HomeMy WebLinkAbout19610508_regular4/24/61 . Motion for adoption Ro 1 lcal 1 there were of Resolution was seconded by VanValkenburg, and on four ayes and no nays, afillows: Dickson, aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bred was adopted. / CLAIMS PAID. Dickson's motion for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List dated April 24, 1961, was seconded by =pa and carried: General Fund, $17,808.54; Construction Fund, $855.20; Park, Park Construction and Swimming Pool, $1,526.73; Water Fund, $16,336.34; Liquor Fund, $44,072.13; Sewer Rental Fund, $393.29; Improvement Funds, $315.98; and Poor Fund, $16.00 -- Total, $81,324.21. ADJOURNMENT OF MEETING was had at 12:lO A.M., Tuesday, April 25, by motion Dickson, seconded by Tupa and Village Clerk IIINUTES OF THE RJ?.GULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HEI;D MONDAY, MAY 8, 1961 AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. Members answering Rollcall were Dickson, Tupa and VanValkenburg. Pro Tem Dickson presided in Mayor Bredesen's absence. Mayor MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of April 24, 1961, were approved subject to a correction in the Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications, etc., as recorded on Page 40 of this Minute Book, relative to the Permanent Surfacing and Curb of West Shore Drive, by motion Tupa, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. thought that the two lots at the south end of West Shore Drive were omitted from the specifications. Minutes of April 24). Mr. Tupa explained that when he voted for this Resolution he had (See Minutes of later in this meeting, approving PUBLIC flEARING ON PETITION OF R.H. PETERSON FOR REZONING FROM "MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT" TO "OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT" OF THE EASTERLY 240 FEET OF BLOCK 9, STOW'S EDGEMOOR. Edina-Morningside Courier April 27 and May 4, 1961, of "Notice of Public Hearing", and Affidavit of Posting of same notice on April 29. Planning Director Hite submitted Affidavit of Mailing. Telling the audience that Council cannot take final action tonight on this request because adoption of an ordinance to rezone requires a favorable vote of four, but that Council will conduct Hearing this evening and take final action on May 22. obje&&nfa&& &en received prior to the Hearing, and Tupa moved, offering for/its hrst Reading ORDINANCE NO. 261-61--f1An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 261 (Zoning Ordinance) of the Village of Edina, Establishing an Additional Office Building District," and scheduling Second Reading of said Ordinance No. 261-61 for Monday, May 22. VanValkenburg's second accepted First Reading; and motion for acceptance of First Reading this evening, and second reading at May 22nd meeting, was carried. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in No objections were forthcoming from the floor, and no written PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION OF DICK ANDERSON FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR DOUBLE BUNGALOWS ON LOTS 7, 8 AND 9, BLOCK 2, MIRROR LAKES MEADOW RIDGE SECOND ADDN. (SOUTK SIDE OF W.56TH ST., NORTH OF EII.Ty.#169) . presented Affidavit of Mailing of Notice of Hearing, and, pursuant to said Notice, Mayor Pro Tem Dickson invited objections and recommendations from the audience. Planning Director Hite reported the Planning Commission's favorable recommendation--the property inquestion being three large lots having frontages on both Hwy.#169 and V.56th Street. questioned the matter of storm sewer, here, and Manager Hyde reported that the Colmnission feels Mr. Anderson's purchase agreements should make buyers aware of a forthcoming storm sewer assessment. Mrs. Kenneth Boyd, 5532 Mirror Lakes Drive, presented a petition in objection, which petition was supported by a substantial delegation. of objections, the matter be sent back to the Planning Commission for its consideration May 10, and Tupa so moved. and carried. Planning Director Hite Trustee Tupa Mr. Dickson suggested that, in view Motion seconded by VanValkenhrg 5% PICKUP TRUCK CONTRACT AWARDED TO HULL-DOBBS. seven bids in response to Advertisement published in Edina-Morningside Courier' and Construction Bullet-in April 27 and Ma 4 1961; Hull-Dobbs Ford being low ' bidder at $1,639 .OO; Ken-Ray Chevrolet, &&blow at $1,686.21; Downtown Chevrolet, second-low at $1,670.40. He explained that the budget allows $1,800 €or a new truck, and recommended award to Hul:-Dobbs Ford. moved. Manager Hyde reported receipt of VanValkenburg so Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. TRACY AVENUE FROM HIGHWAY NO. 169, SOUTH, PROPOSED TO BE PAVED THIS YEAR. Mr. Andrew Miner, 5712 Tracy Avenue, was spokesman for a delegation asking that Tracy Avenue between Countryside Addn. and Highway No, 169 be paved together with the South section of the road. sectiqn bears-the most traffic, -carries school buses; that there will be considerable heavy building in the area which must use this section of stzeet. Manager Hyde told delegation that it has been hoped for some time that this work could be done; that the financing of bhe project has been the main difficulty, but that, now, the Legislature has passed the necessary legislation to make possible the financing of State-Aid Improvements in advance of receipt of state funds, which will make this work possible: Asking if it is intended that the work-be done this year, Mr. Hyde replied that it is certainly hoped that it can be accomplished; that the Village will do all possible to have it completed in 1961. Mr. Miner told Council that the north m SANITARY SENER-IN 'WHITE OARS" AREA TO RECEIVE PUBLIB HEARING MAY 22, AS RESULT , OF EMERGENCY PETITION FILED FOR SEWER IN WHITE OAKS ROAD FROM MEADOW ROAD TO W.48TH STREET. support a petition filed today for Sanitary Sewer in White Oaks Road. Hensley's report, that three private sewer systems are failing and soil characteristics indicate that others will fail soon, was read. asked that this petition be treated as an '*emergency" petition and expedite this work. Manager Hyde reported that Suburban Engineering had made a Sanitary Sewer study of the area some time ago, in response to a petition for botfi Storm and SanitGry Sewer, sponsored by Mr. James Grzeskowiak, 4600 Meadow Road; that the cost was so high property owners were not interes!ed. the large sewer project will be more economical for the White Oaks residents than a sewer to serve them alone, because the latter will need a lift station; then recommended that, if possible, Public Hearing be held Monday, May 22, on the following: Mr. Robert J. Mickelson, 4702 White Oaks Road, was present to Sanitarian * , Mr. Michelson He stated he feels 1. Sewer in W.48th St. from 150' I?. of Meado& Road to Meadow Road; Meadow Rd. from W.48th St, Northerly to the Village iimits; and Flhite Oaks Road, from Meadow Road, westerly to the end-all in accordance with the plan and estimate of Suburban Engineering Co.; and *. . (Alternate) 2. Sewer in White Oaks Rd. from W.48th St. extending north to and including Cul-dg-sac--in accordance with plan and estimate to be prepared by Village Engineer. He asked, too, that Mr. Michelson see his neighbors bo interest them in the large project. Tupa's motion, that Public Hearings on Sanitary Sewer for the White Oaks area, with an alternate for White Oaks Road only, be scheduled for Monday, May 22, 1961, in accordance with Managek's recommendation. VanValkenburg and carried. Motion seconded by EMERGENCY PETITION FILED FORTJATERMAIN IN EAST SIDE OF NORMANDALE ROAD BETWEEN 8.68TH AND W.69TH STREETS. Mr. William J. Schulz, 6805 Nomandale Road, supported this petition, stating that his well has failed and he is unable to have it repaired; that his home is entirely without water. Report was made that Mr. Westphal, 6821, has had difficulties, It was noted that Christ Presbyterian Church is not a signer; also, that their property is assessed on W.70th St. Captain Gans told petitioners that unless the Church participates, they will have a very high-cost main. Some further discussion was had on the need for the improvement; and Captain Gans was directed to make a study of the project and to get it set up for Public Hearing just as soon as possible. was asked to secure additional signatures on petition if possible. Mr. Schultz IMPROVEMENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED. and were accepted and referred to Village Engineer for programking, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Tupa and carried: Paving and Curb and Gutter - Grove St., Tracy Ave. to Johnson Drive. Oiling - Belmore Lane, Arthur St. to Alley between Harrison and Tyler Aves. Sanitary Sewer - To serve Lots 1, 2 and 3, Scotland Heights Addn. The Following Improvement Petitions were submitted, 5/8/61 ' 52 i PETITION FOR OILING, AND TWO-INCH GRAVEL BASE, DISCUSSED; OIL PETITION ACCEPTED. TJ.59TH STREET BE'IWEEN KELLOGG AND OAKLAWN AVENUE. This Oil Petition was accompanied by a covering letter, signed by Mrs. Ernest E. Jacobs, 5901 Kellogg Avenue, requesting Village application of a two-inch gravel .base before appli- cation of oil, to repair the street for damages allegedly sustained as result of