HomeMy WebLinkAbout19620423_regular74 ( 4/23/62 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, APRIL 235 1962s AT 7:00 P.M. AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL .Members answering Rollcall were Dickson, MacMillan, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. ' COUNCIL ADOPTS "PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT" AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE. Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication and Posting of "Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Amendment to Village Zoning Ordinance, Establishing A Planned Industrial District in the Village of Edina ", publication having been April 12 and 19, 1962, in Edina- Morningside Courier, and posting being April 10, 1962, on three village bulletin boards. Affidavits and Notice were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to Notice, Public Hearing was called on the proposed amendment. Manager Hyde reViefied. for those present the proceedings preceding this Public Hearing - -the two -year study by the Planning Commission, with the aid of professional municipal planners, and the many neighborhood organization meetings held throughout the Village by Planning Director Hite and other Village officials , to acquaint the citizenry with the provisions of the proposed amendment. With the aid of the Vu- Graph, Planning Director Hite presented the main provisions of the ordinance in some detail, explaining, too, that the present amendment will zone no particular property-- that.if it is adopted, it will permit those- who.wish to comply with the rules and regulations established by the -amendment to petition'to have their properties rezoned, after, which all the usual steps for rezoning -- notice of hearing, public hearing before the Council, and action by the Council- -must still be taken. Mr.- H. 0, Broughton, 5201 Windsor Avenue, inquired as to whether Planned Industrial bistricts are warranted, relative to the tax base. Mayor Bredesen replied, saying that there are some areas which cannot be developed into homes which would return self - paying taxes, and that to this extent the plan would be-defensive. Manager Hyde added that the two percent of the Village property now zoned for business, commercial and industrial purposes now carries 20% of the total valuation. Mr. Josiah Brill, representing Stow Development Company, which, he reported, has some 200 acres of land which might be suitable for zoning to Planned Industrial District, objected to that portion of the proposed ordinance which requires Council approval of final building plans. Maintaining that under the terms of the proposed ordinance the cost of architects' fees would prohibit any developer from taking even the first steps for investigation and approval of a Planned Industrial District (he cited an architect's fee of $500000 for a $1,000,000 building), Mr. Brill told Council that, once the property is rezoned, a builder should be able to simply refer to the provisions of the Building Code in making his final plans, and then present his final plans to the Building Inspector, who has the authority to approve,'if such plans comply with the building code. Pl.anning;Director Hite submitted that Article IV, Subdivision C pertains to council action upon the Overall Development Plan, whereas Article IV, Subdivision D.3 pertains to the actual approval of the Building Plan. He added that any competent architect would certainly investigate zoning regulations before preparing plans. Mr. T. L. Todd, Planning Commission Chairman, reported the Commission has recommended Council approval of Building Plan because it wishes standards to be high- -not that the developer be allowed to "go high, wide, and handsome" after the property is rezoned. < Village Attorney Hasselquist added that the Council would be willing to watch building plans carefully, in its position as directly representative of the citizenry; that this is the reason the Commission wants plans approved by the Council rather than by the Building Inspector, an employee. Mr. Al Godward, Planning Engineer, told Council he cannot conceive of any city council being in a position to pass on technical details of a building. He suggested that the ordinance read "land use" instead of "Building permit ". The discussion on this one objection continued for an hour and a half, it being determined in discussion that'Council approval of preliminary plans, with Building Inspector's approval of Final Plans providing said Final Plans conformed with approved preliminary plans and also with the Building Code, would satisfy all concerned. At the request of the Council, Messrs. Hasselquist, Foley, Todd and Brill were asked to adjourn to the conference room to make the necessary corrections in the terminology of the proposed Ordinance. At 9 :20 P.M -, they reconvened in the Council chamber's. Village Attorney Hasselquist read the Ordinance with its revised sections, as follows: (PLEASE SEE "ORDINANCE NO. 261 -67 ", Pages 74 -A through 74 -J) Trustee Dickson offered Ordinance No. 261 -67 as read by Attorney, moving that Council dispense with second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as read. D n I ORDINANCE NO. 261 -61 AN ORDINANCE CREATING AND REGULATING A PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICI'9 AMENDING THE ZONWG ORDINANCE Or THE VILLAGE, THE VILLAGE COUNCIL Or THE VILLAGE Or EDINA9 MINKSOTA9 ORDAINS: Section 1m The following sections of Ordinance No, 261 (2bning Ordinances) of the Village9 as mended, are hereby renumbered as follows: Section 11 (Special Permits for Particular Uses) is renumbered Section 12; Section 12 (Definitions) is renumbered Section 13; and Section 13 (Administration) is renumbered Section loo Sec, 28 Section 2 of said Ordinance No, 2618 as amended, is hereby further amended to read as follows: "Section 2„ Districts Established, QFor the purposes of this ordinance, the village shall be divided into the following districts, and the uses of structures and lands, the height of buildings and the area of premises for buildings are to be uniform in each districts except as special use permits may be required under Section 1.2 of this ordinance and special, restrictions imposed thereby: Open Development District (Section 3) Multiple Residence District (Section k) Automobile Parking District (Section 6)a Community Store District (Section 6)0 Commercial ercial District (Section 7). Regional Shopping District (Section 3)e Regional Medical District (Section 9), Office Building District (Section 10)e Planned Industrial District (Section 11) The boundaries of said districts shall be as further provided herein. No building shall by erected or premises used for any purpose unless in compliance with the use, heights area and other regulations and restrictions prescribed for the district in which such building or premises is Located.'' Sec, 3, Said Ordinance No. 261 is hereby amended by adding thereto a necr Section 11, reading as follows: Section 11. PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT 1. phiectives of Planned Industrial. District The purpose of this section establishing the Planned Industrial District is to provide regulations, controls and standards for'the orderly development and maintenance of permitted uses therein which will be complementary to and compatible with the predominantly residential character �1m of the Village of Edina;, to fortify and pr-oserve to the citizens of the Village the full use,, benefit and enjoyment of their homes and property; to insure to th owners and occupants of permitted asses the full use, benefit and prestige of a Planned Industrial District of exemplary standards in selected areas deemed especially adapted by reason of surroundings. transportation facilities and other factors to such land use; and to enable the District to make its fair and continuing contribution to the general welfare of the Village of Edina and its neighboring communities, 2, - s f Planne-d-Indug-trial Distract , The boundaries of the Planned Industrial District shall include the following lands: 3, Shan ;U g- Uses Per - ed X* is (a) rri ct (a)rzacoaA Uses,,, In the Planned Industrial District no building or land shall be used and no building shall be erected, structurally altered, converiod or enlarged except for the following principal useso (1) Manufacturing, compounding, processing, packaging, treatment and assmmbly of products and materials, (2) Scientific research, investigation, testing or exparimentation, (b) Accessory Uses, In addition to those subordinate uses which are clearly and customarily incident to the principal uses, such as parking lots and off - street loading facilities, the following additional accessory uses will be permitted on the lot occupied by the principal used (1) Personnel service facilities providing personal services, education, recreation, entertainment, food and convenience goods to only those personnel employed for the principal rase (2) Warehousing of products manufactured on the promise of the principal u?e, (3) Warehousing of products not manufactured on the promise of the principal use, provided that the gross floor area uscd for such warehousing shall neither wtceed twice the gross floor area of the principal use, nor octaupy a total floor area of gore than 10,000 square feet, (4) Office and administrative facilities, 4, Every application for Planned Industrial ]district sunning shall encompass a tract of not less than 80 acres in single oarner- sh7p or under unified control regardless ,of the total area of the proposed Planned Industrial District itself, These requiroments may be waived where the tract is contiguous to an ewisting