HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600926_19601003_regular_adjourned1013160 * .' MINUTES OF THE AXTOURNED PORTION OF THE SEPTEMBER'26, 1960 REXXLU MEETING OF THE: ED'LMA V'LLUGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1960 AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE * EDINA VILLAGE HALL Rollcall was answered by Dickson, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN COUNTRYSIDE ROAD FROM TRACY AVENUE EAST TO CUL-DE-SAC AND IN CRESCENT DRIVE FROM SOUTH LINE OF EDINA COUNTRYSIDE ADDN. TO 159 FT. NORTH OF CENTER OF COUNTRYSIDE ROAD. Manager Hyde read Estimate of Cost at $11,418.90, for $3.33 per Assessable Foot. comment from the audience &hat the Notice of Hearing had estimated cost at $3.02, Engineer Zikan explained that in the first estimate, capitalized interest had not been included; that this error had not been discovered until after notice had been mailed. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier of "Notice of Public Hearing", which was approved as to form and ordered placed 'on file. Mr. Hyde told Counci&Lthat Hearing had been initiated pursuant to an "emergency" petition filed because property owners desire installation of curb and gutter before the developer blacktops this fall. There were no objections to the proposed improvement, and none had-been received before the meeting. Ivan Jorgenson asked that improvement be expedited. Resolution and moved its adoption: Upon a Mr. Dickson offered the following RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B-63 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement : ' CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN: Countryside Road from Tracy Avenue East to Cul-de-sac; Crescent Drive from South line of Edina Countryside Addn. to 159 Ft. North of Center of Countryside Road and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of-all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings. as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BAG%., and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seco were four ayes and no nays, as follows: D e; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and. the Resolbtion vas AT YT: lkenburg, and on Rollcall there C6&&/J@&&, Village Clerk CONTRACT AkIARDED FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA6$', of two bids at the letting this morning; that of Arcon Construction Company at $8,839.36, and that of Victor Carlson and Sons, Inc., at $9,020.57--both bids being below Engineer's Estimate of Construction, $9,308.85. low bidder will not meet Village completion date of October 12--that he requires 20 days notice to begin,. a& 20 days after that to complete, whereas second-low will comply with Village completion date. Victor Carlson, because of the urgency of having work completed this fall, Mr. Jorgenson agreed with Mr. Hyde's recommendation, stating that the property owners do not desire to go through another winter with unsurfaced streets. It was noted that, even at the bid of the second-low bidder, costs to the property owner will be below estimate. Dickson's motion for award of contract to Victor Carlson and Sons, Inc., was seconded by Tupa and carried. Manager Hyde reported receipt He told Council that He recommended award to second-low, PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS. of "Notices of Assessment Hearings" in Edina-Morningside Courier September 15 and 22, 1960, which affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to said Notices, the following Public Hearings were conducted, and action was taken as her inafter recorded: d PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-20 CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE, I- AVE., W.62ND ST. TO MADDOX LANE. Mr. Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment at $3,873.60 Total, proposed to be assessed against 480 assessable feet, for $8.07 per Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $6.76. He told audience, however, that at his suggestion the Contractor, Black Top Service Company, will adjust prices to meet his "large job" prices; and that this will reduce the proposed assessment to $6.78 per Assessable Foot. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, none had been received prior thereto; and one lady called the reduction affected by the Manager good news. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Eonfirming Assessment). Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication I d2. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSNENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-9 CURB AND GUTTER AND BITLX.IINOUS SURFACE ON MILDRED AVE., F7.62ND ST. TO VALLEY VIEW RD. Tabulation of Assessment was read as follows: Total Assessable Cost, $5,775.19, proposed to be assessed against 751 Assessable Feet, for $7.69 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $7.58. that additional excavation and bituminous surface had been needed on this project, causing the increase over estimate. none h d been received prior thereto. Adopt' g and Confirming Assessmenf). llanager Hyde explained No objections ware raised at Hearing, and (See Resolution of later in Meeting, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IEiPROVEMENT NO. BA-15 CURB ANI, GUTTER AND BITUIIINOUS SURFACE ON NADDOX LANE, VY" AVE. TO HILDRED AVE. Manager read Total Assessable Cost as $5,458.78, proposed to be assessed against 762.4 Assessable Feet, for $7.16 per Assessable Foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $7.15. Hearin <. CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUkIINOUS SURFACE ON W.62ND ST. NY" AVENUE TO CODE AVE. Total Assessable Cost was read at $7,536.02, proposed to be assessed against 1,355.4 Assessable Feet, for $5.56 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $6.58. been received prior thereto. (See Resolution of later in Neeting, Adopting and confP PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSENT FOR STREET INPROVENEXT NO, BA-6 CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUBIINOUS SURFACE TREATbBNT, f.W)DOX LANE FROX HANSEN RD. TO IXWN AVE. Manager Hyde read Tabulation of Assessment as follo~7s: Total Assessable Cost, $6,417.05, proposed to be assessed against 981.2 Assessable Feet, for $6.54 per Assessable Foot, as compared with $7.18 Improvement Hearing Estimate. No objections were received, none had been received prior to Hearing. (See Resolution of later in Ileeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). I No objections registered, either at or prior to, L.4" PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSENT FOR STREET INPROVEMENT NO. BA-5 (See Resolution of later in lleeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). No objections were received at Hearing, and none had 'ng Assessment). 6. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSNENT FOR STREET IBPROVEfilENT NO. BA-26 CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUIIINOUS SURFACE, lJ.57TH ST. FRON CODE AVE. TO BERNARD PLACE. Manager read Total Assessable Cost as $4,021.85, proposed to be assessed against 538.4 Assessable Feet, for $7.47 per Assessable Foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $7.24. No objections registered. Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSIGNT FOR STREET IBIPROVEKENT NO. BA-13 CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT, AYRSHIRE BLVD. FROM DONCASTER WAY TO GLENGARRY PARKWAY. Total Assessable Cost was read as $7,428.38, proposed to be assessed against 1,162.5 Assessable Feet, for $6.39 per Assessable Foot, compared with the formal Improvement Hearing Estimate of $6.39. Mrs. Heilig, explaining that an informal Estimate of $5.30 for this project had been given at Hearing, asked whether this assessment could have been mixed with the York assessment, which is now proposed at $5.30. ae to cost figures, showing that quantkties had gone over estimate in both excavation and stabilized base. Mrs. P.L. Bowers, 5701, complained that she had not received mailed notice, but she was informed that her name is included on village mailing list and has been checked off as having been mailed notice. khere were no other objections registered, and none had been received prior to Hearing. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-1 CURB AND GUTTER AND BLTUkIINOUS SURFACE IN BRITTANY RD., W.66TH ST. TO DUNBERRY LANE AND DUNBERRY LANE FROM BRITTANY ROAD TO ?EST SHORE DRIVE. Tabulation of Assessment was read as follows: against 5,912.4 Assessable Feet, for $4.71 per Assessable Foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $6.07. No objections registered. (See Resolution of later in Neeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). CURB AND GUTTER AND BLTUIINOUS SURFACE IN ZENITH AVE. FROX #6104-05 TO 17.62ND ST. Total Assessable Cost v7as given as $5,617.56, proposed to be assessed against 1,080.3 Assessable Feet, for $5.20 per Ass-essable Foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $6.94. Resolution of later in Neeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUIIINOUS SURFACE, WILFORD WAY FROM BRITTANY RD. TO WEST SHORE DRIVE. 