HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600613_regular5/23/60 -* I ',. I "NYCLTE'FE ROAD" CONDEMNATION \JILL NOT BE NECBSSARY. llr. Rite reported that, since the meeting of llay 9, when Council authorized condemnation of the Methodist Church portion of Wycliffe Road" providing negotiations for dedication could not be worked out, an agreement has been worked out between the developer and the Methodist Church whereby the Church will tledicate its portion of the street provided it is saved from assessment for improvement of the street. BLACKTOPPING PETITION ACCEPTED, EDINA HIGHLANDS LAKESIDE ADDITION. Pursuant to the above discussion, Mr. Hite presented petition signed by M.S. Tommeraasen and Edina Development Corp. €or the Blacktopping of TJycliffe Road fromlferold Drive to Grove St; llerold Drive fromNycliffe Road to Grove St.; and Grove St. from Olinger Road to Vycliffe Road, with full cost to be assessed against "Edina Highlands Lakeside Addition". Petition was accepted and referred to Village Engineer for programming, by motion Dickson, seconded by Kohler and carried. The meeting's agenda's having been covered, Beim*moved for adjournment. seconded by Kohler and carried. Motion lieeting ad Village Clerk EENUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JUNE 13, 1960 AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Kohler, Tupa and Bredesen. CONTINUATION OF APRIL 25TH AND MAY 23RD PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IJOODDALE AVENUE IMPROVEMENTS. This public hearing was called by Mayor Bredesen pursuant to two prior hearings on proposed Wooddale Avenue improvements; the first being on the proposed improvement of Wooddale Avenue between W.5Oth St. and Tower St. by Widening, and Construction of Concrete Curb and Gutter and Bituminous Surface Treatment for the stretch of street between W.50th St. and Tower Avenue, and construction of Storm Sewer between 1?.54th St. and Minnehaha Creek, all to be as a part of the "Municipal State Aid Street System", with the only assessment to property owners being an estimated $1.64 per front foot for curb and gutter and $.03 per square foot for storm sewer; and the second being construction of the same improvements, with street to be left at 30 feet traveled roadway, an assessment to property owners of $6.50 per front foot for curb, gutter and blacktop and $12 per square foot for storm sewer, with the'Genera1 Fund of the Village to pay the balance of the improvement. Mayor Bredesen opened this Hearing by stating to the audience that there is no plan by Edina,*Hennepin County or the State for widening Wooddale to 44 feet; that the only proposition before the Council is to widen this stretch to 36 feet; that any plan €or a wider street would be resisted here. 62nd Street, and he was-informed that it will not, Mr. Kohler added that this does not mean that at such time as the present blacktop deteriorates to the place where it has bo be replaced the Council will not consider improvement under the state aid system. .. the planting of boulevard trees. He told Council that because-property owners still unwilling to accept a 36-foot street he had had no success; but that he himself feels that planting of boulevard trees would give residents additional assurance that the street will not be widened further. He suggested a type of maple. iby Council to type of tree planted. that it be reviewed before decision is reached. written objection to proposed widening was submitted and ordered placed on file. Trustee Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: .I . Mr. Peterson, 6001 Wooddale, asked if the 36-foot street would continue to Mr. Everett Davies was asked by Mayor Bredesen about his petition for Manager Hyde told Council that he feels some study should be given He cited a Bulletin just received, suggesting No other questions or objections were stated from the floor. Mr. R.L. Thierolf's * RESOLUTION ORDERING STREET IMPROVEMENT WIDENING, CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACE, AND TREE PLANTING IN WOODDALE NO. BA-22 AVENUE BETWEEN 17.50TIcI ST. AND TOWER ST. BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, yinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvements : CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITWINOUS SURFACE TREAT- MENT IN WOODDALE AVENUE FROM 17.50TH ST. TO TOWER ST. and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the following ipprovement: .. 5/13/60 91 WIDENING OF WOODDALE AVENUE FROM W.50TJ3 ST. TO TOI?ER ST. TO A . 36yFOOT TRAVELED ROADWAY, CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND. GUTTER AND' BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT THEREIN, AND THE I * PLANTING OF TREES IN THE BOULEVARD; . that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in.all subsequent proceedings as STRkET IMPROVEMENT NO, BA-22. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the'trees planted shal1,beiof a type approved'by the Village Council, shail be no more than one tree per lot, shall be-planted in locations approved by the Park and Recreation Director, and shall be planted only'at the desire of individual property owners, as expressed in wrifing to the Village Council. I I I. 'BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that as an integral part-of this improvement this Council ,provides and requires that vehicular parking shall be permitted on the East side of Wooddale Avenue between W.15Oth St. and Tower St. but not on the West side. thereof. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost of said imp;ovement*shall be paid as forlows : I and 1/2 cost of constkction'of concrete curb,and gutter - by the State of Minnesota from its allocation to Edina for Municipal State Aid Streets. I. I 1 Full cost of widening land construction of bituminous surface freatment, Full cost of planting'of boulevard trees : from the Village General Fund. One-half the cost of construction of concrete curb and gutter ,(approy. I $1.64 per foot) - by assessment to properties {abutting the street proposed to be impxoved. 1 I BE IT,FURTHER RESOLVED that the area proposed to be assessed for one-half the cost of constkuction of concrete curb and gutter (shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed-to be improved. 1 I And Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 54 WOODDALE AVE., FROM W+i54TH ST. TO M1~tIAKA CREEK BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvement : CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN WOODDALE AVE. FROM TJ.54TH ST. TO MINNEHAHA CREEK and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notices the Coilncil has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 54 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the cost of said improvement shall be paid as follows : 75% of main line; 100% of catch basins and catch basin leads; and 100% of outfall - by the State of Minnesota from its allocation to Edina for Municipal State Aid Streets. benefited properties. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the area proposed to be assessed for a portion of the cost of said improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: .. I Balance of cost (approx. $.031 per square foot) by assessment against "Commencing at a point on E. line of Wooddale Ave. a dist. of 315' S. of " center of Sec.18, Twp.28, R.24; th. S. along E. line of-Wooddale to NW cor. of Lot 15, Country Club Dist.,Wooddale Section; th. E. along N. line of said Lot 15, 35'; th. S, and parallel to E. line of Wooddale Ave. to S. line of said Lot 15; th. SWly to SW cor. of Lot 14, Country Club Dist., Wooddale Section; th. S. along E. line of Wooddale Ave. to NW cor. of Lot 5; Country Club Dist., Wooddale Section; th. SEly to SE cor. of said Lot 5; th. SEly to a point on S. line of W.52nd St., said point being 50' E. of NW cor. of Lot 1, B1. 3, South Harriet Park; th. SWly to SW cor. of said Lot 1; th. SWly to a point on N, line of Lot 15, B1. 3, South Harriet Park, said point being 20' W. of 92 6/13/60 NE cor. thereof; th. S. and.paral1e.l to E. line of Wooddale Ave. to S. line of Lot 14, Bl. 3, South Harriet Park; th. S7ly to a point on N. line of Lot 12, B1. 3, South Harriet Park, said point being 65' E, of M;I cor. of said Lot 12; th. SJly to a point on S. line of Lot 12, Bl. 3, South Harriet Park, said point being 35' E. of SW cor. thereof; th. Sly, parallel to and 35' E. of E. line of Wooddale Ave. a dist. of 40'; th. SIlly to.S? cor; of Lot 11, B1, 3, South Harriet Park; th. S. to mi cor. of Lot 20, B1. 