HomeMy WebLinkAbout19600926_regular9/26/60 17-7 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF'THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 26, 1960, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE ' EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of September 12, 1960'were approved as submitted, by Motion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried. CONTINUATION OF PUBLIC HEARIHG ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK IN FRANCE AVENUE FROM W.49TH ST. TO APPROX. 167 FT. SOUTH (\?EST SIDE ONLY): AND IN W.49TH ST. FROM FRANCE AVE. TO APPROX. 145 FT. WEST (SOUTH SIDE ONLY). This Hearing had been continued from September 12, for notification by Mrs. Lucille R. Nolan, owner of the only lot abutting this proposed improvement, as to her plans for building on the lot. Manager and Clerk reported that although Mrs. Nolan had been notified of Council's action imediately after Hearing of the 12th, no reply had been received from her; that Village is continuing to receive complaints fsom pedestrians on the dangerous condition of the present sidewalk. Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT NO. S-2 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE SIDEWALK IN THE FOLLO'EJING STREETS : France Avenue from W.49th St. .to approximately 167 feet south (West side only); W.49th St. from France Ave. to approximately 145 feet west (South side only) *. and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of sakd improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. 5-2, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the portions of the streets proposed to be improved. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. S-2 CONTRACT AWARDED. Pursuant to Council's foregoing action Manager reported receipt of one bid on September 12, that of Victor Carlson & Sons at $735.40, recommending award of contract in order that improvement might be expedited, and Beim moved for award in accordance with Manager's recommendation. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PETITIONS FOR VARIANCES FROM ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIREPENTS. Planning Director Hite presented Affidavit of Mailing of "Notice of Hearing" on the following petitions, which affidavit was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. were conducted and action was taken as hereinafter recorded. of a dwelling eave within three feet of his side lot,line. requires a four-foot eave setback. error on the part of the contractor; that house is at an angle to the lot line and that there is only one spot in which eave projects beyond ordinance require- ment. Commission had so recommended at its meeting of September 14. were made from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. Dickson's motion that permit be granted was seconded by Beim and carried. PETITION OF HIPPE CONSTRUCTION COMPANY FOR PERMIT TO BUILD DOUBLE BUNGALOW AT 6208 FRANCE AVENUE, WITH SIDE YEAR SETBACKS OF EIGHT FEET. reminded Council that property has already been zoned for double bungalow use; that the only question is that of the setbacks; that this has been permitted on other lots in this area, and that Planning Comission has recommended approval of this request. permit be granted for this variance from the ten-foot side yard requirement of the Zoning Ordinance. Pursuant to Notice of Hearing, the following Public Hearings 1. PETITION OF MR. ROBERT A. HUELSTER, 4521 CLAREMORE COURT for maintenance Zoning Ordinance Mr. Hite reported that this was an honest He recommended that permit be granted, and it was noted that Planning No objections 2. Mr.Hite No objections were registered, and Tupa moved that Motion seconded by Beim and carried. 9/26/60 3. PETITION OF I*=. ELIER A. SODERBERG FOR PERMIT TO RESUBDIVIDE LOTS 1,2, 3, BROOKSIDE TERRACE INTO Tb70 LOTS IJITHOUT REPLATTING. proposed plat to Council, reporting that because of some discrepancy in County records plat could not be filed. He-told Council that Mr. Soderberg intends to subdivide in strict accordance with the plat,, without actually filing plat. Planning Commission's favorable recommendation of September 14 was reviewed, no otijections were offered, and Dickson moved for approval of request. Motion was seconded by Tupa and carried. Mr. Hite presented SIILDEN-YUND REQUEST FOR STORM SEVER TO DRAIN FROM INTERSECTION OF 11.56TI-I ST. AM) $ERROR LAKE3 DRIVE INTO HAIJKES LAKE was reviewed. that, as he sees the matter, this proposed sewer is principally to drain two or three back yards; that