HomeMy WebLinkAbout19610522_regularwn 5/22lbL WNUTES OF THE REGULARMEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, MAY 22, 1961, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Rollcall was answered by Members Dickson, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. MINUTES of the Regular Neeting of May 8, 1961, were approved as submitted, with the following one amendment, by motion Dickson, Seconded by VanValkenburg and carried: Motion approving Minutes of April 24th Meeting is to be amended to correct the action taken April 24, releasing a temporary easement for Sanitary Sewer in Lake Edina.2nd Addn. over and across "Two strips of land each fifteen feet in width--" to read "Two strips of land each sixty feet in width--". PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NBME OF "HANI(;ERSON AVENUE" TO "COVENTRY ROAD". Affidavits of Publication, Posting and Mailing of "Notice of Public Hearing" were presented by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant.to said Notice, Public Hearing was called on the petition of Mrs. J.H, Batten,.5012 Hankerson Avenue, and others for the change of the name of this two-block street to "Coventry Road". Proponents told Council it is impossible to sell property on the street because of this name. There was some considerable objection from the audience on the name change. said they feel that a name change would involve considerable bother in changing legal documents, that Coventry Road sounds pretentious. Petition in objection was filed, signed by some of those who had signed original petition asking for change, as well as several others; and Dickson moved that petition for change of street name be denied. Objectors Hotion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CHANGE OF NAME OF A PORTION OF "ASHCROFT AVENUE" TO "GARRISON LANE". Affidavits of Publication, Posting and Mailing of "Notice of Public Hearing'' were presented by Clerk, approved as to form, and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant to said Notice, Public Heaxng was called on proposed, Pillage-sponsored, change of the name of that portion of "Ashcroft Avenue" lying East of St.Johns Avenue (a 135-foot strip) to '8arrison Lane". It was explained that the.Easterly continuation of this street is named Garrison Lane; that there is some confusion in the neighborhood as to the official name, There were no objections from owners of abutting property, and Dickson offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading and adopt as offered: I ORDINANCE NO. 164-19 NO. 164 ENTITLED "AN ORDINANCE NAMING AND RENAMING CERTAIN ROADS, STREETS AND AVENUES OF THE VILLAGE THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: AN ORDINANCE AMENDING VILLAGE OF EDINA ORDINANCE OF EDINA Section 1. Ordinance No. 164 of the Village, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding after Section 33 the following: "Section 34.. That street now known as "Ashcroft Avenue" and lying between Lot 5, Block 1 and Lot 1, Block 4, Valley View Ridge Addition (between St.Johns Avenue and the Nest line of Miller's Addition,)as the same is of record in the office hereby renamed "GARRISON LANE". Section 2.. This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and publication. of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin.County, is ! Motion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as offered was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four @ and no nays, as follows: Dickson, aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; dredesen, aye;,and the Ordinance PUBLIC HEXtING ON PETITION OF MR, LUDWIG NELSON FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR DOUBLE BUKGALCM ON LOT 1, BLOCK 1, KOHLRIDGE ADDN. (SW CORNER HIGHFJAY 1'169 AND TRACY Am.) Planning Director Hite presented Affidavit of Mailing of "Notice of Hearing"; also presented plat showing location of tract, telling Council Planning Commission had voted favorably on the request, on a 3-2 vote; that frontage will be on Tracy Avenue. Mr. Frank Kreiser, representing petitioner, told Council that this lot is not suitable for a good one-family dwelling because of the traffic on Highway 1,169; that petitioner expects to build a $30,000 to $40,000 double, there; that a single-family dwelling, to sell on this lot, would probably have to be less than $20,000; that this is the only lot in Kohlridge on which it is proposed to build a double; that all other houses in the plat will be singles of the $25,000 to $30,000 type. Hawkes Terrace, supported a petition signed by opmers of some 21 neighboring properties, Mrs. E.J. Thwing, 5701 5/22/61 57 objecting to double bungalow on !grounds the entire neikhborhood, Council asked that "transient" facilities will devalue Mr. Kreiser if petitioner is aware that 1 Highway #169 may become a Village street and less heavily traveled; and, stating that he feels petitioner's request is premature in view of possible change of route of Highway #169, Dickson moved that request be tabled. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. At this time additional petieions in.protest were filed with Council and ordered placed on file. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED VACATION OF W.63RD STREET FROM CONCORD AVENUE TO VIRGINIA AVENUE. of Notice of Public Hearing, whichewere approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was conducted on proposed Vacation. It was explained that there is no petition for this Vacation; that Hearing has been initiated on Council's own motion, relative to the improvement of streets in the general area; that Crosstown Service Drive is proposed to go just south of this street and street will not be needed for traffic movement; that none of the residences abutting the street faces it. Mr. A. L. MacLean, 6232 Concord Avenue, told Council that this particular street has been cut through, so that in effect there is a 30-foot ditch. possible that it could be restored by the Village. the negative, but on Mr. MacLean's comment that considerable fill should be available from the curb and gutter work soon to be done in the immediate neighborhood and,it.might be reasonable to put it into the ditch rather than haul it off, Manager Hyde and Council agreed that, under these circumstances, fill could be made. Mu. MacLean was told that the dedicated street would revert to the property owners; then asked if this Would mean liability for any past assessments, and was told that no such liability would incur. Lastly, Mr. MacLean inquired as to whether abutting property opmers would be obliged to pay an assessment on the !#vacated street" portion for the surfacing and cvrbing of Concord Avenue. He was informed that there should be no objection to relief from this assessment inasmuch as Estimate of Cost has been given without assess- ment for this strip. Mr. MacLean's contention that this property should bear no,assessment was on the basis that owners of abutting properties are not materially benefited by the additional property.to be gained by the vacation; that it will add nothing to re-sale value and will mean additional work and responsibility in caring for additional yard and for restoration of street. With understanding that Village will fill vacated street from neighborhood curb and gutter excess dirt, that no liability will incur for past special assessments, and that the abutting property owners will be relieved of assess- ment for Concord Avenue surfacing, Mr. MacLean withdrew his objections to street vacation. There were no other objections registered, and none had been received prior to Hearing. be retained by the Village; and Dickson offered the following Resolution and move its adoption: Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication, Posting and Mailing He asked if it is Mr. Bredesen answered in Trustee Tupa suggested that utilities easement RESOLUTION VACATING STREET CONCORD AND VIRGINIA AVENUES W.63RD STREET, BETWEEN WHEREAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on the proposed Vacation of W.63rd Street between Concord Avenue and Virginia Avenue on,May 22, 1961, at 7:OO p.m., has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the,Village of Edina, Hennepin County, +Minnesota, that-W.63RJ.I STREET, lying between the West right-of-way line of Concord Avenue and the East righf-of-way line of Virginia Avenue, as platted and of record.in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, be, and is hereby vacated; prov$ded, however, that this vaqation shall not become effective nor the street be deemed vacated unless and until the Village of Edina has received a utilities easement ten feet inwidth, being five feet on either side of the centerline of said vacated street, said eqsement t? be from such parties and,in such.form as to give the Village of Edina good and-valid utilities easement as determined by the-Village Attorney; and that upon receipt of 2uch easement this resolution vacating said *street, excluding, .however,, the proviso, shall be-prepared and recorded, Motion ,for adoption of Resolution was second were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Di aye;.Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, Tupa, and on.Rollcal1 there and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolutio 58 5/22/61 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEIJER FOR WHITE OAKS AREA. Affidavits of Publication and Mailing of "Notice of Hearing", which were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. were conducted on two different routes and assessable areas, being: Clerk presented Eursuant to sai'a Notice, Public Hearings A. In lJ.48th .St. from 150 Ft. West of Meadow Road to Meadow Road; Meadow Road from W.48th St. northerly to the Village limits; and White Oaks Road from Meadow Road Plesterly .to the end (for which an Estimate of Cost, prepared by Suburban Engineering Co., was given at $64.481.00, proposed to be assessed againslt 26 lots for $2,480 per lot); In Glhite Oaks Road froml3.48th St. extending North to'and including and B. the Cul-de-Isac (for which Estimate of Cost, prepared by Village Engineers, was given at $17,224.59, proposed to be assessed against five lots for $3,3444.91 per lot). Hanager Hyde told Council that petition had been received by the White Oaks Road residents pursuant to one cesspool failure and trouble with other cesspools in the 4700 was thought provident to conduct Hearing on the larger improvement, engineered some time ago by Suburban Engineering Company in connection with a storm sewer study in the same locale; that the smaller improvement is very expensive because it includes restoration of a platted but unidroved street; that, in the larger improvement it may be possible to include three Morningside lots, if they want service, which would reduce cost per lot to $2,223.48. Mr. R. L. Michelson, 4702 White Oaks Road, sponsor of the emergency petition, told Council that the cost of the small project is prohibitive, that with interest over a ten year