HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600627_regulara- m Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Tupa and Bredasen. Mrs. Laura Wright aceed as Clerk. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of June 13, 1960 were approved as submitted, by motion Dickson, seconded by Beim and carried. TRUSTEE JOHN A. KOHLER RESIGNS. As the first matter of business before this meeting, Mayor Bredesen announced the resignation of Trustee John A. Kohler from the Council, for the reason that Mr. Kohler is-moving away from the Village. Trustee Dickson moved for acceptance by the Council of Mr. Kohler's resignation, with regret, and for the transmittal of a letter of commendation to Mr. Kohler on his service to Edina in the last two and one-half years. Motion seconded by Beim and carried. JAMES VAN VAJiKENBURG APPOINTED AS VILLAGE TRUSTEE FOR KOHLER'S UNEXPIRED TERM. Mayor Bredesen then placed in nomination the name of Mr. James Van Valkenburg, 5025 William Avenue, for the position of Village Trustee for the unexpired term of Mr. Kohler (to January 1, 1961); and Dickson's motion appointing Mr. Van Valkenburg to the position of Village Trustee for the term expiring Decembtr 31, 1960, was seconded by Tupa, and unanimously carried on Rolicall vote as follows: Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. in Edina-Morningside Courier June 16 and 23, 1960, of (1) "Notice of Public Hearing Clerk read Affidavits of Publication - on Storm Sewer" and (2) "Notice of Public Hearings on Bituminous burface Treatment, Sanitary Sewer and Watermain", which affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placea on file; and, pursuant to said Notices, the following Public Hearings were conducted, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded: 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SEWER - ALONG N. LINE OF LOT 12, BL. 11, NORMANDALE ADDN. FROM PT. 160' E. OF NW COR. THEREOF TO VIRGINIA AVE.: VIRGINIA AVE. FROM WLY EXTENSION OF N. LINE OF LOT 12, BL. LL, NORMANDALE ADDN. TO TJ.65TH ST.: W.65TH ST. FROM VIRGINIA AVE. TO WILRYAN AVE.: WILRYAN AVE. FROM W.65TH ST. TO 280' So; W.64TH ST. FROM JOSEPHINE AVE. TO WILRYAN AVE.: WILRYAN AVE. FROM W.64TH ST. TO ELY EXTENSION OF N. LINE OF LOT 6, BLOCK 3, NORMANDALE 2ND ADDN.: ALONG N. LINE OF LOTS 6 AND 25, BLOCK 3, NORMANDALE 2ND ADDN. : LOTS 6 AND 25, BLOCK 4, NORMANDALE 2ND ADDN. : LOT 6, BLOCK 5, NOWDALE 2ND ADDN. AND LOT 4, HAWKINSON ADDN. Manager Hyde reviewed for the audience the reasons for this Hearing on a storm sewer project approved in August, 1959, as "Storm Sewer Improvement No, 50" (Lateral No. 8 of Storm sewer Main No. 1). in 1959 are of sufficient extent to require a new public hearing; that, since the 1959 Public Hearing, the State has taken certain lands which were to have been assessed (thus decreasing the amount of square footage available for assessment), that contractors' unit prices are up because of the amount of construction work available for contractors this year, and that contractors are bidding higher on work in easements through private propprty than they ordinarily bid on regular street work; that, for theserreasons, bids taken this morning are above the Estimate of Cost of $.0637 per Square Foot given in the mailed notice of this hearing; that the costs, based on bids taken today, would be $.0733 per Square Foot on the Alternate Project (which involves smaller pipe than the originally designed project) and $.0788 per Square Foot on the Base Project. Mr. Hyde reported that there are possibilities of saving some of this cost: year, in time for assessment, approximately $9,000 in Capitalized Interest can be deleted: 2. If proper easements can be secured, so that contractor can eliminate (a) moving a sanitary sewer manhole at +I6321 Tingdale, and (b) tunneling under a large oak tree at 6324 Wilryan, about $7,500 in Construction Cost can.be saved. Mr. B. Weekley, 6308 Tingdale, stated he feels measurements given contractor with regard to location of manhole are incorrect; and Mr. Zikan was instructed to re- check . Mr. J. R. Swenson, 6425 Ryan Avenue, protesting that the proposed impwve- ment will cost him some $1,000, plus interest, asked for an explanation of the plan; and Consulting Engineer Douglas Barr explained it in detail, telling audience that many plans have been made; that the present plan is the most economical. Mrs. George Vanasek, 6424 Sherwood Avenue, stating that property owners east of the Highway are not bothered by storm waters, asked whey they should be required to pay for a sewer to drain the property west of Highway #loo. 6301 Warren Avenue, complained that there was a water hole in front of his garage, on W.63rd St., and asked if the proposed storm sewer would correct. informed that street must be graded to correct this condition, providing Highway did not take careoof it; that grading cost is not in storm sewer cost. Mr. T. G. Bergh, 6417 Ryan Ave., ws also appraised of this fact. Mr. Richard Dols, 6308 Mildred Avenue, approved of project. Some considerable discussion was had, and explanation given as to specific details of construction--location of catch basins, etc, in answer to questions by the audience. Mr. Wm. Sibbach, 6336 Rolf Avenue, inquired as to time expended in construction. is a 30-day completion date set, with a penalty clause in contract, but that , He stated that requested changes in the route proposed 1. If project can be completed this Mr. Gunnar Ostlund, He was He was informed that there 6/27/60 completion time will also depend on Village's securing easements for construction. Mr. Robert