4, South Harriet Park; th. SEly to a point in Lot 20, said point being 35' E. and 12' S. of M7 cor. thereof; th. S. to a point on N. line of Lot 18, B1, 4, South Harriet: Park, said point being 35' E. of NIJ cor. thereof; th. SEly to a point in Lot 18, said point being 50' E. and 10' S. of Nl7 cor. thereof; th. S. to a point in N. line of Lot 11, B1. 4, South Harriet Park, said point being 50' E. of M? cor. thereof; th. S7ly to SI7 cor. of said Lot 11; th. S. to centerline of 17.54th St., which is the S. line of Sec. 18, Twp. 28, R. 24; th. W. along S. line of Sec. 18, Twp. 28, R. 24 a dist. of 153'; th. P7ly at a deflection angle of 68O a dist. of 455'; th. Nly at a deflection angle of 12 th. E, at a deflection angle.of 90' a dist; of 200'; th. NEly at a deflection angle of 45 to a point 7' 17. of 17. line of Wooddale Ave.; th. N. and parallel'to IJ. line of Vooddale Ave. a dist. of 560.1'; th. 17. at right angles a dist. of 40'; th. N. at right angles a dist. of 160.1'; th. NEly to a point on the centerline of W.53rd St. extended, said point being 7' 17. of 17. line of Wooddale Ave.; th. N. and parallel tool?. line of Wooddale Ave. a dist. of 251.7'; th. NWly atoa deflection angle of 45 a dist. of 35.25'; th. Nly at a deflection angle of 45 225'; th. .NEly at a deoflection angle of 22'30' a dist. of 27.95'; th. N. at a deflection angle of 22 30' a dist. of 25'; th. NEly at a deflection angle of 22'30' a dist. of 27.95'; th. Nl7ly at 8 deflection angle of 22'30' a dist. of 27.95'; th. Nly at a deflection angle of 22 30' a dist. of 100'; th. NEly at a defiection' .angle of 22'30' a dist. of 27.95'; th. Nly at a deflection angle of 22 30' a dist. ofo50'; th. Illy at right angles a dist. of 30'; th. SWly at a deflection angle of 35 at right angles a dist. of 37.5'; th. Nly at right angles a dist. of 25'; th. Ely at right angles a disk. of 12.5'; th. Nly at right angles a dist. of 125'; th. Wly at right angles a dist. of 30'; th. Nly at right angles a dist. of 50'; th. SWlx at a deflection angle of 125' a dist. of 45'; th. a71 a a deflection angle of 97' a dist. of 30'; th. NElyoat a deflection angle of 87 a dist. of 30'; th. NEly at a deflection angle of 25 a dist. of 50'; th. NEly at a deflection angle of 34' a dist. of 65'; th. Ely at a dist. of 22'; th. Nly and 7' 17. of I?. line of Wooddale Ave. a dist. of 85'; th. E. to point of beginning. " a dist. of 80'; a dist. of a dist. of 45'; th. Nly at a deflection angle of 123'30' a dist. of 50'; th. Ely at a deflection angle of 25 ;Y dist. of 55'; th. n7ly at a deflection angle of 17 z 30' a dist. of 37'; th. N?1 at I deflection angle of 27O a Motion for adoption of the Resolution w were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; and Bredesen, aye; and tbe Resoluti Village Clerk - PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR VACATION OF W. 49TH STREET BETlJEEN BROOKSIDE AVE . AND E. LOT LINE OF RAILROAD RIGHT-OF-WAY . .- AND - CONTINUATION OF MY 23RD PUBLIC HEARING ON BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT FOR W.49TR STREET BETWEEN BROOKSIDE AVENUE AND HIGHWAY NO, 169. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier of "Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Street Vacation", which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. the extent of the construction project depends on Council action on proposed Street Vacation. statement by Mr. Robert Soelberg, that property ownerk want the matter of the Street Vacation tabled for further study; and want petition-for blacktopping dropped until street is closed. the street, stating it is difficult to get off the highway into their area. Hanager Hyde told Council that Chief Bennett's recommendation is to close the street on the east end rather than on the west; and that Fire Chief Mitzel that if the west end of the street.is vacated a gate be installed for fire department use, inasmuch as there is a hydrant at Brookside.' Dickson moved that mAtter of street vacation be tabled. Motion'seconded by Tupa and carried. Petition which would be transmitted forthwith, &d a probable new hlacktop petition These two Hearings were conducted together, inasmuch as Mr. J.A. Anderson, 4840 IiTestbrook Lane, confirmed Mayor's report of a Mr. McKenzie and Mrs. Jarnberg protested possible closing of I. Delegation then asked that Blacktop Petition be taIjled in favor of an7Oiling to be secured and earried. this fallk' It was so ordered, by motion-Beim, seconded 6y Dickson .. 1- u9 ps. C b/ 13/ bU 3 93 .r-..*x. XI r r .* *- .- _* . i ""71 I.#**r *I, P. ..I PUBLIC HEARINGS ON P OSED IMP€h7El4ENTS. Clerk presented Affidavit of - -- Publication in Edina-MoFingside Courier dune 2 and 9, 1960, of "Notice of Public Hearings on Concrete Curb and Gutter, Biituminous Surface Treatment, and Sanitary Sewer'j which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. and action was taken as hereinafter recorded. FROM MELODY LAKE DRIVF. TO GROVE STREET. -Estimate of Cost was given at $7,728.69, proposed to be assessed against 1,416.22 feet for $5.46 per assessable Eoot. Mr. Franzen, #5728, inquired as to the high cost, compared with assessment for street constructed last year. have been increased; that both a thicker base and a better type of seal are * now being constructed. There were no objections to the proposed improvements, and Beim's motion approving the project was seconded by Kohler and unanimously carried. 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFA€E TREATMENT IN TINGDALE AVENUE FROM BENTON AVENUE TO GROVE STREET. " Estimate of Cost was read as Total $7,452.15, proposed to be assessed against 984.07 feet, for $7.57 per Assessable Foot. floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. * motion for approval of project, it was seconded by,Dickson and unanimously carried. (See Minutes of later in meeting, for Resolution Ordering Improvement). CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT in Woodcrest Drive from the BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT ONLY in W.56th St. from Minnehaha Creek to 135' E. CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ONLY in W.56th St. fromMinnehaha Creek to Park Place. Estimate of Cost for this proposed improvement was given in total at $11,949.42; the cost for Curb and Gutter and Bituminous Surface Treatment being estimated at $7.65 per Assessable Foot; for Curb and Gutter only, at $3.97; and for Bituminous Surface Treatment only, at $5.68. Mr. Melander inquired as to the cost differential between "curb and gutter and bituminous" and kurb and gutter only". He was informed that in the combination profect specifications for bituminous surface are less than the specs where bituminous is constructed alone. There were no gbjections from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. was seconded by Kohler and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, Ordering-Improvement). 4. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IMPROVEMENT IN DUNHAM DRIVE FROMWOODDALE AVENUE TO ELLSWORTH DRIVE. Estimate of Cost was given in total at $13,048.33, proposed to be assessed against 1,872.19 feet, for $6.98 per assessable foot. inquired about specifications, and the specs increase was explained to him; specs for this project, with curb and gutter, being 6" base compacted to 4". He inquired about placement of a catch basin on the west end of the street, and was told the gutter has been-designed to take the drainage; that there will not be a catchwbasin. none had been received prior thereto; and Beim's motion for approval of project was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. (See later resolution). TREATMENT IMPROVEMENT IN W.57TH STREET FROM CODE AVENUE TO BERNARD PLACE. Estimate of Cost was given at a total of $3,899.63, proposed to be assessed against 538.40 feet for $7.24 per assessable foot. Mr. Laraasen, reminding Council that the entire assessment must be borne by %ide" footage in this case, asked for a general fund subsidy. He was told that it is the policy to assess corner lots "in full" for above-ground improvements and that his "request cannot be granted. improvement. been received prior thereto. Ordering Improvement). FROM LOT 3, W.I.ANDERSON'S ADDN. TO 384' W.; AND BENTON AVE. FROM'JOHNSON DR. TO TRACY AVE. Estimate of Cost was read at $10,340.18, proposed to be assessed -against 13 lots for $795.40 per lot. .Hearing, and none had been-received prior thereto. Engineer Zikan pointed out, adhowever, that Highway #169 relocation will be taking some of the lots. -He - asked Council policy on continuing the main into what will be highway r/w. Because of the uncertainty!of highway plans, it was decided to go ahead with the entire project, and Dickson moved for 'approval ,of project. .Motion seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in meeting, Ordering Improvement). Pursuant to said Notice the following public hearings were conducted 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IN MELODY LANE He was informed that the specifications (See Minutes of later in meeting, for Resolution Ordering Improvement), There were no objections from the Tupa offered the 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENT: AS * FOLLOW : North Line of Colonial Grove 5th Addn. to W.56th Street; and of Park Place; and Dickson's motion-for approval of project Mr. Pierce, 84441, There were no objections from the floor, and 5. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE ' He stated that he is still in favor of the No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had Tupa's motion approving project was seconded (See Resolution of later in-Geeting, *by Beim and unanimously carried; 6. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT*IN BENTON AVE. There were no objections registered at the - 1 6/13/60 PUBLIC HEARING ON SIDE YARD VARIANCE, 4501 DUNHAM DRIVE. Mr. Hite presented Affidavit of Mailing of "Notice of Hearing" to affected property owners. 7The request is for a 15-foot side yard, whereas Zoning Ordinance re-quires 20 feet. Attorney Hall, representing owner Paul Bawnann, summarized for Council the events leading to request, stating Nr. Baumann had checked with Village Building Inspector before siting his home and had, then,been given permission to place it 15 feet fromllooddale Avenue; that he had accordingly compacted his yard to obtain full utilization of the area; that he had later received a Village Building Permit showing a 15-foot si-de yard setback; that his footings had been inspected and approved, and he had then proceeded with construction; that, if Mr. Baumann could correct, he would, but that this correction would spoil his house plan because he would have to move his garage to the south of the lot, giving a "jerry-built" look to the structure. Council that the neighbors had stopped Mr. Baumann dhen the footings were put in, June 8th recommendation for denial of variance was reviewed by Council; and Mr. Hall told rhembers that Commission had laid some streas on a statement to Chairman Todd that Mr. Bauman would be glad to m6ve his garage--that such statement was unauthorized by Mr. Bauman and he does nofi know where it came from; that owner had no opportunity f6r hearing before the Commission. Wooddale; Scott, #4513 Dunham Drive, and Hillstrom, Claremore Court, all asked that Council require builder to adhere to Ordinance provisions. lfr. Scott stated the owner knew he was in trouble before he went beyond his footings, and Mr. Hillstrom said the variance, if granted, would establish a precedent for this area--which has, heretofore, been well controlled. Kohler's motion, that request for variance be tabled pending a hearing before the Planning Commission, was seconded by Beim and carried, with Dickson voting no; and, upon Mr. Hite's state- ment that there will be a Commission meeting before the Council Meeting of June 27, new Council Hearing on matter was tentatively scheduled for June 27. pointed out in the Hearing that Nr. Baumann is an experienced builder in Edina and should have been aware of Ordinance provisions. Mr. Whitney, 7204 Wooddale Avenue, told but that three or four days he later he had proceeded. Planning Commission's - Messrs. Vhitney, $7204 It was PUBLIC HEARIKG ON REAR LOT VARIANCE, 6629 IJEGT SHORE DRIVE. Affidavit of Mailing of ''Notice of Hearing" to affected property owriers. Mr. Hite presented The request considered was that of Mr. Harry H. Corey, representing Trade Shows,Inc., for a 20-foot setback on Lot 8, Block 2, lloodhill Addition (6629 West Shore Drive). It was pointed out by Mr. Hite that Village Ordinance requirements actual.ly provide for a 60-foot rear yard because of the lot depth. Mr.Scroggins, of Bees-Thomson-Scroggins, developer, told Council that deed restrictions provide that dwellings on Lot$ 8, 9 and 10, Block 2 be constructed on the rear 113 feet; that both Planning Commission and Council had been aware of these restrictions and had approved of them at time of plat approval; that topography on front of lots is low and swampy and f'unbuildable'', and that it was intended that homes be situated on rear of lots to afford a view of the lake. 4520 Laguna Drive, objected to the'granting of the variance, stating he does not like the idea of three homes so close to his side lot line; that moving the hoges five feet to the west might require some fill, it would not"be necessary to change the plan of any of the three. dation for approval of variance on lot 8 only, was reviewed; and Dickson moved that Council establish the rear-yard setback of Lot 8, Block 2, lloodhill, at 25 feet and go on record as favoring a 25-foot setback for Lots 9 and 10, Block 2. Motion was seconded by Kohler and carried. must be held on variances for Lots 9 and 10 before official Council action can be taken. Mr. Kenneth Persons, Planning Commission's June 8th recomen- It was pointed out that public hearings PUBLIC HEARING ON SIDE YARD VARIANCE FOR 6101 CODE AVENUE. Mr. Hite submitted Affidavit of Miling of "Notice of Hearing" to affected property owners. was conducted on Furney's Remodeling Service, Inc.'s request for variance from 15-foot side yard requirement of zoning ordinance, on north side of Lot 13, B1. 3, Birchcrest Addition (6101 Code Avenue), for purpose of adding to home'already constructkd on'lot; home having been builff at a time when ordinance required only a' ten-foot side yard. Planning Commission's June 8th recommendation for approval of request was reviewed; there were no objections registered, and Beimmved for Motion seconded' by Tupa and carried. Hearing the granting of the requested variance and establishing side yard at ten feet. 1 PUBLIC REARING ON PETITION OF ROY E. HELM FOR PERMIT TO BUILD TWO-FAMILY DWELLIKG ON LOT 1, BLOCK 1, RUBY ADDITION (6213 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH). Affidavit of Mailing of "Notice of Hearing" was presented by Mr. Hite; who reviewed Planning Commission's June 8th recommendation for approval. floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. be issued. Motion seconded'by Kohler and carried. There were no objections registered from the Dickson moved that permit 61 + 1 6/13&0 *(.* f pumc ,HEBUNG ,ON ' <$~LT~ON *oE: i? i. ,ANPER~~N FOR PERMXT TO 'WUNTA~N .~O-WELY DI?ELLING ON COT 1, BLOCE: 1, SRELEY'S PIIRST bDN. (5400 X%RXE!: AVg, SO.)) ;?) Mr. Hite presented Affidavit of Mailing of "Notice of Hearing"; then rei&ewedr.q Planning Commission's recommendation denking request. this single-family dwelling is being maintained as a two-family dwelling; that owner has been informed by Village that hemust either get permit for two- family dwelling or convert house to single-family use. A petition opposing two-family dwelling was presented by Mr. and Mrs. R.D. Josephson, signed by owners of some 25 neighboring properties. A Mrs. Hamerlund, representing Mr. Anderson, told Council that if Mr. Anderson is not allowed to maintain a two-family dwelling on the premises he has a sale i~e~@o&ich will mean that a family of about fifteen people will move in. against a two-family dwelling, and Kohler moved for denial of petition and for conversion to one-family dwelling. Mr, Hite told Council fetreianers were adamant Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION OF "THAT PART OF ZARKSPUWLANE LYING NORTH OF THE EXTENDED SOUTH LINES OF LOTS ONE AND THREE. BLOCK ONE, LAKE EDINA ADDN.. CONSISTING OF A 50-FOOT DIAMETER HALF CIRCLE. Posting and Mailing of "Notice of Hearing" were presented, approved as to form, Affidavi,ts of Publication, and ordered placed on file. showing what is proposed: 2. Lots 1, 2 and 3. 3. Exchange of properties, by owners of Lots 1, 2, and 3, to re-align'lot lines. proposed-to-be-vacated-portion of street which must be obtained. There were no objections to the proposed street vacation, and Mr. Floeen, owner of Lot 2, told Council that Messrs. Person, #4800 and Smith, 84820, owners of lots 3'and 1, respectively, had agreed to this plan. Planning Director Hire presented a small plat, Vacation of "half-circle" Larkspur Lane. ' 1. Accrual of all of Vacated Street to Lot 2 (rather than part to each of Mr. Zikan reported that there are easements in the Kohler offered the following Resolution . and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION VACATING STREET THAT PART OF LARKSPUR LANE LYING NORTH OF THE EXTENDED SOUTH LINES OF LOTS ONE AND THREE, BLOCK ONE, LAKE EDINA ADDITION, CONSISTING OF A 50-FOOT HALF-CIRCLE WHEREAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on June 13, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., on the Vacation of the following of Larkspur Lane: line dravln frqm.