HomeMy WebLinkAbout19610109_regular248 / Nembers ansscring Rollcall varc Bcirn, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. IIIIXJTES of the gegular lketingjs of Dacember 12 and 27, 1940 172re approved as suSdtged, by motion Beim, seconded by Tupa and carrizd. TRGFIC COURT PXCXIVZS .WSRTl. i7kt.h the Ani=rican Ear Association Traffic "for outstanding progress in the iniprovemsnt of traffic court practices and procedures in cltizs bet~7een 10,000 and 20,000 population" during 1959-1960. Kunicipal Judges Burris and Jan2s ~?arz prasented Court A~7ard, being Honorable Ihntion PUBLIC ;BARJXG 011 PZTITIOX OF ILWL KRAJ3L FOR 1tT~.POPXi3Y ~X'CLWATIO~? DISTPJCT1'. Pursuant to Woticn, of Public Htari-ng", publishad in Edina-14ornfngsidz rourizr on Dzcembzr 29, 1968 and January 5, 1951, posted, and mailed to affected property owners, Xayor Eredaszn opened Public I&aring on the petition of IGr. Xarl 1:rahl for establishmt of a Tcqorary Excavation District, under thz terns of Ordinance No. 262, on the follo~7ing described property: All that area vitliin the follov7fng described boundaries : "Conmxicing at ST.1 Cor. of SF?l/4. of SEl/L:.; th. E. 500 Ft . ; th. N. 400 Ft.; th. 11. 530 Ft.; th. S. 400 Ft. to the pt. of bzginning--All in Src. 31, Twp. 117, R. 21". It vas exzlained that this legal dsscription covers a 5OOsL;OO' area in tha soutliwast corner of the tract at Gleason Road and Highvay 210. 159; that the proposzd relocation of I-I.igli~7ay No. 169 ail1 cut the property; and that the hill now proposed to be cut by lir. Krahl Tzould be taken, anyway, when the highway is relocateci. Pir. Hite told Council the Planning Commission is recomanded that Kr. Krahl be given a permit for one ytar, in con€ormance with the grading plan prepared jointly by 1:essrs. ICrahl and Ilite, and that a bond for perfomnce be rzquired. $ir. EIitc suggested a $5,000 bond. There ~7ere no objections from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Iiaaring. Tupa then offered the fo11ovin.g Ordinance, moving that Council dispense wit11 second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: OFBI??NtICE NO. 262-2 m orxmmm AIBNDIKG OP~I~:CE EO. 262, REGULATIRG TEE USZ OF LAID IN TI% VILLAGE FOB I*III?IXG, STRIPPING AX) ZXTRACTIOZ PUPZOSES, EiY ADDIKG ADDITIGUL Section 1. Section 2, (Excavation Districts Created) of Ordinance 240. 262, "An Ordinance Regulating Lhs Use of Land in the Village for llining, Stripping and Extraction Purposes," as ananded, is hereby further anznded by adding at the end of said section @he following: "Area Ro. 5. A11 that area v7ithin the following describad boundaries: 'Comzncing at Southwest Corner of S71/4. of SXl/l:.; th. %. 500 Ft.; th. "1. 400 Ft.; th. W. 500 Ft.; th. S. 400 Ft. to the pk. Pf begLnnLng'-.XLl in Sec. 31, TupP. 117, R. 21." Section 2; This ordinance shall be in effect lmcdiately upon its passaze and publication. llotion for waivkr of szrond reading and adoptlbn of Ordinance as submikted was seconded by Van Val!sadxrg, and on Rollcall there four ayes and no nap, as 20110~s: Seim, aya; Fupa, aye; VanValkenburg, as**; and Bredesen, aye,; and the Tupa tlien rcoved with the rfzcorr and carried. I that &cavacion Pzmit be granted to PEr. Karl Krahl in accordancc Zndations 02 the Planning Comdssion. Iiotion seconded by Van ValLsnburg POLICE CARS PURCFL4SSD. three Police Cars, nith tvo trade-ins. Bids were as follows: Chzvrolet , $350 .OO; Hopkins Iiotor Salzs, Plymouth, $1,4b6.80 ; Eull Dobbs , Ford, $1 470.40. 