Carlson, 6312 Mildred Ave., inquired as to size of pipe used. Mr. Barr told audience that pipe size will increase in size as it goes toward Lake Cornelia. The gentleman at 6124 Ryan Avenue protested again the improvement for the people living East of the Beltline, stating he would like to start petition in protest, tonight. spoken of in the meeting tonight; was told that this is a matter to work out between Nr. Dols and himself. Mrs. Barnes, 6424 Ryan Avenue, protested that the people who want the storm sewer and receive drainage problem relief therefrom should pay more than the others in assessments district. She was informed that all properties within the districi; coneribute to the problem. citing the desparate need for the improvement, asked thae it be expedited. Miller, 6425 Shemood Ave., asked if sufficient consideration had been given to thz mai;Ler of the proposed improvement, and was informed by Manager Hyde that much study has been had; that the matcer of Lhe entire Lake Cornelia drainage basin has been studied by Adolph Meyer and Associates, foremost hydraulic engineers in the North- west, and that this is their recommendation for this particular area. Trustee Beim, stating that he, too, regrets the cost of the project, but that he feels that the propuszd improvemznt is something which is needed in Edina and must be done, and that the sooner it is done th* less the over-all cost will prove to be, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION ADOPTED AUGUST 3, 1959, ORDERING STORM SEWER Nr. G. Perkl, 6324 Vilryan, stated he is very anxious to save the oak Nr. Joe Soderberg, 6317 Mildred Ave., Ilrs. Zona I At this tine IMPROVgaNT iU0. 50 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina as follows: THAT, pursuant to a Public Hearing held August 3, 1959 on a proposed Storm Sewer, and the resultant action taken by this Council by "RESOLUTION ORDEKLEG STORM SET7ER IlrIPROVEbENT NO. 50" the Village Attorney and Cons lt'n SF f*oeergA At $fkability of Meyer and Associates, have reported to the Council on/a ''e propose 'e' !i hgrnate %we for said proposed storm sewer; and that, pursuant to said reports, this Council has caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improve- 1. meilt : . CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEVER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: Along the North line of Lot 12, Block.11, Normandale-Addn. from a point 160 Feet East of the Northwest Corner thereof to Virginia Ave.; Virginia Ave. from Westerly extension of the North line of Lot 12,eBlock 11, Normandale Addition to 17.65th Street; W.65th Street from Virginia Avenue to Wilryan *Avenue; Wilryan Avenue from W.65th Street to 280 Feet South; Josephine Avenue from 17.65th Street to W.64th Street; W.64th Street from Josephine Avenue to Wilryan Avenue; Vilryan Avenue from IJ.64th Street to Easterly extension of the North line of Lot 6, Block 3, Normandale Second Addition; Along the North line of Lots 6 and 25, Block 3, Normandale 2nd Aqdn.; Lots 6 and 25, Block 4, Normandale 2nd Addn.; Lotl 6, Block 6, Block 5, Normandale 2nd Addn.; and Lot 4, Hawkinson Addn. and that at the hearing on the above specified proposed improvement, held at the time and place specified in said notice, the Council has duly considered the viiwe of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construceion of said proposed improvement ins$ead?of that Stom sewer Improvement No. 50 authorized by resolution of this'Counci1 August 3, 1959. THAT that"Reso1ution Ordering Storm Sewer Improvement No. 50", adopted by this Council August 3, 1959, shall be and hereby is amended by substituting thz route of said proposed improvement as hereinbefore approved by this resolution for the fol1owing:''in Hildrcd Aue,from W.63rd St. to 250' So/; Rolf Ave.,W.63rd St. to 250' So.; 1-7.63rd St., Mildred Ave. to Tingdale Ave.; Tiugdale Ave.; FJ.63rd St. to V.64th St.; W.64th St., Tingdale Ave. to Josephine Ave.; Josephine Ave. ,lJ.64th-S~. 20 W.65th St.; W.65th St., Josephine Ave. to Virginia Ave.; Th. N. Along Virginia Ave. to the Extended S. Line of Lot 11, B1. 11, Normandale Addn;; th:E. to Lake Cornelia ; Along T4.65th St. from TJilryan Avketo Josephine as found in said August 3, 1959 Resolution Ordering Storm Sewer Improvement No. 50" beginning with the eighteenth line of said Resolution. designated and shali be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 50: CONSTRUCTION 0% VILLAGE STOFN SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE r'OLiOWING: Along the North line of Lot 12, Block lL, Normandale Addn. from a point 160 Feet Easc of rshe NG;I Corner Thereof to Virginia Ave.; Virginia Ave. fromlqesterly extension of the N. linz of Lot 12, Block 11, Normandale Addn. to W.65ih St.; V.65th St. from Virginia Ave. to Vilryan Ave.; Wilryan Ave. from W.65th St. to 280 Za=t South; Josephine Ave. fromTJ.65th St. to W.64th St.; W.64th St. from Josephine Ave. to 17ilryan Ave.; Wilryan Ave. from FJ.64th St. to Easterly exten- sion of N. line of Lot 6, Block 3, Normandale 2nd Addn.; Along ehe N. line of Lots 6 and 25, Block 3, Normandale 2nd Addn.; Lots 6 and 25, Block 4, Normandale 2nd Addn.; Lot 6, Block 5, Normandale 2nd Addn.; and Lot 4, Hawkinson Addn. I . 2, I BE IT FURTHER RESOLUED THAT the following proposed improvement is hereby 6/27/60 109 and the area to be specially assessed therefore shall include all lots and tracts of land within the following described 3oundariest centerline of W.65th St.; th. W. 150'; th. NWly to NW Comer of Lot 3, B1. 12, Normandale; th. SWly to a pt. 30's. of NW Corner of Lot 5, B1. 