period residents would be paying almost $5,000 for their sewer; that petitioners wish to object to the smaller improvement and support the larger one--which would also serve them at a smaller cost. Messrs. Marvin Holt, 4613 Meadow Road, . Fl. L- Borst, 4715 Meadow Road, R. M. Fleming, 3909 W.48th Street, D. K. MacLennag, 4611 meadow RaadGoall objected to the large improvement (for-which they will be assessed) some on the grounds of no need, others on grounds of excessive cost, Nr. George Hardisty, 4717 Meadow Road, told kouncil he has. polled his neighbors between 47th and 48th Streets, and that all but Mr. Scott are in opposition. told Council he would neither object nor vote for improvement. Grzeskowiak, 4600 Meadow Road, spoke in favor of installation of sewer immediately; and Mr. Reuben Scott, 4705 White Oaks Road, stated that while he does not need the sewer, now, he is sure the area will need it some day and is in favor. Public Works Director Gans told audience that the sewer must go in sooner or later; that he believes that as more cesspools fail it may be necessary from a sanitation standpoint to order the sanitary sewer in at any time, Stating he feels that time spent in further consideration of this project is wasted time in view of the fact that the great majority of the people at the hearing are opposed to the larger prolject and the people now needing sewer are unwilling to pay for the smaller improvement, Mayor Bredesen asked for Council action, and Dickson moved that both proposed projects be abandoned. seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Block; that, while Hearing was being held on this improvement it - Nr. E, C, Stow, 3913 iJ.48th St., reviewed history on 48th Street sewer; then Mr. James Motion I CONTINUATION OF MARCH 27, 1961 PUBLIC HEARINGS ON STREET SURFACING AND CURB FOR THE FOLLOTJING STREETS: (Area A) Y ClaremoreuDrive from Wooddale Ave. to Oaklawn Ave,; West Shore hive from Dunham Drive to Hibiscus Ave.; Dunham Drive from Flooddale Ave. to West Shore Drive; Kellogg Ave. from Claremore Drive to Andover Rd., and Andover Rd. fromWooddale Ave. to Kellogg Ave.; Wooddale Ave. from Dunham Dr. to Gilford Dr.; Ellsworthh Dr, from Wooddale Ave. to Oaklawn Ave.; Fondell Dr. from Wooddale Ave. to Oaklawn Ave.; Gilford Dr. from West Shore Dr. to Oaklawn Ave.; and Kellogg Ave. from Gilford Dr, to S. line of South Garden Estates 4th Addn.; and Oaklawn Ave. from Claremore Dr. to the S. line of S, Garden Estates 4th Addn. - (Area B and B Supplement) - Concord Ave. from W,64th St. to W.62nd St.; W.63rd St. from Concord Ave. to Ashcroft Ave.; Ashcroft Ave. fromW.64th St. to I?. line Miller's Addn.; and St.Johns Ave. fromW,64th St. to Valley View Road; and Concord Ave. from Valley View Road to W.62nd St. - (Area C) - Porter Lane fromW.6Oth St. to Code Ave.; Hansen Rd. from'Ni6Oth St. to V.6lst St.; Tingdale Ave, fromTJ.60th St, to Valley View Rd.; and Clover Ridge from Tingdale Ave. to Valley View Rd.; 13.6Oth St. from Code Ave. to Tingdale Ave.; 'Il.60th St. from Tingdale Ave. to IIWy.ZlO0; W.60thh St. from Porter Lane to Code Ave.; lJ.6Oth St. from Porter Lane to Hansen Rd.; Code Ave, fromV,6Oth St. to Benton Ave.; Bernard Place fromW.60th St. to Grove St.; Dale Ave. from Grove St. to 17.57th St. and Grove St, from 163 Ft. East of Centerline of Dale Ave. to Hansen Road; - coNTliNU O$m pL 2$JAv1%61t8U~&&@~~. and ON STREET SURFACING AND CURB FO%@%Z f=,m%.86% St. to BentQn Ave. Pursuant to Council's March 27th and April 24th-actions, continuing Hearings on these street surfacing projects for thhe purpose of determination of type of surfacing to be used, Mayor Bredesen asked thkt report be made on the bids received today for this work, Manager Hyde reported that nine good bids had been received, the lowest of which was that of Barton Contracting Co., Osseo, Minnesota, on Concrete Pavement and Integral Curb (together with certain related Sanitary Sewer, Watermain, Storm Sewer and Curb and Gutter work for this area) at $348,142.16; and 5/22/61 59 on Bituminous Surface and Concrete Curb (together withh the same related Sanitary Sewer, etc., projects), $281,371.61--which would make the Estimated Assessable Cost $7.62 per Assessable Foot for thhe Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb (as compared with the Estimate of $8.02 given at thhe Public Hearing; and $6.52 per Assessable Foot for the Bituminous Surface Treatment with Concrete Curb and Gutter, as compared with the Estimate of $7.76 given at.the Public Hearing. These figures are based upon a comparisoq of estimated unit,costs with bid unit costs and are not final*because there was not time to compare totals completely. He reported that the $7,62 quoted is the net estimated asse;ssment to property owners, after deductiqn of the Village's proposed 10% sharing of cost. The next lowest bid was that of McCree Company,. at $370,922.35 for Concrete Paving with Integral Curb (and other related work), and of Riegger Roadways, Inc. on thhe Bituminous Surface Treatment qnd Concrete Curb and.Gutter (and other related work) at $287,419.26. In explaining the reason for .the 10% .Village sharing of cost for concrete pavement, Manager Hyde.reported that, in accordance withh the best cost figures available, thhe 100 Files of unimproved (graded and gravelled) streets cost the Village.