL NO. 4 - Dunberry Lane from Cornelia Drive to Point Drive. Tabulation showed receipt of seven bids, low bid for the three projects being that of Phelps-Drake Co., Inc., at $194,732.08; Next Low, Lametti & Sons, Inc. , at $209,503.78; third h7, Nodland Construction Co., Inc., at $229,715.87; and high bid, F. Horettini Const. Co., at $334,235.89. Stating that the Village is in receipt of an opinion from its Attorneys, that a permit is not needed for the placing of this drainage water into Ninc-l,Iile Creek, and is also in possession of a letter from Consulting Engineer Adolph lieyer and Associates concerning protection of the "Dale Green" pond and of Nine-Mile Creek, Hanager Hyde asked for award of LATERAL NO. 3 - Dunberry Lane from Cornelia Drive to Southdale l:-/ 2 5 /C 0 contract on these three projects to the low bidder. are still some easemznts to be obtained before the project can be completed,': and asked for authorization to begin condemnation proceedings to secure these easements. Nos. 47, 48 and 49 to 101~. bidder, Phelps-Drake Company, and for authorization to Mayor, Manager and Village Attorney to initiate condemnation proceedings for such easements as they find it impossible to secure by negotiation, was seconded by Beim and carried. Developer E. C. Stow asked that work on the Trunk Main begin at the south end of the project, and was informed by the Nanager that this is the plan. Mr. Zikan'spoke to Mr. Stow about certain easements needed in his area, and although Nr. Stow demurred at the beginning of Ijr. Zikanls explanation he seemed agreeable to the plan once it had been explained to him. He told Council there , 63 Tupa's motion for award of contract for Storm Sewer 'Improvements STPaETS SUPPLIES CONTRACTS AWARDED. . Council reviewed certain bids taken on April 11, and action was taken as liereinafter recorded. 1. TORPEDO SAND; Tabulation of'bids showed keceipt of five bids, Hedberg & Sons Go. being low at the "Loaded in Village Truck at Plant" Price, at $.58 per ton. Stating that'most of this material is picked up at plant, Manager recommended award to Hedberg & Sons Co., at their prices of $.58, $.65'and $1.20 per ton, respectively, for Loaded in Village'Trucks, From Stockpile, and Delivered in Edina. Torpedo Sand to Hedberg & Sons Co., was seconded by Tupa and carried. 2. BUCKSHOT. Tabulation of bids showed receipt of seven bids, Edward Kraemer & Sons Co. being lob7 or equal on the "Loaded in Village Truck at Plant" and "From Stockpile at Plant" prices, ae $1.25 for each. this material is picked up, rather than delivered, and that the Kraemer pit is closer than that of Northwestern Gravel Go. (equal bidder), Manager recommended award to Edward Kraemer & Sons , Inc., at $1,25 per ton for material picked up, $1.87 for sand delivered. Tupa so moved. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. 3. COARSE AGGREGATE. Tabulation of bids showed receipt of five bids, J. IJ. Alexander Const. Co. being low bidder at.Sl.85 per ton delivered, $1.25 Loaded in Village Trucks at Plant, $1.05 From Stockpile at Plant. Manager recommended award to 101~ bidder, and Beim so moved. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. Beim's motion awarding Contract for year's aupply of Stating that most of 4. BITUIUNOUS AGGREGATE. Tabulation of Bids showed receipt of four bids, J. 11. Alexander Construction Company being low on the "Delivered" price at $1.35 per ton; second low on the "Loaded at Plant, at $.S5, as against Northwestern Gravel Company's bid of 41.45 and $.80 respectively. part of this material is purchased on a "delivered basis", Manager Hyde reconnnended award to Alexander, and Kohler so moved. and carried. Stating that the major Motion seconded by Tupa PUBLIC HEARING ON TEE PROPOSED REZONING FROM OPEN DEVELOPBENT DISTRICT TO 2 AND 9, STOW'S EDGEMOOR" AS PER PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED BY VILLAGE COUNCIL". Affidavits of Publication and Posting of "Notice of Public Hearing" were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Hite presented Preliminary Plat, showing area proposed to be rezoned (being that part of Mavelle Drive vacated at the last regular meeting). objections to the proposed rezoning registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. that Council dispense with second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as read : COI*ltWNITY STORE DISTRICT OF "THE SOUTH 34 FEET OF BLOCK 1, REPLAT OF BLOCKS 1, Planning Director George There were no