2,339 Assessable Feet, for $5.29 per Assessable Foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $6.68. prior thereto. Assessment). (See Resolution of later in /7. Nr. Hyde went into some detail J8. Total Assessable Cost, $27,847.40, proposed to be assessed 4. PUBLIC HEARING OH PROPOSED ASSESSBENT FOR STREET IESPROVEMENT NO. BA-2 No objections at Hearing; none prior thereto. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STFGET INPROVDENT NO. BA-3 (See 40. Total Assessable Cost was read as $12,373.31, proposed to be assessed against No objections registered at Hearing, and none received (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming 1 d19. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEZJER IMPROVEMENT NO. 164. . SCHAEFER RD. FROM SOUTHWESTWOOD CT. TO NORTH WESTWOOD CT.: AND NORTH 10/3/60 I 61. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-4 CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE IN ROYCAR RD., BRITTANY RD. TO SOUTHCREST DR.) Total Assessable Cost was given as $6,,833.75, proposed to be assessed against 1,093.4 Assessable Feet, for $6.25 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $6.25. No objections received. 4. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED.ASSESSMENT FOR STMET IMPROVEMFNT NO. BA-8 CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE IN SAXONY RD. FROM W. HIGHWOOD DR. TO BLAKE RD. Tabulation of Assessment. was read as fellows: , Total Assessable Cost, $11,561.62, proposed to be assessed against, 21,49 Assessable Feet, for $5.38 per Assessable Foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $6.71. No objections regi tered. CUR33 AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE IN WOOQDALE AVE., BELVIPERE LANE TO DUNHAM DR. Total Assessable Cost was read as $7,924.77, proposed to be assessed against 1259.9 Assessable Feet, for $6.29 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $7.33. No objections received. Adopt' g and Confirming Assessment). $. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STmET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-11 CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE, ASHCROFT AVE., VALLEY VIEW RD. TO W.62ND ST.. Tabulation of Assessment showed Total Assessable Cost as $5,701.17, proposed to be assessed against 966.3 Assessable Feet, for $5.90 per Assessable Foot as compared with $7.02 Improvement Hearing Estimate. No objections registered. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE, YORK AVE., W.58TH ST. TO TJ.59TH ST. Tabulation of Assessment was given as follows: Total Assessable Cost, $6,323.96, proposed to be assessed against 1,193.2 Assessable Feet, for $5.30 per Assessable Foot, compared with 1mprovemen.t Hearing Estimate of $7.04. No objections receiyed. CURB AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE, TINGDALE AVE., W.64TH ST. TO N.65TH ST. Total Assessable Cost was given as $6,228.00, proposed to be assessed against 1,200 Assessable Feet, for $5.19 per Assessable Foot as compared with $6.95 Improvement Hearing Estimate. No objections received. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). CU RP7 AND GUTTER AND BITUMINOUS SURFACE IN WOODCREST DR. FROM N. LINE OF COLONIAL GROVE FIFTH ADDN. TO WEST 56TH STREET: BITUMINOUS SURFACE ONLY IN W.56TH ST. FROM MINNEHAHA CREEK TO 135 FT. EAST OF PARK PLACE: CURB AND GUTTER ONLY IN W.56TH ST. FROM MINNEHAHA CREEK TO PARK PI&X. Total Assessable Cost, $9,410.10; proposed to be assessed against 1,4.07.19 .Assa&saEleI-F6et, for Bituminous Surface; 1,709.5 Assessable Feet for Curb and Gutter; for Assessments of $2.64 per Foot for Curb and Gutter, $3.48 for Bituminous Surface, compared with Improvement Hearing Estimates of $3.97 and $5.68. Mrs. Ruth Sprague, JC.5525 Woodcrest Drive, asked for rel5ef from the assessment for the 56th street side of her lot, stating that Woodcrest Drive interior lots use 56th Street more than she does. She was informed that it is Council policy, and has been policy for many years, to assess corner lots for full costs of cross streets, unless neighbors agree among themselves to take part of cost; that, if she can get the consent of all the assessable properties to dividing the cost of the 56th Street side of this improvement the Council will adjust assessment accordingly; that such assent should be in this office before October 10. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Asses ment). J8. NO. 161 - PARNELL AVE.. 8.63RD ST. TO 555 FT. NORTH. Total Assessable Cost was read as $4,472.00, proposed to be assessed against ten Assessabhe Lots for $447.20 per Lot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $497.16. No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior therepo. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). . (See Resolution of later in Meet+ g, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). ,. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). k3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-10 (See Resolution of later in Meeting, h5. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-12 (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). /16. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-21 . PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-24 Tabulation of Assessment was read as follows: PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVmNT I.IESTWOOD CT. FROM SCHAEFER RD. TO 530 FT. WEST. Tabulation of Assessment was read as follows: TQtd Assessable Cost, $9,178.00, proposed to be assessed against ten Assessable Lots, for $917.80 per Lot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $1,091.76. No objections received. (See Resoiution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). LO. PUBLIC HF,ARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENT NO. 165 - BENTON AVE., BERNARD PLACE TO DM AVE.: AND DALE AVE. FROM BENTON AVE. TO 573 FT. NORTH. assessed against a total of 26 Assessable Lots.,for $555.90 per Lot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $625.53. No objections received. (Bee Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). Total Assessable Cost was read ast-,$%3,$'7,Q,E0>:, proposed to be 10/3/6b / 21. PUBLIC REARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSEDENT FOR SANITARY SEWER IIIPROVEMENT NO. 166 - PEACEDALE AVE. FROM N.62ND ST. TO 17.64TH ST. Tabulation of Assessment ~-7as~ read as follows : Total Assessable Cost, $14,374.10, proposed to be assessea against 26 Assessable Lots, for $552.85 per Lot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $1,302.21. in Xeefing, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). GWIEG AND GRAVELLIEG PEACEDALE AVE. FRal V.62ND ST. TO W.64TH ST. Total Assess- able Cost ~7as read a6 $5,542.80, proposed to be assessed against 2,520 Assessable Feet, for $3.39 per Foot, compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.75. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER DIPROVE3ENT NO. 169 - BENTON AVE. FRO11 LOT 3, B.I.ANDERSON'S ADDN. TO 384 FT. T.J. AND BENTON AVE.. JOHNSON DR. TO TRACY AVE. Tabulation of Assessment was read as follo~7s: Total Assessable Cost, $7,171.71, proposed to be assessed against 13 Assessable Lots €or $551.67 per Lot, as compared with $795.40 Improvement Hearing Estimate. No objections registered. Confirming Assessment). PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENT FOR SANITARY SEVER IEIIPROVEEBNT NO. 172 - HALIFAX LANE FRO11 SOUTH LINE OF SOUTHRIDGE TO 160 FEET NORTH. Total Assessable Cost was given as $1,671.30, proposed to be assessed against five Assessable Lots, for $334.26 per Lot compared aith Improvement Hearing Estimate of $4-48.62. No objections. registered. No objections received. (See Resolution of later &2. PUBLIC HEARING ON PRO?OSED ASSESSDENT FOR STREET IMPROVELENT NO. C-79 I No objections received. (See Resolution Adopting and Confirming Assessment). J23. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and . /24. Trustee Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . . RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRElING ASSESSENTS FOR STREET IMPROVEEDENTS NOS. BA-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 24 AND 26; SANITARY SEWER ~IPROVE2BNTS NOS. 161, 164, 165, * AND STREET IMPROVENENT NO. C-79; AND 166, 169 AND 172 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as fo11o~;is: 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared thar: the proposed assessments for STREET IMPROVEblENTS NOS. EA-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 24 AND 26 AND C-79 and SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 161, 164, lb5, lbo, lb9 AND 172, and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Ninnesota Statutes, Section 429.051 and 429.061, that notice has been duly published as required by law, that this CouncilwouLd meet to hear ana pass upon all objections, if any,-to amend said proposea assessmznts