HomeMy WebLinkAbout19620528_regular5/14/62 WAYNE 3ENNETT APPOINTED PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR AND POLICE CHIEF. recommended the appointment of Police Chief Wayne Bennett to the position of I1Public Safety Director and Police Chief", to head Fire, Polise, and Health Departments and continue as head of Civil Defense, at a total salary, including Civil Defense salary, of $11,100 per year, effective June 1, 1962, and looking toward a salary adjustment for both Mr. Bennett and Mr. J.N. Dalen, Finance Director, to $11,7QO for the year 1963. Manager Hyde (See action after next recommendation) SALARY ADJUSTHENTS MADE, Director of Public Morks and Engineering and the Assistant Engineer, being $25 per month each, scheduled for July 1, be set ahead to June 1; and that the wage'for the classification "Seasonal Temporary Labor, Way 1 to October 1" he established at $1.75 per hour. Mr . Hyde recommended that salary increases for the I VanValkenburg's motion, appointing Wayne Bennett as Public Safety Director and Police Chief at a total salary of $11,100 per year, and authorizing salary adjustments as recommended by the Village Manager, was seconded hy Tupa and carried. CLAINS ACCEPTED FOR PAYI.IEI\IT : ONE EXCEPTED Council reviewed Pre-List dated May 14, showing Claims for payment in the following amounts: General Fund, $15,481.76; Construction Fund, $868.00; Park, Park Construction, and Swim Pool Funds, $3,190.22; Watertiorks Fund, $1,120.13; Liquor Fund, $91,936.61; Sewer Rental Fund, $356.75; Improvement Funds, $113,787.77; and Poor Fund, $241.92--Total $226,983 . 16. Some discussion was had relative to the Village "law library"; and Tupa moved that all claims on Pre-List dated May 14, 1962 be paid except Claim No. 19435, from General Fund, to Bancroft-Whitney Cos, amount $61.10. Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, / WEETINS ADJOURNED at 12:1Q,ACt4., TUESDAY, NAY 15, pursuant to motion by / NacHillan , seconded by VanValkenburg / / / Village Clerk * / / TREASURER'S REPORT FOR WARCH, 1962, AND A SUMMARY OF FINANCIAL "HIGHLIGHTS OF 1961t1 werF submitted by Mr. Dalen for Council review. - t*IINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, HAY 28, 1962, AT 7:OO P.W., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Dickson, MacMillan, Tupa and Vanitalkenburg. Mayor Pro Tem Dickson presided in Mayor Bredesen's absence, MacMillan's motion, that May 14, 1962 Minutes be approved subject to the changing of the word "Planning Commissiont1 , was seconded by Tupa and carried. in line six, paragraph 3, Page 93, to Trustee MacMillan introduced to Council and audience a guest from Rotterdam, Holgand, and her :son, who lives in Minnetonka. . COUNCIL GRANTS RAUENHORST CONSTRUCTION COMPANY'S PETITION FOR FEZONII?G. First matter on the agenda was continuation of the May 14, 1962 Public Hearing on the petition of Rauenhorst Construction Company for the rezoning from Open Development District to Community Store District, Office Building District, and Planned Industrial District of certain tracts of land along the South Village Limits, bounded on the I.lest by Normandale Road, on the East by Wooddale Avenue extended, and on the North ky Normandale Center Golf Course and Registered Land Surveys Nos. 679 and 938; and otherwise described as llNorrnandale Center Industrial Park". the entire area, 14r. Hite again reported that the Planning Commission's recommendation for rezoning pertains to only part of the original application area , because the Commission is not willing to commit itself as to the whole area at this time, but prefers to wait for the development of the area now under consideration before considering the area to the north and east. There were no objections registered to the proposed rezoning; and, inasmuch as this matter had been discussed at some length at the last regular meeting by the Council and without objection at that time, VanValkenburg offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as submitted: With the aid of a display showing Qs ' 5/28/62 103 r #. . 1 i # II ORDINANCE NO. 261-68 #7 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 261 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, ESTABLISHING DISTRICTS, AND ESTABLISHING A PLANNED INDUSTRIAL. ADDITIONAL COMMUNITY STORE AND OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT THE VILLAGE 'COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF SDINA, MINNSOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. Section 6, Community Store District; of Ordinance No. 261 of the Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 6 an additional sub-paragraph as follows : "(pp> That part of the South 190 feet of Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 990 lying West of the East 510 feet thereof." Section 2. Section 10, Office Building District, of Ordinance No, 261 of the Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the' end of paragraph 1 of said Section 10, two additional sub-paragraphs as follows: "(d) The North 200 feet of Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 990." "(e) Beginning at a point on the West line of Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 990, 200 feet South of the Northwest Corner thereof; thence East parallel with the South line of said tract 300 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of said tract to a point 435 feet North of the South line thereof; thence Northwest to a point on the West line of said tract 475 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof; thence North along said West line to the point of beginning.1t Section 3. Section 11, Planned Industrial District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, is hereby amended by adding at the end of Paragraph 2 of said Seetion 11 the following three sub-paragraphs: "(a) Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 990, except the North 200 feet thereof and except that part of the South 190 feet lying West of the East 510 feet." "(b) "(c) The South 435 feet of Tract B, Registered Land Survey No. 990,l1 That part of Tract B, Registered Land Survey Ho. 990 lying North of the South 435 feet and Southwest of a line running from a point 435 feet.North and 300 feet East of the Southwest corner of said tract to a point on the West line of said tract 475 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof .I1 Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon its passage and publication. Motion for waiver of second reading and for adoption of Ordinance as submitted was seconded by MacMillan, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: -the Ordinance SPECIAL PERMIT GRANTED FOR GASOLINE SERVICE STATION, continuation of Public Hearing of May 14, Texaco, Inc,'s application for Special Permit to construct a Gasoline Service Station on that part of the South 190 feet of Tract A, Registered Land Survey No. 990 lying Vest of the East 510 feet thereof. No objections were made from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing, Blvd. unanimous recommendation of May 2, favorable to this request, and VanValkenburg moved that Special Permit for Gasoline Service Station be granted. by MacMillan and carried. FIVE-FOOT/fiETBACK APPROVED FOR 3705 CHONEN PLACE. request of Mr. John Perry, 3705 Chowen Place for permit to construct an addition to kn his dwelling at 3705 Chowen Place, within five feet of the side lot line. It was noted that the neighboring dwelling, which faces Chowen Avenue, is 40 feet from this particular lot line. neighbor at 6132 Chowen Avenue, No objections were offered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. MacMillan's motion,that request for variance be granted, was seconded by VanValkenburg and unanimously carried. Council considered, in Location of proposed Service Station is at Normandale Road and Boundary Planning Director Hite reviewed for the Council the Planning Commissionls Motion se'conded SI DE-YARD Public Hearing was held on the Mr. Hite reported Mr. Perry has written assent from the go4 5/28/62 NATIONAL FUNDS, INC. REQUEST FOR 40-FOOT LOT AT 309 t.1ADISON AVENUE LAID OVER FOR SIX WEEKS. National Funds, Inc. for establishment of a 40-foOt Lot on part of Lot 21, Block 5, Vest Minneapolis Heights (309 Madison Avenue). The reason for the request is that the dwelling built on Lot 20 (311 Madison Avenue) in 1934 extends one foot over Lot 21's South Lot Line, and that to provide proper side-yard setback for both the present dwelling and a proposed dwelling at #309, only 40 feet of Lot 21 could be used. Mr, Hite explained that the Planning Commission has approved the request, but he suggested that the Council require that necessary steps be taken to bring the dwelling at 311 Madison Avenue up to standard before any further consideration is given the present request. same ownership. At a question by the Council as to when improvements at No. 311 Isladison can begin, the owner replied he expects to start right away. Tem Dickson told those present that the request for 40-foot lot would be laid over for six weeks, until owner has had a chance to improve Ho. 311 Nadison Avenue. Planning Director Hite explained in Public Hearing the request of He explained that Lots 20 and 21 are under the Mayor Pro ALBERT 3LUHi.I GRANTED PERNIT TO CONSTRUCT GARAGE WITHIN TMO FEET OF SOUTH LOT LINE, 5033 WILLIAM AVENUE. request for permit to construct a garage at the rear of the property at 5033 William Avenue to within two feet of the south'lot line. unattached garage. of Isjay 2, and explained that the proposed garage is far enough from the dwelling to the south so that it will not affect this property, the Public Hearing, by VanValkenburg and unanimously carried. Council considered in Public Hearing Mr, Albert Bluhm's This will be a two-car, Mr, Hite reviewed Planning Commission's favorable recommendation No objections were offered at Tupa's motion that the requested permit be granted was seconded PERMITS GRANTED FOR LONG-WAY-OF-LOT FACINGS AT CORiiER OF WEST SHORE DRIVE AND W.70TH STREET, AND AT CORNER JOHNSON DRIVE AND WARDEN AVENUE. Hearings the following two applications for permits for side-yard facings : Council considered in Public 1. 2. Mr. Hite explained'that in both cases plans conform to all setback and side Application of Adolph Larson E Sons for permit to face dwelling on Lot 15, Application of Carjkyle D. Jacobson for permit to face dwelling on Lot 10, Block 6, Woodhill Addition, on Nest Shore Drive rather than on W.7Oth Street. Greenleaf Manor, on Johnson Drive rather than on Warden Avenue, yard requirements; that in the case of Mr. Jacobsen, he has written assent of two adjacent property owners. moved for approval of both applications for long-way-of-lot facings. by MacPIillan and carried. SUPER-VALK ACCESS ONTO THIRD STREET FROM JEFFERSON AVENUE/TO CONTINUE. ]scent request for access onto.Third Street from Jefferson Avenue, for its trucks, and access from an automobile parking lot on Madison for passenger vehicles. The matter of Hopkins' vacation of 2nd Street, and the subsequent Hopkins-Edina boundary change, which added a strip of right-of-way to Third Street to make it a 60-foot right-of-way, was briefly reviewed by Mr. Hite. at the time Hopkins vacated a portion of Jefferson Avenue, a delegation had asked this Council that Third Street be closed to keep out truck traffic, He presented a letter from Mr, Hite, promising to do everything possible to keep truck traffic off the residential streets in this area. proposal is that the residential streets will be posted to local traffic only. Ilinslow of Super-Valu reported that Super-Valu does not propose to operate its trucks on any Edina street except Third Street, and that the only proposal for Third Street is from Jefferson Avenue to County Road No. 18; that they have this access, now; that, technically, they operate on "Hopkins' half" of the joint Hopkins-Edina road. Nr. Dickson inquired of blr. Winslow as to the amount of truck traffic which travels Third Street, and was informed that there are 50 or 60 trucks per day at the most. One neighbor inquired as to what will happen to the gravelled road, with 50 or 60 trucks travelling it daily; and Nr. Prudlo asked about a truck exit from Monroe Avenue to Third Street. anywhere in the area except from Jefferson to County Road #18 on Third Street; and Mr. Hite told Council that Hopkins has agreed to post its half of Third Street east of Jefferson to local traffic only; that Edina can post its half, asked Mr. Prudlo if his purpose would be served.if the residential streets were ,posted to truck limits, or for local deliveries only. would help, but that he, too, is worried about the dust from the truck traffic at the corner of Third and Jefferson. 14r. Winslow, iilayor Pro Tem Dickson announced that Super-value has agreed to cooperate with the neighbors and Hopkins to get Third Street oiled; that Super-Valu access onto Third Street will continue. There were no objections .registered against either application, and VanValkenburg Notion seconded I AND NADISON AVEHUE Pursuant Mr. DicksPrudlo, 301 Jefferson, told Council that Mr, Hite told Council that part of this 1,Ir. r4r. Binslow qeiterated his statement denying intent for truck traffic Trustee I4acl.lillan Nr. Prudlo replied that this After some discussion at the Council table, with PUBLIC HEARINGS CONRUCTED ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS. Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier May 17 and 24, 1962, of '%otice of Public Hearings on Permanent Street Surfacing E Concrete Curb and Gutter, Watermain, Sanitary Sewer E Storm Sewerv1, and Affidavit of Mailing of said Notice to owners of affected properties, which Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. 5/2 8 /62 f 1, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENkCES IN W .48TKf'. STREET FROM RUTLEDGE AVENUE TO 250 FEET EAST, It was noted that the Official Notice of Hearing had specified a proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement in I'W.48th St. from Rutledge Ave. to 347 Feet East," but that it is not necessary to take the improvement more than 250 feet east of Rutledge because the dwelling at the corner of W.48th St, and Brookside is being served from Brookside Avenue. Estimate of Cost was given as $3,216.14, proposed to be assessed against two lots, for $1,608.07 per Lot, There were no objections and no obj'ections had been received prior to the Hearing. Resolution and moved its adoption: VanValkenburg offered the following RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 195 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of &he Village of Edina, Mihnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the follow- ing proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN W.48TH STREET FROM RUTLEDGE AVENUE TO 347 FEET EAST and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of the improvement as follows : CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN W.48TH STREET FROM RUTLEDGE AVENUE TO 250 FEET EAST that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENT NO. 195, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include Lots 2 and 3, Edina Terrace. e; VanValkenburg, .. . 2. PUBLIC HEARING OW PROPOSED WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN HE9T FULLER STREET FROM,FRANCE AVE. TO BEARD AVE., BEARD AVE. FROM WEST FULLER ST. TO W.55TH ST. ,, W. 55TH ST. FROM BEARD AVE. TO FRANCE AVE. Vu-Graph Slide was shown of the proposed route of the improvement and the area proposed to be assessed therefor; and Manager Hyde explained that this project is petitioned, primarily by the residents.on W.55th Street; that in order to hop main and eliminate the problems resulting from dead-end installations, the project has been planned for West Fuller Street and Beard Avenue as well as for W.55th Street: that, because of the amount of non-assessable footage in this project, the cost is estimated at $1,018.62 per Lot. Mr. W, W. Feidt, 3609 W, 55th St., inquired as to what footage is non-assess- able, and Mr. Hyde explained that some properties are connected from France Avenue mains; that St, Peters Church is already served. much of the cost is athibutable to street replacement, and was informed that about $28,000 of the total cost is street replacement. if this cost could be avoided in any way. could determine to get along with an oiled street if they wish; that patching of the present surface does not work Neil because of the cross-connections to the curb line. Mr. Ray Barker, 3504 W. 55th St,, presented petition, signed by 34 property owners, objecting to the cost, the method of levying the assess- ment, asking that assessment be levied on a "per front foot" basis, and that the properties on Beard Court be included in the assessable area, Mr, W. C. Giese, 3712 W,55th St., suggested that assessment should be on a per foot basis rather than a per connection basis because a 75-foot lot is more valuable than a 60-foot lot, Mr. Flannery, 3508 W. 55th Street, told Council he doesn't want water; that the opposiltrg petition is signed by over 60% of the property owners in the affected area. Council delay anrtion so that all questions can be reconsidered. that Lot 14 on Beard Avenue, and Lots 1, 2 and 3 on Beard Cou t bea&g$J.@lgd in the assessable area; and it was suggested that the assessment 9 f% gigurea on a l'per-lot*l basis , and the "blacktop replacement" on -a "per-fcont-foot" basis. Mayor Pro Tern Dickson informed those in the audience that the Public Hearing will be continued to June 25 (the second regular meeting of the Council), for further study, (Total Estimated Cost, $61,117,10). Mr. Feidt asked how He asked Mr, Hyde Mr, Hyde's reply was that residents Mrs, Dale Benson, 3701 W. 55th Street, suggested that Mr, Tupa asked PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO JUNE 25, ON PROPOSER STORM SEWER FROM SW CORNER OF LOT 1, BL. 11. HERMAN TERRACE ADDN.: TH. E. ALONG N. LINE OF LOTS 2 AND 1. BL- IL- -3 MELODY KNOLLS ADDN. A DIST. OF 240 FT. proposed project pursuant to Notice, proposed improvement, and area proposed to be assessed therefor. Cost was given as $3,909.51, or $*O4147 per Assessahle Foot. Mr. Joe VanKirk, 5604 Code Avenue, and Dr, E. P. Donatelle, 5213 W, 56th St., objected that the Public Hearing was conducted on {his Vu-Graph Slide was shown of route of Estimate of 5/28/62 Village is to blame for present drainage troubles, and should do something about them, rather than attempting to assess for the remedy. Dr. Donatelle told Council that Code Avenue has been raised twke; the first time, three feet, and, subsequently, twelve feet, thus obstructing agrees from this property to the lake; that this was brought to the Village Engineep's attention constantly, during the time it was being done. the road, so that there might be drainage from it to the lake. of amount of fill needed to do this, Captain Gans told Council at least 4,000 cu. yds. would be needed. simply do not feel it is fair to assess property owners for it. that there be more study on this project, and Mayor Pro Tem Dickson announced that Public Hearing would be continued to Monday, June 25. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON PROPOSED PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND Dr. Donateale suggested that the low spot be brought up to the level of Asked for an estimate Mr. VanKirk added it isn't true that nobody wants the sewer; they It was suggested GUTTER IN WYCLIFFE RD. FRON GROVE ST. NORTH TO DEAD END, AND GROVE ST. FROM WYCLIFFE RD. TO OLINGER RD.--CONTINUED TO JUNE 25, FOR INCLUSION OF GROVE ST. FROM MYCLIFFE RD TO TRACY AVENUE. Public Hearing was conductmo No- Slide was shown of proposed route of improvement, and area proposed to be assessed. Estimate of Cost was given as $12.14 per Assessable Foot for Portland Cement Concrete Paving with Integral Curb; $10.77 for Asphalt Cement Paving with Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter. speaking for 20 property owners, inquired why Grove Street from Tracy Avenue to Wycliffe Road had been excluded from the improvenent. two reasons for this exclusion: street, there are no signatures of owners in the block between Tracy Avenue and \?ycliffe Road; and objection was made to inclusion of the street by property owners on this portion. the street, and it is impossible to pave before the drainage problem is resolved; the solution having been disapproved by the Council at its meeting of April16. Mr. Hood told Council that it is the particular block on Grove Street from Uycliffe to Tracy which is causing the most trouble; that mail service has been cancelled at times, that school children have been without bus service because it is impossible to drive buses through this mud hole; that the population growth will soon demand the surfacing of this particular street. Mr. Austin D. Norton, speaking for the Board of Trustees of Good Samaritan Methodist Church located at corner of klycliffe Rd. and Grove Street, told Council the Board heartily approves the request for the paving of Grove Street; that there are now between 50 and 80 cars per week travelling this street, and it is hoped there will soon be many more--that the Church does not wish to be in a position of creating a situation which is not compatible with neighborhood use of the property. Mr. Hood asked if that part of the proposed storm sewer which goes under Grove Street could not be constructed, now, and capped off, if it cannot be used or if the entire project cannot be put in at this time, in order that Grove Street might be included in this present paving project. the portion of the improvement under consideration tonight be approved subject to approval at the meeting of June 11 of the "decreasedvr storm sewer project and the paving project for Grove Street from Wycliffe Rd. to Tracy Avenue. he feels that unless Grove Street from Wycliffe Rd. to Tracy Avenue is paved, most of the owners in his area will object to paving. Council, Nayor Pro Tem