Kohler offered the following Ordinance, moving ORDINANCE NO. 261-55 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING O~INAvCd OF EDINA BY ESTABLISHING ADDITION& COiWUNITY STORE DISTRICT TIG VILLGM COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1, Section 6, Community Store-District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 6 an additional sub-paragraph as follows : "(11) The South 34 Feet of Block 1, Replat of Blocks 1, 2 and 9, . Stow's Edgemoor, as per preliminary plat approved by the Village Council. If Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of Resehe5eR b7as seconded by Beim, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Ordinance wa Ordinance Village Clerk <. . 4/25/60 "JURY TRI&" REPORT FILED. cost of the one jury trial held this year, was reviewed and discussed. CounciJ. asked that costs be kept on future trials of this kind, looking toward a budget appropriation for same for year 1961. Piunicipal Judge Burris' report to the Council on the p' PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING RE2URt FOR MARCH was submitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. PETITIONS FOR IjiQROVElIENTS ACCEPTED. The following Improvement Petitions were submitted, and, after review, Kohler moved for acceptance and referral to Village Engineer for programming. Notion was seconded by Beim and carried. 1. BLACKTOPPING - 17.6Oth St., Code to Tingdale. 2. 3. OILING - Tingdale Ave., W.6Oth St. to Benton Ave. 4. OILING - Tingdale Ave., kl.65th to 17.66th St.; and W.66th St., Tingdale 5. OILING - Tingdale Ave., Valley View Road to lJ.6Oth St: 6. BLACKTOPPIRG-8. Woodland Road, Concord Ave. to Wooddale Ave. 7. CURB AND GUTTER-17. Woodland Road, Concord Ave. to Vooddale Ave. OILING - 17.6Oth St., Code to Tingdale (to be done only if Blacktopping cannot be accomplished in 196U. Ave. to 50' past Vilryan Ave. MID-EDINA TAXPAYERS' ASSOCIATION' S CONPLIZ4f3NTARY LETTER, concerning administration' s attempts at keeping roads open during difficult sewer operations, 17as read and ordered placed on file. BOARD OF REVIE37 NEETING TO BE AT 5:0O,P.3li., JULY 14. Pursuant to notification from the Gounty Supervisor of Assessments that the date of July 14 has been set for the Board of Review Meeting, the Council established the hour and place of the meeting as 5:OO P.M., Village Hall. GO3QLAINT REGISTERED ON GRADING OF INTERLACHEN BOULEVARD LOT. Hollywood Road, led a delegation of three residents who complained that a Mr. Wilkin, opmer of a tract on Interlachen Blvd. (which backs up to their properties on a mnch higher level) has graded his property to the back, causing the drainage to pour down on their respective lots, ruining their back yards and, in one case, flooding a basement.. Stating that in talking with Nr. Wilkin he has been unwilling to do anything to correct this situation, taking the position that his property gets drainage fromllilliam and Hankerson Avenues, which it should not be obliged to take. Delegation asked for advice and help from the Village Council in making owner return his property to its original grade. Village Attorney Hasselquist regretfully advised delegation that the Village cannot control the grade level of property--that there is no such thing as a permanent reservation of a lot for storm drainage purposes, without acquisition of property by Village. that a storm sewer, assessable against all benefited properties, would be the solution to the problem. intending to plat his property, louking toward construction of double dwellings thereon; and one of the gentlemen present told Council he believes the man is securing an assenting petition under "threat and duress", stating that if signatures are not obtained agreeing to his plan he will sell the property to anyone who comes along and for any purpose whatsoever. Manager Hyde suggested, and the Council agreed to,the following plan: be directed to study a storm sewer for the area, (In discussion, Engineer Zikan had told the Council that storm water would have to be carried a considerable distance in order to rid the area of its drainage problems). 2. That Mr. Willcin be requested to dig a small "pond" in the center of his acreage, to retain at least some of the water. 3. That this otmer be asked to either seed or sod the property, in order that run-off be slowed. 