-&hel mosC'.Soa..he'rly' corner of. I;ot 1, Block 1, Lake Xdina Addition, to the &si;Smtherly %nd WektZrly ,corner.. of. Lpli 3,. I5lo'ck. I $. Lake Edina Addition" has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council: Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that vacated. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: B Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Reso ortion "That part of Larkspur Lane lying Borthtasterly OB a sixaight NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of THAT portion of Larkspur Lane hereinbefare described be and hereby is ( (Kohler then moved that Clerk be instructed to delay transmittal of the Resolution Vacating Street until such time as the Village is in receipr of - 1. Letters of intent from owners of Lots One and'Three, Block One, to deed to owner of Lot 2 that portion of the vacat6d street'which accrues to them; and. to accept proposed re2alignment of lot lines in such manner as to give Lot Two approximately 100-foot frontage on Larkspur Lane.' Easement through lots for'village Storm Sewer, and Easement for Sanltary Sewer in that portion of Larkspur Lane vacated. seconded by Tupa 'and carried. Motion was RE-ALIGNMENT OF LOT LINES FOR LOTS 1, 2 AND 3, BLOCK 1, LAKE EDINA ADDN. APPROVED. Kohler then moved for approval of Re-alignment of Lot Lines of'Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Lake Edina Addn., in such manner as to give Lot 2 approximately 100-foot frontage on Larkspur Lane and side lot lines approximately perpendicular to the street line--said approval being subject to'the same stipulations as listed for the Vacation of Half-Circle Larkspur Lane--was seconded by Tupa and carried. PUBLIC HEARSNG ON PROPOSED VACATION OF SPRUCE ROAD FROM TIE EAST LINE OF MONROE AVENUE TO THE WEST LINE OF'HARRISON AVENUE. * Affidavits of Publication, Posting and Mailing of "Notice of Hearing'' were submitted, approved as to form and ordered placed on fi'le. to take place, namely - 1. 1/2 of the vacated street to 'tke former "streetcar r/w (now owned by Everett Garrison) kby vacation proceedings. 2. street to owners of the properties abutting the street on the'south--and dedication by said owners of "their" vacated one-half street to Everett Garrison. Dedication by Everett Garrison of the North 30 feet of the streetcar r/Q to Edina for continuation of joint Hopkins-Edina border road. the bonder road as planned with Hopkins, and will also enable Mr. Garrison to plat. I Planning Director Hite presented a map showing what is proposed Vacation of Spruce Road, and reversion of the North Reversion of the South 1/2 of the vacated 3. ' This negotiation will permit I e-* -- - A, * --t .* 6/13/60 - . . .I r. Hite told Council he had talked with some,of the owners south of proposed-to- be-vacated Spruce Road, and that they have agreed to make dedication of their portion of the vacated street; that.he does not have agreement from all of them, Spruce Road between Van Buren and Harrison Avenue; that easement must be secured before this transaction is completed. told Council that Hopkins .is considering rezoning to commercial the Northeast corner of Monroe and Third--which will he directly across cchird Streetrfrorn them- that they vehemently protest this rezoning and the truck traffic which will result therefrom; that they would like a representative of the Village to appear with them at the Hopkins meeting, to aid them in registering a protest. Hite directed to accompany gentlemen, with Council's direction to oppose rezoning on behalf of Edina. adoption: :'" however. Engineer Zikan informed Council that Village has a sanitary sewer in Two gentlemen from Monroe and Third Street Planning Director Beim then offered the following Resolution and moved its RESOLUTION VACATING SmET - SPRUCE ROAD FROM TJE EAST LINE OF MONROE AVENUE TO THE WEST LINE OF HARRISON AVENUE InIHEREAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on June 13, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., on the proposed Vacation of Spruce Road from the East line of Monroe Avenue to the Vest line of Harrison Avenue has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Viilage Council, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that NOU, WREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, SPRUCE ROAD between the East Line of Monroe Avenue and the Vest Line of Harrison Avenue, as platted and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, be and hereby is vacated. Mofion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: B kson, aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Reso .- .1 & (Village Clerk 1. ( (Beim thin moved that Village Clerk'be directed to delay transmittal of ths resolution for by Mr. Garrison to Village, and for sanitary sewer easement, have been reached. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. record until agreements for dedication of property to Mr. Garrison, CONTRACTS'AVARDED ON BIDS TAKEN TODAY. to Advertisements for Bids published in Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin on June 2 and 9, 1960, was presented, and Council action was taken as hereinafter recorded. NO. 170--Croyden Lane, Lochloy Drive and Ayrshire Blvd. of four bids, Phelps-Drake, Inc., being low bidder at $55,05&.90, Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., second-low at $57,k35.00, Cobarn & Meek, at $59,33d.00 and Northern Contractg ing Company, high bid, at $6B,Q9P.00 for sewer in this improvement. recommended award of contract to low bidder, and Dickson so moved. Motion seconded by Kohler and carried, NO. 171-E. Service Drive of Highway 100 froml?.70th St. to North line of Lot 11, Normandale Terrace. being low bidder at $11,638.00, Barbarossa & Sons, Inc.,. $17,792.00, Coburn & Meek, $18,460.00, and Northern Contracting Co., high bidder at $15,179.00 for sewer in blvd. by the same bidders. basis of laying sewer in boulevard, and Dickson so moved. .Kohler and carried, SEWER IMPROVEHENT NO. 53. that of J.A. Danens and Son at $1,260.00, and that of M.E. Krafft at $1,170.00 for the Earthwork involving removal and stopkpiling of topsoil, respreading of topsoil, and finish grade; plus bid of Danens in total amount of $4,804.80 for removal of excess fill and hauling to Village parks at 69th and EfcGuire, and Pamela Park, and bid of Krafft in amount of $6,975.00 for same work. An alternate had been taken, asking prices for contractor's loading and hauling clay and topsoil for his own use. On this, Danens bid Wo Chargel', and Krafft did not bid. Manager recommended award to Danens on the basis of $5,260 for Earthwork, plus $556.80 for loading and hauling to 69th and McGuire (870 C.Y. at 64~). He told Council the Park Fund does not have sufficient in its budget to pay for the hauling to Bamela Park ($4,248.00) and contractor will' haul for his own use, at No charge. Beim's motion for award of contract in accord with Manage& recommendation was seconded by Dickson and carried. Tabulation of bids taken today, in response 1. CONTRACT AI~ARDED TO PHELPS-DRAKE. INC. FOR SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENT Tabulation showed receipt Manager 2. CONTRACT PlIJARDED TO PHELPS-DRAKE, INC. FOR SANITARY SEWER IM)?ROVEh€ENT Tabulation showed receipt of four bids, Phelps-Drake, Inc. Bids received for sewer in street were $16,905 to $20,422.00 respectively, Manager Hyde recommended award'of contract to low bidder on Motion second6d by 3. CONTRACT AVARDED TO J.A. DANENS & SON FOR STORN DRAINAGE BASIN IN 'STORM Tabulation of bids showed receipt of only two bids; - 99 bANENS ' & ' SOi . Eabu-'*. I, 1 .