HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600523_regular5/9/60 Being No. 7028 Kellogg Avenue, and a variance therefrom shall be and hereby 59 I is granted. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there-were four ayes and one nays, as follo im, aye; Dickson, aye; - Icohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, na PLANS IRON RDIOVAL PLANT FOR TJOODDALE AVENUE PUMP--2&J.S APPROVED. plans for this plant, stating that sithin the month he expects to have similar plans for the High School pump, and at that time hopes to be able to advertise for both plants. Present plan included a "wo'rlz area", which Mr. I'lyde told Council sill be used as a meter repair shop until such tirnz as a ne~7 fire station is built, then V70Uld be used for park department storage; and toilet facilities for 57ooddale Park. CLAINS PAID. dated May 9, 1960: General Fund, $8,185.S6; Park and Park Constr. Funds, $5,890.23; Water Fund, $695.25; Liquor Fund, $39,602.52; Sewer Rental Fund, $19,636.62; Improvement Funds, $55.60; Poor Fund, $674.85; TOTAL, $74,740.93. Hogion seconded by Beim and carried. T1 re being no further business to come before this meeting, Beim moved €or ad'ournment. T BIr. Hyde presented Plan approved, without formal action. Tupa moved for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. Neeting adjourned at MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, MAY 23, 1960, AT 7 :00 P .M. , IN THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. PUBLIC HEARINGS @4 PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS: cation in Edina-Morningside Courier May 12 and 19, 1960, of "Notice of Public Hearings on Concrete Curb and Gutter, Bituminous Surface Treatment, Sidewalk, Storm Sewer and Watermain", which Affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. conducted, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publi- Pursuant to said Notice the following Public Hearings were 1. WOODDALE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS - A. Proposed Curb and Gutter in Wooddale Avenue fromW.5Oth St. to Tower St. B. Proposed Bituminous Surface Treatment in Wooddale Avenue from W.50th C. Proposed Storm Sewer in Wooddale Avenue from IJ.54th St. to Minnehaha D. Proposed Sidewalk in Wooddale Avenue, East Side only, from Minnehaha Hearing had been called by Council pursuant tiz petition filed April 25., signed by 40 property-owners, stating they prefer paying $6.50 per' front foot for curb and gut;ter and blacktopping to having Wooddale Avenue widened under the "Municipal State Aid" program and being assessed only $1.64 per front foot for curb and gutter. (See Minutes of April 25, 1960, Pages 61-63, this Book). Mayor Bredesen opened Public Hearing by saying he hopes that Hearing will be kept factual and will seme to provide those present with the information they seek. He asked that the'author of the '%reen Circular" circulated in the area since April 25th be identified, but no one replied. Circular referred to is attached to these Minutes and made a part hereof. for the Minnesota Highway Department, in charge of Municipal State Aid and County State Aid for this district, will be able to allay the fears of many of those present here tonight, Mayor Bredesen asked him, "DO you have plans to widen Wooddale from Excelsior Blvd. to Valley View Road to 44 feet?" Mr. McFadden answered that there were no such plans in his office. Asked by Mr.' Bredesen whether he had seen any plans for making Wooddale Avenue and Drexel Avenue one-way streets, Mr. McFadden againtanswered in the negative. audience that any plan for "municipal state aid streets" originates with the local governing body, Mr. McFadden stated he had recently had occasion to approve the revised State Aid system for St.Louis Park; that the only plan he has seen for Wooddale Avenue is Edina's plan for Wooddale south of 50th Street. St. to Tower St. Creek. Creek to Tower St. Stating that he feels that Mr. D.R.McFadden, Assistant District Engineer Informing ' , I h 6/23/60 I 1. 1 1. 80 -Mr. Bill- Reker, 4506 Casco'Avenue, asked Mr. McFadden Ghethir he was referring to Trunk Highways or to Nunicipal State Aid streets; and Mr. McFadden-qualified his position as the Asst. Engineer in charge of %municipal state aid streets". Then, at a statement from Mr. Reker that some of the Edina people had seen plans in the State Highway Department, showing Wooddale a "state aid" street to 44th St., Mr. McFadden asked Mr. Reker to state whether the delegation had seen %apsl' or "plans". Mr. Reker said "maps" had been seen, and Mr. McFadden stated that this is correct-- that Vooddale north to 44th St. is in the system, but that no plans for improvements are on file other than the one south of 50th St. St. to North Village Limits off State Aid, if it is so desired, said he believes the money can be-used to better advantage elsewhere. Bredesen's suggestion that PJooddale north of 50th St. be removed from the state aid system; and there were requests from the crowd that this action be taken at once. this evening, by Mr. Tom Perpich, and another gentleman. removal of Wooddale from 50th St. to the North Village Limits from State Aid, but that he, for one, is not in favor of removing the stretch south of 50th St., for the reason that he does not favor spending the money of the street for. the relatively few people on Wooddale Avenue. He pointed out that to put in a sufficiently heavy surface to take care of phe traffic would cosF an amount prohibitive to the owners of the abutting residences, and that, on the other hand, residential-type surfacing would not hold up, and would have to be re-done in a few years, and in the meantime would have to be maintained. To a question by Mr. Pinkham, 5433 Ilooddale, as to state control of stat$ aid streets, MI-. McFadded stated that the minimum requirement regulations for con,"truction cations for construction must be approved by the State Highway Department. could be used to better advantage than on Wooddale Avenue north of W.5Oth St., offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 1 Mayor Bredesen, stating that he for one is willing to take Wooddale from 50th Trustee Beim agreed with Mr. An additional request was made that of Wooddale be removed from state aid Mayor Bredesen told audience that he is willing to entertain a motion for the the taxpayers to construct -% set up by the state were devised by a committee of local engineers; that the 2 pecifi- Trustee Kohler, agreeing with Messrs. Bredesen and Beim that State Aid moneys RESOLUTION REMOVING FJOODDALE AVENUE BETWEEN IJ.5OTH STREET AND NORTH VILLAGE LIMITS OF EDINA , FRON MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET SYSTEM FOR EDINA of Edina, Minnesota, established Wooddale Avenue from the North Village Limits to the Swimming Pool Site, as a part of its Municipal State Aid System; and Avenue lying between W.50th St. and the North Village Limits of Edina should be eliminated from said Bunicipal State Aid System: that at portion of Wooddale Avenue lying between W.50th St. and the North Village Limits of Edina shall be, and hereby is, eliminated from the Municipal State Aid System fok the Village of Edina. to the Commissioner of Highwaysntif the State of Minnesota. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded tIHEREAS, by Resolution adopted July 29, 1957, the Village Council of the Village WHEREAS, it is hereby determined by this Council that that portion of Wooddale NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, 'AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution shall be transmitted m, and on bllcall there were lh. Headington, 5115 'Wooddale Glen, inquired about parking south of 50th St., providing the street is widened to only 36 feet. Mr. McFadden told him that there still could be parking on one side of the street. way Department and gotten the maps, for the purpose of helping to clarify the situation. Mr. McFadden advised he had no knowledge'of'any plans such as were shown on the green circular. Davies stated that residents desire no increase in traffic, and, while they admit to not being experts, they feel that widening the street will increase the traffic. Mr. MiFadden answered that his opinion is tEat Wooddale will have the traffic an+ay; that it ikn't going anywhere else. to do, but'the Edina Village Council has just taken IJooddale north of 50th St. off state aid, which means that any improvements on this street will be at complete sost to abutting property owners; that, while this Council'does not know what subsequei Councils will do, the policy has been for the Council to gonon the front-foot maj rity vote; that he knows of IPELX no one on Wooddale north of 50th St. who wants the st* i' et either widened or improved, and believes we need to spend no time this evening on St.Louis Park's plans. Mr. Everett Davies, 5601 'FJooddale, tow audience:that he had been at the High- He asked Mr. $&Fadden several questions concerning St .Louis Park plans. Agreeing with Mr. BicFadden that there is already traffic on Wooddale, lir. . Trustee Kohler, stating that Edina does not know what %.Louis Park is going 5/,23f60 L ~*,~-M~.,.