HomeMy WebLinkAbout19610123_regular1/23/6 1 HIiWTiSS OF TI# PdGULAR hGETING OF TW d:DXNA VILWG COUNCIL, II&IJ, NONDAY, JANUARY 23, 1961, AT 7 :00 P .$I., AT TEE EDINA VILLAGE HALL (1 Zfembers answering Rollcall mere Bzim, Diclcson , Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. Nr. Allen Loch acted as Clerk. tIINUTES of the Regular Keet5ng of January 9, 1961, were approved as submitted, by motion Tupa, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. ~ . PUBLIC HEARIKG ON PLATTIXG VARIN?CE FOR "NEIDERLOH N)DITIOiJ". '&te presented AHidavit of mailing of "Notice of Hearing", shich was approved and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant to said Notice, Council conducted Hearing on petition for permit to divide the property at 5401lJ.6Oth St. into lots which would be 127 feet and 165 feet in i~idth, but vhich 17ould have only 30-foot street frontage. Planning Commission recommendation of January 4, in favor of this subdivision, ~7as reviewed. Ilearing, and none had been received prior thereto. permit for variance and for approval of Preliminary Plat was seconded by Beim and carried. Planning Director No objections t;lere offered at the Dickson's motion for PUBLIC II%ALTH NUIISIKG DISTRICT REPORT FOR DECEEBER, 1960, was submitted , reviewed, and ordered placed on file. II.;PROVEI4ENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED. The following petitions sere submitted, and, by Eotion VanValkenburg, seconded by Diclcson and carried, were referred to the Engineering Departmznt for programming, being accepted: 1. SANITARY SEWER - Schaefer Road from Interlachen Rd. to and including 2. CURB AND GUTTER AND BLACKTOP - Chapel Lane, Valley View Rd. to Chapel Dr. 5012 Schaefer Road. PROPOSED IHPROVEXZZJT tWA.LDON%D BY PETITION WITHDWIAL. It 17as raported that because a number of persons who had signed a petition for Curb and Gutter and Blacktopping of Rolf Avenue between G3rd and 64th Streets have now withdrawn their namzs the petition no longer carries the signatures of opmers of 51% of the affected property. be abandoned, and that affected property ovmers be so notified. Council was in agreement that initiation of proceedings REPUBLICAN CONEIITTEE COZ.IPLUJ,ENTS EDINA ON CONDUCT OF GENERAL ELECTION. The Hemepin County Republican CommFttee's compliment on Edina's conduct of the November 8, 1960 General Election ~75s submitted, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. PERSONAL INJURIES CLAIM REFERRED TO INSURER. Personal Injuries Claim, in amount of $20,000, fromllrs. Hedwig Olson, for injury suffered in a fall in front of the Post Office. reported that this claim has already been referred to Amzrican Casualty Company. Ilanager I3yde reported receipt of Village Attorney Hasselquist APPOINTI4ENT WiOE TO PARR BOARD. Giebink, 5400 Dundee Road, to the Park Board, for a three-year term beginning January 1, 19.61, had Council's unanimous confirmation. Mayor Bredesen's appointmznt of Nr. Gilbert REQUEST FOR PEI3IIT FOR BILLIARDS at Biltmore Lanes and Southdale BO171 ~7as reported by Hanager Hyde, discussed by Council, and referred to Village Attorney Hasselquist €or the drafthg of regulations and restrictions for sams. 50TH STBEET-FRANCE AVENUE BUSINESS DISTRICT PARKING has been discussed at a recent Chamber of Commerce Keeting, Hanager Hyde reported. had told the Chamber that he or any other Village official will be glad to meet with a Chamber-appointed Committee to try to w0rk out problems. Mr. Hyde informed Council he LICENSIKG PROCEDURES were briefly discussed, with further report to be presented at nest meeting. LEGISLATIVE COI*EiITTEE OF LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA IIITNICIPALITIES TO RECOl*lI*END OPTION FOR SOCIAL SECURITY-PEM OR PERA ALONE. Manager Hyde reported that, at the meeting of Legislative Codttee 05 the Lcague, held Friday, the Committee went on record as approving legislation enabling municipality employees to have the option of either PEP&, or combined Social Security-PERA--the latter of which would mean a saving of about one percent of payroll to the Village. PRE-PRINTED AGENDA HEADING ~7as presented for Council consideration. informally approved, no objection being raised. Council 4 30 m 19. PAMELA PARK DRAINAGE PROJECT APPROVED IN PRINCIPLE. Manager Hyde reported to Council that a drainage ditch from Lake Pamela, north to Minnehaha Creek, is necessary to keep the lake level constant and to provide proper drainage for the lots on the east side of the Pamela Park property. Plan and Estimate of Cost, by Harrison and Associates; the Total Cost for dredging channel from existing Lake Pamela to 58th St. Outlet, building a dike across open swam, and simple adjustable control structure, and of all the fill necessary, being an estimated $43,000; the first stage of which-- building dike and control structure--estimated at $9,700. Because there is still an additional report by Manager as to responsibility for the cost of this construction, no firm action was taken. Council did agree, informally, however, that plans should be made to see that this job is done right; that excess material from Belmore Lane property can be used as fill on this project. He presented HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR FEBRUARY 13 ON PROPOSED ANENDMZNT TO OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT SECTION OF ZONING ODINANCE , AND APPLICATION THEREOF. Director Hite presented to Council an Amendment to the Office Building District Planning Section of the Village Zoning Ordinance, which has been recommended by the Planning Commission. office buildings some retail and service facilities for the convenience 05 the tenants, and also clarifies parking provisions. llr. Hite asked that Council schedule Public Hearings on the proposed amending ordinance, and on application of the ordinance to certain properties, €or February 13, and Beim so moved. m-ASSESSEENT PUBL1CITY.TO BE MAILED. Council reviewed, and after some discussion, approved letter to be mailed to property owners by assessor's office, in connection with re-assessment program. Amending Ordinance as proposed prermits within Certain Motion was seconded by Dickson and carried. Council's having covered business of evening, Neeting was adjaurned by motion Tupa, seconded by Beim and carried. Adjournmen Acting-Village Clerk MINUTES OF THE WETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE CANVASSING BOARD, HELD FRIDAY, FEBRUhRY 3, 1961, AT 5:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. Heeting convened at 5:OO P.M., Friday, February 3, 1961, with Village Trustees Dickson, Beim and VanValkenburg acting as Canvassing Board for canvass of the returns of the Special Village Election held Wednesday, February 1, 1961, on the question: "SHALL THE VILLAGE OF EDINA CONTINUE TO OPERATE ITS N"1CIPAL LIQUOR STORBS MTHER THAN ISSUE PRIVATE LICENSES?" After inspection of the o€ficial returns of said election, VanValkenburg moved that the following Election Returns, as submitted by the Judges of Election, be certified as true and correct. Notion was seconded by Dickson and carried: DISTRICT NO. 1 DISTRICT NO. 2 DISTPCICT NO. 3 DISTRICT NO. 4 DISTRICT NO. 5 DISTRICT NO. 6 DISTRICT NO. 7 "YES" #fNO" TOTAL VOTE (Wooddale School) 758 36 794 (Village Hall) 87 5 43 9 18 (Junior High) 814 18 832 (Concord Schoo 1) 9 50 13 968 (Cahill School) 1,007 39 1,OM (Shepherd of Hills Church) 176 8 184. (Edina Highlands School) 43 5 - 21 456 TOTAL VOTE 5,015 183 5,198 Diclcson then moved for adjournment. Hotion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried.