HomeMy WebLinkAbout19610626_regular$6 6 / 28/6 1 VILLAGE COUNCIL,. HELD MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1961, AT 7100 PJf.., AT TEE EbINA VILLAGE HA3tf, MINUTES OF THE REZULAR BEETING OF THE EPINA Rollcall was answered by Beim, Dickson, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen, MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of June 12, 1961, were approved as submitted, by motion Beim, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. 5' PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENT' FOR STREE!? 'T&R&VEBEN'I?%O. * 5-37' CONTINUED TO JULY 24. Explaining that the spring work load has precluded the repair of this street (W,62nd St. from IJyman Ave. to Hansen Road) as requested by property owners; that said work will be done this nex t week, Mayor Bredesen announced that Public Hearing on Assessment, continued to this evening, will be further continued to July 24, for completion of repair. CONI!ILTJYITY DEVELOPMENT DATA MAPS PRESENTED TO VILLAGE BY MINNEAPOLIS GAS COMPANY. Mr. R. 57. Person of Minneapolis Gas Company presented to the Village a "Land Development Map", which consists of a basic map of the Village, with overlays showing zoning, parks, trunk utility services, and the gas utility. He told Council that the Gas Company has prepared such a map for each of the suburban communities; that, working with village officials, the Gas Company expects to bring its own maps up to date every six months, adding all new subdivisions. Gift accepted with appreciation of Council, by Mayor Bredesen. ~ .W%..:+ I+,%j-., " -lcb ;!: "3 ;i; ~. , %: ;;"-.-:..t- q-,ym -,-*c4L_y=a=V -.- *- *-- ' ah I PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. cation of "Notice of Hearings", published in Edina-Morningside Courier on June 15 and 22, 1961, and of mailing of said notices to awners of affected properties. Affidavits approved as to form and ordered placed on file. notices the following Public Hearings were conducted, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded: 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SEWERS FOR THE LABUENA VISTA-THE HEIGHTS AREA. Street Surfacing for this area had been the subject of a rather lengthy meeting held last Tuesday at Cahill Church by the neighborhood improvement association, at which Village personnel had explained the construction proposed. Vu-Graph Slide was shown,eutlining both construction proposed and the area proposed to be assessed therefor. Manager Hyde told the group present that the Estimated Cost, given at the neighborhood meeting, of 3?5$ per square foot, is now reduced, after bids t%en today, to 3$ per square foot. The only objection offered was that of Mr.. E.C. Stow, developer of Brookview Heights 4th Addition, who stated he has been informed by his own engineers that a storm sewer to drain this development can be constructed for $1,500; that, before the Village cut 17.67th street through €or purpose of installing a sanitary trunk sewer the drainage from the south and west drained down FJ.68th Street, fio the Creek, and north- easterly, through the property to the north of his development, again to the Creek, He told Council he believes his property should be assessed only the $1,500 but that he is willing to stretch a point and accept an assessment of $100 per 1ot.for the 23 lots in hisplat. Brookview Heights 4th Addition is proposed to be assessed some $6,600; the west lots to be assessed for their entire lot area, and the lots backing to the creek to be assessed for only the front part of the lots, which drains to Cahill Road. Ganz pointed out that Brookview Heights 4th Addition would have a very serious drainage problem if the Village had not designed a storm sewer &o drain the entire area; and several persons in the audience objected to Mr. Stow's arguments, one stating Mr. Stow is aware that the property he owns is high and dry and needs no storm sewer--that if properties contributing stormwater - drains must be assessed. adoption : t Clerk presented Affidavits of Publi- Pursuant to said llanager Hyde told Council that the matter of Storm Sewers and Public Works Director - must be assessed, then, surely, properties over which stormwater naturally Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT STORM SEVER IMPROVEMENT NO. 60 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that.this Council heretofore caused notices of hearing to be duly published on the follow- ing proposed improvement ; CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SENER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: Starting on Brook Drive where it crosses Nine-Mile Creek and extending westerly Starting on Brook Drive and extending southerly on Limerick Lane to T.J.70th St,; Starting at Cahill Rd. and extending westerly on W.70th St. to Antrim Rd.; Starting at V.70th St. and extending northerly on Tracy Ave. to W.68th St,; Starting at Tracy Ave. and extending westerly and northerly on McGuire Rd. to W.69th St.; thence turning westerly on IJ.69th St. to Antrim Rd.; turning northerly on Antrim Rd, to Valley View Rd.; thence turning westerly on Valley View Rd. to a point 425 feet west of Antrim Rd.; west line of Lot 8, Block 4, Chapel Hill to intercept the existing storm sewer. on Brook Drive to Hillside Lane.; Starting at Antrim Rd. and Chapel Dr. and running west on Chapel Dr. to the . * 6/26/61 Starting on W.68th St. where it crosses Nine Mile Creek and extending - westerly 8 to Limerisk Lane; Comyencing at alpoint where ,the easterly line of Xot I, Block 1, Brookview Reights 9th Addition intersects Nine Mile Creek; thence running south- westerly on easement on ;he easterly line of :aid Lot 1, Block 1' to 66th St. or its extension; thence West on 66th St. to Tracy Ave.; thence south on , Tracy Ave, to Susan Ave.; aIso commencing at the intersection of W,66th St, and Galway Dr.; -thence southerly on Galway Dr. to its intersection with Brook Drive; , __ - and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed &th &he construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequept proceedings as STORM SEtJER IMPROVEMENT NO. 60; and the 'area to be speciaTly assessed therefor shall be as fo110~7s: land within the following desfribed boundaries: line of Sec. 8, T.l16,R.21 and the extended $?est right: of way line of Cahill Road; thence South 33.0 feet- alpng said extension; thence Southwesterly to a i>oint which is 3op.o feet West of said- right 0.f way line and 210.0 feet South of the said North line of Section 8; thence West in a straight-line to the Southeast corner of Lct 1, Block 1,- Carolkne Addition; >hence -SoutMqes&Ly to ;he Southeast corner of Lot 3, Block 3 of said Carolan? Addition; thence Southwesterly to a point which is 320.0 feet South of- the Sputh line- of said Carolane Addition and 140.0 feet East of the Southerly extension of the West line pf said Carplane Addition; thence Northwesterly to a point, said p0in.t being 305.0 feet Sou-th of >he said NoIrth line-of said Section 8 and 300.0 feet Ept of the-East line of Lot fi and 2 Prospect Hills; thence Northwesterly -to a point in the said* East line of Lot 1 Prospect Hills Hills to the Westerly line of said Lot 4; thence Nort-hwesterly to point in the North line of said Section 8 and the North line of Tract "A" Registered Land Survey No. 971 distant 20Q.0mfeetWest of the most Easterly corner of said Tract "A"; thence NorFhwesterly ,to the Southeast corner of - Lot 21, Block 4, Chapel Hills; thence West o the Southwest comer of said Lot 21; thence Northwesterly to a point in the lot line between Lots 23 and 24 of said Block 4 distant 50.0 feet South- vesterly to the Northwest corner of said Lot 23; thence Northwesterly and Northerly along a curved line paraQel to the Westerly+line of Chapel Lane in said,Chapel Hill to its intersection with the Northerly liner of Lot 27,of said Block 4; thence North l to a point in the North line of Lot 32 of said Block 4 distant 35.0 feet West of the Northeast-_corner of saidc Lox 32;- then& East to -the said Northeast corner( thence Northeasterly to a point which is 290.0 feetNorthh of the North _line of-Block 1 ff said Chapel Hill and -315.0 feet $?est of the West line of Scotland Heights; thence' -Southe-asterly to the most So_u_therly co-er of Lot 4, Block 1 of said'Scotland Heights; 1 All lots and tracts of "Beginnihg at a boint on the North -distant 120.0 feet South of $he North line of said Lot 1 and Lot 4 of said Prospect - thence: East to a in- the We? lipe of Lot 12, Block 2, The Heights Secpnd Addn, - said point- bein-t Norsh qf the Sputhwest _. - - comer of said Lot 12; thence East alongla 1Sne parallel to the South line of last describqd Block 2 to the t?est line -- o$ Lot _- 10 of sai9 BJock 2; thence North along the j7e_st line o€ s-aid Lot 10 to a poipt in a linp drawn pFrallFl Gith and._100.0 EFet Southeasterly of the Southeasterly right of w,ay line of County goad No, 39; thencecNortheasterlydalong the last described parallel line to a point 85.0 feet South of the South line of TJ.66'th Street as laid out in the said "The Heights"; thence Northeasterly to the center radius point of the arc at the Southwest comer of Outlot N0.01 of said "The Heights"; thence East to a point on the Wese line of Lot 2, Block 3, said point being 40 fee3 Norgh of the North right of way line of W.66th Street; thence continuing East and parallel with and 40 feet North of the North right of 97ay line of W.66th Street to a point+ on the &st line of Lot 1, Blo-ck l,, The- Heights 3rd Additson, said poi?t being 40.0 feet North,of the Southeasp comer of said Lot 1; thence Easterly,- Soucheasterly and Solisherly along a line yhich is drawn parallel with and 40.0 feet East of the Easterly right of way line of Cahill Road as- laid out in- the plat of Brookview Heights 4th Addition (on file in Edina'Village Office) to its- intersection with ghe Northerly line of Block 9 of LaBuena Vista; thence Westerly, Southiesterly and Southeasterly along the NorJherly line and SJesterly line of said Block 9 to its intersection of >he Easterly extension of the Southcline of Lot ,-- 2, Block 8 0-f LaBuena Vista and the Westerly line of Block'9 of said LaBuena Vist.a; thenc. Southerly along the said Wesc~rly line of Block to the P.I. of*the arc @ich has a rad;us of 46,>4 feet at the Southiqest corner of LotZ& of said Block 9; thence Southeasterly to a point in the Far;tFrly line- of $,OF 3-, Block 1, Otto's 2nd;Acdition distant 40.0 fee? South- easterly of the most fJorthek1y corner o'i- -the last described Lo<-3; thence South- pesterly on a line parallel with the Westerly lin?, of last described Block L and discant 40.0 feet southeasterly 02 said Westerly line -to its intersection wit$ the Sousherly line of 1as-t +scribed Block 1; thence Nortdiesterly 40.0 feet to the most Westerly- corner of said Block li thence Soutker'Ly aloni the Westerly line of Outlot 2 of said Otto-*s 2nd Addition and ~ the -- .. West line of Tract 'tC"a Registered Land Survey No. 710 to the NorJh; eight of:way liqe of i7,70th 'Street; thence East along the said right of t7ayb line to the East line of last described Tract "C"; thence Sough- along _the extended. last, described line 33 feet to- the point of beginning," ~ 7. FI ry t 6/26/61 - Motion €or adoption of the Resolution t7as s there were five ayes and no nays, as follow VanValkeliburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye;.and .- -. (Village Clerk - t \ . (See Discussion on method of as'sessmenG as recorded in- Improvement Hearihg on - -. -. ., - .- ( Street Improvement No. E-9) _- .I -~ t. 2. PUBLIC HEARIKG ON PROPOSED STREET SURFACING AND CURBING IN- ANTRIM ROAD FRON COUNTY -ROAD NO, 39 (VALLEY VIEf.7 ROAD) TO 1?,7OTH STREET, AND tJ.70TH STREET FROB2 BlyTRIM ROAD TO. BPROX-. A"DSfX?*S ADDITION (JUST. PAST CAHILL ROAD) . Vu-Graph - Slidewas shown oj5 streets proposed to be improved, and the area proposed to be- - * assessed. Hanazer Hyde explained that this improvement had &lso been the subject of discussion- a$ last Tuesday: s neighborhood meeting; that- it is. proposed that - these streets be surhced with Portland-Cement Concrete with Integral Curb, on - specifications for +Ton axle load-, 44-foot wide traveled roadtqay, with parking- i pe-?iaitted on both sides of the street; that these streets are %.micipal<-State Aid Streets", knd assessment will be at approximately $5.00-per front foot for khe Curb and Gutter-which is the normal cost of curb and gutter plus the cost of fkl-ling the abutting ditches. He reported tb Council- that it has been pro- posed, for the -first time, that the lots which have their long sides abutting these-streets be assessed-fwr ?/3 of-their long sides, with the balance to be spread over all benefited properties. the floor, and none had been received prior thereto. ing -Resolution and-moved its- adoption: 1 -- - Therewere no objections registered from Dickson offered th& follow- --- ._- - - RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT - BE I?? RESOWED bT the Counc&l of the Village of EXna, Mlmksota-, that thik Council - .- -- - -1 STREET -IMI?ROVE"T NO. 33-8 - - -- heretofore caused notice of hearing to be Zuly published on the .following proposed i3provement: - ~ -- - - CONSTRUCTION OF- STREET SURFACING AND CURB IN ANTRIM ROAR FROX COUNTY- ROAD - - NO. 39 (VALTXY VIEW ROAD) TO V.70TH STREET, AND-W-.70TH STRJ&T FRON - ANTRIH ROAD TO APPROX. AMUNDSON'S ADDITION (JUST PAST CAHIU RO'm) - an& at the hearing held at the time and place specified- in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all- persons interested, and -being fully advised of the pertinent facts does herebf determine to proceed with the. construcMon of said improvement, consisting of FORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SURFACING-AND XNTEGRAL CURB, that said improvement is hereby designated an&shall be referred -to in all subse- quent proceedings as BTREET- IMPROVBWT NO. 43-8 and the area to be specially assessed'th4refor shall include all-lots and tracts of-land abukting the streets proposed to be improved. I t - I -- -- - ---- L- -. 1 - 3.- PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STREET SURFACING AND CURBING IN LABEENAmVISTA, I THE EIGHTS AREA. Vu-Graph Sl-ide was shown of the s-eetsproposed to be improved, togetZierwithh abuteing properties proposed to be assessed-. Once again Mr. Eyde informed Counci-1 that. this matter hssdbeen discussed at the neighborhood-meeting held last Tuesday; that the Estimates of Cost given bpthe Village to property owners at &at: time were as fol1ews:- Assessed-on Straight: Assessed with Corners - Assessed with All Assessed with -- -I FOR BITUNINOUS SURFACE t71TECONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER: .. -- - - "Per Assessable Foot" Paying< 1/3 Long Side, - Lots Paying Same ~ Corner Lots I - - Balance Spread - Paying 20% Biore I $7.436 per Ft, $9.24 per Ft. $1,063r00 zbt $1,230.70 Lot FOR PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE U'ITH 'INTEGRAL CURB - - $8.15 per Ft. - - $9.57 per h. c- $1,%00-.87 Lot - $1,274.45 Lot . Land reported thak based on the bi&of the low bidder today, .Bituminous Surface price wou3d be decreased to $7,26 per Assessable Foot; Portland Cement Concrete, to Mr; Hyde Teporteit that-,- at the neighborhood meeting, there was a vote o€ about35 who favored concrete ovdr bituminous surface, if: fhe first should be not more than $1.50 per -foot overthe latter; also .that there seemed to be some con- siderable sentiment for giving tlie owners of corner lots a break by having.the interi.6 lots assume uart of the- cost of- the cross streets. __ - -( . -- -$8.