-~B.ill.-Sin~att,v.4-506.,~oadda~e~ presented a..pet.it$on signedx by some 40 residents of.?Jooddale Avenue, asking Council to decrease traffic through the residential area by diverting traffic to either France or Normandale Road. Mr. Tom Perpich,5317 Wooddale, stating that he represents the area most vitally affected by the Hearing this evening, asked once again that the Council consider taking & of Wooddale Avenue off state aid. He asked that a standing vote of those in the audience favoring this action by taken. A majority.of the audience stood. Stating that it is impossible for Council to ascertain how much of the audience actually lives on Wooddale Avenue and that the vote is irrelevant to this evening's hearing, Mayor Bredesen asked that Council be allowed to continue with the Public Hearing at hand. week it is determined that of the 7758.55 feet proposed to be assessed for the " I * ... r , I mt --cr (-6- *,..-,*-* '+..3,*.*,f. -.*".,..** , - r. w. I.. B (.r ~ 1 . . ..- -*. 1 Mr..Bredesen reported that as the result of a mailed ballot taken this last 81' i improvement of WOODDALE AVENUE BETWEEN W.50TH STREET AND TOI?ER STREET, owners of 4,251.68 feet have approved a 36-foot street; owners of 2,038.22 feet, a 30-foot street. Ballots show that 18 individual owners favor a 36-foot street; 27 are far a 30-foot street; three organizations favor a 36-foot street; none, a 30-foot street. He stated that Council has heretofore always assumed that whenever an improvement is proposed to be assessed on a front-foot basis,.determination for or against the improvement shall be made according to the vote of the front- footage majority--regardless of whether the property is owned by organization or by individual. by accepting state aid. for nothing" in state aid--that this money is Edina's share of the state gasoline tax already paid. desired. parking can be had on a 36-foot street; and that it should be safer for the children going to school. the stakes set out showed the street to be nearly 36 feet wide in many places, now. himself as being heartily in favor of the proposed widening to 36 feet. Wooddale because he believed he was in a residential area when he moved to the street, and feels that widening will decrease valuation of his home by about: $3000. Mr. Schwhrtzkopf, 5837 Wooddale, objected to widening on grounds that if this stretch is widened it will be only a matter of time before the balance of Wooddale is also widened. representing 23 lots, against the proposed widening. Traffic count, which had been included in Manager Hyde's letter to property owners, was reviewed by Mr. Hyde for audience. He told them that the traffic on Wooddale from 50th street south funnels out in either direction to neighboring residential areas; that this is borne out in St.Louis Parkyawhere count is about 4,000 rehicles per day at Excelsior Blvd., and- about 2000 vehicles at 44th St. Mayor Bredesen reminded audience that in 1950 Edina's population was less than 10,000, now it is over 28,000 and that this naturally makes a difference in the traffic pattern. * Mr. Ernest Peterson, 5521 Wooddale, asked the Mayor if Council does not feel that there is a traffic hazard in not widening Wooddale south of Tower and Mr. Bredesen told him that on the basis of the traffic counts it is felt that this 2s not a serious hazard. state aid at $6.00 per foot, and leaving the street at 30 feet and paving at $12.00 per foot, is approximately $6.00 per foot, suggested that, if the affected property owners are willing to pay $12.00 per .front foot to leave the street at its 30-foot width he will be willing to recommend this, right now. Trustee Kohler added that if the street is to be left at its 30-foot width the Council is faced with the problem of finding the additional $6.00 per foot, or some $46,000; that audience should understand that there are no funds available at this time to provide this $46,000, and kthis means that Wooddale Avenue cannot be improved this year; and Mr. Dickson -feminded audience that the $46,000, if not state aid funds, must be an ad valorem tax for which everyone in the Village will Pay Mr. Headington asked about the costs to the Wooddale residents, and was told that besides the $6.50 for their road, the property owners north of 54th Street would assume additional costs for storm sewer, at the rate of some $.12 per square foot, if state aid is not used, compared with $.03 per square foot (approx.) under state aid. He was told by Mr. Bredesen that a ballot was taken on this proposition; that it showed owners of only .072% for sidewalks, 57.11% against them. between fd50th St. and Tower, to reduce traffic flow. I Mr. Klein, 4501 Wooddale, objected to Edina's "getting something for nothing" Mayor Bredesen advised that Edina is not "getting something Trustee Beim asked that someone explain why it is that a 30-foot street is He suggested that there are advantages to a 36-foot street; that He stated he had inspected the street today, and that . Mr. Ingvaldson, 5009 Wooddale Lane, with side footage on Wooddale, expressed Mr. Ashenbrenner, 5941 Wooddale, stated he objects to proposed widening of He stated he has signatures of seventeen property owners, Street; . Trustee Dickson, stating that the difference between wi-dening and accepting b, .. One gentleman suggested sidewalks. Mr. Dick Friedrichs, 4517 Wooddale, advocated stop signs at every street (For balance of hearing see pages 81A & 81B--one page over) 82 5/23/60 -~ . ..I. .. .., .. I ',,......."..,._,*.,I*.,.,, &.,.. ,'..",,~,..I*. ,. 2. PUBLIC HEARTNG ON PROPOSED BImQNOUS SUWACE TREAWNT IN 'LJ.49TH ST#EET FROM BROOKSIDE AVENUE TO HIGWAY NO. 169. improvement was given as $6,199.13, for $7.83 per Assessable Foot--reduced,by including Railroad property footage, to an "average" Estimate of $6.71 per assess- able foot, and revised after receipt of bids on like projects, to $5.90 per assess- able foot. Mr. Davenport, representing Minneapolis, Northfield & Southern Railroad Company, stated that while the Company does not like the proposed assessment, it is not sufficient to create any hardship. Street comprises both a traffic hazard and a railroad hazard, he asked the Council to Vacate W.49th Street from Brookside Avenue to the East line of the Railroad property. Some considerable discussion was had by the Council with the W.49th Street residents, during which time Messrs..Soelberg and Jarnberg both expressed themselves as being in favor of the Railroad suggestion. Mr. Soelberg asked, how- ever, that the Railroad be required to provide a cul-de-sac, by easement, to. provide room for Village maintenance equipment to turn around. Manager Hyde told audience, that, offhand, he could see no objection to the request, except that the area residents would be inconvenienced if they wished to shop in the Grandview shopping center. Mr, Soelberg, returning to the Hearing on proposed Blacktopping, asked about the increase in cost to property owners from the original estimate made for blacktopping from Pukwana Lane to Westbrook Lane. He was informed that this is because a stretch of property abutting the Highway No. 169 service drive cannot be assessed. He was not satisfied with this information, and Beim moved that Public Hearing be continued to JuiIg 13. Estimate of Cost of this proposed J Stating that the railroad crossing at W.49th Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. HEARING SCHEDULED FORMONDAY, JUNE 13, ON PROPOSED VACATION OF 'N.49TH STREET BETWEEN BROOKSIDE AVENUE AND EAST LINE OF MN&S RAILROAD PROPERTY. Pursuant to the request of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railroad Company for Vacation of that part of IJ.49th Street lying between Brookside Avenue and the East line of the Railroad Right-bf-way, as recorded in the paragraph immediately preceding this, .Beim moved scheduling Public Hearing on proposed Street Vacation for Monday, June 13. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREA~ENT IN liYMAN AVENUE FRO11 W.62ND STREET TO MADDOX LANE. $3,245.35, for $6.76 per Assessable Foot, revised after receipt of bids on like projects, to $5.61 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections registered-at this Public Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. approving project was seconded by Tupa and carried. meeting Ordering Improvement). Estimate of Cost was given as Beim's mot,ion I (See Resolution of later in 4. CONTINUATION OF APRIL 2%, 1960 PUBLIC J3EARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN GROVE ST. FROM EXISTING TRUNK SEWER TO JOHNSON DRIVE: JOHNSON DRIVE FRO21 GROVE STREET TO HIGHWAY S169: HIGIINAY B169, JOHNSON DRIVE TO GOYA LANE: GOYA LANE, HIGH- WAY #169 TO CUL-DE-SAC. Hearing had been continued from April 21 at the request of those owners South of Highway No. 169 .for cost figures on a project eliminating the Eighway Crossing and Goya Lane from the proposed improvement. Estimate of Cost of the smaller project was $1,382.69 per connection, as compared with the April 21st Estimate for the complete project of $1,350.76 per connection. There was, consequently, no objection on the part of the Johnson Drive 106s; and no objections had been raised by the owners of the Goya Lane properties to the original proposal. seconded by Beim and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting Ordering Improvement). Engineer's Kohler's motion, approving project as originally planned, was 5. JOHNSON DRIVE FROM GROVE ST. TO Hwy.2169: HS?Y.#169 FRO21 JOHNSON DRIVE TO TRACY AVENUE. April 21st on a larger project, part of which was eliminated from the proposed improvement by .the Council on May 9, was conducted by report from the Village Engineer that His Estimate of Cost on the above-entitled improvement is $13,622.84, for $801.34 per connection for the 17 connections proposed to be assessed--being 6 connections for the 6 lots in the proposed Ed. Lynch plat, and.2 connections each for Lots 1 to 5, incl., Varden Acres, and one connection for Lot 1, Garden Park. Mr. R.V. Gisselbeck, owner of the property to the East of Johnson Drive, protested the proposed "loop" from Johnson Drive to the Tracy Avenue Trunk Main. the Council that he expects to plat East of Johnson Drive in the near future and is required to pay for construction of the main as part of platting procedure, he asked that the proposed 'tloop" go.East on Highway No. 169 to his proposed street, rather than west to Tracy Avenue. grounds that Such plan does not c0nstitute.a "regulation" loop--that, while it is better than a dead-end main, there will be noocirculation back to the trunk line. He recommended against such construction. Mr. Gisselbeck staced that the savings would be some $35,000; that the property at this location does not warrant this extra expenditure. Some considerable discussion was had on ways.and means of a satisfactory improvement, and it was suggestkd-xthat a connection to the Trunk Hain be constructed in Warden Avenue between Johnson Drive and Tracy Avenue; it bein- understood that at the time the Gisselbeck roperty is platted, the devefoper will construct a "loop" in Highway No. f69 from Johnson Drlve to his neW plat, and will connect said new plat to the proposed \Jarden Avenue main. CONTINUATION OF APRIL 21, 1960 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATERMAIN IN This Hearing, being in reality a continuation of a Public Hearing held Telling Engineer Zikan objected to this plan-on the ?P I 81A =3Tf p t c .e**. 1 ..?,I . ..-+*X *--%,.I ~ ...,. " .... c I .*.,.I.. I I , pll..* A" <I- -.- . -.%-... . -I nr Mr. John Hopkins, #5309, told Council he is sure that if residents were given' He expressed himself as being in favor of the widening. 3 i assurance that: they would continue to have a 36-foot street, they would to aheaa and improve the street. He said the residents' fear is that they will have a 44-foot street, even ehough they have been told by Council they would have a 36-foot street. Mr. Everett Davies told Council that while he sympathizes with Council problems he feels the Council should know of the problems Wooddale Avenue residents have faced; that a Mrs. Barden, living on 58th and Wooddale: called-Village*Hall last June concerning her driveway, and that she had been told to "1eave"an additional seven feet between concrete dTiveway and cur' to provide for widening". Mrs. Barden confirmed this statement, saying she had been told that there were * some plans for future widening. Mr. Davies accused Nnager Hyde of having said that "if Wooddale residents don't appreciate what the Council is trying to do for them, the hell with them". Manager Hyde denied this, sayin~o~~~tp~~~i~ B@$oAdmg;. D vies was that if the "green circular" committee/ 1 ave su icien& con fug L ence in the vcllage government to come to the village hall for information, the hell with them. that there is a highway coming into Southdale from the south, and that residents have been very worriedathat there is a plan for making Wooddale-Drexel one-way, or Wooddale-Browndale all the way. to widen Wooddale so that it can be imprdved without undue costs; that there are no plans for one-way streets or a highway to Southdale. He asked if Council could guarantee that these streets would not be used in this manner. told him that this Council could guarantee that there had been no thought on Council's part of so using the streets; that Council could not guarantee that the state would not take*possession of the streets for trunk highways, because state can take possession if it so wishes, but that he can guarantee that as long as he sits on the Council he will oppose making Wooddale a state road. for being confused wh& their engineering department says one thing and the Council says another. Village Engineering Department, after hearing rumors that Wooddale would be widened under state aid. He had bee? informed that there was a plan to take off four feet on each side, all the way. Upon asking the engineer to whom he talked why this wasn't taken into consideration at the time the curb aas constructed, he had been told, "You don't have to worry--you won't have to pay for curb rep lacement It. the lower end of Wooddale when Valley View is cut off from #lOO and Wooddale gets all the traffic down to Southdale. which in a sense could be considered an extension of IJooddale to the south and east, is not tied into the Crosstown Highway, so that traffic will not pour out into Wooddale. reduce traffic on all Edina's east-west streets. Mr. Bill Sinnatt expressed himself as being concerned with traffic on his section of Wooddale, which has now been taken off the state aid program. He asked what assurance residents have that this is not a temporary deal; that it will not be put back on state aid after soutti portion is widened and there is increased traffis. guarantee--that nothing is permanent--the vote tonight was four to one to take Wooddale off state aid, which should mean something. attention and that i€ this can be done with the use of state aid money,. state aid should be used to get it done; that Wooddale Avenue, today, is a thoroughfare; 6 that there are stop signs at Bridge Lane's intersection with Arden, Bruce, Casco and Drexel, but not with Wooddale; and that vehicles are speeding through Wooddale 'lhell bent for election". Mayor Bredesen agreed with Mr. Tupa that the Bridge Lane-Wooddake stop sign should stop Wooddale traffic rather than Bridge Lane traffic; and it was agreed that it should be so changed for a six months' trial, at Mr. Hyde's suggestion. Mr. Tupa then suggested installation of a stop sign somewhere between 50th and Valley View Road, so that people can get onto the street from their driveways and the side streets. Mayor Bredesen told audience that because there seems to be so much disagree- ment among the property owners affected by the proposed improvement, and some feeling that the Council is trying to shove something down property owners' throats, he is willing to abide by the recommendations of a citizens' committee of responsible . persons living away fromtlooddale Avenue. has already left Wooddale Avenue; that the bus runs on this.street, as well as some considerable traffic. to a 36-foot street; that they be forward-looking enough to admit that Edina is now a large town. TJooddale, and that "load limit" restrictions be placed on the street to keep the heavy trucks off it. no Mr. J.D.Dawson asked Council why Wooddale isbgoing to be widened. He stated Mr. Bredesen told him the Villageds aktempting \ Mayor * Mr. Gerald Smith, 5808 Wooddale, told Council they cannot blame residents He explained that about a year and a half ago he had called the Mr. Ludolph, 5113 Wooddale, asked what study had been made of traffic-on Mr. Hyde explained that Valley View Road, Mr. Bredesen added that the Crosstown Highway is expected to Mr. Bredesen replied that while there can be no absolute Mr. Tupa explained that. he voted no because t.he curbs and street do need He asked for a list of citizens. Mr . Os,car Wahl , 5417 Wooddale, told audience that the "suburban" atmosphere She asked that people be open-minded neough to admit Mrs. Wahl asked, however, that automaticsemaphores be used on -- - _- .