Planned .Industrial District or There the tract has an area of not less than ten across and is to be used as they site for a building or group of buildings all occupied by a single tenant. S. �'r*oced±�a forr Planned_ Industrial District Zoning-and Stabe€ruont I1 ;velonnento (a) An application for rezoning from any zoning district to Planned Industrial District shall ba filed in duplicate with the Planning -2- Cornission, upon forms made available for that purpose. by the omer or owners of the entire land area to be included within the application area. (b) Overall Developmant Plano Every application for the establishment of a Planned Industrial District shall be accompanied by the following documents which, in their entirety, shall constitute an Overall. Development Plan for the property described in the applications (1) A boundary survey and legal description of the entire tract covered by the applications prepared by a registered land surveyor. (2) A land use plan prepared by a person trained or experienced in .sand use planning. The plan shah, be to scale and shall show the following: a. The relationship of the application area to surrounding properties, section lines,, and other existing featuras such as streets and highways, buildings, railroads and utilities. b. The alignment and functional classification of all proposed streets. cr, The alignment and characteristics of all proposed railroad facilities. d. The dimensions and areas of all blocks e. The arrangement and extent of all land use classifications zoning districts, and conditional use locations. (3) A preliminary layout of all proposed tatermains, sanitary sawars and storm drainages facilities, together with profiles and typical design cross-sections for all street roadcsays, and a general overall site grad- ing plan, including arrotps indicating direction and destination of surface drainage. Such layouts, profiles, design cross - sections, and plans shall be prepared by a registered civil engineer. 00 Copies of all proposed protective covenants, and any provisions for associations of individual owners. (5) The names and addresses of all persons holding fee title to the ss entire land area included in the Overall development Plan as cell as the names and addresses of all persons engaged in developing and managing said plan. (6) The ozmers or developers contemplated development schedule. (i) The description and estimated construction cost of all stracto sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain improvements proposed to be installed under the special assessment procedure established in Ordinance ado. 263. (c) Ack�oq_,y 'the Planning Commission shall forward the application and its reco andation to the Village Council. Ripon finding that (1) the contemplated development will constitute an industrial develop- vent of sustained desirability and stability, (2) it will be in harmony with the character of its environment and consistent with long -range comprehensive plans for the Village,, -3- (3) it will not result in an overintensive use of lands l (4) it will not result in undue traffic congestion or traffic hazard, (5) sufficient space is provided for landscaping and buffer maned, and (6) the development conforms in all respects to the provisions of this Section, the Village Council stay establish a Planned Industrial District on all or any of the property included in the 6verall Davelopment Plan, The Overall Bovelopment Plan as approved, together with such covenants, deed restrictions, reservations, controls, variances or conditional use permits as may ba attached to NO shall become a part of the official filed of the Village. (d) D�v� 7.azxaznt . (1) C l s anao with Q rail Davea.asginapt PIgn The developmant of the Planned Industrial District shall be in full compliance with the approved Overall Davelopmant Flan. Modifications to that plan All be permitted only if the Overall Davalopmant Plan is amandad to' the entent necessary to accommodate the desired modification. The procedura for .obtaining such amendment shall be the some as that proscribed for cbtaining n toning variance. (2) WAVAsion of Land - Required Impr The subdivision of land zoned Planned Industrial. District shall be subject to such require - mants for approval and recording as have been established by Ordinance W 263. (3) Applications for Building Permits shall be reviewed and approved by the Village Council before being submitted to the Village .Building Inspector. Such applications willl bo enamaiinGd to determine if they conform to the provisions of the approved Overall Davelopment Plan and to the provisions of this ordinance. The following informations, as appropriate, shall be submitted to the Village Council with any building permit applicationa a. Preliminary plans, elevations, sections and specifications of materials and structural systems for the proposed build- ing; or buildings, prepared by a registered architect. b. A site plan for traffic engineering analysis, tshouing locution and design of buildings, driveways, drivoway intersections with str ate parking, areas, leading areas, raneuvaring areas and sidewalks. co A site grading; plan and planting plan, including screen wallas and fences, for analysis of adequacy of surface drainaga9 erosion control, visual scrreening, used land- scape design. ez� 7�/_X d. A site plan shoeing utilities and utility easements. e. An estimate of the manimmm number of persons to be employed on the site and the timing of work shifts. f. flans for all signs to be erected, including details of ,sign location, design, size, color and lighting. g. A description of proposed operations in sufficient detail to enable the Village Council to determine if the proposed land use is within the uses permitted in the Planned Industrial District. h. A description of proposed operations in sufficient detail to permit judgment of the extent of any noise, odor, glare, vibration, smoke, dust, gases, or liquid wastes that may be created. i. Engineering and architectural plans for the solution of any problem indicated by item (h) above, including the necessary plans for compliance with the performance standards contained in this ordinance. j. Any other information required in order to ensure compliance with the requirements contained herein. Upon approval by the Village Councils , the building permit application shall be submitted to the Village Building Inspector who shall process the permit in conformance with the Village of Edina Building Code Ordinance No. 51A. The application submitted to the Village Building Inspector shall include complete and final plans, elevations, sections and specifications of materials and structural systems for the proposed building or buildings, prepared by a registered architect which shall conform with the preliminary plans approved by the Village Council. 6. Best i.e- tAonss Controls and Desia_n Stand (a) ftsi.d�aal Features. Uses which because of the nature of their operation are accompanied by an excess of noise, vibration, dust, dirt, smoke, odor, nonious gases, glare or wastes shall not be permitted. These residual features shall be considered as "excessive" when they either emceed or deviate from the limitations set forth in the following performance specifications (1) A e Noise shall be measured on any property line of the tract on which the operation is located. Noise shall be muffled so as not to becom^ objectionable due to intermittence, beat frequency, shrillness or intensity. At the property line, the sound pressure level of noise radiated continuously from a facility shall not exceed the ..slues given in Table I herein. The sound pres- sure level shall be measured with a sound level meter and on an associated octane band analyzers both of which are manufactured according to current specifications prescribed by the American Standards Association. Measurement shall be made using the flat net work of the sound level meter. -5- TABLE I (3) Dust and Dirt., Solid or liquid particles shall not be emitted at any point in concentrations exceeding 0.3 grains per cubic foot of the con- veying gas or air. For .measurement of the amount or particles in gases result- ing from combustion, standard corrections shall be applied to a shack tempera- ture of 500 degrees Fahrenheit and 50% excess air. (4) Smoltie. Measurement shall be at the point of emission. The Ringelman Smoke Chart published by the United States Bureau of Mines shall be used for the measurement of smoke. Smoke not darker or more opaque than No. 1 of said chart may be emitted, provided that smoke not darker or more opaque than Ho. 2 of said chart may be emitted for periods not longer than four minutes in any 30 minute period. These provisions, applicable to visible grey smoke, shall also apply to visible smoke of a different color but with an equivalent apparent opacity. (5) Odor,, No activity or operation shall cause at any tuna the dis- charge of taAic, noxious or odorous .natter beyond the limits of the irimadiate site where it is located in such concentrations as to be detrimental to or den endanger the public health, welfare, comfort or safety or cause injury to property or business. (6) Glare, whether direct or reflected,, such as from spot lights or high temperature processes, and as differentiated from general illu- mination, shall not be visible beyond the limits of the immediate site from which it originates. (7) t ate All solid waste material,, debris, refuse or garbage shall be kept within a completely enclosed building or properly contained in a closed container designed for such purpose. All liquid wastes containing any organic or toxic matter shall be discharged either into a public sanitary