HomeMy WebLinkAbout19620813_regular,. 8/13/62 MINUTES OF Ti-IE REGULAR IvIEETIi?G OF THE EDIidA VILLAGE COUNCIL , HELD MOiqDAY , AUGUST 13,1962 AT 7:OO P.N., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL . kiembers answering Rollcall were Dickson PIac?ki.llan , VanValkenburg and Bredesen. NIlJUTES of the Regular Meeting of July 23, 1962, were approved as submitted, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Dickson and carried. AidI?OUNCZNEIJT OF THE CONTIMUATIOiJ OF T;IE MAY 14Tl-I PU3LIC HEARIXG ON CUR3 AI?D GUTTER AdD PERYAhEMT STREET SURFACIHG FOR IIILRYkIT AVEiJUZ FROH 3.62idD ST. TO VALLZY VIEtI ROAD, TO SEPTEt.I3ER 10, 1962, was made by Hayor Bredesen. - PU3LIC HEARIIdGS CONDUCTED ON REQUESTS FOR VARIANCES FROM ZO:?IIIG ORDINANCE REQUIRE- IM?TS FOR SIDE YARDS. Planning Director Hite presented Affidavits of Elailing of "idotice of Hearings", which were approved and ordered placed on fila; and, pursuant to said notice the following Public Hearings were conducted, and action taken as hereinafter recorded: AVENUE SOUTH (Lot 7, Block 3 , riarriet Lawn Addition), this request comes about by reason of the owner's having to remove a large tree to meet ordinance's five-foot side yard setback for a proposed garage; tnat neighbors assent to the requested variance, and that Planning Commission has recommended favorably thereon, as of Jaly 11. floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing, MacMillan's motion, that variance be permitted, was seconded by Dickson and carried. 1. REQUEST OF MR. LAWRENCE 3ROOM FOR A THREE-FOOT SIDE YARD AT 5621 AB3OTT Mr. Hite explained that i?o objections were made from the 2. REQUEST OF MR, ROY THERNELL NINE-FOOT EAST SIDE YARD AND EIGHT-FOOT 'JEST SIDE YARD AT 5128 TIFTOIJ DRIVE (Lot 8, Block 3, Brookview Xeights) Planning Director Hite explained that other dwellings in the neighborhood have been constructed to conform to the 7.5-foot side yard required by deed restric- tion; that neighbors have expressed their approval, and that Planning Commission has recommended favorably upon the request, as of July 11, objections registered at the Hearing, and none had been made prior thereto. Macllillan's motion, that variances be permitted, was seconded by Dickson and carried, There were no WATCR13AIid IMPROVEMENT FOR DUNDEE ROAD FROM W .56TH ST. TO I?. LINE OF MIRROR-LAKES 14EADOW-WOOD ADDitI ABANDONED AFTER PUBLIC HEARIHG, Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Llorningside Courier August 2nd and 9th, 1962, and of Mailing of said notice to affected property owners; and, pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was conducted on proposed construction of Village Natermain and Appurtenances in Dundee Road from !11.56th St. to the North line of Mirror Lakes Meadow-Wood Addn. to Edina Highlands. proposed improvement, and area proposed to be assessed therefor, and Estimate of Cost was given as $5,290.21, proposed to be assessed against nine lots for $587.80 per Lot. the Council's own motion and without petition, when it was learned that residents desire to have the street permanently surfaced, (See Minutes of July 23, 196% Neeting). FIr. Oscar Berg, 5525 Dundee Road, presented petition signed by six', of the eight residents, opposing installation at this time. He told Council these residents are all satisfied with their wells; that they will assent to watermain construction at the time the balance of Dundee is furnished witfilater. Hr. E. F. Ihehlhausen, 5528 Dundee Road, asked for the improvement, saying construction will cost more in the future; that watermain in the street is good insurance against well failure. The written request of Col. E. R. Berg, owner of Lot 2, B1, 2, Mirror Lakes Meadow-Wood 2nd Addition, was read and noted, blr. Oscar Berg told Council that owners are willing to take a gamble on their wells going dry; that they are all deep wells and residents expect no trouble. Dickson moved that, in view of the preponderance of opinion against the proposed improvement it be abandaned. carried, Vu-Graph Slide was shown of route of Hearing on this proposed improvement had been initiated on Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and COUi?CXL ORDERS STREET IMPROVEHEi\TT Oi? DUNDZE ROAD FRO3 'd.56TH ST. TO N. LINE OF i IIRhOR-LAKES MEA1)OkI-I.JOOD ADDN . called Public Hearing on,Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter in Dundee Road from W.56th St, to N, Line of Mirror-Lakes P.leadow-Xood Addn.--this Hearing being a continuation of the Public Hearing of Suly 23, at which time the Council had determined to secure property owners' feeling on construction of watermain before considering street improvement. given as $9.87 per Assessable Foot. Council residents are strenuously in favor of the street surfacing; that because Dundee Road to the north is not curbed, installation of curb and gutter in that OVER OPPOSITIOi\l TO-JXJR.8 AI\ID GUTTER. i4ayor Bredesen v Estimated Assessable Cost was Mr. Oscar aerg, 5525 Dundee Road, told $90 8/13/62 j part of the street under consideration tonight would result in a "comical appearance, inasmuch as curb and gutter will begin in the middle of a block; that while residents desire the street surface they do not want curb and gutter, Engineer, reported that the grade, here, is fairly flat; also, that there are a number of catch basins at the intersection of Dundee Road and t1.56th Street, and that curb and gutter inakes it easier to pick up the water at this point; that storm sewer in the area was shortened with understanding that a curbed street would carry water on the surface, . At this time Trustee Macl-fillan suggested that, inasmuch as street surface replacement will cost almost as much as the construction of watermain, the street improvement be postponed until such time as the watermain is constructed. t4anager Hyde agreed in principle, but added that the street is definite maintenance problem; that, as long as residents are aware that the cost of street surface replacement will be added to the cost of actual watermain construction at such time as watermain is needed, and are still in favor of street surfacing now (before watermain construction), there should be no problem. Plr. Hac24illan asked that it go into the record that the Council has explained to those present that if the street is surfaced now, before watermain construction, owners of abutting properties will be assessed now for the original street surfacing, and will bear another assessment for street surface replacement as part of their watermain assessment at the time water is needed in the street-- in effect paying for their street surfacing twice. to hzving the street surfaced now. proposed Curb and Gutter, saying that this improvement nil1 curb only half her lot. and was told this would be nominal, and moved its adoption: Nr, Hite, Acting There were no objections made Nrs, Peyer, 5516 Dundee Road, objected to She asked concerning additional cost relative to construction of watermain, Dickson offered the followins Resolution RESOLUTI oi? ORDERIHG IMPROVEMENT STREZT IIPROVEMENT NO. BA-52 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Villaze of Edina, Ninnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: GUTTER ILJ: COIJSTRUCTION OF PER[-IANENT STRZET SURFACIHG Al?D CONCRETE CUR3 AiUD Ayrshire 31vd. from Dundee Rd, to Glengarry Parkway; Piirror Lakes Dr. from the 3orth line of Lot 25, Rosendahl's Edina Dundee Rd. from the N. line of Mirror Lakes 14eadow-'lIood 2nd Addn. to V.56th St. from Dundee Rd. to State Hwy. 30. 169-212 Highlands Addn. to t1.56th St,; Edina Highlands to 11.56th St. and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all parsons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement by the CONSTRUCTIOH OF ASPHALT COXCRETE PAVIITG AiJD PORTLAXI CEiiENT COiJCRETE CURB AND GUTTER in said streets; that said improve- ment is hereby SEsignated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IlPROVEI4EfdT NO. BA-52, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved. 14otion for adoption Rollcall there we TRUITK SalITARY SEWER C-1 EXTENSIOi4. A3D SANITARY LATERAL SE';IER 1IIPROVEEIE;IT FOR PORTIO;? OF PARK'dOOD MOLLS ADDITIOik APPROVED ; COUNCIL 'IO COi4DUCT ;?Et1 HEARIi?G Oi? LARADA LAUE LATERAL SEVER. Trunk 1. Public Hearing was conducted on proposed Sanitary/Sewer C-1 Extension, this being a continuation of the April 362:Ii and Nay 28th Public Hearings. Hyde informed the audience that, since the public hearing on this improvement held Nay 28, that, at previous Hearings questions were raised as to the need for Sanitary Sewer in this area, and that since that time the Village has made a survey which shoxs very definitely that there is a need now and will be a greater Geed in the future; that, in addition, th.2 Village has had several conferences with Orr-Schelen-Islayeron and Associates, and has checked with other municipalities which have Orr-Schelen designed sewers in the same type of land, receiving most favorable reports from these municipalities; and Orr-Schelen has guaranteed their design will meet standards for infiltration prevention--that as a result, the Village is now willing to accept the proposed route designated by Orr-Schelen as ALTERiJATE i?O. l-winich alternate route had been explained at the Hearing of May 28, and was again outlined to the audience at this Hearing. explained in detail the Estimate of Cost, and the proposed Assessable Cost hlanager considerable work has been done by many people on this project-- Mr. Hyde + f *. t h I I 191 8/13/62 tabulatei below, stating that. the Village has cut back Orr-Schelen * s original cost estimate because that estimate contained an amount for Blacktop Replacement on County Road No. 18--and because, inasmuch as plans are not yet complete for the widening of County Road No. 18 and there is room for the sewer in the right-of-way outside the present blacktop, the sewer may be constructed in County Road #l8 without the cost of 3lacktop .Replacement. Estimate of Cost, using Orr-Schelen-Mayeron's Alternate No. 1, and dated this date, was as follows: i COlJSTRUCTIOlJ COST (BY ORR-SCHELEN) $186,479.70 $149,975.50 PLUS A FACTOR OF 15% FOR COBDEMNATIOII OF LAXD 22,500.00 $172,475.50 PLUS 10% ENGINEERING AND CLERICAL CHARGE 17,247.55 $189,723 , 0 5 PLUS 10% CAPITALIZED IMTEREST 18,972-30 TOTAL COST'TO BE ASSESSED $208,695.35 LESS BLACKTOP REPLACEMENT - 36,494.20 (This as compared with Orr-Schelen's original estimate of $221,537.89 ,dated ~ay 28, as reported at the meeting of May 28). Mr, Hyde further explained that, of the $208,695.35 Total, $3,464.50 can be assessed against properties which will be using the Trunk Sewer as a Lateral-- leaving a balance of $205,230.85 proposed to be assessed for the Trunk Main Improvement, This amount is proposed to be assessed as follows: acres, and that it is proposed to assess each acre at the rate of 1-3/4 times the assessment for a platted lot (on the basis that it is possible to get 1-3/4 lots from each acre--this figure computed from a "Lot Density Study" of the plats in this general area); the estimated assessment per lot being $280, and per acre being $490. Trunk Sewer as both Trunk and Lateral would pay at the rate of $6.50 per front foot for their Lateral use, in addition to the $280 per lot for the Trunk Alternate No. 1. The only objections made were those by Iilr. Richard Kremer and Hr. Robert Ostman, who objected to this assessment district's not bein2 given credit for the cost of maintaining a lift station at the corner of County Road No, 18 and Maloney Avenue. Manager Hyde informed then it is not proposed to Sive credit; that the difference between carrying the trunk to Naloney Avenue, and stopping it at the south boundary of the cemetery, would be minute in the whole picture. of ideville, Johnson and Thomson, told Council he feels that there should be some credit for elimination of the lift station because the Village is saving money by its elimination; and Plr, Kremer added that t'ne amount of credit could be estimated by estimating the flowage at lift as compared with total flowage through proposed Trunk Main, and moved its adoption: There are 85 Platted Lots in the assessment district, and 371 unplatted Those who would be assessed for use of the There were no objections to the construction of Om-Schelen-ilayeron's Attorney Charles Spring of the firm Dickson offered the followinfj Resolution RES OLUTI OW ORDERING IIIPROVENENT SANITARY SEkJER IMFROVEMEi?T 140. 199 (SANITARY TRUNK SEWER NO. C-1 EXTENSION) 13E IT RESOEVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, !.jinneso-ta, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement : TRUNK CONS TRUCTI ON OF VILLAGE C - 1 /SA;( I TARY SEVER EXTEI? S I OiJ AND APPURTEkIANCES AND LATERAL CONiJECTIONS TI-IERETO AND APPURTEi4A;iCES along the following route: "Commencing at a point 840' W. and 150' S. of center of Sec. 31, T.117,R.21; th. IfJ, parallel to and 150' S. of I?. line of S,1/2 of Sec, 31,Ts117,R.21, a distance of 472.40 feet; th. 14, at a deflection angle to the right of 9CO19' a distance*" of 2769.41 feet; th, i?. at a deflection angle to the left of 89O14' a distance of 400.35 feet; th. N, at a deflection angle to the right of 89O55' a distance of 829.51 feet; th. NW at a deflection angle to the left of 45OOO' a distance of 248.50 feet; th. MWly at a deflection angle to the right of 22O25' a distance of 426.50 feet; th. l?!I at a deflection angle to the left of 25O35' a distance of 345.85 feet; th. Wly at a deflection angle to the right of 48O18' a distance of 224,21 feet; thence iJ, at a deflection angle to the left of 92O10' a distance of 250 feet; th, N. at a deflection angle to the right of 87O.50' a distance of 799.42 feet; th. W. at a deflection angle to left of 92°10'161t a distance of 45.04 feet; th. 14. on a line 5' E. of and parallel to the center line of County Road H18 a dist, of 1329,50 feet;" and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice and subsequently thereto on Hay 28, 1962 and August 13, 1962, the Council has duly considered the views of all persons of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said C-1 TRUiJK SANITARY SEkIER EXTENSIOi? A;iD APPURTENANCES AidD LATERAL CONNECTIONS THERETO AND APPURTEIJAIJCES along the f ollowing rout e : 8/13/62 19% l'iieginning at a point 840' t?, and 150' S. of the center of Sec, 31, T.117, 8. 21; thence $1. parallel to and 150' S, of the ;?. line of the S1/2 of Sec. 31, %.117 a distance of 472.40'; thence along a route designated by Orr-Schelen- Hayeron and Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers , as ALTERiiATE id0. 1 ROUTE, in their llEXHIBIT A--Analysis of ''C-lf1 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Extension in Edina , Ninnesota, dated {lay 26, 1962", dated May 28, 1962 to lir. R, E, Kremer, 6836 Oakland Avenue, Minneapolis 24, and presented to Village Kanager Warren C, Hyde by said tlr. R, E, Kremer, and which "Exhibit A" is attached hereto and is.. a part of the Hinutes of this meeting; th. X. a distance of 829,51 feet; tho :?\I at a deflectionangle to the left of 45OOO' a distance of 248.50 feet; th, XJly at a deflection angle to the right of 22055' a distance of 426.50 feet; th. NW at a deflection angle to the left of 25O35' a distance of 345.85 feet; th, lily at a deflection angle to the right of 48O18' a distance of 224.21 feet; thence d. at a deflection angle to the left of 92O10' a distance OP 250 feet; th, ii. at a deflection angle to the right of 87O50' a distance of 799.42 feet; th. it. at a deflection angle to left of 92°10'161' a distance of 45,04 feet; th. H. on a line 5' E. of and parallel to the center line of County Road #18 a dist, of 1329,50 feet;" which "Exhibit A" was included in a report i that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SALUTARY SEYER Il4PROVEHENT HO. 199, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land within the following descrlbed boundaries: "Coxmencing at a point on the !I, line of Lot 5, Mock 2, Parkwood gnolls 8th Addn., said point being 75.46' 14. of the S,W. corner thereof; thence 1iE;ly along the GI, line of Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn. to the I*i,?i. corner of Lot 2, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn,; thence li'dly along the Silly line of Lot 1, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn. to the S .I{. corner thereof; thence iJEly along the idYly line of Lot 1, alock 2, Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn. to the lJ.G?, corner thereof; thence iWly 60' to the S.3. corner of View Lane as platted in Parkwood Knolls 8th Addition; thence WEly along the 11, line of View Lane to the S,E. corner of Lot 5, i3lock 2, Parkwood Knolls 5th Addition; thence 1dUly along the SVly line of Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 5th Addition to the E. line of Schaefer Road; thence 11, along the S. line of Lot 1, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 5th Addition extended 30' to the center line of Schaefer Road; thence north on said center line to the south line extended east of Lot 12, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls; thence ti, of Lot 13 of said Block 5 to the S,E, corner of Lot 8, of said 3lock 5; thence lily along its E, line to the X.E. corner thereof; thence Nklly to the 1T.E. corner of LOT 2 of said illock 5; thence IiWly along the iJ,E:, line of said Lot 2 extended, to the center line of Parkwood Road; thence SHly along said center line to the Sly extension of the \I, line of Lot 3, Xock 3 , Parkwood Knolls; thence Nly along the Ely lot lines of Lots 4,5,6 E 7, of said Block 3, to the I?. line thereof; thence E. to a point on the Sly line of Lot 16, Auditor's Subdivision ;io. 325 which is 313.85' E. of the S.;I. corner thereof; thence lily to a point on the lJ, line of Lot 12, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325 which is 319,125 feet E. of the Id.:?. corner thereof; thence 8, to the S.N. corner of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivision No, 325; thence N. to the intersection of the center line of Tyler and 14aloney Avenues; thence 3, along the center line of Ilaloney Ave. 329.64'; thence S. along the \I, line of Lot 1, Block 1, Hanson's 2nd Addition to the S,W, corner thereof; thence SEly along the S,E. line of said Lot 1, extended a distance of 127,28'; thence S. along the 11, line of Block 1, Hanson's 3rd Addition a distance of 388.16' to the center line of Ilaterinan Ave.; thence SWly +at a deflection angle to the right 24O 13'40'' a distance of 219.31'; thence W. at a deflection angle to the right of . 