- . I .__ ,.- . -5/23/60. . ~ .* _. . ~ ~-- . *-- Vl&,. 302 -81B -.- lM..Manages-Hyde suggested that traffic counts be taken at 54th and ascertain whether such signal is warranted, with a view of putting signal in next year's budget. Mr. J.T. Dawson, 4501 Drexe1, asked Mayor if any overtutes had been received from Southdale, or-if there had been any talk, whatsoever, with Southdale concerning He added that South- dale's latest brochure, a copy of which was shown, doesn't even mention Nooddale Avenue. street in the old residential section of Edina improved or made one-way, Mr, Bredesen again stated that Southdale had not. Trustee Dickson asked about audience's opinion on the "citizens * committee" idea. Mrs. Mulliken inquired about matter of arterial stop sign. She was tqld that a "stop sign" can be installed now, but that an automatic semaphore is a matte2 of several thousand dollars .and could not be installed until next year. Mr. Ashenbrenner, 5817 Wooddale, asked what assurance could be given that the stretch-of Wooddale south of Tower is not going to be widened within the next six months or year or two years. Mr. Bredesen replied that Council has never ghought of widening this stretch; that, had this been the plan it would have been discussed at the time curb and gutter was put in some three years ago. to the street; then about the storm sewer's draining pond on the golf course in front of his home, feet wide on the east of the centerline, only 20 feet wide on the west; that the golf club will give an easement for an additional six feet; that the storm sewer will drain the pond he is talking about and the club will pay its share ofthe cost of the storm sewer, based upon the square footage drained. He then asked about the "lake" inside the course and was told that the club, itself, expects to take care of this *drainage, but that the "lakeJr is too low to benefit by the Wooddale Avenue Nr. Headington, stating he had understood from Mr; Hyde's letter that 'traffic to He told audience that accident record on the street is very light, .the proposed widening. Mr. Bredesen answered in the negative. To Mr, Dawson's question as to whether Southdale had asked to have any .& Several persons expressed themselves as being against it, and it was dropped, I Mr. J.R. Olson, 5213 Wooddale, asked, first about the stakes and their relation He was told that Wooddale between 50th and 54th Street is a full 33 , I* storm sewer. on Nooddale might be relieved after construction of the crosstown higlpay, asked that the matter of widening be tabled for a couple of years in order that traffic pattern at that time might be determined. Mayor Bredesen answered that if it weren'c for the ve& high cost of maintain- ing Wooddale, this might be possible, but that the way things are now, considerable money is being spent just to make the street passable; and that without resurfacing maintenance costs will continue to be higher. should be taken wholly by the property owners between 50th Street and Tower on Wooddale; and to some extent broken down bepeenm50th-to-54th, and 54th-to-Tower, because the financial consideration between the two areas is considerable; and the matter under consideration is this stretch of street, alone, and not IJooddale in the Country Club. TRUSTEE DICKSON left the meeting at this time, returning later in the meeting as hereinafter recorded. Mr. Bredesen told audience that the storm sewer cost proposed to be assessed is approximately three cents per square foot with state aid; twelve cents without state aid. state aid, storm sewer costs would range from $113 to $800 p,er lqt. Churches and Country Club. the Club owning 2,360.6 feet; St. Stephens Church, 228.6 feet; Colonial Church, 270.22 feet. 228.6 feet. Organization property is about 35% of total footage. aid. blacktop by itself is five years; that he would think this, would be a ten-year term. Mr. E. J. Boyer, 5111 Wooddale, asked if Cquncil would be willing to be guided by a new petition "by those who are interested". Mayor stated that if the petition is signed by owners of a majority of .the assessable property on Wooddale Avenue, he would consider it. Council action; and, at a suggestion that the audience is #ascing its time", Mr. Bredesen replied that everyone knows how he feels. Trustee Beim agreed with Mr, Bredesen, favoring a 36-foot street, with state aid. widening is that they believe it will increase traffic, whereas he feels there will be <little or no change in traffic beqause of widening. He added he feels it would be Trustee Kohler stated he feels that Council's action tonight in memoving the (short- North section of Wooddale from state aid reduces the chance of Wooddale's ever (sighted becoming a super-thoroughfare, and that with a stop sign*at 54th street, and an (not to automatic semaphore there as soon as the Council can install it, he too, would (use state favor a 36-foot street. (aid funds. Before giving his opinion, Mr. Tupa asked for the costs of the project to be reviewed, including the state aid share. Mr. Hyde reviewed,costs as set forth in his bulletin. Trustee Tupa, saying he lived on Vooddale Avenue, expressed himself as being against Wooddale Avenue as a thoroughfare, and in favor of a 30-foot street with stop signs placed the right way to sto FJooddale traffic, to express himself, the Hearing will be continued to Monday, June 13. I Mr. Porter, 5217 Flooddale, suggested that if any vote were to be'taken it He said that the storm sewer cost is a consideration; that, without Question was raised as to percentage of assessable footage owned by Village Total Assessable Footage was given as 7,758.55 feet, The Village park property is not being counted in the vote, but owns There was question as to relative term of assessment with and without state Mr. Hyde answered that normally curb and gutter by itself is five year term; During the discussion there had been repeated calls from the audience 'for m He told audience he believes the only reason why property owners object to - Mr. Bredesen told audience t R at inasmuch as Mr, Dickson has not had the opportunity . 83 8 .II - 5/23/60 -2 -(*. ,% r '' Beim's motion, that Public Hearing be scheduled for Monday, June 13, on a Johnson Drive from Grove Street to Highway No. 169., and. id Warden Avenue from Johnson Drive to Tracy Avenue, was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. proposed Watermain Improvement consisting of- mains and appurtenances in - *b 6. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER IN INTERLACHEN CIRCLE. Manager Hyde told Council that the developer-has agreed to pay for the Bituminous Surface; that the Village Engineer has recommended construction of curb and gutter because of drainage problems4 that Estimated Cost of improvement is $5,769.75, proposed to be assessed against 1,801.78 front feet, for $3.20 per front foot, revised after receipt of bids on like projects to $2.85. Developer Victorsen protested, on the grounds that under his purchase agreement with Mr. Kaiser, original owner, Mr. Kaiser was protected against either watermain or curb and gutter's being constructed. Mr. Hyde told Council that curb and gutter is recommended because of the varied street grade, part of the street being a rather steep grade, and the south part being flat. told Council that the twelve new families in the Circle are all in accord on doing what is best for the Circle, but that many do.not want curb and gutter; that, after the heavy downpour of the last week it was evident that not one lawn had been affected; that he believes.the attractiveness of the Circle would suffer by curb and gutter installation. Mayor Bredesen, agreeing with Mr. Beall's statement about the aesthetics of curb and gutter, stated that . curb and gutter is advocated only to save the blacktop-which will tend to break up without it where there is poor drainage. Mr. Kaiser, original owner .of all the property +butting the Circle, and owner, still, of Lots 4 and 5, Block 2, stated.he objects because he feels that curb and gutter installation. will still further condense the small and compact area; that he does not want to "become citified!' again. Dr. Duryea, f5641, asking what type curb and gutter the Village expects to install, presented petition signed by seven property owners, asking for the %lop" type. the "slope" curb is not advocated-that sections ten or twelve feet long have been torn out in previous years by street maintenance crews during years of heavy snow. cost would be prohibitive. %e owners of