as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested-persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the.construction of the improvement for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said proposed assess- ments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien con- current with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. The total amount of each such assessment €or STREET IEIPROVEBDENTS NOS.. BA-1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 20, 21, 24 and 26 and for SANITARY SEWER IIQROVE4ENTS NOS. 161, 164, 165, 166, 169 and 172, shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of tenyears, .the first 0.f said installments, together yith interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1961, to be payable Pxith the general taxes for the year 1960, and one of the remaining insfall- ments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable plith general taxes for the years 1961 through 19699 collectible in the respective ensuing years. The total amount of each such assessment for STREET INPROVEBENT NO. C-79 shall be gayable in equal annual installments extending over a period of three years, the first of said installments, together withinterest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1961, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1960, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable 17ith general taxes for the years 1961 and 1962, collectible in the.respective ensuing years. of any lot, piece 0.r parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such as.sess- ment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and there- after such payment may be made vith accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. I 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, pieces 3. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the owner 10/3/60 I I89 4. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid install- ment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. Said duplicate shall be desig- nated as the ASSESSNENT ROLL FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS BA-1,2,3,4,5,6,8,9,10,11, 12,13,15,20,2&,2$ AND 26 AND C-79, AND SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 161, 164, 165, 169 AND 172, and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the IMPROVEMENT BOND REDEMPTION FUND. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was e were four ayes and no nays, as upa, aye; Van enburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; E.E.f.JILCKEN REQUEST FOR PERMIT TO ERECT TWO DOUBLE BOUNGALOWS ON NORTH SIDE OF INTERZACHEN BLVD. AT HANmRSON AVENUE DISCUSSED. Planning Director Hite presented for the Council's consideration the above entitled request, stating that petitioner wants at this time, an indication from the Council as to fts opinion on the possibility of doubles in this section. Planning Commission recommendations of September 14 were reviewed, and Mayor Bredesen asked Mr. Hite about the drainage problem existing here, and Mr. Hite replied that the petitioner is willing to join in a petition to correct drainage difficulties and that he will undoubtedly be assessed a good deal for whatever improvement is installed; that the problem actually exists to the north.of this property and the method of getting this drainage to Hollywood Road-Rutledge Avenue; that no drainage structures would actually be constructed.on this property. Council indicated that it's opinion would depend on sentiments of property owners at the required public hearing; that it is keeping an open mind on the matter . LOTS 13 AND 14, BLOCIC 20, NORMANDALE ADDITION PURCHASED FOR PARK-DRAINAGE PURPOSES. recommendation for purchase of Lots 13 and 14, Block 20, Normandale (in the Lake Cornelia Drainage District area) €or a combination park and drainage purpose. Cost of the two lots is $3,750. Tupa's motion for purchase was seconded by Dickson and carried. Some considerable discussion was had regarding the Park Board's MINNEAPOLIS, NORTHFIELD &. SOUTHERN TWINS' SPEEDS AND WHISTLES DISCUSSED TJITJ3 RAILROAD OFFICIAL. Mr. Davenport of MN&S Railroad ~7as present, to hear Mayor Bredesen's reading of Mr. McPherson's answer to Manager Hyde's plea1 for less speed and noise during the night hours, filed as result bf petition filed last meeting. railroad company will do what it can to alleviate the conditions complained of. Bir. Davenport concurred with Mr. McPherson' s statement that' the TELEPHONE BOOTH AT 66TH AND NORMANDALE MUST BE ON 66TH STREET. Mayor Bredesen inquired as to progress on the requested pay telephone booth, and was informed by 14r. Hyde that the Telephone Company is working on this; that the Highway Dept. will not allow installation on its right-of-way; that if petitioner wants booth on 66th Street Village will allow. NENSPAPERS DEBRIS TO BE PICKED UP BY CARRIERS. Manager Hyde reported that in response to his communication to Circulation Manager, an arrangement has been made whereby the newspaper debris will be picked up and taken home by the carriers; recepticles will no longer be available for this trash. ENCROACHEVIENTS ON HIGHWAY NO. 100, W.