4. That, at the time Nr. llilkin's plat is presented, he be required(as the usual provision for approval of plat) to make provision for drainage. llr. Al. Larkin, 5217 He suggested Planning Director Hite told Council that this man is 1. That Engineering Departrnmt PLANS APPROVED FOR DEVELOPHENT OF TWO PARK SITES. Hessrs. Clifton French and Donald Brauer were present to submit the following park site plans, and action thereon 17as taken as follows: 1. "62ND AND BEARD PARJP'. A Master Plan, drawn by Harrison & Associates, Site Planning Consultants, and showing a softball area abutting Beard Place and the Crosstown Highway; an "open play'' area at comer of 62nd St. and Beard Place, an "apparatus area" and a ''surfaced play" area near 62nd Street in the center of the site, a shelter at approximately Beard Avenue, just south of 62nd Street, and a small-fry hockey rink adjacent to an ice skating rink at the east end of the park. This master plan was accompanied by a Grading Plan dated 3/60, together with an Estimate of Cost, dated April 11, 1960, in total amount of $8,200 for basic grading and earthwork, seeding, drainage structures, a small backstop, a small parking area and planting, with $500 included for contingencies. Council that Hennepin County Highway Department must grant permission before certain recommended things can be done; that, in order to define and contain a flooded area for a skating rink on the park property, it will be necessary to place some fill on the Crosstown Rightway at the East end of the park; and, that to provide drainage at the Vest end, a cut should be made on Crosstown property Mr. Brauer told 4/25/60 near Beard Place; also, that County be requested to provide a 6'&2" stub from a proposed catch basin on the west-bound lane of the highway near the park. $1,200 of the $3,200 Estimate of Cost, was estimated for Drainage Structures, an%? Mr. Brauer told Council he believes this is not a rrparlc" expense; that it should either be assessed as a storm sewer against the contributing watershed, or assumed by the general fund until such time as a complete storm sewer system is built. Recommendation vas that the County be asked to permit planting by the Village of approximately 25 trees and shrubs on the County Right-of-way; and that County be requested to permit Village some say in the type of fencing installed, and the place of installation, if Village is willing to assume any difference in cost bccween village-approved and county-approved fence (idea being that Village would like a higher fence than County is accustomed to installing) Some discussion was had by the Council on the Master Plan and on the points outlined by Nr. Brauer; and Kohler moved that plan be approved, and that the Village write the County requesting the storm sewer as outlined by Mr. Brauer. and carried. Associates, Site Planning Consultants, and accompanied by Planting and Grading Plans dated 11/59, revised 12/59. hockey on the McGuire road side of park, -next to privately owned property, a provision for a shelter at the west end of the hkating rink; an area for court games, an apparatus area, a sliding hill at 69Eh Street, and a softball area on the Brook Drive side of the site. been presented to the immediate neighbors and that they are delighted. were accompanied by an Estimate of Cost, in amount of $3,880 Total, for work to be done in 1960. This included basic grading and earthwork, topsoil, finish grading, seed bed preparation and seeding, sodding of banks, french drain and tree removal. to this improvement from the proceeds of the bond sale; that this will cover only the topsoil and seeding. Estimate, by contribution of dirt from Village projects; that if this cannot be done he is not certain that the proposed 1960 development can be completed, although it may be possible to use some of the "unallocated" portion of tne bond. Wnds here. 3. "HAYS FARM" AREA INCREASlZD BY ADDITIONAL PURCHASE . Stating that the Park Board has been hoping to secure the ten-acre tract immediately East of the Hays Farm on Dewey Hill Road ever since the Hays Farm purchase was negotiated, Hr. French presented a purchase agreement for the property, described as "the IJest 1/2 of the West 21) Acres of the North 1/2 of the Southwest l/& of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, excepting therefrom a strip of land two rods side along the North side of said land", whereby the Village may purchase from the Arthur Strates at a total price of $19,000; $5,GUU on May 10, 1960, $3,600 January 4, 1961, $5,600, January 5, 1962, and $2,200, January 5, 1963. He recommended purchase on these terms, and Nanager Hyde concurred in the recommendation. authorizing Manager and Clerk to sign purchase agreement on behalf of the Village, sas seconded by Kohler and carried. 