HomeMy WebLinkAbout19610911_19610918_regular_adjourned9 /18/6 I 1961 REGULARMEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, NINUTES OF THe ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE SEPTEMBER 11, ' HELDMONDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1961, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS FOR IMPROVEMENTS. Clerk reported receipt of Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier, August 31 and September 7, 1961, of "Notice of Hearings"; also reporting that notice had been duly mailed to affected property owners. and action taken as hereinafter recorded, on proposed assessments for the follow- ing improvements : Addition. Tabulation of Assessment was read at a Total Assessable Cost of $51,699.90, proposed to be assessed against 70 lots, for $738.07 per Lot, as compared with Estimate given at Improvement Hearing of $932.42 per Lot. Mr. George Watson, 5301 Ayrshire Blvd., asked if it is correct that the improvement hearing estimate had included an amount for street replacement which the assessment does not include. He was informed that this is correct. There were no objections against the assessment at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. SANITARY SENER INPROVEIENT NO. 170 - Lateral Sanitary Sewer in northern portion of Edina Highlands. Cost of $63,254.40, proposed to be assessed against 40 Lots for $1,580.86 per Lot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $1,580.86. that the proposed assessment includes $27,225.00 for Blacktop Replacement, which will be credited against the work which got under way today. that when this project was put in it was with the hope that the connection would be put in by the developer, but that because of change in Highway No. 169 plans this had been delayed; that a contract has now been awarded on the connection. There were no objections from the audience, and none had been received prior thereto. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). portion of Edina Eghlands. Cost of $47,361.51, proposed to be assessed against 27 Lots, for $1,753.63 per Lot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $1,934.95. No objections filed. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). Countryside Addition, and adjacent areas - Sub-trunk and Lateral Sanitary Sewer. Tabulation of Assessment was given at Total Assessable Cost of $209,639.52 for the Lateral Sewer, proposed to be assessed against 144 Lots, for $1,455.83 per Lot; and $82,087.44 for the Sub-trunk (District) Sewer, proposed to be assessed against 422 Assessable Lots, for $194.52 per Lot. Manager Hyde made it clear that a21 those proposed to be assessed for the Lateral service would also be assessed for the sub-trunk, which would make the assessment to those having Lateral service a Total of $1,650.35 per Lot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $1,495.00 per Lot; that, in addition, as the project progressed, it became apparent that additional areas will be able to use this sewer, and that these areas, which do not actually abut the line, will receive the sub-trunk charge only. reported that because of unusual soil and weather conditions the Village is giving credit for some $26,000--$7,782.32 for Blacktop Replacement not done; $13,546.42 for soil and wather conditions to the Lateral portion of the project, and $5,320.46 to the Sub-trunk portion for the same reason. Mr. Hyde pointed out that one reason for the increase in assessment is the "loss" of 39 lots originally proposed to be assessed for lateral service. Mr. Gordon Anderson, 6320 Valley View Road, asked what had happened, and it was explained that in several areas lots are not being platted to face Valley View Road. Mr. Anderson told Council that job had gone in badly, and inquired as to whether the contractor had been paid more than the original contract had called for. It was explained that he had been paid more, because more rock was necessary on the project, and the project required deeper digging than had been anticipated in the estimated quantities. Mr. Anderson asked why the contractor should get into deeper digging than anticipated, inasmuuh as contours and elevations were known before contract was awarded. answered that, although he had not been here at the time, he understands the job was done under "crash program" conditions, and estimates could not be as accurate as usual. He also reported that a lot more ground water had been experienced than anticipated, and the necessity of installing a rock saddle was one reason for the overage. because the streets have not been replaced. replacement has been delayed because of storm sewer now going in; that time for compaction is necessary, here, because of bad soil conditions. Mr. Hyde explained further that the unseasonable rains during the Christmas season, which caused the ground to thaw, then to freeze, and then to thaw again, contributed untold troubles on this job; that contractor had been unable to move his equipment many times because of the mucky, water-logged soil. will be assessed from $3,000 to $3,500 in this one year and that he would like this particular assessment reduced if possible, told Council he believes either the Pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearings were conducted, 1. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 152 - Lateral Watermain in Edina Highlands (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). 2. Tabulation of Assessment was given as Total Assessable Mr. Hyde explained He also told Council 3. SANITARY SEWER IETPROVEMENT NO. 175 - Lateral Sanitary Sewer in southern Tabulation of Assessment was given as Total Assessable 4. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 159 - Valley View Heights Addition, He also Captain Gans One gentleman told Council that he feels the job is not yet complete Mr. Hyde replied that this street One gentleman, who stated his property a 217 . 9/1a/41 contractor, Barbarossa & Son, or the Village should pay the overage. statement was made that the Village had "bailed outif the contractor several times when sewer lines were plugged. rented qquipment to the contractor for this work. The question was raised, "Why was the job done in the winter?" and Mr. Hyde told group that it was done because there was considerable request for immediate sewer service. reminded Mr. Anderson that he had been one of those makhg the request. Anderson replied that he has no quarrel with the Village--he just doesn't want Barbarossa paid for something he doesn't deserve. had a penalty clause in the contract, Mr. Hyde reported that the Village had a $lOO-per-day penalty clause, which was enforced to the extent of ten days. He explained in detail the basis for this determination. told Council he feels this project was very poorly done and would be happy to see Barbarossa refused further contracts in the Village even though low bidder. There were no other objections offered; and Trustee Beim stated he feels that the assessment as proposed is fair; that the Village is being fair in granting credits for unforseen conditions, which credits should offset the points raised here. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). 5. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 177 - Lateral service in Wooddale Avenue fromW.70th St. to 270 Ft. N. - Total Assessable Cost was read as $2,927.28, proposed to be assessed against two Lots, for $1,463.14 per Lot. No objections registered. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). ' to 295 Ft. N. - Total Assessable Cost read as $2,570.48, proposed to be assessed against two Lots at $1,284.74 per Lot, as compared with $1,222.15 Improvement Hearing Estimate.. No objections registered. later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). The Mr. Hyde reported that the Village had He Mr. Asked if the Village had Mr. 'Jack Franzen 6. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 154 - In Wooddale Avenue fromW.70th St. (See Resolution of 7. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 178 - In Hankerson Ave. from Inter- lachen Blvd. to 505.8 Ft. s. - Tabulation of Assessment read at Total Assessable Cost of $5,021.38, proposed to be assessed against fourteen Lots, for per Lot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $361.94. No objections registered. to V. 5lst St. - Total Assessable Cost read at $4,583.70, proposed to be assessed against fifteen Lots, for $309.95 per Lot, as compared with Improvement Hearing.Estimate of $330.02. No objections registered. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). $358.17 (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). 8. WATERMAIN IMPROVENENT NO. 156 - Hankerson Ave. from Interlachen Blvd. 9. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B-70 - Curb and Gutter in Oaklawn Ave. from W.58th St. to W.59th St. Tabulation of Assessment read at Total Assessable Cost of $5,438.97, proposed to be assessed against 1,196.8 Front Feet, for $4.84 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $4.41. No objections registered. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). , 10. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B-72 - Warwick Place Curb and Gutter. Total Assessable Cost read at $3,565.30, proposed to be assessed against 791.9 Assessable Feet, for $4.5.8 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $4.45. No objections registered. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). 11. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B-71 - Curb and Gutter in Brookview Ave. from W.6lst St. to W.62nd St. Total Assessable Cost read at $3,863.94, proposed to be assessed against 1,190.8 Assessable Feet, for $3.24 per Assessable Foot as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3.39. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting Assessment). Drive, Block 2, Shady Pines Addition. Total Assessable Cost read at $1,104.88, proposed to be assessed against 269.3 Assessable Feet, for $4.10 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $4.10. Concrete Curb and Gutter in Southview Lane from Highway No. 100 to Concord . Avenue, and Sidewalk on South Side. Total Assessable Cost of Curb and Gutter and Bituminous Surface Treatment was read as $4,069.40, proposed to be assessed against 2,466.3 Assessable Feet, for $1.65 per Assessable Foot. This is a State Aid Project, and only assessment is to be for 1/2 normal curb and gutter cost. School proposed to be assessed full cost of Sidewalk, at $3,295.33. No objections registered. Assessment). Lane fromMelody Lake Drive to Grove St. - Total Assessable Cost read at $4,212.30, proposed to be assessed against 1073.8 Assessable Feet, with Corner Lots paying 1/3 of long side, at $3.92 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate. No objections registered. (See following Resolution Adopting Assessment). No objections registered. 12. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B-73 - Curb and Gutter, West side of Woodcrest 13. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A-122 - Bituminous Surface Treatment and (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting 14. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A-148 - Bituminous Surface Treatment, Melody I 9/ 18!6 1 RESOLUTION ADOPTXNG AM) CONFXRMlNG ASSESSMENTS SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 159, 170, 175 , 177 AND 178; WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 152, 154 AND 156; STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. A-122, A-148, Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption! 