93, Noimandale;' th. NWly along a line through the SE Comer of Lot 2, Block 15, Normandale, to a pt. 120' NWly of said SE Comer of said Lot 3; th. NWly to NW Corner of Lot 1, Block 15, Normandale; th. W. to E. line of Sec. 4, T.116 N., R.21 W.; rh. N. along said section line a dist. of 300'; th. NWly to NW Corner of Lot 28, B1. 1, Normandale 2nd Addn.; th. Wly to NW Corner of Lot 3, B1. 2, Normandale 2nd Addn.; th. NWly to intersection of centerline of Wilryan Ave. and W.63rd St.; th. Wly along centerline of W.63rd St. to extended W. line of Lot 1, B1. 2, Nomiandle Normandale 2nd Addn.; th. Wly to a pt. on N. line of Lot 12, B1. 4, James A. Roberts Estate which is 40' Wly of NE Corner of said Lot 12; th. Wly to NW Comer of said Lot 12; th. Wly to NW Comer of Lot 9, said B1. 4; th. NWly to intersection of centerline of Kolf Ave. with a line extending from NE Corner of Lot 4, B1. 3 of James A. Roberts Estate to the SE Comer of Lot 2, B1. 5, Jams A. Roberts Estate; th. SWly to the said SE Comer of said Lot 2; th. Wly along S. line of said Lot 2 a dist. of 50'; th. Sly along a line parallel to E. line of Block 5 to a pt. 50". of S. line of B1. 5; th. W. parallel to centerline of W. 63rd St, to centerline of Warren Ave.; th. S. to centerline of W.63rd St.; th. SEly to a pt. on centerline of W.64th St. which is 50' W. of E. line of B1. 6, Normandale 2nd Addn.; th. E. along centerline of W.64th St.to centerline of Rolf Ave.; th. S. along Rolf Ave.to extended N. line of Lot 21, B1.11, Norman- dale 2nd Addn.; th. SEly to intersection of extended N. line of Lot 10, B1. 11 and the centerline of Tingdale Ave.; th. S. along centerline of Tingdale Ave. to centerline of W.65th St.; th. SEly to SE Corner of Lot 23, B1. 17, Normandale Second Addn.; th. E. along extended S. line of said Lot 23 to apt. 80' W. of centerline of Wilryan Ave.; th. S. parallel to centerline of Wilryan Ave. to N. line of Lot 12, B1. 17, Normandale 2nd Addn.; th. SEly to intersection of centerline of Wilryan Ave. and W.66th St.; th. E. to centerline of Josephine Ave.; th, SEly to a pt. 230' S. of centerline of W.66th St. and 210' W. of E. line of Sec, 4, T.116 N., R.21 W.; th..SEly along a line directed toward a point on extended centGr1ine of Roycar Rd. which is 530' E. of W. line of Sekc 30, T.28, R. 24 W.; th. N. along said W. section line to a pt. 80' N. of centerline of W.66th St.; th. Elyparallel to centerline of W.66th St. to a pt', 80' E. of centerline of Virginia Ave.; th. NEly parallel to centerline of Virginia Ave.; th, NEly parallel to centerline of Virginia Ave. a dist. of 825'; th. Wly to a pt. on centerline of Virginia Ave. which is 240' N. of centerline of W.65th St., which is the point of beginning". "Beginning at a point on the centerline of Virginia Ave. 240' N. of the ( (At an inquiry from the Manager as to B minor change in the proposed route, to save the old oak, Council agreed that this change should be made if at all possible. p'2. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN HALIFAX LANE FROM SOUTH LINE OF SOUTHRIDGE ADDITION TO 260 FEET NORTH. improvement was givenFas $3,140.37, for $440.62 per dwelling lot. Mr. Nat Johnson, 5412 Halifax Lane, protested running of the improvement 260 feet North, stating that improvement could be cut by 100 feet, thus saving property owners money; that there is only one house on comer of 54th and Halifax; that this home can be served fromW.54th Street. Engineer Zikan reported that the house about which Mr. Johnson speaks faces W.54th Street, although the lot faces Halifax Lane; that if the line is not run to 54th Street, this particular assessable footage must be eliminated from the assessment district; that this particular lot as not assessed for the other line at the time it was run in, and a connection charge would have to be made for a connection to the previous line. of septic tank or cesspool would have a bearing on the connection for this particular lot. Mr. Johnson told Council that, because lots have been split up, there is no space available, under present ordinance regulations, for any other dwellings to go in on the North portion of Halifax Lane; one house already being connected on W.54th St. The owner of the comer lot under discussion told Council that he can connect on 54th St. and has no objection to the cutting of the present improvement. A question was asked as to "who wants the sewer?" and it was explained that this Hearing has been called on Council's own motion, pursuant to a request made at the public hearing on a watermain project for the same area. other gentleman stated they are willing to go along with the project if Coun 11 deems it a necessary one, but that they do not need the improvement. Somej discussion was had on possibility of Mr. Sweeney's connection charge for h' / connection to the 54th Street sewer being credited against this presently,proposed The Estimated Total Cost of this proposed He also told Council that the location Mr. Burdick and one 6/27/60 11 0. improvement, but Ttlr..Hasselquist told Council that the presently proposed main, if cut as proposed by Nr. Nat .Johnson, will not abut Mr. Sweeney's property and that therefore there is no basis for such a credit. Resolution and moved its adoption: Dickson offered the following RESOLUTION ORDERING DPROVEM3NT SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEBENT NO. 172 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement : CONSTRUCTION OF LATERAL SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN HALIFAX LANE FRO24 THE SOUTH LINE OF SOUTHRIDGE ADDITION TO 260 FEET NORTH and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with construction of said proposed improvement as follows : CONSTRUCTION OF LATERAL SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN HALIFAX LANE FROM THE SOUTH LINE OF SOUTHRIDGE ADL)ITZON PO 160 FEET NORTH: that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all sub- sequent proceedings as SANLTARY SEWER IEIPROVEmNT NO. 172, and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots aud tracts of land abutting the portion of the street proposed to be improved; the two tracts abutting W.54th Street on ths Bouth and Halifax Lane on East and West respectively to be excluded from said assessment. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded four ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, a Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopt ATTEST- pa, and on Rollcall there were fl2LIL-d 4 9-3.1. \ Acting Viiiagz Cleric PHPUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATERMAIN IN JOHNSON DRIVE FRO" GROVE STREET TO H*X.#169- "212; EifY.#169-212 FRGI JOHNSON DRIVE TO CAROL DRIVE; 17ARDEN AVENUE FROH TRACY AVENUE L d TO JOHNSON DRIVE. be assessed against 25 assessable lots, for $632.29 per assessable lot. further discussion could be had on the proposed watermain improvement, a petition was introduced for Sanitary Sewer in Warden Avenue between Johnson Drive and Tracy Avenue. At a question from the Council, Engineer Zikan recornended installing Sanitary Sewer in Warden &entie before Watermain, stating that this method would be more economical. Sewer and was told rhat Estimate could not be given at this meeting. Mr. Gisselbeck asked that che Johnson Drive Watermain be expedited; and IIr. Zikan told Council that 2ublic Hearing could be had on the Warden Avenue sewer project on July 25; and that bids could be taken on both the Watermain project under considaration tonight, and the petitioned sewer project, on July 25. Dickson then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Estimate of Cost was given at a Total of $15,SU7.18, proposed to SANITARY SEWER PETITION FILED FOR WARDEN AVENUE. At this timE, and before mr. E, Delebo, 5605 Warden Avenue, inquired about cost of Sanitary RESOLUTION ORDERIKG D4PROVEMENT t7ATERlIAIN II4PROVEIfENT NO. 151 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement : CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATEDIAIN IWD APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS : Johnson Drive from Grow St. to Hwy.#169-212; M;ry.#169-212 from Johnson Drive to Carol Dcive; Warden Ave . from Tracy Ave. to Johnson Drive and at ths hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said iqrovzment; that said improvement is hereby designated and shali be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as TJATEBIUIN IEIPROVEMENT NO. 151, and the area to be specially asszssed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abucdng those streets to ba @roved. Motion for adoption of Resolution was secon four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; and ths Re ATTEST: , and on RolLcail there were Beiru, aye; Yw- fi (Actfng Village Clerk (Dickson then moved that bids on Watermain Improvement No. 151 be delayed until Sewer for Warden Avenue on July 25. ( July 25, and that Gouncil take bids and hold Public Hearing on proposzd Sanitary Hotion seconded by Beim and carried. , ?. 6/27/60 J'4.. 7 -; 11 B BETWEEN W.55TH ANT, W,54Tw STEETS. Total, proposed to be assessed against 1,147.10 Assessable Peet, for $6.56 per assessable foot. Letter of opposition, filed by T. S. Peterson, was read. NEW WATERMAIN ESTIMATES GIVEN FOR PARK PLACE BETWEEN W.55TH AND W.54TH ST. In connection with new Estimates of Cost were given on WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 149, in this same street. Audience was inform2d that the estimated cost of the Watermain would be $485.17 per lot without tamping--which would mean that Bituminous Surface cannot be installed until 1961; $627.11 with tamping--which would allow construction of bituminous surface this summer. Some considerable discussion was had as to whether it would be more economical to allow the watermain to go in now, without tamping, and'take a chance that Bituminous Surfaca costs will not increase by next summer, or whether to provide Tor tamping in watermain construction, thus allowing for Bituminous work this summer at present costs; and affected property owners agreed on acceptance of the watermain contract without tarnping, plus a coat of oil to tide them over the winter (at an additional cost of some 15C per front foot), with contract for Bituminous Surface to be awarded next spring. that, inasmuch as this work is not to be done until next year, a ne97 Public Hearing be conducted before project is put out for bids. Council approve in principle the proposed Bituminbus Surface Treatment in Park Place between W. 55th and W. 54th Streets , but that formal aggion on Gamer.be:>delayed pending public hearing to be held in spring of 1961, was seconded by Uickson and unanimously carried. Estimate of Cost was given as $7,521.49 tt i ,-- the public hearing on proposed Bituminous Surface Treatment, Attorney Hasselquist adked Beim's motion, that ORDINANCE NO. 51A-2 ADOPTED. action taken by the Council at its meeting of June 27, (See Page 95 of this Minute Book--Publie Hearing on Proposed Amendment to Building Code--), a meeting concerning adoption of the ordinance had been held by Village building officials with builders and surveyors, both Village and builders, had been effected. amended, was presented to the Council for its consideration; and after