65046!20t1 a distance of 330'; thence S, at a deflection angle to the left of 90° , a distance of 460'; thence IJ, along the S, line of the M. 1/2 of Sec, 30, T. 117,' R. 21, to a point 647.54' E. of the \I. line of said section; thence id. at a deflection angle to the right of 89014!30t1 a distance of 659.74'; thence W. at a deflection angle to the left of 89O17'20'' a distance of 648.06' to the iJ. line of Sec, 30, T. 117, X,21; thence Sly along said \I, line and the 11, line of Sec, 31, T, 117, R. 21, to the S.7, corner of N, 1/2 of the S,2/5 of the I.I, 5/8 of the Si1 1/4 of Sec. 31, T. 117, R. 21; thence E. to the SE corner of the N 1/2 of the S, 2/5 of the 21. 5/8 of the Skl 1/4, Sec. 31, T, 117, R, 21; thence i?, to the iiE corner of the N. 242' of the E. 180' of the 17, 1635.30' of the S7I 1/4 of Sec. 31, T, 117, R. 21; thence E. to beginning," connections includes Tract Irfi'', R,L.S, #246; Tract r13rr, R.L.S. 8246; and the !.?.901 of the ti, 120' of Parcel #5020, Sec, 31, T, 117, R. 21, Xotion for adoption of the Resolution was se were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Dic ;Wly and Sklly along the XEly line n I The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed lateral sewer 8/13/62 2. Council then referred to its action of April 16, 1962, at a Public 193 Hearing, approving construction of Sanitary Lateral Sewers in several streets in the Parkwood Knolls Additions (all as recorded on pages 63 and 64 of this Minute 3ook). Inasmuch as Council's approval was subject to approval of the Trunk Sewer C-1 Extension, Trustee Dickson suggested that Council confirm its April 16th action by resolution, Council was reminded that petition opposing Sanitary Lateral Sewer in Larada Lane has been filed by owners of 100% of the property abutting that street; and Manager Hyde reported that owner of one residence is now having sewage trouble, that the Village has convinced all the residents that there is a genuine need for Sanitary Sewer in the area under consideration, plans for these lateral sewers have been referred to Orr-ScheLen-Nayoron, Consulting Engineers, who have approved the plans, with the exception that one lateral could be moved f.arther Southwest if it could be tied with Nr, Hanson's development, at a slight saving. Stating he believes the Larada Lane residents should be given an opportunity to be heard before Council acts on Lateral Sewer Improvement for this one street, Dinkson moved that.Counci1 rescind its April 16th action ordering Sanitary Lateral Sewer Improvement in Larada Lane from Parkwood Road 450' IJ., and call a Public Hearing on this proposed improvement. seconded by Macflillan and carried. and moved its adoption: '? I Attorney Spring reported to the Council Manager Iiyde reported that the M otion Dickson then offered the following Resolution I RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEWENT SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO , 200 3E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Flinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the follordng proposed improvement : Parkwood Rd, from Larada Lane to Londonderry Rd, (3. end); Stauder Circle from Parkwood Rd. to Londonderry Rd. (N, end) ; Londonderry Rd. from Parkwood Rd, to N. Stauder Circle; Parkwood Lane from Parkwood Rd, to S, line of Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn,; From center line of Parkwood Lane and S. line of Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn., )A;*c:~D,o~ W, along S. lot line of Lot 9, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn. to \?, line )12/10/~~ of Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn, )rE'*nlrT, I c Knolls 4th Addn. W. to GI. line of Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn. ; Larada Lane from Parkwood Rd, 450' N. and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement, except - that said improvement shall be reduced by the elimination of Larada Lane from Parkwood Rd, 450t N, from said proposed improvement; that said reduced improvement is hereby designated and skall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as SAiqITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO, 200, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets proposed to be improved, COi(STRUCTI0N OF SAfJITARY LATERAL SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN : ) SE2 From center line of Parkwood Rd. and N. lot line of Lot 1, Block 2, Parkwood TRUNK SEWER TO BE BID THIS FALL: PARKWOOD KNOLLS LATERALS IN SPRING OF 1963. I4anager iiyde reported that it is hoped that the Trunk Sewer--C-1 Lxtension may be bid this Fall, for work during the Winter; that bids will not be taken for the Parkwood Knolls Laterals until next spring, for early summer work. COUNCIL TO CONSIDER NATERMAINS FOR PAFWOOD KNOLLS AREA Iid PUSLIC HEARIHG AT, A LATER DATE. During discussion on the proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement for the Parkwood Knolls area, Attorney Charles Spring, speaking on behalf of the Parkwood Knolls residents, asked