Dickson announced that Public Hearing on this matter will be continued to Monday, June 25, at which time there will also be a new Public Hearing on Storm Sewer for the Grove Street area, and on Paving and Curb and Gutter for Grove Street from Wycliffe Rd. to Tracy Avenue. agreed to inform all those persons proposed to be assessed for the presently considered improvement of the continuation. Hr. E. Do Hood, 5705 Wycliffe Rd., who stated he is It was explained that there 1. Although the petition filed did include this 2. There is a drainage problem which exists on this portion of Manager Hyde suggested that Mr. Hood reported After some discussion by the At the request of Hr. Hood, Council PUBLIC HEARING CONTINUED TO FIRST REGULAR ME ETING IN JANUARY , D..i63:, &ON PROPOSED PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTXR If4 BENTON AVCNUE FROM TRACY' AVENUE TO CRESCENT DRIVE. Vu-Graph Slide was shown of route of proposed improvement, and area proposed to be assessed therefor. Manager Hyde reported that Benton Avenue has been designated by the Council as a vv14unicipal State Aid Street", and, as such, is eligible for aid from the Gas Tax receipts; but, that because there is not sufficient money in this. fund to pay for the improvement during 1962, he has suggested that property owners attempt to get along with an oiled street this year, with the understanding that permanent surfacing will be done next year. Estimate is very high, because, under State Aid specifications, street will be wider than normal, and specifications ape for a much stronger street than village specs. for residential street. Mr. Rollie Danielson, 5529 Benton, sponsor of the petition, showing pictures he had taken on May 17, of a very bad, flooded and washed out street, asked that the Council use General Fund moneys for one year, to make up the difference between State Aid moneys available and the amount needed to improve the street. because there is so much erosion the storm sewer cannot function to its full capacity. He was informed that it is not the matter of using general fund moneys, but the matter of commitments on State Aid work which precludes riork on Benton Avenue this year. Estimate of Cost for the improvement on State Aid specifications is $38,430.76, for $19.65 per Assessable Foot without State Aid; $5.00 per Assessable Foot with State Aid. Public Hearing was conducted pursuant to Notice given. He told Council that It was finally agreed by Council that Public Hearing on Improvement be 5/28/62 continued to First Regular Meeting in January, 1963; that Benton Avenue from Tracy Avenue to Crescent Drive be Oiled in 1962, with payment therefor to be from Municipal State Aid Maintenance Funds. COUNCIL RE-CONTINUED PUBLIC HEARINGS ON SANITARY SEWER NO, C-1 EXTENSIOW AND PARKWOOD KNOLLS AREA SANITARY SEWER--THIS TIME, TO JULY 23, Manager Hyde reviewed for Council and audience the status of these projects to date--the action of the Council April 16, ordering the Parkwood Knolls Area Sanitiry Sewer (Laterals), subject to approval of the C-1 Sanitary Trunk Sewer Extension Project, and, after a long discussion and questions by Mr. Dick Kremer concerning the route of the proposed Trunk Sewer Extension, continuing the April 16th Hearing on the Trunk Sewer project. Insofar as SANITARY SEWER NO. C-1 EXTENSION is concerned, Manager Hyde reported that the Village Engineering Department has made itself available to both Mr. Dick Kremer, and Orr-Schelen-Mayeron an d Associates since the Public Hearing of ApriS 16; and that, pursuant to instructions by Mr, Kremer, the consulting firm of Orr-Schelch-Mayeron has, just this past Friday,' made available to the Village Engineering Department its report on two alternate routes, and their respective estimates of cost.' With the aid of a large map, Mr, Hyde pointed out the route proposed by 'the Village Engineers, at an Estimated Cost of $398,025.39, and Alternates Nos. 1 and 2 by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron, at respective Estimated Costs of $221,537.89 and $246,722.30, Village has not had too much time since last Friday to go over all points of difference, but that it becomes generally apparant that the two basic differences between Village and Orr-Schelen engineering lie in route and specifications, Mr. Hyde told Council that Village plans and specifications are designed to prevent infiltration of ground water into the sanitary sewer insofar as is possible; that the Village route is "high and dry", while the Om-Schelen route is "low and wet". the Village specs call for a continuous concrete trestle for the pipe, with posts and pilings at four-foot intervals, Nhereas the Orr-Schelen plans call for single post supports every eight feet, with a very limited amount of cradle under *he pipe. project was $437,Q00; and that the Village Engineering Estimate for the Alternate No. 2 Route, with Village specifications, came to approximately $400,000. told the group present he believes that Alternate No, 1, which involves crossing Nine-Mile Creek twice, should not be considered--but that the Village is willing to give Orr-Schelen-Ma eron the e t&e joh of engineering C-1 Sanitary Trunk Sewer Extension on/h~g%%%i%eo~o, 5 route, including supervision and inspection of construction, providing Orr-Schelen will guarantee that the cost of this construction will not run more than a reasonable amount over the estimate they have presented for this Hearing, and providing they will guarantee that their specifications will meet a standard for infiltration prevention, and providipg, of course, that their services may be had for standard engineering rates. opened the arguments for the opposition to both C-1 Sanitary Trunk Sewer Extension and the Parkwood Knolls Area Lateral Sewer, followed, the C-1 Extension costs a lot of money, blr, Spring suggested that if it is possible this plan be deferred until plans are made to plat the whole area. As to the Parkwood Knolls area, he told the Council that there is no water in the area at this time, and that if sanitary sewer laterals could be constructed simultaneously with water laterals it would be much more economical for all concerned. Mr. Spring presented a map colored as the result of petition (which he also submitted), showing 69% of Parkwood Knolls residents in opposition to the plan, and 85% of owners of unplatted properties in opposition to the C-1 Trunk. As to the Parkwood Knolls laterals, Mr. Spring asked, "Is there actually a sanitary problem, or can it be corrected?" sewage problems can be corrected privately, rather than by a public sewage system, Mr, Spring presented the report of Twin City Testing and Engineering Laboratory, Inc. on "surfactant" tests made at five locations in the north and south ponds in the area (3 at North Pond j 2 at South Pond), which Mr. Spring. read in some detail, and which showed some evidence of surfactant in the North pond, but not sufficient surfactant to prove serious, according to the report. to a report entitled llSoil Borings and Percolation Tests, Parkwood Knols 4th, Edina, Minnesota - 62-63" by Regional Engineering Services, which Mr, Spring reviewed in detail, covering some 17 test holes, but which is summarized by the following comment from the report: results would indicate the tested areas to be suitable for individual sewage systems". report, by stating that any percolation rate up to 60 minutes per inch is satisfactory for private systems providing such systems do have drainfields, whereas the rate of 60 minutes per inch was encountered in only one test made, and other tests on the same property showed less than that, Saying that the Mr. Hyde explained that, insofar as specifications are concerned, Mr. Hyde added that Orr-Schelen's estimate for the Village-proposed He Mr. Charles Spring, of the firm of Neville, Johnson and Thompson, Attorneys, Stating that whichever route is To support his contention that He referred, too, "In summary, our evaluation of the test Mr, J. S. Braun of Regional Engineering Services, corroborated this 5/28/62 Mr, Gene Wimmer, 5401 Londonderry Road, told Council he knows where trouble is He added he built a house some years ago, under specifications and what causes it, received at the Village Hall at that time; that this place is now having trouble; that private systems specifications of the Village are now four times as large as the original ones; that two other homes he knows of'which are having trouble had their systems put in under original specifications, and it is his layman's opinion that both of these can be corrected and made satisfactory under new specifications. Village Sanitarian Hensley reported that the "surfactant" test is not the one for sewage; that the tlcoliform bacteria" test is; that both ponds in the Parkwood Knolls are have been tested and found to be contaminated to the nth degree; that tests which he ran showed both coliform and surfactant in them. that his (Nr. Kremer's) basic idea was to go around the hills rather than through them; that he had given this idea to the Village Engineers but was informed that Yhey had already studied all the routes they were going to study"; that he had then gone to the most widely known, best recommended firm of engineers he could find--and that they had now effected a savings of $176,000 by following this suggested change in route. total differences between estimates. considers Orr-Schelen-Mayeron to be a competent firm of engineers, and that this is the reason the Village has made its offer; that if Orr-Schelen is willing to back up its report it has the job of constructing the sewer. Mr. Philip Meville, attorney for the opponents, told Council the opponents believe there is no real health hazard in the area, and that if there is such a hazard that it can be corrected for $1,000 or less by each of the individuals who is in trouble. it would be well for Council to consider retraction of action taken on Parkwood Knolls, and, if the C-1 Trunk Sewer Extension is approved, to take the Orr-Schelen-Mayeron route. open sewage problem which existed for six or eight months; that Village Sanitarian Hensley had issued a notice for vacation of property within ten days unless the problem was corrected; that a new septic tank was put in according to Village specifications and that he is not having trouble, now, but that Mr. Hensley has told him that he would have trouble again, and that he is willing to take an expert's opinion. He added that drainage from private systems is below fill into the pond; that there has been open sewage in this area for some time, that it was there while the last discussion was being held on this matter, and it is there, now; that the problem cannot be corrected by any of the proposals made so far; that what it amounts to is that he has a $70,000 home with an outside toilet. willing to accept an expert's point of view-that he has tried three times to correct his sewage problem; that he has a drainfield, a septic tank and a cesspool, and still has trouble. satisfactory private sewer system they will be glad to forget Village sewer--but that they have been unable to secure any such guarantee so far, He replied that a drainfield was put in by Carl Hanson for $900. Mrs, Webb added that if there is trouble at their home again it will cost three times this figure to have it corrected. that the odor is just terrible and is completely throughout the whole community. added he believes the area is attempting to put off something it must do; that if owners appreciate the value of their homes they must install sewer now. He added that banks will not even take mortgages in areas like this will be if it gets much worse. Mr, Manchester suggested that sewer be installed in the area, now, so that residents can have a better community to live in and to enjoy. the possible effect of private sewage systems on the drinking water of the area. Henseley replied that there is a limit to the area of any yard which can be used for a private sewage system before well contamination occurs, Introducing Mr. Sam Huston from Orr-Schelen-Mayeron, Mr. Dick Kremer reported Mr. Kremer showed a large poster demonstrating the Manager Hyde replied that the Village, too, He added that with 69 or 70% of the pepple who don't want the sewer, For the proponents, Dr. Webb, 6616 Parkwood Knolls, told Council he had had an I+. K. R. Asleson, 5404 Stauder Circle concurred with Dr. Webb, saying he is f4rs. Asleson added that if a firm can be found which will guarantee a Dr. Webb was asked by Hr. Neville as to the cost of correction for his troubles. Nr. Don Manchester, 5400 Londonderry Road, said he has had considerable trouble; He Mr. Kenneth Joas, 6624 Parkwood Road, directed a question to Mr. Hensley as to Mr. As to the C-1 Trunk Extension, Public Works Director Gans told the group that while the'trillage Engineering Department does no< feel that it is on trial, everyone should be aware of certain basic considerations used by the Village in development of its alignmeht and cost estimate; that the Village was influenced by several factors in its alighment: that, first, this alighment was engineered and investigated thoroughly wi3h the alighment of the original C-1 trunk; that a trunk sewer has fundamental in5luences on platting of an area, and that adhering to existing land lines will have less ineluence on platiing than either of the routes proposed by Orr-Schelen; also, 'that because of core borings taken, the Village is aware of several deterrents against using the low land route. of the pumping station at the northeast corner of traloney Avenue and County Road #18. Upon being advised by Captain Gans that the pumping station will be eliminated, Mr. Spring suggested that the Village as a whole bear that portion of the cost of C-1 14rs Spritlg inquired as to whether the proposed C-1 Extension krill entail elimination 5/28/62 Trunk Extension which is applicable to an for this project; that this cost could be Mayor Pro Tem Dickson suggested that area not computed it would proposed to be assessed 109 -- on a flowage basis, appear from comments here i tonight, and at the last Hearing, that there is a health situation in the area-- and that there are some properties where private sewage systems will not correct these problems for any definite length of time. health problem, the Village should certainly go ahead with its sewer projects, Mr. Dickson asked to be shown which of the fifteen people in the Parkwood Knolls area who did not sign the petition opposing sewer are having serious trouble, and where they are, Manager Hyde asked if there is anyone in the area who would object to having Village personnel come in on private property for the purpose of taking tests, and was told by one resident, We would welcome it!" No one in the audience protested. Mr. Dave McPherson, 5416 Stauder Circle, reported that he is concerned that water be installed with sewer, if sewer project should be approved, so that street resurfacing costs could be kept at a minimum. Parkwood Knolls area with water if the people want it, that part of Parkwood Knolls already served by sewer, he reported there was a total of 43 homes at the time sewer was installed; that 25 of them have connected with Village sewer without any pressure at all from the Village. He added that: it is true that there is open sewage seeping out from at least three residences in the area now under consideration for Village sewer. Adding that if there is a Mr, Hyde reported that the Village is now in a position to serve the Also, referring to I After some discussion by the Council it was agreed that Public Hearings be re-continued, this time to July 23, for further study of routes and estimates on the proposed C-1 Sanitary Trunk Sewer Extension, and for further Village tests in the Parkwood Knolls area. ANARD OF BIDS ON STORM SEWER FOR BROOKSIDE-RUTLEDGE-VANDERVORK-W.48TH STREET AREA (STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 70) DELAYED UNTIL JUNE 11. Tabulation of Bids on this project, taken May 25, were presented, showing receipt of five bids, that of Swanson Excavating Co. being low bid at $83,762.60; Walbon Excavating Co., next low, at $86,348.00 ; Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., third LOW at $91,527.00; Northern Contracting Co., at $92,104.20; and Coburn and Meek, high bid at $107,499.00. $97,145.70. Swanson Excavating Company. Council that after hearing Mr. Hilding Dahl's comments to the effect that the proposed storm sewer will do no 'good because of the Creek's high level he would now vote against the proposal, out that, right now, with Minnehaha Creek in temporary flood stage, no storm sewer could actually empty water into the Creek. MacMillan inquired as to whether we will need a holding pond in Minnehaha, such as is planned for Nine-Mile Creek. of contract, further study of the plan, and it was so ordered, proponent for the work, stated he fails to see what the height of the creek has to do with the storm sewer, and asked that work be expedited. Engineer's construction estimate was Manager Hyde recommended award of contrast to low bidder, MacMillan so moved, but Trustee Tupa told Public Works Director Gans pointed (See ( Corr . as (of MinB (Of 6/11- (p-123, (Bk, 25 There was no second to MacMillan's motion for award Manager Hyde suggested delaying award until June 11, for Mr. Flumerfeldt, WATERMAIN CONTRACT AWARDED TO PHELPS-DRAKE COMPANY. Tabulation of Bids taken May 25, on Watermain Improvements Nos. 164 and 165 and Watermain Loop in W.67th St. from Cahill Road to E. line of The Heights 3rd Addition, low bidder at $32,493 .lo, Swanson Excavating Co., second low at $33,032 -65, and Barbarossa G Sons, Inc,, third low at $33,805.45. Construction Co. at $38,615.15. these three projects. Phelps-Drake Co., and carried. Manager Hyde presented Tabulation showed receipt of seven bids, Phelps-Drake Co. being High bidder was Bianconi Engineer's Estimate of Cost was $44,152.50 on Manager recommended award of contract to low bidder, Tupa so mored, Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and RELOCATION OF W.63RD ST, BETWEEN WARREN AND WILRYAN AVENUES DEPENDS OM FJNAL PLANS FOR CROSSTOIJN. Avenue, and a delegation, intended to petition council for the above improvement; but no one appeared at the meeting. the Crosstown should be reviewed before any action is taken, here. Agenda showed that Mrs. E, L, Meyers, 6300 Mildred Manager Hyde explained that Final Plans for PETITION OF DICK ANDERSON FOR DOUBLE BUNGALOWS ON W'56TH ST. HITHDRAWI. was reported that this petition has been withdrawn because Mr. Anderson has not It been able to get the assent of the neighbors, 5/28/62 RAUEHHORST "NORMANDALE GMTER" IMPROVEMENTS APPROVED: CONSTRUCTIOH DEPENDS ON AGREEMENT WITH BLOOMINGTON , RELATIVE TO UNDERGROUND II4PROVEMENTS Petitions, signed by Rauenhorst Development Corp., dated May 15, 1962, and filed as of that date with the Village Clerk, and requesting the following improvements, with the entire cost of said improvements to be assessed against the property of said Rauenhorst Development Corp., were presented: i 1. PETITION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELLING, ASPHALT CONCRETE Boundary Blvd. betwean the East Service Road of Highway #lo0 and Computer Ave,; Computer Ave. from Boundary Blvd. North approximately 500' to the proposed alignment of 11.77th St. Along 61.77th St. from a point approximately 350' West of Computer Aver Easterly to a point approximately 250' East of Computer Ave. SURFACING AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOHING: I 2. PETITION FOR CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEVER AND APPURTENANCES IM THE FOLLOWING: Computer Ave. from Boundary Blvd. N, approximately 500' to the proposed alignment of I.J.77th St , Along M. 77th St. from a point approximately 350' West of Computer Ave, Easterly to a point approximately 250' East of Computer Ave, Computer Ave, from Boundary Blvd, N. approximately 500' to the proposed alignment of I.i . 77th St, Along I?. 77th St. from a point approximately 350' West of Computer Ave. Easterly to a point approximately 250' East of Computer Ave. 4. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM' SENER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOMING: Computer Ave. from Boundary Blvd. N. approximately 500' to the proposed alignment of W,77th St, Computer Ave, Easterly to a point approximately 250' East of Computer Ave. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERNAIM AND APPURTEIJANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: , . .. . c- Along 11. 77th St, from a point approximately 350' Vest of Mr, Gerald Rauenhorst, and two other company representatives, were present to explain that their petitions for the underground improvements are contingent upon an agree- ment with Bloomington for a tie-in to Bloomington facilities; that as of this present time, they believe Bloomington's terms are unreason-able--and that if Bloomington holds to its present requirements, tie-ins with Edina's systems will be requested; that because of the urgency of having the property developed, they are asking that the petitioned improvements be approved tonight, and that contract be awarded for the petitioned Street Improvement--but that, because of the uncertainties concerning the Bloomington contract, also because of the great discrepancy between the engineer's estimate and the bid prices received for underground improvements, that these bids be rejected and re-advertised, I Manager Hyde then reported that the Rauenhorst Company has suggested several modifications in Village Ordinance Nor 263, as applicable to development of a non- residential subdivision, the Company's suggestions being as follows: The assessment term be changed from 3 to 10 years. Prepayment of special assessments when title is transferred not be required if annual payment surety can still be applied. Municipal bonds be assigned as surety in lieu of bond. If municipal bonds ar cash are assigned as surety, that such surety Wr. Hyde told Council, in discussion with Planning Director Hite and Finance Director Dalen, it has been agreed that there is some merit to the Rauenhorst suggestions, but that it is felt that Edinz should not increase its assessment term fo$ non-residential developments beyond the term required for residential developments. for modifications in Village Ordinance No, 263, were as follows: 1. 