developers'are willing to pay"a part of the cost of the project but'do not wish to pay it all; that'storm sewer was not required for developments at the time this plat was filed; that the drainage district will involve several tracts of land, most of which are no longer ovmed by the developer; that 14r. Cardarelle's Estimate of Cost is $5,600, of which the developers have indicated they will pay approximately half, with the balance proposed for assessment. proposed improvement for the last regular meeting in October was seconded by Beim and carried. Rc. Hyde told Council . Dickson's motion scheduling Public Hearing on the PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING REPORT FOR.AUGUST, 1960 was submitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. IMPROVEMENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED. The following Improvement Petitions were submitted: OILING - Mildred Ave., I7.63rd St. to W.64th St. OILING - W.64th St., Normandale Rd. to Whiting St. (for Spring of 1961) SANITARY SEWER AND IJATEREIAIN along boundary line between St. Patrick's Church Church, and E.F. Garrison property. Mr. Hite explained that this property is now proposed for platting; that the only properties involved in the Lateral Services are the Church and the Garrison properties; that'laterals will involve extension of the 17ater Trunk Line, which will affect other properties. Some discussion was had on the rate and potential of development in this immediate area. Dickson moved that Improvement Petitions be accepted and referred to Village Engineer for programming. Hotion seconded by Beim and carried. PETITION FILED FOR "NO IIIPROVEMENT OTHER THAN OILING"-I7.64TH ST. FROM NORMANDALE RD. This petition, filed in opposition to a major street improvement, 17as submitted by Clerk. September 29, with the Normandale Second Addition neighborhood, concerning street improvements, and Petition was ordered placed on file, by motion Tupa, seconded by Beim and carried. Council was appraised by Manager of a meeting to be held on Thursday, MTNICIPAL JUDGEfS REQUEST FOR CONTINUANCE OF 1960 COUNCIL POLICY ON SALARIES OF COURT PERSONNEL HONORED. Nayor Bredesen read Judge Burris' request that the Council continue for the year 1961 its 1960 policy of authorizing the Judge to establish the salaries of Court personnel (excluding judicial salaries) and salary of substitute clerical help within budgetary limits. and carried. Beim so moved. Motion seconded by Tupa MINNEAPOLIS, NORTHFIELD & SOUTHERN TRAINS' SPEEDS AND I7HISTLES BRANDED A NUISANCE. Nayor Bredesen read to the Council a petition submitted by Dr. R.C. Logefeil, 6117 Crescent Drive, and signed by some 50 neighbors, branding the shrill whistles and the speed of MN&S trains a nuisance, and asking for some relief. Attorney Hassel- quist told Council he believes this is a matter for the Railroad &'G7arehouse Commission and that he had so informed Dr. Logefeil; Council, however, was of opinion that NN&S officials, who are usually cooperative,'would honor Council's request for relief from these nuisances, and directed Manager to petition to the Railroad Company for the requested changes. S7IBE4ING POOL PAINTING CONTRACT P;I.ARDED. Manager Hyde asked for formal confirmation of the informal award made September 19 of bids received that day on the painting of the Nunicipal Swimming Pool. He reported receiving three bids; McPherson-Towne, at $4,089.00; Rysgaard Company at $4,Q99.00; and Pools, Inc. at $9,783.00. He read low bidder's letter objecting to award to Rysgaard, and explained that the basis for informal award was that Village has had experience with this Company and also that IIcPherson has not had experience in applying this apoxy coating. discussion was had by Council, and Beim moved for award of contract to second-low bidder, Rysgaard Company. Some Idotion seconded by Tupa and carried. OUTDOOR TELEPHONE REQUESTED AT INTERSECTION OF 66m AND NORHANDALE. ' Petition for this installation was read by Nayor Bredesen and referred to Village Manager. 9/26/60 rn CLAIMS PAID. dated September 26, 1960, was seconded by Dickson and carried: General Fund $26,895.27 Sewer Rental Fund $514.07 Construction Fund 290,234.17 Improvement Funds 84.40 Swim Pool Funds 3,309.37 $375,688.08 Vatemorks Fund . 