&QZH ST. TO VALLEY VIEW ROAD PROHIBITED. Manager Hyde presented for Council consideration a resolution pg@g&iting encroachments on Highway No. 100, fromU.64th St. to Valley View Road, requested by the Highway Department. He recommended adoptkdn, and Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION VHEREAS the Ge~~ssleRer-ef-B~~h~a~s Village of Edina has approved the plans and specifications for the improvement of that part of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina fromW.64th Street to Valley View Road; 10/3/60 'JIBREAS in order to obtain Federal Aid in the construction of said Trunk Htghway Number 130 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 the Bureau of Public Roads requires the assurance that the Village of Edina will not suffer any encroach- ment of any nature or kind whatsoever on the right of way of said Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 within the corporate limits of the said Village of Edina; and WEREAS the Commissioner of Highways desires in the interest of public safety that all parking of vehicles on said trnnk highway be parallel with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crossv~alk. and covenant that it will never permit or suffer, within its corporate limits, any encroachment of any kind whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and.gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon the right of ~7ay of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 and to the above end said Village of Edina hereby agrees that it will never issue any license, permit, or grant, or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the construction or maintenance of any encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind vhatsoever, upon said right of 17ay; and that said Village of Edina will cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroachments constituting traffic hazards and will further take any necessary action to eliminate any encroachment that may hereafter exist on said trunk highway right of way; and require the parking of all vehicles on said trunk highway to be parallel with the curb and at least twenty (20) feet from any crosswalks on all public streets intersecting said trunk highway within the corporate limits of said Village of Edina . I NOV, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said Village of Edina does hereby agree I BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Village of Edina does hereby agree to , aye; VanValkenburg, STOR1.I SEIER COOPERA'JXVE AGREEMENT BETWEEN STATE AND VILLAGE LAID OVER. Eianager Hyde presented a cooperative agreement between State and Village for wash-out exchange of storm sewer costs relative to the Crosstown-Highway 100 interchange. Some discussion v7as had, relative to the County share of these projects, and it 17as decided to lay matter over to the next meeting for further figures by Blanager. SALARIES INCREASES REQUESTED BY UNION. present to request salaries increases over and above those proposed in the Budget for 1961 of from $3 to $63, depending on classification. He asked, too,.for Health and Welfare Insurance for village employees. Hr. 3lcClellan's requests, and matter was finally set over to Thursday, October 6, at 5:OO P.M., for consideration in connection with adoption of budget. informed Mr. McClellan that they consider a good many of his requests out of line but will consider matter further. Elr. Larkin McClellan of the Union sas Nuch discussion ~7as had on Council COUNCIL ADOPTS TRAVEL EXPENSE POLICY FOR VILLAGE EMPLOYEES. recommended adoption of the following Resolution, to clarify policy concerning such travel expenses as may be granted Village employees, and after some discussion, Tupa ofEered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Manager Hyde A RESOLUTION PRESCRIBING RULES FOR REIBSBURSEXENT OF TRAVELLIRG EXPENSES OF VILLAGE EIIPLOYEES AND FOR ADVANCE PAYMENT OF SUCH EiYPENSES BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, as follows: It is the policy of the Village to reimburse the reasonable and necessary travel expenses of its officers and employees when attending meetings or conferences as delegates or representatives of the Village, or actending schools or institutes for the purpose of improving their abilities as officers or employees of the Village; and it is further the policy of the Village to permit officers and employees to receive reimbursement of such expenses in advance, when necessary to avoid financial hardship. submitted as a claim to the Village Council, and shall forth the following: 1. 