2. 3* 4. amount be no less than 50% of contract cost+ His recommendations 1. 2. 3. 4. The assessment term be changed from 3-to 5 years, for both residential and non-residential developments. (This recommendation coming as the result of 1.i~. Dalen's opinion that this term increase would mean little to the potential financial condition of the Village providing there is surety for payment) Prepayment of special assessments in other than single family developments not be'required when title is transferred, providing surety is still appli- cable to remaining annual assessment levies. (Byyer protection would not seem necessary in either commercial or industrial subdivisions, where a buyer may actually prefer for tax purposes to make special assessment payments) . tIunicipa1 bonds or cash be accepted for surety if assigned to Village for this purpose. Requirement that when municipal bonds or cash are assigned as surety, such surety be no-t: less than 75% of outstandina improvement cost. Earned interest to be retained by Village as additional surety. No objection was made to recommendations set forth by Nanager, and matter was referred to Village Attorney. , - 811 5/28/62 Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: fJ RESOLUTION ORDERING STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-44 UPON PETITION THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesofa, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that a petition has beeh filed requesting the Council to construct a GRADING AND GRAVELLING,-ASPHALT CONCRETE SURFACING AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING STREETS: and Computer Ave. ; the proposed alignment of W.77th St,; Computer Ave, Easterly to a point approximately 250' East of Computer Ave. , Boundary Blvd, between th? East Service Road of Highway #lo0 Computer Ave. from Boundary Blvd, North approximately 500' to Along W. 77th St. from a point approximately 350' West of and to assess the entire cost against'the property of petitioners, and that said petition has been signed by all owners of real property abutting on the streets where said improvement is to be located, is hereby ordered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 (31, (Session Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section 2). Said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-44, to be assessed against the properties abutting on the streets where said improvement is to be located. 2. The making of said improvement in accordance with said petition The entire cost of said improvement is hereby ordered and on Rollcall CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO, BA-44 AWARDED TO BLACK TOP SERVICE COMPANY. Tabulation of bids opened May 25, on the above entitled project, was presented, showing receipt of five bids, Black Top Service Company being low bidder at $83,983.36; third low at '$113,972.70. Engineer's Estimate was $99,336.25. Recommendation was for award of contract to low bidder, Black Top Service Company, and Tupa so moved. Carl H. Peterson second low, at $99,414.40; Earth Movers, Inc., Motion seconded by MacMillan and carried. And Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: 1. It is hereby found and determined that a petition has heen filed requesting the Council to constructia SANITARY LATERAL SELJER IMPROVEMENT in the following streets: NO. 196 UPON PETITION THEREFOR Computer Ave, from Boundary Blvd, 11, approximately 500' to the proposed alignment of W.77th St. Along W.77th St, from a point approximately 350' Nest of Computer Ave. Easterly to a point approximately 250' East of Computer Ave, to consist of CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY LATERAL SEWER AND APPURTENANCES I11 SAID STREETS, and to assess the entire cost against the property of petitioners, and that said petition has been signed by all owners of real property abutting on said street where said improvement is to be located. hereby ordered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 (31, (Session Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section 21, shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SENER IMPROVEMENT NO. 196. The entire cost of said improvement is herehy ordered to be assessed against the properties abutting on the streets where said imDrovement is to be located. 2. The making of said improvement in accordance with said petition is Said improvement is hereby designated and on Rollcall '. And Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council-of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, NO. 166 UPON PETITION THEREFOR as follows: 5/28/62 I, It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed Computer Ave. from Boundary Blvd. N. approximately 500' to the proposed alignment of W ,77th St. Along W.77th St. from a point approximately 350' West of Computer Ave, Easterly to a point approximately 250' East of Computer Ave. 112 requesting the Council to construct a WATERI4AIN IMPROVEMENT in the following streets: I consisting of CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE- UATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN SAID STREETS , and to assess the entire cost against the property of the petitioners, and that said petition has been signed by all owners of real property abutting on said streets where said improvement is to be located. hereby ordered pursuant to Hinnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 (3),(Session Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section 2). shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as 1.IATERNAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 166. The entire cost of said improvement is hereby ordered to be assessed against the properties abutting on the streets where said improvement is to be located. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by there were four ayes and no nays , as follows : VanValkenburg, aye; and Dickson, aye; and the 2. The making of said improvement in accordance with said petition is Said impcovement is hereby designated and I an, and on Rollcall NacMillan , ' 1 MZyor Pro Tem And Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING STORM SEWER IMPROVEt4ENT NO. 73 UPON PETITION THEREFOR BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hinnesota, as 1. f 0llOI.JS : ing the Council to constructla STORM SEWER IMPROVENENT in the following streets: It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed request- Computer Ave. from Boundary Blvd, N, approximately 900' to the proposed Along I.1.77th St, from a point apprbximately 350' West of Computer Ave. alignment of W,77th St. Easterly to a point approximately 250' East of Computer Ave. consisting of CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IM SAID STREETS ,- and to assess the entire cost against the property of petitioners, and that said petition has been signed by all owners of real property benefited by the construc- tion of said improvement. The making of said improvement in accordance with said petition is hereby ordered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 (31, (Session Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section 2). Said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STORM SENER IMPROVEE4ENT NO. 73. The entire-cost of said improvement is hereby ordered to be assessed Registered Land Survey No. 990 . Wotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by 14acMillan, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: NacMillan, aye; pa, a ; VanValkenburg, aye; and Dickson, aye; and the Resolu 'on P as I 2. 0- tqd, &d,/A !.layor Pro Tem 3IDS REJECTED FOR SANITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENT NO. 196, WATERMAIIY 1tIPROVEME;NT NO. 166 AND STORM SEHER IMPROVENENT NO. 73. above entitled projects (being f or Rauenhorst 's "Normandale Center") was presented, showing receipt of only two bids, Northern Contracting Company being low bidder on the three projects at $42,943 .OO , and Johnson BPOS. Highway & Heavy Constructors , Inc., higher bidder at $56,381.00, Inasmuch as the Construction Estimate on these three projects, by Egil Wefald E Associates, Inc,, Consulting Engineers, ivas only $19,844.50, Tupa moved that bids be rejected, and that Council re-advertise for bids to be opened June 8 and considered by the Council June 11, by MacMillan and carried. Tabulation of bids received 14ay 25, for the blotion seconded NORPIANDALE GOLF, INC. ISSUED ON-SALE BEER LICENSE AT "NORt4ANDALE GOLF", 7701 COE'UTER AVE. for €@Sale Beer License at Normandale Golf, 7701 Computer Ave., from June 15, 1962 to April 1, 1963, together with Police Chief Bennett's recoinmendation for approval. ment and grant license. C1 erk reported receipt of application from Normandale Golf, Inc., 14ac14illan moved that the Council waive the 6 months operation require- Motion seconded by Tupa and carpied, unanimously. 5/28/62 in3 I PETITION FOR YEAR-AROUND DOG LEASHING FILED: REFERRED TO MAYOR FOR %VIEW A petition carrying names of 584 Edina residents, asking for year-round leasing of dogs, was filed with the Council, together with a covering letter asking for relative to leashing, and there was some discussion concerning the merits of putting the question on the ballot this fall. that Village'funds should not be spent to put this type of question on the ballot. review, rather extensive "dog control" reforms, Review was had of previous action I Attorney Hasselquist advised VanValkenburg moved that matter be referred to the Mayor for his Motion seconded by MacMillan and carried. PETITION FOR CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND ASPHALT PAVING IN ROBERTS PLACE FROM ROLF AVENUE TO WILRYAN AVENUE, AND IN ROLF AVENUE FROM VALLEY VIEW ROAD TO ROBERTS PLACE, ACCEPTED, Manager Hyde reported this is another petition which presents complication because the south property along Roberts Place is owned hy the State, and the property east of Rolf Avenue is owned by the County; that determination of Village work should depend on final plans for the Crosstown, which should be forthcoming shortly. petition be accepted and referred to the Village Engineers, and moved. He recommended that Tupa so Motion seconded by MacMillan and carried. FINAL CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR CHANNELIZATION OF TRAFFIC AT HIGHWAY #169 , WBLVD,~ BROOKSIDE AVE. INTERSECTION APPROVED~ BY COUNCIL. construction plans for this work, preliminary plans for which had been approved by the Council at its meeting of April 23, were presented; and Manager Hyde recommended approval thereof. its