discussion with Mr. Woehler of the Village and those builders present, Beimmoved fo? waiver of the second reading of proposed ordinance and for adoption of said ordinance as read this evening, as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 51A-2 AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR INFORMATION TO BE FURNISmD BY APPLICANTS FOR BUILDING PERMITS, AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 51A It was reported to Council thatgsas the result of at which meeting some amendments, satisfactory' to The proposed ordinance, as THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: amended, is hereby further amended by adding thereto a new subsection (ba), reading as follows: follows : "(d) Information on Plans and Specifications. Plans and specifications shall be drawn to scale upon substantial paper or cloth and shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and extent of the work proposed and show in detail that it will conform to the provisions of this Code and all relevant laws, . ordinances, rules and regulations. give the house and street address of the work and the name and address of the owner and person who prepared them. Building Official may approve referenc&s on the plans to a specific section or part of this Code or other ordinances or laws, "Plans shall include a survey of the lot upon which the proposed building or construction is to be done, which survey shall be registered surveyor. Section 1. Section 4 of Ordinance No. 51A of the Village, as heretofore "(ba) Paragraph (d) of Section 301 shall be amended to read as The first sheet of each set of plans shall In lieu of detailed specifications, the prepared and attested by a Said Survey shall provide the following information: Scale of drawing Lot and Block number Dimensions of lot and north point Dimensions of front, rear and side yards Locations of all existing buildings in the lot Location of proposed building or construction Location of stakes established by the surveyor along each side lot line a distance of 30 and 60 feet from the front lot corner. The maintenance of these stakes once established by the surveyor shall be the respons.ibility of the building permit applicant. The side yard and setback dimensions of buildings located on adjacent lots. The location of all easements as shown on record plats. Grade elevations at the following points. upon an assumed datum and tied to a specified bench mark. a) b) c) Such elevations to be based Each lot corner (either existing or proposed) Crown of street at each lot line extended (existing elevation) Proposed lawn and driveway grades at the street side of the house. , L -, 6/27/60 Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its passage and publication. waiver of second reading and Motion fodadoption of Ordiziauce-1 was seconded were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Bredesen, aye; and the Ordinance was adopt ATTEST : ckson, and on Rollcall there t" Acting Village Clerk TRUSTEE VAN VALKENBURG JOINS COUNCIL. was sworn in by Village Nanager Hyde and vas present as a member of Council for the balance of this meeting. CdNTRACTS &?WED FOR BIDS TAKEN TODAY. Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids, Storm Sewer", published in Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin June 9, 16 and 23, 1960, and "Advertisement for Bids, Sanitary Sewer" published in the same publications June 16 and 23, 1960, Mr. Hyde reported bids had been taken on STORM SEWER NO. 50 AND SANITARY SEWER NO. 169. Tabulations of Bids were presented, and actio was taken as hereinafter recorded. LTORM SEWER IMPROVENENT NO. 50 (Lateral No. 8 of Main No. 1). BASE BID- Barbarossa Const. Co., Inc., low bidder at high bidder at @83,09k.05. at $152,426.00; Phelps Drake Co., high bidder at $170,657.71. Nanager Hyde recommended award of contract on basis of Base Bid, inasmuch as Alternate will cut capacity of improvement by as much as 40%. Beim's motion for award of contract for Storm Sewer Improvement No. 50 in accordance with Manager's recommendation was seconded by Tupa and c zried. Addn, to 384 feet 17.; Benton Ave. from Johnson Dr. to Tracy Ave. Four bidders, Coburn & Meek, low bidders at $6,934.75; Barbarossa Const. Co., Inc., $9,138.00; Art Bolier Const. Co., $9,213.00; and Phelps-Drake Go., Inc., high bidder at $11,979.36. Manager recommended award of contract to low bidder, Coburn &Meek, and Tupa so moved. Newly appointed Trustee, James Van Valkenburg, I $163,713.50 and Phelps Drake Co., Inc., ALTERNATE BID (undersized pipe)--Barbarossa, low bidder $ANITARY SEIER IkIPROVENENT NO. 169, In Benton Ave. from Lot 3, 17.I.Anderson's Motion seconded by Beim and carried. BUFFER ReQUIRED FOR "DANDY' S DRIVE-IN" PROPERTY-SETTLEMENT EFFECTED Pursuant to Council action of June 13, Mr. Robert Mikkeihson, owner of the "Dandy's Drive-In" property, 66th and Xerxes, and complainant, James Streit, 6612 Xerxes Avenue, appeared in an attempt to settle their disagreement concerning plantings along the buffer fence. Council had heard Mr. Streit's arguments on June 13; Mr. Mikkelson told his side of story at this meeting, stating he had moved fence four feet onto his property to accommodate Mr. Streit, instead of installing it at the property line as was first agreed; that the type of plantings Mr. Streit is asking for are out of line. He told Council he had offered to fill the hole along the fence and to give 3ir. Streit $300 so that Mr. Streit could arrange for plantings. Mr. Streit asked that Bachman's be allowed to do the fill work, but Mr. Mikkelson told Council he has fill available and