HomeMy WebLinkAbout19620723_regularI 1-6 4 7/23 /62 I.IIi?UTES OF THE REGULAR MEETIXG OF THE EDIlfA AT 7:OO P.EI. , AT THE EDIWA VILLAGE HALL VILLAGE: COUNCIIi, HELD MO:IIDAY, JULY 23, 1962, Hembers ansr.:ering Rollcall were Dickson , Nacl4illanI Tupa and VanValkenburg Nayor Pro Tem Dickson presided in Mayor Bredesenls absence. NOTICATIO;? OF COHTIHUATIOlI OF PUSLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED SANITARY TRUHK SEWER P.>I~., was, given' @y* FIayor. Pro Tem. Dickson., C-L ,EQE!GIOW,,, AIJD, PARKYOOD KNOLLS LATERAL SEVERS TO NOIJDAY , AUGUST 13, AT 7 : 00 ' t.lIl?UTES of the Regular Fleeting of July 9, 1962 were approved as submitted, by motion VanValkenburg , seconded by 14acIlillan and carried. PUBLIC. HEAREJGS CONDUCTED. ON PROPOSED, IMPROVEf4EWT PROJECTS, Affidavit of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier July 12 and 19, 1962, of "Notice of Public Hearings", which affidavit was approved and ordered placed on file. action takan as hereinafter recorded: Clerk presented Pursuant thereto, the following Public Hearings were conducted and. 1. PUBLIC HEARLllG OH PROPOSED CONSTRUCT1011 OF SANITARY LATERAL SEXER AXP APPURTENAWCES I11 VAi?DERVORi( AVE, FR0.N 250 FT, SOUTIi OF DIVISIOH ST. TO 600_ FT-. S,. OF DIVISION ST. sewer and area proposed to be assessed therefor, and Hanager Hyde read the Vu-Graph Slide was shown of route of proposed -- Engineer's Estimate of Cost at $5,727.57, proposed to be assessed against 14 lots for $409.11 per Lot. lots have signed petition for improvement, the Hearing, and none had been received pt.ior thereto. the following Resolution and moved its adoption: It was noted that owners of 10 of the 14 affected There were no objections raised..at VanValkenburg offered RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT SANITARY SEYIER IMPROVENEWT 110. 198 33E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, I.linnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: COZC3TRUCTIO;i OF VILLAGE SAiiITARY SE7IER AND APPURTENAIJCES IN VAifDERVOm AVE. FR0I.I 250 FT. SOUTH OF DIVISION ST. TO 600 FT, S, OF DIVISIOlT ST. and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desig- nated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follor.:s: and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include Lots 6 through 12 inclusive, 3lock 2, and Lots 13 through 19 inclusive, Block 3, all in Cleveland's Subdivision of Emma Abbott Park. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEl4EiIT NO , 198 f-lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by I.Iacl.iillan, and on 2, PUgLIC HEARING. O!J, PROPOSED PERFMEI?T STREET SURFACIiJG AND COXCRETE CURL3 Vu-Graph Slide was Ai??, GUTTER, $84, RYAi4 AVE., FF08 kl, 621fD ST., TO VALLEY VIEd ROAD. shown of route of proposed improvement, and area proposed to be assessed therefor. Bstimate of Cost was given as $17,089.38, or $13.21 per Assessable Foot for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb; $15,675.33, or $12.12 for Asphalt Concrete Paving, and Concrete Curb and Gutter. of 11 of the 16 affected properties have signed petition for improvement. Johnson, 6104 Ryan, who stated he has one of the largest lots on the street, objected, stating it would be cheaper to oil once a year for 25 years, and that with the coming storm sewer assessment the costs are just too much for him to , consider paying. along the side of his tract is of no benefit to him. He was informed he will be assessed for only 1/3 of his side frontage, connections, and was informed by Hanager that driveway aprons extend into the curb line but do not come way to the property line.(Tnis was corrected later in the evening by Public Works Director Gans, who explained that this year's estimates do include a cost for restoration and repair of driveways which have been constructed correctly and can connect easily with aprons). offered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto; and VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: It was noted that owners Hr. 3r, Allivato, 4825 Valley View Road, objected that this road He inquired as to driveway There were no other objections . 165 7/23/62 RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMERT AND AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR 3IDS : PERNANE;1IT STREET SURFACIdG AND COlJCRETE CURB AITD GUTTER 3E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Elinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement : CONSTRUCTION OF PERFlAlJENT STREET SURFACIQG A8D COHCRETE CUR3 AZTD GUTTZR Ill RYAN AVEiTUE BETilEEN W.62ND STREET AXD VALLEY VIE!? ROAD and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, and that the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots'and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved. BE IT FURTiiER RESOLVED that the Village Engineer is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for bids on the improvement on th5 basis of alternate bids, one bid being for PORTLAND CEMEHT CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB AND GUTTER, and the othpr being for ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING VITH PORTLAND CEMEiTT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, for Council consideration and determination as to the type of Permanent Surfacing to be construct4d for this improvement. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: VanVa. HacMillan, aye; Tup, aye; 3, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTIOIT OF PERMAiT%l\lT, STREET SURFACIIJG All? COXCm% CURd AND GUTTER It? DEI1 AVEidUE FROH W.66TH STREET TO Ti32 IJORTH LINE posedymprovement, and area proposed tQ be assessed therefor. was given as $5,163.92, proposed to be assessed against 610 assessable feet, for $8.47 per assessable foot, none had been received prior thereto. petition for Asphalt Concrete Paving had been signed by owner of LOO% of the property, BE: IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina,4Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the f ollowing proposed improvement : ~ Estimate of Cost There were no objections at the Public Hearing, and It was pointed out by the Manager that Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. 3A-51 CdITSTRUCTIOll OF PERIilANEiJT STREET SURFACING AXD CONCRETE CURB G4D GUTTER IiJ DREW AVENUE FROM N.66TH STREET TO THE NORTH LINE OF LOT 2, BLOCK 4, SOUTHDALE ACRES and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement by the CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT COiTCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER in said street; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be reEerred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO, BA-51, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be Lmpr'ovsd, Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: VanValkenburg, aye; and Dickson, aye; and the Maylbr Pro Tem 4. PUBLIC HEARIXC, ON PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION OF PERNAYENT STREET SURFACING I AND COiTCRETE CURa AND GUTTER IN AYRSHIRE BLVD. FRO*! DUNDEE RD, TO GLENGARRY PARKllAY: MIRliOR LAKES DR. FRO14 W. LINE OF LOT 25, ROSEITDAHL'S EUIiTA HIGI-ILAI.IDS TO bl.56TH ST. : DUNDEE;, RD,.~ FROM. N. LINE PF NIRRQR LA;<ES, MEADO::-iJOOD, ?$D ADDN. TO EDIXA HIGHLAHDS TO W.56TH ST.: ';J,56TH ST. FROM DUNDZE RD. TO STATE HIE. #l69, Vu-Graph Slide was shown of proposed route of improvemmt, and area proposed to be assessed, Estimate of Cost was read at $52,079.15, proposed to ba assessed against 5,276.01 assessable feet, for $9.87 per Assessable Foot, Mana3:or Hyde told Council this project will about complete the surfacing in the Edina Highlands area; that owners of 10 lots have signed for the complete improvement; owners of 24 tracts have signed for Asphalt Concrete Paving only. Tinere are 45 affected tracts. 7 /23/62 \ Dr. G, 11, Schaefer, 5501 Chantrey Road, inquired about the increase in cost during the two years since Chantrey Road was surfaced; was answered by Kanager Hyde that because of recent Council policy giving corner lots assessment relief there are fewer feet to assess; also, that contractors' costs are up. Xrs. K.F. aoyd, 5532 i4irror Lakes Drive, inquired about the policy for assessment of maintenance costs on a permanently-surfaced street; was informed that policy is that maintenance is not assessed--but that if road wears out in 15 or 20 years there may be an assessment for reconstruction. Dundee Road, protesting concret-. cu6b and gutter, and asking that only the permanent surfacing be constructed, on his entire Dundee Road footage inasmuch as his house faces Heather Lane and his lot is too small to subdivide, There was some discussion during the Hearing, and, later in the Hearing Nr, Heeb was advised that he will receive a "corner lot" assessment ( 1/3 of footage), An inquiry was made as to the difference in estimates for this project and the one immediately preceding it this evening. Wr, Hyde answered that Drew Avenue is a new street; that Mirror Lakes Drive is an older street and there has been much displacement of base since its original construction-- that the difference is largely due to the necessity of bringing in good base material for this project, install water in Dundee Road before the permanent surfacing is constructed, Hr. Hyde answered that there has been no petition for water; that if water is to be constructed it should either go north to Northwood Drive (a matter of at least two blocks) or go to Ayrshire Blvd. and be looped across to Hirror Lakes Drive; that part of the block south of Ibiirror Lakes Drive is already surfaced and there would be little interest in watermain in this part of the block. Trustee t.lacI4illan asked about cost of surface replacement at such time as Dundee Road owners should need water, and was told that blacktop replacement will be part of the watermain contract, and that owners will, therefore, be paying twice for their blacktopped street. Road is known for its good and reliable wells. Trustee Tupa inquired as to whether there will be some lots facing Ayrshire Blvd., left without water if Ayrshire is surfaced nov. informed him that in the case of the two lots facing Ayrshire iilvd., copper lines could be run on the boulevard from 14irror Lakes Drive. Mrs. Allen Peyer, 5516 Dundee Road, said that half the street between Ayrshire Xvd. and 11.56th St. is already surfaced and those people ara not interested in water; that the other half have wells they all seem to be happy with; that she feels nobody on the street is interested in water, now, added she feels that it will be just as economical to pave, now, and have the street torn up some years hence, as it will be to keep oiling the street all the time at $,25 a foot, iqould actually have to be redone, Captain Gans replied that, in order to dig to a depth of 7-1/2 feet, most of the street would be disturbed, Inquiry was made as to treatment of driveways, and