10,291.73 Tupa's motion for payment of the follo~7ing Claims, as per Pre-List Parks, Park Const. & Poor Fund 100 .oo $1,800,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS SOLD. publication of notice of sale of $1,800,000 Improvement Bonds proposed to be issued for the financing of various water main, sanitary and storm sewer and street improvements and for the retirement of the Temporary Improvement Bonds, Series C, dated December 15, 1959. Said affidavits were examined and found satisfactory and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Clerk. The Village Clerk reported that Four sealed bids had been received in her office prior to the time of this meeting, which bids were thereupon opened and publicly read and considered, and the highest and best bid of each bidder was found to be as follows: Interest Rate Name of Bidder or Rates Premium FIRST NATIONAL BANK, MINNEAPOLIS ) Maturities of: FIRST NATIONAL BANK, ST. PAUL ) 1962-1966,Incl.- 3.00% NORTHWESTERN NATIONAL BANK, MINNEAPOLIS) 1967 & 1968 - 3.20% None ALLISON-WILLIAMS COMPANY, MINNEAPOLIS ) 1969 & 1970 - 3.40% J.M. DAIN & CO., MINNEAPOLIS Plus Addl. Coupon on all PIPER,JAFFRAY & HOPWOOD, MINNEAPOLIS ) Bonds at 2.10% from 1/1/61 FIRST OF MICHIGAN CORPORATION, CHICAGO ) to 9/1/61 The Village Clerk presented affidavits of BLYTH AND COIPANY, INC., MINNEAPOLIS MANNHEIMER-EGAN , INC . , 5T. PAUL CALDWELL PHILLIPS COMPANY, ST. PAUL SHAUGHNESSY & CO., ST. PAUL FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK, EDINA FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK, EDINA 0 HAROLD E. IJOOD & CO., ST. PAUL NALSEY-STUART 6 CO., INC., CHICAGO KIDDER, PEABODY & CO., CHICAGO R.IJ. PRJ3SSPRICH 6c CO. , CHICAGO GOODBODY & CO., CHICAGO CRUTTENDEN, PODESTA & CO., CHICAGO MULLANEY, WELLS & COMPANY, CHICAGO THE WHITE-PHILLIPS COMPANY, INC , , DAVENPORT , IOWA Total Int. - $370,400. Av.Int. - 3.42962% 1 1 1 1 ) ) 1962-1966,111~1.- 3.00% ) 1967 & 1968 - 3.20% None ) 1969 - 3.30% ) 1970 - 3.4.0% ) Plus Addl.Coupon on all Bonds . ) of 0.90% from 11/1/60 to ) 9/1/61 Incl. ) Total Int. - $356,900 BARRET, FITCH,'NORTH sr co., KANSAS cImj Av.Int. - 3.3046%- .. JOHN NUVEEN 4 CO., INC . , CHICAGO ) 1962-1965,Incl.- 3.75% MERRILL, LYNCH PEIRCE FENNER & SMITH,) 1966-1968,Incl.- 3.00% None INC. , CHICAGO ) 1969 & 1970 - 3.50% B.J.VANINGEN & CO., INC,, CHICAGO ) Total Int. - $364,000 SHEARSON HAMMILL & CO., CHICAGO ) Av.Int. - 3.370r&"/, M. B. VICK& CO., CHICAGO 1 KALWA & COMPANY AND ASSOCIATES, ) Hl3"NAEOLIS ) PAINE IJEBBEK JACKSON & CURTIS, ) MLNNEAPOLI S ) AMERICAN NATIONAL BANK, ST. PAUL ) JURAN & l400DY, INC . , ST. PAUL ) BARCUS , KINDmD & COMPANY, CHICAGO) E.J. PRESCOTT & CO., MINNEAPOLIS ) 1962 - 2.40% $180.00 1963 - 2.60% 1964-1967,Incl.- 3.00% 1968 - 3.20%. 1969 & 1970 - 3.30% Plus Addl.Coupon on all Bonds of 1.40% from 11/1/60 to 9/1/61. Total Int. - $354,626 Av.Int. - 3.2835% Trustee Tupa introduced the following resolution and moved adoption: RESOLUTION AWARDING SALE OF $1,800,000 IMPROVEMENT BONDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that in accordance with instructions of this Council notice has been published of the sale of $1,800,000 negotiable coupon general obligation Improvement Bonds to be dated as of September 1, 1960, and all bids received pursuant to said notice of sale have been duly opened and considered and the highest and best of such bids is hereby found and determined to be that of KALMAN & COMPANY of MINNEAPOLIS, MINNESOTA, and associates named therein, to purchase said bonds at a price of par and accrued interest, plus a premium of $180.00; the bonds to bear interest from date of issue until paid, as follows: 9/26/60 Maturity Years 1962 interest Rate 2.40% 1963 2.60% 1964 3.00% 1965 3.00% 1966 3 .OO% 1967 3.00% 1968 3.20% 1969 3.30% 1970 3.30% and each and all of the bonds to bear additional interest at the rate of 1.40% per annum from November 1, 1960 to September 1, 1961, represented by a separate set of coupons designated as "B" coupons. The Nayor and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to endorse the aaceptance of the Village upon duplicate copies of said proposal and to return a copy thereof to said bidder and to file the original in the office of said Clerk. furnished by said successful bidder shall be retained by the Village Treasurer pending delivery of the bonds and payment of the purchase price, and the checks of other bidders shall be returned to them forthwith. The good faith check The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Dickson, and on rollcall there were five ayes and.no nays, as follows: Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and said resolution vas declared duly passed and adop- . Mayor Village Clerk PUBLIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 10 ON STREET IEPROVEEIENTS FOR RICHSKIOD