2. oI1. a 1961 2-Dr. Szdan, vith a 1958 Ford 4-Dr. to ba tradad; Brellznthfn Clievrolet, $l,700.00; Xopkins I.:otor Salzs, Plymouth, $1,816.80; I-Iull Dobbs, Ford, I:anager Hyde presented Tabulation of Bids talien today on 1. On a 1961 2-Dr. Szdan, with a 1960 Plymouth Jagon to bz traded: 3rellzntZiin $1,810. 40. 3. On a 1751 2-Br. Szdan, iritli no trade-in: Suburban Chevrolat, $2,Q34.11; GrzllenthCn CI1m.7roleta $2,151.71; EIopkins Kotor Salzs, Plymouth, $2,151.80; and Eull-Dobbs, Ford, $2 , 144. L:O, 1/9/61 4. dlternaise Bid - 1961 "Jconomy Hodeltg withouis trade-in: Null-Dobbs, 249 'I Ford, on a Falcon, at $1,552.13; Brellenthin, on a 1961 Co-mair, at $1,732.10 and on a 6-Cyl. Sedan, at'$1,989.99. llanager Hyde recommended award of bids on the t1zre.z standard make caxs, sisating there will be considerable expense to sire the economy models for the extra equipmnt necessary for police cars; and Geim moved that: award ba made to Crzllenthin Chevrolet for two cars, with the trade-ins listed, at $950.00 and $1,700 respectively, and to Suburban Chevrolet, at $2,034.81. Hokion seconded by Tupa and carried. Of;l-S,Gd DEER LICENSE GPUNTED CILTk+lORE LATqES., IWC . Ur . Hyde explained to Council that chis license x67as originally held by the applicant; that transfer v7as made early Chis past year Lo Cedric's Fin6 Foods; that there is no objection io reisurn or' l-icense to applicant. Beim's motion for approval of license to Ziltmore Lanes, Inc. for term expiring April 1, 1961, ~7as seconded by Van Valkenburg and carried. - I/ "SIL4TING PATH" l?.@XXIVES COMPLIMENT. Mrs . Cujzler Adams ' compliment on the new "skating path" between the Browndale Bridge and Highway No. LOO, on -- - Ninnehaiia Creek, was read and ordered placed on file. CEOSSTOTIN I-IIG€E.JAY-TRhCY AVENU4 INTERCEWJGE DISCUSSZD. 1Ir. Bite presented Kennepin County Ilighway Department's plan for a proposed diamond interchange at the j-ncersection of the Crosstown ETighway with Tracy Avaue, explaining that if: involves taking Tracy straight south to tie in with Valley Viet7 at about 6Grh Street. SONZ considerable discussion was had, during t7hich it was suggested that "sie County be asked to surfaca the south link of Tracy Avenue, from Valley Via? Road to the proposed interchange, and Che queseion of responsibiliey for purchase of a house (which will have to be removed) was raised. Xyde told Council he would like to discuss the plan 77Fth the pastor of Nomandale Lutheran Church before any final action is taken; char he believes there are some beneficial aspects to the plan, namely that Tracy as planned will fit in well with proposed platting. pending further study, and report by Nanager on Church's comments and other questions raised this evening. t, -4 StJ In a 32 &;r4) The Highway Department has asked Council approval. . Uanager Action postponed NdIDEPJLOI-I ADDITION VRRIA&iCE EEARING SCI33DULED. tha proposed dj-vtslon of the property at 54.01 V.60th Street, Planning Director Bit2 explainad thae the lots involved ~611 have widths of 127 feet and 165 feet, but only 30- foo'i street frontages , whereas zoning ordinance rzquires 75 Ecet. becausz this appzars to be the only alternative for division of the property. Cairn's motion scheduling Public Rearing for Eonday, January 23 ,, on the carried . In presenting a sketch 05 He reported that the Planning CommLssion has recommded approval -1.3 quest for a variance from the zoning ordinance, v7as seconded by Tupa and KIPGLOB LAI3 FJIX;E-BILLI&~S REPLAT PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED. being a proposed replat of Lot 3, Nirror Lake Mdgc and Lot 34, ~Iuditor's Subdivision 8325 , was presented carrying Planning Commission' s January 4th accord t7iLh. Conmission's recommendation, Uotion secondad by Beim and carried. This plat, --3c omadat ad at ion ?or approvaly and Tupa moved for Counci_l approvgl in EUI VI31 FIRST ADDITIOIT FINAL PLAT APPROVED. This Final Plat, for eleven lots to the west of Chapel Bills was presented aith Planning Conmission's Jcsnuary 4th recomzndation for approval subject to the granting of a road eaeerfienc on I1hc St .Patrick's Church proparqy to the MBS~. that Final plat be approved sub jcct to compliance viisb Planning CoriTiiiss<-oit' B stlpulwtion, vas seconded by Van Vallienburg and carrj-ad. Esim' s motion 21IE?Z' S PAW3LA TfiP2&C% PIRAL PLAT APPROV&D. Final Plat Fn accordancE! with Plannhg CorLm<ssion's Jaiiuarg 4.& ricoiumidaclun, as r..portcd by Planniilg Director EIite. carried. Tupa moved for approval of 1,Sotion seconded by Van Valkenburg and Ci-LT20KEE HILLS TEIIIPB ADDITIOiI FI1TA.L PLAT iCiPPR0VED. Jamazy 4.Ch recomxmdation for approval 02 this plat 17as duly noted by Council, and Tupa moved for Councll approval. Valhnbui-g and carried. PlannLng CormLssion' s I;oklon seconded by Van 250 1/9/61 PERilIT FOB TZXPOPaWC GXCAVATIOi? DISTRICT 03 ITZLSON FAR.: DISCUSSED. had believed pailitionzr SLOT? and lz-is representative would Le at this nzrting to disczss ti12 raquast tI1ey had made to the Planning Comhssion on January kth, for permit rrith ,the 10% grade limitation elfninated, Pl.anning .DikzctOr ZEte told the Counc5.l .~.iiat excavating to the extent suggested by thn petitioners xrill lzaw a plateau of so=? tx721~t acres at an SGO-Zoot slevation. Planning Cor;;nission had suggzstzd thais pztitioners wait for a~7hile &for2 rzquasting any enlargazmt of their present permit; and Chat n;otSion had b3.n made reaZfidng CormLsslon' s Dzcernber action on the rsquzst . by Council.. Stating ha It 172s noted that the ib action taLen PF.ELII.iI>TSY PWOX 1LQ% Oi? PAIdXLA PAR? DW?IAGE PROJSCT. Council thak thsre ars dizf2renccs of opinion among thz property owners along Pamzla Park; that somt of then complxin tliais In storm periods the ~7ater rises too hfgh, and that otlizrs trant the 5.7atcr level kept up. EIe told Council that a2 thz nzxL m-.aCing he vi11 have a report on T7illat has to be done, and ha17 nuch can be donz now. Ilanagcr I4ydz told lZ!&S TPuUB SPZEDS SURVEYED BY POLICE: COulJCIL TO REQUEST REDUCTIOiJ 114 SPEED SOUTI3 OF &USEN RO!'. on the speeds of I.;ltT&S trains, especially south of Hansen Road, a survey has bzen made by the Policz Dzpartmznt; and that at no tin2 did the speed exceed 4.0 mpb- which has Baen authorized by rhe Railroad and tiarehouse Codssion for this scratch. Chqla5nts had stated chat the speed causes plaster to crack, furniture and dishas to Sibratz. bue rather onz of whzchzr or not 4.0 qh -is too fast for the area south of 13anscn Road, in view of incrzased buildins in this area, vas considerad by thz Councilj and, at tht rccorn.endaLion of Xanagcr I337de, Councll acted, by mt4on Bzim, sscondzd by Tup and carried by unanimous vote, to - 1. Southzrn'Xilroad Coqany to reduce its speed between I-Iansen Road and BigIiway KO. 5 to 20 rqh; and, if Railroad Coqany does not coqly, to - 2. hkbthe Railroad and Vareliouso Cornisston for a reduction in railroad spezd. Hr. IIyde raported that, pursuant to coqlaints recently rzceived E;r. Dennatt's statemant, that the problem is not one of illzgal spdzd, Ask I,linneapol?