# 6/I3/6*0 , ~~-~~- 5 d r, I t. , -. JACKSON-B~W~~E 'LANE ' that purchase by Danens be approved, EXCESS FILL' TO iE 'SOLD T6 J'. i lation of. bids taken today showed one bid that of J. A. Danens 4 Sons,'Inc., in amount.of 1OC per C.Y. Dickson and carried. NO BIDS RECEIVED ON SALE OF LOT. Mr. Hyde reported that no bids had been received'to purchase the Village-owned lot at 66th and Cornelia Drive. to purchase 10,000 C.Y. excess fill; He recommended and Kohler so moved. Motion seconded by 1 "BUFFER"REQU1RED FOR "DANDY'S DRIVE-IN" PROPERTY. %ernes Avenue South, complained that Mr. Robert Mikkelson, owner of the Dandy's Drive-In property,had failed to comply with Council stipulation, made at time of issuance of building permit for Dandy's;,for a buffer of plantings between the Mikkelson and Streit properties. Mr. Streit told Council he has attempted several times to get the plantings matter settled; had presented two estimates to Mr. Mikkelson; had agreed to have plantings on his property, all without visible result; that Mikkelson has failed to fill a long, narrow hole on the Streit side of his property, thus maintaining a dangerous nuisance there. Some discussion was had, and it was ordered by Council that Mr. Mikkelson be ordered to either satisfy Mr. Streit before June 27, or appear at Meeting to explain why agreement cannot be reached. COUNCIL SUPPORTS CANDIDATES'' AFFIDAVITS OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES. Manager Hyde recommended that Council support applying Sec.211.20, Minn. Election Laws to municipalities of 20,000 population or more. This would require candidates for Edina offices, and their committees, to file affidavits of campaign receipts and expenditures. municipalities of 20,000 or more population was made by Kohler, seconded by Dickson and carried. Mr. James Streit, 6612 Council ' Motion in support of applying Sec. 211.20 to COUNTY ROAD #18 RELOCATION. BETWEEN TRUNX HIGJNAYS NO. 169 AWl 5, APPROVED. County Engineer L. P. Pederson presented plan for Relocation of County Road 818 between TH #169 and TH #5, stating that since the Village had discussed the matter of the shiftrin the-alignment into the Edina Park property, the Cotinty has now agreed to shift back to the old alignment as submitted some time ago. Manager Hyde recommended approval of plan, and Kohler so moved. Motion was seconded by Beim and it was carried. APPROVAL GRANTED FOR CROSSTOWN HIGHWAY GRADE, XERXES AVENUE TO VALLEY VIEW ROAD BEST OF HIGHV7AY NO. 100. Hennepin County Highway Engineer L.P.Pederson, presenting detailed construction plans dated May 9, 1960, told Council the County wants to award bids some time in July for construction of the first stage of Crosstown Highway between Xerxes Avenue and Valley View Road west of the Beltline, which includes grading, storm sewer, and construction of three bridges; that estimated cost is $773,000; that esthated cost for Edina's portion of proposed storm sewer (which has been enlarged by County to take drainage from surrounding area) is $87,000 plus approximately $2,500 to cover engineering costs. Mr. Pederson asked Council approval of grade, in order that County might proceed. Mr. Pederson told Council that Service Drives will be provided, with the stipulation that Village maintain them after they are improved; that improvement will consist of bituminous surface treatment, and curb and gutter where the north-south Village streets are curb-and-guttered. took exception to this last, asking that service drives be curb-and-guttered, regardless of the state of Village approaches; that full cost of curb and gutter be paid by County. the curb abutting private property should be assessed, he did agree that the County would pay for constmction of curb and gutter in the service drives before the Village gets them for maintenance. which the Council and Messrs. Pederson and McKay reached agreement was the construction by the County of two pedestrian overpasses--one at approxi- mately Vooddale Avenue, and one west of Highway 100, for Normandale Park. RESOLUTION FOR GRADE APPROVAL Plans were inspected at some length. Council Although Mr, Pederson objected that that part of Another point on CROSSTOhW HIGHWAY WHEREAS, plans for State Project No. 27-662-01, U 106-l(2) showing . proposed alignment, profiles, grades and cross-sections, together with speci- fications and special provisions for the construction of County-State Aid Highway 62 within the limits of the Village as a Federal Aid Project have been prepared and presented to the Village: special provisions be in all things approved. , NOI?,'THEREFORE, IT IS RESOLVED: That said plans, specifications and Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by %pa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: ATTEST : Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Mayor .- 6/ 13/60 iooTupa then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR AGREEMENT BETIJEEN N.UNICIPAZfTY AND COUNTY POR FEDERAL-AID HICWYAY "l3PRdV@~W? .. BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Edina, as a condition of the receipt by the County of Hennepin of Federal funds for the construction, reconstruction or improvemeat of any State Aid Highway within the Village enter into an agreement with the County, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof:- J AGREEkBNT BETWEEN ERTNICIPALITY AND COUNTY FOR FEDERAL-AID HIGHISJAY DPROVEMENT "THIS AGREEMENT mad9 by the Village of Edina, Minnesota, hereinafter CaIIed the '%unicipalityfr with the County of Hennepin, hereinafter called the %ounty", VITNESSETH: IEIEREAS, the United States Government, through the Bureau of Public Roads of the Department of Commerce does apportion Federal funds for the con- struction, reconstruction and improvement of highway projects on approved systems of-public roads, and are now or may be eligible for the participation of these Federal funds in their improvement or construction, and WHEREAS, the Bureau of Public Roads as a condition to the use of Federal funds on approved State Aid Projects requires the agreement of the Municipality to control road signs, traffic control devices, advertising signs, miscellaneous installations, speed and parking, NOW, THEREFORE, the Hunicipality in consideration of the expenditure and use of Federal funds for the construction, reconstruction, or improvement of any State Aid.Highway within the limits of the Nunicipality agrees with the County as follows:- shall be erected on any Federal-Aid Secondary project within the Plunicipality limits except.as shall conform with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices dated August, 1948, prepared by the American Association of State Highway Officials, approved by the State of Minnesota, and concurred in by the Commissioner of Public Roads, or any subsequent revisions. Federal-Aid Secondary project shall be held and maintained inviolate as a public highway and no posters,billboards, roadside stands, curb pumps, curb service devices or other private installations and no signs, other than traffic control or protective devices shall be permitted within the right of way limits of the projects. within its jurisdiction which may be or cause an obstruction or interfere with the free flow of traffic or which may be or cause a hazard to traffic or which may vitiate or impair the usefulness of the project and which may be required to be removed by the County at its own election or at the request of the Commissioner of Public Roads remove or cause removal of the same. be less than 30 miles per hour. of Highways and the Commissioner of Public Roads for use under similar con- ditions shall be adopted on any Federal-Aid Secondary project." BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Mayor and Clerk be and they hereby are authorized to execute said Agreement for and on behalf of the Village. I . BHEREAS, said State Aid Highways within the limits of a Municipality (1) No signs, traffic control devices or other protective structures (2) All right of way within the limits of the Nunicipality on any The Municipality will with respect to such items as are (3) (4) The speed limits on any Federal-Aid Secondary project shall not Parking regulations generally recommended by the Commissioner Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; aye; Kohler, aye; Tupa, and on Rollcall there were CROSSTWN HIGHUAY STORM SENER IMPROVEMENT TO RECEIVE PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 27. 