Lots 5, 7 and 8, also objected to construction on grounds that traffic is not sufficiently heavy in this secluded area to break up the blacktop and that drainage from properties within the area will be.no problem. being in favor of the.project, stating he feels the road would stand up better because of it. He asked, however, that the slope type curb be used. Mr. Zikan told Council his recommendation is definitely for curb and gutter, that street maintenance costs will be materially reduced by it. Asked about drainage from Interlachen Blvd., Mr. Victorsen told group that this will be eliminated at the time he blacktops. Mr. Stone, B5601, told Council that{&. Victorsen will blacktop up to the lawns; and one of the owners made the suggestion that "inasmuch as it is up to the owners to anyway, was had in the Council, and Mr. Bredesen told the group that while the Council .feels that Mr. Zikan's recommendation for curb.and gutter was a proper one, it is also of the opinion that because of the lack of traffic in this area there should not be too much trouble without curb and gutter. Beim moved that the proposed curb and gutter project be abandoned, with the understanding that blacktop replacement, should it be necessary, will be paid for by the residents. Motion seconded by 'Jhpa and carried. Mr. Ward Beall,#5609, Engineer. Zikan told group that - Mr. Kaiser stated that he objects to the sloping curb-that the Mr. A1 Birk,#5629, expressed himself as pay for the blacktop replacement, we don't see why we have to have curb and gutter". Some discussion . INTERLACHEN CIRCLE WATERMAIN PETITION CANCELLED. considerable objection to the construction of a watennain in Interlachen Circle, as petitioned, and that tests of the private water supplies have been taken and no sign of contamination found, IMr. Hyde asked.for axpoll of.those present as to sentiments for watermain. The majority were against such construction, and petition was cancelled by common consent of Council. Reporting that there is now 7. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATERMAIN IN BENTON AVENUE FROM TRACY AVENUE TO CRESCENT DRIVE. assessed against 18 connections for $987.38 per cgnnection. who stated that he and Mr. Lyle Otto, both in favor of project, own about 90% of the abutting property. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. project was seconded by Tupa and carried. Ordering Improvement). Estimate of Cost was given as $17,772.84, proposed to be Mr. 14.1. Anderson, Kohler's motion for approval of (See Resolution of later in meeting, 8. PUBLIC HE%RING ON PROPOSED WATERMAIN IN PARK PLACE FROM W.54TH STREET AND BROOKVIE? AVENUE TO W.55TH STREET. proposed to be assessed against 12 lots, for $1,148.90 per lot. 5416 Park Place, told Council that he favors construction but that he finds that several of his neighbors, who signed the petition-he circulated, now object. Mr. T. L. Todd, #5405, says he does not favor the improvement and that in the absence of a necessity for the main will go on record as being opposed to it;.that he Sees no need for it. Enformed that it is not proposed to assess his property. Estimate of Cost was given at $13,786.85, Mr. W.J. Erickson, Mr. J.A. Joas,#5436, objected to high cost. He was TRUSTEE DICKSON returned to the meeting at this time,. .. - , 84 ' Mrs. Audrey Uehran, 85432, and Mr. T.S. Peterson, #5412, asked to have their names withdrawn from the petition. Dr. Rudd, #$429, stated that he wants the watermain, now; and Er. Robert Olson, fi5424, said that he desires the main but that he is J'L-operty on the East side of the street, and because of the "blacktop replacement" cost, which is almost half the project. It was reported that Park Place has never been "blacktopped" because underground improvements were not all in. Asked if the Village pays for improvements abutting Village parks, Nr. Kohler told audience that Village will pay for blacktopping abutting the park, but will not pay for underground improvements unless connections are needed for park use. The suggestion was made that the watermain project be separated from the blacktopping, and that a Public Hearing be scheduled for Monday, June 13, on proposed Blacktopping, with the understanding that the Village will pay its per-front-foot share for the park property, on'the Blacktopping. Mr. Todd inquired again as to the necessity for the watermain improve- ment at this time, and Mr. Erickson replied that while there is not need of it today, he feels that several property owners want city water and will need to connect to it in the very near future. connected to city water and doesn't like it. Watermain Improvement in Park Place from W.54th St. and Brookview Avenue to W,55th Street, excluding blacktop replacement, was seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, Ordering Improvement). above discussion, Kohler moved scheduling Public Hearing for June 13, on proposed Bituminous Surface Treatment for Park Place between W.54th Street and Brookview Ave. and W.55th Street. 1 nable to justify the cost. He was told that it is high because of the unassessable IIr. Harry Hanson, 5400 Park Place, stated he is already Tupa's motion for approval of proposed I PUBLIC HEARIKG SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 13, ON BLACKTOPPING PARK PLACE. Pursuant to the Motion seconded by Beim and unanimously carried. PUBLIC HEARIXG ON PROPOSED WATERELAIN IN BROOKVIJ3lJ AVENUE. FRON W .62ND STREET TO IJEST 61ST STREET, AND IN WEST 61ST STREET FROM BROOKVIEW AVENUE TO OAKLAWN AVENUE. of Cost was given at $12,898.30, for $716.57 per Assessable Connection. Nr. Howard Christenson, ff6104, stated his well has gone bad, and he is in favor of the improve- ment. thereto. Dickson's motion for approval of project was seconded by %pa and carried. Estimate No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior Beim then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: REXOLUTION ORDERIRG IMPROVEMENTS STREET IIPROVEMENT NO. BA-20 : NATERMAIN IMPROVEhBNTS NOS 148,149 AND 150, AND SANIWRYLSfNER IMPROVENENT NO. 168 I BE IT RESOLVED by.the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvements; and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notices the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine.to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: 1, CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUHIHOUS SURFACE 2, CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY LATERAL SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN: ' IMPROVEMENT NO. TREATMENT in F7yn1an Avenue from W.62nd St. to Ifaddox Lane STREET IEPROVEHENT NO.BA-20 Grove Street from.Existing Trunk Sewer to Johnson Drive; Johnson Drive, Grove Street to Hwy.#169; Highway f169, Johnson Drive to Goya Lane; Goya Lane, Hwy.ff169 to Cul-de-sac Benton Ave., Tracy Ave. to Crescent Drive WATERMAIN IMPROVEtlENT 148 SANITARY SEWER IMPROVENEXT 168 3. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN EXTENSION AND APPURTENANCES IN: Park Place, W.54th St., and Brookview Ave. to V. 55th Street (excluding blacktop replacement) VATEREWN IEIPROVEMENT 149 Brookview Ave., FJ.6lst St. to IJ.62nd St.; and W,6lst St., Brookview Ave. to Oaklawn Ave. I WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT 150 For Street Improvement No. BA-20, and for FJatermain Improvements Nos. 148 and and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: 150, all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets proposed to.be improved. For l?&Cennain Improvement No. 149, Lots 2, Block 1 and 1 and 2, Block 2, llinnehaha Woods, and Lots 1 to 9, inclusive, Block 7, South Harriet Park Addition. Motion for adoption of Resolution'was seconded five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, ay kson, and on Rollcall there were PUBLIC HEARIXG ON PETITION OF R.A. HIPPE FOR REZONING FRON "OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT" TO ?MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT" OF PART OF LOT 22, BLOCK 2, PEACEDALE ACRES (6201 BR00mEG7 Mr. Hite presented elevation of five-unit OR 4221 W*62ND STREET). f. f i I(_ .x 85 IIL ' I_ >. 'i- *I li " 5/&/6Ci It.U., , . ' recommendation for rezoning. Mr. J. El. Paulf, 6224 Brookview Avenue, led rQ dweLling proposed for this 6rope;tyi which ha; the Planning Connnissicb's a delegation of neighbors portesting the rezoning, and presented a petition signed by 44 owners of neighboring properties, protesting both the rezoning and a change in the street. being considered tonight, but that it may come up at a later date; that the building can be located either with, or without, a change in the road. . Neighbors maintained that a multiple residence at this location would change the character of the neighborhood, and Dickson moved to reject the petition. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. - . Mr. Hite told Council that street change is not PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE TO PERMIT ERECTION OF NURSING HOMES AND REST HOMES IN OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT CONTINUED TO JUNE 13. Kohler moved for continuance of Hearing to June 13. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. I PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROVIDING METHOD FOR INTEGRATED DESIGN FOR MULTIPLE BUILDING APARTMENT PROJECTS CONTINUED TO JUNE 13. for continuance of Hearing on this proposed Ordinance Amendment to Monday, June 13, was seconded by Kohler and carried. Dickson's motion PUBLIC HEARING ON THE PETITION OF MR. M. B. HIRSCmY FOR WAIVER OF GARAGE SIDE- YARD REQUIREMENT AT 5101 GORGAS AVENUE was conducted pursuant. to Mr. Hite's presentation of affidavit of mailed "Notice of Hearing". raised to Mr. Hirschey's request for permit to build a garage to within two feet of his north lot line; and Mr..Hite told Council that residences cpuld not be damaged by this waiver. . requirement for a five-foot setback on side yards, for 5101 Gorgas Avenue,, was seconded by Beim and carried. ' No objections were Kohler's motion for waiver by Council of COUNCIL WAIVES REAR-YARD SETBACK REQUIREMENT FOR BLOCK 9, STOW'S EDGEMOOR, TO BE PART OF llREPLAT OF BGOGKS ONE, TWO AND NINE, STOW'S EDGEMOORtl. Pursuant to Mr. R. H. Peterson's requkst for waiver of the required rear-yard setback for Multdple Dwellings at the above location, Public Hearing was conducted. Mr. George Hite presented Affidavit of mailing of "Notice of Hearipg", which was approved and ordered placed on file; and reported that the only objection he has received is that of Mrs. H.E. Ritzman, 7021 Lynmar Lane, who would like the apartment &g j$&heast corner of Mavelle Drive and Lynmar Lane to be moved ten feet,/ It is prophsed to locate apartments from 25 to 27 feet from the rear lot line. Beim's motion for waiver of rear-yard setback requirements in accordance with petitioner's requ6st was seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR WAIVER OF SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS AT 4501 DUNHAM DRIVE RE-SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 13. Mr. Hite asked that this Hearing, scheduled for this evening, be re-set for June 13, and;it was so ordered. TRAFFIC CONDITIONS ON W.60TH STREET BETWEEN FRANCE AND XERXES AVENUES PkQTESTED, Mr. A. B. Duellman, a815 W.6Oth Street, asked Council to route truck traffic away from W.6Oth Street between France and Xerxes and onto W.58th Street, which is under "State Aid". Blacktopped and that it is difficult to secure a petition for blacktopping because most of the lots on the street do not front itd Mrs. Duellman told Council that dust is so thick that residents have been unable to remove their storm windows, and that the heavy trucks travel the street constantly. that no matter what action the Council takes someone will be unhappy, Trustee Kohler suggested circulation by Mr. Duellman of a curb and gutter and blacktop petition in order that this work could be done and "load limits" set up; or, that if this is impossible to secure, an Oiling petition be submitted to relieve the dust problem. He pointed out that if Council now routes traffic onto 58th Street those residents will be unhappy. Manager Hyde reported that W.6Oth Street is not Stating ' COMPLAINT REGISTERED ON DRAINAGE PROBLEM AT 48TH AND MAPLE ROAD. Mrs. A. H. Senn, 4828 Maple Road, complained that an Arden Avenue neighbor's storm drainage is flooding her out--that this condition has existed for some years. Hasselquist advised her that this is a.civi1 matter between neighbors and not , Mr. .. the jurisdiction of the Village. \* DELEGATION ASKS THAT STORM SEWER FOR "NORMANDALE SECOND ADDITION" AREA BE EXPEDITED. 6300 Block, asked for help with their serious drainage problems. informed that bids have been taken for Storm Sewer Trunk Main but that all the easements are not yet in; that the route of their proposed Storm Sewer (Storm Sewer Improvement No. 50) has had to be changed to provide for back-yard drainage; that easements have not yet been received for this main; that, if it is at all possible to do so, Council will hold Hearing and will take bids, on the revised storm sewer plan on June 27. the "undue delay" and asked for follow-ups on easement requests. offered to contact their neighbors to secure required easements, if this would expedite matters. Messrs. Moore, Carlson and Soderberg, from Tingdale Avenue in the They were I Mr. Carlson objected vehemently to The delegation 86 f I ... I.. 1.. . 1 .I.. /I. ... I, I . I1 * I . * .I a. . BUIUEM PEBiIT TO BE WfTHHEZD ON LOW LOTc Themdelegation asking for the "Norman- dale Second Addition" Storm Sewer told Council that a low lot at 6312Rolf Avenue has \been used as a natural drainage basin for years; that a very serious problem will arise should it be built on, now; that the contractor is expecting to build shortly. Council directed building permit withheld until such time as storm sewer matter is settled. PREMISES AT 6109 BROOICVIEW AVENUE ORDERED EITHER REPAIRED OR DEMOLISHED. presented Affidavit of Posting of "Notice of Public Hearing", and registered mail receipts signed by owners and mortgagors covering receipt of mailed Notices; and, pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was conducted on the matter of "repair or demolition" of the premises at 6109 Brookview Avenue. There was no one present at the Hearing, although a representative of Investors Diversified Services had been present prior thereto. some discussion, Kohler moved that the dwelling at 6109 Brookview Avenue be determined to'be a dangerous and substandard building, in violation of thet&y of Village Ordinance No. 148, and that an order be issued forthwith for/%e reaair of said building within 90 days to bring it into compliance with the provisions of the Edina Building Code or for the demolition of said building; that order for filling of exposed desspool also be issued. unanimo&sly carried. Clerk I Building Inspector's report was examined, and, after Motion seconded by Tupa and COUNCIL ORDERS CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUNINOUS SURFACE TREA'hJENT FOR TINGDALE AVENUE BETWEEN W.64TH AND F7.65TH STREETS. and J.T. Sather, 116429 Tingdale Ave., told Council that, after the Public Hearing held April 20, 1960, on proposed Curb and Gutter and Bituminous Surface Treatment for Tingdale Avenue between W.64th and W.65th Street, a neighborhood meeting had been held, at which both the Village Engineer and a representative of the Brookview Heights-Council had been present; that an agreement could not be reached in the "Normandale Second Addition" group as to a neighborhood improvement, but that eight of the twelve Tingdale Avenue owners present were in favor of Curb.and . Gutter and Bituminous Surface Treatment for Tingdale Avenue between W.64th and W.65th Street, now. Delegation asked that Council order in this improvement and award bids therefor.There were no objections to this request, and Kohler offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:. . Messrs. N.. Saude, #6416, H.L.Hdnderson, 154.01, RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT STREET IMPROVEBENT NO. BA-21 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota,.that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement, and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follows: CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS C.. SURFACE TREATMENT IN. Tingdale Avenue between W.64th St. and N.65th St. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-21 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the. street proposed to be improved. .NAME OF IMPROVEMENT Motion €or adoption of the Resolution was s were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Be llcall there CONTRACT AI?ARDED FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA21. Pursuant to the request of the Tingdale Avenue delegation for award of contract on the above entitled improvement, bids taken April 20, 1960 were reviewed. Three bids had been received, Black Top Service Company being low bidder at $5,638.08 and Riegger Roadways, second low at $6,235.30. $5,638.08 was seconded by Kohler and carried. EMERGENCY REPAIR ORDERED FOR BROOK DRIVE. heavy rains caused Nine-Wile Creek to wash out Brook Drive to such an extent that I Dickson's motion for award of contract to Black Top Service Company at Manager Hyde reported that the recent the street is impassible and the wash out is dangerous. immediate repairs must be made; that there is no time to take bids for the necessary 48" deformed pipe to route the water. necessaryquipment and have repairs made. Tupa, seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried. He told Council that He asked Council permission to order the Emergency repairs authorized by motion <. * 87 - t. In - * f, *A- .