DRIVE AREA. Drive area re-surfaced, stating he feels that this work can be done with Village forces $et this fall if it is approved by property owners. Public Hearing be held on proposed project at the earliest possible time, and Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . Manager Hyde spoke of the urgency of having the streets in the Richwood He recommended that RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED OIL STABILIZED BASE ~IPROVEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: report as to the feasibility of themproposed Oil Stabilized Base Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, October 10, 1960, at 7:OO P.H., in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a weelc for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- . stantially the following form: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON OIL STABILIZED BASE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Nonday, October 10, 1960, at 7:OO P.I.I., to consider the following proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1958, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: CONSTRUCTION OF OIL STABILIZED BASE IN TH[E FOLLOVING ESTIMATED COST STRBTS : Richwood Drive; . Shemood Road from Richwood Drive to Hwy.i'c.169; Edenmoor St. from Shemood Rd. to Richwood Dr. $4,389.00 the area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the Oil Stabilized Base includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there rg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Re 9/26/60 181 U.S. PUBLIC HE"H SERVICE MILK ORDINANCE ADOPTED BY REFERENCE. Telling the Council that for a long time he has been dismayed by the lack of inspection of creameries, etc. in this area, and reminding Council that Edina does have one commercial dairy in its limits, Manager Hyde concurred in the recommendation of Sanitarian Hensley that an ordinance be adopted providing for inspection and control of production and sale of milk and milk products. Council consideration an ordinance adopting the U. S. Public Health Service Milk Ordinance by reference. During discussion, Attorney Hasselquist gave his approval of the form or ordinance presented, and Beim offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with the second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as submitted: ORDINANCE NO. 123 He presented for AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PRODUCTION, TRANSPORTATION, PROCESSING, HANDLING, SAMPLING, EXAMINATION, LABELING, AND SALE OF MILK AND MILK PRODUCTS, THE INSPECTION OF DAIRY HERDS, DAIRIES AND MILK PLANTS, ANi) THE LICENSING OF MILK PRODUCERS , HAULERS AFiD DISTRIBUTORS, AND PROVIDING PENALTIES THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE: VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: The production, transportation, processing, handling, sampling, examination, labeling and sale of all milk and milk products sold for ultimate consumption within the Village; the inspection of dairy herds, dairies, and milk plants; Section 1. U.S. Public Health Service Milk Ordinance Adopted. the issuing and revocation of licenses to milk producers, haulers and distribu- tors; and the fixing of penalties, shall be regulated in accordance with the terms of the unabridged form of the ordinance in Milk Ordinance and Code - 1958 Recommendations of the Public Health Service, three copies of which marked as official copies, are on file in the office of the Village Clerk for use and examination by the public; provided, that the words "municipality of" in said unabridged form shall be understood to refer to the Village of Edina; and pro- vided further, that in said unabridged form all parenthetical expressions refer- ring to degrading shali be understood to be deleted; provided further, that in section 7, item 1 r, of said unabridged ordinance plan A approved by the USDA for the eradication of brucellosis shall be in effect immediately; and provided further, that sections 8, 16 and 17 of said unabridged ordinance shall be replaced, respectively, by sections 3, 4 and 5 below. Section 2. License Required. All milk producers, milk haulers, milk distributors and operators of milk plants required by section 3 of said un- abridged ordinance to secure a permit shall secure a license from the Village health officer or his deputy within 10 days after this ordinance becomes effec- tive, license. of application, and each license shall expire on the 1st day of April next fol- lowing the date of issuance. Section 3. Sale of Certain Milk Products