adoption : Final Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved RESOLUTION APPROVING MINNESOTA HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT CONSTRUCTION PLAN AND SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR GRADING, BASE , BITUMINOUS SURFACING AND TRAFFIC CHANNELIZATION, S.P. 2745-14 (T.H. 16965) WHERAS the Commissioner of Highways has prepared plans, special provisions and specifications for the improvefient of a part of Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from Eden Avenue to i3ridge go. 4510; and WHEREAS said plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S,P, 2745-14 (T,H. 169=5); and Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2745-14 (T.H+ 169=5), which, together with the Minnesota Department of Highways Specifications for Highway Construction, dated May 1, 1959, on file in the office of the Commissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said improvement of Trunk Highway Number 5, renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169; and WHEREAS copies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and WHEREAS said special provisions are on file in the office of the WHEREAS the term "said plans and special provisions" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed-and to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in particularly identified and .described. .NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said plans and the improvement of Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as intended to mean, refer the foregoing recitals special provisions for Trunk Highway Number 169 within the limits of the Village of Edina be and hereby are approved. said plans and special provisions be and they are hereby approved and consent is hereby given to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169 in accordance with said plans and special provisions. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the elevations and grades as shown in ' Motion for adoption Rollcall there were aye ; VanValkenburg, ATTES'J,: of the Resolution was seconded by VanValkenburg, and on four ayes and no nays,- as follows: p@cMil&ap', aye; Tupa, aye; and Dickson, aye; And Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO ENCROACHMENT ON FROM EDEN AVENUE TO BRIDGE NO.' 4510 RIGHT-OF-WAY OF TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 169 WHEREAS the Village of Edina has approved the plans and specifications ' for the improvement of that part of Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina frrjrri '. . Eden Avenue to Bridge No, 4510 ; and 5/28/62 UHEREAS in order to obtain Federal Aid in the construction of said Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169 the Bureau of Public Roads requires the assurance that the Village of Edina will not suffer any encroachment of any nature or kind whatsoever on the right of way of said Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169 within the corporate limits of the said Village of Edina; and public safety that all parking of vehicles on said trunk highway be parallel with the curb and at least 20 feet from any crosswalk, agree and covenant that it will never permit or suffer, within its corporate limits, any encroachment of any kind whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon the right of tray of Trunk Highway Number 5 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 169 and to the above end said Village of Edina hereby agrees that it will never issue any license, permit, or grant, or give any leave or liberty or any other consent of whatever form for the construction of maintenance of any encroachment whatsoever, including curb gas pumps and gas stations, billboards or other structures of any kind whatsoever, upon said right of way; and that said Village of Edina will cooperate insofar as possible to eliminate existing encroachments constituting traffic hazards and will further take any necessary action to eliminate any encroachment that may hereafter exist on said trunk highway right of way; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that said Village of Edina does hereby agree to require the parking of all vehicles on said trunk highway to be parallel with the curb and at least twenty (20) feet from any crosswalks on all public streets intersecting said trunk highway within the corporate limits of said Village of Edina. WHEREAS the Commissioner of Highways desires in the interest of NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said Village of Edina does hereby PETITION FOR CORRECTION OF A DEPRESSED AREA AT 54TH AND YORK REFERRED TO VILLAGE ENGINEERS. This petition, entitled "Petition-Distressed Area44th and Yorktl , and signed by four property owners, asked for correction of a "depressed area 5 feet deep and approximately 30 feet wide East and West and 120 feet North and South starting at 54th Street and what would be York Avenue South," Petitioners claim the condition was caused by the rerouting of' Minnehaha Creek in 1932. Public 'iJorks Director Gans reported he had investigat6dAthe condition with Mr, Tupa just recently, but is not yet prepared with a formal engineering recommendation. report, and it was so ordered. He asked that matter be deferred to next meeting for such JULY FOURTH CELEBRATION RECEIVES - COUNCIL'S HEARTY ENDORSEMENT, reported plan a July 4th celebration for Edina; that the committee has formulated plans for day of activities for all age groups, with all activities except firetrorks to take place at Cornelia Park, and the fireworks to be at Southdale Center. Committee's plans include a softball game and a swimming meet, a kiddie parade, fishing contest, Olympic Games, Band Concert, evening entertainment and awards, a speech by the Hon, Clark McGregor, a slow-pitch game, and then the fireworks, Mr, Hyde told Council that the Committee has worked very ha&d on its plans, that the majority of the Park Board favors the celebration; that a plan has been worked out for traffic direction; that Committee now asks for Council permission to put its plan into action. Stating he feels that the idea of a community celebration is a fine one and that plan should be endorsed by Council, VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Manager Hyde that the civic organizations in Edina have formed a committee to RESOLUTION ENDORSING PLANS FOR JULY FOURTH CELEBRATION WHEREAS, many civic organizations have joined together for the purpose WHEREAS, said organizations are: American Legion, Edina Post No. 471, of, having a community-wide celebration on July Fourth , and Edina Swim Club, Edina Women's Club, Jaycees, Mrs. Jaycees, Lions, Lions Auxiliary, Optimists, Opti-Mrs, , Rotary, and Southdale Optimists. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that said organizations and their committee be commended for their efforts, and that this Council extend to them its hope for a most successful celebration. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, an four ayes and no nays as follows: MacMillan, aye; Tupa, kson, aye; and th olution was adopted. 1 v Mayor Pro Tem 5/28/62 EDIIJA-EDEN PRAIRIE AGREEMENT FOR MAINTENANCE OF "OLD" COUNTY ROAD #18 APPROVED Public Works Rirector Gans presented for Council consideration an agreement for cost-sharing between Eden Prairie and Edina for the maintenance of that part of tlOldtl County Road #18 which lies on the Eden Prairie-Edina boundary, and for payment by Eden Prairie of full cost of maintaining that part of the road'which lies entirely within the Township--with Edina to do the work in both cases, billing Eden Prairie for its share of the cost. Captain Gans told Council that Eden Paairie officials have already agreed to this arrangement. motion, approving agreement subject to approval by Viliage Attorney of language therein, was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. VanValkenhurgls COUNCIL SCHEDULES HEARING FOR JUNE 11, ON RICHFIELD CONSTRUCTIOit OF GJATERMAIN IN XERXES AVEIIUE. Nzager Hyde reported receipt of a notice from the Manager at Richfield, that Richfield will construct a Watermain Improvement along Xerxes Avenue; of Edina have the right of hookup to this improvement if it is determined now that hookups will be needed, Mr. Hyde suggested that a Public Hearing on the improvement be conducted on June 11, and moved its adoption: Reminding Council of the 1956 agreement with Richfield, whereby residents Mactlillan offered the following Resolution RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT EIE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: this Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed Watermain Improvement described in the Form of Notice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvement, said report is herehy approved and dipected to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. - the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: 1. The Village Engineer of the Village of Richfield, having submitted to 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, June 11, 1962, at 7:OO P.N., in 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON 11 ATERM AI N EDIMA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the kdina Village Hall on Monday, June 11, 1962, at 7:OQ P.M., to consider the following proposed improvement to be con- structed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvement is estimated by the Village as set forth below : CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN. AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: ESTIMATED COST Xerxes Ave. between IJ.66th St, and W.7Oth St. Xerxes Ave, between W. 71st St, and W. 71-1/2 St, Xerxes Ave. between I?ashhurn Circle and I.i . 78th St I) $16,500. OQ The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed klatermain listed above, includes all lots and tracts of land ahutting on the west side of the respective streets proposed improved. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by VanValkenburg, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no aye; .VanValkenburg, aye; and Dickson, STORM SENER FOR ALLEY BETVEEN BEARD AND ABBOTT AVENUES AND ~~ETWEEN ir.58T~ AXD W.59TH STREETS DISCUSSED, FILLING OF ONE LOT RECOM4ENDED.. Puhlic Works Director Gans reviewed the status of this proposed project, in some detail, stating that one low lot facing Beard Avenue is causing most of the trouble; that the most simple solution would be for the owner of this one lot to raise his house and regrade his back yard. follow up his recommendation. After some discussion, Captain Gans was directed to REtORT MADE BY 31ANAGER: HOPKINS KCLLING TO FURNISH WATER TO NORTHi.IESTERN PORTION OF.EDI,NA. Mr. Hyde reported that Hopkins is interested in furnishing water to the Nmthwestern,portion of Edina on a maste m ter basis; thinks i't can handle service to area Bast of Interlachen/~~~~~~t~'~~ Maloney Avenue. He also told Council that a poll is now being taken in the area to ascertain what percentage of residents desires water service, and expects to have the results of this poll for further consideration by the Council at its meeting of June 11. . 