$77,3.76 per mile per year to maintqin; the.95 miles of Bituminous Surfaced Streets costS$856.31.per mile per year, .and the.nine miles of concrete cost $202 per mile per year. Asked by Mr. Bredesen whether thhe 10% savings anticipated by the Village on maintenance of the concrete .streets includes capital outlay for necessary maintenance machinery, Mr. Hyde answered that equipment, qaterials and labor costs have all beeq taken into cgnsideration in computing maintenance costs., Mr. E. C. Stow evidenced his concern.about the "over-qll" picture if the Council adopts the policy of Village-share-of 10% for concrete. He told Counqil Blacktop is much chaaper than the prices. quoted if "blaqktop birm" is put in, rather than concrete curb and gutter. concrete whL&h has already been constructed; that h'aais afraid the mill rate will be raised considerably in thhe future if this policy continues. reported that the Village share of the Brookview Heights Paving Project was $25,978;-and Mr. Bredesen, asked that Mr.. Stow sqay with.the subject at hand-- that of Concrete Paving with Integral Curb as corqpared with Bituminous Surface with Concrete Curb and Gutter. A question was asked concerning ass&sment "to corner lots for 'repair of surface; and Mr. Bredesen replied that the policy has always been to levy no assessments for repair after surfacing; but that thhis is no guarantee that this policy will continue. Mr. Ken Hirschhey, 6804 Southdale Road, who identified himself as the member of a firmwhichh sells asphalt materials, told Council his particular purpose in coming to thhe Hearing is to protest the Village-sharing for concrete surfacing someone else',s streets. He also stated that there have been misconceptions about the comparative costs of repair, reporting that State Highways show 30,000 miles less concrete paving than some years ago, because of the fact that when concrete needs repair it is simply covered with asphalt-- and the subsequent repair costs are charged against bituminous surfaced streets. He told Council hhe feels that for the Village Council to share in street surfacing to the extent of 10% is ridiculous, when this work can be done at no expense to the taxpayers. Specifications were explained by Public Works Director Gans in reply to an inquiry from one resident. Mr. John Hogenson, 5904 Code Avenue, objected to concrete paving on grounds that his street is a steep grade, that Village uses salt on slippery streets, which xqill scale thhe concrete; and Mr. Glenn Carlson, 5908 Code, added his objection on the same grounds. Mrs. A. C. Primeau, 5321W.6Oth St., and Mrs. concrete on grounds of cost, as did some four or five others, whhose names were not given to,the Clerk. Drive;.Mr. John Olson, 7221West Shore Drive; one gentleman in South Garden Estates, who explained he had come from Kansas City where concrete pavement was installed before houses were constructed and where concrete paving hhas worked very we(E1; a lady who stated she is aware from the estimates givenfhat shhe must gay $234 more for concrete than for bituminous surface, all expressed themselves as being very much in favor of concrete paving. that the Village-share for this particular project will be approximately $32,800 principal; that it is estimated that maintenance savings over a 20-year period would be at least $25,000; that if pavement lasts longer than 20 years--which it is confidently expected to do--further savings will be made. One ge-ntleman from the audience of about 150 requested a show of hands vote, and upon Hayor Bredesen's request for same, vote .showed a substantial majority in Re.solution and moved its adoption: This does not include snopi plowing. He-stated the Village is alreadyxpaying some $100,000 on Mr. Hyde ~ 0. Fa. IJilkes, 5316 Forslin Drive, both owner of corner properties, objected to Mr. John Ferguson, 7300 West.Shore Drive; Mrs. A. C. Welch, 7313 West Shore Mr. Donald MacLean questioned Council about comparative savings, and was told . favor of concrete paving with integral curb. Dickson then o.ffe.red the following ..' 5/22/61 m.SOLUTION OWERING IWROVEIfEKC STRSET IHPROVEMENT NO. E-7 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ninnesota, as follows: 1. This Council has hheretofore caused toebe duly published notkces of public hearing on proposed construction of a surfacing and curb improvement on khe follow- ing streets: ""/ Claremore Dr. from I?ooddale Ave. to Oaklawn Ave. Vest Shore Dr. from Dunham Dr. to Hibiscus Ave. Dunham Dr. from Wooddale Ave. to West Shore Dr. Kellogg Ave. from Claremore Dr. to Andover Rd. Andover Rd. fromWooddale Ave. to Kellogg Aved .Wooddale Ave. from Dunham Dr. (I?) to Gilford Dr. Ellsworth Dr. from Wooddale Ave. to Oaklawn Ave. Concord Ave. from Valley View Rd. to W.62nd St. Porter Lane fromTJ.6Oth St. to Code Ave. Hansen Rd. from N.60th St. to W.6lst St. .. Tingdale Ave. from TJ.60th St. to Valley View Road Clover Ridge from Tingdale Ave. to Valley View Road FJ.6Oth St. from Code Ave. to Tingdale Ave. W.6Oth St. from Tingdale Ave. to Kwy.IlO0 17.60th St. from Porter Lane to Code Ave. 37.60th St. from Porter Lane to Hansen Rd. Bernard Place from TJ.60th St. to Grove St. Dale Ave. from Grove St. to T?.57th St. Virginia Lane from Concord Ave. to Ashcroft Ave. Fondell Dr. from Wooddale 9Ave. to Oaklawn Ave. Gilford Dr. from Vest Shore Dr. to Oaklawn Ave, Kellogg Ave. from Gilford Dr. to S. line of Southh Garden Estates 4th-Addn. Oaklawn Ave. from Claremore Dr. to the S. line of South Garden Estates 4th'n Grove St.