Village hauling for Tamela Park. Manager reported that this never been an improved street; that he feels it has suffered no more than other traveled-streets and would not recommend any gravel unless petitioners are willing to pay for it. VanTalkebburg's motion, that Oil Petition be accepted and that petitioners be notified that gravel cannot be applied at Village expense, was seconded by Tupa and carried. STOP SIGNS TO REMAIN AT 54% AND TJOODDALE AVENUE. Pursuant to Mrs. Earl B. Nel'son's complaint, registered at last meeting, that these stop signs cause vehicles to brake suddenly, then start with a roar which disturbs her sleep, Manager Hyde read Chief Vayne Bennett's report that signs bother no one else and do serve to slow speed on the street. Nelson that signs will remain. HEARINGS ON VATERMAIN, PERMANENT SURFACING AND CURB, RE-SCHEDULED. Council was reminded that, at the meeting of April 24, those interested in the following improvements were informed that Hearings thereon would be continued to June 12; that continuance should be set up to May 22: Manager directed to notify Mrs. WATEREWN - Tingdale Avenue fromTJ.6Oth St. to Benton Avenue. PERMANENT SURFACING AND CURB - Tingdale Avenue fromW.6Oth St. to Benton Ave. PERMANENT SURFACING AND CURB - Virginia Lane from Concord Avenue to Ashcroft Avenue . Tupa's motion, that Public Hearing Continuances be changed from.June 12 to May 22, 1961, €or the'above named proposed improvements, and that Clerk be directed to so notify all owners of affected properties, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. COUNCIL TO REQUEST 90-DAY DELAY IN 9-MILE CREEK WATERSHED HEARING. Mr. Hyde reported that unofficial notice has been received that Hearing will be held May 16, on the 9-Mile Creek Watershed District; that Village Engineer has had no opportunity to review; that Bloomington is requesting a 90-day delay. recommended that Edina also request delay, and VanValkenburg moved that Edina join Bloomington in its request for 90-dayldelay in Hearing. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. SANITARY SEWER FOR 5304 GLENBRAE CIRCLE DISCUSSED. Manager Hyde reported that Mr, G.C. Johnson, 5304 Glenbrae Circle, wants Village sanitary sewer service; that the only waysit can be secured is through an easement by Mr. Don Bennett, 5325 Ayrshire Blvd.; that Mr. Bennett wishes to be assured that his trees*will not be harmed, and wants to give easement to the Tillage. definite commitment from Mr. Johnson and additional information from Village Attorney. DELAY ASKED BY EhGINEERING DEPARTMENT ON HEARIXG FOR STORM SEWER AND STREET' DPROVEMENT FOR 4600 BLOCK ON 'NEST WOODLAND ROAD. Engineering work necessary to be done before a public hearing can be held on this project, cannot be done in time to have public hearing on May 22, as asked by Council; that we are not prepared, yet, to report on the date hearing can be held. CHAPTER 655, WJS OF EINNESOTA FOR 1961, APPROVED. Counkil action the newly enacted "CHAPTER 655, IXNSSOF MINNESOTA FOR 2961" which gives to the Council the authorization "to pledge for the payment of general obligktion bonds issued to finance the acquisition or bettennent of municipal recreational facilities, and interest thereon, any defined portion or all of the revenues to be derived from the operation of such facilities and of any then existing recreational facilities, and also any defined portion or all of the net revenu'es to'be derived from the operation of its municipal liquor store or stores, in exc'ess of the cost of such operation, maintenance and commodities purchased", makes it possible. He . Action delayed pending Manager Hyde reported that Manager directed to so notify interested property owners. Manager Hyde submitted for Manager reported that this law does not require such pledge, but Some further discussion and review was had of this Edina- sponsored- law, BE IT RESOLVED Mime sot a :* 1. H. F. and Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING CHAPTER 655, LAUS OF MINNESOTA * FOR 1961 by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, NO, 1403, being Chapter 655, Laws of Minnesota for 1961, "Relating to the Issuance by the Village of Edina in Hennepin County of Bonds for Recreational Facilities and the Pledge of Revenues of Such Facilities and of the Municipal Liquor Store or Stores for the Payment Thereof," be, and hereby is, approved. 