could save by using his own fill. Mayor Bredesen suggested that the matter be settled by allowing Mr. Mikkelson to do the fill work, after which Nr. Streit would sign a release upon transmittal to him by Mr. Mikkelson of $300.00 for plantings. assented. This was agreeable to Mr. Mikkelson, and Mr. Streit also MINNEAPOLIS GAS COHPANY'S FINANCIAL STATENENT, FOR YEAR 1959, was presented, reviewd and ordered placed on file. REQUEST FORGAS SERVICE THROUGH CONCRETE PAVING IN FRANCE AVENUE REFERRED TO COUNTY. Mr. LaMotte of Minneapolis Gas Company requested permit to furnish gas service to 5516 and 6204 France Avenue. Engineer Zikan told Council that Village has agreement with Hennepin County not to cut into paving for five years after construction; that only three years have passed. Hennepin County Highway Department for a determination of the County's specifications for such work, should they be prilling to permit it at all. After some discussion the request was referred to the PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING REPORT FORMY, 1960 was submitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. AT 20 FEET. Pursuant to Council action of June 13, granting 25-foot setback of 25 feet for this lot (applicant had asked for 20-foot setback), Mr. Harry H. Corey appeared to plead his case for 20-foot setback. He told Council that a 25-foot setback will leave him in considerablewwith the high water table because of the sharp slope of the lot toward the front. 9 and 10, Block 2, which he also owns, but asked special consideration for this one lot because of its topography. relationship of this proposed dwelling to neighboring dwellings, Dickson moved for approval of 20-foot setback for Lot 8. ('6629 WEST SHORE DRIVE (Lot 8, Block 2, Woodhill Addition) REAR YARD SETBACK APPROVED He agreed to a 25-foot setback for Lots After some considerable discussion as to the Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. I5 6,/27/40 , . .I$ &lkARY EXCAVATING PEWITS IkQUESTS D.rSCtrSSEb, EFERNlb TO PLANAffEiG C!Oi"XSST&~ 3 Manager tryde reported receipt of two requests for Temporary Excavating Permits,:, for land not yet subdivided: 1. For the 26.54 Acres owned by Hebing, West of Gleason Road and South 'of Highway 4169, Worth of Indian Hills. Request submitted by Karl Krahl. Mr. Hyde reported that 'written application has not been received; that Willage has no knowledge at this time of the proposed extent of the operation. submitted by Mr. Hosmer Brown, representing Mr. E. 0, Stow. 2. For the "Nelson Farm" , between Highway #lo0 and Railroad Tracks. Request Mr. Hyde told Council it is his recommendation that, in cases where it is known that property is to be platted, it be required of applicants for temporary excavation permits that plats be filed, showing the topography of proposed plats. Also, with regard to the Krahl request,. Mr. Hyde stated he believes Mr. Krahl expects to move his machinery onto this property. this statement, saying, however, that this is only a "temporary" arrangement for the period in which he will be excavating on the property. he does intend to plat, that it is his intent to fill swampy areas with material from the hills. Mr. Hyde reported that, in his and Mr. Hasselquist's opinions, permits for excavation of this type should be given only upon amendment of Ordinance No. 262 by adding "temporary excavation districts"; and Mr. Krahl was informed that, if Planning Commission approves his proposal, a hearing must be had before the Council can approve. Beim's motion, referring the Krahl request to the Planning Commission, was seconded by Tupa and carried. to the Commission the present topography of the property and proposed topography after excavation. Mr. Krahl eorroborated He told Council Mr. Krahl was asked to present LA a The Stow request was explained by Mr. Hosmer Brown, who told Council that the intent for some time had been to file for an excavation permit; that Mr. A1 Godward has estimated that about one million cubic yards can be removed from this property, besides what is needed €or the future plat; that applicant has very recently received word that fill is urgently needed for the construction of the highway, and that this last is what hastened application for permit. He told Council that ft is the present intent of the applicant to reduce two large hills to an elevation some 25 feet above the present elevation of the meadow. that a minimum of $25,000 could be saved the State by allowing removal of this fill from the Nelson Farm for the construction of the highway between Norman- dale and County Road No. 18; that such fill as is now'being requested would have to be used in construction in the next 140 days, and that this is the urgency of the request. Mr. A1 Godward, Platting Consultant, confirmed Mr. Brown's statements with regard to amount of excess fill. proposed dedication for park within the plat; and, in reply to Mr. Bredesen's question concerning Mr. Stow's willingness to dedicate for park (in view of Mr. Stow's repeated objections to such dedication for his earlier plats) Mr. Godward replied that he is platting this property just as if he were the Village Planning Consultant; that there is no other park in the immediate vicinity of this proposed developrtlent of some 220 lots, and he does not see how a park dedication can be avoided; that he feels Nr. Stow is willing to make required dedication. Council heard fromMr. Brown again, as to the urgency of the request; and after some discussion on procedural matters, Beim's motion calling Public Hearing fok Monday, July 11, on the rezoning