3ir. Pederson told Council that County's Estimate of village share of cost of proposed Crosstown Highway Storm Sewer is $87,000 plus Engineering; and Nr. Hyde added that this cost is somewhat above the Estimate made by Adolph Meyer and Associates. Manager Hyde suggested, after discussion with Attorney Hasselquist, that Public Hearing be held on proposed storm sewer on June 27, and it was so ordered. I HIGHF7AY EASEMENT GRANTED HENNEPIN COUNTY. Plat was presented, showing area wanted by County for permanent right-of-way, and area to be used for peat disposal, and Manager Hyde recommcnded granting the easement as hereinafter recorded, in return for County's letting Village use part of Block 11, Normandale Addition. This, messrs Pederson and IizcKay agreed to, on condition Village does not block drainage. property. Beim's motion, granting Highway Easement in the following described property to Hennepin County, was seconded by Tupa and carried: They explained that they will have two five-foot culverts in the 9, > I. e -6113166 #. . '!The: Northe;rly.230-~feetP.'o~Z~ the 5JL.2- of? NEU4-of 3 Secc3dB;zR.Jp,*28 *N, , 8.24 W., 103. lying Vest of Vly right-of-way line of Valley View Rd., being Registered %and as evidenced by Certificate of Title Numbered 289070 and 269393, Also that part of said S.1/2 of NE1/4, lying W, of Wly right-of-way line of Valley-View Rd. described as follows: 230' S. (when measured at right angles) from the N. line of the S1/2 of NE1/4 of said Sec. 30; th. W. parallel with N. line of S. 1/2 of NE1/4 of said Sec. 30 a dist. of 330 feet, th. SEly to a point on Wly right-of-way 1ine.of Valley View Rd. 220 feet Sly of point of beginning (as measured along said Wly right- of-way line); th. Nly along said Wly right-of-way line of Valley View Rd. to point of beginning, Containing 7.92 acres more or less. Together with all right of access being the right of iQgress to and egress from all that part of the above tract not required herein to the public street to be constructed within the limits of the areas as described above except that the grantor shall retain the right to access to the Wly 560 feet of said tract. Also the right to place peat and other materials prior to December 31, 1962 on the Sly 100 feet of Nly 330 feet of that part of said S1/2 of NEly 1/4 lying I?. of Valley View Road and E. of W. 560 feet thereof". 'Beginning at a point on Wly right-of-way line of Valley View Rd. dist. SUPPLEMBNTARY AGREEMENT WITH RICHFIELD, RELATING TO USE OF WATER AND SEWER MAINS IN XERXES AVENUE, APPROVED. Rjchfield agreement dated October 8, 1956, and providing for connection by Edina residents to the sewer fnstalled in Xerxes Avenue between 69th and 70% Sts. and between 73% and 78th Sts. upon payment to Richfield of a connection charge of $4.80 per front foot, was reviewed by Council, and, upon recommendation of Manager Hyde, was approved and ordered signed by Mayor and Manager, by motion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried. This agreement, supplementary to an Edina- IMPROVEMENT 'PETITIONS ACCEPTED. submitted, and were accepted and referred to Village Engiqeer for programming by motion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried; ne following Petitions for Improvements were OILING - W.6Oth St., France Ave? to Chowen-Ave. . OILING - Jeffrey Lane, Kayqmr Drive to Blake Road. OILING - W.64th St. and Holburn St., Tingdale Ave. to Whiting St. OILING - Hankerson Ave., W.52nd St., north, OILING - I?. 60th St., Wooddale to -Fairfax; Fairfax to St. Johns; St. Johns OILING - W.59th St., Wooddale Ave. to Fairfax Ave. .OILING - Monroe Ave., Third St. to Belmore Lane. OILING - Ayrshire Blvd., Glengarry Parkway to Chantrey Rd., Chantrey Rd, OILING - Limerick Lane, W.66th St. to W.OOth St. , CURB AND GUTTER - Tingdale Aye., W.6Oth St. fo Valley View Rd., and BLACKTOPPING - Same as above STORM SEWER - Blake Road, Spruce Road to Belmore-Lane; Griffit St,, . to Ashcroft. to Mirror Lakes Dr., Mirror Lakes Dr. to Dundee Road. . .Clover Ridge, Valley View Road to .Tingdale Aye. 4 * Spruce Rd. to Belmore.Lane; Griffit St., Belmore Lane to-Maloney Ave.; Belmore Lane, Griffit to Arthur. . PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED JwE 27* Council reviewed Plans and Estimates I of Costs as set up by Village Engineer, and Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT, SANITARY SENER, WATERMAIN AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina:. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the'feasibility of the proposed Improvements described in the Forms of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the-estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved.and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons al. e 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, June 27, 1960,.at 7:OO P.M., in the interested in said proposed improvements. *I a 3# The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, + place and purpose of said meeting.to be published in the official newspaper once a-week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notices shall be .in substantially the following form: *. . a) NOTICE OF PUBLIG HEARINGS ON BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT, SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, June 27, 1960, at.7:OO.P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to.be con- structed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws.of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village as herein- after set forth: 6/13/60 PO2 ESTIWTEI; C$ST CONSTRUCTXON OF VILLAGE "SANITARY SEVER AND APPURTENANCES IN 'rM3 FOLLOIITNG STREET: Halifax Lane from the south line of Southridge Addn. to 260 feet N. * $3,140.37 CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE IIATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN TtzE FOLLOIiING STREETS: I - Johnson Drive from Grove St, to 'E[wy.#169-212; .. Kwy. iE.169-212 from Johnson Dr. to Carol Drive; Warden Ave. from Tracy Ave. to Johnson Drive CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMINOUS SWACE TREATMENT IN THE Park Place from W.55th St. to W.54th St. $15 , 871 . 24 FOLLOIJIKG STREET: . $7,521.49 The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of each of said proposed improve- ments includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets proposed to be improved. I GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk NOTICE OF PUBLIC JEARING ON b) STORM SEWER EDINAVILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, June 27, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvement to be con- structed under the authority granted by Eiinnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398, The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: ESTIMATED GOST CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEVER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING : Along the North line of Lot 12, Block 11, Normandale Addn. from a point 160' E. of the W7 corner thereof to Virginia Ave.; Virginia Ave. from Wly extension of the N. lhe of Lot 12, B1.ll, Normandale Addn. to 'If. 65th St.; W.65th St. from Virginia Ave. to IJilryan Ave.; Vilryan Ave, from 117~65th St. to 280' S;; Josephine Ave, fromT7.65th St. to T7.64th St. W.64th St. from Josephine Ave. to Wllryan Ave,; Wilryan Ave, from 17.64th St; to Elysextension of N. line of Lot 6, Block-3, Normandale 2nd Addn.; Along the N. line of Lots 6 and 25, Block 3, Normandale 2nd Addn.; Lots 6 and 25, Block 4, Normandale 2nd Addn.; Lot 6, Block 5, Normandale 2nd Addn.; and Lot 4, Hawkinson Addn. -I $188,192.55 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the Storm Sewer Improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: '$Begin. at a pt. on centerline ofovirginia Ave., 240' N. of centerline of W.65th St.; th. 17. 150'; th. NJly to MJ Cor. of Lot 3, B1. 12, Normandale;.th. S71y to a pt. 30''s. of NlJ Cor. of Lot 5, Bl. 13, Normandale; th. W7ly along a line through the SE Cor. of Lot 3, B1. 15,Normandale, to a pt. 120' NWly of said SE Cor; of said Lot 3; th. N7ly to the NlJ Cor. of Lot I, B1. 15, Normandale; th. W. to E. line of Sec, 4, T.116 N.,R.21; th. N. along said section line a dist, of 300"; th. m7ly to the Nt7 Cor. of Lot 28, B1. 1, Normandale Second Addn.; th. Vly to NI? Cor, of Lot 3, B1. 2, Normandale Second Addn.; th. NJly to intersection of centerline of Bilryan Ave. and V.63rd St.; th. Vly along centerline of W.63rd St. to extended W. line of Lot I, Bl. 3, Normandale Second Addn,; th. NlJly to apt. on N. line of Lot 12, SI. 4, James A. Roberts Estate which is 40' Nly of NE Cor, of said Lot 12; th. Wly to Nk7 Cor. of Lot 9, said B1. 4; th. Nt7ly to intersection of centerline of Rolf Ave, with a line extending fromNE Cor, of Lot 4, B1, 3, of James A. Roberts Estate to SE Cor. of Lot 2, B1, 5, James A. Roberts Estate; th. Sly to said SE Cor. of said Lot 2; th. Wly along S. line of said Lot 2 a dist. of 50'; th. Sly along a line parallel to E. line of B1. 5 to apt. 50I-N. of S. line of B1. 5; th. I?. parallel to centerline of W.63rd St. to centerline of Warren Ave,; th, S. to centerline of lJ.63rd St.; th. SEly to a pt. on centerline of IJ.64th St. whch is 50' 17. of E. line of B1. 6, Normandale Second Addition; th. E. along centerline of S.64th St, to Centefiine of Rolf Ave.; th, S. along Rolf Ave. to extended N. line of Lot 21, Bl. 11, Normandale Second Addn.; tb. SEly to intersection of the extended N. line of Lot 10, B1. 