65 ,-% e Motion seconded by Tupa 2. "69TH AND IkiGUIRE PARK". Master Plan was presented, drawn by Harrison & Baster Plan show a skating rink and small-fry Mr. French told Council that this plan has Plans Nr. French informed Council that there is only $2,000 allocated He said he hopes that some money can be saved on the Beim's motion, 1-lUNICIPAL S7IMMING POOL TO fir: PAINXED. Mr. French recommended the painting of the pool at the earliest.possible time, also advocating "epoxy" coating in preference to regular rubber base paint. He told Council that fromwhat he has learned of epoxy's characteristics it should provide a better looking, more durable and generally superior surface. Tupa's motion, that bids be authorized on the painting of the swimming pool, to be taken on both rubber base paint, was seconded by Beim and carried. COUNTY TU UE REQUIRED TO PAY SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS Oii "CZuSSTOWN" PROPERTY. to an April 11th referral by the Council to Attorney Hasselquist of the County's request to be relieved of special assessments on property acquired for the Crosstown Highway, Mr. Hasselquist told the Council that, in his opinion, acqui- sition by the County for road purposes is no different a procedure than acqui- sition by the State; that the State pays special assessments and that the County can be required so to do. and 10, Block 1, Replat of Block 10, Normandale; and 2. "That part of the S1/2 of NE1/4 Lying Ely of Valley View Rd. and N. of Southdale Office Park exc. rds." Attorney Hasselqtiist was asked to write the County.requesting payment of outstanding specials. coating and I Pursuant Property under cohsideration is - 1. Lots 5,6,7,8,9 SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS CANCELLlZD ON PUBLICLY-OWNED PROPERTY. Special Assessment Clerk, the Village Clerk presented a request for Council action At the request of the on the matter of cancellation of special assessments against two tracts now pubiiciy owned: 1. Parcel 112000, ownea by City of Minneapolis Park Boara (being the tract North 02 Rolling Green, not wanted by our own park board); and 2. Part of Lot 27, Block 3, Grandviev7 Heights. In the first case, assessments are delinquest since 1953; in the second, since 1956. The second case represents an error in assessment to land already acquired by State as right-of-way. Kohler!s motion that Special Assessments be cancelled in accordance with recommendation was seconded by Beim and carried. J 66 4/ z5 j ou a .. . . , .. . .,*,..s'.,y . .,.. ... , ., ..', .... DEElOLITION OF EOUSE AT #6109 BROOKVIIiX'l AVENUE TO BE RECONSIDERED IN NEGf PUBLIC: HEAfUcXG. It was reported that the Building Inspector has had many calls, recently, complaining once again about the condition of the premises at 86109 Brookview Avenue; considered by the Council at Public Hearing on December 14, 1959 and then condemned against occupancy; that it is still in disreputable condition. motion, that Council schedule a net7 public hearing on the matter of repair or demolition of these premises, for Eonday, May 23, at 7:OO PAL, ~7as seconded by Tupa and carried. I Beim's "Ri3SENDAHL'S H.AIKE3 LAICE" WATEREIAIN TO BE PEFKCTTED TO DEAD-END ON PREMISES. 2k. Bjcjrlclund, representing the ox*mers of this plat, told Council that developers are willing to abide by all Council requirements for the construction of utilities in the plat, but one: them to "loop" their watermain, when they have been assessed for a Tru&17ztermain on Tracy Avenue and when another Trunk line dopm Highway No. 169, from Tracy Avenue southwest, with a Lateral Main on Olinger Road, is practically assured. lies just East of Olinger Road and just North of Grove Street. lilr. Bjorklund told Council that Engineer Zikan has asked developers to secure an easement between the North boundary of the plat and Highway No. 169, so that their laterals can be "looped'ko the trunk main at the corner of #169 and Tracy Avenue--that they feel that such a requirement would be an undue hardship. Council reminded petitioner that neither pressure nor circulation can be good until such time as the loop is effected; that residents of the subdivision will not be happy with their water supply; howwer, it ~7as felt by the Council that development in this immediate area is progressing at a rate which does make feasible an additional main within the near future; and, by common consent of Council developer ~7as given permission to dead-end the mains in the plat. they do not feel that it is fair or equitable to require I The plat PUBLIC LIABILITY INSURANCE CANCELLED BY CARRIER. Finance Director Dalen told the Council that word has been received by Houston Fire and Casualty Company, Fort Worth Texas, that Public Liability Coverage, as provided by their policy HCA798664, effective April 14, 1958 for a three-year term, will be cancelled on May 15, 1960. He suggested that agent, Norris-Nordeen Agency, be authorized to negotiate with the carriers on a premium rate for a one-year policy, with the same type of coverage as that provided by Houston (both Public Liability and Automobile Liability), with a report back to the Council by the meeting of May 9; and it ~7as so ordered, PEARCE REZONING DECISION TO BE CONTESTED. Council he feels that the decision recently handed down by District Judge lkeks is a most important one insofar as this Village and all other municipalities are Village Attorney Nasselquist told the concerned; that he F70Uld like authorization from Council to go ahead on either: 1. A direct appeal, or - 2. Amotion to have findings changed ; the actual pro- cedure to be decided upon by the Dorsey, Owen office. Beim's motion, that the Village Attorney be authorized and directed to proceed with whatever legal action is deemed necessary to contest this decision was seconded by Kohler and carried. "SANITARIAN" TO BE EEPLOYED IN COOPERATION WITH RICHFIELD. Health Officer C.V. Rockwell's recommendation for employment of a "Sanitarian", to make such frequent inspection of food handling establishments and of other premises as might be necessary to enforce Village health regulations, ~7as reviewed by Manager Hyde for the Council. which a Health Officer's time could be better devoted than to inspections which can be made by a lesser official. ation, stating that it may be possible to work with Richfield in employing a man to V70rk for both municipalities. employee because of the greater number of food establishments in this area, and also being of the opinion that, should his duty of inspection be eliminated the Health Officer should be willing to F70rk for less salary, Council authorized Manager I-Iyde to work with Richfield in negotiations for a Sanitarian, with the understanding that the Health Officer's salary will be decreased providing satisfactory arrangements can be made for employmznt of a Sanitarian. CIVIL DEFENSE HEETING RZQUESTED. meeting of Council, Manager and himself, either May a2 or llay 3, concerning the "operational and survival plan for the Village" , t7as revieved. Because two of Eouncil were to be away from Edina on these dates, meeting ~7as indefinitely postponed. Report pointed out that there are many public health matters to Nanager concurred in Dr. Rock~Al's recommend- Citing Richfield's greater need for such an Divil Defense Director Bennett's request for a BLACKTOP BREAKUP SERIOUS. of the areas inwhich serious blacktop breakup has occurred this spring; that a plan Eor resurfacing and repair, together with costs thereon, will be presented to the Council shortly. Some thought was given on methods of financing this work, but no action ~7as taken: Manager Hyde reported that a survey is now being taken H.TBLfc HEARIKGS ON IHPROVENENTS FORtlALLY SCHEDULED. the Council on April 21, Engineer Zikan presented revised Estimates of Cost on Pursuant to action taken by 4/25/60 several Curt and Gutter and Elacktopping Lmprovemnts then discussed, and also on one new project, and Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 67 RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR-PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED CUF33, GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE, AND GWING AND GRAVELLING IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: at to the feasibility of the proposed Curb, Gutter and Bituminous, and Grading and Gravelling improvements described in the Form of Notice of Hearings set forth belOX*7, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office o€ the Village Clerk. Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper owe a week €or two successive ~~eeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- stantially the following form: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a pqliminary report 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, May 9, 1960, at 7:00.P.M., in the 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEqRINGS ON . CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACE TPaATMENT, AND GRADING AND GRAVELLING EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL vi11 meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, May 9, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: The approximate $STIIATED COST A. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, @D BITUbIINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS : r/l. Naddox La., Wpan Ave. to Mildred Ave. $5,612.72 /2: Mark Terrace Dr. , Valley View Rd. to cul-de-sac. $9 , 105.94 p*3. Evring Ave., W.63rd St. to 17.64th St. $6,561.96 4.' Chantrey Road, Ayrshire Blvd. to Ehy.#169 $14,390.19 /5. Dunberry La., Cornelia Dr. to I?. line Southdale 3rd. $10,938.83 ,8"1. B. GRAOING AND GRAVELLING OF THE FOLLOlJING SPREETS: Dale Ave. , Grove St. to Benton Ave. ; Grove St., E. lot line of L. 7, B1. 2, Melody Knolls 6th Addn. to 350' W. $8,431.27 The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of each of said proposed improvements includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets proposed to be imp roved. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk .. BIDS AUTHORIZED ON II4PROVEMENI' YROJEC'L'S. Engineer Zikan's report that Plans and Specifications are ready for acceptance of bids on certain approved projects was reviewed, and Kohler offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUXION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREAT- MENT, GRADING AND GRAVELLING, SANITARY SEWER AND WATEPaN IMPROVEBNTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: The plans and specifications for the proposed Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the follo~~ing notice for bids for said improvement : 1. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CONCRETE CURB ANI) GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT, GRADING AND GRAVELLING, SANITARY SEWER AND I?ATERMAIN SEALED BIDS wi11 be received and opened in the ofpice of the Village Bfanager in the Edina Village Hall, 4SOJ, W.50th St., at 11:OO A.M., Monday, May 9, 1960, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.M. on Monday, May 9, 1960, to consider said bids, being for the following: 4/25/60 c A. CONSIXUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTBR, AND BITUI!lINOtlS SURFACE TWB*EFt IN TEE FOLLOVlNG ST€W$J."S: 1. Saxony Rd. , Blake Rd. to 17.Highwood 'Dr. 2. T7ooddale Ave. , Belvidere La. to Iknhhn Dr. 17. 3. Ashcroft Ave., Valley View Rd. to 17.62nd St. 4. York Ave., 17.58th St. to W.59th St. 5. 1. &dge Rd., Interlachen Blvd. north to and incl. cul-de-sac. 2. St.Johns Ave., 17.58th St. to the S. line of L.22, B1.6, Fairfax Addn. i. Yeacedale Ave., T7.62nd St. to 17.64th St. 2. Johnson Dr., %~y.$169 to Grove St. FOLLOI7ING STREETS : 1. Rutledge Ave., Hollywood Rd. to Brookside Ave. 2. Peacedale Ave., 11.62nd St. to 17.64th St. FOLLOl7I?!?G STREETS : 1. Grove St., Tracy Ave. to 17. line of. Broadmore Addn. 2. Peacedale Ave., 'N.62nd St. to V7.64th Sr.; I Ayrshire Blvd., Doncaster 17ay to Glengarry Pkwy. B. CONSTRUCTION OF BITUPIINOUS SURFACE TREA'lWENT IN YkiE FOLLOUING STREETS: - C. GRADING AND GMVELLING OF YOLLLMLHG SI'K~E,LJ: U. CO?M.'RuCTION OJ! ViLwGE SANITARY LATERAL SmlERS ANu WYUR'FENANCES IN THE E. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE 17ATEEMA.IN EXXENSIONS AND APPURTENANCflS IN THE F7.64th St., Peacedale Ave. to Halifax &e. ; . Halifax Ave., W.64th St. to S. line of Roy Peterson's 2nd Addn. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00, which deposit 17ill be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. No The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE 'COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of .the contract for said improvements. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution ~7as sec m, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Be I CLAIHS PAID. dated April 25, 1960, was seconded by Tupa and carried: Notion by Kohler for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List . General Fund $13,228.67 Liquor Fund $48 , 394.72 Construction Fund 21,727.39 Sewer Rental Fund 606.64 Park & Park Const. 1,379.29 Improvement Funds 287.07 Ilaterworks Fund 6,423.38 TOTAL $92,047.16 The business of the evening having been covered, Beim moved for adjoumramt. seconded by Kohler and carried. Adjournment at ll*O P.N. Motion - Village Clerk