sewer or treated in a manner prescribed by the Village Health Department. The rate of liquid waste discharge into the Village sanitary sewerage system shall not exceed 200 gallons per site acre per hour between the hours of 9 A.F1, and noone in order to assure compliance with the performance standards set forth above, the Village Council may require the owner or operator of any per- mitted use to have wade such investigations and tests as may be required to show adherence to the performance standards. Such investigation and tests as are required to be made shall be carried out by an independent testing -6- gat -Ave MI MI Fee 9uency (A ea Per Second) Dacibel bevel 20® 75 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 75° 150 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 150— 300 a a a o o o a a c a 55 300— 600 e e.. a a e a. e 46 600- 19200 a e a e e a a. a a 40 1,200— 20400 a a a a a a a a a a - 20400- 112800 a a a a a a a a a a 31 over 4,800 0 a 0 a 0 0 .0 0 0 0 28 0 (2) Vibration. No activity or operation shall at any tima cause earth vibrations preceptible beyond the limits of the irinadiate site on which the operation is located. (3) Dust and Dirt., Solid or liquid particles shall not be emitted at any point in concentrations exceeding 0.3 grains per cubic foot of the con- veying gas or air. For .measurement of the amount or particles in gases result- ing from combustion, standard corrections shall be applied to a shack tempera- ture of 500 degrees Fahrenheit and 50% excess air. (4) Smoltie. Measurement shall be at the point of emission. The Ringelman Smoke Chart published by the United States Bureau of Mines shall be used for the measurement of smoke. Smoke not darker or more opaque than No. 1 of said chart may be emitted, provided that smoke not darker or more opaque than Ho. 2 of said chart may be emitted for periods not longer than four minutes in any 30 minute period. These provisions, applicable to visible grey smoke, shall also apply to visible smoke of a different color but with an equivalent apparent opacity. (5) Odor,, No activity or operation shall cause at any tuna the dis- charge of taAic, noxious or odorous .natter beyond the limits of the irimadiate site where it is located in such concentrations as to be detrimental to or den endanger the public health, welfare, comfort or safety or cause injury to property or business. (6) Glare, whether direct or reflected,, such as from spot lights or high temperature processes, and as differentiated from general illu- mination, shall not be visible beyond the limits of the immediate site from which it originates. (7) t ate All solid waste material,, debris, refuse or garbage shall be kept within a completely enclosed building or properly contained in a closed container designed for such purpose. All liquid wastes containing any organic or toxic matter shall be discharged either into a public sanitary sewer or treated in a manner prescribed by the Village Health Department. The rate of liquid waste discharge into the Village sanitary sewerage system shall not exceed 200 gallons per site acre per hour between the hours of 9 A.F1, and noone in order to assure compliance with the performance standards set forth above, the Village Council may require the owner or operator of any per- mitted use to have wade such investigations and tests as may be required to show adherence to the performance standards. Such investigation and tests as are required to be made shall be carried out by an independent testing -6- organisation as may be agreed upon by all parties concerned, or if there.is failure to agree, by such independent testing organization as may be selected by the Council after 30 days notice. The costs incurred in having such investi- gations or tests conducted shall-be shared equally by the owner or operator and the Village, unless the investigation and tests disclose noncompliance with the performance standards, in which event the entire investigation or testing cost shall be paid by the owner or operator. The procedure above stated shall not preclude the Village from making any tests and investigations it finds appropriate to determine compliance with these parforreance standards. (b) .tea ftendard.s for Dots and lluildinps. (1) Tact Area„ Each individual lot, tract or parcel shall have an area of not less than two acres, (2) Rati„1d1_ng Each individual building shall have a gross floor area (not including basements) of not less than 15,000 sq. feet. (3) bpi; Covera Not more than 30£4 of the total area of any lot, tract or parcel shall be covered by buildings or structures. (c) Building Hai ht and Set Back Restrictions._ (1) Ann i _ Height. Building height shall be limited to three stories or 40 feet above the average surrounding ground level, whichever is the lesser, except that buildings of a greater height may be peratitted by the Council after public hewing, when in the Council °s opinion the best interests of the Village would be served by a waiver of these restrictions,-; Upon granting such a saiver, the Council may impose such additional setback requirements as it may deem appropriate. ( 2) Rut] d Seibac axad Itarr�s a. S�'y ca Setl?aeks� All buildings and structures must be sets back at least 75 feet from the righ -4�cfineray of any highway or street which has been designated as limited access, freeway or ax press� tray; and 50 feet from those designated as thoroughfares, collectors, minor or secondary streets. Where the District abuts or adjoins a residential district a' cross the street, there shall be a building sat back front that street of not less than 75 feet. b. Side Yards or Rear Yards. No ' iaui:lc'ing or structure shall be erected on any lot, tract or' parcel within 30 feet of the rear property line nor any closer to any side property line than a distance equal to one and one,mhal.f times the average building height. Where the District iButs- ®r adjoins a residential _ district, the side or ream ya .rd abutting such residential district shall be not less than 100 feet. (d) _Rkm et r ;ng� Off- street parking- areas of sufficient size to prol�bF3^ parking for patrons, custcmers, suppliers, visitors and amployeas shall, be pro- vided on the pramises ®f each uses Par-Icing agiens shall ban surfaced with a harry all =eieather, durable, dust -free surfacing material and shall be properly drained and l.andscapad, and shall, be maintained in a -: �4!lghtly and well-kept condition. No parking area shall occupy any required setback norj!gfiall'' a locatod closer -7- than ten feet to a side.or rear lot line, nor closer than ten feet to any building. Each parking space shall have a minimum with of 8 -1i2, feet and a minimum depth of 19 feet exclusive of aisles and maneuvering space. A 11 parking areas containing more than six spaces. which face either a public street or residentially zoned property shall have a solid wall or fence of not less than four feet nor more than six feet in height along such facing. Such fences or walls shall be so designed that they are architecturally harmonious with the principal structures on the lot. A screen planting approved by the Village Council nay be substituted for the required wall or fence. The minimiem number of requirad off - street parking spaces shall be as follows: ($) One off - street parking space for each employee on the major shift,, or one space for each 300 square feet of floor area,,, whichever is greater, plus.one space for each company vehicle. (2) _ . a ce9 , One off-street parking space for each 250 square feet of gross floor area within the building. (3) Rpspa . ch LgbanAto �* . One off-street parking space for each employee on the major shift or one space for each 500 feet of fluor area,, whichever is greater. (4) garghoan One off-street parkin g on the major shift or floor area, whichever rotor vehicle. ( ©) ft��c�Rn� k°aciliti��a one space foi° is greater, p space for each 1.5 employees each 2000 square feet of gross lus one space for each company (1) A : unt PeZui.re . All buildings shall' be provided with loading facilities for supplies and services sufficient to meet the. requirements of the use which is made of it. A required truck loading berth shall be not less than ten feet in width, 50 feet in length and 14 feet in height,, enclusive of aisles and maneuvering space. (2) Lan_ation.. No loading facility shall be permitted on any street frontage nor within the limits of areas established by setback or yard requirements. Such facilities shall not be visible from contiguous residential property, Truck loading facilities shall be surfaced with a hard, all- w- eather, durable,, dust -free surfacing material, properly drained and maintained in a Cdightly and well - kept condition. '(f) t ava. All rai3 materials, supplies, finished or semi- finished products and equipment shall be stored within a completely enclosed buildings prov&dod,, ho;sever, that motor vehicles necessary to the operation of the principal.use and of not'more than three-quarter ton capacity may be snored within the .permitted parking lot areas. (g) All open areas of any site,, lot, tract or parcel shall be 8vadad to provide proper drainage, and except for areas used for parking, drives or storage, shall be landscaped with trees, shrubs or planted ground cover. Such landscaping shall conform with the planting plan approved by the Village Council at the time the building permit was issued. It shall be the !