11 and centerline of Tingdale Ave.; th. S. along centerline of Tingdale Ave. to centerline of W.65th St.; th, SEly to SE Cor. of Lot 23, B1.17, Normandale Second Addn.; th, E. along the extended S. line of said Lot 23 to a pt. 80' t7. of centerline of IJilryan Ave.; th. S, parallel to centerline of Wilryan Ave. to N. line of Lot 12, BI. 17, Normandale Second Addition; th. SEly to intersection of centerline of Wilryan Ave. and S.66th St.; th. E. to centerline of Josephine Ave.; th. SEly to a pt. 230' S, of centerline of 17.66th St. and 210' PI. of E. line of Sec.4, T.116 N., R.218.; th. SEly along a line directed toward a pt. on the extended centerline of Roycar Rd. which is 530' E. of If. line of Sec.30,T.28 N., R.24 I?.; tho along saidl?, section line to a pt. 80' N. of centerline of W.66tb St.; th. Ely parallel to the centerline of 1-7.66th St, to a pt. 80' E, of centerline of Virginia Ave.; I 8 't' -. * I ,*, - -6113160 , 1 e* .I paraldel.*lto.tcen-te;l3~ne-.'of. VLxginia Ave. a dist. 'of 825' ; th. Wly 10 3 centerline of Virginia Ave. &ich is 240' W. of centerline-of GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Vi 1 lage Clerk W.65th St., which is the pt. of beginning." 72 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall IMPROVEMENT BIDS AUTHORIZED FOR JUNE 27. Resolution and moved its adoption: Beim offered the following RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATTONS,FOR PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER AND STORM SEWER AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVBD by'the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids forms, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in $he office of the Village Clerk-are hereby approved. ... 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-I$oWingside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said Sanitary Sewer improvement: ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS . SANITARY SEZ?ER SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:OO A.M., Monday, June 27, 1960, and the Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.M., on Monday, June 27, 1960, to consider said bids, being for the following: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN TNE FOLLOWING STREET: 1 Benton Ave. from Lot 3, W.I.Anderson's Addn. to 384 feet W.; Benton Ave. froq Johnson Drive to Tracy Ave. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. deposit of $10.00, which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications, by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. the right to reject any or all bids. Plans and specifications areaavailable for a No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied The Council reserves BY ORQER OF THF, EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN s. ALD~N Village Clerk This Council confirms and approves the Clerk's action in causing to 3. be published in the official newspaper and the Construction Bulletin, onA June 9, 16 and 22, 1960, the followinglnotice for bids for said Storm Sewer Improvement : ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS STORM SEWER SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 I?. 50th St., at 11:OO A.M., Monday, June 27, 1960, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.M. on Monday, June 27, 1960, to consider said bids, being for the following: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEGJER AND APPURTENANCES IN TkE FOLLOWING: 160' E. of the Northwest corner thereof to Virginia Ave.; Normandale Addition to W.65th St.; Along North line of Lot 12, Block 11, Normandale Addition from a point Virginia Ave. from FJesterly extension of the N, line of Lot 12, Block 11, W.65th St. from Virginia Ave. to Wilryan Ave.; lJilryan Ave. from W.65th St. to 280' S.; Josephine Ave. from W.65th St. to W.64th St.; V.64th St. from Josephine Ave. to Vilryan Aye.; Wilryan Ave. fromW.64th St. to Easterly extension of N. line of . Lot 6, Block 3, Normandale 2nd Addn.; Along N. line of Lots 6 and 25, Block 3, Normandale 2nd Addn., Lots 6 and 25, Block 4, Normandale 2nd Addn.; Lots 6, Block 5, Normandale 2nd Addition, and Lot 4, Hawkinson Addn. I IJork must be done as described in plans and,specificat onslon file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00, which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied Council reserves GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk I- I * ,-* . -.* -. -6/3,3/60, ~ I . . .-. . -% *. IO&-.-**-% **.p-m ir snilv+ *rp-.cqsI* -,**- -*Zrnrmuriu*qli* Cm #vu . 316 rwiuu Itaii)iymt*a r-+p r-4 &.-a 4, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement forcbids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract €or each.of said improvements. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as fOl1007S: Beim, aye; Di aye; KohAer, aye; Tupa, aye; , and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was ado w ARCON CONSTRUCTION COIPANY MOVING OUT OF BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS. tir. Jim Sullivan asked when Arcon would be moving its equipment out of Brookview Heights; Arcon being paving contractor. Manager Hyde told him that contractor had started hauling some equipment out today, and that further work would proceed tomorrow. STORM DAMAGE CLAIMS REFERRED TO INSURER AND VILLAGE ATTORNEY. Mr, Hyde reported receipt of the following Claims for Damages as the result of the May 20th storm: Dr. Charles A. Neumeister, 5901 Grimes Lane - $15,000.00 Mr. G, C. Paske, 4509 Tower Street - $1812?00 Mr. L, 6. Fahlberg - $lOO;OO - 5200 17.6lst St. Mrs, A. J. Price - $31.50 - 5540 St.Johns Avenue Motion by Beim for referral to Insurers and Village Attorney was seconded by Kohler and carried. 3Ir. Hyde reported the Village proposes to intercept a private drain which comes down to 56th St. from the North , at approximately two lots Vest of St.Johns,and will carry water to existing storm sewer in V.56th St. about midway between Wooddale and St.Johns Avenue, charging cost of the Drainage allocation of the General Fund. COUNTRYSIDE ADDITION-ELIASONES REPLAT REJECTED. Council reviewed Planning Commission's June 8th recommendation for rejection of this Replat of Lots 7 and 8, Block 3, Country- side Addition, into three lots; and Tupa moved that plat be rejected in accordance with Commission's recommendations. PRELIMINARY PLAT OF WARDEN ACRES-McGRJWS REPLAT APPROVED. Motion by Beim, seconded by Kohler and carried, for approval of this replat of Lot 3, Warden Acres into four. 80 foot lots, facing Johnson Drive and Tracy Avenue. recommended aaaroval as nf .Tune 8- *. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. I 1. Planning Commission had PRELIMINARY PLAT OF RICHMOND HILLS-JONES REPLAT APPROVED, This proposed replat of Lot 10, Block 2, Richmond-Hills Second Addition, into two lots, was presented carrying Planning Commission's June 8th recommendation for approval; and Beim moved for Council approval. NODIANDALE SECOND-BERG' S REPLAT--PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS APPROVED. Replat carried Commission's recommendation for approval of both Preliminary and Final Plats, lots of 66-foot frontage each. Preliminary and Final Plat was seconded by Tupa and carried. Motion-seconded by Dickson and carried. . Dickson's motion for approval of Council for both It is of Lots 1,2,3 and 4, Block 21, Normandale Second Addition, into three SOUTHDALE ACRES FINAL PLAT APPROVED.3Planning Director Hite presented this Final Plat, carrying Planning Codssion's June 8, 1960 recommendation for approval-- which .recommendation*was reviewed in detail by Council, This plat is the first section of a larger plat approved in preliminary form under the name of "Southdale Apartment Addition" , Council it is recommended that this plat be given Sanitary Sewer and Vatemin service through Trunk Mains, which will also serve a much greater area than the presently considered plat--including the Pearce Property, the balance of Southdale Apartments, the proposed Bospital area.at Crosstown and France Avenue, and some properties East of France Avenue and North of the Crosstown; that it is,proposed to bring the Trunk Sewer in from the kichfield Outletsat 65th-and Xerxes-which will require a Metering Station; that*Trunk-iJatermain aould.be brought in across approximately 64th Street; that the entire benefited area wouldBbe assessed for the Trunk Mains, with those properties in "Southdale Acres'' abutting the trunk mains paying lateral connection charges in addition to trunk assessments. Mr. Hite recommended approval of plat with the understanding that sewer and water will be provided from two trunk mains as soon as engineering work can be completed. Beim's motion for approval of Final Plat of Southdale Acres, in accordance with Planning Commission's and Mr. Hite's recommendations, was seconded by Dickson and carried. CARLSON'S PARK ADDITION FINAL PLAT APPROVED. recommendation for approval of this Final Plat--formerly named "Carlson's Rolling Green Addition--was reviewed by Council, and Dickson moved for Council approval thereof. SANITARY SEWER AND VATERMAIN SERVICE DISCUSSED, Messrs. Hite and Zikan told Planning Commission's June 8th 4 Motion seconded by Kohler and carried. 