5 /2 8 /62 HILLDALE SANITARY SEWER PROBLEM DISCUSSED; NEIGHBORHOOD MEETING RECOMMENDED. ') Manager Hyde transmitted to the Council a report dated May 24, 1962 , by Village Sanitarian Hensley, concerning sanitary sewer problems in Hilldale. Mr. Hyde's own written report recommended an engineering study relative to bringing sewer laterals in on rear lot lines rather 'than on the streets, and a neighbor- hood meeting after this study is completed. Council that sewer is badly needed in the area, that she would like to see the work expedited, Mrs, Ganley, Spur Road, told Reports of Sanitarian and Manager accepted. COUNCIL TO MAKE OFFER TO MINNEAPOLIS, ST. PAUL & SUBURBAN RAILWAY COMPANY FOR PART OF THTRD STREET, BETWEEN MONROE AVENUE AND HARRISON AVENUE, DirectorHite presented a comprehensive report to the Council on the matter of a tract of land lying between the former Minneapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Railway Right-of-way and West Minneapolis Heights as platted; this being a strip varying in width from 45 feet at Monroe Avenue to 20 feet at Harrison Avenue, Nr, Hite reported that the Company will not give this property to Edina but that it has agreed to sell at a reasonable price; that appraisals made at the request of the Village vary between $1700 (by Chase-Brackett) and $5,850 (by Ed Lorens); with the Village's own estimate about between the two, at $3657. He recommended that an offer of $2,500 be made to the Company for the property, and that authority he granted to purchase for anything less than $4,QOO, Mr. Hite's report then listed in detail the uses recommended for certain portions of this tract, as follows: the half-way mark of the alley west of VanBuren Avenue will be retained by the Village as an expansion of Belmore Lane Park which lies directly to the south, The cost of this tract should he borne by the Village alone. (Area B). be traded for the north 30 feet of the old street car right-of-way now owned by Mr, Everett Garrison (area of 260QQ sq. ft,), stretching from Monroe Avenue to Harrison Avenue: (Areas numbered as per map submitted by Nr. Hite) The strip lying between Monroe Avenue and the half-way mark of the alley east of Monroe Avenue. The area between VanBuren Avenue and the half-way mark of the alley west of VanBuren Avenue. Area between VanBuren Avenue and the half-way mark of the alley east of VanBuren Avenue. The area between the half way mark of the alley east of VanBuren Avenue, and Harrison Avenue, of these tracts if the Village will pay 60%, and recommended that this offer be accepted. Garrison for $1500 "Outlot E" as shown on his map, being divectly north of "Area Bff, to be used as a further expansion of Belmore Lane Park. he understands the Park Board wants this property and is willing to pay this price €or it, Mr, Hite told Council that this transaction will enable Edina to secure its 3Q-fOOt portion of the proposed join!: Hopkins-Edina 60-foot right-of-way for Second Street between Monroe and Harrison Avenues, as previously discussed with Hopkins relative to the Hopkins-Edina border road. that Council authorize purchase of tract from Minneapolis, St, Paul & Suburban Railway Company in accordance with said recommendations, was seconded by Tupa and carried, P1 anning The area lying between half-way mark of the alley east of Monroe and The following portions of the tract (aggregating 16,496 sq. ft.) will A. E. D. E. Mr. Hite reported that Mr, Garrison has agreed to pay 40% of the cost In addition, Mr, Hite recommended that the Village purchase from Mr, He added VanValkenburg's motion, that Mr. Hite's recommendations be accepted and . .. QUIT CLAIM DEED AUTHORIZED FROM VILLAGE TO BENJAMIN CASHIN AND BERYL CASHIN FOR PART OF LOT 3, BLOCK 3, COUNTRY CLUB DISTRICT, BKOWN SECTION. Letter from Attorney Ward B. Lewis, asking that the Village grant a quit claim deed to the owners of "Lot 2 and part 'of Lot 3, Block 3, 'Country Club District Brown Sectiont1 for a part of this tract which the Abstract of Title shows was deeded to the Village in 1934. Record of this supposed deed cannot t~z fphd in the Village files, and there is no record in this office of a proposed utility through this property, It was recommended that the requested deed be granted, and VanValkenburg moved that the Village grant quit claim deed to Benjamin Cashin and Beryl Cashin for the following described property: "All that part of Lot 3, Block 3, Country Club District, Brown Section lying Northeasterly of a straight line drawn from a point in the Northerly line of said Lot 3, which point is 50 feet Westerly measured along said Northerly line from the Northeasterly corner thereof to a point in the Southerly Line of said Lot 3, which point is 12 feet Southwesterly measured along the South- easterly line of said Lot 3, from the Eeutheasterly corner thereof." Motion seconded by PlacMillan and carried. I 5/28/62 WATERI4AIN ASSESSMENT FOR CODE AVENUE, \I . 60TH ST, TO BENTON AVE , TINGDALE AVE , 1 4.59TH ST., TINGDA- AVE. , TO BE EQUALIZED BECAUSE OF PARK CONNECTION, AND LACK OF ASSESSABLE FOOTAGE. PIanager Hyde's report dated May 24, on the proposed assessment for watermain in Council reviewed these three streets (which are three separate projects) . because of lack of assessable footage in Code Avenue and Tingdale Avenue, and the matter of a park connection at 59th and Tingdale, the assessments be equalized to $656.83 per Lot, with the Village Water Department to pay $4,286.15 and the Park to be assessed for one connection, at $656,83. be accepted, and that this procedure be followed:in levying assessments for the three improvements, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Report recommended that, Tupa's motion, that recommendation SPECIAL ASSESSNENTS HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR NONDAY, JUNE 18, 1962. his informal report to Council at a previous meeting, Manager Hyde informed Council that several assessment rolls are now ready foq consideration by the Councii. Resolution and moved its adoption: Pursuant to I After review of I4r. Hyde's recommendation, Tupa offered the follotring RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSIblENT HEARINGS: STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. EA-27 ; C-80, C-82, AND C-83 ; &ID E-11 AND E-12 ; SANITARY LATERAL SEHER IMPROVEMENTS NOS 168, 180, 181, 187 AND 189 i .19d ; 'AND ,HATERl.hIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 151, 153,155,157 ,J,59,1 AND 161 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows: for the improvements set forth in the five Notice of Hearing forms hereinafter recorded, and the amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved; and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided. of notices of hearings hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assess- ments; and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish notices of said hearings in the official newspaper in accordance with law; said notices to be in substantially the following form: 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the propea amounts to be assessed 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the forms (A) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, at the Edina Villane Hall on NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON B I TU!-I1 NOU S SURFACE TRE ATNEN T GRADING AND GRAVELLING CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER IMPROVEt4ENT NO. BA-27 that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet Honday, June 18, 1962, at 7:'OO otclock P.M., to -b hear and pass upon-all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the above improvement. Clerk and open to public inspection, This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village STREET IMPROVEMEMT NO, BA-27 - Construction of Concrete Curb & Gutter, Bituminous Surface Treatment and Grading and Gravelling in: West 69th Street from Brittany .Road to Highway No. 100 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the street improved. Assessment for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1962 payable in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963. same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, The owner of any pDoperty assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accmed interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (B 1 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARINGS ON STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. C-80 ,C-82 ,C-83 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Council of the village of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on tionday, June 18, 1962, at 7:OO otclcock P.I.I., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for the above improve- ments. ogan to public inspection. These assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C-80 - Grading and Gravelling of Grove Street to Highway No. 169. STREET IMPROVENENT 140: C-82 - Grading and Gravelling of Xerxes Avenue to County Road No. 62. STREET IMPROVEFlENT NO. C-83 - Grading and Gravelling of from West 64th Street to West 65th Street. Johnson Drive from Heritage Drive from Josephine Avenue 139 5 /28 /62 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvements includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in three equal consecutive annual installments over a period of three years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1962 payable in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963, installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. To each subsequent The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (e> NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARINGS ON STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. E-11 E E-12 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, June 18, 1962, at 7:OO o'clock P.M#, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for the above improvements, the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. These assessments are now on file in the office of STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. E-11 - Construction of Concrete Paving and Integral Curb in - Dale Avenue from Benton Avenue to Grove Street STSET IMPROVEMENT NO. E-12 - Construction of Concrete Paving and Integral Curb in - West'59th Street from Tingdale Avenue to Code Avenue The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvements includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets improved. Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in fifteen equal consecutive annual installments over a period of fifteen years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1962 payable in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963. installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, The owner o€ any property assessed fop the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, To each subsequent BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, ,GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (a> NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARINGS ON SANITARY LATERAL SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 168, 180,181,187,189,190 NOTICE IS HERmat the Council of the Village of Edina trill meet at the Edina Village Hall or; Monday, June 18, 1962, at 7:06 o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the above improvements. These improvements are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY LATERAL SEWER AND. APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOI.JS : SANITARY LATERAL SEWER NO. 168 - In Grove Street from existing Trunk Sewer to Johnson Drive; Johnson Drive from Grove Street to Hwy. #169; Hwy. #169 from Johnson Drive to Goya Lane; Goya Lane from Hwy.#169 to cul-de-sac. SANITARY LATERAL SEWER NOc 180 - In Lynmar Lane from W,72nd St. North 220 Ft. SANITARY LATERAL SEWER NO, 181 - In Wooddale Ave. from Garrison Lane to 480 Ft, N.; Valley View Rd. from center line of Oaklawn Aver extended to 380 Ft. W. sac; On easement line along S, and SEly lot line of Lot 6, Block 2, Mirror Lakes MeadowdWood 2nd Addn, to Edina Highlands from Heather Lane to the intersection o€ Dundee Road and West 56th Street. Navaho Trail; Navaho Trail from Cherokee Trail to West line of Cherokee Hills Addn. SANITARY LATERAL SEWER NO. 19Q - In Tracy Avenue from Grove Street to 260 feet South. The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvements include all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets improved. SANITARY LATERAL SEWER NO. 187 - In Heather Lane from Hwy. #163 to Cul-de- SANITARY SEWER LATERAL NO. 189 - In Cherokee Trail from Gleason Road to 5/28/62 be payable in ten equal ten years, with first year in 1963, with interest on the Assessments for the above improvements will consecutive annual installments over a period of 1 payable with the taxes for the year 1962 payable entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963. will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. To each subsequent installment BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEW Village Clerk (E) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARINGS ON LATERAL WATERMAIN IHPROVEMENTS NOS s 151, 153, 155, 157, 159 AND 161 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, June 18, 1962 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for the above improvements. Clerk and open to public inspection. ' These Pssessmsnix are now on file in the office of the Village CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE I.JATERMAII\I Ai4D APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOkTS : LATERAL I.IATERPIAIN NO. 151 - In Johnson Drive from Grove Street to Highway No. 169; Highway No. 169 from Johnson Drive to Gate' Park Road (Formerly Carol Drive); Warden Avenue from Tracy Avenue to Johnson Drive. LATERAL I.TATERMAIN NO, 153 - In Code Avenue from West 60th Street to Benton Avenue, LATERAL WATERI4AIIQ NO. 155 - In Tingdale Avenue from Nest 60th Street to Benton Avenue. LATERAL HATERI4AIN NO. 157 - In York Avenue from West 56th Street to West 55th Street; Nest 55th Street from York Avenue to Zenith Avenue; Zenith Avenue from West 55th Street to 120 feet South. LATERAL GJATERNAIN NO. 159 - Connections only, in Lynmar Lane from G1.72nd Street North 220 feet. LATERAL The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvements The assessments for the above improvements will be payable in ten equal VATERNAIiJ NO, 161 2 In Mest 59th Street from Tingdale Ave. to Code Ave . includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1962 payable in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from'the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963. will be added interest at the same rate €or one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. To each subsequent installment . BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk Motion for adoption of the Resolution was there were four ayes and no nays, as VanValkenburg, aye; and Dickson, aye; on Rollcall Mayor Pro Tem PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY , JUNE 11, Council reviewed Public Works Director Gans' recommendations for certain public hearings to be scheduled on June 11, VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT, PORTLAND CEI4ENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, GRADIXG AND GRAVELLING Il4PROVEMENTS EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL Resolves as follows : The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCFGTE CURB AND GUTTER, A3D GRADING AND GRAVELLING IHPROVE!.IENTS described in the . form of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. 1. 5 /2 8/62 r. 'I 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, June 11, 1962, at 7:OO P,M., in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvementsr time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official news- paper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days frpm date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: i 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT, PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, GRADING AND GRAVELLING EDINA VILLAGL COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, June 11, 1962, at 7:QO P.M., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Minnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village as set forth below: ESTIMATED COST 1. CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWNG: A. St.Johns Aver from Lakeview Drive to Golf Terrace B. West Shore Drive from W.70th Str to Dunberry Lane; Dunberry Lane from Creston Rd. to #est Shore crive, C, W.44th St, from Browndale Ave, to Coolidge Ave. $ 4,920.37 $ 9,677.55 (AC Payment E PCC Curh & Gutter both sides of street); W,44th St + from Coolidge Ave. to W. line of Lot 3, B1. 1, Arden Park 3rd Addn. (PCC Curb and Gutter) $ 5,954.24 2. CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING AND GRAVELLING IN THE FOLLOWING: A. Waterman Ave. from Blake Rd. to 813' East $ 5,832.98 The area proposed to he assessed for the cost of the proposed Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter, and Grading and Gravelling improvements listed above, includes all lots and tracts of land 'abutting the respective streets proposed to be improved, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by MacMillan, and on Rollcall COUNCIL TO CONSIDER BIDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS ON JUNE 11, 1962. Director Gans presented his recommendations relative to the taking of bids on several improvement projects already approved, and, after some review hy Council, VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Public i.Jorks RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED STORM SEWER, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS AND DIRECTING ADVERT1SEMENT.FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEMENT CQNCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING, AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND. GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS set forth in the following Advertisements for Bids forms, hesetofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin the following two notices for bids for said improvements: The plans and specifications for 'the proposed STORM SEWER, ASPHALT (A) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in .the Edina Village Hall, 48Q1 W, 50th St., at 2:OO P.M., Friday, June 8, 1962, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.M., on Monday, June 11, 1962, to 1. 2. 3. consider' said b'ids, being for the following: CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: A. Chowen Ave. from C.S.A.H. #62 to W.62nd St, B, York Aver from C.S6AtH. #62 to 485' North, C. Ewing Aver from 120' S. of Chowen Curve to 649' S, of FF.62nd St. CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING IN THE FOLLOWING: A. Windsor Ave, from the East Lot line of Lot 2, Block 5, Westchester Knolls West to cul-de-sac, B. On the East Service Drive of Highway #lo0 from Payton Court to W.69th St. CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOFJING; A. Tower Street from St.Johns Ave. to Concored Ave, 122 f 5/28/62 Vork must be done as described in plans and specifications on of the Village Clerk. Plans and specifications are available $10.00 (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return specifications. No bids will be considered unless sealed and file in the office for a deposit of of said plans and accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. the right to reject any or all bids. The Council reserves BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (B) ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS STORW SEWER I MPROVEI4ENT SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 2:OO P.M., Friday, June 8, 1962, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.N., on Monday, June 11, 1962, to consider said bids, being for the following: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEHER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLO7JIMG: Valley View Road from Nine Mile Creek to 87 feet South of center line of Susan Avenue. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. $10.00 (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications, cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. the right to reject any or all bids, Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by The Council reserves BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S+ ALDEN Village Clerk 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contracts for? said improvements. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisements for bids are Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by MacMill were four ayes and no nays , as follows : aye; and Dickson,'aye; and the Resolution was ad on Rollcall there MacMillan, aye; Playor Pro Tem LIQUOR DTSPENSARY FUND FINANCIAL STATEEIENTS FILED. Sheet as at April 30, 1962, and Comparative Statements of Income and Expense for the Liquor Dispensary Fund Balance three months ending t4arch 31, 1962 as compared with three months ending $larch 31,1961, and for four months ending April 30, 1962 as compared with four months ending April 30, 1961, were presented, reviewed, and ordered placed on file. CLAIMS-PAID. dated May 28, 1962, was seconded by MacMillan and carried: and Swim Pool, $1,769.85; Water Fund, $3,988.30; Liquor Fund, $49,669.10; Sewer Rental Fund, $597.07 ; and Improvement Funds, $296.47 Credit - Total, $146,031.53. The agenda's having been covered , VanValkenbur8 moved for adjournment . seconded by I4acNillan and carried . Tupa's motion for payment of the following claims, as per Pre-List General Fund, $22,156.05; Construction Fund, $68,147.54; Park, Park Construction Hotion Adj ournment at XI: 30 P. M. /-- Village Clerk