HomeMy WebLinkAbout19601227_regular244 12/27/60 1. 2. 3. 4 5. 8. A Spec.ia1 Elaction in and €or the Village of Edina shall bz conducted on the question, "SUALL TI% VILLAGE CONTINUE TO OPERATE ITS 1iUt?ICIPAL LIQUOR STOEZS RATIBR "EIAU ISSUE PRIVATE LIQUOR LICENSES?" Said Special Election shall ba held on Fleclnesday, February 1, 1961, bzLv7een the hours of ?:00 o'clock a.m. and 8:OO o'clock p.m. Election Districts and Polling Places therefor are Iizreby established as the samz election districts and polling places as heretogore establishcd €or rsgular mnicipal elections. voting machines sliall not be used. Election as Election Judges: Bertha T. ZicCraney, Camille Kortum, Grace Odrll, and Jane I&~rthorne. Bailey, Franccis Sonnenberg, IXalen 11. Ball, and Erma Iloyt . Volk, Kuth 11. Zipoy; Constance Ryan; and Claire 3jornass. BzLen L. Jam3s; Alam-.da ICenerson; Bi32tty hn HcKaig; and 3lary Rj7an. Lorraine 3rIass~lquist:; Uary J. ICarr; and llarie Kanz. fiyrtle Zlyilr; Ida Kakela; and E. L. llodlin. Hary :?right; I.Iargaret Borsch; and Alice PIcFadscan. VotinS in all seven elcccion distri-cts shall 52 by Paper Ballot, and The following persons arc hzraby appointed to serve at szid Spzcial FOB EXCTIOI? DISTRICT NO. 1 - Eimzs. llarjoric S. Rossiter (Chairman); FOR ELECT102 DIST,WCT BO. 2 - Eim2.s. N2llic Stratc (Chairman); tfarian FOR EL%C%r_Oil DIs'ilrJC'il 1'10. 3 - I.imas. Florence I-IalI'oerg (Chaiman) ; Rut11 1:. FOR ELECTIOII DISTFJCT 110. 4- - Ymzs . Virginia Ashenbrcnner (Chairman) ; FOR ELECT1023 DISTRICT NO. 5 - Ymss . Liz. Kesler (Chairman) ; Gladys Camaron; FOR l3:LECTIO;l DIsTrJcT i10. 6 - Ym.=s. Olga Bye (Chairman); ZElna Spencer; FOR ELECTIOX DISTPdCT NO. 7 - Ihes. L. Jones (Chairman); Lzla Hagen; The Villag? Clzrk is heraby directed to publish and post noticzs of said special elzction as provided by lav. lhtion for adop'cion or' zh.> Resolution ms seconded '037 Tup, and on lhllcall thxi vare four ayes and no nays, as Eo1lo.c;~~: aye; and Brzd?sen, ays; and the ayt ; VanValkanburg , 12/27/60 245 J LARSGU 'C.JE:ED DAMAGE CLAIN DISCUSSED. a settlement of $200 now seems possible, on the Roy IJ. Larsen claim for damages allegjedly resulting from Village weed eradication operations) that, because of a tschnical question as to liability the Insurance Corapany will pay half the claim providing Village will pay the other half. Council was in general agreement chat settlement be made. EIffLOYEE SALARIES AND WAGES ESTA3ELSHED FOR YEAR 1961. Nanager Hyde presanted his racommendation for Naximum Salaries and !Jages for the Year 1961, for all posikions except his own, pursuant to previous conversations with the Council, budg2t appropriations and Union recommendations. Schedul3 s as thoroughly reviewed, and Diclcson offered the follosiring Eesolution and moved its adoption: Village Attorney Hasselquist reported that No Zormal action taken, but RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SCHEDULE OF PIAIZI1,IuTI SALARY ANI, WAGE UTES FOR 1961 BE IT EXSOLVED, that Maximum Salaries and flages for Village Employees be established