-13 per -Assessable Foot. -- - * BROOK DRIVE TREiS -TO BE SAVED, EXCEPT FOR ONE; Mr. Hyde- reported that it will be possible to save four o€ the trees--a poplar, two elms on the North and two on the South; but that a 40" Elm, which is blighted, should be removed. Capt. Ganz told audience he feels that leaving this particular elm will cause a bottleneck, and that the elm should not last more than 5 years anyway. tree could be taken. &mer agreed that this $/26/41 ? One of the "corner lotff owners asked that Council determine, now, tha basis for assessment. it ~7as fek that 20% or 1/3 of the cross-street assessmept wou>d be satisfactory, Mr. Strachan, Galway Drive, owner of an interior lot, agreed that such an assess- ment 170U1d be equitable, as did Mr. Detzel, the owner of the largest lot in LaBuena Vista. Trustee Beim, speaking for himself only, agreed with this principle. Mr. Detzel was agreeing that tpe in$erior lots should assume the assepsment €or a part of the cost of the cross streets, he asked that some provision be made to relieve the large lots of *yover'' assessment for thk Storm Sewer Improvement just approved. He and the owner of the next-largest lox in tbe area told Council they feel that the large lots have no &re use of the Ftorm sewer than do the small lots; and Mr. E, C. Stow agreed, advocatinF a "per-lot" basis of, assessment on both projecks. Mr. Detzel aslced th& the Storm Sewer ProjecF and Paving Project be considered- asr one improvement, for the purpose of assessment; and Mr. Hyde told audience this had been considered, but thb t because of legal difficulties he believes assessment cannot be made in this manner. Mayor Bredesen pointed out to Mr. Detzel that the owners bf small 10ks derive no b&nefit from the larbe lots, whereas the omers.-of interior lots ho use the cross streets abutting the corner lots. to have Portland Cement surfacing-was correct. from the audience, and no objections were registered. He reported that in talking those of his neighbors who oFm corner lpts STORM SENERNO. 60 ASSESSMENT DISCUSSD IN RELATION TO STREET SURFACING. AS Nanager Hyde asked if his belief--that a majority of property owners prefer There was a chorus of remarks Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVmNT - - ._ STREET IMPROVEIENT NO. E-9 BE IT RESOLVED by thb Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caksg notice of hearing to be &>y published on, phec €allowing proposed improvement : W.69th St, from Antrim Rd. to MacGuire Rd.; Brpok Dr. from W.69tfi St. to the N. end of LaBuena Vista Addn.; Tracy Ave. from W.7Oth St. to'th? N. end, of LaBuena Vista Addn,; GalGay Di. from Brook Dr. to W.66th St.;- Hillside La. from W.70th St. to m.66th St,; Limerick La. from Hillside La. to b7,6.6th St.; I41.68th St. from Ahtrim Rd. to E. epd'of The Heights 3rd Addn.; W.67th St. from Limerick Law to E. line of The Heights 3rdAddn. and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice theoCouncil" has duly considered the Views of all persons interesthd, and being f&ly advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine 'to proceed with the construction of said improvement, consisting of PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE SURFACING AND INTEGRAL CURB;- that said irhprovement is -hereby designated and shall be- referred to &' a11 subsequent proceedings as STWET II%?ROVEMENT NO, E-9, and the area to be specially assessed therefor-shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved. Motion for adoption of the Resohtion was s were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Be Valkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and CONSTRUCTION -OF PERMANENT STREEF SURFACING AND CURBING IN THE FOLL~JING STREETS: , + - - McGuire Rd. from r.J.69th St, to Brook-Dr.; re Y c c c I - + tJ.66th St. from Valley'View Rd. to the E. end of The Heights 3rd Addn. _- C .. - i . by Dickson, and-on Rollcall there 'Dickson, aye; Tupa, aye; Van L >- 1 Village Clerk 4. PUBLIC &3ARIaGS ON PROP6SED SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS IN HANKERSON AVENUE FROM INTERLACHEN BLVD', TO W.51ST STREET. specifyin2 route of proposed mains, and areas proposed to be assessed therefor, Estimate_s 0.f Cost were given as follows: FOR SANITARY S&R IN HANKERSON AVE. FROM INTERLACHEN BLVD. TO 17.51ST ST.0 Estimate before today's bid, $361.94 per Assessable __ Lot; Based on Today's Low' Bid, approximately $385.00 per 'Assessable Lot, FORl7ATERMAIN IN'HA$TKERSON AVE. FROM INTERLACHEN BLVD. TO 8.51ST ST.- Estimate before today's bid, $330.02 per Assessable Lot; Based on Today's Low Bid, appro:&ately '$345:00 per Assessable Lot. There were no ?b jections registered from the audience against either cproposed impGov&me&, 'and no writien - objectcons 'had been reieived Ijy-the Clerk prior to the Hearing . Tdpa offered 'the following 'Resolution and moved its adoption: VwGraph Slides were ahom, A. B. RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 178; BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notjce of hearings to be duly published on the follobring proposed improvements : INTERLACHEN BLVD. TO 505.8 FEET SOUTH: - ? C t.JATEWIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 156 1. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITAR$- SEWER AND- APPURTENANCES IN HANKER~ON AVE . FROM - 964 6/26/61 -. - - -2,: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLIIGE 17ATEFWIN AND APPURTENANCES IN HANKERSON AVX. - -- F h oil- INTERLACHEN BLVD. TO 3.1.51ST STREET - I an& at the hearings held ab the; -time 'and place specified in said notice the Counc53 has duly considered the views of all persons .interested, and: being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby .determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated as SAKETARY SEWER DIPROVEMENT NO. 178 and VATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 156,- respectively, and shall be* so referred to in all subsequent: proceedings: &d the areas to .be specially assessed - thereZor shall be as f0110~7s: t_ tk 12, BXock 2j- Brookside Heights Addition. 13, Block 2, Brooksi-de Heights Addition. FORSANITARY SEWER IMPROVIDENT NO.' 178 .- -Lots. 3 TOR 17ATEHMAIN IEPROVEMENT NO. 156 - Lots 3- thru - . ? ,- kh-? 9, Block 1, and Lots 6 10, Block 1. and-Lots 6 thru - - - .* - -- -< . Motion for adoption of Resolut5xm was second there were five ayes an& no nay&, as follows VanVallienburg, -aye; and Bredsen,- aye; and t e- * -_ $illage Clerk -- ... 5. PUBLIC Fi&.RIISG ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IN EAST SERVICE DRIVE OF STATE HIGEWAY #lo0 FRO31 VALLEY VIEW l€f.)AD SOUTH 770 FEET TO CUL-DE-SAC, was shown of proposed route 05 sewer; and area proposed- to be assessed, Estimated Cost was given $7,797.37, for $2,559.47 per Assessable Connection, One gentleman told Council that he had sponsored a petition last year; that Council had- rejected the sewer at that time because of objections by other owners; that he had subsequently built his own private sewer at a cost of ssometliing more than $1,500; that he simply could not afford to b"e. assessed another $3,000 (2. sewer connections) at this time, This was NrD A,G.Bo&, 6125 -Nomandale Road, 3lr; T. H. ehaligren, '6117 Nomandale Road, who, withh Mr, VDE, Lehmann, 6121 Nohdale-Road, 'now desjLres sew&, explained that he had objected at the last public hearhg because Highway Department plans-for Normandale Road (R?y,#lOO) had not been 66mpleted; that 'Highway 'Department h&s now taken the land it vi11 require, leavinglhim with a lot too small to build on without sewer. He was infdrmed' that that there will be sewer service for each lot in the Village within the next ted dr 15 years, absorption tests on these particular lots, but that-some of the lots in the area will not support-septic tanks; that it would be hecessary to go into the water bea%ing strata, which is not acceptable from a public health standpoint:- An inquiry It was pointed out - that this large kract is being-served fronlvalley View Road and thus is not assess- able from Normandale; that, -should Hr.