-M owner °s responsibility to see that this landscaping is maintained in an attractive and well kept condition. All vacant lots, tracts or parcels shall also be properly maintained. (h) S_ Fx n No signs other than one facing each public street and setting forth the name and /or insignia of each permitted uses shall be permitted on any site within the Planned Industrial District, The permitted identifi- cation sign shall not exceed two square feet in area for each 1,000 square feet or major fraction thereof of gross building floor area on the site, nor shall it exceed a maximum sign area of 80 square feet. Any such sign may have an area of 32 square feet. Such sign, if attached to a building, shall not extend above the roof or coping of the building. The maximum height of any sign not attached to a building shall be the same as the height of the principal structure on the same building site. The permitted identification sign shall not be placed closer than 25 feet to any street right-of-way line, nor closer than 10 feet to any side or rear property line. Necessary direction signs of not more than 2 square feet shall be permitted. No sign shall contain any moving parts nor shall any sign fluctuate in either light intensity or color. M Mildxng,Aesi n and Construction, In addition to other restrictions of this Ordinance and of Village of Edina Building Code Ordinance No. 51As the uses construction, alteration or enlargements to any building or structure with the Planned Industrial District shall meet the following standards-. (1) :.ALI exterior viall finishes on any building shall beo a. Face brick b. Natural stone c. Specially designed precast concrete units if the surfaces have been integrally treated with an applied decorative .material or texture. d. Factory fabricated and finished metal framed panel constructions if the panel materials be any of those noted in paragraphs lag lb, and le above, glassy prefinished metal (other than unpainted galvanized iron), or plastic. e. Other materials as may be approved by the Village Council. Combinations of such materials shall be permitted. (2) All subsequent additions and outbuildings constructed after the erection of an original building or 'buildings shall be constructed of materials compardble to those us'd in the original construction ME and shall be designed in a manner conforming With the original architectural design and general app~arancee (3) No building or structure of a temporary character, trailer, basement, tent or shack shall be constructed, placed or maintained upon the property except as accessory to and during the construction of permanent buildings. Sec® 4, This ordinance shall be in full force and effect forthwith upon its passage and publication. Dickson's motion for waiver of second reading and for adoption of Ordinance as read, was se there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: aye- VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; A'�i'�'ST : ge Clerk of the foregoing Ordinance Rio. 261 -67, onde y MacMillan, and on Rollcall 'ck on, ayedwdopted. an, aye; Tupa, th Ordinan Mayor 4/23/62 75 PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Clerk presented Affidavits", of Publication in Edina- Morningside Courier April 12 and 19, 1962 (and of mailing to owners of affected properties) of "Notice of Public Hearings on Permanent Street Surfacing 6 Concrete Curb and Gutter, Watermain, Sanitary Sewers, Lift Station, Grading and Gravelling ", which affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to Notice, Public Hearings were conducted and Council action taken as hereinafter recorded: 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER IN CM= X99MY0. FROM VALLEY VIEW RD. TO W. LINE OF CREEK VALLEY ADDN.: TRACY AVE. FR(5VTH9(97 %rNE OF BLOCK 36 THE HEIGHTS 5TH ADDN. TO W.66TH ST,: SUSAN AVE. FROM TRACY'aVE. TO VALLEY VIEW RD.: LOIS LANE FROM TRACY AVE. TO VALLEY VIEW RD.: GRACE TERRACE'FROM TRACY AVE. TO VALLEY VIEW RD. Manager Hyde explained that this is as yet primarily a vacant area, that petition is for Portland Cement Concrete Paving, and filed by developer of "The Heights"_1-dditions and Creek Valley Addn. Vu -Graph Slide was shown of proposed improvement and area proposed to be assessed. Estimated Cost for the proposed Portland Cement Concrete Paving, with Integral Curb, was given as $76,778.86, proposed to be assessed against 9,088.17 feet, for $8.45 per Assessable Foot. No objections were made at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT STREET IMPROVEMENT NO, E -17 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed Cz improvement: C„ CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER -IN.: -------- .. CID Creek Valley Rd. from Valley View Rd. to W. line of Creek Valley Addn.; Tracy Ave. from the S. Line of Block 3, The Heights 5th Addn..to W.66th St.; Susan Ave. from Tracy Ave. to Valley View Rd.; __.____. — .__. Lois Lane from Tracy Ave. to Valley_ View Rd.; Grace Terrace from Tracy Ave. to Valley View Rd. and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement BY THE CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB IN THE HEREINBEFORE NAMED STREETS; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. E -17, and the area to be,specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was second by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Dick n, ye; MacMillan aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and e Rqbolution was opted. ATT4ST:_ 2, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSEDrPERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB ANI3TGUTTEKtITN GROVE ST. FROM TRACY AVE TO JOHNSON DRIVE. Vu -Graph Slide was shown of proposed improvement, together with area proposed to be assessed; and Estimate of Cost was given as $11,607.94, proposed to be assessed against 930 assessable feet, for $12.48 per Assessable Foot, for Asphalt Concrete Paving.with Concrete Curb and Gutter; $11,624.35, for $12.50 per assessable foot for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb. Mr. Hyde reported the project has been petitioned by six property owners, one of whom has subsequently withdrawn from petition. Mr. Don Berryhill, 5616 Grove St., presented petition-signed- by owners of seven of the eleven tracts abutting the street, asking for rejection of proposed improvement. No one spoke in favor, and Mr. Hyde recommended that it be dropped. Dickson's motion that project be abandoned was seconded by MacMillan and carried. 3. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER IN WINDSOR AVE. FROM CODE AVENUE TO CUL -DE -SAC. Vu -Graph Slide was shown of proposed improvement and area proposed to be assessed therefor, and Estimate of Cost was given for Asphalt Concrete Paving with Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter as $6,686.96, for $6.46 proposed for the paving and $10.48 for the combination curb and gutter and paving. (Lot 1, Block 5, Westchester Knolls is already curbed). Mr. Kendall Stevens, 5217 Windsor, told Council that petition was filed for Blacktopping only; that property owners object to including curb and gutter because this is a dead -end street, very lightly traveled, and because blacktopping without curb and gutter is compatible with the surrounding area, only four blocks of which have curb, and in these areas only where it is necessary to control erosion. Captain Gans explained that this is an exceptionally flat grade, with only 5/10 of 19o' grade; that curb and gutter is recommended for either very flat or very steep grades and because it is felt that it aids in maintaining the blacktop, No one spoke in favor of the curb and gutter. It was also explained 76 4/23/62 that Windsor Avenue has already been blacktopped for the width of one lot west of Code, and that the street surfacing should start at this point, rather than at Code Avenue. Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A -152 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement.:' CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN Windsor Avenue from Code Avenue to Cul -De -Sac ' - " " and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice 'the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement as follows: CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING ONLY, BY PAVING WITH ASPHALT CONCRETE in Windsor Avenue_from.the�East'�ot Line of'Lot 2, Block 5, Westchester' Knolls to Cul -De -Sac. and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting that portion of Windsor Avenue proposed to be improved. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seffRes y MacMillan, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as followsn, aye; T cMillan, aye; Tupa, aye;'VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye;- olu was adop ted. AT T: /�zMayor Village Clerk 4. PUBL'I'CS fflff9 Z'NC3 t0N PROPOSED PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER IN HERITAG BRM IEROM! OSSTOWN HIGH�-iAY TO XERXES AVENUE. Vu-Graph Slide was shown of proposed improvement and area proposed to be assessed therefor, and Estimate of Cost for Asphalt Concrete Paving and Concrete Curb and Gutter was given as $17,117.58, proposed to be assessed against 2,509.12 assessable feet, for $6.82 per assessable foot. There were no objections from the audience, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA -4a BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER IN Heritage Drive from Crosstown Highway to Xerxes Avenue and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement by paving said street with ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVE14ENT and installing PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER therein; that said improvement 1 -s "hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-401,,, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved; Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded b pa,. and on Rollcall. there were five ayes'and nb'nips, as follows: Dickson, y6; TacMillan, aye; Tupa, aye; VafiValkenburg, aye-,'and Bredesen, aye; and t e Resolution was a ted. AT T: May r -Village Clerk 5. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENT IN TOWER STREET FROM ST.JOHNS AVENUE TO CONCORD AVENUE.. Vu-Graph Slide was shown, of plan and area proposed to be assessed for improvement, and Estimate of Cost was given as $7$64.82, proposed to be assessed against 1,218.76 feet, for $6.04 per assessable foot. Mr. Harold F. Piere, 4613 Tower, told Council he signed petition under impression that cost would be about $3.50 per foot- -that he now wishes his name withdrawn from petition. It was explained that the cost is high because the street is already blacktopped, and part of the cost of this project is for repair of the blacktop after curb and gutter installation. Mr. H. A. Macy, 4605 Tower St., spoke in favor of project. Mr. C. C�. Robinson told council he believes the estimate is high, but believes street needs resurfacing because the water will cross the street even with curb and gutter. An inquiry was made as to what will happen to driveways, and Captain Gans replied that we will meet driveways if they conform to grade; if they do not, we would extend the apron to the property line. Asked that water be confined to respective gutters and not allowed to cross the street, Captain Gans told audience the Village will do the best it can, but that it cannot promise this. Tupa offered the following Resolution, moving its adoption: 1 J • 1 4/23/62 Rk LUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. 304 BE IT ,RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the follow- ing proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN Tower St. from St. Johns Ave, to Concord Ave. and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considred the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. B -74 and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land ahrtting the street proposed to be improved. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seco ed b� Dickson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows• Dic� on, aye; Mac lan, aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredese , aye;,�and the Reso on was adopt ATTEST : - /1 , /7 r 6.PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER, SANITARY SEWER AND LIFT STAlt ON WA' 71-1 Because the proposed improvements set torth below attect the same general area, they were explained in detail by the means of Vu -Graph Slides, with explanation on all improvements being given before comments were invited from the audience. A. PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER for Parnell Ave. from-W.64th St. to 210, S.; Ryan Ave,, from W.64th St. to 1751 N. and 5701 S.)- This sewer to flow by gravity. Sherwood"AV6,�-i :Ws:.64th`.St, to 315' S. ) at Estimated Cost of $24,241.69 W.64th St., Parnell to Ryan ) for $1,010.07 per Connection. B. PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER AND LIFT STATION for Virginia Ave. from W.64th St, to 3101 S. of W.65th St.; Parnell Ave. from 330, N. of W.65th St. to 3421 S, of W.65th St.; Ryan Ave. from W.65th St, to 3001 S.; Sherwood Ave. from W.66th St, to 2301 N. of W.65th St.; W.65th St. from Virginia Ave. to Sherwood Ave, Estimated Cost, $64,634.93, for $1,579.96 per Connection. C. PROPOSED WATERMAIN for Sherwood le. from W.64th St, to W.66th St.; Ryan Ave. from 1851 N. of W.64th St, to N. line of Lot 3, Block 17, Normandale Addition; Parnell Ave. from W.64th St. to N. line of Lot 40 Block 19, Normandale Addn.; Virginia�Atre. from W#-64th St. to W.66th St.; W.64th St. from Virginia Ave, to Sherwood Ave.; W,66th St, from Sherwood Ave. to Brittany Rd.; N. line of Lot 3, Block 17, Normandale Addn., from Sherwood Ave. to Ryan Ave.; N. line of Lot 4, Block 19, Normandale Addn,, from Parnell Ave. to VirginiaiAle. Estimate of Cost, $58,333.28, or $833.33 per Connection. D, GRADING AND GRAVELLING - Virginia Ave, from W.64th St. to S. line Lot 3, Bl. 19, Normandale Addn.; connecting street between Virginia and Parnell Aves.; Parnell Ave, from N. line of Wal -Don Bldrs. First Addn. to 665.451 S. - Estimate of Cost $38,899,08, or $11.61 per Assessable Foot. E, GRADING AND GRAVELLING - Ryan Ave. from W.65th St. to 3601•South. Estimate of Cost 7,816.39, or $10.75 per Assessable Foot. In making his explanation to the large audience, Public Works Director Gans reported that plans as set forth here tonight are based-upon-the proposed vacation of several streets - 1. Ryan Avenue, from W.66th Street to about the middle of the third loft south of 65th St. (with a cul -de -sac t �iis ppint). 2. Parnell and Virginia A venues , from W.66th Street to the�ose on '18t north of W.66th Street; and 3. W.65th Street between Parnell and Virginia Wkenues, plus the opening of a tie street between Virginia Avenue and Parnell Avenue at the north line of the second lot north of W.66th Street - -this plan having been proposed by the Planning Department because topography makes the cost of cutting Ryan, Parnell and Virginia through to W.66th Street prohibitive and because buildable lots in this area can be served by W.66th Street without the north -south streets. Captain Gans reported that much of the high estimated cost for grading and gravelling is to replace "just plain muck ". GRADING AND GRAVELLING IMPROVEMENTS discussion was opened by Mr. E.N. Akeson, 4717 W.64th St,, who objected to being assessed a high cost for cutting a tie between two dead -end streets. Mrs. H.A. Wicklund, 6129 Ewing Ave., owner of several lots in Block 19, Normandale Addition, asked that W.65th Street between Parnell and Virginia Avenues not be vacated, but be kept open in order that a direct route from this area to Highway No. 100 could be maintained. Mrs. L.N.R. Miller, 4701 W.64th St., and Mr. John T. Bessesen, 4730 W. 64th St., both stated they do not want any move construction. The owner of Lot 5, Block 16, Normandale, told Council he feels the plan for vacation of streets is damaging; that all the traffic from the whole area now uses Sherwood Avenue; that Virginia Avenue could be built up; that the area needs an additional outlet. Mr. Albert Huber reminded 4/23/62 he-haa graded and graveli�,d Parnell Avenue from W.64th St. south for three lots, and had paid for this work; that he should not be assessed for any work done now. Mr. Hyde answered that the scope of this work does not include his lots. Mr. J. R. Swenson, 6425 Ryan Avenue, told Council there is no trouble with drainage in the street abutting his home, or north of it, and that he is not in favor of the proposed improvement. No one spoke in favor of either of the proposed grading and gravelling improvements, and Dickson moved that they be abandoned. notion seconded by Tupa and carried. THE n-10 PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, ONE OF WHICH REQUIRED LIFT STATION, WERE DISCUSSED, the Gravity Sewer being $1,010.07 per Connection, and the Sewer requiring Lift Station being $1,579.96 per Connection. Mrs. Wicklund, 6129 Ewing I te., Owner of the three lots just south of W.65th Street in Block 19, Normandale, told Council, she wants to have sewer for her lots, but she does not want the people to the north of her to have to pay excessive costs for this service. firs. L. N. Miller' 4701 W. 64th St.s and Mr. John T. Bessesen, 4730 W. 64th St., both objected to the improvements. Mr. Bessessen objected to sewer plans for his ravine lot, saying it could get no service. Manager Hyde explained that a deed restriction could be filed, restricting this lot from building, and thus saving assessment thereon. Mr. Richard Cox, owner of a tract just south of W.66th St. on Normandale Road, told Council he is having very serious difficulties with his private sewer system; that he would like this project designed so that he could be served by it. Mr. Lloyd Johnsons 6425 Parnell Avenue, told the Council that "not a soul in the neighborhood wants any part of the plan ". It was explained to the group that the Hearing this evening has been initiated by the Council pursuant to Sanitary Sewer Petitions filed for Parnell and Virginia Avenue between W.64th and W. 66th Streets, and for Sherwood Avenue from W.65th to W. 66th Street; together with the request made at a previous Public-Hearing that improvements be planned for the entire area, to reduce the cost. Mr. J.R. Swenson, 6425 Ryan Avenue, owner of Lot 4, Block 13, Normandale Additions inquired as to the basis for the division of properties for assessment for gravity sewer, and for sewer requiring lift station. -He told Council he feels that all of Sherwood-Avenues from 64th Street to 66th Street can drain by gravity , south for an estimated cost of about $879 per connection, and that if the fire station property and Mr. Cox's property can be served, the cost per connection would be less. He stated he is opposed to sewer because there is no benefit to him at this time. Mr. Olaf Lee, representing Coffman Realty Co., one of the petitioners for sewer on Sherwood Road, told Council that Coffman owns several lots on Sherwood Avenue and finds that not a very good private system can be installed, and is in favor of Village sewer.. He added, however, that he believes tars. Swenson's idea is feasible and believes it should be investigated. There were complaints from others in the "lift station" area, who believed their lots could be served by gravity. Captain Gans explained that the proposed solution presented tonight is an area -wide proposition; that if a lift station is not included, now, there will be a few scattered lots which will be left without the possibility of village sewer service. Tupa's motion that the proposed improvements be restudied to determine the generally buildable area which can be served by gravity, and the "lift station" area more closely defined; and that Public Hearings on Sanitary Sewer Improvements be continued to Monday, June 11, for Engineer's Report of Estimate of Cost on revised plan, was seconded by Dickson and carried. WATERMAIN HEARING CONTINUED TO JUNE 11. Although there had been no discussion_ on this proposed improvement, Manager Hyde recommended that it be continued to June 11, in order that outcome of sanitary sewer improvement might first be ascertained. Tupa so moved. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. COUNCIL AWARDS STREETS AND PARK EQUIPMENT AND WATER METER BIDS. Pursuant to "Advertisement for Bids, Truck, Roller, Tractor, Water Meters," published in Edina- Morniangside Courier and Construction Bulletin April 5 and 12, 1962, Manager Hyde presented Tabulations for Bids covering bids received on the advertised -items, and Council action was taken as follows; 1. TRUCK - 21,000# or up G.V.W. Truck, Cab and Chassie, with Dump Box, less trade -in allowance on Intl. L -184 Dump Truck - Three bids received, International Harvester Company low bidder at net bid of $49870.00; Downtown Chevrolet Co. second low at $59245.46, and Suburban Chevrolet Co. high bid at $5,373.37. Manager's recommendation was for award of contract to low bidder, International Harvester Co., and Tupa so moved. notion seconded by MacMillan and carried. 2. ROLLER - 9 to 12 Ton Self Propelled Pneumatic Tire Roller, with 14 ply tires on heavy duty hubs and wheels, less trade -in allowance on Rosco, 1955 Model. Six bids received, Ruffridge- Johnson Equipment Company being low bidder at $6,317.00; The Zeco Company second low at $69335.00; Borchert - Ingersoll, Inc., third low at $6,381.00. Recommendation was for award to low bidder, Ruffridge- Johnson Equipment Co., and MacMillan so moved. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. 1 �J 4/23/62 79 3. TRACTOR, WITH MOWER - Tabulation of bids showed receipt of bids from nine bidders, Long Lake Farm Supply Company being low bidder on a Ford Model 661,,-.-with a Flail Type Mower, at $2,878.25; and on a Ford Model 20305, with same mower, at $2,989.88. Recreation and Parks Director Rosland told Council that the Park Department specified and wants an "Industrial" Tractor because the ordinary "utility" or "farm" type tractor is not holding up under the work required of it; that maintenance costs are high. He explained that of the nine bids received, only three are on "Industrial" tractors - -that of Long Lake Farm Supply on the Ford 20305 at $2,989.88, low bid; Freeway Equipment Company on a John Deere #1010, at $3,123.84, and Tuma Equipment Co, on a Case #430 at $3,649.17. He recommended award to low bidder At $2,989.88, and Tupa so moved. Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. 4. WATER METERS - Only one bid received, that of Badger Meter Mfg. Co., in total amount of 79,128.75, which bid included 1500 more or less 5/8 1lx3/4" Meters at $27.19 each, and 1500 more or less Remote Reading Registers at $18.20 each, in addition to smaller quantities of the larger meters. -Manager Hyde told Council that we are having difficulties getting competitive bids, here, because of the lack of competition as to the remote readers; there being only one other company which makes anything like it. He stated that Edina has been having excellent success with the outside readers, and recommended that the bid be awarded to Badger Meter Manufacturing Company. Tupa's motion for award in accordance with Manager's recommendation was seconded by MacMillan and carried. IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS CONTRACT AWARDED. Manager Hyde presented Tabulation of Bids covering bids taken April 23, 1962 in response to "Advertisement for Bids, Sanitary Sewers, Water Service Connections, and Grading and Gravelling," Qt) published in Edina- Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin April 12 and GHQ 199 1962. Tabulation of Bids showed three bids received, bids being on a "Tied cc Basis" for the three projects considered: 1. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 193 - In Halifax Ave. from Manhole 400' S. of W.62nd St. to Crosstown Highway (including Water Service Connections installed in Lots 2 6 5, Block 19 Peacedale� tires Hoppe Replat) 2. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 194 - In Brook Drive from existing Manhole to West 68th Street extended. 3. GRADING AND GRAVELLING IMPROVEMENT NO. C -84 - In Halifax Ave. from the South line of Roy H. Peterson's 2nd Addition to the Crosstown Highway. Bids were as follows: Northern ContractingCompany, low bidder at $210954.35; Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., second low at $29,979.50; Coburn and Meek high bidder at $32,880.00. Recommendation was for award to low bidder, and VanValkenburg moved for award to Northern Contracting Company. Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. COUNCIL APPROVES STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PLANS FOR CHANNELIZATION OF TRAFFIC AT HIGHWAY , INTMACHEN BLVD., ROOKSIDE AVE. INTERSECTION. r. Don McFadden of the Minnesota Highway Department was present to explain to the Council the Highway Department's plan for channelization of traffic at this hazardous intersection. Plan had been presented to Village engineers and discussed with Manager Hyde and Captain Gans prior to this time. Mr. Hyde told Council that the Highway Department will accomplish this work with maintenance funds and there will be no cost to the Village. Copies of the proposal were presented to the Council for perusal. Proposal includes the following provisions: 1. East bound Interlachen Blvd. traffic will be turned South at Summit Avenue, and will enter Highway #169 from Summit. 2. Summit Avenue will be a one -way street, going South from Interlachen Blvd. 3. Interlachen Blvd, will be one -way, going West from Highway #169 to Summit. 4. South bound Brookside Avenue traffic will not be permitted to enter #169. It will be routed on the North side of an island, to Interlachen Blvd. going West to Summit Ave.; thence South on Summit Ave, to Highway #169. 5. East bound Highway #169 traffic may turn left onto Interlachen Blvd. going West, or onto Brookside Ave. going North. 6. There will be curb on South side of Highway #169 at business district, to channel traffic from parking lot to Highway #169. Mr. McFadden explained that the Highway Department will not consider installing an automatic semaphore at the triple intersection because such signal would compound traffic problems at the #169 - #100 intersection; that the present proposal is the best solution to a serious problem. Manager Hyde added that there is only one traffic problem anticipated, and that is at Highway #169- Summit intersection, at times when business is heavy at the business district and vehicles will be entering #169 from both north and south. He reported, too, that the two service stations may feel they are hurt because of the plan, but that the only possible loss would be on East bound Interlachen Blvd. traffic. 4/23/62 FUTURE PLAN FOR RE- ROUTING OF BROOKSIDE AVENUE EXPLAINED. In connection with the plan for c anne ization of traffic, now, a plan for future vacation of a tortion of present Brookside Avenue, from Highway ##169 north to a line approxi- ately parallel with the south line of the present Interlachen Blvd.- Summit Ave. intersection, and the re- routing of Brookside Avenue to Summit Avenue along this line, was discussed. Council was informed that this plan will mean acquisition of right -of -way, and would mean Village expenditure of funds. This plan was considered and informally approved in principle. Mr. McFadden told Council that if the plan for channelization is approved the Highway Department hopes to take bids some time in May, and to have work done this summer. Both Mr. Hyde and Captain Gans recommended approval of plan.} and yin' offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Valkenburg RESOLUTION APPROVING STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CHANNELIZATION OF TRAFFIC AT HIGHWAY 01690 INTERLACHEN BLVD., BROOKSIDE AVENUE INTERSECTION WHHREAS, the Commissioner of Highways Has prepared plans and speci- fications for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway No. 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from'Eden Avenue to Bridge No. 4510 in Edina; and WHEREAS said plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2745 -14 (TH 169 +5) Grading, Base, Bituminous Surfacing; and WHEREAS said specifications are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2745 -14 (TH 169 =5) Grading, Base, Bituminous Surfacing, and Traffic. Channelization, which, together with the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated July 1, 1947, and Supplement No. 1 to the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, effective April 15, 1953, on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169; and WHEREAS copies of said plans and specifications as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village,Clerk; and WHEREAS the term "said plans and specifications" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, to refer to, and incorporate the plans and specifications as in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described. NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and specifications for the improvement,TjijpBB Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169 within the /Village of Edina be and hereby are approved. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as shown in said plans and specifications be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169 in accordance with said plans and specifications. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconde y Dickson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: ckson, aye; Mac. llan, aye; Tupa aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, a e; and the Reso on was adopted. AT Mayor 1i age Cler PETITION PRESENTED FOR WATER SERVICE FROM HOPKINS TO GROVE PLACE: MANAGER TO ARRANGEMENT. Mr. and Mrs. David H. Walthour, 300 Grove Place, headed a e egation petitioning for water service from Hopkins to the six homes on Grove Place, from a line now being installed paralleling Spruce Road and running perpendicular to Grove Place. Manager Hyde reported he has discussed this matter in a general way with the Hopkins City Manager; that he believes the best plan would be to buy a master meter and buy water from Hopkins at a wholesale rate, selling it to property owners at retail. He added he feels that because Edina watermains are still far from this area, consideration should be given to serving the entire area. He was directed to consult further with Hopkins officials on this matter and bring a report to the Council at the first regular meeting in June. PETITION FOR OIL ON RUTLEDGE AVENUE BETWEEN DIVISION AND MOTOR STREETS ACCEPTED. Above entitlea entitle petition was presented. Dickson's motion for acceptance an or programming/petition was seconded by MacMilland and carried. HEARING SCHEDULED FOR JUNE 25 ON SURFACING AND CURB FOR ROLF AVENUE FROM FROM W,63RD TO W.64TH STREET. This petition, presented June 20, 1961, was 1 1 G alee. 1 4/23/62 set aside by,Council on January 22, 1962, pending an.over -all street improvement in the area. Mr. Benson, 6332 Rolf, asked that the petition be re- activated, saying that an area -wide improvement seems far in the future, and that people on the street do want the improvement, this summer. Dickson's motion scheduling Public Hearing on petition for second regular meeting in Juna mas seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE REPORT FOR MARCH was submitted, reviewed and ordered placed on file. SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY RELIEF BOARD MEETING, TO BE HELD THURSDAY, APRIL 26 AT ST.LOUIS PARK VLMAGE HALL, was announced, Village of icia d bdtng invited to attend. PUBLIC HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR MAY 14 ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Council reviewed preliminary plans and estimates for several proposed improvements recommended for public hearings on May 14, and VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS PROPOSED STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER; AND STORM SEWER IMPROVE- MENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Mina: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, AND STORM SEWER, IMPROVEMENTS described in the Form of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, May 14, 1962, at 7:00 P.M., in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publi- cations is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, STORM SEWERS EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Mondays May 140 1962, at 7 :00 P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village as set forth below: ESTIMATED COST 1. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: A. Wilryan Ave. from W.62nd St. to Valley View Rd. B. Ewing Ave. from 120' S. of Chowen Curve to 649' S. of W.62nd St. M C. Chowen Ave. from C.S.A.H. #62 to W.62nd St. D. York Ave. from C.S.A.H. #62 to 485' North E. VanBuren Ave. from Maloney Ave. to Belmore Lane 2. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: A. School Road from Concord Ave. to 7001 W; thence S. along the E. line of Lot 1, Block 1, Marion Gardens Addn. to the S.E. corner thereof; thence W. along the S. lot line extended of said Lot 10 a distance of 165 feet B. Main Trunk Storm Sewer: On Westbrook Lane from Millpond Place to 1251 N. of Millpond Place; From 1251 N. of Millpond Place on Westbrook Laney through Lot 4, Bl, 1, Tingdale Brothers Brookside Addn., to 101 E.. of the'E. line of Bl. 1, Tingdale Brothers Brookside Addn. From 101 S. of the N. line of Lot 41 Bl. 10 Tingdale Brothers Brookside Addn ; parallel to and 101 E. of the E. line of Bl. 1, Tingdale Brothers Brookside Addn.; to 101 S. of the S. line of B1. 11 Edinbrook Addn. (Continued next page) $170260.39 $15,634.08 $13,325.99 $ 8,180.35 $11 *086.15 $12,000.91 u� 32 4/23/62 From 10' E. of the E. line of Bl. 1, Tingdale Brothers Brookside Addn, parallel to and 10' S. of the S. line of B1. 1, Edinbrook Addn; to 25' E. of the S.E. corner of Lot 1, Bl. 1, Edinbrook Addn. From 10' S'. and 25' E. of the S.E. corner of Lot 1, Bl. 1, Edinbrook Addn. to 15' E. of the N.E. corner of Lot 15, Bl. 3, Edinbrook Addn. at Minnehaha Creek. Storm Sewer Laterals: Westbrook Lane from tt.48th St. to 1251 N. of Millpond Place. $351496.04 C. Valley View Road from Nine Mile Creek to 87' S. of the center line of Susan Ave. D. Proposed Valley Vista Addition from existing pond NEly a distance of 430' to a proposed manhole located approximately 3401, more or less, East and 6781, more or less, North of the SW corner of the NW1 /4 of the SW1 /4 of Sec. 5, T. 1165 R. 21. $ 311304.75 The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Permanent Street Surfacng and Concrete Curb and Gutter Improvements under 1 -A, 1 -B, 1 -C, 1 -D, and 1 -E above include all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets proposed to be improved. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed storm sewer improvement under 2 -A above includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Commencing at the NW Cor. of Lot 1, Bl. 1, School Manor Addn.; th. NEly to a point 100' N. of the HE Cor. of said Lot 1 on the extension of the E. line of said Lot 1; th. SEly to a point 200' E. of and 20' N. of the HE Cor. of Lot 1, Bl. 1, School Manor Addn.; th. S. parallel to and 200' E. of the E. line of Bl. 1, School Manor Addn. to the N. line of School Rd.; th. SWly to a point on the E. line of Lot 1, B1. 1, South Concord 2nd Addn., said point being 76.5' N. of the SE Cor. thereof; th. S. along said E. line to a point 88.51 S. of the HE Cor, of Lot 9, B1. 1, South Concord Addn.; th. W. to a point on the E.. line of Lot 10, Marion Gardens Addn.; said point being 75' S. of the HE Cor. thereof; th. W.parallel to and 39.6' N. of the N. line of W. 60th St. to a point on the extension of the E. line of Lot 1, Bl. 1, Code's First Addn.; th. S. to a point on the E. line of said Lot 1, said point being 35' S. of the S. line of W.60th St.; th. SWly to the SW Cor. of said Lot 1, th. W. to the SE Cor. of Lot 2, Bl. 1, MacMillan's First Addn.; th. NWly to a point on the W. line of Lot 1, Bl. 1, MacMillan's First Addn., said point being 30' S. of the NW Cor. thereof; th. NEly to a point on the N. line of W.60th St., said point being on the Sly extension of the W. line of Lot 1, Bl. 2, Marion Gardens Addn.; th. N. on the extension of said W. line of Lot 1, a disc. of 80'; th. NEly to a point on the S. line of Lot 1, B1. 2, Marion Gardens Addn.; said point being 50' 1•1. of the SE Cor. thereof; th. N. to the NW Cor. of said Lot 1; th. NEly along the arc of a curve having a radius of 140.37' to the W. line of Lot 9, Bl. 2, School 14anor Addn.; th. NEly to a point on the S. line of Lot 3, Bl. 2, said point being 25' E. of the SW Cor. thereof; th. NWly to a point on the W. line of said lot 3, said point being 30' S. of the NW Cor. thereof; th. N. along the W. line of said Lot 3, a distance of 551; th. E. to the point of beginning." The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed storm sewer improvement under 2 -B above includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at the NW Cor. of Lot 6, Bl, 3, Edinbrook Addn.; th. W. along the N. line of Lot 5, Bl. 3, Edinbrook Addn, extended to the center line of the MN &S Ry.; th. Sly along the center line of the MN &S Ry. to a point directly E. of the NW Cor. of Lot 22, Bl. 2, Grandview Heights Addn.; th. directely E. for a disc. of 661; th. Nly to the SW Cor. of Lot 5, Bl. 8, Tingdale Bros. Brookside Addn.; th. Nly along the W. line of Lot 5 and Lot 4, Bl. 8, Tingdale Bros. Brookside Addn. extnded to the center line to T.H. #169; th. NEly along the center line of T.H. #169 and the center line of the W. bound leg of T.H. #169 to the center line of T.H. #169 and T.H. #100 to a point on the center line of T.H. #169 and T.H. 0100 which is at a 90° angle to the HE Cor. of Lot 15, Bl. 3, Edinbrook Addn.; th. Wly to the HE Cor. of Lot 15, B1. 3, Edinbrook Addn.; th. SWly to a point on the W. line of said Lot 15 which is 105' N. of the S. line of said Lot 15; th. SWly to a point on the W. line of Lot 14, Bl. 3, Edinbrook Addn. which is 90' N. of the S. line of said Lot 14; th. Wly to a point on the W. line of Lot 13, Bl. 3, Edinbrook Addn. which is 90' N. of the S. line of said Lot 13; th. Wly to a point on the W. line of Lot A. Registered Land Survey No. 5 which is 95' N. of the S. line of said Lot A; th. NWly to a point on the W. line of Lot 5, Reg. Land Survey No. 5 which is 95' N. of the S. line of said Lot A, Reg. Land Survey No. 5; th. NWly to a point on the W. line of Lot B, Reg. Land Survey -No. 5 which is 105' NEly of the SW Cor, of said Lot 5; th. NWly to a point on the V. line of Lot C. Reg. Land Survey No. 5 which is 120' NEly of the SW Cor. of said Lot C; th. NWly to a point on the W. line of Lot D, Reg. Land Survey No. 5 which is 90' NEly of the SW Cor. of said Lot D; th. NWly to a point on the W. line of Lot 7, Bl. 3, Edinbrook Addn. which is 110' Nly of the SW Cor. of said Lot 7; th. NWly to the NW Cor. of Lot 6, Bl. 3, Edinbrook Addn. which is the point of beginning." J .• .. 1 4/23/62 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed storm sewer improvement under 2 -C above includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Commencing at a point on the center line of County Rd. No. 39, said point being 55.0' N. of the center line of W.68th St.; thence E. to a point on the E. line of Lot 11, Bl. 2, The Heights Addn, said point being 35.0' N. of the SE Cor. of said Lot; th. N. along the E. line of said Lot 11 to a point on a line drawn parallel with and 100.0' SEly of the SEly right -of -way line of County Rd. No. 39; th. NEly along a line parallel to the center line of County Rd. No. 39 to a point 85.01 S. of the S. line of W.66th St. as laid out in The Heights 5th Addn; th. SEly to a point on the E. line of Lot 1, Bl, 1, The Heights 5th Addn; said point being 12.65' NEly of the SE Cor. of said Lot; th. SEly to the intersection of the S. line of W.66th St. extended Nally and the W. line of Lot 3, Bl. 1, The Heights 4th Addn. extended NWIy and the W. line of Lot 3, Bl. 1, The Heights 4th Addn. extended SWly; th. N. along extended W. line of said Lot 3 to the NW Cor, thereof; th. E. along N. line of Bl. 1, The Heights 4th Addn. to the NE Cor. of Lot 2, Bl, 1 thereof; th. NWly to a point on the SEly line of County Road No. 39, said point being 338"N. of the N. line of W.66th St,; th. W. perpendicular to SEly right -of -way line of County Rd. No. 39, a distance of 331; th. SWly along the center line of said County Road #39 to the point of beginning." The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed storm sewer improvement under 2 -D above includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Commencing at a-point on the center line of Valley View Rd. said point being 501 E. of the center line of Gleason Rd.; thence E. along the center line of Valley View Rd. a distance of 5001; thence N. to a point 200' S. of the N. line of Lot 31, Aud. Subd. No. 196 and 338' W. of the E. line of said Lot 31; thence NEly to the N.E. Corner of said Lot 31; thence S. along the E. line of said Lot 31 to the center line of Valley View Rd.; thence E. along the center line of Valley View Rd. a distance of 3001; thence S. parallel to and 10t W. of the E. line of Lot 11, Block 1, Chapel Hill Addn. a distance of 1701; thence W. on a deflection angle to the right of 20000t to a point on Lot 31, Block 4, Chapel Hill Addn., said point being 601 W. of the E. line of said Lot 31; thence SEly and Sally parallel to and 60t W. of the E. line of said Block 4, Chapel Hill Addn. to a point in Lot 25, Bl. 4, Chapel Hill Addn , said point being 40t S. of the N. line of said Lot 25 when measured at right angles thereto; th. SWly to a point on the W. line of said Lot 25, the said point being 401 S. of the NW corner of said Lot 25; thence NWIy to a point on the centerline of St.Patrickts Lane, said point being on the N. line extended Wly of Lot 9, Block 1, Elm View lst Addn.; thence N. along the center line of St.Patrickts Lane a distance of 691; thence on a deflection angle to the left of 90000'x. distance of 2601; thence on a deflection angle to the right of 90 0001 a distance of 1851; thence on a deflection angle to the left of 90 0001 a distance of 4001; thence N. to the point of beginning." 1- 1-1 1-3 0 GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the Resolution was secon by Dickson, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Dick on aye; MacMillan, ye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and e solution was ad" ted. n ATTE4: I" 11 i IMPROVEMENT PROJECT BIDS TO BE TAKEN MAY 14 AND 255 Manager Hyde recommended taking bids on certain projects to expedite early completion, and VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS, AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED By the Village Council of the Village of Edina-, 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, AND STORM SEWER,IMPROVEMENTS set forth in the following two Advertisement for Bids forms, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina- Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notices for bids for said improvements: 4/23/62 (1) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER EALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 1-1. 50th St., at 11 :00 A.M., Friday, May 11, 19620 and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:00 P.M., on Monday, May 14, 1962s to consider said bids being for the following: 1. CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB IN THE FOLLOWING: A. Creek Valley Rd. from Valley View Rd. to W. line of Creek Valley Addn ; Tracy Ave. from S. line of Bl. 3, The Heights 5th Addn. to W.66th St.; Susan Ave. from Tracy Ave. to Valley View Rd.; Lois Lane from Tracy Ave, to Valley View Rd.; Grace Terrace from Tracy Ave. to Valley View Rd. B. W.62nd St. from Concord Ave. to Virginia Ave. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: A. Scotland Heights Circle (On Valley View Rd,) B. W.62nd St. from Concord Ave. to Virginia Ave. C. Heritage Dr. from C.S.A.H. #62 to Xerxes Ave. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING IN THE FOLLOWING: A. View Lane from South Knoll Dr. to Schaefer Rd.; Schaefer Rd. from View Lane to Highway #169; Schaefer Circle from Schaefer Rd. to cul -de -sac. B. Rutledge Ave. from Brookside Ave. to Hollywood Rd.; C. Valley View Rd. from Antrim Rd. to Gleason Rd. D. Wooddale Ave. from W.70th St. to 2701 N. E. Maple Hill Rd. from existing Manhole at S. end of street to 30' S. F. Ridgeway Rd. from Tracy Ave. -to 2001 W. of Westridge Blvd. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $15.00 (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (2) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS STORM HEWER SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 11 :00 A.M., Friday, May 25, 1962, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7 :00 P.M., on Monday, May 28, 1962 to consider said bids, being for the following: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: On a proposed easement line between Interlechen Blvd. and Hollywood Rd. and lying on the W. line of Edina Terrace Addn. Rutledge Ave. from Hollywood Rd. to Division St.; Division St. from Rutledge Ave. to Cleveland Ave.; Cleveland Ave, from Division St. to the S, side of the former rfinheapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Railroad right -of -way; On a proposed easement line of the S. side of the former Minneapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Railroad right -of -way to the N. side of said right -of -way; thence across Motor St.; thence in an open ditch on a proposed easement line to Minnehaha Creek; all on a proposed line of Cleveland Ave. extended; W.48th St. from Brookside Ave. to Rutledge Ave.; Division St. from Cleveland Ave. to Vandervork Ave. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00 (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash deposits bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the Resolution was secoi were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Dicks( VanV kenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the AT T: 'Village Cler /by ickson, and on Rollcall there aye MacMillan, a ; Tupa, aye; ion waA Mad. 1 u 4/23/62 85 POLICE DEPARTMENT-IS ANNUAL REPORT, FOR 1961 was filed with the Council members. RAUENHORST'S PETITION FOR REZONING TO BE CONSIDERED IN PUBLIC HEARING MAY 14. Planning Director Hite recommended tat the Council Fola Public Heari ng on May 14, on Rauenhorst Construction Company's "Normandale Center" proposal, stating the Planning Commission will make its recommendation on the proposal on May 2. Tupa's motion, that Council conduct Public Hearing on May 143 in accordance with Mr. Hite's recommendation, was seconded by MacMillan and carried. COUNCIL SCHEDULES HEARING FOR MAY 14, ON PETITION BY SCHOOL BOARD FOR STREETS VACATIO School oard's Petition for Vacation of the following streets: Countryside Road between Tracy Avenue and the West side of Stuart Avenue, and Stuart Avenue from the South line of Block 2, Broadmore Addition, extended in a Westerly direction to meet the South line of Block 3, Broadmore Addition, to the South line of Block 3, Lyle 2nd Addition as extended in a Westerly direction was reviewed by Council; and VanValkenburg's motion confirming Clerk's action in publishing and posting Notice of Hearing on petition, with Hearing to be held May 14, was seconded by Dickson and carried. SWIMMING POOL FUND BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1961, AND STATEMENT OF INCOME D EXPENSE FOR YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 1961 PRESENTED. Statement filed with Council Sy -.Finance Director Dalen showed an unappropriated QC surplus of $5,208.46 in the fund at December 31, 1961. Operations Statement t- showed a Net Loss of $3,149.89 from operations of the swimming pool, itself, and a Net Income of $2,705.64 from concessions. Trustee Tupa complimented GYM Mr. Dalen on his statement, saying it is time Council took cognizance of the fact that the pool is not completely self supporting, -ante - t4i-�- - t4iose tvhrrtise-- ��rr3- sh�xr ]cr�xe- xi-rer}-- No-- sppgZ -� (See Corr.,Min.of 5/14/62,P.86), 1 CLAIMS PAID. Dickson's motion for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List ' dated April 23, 1962, was seconded by Tupa and carried: General Fund, $16,631.82; Construction Fund, $9,389.02; Park, Park Construction and Swimming Pool Funds, $3,151.81; Waterworks Fund, $1,760.52; Liquor Fund, $53,036.37; Sewer Rental Fund, $1,016.63 -- Total, $849986.17. Tupa then moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Meeting adjourned at 10:55 P . Village Clerk