Captain Gans explained that, this year, part of the construction project is the restoration and repair of all existing, properly constructed driveways, and the carrying of driveways back to the property line. Throughout the Hearing, .there was a difference of opinion as to the need and desire for Curb and Gutter. discussion 3y saying that the street abutting part of her lot is already paved bat not curbed; that she, personally, does not want curb; that Dundee Rcad will look "copped in two" with curb and gutter on the south half and none on the north half. EIanager Hyde answered that for the past two or three years most Asphalt Concrete ?aving has been accompanied by Concrete Curb and Gutter for the reason that the street wears so much better with curb and gutter to route surface water and keep the edges of the street surface fron feathering, &ir. W. 3. Rajmond, 5408 Hirror Lakes Drive, suggested there be no curb and gutter on Ayrshire Blvd,, also expressing concern that this improvement is considered for the front of his property, saying his next-door neighbor will not have it. property owners listen to qualified technicians and follow their advice to install curb and gutter. Ilr. G. D. Moyer, 5409 Hirror Lakes Drive, expressed himself as being of the curb and gutter, and ankkous to have the street (Ayrshire 3lvd.) surfaced to avoid dust problems, difference in cost if curb and gutter is eliminated, and Hr. Hyde told group there weald be a reduction of approximately $2.00 per assessable foot from the cost quoted at this Xearing. the grade of Ayrshire Blvd, fron Dundee Road to Glengarry Parkway is very flat; -that storm water moves very slowly and that there is an accumulation of water at the corner of Ayrshire and Flirror Lakes alvd. after every storm; that without curb and guttser the water will undermine the street. Mrs. Boyd reminded the Council that most of the persons signing for Curb and Gutter want it for Ayrshire alvd, ; that the larger petition--for Mirror Lakes Drive, IJ.56th St. Petition was filed by owners of eleven tracts on I4irror Lakes Drive and Nr. Richard A, Heeb, 5606 Heather Lane, protested paying an assessment Mr, C. A. Ringerud, 5537 Dundee Road, asked if it is the intention to Captain Gans added that Dundee Hr. Hyde She At her question as to vhat portion of the street - Mrs. Peyer, Dundea Road, opened the Nr. Howard !l, Uilson, 5804 Ayrshire Blvd., suggested that the Inquiry was made as to Public Works Director Gans explained that 7/23/62 a I and Dundee Road is for Street Surfacing only. the petition for Street Surfacing only, she informed the Council that she prefers the rural appearance of non-curbed streets; that she had understood from the Village office that property owners had the choicie between curbed and non-curbed streets; then asked that the Council make two projects of this proposed improve- ment, curbing Ayrshire but paving the other streets without curb. there was some discussion concerning need for curbing Mirror Lakes Drive, was pointed out by Captain Gans that there is a 4.,58 or 5% grade toward 56th St, which should be curbed to prevent erosion. Mr, Pi, D, Garlock, 5533 Nirror Lalccs Drive, told Council there will be.a "mess" unless Mirror Lakes Drive is curbed, and Nr, Howard I.?, Wilson and Mr, G. D. Moyer echoed his sentiments, all asking the Council to curb throughout the project. One Dundee Road property owner stated he hates to see the present project delayed, but we would like to have water before it is accomplished; and Mr. Ringerud asked that Dundee Road owners have the chance to show their feelings on watermain construction before street surfacing, before underground utilities are constructed, Tupa moved that: PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER in Ayrshire i31vde from Dundee Road to Glengarry Parkway; Mirror Lakes Drive fron the North line of Lot 25, Rosendahl's Edina Highlands to W.56th St,, and W,56th St, from Dundee Road to State Highway #169 ; The Council call a Public Hearing for Monday, August 13, on the proposed construction of a Watermain and appurtenances in Dundee Road from W.56th Street north to Ayrshire Blvd and then East on Ayrshire Xvd, to Mirror Lakes Drive; and The Council continue this Hearing, on proposed CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT COlJCRETE PAVING NJD PORTLAND CENENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER in Dundee Road from the North line of Mirror Lakes-Meadow Wood 2nd Addn. to W,56th St., to Monday, August 13 Tupa's motion was seconded by MacMillan, and on Rollcall vote the following voted aye: TlacPlillan, Tupa, VanValkenburg, and Dickson; there were no nay votes, and the motion carried unanimously, Clerk ?resented Affidavit- PubEtion in?%ina-Morningsida Courier July 5 and 12, 1962, of "Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Vacation of Portion of Yo& Avenue", which affidavit was approved and ordered placed on file, Pursuant to Notice, Public Hearing was called on the proposcd Vacation of: As one of those who circulated At this time It Saying that he feels it is nothing but a waste of money to surface streets 1, The Council approve the construction of ASPHALT COXCRETE PAVING AND 2, 3, PROPOS$D. VACATI-PART, OF YORK AVENUE TAYLED : STORT/I SE~IER TO ~IE IIJVESTIGATED,, "That part of York Avenue lying between the dorth Lot Lines of Lot 6, Block 2, and Lot 25, Block 1 Seely's First Addition to Hawthorne Park and the ilorth lot lines of Lot 1, Slock 2 and Lot 30, Block 1, Seely's First Addition to Hawthorne Park, It Mr, Hyde explained that this proceeding involves the approximately 1/2 block directly south of 54th Street; that action was initiated by the Council as the result of a petition signed by three property owners, asking that aftdepressed area" caused by the rerouting of Minnehaha Creek be filled, and the resulting investigation and report by the Engineering Department. Captain Gans' report was reviewed, economical and best solution to the problem would be for the Village to vacate that portion of York Avenue lying North of the north line of Lot 6, Block 2, Seely's First Addition to Hawthorne Park. to the abutting property owners. owners in which they agree that if and when the area is filled by the abutting property owners, that they have constructed and pay for a culvert leading from the low area to Minnehaha Creek. flooding of parts of the lots on the east side of York Avenue," Mr. Hyde added that he has now inspected the area and finds thzt someone has "jumpad the gun" and filled the street directly south of 54th Stmet, which causes water to pond on the Coyne property; also, that the. Speakas' who own four lots, want access to their property, on the Coyne property, now, objected to any change in water flow, and 'also to vacation which would deny access to the Coyne iots, Lots 29 and 30, disputed Miss Coyne's claim to denial of access, saying property would revert to the Coynes and they could use their half street for access, i-Ie also told Council that water level now is far less than it has been; that what is needed is fresh soil higher than the creek bed, and a culvert into the creek bed. Engineers be directed to study a storm sewer for the area. so moved. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. It stated, "As a result of this study we concluded that the most The vacated street would then revert An agreement should be made with the property To fill this area without a culvert would mean Miss Jean Coyne, who said that there is not standing water Plr. Josephson, owner of Mr" Hyde recommended that Vacation proceedings be tabled and that the Van Valkanburg 7/23/62 Xanager Hyde presented Tabulation of the bids taken Friday, July 20, on IHPROVEMENT CONTRACTS A:.JA,tDED. SAXITARY SEIIER I?.lPROVEiEI?T NO. 197 AHD WATERXAIN IT4PROVENENT 110. 167 (in Ryan Parnell, Sherwood, etc. 1, tabulation showing receipt of seven bids , Orfei arrd Sons, Inc. , being low bidder at $56,271.23;. Phelps-Drake Go,, Inc, , second-low at $58,222.06, and Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., third-low at $67,178.30, compared with Engineer's construction estimate for these two projects, $85,761.75. connecxklatermain No. 167, Nr. Hyde reported the refusal of Hr. Peter Luzaich to give easement over Lot 3, Block 17, Zormandalc Addition, for the Watermain tie between Ryan and Sherwood Avenues. Luzaich's reason for refusal is that he bciieves the main should go straight south to 66th Street--which our engineers deem impractical because of the deep drop at this point. north of Hr. Luzaich's lot, wants water and is willing to Siva easement, and that it is the recomnendation of the engineers that the Village award the contract and take easement from tlr. Anderson, Tupa's motion that contract be awarded to Orfei and Sons, Inc. , at $56,271.23$ in accordance with 1.1 anager ' s recommendation, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. REFUSAL OF EASEHENT CAUSES 14OVE!iEI?T OF, !.IATER!fAIN TO THE XORTH . In Mr. He added that I&?. Anderson on Lot 2, directly TaSulation of 8ids was then presented, for bids taken July 20, on STPGET INPROVE:.ENTS NOS. BA-45 receipt of three bids, low bid being that of Northwest 3ituminous Co, , Inc., at $25,851.03; Second-low, 31ack Top Service Co. at $27,597.07; and high bid that of Riegger lioadways, Inc., at $31,466.70, compared with Engineer's Estimate of $33,539.35, Kr, Hyde recommended award of aontract to low bidder, Horthwest Bituminous Co, , Inc., subject to the contractor's compliance wit-h the Nanager's requirements on 1961 projects by Friday, July 27. Tupa's motion that contract be awarded in accordance with Village Manager s recommendation was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. BA-46, 3A-47, BA-48, A;?D i)A-51; tabulation showing KA-a $RAHL, REQUEST, FOR RENEf AL OF^ "TEtSlPORARY EXCAVATIOi? DISTRICT PERHIT" REFER%?, TO PL@BIING C0!4HISSI Oi? FOR RECOt*iMEi4DATIOi?. before the Council to request renewal of his Temporary Excavation District I-lr . Karl Kranl appeared Permit, which expired January 9, 1962. It was noted that he had received a notice from the Planning Director on this matter; that he has been operating since January 9 without a permit, The expired permit is for that land described as "Commencing at the S'i! corner of the SkJ1/4 of the SE 1/4; thence East 500 Ft,; thence Xorth 400 Feet; thence West 500 Feet; thence South 400 Feet to the point of beginning--all in Section 31, Tor.rnship 117, Range 21", which site is south of Highway 140. 169, near the entrance to Flalnut Drive. Clerk read a ?