- Jonas plat the-rear-portion, this part' of - the property could be charged at time of connection, It was also brougbt out in discussion-that this hiprovement should go in, now,'because'the Highway Department is working at this ;point. have the improveaznt installed at this time because, even though it is costly, nm, it will be more costly in the future, Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Vu-Graph Slide He inquired ahut Village- attitu6e on a "mmWt seQer. Ekhe Village has no present deadline for seGer connections, bub that it is'planned' Village Sanitarian, James Henskey, reported that he does not have Soil . was made concerning assessment for the Harry Jonas property. Stating he <feels it to -be in the public interest tb - -. RESOLUTION ORDERIEG IBfPROVEhENT SANITARY SEWER IEIPROVEMENT NO. 179 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: - DRIVE OF STATE HIGHWAY #IO0 FROM VALLEY VIEW ROm, SOUTH 770 FEET TO CUL-DE-SAC. - a6d at tfIe*$earing held at the time and'place specified in sajd notice the Colincil has duly considered the views of all persons interested; and being- fully advised-of the pertinent €acts does hereby detemne to proceed with the construction of said improv&nenti that said improvement is hereby'designated and sqall be referred'to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SEWER IBPROVEMENT NO. 179, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: Lot 5, Jonas Addition, Parcels Nos. 7700,7821 and 8000, Sec, 19, T.28, R.24, Notion- for adoption of the Resolut there were five ayes and no nays, VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, -. I "CONSTRUCTIOH OF VILIAGE SANITARY SmTER AND APPURTENANCES IN EAST SERVICE 1: 1 VanValkenburg, and on Rollcall *\ . < c (Gillage Ap>J/w Clerk- -- (SEWER TO BE BID; ALTERNATELY, TO SERVE ONLY THOSE WHO WANT IT,-During discussion on Sanitary Sewer 179, inquiry was -de on relative cost,.should it be installed for only those nho desire it, now. because of contractor's moving charge. project be bid, with alternative for furnishing sewer only so far south as is necessary for those who now desire it, llanager reported cost would be somewhat higher *- It was consensus orf CounciJ.*s opinion that 91 &/26/6i 1 .I 6. P&LTC HEmNG OW ~~OPOSED SANT'TBY *!?-EkER Ti B$~ORE L&E Friofl THP, CENTERLINE OF GROVE PLACE EXTENDED '50 450 ' FeET %&ST. ' Vu-Graph Slide %ir&s * shown of proposed route of Sanitary Sewer, location of (necessary Lift Stsition; and are? proposed to be assessed theref6r. Estimate of Cost t7as given at $12,737.89,, 'for $2,122,98 per Connectgon. Village Sanitarian Hensley told Council he has mide *an inspec&on of three "dwellings in this r- area; that the first is @&ping from cesspool'oui one0 the'ground, the second +as ray sewage. draj;nage into t&e Gasement; the third is having' cesspool p&ped every six-;w$eks. se Reo, Vilhoits, while asking that sewer service be made available 'as quickly as possible, requested further studycin;o t$e area proposed to be-assessed. &ey*told Council that some lots to the Nerth (th4 Littel Street area) wili be left without sewer-sewice unless provisions are made for them ~7ith this lateral.' Thig sentiment was echoed by Mr. Erdahl, who sited the DeKuip resSdence as one without sewer Fervice and stated Manager Hyde-hgd t9ld Mr. DeKuip thaE an$ylift station would be pait for by a %eyer @nd".-' Mr: 6,'E: Hogan, 6204 $e]lm6r& cane, fold lCouncil he $eels the improve&erft *should include additional Cerrktory. 4 FuFgestion was made that this service be t&ed into Hopkins, which, Mr. gikan stated, might be possible except that Hopkih now has insufficient ?ewe& capacity for its arm resideri&. alte?native, a main on an easement through the Golf Course. There were some suggestions that Block 9, Mendelssdhr; Addition, will undoukedly be platted - and should receive more assessment; property owners were told, howevet, that the Village has no kpowledge of any subdivision plans for &tis property at ' the present* ti?e, .be studiedrby the Village Engineers, thit bids for this proposed Sanitary Sewer and Lift Station be taken July 24, and that this Public Hearing be continued to July 24, at 7:00'P.M,, was seconded by Tu6a and carried. -- Mr. Wilhoit suggegted, as an + Dickson* s 'motion, khat proposals made by property owners * 7 PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED WATERMAIN Ah3 APPURTENANCES IN YORK AVE. FROM W.55TH TO W.56TH ST.: W.55TH ST. FROM YORK AVE. TO ZENITH AVE,: ZENITH AVE."FROM B.55TH ST. TO 120, FEET' SOUTH. Vu-Graph Slide ~78s shown o_f proposed route of improvement and- area proposed to be asses&d, ahh Estimate of Cost wks g%ven as $453.18 per Connection, rev&sed after bids taken' todhy, to $470.00 per Connection. Mrs. H. Beneaict, 5520 Yorl;, objected to the taking ofC the &in down, 55th SSreeF, past park property, advocating,'instead, inclusion of the 5400 Block ~ op York Avenue. ,She,was;infoFed, that the 5400 block- has nok requesked water; that ihe 55th-Zenith portion'is for the purpose of loobing' the kin and thus insuring good water at good pressure. and bone had been received-prior io the Public Hearhg: Dkckson offered the There were no other objections registered, I I following Respluti$)n and moved its adoption: . , t si c- RESOLUT~ON ORDERING IWROVEMENT . WATERMAIN IEkROVEMENT N0.157 BE IT &SOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Mirinesota, that this Council heretofore' caused nocice of hearingr to be duly publishbd on the follow- CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAXN A" APPURTENANCES IN YORK AVE. FROM I. - C ing proposed improvement: t W.55TH TO 'IJ.56TH STREET: V.55TH STREET FROM YORk AVE. TO ZENITH AVE. : ZENITH Am. FROMW.55TH STREET TO 120 FEET SOUTH and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the t . Council has-d_uly considsred the vikws <f all persons interested, and being .I* ' fu,lly advised of the pfrtinent facts "des hereby determine to proceed wiih the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby dksighated and shall be referred to $n a21 subsequent proceedings as WATERMAIN XMPROVJ3PIENT NO. 157, and the area to be specially assessed fiherefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abueting khe streets prgposed to be improved (Lots 1 thru 15, Block- 3;- kots- 16 thru 30, BlGck -4, and Block -2 (Park Property), all in Seeley's First kddition to 'Hat&horne Park, 1 t. COUNCIL AWARDS CONTRACTS ON IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS AND AUTOMOTIVE EQUIPMENT. Tabplations of Bids taken today on several i~~ovenienEpkojects, pursuant to Advekisements for Bids published in Edina-Momiibgs3.de Courier and Construction -- Bulletin June 1,8and 15, 196% (for Streets SurfaEhg and Storm Sewefs) and ~ June 15 a6d 22, i961, (for sanitary Sever and qatermains). - presented, resurtapt recomendati-oris- and COuncil acti-ons aere as "hereinafeer Tabulations as - -- e= i. e- - t c- - - -_ P .. - 1 -. _- -- -- - -- c- *. - recorded: ~ -e C 7 t- i -- say- . -4- e -- C - c- - -- 4. - - - * - c- 7 e- .. - P - - 92" 1. i 3 11 ..I.#* 6/26/61 , *."I*. 7 . - ST&ET hPROVEl~NTS NOS. E-8 AND 8.9 h STORM SE%ER hfPROVEMENT NO. '60 (Including M.S.A.P.27-145-03-and 31.S.A.P. 27-151-01). Tabulation of Bids showed receipt of bids from siir bidders, Bdrton Contracting Company being low bidder on the complete project, with Portland Cement Concrete and Integral Curb, at $561,307.48; Woodrich Construction Corqiany, next low bidder, at $585,030.53, and Arcon - Construction Company, third lot7 at $627,890.61.-4shbach~Constmction Company ~7as high-bidder at $668,212.40. @oncrete'&Srb and Gutter for all streets except the Elunicipal State Aid 'Streets, Minnehaha Terrazzo & Cemeit Company was - low bidder, with $239,141.61, as compared with Black Top Service Coxqany"~ bfd'of $255 i126.77 and Barton Construction Company's bid'of $256;172.21, Manager's recommendation was for award of Contract to Barton Contracting Company? .od the combined project, at $561,307.48, and Dickson so moved. broken- down' as follows : .- . - On the Alternate, with Bituminous Surface and &tion seconded by Tupa and carried, -Detailed, contract-is - - STREET IMI?ROVIBIENT NO. E-8 (Paving & Integral GurbcPortionSof 11. S .A;P.27-145=03' and 11, S .A.P.27-151-01!3 \ . . $139,622.13 ' STORM SEWER NO. 60-PORTION (%S.A;P,27-145-03 and 3IS.A.P. - ' 27-15GOI Portion o€ Storm Sewer) - . .. $137,586 . 55 .* STR$ET IBPROVEKENT NO. E-9-' Paving and Integral Curb $228,273.45 'STORE1 SEWER NO. 60-Portion to be fully assessed P $: 55,825.35 r W Total - $561,307.48 2. STORM SEFER NO. 51; SANITARY SEWER NO. 178,- AND l7ATEREIALN IEIPROVEMENTS NOS. -156 - - 'C' -- ~ c BND 157; A. Storm Sewer'No, 51 Tabulation of Bids showed receipt of three bids, Northern Manager Hyde Contracting Compaby being low bidder at $71,898.59; Cobarn and $leek second low at- $90,32l005,'and Orfei &'Sons,-Inc. high bidder at $107,640.70, told Council Northern Contracting Company's bid is below Engineer's Estimate, and recommended award. Sewer Nb. 51 (Lateral 10 of Nain 1) to Northern Cohtracting Company, was- seconded by Dickson and carried, showed receipt'of three bids,*Northern Contracting Co. being lowobidder at- $17,259.80; Phelps-Drake Co., Inc.5 second-low at $17,266.78 and Coburn and Meek high bidder at' $19;568.00.' llanager Hyde reported that low bid is some $800 over estibte, bat recommended that contract be awarded, to low bidder. Beim's motion for award of contract to low bidder was seconded by %pa and caryied. Detailed fur&er, contract is for Sanitary Sewer No. 178, $4,497.00; -1Jatennain No.-l56, $4,322.80; Watermain No, 157, $8,439,80--Total, $17,259.80. VanValkenburg's motion, awarding contract for Storm B, Sanitary Sewer No, 178 and Watermains NOS. 156 and 157, Tabulation ofbBids - - 3. 'AGGREGATE SPREADER, >Ire Allen Locke presented Tabulation of Bids on this, showing rec-eipt of three bids,' the bid of Road Hachinew Company for a Good Roads Model 10, at $1,997.00 being the only bid to meet specifications. Nr. Lock's written recommendation for a~ard of contract to Road Nachinery Company, stated the features in which the other bidders, Zeco Company and Borchert-Ingersoll, did - not deet speks, and also reported that the portion of cost, above allocated $1-,4400 wXll be taken from the Public llorks Capital Outlay budget including the $500 budgeted for hose. Tupa's motion for award of contract to Road Machinery Company 'in accordance ~7ith IIr. Locke's recommendation ~7as seconded by Beim and carried. ' ''CARRYAIL" FOR EXGINXERING DEPARTMENT. bid--that of TniZernational Harvester Co. on a Hudel C-102 Travelall, Four Door, at $2,165.00, less trade in on 1956 Ford Sedan at $200, €or net cost of $1,965.00. Staeing that the price of such a vehicle v7as:-$2,400 five years ago, and that since receiving this bid he has talked wi-th other suppliers who were surprised at this -go3d'bid; also, that the vehicle is badly needed, $Ire Locke recommended -that Couricil-award, now, rather than re-advertise. contrgct We made to International Harvester Go. at net of -$1;965.00, 17~s seconded 4. Nr. 'Locke reported receipt of only one Dicksm's motioh, that award of by Tupa and carried. .- 5. PARK SITE-AT DIVISION %?CD RUTLEDGE-FILL FOR. showing reckipt of five bids, Earl Doty, Minneapolis, being low bidder at $5,845.00, Karl H, Kiahl, Edina, second- low bidder at" $5,925.00, and Nm,' E. Kraft, third low at $6,365, Tabulation of bids incorporated Hr. French's recommendation for award of contract to second low bidder, Karl H. Krah1;sand listed four reasons for this recornendation. Tabulation of-Bids was presented, . Tups's-motion for award to Karl H. Krahl in accordance with Mr. French's recommendation was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. -. CONTIWkTfON OF APRIL 10, 1961 PUBLIC HEARIXG ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESS"T.FOR SA.NIT&& SEVER D@ROVJ3ENT 'NO. 171--IN FAST SERVICE DRIVE OF ~~.#~OO FRON W.70TH STREET TO N. LOT LINE OF LOT 11, NORMANDUE TERRACE. continued for further study as to equify of assessnlenr, after plea-by residential property obmers, - C1erk"explained that Presbyterian Church had already been- assessed for its South tract, abutting I.J.7Oth St,, in an amount of $1,970.00; that -the North tract can legally be assessed for 395f (its frontage abutting HWy.#100), which would reduce assessable footage to 1079.6, Total cost of project was $14,432.16, and, if assessed on *'per footw basis", church would pay $5,281.15; and the two largest tracts would each pay $1,910.57. Present plan is to assess on a "Per Connection'' basis at $1,804.02 per Connection, with Church paying for 2 connections. Church would prefer the 'iper Connection" basis, and there were no objections registered, This Public Hearing had been Efr, Ba'in said the 93 Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: c- RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND C_QNFIRMING +ASSESSMENT SANXTARY SmR IMPROVEMENT 171 lr BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, 'Minnesota, as' fdllows: 1, .It is hereby €ound, determined-and declaFed-that the proposed asseyments for SANITARY S'ENER IMPROVEMENT N0,-171, qnd each of them, Gave bee? properly cal;culated in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 412,641; that notice has been duly published, as required by Taw, that thiseCouncil would meet to heir and pass upon all objections , if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be :necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; thaf said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing-been open for pyblic inspection, and opportqniiry has bee? given to all.interested persons to,present,their objections; and that each of the lors, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the assessment was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the ?respective lots; pieces and parcels of land described in said assessment, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improyement. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time. to tim& unpagd, at the rate of five-percent per &mum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof, The total amount of each such assessment shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assess- ment,.from &he date hereof to Deceml?er 3Is 1962, to be p9yable with general taxes for the year 1961, and one of the remaining,installments, 17ith one year's interest on that and aZ-1 subsequent inskallments, to be payable, with general taxes for the ~ year- 1962 through 1970, collectible in the respective ensuing years.+ Prior to certification of ghe,assepsment to the County Auditqr,< the owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the yhole-of- such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to tpe Village Treasure$- aqd- thereafter such payment may be made with accrped interest,-to the County Treasurer; provided that if any gssessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the,Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County.Aud_itor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. Auditor a certified- duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set €orth sep-arately., to be extended upop -the pFoper tax lists of the County, and the Copnty Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law, Said dup$ic.ate shall.- be designated as the "Assessment Roll for SANITARY SBaR IMPROVEMENT NO, _17.1i8, _and,all ,amount-s collected in -2espect of the assessments therein coneained shall be -similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Vialage Treasurer and by him credited to the Sinking Fund Account of the Bond Improvement Redemption Fund, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was s,econded-by Dickson, and on Rollcall there 2, I 3, 4, The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County I __ - -.-_. PUBLIC €E%RING ON PETITION FOR 35-FOOT SIDE YARD, LOT 1, BLOW 4, SOUTHDALE ACRES. Planning Director Hite presented:Affidavit of Hailing of Notice of Hearing,--which was approved,as to %om and ordered placed on file,_ Mr, Hite told Council that the - Zoning Ordinance require8 distances between-buildings to be 40 feet in the-Medical District, but that Planning Commission has recommended the requested variance- because the building for which the variance is requested is in @any respects an office building and is adjacent to an office building area, registered at the Hearing, and Beim moved that the 35-foot side yard variance Erom the zoning ordinance be granted, There were no objections Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, 14R. ROBERT SOELBERG REGISTERS OEJECTION AGAINST "NO PARKING" PROVISIONS ON BROOKSIDE AVENUE FROM HWY.