-s, Northfield and I I&VZAG%R AUTHOPJZED TO VOTd FOR COUTTCIL AT f%ETIil:G ON Wl!IPt8I*BIJT Fm?D VS SCSILYL SZCUPJTY. Xinnesota Ihnicipalities vi11 once again discuss the matter of each municipalityfs rKght to daslgnate r~l1.2ther it mints Social Security rathsr than PZM; that he believes it is to thz advantage of both the Village and its e~ployezs to have this right. Thzre vas sons general discussion on the matter, and Brim moved that the Village Xanager be authorized to vote for recorm2nding to the Lcgislakure that each municipality bz given .thn privilege of selecting tha type of retiremznt program it vishes, in relation to.Socfal Securit57 vs. PEPdL Kotion seconded by Tupa and carried. Ilr. Kyde told i2ouncil that the Legislative Codttee of the Lzagua 05 Edina in favor of thz Lzague's LARD US% 1.W PRELI1.LIN;LTZ PtPORT GIVEI:. rzport on Che Land Use I:ap and Program hnder consideration. Planning Diractor IGte nade a prelinhary 114?ROVEtE~irT I-XLKCEGS TEBTATIV%LY SCHEDULED FOB &UICI.I 27 .U4D ,QFJL 24.. 11anazer ;-$de presented a report przpared by the Engineering Departmnt on sork to be don2 this year, xr11ich tentatively schedules sewral public hearings on Karch 27 and Aprtl 24. FurLhzr fnfornat-ion forthcoming at next meeting e I!o action tahn. TZTJSTEE DICICSOi? APP0I"ITED I&YSOKt PRO TZI. 1J.X. Dickson as Ihyor Pro Tzu for year 1361 x7as unanimously approved by Council. Ol?FIGILIL DXPOSLTOPJES 802 YEAR 196 1 DESIGIJAZED. novad 4 t s adog t ion : Ila37or Bredesen ' s appointnwt of Tzustse I 1. FIRST EDIIL'L iX"IOXd., E.WC: Bairn offered thz fo1lo17ing Resolution and TdSOLUTIO? DL9IG??ATING DEPOSITORY aut'aorizid Lo do a bankins business in llinnesota, be and hereby is, designated as official depository of the Public Funds of the 0perat:ing Account aEd th3 Spcial Assessment XzEund Account for the Village of Edina, County of Ifennepin, Kinnesota, for the calendar year 1951. 1/9/61 '& 23Lm offersd tliz fo110~7ing Resolution and moved its adoption: PdSOLUTION APPROVIBG ASSIG8JXEBT OF SECURITIES IN LIZU OF BOIL?) FIRST EDINA pJ,mam E~QX 3X IT PSSOLVXD, that the Village Council of the VFllage of Edina approve ,irliz assignrlient by i.ts depository, the First Edina Ilational Bank of Edina, Kinnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient colla.tera1 for .the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: U.S.A. Treasury Eonds 3% Due February 15, 1964. $200,000.00 Ir;oi:ion for adoption of the Xwolution was secondad by VanValkenburg, and on B~im offered the follo~7ing Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RE SOLUTLOIzT FIRST EDIIIA MATIOBAL BAQX B% IT PdSOLVZD, that the persons holding ofgice as Nayor, Bianager, and Treasurer of ,the Village if Ed-ina be, a& t~iey liereby-are, authorizzd to acc for this Vi-llage in the transaction of any banking business wit11 Firs.is Edina National Ean!; of Xd-ina (hereinafter referrzd to as the bank), such authority Locluding authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from t:i-mz to tLms and until written notice to the bank to the con'irral-y, to sign checks against said account, which checks will be signed by .the Hayor, $lansger, and Village Treasurer. pay any clieck agahst such account which is signed as above describzd, ~7hsther or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of; my oEficer or officers of the Village, inc1ud:ing the signer or signers of thc checks . The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and Eotion for adoption of the Resolution w Rollcall there were four ayes and no na llo~is: Ceirn, aye; Tupa, aya; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye ed by VanValkenburg, and on 2. FLPST SOVfHDALE NATIOHAL U!!:: Geim offerzd the follos.7ing Resolution and moved its adop,Cion: RESOLUTION DESIGHKfIHG DZPOSITORY (FIEST SOUWD,I1L% NATIOI?AL SANK) u% IT RESOLVED that the First Southdale Uational Bank, EdLna, Piinnesora, authorized to do a banking business in lfinnesoi:a, be and hereby is, drs-igna.ir.ed as off?