=tition from ifalnut Drive residents, asking that the dust and noise nuisance created by Mr, Krahl's operations be stopped, and protesting a conmercial operation in a residential section. getition, telling Council he objects to operation of a gravel pit in a section of homesites. Krahl operation, reported that they cannot enjoy rheir back yard because of constant noise and dust. some of the hills in the area in which Mr, Krahl is excavating are not suitable hone building sites; that EIr, Xrahl is preparing the property for residential development. Hr. Hite reported that there are still about 100,000 yards to be taken from the area to obtain the elevations agreed upon €or the property, Ha added that this property is no longer expected to be part of the Highbay 0169 relocation and thus in a completely different position for development than when f-Ir . Xrahl first received his excavation permit. suggested the matter be referred to the Planning Commission for its study and recommendation, and Tupa so moved , Motion seconded by Hac:.lillan and carried, Mr, Hyde specifically warned Mr, Krahl against any further operations until this matter is settled, I4r. Hutchinson, 5946 Ilalnut Drive, supported Hr. Wehner, 6017 :lahut Drive, who states he is closest to the Mr. Hyde reported that the practical problem is that Hanager Hycie RURAL HEiJXEPI:? PUBLIC HEALTH iWRSIIJG SERVICE report for June, 19 62, was reviewed, and ordered placed on file. n VATERMAIN EASEXEXT RELEASED SUBJECT TO SUBT.IISSIO3 OF NEkI EASEI4EHT AIJD RELOCATIOX OF ;qATER!MJN, The request of Southdale Management Company for Vacation of an existing watbnain easement, as follow: "All that part of the existing 18 foot ';later Nain Easement as recorded by Document Number 514203 and as shown on the Recorded Plat of Southdale Office Park Second Addition, lying within the East 68 feet of the West 86 feet of Lot 3, alock 2, said Southdale Office Park Second Addition". Hr, Hite told Council that the Company has agreed to furnish a new easement, and to relocate the watermain now in this present easement I4actfillan's motion that request be granted and easement raleased upon Company's submission of new easement and relocation of main. was seconded bv VanValkcnburb and carried. IJOTE: THIS REFERS TO WATER NAIN 114 XERXES AVEWUE : BETW, W,66th St, and W,70th St,; 02?,72st St. and @Washburn Circle snd 8,78th St. a3 W,71-1/2 St.; 7/23/62 TRUN5 HIGHWAY #lo0 PILAWS TO i3E REVIEYED. of a new layout for Trunk Highway No, 100 to the North Village Limits'. He- reported 169 Nanager liyde reported reccipt from the South Village Limits that the administration office / has not had a chance to r&iew them-thoroughly, and suggested that neighborhood groups be given a chance to 'see them before Council takes any action, was taken on the plans. This arrangement was agreeable to the Council, and no action 1NPROVE;RE;JT PETITIONS ACCEPTED, amitted bmerk, and by motion MacMillan, seconded by Tupa and carried, were accepted and referred to Engineering Department for programming: 1. STREET SUEFACE: E CURB E GUTTER - i-iaather Lane. It was noted that this petition is for work 'chis year, if possible, he believes there is no possible chance to get this into the 1962 program but Council asked that he try to do so, 2, from S, line of #4704, NVly and NEly to and including Turn-Around, The following Improvement Pstitions were Mr, Hyde told Council OILING - Mait Lane from Merilane to Annaway Drive, and Merilane RICHFIELD. TO, PERMIT XERBS AVENJE RESIDENTS SOUTH OF W. 66TH STREET TO CONNECT, TO, FLATERNAIN, !I?THOUT, AS$ESSNENT, NOVJ , ldanager iiyde reported reczpt of a letter from the Richfield Village Manager, dated July 18, 1962, which agrees to the following: property owners, now, for this line, line must pay the following to Richfield at the time they Nish to connect: 1, 2, $85,00 for a 3/4" Connection (which includes watermain tap, service or $100 if a larger connection is wanted--l", 2 , Richfield will not require Edina to assess its Xerxes Avenue Edina property owners wishing to connect to the Xerxes Avenue -- line, and curb stop and bos) BESIDES, THIS CONiJECTIOilF CHARGE, connecting property must pay to Richfield an amount of $2.95 per front foot of lot or tract of rssidential property, or $3.45 per front foot of lot or tract of Commercial property-- but--this can be paid either: A - In full at time of connection, without interest, or - a - Over a ten-year period, with interest at 5% on the unpaid balance, Nr. Hyde suggested that, rather than have an additional Public Hearing on the matter of this construction, the property owners be notified of Richfield's proposition by letter, in order that they be appraised of this agreement; also, that it is not-recommended that those Xerxes Avenue properties just South of 'rJ,66th Street which have been assessed for Trunk Watermain Improvement No, 114 be relieved of this assessment simply because it proves a better arrangement for them to connect to the Richfield line; that the trunk main was designed for this area, and Edtna is able to serve the area with laterals--but that these laterals would be much more expensive than the Richfield'line because Xerxes Avenue Edina properties would have to pay the full cost of an Edina line. 'ilelton, 6712 Xerxes Avenue was present during the discussion and agreod with Mr. Hyde that an additional Public Hearing should not be necessary. It was concensus that Richfield's proposition be accepted by Edina, and that Edina Xerxes Avenue property owners be so notified by letter and the Hearing which was to have been held on August 13th cancelled, - Nr. E. M. permit political signs of larger than six square feet on-private property REPAIR 0,F XERXES AVENUE AFTER WATERMAIN CONSTRUCTION REQUESTED. I4r 3elton tolTCounci.1, during discussion on Richfield ijatermain in Xerxes Avenue, that the street has not been satisfactorily repaired, and asked that this be done just as soon as possible, wiil work with Richfield to see that this repair is done, Manager Hyde told him Edina' ICE, CREAM VEIJDpRS TO BE GIVEN NOTICE TO FURNISH INSURANCE CERTIFICATES Clerk opened discussion on Council*s recent action requiring Ice Cream FOR. ~10~~,000/$300,000 PERSONAL INJURY: $50 $000 PRQPZRTY DANAGE LIAdILIT'r'* Vendors to furnish proof of Liability Insurance, by raporting that these companies are not willing to furnish more than $25150,000 P.1, and $5,000 P.D. liability, Some discussion was had relative to the particular hazards involved, and Council remained unanimous in its decision for the $100,000/$300,000 P.I.$ and in addition informed Clerk she had erred in asking for $5,000 F.D.--that this should be $50,000; directing Clerk to notify licensees that such insurance certificates must be filed in this office draft amendment to ordinance licensing ice cream vendors to require such insurance as part of license requirements, now, if operations arc to continue; and directing Attorney to POLICY OH, POLITICAL SIGNS DISCUSSED: OWDIIJAXCE AMEXDMENT TO 3E READY' FOR CO$SIDERATION AT NEXT PIEETIIJG, relative to the forthcoming state elections, some discussion was had on Pursuant to a question on political signs the matter of an amendment to the Village Sign Ordinance, which would 7 /23 162 without a permit--the general method of operation being for candidates to put up many signs throughout the Village anyway;with complete and satisfactory . enforcement of the present ordinance almost impossible. Such an amendment it was recommended, would make possible the enforcement of that portion of the ordinance which prohibits signs on public property, Manager Hyde told Council he would attempt to have this amendment worked out by the time of ahe meeting of August 13, for Council consideration, parties and candidates often neglect to remove their signs after election; and Trustee Dickson suggested that a letter go out to candidates asking cooperation in removal of signs. 170 Report was made that the political iIELSOji FARtl PLAWED IIIDUSTKIAL DISTRICT ZOi4XHG HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR liONDAY AUGUST 27, presented ?or the Council the detailed lloverall development plan" for the 200- acre tract lying in the Northwest quadrant of Trunk Highway #lo0 and Interstate Highway l?o. 494, known, now, as the "Nelson .Farm1* property, by Tlr. A1 Godward and dated July 1, 1962, that the plan generally conforms to the land use patterns projected by the Planning Commission for the southern part of the Village; and stated that while there are several points which must be settled before the plan is appoved by the Commission, none of these points concerns the zoning requested , -and recommended that the Council conduct Zoning Hearings at the earliest possible tine. Presentation showed the following proposal: TIith the help of several visual aids, Planning Director Hit@ U Plan is prepared Mr. Hite reported to the Council 1, 3. C. D, E. A residential development between I.1.74th and 9.76th Streets and between Highway #lo0 and an Industrial Tract just East of the :.IIJES Railroad right-of-way; and recreation area just !lest of iio. 100. an:.Office Building District directly South of that, each of these being approximately 7-1/2 acres. k Planned Industrial District at the South border of the tract from Highway No. 100 to the Zast right-of-way of NNES Railroad, and extending North along this East right-of-way line to the Horth end of the tract. A Planned Industrial District on the Fhst right-of-wily line of the 14i?&S railroad, from tine south boundary of the tract to W.76th Street, and extending to Cahill Road, An Office Building District between the Vest right-of-way of tfGS Tiailroad and Cahill Road and between V.76th and W. 74th Streets--which , llr. Hite reported, the Planning Commission recommends in preference A Hultiple Residence zone immediately South of X.76th Streat, and I to the propbsed Planned Industrial District here; because- of residential area on the ;.lest side of Cahill Road, Setbacks.for this tract ara recommended by Planning Commission to be 150 feet fron Cahill Rd. Some considerable discussion was had on this proposal, Council reviewing the eight points which the Planning Commission has set forth as needing agreement Sefore final approval of plan, PIr, t1acf.iillan asked , particularly concernin2 plans for Iline-Mile Creek, and it was noted that Planning Commiss'on ciar &~at*g; approval by the Yatershed Board on the channel design, and also/oa de ma of the discrepancy between the Godward plan which indicates Nine llile Creek flood stage of 820 feet, whereas the 'cratershed Board has reconmended a flood stage of 823 feet. I~1ac!4illan1s motion, that Public Hearings be conducted on * Honday, August .27, on requests for Rezoning fro3 Open Deveiopent fo Hultiple Residence, Office Building, and Planned Industrial District, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, - e uired PUSLIC HEARIXG TO. BE HELD I.IO;IDAY, AUGUST 27, ON CORRECT1Oi.I OF' DESCRIPT1O;f OF PLAHiJED, IUDUSTXAL DISTRICT. FOR RAUENHORST, Hr . Hite informed Council that the Xauenhorsts now have a Registered Land Survey whereas the boundaries of their Planned industrial District are described in Zoning Ordinance Amendment . by metes and bounds describtion. corrected, for clarity, 14r. Hite asked for an amendment, advised that, although it is a technicality, there should be a Public Hearing before adoption of zoning ordinance amendment, and HacMillan moved scheduling Public Hearing on proposed amendment for Elonday, August 27. by VanValkenburg and carried, Saying the legal descriptions should be Attorney Hasselquist Ifotion seconded ZO1?II?G, VARIAXE HEARIJ'C;S SCHEDULED FOR MO?lDAY, AUGUST 13 . recommendations of July 11, favorable to the following requests for variances from provisions of the Zoning Ordinance: Block 3, Harriet Lam Addition (5621 Abbott Ave. S,> foot West side yard, on Lot 8, 3lock 3, i3rookview Zeights. Planning Comnissions 1. 