Prohibited. No milk or milk products shall be sold to the final consumer, or to restaurants, soda fountains, grocery stores, or similar establishments, except certified pastemrized and grade A pasteurized, the above grades, the health officer or his deputy may suspend his permit. Section 4. a misdemeanor. son convicted of violating any provision of this ordinance shall be subject to a penalty of a fine of not exceeding $100.00 or imprisonment in the Village or County jail for a period of not exceeding 90 days, with costs of prosecution in case of either fine or imprisonment. of this ordinance shall constitute a separate offense. effect immediately upon its adoption and publication. I The word "permit" in said unabridged form shall be understood to mean The fee for each license shall be $100 annually, payable at the time Whenever any milk distributor fails to qualify for one of Penalty. A violation of any provision of this ordinance is Regardless of suspension or revocation of any license, any per- Each and every violation of the provisions Section 5. Effective Date. This ordinance shall be in full force ad Motion for waiver of second reading and for adoption of Ordinance as read was Beim, aye; Dickson, aye; Tupa, aye; VanVa the Ordinance ~7as adopted. MANAGER TO CONFER WITH PETITIONERS FOR VACATION OF VIRGINIA LANE, AFTER REVIEIJ OF STORM SEWER REPORT. filed at the last meeting, for the Vacation of Virginia Lane. Mr. Hyde reported that because of a two-day session in Court on behalf of the Village he has not had an opportunity to review the report filed last Thursday by Adolph Meyer & .Associates on related Storm Sewer; that he will contact petitioners for Vacation after this review has been made. A delegation was present to follow up on the petition 9/26/60 \BORDER BOUNDARY CHAXGE. FRON INTERLACHEN BLVD. TO BLAKE ROAD. was referred to' the Planning Commission for its recommendation, on request of Planning Director Hite. Notion by Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried. COUNCIL DENIES HARR.. LINDBERRY REQUEST FOR REZONING OF "TRACT B", REGISTERED LAND SURVEY NO. 246. September 14th recommendation for denial of the request by Mr. Harry Lindberry tor the rezoning of Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 246, for the purpose of building and maintaining a Firestone Tire and Auto Supply Store thereon. This property is on County Road 318, north of the Pederson Dairy and south of Grandview Cemetery. Council reviewed Commission's expressed approval of some type of non-residential zoning in this location, and its feeling that this specific use should not be approved. Tupa's motion, that Planning Commission's recommendation be accepted and petition be denied,was seconded by Beim and carried. Planning Director Kite reported the Planning Commission's PUBLIC HEARING TO BE HELD OCTOBER 10 ON DR. DONATELLE'S PETITION FOR REZONXNG OF LOTS 10,11,12 AND 13, BLOCK 21, FAIRFAX ADDITION. Nr. Hite reviewed for Council Planning Commission's favorable recommendation of September 14th, on this request; also site plan and sketch of building to be constructed on the property. told Council that the comer lot has already been rezoned; that it was formerly owned by Pure Oil Company. parking space for 40 vehicles, which is considered more than adequate; that the Village will require a buffer to consist of fencing and screening at least six feet high and sufficiently dense so that the commercial lighting cannot be seen by neighboring residents. from the National Tea Store. for rezoning was seconded by Beim and carried. He Council was informed that petitioner has provided Property is located on Vooddale Avenue across the street Tupa's motion scheduling Public Hearing on petition ROAD LAY-OUT FOR CGDAHL PROPERTY BE"t7EEN CROSSTOITN HIGHk7AY AND PEARCE AND SOUTHDALE PROPERTIES APPROVED. Planning Director Hite presented to the Council the "Proposed Road Lay-Out for the Ogdahl, O'Neill and Gannon Properties", dated September 14, 1960, and carrying the approval of the Planning Commission. Planning Commission minutes of September 14 were reviewed. Miss Katherine Pearce, otmer of property directly to the south of this property, was present. It was noted that she had previously requested access to the north for her property, that this access has been provided; that Niss Pearce, together with owners of other abutting property, had agreed to the road pattern at the Planning Commission Meeting of September 14. Niss Pearce inquired about a change in the'proposed assessment for Trunk Storm Sewer if