#169 TO W.&9TH STREET. Brookside Sewice Station at corner of hWy.Bl69 and Brookside Avenue, objected to theposting of '*No Parking" signs on the east side of the street. He. tpld Council posts are so high, and, signs #are- so placed that they are difficult to see; that he feels he should have been given some notification that signs were to be installed; that he feels 15 minute parking could be allowed from the break in the hill to IJ,49th Street. Mr, Eyde reported signs had been installed on Brooksfde Avenue because of the#ever-increasing traffic here; that signs ark adjacent to the raglroad tracks; that office has had both GaUs and*letters requesting this provision, Mr+ Soelberg was asked to meet with Nessrs, Hyde- and Bennett in near future, to see if something sacis factory to both Village and- Mr.. Soelberg eodd, be worked out Mr. Robert Soelberg, prop&$e6r of Bob's , .. -. -. -n - -1 6/26/61 \ INPROVEbENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED. The following Improvement Petitions were submitted, and, by motion Tupa, secondedby VanValkenburg and carried, were referred to Village - ~ -. .- 1, ' Eirgineer for programming: -- -- -. - 1, Oiling - 11estr.ldge Blvdi from Valley View-Road to Crescent Drive. .- -I. - - 25 -0i-l-ing = FJ.59th St. Erom-Fairfax Ave, GO\St,Johns Ave. Oiling - View Lane from South Knoll Drive to Schaefer,Road; and Schaefer. -- -. . - -3. -0ilifig -*A11 Streets in-I<er-.lil:Heights . ' -. 4, Oiling - Garrison Lane, Wooddale Avei to St.Johns Ave, - - -- 5. - ' 60 Oiling- B.65th St. from JoBephine Ave, to Vilryan Ave, .. ~ . . e75 'CURB AND GUTTER AND BLACKTOP -,Rolf Ave.-from.?J,63rd St, to 1*1,64th..St,i: ri -~ .. _. c _-' Road from View Lane to IIwy.lj169. -_... - - -- -. .. 'i -- -- - -. .. -' -1 D - .. - RURAL IfENNEPIN PUBLIC-HEALTH NURSIRG REPORT FOR-HAY, VITH BALBNCE SHEET AS AT APRIL 30, -- 1961, was subdtted, reviewed by Couucid and ordered placed on file,. . . -~ .. . t - _. eONN&TION CHARGE 3ASIS recommended for Gavin-Arneson propertl'es abutting Larkspur *LLane.'--Nanager Hyde reported that the Gavin and Arneson properties abutting &arkspur -I,&& have-'not been served wiith sanitary sewer and water connections to the curb 1 lihe;-that these should be -installedbefore street surfacing is begun, ..He. told Coubcfl that- the: Village office vi11 consul$ with..Messrs. Gavin and Arneson on a--- - . PROPOSED ORDXNANC% NO,: 262-2 REFERRED rIIOrPLA";lfiG: COl!aSSION. : This propped ,- . .. -' -amen&nt-to OFddinance No, 262 wascpresented by Village Attorney Hasselquist.,..It - - amenits 'Section 4 (Conditions of: Opekation) , Section.5 (Revocation of, Permit) +d : Section- 7 (Viol.atioh a %isdemeanor), and incorposages, permits required under.: ._ Excavation Ordinance no,^ 56 into Ordinance: no^. 2.62, making-permit app$icable,. . generally,< t'd anyone- who is excavating. Mr. E-. C, Stow askedmthat. Council give some considerabl& attent-on to ~ this amendment; and seer considerable discpsion - rklat-ivg to Stow.XIev&opmenti Corp .> s !'Petition for Removal of Gu~&Rs. Earth €ram. - Nelson Farin P.ropefty" -(as here-ina-fter recorded), Beim moved for re€erral of the 7 proposed Ordinance-No. 262-2 to Planning Commission far lts recommendation, and. Comicil Hearing at nextt meethg. _- lotion seconded Dilrkson and- Carrie& m;rLSm FARM EXCAVATIQN DISCUSSED: ZX~AVATORS TO BE TAGGED.: During discussion OIT pvsed Ordihnde No, 262-2,. Manager -Hyde reporaed -that excavators have been at w&k on the Nelson Farm property since- the lasc Counci.1 Meet$ng,- even thougb.Mr, Brill, attdrney for Stow Develobment C64, had given Cougd.1 his assurance.that excaveion korila2ba stapped. iNr, Stow k'old. Council that both Eutler and Fisher' had b&ri"advised. by r'egistered.-%&tker to talie no gravel from irhe .farm; that Butler hhssbeen taking ;top :soil- for a'3ot in -Lake Edina 2nd; that there bas never been any excavation "below grade" in any part of the farm. - Mr. Hyde told Council that Fisher has now moved in his rock crushing plant; that Butler is sttipping fr&&i.entirely new: area; that he (ME. Hyde) feels the Village is beingflaunted, here, : Mr. pHasseXquist: told Council &e has had .several gonversations with Mr, . Brill with Egard to this conkhuing excavatTon; $hat the situa$ion seems ta: be that contractors cannot be charged with trespassing because they were under contract to excavate at the time Stow Development Corp, did have an excavation permit, . f'connection charge"-basiis €or payment: of!. this service, .. - I - .- - * _- - - I .. - __ ..I - , !- I- +-- -1 -- . .. . +- - .. -E cL- .- - - c *,- 1- Asked what policy to follow if this excavation continues, Council - directed Manager Hyde to have excavators tagged. - .. -*ELJIGTION DISTRICT NO. 2 WEST BOmIDARY LINE MOVEB WEST FROB1 KANSEN ROAD TO RAILROAD .XGHT=OF-XAY. Nanages: Hyde presented the request of Mr. Edwin Neuger, 6124 Hansen . Road,- for changing- of- the.West+ boundary line of ElectQon Districf: No. 2, south of way; thus-including some 35 properties between Hansen Road and Che rallrpad tracks in DisETict No. 2. 31r, Neuger spoke of the-railroad tracts. as "fmbidding as the Xron Curtain" in dividing the h.70 areas. for this boundary change to- that of- Mr, Neuger; and !Cup? offered tbe follo~75ng -the intersection of the railroad tracts with Hansen-Road, to the railroad right-of- Nanager Hyde added his recommendation Resolution and moved its adoption: .. c I RESOLUTION CHANGING ELECTION DISTRICT __ BOUND&RY LINES-ELECTION DISTRICTS NOS, 2 AND 7. -. -- - I B3?, ITRESOLVp by the Village Council pf the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, -Ninnesota,-that &e boundaries of Election DistrictsdNos. 2 and 7 of this. Village, ksfheretofore created by Council Resolution Adopted July 8, 1957, shall be changed tLread as follows: -. 1- ~ -5 ". -I - ELECTION DISTRICT NO... TWO: -- - .. . -- -- ._ North Boundary: 3orth Village Line, from East Line of Interlachen Golf L Gawk (Lot 2, Aud.1 Subd, No. 248):to Centerline: of State Highway io. 10Q-169. - - - East Boundary: Centerline of Highqay-No. 100-169, from North Village ~ Limits to Xtnnehahgi Creek;..thence in a meandering course along Minnehaha Creek, from Centerline-of Highway No. 100-169 tzo Centerline of L50th Street; Canterline of 17.50th St. fromMinnehaha Creek to Centerline of Eden Avenue; Centerline of Eden Avenue from Centerline of W.5Oth Street to Centerline of Willson Road; Centerline of Willson Road from Centerline of Eden Avenue to Centerline of Highway No. 100; Centerline of Highway No. LOO from Centerline of Willson Road to Centerline of Valley View Road, - 6/26/61 95 i- SduGh' Boundary: Centerline of Valley View Road, from Centerline of = Highway 'No. 100 to Centerline ofcMinneapolis, Northfield and Southern right- of-way , I -- West Boundary: Cekerline of Minneapolis , * Northfield and Southern L-xailroad right-of-way, from Centerline of Valley View Road to Centerline of Hahsen Road; Centerline of Hansen Road and Hansen Road.extevded north, from Minneapolis, Northf ield- and Southern railroad right-of-way to fhe Soptheas t corner of Skyline Addition; Sough Line of Skyline Addition, and said South line extended West, to the Southeast Corner of Interlachen Golf Course (Lot 3,-Aud. Sbud. No. 248); East Line of Interlachen Golf Course (Lot 3= Aud. Subd. No, 248) to Interlachen Blvc.; Centerline of Interlachen Blvd, from Northeast Corner of Lot 3, Aud, Subd, No. 248 to Southeast Corner of Lot 2, Aud. Subdm-No, 248; East Line of Lot 2, Aud. Subd. No. 248, from Centerline of Interlachen- Blvd. to North Village Limits, - +- ELECTION DISTRICT NO. $EVEN: North Boundary: A line Extending due. East from the 1i.i Cor. of $1/4 of fN1/4 of Section 30; Towqship 117, Range 21, to the Southkast Corner of Skyline Addition. Road, from the Southeast Corner of Skyli3e Addition-to the Centerline of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern railroad