2. Every claim for reimbursement, including advance reimbursement, shall be (a) (b) the purpose of travel. (c) the method of travel. (d) an endorsement by the Village Manager that the travel is necessary for Village purposes, and that the method of travel chosen ia the most saving of time and money. destination and duration of travel. (e) a daily itemization of travel expenses for transportation, lodging and .meals, or (if the.claim is for advance reimbursement), an estimate of such expenses. (f) a verification by the 'claimant, as required by Minn. St. Sec. 412,271. If the claim is for advance reimbursement, the employee shall also promise therein to submit an itemized accounting of his actual expenses within 10 days after his return, to be accompanied by payment to the Village of the amount, if any, by which the advance reimbursement exceeded actual expenses. 3. No advance reimbursement shall be allowed unless the estimated expenses exceed $100, 4. Tickets for travel by commercial carrier shall be purchased by the Village and not by the employee. fees directly to the conference or institute. In determining which method of travel is the most saving of time and money, the Manager shall consider not only the cost of commercial transportation and the loss of time through travel, but also the safety and convenience of the officer or employee. Travel - Other than Minnesota: - Tourist airfare and local transportation as The Village shall pay registration and tuition 5. 6. The following limitations shall apply except for good cause shown: necessary. - By passenger car (Minnesota only); - not to exceed 7& per mile actually traveled. Hotel or motel accommodations: (a) City of 50,000 population or over: $13 per day. (b) City of less than 50,000 population: $8 per day. (a) City of 50,000 population or over: $9 per day. (b) City of less than 50,000 population: $6 per day. Meals : were four ayes and no nays, as follows: BUDGET DISCUSSION HAD. Further discussion was had,on the proposed Budget for the Year 1961, but inasmuch as Council had already decided to lay matter over to Thursday, October 6, to further consider salaries and other recommendations, no action was taken. of meeting to Thursday, October 6, at 5:OO P.M., and carFiqd. Meeting adjourned at 9:lO P.M. Tupa's motion €or adjournment was seco.nded by VanValkenburg 10/6/60 (Continued from Page No. 193) GENERAL FUND Village Share-State Liquor and Cigarette Taxes $21,000 Licenses and permits 52 , 255 Municipal Court 45 , 000 Departmental Service Charges I 109,000 . Other 25,350 Transfer from Liquor Fund 84,993 State Apportionmznt-Highways 27,000 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $367,598 PARK FUND Transfer unappropriated surplus Registration Fees $ 7,622 18 , 970 * Other 450 Transfer from General Fund 40 , 007 TOTAL PARK FUND $ 67,049 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $434,647 Section 3. That there be and hereby is levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the Village of Edina, a tax rate sufficient to produce the amounts hereinafter set forth: For For For For For For For the General Fund the Park Fund the Poor Fund the Firemen's Relief Fire Protection Bonds and Interest Hennepin County Park Reserve District TOTAL $657,959 54,000 7,500 7,900 7,900 43,200 1,754. $ 780,213 Section 4. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after-its adoption and publication according to law. aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, ATTEST: STOE.1 SEWER AGIWXEDT BE,EEEN STATE AND VILLAGE APPROVED. Pursuant to the discussion had at the meeting of October 3, 14anager Hyde again presented a proposed cooperative agrcemmt between State and Village for skorm sewer costs relative to the Crossto~m-Highway 100 interchange; explaining the role the County plays in stom sewer costs on the Crosstown. After somz further discussion, Tupa ogfered the follotiing Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVIKG AGREEMENT .. BETk7EEN STATE AND VILLAGE FOR PROVISION FOR STORI4 Sl37ER FOR 13WY.