2. tir. Lawrence 5room - request for a two-foot garage side yard on Lot 7, Ur. Roy Thernell - Request'for nine-foot East side yard, and eight- 7/23 /62 171 a M OPEIJIIJG OF DO!4IJING 1 STREET DISCUSSED : ZONING HEARINGS TO 8E CONDUCTED AT MEETING OF SEPTENBER 24. the opening of Downing Street from Sherwood Rd, to the west line of the Wanner Addition, and the objections of the Richmond Hills area residents to this opening (because the street abuts a neighborhood playground area), and the resulting reference of the matter to the Planning Commission for its recommendations, Mr, Hite reported the Planning Commission% recommendations as being the following : Pursuant to a mn filed some time ago for 1, Downing Street be opened subject to the following considerations: a. No truck traffic (over 3/4 ton) be permitted. b. Lot 3, 3lock 1, iJanner Addition be rezoned to either Office Building District or Planned'Industrial District, c. A planting strip approved by the Village be placed within the westerly and southerly 30 feet of Lot 3, Block 1, with . strip to be at least 8 feet high and as opaque as poskible. That portion of Village-owned property lying north of Downing Street be zoned Industrial and sold. A plantng strip 10 feet wide similar to that suggested for Lot 3, alock 1, be developed along North right-of -way limit. The zoning regulations applying to the rest of the Grandview Industrial area be amended to require off-street parking and loading as well as screened outside storage. Mr, Kenneth Harvey was present during, the discussion, He is the owner of Lot 2, Block 1, Wanner Addition, Messrs, Hyde and Hite recommended that Zoning Haarings be heard before Public Yearing on the proposed street improvement, and Mr. Harvey, saying that he will be out of the city until the middle of September, suggested that Hearings be scheduled for some time after that if possible, Rezoning be scheduled for Regular Village Council Meeting of Iilonday, September 24, Relative to the improvement hearing, it was reported that Wanner Addition beard very little footage on Downing Street, and under ordinary assessment procedure would take only a small. part of the assessment, that the cost might he divided equally between the two lots in Wanner Addition and the Village. 2, 3. VanValkenburg's motion, that Public Hearing on Notion seconded by Tupa and carried, It was suggested Nr, Harvey mada no objection to this suggestion, JOHNSON POULTRY I'ARN, 6212 MALONEY AVEZUE TO DISCOidTINUE OPERATIQI'?S 3Y JANUARY 1, 1963. . Planning Director Hite reported that Messrs. Itorman and Dale Johnson, wh'o are operating a poultry processing business at 6212 I?laloney Avenuo, have been notified that they must either secure rezoning or' their property or discontinue their operations; that they have decided to move their operation and have requested some time to accomplish this move; that Planning Commission has recommended that they be given to January I, 1963 for this purpose. recommendation was seconded by MacKLlan and carried, BUILDIIJG PLANS FOR TWO BUILDIIIGS IM RAUENKORST/PL~~~?ED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Tupa's motion, that Council confirm Planning Commission's NORMANDALE CENTER ' -g Director Hite presented for Council consideration the . -- ~- following Plans: Some discussion was had by Council, and IlacMillan moved for approval. seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. 1, DUNN &, CURRY OFFICE BUILDING, an all brick structure of 12,000 Sq. Ft, Notion 2, ZEO kAi'i', CO,,. XIILDII?G, an all brick structure of approximately 15,000 Sq.Ft, 14r. Hite reported that both these structures comply with all zoning ordinance requirements, of plans Tupa moved for approval, Zeo Ran is a manufacturer of watar sof-t.eners, After review Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. COUNCIL WILLIilG TO PAY SHARE OF DRAIIJAGE COSTS VALLEY VIE!$ JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL- PARK SITE ??ON<, Valley View Junior High School-Park Site Work was presented by Mr, Donald Brauer of Harrison, Brauer and Rippel, Cost of $157,667, of which the School's share would be $123,527 and thc Village Share $34,140, for Drainage which cannot be assessed, and $1,500 for Seed and Sod--Total, $25,420, plus $2,250 in Engineering Fees, for a Total of $27,670 non-assessablc, plus $5,970 for Drainage proposed to be assessed, and $500 Engineering Fees for this work, Total, $6,47O--Grand Total, $34,140, the School Board will be taking bids on this work on August 8, and will be acting on the bids on August 13; that before awarding bids the Board would like to have formal action by the Village, agraeing to pay a percentage of the contract costs on the Drainage--the figures quoted above representing 44% of Item C-Drainage-General in the Tabulation and 100% of Item E-Drainage Assessed. so that the Village may signify its disposition of these items at a later date, Davis property; and that in agreeing to pay a share of the drainage costs A tabulation of mim mated Costs for the construction of the Tabulation showed a Total Estimated Village Share was made up of $22,350 for Earthwork, $1,570 Mr, Brauer pointed out that The items for Earthwork and Seed and Sod will be taken separately, It was pointed out.that condemnation has not been settled for the 7/23 /62 the Council is in a sense making a "premature" investment on that porrion of the drainage cost which cannot be assessed--but that because of the very tight schedule which the School aoard must observe in order to get its building undar construction, bids cannot be delayed further and the most economical design for the storm sewer is the one proposed to be bido;l Attorney Hasselquist told b-~ncil that condemnation proceedings are slowed up by Qne necessity of informing all members of the Davis Estate by mail. That part of the drainage costs proposed to be assessed is proposed to be assessed against STORM SEWER iMPROVEF.IE~~T 140.72. After some deliberation by the Council, Tupa moved that the Council signify its willingness to pay 44% of Item C, and 100% of Item E OA the Tabulation ("Drainage- General" and Drainage-Assessed" , respectively). VanValkenburg, and upon Rollcall vote carried unanimously, with FlacIfillan , Tupa, VanValkenburg and Dickson all voting aye, LAi!D AG.QU.ISITIPIJ, FOR PUBLIC VORKS GARAGE AND STORAGE SPACE, AND LIQUOR STORE DIsSYFSED. which outlined price and availability of various sites for a public works garage and storage yard; and sites for a liquor store on Highway $169, Yest of Highway $100. site for garage and on two sites for liquor store, was seconded by ;hS!illan and ca5'ried. x7-2 Notion was seconded by I Council considered memorandum from Planager Hyde, dated July 20, Tupa's motion, authorizing Nanager to secure specifical proposal on one COq?CI&. ,P,E-l,INDED 0.F. 80ARD OF, EV1E'L.J i*IEETIJG TO. 3E HELD THURSDbY,,, AUGUST 2. Council was reminded t'nat the Continued portion of the July 13th meting of the Board of Review will be Thursday, August 2. COUNCSL AUTHORIZES- PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED, IFIPROVEIIENTS , AMD BIDS. review by !lanai& of proyects on which bids should be taken,- anh' pursuant to its After a action of this meeting relative to Ilatermain on Dundee Road, VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARIXG PROPOSED YATERMAIIT INPROVE?IEXT 3E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed YATERUAIX iE.IPR~VEMEl?T described in the Forn of Uotice of Hearing set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improve- ment, said report is hereby approved and:direeted.fo be'placed on fi-le in the office of the Village Clerk, Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following f orn : 1. 2. This Council shall meet on Monday, August 13, 1962, at 7:OO P.M., in the 3. XOTICE; OF PUBLIC HEARING 08 PRDPOSED~TATERI4AIN INPROVEMEI4T EDiNA VILLAGE COUXCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, August 13, 1962, at 7:OO P.H., to consider the following proposed improvement, to be constructed under the authority granted by Hinnesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 398. of said iinprovement is estimated by the Village as set forth below: The approximate cost ES TI HATE D COST CONSTRUCTiO;4 OF VILLAGE HATERI4AIN AND APPURTENANCES IH THE F0LLO:IIHG : Dundee Road from kl,56th St, to N, line of >iirror Lakes Meadow-Hood Addn. to Edina Highlands The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposcG Vatermain Improvement SncIudGs-Lots 1 thru 5 incl,, Eilock 1, and Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 2, all in Mirror Lakes Meadow-blood 2nd Addition to Edina Highlands. $ 5,290.21 GETCHEN S. ALDEU Village Clerk Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: tiacHillan, aye; Tupa, aye; VanVaLkenburg, aye; and Dickson, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. ATTW : illage Clerk playor rro 'Iem 173 7/23/62 And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS i FOR PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER, VJATERMAIN , STORM SEWER CONCRETE PAVING IMPROVEMENTS, AIlD DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER, AND ASPHALT .BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1, The plans and specifications for the proposed SANITARY SEIJER, WATERMAIN , STORM SEWER, STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER, AND ASPHALT COi4CRETE PAVEMENT IMPROVEMENTS set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. 2, The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the fallowing notice for bids for said improvements: ADVERTISEMENT FOR 3IDS SANITARY SEWER , WATERMAIN, STORN SEWER, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEPIEI?T CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, PORTLAND CEMENT PAVIl?G WITH INTEGRAL. CURB SEALm3IDS will bg received and opened in the office of the Village flanager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 2:OO P,M., Friday, August 10,1962, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.bl.