- from 163 Ft. E. of centerline of Dale Ave, to Hansen Rd. . ' . Addn. Code Ave. fromW.60th St. to Benton Ave. Tingdale Ave. from W.60th St., to Benton Ave. Concord Ave. from t?.64th St. to 17.62nd St. 17.63rd St. from Concord Ave. to Ashcrofk Ave. Ashcroft Ave. fromW.64th St. to St.Johns Ave. St,Johns Ave. fromTJ.64th St. to Valley View Road 2. Thesearing on said improvement having been hiela, and the views of all persons interested having been considered, and being fully advised of thhe pertinent facts, said improvement, consisting of CONCRETE SURFACING AND INTEGRAL CURB, is hereby ordered to be constructed, and is hhereby designated and shall hereinafter be referred to as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. E-7. for said improvement shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets to be so improved and benefited by said improvement. I The area to be specially assessed Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded re were four ayes and no nays, as follows: a, aye ; VanValkenburg, and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution wa PAVING IMPROVEMENT NO. E-7 PROPOSED TO BE .ASSESSED OVER 15-YEAR TERM. Mr. Bolles asked that the record-show that it is iatended that the assessment term of thhis project be 15 years, and it was so ordered that this is the intent of the Council. AWARD OF CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. E-74 SANITART SEWER NO; 176, WATERMAINS AND B-69 NO. 153 AND 155, AND PORTXON .OF STORM SEWER NO. 53 DELAYED TO MAY 24. Public IJo k related underground improvements, pending further comprehensive study by the Engineering Department; and it was decided that Council would meet Wednesday, May 24, for award of contract. Time, 5:30 P.M. Place, Village Hall. Director Gans requested that Council delay award of bids on Improvement. No. E-llan 939 , SANITARY SEWER NO. 177: WATERMAIN NO. 154 IMPROVEMENT CONTRACT AWARDED Manager Hyde asked for Council confirmation of the Advertisement for Bids entered in Edina-Morning- side Courier and Construction May 11 and 16, for the above entitled two improvements; and Dickson's motion, approving plans and specifications for said improvements, and confirming Clerk's action in advertising for bids, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Manager Hyde then reported that three bids were received today in response to advertisement, Northern Contracting Co. being low bidder at $5,199.85 for the two projects, Swanson Excavating Co., second low at $5,420.60; and Coburn &Meek, high bidder at $10,690.50. He recommended. award of contract to Northern Contracting Co., and it was so ordered by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Dickson and carried. - &A 5/22/61 TRUSTEE TUPA was excused from Meeting at this time,- returning later, as recor WILHOIT SANITARY SEWER HEARING SCHEDULED FOR J,WE 26. Mr. k. 0. Wilhoit, 6200 Belmore Lane, was present to hear Manager Pryde report that Public Rearing has been scheduled on his requestfor Sanitary Sewer to serve his property. STWET IMPROVEMENT FOR WYCLIFFE-ROAD, MEROLD DRIVE AND GROVE STREET DELAYED TO 1962. Street Improvement (Surfacing and Curb), ordered in by Council at its April 24th meeting, with bids to.be taken June 12, be delayed to 1962. Mrs. Alden reported that because of an error in omitting the names 05 two owners of unplatted properties abutting the street from the mailing list, a new Public Hearing must be scheduled for June 12. Mr. Yngve told Council that because of the fact that the subdivision is not at all developed and roads are still settling after sewer and water construction both Tommeraasen and the Spring Company are of the opinion that to improve the streets now would be inadvisable; that when signing the petition for street improvement Mr. Tormneraasen was of the opinion that improvement would not take place for two years. that unless streets are improved at this time the Village will receive constant complaints from new owners and will experience considerable maintenance expense. Mr. Tommeraasen told Council he is worried about getting materials in to his houses under construction; that, depending on sales he expects to 6onstruct 15 to 20 houses in the subdivision this year. Council that substantial base matefial was put into these streets last fall, * and asked that, if concrete surfacing is to be used, some credit for this base be given. Captain Gans stated he could not answer at this time; would have to check this matter. Mr. Bjorklund stated he feels it would certainly be in order for the Council at this meeting to postpone the proposed improvement to next year; and VanValkenburg moved that improvement of Vycliffe Road, Merold Drive, all in Edina Highlands Lakeside Addition, be postponed to 1962. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. Mr. John Yngve, pepresenting builder Merold Tomeraasen, asked that this Manager Hyde protested Mr. Bjorklund of Spring Company told TRUSTEE TUPA RETURNED to meeting and was in attendance for balance of meeting. BOARD OF REVIEi? MEETING SCNEDULED FOR FRIDAY, JULY 14, 1961, AT 5:OO P.M. Pursuant to Supervisor Haeg's request for schedule of meeting date, and.his suggestion that date be set for Friday, July.14, date and-time for meeting were set at Friday, July 14, 1961, at 5:OO P.M., by comon consent of Council. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING REPORT FOR APRIL. 