$* I. 5/23/60 < , l., 16 (*, .. I, .* 1. KFa'flkON WAGON PURChS'ii 'P€&i IkPKTNS bbfBR SALE%: Pursuant to Advertisement for Bids in Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin May 12 and 19.:- 1960, for one Station Wagon, Manager Hyde reported c'8ceipt of two bids--that of Hopkins Motor Sales at $2,399.13 on a 1960 Plymouth Delux, less Trade-In on a 1959 Plymouth Station Wagon at $950, for a Net of $1,449.13; and the Woodhead Company at $2,493.00, for a Ford Tudor Ranch Wagon, less Trade-In of $850, for $1,643.00. His recommendation was for award of purchase to low bidder, and Beim so moved. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. * BIDS REJECTED FOR CURB AND GUTTER IN INTERLACHEN CIRCLE. Manager Hyde reported receipt of two bids for this project--Black Top Service Co. at $4,799.15 and Riegger Roadways, Inc. at $4,696.70; but because of action taken earlier this evening to'abandon the proposed improvement both bids were rejected by motion Beim, seconded by Dickson and carried. CONTRACT AWARDED TO BLACK TOP SERVICE COMPANY FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. BA-6,7,9,14,15,16,17,18,19,20. on the above entitled projects--that of Black Top Service Company, at $74,731.05, and that of Riegger Roadways, Inc. at $79,909.36. He recommended award of contract to low bidder, Black Top Service Company, and Beim so moved. seconded by Dickson and carried. Manager Hyde reported receipt of two bids today, Motion BLACKTOP SERVICE COMPANY AWARDED CONTRACT FOR BLACKTOP REPLACEMENT. Mr. Hyde reported receipt of two bids today for some ten Blacktop Replacement projects-- that of Black Top Service Company at $102,213.00, and that of Riegger'Roadways, Inc. at $109;220.50. Project No. 10 of these ten tied projects included the replacement of blacktop in "Tracy Av'enue from W.62nd St. to N. line of Country- Side Addition". Black Top Service Company in an amount equal to the Total Bid less that portion applicable to Tracy Avenue. with Manager's recommendation was seconded by Tupa and carried. Manager Hyde recommended that the contract be' awarded to Beim's motion for award of contract in accordance TRACY AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS TO'BE A "STATE AID" PROJECT. Council that improvement of Tracy Avenue, by undercutting 'and bringing in<the proper type gravel, w'ill cost approximately $6,00O--that this %an be done as part of the proposed State Aidproject; that a new Consulting Engineer, James A Lindsey, is available to work on this project to,expedite its construction; that it is recommended that hearing be held and bids be taken about July 1. Although there was no formal action taken, there was general agreement by the Council that the recommendation is a goo'cl one, and that engineering work go forbard in accordance with it. Manager Hyde told CONTRACT ATJARDED FOR SANITARY SEmR IMPROVEMENT NO. 165, WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 145 AND 14'8, STREET IMPROVEMENT NO, C-81. Tabulation of bids taken today was-presented, showing receipt of five bids', Coburn and Meek being low bidders at $28,401.57, Phelps-Dralce Co., Inc., second low at $32,29k.95, and Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., high bidders at $37,976.30.' Manager's recommendation was for award of contract to low bidder, Coburn and Meek, and Kohler so moved. seconded by Beim and carried. RAILROAD AND WAREHOUSE COMMISSION'S RECOMMENDATION ON llNORMANDALE ROAD" BUS ACCEPTED. Recommendation of the Commission, dated May 9, that the "Normandale Bus", formerly terminating at' Normandale Road and Southview Lane Lane, be allowed to terminate at the Village Hall, at least until such time as the addition to the High School and the paving of Southview Lane are completed, -came before Council for consideration. Recommendation accepted by common consent of Council but without formal action. IMPROVEMENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED, The following Improvement Petitions were submitted, and were approved and referred to Village Engineer for programming by motion Kohler, seconded by Dickson and carried: Motion . - OILING - Belmore Lane, Griffit to Arthur St. OILING - Jefferson Ave., Belmore Lane to Maloney Ave. OILING - W.60th St., &y.#lOO to Tingdale Ave. OILING - Chowen Ave., W.6Oth St. to W.6lst St. OILING - Clover Ridge, Valley View Rd. to Tingdale Ave.; Tingdale Ave., Valley View Rd. to W.6Oth St. i ' OILING - TJ.66th St., Wilryan Ave. to Josephine Ave. OILING - Benton Ave., Josephine Ave. to Tingdale Ave. BLACKTOPPING - Dunham Drive, Wooddale Ave. to West Shore Drive. CURB AND GUTTER - Kellogg Ave., W.54th St. to W.55th St. 5/23/60 ~ .. + -.- - .,/ * 88 -*e.* --*I ,r* ,,*I -,* - .- tr*---r, ,+*' ., - I , ,e PUBLIC HEARINGS FORMALLY SChDDLED FOR 13. Kohler offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB'AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT AND SANITARY SEIhR ~E'ROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The Village Engineer, and Consulting Engineer, Ziaving submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Improvements described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the esti- mated cost of such improvements, said reports are hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper onee a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to beqnot less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- stantially the following form: 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, June 13, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., in the 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, *. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATBENT, AND SANITARY SEWER EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, June 13, 1960, at 7 :00 P,M. , to consider the following proposed improvements to be- constructed under the authority granted by Ninnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. mate cost of said improvements is estimated by'the Village Engineer and Suburban Engineering, Inc.; Consulting Engineers,'as set forth below: A. CONSTRUCTION OF BITLTMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN THE FOLLOWING B. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUNINOUS SURFACE The approxi- ESTIMATED COST STREET: Nelody Lane from Melody Lake Dr.,to Grove St. $7,728.69 TREATMENT IN' THE FOLLOIJIEG STREETS: 1. Tingdale Ave; from Benton Ave. to Grove St. 2. Woodcrest Dr. from N. line of Colonial Grove 5th Addn. to W.56th St. (Concrete Curg and Gutter and Blacktop). IJ.56th St. fromMinnehaha Creek to 135' E. of Park Place (Blacktop only) Curb and Gutter only) . W.56th St. from Minnehaha Creek to Park Place (Concmete 3. Dunham Drive from Wooddale Ave. to Ellsworth Dr. 4. W.57th St. from Code Ave. to Bernard Place THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Benton Ave. from Lot' 3, IJ.1. Anderson's Addn. to 384' I?.; Benton Ave. from Johnson Dr. to' Tracy Ave. 2. Croyden La. from Doncaster Nay to Lochloy Dr.; Lochloy Dr. from Croyden La. around loop' and back to E. service drive of Highway #lo0 fromW.70th St. to N, C. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN Croyden La. ; Ayrshire Blvd. 'from Lochloy Dr. to 300' S. * line of Lot 11, Normandale Terrace 3. D. CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELLING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMEXT IN THE FOLLOWING STREET: West 69th St. from Brittany Rd. to E. Service Drive of Hiahway #loo. $7,452.15 $11,9 49 .42 $13,048.33 $ 3,899.63 $10,340'. 18 $65,590.47 $20,371.12 $9,786.30 -- The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of each of said proposed improve- to be improved. . ments includes ald lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets proposed .j, GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 13TH ON PROPOSED'BUILDING CODE AMENDMENT. Stating that the Village should have an ordinance requiring that applications for building permits be accompanied by a survey of the lot showing the location of the home "as staked", Planning Director Hite asked that Council conduct a Public Hearing on this proposed amendmint to the Building Code on June 13. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. Tupa so moved. "SIDEIULK REPAIRS" ORDINANCE REFERRED TO VILWE ATTORNEY. In connection with the complaint received on the condition of the sidewalk which abuts the "Nolan" lot at k49th and France, and the subsequent order issued to Mrs. Nolan to repair said WaHC, Mr. Hite asked for an ordinance giving authority for.Village to repair walk and then assess therefor. Hatter referred to Village Attorney for recommendatlon, . 