of the property from Open Development District to Temporary Excavation District by Amendment to Ordinance No. 262, with referaral of request to Pbnning Elommission's meeting of July 6 with information that the scheduling of hearing does not necessarity mean that Council approves request, v7as seconded by Diclcson and carried. Mr. Al. Johnson of Johnson Bros. Contracting Company told Council %. In Mr. Godward's statement to Council he mentioned the matter of a COUNCIL TO CONDUCT HEARING ON CURB AND GUTTER AND BITWINOUS SURFACE TEATMENT IN CODE AVENUE BETWEEN W.60TH STREET AND BENTON AVENUE. Manager Hyde reported to Council on a letter written by Mr. E. 0. Hartwick, 6000 Code Avenue, asking that Code Avenue north of W.6Oth- Street be improved by Curb and Gutter and Blacktopping to prevent serious washing and flood condition on Code Avenue south of 60th Street. that maintenance costs at this location are way above normal; and Mr. Hyde recommended that Council call Public Hearing on its own motion for Curb, Gutter and Blacktopping of Code Avenue from'W.60th St. to Benton Avenue. motion that Public Hearing be called in accordance with Manager's recommendation and at the earliest possible time, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Both Mr. Hyde and Engineer Zikan reported to Council Beim's STORM SEWER FOR SHEPHERD OF HILLS CHURCH TO BE HEARD'IN PUBLIC HEARING. Request by Shepherd of Hills Church for Village extension of present storm sewer at cost to Village of not mor& than $500 (the balance to be borne by the Chukch), and permission for Church connection to said extended sewer, was read and was discussed at some length, relative to Village portion of $500. for Public Hearing on proposed improvement. carried. entire cost of improvement. Beim moved Motion seconded by Dickson and Church to receive permission to connect if it is willing to pay 1 I a IMPROVEMENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED. The following Improvement Petitions were submitted: OILING - 17. !j$th St., Dale Avenue to Hansen Road. OILING - W.49th St., Brookside Avenue to Iiwy. #169 (East) OILING - St.Johns Avenue from W.62nd St. to 117. 63rd St. OILING - Belmore Lane from Blake Road to Griffit Street. OILING - Dale Avenue from 17.56th St. to U.57th St. OILING - Code Avenue from Benton Avenue to 17.58th Street SANITARY SEXER - Warden Avenue from 3ohnson Drive to Tracy Avenue 1.JATEREWN - Croyden Lane, Doncaster Vay to Lochloy Drive; Lochloy Drive, from Croyden Lane around Loop and back to Croyden Lane; Ayrshire Blvd., Lochloy Drive to 300 feet South. i Beim's motion accepting petitions was seconded by Dickson and carried. PURCHASES/AUTEIORIZED FOR PARK PURPOSES. purchase agrement in amount of $1,000 for Lot 12, Block 20, Normandale Addition, recomaending that it be executed. and Beim moved for approval of purchase as per agreement. Dickson and carried. in negotiating a price on the 3%-Acre Tract just North of Lot 12, Block 20, Normandale; that the Estate wants approximately $7,500 for it and that this is more than Park Board expected to pay. authorized and directed to offer not more than $6,000 for the property. OF LAI?D I Messrs. Hyde and French presented a Discussion as to value of property to Village; Motion seconded by 35-ACRF, TRACT TO BE NEGOTIATED. Mr. French reported that he has had no luck After some discussion, Mr. French was BANISTER REPORT ON WATER PROBLEIIS RELATIVE TO PURCHASE FRm-I MINNEAPOLIS STUDIED. Finance Director Dalen's "Projected Camparison of Village System to Purchase of Water from Hinneapolis", supplementing the Banister Engineering Company's report of June 10, was reviewed, together with the Banister Report. would be considerably more expensive to purchase fromMinneapolis than to furnish water from our own system; and it was pointed out that the capital outlay required by Minneapolis for purchase of their water would require issuance of General Obligation Bonds on part of Village, rather than Revenue Bonds; also, that we do not know Minneapolis' capacity; that if several suburbs come into the Minneapolis system, now, each suburb must pay its proportionate share of improvement of the system when needed. civic groups interested. Br. Dalen's report shoved that it Action deferred by Council pending recommendation from POLICE CAR BIDS AUTHORIZED. emergency advertisement for bids for a police car, because of shortage of cars due to accident and failure of delivery. consent of Council without formal action. Manager Hyde asked for authority to enter an Advertisement authorized by comn NOVING OF DWELLING FRO11 NOR"DALE ROAD TO SHAUGHNESSY ADDITION APPROVED. Mr. Hyde told Council that the neighbors in the vicinity of Shaughnessy Road have assented to the moving of the old "Butts" house from its present location on Normandale Road to Lot, 1, 2 or 3, Shaughnessy Addition; that a complication has arisen because Shaughnessy Road is dedicated 30 feet wide, and there is agreement that no further building permits be issued until additional 30 feet is dedicated. He told Council that it is his recornendation that permit be granted. moved. Beim so Notion seconded by Dickson and carried. H. ROBERT DIERCKS APPOINTED TO PARK BOARD. the name of Mr. H. Robert Diercks as Member of Park Board for term expiring December 31, 1962; and his nomination was confirmed by unanimous vote of Council. Mayor Bredesen presented in nomination PEDESTRIAN GROSSING SIGNAL AT CONCORD AND VALLEY VIEW AUTHORIZED. reported contact by Nr. Kuhlmann, Supt. of Schoold, with regard to a joint Village- School pedestrian crossing signal at Concord and Valley