1961, was submitted, reviewed and ordered placed on file., IMPROVEMENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED. The following Improvement Petitions were presented by Clerk; and, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Dickson, were accepted and referred to Engineer for programming: OILING - W.5lst St., Oxford Ave. to Hankerson Ave., and Oxford Ave., W.. OILING - Annaway Drive, Mait Lane to Bywood West and Bywood West, 51st St. to W.52nd St. Annaway Drive to Crescent Terrace, and Annaway Drive, Bywood West to Merilane. I OILING - W.59th St., Concord Ave. to Ashcroft Ave.; Wooddale Ave. to Kellogg. STORM SEWER - School'Road and W.6Oth St., 4800 to Sherwood Drive (rear SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN - To serve $75304 Glenbrae Circle (through lot drainage). easement) Balifax Ave. SANITARY SEWER -/From South line of Roy H. Peterson's 2nd Addn. to'Y.64th St. Motion carried. HENNEPIN COUNTY LEAGUE'S BUDGET REQUEST DISCUSSED. Trustee VanValkenburg, who is also the Secretary of the Hennepin County League of Towns and Municipalities, reported at some length on the request of the League to the municipalities for funds for the employment of a full-time Executive Secretary for the League; the budget suggested for a two-year period being $251,700, to be spread over 48 municipalities on a "scaled fee charge" method, which would cost Edina $600 per year--now, $300 for balance of 1961, $600 for 1962. Some considerable discussion was had by Council, and Mr. VanValkenburg was asked to get further detailed information. TRAFFIC ' SAFETY ENFORCEMENT AWARD ANNOUNCEMENT REVIEWED. Council's announcement of an Award of Merit for Traffic Safety Enforcement, to be presented to Edina at the Governor's Axgard Presentation Dinner on Thursday, May 25, was reviewed. Manager Hyde told Council that Police Chief Bennett and Lt. Merfeld expect to attend. Minnesota Safety 62 5/22/61 EASTERLY 240 FT. BLOCK 9, STOW'S EDGEMOOR REZONED TO "OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT'' BY ORDINANCE. Pursuant to the Public Hearing held on this proposed Rezoning on May 8, 1961, and first reading of Ordinance No. 261-61 at that time, Tupa offered for its second reading the following Ordinance; moving its adoption:. ORDINANCE NO. 261-61 . AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 261 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, ESTABLISHING AN ADDITIONAL OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT . THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, HINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Paragraph 1 of Section 10 (Office Building District) of Ordinance No. 261 of the Village, as amended, is hereby amended by adding thereto an additional subparagraph (c), as follows: "(c) Stow's Edgemoor". Section 2. The Easterly Two Hundred and Forty Feet (240 Ft.) of Block 9, This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for adoption of Ordinance on its second reading was seconded by VanValken- aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredese NEW PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 12 ON CERTAIN IMPROVEMENTS: that to meet legal requirements new Public Hearings must be scheduled on the follow- ing improvements: Clerk reported 1. , .Avenue to Valley View Road. 2. 17.54th and V.55th Streets. SEAL COAT PORTION of Street Improvement for W.65th Street from France CURB AND GUTTER PORTION of Street Improvement for Park Place between and suggested that these Hearings be.scheduled for June 12, inasmuch as bids are being taken on that date Eor this work. in accordance with Clerk's suggestion was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall vote there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson,.aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and motion was unanimously carried. Dickson's motion scheduling Public Hearings I COUNCIL TABLES DICK ANDERSON REQUEST FOR SPECIAL PERMIT FOR DOUBLE BUNGALOWS ON LOTS 7, 8 AND 9, BLOCK 2, MIRROR LAKES MEADOTJ RIDGE SECOND ADDN. (SOUTH SIDE OF W.56TH.ST., NORTH OF HIJy.Unl69). May 10, which recorded neighbors' objections to reqvest, and the three-to-one vote of the Commission, recommending favorably on it. a Public Hearing on the matter for June, but Planning Director Hite suggested that in view of Council's action tonight on the request for double bungalow at corner of Tracy.and Highway No. 169, the same action be taken.on this.request pending new information on location of the Highway. tabled pending more definite information on future location of Highway V169 was senonded by VanValkenburg and carried. Council reviewed Planning Conmission Minutes of It had been planned to schedule Dickson's motion that request be NILUR' S THIRD ADDITION PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED. of May 10, showed recommendation favorable to approval of Preliminary on condition that Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Laterags be installed by developer and all lots are raised to an elevation of 862 feet to avoid flooding +by Lake Cornelia. Tupa's motion that Council approval.of Preliminary Plat contain the same stipulations as those set forth by Planning Commission was seconded by Dickson and carried. Planning Commission Minutes PROSPECT HILLS THIRD ADDITION PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATS APPROVED. Council reviewed Planning Commission's favorable recommendation on this one-lot subdi- vision at Northeast corner of Lee Valley Road and Shannon Drive; and Dickson's motion for approval of both.Preliminary and Final Plats was seconded by Van Valkenburg and carried. PEACEDALE ACRES-JOHNSON REPLAT - FINAL PLAT APPROVED. Plat is for five lots on West side of Halifax Avenue, just south of lJ.62nd Street. Nay 10th recommendation for approval was reviewed, and Tupa moved for Council approval of Final Plat. Planning Commission's Motion seconded,by Van Valkenburg and carried. 