-cia1 dzpository of the Public Funds of the Payroll Account, 1.funi-clpal Courir Account and Clerk's Bail Account of the Village of Xdina, County of Rmnzpin, Iiinnzsoca, for the calendar year 1961. n- Kotion for adoption of Resolution 17as seconded by VanValBenburg, and on VanValk?nburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; aye; Tupa, aye; EaLm ehen offered th2 fol~owing Resolution: SECURITIES IN LIEU OF 30lJB FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL 3AEK JXSOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGtZ4ENT OF n UA 4- IT RESOLVED, That the Village Council of .the Village of Edina approvz th;3 assignrimit by its depository, the First Southdale ilatlonal Bank of I,Linneso'ca, of thz f0110~7ing securities as good and sufficient collateral fo -- I Edina, the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said deposi.i:ory: U.S. Treasury 3-3/42 Bonds due May 15, 1965 $100,000.00 Village of Edina 2.70% Iniprovemant Bonds $10,000 due &tar& 1, 1966; $10,000 dca Eiarch 1, 1957 - $20,000.00 $120,000.00 Kotion for adoption 02 tho &3aolut:lon t7as seconded by VanValkenburg, and on Rollcall tlicrc" ~:2re four arcs aiid no nays, OV79 : BeLn> aye; Tupa, aye; 3. I-TTDL&ii+D 2JAXICEl.U 3;QX: B~im offered the folloving Resolution and moved its adoption: E3 § OLUTIOI?l D% SIGNATIEG DEPOSITORY (I*IIDL&Q I~ATiOXlL B&X) 7707 uu IT :ElW3Y PWXKvED that Kdland Eational Eank of EIiniizapolls, IZnnesota, authorized Lo do a bankin= businass In aiinnesota, bz and hereby is, dzsignated as official depository of thz Public Punds of the Investment Account of thz Village of Idina, :ounty of Hennepin, llinnesota, Eor the calendar yaar 1961. llotion ?or adopi2on 05 13112 ilisolution vas secondzd by VanValhnburg, and on Kollcall tlie-12 vai-e Eour ayas and 113 nap, as Bairn o5ferad tha follouinz bsolu.tion and moved its adoption: P3SOLUTIOX MPROVIKG MSIGNNENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF DO2D I-IIDLAP?D NATIONAL BM?K BE fT RESOLVED, that tlic Village Council of cltc Village of Edina approve the assignment by Its dzposicory, llidland National Bank 02 Kinncapolis , Kinnesofx, of .the f0110V7hg securitizs as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposit& in sixid depository: $15,000 $35,000 Indzpzndznt School District ;lo. 1 Fdcc County, IIinnzsota Ct2.y of Xoorhead , f-iinneso ta Czrtificates of Indabtchcss of 1354, 1.9O;G due February 1, 1964 Sehool Building 2.60% Bonds due January 1, 1364 253 1/9/61 B3im offered .the follo77ing Resolution and movad its adoption: 7- .’ 1 SIGNATORY EESOLUTION I.iIDLAKO XATIOlIAL E&?K B% IT PLSOLVED, that the persons holding office as Kayor, Ilanager, and Treasurer of Cha Village of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business v7ith Elidland National of IXnneapolis (hereinafter referred to as the bank) authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from tim to time and un,til 77ritten notice to the bank to the contrary, to. sign checks againsi-. said accounL, ~7hLch checks shall be signed by the ?.fayor, Village I-iarrager and villa ti;^ Treasurer. pay any check against such account ~7hich i_s signed as above dascribed, v~ha’cher or not said check is payable to the order of, or dapositcd to the credit of, any officer cizacks . Pbtioil for adoption of the Eesolution 5.785 s Sank such authority including The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and or officers of the Village, including tha signer or signers of the L;.. PIDZLITY 3N?K A€?D TRUST CCX-IPMFI: (CzrLLZicatzs of Deposii;) DeLm ofikrcd tit2 follovlng ResolutLon and moved Lts adoption: I?? S OLUT ION DZ S IGFATIITG DEPOSITORY FZDZLITX BANK AlJD TXUST COI4PNily fid IT I-EPdBY PtSOLVED that FLdclity Bank and Trust Company of I4hn-.apolis, Xitancsotz, authorized to do a banking businsss in €Xnnesota, be and hereby is, designated as an official depository of the Public Funds of the Village of Edina, County of Z’iennepin, Wimesota, for the term of one year January, 13 6 1. from the 9th day of I.;ocion for adoption of the lksolution vas seconded by VanValkenburg, and on Eollcall thare ‘c7are four ayes and no nays Eziliz oEzr.?d .Lhe following Iksoluflon and xiloved ies adoption: FZSOLUTLON APPROVING ASSIGIdT*ElT OF SECUXXCTIES IN LIEU OF 20ND FIDELITY BAHK M’D TRUST COI.PAlJY DZ IT YJSOLVi3D, that the Village Council of the Village of ddina approve the assignwnt ‘07 its depository, Fidelity Bank and Tr~t Company of tkinnzapolis, Ilinnesota, made October 17, 1960, of the follot7ing securities, as good and sufFLci.~n.L collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said d:.posi.cory: U.S. Trzasury Cer,tificates of Indebtedmss - 3-1/2-% due E-1-61 - $1,000,000 KotLon 2or adop.ti.on of Resolution ~7as seconded by VanValkenburg , and on E’ollca1.1 Daim offared the follo~7ing Resolution and moved its adop.t.ion: SIGNATORY mso~urro~ FIDELITY BANK AND TRUST COI*iPhf.n’ fii3 IT FGSOLVZD, that tlie persons holding offLce as $fayor, Manager, and Treasurar of the Village of Edina, be and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village In the transactton of any banking business with Fidtlhty Bank aiid Trust Con1panj7 of tKnnea;>olis , Ninnesota {hereinafter raferred to as .t-hz bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the VLllage from time to time and until v7ritten notice to the bank ‘to the contrary, to sign chx!cs against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Kayor, Village I-Ianager, and Village Treasurer. The bank 2s hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as abova described, shether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of tha Villagz, including the signer or signers of the checks. ’ 254 1/9/51 IiocFon for adoption of ksolution vas second2 nValLmburg, and on Rollcall aye ; Iqa, aya ; VanValkx~burg, thera wre four ayzs and no nays, as follow: - and Brzdzsm, ayz; and th2 ksolution FACSIHILZ SIGITATURES APPROVED. its adoption: Bzim offered the follov7ing Resolution and moved I!!SOLUTIO3 AUTNORXZI1JG USi3 OF OFFICIALS PSSOLVED, That thz US^ of facshiile signatures by thz f0110175ng namd persons: PACSII-IILE SIGIJATUPdS BY PUBLIC L~EUIL C. BPSDESiN, JB. - IIAPOR l?AlX??N C. XYD% - VILLAGE 1*2W.GER GFdTCIC%X S. ALDEN - VILL:?G% TR&i§UPdR on checks, drafts, uarrants, varrant-checks funds deposited in FIRST 3DIlGi NATIOi4AL BANK, T4.IDLWD NATIONAL BAX< OF IIIl!BE:U?OLIS, FIRST SOUTIDALE ?!ATIO;ILYL C.QX:, and FIDZLITP BANK AND TRUST COi@LLTL OF KIEXEELWOLIS b2, and hcrzby Is, approved, and that each of said namad parsons my uthorizz said depository bank to honor any such instrurasnt bearing his facsimile signature in such fom as he nay dzsignate and to charga the Sam to the account in said depository bank upon uhich dram, as fully as though it bore his nanually written signaturs, and that instrumants so honorad shall be vh011y opcrativz and binding in favor of sakd depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have bzen affixed without his authority. vouchers or otlizr ordzrs on public OFFICI,& PUBLiG~lrIO~3 POE YEAR 1961 D%SIGI4AT%D. The only bid raceivcd vas Lhat of Xinnzapolis Suburban Zlmspagzrs , Inc . I-fopkins for the Zdina-Iiomlngs ida Cour Lzr, at $1.50 per folio for fime publrcation; and S.75 Eor subsequent publications, with tabular ~attxr $.SO par folio-additional on the flrsr. insertion. lizotio~ Chat Xdina-ihirnTngsidc Courier Ss designated kgal Publicat.Lon for yzar 1951 vas soconciad by CzLn and carrixl. Tu~a'3 BIDS AUTI3OPJZSD FOR SUPPLIZS. Tup' s motion authorizing advcrt tscmznt for bids for year's supply 02 Sand, Gi-avzl and Rock; Road Oil and Tar; Gasolin.., Diasel Fuel and Fuel Oil, and okbr general suppl.Les riquiring bids, T~S saeondzd by Vau ValkaSmrg and carrisci. DZSTRUGTIUT! OF OLD PdCOfZlS APPROVED. Nanager Nyde racomzndad cha des trtlct:ion of certain old racords, t10i'z Lhan ten yars old, to facilitate mri ?Eficient r'LlinS of currznt corrzspondznce; and Bcia offered che following &solution and ~ovad its adoption: YdSOLUTIOB FOR DLSTRUCTIOY OF RJCORDS DATJD JAIIUARY 1, 1950, TO IUD Ii1CLuI)IT;G D%CEIi3EE 31, 1950 IJBEAS, 11.S.A. 412.841 authorizes thz destruction of certain villagz IJZBREAS, A lisi: of records has been presented to the Council with a request 17EEPdW3, the Village Attorney has approved the destruction of such records records ore than ten pars old; and tn writing that dastrurision be approved by the Council; and in writing: 1/9/61 NOW, THXiair'Orw, ih If ~~ULVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF EDIfJA, 3IIHNESOTA: (1). The Finance Director is nereby aUChOri22d and directed to destroy the fo~~owing classes of records described in the lis~ submitted to the council : 1950 through Notion tor aaoption or che Resolution ~t7as seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall a. b. All receipts and correspondence) A11 orders, vouchers and checks) Dated Jalluary 1, 19 3u 31, COUNCIL SALARIES ESTAJ~LISHEU FOR 1961. Resolution and moved its adoption: VanValkenburg offered the following RESOLUTION ESTAFiLISI-IIIirG SALARIES OF TIIOSG ELECTED OFFICIALS 'I.JI-IOSE SALAQE;S I-LAVE; lJOT ALP3ADB BEEN ESTMLISEED BY STATE STATUTE OR VILLAGE ~SOLUTIOI1 BE IT P?SOLVED that che salaries of Elected Village Officials, whose salaries have not been heretofore established, b2 hereby established as follows for the year 1961: Arthur C. Bredese, Jr., Nayor - $200.00 per Ihnth R, N. Bairn, Trustee - 100.00 It I?. B. Dickson, Trustee - 100.00 [' Frank J. Tupa, Trustee - 100.00 James Van VQlIcenburg, T-ustee - 100.00 If Kotion for adoption of Rzsolution was seconded by Eeim, and on Rollcall ll:enburg, aye; and Bredesen, ay CLffl1.E PAID. Tupa's motion for confirmation of check issued D2CeTflber 28, 1960 from General Fund to Postmaster for $200 (for Postage Iaeter); for paymen'c of thz following Claims as per Pre-List dated January 9, 1961: General Fund, $3,9246 .84; Constructton Fund, $1,816.80; Bark and Park Construction Fund, $1,603.59; Water Fund, $11,565.51; Liquor Fund, $17,075) .83; Sewer Rental Fund, $4.74.43; Poor Fund, $2,289. C4--TOTAL, $38,076.84 -- and for approval of Claim 30. 15712, to Arthur J. and Bzllie Strate, for $5,600, from Park Const. Fund, was seconded by Eeim and carried. 1113 agenda's having been covered, Tupa moved for adjournm2nt. 1)iotion seconded by Van Valkenburg and carrr AdjournmenC at 8.05 P.H.