$ on Elonday, August 13,1962, to considar said bids, being for the following: 1. CONSTRUCTIOH OF VILLAGE SAHITARY SEVER AND APPURTENA16CES IN THE FOLLO'UJING : A, B, Vandervork Ave. from 250 feet south of Division St, to 600 Ft, 2, COIISTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLO!XIXG : J.48th St. from Rutledge Ave. to 250 feet east. South of Division St, A, Dundee Road from iJ,56th St, to North line of Grror Lakes-fleadow-~~ood 2nd Addn, to Edina Highlands. 3, CONSTRUCT1014 OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENAHCES IN THE FOLLQYIZG: 4th Addition extended westerly, said point being 16 feet east of the center line of M.N, G S. R.R.; thence nopth parallel to and 16 feet east of the center line of M,N6 E S, R.R. a distance of 92.4 feet; thence west to a point on the east line of Lot 4, Slock 9, Countryside Addition, said point being 20 feet north of the S,E, corner thzreof; thence westerly 192.6 feet to a point which is located on the south line of said Lot 4 axtended westerly and there terminating, A. Beginning at a point on thc north line of Lot 10, Block 1, Birchcrest 4. CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT AND PORTLAND CEMENT COiJCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWIHG: A. B, C, Goya Lane from Highway #169 to cul-de-sac, Ryan Ave, from W,62nd St, to Valley View Road. Ayrshire illvd. from Dundee Road to GLengarry Parkway; Hirror Lakes Drive from the north line of Lot 25, Rosendahl's Dulidee ;Road ,f 5omi'tli8 -dorth-line of Mirror Lakes Meadow-iJood 2nd W.56th St. from Dundee Road to State Highway #169-212, Edina Highlands Addition to VV56th St.; Addition, to Edina Highlands to iJ.56th St. 5. CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCPSlTE PAVEMENT IN THE FOLLOVING: A. Lexington Ave. from Wooddale Ave, to St,Jahns Ave. 6 , CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CUR3 IN THE FOLLOKU.IG: A, Goya Lane from Highway #169 to cul-de-sac. B, Ryan Ave. from W,62nd St. to Valley View Road. Work must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk, $10 .OO (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications, cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid, The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by GRETCHEH S, ALDEN Village Clerk, 3, hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvements, Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are 7/23/62 COUNCIL FORMALLY SETS XONDAY, AUGUST 20, AS DATE FOR HEARIldGS ON STORM SEiER AND CONCRETE PAVIidG ASSESSfEEIdTS , o&~~c hearings for certain assessments now ready and on file in the Clerk's kfice , VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Pursuant to informal action previously taken on RESOLUTIOiJ PROVIDIXG FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMEKt' 1 "l"< :>x'.': ' . I- ' " ''. HEARIiIGS: STORY SEWER IMPROVEMEXE NOS. 47, 48, 49, 50, 51 57 AIJD 61, AdD STREET IMPROVEMENTS l!OS,, E-?, AND E-13 BE IT RESOLVED by the CounciP of the Vilrage of Edina as follows: The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed for the improvements set forth in the nine Notice of Hearing forms herein- after recorded, and the amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having'been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved; and the Clerk shall keep the aame on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearfngs thereon as herein provided, notices of fiearings hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments; and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish notices of said hearings in the official newspaper in accordance with law; said notices to -be 'in substantially the following form : 1. I 2, Tnis Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the forms of (1) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING OiJ TRUNK ST0RI.I SEVER lJO,, 47 (HAIN 1) XOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina will neet at the EdFna Village Hall on ::onday, August 20, 1962 at 7:OO pImr, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the above improvement, This assessment is now on file in the ofEice of the Village Clerk and open to ptiblic inspection. CO~~STRUCTIO~T OF TRU~I;.: STORE! SEWER AND APPURTEXAUCES , INCLURXNG CO:?STRUCTIOII OF COiTTROL WORKS THEREOF; SAID TRUiqK STORI.1 SEVER COIGTRUCTED ALONG THE FOLL0;IIWG ROUTE : approximately 1623 feet Hest and 460 feet South of the center of Sec. 31, T.28, R.24; th 1Ely along proposed rainage easements 360 feet more or less to the proposed street containing trunk sewer of the Village of Edina; th parallel to said sanitary sewer and along proposed streets of the proposed addition hy the Estow Corp. and South Garden Estates by proceeding East to the Sly extension of Kcllogg Avenue; th North along Kellogg Avenue and its Sly extension to Gilford Drive; Th East along Gilford Drive to Oaklawn Avenue; th North along Oaklawn Avenue to Claremore Drive; th East along Claremore Drive and SJest 72nd Street to Cornelia Drive; th along Cornelia Drive to the Ely extension of the Sly line of Lot 15, Block 1, Southdale First Addition; th ilklly along the said Sly line of Lot 15 and its Ely extension to Lake Cornelia;" and about 1220 feet :lest and 400 feet South of iJi1 corner of said NW1/4 S!,l1/4; th Yest to the East road ditch of State Trunk Highway 100; th South along said road ditch a dist, of 2800 feet, more or less; th West across the Right-of-Nay of State Highway 100 'to idine Hile Creek." The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: %eginning at the center of Sec, 31, T.28, R.24, th E. along the E-:? 1/4 line Sec, 31 a dist. of 660' ; th illy 1230' , more or less, to a pt 660' E of iP-S 1/4 line and 80' S. of centerline of Vest 72nd Street; th East parallel to >Jest 72nd Street to a point 100 ft Yest of East Line of Sec. 31; th South along a line parallel to East line of Sec. 31to E-W 1/4 line Sec. 31; th East along E-;? 1/4 lines of Sec. 31 and 32 to a point 1100 ft East of k? 1/4 corner of Sec, 32; th Horth parallel to :.lest Sec. line of Sec, 32 to a point 80 feet South of centerline of *Jest 70th Street; th East along a line 80 feet South of and parallel to centerline of Hest 70th Street to a line 650 feet $lest of and parallel to centerline of Xerxes Avenue; th IPorth along said line a dist. of 410 feet; th Hest parallel to centerline of West 70th Street to #est line of Sec.32, T.28N, R.24:I; th North along said section line to the centerline of West 69th Street; tn West along centerline of Vest 69th Street to klly Right-of-way line of Valley View Road; th Zly along said Yly Right-of-way line to >TZ corner of Lot 4, Block 4, Southdale First Addn; th illy along the North line of said Lot 4 a dist. of 100 feet; th Nly parallel to centerline of Southdale Road to a point 150 feet Sly of centerline of Vest 68th Street; th illy parallel to klest 68th Street to a line 80 feet Wly and parallel to centerline of Southdale Road; th Sly along said line to a line 80 feet lJly of and parallel to centerline of Xillcrest Lane; th Bly along said line to SHly line of Lot 4, i3lock 7, Southdale First Addn; th iWly to :ily corner of said Lot 4; th Sly to SE corner of Lot 3 of Lampels Re-arrangement of Lots 27 thru 35, 3lock 7, Southdale First Addn,; th Uly along Sly line of said Lot 3 to a line 80 feet Ely of and parallel to centerline of Cornelia Drive; th Xly along said lina to the South line of Lot 2, Duoos Re-arrangement of Lots 12, 3, and 14, Block 2, Southdale First Addn; th iIEly to intersection of South line of Lot 7, Block 2, Southdale First Addn. and a line 80 feet Wly of and parallel to centerline of Southdale Road; th Xly aloq said line to NUly line of Lot 1, 3lock 2, Southdale First Addn,; th IWly to a point on the E-8 1/4 line which is 1320 feet Vest of "Beginning at the pond in the NE1/4 of the SN1/4 of Sec, 31, T.28, R.24, I %5eginning at a poind in the IW1/4 S'L.I1/4, Sec. 31, T.28, R.24~ , at a point I 7/23/62 E 1/4 corner, Sec, 30, T.28, R 24W; th NWly to NE corner of SE1/4 of iUJ 1/4 Sec.30,,T 28, R 24W; th I? along N-S 1/4 line to centerline of Garrison Lane; th Ely along centerline of Garrison Lane a dist, of 240 feet; th North to a line 50 feet Nly of and parallel to North Right-of-way line of Garrison Lane; th Ely along said line a dist, of 330 feet; th Nly to intersection of centerline of Valley View Road with Sly extension of a line 80 feet West of and parallel to centerline of Oaklwan Av6nuc; th North along said line parallel to Oaklawn to North line of Lot 9, Block 22, Fairfax Addn. ; th Hly to SE ccrner of Lot 8, Block 21, Fairfax; th t?Wly to NW corner of Lot 15, of said Slock 21; th Nest to centerline of ?tooddale Avenue; th Nly along said centerline to Ely extension of South lot line of Lot 6, .alack 1, Valley View Terrace; th West along said lot line a dist. of 80 feet; th Nly parallel to and 80 feet Nly of centerline of dooddale Avenue to South lot line of Lot 12, 3lock 5, Fairfax; th Wly along said lot line to a point on South line of Lot 13, Block 5, Fairfax which is 40 feet Wly from SE corner thereof j th NWly to SE corner of Lot 10, Block 6, fairfax; th Bly to Si? corner thereof; th N’Jly to SW corner of Lot 17, said Block 6; th SWly to SE corner of Lot 13, Block 7, Fairfax; th Wly along South line of Lot 13 and Wly extension thereof to centerline of Ashcroft Avenue; th Sly along centerline of Ashcroft Avenue to centerline of \?est 60th Street; th SWly to S\? corner of Lot 5, Block 2, Virginia Avenue Addn, ; th SItIly to SI1 corner of Lot 12, said Block 2 ; th NWly to SE corner of Lot 5 Virginia- Avenue-Addn. ; th NWly to SW corner thereof; th NWly to SW corner of Lot 12, said Block 1; th 3Ely to a point on Ely line of Nest 50 Rods of SGJ 1/4 SW 1/4 Sec.19, T 28, R 24, which is 155 feet South of centerline of West 60th wtreet; th ‘West 100 feet; th Horth 55 feet; th West 108 feet; th North 100 feet to a point 208 feet Uly of NE corner of said West 50 Rods; th Wly along canterline of >?est 60th Street to West section line of said Sec, 19; th South along said Sec, line to extended celtrter- line of Valley View Road; th SWly along Valley View Road to its intersection with centerline of West 62nd Street; th SEly to NE corner of Lot 4, dlock 3 of James A, Roberts Estate; th SHly to SE corner of Lot 2, Block 5, James A. Roberts Estate; th Wly along South line of said Lot 2 a dist. of 50 feet; th Sly along a line parallel to East line of Block 5 to a point 50 feet North of South line of alock 5; th !<lest aarallel to centerline of West 63rd Street to centerline of Varren Avenue; th South to centerline of West 63rd Street; th SWly to point on centerline of West 64th Street which is 50 feet West of East line of Block 6, ijormandale Second Addn, ; tli East along centerline of West 64th Street to centerLine of Rolf Avenue; th South along Rolf Avenue to extended North line of Lot 21, Block 11, Wormandle Second Addn, ; th SEly to intersection of extended North line of Lot 10, Block 11 and centerline of Tingdale Avenue; th South along centerline of Tingdalo Avenue to centerline of \?est 65th Street; th SEly to SE corner of Lot 23, alock 17, Mormandale Second Addn,; th East along extended South line of said Lot 23 and extension thereof to a point: 80 feet West of centerline of Wilryan Avenue; th South parallel to centerline of Wilryan Avenua to North line of Lot 12, Block 7, Mormandale Second Addn,; th. SEly to intersection of centerlines of Nilryan Avenue and !