$100 AND ADJACENT VILLAGE AREAS BE IT RZSOLVED that the Village enter into an agreement with the State of Hinnesota, Dzpartmnt of Highways for the Eollo~iing purposed, to-wit : to provide for storm setisr construction by the State which will provide drainage for Trunk Highway No. iuu and adjacent Village Areas, and for construction by the Village of a storm sewer upon and along 11. 70th Street which will provide an outlet for trunk highway drainage. authorized to execute such agreement; that said agreement be entitled "Cooperatiee Agreement 5-2764". BE IT FURTIBR R1CadLVlr;ri iha~ the Mayor and Clerk be and they hereby are I 14otion for adoption of ResoluLim was seconded b Diclcson, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dic5s 8 n, aye; Tupa,-aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the ResolutionFras adopted. ATTEST: 1 Nay0 r &king' Village cleric i'ne business of the meting having been concluded, VanValkenburg moved for adjoummcnt . Notion seconded by Diclcson and carried. Acting Village Clerk 10/6/60 m Ipp. c1 l*fINLTTES OF THAT PORTION OF THE SEPm;BER 26, ADJOURNED FROTI OCTOBER 3 , 1960 TO OCTOBER 6, 1960, 1960 REGULAR 1,IE;ETING OF TIE EDINA VILLAGE COUIJCIL, AND HELD AT .EDINA VILLAGE HALL AT 5:OO P.P.1. Elembers answering Rollcall were Dickson, Tupa , VanValkenburg and Eredesen. PI-r. Allen Loclce acted as Clerk. Kr. Larkin UcClellan of Local No. 49 presented Salary Schedules of four communities which_ have resolved their salary rates for 1961, and which ShOV7 Ileavy Equipment and Light Equipment Operators at $525 and $460, respectively; asking that Edina se~ ~hese saiaries ~LSO. Hayor Bredesen and other Councrmen commented that they EALARIES SET FOR HEAVY-LiGHT EQUIReENT OPERATORS. feel salaries should be uniform throughout the Suburban area; however, that hhey wouLa noc agree '130 increase the salaries to the above rate if Mr. NcClellan, through Local 49, is planning to use this as a lever to obtain higher salaries in other communities. Nr. McClellan agreed, and said that in one case he had asked a community to keep salaries at $525 and $460 because other communities have established this rate; that he is in favor of a uniform pay scale and that eucept.in communities where there is a graduated pay scale set by ordinance he would strive to have respective positions held at a uniform rate of $525 and $460. $525, and for Light Equipment Operator at $460 for year 1961, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Dickson's motion establishing salary for Heavy Equipment Operator at BUDGET FOR YEAR 1961 ADOPTED. moving that Council waive second reading and adopt as subniLizd: ORDINANCE ADOPTING BUDGET FOR.THE VILLAGE OF EuINA Dickson then offered the followmg Ordinance, ORDINANCE NO. 16-4 .~ FOR THE YEAR 1961, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR - THE YEAR 1960 PAYABLE IN 19bl THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA. MINNESOTA, DOES ORDAIN AS FOLLOVS: Section 1. The Budget for the Village-of Edina for the calendar year 1961 is hereby adopted as hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor: GENERAL FUND GENERAL GOVERNMENT Mayor and Council $10 , 430 Administration 52,857 Finance 33,547 Asses sing 40,139 .Legal Services 15 , 670 Nunicipal Court 25,354 Library 3,603 E le ct ion 2,915 P 1 anning .. * 13,412 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMENT PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY Police $198 , 140 Fire 93 , 204 Civilian Defense 2,330 Public Health 5 , 447 Animal Control 4 , 550 Inspection 26,242 TOTAL PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND.PROPERTY $329 , 9 13 PUBLIC WORKS Engineering $104,314 Eighways 313,091 TOTAL PUBLIC WORKS NON-DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES Contingencies $ 9,458 Special Assessments on Village Property17,OOO Unallocated capital outlay 2,854 Settlement of Suits 1,000 $197,927 $417 , 405 cap i t a1 Imp rovemen t s 50,000 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS AND CONTINGENCIES $ 80,312 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $1,025,557 PARK FUND Supervision and Overhead Haintenance Capital Outlay Recreation TOTAL PARK FUND 29,278 42,740 10,300 38;731 $12 1,049 Section 2. Estimated receipts other than General Tax Levy are hereby established as hereinafter set forth: (Ordinance Continued on P. 192)