this plat is adopted, and Mr. Hite informed her that there would be no change. approval of the general road pattern. should the road pattern be approved, and Mr. Hite advised that the land can be usad for any of several uses--single family dwellings, double or multiple dwellings including the nursing home for which application is about to be made. motion, that Council concur in the Planning Commission's recommendation insofar as the road pattern is concerned, and approve same, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Mr. Hite told Council that all that is being asked at this time is Nr. Tupa inquired as to possible land use, Dickson's HEARING SCHEDULED FOR OCTOBER 10 ON REQUEST OF 3% WAYNE FIELD FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR NURSING HONE. Katherine Pearce, and some others, Planning Director Hite presented to the Council Mr. Field's request for a special permit to construct and operate a Nursing Home. Site Plan and sketch of proposed building were submitted; the building to be located on the Ogdahl property for which road pattern has just been approved. Hite told Council that Planning Conrmission has recommended favorably (subject to check by the Planning Commission of the final site plan to assure provision for adequate parking facilities) because Commission believes: need for a nursing home in the Village; and 2. for this type of establishment because of the buffer provided by the Crosstown Highway for the single family dwellings already in existence and because of the proximity of this site to medical facilities. Parking provisions, as recorded in the Planning Commission Ilinutes of September 14,were reviewed , as was the building plan, which shoved inner courts for the outdoor activieies of the residents. Asked by Mayor Bredesen if the Planning Codssion does not feel that this is a commercial enterprise, Mr. Hite replied that the Commission is of the opinion that this land use falls better into the category of "multiple dt7elling" use. Dickson's motion, scheduling Public Hearing on Petition for Special Permit for Nursing Home for Ionday, October 10, was seconded by Tupa and carried. In the presence of Mr. Wayne Field, Mr. Robert Crabbe, Miss Hr. 1. There is a definite This is the best site in the Village HIGHVAY No. 100-CROSSTom? CLOVERLEAF PLANS APPROVED. Mr. Hyde presented to the Council plan entitled "Construction Plan for Grading, Base and Surfacing, Trunk Highway No. 100-130 between 64th St. and Valley View Road," approved by Chief Engineer on August 5, 1960. Village Engineer Zikan and himself, and that their recommendation is for approval. Deputy District Engineer, D.R.NcFadden, told Council that bids have been taken on this work; that very good bius have been received; that the Highway Department would like to award as soon as possible. Review of plans xqas made by Council, and =Pa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: He told Council that plan has been examined by 9/26/60 183 RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR GRADING, BASE AND SURFACING, TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 100-130 BETWEEN 64TH ST. AND VALLEY VIEW ROAD \ WHEREAS the Commissioner of Highways has prepared plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway No. 130 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 within the corporate limics of the Village of Edina from 64th Street to Valley View Road; and WHEREAS said plans and special provisions are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled and identified as,S.P. 2733-29 (T.H. 100-130), and Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2733-29 (T.H. 100-130), Minn.Proj. U-031-1 (2), which, together with the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated May 1,,1959, on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100; and WHEREAS copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and WHEREAS the term "'said plans and special provisionsf' as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described. NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED, that said plans and special provisions for the improvement of Trunk Highway Numbere 130, renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 within the limits of t'he Village of Edina be and hereby are approved. said plans and special provisions be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to-any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 in accordance with said plans and special provisions. WHEREAS said specifications are on file in the