rig&t-of-way; the Centerline of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern railroad 'right-of-way from Centerline of Hansen Road to Centerline of Valley View Road. Centerline of Valley View Road, from Centerline of Minneapolis, Northfield -. and Southem railroad right-of-way *to Centerline of, . Whiting gtreet; Centerline of Whiting-Street from Centerline of Valley View Road to Centerline of Tracy -Avenue; Centerline of-Tracy Avenue from Center- line of Whiting Street to Centerline ~. of W,62nd Street; Centerline of W.62nd Street frqm Centesline of Tracy Avenue to Centerline of Olinger Road; , Centerline of W.62nd Street &tended due"West along South Section Lines of Sectionr31, Township 117, Range 21, at qounty Road No. 18. of Section 31, Tamship li7, Range 21, to the Northwest Corner of the S[;IZ/L, East Boundary: _&e Centerline of Hansen Road extended North anh Hansen South Boundary: , Sections 32 and 3f, Township 117, Range 21, to the Southirest Corner of -- Vest Boundary: Centerline of County Road No. 18, from Southwest: Corner 1 -- of sI.J1/4 of Section 30, Township 117, Range 21. ? I aye; Tupa, aye; I f'Gf,EASON ROAD" TRUNK WATERMAIN PROJECT 'TO BE Pa-ROUTED. . Macager Hyde reported that plans for real estate development id thb 'Southwest portion of the Village make it necessa~ to change plans- kor a-proposed bunk Watermain project in this area; that it is probably going to be neces8@iytfigoh &ng water across Valley View Road, up Gleason Road and down into/Indian Hi $! Is; that it-was hoped- that this proposed trunk watermain; that because of-this change in plans Ehe Hearing scheduled for July-10 w5ll .- have-to-be postponed, *NAN@ES IN LYNMAR LANE.' Mr, -Hyde reported to Council ,that before Lynmar Lane is surfaced it will be necessaky to install Sanitary SeGer main -and connections, and Watermain service connections to serve Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 7, Stow's Edgemoor Addition. this statement, reporting to Council that he paid his own private contractor for making these installations; that he has a letter in his files, from the Village Ingpector, showing that-?his Work Eas been done. Mr, Ed,, Swanson, who was qlanning Director at that -_ time, had released thk plat of Stdw's-Edgemoor without bond for utilities. that ,utilities -should go inaefoh surfacing is done; khat Hearing 'shoGld be advertised, now; that, s'Iiould. tfiere be 'some -mis&der&andiag, it coula be cleared up -prior 'to thhe-Hearing. seconded by -Beim and carried, - (See Resolution of later in-me$tingj. - -\ - - r. PU~LIC HEARING SCHEDULED FOR-WATERMAIN SERVICES AND SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTE- ' Mr, E, C, Stow, developer of Stow's Edgemoor, was most surprised at Mr; Zikan, told Council that Cyptain Gans- made the goirk Tupa's motion scheduling( Hearing for Jufy -c 10 *cas LAKIZBDINA ~ND ADDITION *'L;AXE~Y LOTS TO BE SHORT~NED. FLLL~D TO-ELEYATION OF-825: ISLAND TO BE CREATm IN LAKE, for a delegation rep6esenting eight of the niAe residences on Hi6iscus Avenue backing to the lake. He asked that Council consider a Propqsition, agreeable to this delegation, that Mr, Stow be permitted to "shorted:. $he*l~ts a6ukting the lake to a point satisfactory to the residents, -filling the'shortened lots $4 the level required by the Village (825O), to use the material from thhe "shortened portion" of thhe lots to construct an island of approximately 825O, with a channel between the island and the shortened lots of not less than 820' elevation, explained that there is already an island in the lake, but that the extra material available from the shortened lots would improve the island. M2. Carl Struck, Hibiscus Avenue, was spokesman They Delegation 96 1 6/26/61 (I asked that, in return for%easements to-be given to the Village'by property Owners, for- Eli%zage and storage rights in3the channel, the Village aid property owners in seeing that all phases of this work are completed. naturedly, the propeyey owners * t request that the island be no higher than '825O. Mr. Stow disputed,=goods 1 He reminded them that the dirt-from the shortened lots must go onto tzie isla~d; that. he eanqot say, nm7, whether this will raise the island higher' than the-825O requested, *here, -$Ire Startold Council he feels that the island will help to beai;ltXy the development; that it *is his, and thkproperty owners' intention that E that the- Viilage is nof: to qintain the island;: and delegation agreed tlikgthZa is not, the intent of <heir reqpest., Hr. ktruck? speaking- for the delegation, told lir, Stow it is felt that an e'levati6n of notshigher than $328' for the island would be satisfaqtary; &d it wastalsocagreed by'those present fzha't+tlie islandcis- not to be materially en1argedsS:Village Attorney Hasselquist reported that Village officials are pretty much agreed that they do not care where the water is stored in the-lake; that they are primarily interested in seeing-that lot elevations are at 825'; that until lot elevationscare at this height, Village vi11 not reiease its bond. It was agreed by all interested parties present that the above-plan be executed, and that, at the next meeting of the Council a plat'be presented,showing dimensions of shortened lots, channel, and island, together with agreement: between property owners and'devtZloger, after submission of which the Village will attempt to see that work is cor@le€ed. - c LAJCE EDINA 2ND ADDITION SURFACING BOND-TO BE EXTEmDED TO SEPTEMBER 1, 1962: ' it be a wild life refuge.- Captain Gans asked that it be made a matter of record * 1. 1 - 3TW TO OfL STREETS. - Mi?. Stow told Council-there are forty lots in Lake Edina 2nd Addition vhich are not: improved; that'all but six lots have been-sold. that the bond-held by the Village for street surfacing be extended-to September 1, 1962, stating that he is'willing to give the streets a "good, penetrating coat of oil" (not :just a dust coat) immediately upon Vil-lage permission. Council he is making this request in the interest of economy, hasmuch as curb will have to be cut for-garage entrancestafter street-is surfaced; and hewy construction trucks will tend to break up surfacing. Mr;-Thompsonj INibiscus Avenue, protested that> he wants the street3 now; that he had to deposit money 'with the Village €or the surfacing; that Hibiscus was in bad shape thiscspring, and that he would like this work done immediately. The -delegatiori-present was rasked how many are willing to go along with Mr. Stow's proposition, and only one said no. thatirStow be-given permission .to oil streets-_in Lake Edina 2nd Addition4 and that extension of time for completioncof permanent: surfacing of streets in Lake Edina 2nd Addition to September 1, 1962 be granted upon submission of bond extended to this date, and upon application of one penetrating coat of oil, including such blading and scraping as is necessary to put streets in shape for said 051, was He-asked Elr. Stow told Beim's motion, ,.*, seconded by Dickson and carried. .* KCNNEAPOLIS GAS COMPANY'S ANNUAL REPORT, STATEMENT OF GROSS INCO2E FOR ih960g AND BALANCE-SHEET AS OF DECBIBXR 31, 1960, were 'filed in accordance with terms of Ordhance-Granting Franchise, and ordered to be placed &n file. PLUNBERS TO PAY FEE FOR-RENOTIFICATION OF INSPECTION. Plumbing Inspector Blumberg's request that the Village charge' a fee to plumbers who make more than one request for plumbing inspection- (because either- they are'not ready for irispectiofi when Village inspector arrives,'they are not present at the-appointed time for inspection,'or the Inspector finds it necessary to reject on tests) was reviewed, notification charges can legally be made under Section 5, Village Ordinance No. 67, upon resolution-by Council-setting fees. . Such re= - Tupa offered'the following Resolution afid move4 its adoption: -_ - c' RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING FEES FOR RENOTIFICATION OF INSPECTION-BY' * ' c PLUMBERS BE-%T HEREBY RESOLVED by the Village Council of the 'Village of Edina as follows: 6 -- - -The Fee for Notification described in Section 157(c) bf the Mindesota Plumbing -Code, as adopted by the Ninnesota-State Board of Health on July 20, 19qT, arid amended May-9, 1939; January 14, 1947, add October 16, 1951 and as incorporated by reference into V2llage Ordinance No. 67, shall be;and?h&Eeby:is, established as followsi - - 1, .