5/23/60 - , /. # 1.. BTDS SCJIEDUILED FOR JUNE 13!!% ON 'IMPROVEMEfl,'r PROSECT$. 'Beim offered the 89 following Resolution and moved its adoption: -7% - RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR ' PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER AND STORM-SJWER IMPROVEMENTS 1; AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: Storm Sewer Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and Consulting Engineer and now on file in the.office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to,be published twice in the Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notices ' for bids for said improvements : 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Sanitary Sewer and (1) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SANITARY SEWER Sealed bids will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:OO A.M., Monday, June 13, 1960, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.M. on Monday, June 13, 1960, to consider said bids, being for the following: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY LATERAL SEWERS AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS : 1. 2. East service drive of Highway #lo0 from West 70th St. to North line of Lot 11, Normandale Terrace. Croyden Lane from Doncaster Way to Lochloy Drive; Lochloy Drive from Croyden Lane around the loop and back to Croyden Ayrshire Blvd. from Lochloy Drive to.300 feet South. Lane; Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk and at Suburban.Engineering, Inc., 370 Mississippi St. N.E., Minneapolis, Minn. Village Hall or Suburban Engineering, Inc., for a deposit of $lO.OO,.which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least: ten percent of amount of base bid. BY ORDER OF 'THl3 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. Plans and specifications are available either at the Edina The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. GRETCHEN s. ALDEN Village Clerk (2) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS -- STORM DRAINAGE DETENTION BASIN Sealed bids will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:OO A.M. on Monday, June 13, 1960, and the Edina Village Council will meet at Village Hall on Monday, June 13, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., to consider said bids, being for a) CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAINAGE BASIN between W.70th St. and Larkspur Lane, including excavation, hauling excess materials to other designated sites, and finish grading. Plans, Specifications, Proposal Forms and other contract documents may be-seen in the office of Director of Recreation and Parks, 4801 W.50th St., or in office of Harrison and Associates; 14407 Excelsior Blvd., Glen Lake. No bid will be considered unless sealed and filed with the undersigned before 11:OO A.M., Monday, June 13, 1960, accompanied by cash, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Treasurer in the amount of at least ten percent of No bid may be withdrawn for a period thirty (30) days after the date of opening. The Village Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive irregularities and informalities in order to award the contract or contracts in the best interests of the Village. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. +* amount of base bid. . GRETCH~N s. ALDEN .. . Village Clerk 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contracts for said improvements. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisements for bids are I. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seco Dickson, and on Rollcall there five ayes-and no nays, as follows: ; Kohler, aye; aye; and Bredesen, aye; 'and the'Re CLAIMS PAID. List dated May 23, 1960, was seconded by Tupa and carried: General Fund, $29,051.39; Construction Fund, $32,272.32; Park, Park Constr., Park Sinking, and Swimming Pool Funds, $24,900.19; Water Fund, $38,046.97; Liquor Fund, $79,310.77; Sewer Rental Fund, $1,824.76; PIR & Poor Funds, $13,565.51--Total, $360,198*99* Kohler's motion for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre- Improvement Funds, $141,227-08; 5/23/60 -* I ',. I "NYCLTE'FE ROAD" CONDEMNATION \JILL NOT BE NECBSSARY. llr. Rite reported that, since the meeting of llay 9, when Council authorized condemnation of the Methodist Church portion of Wycliffe Road" providing negotiations for dedication could not be worked out, an agreement has been worked out between the developer and the Methodist Church whereby the Church will tledicate its portion of the street provided it is saved from assessment for improvement of the street. BLACKTOPPING PETITION ACCEPTED, EDINA HIGHLANDS LAKESIDE ADDITION. Pursuant to the above discussion, Mr. Hite presented petition signed by M.S. Tommeraasen and Edina Development Corp. €or the Blacktopping of TJycliffe Road fromlferold Drive to Grove St; llerold Drive fromNycliffe Road to Grove St.; and Grove St. from Olinger Road to Vycliffe Road, with full cost to be assessed against "Edina Highlands Lakeside Addition". Petition was accepted and referred to Village Engineer for programming, by motion Dickson, seconded by Kohler and carried. The meeting's agenda's having been covered, Beim*moved for adjournment. seconded by Kohler and carried. Motion lieeting ad Village Clerk EENUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1960 AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. CONTINUATION OF APRIL 25TH AND MAY 23RD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IJOODDALE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS. This public hearing was called by Mayor Bredesen pursuant to two prior hearings on proposed Wooddale Avenue improvements; the first being on the proposed improvement of Wooddale Avenue between W.5Oth St. and Tower St. by Widening, and Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter and Bituminous Surface Treatment for the stretch of street between W.50th St. and Tower Avenue, and construction of Storm Sewer between 1?.54th St. and Minnehaha Creek, all to be as a part of the "Municipal State Aid Street System", with the only assessment to property owners being an estimated $1.64 per front foot for curb and gutter and $.03 per square foot for storm sewer; and the second being construction of the same improvements, with street to be left at 30 feet traveled roadway, an assessment to property owners of $6.50 per front foot for curb, gutter and blacktop and $12 per square foot for storm sewer, with the'Genera1 Fund of the Village to pay the balance of the improvement. Mayor Bredesen opened this Hearing by stating to the audience that there is no plan by Edina,*Hennepin County or the State for widening Wooddale to 44 feet; that the only proposition before the Council is to widen this stretch to 36 feet; that any plan €or a wider street would be resisted here. 62nd Street, and he was-informed that it will not, Mr. Kohler added that this does not mean that at such time as the present blacktop deteriorates to the place where it has bo be replaced the Council will not consider improvement under the state aid system. .. the planting of boulevard trees. He told Council that because-property owners still unwilling to accept a 36-foot street he had had no success; but that he himself feels that planting of boulevard trees would give residents additional assurance that the street will not be widened further. He suggested a type of maple. iby Council to type of tree planted. that it be reviewed before decision is reached. written objection to proposed widening was submitted and ordered placed on file. Trustee Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: .I . Mr. Peterson, 6001 Wooddale, asked if the 36-foot street would continue to Mr. Everett Davies was asked by Mayor Bredesen about his petition for Manager Hyde told Council that he feels some study should be given He cited a Bulletin just received, suggesting No other questions or objections were stated from the floor. Mr. R.L. Thierolf's * RESOLUTION ORDERING STREET IMPROVEMENT WIDENING, CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACE, AND TREE PLANTING IN WOODDALE NO. BA-22 AVENUE BETWEEN 17.50TIcI ST. AND TOWER ST. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, yinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvements : CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITWINOUS SURFACE TREAT- MENT IN WOODDALE AVENUE FROM 17.50TH ST. TO TOWER ST. and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the following ipprovement: ..