office of the .BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as shown in TRACY AVENUE PAVING PROJECT TO BE LOCALLY FINANCED PENDING RECEIPT OF 1961 GAS TAX FUNDS. Mac Adams, Chief of the Central State Aid Division, and with Messrs. McCubrey and McFadden of the State Hlghway Department; that they feel there is a very small risk in awarding the contract for the Tracy Avenue Paving project at will be for 1961, but that estimates vary between $33,000 and $60,000 more than this year. amendment to the statute providing for temporary financing of improvements, to provide for temporary financing for state aid projects. contract is awarded at this time, the Village must finance November and December contract payments, but that they can be reimbursed from the 1961 allotment,part of which will be received in January. Mr. McFadden of the State Highway Department concurred in Mr. Hyde's statements, saying that as long as the project will be continuedlinto 1961 there is little chance that the 1961 state allotment cannot be applied against this project. TRACY AVENUE AND WHITING STaET--AWARDED TO ARCON CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Manager Hyde told Council that he has conferred with Mr. . this time; that no one can say just how much Edina's share of gas tax funds He stated he feels that an attempt should be made to get an Also, that if this AND STORM SEWE CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. E-B--PAVING AND INTEGRAL CURB/fN N0.56 er H de secogended award of contract (These are Municipal State Aid AdM%0"&n Se&p g Pursuant to the foregoing report for Street Improvement No. E-6/80 Arcon Cons ruc ion Alternate Bid using uniform 8" pavement. Projects S.A.P. 27-152-02 ihd S.A.P. 27-152-01, respectively). Beim's motion awarding contract in accordance with Manager's recommendation was seconded by Dickson and carried. Company at their BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS PAVING PROJECT TO BE ASSESSED WITHOUT STOI? CONTRIBUTION. Manager Hyde reported that the Village has not received Mr. Stow's check for the $2,200 he promised as a contribution toward the Brookview Heights Paving Project (No. E-4); that, if the assessment is to be ready for certification to the County Auditor by October 10 it must be processed immediately. consensus of the Council that the assessment be levied in gross amount, without the benefit of the contribution expected by the property owners, assessment to be at the rate of $760.20 for interior lots, $912.30 for corner lots; and Manager was authorized and directed to effect such levy €or certification to the Auditor for spread this year. It was 9/26/60 PLANNING COlDESSION RECO?Q+lENDATIONS ON PLATS ACCEPTED. of September 14 were reviewed by Council, relative to plats,.being favorable to acceptance of the following: Planning Commission Ninutes 1. 2. 3. PRELIMINARY PLAT - III1CAULEY HIXGHTS-HALLA REPLAT - A three-lot rep.lat of PRELININARY PLAT - MAR BERRY ADDITION - A fourteen-lot plat along the PRELIMINARY PLAT - KOHLRIDGE 11 ADDITION - A combination of a portion Lot 4, llccauley Heights (6720 Indian Hills Road). north side of 17.62nd Street between Tracy Avenue and Olinger Road. of the previously approved preliminary plat of Kohlridge Addition and the Olson property located just to the south of that plat. PRELININARY PLAT - BACH'S ADDITION - A four-lot plat of a portion of the Bach property on Valley View Road; the north portion of the property being platted as an outlot because of undertainty as to amount of right-of-way to be acquired for Crosstown Highway. 4. I 5. FINAL PLAT - CHEROWE HILLS SECOND ADDITION. 6. FINAL PLAT - PAWWOOD KNOLLS NINTH ADDITION. 7. FINAL PLAT - BROADNORE ADDITION-ELIASON REPLAT. and Dickson moved that the Planning Commission's favorable recommendations be accepted and that plats be approved by Council in accordance therewith. seconded by Tupa and carried. Ilotion PRELIHINARY PLAT, NELSON FARM ADDITION. been accepted by the Planning Commission for study; and, inasmuch as there was no recommendation by the Commission no action could be taken by Council. It was noted that this plat had merely Inasmuch as there were only three items still to cover on this evening's agenda, the Council has scheduled a meeting for Monday, October 3, and both Council and audience wanted to hear the Nixon-Kennedy Debate scheduled for 8:30 P.M., Tupa moved for adjournment to Nonday, October 3, 1960, at 7:OO P.M. Notion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Meeting amurned at 8:22 P.M. -- Village Clerk ,