$5.00'for the first renotification at,anySpeciEied'location. - 2, $10.00 for the second and e&h subsequent rendtification at any specified n Rollcall there location. - 6/26/61 9% PUBLIC HEARINGS-SCHEDdLED FOR JULY 10, on the schedule prepared by the Engineering Department for work to be done ehis year, Nanager Hyde presented for Council consideration several projects on whiah he asked that Public Hearings beeheld on-July 10. folhwing Resolution and moved its adoption:'* Pursuani; to dischsslons by the Gouncil - r Dickson offered the- 1 c- r. - - RESOLUTION PROV€DING FOR PUBLLC HEARINGS ' 1- €' i' cPROPOSED STORM * SEWER, WATERMAIN, SANITARY 2 * .. t- SJ3WER AND 1JATERcHOUSEcCONNECTION XMPROVfNTS - - BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: report as to the feasibllity of the proposed STORM-SEWER, WATERMAIN, SANITARY SEWER AND WATER HOUSE CONNECTIONcIMPROVEMENTS described in the Form of Notice of Heasngs-set forth below, and as to the estimated cost: of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. time, plaee.and purpose of-said meeting to be published in the official news- paper once a week for two- successive weeks, : the second of which- publications is to be not less than three-days from-date of said maeting,'which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS 'ON STOF34 SEWER, I.JATERMAIN, 1, The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary 2, This Council shall mee; on Monday, July 10, 1961, at 7:OO P.M., in 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the - c- - * .. c SANITARY SEWER & WATER HOUSE CONNECTIONS I - .- - IMPROVEMENTS EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL-will meet at the Edina' Village Hall con Monday, July 10, 1961, at 7:OO P.M,, to consider the follov7ing proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority-granted by Minnesota Laws. of' 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cos& of said improvements are estimated by the Village Engineer A. CONSTRUCTION OF VILL4GE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES - as set forth below: ESTIMATED COST * IN THE FOLLOWING: - - 1, In R,72nd St, from Cornelia Dr. to France Ave,;- -1 - th. S. on France Ave. 328,31;'thence E, across -. _- France Ave. 64'. _- 'L E FromW.72nd St, N, on Lynmar Lane to Hazelton Rd,; E, on Hazelton Rd. to France Ave.; h 170 from Lynmar Lane G Hazelton Rd, across Park - Property connecting to existing storm sewer -on the E, side of Bristol Blvd, On 17. ,.side df France Ave. from Hazelton Rd, to i r - 10' N. of ifhe *N. property line of 1?,70tlt St, c- 1 e - On W.-70th Str from I?.side of .FrAnce Ave. 65' E. $76,969.82 * c B . CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE IJATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES * *'C I IN THE FOLLCXIJLNG STREETS: 1, East Side of Highway. #lo0 from Payton Court to W.69th St, from Hwy.#lOO to Brittany Rd, $12,334.78 17069th Str; IO. c* = C . CONSTRUCTION OF YILL4GE SANITARY SEI;IER, FJATERMAIN SERVICES AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLaIJING STREET: 1, Lynmar Lane fromW.72nd St, North 220 Feet IN THE FOLLCMING STREET: 1. $2 , 540 , 38 D, CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES Wooddale Ave. from Garrison Lane to 480' N.; On Easement Line S. of Valley View Rd. from Wooddale Ave. to 525' E, $12,484.78 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed improvement under A-1 above, includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: line of Cornelia Dr. extended; th. E. parallel to W,72nd St. to a pt. 55' W. of 17. line of France Ave.; th. S. parallel to France Ave, to E-FJ 1/4 line of Sec.31, T.28,RO24; th. E, along E47 1/4 line of Sec, 31,T028,R.24, 283'; th. N, parallel to France Ave, to a pt. 40' S. of S. line of W,7Oth St.; th. E. along a line parallel to W.70th St, 1791'; th, N, on a line at right angles to 17.7Oth St, 420'; th, $7. to a pt, on 17, line of Outlot 1, Southdale Plaza 300' N, of N, line of 17,70th St,; th, Wly to a pt. on N. line of V.7Oth St. 482'17. of the NE corner Sec. 31,Tm28,R.24; th, W, along N, line of W.7Oth St, to a pt, 1062' 17. of NE Corner Sec, 31, T,28,R.24; th. SWly to NE corner of Outlot 1, Stow's Delaney Addn.; th, SJly to most Northerly NE corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Stow*s Delaney Addn,; th, S. to a pt. on the N. line of Lot 11, Block 3, Stow's Delaney Addn., said pt. being 45' E. of Nt7 corner of said lot; th, E. to a pt, 50' 17, of E, line of Lot 10, Block 3, Stow's Delaney Addn.; th, S, parallel to and 50' 17, of 17, line of Glouchester Ave, to N, line of Lot 5, B1. 3, Stow's Delaney Addn,; th. Slly to SW corner of Lot 5, B1, 3, Stow's Delaney Addn,; th, SWly to SIJ corner of Lot 5, Block 3, Stow's Delaney Addn,; tho Wly to a pt, on S. line of ''Commencing at a pt. 40' S. of S. line ofW,72nd St. and 125' E. of center- 98 6/26/61 'i Lot 20, Block 3, Stods Delaey Addn., sqid pt. being 35' I{, of SE corner thereof; th. S. to a point of.beginning." The area:proposed to be assessed for the cost of the-proposed improvement ,under B-1 above includes Lots.6~thm .11 incl., Normandale Terrace:and Lots 3 & 4, Hardacker's Replat of Brost Addn.; under C-1 above includes Lots 1, 2 & 3,-. Block 7, Stow's Edgemoor Addn.; and under D-1 above includes Lot 1, Block 1, Biiller's Addn., Parcels #1200 and 4140p, Sec. 30, T028,R,24, and Parcels #1700, #1900, #1612, V1603 and Q740, Sec. 19, T.28,R.24. Motion fort acloption of Resolution was secon .i GRETCHEN S.'ALDEN- . . Beim, and ' on-Rollcall' there. aye; Tupa, aye; C lkenburg,,aye; and Bredesenb aye;: . .- &IERIeAlT LEGION POST ASKS FOR LIQUOR iICENSE AT CEDRIC'S CAFE. -Mr. Richard E, OZson, accompanied- by a delegation of Legionnaires from Post No. 471, supported ISr. Olson's letter dated this date,,on behalf of Post 471, requesting liqFor a license at this location it proposes to. increase-lts present: membership from 150 to about 2,000 members; to offer complete food service as well as cocktail facilities to rnenibers and their guests only; and to provide off-street parking as requested by Council, out that before Council grants such license it would wish to lmow the use iptgnded ,for profits,.$he methqd of operation, wouldwant' the liberty of inspecting 'the boolcs. sHig%7ay #lo0 ,are-not yet coqletely known; that there-may be an underpass .at .>1,50th Streef, which would make access _to building difficult. The matter of present ingress and egrees was discussed, withhTrustee Beim:saying he feels that a certain traffic hazard exists at the entrance to this building from Highwax 4169 and would like a report from the Police Department before taking any action. Mr, Olson told Council thGt the Legion;hss been investigati,ng locai$ons eyer since it first asked Counci1,for 4 license;.Eh@ thjs presenf. 1ocat;ioq is the best they have found, and that they believe "it will preqzint ap opportunity to give the residents of Edina the typeLand quality of,-e?ta$lishmeqG that they can ..license at Cedric's Cafe, Mr. Olson's letcer states that if the.-post is granted A long discussion followed, in which it was pointed It was also pointed out to the, de1egasi;ign thag plaqs for truly be proud of". No action tak$n. -* .- * .,- -. CLARG PAID. List dated June 26, was seconded by Beim and,cayried: Construction and S7im Pool, $8,51Q.@q; Water Fund, $21,745.54; Liqqor $Fund, $43,968.46;' $e1763 Rental Eund, $1,272.88; J.S,D,$l zund, , $1,069.72=,:TOTAL, $156,671.38. Dickson's motion, for pahent of the folloxging Claims, as per Pre- General Fund, $17,124'62; Consgmction Fun& $62,979.33; Park,' ,Park The agenda's having been covered, Tupa moved. for -adjournment, Be& and carried. Motion secqnded by Adjournment at 12:10&.M., Tuesday, June 27.. 1. -. + - t- r -. .