5/22/61 .. ".... e*-.. *I ,,4tr ,... " ...,_ ,. .s.3 63 'FTNAL PLAT OF "=PLAT OF LOTS 1-4, BLOCK i, BROADMORE ADDITION+' AFPROVED. Planning Commission Minutes of May 10, 1961 were reviewed; and Planning i Directo; Hite told Council that developer Fridlund now proposes to enter into an agreement with both the Village and the prospective buyers of the replatted lots to the effect that if the highway is not relocated into the area outlined in his preliminary plat, the lots will be restored to their normal 160 foot depth. motion was seconded by Tupa and carried. Dickson then moved for approval of Final Plat, SOUTHDALE ACRES FINAL PLAT APPROVED. recommendations were for approval of Final Plat subject to compliance with the following stipulations : Planning Commission's Hay 10th 1. 2. Developer is to furnish a temporary turn-around easement for the north end of Drew Avenue. Developer is to make available, upon request by the Village and at no cost to the Village, additional right-of-way for access to properties to the east of the Southdale Acres plat. installation of roads. 3. Developer to enter into agreement with the Village regarding &ring discussion on approval of this plat, Trustee Tupa asked Mr. Hite if there had ever been any Crosstown Highway Service Road for egress to France Avenue, and Mr. Hite replied that there never had been; that there had been on change in original County plans. the Southdale developera are not required to furnish right-of-way for egress- to the Pearce properties right now is that the Pearces do not know at this time whether they will need or want such agress. Tupa then moved for approval by Council of the Final Plat of Southdale Acres, subject to conditions set forth by Planning Codssion. Motion seconded by Van Valkenburg and carried. STOW'S DELANEY ADDITION, McCOY REPLAT - FINAL PLAT APPROVED. Planning Commission's recommendation for approval, dated May 10, included stipulation for the granting of road easement over the north 7 feet of Lots 1-4; and Dickson moved for approval in accord withaContmission's recommendation. seconded by Tupa and carried. Cornelia School and Healtherton Trail. He explained that the only reason why .* Motion Plat site is South side of W.7Oth St. between OTTO'S THIRD ADDITION FINAL PLAT APPROVED. for approval of this plat was subjecg eo the, following conditions:" Planning Copission's Fecomendation 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. All lots are to have durface drainage tp either?Creekview Lane or AI1 lots are to be graded to: an elevation of not. less than 838 feet. Outlots 1 and 2 are to be either deeded to or made available.to the Sanitary sewer lateral and watermain lateral are to be installed by Nine Mile Creek, Village of Edina for Nine-Mile Creek flowage and flood plain.* developer to service all lots in this addition. #Watermain is-to be looped from Limerick Lane to Brook Drive. Creekview Lane is to be graded,and gravel6d by developer. Catch basins and storm sewer pipe is to be insfalled to tran.sport The rear of Lots.1-7 in Block I is to be so graded that existing , storm flow from low point in cul-d,e-sac to Nine Mile Creek. storm water. surface flow ac,ross these properties may be safe%y transported to Nine Mile Creek. . Dickson's motion that Council app'rove Final Plat subject to compliance with conditions imposed by Planning Comission was seconded by Tupa and carried. REPLAT OF LOTS 9 AND 10, BROOIGIDE TERRACE. - FINAL PLAT APPROVED. Dickson moved for appraval of this Final Plat in accord with Planning Commission's May 10th recommendation. CHAPEL HILL CONGREGATIONAL-FINAL PLAT APPROVED. , Planning Commission's May 10th recommendation.for approval subject Go dedication of 30-foot road easement along east side of Lots 1 and 3, was reviewed, and Dickson'? motion for approval of Plat by Council in accordance with Planning Commission's Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. NINE MILE CREEK WATERSHED HEARING POSTPONED FOR 90 DAYS. that this Hearing has been postponed for 90 days. Manager Hyde reported 6 4 5/22/61 - ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS CONFIRMED. Clerk reported that, in order to make the proper publication for bids to be opened June 12, in accordance with Public Rearings held April 24, 1961, Advertisement for Bids was entered in Edina- Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin on May 18. Council confirm Advertisement, and Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: She asked that RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED BITOMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER: CONCRETE PAVENENT AND INTEGRAL CURB: BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT ONLY; CONCRETE PAVEMENT ONLY; AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IBfPROTTJ3IENTS AND DIRECTIRG ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS . 1 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: WATi?ENT AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER; CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND INTEGRAL CURB; BITUEIINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT ONLY; CONCRETE PAVEMENT ONLY; AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER Improvements set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. The Clerk's action in causing to be published in the Edina-Morning- side Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvements is hereby ratified and confirmed: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed BITUMINOUS SURFACE 2. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT AND CONCRETE BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT ONLY; CONCRETE PAVEMENT ONLY; AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ONLY CURB AND GUTTER; CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND INTEGRAL CURB; SEkED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 17. 50th St., at 11:OO A.M., Nonday, June 12, 1961, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.M., on Monday, June 12, 1961, to consider said bids, being for the following: A. CONSTRUCTION OF BITUMINOUS SURFACE TREATMENT AND CONCETE CURB AND I GUTTER IN THE FOLLOl7IRG STREETS: * - 1. Larkspur Lane from ETWy.1100 to Trillium Lane Aspasia Lane from ?&y.$lOO to Larkspur Lane Trillium Lane from KWy.#lOO to Larkspur Lane Lantana Lane from El[Wy.#lOO to Trillium Lane. 2. Tower St. fromlqooddale Ave. to St.Johns Ave. 3. Halifax Lane from TJ.54th St. to Woodland Circle. 4. Abbott Ave. from W.60th St. to Fd.62nd St. 5. West Shore Dr. from B.66th St. to Laguna Dr, 6. Tyler Court fromMaloney Ave. to cul-de-sac. 7: Chapel Dr. from Antrim Rd. to Chapel Lane; 8. Balfanz Rd. .from West Shore Dr. to West line of Creston Hills Addn. 9. St.Johns Ave. from Tower St. to 17est T?oodland Road. Laguna Dr. from West Shore Dr. east to existing blacktop. Chapel Lane from Chapel Dr. to Valley View Rd. (existing blacktop) 10. Wycliffe Rd. from Grove St. to north end of Subdivision Merold Dr. from Grove St. to Wycliffe Rd. Grove St. froml7ycliffe Rd. to Olinger Rd. 11. Vestwood Court from Schaefer Rd. to Schaefer Rd. 12. W.65th St. from Valley View .Rd. to E. lot line of lot 3, Block 1, Southdale Office Park 2nd Addn. (north side-curb and gutter only). V.65th St. from Valley View Rd. to France Ave. (south side-curb and gutter only) . 1 V.65th St. from Valley View Rd. to existing blacktop (east line of lot 3, block 1, Southdale Office Park 2nd Addn.) (Bituminous surface only) TJ.65th St. from east lot line of lot 3, block 1, Southdale Office Park 2nd Addn. -(seal coat only). 13. Park Place fromW.54th St. to 57.55th St. I 1 B. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND INTEGRAL CURB IN THE FOLLOI-IING STREETS: 1. Larkspur Lane from Kwy.#/lOO to Trillium Lane Aspasia Lane from Hwy.#lOO to Larkspure Lane Trillium Lane from Kwy.#lOO to Larkspur Lane Lantana Lane from Rqy.#lOO to Trillium Lane. 2. Tower St. fromTJooddale Ave. to St.Johns Ave. 3. Halifax Lane fromTJ.54th St. to 17oodland Circle. 4. Abbott Ave. fromW.6Oth St. to F?.62nd St. 5. Best Shore Dr. from 17.66th St. to Laguna Dr. 6. Chapel Dr. from Antrim Rd. to Chapel Lane 7. Balfanz Rd. from West Shore Dr. to west line of Creston Hills Addn. 8. %.Johns Ave. from Tower St. to West bloodland Rd. 9. Wycliffe Rd. from Grove St. to north end of Subdivision Laguna Dr. fromTJest Shore Dr. east to existing blacktop Chapel Lane from Chapel Dr. to Valley View Rd. (existing blacktop) Merold Dr. from Grove St. to Wycliffe Rd. Grove St. from Wycliffe Rd. to Olinger Rd. 10. Park Place from W.54th St. to W.55th sf-. 65 5/22/63. 1. Alley between Xerxes Ave. and York Ave. and betweenb.54th St. and W.55th St. 2. i C. f3ONSTRUCTfON OP BITUMINOUS SURFACE TkEAWNT IN THE: FOLLOWING S1WETSt Alley between Hankerson Ave. and William Ave. and between N.51st ahd W.52nd Sts. I .. D. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: 1. Alley between Xerxes Ave. and York Ave. and between FJ.54th St. and W.55th St. 2. Alley between Hankerson Ave. and William Ave. and between W.51st St. and TJ.52nd St. E. CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLL(SW1NG STREETS: 1. Oaklawn Ave. from W.58th St. to W.59th St. 2. Brookview Ave. from W.6lst St. to W.62nd St. 3. Warwick Place from the east line of Lot 17, Block 1, Edina Park to W.56th St. Knolls to West 56th St. Shady Pines Addition (West side only) Warwick Place from the northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 8, Westchester 4. Woodcrest Drive to include lots 2, 3, and 4, Block 2, and Outlot A in Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifi- cations. bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten percent of amount of base bid. or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $25.00 No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash deposit, The Council reserves the right to reject any GRETCJEN S. ALDEN . Village Clerk 3. adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contracts fox said improvements, EXCEPT that the Village Council will not take bids for STREET IMPROVEMENTS listed as AS10 and BclO in the foregoing advertisement; and the Village Engineer is hereby directed to notify prospective bidders of this deletion. Each and all of the'terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby Motion for adoption of the Resolution was Tupa, and on Rollcall there CLAIMS PAID.. dated May 22, 1961, was seconded by Tupa and carried: and Swim Pool, $954.10; Water Fund, $7,221.11; Liquor Fund, $117,496.93; Sewer Rental Fund, $295.72; Improvement Funds, $116,598.48--TotalJ $259,046.24. Motion by Dickson for payment of the following Claims as per Pre-List General Fund, $16,384.90; Construction Fund, $95.00; Park, Park Construction, The evening's agenda having been completed, Tupa moved for adjournment to 5:30 P.M., Monday, May 24. 10 :.30 P.M. Motion seconded by V 1