218 FOR B-70, B-71, B-72 AND B-73 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assess- ( BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: ments for SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 159, 170, 175, 177 AND 178; WATERMAIN IMPXOVEMENTS NOS. 152, 154 AND 156; STREET -ROVEMENTS NOS. A-122, A-148, B-70, B-71, B-72 ANI) B-73, and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Section 429.051 and 429.061; that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and oppor- tunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcel's of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. The total amount of each such assessment for Sanitary Sewer Improvements Nos. 159, 170, 175, 177 and 178, and Watermain Improvements Nos. 152, 154 and 156 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years ,the first of said installments , together with interest on the -entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1962, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1961, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1962 through 1970, collectible in the respective ensuing years. . A-148, B-70, B-71, B-72 and B-73 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first of said installments, together I 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective . The total amount of each such assessment for Street Improvements No.s A-122, with interest on ;he entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31 , 1962 , to be payable with general taxes for the year 1961, and one of the remaining installments, with one'year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1962 through 1966, collectible in the respective ensuing years. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the owner of any lot, pieke or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. be designated as the "ASSESSBENT ROLL FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 159, 170, 175, 177 AND 178; tJATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 152, 154 AND 156, ANTI STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. A-122, A-148, B-70, B-71, B-72, AND B-73", and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the IBPROVEMENT BOND REDEMPTION FUND. 3. 4. Said duplicate shall MINUTES of Council Meetings of August 22 and 28, 1961, were approved as submitted, by motion Tupa, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. h CONTRACT FOR' EXCWGl% OF P& PROPERTIES FORMALLY AUTI3ONZED. Manager Hyde asked for formal authorization for execution of a contract with the Hays interests for purchase of 10.65 Acres at the Northwest Corner of Hays farm, which would make the Nest boundary of Hays Park County Road 1/18; purchase to be effected as follows: The price of the property, $24,000 plus 1.21 acres now owned by the Village on the West side of County Road #18, less 29,000 Yds. of fill (more or less) at 10~ per Yd. from surplus material off the streets in LaBuena Vista Addition paving project, making net cash sale price of $21,100. Manager Hyde reported the Park Board had allocated $23,000 for this purchase, that the money is available, and the Park Board approves the transacation, all as discussed in informal budget meeting held September 5. VanValkenburg's motion for approval of execution of contract was seconded by Beim and carried. The agenda's having been covered, Tupa moved for adjournment. Motion seconded VanValkenburg and ca , Village Clerk . MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1961, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Beim, Dickson, Tupa and VanValkenburg. Mayor Pro Tem Dickson presided in Mayor Bredesen's absence. MINUTES of September 11 and September 18, 1961 Meetings were approved as submitted, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Tupa and carried. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT IN WOODDALE AVENUE FROM GARRISON LANE TO 480 FT. NORTH AND IN VALLEY VIEW ROAD FROM THE CENTERLINE OF OAKLAWN AVENUE EXTEDED TO 406 FT. WEST. Affidavit of Publication of "Notice of Public Hearing" in Edina- Morningside Courier September 14 and 21, 1961; and, pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was called on the above entitled improvement, which is an alternate proposal worked out with the affected residents, to the Sanitary Sewer route approved by the Council July 10, 1961, as Sanitary Sewer Improvement No, 181. Vu-Graph Slide was shown of proposed new route and area proposed to be assessed, and Manager Hyde reported that the Engineer's Estimate of Cost, before taking bids today, had been $10,139.36, for $1,448.48 per Connection; that the low bid today, which was considerably lower than the other bids received, will raise assessable cost to about $2,025 per connection. Mr. Neal Swant inquired about the legality of connecting a large building, to be built across the back of his two lots, to the 6" hertrice connection through the Tedman property, stating that if there would be some difficulty in this he is willing to pay the difference between the 6" connection and a gt' connection if it does not total more than $1.00 per'foot. inquired as to whether a manhole will be placed at the end of the connection and was informed that the connection will be plugged, now; that no manhole is contemplated; that when he wishes to connect a direct connection ma$:bbezmade without manhole. Captain Gans told Mr. Swant that from a design standpoint he believes the Village has fully satisfied the requirements for service to this area. Mr. Swant inquired about possible connection for a car wash, and was informed that the Village has an ordinance on car wash operations, which provides special regulations for this type of business, including grease traps before water can be sent into the sewer system. favoring improvement, was read. and none had been received prior thereto. the Vooddale Avenue-Valley View Road intersection is bad because of the steep grade of 'Nooddale Avenue running south of Valley View Road, Trustee Tupa suggested that perhaps Wooddale could be partially filled while the sewer work is being done. Mr. Hyde reported that this probably would have to be a major construction job (6f its own, because he felt that fill would have to start from the extreme south end to get a gradual grade. felt it would help if a plateau large enough for one car could be had just at the intersection. No action taken on this. Clerk presented f He also Letter from R. D. DeKerry, owner of parcel #1603, No objections were made at the Hearing, WOODDALE AVENUE GRADE CHANGE SUGGESTED. Reminding the Council that Mr. Swant Beim offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: