HomeMy WebLinkAbout19620713_19620802_edina_board_of_review_continued@/4?/p5+ ?IINUTES OF THE CONTINJED PORTION OF THE ZDUA .. 53ARD OF REVIEW MEETIXG OF FRIDAY , JULY 13,1962, -> 8ELD THURSDAY, AUGUST 2,1962, AT 2:OO P.N., AT THE EDIIdA VILLAGE HALL The continued portion of the Meeting of the aoard of Review convened at 2:OO P,M,, Thursday, August 2, 1962, at the Village Hall, following "Board of Review" notice of "Second and Final Meeting", published in the Edina-Morningside Courier July 26, 1962, Flembers present were MacMillan and Tupa. Board , .Village Manager Hyde , Village Assessor Kearns , Mr , dayne A Johnson, County Supervisor of Assessments, Robert Martin, Assistant Supervisor, Deputy Village Assessors Lukas Angelus and Charles Feitz, and George Langmack, Administrative' Assistant, attended. Ilr, Hyde announced to the audience that there would not be a quorum as Fdr. Dickson had been unavoidably detained and would attend later. Nr. Hyde that a tape recorder would be on at all times during the meeting and the tapes played back to Mr. Dickson so that he would be made aware of all that had transpired at the meeting, with the aoardls decision, after Mir, Dickson had heard the records, was entitled to appeal before the County Board of Equalization and the State Board of Equalization, or that they may wait until after the assessment has been levied and make a direct appeal to Circuit Court, Miss Bonnie Boyd acted as Clerk for the The audience was informed by . Mr. Hyde also told those present that anyone dissatisfied Nr, Kearns then asked all'those present who wished to appear before the Board to give him their legal descrip-Lions so that he might have the property cards available, . NR, DVAYNE TRONES - 4712 Phlox Lane, PLAT NO, 76006 - PARCEL 4250, stated he felt his property was valued too high in comparison with other houses in his neighborhood. He referred to a list which cited the locations, square footage, number of baths, etc, of comparable houses in the neighborhood and pointed out to the Board that his home tias not very favorably situated on his property, that there was masonite siding on it and that he felt these factors should be taken into consideration by the 3oard. It was his feeling that the valuation should be at about $31,000, ' *~ . At this point Mr. Hyde suggested to Mr. Tupa and Mr, Nac!4illan that in view of the number of people to be heard by the Board and for the benefit of the audience, that they listen to all protests and comments, go over the records, and then notify the persons appearing, by the doard must be made that day, It was pointed out that under the law all findings and resolutions FIRS. 'PI. J. BANMITZ - 5008 Fremont Avenue South, Ninneapolis - PLAT NO. 73972 - PARCEL 9910; PLAT 73607 - PARCEL 5520, told the Board her property was in the hands of the Edina Realty Company and she had received only one offer of $20,000 for all the property, Since the land has proved difficult to sell Mrs. dannitz said she doubted very much that the property could be at a premium and for this reason she thought the valuation too high. installed in the area, which would effect her. this factor also be given consideration, MR. H. T. t.TORSE - 1933 James Avenue South, Minneapolis - PLAT NO. 73607 - PARCEL 9000, who owns 12-1/2 acres; stated he did not believe his land south of Valley View had been assessed correctly as it was more or less a peat bog which would require a great deal of fill to make it usable, tionate, and that a total value of $15,250 would be more equitable, !Ira Kearns advised the 3oard the summer cottage on Nr. Morse's land had been reduced to a full and true value of $300, and that the south one-half of land should be revieweti. :n " It was also mentioned that there is a possibility of sanitary sewer being Nr. Hyde suggested to the EJoal?d-that ' ' He felt the raise in valuation was dispropor- . . MR. G. L. SCHUSTER - 4809 Dewey Hill Road - PLAT NO, 73608 - PARCEL NUI.IBERS, 4300, * m0, 6200, 5710, 4270, 4100 and 6310; contended a good deal of land assessed was - under water; part of his land was used for raising livestock; +the property had not been bought for speculation, but to live on, and it was his opinion the valuation was too high. Mr. Kearns said be had taken into consideration the land under water when he made his valuation, but he realized tnis condition made the land much harder to develop. I*IRS, VERNON MORGREid - 6009 Dewey Hill Road - PLAT NO. 73608 - PARCEL 5600 - stated her property was low land, thought increase in valuation too high. Mr. Kearns said the total assessed value was much less than sales of land in area, and the land was more valuable than the house; therefore, his valuation was based on bringing the house down and the land up. MR. R. A. BEWTELSOI?, SR. - lll-22nd Ave, 140. - representing EDINA SAND G GRAVEL - PLAT NO. 73861 - PARCEL 600 - felt valuation too high, much of land just sand, about 25% swamp. dedicated to the Village of Edina for park purposes and consequently this should have been deducted. Plr. Xearns stated if this was correct, the deduction should have been made, and it was agreed that the amount of acreage be changed fDom 40 to 32.2 acres. Mr, Bertelson also brought out that 7.7 acres of the property had-been 8/2 /62 1-84 f 1~E. JOWIT HEDBERG, TREASURZR - 3EDBERG E SOiJS - 7557 FBAZTCE AVENUE - PLAT 30,73832 - PARCEL iiUPI3ERS 4800, 2800, 800, 1200, 5300, and PLAT NO. 73831 - PARCEL 5000 - Total 85.6 acres. Parcel 4800 purchased by Hedberg in 1959 at $2700 per acre, new market value is $9,000 which they feel is too much of an increase, Hedberg commented on PARCELS 2800, 800, 1200 and 5000 to the effect that portions of each were assessed at one valuation and the remainder at another, he contended that all of it should have same value. he thought $2,500 was a fair figure, In summation he felt the aoard should consider an adjustment due to the property elevations in relation to France Avenue, and that the land should be valued on zoning as it exists today, and not their taxes would be quite substantial - $4,400 to $14,500. HR. HAROLD ROBERTS - OSCAR ROSERTS COMPANY - 7200 France Ave. So. - PLAT 73831 - PARCEL IUJI-lBERS 5400, 4600 2400; PLAT NO. 73728 - PARCEL 3401 - had appraiser's report from A, D, Strong Company based on residential zoning, valuation too high, said he would not dispute it if the property were zoned industrial, Hr, - . ~ - *_- Regarding PARCEL 5300 valued at $3,000 , L . *.** * ..?. 6.. - on the basis of whit may be zoned in the future. He mentioned the increase in He thought Mr.Kearns' c A copy of the appraiser's report was left for the i3oard's perusal. tiR. L. El. GUNDEfZSOiT - 4919 Dewey Hill Road - PLAT NO. 73608 - PARCEL 5800 - said 70% of their land was swamp and some exemption should be allowed for that, Kearns,asked by Mr. Zyde if he had exempted any land in his valuation because of swamp, and said that he had not. Xr. MR. >I. S. HOOPER - 4516 Edina Boulevard - PLAT NO. 74820 - PARCEL 2150 - upon receiving valuation he discussed with friends the market value of their homes and his, figured his was up 22% while others went up only 2 to 3%; he wrote Plr. Kearns regarding this. Had real estate appraisal fron E, 3, Noffett, a copy of which was left for the Board's review, 4 &Y 'A 14R. ALFRED PAVELKA - 6001 County Road 18 - PLAT NO. 73731 - PARCEL 1400 - questioned inequality, neighboring property not assessed at same rate, three acres of his land was swamp. the re-appraisal program was Covered in the Village News Letter published in Flay of this year and that tax-wise Edina rated about in the middle of municipalities in the suburban area. t .* bd His opinion that Edina's taxes are far too high. Mr, Hyde pointed out a. ii NR. HAROLD STAFFORD - NAPCO SAXD E GRAVEL - 3300 Vest 78th St, - PLAT NO. 73832 - *I PARCELS 9200', 2100 and 8000;' purchased PARCEL 2100 four years ago for $7,500, present market value now, $16,000, said he doubted if anyone would be willing to pay $3,000 per acre as assessed, and it was his opinion that market value is what peopb are willing to pay, not what it is assumed they will pay. In response to a question Hr. Stafford advised the State Highway Department had paid him $4,300 an acre for property condemned for its freeway 'r" 6% -I * <= X?, HOSI4ER i3ROlIN - 4513 14oorland Avenue - PLAT NO. 74820 - PARCEL 2075 - paid $33,500 for home when bought in December of 1960, but this included carpating and draperies worth a fairly substantial amount. thought a reduction to $32,500 would be in order, Assessed by Kearns at $33,700, Mr. Brown FIR. PETER H, ?4OLLOY - 4393 !.lackey Avenue - PLAT XO. 74320 - PARCEL 4000 - protested increase in taxation of 33%, up from $19,000 to $25,600; Hr, Kearns stated that correct figure was $23,500 and that error must have been made in the letter sent froin his off ice, 14r, Wolloy agreed $23,500 was reasonable. XRS. Al-IAJDA ROUSHAR - 7129 County Road 18 - TLAT 73607 - PARCEL 1500 (27 acres) - valued at $15,000, noxi $54,300 which she thou2h-t: was too high. considered land to be worth and said she did not know, had been offered $400 an acre which she would not even consider, Was asked what she :Ir. XacXillan asked Iir. Johnson , County Supervisor of Assessments , for assurance that other towns would be equalized along with Edina in the re-appraisal program. tlr, Johnson replied that he had been informed by the State that they intended to carry this program out, ! Village Assessor ;<earns presented the following written requests for valuation adjustments : FR. RALPH OVERHOLT - 4966 Valley View Rd. - PLAT 73972 - PARCELS 3205 and 3240 COLONIAL REALTY, INC. - 609-2nd Ave, So, - PLAT 73609 - PARCEL 4000 :4R. L, A POTTER - 4610 i3rowndale Ave, - PLAT 74820 - PARCEL 5350 I4R. CARL N. HA;JSEN - 6200 Parkwood Rd, - PLAT 73731 - PARCELS 2720 and 323 NR. ALISO:? i3RiOX - 4706 Sunnyside Rd, - PLAT 74820 - PARCEL 625 XR. VILES VRASPIR - 6101 County Xd. #18 - PLAT 73731 - PARCEL 1600 I4R. 1.1. P. JOXJSOiJ - St.Louis Park - PLAT 73608 - PARCELS 1871 and 4861 and reported oral conplaints to him, that valuations are too high, as follows: Mr, Hyde mentioned that Southdale Management had their new valuations explained to them by 14r. Kearns, but the property owners were not satisfied and there was a 'S po&dilitY.,f they would appeal further. 1 tlotion was then made , seconded and carried for adjournment, -L ,I& ;\ c c in? __ - - - - I_ I- =-, 0 0 rl tn PI b cu rf 000 om0 0 m 0 t-0. rf m b m m om ON QM v)co R cr) v) 0 0 rl om om wm Qco 00 rffu Chm mm 0 0 0 Ch b 0 Q m b cub b '0 0.0 mmm . rn M cr) cn rl NN 4J-P 8) m k s3 '1 %J!* f 'r * e H G aag 8x"x I'O'O 0 0 0 0 0 0000~rr0 coco\oOcofcu Mchfrnbv)rl 03cu m rl 0 0 cu 2ZR rl\o aco oom oom omcuooocu ofchocQm\o ococorrchcorl om \o rl 4 m 0 0 \o 0 rl 0 0 ch m rl 0 0 0 m cu 000 cov) 2gs oooorloo 00 om ~S,,mlAcu Y,S2cod 0 0 5 cu m co 2 0 -lJ m cu m a0 M b -P v3 0 0 cu co ix 0 3 b 0 \o m 2- 42 ch 0 \o M f\- cu m co m b 03 d i ao, a h d u cu rl b h $1, F: u 4 0 rl \o g 0 0 N r- 0 0 0 0 cu b 0 u 0 0 0.l b 0 u rl 0 0 \o 0 40 am brr cd & ch ri ch m k k rl 4 .w ‘3 0 “0 0 M cu pr !’ E 0 0 tn mo 0 tn cuo 0 N 03 N.b cu 00 Wrl Y 8, In N cu tn m 5? tn 0 tn In tn cu rl cu ri m m s 0 tn tn &? tn 0 In tn 0 b In 0 h tn 0 0 0 0 \o f (r 0 cu cu 0 0 s 0 0 4 f 0 3 0 0 tn A- 0 0 w f 0 0 b A- ril 0 (r b tn b 0 (r b tn b 0 cI\ b tn b 0 (r b tn b 0 m b tn b 6 e 0 (r 0 ro . 0 in 0 2 a, B a, $ 4 8 rl rl a, Q) a, 0 0 *G oid *GI 0 oE= ocd u12 0 .rs: 06 Uk Fr rl rl QcJ\ 30 id0 &b d a cl rl om 30 60 &b o\o do tnb fA- woo moo (rcucu fa\o 5% kb d d a a a a a a ! a m 9 a k a, d 0 cd rl d k a, d 0 (d 51 k a, d 0 cd l-i d k a, fit d d cd ffi 0 tn m 0 m m 0 In m 0 m m 0 'tn m 0 m m 0 tn m 0 0 0 m 0 0 rl m 0 0 0 m b In b 0 0 0 0 0 0 m m 0 m b w b r%l 0 b M .0 0 M 0 v3 0 I%) 0 M 0 WI 0 Ca m" a 0 -% 2 a, 0 (D Q) 0 c) e$?j 05 old .otd d am &I- Cs % d a,o\ 30 CdO kb 0 4 k k a, (D ?-f %-I 8 *d 0 cd d a k k t3Q) Q) k k &I 0, k a, d 0 cd rl 0 ?-f 0 cd rl a TI 0 cd d Cs 4 0 a rl a 0 0 ai rd d d 0 a 0 cd ri a *.