View, signal to be paid for jointly by Village and School District. basis. Mr. Hyde Manager authorized to go ahead on this BOARD OF REVIE[? NEETING JULY 14 AT 5:OO P.M. was announced, and Council asked to keep on calendars. GARBAGE COLLECTION COMPLAINTS DISCUSSED. Mayor Bredesen reported he has had recent complaints that garbage collectors are charging over and beyond their established rate, for picking up extra cans. system we now have we have no control over prices, EIr. Hyde explained that with the LICENSE FOR EXCAVATORS v7as briefly discussed, with a recommendation that they be required to furnish bond. CLAIMS PAID. List dated June 27, 1960, was seconded by Tupa and carried, after f4r. Tupa had protested inquired about volume of purchases fromNall Hardware, and it had been explained that Wall gives a better discount than Tom and Country Hardware: Dickson's motion for payment of the following claims, as per Pre- It. , 115 I' 6/276@ I I' General Fund, 822y928139; Construction 'Bund, $181~;412,4L; -$axk-,.'Parf;- Liquor'Fimd, $35:527f79; $ewe; Rehal'Fund, $361.17, Improvement Funds, $9,906.54; and Y.S.5). #1 Fund, $1,096.35, fora TOTAL of $266,356.20. HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS: Some discussion was had on . street improvements which should be expedited, and Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Cori~tpmtijoh~oiznd' Swikmimg 32.001, 1$15474r08; *Water&orks Fund, $13,649.36; *r . . RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER.AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT IMPROVEMENTS The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: report as to the feasibility of the proposed Curb and Gutter and Bituminous Surface Treatment Improvements described in the Form of Notice of Hearing.set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: 1. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, July 11, 1960, at 7:OO P.M., in 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the . NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, July 11, 1960, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvements to be con- structed under the "authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953,. Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: ESTIMATED COST CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT ON THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. W.6Oth Street from Porter Lane to Hansen Road. $13,304.85 2. Bernard Place fromW.6Oth St. to Grove St. , 17,591 93 improvements includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the res pective streets proposed to be improved. The areas proposed to. be assessed for the cost of each of said proposed GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall there COUNCIL TO TAKE BIDS ON IMPROVEMENTS JULY 11. approved, for which bids should be taken now, in order to finish work by end of summer; and Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACE SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Council reviewed projects TREATMENT, GRADING AND GRAVELLING, WATERMAJN, AND SANITARY BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: Bituminous Surface Treatment, Grading and Gravelling, Watermain, and Sanitary Sewer Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineers and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvements : 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed Concrete Curb and Gutter, ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT, GRA.DING AND GRAVELLING, WATERMAINS, AND SANITARY SEWER SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11:OO A.M., Monday, July 11, 1960, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.M., on Monday, July 11, 1960, to consider said bids, being for the following: A. CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMINOUS SURFACE TR?I,ATMENT ON THE FOLLOWING $"&ET: 1. Melody Lane from Nelody Lake Drive to Grove Street. ON THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Tingdale Avenue from Benton Ave. to Grove St. 2. 17oodcrest Drive from N. line of Colonial Grove 5th Addn. to W.56th St.; 17.56th St. from Ninnehaha Creek to Park Place. 3. Dunham Drive from Wooddale Ave. to Ellsworth Drive. 4. T.J.57th St. from Code Ave. to Bernard Place. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREAQENT AM) GRADING AND GRAVELLING ON THE FOLLOWIKG STREET: I. 17.69th St. from Brittany Rd. to East Service Drive of IIwy.#100. 1. Park Place froml7.55th St. to 17.54th St. and Brookview Ave. 2. Halifax Lane from 17.54th St. to 320 feet South. 1. B. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND BITWMINOUS SURFACE TREABmENT \ C. D. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE 1.JATERBKf.N AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING SaET: E. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEVER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOTJING STREET: Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. $10.00, which deposit will be refunded,upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten per- cent of amount of base bid. bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VIUE COUNCIL. Halifax Lane from the South line of Southridge Addn. to 160 feet North. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of The Council reserves the right to reject any or all GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk llotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded in, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Beim, aye ; VanValken- The meeting's agenda's having been covered, Beim moved for adjournment. Motion