as follows, for the Year 1961: GENEP? AIXIIPJI STRATIOH PAR NONJTE Village PIanagcr . $1,400 Finance Director 80 5 As s e s sor 725 DepuCy Ass,, Ocsor 525 Deputy Assessor-Part Time 1.50 Hr. Clerk-Treasurer 57 5 ,!dministrative Asst. 450 300 Ogfice Clerical-Eiscal-secretarial Clerical I (3) Clerical I1 (5) 340 Clerical 111 (3) 390 Clerical IV (3) &:.O Lzgal : Planning Director GOO (1) Prosecuting Attorney 500 PUBLIC SAFETI POLICE Chief 735 Lieutenants 6 10 Sergeants (5) 570 Patro1rwi-i I - 3 Yrs. Service 522 I1 - 2 Prs. Service 500 I11 - 1 Yr. Service 480 IV - Less than 1 Yr. Service 450 Dispatchers - Desk Clerks 3 47 Dispatchers - Desk Clerks-Hrly. 1.70 I-fr. Of the total compensation for members of the Police Departmmt, $20 a month shall be considered as payment for taking at least 30 hours off-duty training from the Fire Department in fire fighthg techniques, for aiding in the extinguishing of fires, and for qualifying for Red Cross first aid certificates . CIVIL DEFENSE - DIPGCTOR - Part Time 60 Chief 670 hsst. Chief 5 80 Firemm I - 3 Yrs. Se-mice 522 II - 2 Yrs. Sz-mice 500 111 - 1 Yrs. Service 480 IV -Less than 1 Yr. Service 450 Voluneeers 2.50 Hr. PIf?I~EPl 2.00 Ea. Drill paym.mt for such duties outside normal firemen's duties a5 may be assigned by Lhe Village Hanager. $20 per month of the compensation paid firemen shall be considered as IMSPSCTORS Plumbing Eui lding IBKLTH I-Iealth Officer Sanitarian (1/2 time) 5 10 480 50 27 5 (I) - $575 until July I) I 12/27/60 PUBLIC 130PXS EEGINSEFUXG Direccor of Public TJorlcs and Engineering) Asst. Village I.!anager 1 Znginzer Assistant Xngin2ar Instrument Xan Inspector- Sr . Sr. Drafissri-ian Draftsman Ro dmn- Chainran Supt . -Public !!arks Supt . -1later Foreman - (Str., Sever, Parks, f.larer) Electrician IS Electrical Inspector , Office Clerk Heavy EquipmEnt Operators Light Equipmmt Operators Haintenance I%m %The following minimum Heavy Zquipm5nt Operators - Light Equkprrznt Operators - COURT Judge SpeEial Judges Clerk of Court Deputy Clerk ELECTIONS Judges and Clerks Chaimzn $1,000 840 636 564 527 515 47 5 4-45 570 6 45 555 500 410 525;': L:.6 0 i': 4.13;': rates shall be paid: $478.00 nxonthly for not more than the first $415.00 nonthly for not more than the first $3G0.00 monthly for not more than the firsz $380.00 monthly during thz Zourth, fifth, and six months' service. six months ' service. three months' service. sixth months of eriploymmt:, 525 413 370 45 0 Pmcs Aim Gcrd:\TIa? Director Pool Kanagzr (s) Asst.. Pool i;anagzr (s) Concession ISZanagsr (s) Pool Cashizr (s) Baehhouse - Concassion Attendant (s) Sv7iming Instructor (s) L5Ee Guard (s) Eiaintenance (s) Baseball Supervisor (s) Baseball Assistants (s) Nockey Coaches (s) Erik httendan'cs (s) Program Sup em is or Playground Leadzrs (6) SkatFng, Skiing Inst-mctors (s) Park Keeper - I11 LIQUOR STOPSS : Hanager Branch Iianager Asst. Kanagers Clerks-Regular 525 25 per dien 1.25 Er. 2.00 Addl. 7 50 4.35 400 1.75 i-Ir. 1.25 Iir. 1.00 Iir. 2.10 I*. 2.00 Br. 1.50 X3r. 1.60 Xr. 1.90 IIr. 1.50 I-Ir. 2.00 Ilr. 5.00 Hr. h00 Iio . 435 4.7 5 46 0 4.20 725 500 s 2.20 Iir. 1.80 Hr. Cler1cs-PaZL: ~imz A11 PJO~: perEo-mid by other than heads of departnznts in excess of 4.0 hours per week constitutes over-tine and shall be compensated by compensatory t.imo off or cash paymnt on ti12 basis of tin? and one half in either instance. Coqensatory tiruz shall ba taken wishin 90 days of ti~a earned. Coqansatory time in any one calendar month shall bo limited to 1Gy hours worked (for vhich the employee receives 24 hours ogf) and any over-tirna in @:<cess thzreof shall be paid in cash paJmEnts. shall be coqznsaterl by compensatory tims off, or cash papsnt for over-tin. (s) - Seasonal. The Village 14anager shall designate -those classzs of 170i'!C xJh%ch L 12/27/60 249 Notion for adoption OE Resolution was seconded by Tups, and on Rollcall there mre four ayes and no nays, as f01101-7s: aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. Dickson, aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, I.la370 r $4.00 300 200 4, so0 1,600 . 100 100 4.0 0 200 225 200 1,000 Garage 600 $10,125 GXI.TEP&L FUlfD : TPuIiTSFZRS TO : Zlections $300 Legal Szrvices 3, so0 Public Works 13,000 Police Protection 609 Settlemznt ~f Suits 725 Central Services : General 3,000 Hquipmmt Operation 3,100 $25,125 Z;otion for adoption of Resolution 17as seconded by VanValkenburg, and on Lh'tr~ were four ayes and no nays, as fol~o~7s~kson, aye; Tupa, aye; ayz; and Bradesen, aye; and the Resolution 17 s adopted. .e Ro 11 call VanValkeiiburz , P%TT? CfLSII FUND :UM.,YZED FOB PdCOl??. Pursuant to a reques,t by Trustee Tupa for analysis of tlie Petty Cash expenditures for the year, Finance Dkrector Dalen presmtcd an analysis shoving petty cash had been spent as fo11os;ls: For Office General Expense, $47 11; Parking, $20.25; Postage, $235.87; .Schooling and Conferences, $19.40; Police Dzpt., $21.68; Fire Department, $42.08; Village 3a11, $11.57; Elections, $31.80; Liquor Stores, $3.00; Public Works, $38.33; Sv7im Pool , $42.04; Park and Rscreation, $97. 88; Sever ti Water Depts., $25. SG; and Zquipment Ihintenance, $48.25; for a Total or' $689.32. A specific question as to expendFtures from Peety Cash at Wall EIardw~re, it was noted that there had ken none. PUBLIC I-T%AL2L'I-I FIUP&ING PZPORT FOR NOVEMBER 17as submktted, reviewed, and orderad placed on file. 1.EiXTA4L I%ALTEI PRCGPSl-1 DISCUSSED. Some discussion 17as had on the proposal for a "suburban" Nental Iiealth Clinic, but no formal action talcen. CLAI$IS PAID. dated December 27, 1960, and for payment of an additional claim to Texaco, Inc., from Geiizral Pund in amoun5 of $1,257.28, 17as seconded by Diclrson and carried: Gmzral Fund, $17,479.87; Construction Pund, $174,025.40; Park, Park Constr., $1,9C7.79; Water Fund, $1,983.67; Liquor Fund, $46,032,94; Se~7er Ren'cal, $249.13; Irnprovzrilznt Funds, $43,763.36 ; J. S .~.#1, $1,O96.36--TO'l'AL3 $266,608.51. Tuga's motion for payment ,of the fOllOV7ing Claims as per Pr--List '&e business of the meeting havfng been conc$.qled Dickson moved for adjournment. MoCion seconded by VanValkenburg and carri