HomeMy WebLinkAbout19620709_regular7/9/62 HINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JULY 9, 1962, AT 7:OO P.M., AT TdE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were Dickson , Macl4illan , Tupa , VanValkenburg and Bredesen. HEARING POSTPONEtlEN,TS ANNOUMCED , following Public Hearings scheduled for this meeting: Mayor i3redesen announced postponement of the 1. IN f.1.59TH ST. FRO1.I. CONCORD TO, OAKLAW: W,6OTH. ST. FRON COriCORD TO UOODDALE: AND CONCORD AVE,., FFOt.1 VALLEY VIE;? ROAD TO W.6OTH. STREET,. this is the Village's first attempt to propose an assessment to non-abutting properties for the improvement of cross streets; that, although notice of 'hearing was published, mailed notices were not sent because there is still work to be done on the proposed formula for assessment; that streets are in need of surfacing and project must be done some tine, and that as soon as assessment formula is firmly worked out, the project should be scheduled for Hearing. has now been filed by residents abutting W.6Oth Street between Concord Avenue and blooddale Avenue, objecting to any assessment for the surfacing of W.6Oth Street; and asked that project be postponed indefinitely. PU13LIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STREET SURFACING ATID COIICRZTE CURB AND GUTTER Manager Hyde reported that He added that a Petition It was so ordered. 2. PUSLIC ilEARiNG Oi4 PROPOSED WATERNAIN I14 XERXES AVENUE FROH V. 66TH STP+ET TO W.70TH STREET: W.71S??. STREET TO W.71-1/2 STREET: AND FROEI UASHBURIf CIRCLE TO 21.78TH.STRE;ET. for an indicatyon from Richfield as to the method of payment to be required for connection to the main. attorney and public works director, and that both feel there is every likelihood that Richfield will a1lor.I payment of a connection charge at time of connection, and will not insist upon an assessment; that the Richfield Council may consider Tnis - matter tonight. He suggested that Hearing be continued to August 13, for a commit- ment by the Richfield Council. Notion saconded by NacE4illan and carried. This Public Hearing had been continued to this meeting from June 11, . Hanager Hyde reported that he has talked with Richfield's Tupa so moved. I HINUTES of the Regular Meeting of June 25, 1962, were approved as submitted, by motipn VanValkenburg, seconded by Dickson and carried. PU3LIC HEARIXGS - CONDUCTED 014 PROPOSED IMPROVENEWTS of Publication ixdina-Norningside Courier June 28 and July 5, 1962, and of Mailing of I'lotice to affected property owners, which affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file, conducted, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded: Clerk pressnted Affidavits - Pursuant to Notice, the following Public iiearings were 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF STORM SEkER AND APPURTEMNKES IN SCHAEFER- ROAD FFOM A, POND Or4, THE WEST SIDE OF SCHAEFER ROAD AT A POINT 15' i4ORTH- 0F:THE S.?l. CORNER OF LOT 25, AUD, SUaD, #325 TO A POND 03 THE EAST SIDE OF SCHAEFER RD. AT A POii4T 233.5T IJORTH OF THE S.W. CORNER OF SAID LOT 25, Vu-Grapn Slide was shovm of proposed route of improvement, and proposed assessment district, Hyde explained that this project is being proposed by the Village because of a problem which exists in Schaefer Road abutting the Rice property, and the complaints and requests for pumping each time there is a heavy rain, and also because tho ponding at this point makes it difficult to maintain the surface, of the project was given as $8,383.76, proposed to be assessed against 184,760 Sq. Ft., for $.0454 per Sq. Ft. proposal for drainage built across a swamp; that he had built a shoulder about twelve feet from the edge of the road, made a pond out of the swamp, and had planted trees to beautify the property; that Harold Schaefer had subsequently installed a tile down the side of the road to the south pond; that the Gas Company had dug up the tile in 1952 but there was no record of their having replaced it. Dr. Rice told Council there had been little trouble until last year, when the Rices lost three trees; that the Village had asked permission to open the culvert this year (culvert draining from west to east, on Schaefer property), and that this permission had been granted, and the VLllaga had subsequently pumped on three different occasions. for the amount of this year's pumping bill ($145) he could afford to pay the full bill each year for forty years, for the amount of his assessment far tho proposed storm sewer. F4anager Hyde asked if it would be feasible to just bring the drain down the side of the road to where it used to be, and Public Borks Director Gans re;oorted that the matter of a former drain tile is still a moot point, because of the fact that there is a six-foot difference in ground levels between the high point between the two ponds and the ponds themselves, Adding that the Village Engineering Department has a definite responsibility to save General Fund moneys wlnere a serious road maintenance problem exists, Captain Gans reported that the tlaintenance Superintendent finds Schaefer Road such a maintenance problem; that Manager Estimated Cost Dr. Carl Rice, who stated he had submitted a counter of the street, reported that years ago the road had been Ke added that 7/9/62 (1 the ponding of water in the street is a hazard in both winter and summer; and that in addition to the problem of repairing the surface, there is the necessity of the maintenance crew's dropping whatever it might be doing to pump the area, He reported that the only permanent solution to the problem is the construction of the storm sewer--that whether this is the time for 3uch construction, or whether there is some other time for it, it must be done some time, stated he would much prefer that the Village continue to pump the pond; that he feels it would be fair for each property owner in the proposed assessment area to pay his share of the pumping cost on a basis conlparablc to that shown in the assessment area. chance of getting a voluntary neighborhood agreement for payment of pumping costs, Dr, Rice said he would think so. Mrs. Roy Larson told Council she finds it difficult to believe that owners of abutting properties are rosponsible for drainage of the street; that she and Nr. Larson and the Schaefers gave the street in its present condition to the Village some 24 years ago, and that it has had surprisingly little maintenance since that time, of the Schaefer Road water drains north past her house, to a pond that the Larsons formerly owned; that there was no water on Schaefer Road last Friday afternoon, immediately after a downpour, Mrs, Harold Schaefer reported that there is a tile from a pond just north of the Dahlquist house draining into her pond; that she is perfectly willing that Schaefer Road water be pumped into the large pond, and would like storm sewer project delayed if possible, Dahlquist reported he, too, believes project is unnecessary; 'chat he differs as to the reason for maintenance problems--that part of the. problem is the high speed at which those to the south tpavel Schaefer Road. He, added he feels tha? those concerned could get together to lay tile, at a cost lower than the project proposed. and carried. that neighbors bear their share of expense of pumping. an:engineer representing the Roy Larsons, suggested that the problem could be worked out at a much smaller cost than that proposed, by raising the level of the road at the time it must be torn up for a good base. Captain Gans answered *that the Village Engineering Department has taken cross sections and made careful study of the problem; feels that storm sewer is the solution--and, further than that, knows that in the future the Schaefer P.ond must be drained, eventually to Nine-Mile Creek. be the gift of the Village, construction must be an assessment project if and when it is determined to be necessary. AND, GUTTER, IN GOYA. LANE FROM, HIGHTilAY NO,. 169, TO-anager i-Iyde reviewed for Council and audience the proceedings on this proposed project to date: filing of a supposedly 100% petition for Portland Cement Concrete Paving, and the resulting ordering of the improvement by the, Council without a Public Hearing; the taking of bids, and the subsequent discovery that the petition was signed by owners of only seven of eight benefited lots; the rejektion of the bids because of this discovery and because bids had been tied to bids for improvoments on other streets for which lower Asphalt Concrete bids had been received; the decision to call this Hearing. Estimated Cost of proposed improvement was given as follows: $6,863.02, proposed to be assessed against 784,78 Ft., for $8.75 per Ft, B, PORTLAND CEMENT COidCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CUR3 - $9,250.57, proposed to be assessed against 784.78 Ft,, fro $11.79 par Ft. Mrs. Mabel H. Johnson, blayzata, owner of Lot 8, which fronts on Highway #169 but abuts Goya Lane, protested the cost, reporting that she has just been assessed for a Sanitary Sewer after installing a new drain field, Lot 2, told Council that owners of Lots 1 through 7 have no objection to an alternative of Asphalt Concrete Paving if the Village feels it will serve as well and be less expensive, between construction this year in contrast to waiting until next year for the Portland Cement Paving, the consensus is definitely that the Asphalt be used. Captain Gans reported that because there is very little Portland Cement work this year, the difference in cost may possibly be as much as $3,00 per foot--which is 'coo much of a difference for comparable construction, developed Goya Lane, reported Egan, Field and Wowak had surveyed the street for her; had assured her it would drain to Highway #169. Captain Gans informed her that water wiLl drain after street is surfaced. the taking of bids on both Poptland Cement Concrete and Asphalt Concrete Surfacing for this proposed improvement was seconded by Mac Millan and carried, then moved that the Proposed Street Improvement for Goya Lane be ordered, and that property abutting the street be proposed to be assessed therefor; that the type of street surfacing be determined after bids have boen received, Notion seconded by MacMillan , and on Rollcall vote carried unanimously , with Dickson , MacMillan , Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen all voting aye, Dr. Rice Asked by Mayor Bredesen if he thought there was a She added that some Mr. Dickson's motion, that project be abandoned, was seconded by Tupa Mr, E. B. MacBonald, Mayor Bredesen suggested that Dr. Rice organize something to see . Wrs. Larson added that she presumes any road construction t70Uld Mr, Hyde immediately informed her that road 2, PUBLIC HEARIIJG ON PROPOSED PERMAMEI?T STREET SURFACIKG AHD CONCRETE CUR3 I The A. ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING 'IJITH PORTLAHD CEMEUT COI*ICRSTE CUR3 MID GUTTER - Mr. Charles Proctor, owner of He added that should the alternate mean the difference Hrs. Johnson, who had I Dickson's motion, authorizing Dickson 7/9/62 * 1 COUHCIL DFJfIES, PETITION- FOR SANITARY SEWER IN TIIJGDALE AVENUE BETWEZ8 W, 65TH AXD W. 66T5 ST.sETS. pesition filed by Mr, Warren A. 'Ortenblad, which carries signatures of only 'three property owners; that cost of running sewer this one block and than to tie into 66th Street Sewer would be about $1175.00 a lot, wholeheartedly against bringing this project to public hearing af~ this time because of the great lack of interest in the improvement. Mr. Hyde reported that Mr, Ortenblad's problem can be solved by'his bringing sewer in from W.65th Street and installing a sump pump at his premises. accepted, and Tupa so moved, HanagercHyde reported that investigation. has been made on the He added that he would recommend He recommended.that petition not be Motion seconded by i-lacMillan. and carried. I PETITTON FOR DF+II;IAGE OF "BROADWORE" POND AS PART OF STOR14 SEWER I'r4PROVEl.IEHT NO, 75 HOI?O.GD. property ocners had requested that pond not be drained, contains tho names of Mr. and Nrs. Knippenberg, Mr. Kenneth Lantto, and b!r* Victop Fridlund, Jr, , owners of the property surrounding the pond, and constructing storm sewer accordingly, and it was so ordered, with no dissenting vote, .(HOE : PETITIOid U:?DER CONSIDERATION AT MEETING OF 7/9 asks tha-i: CauncilttaLter its This petition, filed after the Council t-leetini of June 25, at which - l'lanager Hyde recommended honoring petition action of June 25,1962 regarding preservation of pond: and that pond be tirained and OILII?G PETITIOIJS ACCEPTED,, by the Clerk and, by motion Dickson, seconded by VanValkanburg and carried, were The following Improvement Patitions were submitted /kept dry')' accepted and referred to Engineering Department for programming; OILING - Nillpond Place, Westbrook Lane to WES R.R, OILIIJG - f.J.57th St., Dale Ave, to Bernard Place. OILING - Adams Ave., Belmore Lane to 3rd St, OILIIiG - Honroe Ave., 3elmore Lane to N, Village Limits. OILING - Leslee Lana, Jeffrey Lane to Dead End, . PETITIO!?