+est 66th Street; th East to centerline of Josephine Avenue; th SEly to a point 230 feet South of centerline of West 66th Street and 210 feet W@st of East line of Sac. 4, T 116, R 21k?; th SEly to a point on extended centerline of Roycar Road which is 530 feet East of Vest line of Sec. 30, T 28, R 24W; th East along centerline of Roycar Road and extension thoreof to extended East line of Lot 5, Block 9, Iloodhill; th SWly to intersection of center- line of Glilford Way and extended Jest line of Lot 3, Block 8, Woodhill; th Ely alons centerline of Wilford Hay to centerline of Nest Shore Drive; th SEly to intersection of centerline of Dunberry Lane and Creston Road; th Sly to S!d corner of Lot 3, Block 5, Creston Hills; th Ely to SE corner of Lot 1, said alock 5; th SEly to SW corner of Lot 3,310ck 4, Creston Hills; th SEly to intersection of the extended West line of Lot 5, Block 4 and centerline of West 70th Street; th Vest along centerline of West 70th Street to centerline of Wooddalc Avenue; th SEXY to apoint 50 feet East of SW corner of Lot 3, Ellock 1, Soath Garden Estates, Second Addn.; th Sly parallel to centerline of Mooddale Avenue to a point 80 feet North of center- line of Cellogg Avenue; th Ely and Sly along a line 80 feet from and parallel to centerline of Kellogg Avenue to a point lying East of intersection of centerline of Belvidere Lane and Yooddale Avenue; th iJest to said intersection; th \Ily along centerline of Belvidere Lane and extension thereof to a line 80 feet Wly of and parallel to centerline of Nest Shore Drive; th Sly along said line to Horth line of SE 1/4 NU 1/4 Sec. 31, T28, R24lrJ; th to NE corner of said SE 1/4 NI.J 1/4; th South along West line of said SE 1/4 Si? 1/4 and the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of said Sec, 31 to a point 400 feet South of I?fI corner of said NE 1/4 SW 1/4; th East to a point 220 feet Jest of N-S 1/4 line Sec. 31, T 28, R24W; th North 200 feet; th East 220 feet; th Xorth to center of SCC, 31, T28, R24W; which is the point of beginning,” annual installments over a period of ten years:, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the sntire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963, same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15,1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. 3 75; alocf: I, Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the tfnole of dY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, GRETCHEi? S . ALDEN Village Clerk NOTICE IS XEREaY GIVEi? at tne Edina Village Hall on pass upon all objections , if 7/23/62 iTOTICE OF ASSESSIIEUT HEARING ON LATERAL STOR14 SEbIER NO. 48 (3) that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet Nonday, August 20, 1962 at 7:OO P.il,, to hear and anv. to the proposed assessment fop the above improvement, and open to public inspection, Along Dunberry Lane from Cornelia Drive Ely to Southdale Road; th along Southdale Road to the extended ldorth line of Lot 16, Block 4, Southdale First Addn, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: :Beginning at intersection of centerline of Cornelia Drive and Dunberry Lane; th to a point on East line of Lot 29, Block 4, Southdale First Addn. which is 80 feet South of centerline of Dunberry Lane; th Ely parallel to Dunberry Lane to Vest line of Lot 21, Ellock 4, Southdale First Addn.; th South to centerline of Xest 70th Street; th East to centerline of Valley View Road; th NEly along centerline of Valley View Road to centerline of West 69th Street; th Nest along centerline of Nest 69th Street to VIly Right-of-Hay of Valley View Road; th 8ly along said Wly Risht-of-\Tay to NE corner of Lot 4, Block 4, Southdale First Addn,; th Wly along North line of said Lot 4 a dist, of LOO feet; th Nly parallel to centerline of Southdale Road to a point 150 feet Sly of centerline of West 68th Street; th Uy parallel to West 68th Street to a line 80 feet Hly of and parallel to centerline of Southdale Road; th Sly along said line to a line 80 feet Nly of and parallel to centerline of Hillcrest Lane; th klly along said line to the ITorth line of Lot 16, i3lock 7, Southdale First Addn,; th SWly to SB corner of Lot 17, said alock 7; th SWly to intersection of centerlines of Dunberry Lane and Cornelia Drive, which is the point of beginning," annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963. same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. 3Y ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUHCIL. This assessment &*now on file-in the office of the Village Clerk COMSTRUCTIOX OF LATERAL STORY SEtIER AND APPURTEZIAMCES AS FOLLOWS : Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive To each -ubsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole I GRETCHEN S, ALDEld Village Clerk (3) NOTICE OF ASSESSYEBT HEARING ON LATERAL STORM SEWER NO. 49 (4) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEH, that the Council. of the Village of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, August 20, 1962 at 7:OO P,H., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the .proposed assessment for the above improvement. assessnent is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. Along Dunberry Lane froa Point Drive Easterly to Cornelia Drive, The area proposed to be assessgd for the cost of the above improvement includes ali lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at intersection of centerlines of Cornelia Drive and Dunberry Lane; th N'illy'to intersection of the 3ort'n line of Lot 26, alock 1, Southdale First Addn. with a line 80 feetfron and parallel to Cornelia Drive; th Nly parallel to center- line of Cornelia Drive to South line of Lot 20, said Block 1; th Nly to a poinr on SEly line of Lot 9, Block 1, Southdale Third Addn, which is 100 feet NEly of tha Sly corner of said Lot 9; th iTBly to a point on the Ely line of Lot 11, said 3lock 1 which is 80 feet NEly of the SE corner of said Lot 11; th Wly to the W corner of Lot 12, said Block 1; th Vest to the centerline of Point Drive; th Sly along center- line of Point Drive to centerline of Oaklawn Avenue; th SSly to ITE corner of. Lot 1, 3lock 3, Southdale Third Addn,; th Vly to iTE corner of Lot 2, Slock 2, Creston Hills; th 27ly along Uorth line of said Lot and extension thereof to centerline of Wooddale Avenue; th Xlly to a point winich is 90 feet IJorth and 40 feet West of SE cornep of Lot 1, Block 6, Creston Hills; th SHly to S!.l corner of Lot 2, alock 6; th Sly along Ely line of Lots 3 through 12 to SE corner of Lot 12, said 3lock 6; th SEly to the I?!.! corner of Lot 1, 3lock 5, Creston Hills; th Sly to S;J corner of said Lot 1; th Ely to SE corner of said Lot 1; th SEly to S:J corner of Lot 3, dlock 4, Creston tlills; th along South lines of Lots 3, 2 and 1, said Block 4 and the South lines of Lots 1 and 2, alock 5, Southdale Third Addn. to the SI.l corner of Lot 3, said Block 5; th HEly to a point on East line of said Lot 3 which is 80 feet South of centerline of Dunberry Lane; th Ely parallel to Dunberry Lane to "ilest line of Lot 1, Block 8., Southdale First Addn.; th NEly to Intersection of centerline of Cornelia Drive and- DunSerry Lane, which is the point of beginning." Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at %he rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963, This COITSTRUCTIOII OF LATERAL ST3RI.l SEVER X?D APPURTEI?AidCES AS FOLL0;lS : I To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the 7/23/62 same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, Tne owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurerr i3Y ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUi?CIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (4) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING Old LATERAL, STORM, SEWER, IJO., 50 (8) NOTICE IS HEREaY GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, August 20, 1962 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the above improvement, Clerk and open to public inspection, This assessment is now on file in the office of tho Village CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AifD APPURTEI4AXCES IN THE FOLLOFIING : Along the North line of Lot 12, Block 11, Normandale Addition, from a Virginia Avenue from Westerly extension of the iJ line of Lot 12, 2lock lL., Sherwood Avenue from W 65th Street to 116 ft South; West 65th Street from Virginia Avenue to Wilryan Avenue; Hilryan Avenue fron West 65th Street to 290 feet South; Josephine Avenue from West 65th Stpeet to i.?est 64th Street; \?est 64th Street from Jssephine Avenue to Yilryan Avenue; Hilryan Avenue from Besf 64th Street to Easterly extension of lJorth line of Lot 6, 3lock 3, Normandale 2nd Addition, Along the North line of Lots 6 and 25, BZock 3, Normandale 2nd Addn,, Lots 6 and 25, Block 4, Normandale 2nd Addn.; Lot 6, 3lock 5, Normandale 2nd Addn., and Lot 4, Hawkinson Addition, all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: of the centerline of Nest 65th Street; th Vest 150 feet; th NWly to the NU corner of Lot 3, Block 2, Normandale; th SVly to a ooint 30 feet South of the 1112 corner of Lot 5, Block 13, Normandale; th IWly along a line throueh the SE corner of Lot 3, Block 15, Normandale to a point 120 feet XWly of said SE corner of said Lot 3; th Wly to the NT.1 corner #of Lot 1, Block 15, Normandale; th Vest to the East line of Scc.4, T, 116H, R. 21; th North along said section line a distance of 300 feet; th idWly to the NW corner of Lot 28, Block I, idormandale Second Addition; th Wly to the IJW corner of Lot 3, Block 2, Normandale Second Addition; th I.J;;lly to the intersection of the centerlines of Vilryan Avenue and \Test 63rd Street; th Wly along the centerline of West 63rd Street to the extended Vesf line of Lot 1, Block 3, Normandale 2nd Addition; thence X!?ly to a point on the 11 line of Lot 12, Block 4, James A, Roberts Estate which is 40 feet dly of the NE corner of said Lot 12; thence Nly to the NW corner of Lot 9, said i3lock 4; thence XYly to the intersection of the centcwfine of Rolf Avenue with a line extending from the NE corner of Lot 4, 3lock 3 of James A. Roberts Estate to the SE corner of Lot 2, Block 5, James A, Roberts Estate; thence SHly to the said SE corner of said Lot 2; th Vly along'South line of said Lot 2 a distance of 50 feet; th Sly along a line parallel to the E line of Block 5 to a point 50 feet North of the South line of Block 5; th West parallel to the centerline of West 63rd Street to the centerline of Warren Avenue; th South to the centerline of \?est 63rd Street; th SEly to a pt on tne centerline of West 64th Street which is 50 feet West of the East line of Block 6, Norinandale 2nd Addition; th East along the centerline of West 64th Street to the centerline of Rolf Avenue; th South along Rolf Avenue to the extended North line of Lot 21, Block 11, Normandale 2nd Addition; th SEly to the intersection of the extended North line of Lot 10, Block 11 and the centerline of Tingdale Avenue; th South along; the centerline of Tingdale Avenue to the centerline of \?est 65th Street; th SEly to the SE corner of Lot 23, Block 17, Hormandale 2nd Addition; thence East along the extended South line of said Lot 23 to a point 80 feet West of the centerline of Hilryan Avenue; th South parallel to the centerline of Nilryan Avenue to the North line of Lot 12,Block 17, Normandale 2nd Addition; th SEly to the intcr- section of the centerline of Wilryan Avenue and Hest 66th Street; th East to the centerline of Josephine Avenue; th SELy to a point 230 feet South of the centerline of West 66th Street and 210 feet Hest of the East line of Sec, 4, T 116i?, R, 21V; th SEly along a line directed toward a point on the extended centerline of Roycar Road which is 530 feet East of the W line of Sec. 30, T.281?, R.24W; th North along said West section line to a point 80 feet North of the centerline of West 66th Street; th Ely parallel, to the centerline of ilest 66th Street to a point 80 feet East of the centerline of Virginia Avenue; th Nly parallel to the centerline of Virginia Avenue a distance Qf 825 feet; th Wly to a point on the centerline of Virginia Avenue which is 240 feet Garth of the centerline of West 65th Street, which is the point of beginning," point 160 ft East of the NW corner thereof to Virginia Avenue; Normandale Addition to West 65th Street; The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the Storm Sewer includes "Beginning at a point on the centerline of Virginia Avenue, 240 feet North 7/23/62 Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with taxes >78 for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963, rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before Decernber 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. 3Y ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S, ALDEN To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole Village Clerk (5) NOTICE OF ASSESSNENT HEARING Oi? LATERAL STBRN SEWER 140. 51 NOTICE IS HEREN GIVEI?, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at I the Edina Village Hall on II&day, August 20 pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the abova improvement, This &ssessrnent is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, 1962 at 7:OO o'clock P.Il,, to hear and COXTRUCTIOi? OF LATERAL STOW1 SEVER AHD APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOVS : Along West 60th Street fro% 82 feet West of centerline of St. Johns Avenue; th East to St,Johns Avenue; th South along St.Johns Avenue to Valley View Road; th SEly along Valley View Road to extended East line of Lots 1 thru 5, Block 1, Valley View Slope; SEly along East Pine of Valley View Ridge 1st Addn. to the SE corner of Lot 2, Block 4 thereof; along East line of Lots 2 and 3, Block 2, Hiller's Second Addn. to Cross-Tom Highway R/V; th SEly to Vest line of Lot 4, preliminary plat of Miller's Third Addn.; th South along said \lest line of Lot 4 to Lake Cornelia; Beginning at the SE corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Valley View Ridge 1st Addn.; th Beginning at the ;?E corner of Lot 2, Block 2, tliller's Second Addn. ; th South Beginning at \?est line of I.lillerfs Addn,; th 103 feet West along Ashcroft Lane, Beginning at the Nii corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Valley View Ridge Addn, ; th West &ginning at the East line of St.Johns Avenue; th Vest along Valley View Road Detention basins within the area bounded by St.Johns Avenue, Cross-town Efighway, along North line of said Lot to St,Johns Avenue; to Concord Avenue; Xooddale hvenue, and Valley View Road - Pond #l; Pond $2, all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: lJorth along the I?-S l/4 line to the centerline of Garrison Lane; th Ely along center- line of Garrison Lane a distance of 240 feet; th Horth to a line 50 feet Hly and Faralld to the North right-of-way line of Garrison Lane; th Ely along said line a distance of 330 feet; th Nly to the intersection of the centerline of Valley View Road with the Sly extiension of a line 80 feet Vest of and parallel to the centerline of Oaklawn Avenue; th itlorth along said line parallel to Oaklawn Avenue to the North line of Lot 9, Block 22, Fairfax Addition; th iJly to tho SE corner of Lot 8, Block 21, Fairfax Addition; th IWy to 2W corner of Lot 15, Uock 21; th :lest to the centerline of Xooddale Avenue; th Nly along said centerline to the Ely extension of the South lot line of Lot 6, Block 1, Valley View Terrace; th Nest along said line a distance of 80 feet; th Nly parallel to and 80 feet Wly of the centerline of Wooddale Avenue to the South lot line of Lot 12, Block 5, Fairfax Addition; th Wly along said lot line to a point on the South line of Lot 13, Block 5, Fairfax Addition, which is 40 feet \lly from the SE corner thereof; th NlIly to the SE corner of Lot 10, 31ock 6, Fairfax Addition; th Wly to the SB corner thereof; th Z2lly to the SI1 corner of Lot 17, said Block 6; th Stlly to the SE corner of Lot 13, Block 7, Fairfax Addition; th Kly along the South line of Lot 13 and Uly extension thereof to the centerline of Ashcroft Avenue; th Sly along the centerline of Ashcroft Avenue to the centerkine of West 60th Street; th Silly to The SI.] corner of Lot 5, Block 2, Virginia Avenue Addition; th S!fly to the SI1 'corner of Lot 12, said Xock 2; th NXly to the SE corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Virginia Avenue Addition; th lWly to SJ corner thereof; th Ifilly to SV corner of Lot 12, said Block 1; th IWly to a point on the Ely line of the West 50 rods of the SV 1/4 SI1 1/4 of Sec. 19, T.28, R.24, which is 155 feet South of the centerline of Mest 60th Street; th Vest 100 feet; th Horth 55 feet; th West 108 feet; th North 100 feet to a point 208 feet 7IJ.y of the Ui2 corner of said :lest 50 rods; th Yly along the centerline of !:Jest 60th Street to the !-lest section line of said Sec, 19; th South along said Section line to the extended centerline of Valley View Road; til Vest along the center- line of Valley View Road a distance of 150 feet; th South parallel to said section line a distance of 400 feet; th East to said Section line; th South along said Section line to a point 310 feet Xorth of the centerline of \lest 62nd Street; th East 30 feet; th South 230 feet; th Ely p'arallel to West 62nd Street to the Uest line of Lot 5, Block 2, Oak Vim Addition in Edina; th XE3.y to a point on the centerline of Ryan Avenue rrhich is 200 feet ITorth of the centerline of Xest 62nd Street; th Ely parallel to Jest G2nd Street a distance of 540 feet; th SEly to the intersection of the centerline of \Test G2nd Street and Virginia Avenue; th East along the centerline of llest 62nd Street to the centerline of Concord Avenue; th South along the centerline of Concord Avenue to the centerline of Jest 63rd Street; th East along the centerline of ;lest 63rd Street to the centerline of Ashcroft Lane; th South along the centerline of Ashcroft Lane to The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes "3eginning at the SE corner of the NE 1/4 of N1.1 1/4, Sec. 30, T2811, R24V; th I to the th El37 Lot 3, 7/23/62 extended South line of Lot 2.6, Block 3, Valley View Ridge 2nd Addition; to the SCI corner of Lot 1, said Block 3; th 1G1y to the-dV corner of 31ock 4, Valley View Ridge Addn.; th East 50 feet; th Sly parallel to St,Sohns Avenue to the centerlinc of West 64th Street; th Ely to the SE corner of the I.IE 1/4 IW 1/4, Sec, 30, T.28W, Rr241J, which is the point of beginning," annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 15, 1963. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may nay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive I GRETCHEN S, ALDEN Village Clerk t (6) NOTICE OF ASSESSllENT HEARING ON I LATERAL STORM SEUER NO. 57 NOTICE IS HEREElY GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, August 20, 1962 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon a11 objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the above improvement, Clerk and open to public inspection, T'nis assessment is now on fila in the office of the Village COIGTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEFIER AI?D APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOIE : Beginning at the South right-of-way line of the Cross Town Highway at a point approximately 50 feet West of the centerline of Ashcroft sane extended; th I?\lly along the Cross Town Highway to a point approximately 200 feet Vest of the centerline of Rolf Avenue, and Beginning at the South right-of-way line of the Cross Town Highway at a point approximately 200 feet Nest of the extended centerline of St.Johns Avenue; th Northerly about 215 feet to the ?forth side of the Cross Town Highway service Drive. Tne area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at a point on the centerline of Virginia Avenue 240 feet Norrh of the centerline of West 65th Street; th West 150 feet; th MWly to the SI corner of Lot 3, Block 12, Normandale Addition; th SVly to a point 30 foat South of the NU corner of Lot 5, Block 13, Normandala Addition; th iWly along a line through the SE corner of Lot 3, Block 15, Normandale Addition to a point 120 feet XVly of said SE corner of said Lot 3; th ;\1Wly to the NW corner of Lot 1, Block 15, Normandale Addition; th West to the East line of Sec, 4, T,116 M., R, 2111; th North along said section line a distance of 300 feet; th idilly to the Nil corner of Lot 28, Block' 1, Normandale Second Addition; th Uly to the IC? corner of Lot 3, Block 2, Normandale Second Addition; th Id!lly to the intersection of the centerline of Ililryan Avenue and West 63rd Street; th Wly along the centcrline of Nest 63rd Street to the extended Yest line of Lot 1, 3lock 3, Ilormandale Second Addition; th i?Xly to a point on the iqorth line of Lot 12, Block 4, James A, Roberts Estate which is 40 feet Wly of the HE corner of said Lot 12; th illy to the Nil corner or' Lot 9, said Block 4; th N\?ly to the intersection of the centerline of Rolf Avenue with a line extending from the ilE corner of Lot 4, dlock 3, of James A. Roberts Estate to the SE corner of Lot 2, i3lock 5, James A. Robarts Estate; th UEly to the ME corner of Lot 4, Block 3 of James A. Roberts Estate; th IGIly to the inter- section of the centerline of West 62nd Street and the centerline of Valley View Road; th NEly along the centerline of Valley View Road to a point 150 feet FJest of the East line of Sec, 33, T,117N, R.2111, of the 5th P.14,; th South parallel to said section line a distance of 400 feet; th East to said Section line; th South along said Section line to a point 310 feet North of the centerLllne of llcst 62nd Street; th East 80 feet; th South 230 feet; th Ely parallcl to 1Jes.t: 62nd Street to the Hest line of Lot 5, 1310~1~ 2, Oak View Addition; th XEly to a point on the centerline of Ryan Avenue which is 200 feet North of thc ceiiterline of West 62nd Streat; th Ely parallel to West 62nd Street a distance of 540 feet; th SEljy to the intersection of the centerlines of ilest 62nd Street and Virginia Avenue; th East along the centerline of Vest 62nd Street to the centerline of Concord Avenue; th South along the centerline of Concord Avenuc to the center- line of ?lest 63rd Street; th East along the centerline of iqest 63rd Street to the centerline of Ashcroft Lane; th South along the cknterline of Ashcroft Lane to the extended South line of Lot 16, 3lock 3, Valley View Ridge; th East 80 feet; th Sly parallel to Ashcroft Lane to the South right-of-way line of the Cross Tobm Highway; th iW1y along said line to the East line of Lot 5, Block 11, 14ormandak Addition; th North to a point 80 feet South of the centerline of Vest 64th Straet; th '{lest parallel to West 64th Street to a point EO feet East of the centerlinc of Virginia Avenue; th South parallel to Virginia Avenue to a point 240 feet iqorth of the centerline of ;lest 65th Street; th West to point of baqinningti: and 7/23/62 %eginning 80 feet East of the centerline of Ashcroft Bane and 30 feet iIorth of the centerline of dest 64th Street extended; th 3orth parallel to the centerline of Ashcroft Lane to the South line of 'Lot 16, Block 3, Valley View Ridge Second Addition; th East to the SE corner of said Lot 16; th NEly to the X'd corner of Lot 3, 3lock 4, Valley View Ridge Addition; th East 50 feet; th Sly parallel to %.Johns Avenue to a point 30 feet Horth of the centerline of West 64th Strzet extended; th West to the point of beginning." annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 58 per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963, the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the.assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, &96P',=orimake payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. Assessments for the above impovement will be payable in ten equal consecutive To each subsequent installment will be added interest at The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole GRETCHEN S, ALDEN Village Clerk (7) IIOTICE OF ASSESSME3T HEARI8G ON LATERAL STORM SEWER XO. 61 XOTICE IS HERE3Y GIVEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, August 20, 1962 at 7:OO o'clock P.N. to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the above improve- ment. public inspection, This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to COi?STRUCTIOi? OF VILLAGE ST0Rf.I SEW? AND APPURTENANCES I:? : Vest 72nd Street from Cornelia Drive to France Avenue; th South on France Avenue 328.3 feet; th Zast across France Avenue 64 feet; From West 72nd Street i?orth on Lynmar Lane to Hazelton Road; th East & Hazelton Road to France Avenue; 3est from Lynmar Lane and Hazelton Road across Park property connecting to existing storm sewer on the Zast side of i3ristol i3lvd.; On Mest side of France Avenue from Hazelton Road to 10 feet North of the North property line of Vest 70th 3 treet; On Yest 70th wtreet from Vest side of France Avenue 65 feet East, all lots znd tracts of land within the following described boundaries: feet East of the centerline of Cornelia Drive extended; th East parallel to :?est 72nd Street to a point 55 feet ;.lest of the West line of France Avenue; th South parallel Po France Avenue to the E-W 1/4 line of Sec, 31, T.28, R.24; th East along the E-?? 1/4 line of Sec, 31, T.28, R.24, 283 Feet; th ilorth parallel to France Avenue to a point 40 feet South of -the South line of Yest 70th Street; th East alon9 a line parallel to Vest 70th Street 1791 feet; th i?orth on a line at right angles to ;?est 70th Street 420 feet; th blest to the centerline of France Avenue; th Xorth at right angles to the centerline of Yest 69th Street; th Jest at pigfit angles a distance of 515.64'; th Sllly at a deflection angle to the left of 64O17' a distance of 600' ; th S:Ily to a point on centerline of ?lest 70th Street, said point being 1062' klest of the NE corner of Sec. 31, T.28, R.24; th Sllly to :?E corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Stow's Delaney Addition I<cCoy Replat; th SYly to the most northerly NE corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Stow's Delaney Addition; th South to a point on ilorth line of Lot 11, iilock 3, Stow's Dolaney Addition, said point being 45 feet East of the 1J:J corner of said lot; th East to a point 50 feet Uest of the East line of Lot 10,2.lock 3, Stow's Delaney Addition; th South parallel to and 50 feet Jest of the Vest line of Glouchesterc Avenue to the 1Jorth line of Lot 5, Block 3, Stow's Delaney Addition; th SWly to the Si1 corner of Lot 5, Block 3, Stow's Delaney Addition; th SXy to a point on the South line of Lot 20, alock 3, Stowls Delaney Addition, said point being 35 feet Vest of the SE corner thereof; th East to a point of beginning." Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable wifh the taxes for Yne year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963. the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes l"eommencing at paint 40 feet South of South line of West 72nd Street and 125 To each subsequent installment will be added interest at Tne owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole BY ORDER OF TdE VILLAGE COUi?CIL. G-EETCHEN S, ALDEl? Village Clerk 181 (8) NOTICE OF ASSESSMEiTT HEARING Oi\f I; ~ 7/23/62 COiTCRETE PAYEMENT AHD INTEGRAL CURB 7-t i IMPROVE MEN T E - 7 NOTICE IS HEREaY GIVEI\T, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, August 20, 1962 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the above improvement, Clerk and open to public inspection, Claremore Drive from Wooddale Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue Slest Shore Drive from Dunham Drive to Hibiscus Avenuo Dunham Drive from Mooddale Avenue to Vest Shore Drive Kellogg Avenue from Claremore Drive to Andover Road Andover Road from Wooddale Avenue to Kellogg Avenue Yooddale Avenue from Dunham Drive (Vest) to Gilford Drive Ellsworth Drive from Wooddale Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue Concord Avenue from Valley View Road to West 62nd Street Porter Lane from i?est 60th Street to Code Avenue Hansen Road from West 60th Street to West 61st Street Tingdale Avenue from illest 60th street to Valley View Road Clover Ridge from Tingdale Avenue to Valley View Road Hest 60th Street from Code Avenue to Tingdale Avenue West 60th 3 treet from Tingdale Avenue to Highway No, 100 Vest 60th Street from Porter Lane to Code Avenue Hest 60th street from Porter Lane to Hansen Road Bernard Place from West 60th Street to Grove Street Dale Avenue from Grove Street to West 57th Street Grove Street from 163 feet-East of centerline of Dale Avenue to Hansen Road Virginia Lane from Concord Avenue to Ashcroft Avenue Fondell Drive from Wooddale Avenue to Oaklawn Avenue Gilford Drive from West Shoi-e Drive to Oaklawn Avenue Kellogg Avenue from Gilford Drive to South line of South Garden Estates 4th Addition Oaklawn Avenue from Claremore Drive to South line of South Garden Estates 4th Addition Code Avenue from illest 60th Street to aenton Avenue Tingdale Avenue from West 60th Street to Benton Avenue Concord Avenue from West 64th Street to West 62nd Straet blest 63rd Street from Concord Avenue to Ashcroft Lane Ashcroft Lane from West 64th Street to St.Johns Avenue St,Johns Avenue from West 64th Street: to Valley View Road a11 lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. consecutive installments over-a period of fifteen years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963. interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. ijY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village COHSTRUCTI ON OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVEMEIJT AND INTEGRAL CURB IN : The area proTosed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in fifteen equal annual To each subsequcnt installment will be added (91 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING OM GRADING, PORTLAND CEMENT COivTCRETE PAVING AND INTEGRAL CURB IMPROVEMENT NO. E-13 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the Council of the Villaga of Edina will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, August 20, 1962 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the above improve- ment, to public inspection. West 72nd Street from Oaklawn Avenue to France Avenue i-Iazelton Road from Lynmar Lane to France Avenue Mavelle Drive from Cornelia Drive to France Avenue Cornelia Drive from Vest 72nd Street to West 70th Street Glouchester Avenue from West 72nd Street to Mavelle Drive Xeatherton Trail from West 72nd Street to \?est 70th Street Bristol ijlvd, from West 72nd Street to West 70th Street Lynmar Lane from \?est 72nd Street to West 70th Street Sandell Road from Mavelle Drive to West 70th Street The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts .of land abutting the streets improved. Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in fifteen equal consecutive annual.*installments over a period of fifteen years, with first year This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open CONSTRUCTIOIJ OF GRADING, COXCRETE PAVIXG AND INTEGRAL CURB IN 7/23/62 182 payable with the taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at rhe rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963. be added interest at the same rats #:for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COU?ICIL. To each subsequent installment will The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole GFGTCHEJ S. ALDEM Village Clerk PUaLIC :JOR1(S DIRECTOR TO LEAVE EDINA SERVICE AUGUST 1. Nanager Hyde announced this will re the last meeting attended by Captain George Gins, Public Borks Director €or the Village for the past eighteen months--that the Captain will be leaving Edina service as of August 1. wishing him well. Council expressed its regrets at the Captain's resignation, CLAII-fS PAID. dated July 23', 1962, was seconded by 14acMillan and carried: and Swim Pool Fund, $6,271.02; tlaterworks Fund, $8,641.52; Liquor Fund, $42,130.68; Tupa's motion, for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List General Fund, $17,997.29; Construction Fund, $216,900.34; Park, Park Construction TOTAh-$292,237,05. Tine evening's agenda's having been covered, Tupa moved for adjournment. secmded by f-!acI.lillan and carried. I4otion Adjourned at 9 : 55 P . H. Village Clerk