6/13/60 STREET NAME CHANGE REQUEST DENIED. Council reviewed Planning Commission's June 8th recommendation for denial of request to change the name of W.56th Street, west of Beltline, to SURREY LANE. petition in accordance with Commission's recommendation was seconded by Dickson and carried. Beim's motion for denial of CONTRACT FOR PLANNING SERVICES APPROVED. with the firm of Nason-Law-Wehrman & Knight, Inc., for consulting services in the 1960 Planning Program. of which must come from an appropriation by the Council. recommendation is for employment of this firm, and Manager asked that contract be approved and appropriation made. thereunder were reviewed, and Beimmoved for approval of contract as presented, and appropriation in the amount of $2,450 therefor. and carried. Manager Hyde presented contract Total amount of contract is $3,770, $2,450 Planning Commission's Terms of contract and work to be done Motion seconded by Tupa SANITARIAN EMPLOYED, IN COOPERATION WITH RICHFIELD. Mr. Hyde announced that Edina and Richfield can employ?a well-qualified Sanitarian at a salary of $500 a month and mileage, to work half-time in each Village; that, after a reduction in Health Officer Rockwell's salary, from $150 per month to $50, Sanitarian's employment for the balance of the year will mean a budget addition of some $1,220, including mileage and supplies. appropriation be made for this additional employee, and Beim so moved. seconded by Dickson and carried. He asked that this Motion SIGNATURES AUTHORIZED FOR "MUNICIPAL COURT" AND "BAIL" ACCOUNTS. that official authorization of signatures for the "Municipal Court" and "Bail" Accounts. advisability of continuing these accounts; and, after Mr. Dalen's recommendation that they be continued to facilitate better administration, Tupa offered the .following Resolution and moved its adoption: Clerk reported Some discussion was had with Finance Director Dalen concerning the SIGNATORY RESOLUTION MUNICIPAL COURT AND BAIL ACCOUNTS BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Municipal Judge and Clerk of Municipal Court, for the Village of Edina, be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business %yf-hhe "Municipal Court" Account and the "Bail" Account of the Village of Edina with First Southdale National Bank (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary to sign checks against accounts, which checks shall be signed as follows: Municipal Court Account - By Municipal Judge and Clerk of Court Bail Account - By Municipal Judge or Clerk of Court The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks against such account which are signed as above described, whether or not said checks are payable to the order of, or ,depos$tSd to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the,&igner or signers of the checks. r' - ..- aye; and Bredesen, aye; and t &..-.STQRM SEWER EASEMENTS RELEASED. -Engineer Zikan reported receipt of two requests for release of storm sewer easements; that neither easement is needed and can be.released. released by the Village and conveyed back to owners, in accordance with Village Engineer's recommendation, was seconded by Tupa and carried: Storm Sewer Easement in - The South ten (10) feet of the North Fifteen (15) feet of Lot Four (4), Block Four (4), Brookline 1st Addn. Storm Sewer Easement in - The Southerly Ten (10) feet of Lot One (1) , Block One (1) Elmwood Terrace. Beim's motion that the follow-ing Storm Sewer Easements be BANISTER ENGINEERING CO. REPORT RELATIVE TO PURCHASE OF WATER SUPPLY FROM MINNEAPOLIS (ISSUED SUBSEQUENT TO NEW PROPOSAL BY MINNEAPOLIS TO BLOOMINGTON) a0 BE CONSIDERED JUNE 27. Co. June 10, relative to purchase of water supply fromMinneapolis. This being a comprehensive report, it was reviewed only briefly; and Manager was directed, at his suggestion, to fovward copies to those civic and neighborhood organizations which had previously studied this matter, for their recommendations by June 27th if possible, so that Council might further consider this matter at that time. Manager presented report issued by Banister Engineering 4 rac 6/13/60 . .- t _. . , , . . I. <,,,*-,c -,*qm." .LC.*bb .*-..m** rr, A m-v*at*.w* -7- *"I4KY)lfLI1 I *+I- *VPIP.--U>I". <-he .%a4 6 1 I < .*.1.. 1 I. AWU p4. ~~GOURT~SY B~NCHES" APPROVED WERE APPROV~D BY MEXCHANT. United States Bench Corporation was present, to support an earlier written request for peqit to install "Courtesy Benches" at bus stops on commercially zoned corners. He explained in detail the.provisions under which benches would be installed--company to maintain benches: inspecting them every two weeks, and to carry liability insurance them; the idea being to obtain sponsors for them, for advertising. concerned, Gregg and Fanny Farmer objecting, Clancy in favor, and V.H.Adams, owner of Shell Station, neither favoring nor objecting. that Village allow placement of benches at corners where merchants want them, on a trial basis of six months; that permit fee be $10 per bench; and it was so ordered, without formal action. BENUTES of the Regular Village Council Heefkngs of May 9 and 23, 1960, were approved as submitted, by motion Kohler, seconded by Beim and carried. A representative of Council was appraised of a poll taken of the merchants i Manager Hyde suggested BLACKTOP SURVEY PRESENTED: DISCUSSION HAD LOOKING TOWARD DEFINITE POLICY. Administrative Assistant Allen Locke presented a report on a comprehensive Blacktop Survey taken this past few weeks, telling Council that many streets are in such poor condition that a completely new construction job is needed; that some streets can be saved by sealing, this year; that it will cost approximately $17,000 to seal those streets which can be saved, but that only $10,000 is budgeted. Some considerable discussion was had on the policy of reconstructing blacktopped streets after normal life of blacktop. It was agreed that all streets. which can be saved be sealed this year at the,expense of the General Fund; that Council give further study to blacktop replacement, looking toward adoption of a firm policy., CLAIMS PAID, List dated June 13, 1960: Dickson's motion: for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre- General Fund $7,535.74 Liquor Fund $38,69 5.29 Park, Park Const. & Sewer Rental Fund 46.87 Swim Pool Funds 2,625.54 Improvement Funds 369.30 Water Fund 1,529.61 Poor Fund 2,596.82 $53,399.17 and confirming paying of claim dated Nay 31, 1960, amount $1,148.70, To Texaco Company, for gasoline, was seconded by Beim and carried. TRACY AVENUE AM) N.7OTH STREET WIDTHS DISCUSSED RELATIVE TO STATE AID. told Council that before plans can be prepared for these two proposed State Aid projects, Council should indicate its policy as to width and type of surfacing desired. The matter of potential traffic, and the areas to be served, was reviewed, and itpwas agreed that 70th Street should be a 44-foot width street; Tracy Avknue should be a 36-foot street with parking one side only; that surfacing should be concrete for both streets. Mr. Hyde SALARY INCREASE APPROVED. Mr. Hyde recommended that the salary of Mrs. Ruth Hermanson, Engineering Secretary, be increased $20 per month. Beim so moved. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. ADDITIONAL PERIOD OF SI.IIEDl1NG INSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED. Mr. French alseady has a waiting list of some 280 youngsters for a possible August swimming instruction class; that such class will decrease the net revenue to the Park Fund but is almost a necessity, inasmuch as all these children are Edina residents and entitled to this service. It was informally agreed that the class be approved. Manager reported that TRAMPOLINE LICENSE TO BE ESTABLISHED AT $5.00. proposed to be installed at 6612 York Avenue South, policy as to a license fee. alley operators, but it was noted that this operation is largely a summer one; and it was agreed that license fee be established at $5.00 per trampoline. Relative to the Trampoline Park llr. Hite asked Council He cited the $10 per alley fee required of bowling Meeting adjourneb at 11:45 P.M., by motion Beim, seconded by Tupa and carried.