- FOR, CROSS STREET OR SIbEyIALii BETHEEN EKING AVENUE AXD' F,WXE AVENUE; Manager Hyde and Planning Director Hite esplained that there is no provision for a cross street between 1.1.60th Stzeet and the Cross Town Highway, between France and Ewing Avenues; that Ewing Avenue residents have filed a petition for eithir such'a cross street, or a pedestrian access from Ewing Avenue to France Avenue along the Cross Town right-of-way, and that Hennapin County has agreed that the .north five feet of its right-of-way may be, used for such pedestrian access, Rr. Edward Bergquist , representing Mr . and Mrs , Elmer Johnson, 6325 France Avenue, whose property abuts the proposed pedestrian access, told Council that the Johnsons are protesting this proposed walkway because It deprives him of the privacy he purchased when he-purchased his home; that the Cross Town ramp has already deprived him of some of this privacy; also, there are no sidewalks running parallel to France Avenue, and the only pedestrians who would be using the walk way are children on bicycles, and that this is a very dangerous area for this type of thing because it will be immediately adjacent to the ramp, $1~. Johnson complained to the Council that - 1, He is paying mora taxes on his property than his neighbors down the street who have more valuable homes. He is paying utilities assessments on property he does not ovm.3.The Village issued a building permit for a 67-foot house on a 65 foot lot.rS.Th6 County has 6, If the walkway is approved people will be walking within eighteen feet of his house, !-frt Lacy, 6308 Ewing Avenue, told Council, that neighbors on Etiing Avenue are interested in securing some way to get out to France Avenue without having to walk to W.6Oth Street to do so; that the children in the area are picked up at the corner of France and the Cross Town by the Richfield School Bus; that sone people work at Southdale and catch the bus at this corner. Nrs, V.E. Soderberg, 6312 Ewing, told Council that original Cross Town plans showed a service road on the north side of the highway; that this had disappeared with adoption of plans for the ramp; that all the neighbors want is access to France Avenue for the young children in the area, who will.be sorely tempted to cut through private property rather than walk ten blocks to arrive at a destination one block away. Bergquist Is comment that this will be dangerous, Nrs. Soderberg replied that it will very little more dangerous than having youngsters go to I.I.60th Street because vehicles on the ramp will be preparing to stop at France Avenue. Mr, Johnson told Council that County had promised to construct a five-foot fence on the north right-of-way line from France Avenue to the westerly edge of his driveway where it enters the highway rizht-of -way, then approximately five feet south of the traveled portion of the driveway to Ewing Avenue; and had given him permission to fence from his southeast property south to the highway fence and place a gate across the driveway; this according to a letter from Assistant County Engineer A, L. McXay, written January , 1962 Ewing, then produced copy of letter to her from County Engineer Faderson, dated September, 1961, pronising placement of a fence five feet south of the north right-of-way line so that there would be a continuous strip of land owned by Hennepin County between Eence and northerly right-of-way line, for use by pedestrians. an asphalt walkway, here, as part of its over-all construction; and, noting Tnat APPROVED: SIREf.JALi( TO BE; ON CROSS-TOWN RIGHT-OF-HAY ABUTTIIJG 6325 FfiANCE AVENUE- ' - 2. 'deprived him of access to France Avenue fron his garage, To Mr. Nrs. B. H, Pinclcaers ,6301 Manager Hyde reports that the County now feels it can construct .I the walkway will be on County-owned 7/9/62 property and Village funds will not be i59 expended for it, VanValkenburg moved approving construction of asphalt concrete walkway on Hennepin County CfiosstoBn- Highway Right-of-way beitween Ewing and France Avenues, were five ayes and no nays, as follows: VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and motion was unanimously adopted. Motion was seconded by Dickson; and on rollcall vote, thare Dickson, aye; MacMillan, aye; Tupa, aye; SATELLITE SERVICE COMPANY'S REQUEST,FOR OCCASIONAL USE OF DISPOSAL SPOT AT 72ND AND FRAiVCE was reported on by Manager Hyde, who told Council that this matter . has been gettled to the satisfaction of all concerned by requiring the company to secure a license for the three years €or which they should have had a license, and settling on a permit fee of $10 per year for dumping permit, rather than the $2.00 per-use permit required of ordinary scavengers, Settlement informally approved by Council, COUIJCIL TO ALLOV, J<O, RELIEF TO INDUSTRIAL .DEVELOPKENTS RELATIVE" TO. PRE-PAYMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMEIITS UPON, CHANGE OF LAiND TITLE: THREE-YEAR PLA!J, TO, REMAIH IM ALL RESPECTS, No, 2%3 canno"! be amended to differentiate between various types of title. change, relative to pre-payment of special assessments; that amendment can be made to differentiate between different types of development (Open Development District to have one regulation, Non-Residential property another type of regulation), if this is what the Council wishes to do, Anothor lengthy discussion was had by the Council with regard to a possible amendment to Ordinance No- 263 to eliminate for non-residential properties the requirement that special assessments be prepaid upon change of title, Mayor Bradcsen oppdsed any differance in regulations between residential and non-residential plats, favored a difference in this respect only, stating he feels the three-year term should still stand, non-residential developers will be requesting the same type of relief as that now requested by' the Rauenhorsts; that a utilities-financing plan for non- residential properties had not even been thought of at the time the plan for residential developments was adopted. Asked by Trustee Tupa how neighboring municipalities handle non-residential utilities assessments, Mr. Hite replied that Bloomington will assess non-residential areas'over a term of up to 40 years; St.Louis Park and Brooklyn Park require both residential and non- residential developers to put in.their own utilities and pay for them; Ncw Hope assesses up to 20 years; Golden Valley assesses for a normaltarm; that the general going practice is to not require non-residential developers to pay for utilities, but to assess over a normal assessment termr Asked by Trustee MacMillan if Mr. Kite's recommendation for elimination of assessment pre- payment in non-residential developments is that of management, Mr. Hyde replied in the affirmative, stating that the Village can still safeguard its credit rating with the requirement of a bond guaranteeing payment+ Tupa stated he feels that if the credit situation has changed, the Village should go to a five-year assessment term for everybody; and was reminded that the only matter under consideration is that of pre-payment on change of title, Mayor Bredesen asked if there would be merit in eliminating this requirement from residential developments, and Messrsi Hite, DaLen and Xyde all reported that there is merit to this suggestion; that enforcement.of the ordinance is difficult; that only one developer has used the three-year, ppepayment-on- title-change agreement is on file it has proved difficult to find in title searches, Trustee Tupa moved that,in view of the Village's satisfactory experience on the three-year term assessment basis, the Village stay on the three-year basis in all respects, with no change in Ordinance, and carried, with Dickson voting No. COUNCIL AUTHORIZES PURCHASE OF 'ITHAT PART OF LOT 48, AUDITOR'S SUBDIVISION 176 LYING WEST OF THE EAST 140 FT. THEREOF" FOR $3,000, FOR RE-ALIGNMENT OF BROOKSIDE mUE. -nt of hookside Avenue north of Highway No. 169, presented in connection with present plans for channelization of traffic at Interlachen-Brookside- Highway No, 169 intersection; reporting Dr, J.P. Hornick's offer to sell the above described tract to the Village for $5,000, and stating this would be about half the necessary new right-of-way. recommended that an offer of $3,000 be made for this property, and Tupa moved that offer be made in accordance with EIr. Hite's recommendation, by Dickson and carried, Village Attorney HasseLquist informed the Council that Ordinance Trustee Dickson Planning Director Hite told Council that other Trustee agreement; and Attorney Hasselquist reported that although this fslotion was seconded by VanValkenburg, Manager Hyde reviewed for Council the long-range plans €or the re- Planning Director George Hite Motion seconded BOARD pF REVIEW MEETING TO 8E FRIDAY, JULY 13 reminded that Board of Review will convene on Friday, at: 5:OQ P,M, AT VILLAGE HALL. Council was He added that Books of Valu tion are not yet complete, and that meeting will undoubtedly have to be adjourned & a later date, but that Board must convene this date in accordance with Notice. ? 7 /9 /62 COXST$UCTI?X PLANS AUTiORIZZD FOR THO 1TEi;l IIATER WELLS AlJD IRON REMOVAL PLNIT, 1 Han&er Hyde appraised the Council of the water emergency existing in the 1 Village ten days ago, when pumps could not suppiy water fast enough to meet the demand, of water in the tanks decreased from 146 Ft, to 110 Ft,, and the reservoir was down to about half full, He thanked residents for their cooperation in ceasing sprinkling, saying that within two hours after the sprinkling ban was announced the level in the tanks started to raise, has not been drilled since the Hansen Road Well in 1958, NP, Hyde stated that we can now pump approximately 9,000,000 gallons per 24 hours at maximum capacity, whereas customers were using water at the rate of 16,000,000 gallons per day during the brief dry spell in June, removal plants have been put into operation complaints on rad water have decreased materially; that on normal-use days there are practically none--but that most of the calls we do receive come from the area south of 70th Street and east of No-rmandale Road. bution prograii two wells and another iron removal plant should be constructed immediately in park property already 'acquired, just south and east of Lake Edina Additions (at what would be about Wooddale Avenue and i1.76th Street). that since 1958 we have had a 23% increase in water production and a 40% increase in number of water connections, Mr. Hyde recommended construction of one Hincklcy and one Jordan well, along with an iron removal plant including a backwash drain line to the existing pond east of the well site, which he estimated would cost approximately $234,000; plus the mains necessary to connect to the existing system at total cost of $20,600, for a total expenditure of some $254,600 as estimated. differential in the country between normal water use and peak load, Mr. Hyde told Council that additional facilities will be needed,'immediately, for a comparatively few days each year and that it is not to consider this construction, now, but that rapid developnent of the southeast section of the Village ifill make this construction an urgent necessity within the next three to five years--and, that unless strict sprinkling bans are imposed during dry spells the present capacity is not sufficient to supply the demand. 3redesen inquired as to vhether a water rate increase will be necessary, and Finance Director Dalen reported that while he is not completely sure until actual costs of new construction are figured he believes that an increase may not be required. . recommended elimination of the two low rates, with establishment of a flat rata of 22e gross and 20C: net for all users, as a means of conserving water, should rate raise prove expedient. Asked by Hayor Sredesen why another Jordan ifall is being considered, now, when recomnendation in 1958 was against ever digging another Jordan well, IJessrs. Hyde and Woehler explained that the Jordan will be primarily a reserve well for use during the sprinkling season; that it is' being considered as an economical method of securing a larger water supply at one location, without expenditure of txo puspinz stations. t-lanager's authority to have construction plans prepared for two new wells and iron removal plant. He reported that on June 28, from 11:OO to 11:30 A.M., the elevation . Reminding Council that a new well Mr. Hyde reported that since the two iron I He recommended that, as part of the long-ranga water distri- Stating Saying that he is only too well aware that "enjoys" the greatest Xayor In this regard, both Manager Hyde and Utilities Sup?, ?roehler Tupa moved for Notion seconded by Dickson and carried. EDINA, NOT TO PARTICIPATE IN STUDY, OF SEWZR SERVICE RATES, of the i-iayor of New Hope for Edina participation in a study of American Appraisal Council reviewed request Company of Nilwaukee of sewer service rates charged by tfinneapolis to surrounding municipalities, this study, and it xas so ordered. Manager Hyde recommended that Edina refrain from joining in STORFI SEVER ASSESSHENT POLICY RATIFIED. Pursuant to several discussions, and directions by the Council for preparatcon of a policy for assessment of non- residential properties, Mr. Hyde reviewed for the Council the recommendations of Messrs. Hite and 3arr relative to the ratio believed equitable, is as follows: Recommendation ZONIi?G CLASSIFICATION Open Development ASSESSEIENT RATiO 1 Xultiple Residence 1 1/4 Office E Planned Industrial L 1/2 Regional Shopping E Nedical 13/4 Cmmunity Store E Commercial 2 Council had received copies of Hr, Hite's detailed memorandum for revier.J; and Dickson's motion that the recommended assessment ratio for storm sewers be made policy of the Council. Motion.seconded by VanValkenburg and unanimously carried. $40-,000, PERSONAL. INJURY CLA1I.I FILED, claim for personal injury, filed by Mrs, Elmer L. Tvetane, 5213 N+6Oth St., for broken ankle suffered in fall on street .at Village Hall. Manager Hyde reported keceipt df $40,000 Claim ordered referred to Village Attorney. TREASURER'S REPORT FOR 1-lAY, 1962, AND LIQUOR DISPZNSARY FUND STATEMEllTS FOR FIVE NONTHS ENDING HAY 31, 1962, were filed by I4r. Dalen for Council raviow, c 7 /9 /62 DATE; SET FOR STORM SEWER AND PAVING ASSESSMENT HEARINGS. Councinor a date on which to conduct several Storm Sewer and Paving Assess- ments which should go on the tax rolls this year. S/pecial Assessment Hearings be scheduled for Monday by Dickson and carried, Manager Hyde asked MacMillan's motion, that was seconded August 20 HEARINGS AND BIDS, SCHEDULED FOR JUGY 23, still several improvement projects which should be publicly heard; and some. bids to be taken for work this summer. projects, and VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLUTION APPROVING PLAIj &@D #!"I FI CAT1 ONS FOR PROPOSED SAifITARY SEWER, P! ARENT STREET Mr, Hyda reported that there are He reported briefly on these proposed SURFACING APJD CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: WATERMAIN 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed SAiiITARY SEWER/N?D PERMANENT STREET SURFACIHG AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMEBTS set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approvcd, 2. Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvements: The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W, 50th St,, at 2:OO P.M,, Friday, July 20, 1962, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.M., on Monday, July.23, 1962, to consider said bids being for thc following: 1 COIJSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES 1i.I THE FOLLO?JING: A, Sherwood Ave. from XJ,64th St, to 315' South Skerwood Ave. from W.66th St. to 230' North of V.65th St, T.J.65th St. from Ryan Ave, to Parnell Ave. Parnell Ave. from W.65th St. to NJ,64th St, Ryan Ave. from W,64th St. to 175' North and 570' South Ryan Ave, from 'iJ.65th St. to 300' South Nest 64th wt. from Ryan Ave. to Parnell Ave. W,66th St. from Sherwood Ave. to Brittany Rd, 2. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN &\lD APPURTZMAidCES IR TdE FOLLOI.?IMG : A, Sherwood Ave. fron W.64th St, to iJ,66th St, W.66th St, from Srittany Road to Sherwood Ave. Ryan Ave, from 185' Yorth of W.64th St, to the North line North line of Lot 3, Block 17, Hormandale Addition from W.65th St. from Ryan Ave, to Parnell Avc. Parnell Ave. from N.64th St. to N,65th St. W,64th St, from Sherwood Ave, to Parnell Ave. of Lot 3, Block 17, Normandale Addition Ryan Ave* to Sherwood Ave. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOlK!3~G: A, St.Johns Ave.*from Lakeview Drive to Golf Terrace 8, West Shore Drive from 'vJ.7Oth St, to Dunbemy Lane; C, W.44th St, from 3rowndale Ave. to Coolidge Ave,; Dunberry Lane from Creston Rd, to West Shore Drive. (AC Paving and PCC Curb and Gutter both sides of street) ;1,44th St.. from Coolidge Ave, to W. line of Lot 3, Block 1, Arden Park 3rd Addition (PCC Curb and Gutter) D, Rolf Ave, from W,63rd St. to W,64th St, E. Drew Ave, from Y.66th St. North to the North line of Lot 2 ., Block 4, Southdale Acres Work must be done as described in plans and specifications.on file in the office of the Village Clerk. deposit of $10.00 (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications, accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certifled check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (LO) percent of amount of base bid, The Council reserves the right to reject any OP a11 bids, BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, Plans and specifications are available for a No bids will be considered unless sealed and GRETCHEN S. ALDEH Village Clerk 3, hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are * Motion for adoption of the Resolution was .seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Dickson, 1 7/9/62 And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIO.4 PROVIDING FOR PU3LIC HEARIIIGS PROPOSED SAiJITARY SEXER , PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRZTE CUR8 AND GUTTER INPROVEMEi?TS 3E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village'of Edina: The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed SANITARY SEWER AND PERIIANE:?T STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEHE3TS described in the Form of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of sucn improvement, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk, the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvements. The Clerk is hereby authokized and directed to cause notice of the- time, place. and purpose of said meeting 'to be published in the official news- paper once a week for two successive weeks, $he second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form; 1. 2 * This Council shall meet on Monday, July 23, 1962, at 7:OO P.H., in I 3. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON SANITARY SEVER, PERYANENT STREET SURFACING A1?D COJJCRETE CUJB AND, GUTTER EDIWA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Wonday, July 23, 1962, at 7:OO P,t.i,, to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under the authority granted by Hinnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398, The amroximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village as set A& forth below: ESTIHATED COST I. CCXGTRUCTIOl? OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEkIER AND APPURTE;?HJCES Il? THE FOLL09ING: A. Vandervork Ave. from 250' S, of Division St, to 600' S, of Division St. $ 5,727.57 2. COiJSTRUCTIO;? OF PERE.IANENT STREET SURFACING AXD CONCRETE CUR3 AiiD GUTTER 114 TXE FOLLO!.IILJG: A. 3. C. Ryan !we. from W.62nd St, to Valley View Rd. Drew Ave. from k1,66th St, $4, to the i4, line . Ayrshire alvd, from Dundee Rd. to Glengarry tlirror Lakes Dr, fron the 14. line of Lot 25, Dundee Rd, from the N, line of Hirror Lakes I.I,66th St. from Dundee Rd. to State Hwy,#169-212$ 52,079.15 $ 17,089.38 of Lot 2, Slock 4, Southdale Acres. $ 5,163.92 Parkway ; Rosendahl's Edina Highlands Addn. to U.56th St.; Keadow-Vood 2nd Addn, to Edina Highlands to \*I, 56th St. ; The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Inprovement under l-A above; includes Lots 6 thru 12 incl,, Block 2, and Lots 13 thru 19 incl., Block 3, all in Clevelands Subdivision of Emma Abbott Park. The areas proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proDosed Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter under 2-A, 2-3, and 2-C above includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the respective streets proposed to be improved. GRETCHEII S. ALDEN Village Clerk IJotion for adoption orthe Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: , aye ; t1actlillan aye ; aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, PU3LIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED C-1 TRUNK SANITARY SEWER EXTENSIO;?, AND PARK'dOOD IS3b:LLS LATERAC SkilE<S: COiJTIJkIED TO AUGUST 13:. ' ilr. Hydc asked that Council continue the Hearings scheduled for July 23, to August 13, for further study and reports on these proposed projects, and Dickson so moved. by MacTrfillan and carried, Notion seconded CLAIMS PAID,. Dickson's motion for payment in June from the Construction Fund to the Stow Company of $18,450.00, being 758 of Escrotr Acoount for Street Surfacing of Lake Edina 2nd Addition, and for payment of, the follovling Claims as per Pre List Dated July 9, 1962, was seconded by Tupa and sarried: General Fund, $11,606,17; Construction Fund, $7,933.77; Park, Park Const. and Stlim. Pool, $15,100.11; Bater Fund, $2,630-09; Liquor Fund, $24,182,05; Sewer Rental fund, $106*82; Improvamnt Funds, $60.00; and Poor Fund, $10.0O--TotaL,$.61,629,01. A VaqValkenb r Adjournment gt 8:30 f3.M. t en m ved for adjournme