5/8/61 53 1 2. The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to transmit a copy of this Resolution to the Secretary of State. alkenburg, aye; Village Clerk ORDINANCE REGULATING EXCAVATION IN STREETS was referred to Director of Public Works for review and recommendation to the Council. This ordinance had been submitted by the Hennepin County Highway Department as a reference ordinance. LOTS 1,2,3 AND 4, BLOCK 2, VALLEY VIEW TERRACE THIRD ADDITION ACCEPTED FOR VILLAGE OWNERSHIP. Deed for the above named lots, signed by Emil P. and Emma M. Fronk, was presented, with the recommendation by Manager Hyde that these lots be accepted, looking toward sale thereof as soon as storm sewer is in. After some discussion Tupa moved that lots be accepted, and motion was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. COUNCIL ASKS FOR AUDIT OF SUBURBAN =LIEF BOARD RECORDS. recommended that Council ask for audit of the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board's records by Certified Public Accountants, and VanValkenburg so moved Hotion seconded by Tupa and carried. Manager Hyde PEARCE VS. VILLAGE. to Appeal had been filed, a transcript had been ordered, and that work is BOTV progressing on the appeal. Village Attorney Hasselquist reported that a Petition E. C. STOW REQUESTS THAT VILLAGE INSTALL WATERMAIN LOOP BETWEEN "THE HEIGHTS" AND "BROOKVIEFJ HEIGHTS FOURTH ADDITION" FROM CAHILL ROAD TO STUB END ON W.67TH ST. Mr. E;. C. Stow was present to support his written request dated May 8, 1961 and received at this meeting, for installation by the Village of the Watermain Loop in W.67th Street.from.Cahil1 Road to the present stub end on W.67th Street in "The Heights'! Addition. that he would be required to put in this Loop as part of watermain construction for "Brookview Heights 4th Addition"; that the 67th Street stub did not originate with his plat--that it was a mistake by the Village to allow "The Heights" to be platted with two lots facing W.67th Street; that the proposed loop could have been avoided by running a line from Limerick Lane to these two lots and having water connection made directly to the lateral on Limerick Lane. Asked by the Council why this matter should come before this Meeting, when it is not on the agenda, Mr. Stow replied that he is putting in sewer and water in Brookview Heights 4th Addition next week; that he has been told by Zikan that he must include this loop; that he is no,t benefited by it; that it is a double assessment; that he must now go ahead with his plat because he has some lots sold; that he must be sure that his plat will not be held up because he does not put in the watermain loop. Asked by Captain Gans why he doesn't go ahead and put the main in, now, Mr. Stow replied' that he "doesn't want to be stuck for the costt1; and Village Attorney Hasselquist informed all concerned that if the Village is to pay for any part of the Loop, bids must be taken by the Village for it. Mr. Hasselquist asked if there were .some way developer R.H. Peterson (who developed "The Heights") and Mr. Stow could work this out together, but Mr. Stow denied that his property would be benefited at all from the Loop, and refused to consider this-suggestion. Some considerable discussion was had by the Council on Mr. Stow's request, with Captain Gans telling Council that if the Village does this work, the cost must eventually come from the General Fund. be granted for putting in Natermain in Brookview Heights 4th Addition in Cahill Road from'N.66th.St. to W.68th St., and that that portion of watermain required for Loop (in 8.67th Street from Cahill Road to present stub end) be put in by the Village later, assessment therefor to be determined. VanValkenburg and carried. notify Village Engineering Department before starting work. Mr. Stow told Council that Village Engineer had ruled Tupa moved that permission, as requested, Motion was seconded by Manager Hyde requested that Stow have contractor STOW ASKS FOR STORM SEWER FOR BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS 4TH ADDITION. Mr. E. C. Stow's letter, dated May 8 and received during the meeting, was reviewed by the Council in the presence of Mr, Stow. Mr, Stow supported his request for Storm Sewer by telling Council that the terrific amount of water coming from Valley View Road down 66th, 67th and 68th Streets, keeps washing out his street; that something must be done immediately or he will not be able to hold the street after it is put to grade and graveled; that he feels the Council cannot force him to put the' street 54 5/8/61 in more than once. Telling the Council that he must have his plat filed, Mr. Stow said he wants to be sure the plat isn't delayed for storm sewer construction, Planning Director Hite, reporting that Mr. Stow is attempting to plat property on which there have always been drainage problems, stated he feels that the Village cannot in good faith approve the pla; and permit the sale of lots when it is known that there is water trouble there. This latter statement Mr. Stow vehemently protested, telling Council that he can take care of the water draining from his own land with one little spillway; that W.67th Street wasn't his idea; and that the water draining down W.67th Streei causes a large part of his drainage problems. Hite told Council that water has drained through this land for many, many years. Reminding Council that a petition had been received last fall from "The Heights" property owners and that a public hearing had been tentatively scheduled for Spring of this year, Mr. Stow told Council he has discussed this matter repeatedly with the Village Engineer, that he believes it has been delayed deliberately. Manager Hyde told Council that Public Hearing on the project has been tentatively scheduled for June 26. the Eall, Mr. Stow told Council that the Council will be liable for damages if his plat is delayed--that taxes are all paid on this land and that he has builders who want to start building right now. take bids on the 26th of June, as vel1 as hold Hearing at that time, and it was so ordered by comon consent of Council, with Trustee Tupa asking that Consulting Engineers be employed for this work if the Village Engineering Department cannot do it, STREET IMPROVEMENT FOR WEST SHORE DRIVE TO GO TO WIBISCUS: Relative to his question concerning the "Resolution Approving Plans and Speyifi- cations,etc", contained in the Minutes of the Regular Meeting of'April 24, Trustee =pa asked for a report from the Village Engineer on drainage in West Shore Drive. Captain Gans, Public Works Director, reported that Adolph Meyer & Associates' data had been rechecked by this Consulting Firm, and then again by the Village Engineers; that the present design, which provides for the water to drain down West Shore Drive on the surface is sufficient to provide protection €or a ten-year storm after the street is surfaced; but that unless the street is surfaced sufficiently far to include the catch basins at the corner of TJest Shore Drive and Hibiscus, the- catch basinq will be ineffective and there will be drainage trouble, Mr. Hyde inquired about an agreement between Adolph Meyer and Associates and Mr. E. G. Stow relative to installation of a stub storm sewer by Mr. Stow to drain Hibiscus west of West Shore.Drive where easements have been provided. an agreement had been developed but apparently was not recorded. that the Engineer (Mr. Barr of Adolph Meyer and Associates) be required to make a written statement which could be written into the record, re-affirming his drainage design. Captain Gans told Bir. Tupa he has such statement; after which Mr. Tupa inquired as to whether the Consulting Engineer,can.be held responsible in case the design is not correct. Captain Gans replied that the Consulting Engineer was an agent €or the Village,, and was acting in this kapacity as he performed his services €or the Village; that he is responsibleeto the Village to the same degree as any employee of the Village, and that by the same token the Village carries * primary responsibility for its employees' acts. correcting "Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications, etc." relative to the Permanent Surfacing and Curb of West Shore Drive, with the consent oE VanValkenburg, who withdrew his second, and Minutes were approved as submitted, by motion Tupa, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. a record of re-affirmation of design, the following exceppt is made from letter. written to Captain George M. Gans on April 4, 1961, signed by Douglas V. Barr: near the intersection of Hibiscus Avenue.and West Shore Drive. opportunity to recall some of the history leading up to the ultimate design of the storm sewer. "Up to a short time before the hearing on Main I, the plans for Main 1 called for the storm sewer continuing westward along Hibiscus Avenue to the low point in the street a few hundred feet west of the intersection with West Shore Drive. At this point the line left Hibiscus Avenue and followed a lot line southward to its outlet into Lake Normandale. A few days prior to the hearing%r. Stow complained about the assessments to the area lying west of the Vest 1/4 quarter line in Section 31. At that time I was instructed by the Village to eliminate this portion from the assessable area because Mr. Stow had agreed to install an outlet for storm drainage from Hibiscus Avenue to Lake Normandale along the route of the former pro- posed outlet of Main 1. farther east and a stub laberal run up to the intersection'of west Shore Drive and Hibiscus to pick up the drainage fromlJest Shore Drive. time that Hibiscus Avenue sloped westward from the intersection of West Shore Drive to the low point which Nr. Stow had agreed to drain. Main 1 intakes could not possibly get the sto~waterwould by Mr* StoF'* We the drainage at that . i Mr. Stating this will mean that the project cannot be completed until late in Mayor Pro Tern Dickson suggested that the Village "ITES OF APRIL 24, 1961-APPROVED AS SUBMZTTED. * . Mr, Zikan stated such Hr. Tupa asked Tupa then withdrew his motion In accordance with Mr. Tupa's request- for "As per your request, we have reviewed the hydraulic design of the storm sewer 17e have also had an At that time the outlet for Main 1 was relocated to a point It was realized at that This being the case the of the water at that point and that some of t continue westward along Hibiscus to the outlet to be provided it Was OUT obligation to make a reasonable effort to pick Point but that we mere not obligated to pick up all the water. 5/8/61 55 "The two ,intakes provided will have a capacity of about 18 cubic feet 1 per second as compared with the peak discharge at that point of 22 cubic feet per second under the .conditions of the design storm. . "This appears to me to reasonably fulfill the Village obligations. "The present outlet for stormwater from Hibiscus to Lake Normandale is a.broad opening in the sand deposits through which water has obviously been flowing. excavated as the stormwater outlet and is not the result of natural over- flow. A small delta at the lower end of this "channel" shows that there is very little erosion and this channel is quite stable so, in my opinion, there is no emergency. I do believe, however, that Mr. Stow should install the outlet from Hibiscus to the lake as soon as.possible. Once this outlet is installed, the "channel" can be closed and the street drainage will reach the lake through the storm sewers. "In regard to the flow in West Shore Drive, 1 have reviewed the compu- tations and find that the flow in West Shore Drive at the peak discharge of the design storm will be only one-tenth foot above the crown of the street and the velocities will not exceed three feet per second. moderate conditions for a storm of that rare occurrence. I*. the Village and provides drainage service equivalent to that provided in other portions of the storm sewer district. mentioned in the complaint is the installation of the storm sewer outlet from Hibiscus to the lake which Mr. Stow has promised to install in exchange for having a substantial portion of the watershed removed from assessment rolls. area,to be dropped from the assessment and Mr. Stow must not be allowed to fail to fulfill his promise to install that outlet." The spoil banks on either side of this opening show that it was These are "In summary, I believe-the present design fulfills the obligations of The remedy for the "szosion" The Village made a major concession in permitting this CLAIMS PAID. Tupa's motion, for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre- List dated May 8, 1961, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried: & Swim Pool, $924.85; Water Fund, $85,056.54; Liquor Fund, $939.39; Sewer Rental Fund, $9.63; Improvement Funds, $912.00; and Poor Fund, $214.79-- Total $102,628;62. General Fund, $13,748.86; Construction Fund, $922.56; Park, Park Const. CHANGE IN METHOD OF ASSESSMENT FOR CORNER LOTS ADVOCATED. Mr. C. 'GI. Jensen, 6717 Cornelia Drive, was present2fo:discuss with the Council his letter of April 25, together with the "recommendations of corner lot owners'' in Southdale, that "corner lot owners be assessed for all their front footage, plus 20% of their side footage; also that the two owner of pie-shaped lots be assessed on the basis of 110 feet, with the balance of all side footage to be spread among all lot owners on a per lot basis. Council thanked Mr. Jensen for his very thorough survey on assessment procedure in other communities; and Mr. Hyde reported that, after.a meeting with.the Southdale Improvement Association, at which, he stated, attendance was not completely representative of the group, he feels it advisable to propose several methods of assessment and ask for mailed ballot for Public Hearing.. No formal action was taken but Council discussed Mr. Jensen's letter at some length, and Mr. Hyde was directed to put matter of change in assessment method on agenda for next meeting. The agenda's having been covered, lkenburg moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. Me adjourned at 9:20 P.M. I . Village Clerk