that before bids are taken on the sewer the Council consider a Yatermain Improvement for the area, watermain improvement will be necessary some time in the future, and that if possible they would like to save a blacktop replacement cost by having both underground improvements installed before blacktop is replaced, Manager Hyde reported that Preliminary Estimates of Cost have been prepared, pursuant to requests for watermain by residents at previous sewer hearings, He gave Estimates as follows: Trunk Watermain - $62.50 per Lot; Lateral IJaterrnain - $988.43 per Lot; Trunk Sanitary Sewer (No, 199) - $280.00 per Lot; ,Lateral Sanitary Sewer (No. 200) - $1,825.27 per Lot; Blacktop Replacement - $970.11 per Lot--For Total of $4,126.31 per Lot, Lateral Watermains for Parkwood Knolls area be scheduled for first regular meetin5 in October was seconded by Dickson and carried, He stated residents have assumed that a VanValkenburg's motion, that Public Hearings on Trunk and 8/13/62 194 COItTRACTS AYARDED FOR SzeUITARY SEkIER IMPROVENElITS NOS. 195 AND 198, A;\ID STOR14 SE>IER IUPROVCME3T t40. 74. taken August TOth for the above entitled improvement projects, showed receipt of four bids, PhelTs-Drake Co., Inc, being low bidder at $11,422.85 ; Coburn and Fleek, second-low at $11,563.50 ; Swanson Excavating Co, , third-low at $12,063.50; and Barbarossa and Sons, Inc., high bidder at $16,666.00. Engineer's Estimate on construction for these three projects totalled $17,398 ,OO. Hr. Hyde recommended award of contract to low bidder , Pnelps-Drake, and IfacMillan so moved. Hanager Hyde presented Tabulation of dids on bids Tabulation Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. COYTRACTS AHARDED FOR STREET 11-IPROVEMENTS . I4r. Hyde presented Tabulation of surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter Improvements , as follows :- GOYA LANE FRON HIGAWAY jf.169-212 TO CUL-DE-SAC: RYAN AVE. FRO:? W, 62ND STREET TO VALLEY WEN ROAD: Note: Tie foregoing two Street Improvement Projects have already been approved by the Council with the understanding they will be bid on Alternate bids (Portland Cement Concrete Paving with Integral Curb; and Asphalt Concrete Paving with Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter) bids: ON ASPHALT COI4CRETE PAVISG I.IITH PORTLAND CEI4EWT COHCRETE CUR2 AI?D GUTTER - Black Top Service Company,$~4,782,09; Northwest Bituminous Co. , $16,130.90; Alexander Construction Co, Company $23,857.00; Victor Carlson E Sons, Inc., $26,546.20. Curb and Gutter in Ayrshire Blvd,, Mirror Lakes Drive, Dundee Rd,, and 71.56th Street)- Black Top Service Company, $$40,387.40; Northwest Bituminous Co., $41,400.25; Alexander Construction Co, , Inc, , $43,772,10. ON ASPHALT COXCRETE PAVING ONLY - Lexington Ave, from Mooddale Ave. to St.Johns Ave. - Black Top Service Company $2,160.40; Northwest Bituminous Co,, $2,255.00; and Alexander Construction Co., Inc,, $2,233.00, Tabulation of bids on these two projects showed receipt of the following Inc,, $16,197.95. OX PORTLAND CEME;qT COIKRETE PAVIUG WITH IMTEGRAL CURl3 - XcCree and On STREET It.IPROVEIG1JT 80. 3A-52 (Asphalt Concrete Paving with Concrete Hanager Hyde recommended award of contract to Black Top Service Company for all the above improvements. Street Improvements in Goya Lane and Ryan Avenue were for PORTLAHD CEI.%tI?T COXCRETE PAVIHG WITH INTEGRAL CURB, he believes the difference in price between the OW bids is too great to consider the Portland Cement Improvement. He added that even though the original petitions for Council was also informed that bids on Asphat Concrete Paving Only in Lexington Avenue were taken pursuant to a petition filed by Colonial Charch, agreeing to bear the entire cost of this impovement. Mac&lillan's motion, for award of Contract for Street Improvements as follows to low bidder, Black Top Service Company, was seconded by Dickson and carried: GUTTER IN: ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEIIEHT AND PORTLAND CEMEIJT CONCRETE CURB AXD $6,012.64 $9,769.45 Goya Lane from Highway $169-212 to Cul-de-sac Ryan Ave. from I.l.62nd St, to Valley View Road $14,782.09 STREET i~.lPROVEIEI?T 3A-52 $40,387.40 Lexington Ave. from Hooddale Ave. to St.Johns Ave, $ 2,160.40 Total $57,329.89 (ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING OXLY) STREET IHPROVENENTS ORDERED, VanValkenburg then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIOH ORDERING IPIPROVEMENT STREET IIIPROVEFIENT NO. BA-53 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Ninnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice .. of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF PERIWJENT STREET SURFACING AND COIUCIETE CUE3 AND GUTTER IN GOYA LANE FRO14 HIGH!JAY #169 TO CUL-DE-SAC and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement by the CONSTRUCTIOX OF ASPHALT COlKXETE PAVENEi4T ??IT13 PORTLAND CEHENT CONCRETE CURB AIJD GUTTER IN SAID GOYA LANE; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET Ii4PROVEi4ENT NO, BA-53; and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved. Iilotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by I"lacNillan, and on Rollcall t'nere 8/13/62 195 And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT STREET INPROVEMEiJT NO, BA-54 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCT1 ON OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACE Ai4D COACRETE CUR3 AiqD GUTTER IIJ RYAN AVENUE FROM W.62dD STREET TO VALLEY VIE\? ROAD and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construct ion of said improvement by the CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING WITH PORTLAND CEMENT COHCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN SAID RYAN AVENUE; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT MO. BA-55, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the street proposed to be improved. Motion for adoption of Resolution was,second MacMillan and on Rollcall And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RES OLUTI ON ORDER1 NG I ?.I PROVE I4EMT STREET II$PROVEMEiJT i(0. A-153 BE IT .RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minneosta, as f 0llor.rs : requesting the Council to construct a STREET IHPROVEMEi?T on Lexington Avenue from Wooddale Avenue to St,Johns Avenue, to consist of C0:JSTRUCTION OF ASPI-IALT CONCRETE PAVING IN SAID STREET, and to assess the entire cost against the property of petitioners, is hereby ordered pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 429.031 (3), (Session Laws of 1961, Chapter 525, Section2). designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. A-153. hereby ordered to be assessed against the properties of COLONIAL CHURCH OF EDINA, PETITIOI\TER, abutting on said Lexington Avenue where said improvement is to be located, 1. It is hereby found and determined that a petition has been filed 2, The making of said improvement in accordance with said petition Said improvement is hereby The entire cost of said improvement is flotion for adoption of Resolution was s there were four ayes and no nays, as fo PETITIONS FOR ItIPROVEMENTS ACCEPTED. for Programming, of the following petitions was seconded by Dickson and carried: MacMillan's motion for acceptance, and referral to Engineering Department 1, 2, 3, OILING - Rolf Ave., W.64th St. to U.65th St, SANITARY SEWER - Haterman Ave., 3lake Rd. to John St. CUR3 AND GUTTER AIlD BLACKTOP - All Streets in Zdina Parklands (dote: This petition requested "consideration from the Village to deposit funds for the completion of concrete curb and gutter and blacktop streets. FIRST SOUTHDALE WATIOiJAL 3ANK'S SUBSTITUTIO8 OF C3LLATERAL AFPROVED, Substitution Seuies E 3-3/4% Notes due August 15, 1964, for a like amount of U.S.A. Yreasury 3-1/4% il being due November 15, 1962, was approved by motion Ilact~Iillan, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Collateral deposited in lieu of bond for Village deposits. by First Southdale National. i3ank, of $150,000 U.S.A. Treasury Ilotes, $50,000 Series G, being due August 15, 1962 and $100,000 Series PROPOSED ASSESSMENT AGAINST LOT 15, BLOCK 3, SEELY S FIRST ADDN. TO HAiITHORXE PARK (3200 k1.56Td ST,) FOR WATEIIAIN NO. 157 CANCELLED, Council reviewed Mr, Armando'Brchiletti's request for relief of assessment in amount of $329.17. - for Hatermain Improvement Xo. 157, for reason that he has already paid a Consumer's Deposit for connection to Hatermain on W.56th St., and York Avenue main does not benefit his corner lot, in paying a Consumer's Deposit, had agreed not to object to the im?rovement on Yorlc, and also that he would assume difference between amount of Consumepts Deposit and amount of York Avenue assessment at such time as improvement Ifas It was explained that Mr, Archiletti, 8/13/62 constructed on York Avenue--but that Hr. Archilletti does not admit he has signed this agreement; and that agreement cannot be found because watermain connection was made in 1950 and records over ten years old are being destroyed. considerable discussion was had by Council on this request, and Dickson moved that proposed assessment for Watermain Improvement No, 157 , against Lot 15 , Block 3, Seely's First Addit ion , be cancelled. and carried, Some 1-lotion seconded by VanValkenburg i COUXCIL TO COJDUCT PU3LIC HEARINGS AUGUST 27, 0:q =QUEST FOR SIDE YARD VARIAiTCES FROI.1 ZOiJIiilG ORDiN.4NCE. - - - -, Planning Director Hite reported that the Planning Commission has recmmended favorably upon the following two requests, and asked that the Council schedule Public Hearings thereon for August 27: Request of George H. Alarik, 5417 Brookview Avenue - Request in order Request of Dorothy Kuske, 5417 York Avenue - Request in order to 1, 2, to construct garage, construct garage. Dickson's motion that Hearings be scheduled for August 27th on requests was seconded by Ib!acIafillan and carried, STOV'S DELANEY ADDITION-DELANEY REPLAT FINAL APPROVED. - This Final Plat, for four lots, at il.70th St. and Cornelia Drive, was presented carrying the recommendztions of the Planning Commission for approval, and VanValkenburg moved for Council approval of Final Plat. carried. Motion seconded by Dickson and COUNCIL GIVES QUALIFIED APPROVAL TO PRELII4IIIARY PLAT OF RICHI.lOND HILLS 2iiD ADDITION-JONES PARK REPLAT. Planning Director iiite presented this Prelim$nary Plat, for two lots, at coriner of Highway Cl69 and Hansen Poad--being a subdivision of Lot 10, Block 2, Richmond Hills 2nd Addition, with the recommendation that Council approve, subject to a satisfactory soil percolation test on Lot 2, i-iacI4illan so moved. Hotion seconded by Dickson and carried SPECIAL ASSESSI-ICJT HEARIliGS , SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 20, POSTPONED TO AUGUST 27 e Hanager iIyde explained that because of difficulties in getting the required mailed notice to property owners the Special Assessment Hearinzs scheduled by the Council for a meeting on August 20, cannot be conducted until,hngust 27. VanValkenburg's motion, postponing Special Assessment Hezrinzs scheduled for August 20, to August 27, on the following proposed Specia~,rAsse$sments, was seconded by MacMillan and carried : STORM SEVER 114PROVENENTS 140s. 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 57 and 61 STREET IWPROVEMEWTS NOS 6 E-7 AIJD E-13 SEPTEIG3ER 17 SET AS DATE FOR HEARINGS OX ADDITIONAL PROPOSED ASSESSMEHTS , Hyde told Councilthat several additional assessment rolls are prepared and ready for Hearings. a regular meeting, for these Hearings, and Maellillan moved that :Ionday, September 17, be set as date for additional special assessments hearings. Dickson and carried. 1.k. He asked that Council schedule a date, other than that of Notion seconded by POLICY ON POLITICAL SIGMS ESTAdLISHED : PRESENT ORDII?AHCE TO 3E. EXFORCED, Mr, Hyde i9gormed Council that pursuant to recent inquiries, and conversation by the Couhcil, a survey has been taken concerning Dolicy of neighboring municipalities on the matter of political signs; that not many of the other municipalities are concerned about the matter, but that four of them are working on new sign ordinances. After some discussion, it was decided that the present sign ordinance of this Village, prohibiting posting of signs on public property, and requiring permit for every sign on private property iB sign is over six square feet in area, be enforced, and that political parties and candidates without party designation be so informed. ZOiJiNG HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 27 POSTPONED TO SEPTEHBER 10, It was suggested that, because Council will be conducting Special Assessnant Hearings on August 27, the Council postponetta September 10 the Zoning Hearings now scheduled for August 27, Dickson's motion, so postponing Zoning Hearings, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. "ROADSIDE DEVELOPI$EIiT PLAIS" FOR CROSSTOWN HIGHWAY 3ETWZEN PARIJELL AVEIUE AXD ZRZS AVENUE APPROVED. 14r. Hite presented for Council consideration a landscaping plan for Crosstown Highway, as prepared for County by State Highway Department, saying Village feels this is a beautiful plan; that County would like Village to maintain the trees and shrubs to be planted outside the dighrcray FenceL-that these trees and shrubs are on what would ordinarily be the "boulevard" abutting private properties , and will help to screen the highway from private properties, and that if Council approves plan, he would suggest that owners of abutting private properties maintain the landscaping at such time as Qountg:gives up maintenance ; that Village h3s asked County maintenance for two years, maintenance for two years was seconded by MacNillan and carried. Dickson's motion approving plan on condition that County assumes 8/13/62 AHEidDIIIENT ADOPTED REQUIRING IiJSURANCE COVERAGE FOR ICE CREAM VEI'IDORS , Pursuant to instructions by the Council for an amendment to the ''Food" ordinance requiring ice cream vendors to furnish liability insurance, Mr , Hasselquist presented for Council consideration the following Ordinance: \ ORDIUANCE NO. 151A-2 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 151A, IMPOSING RESTRICTIOHS 03 ICE CREAM VENDORS AND REQUIRIi?G FILING OF; PROOFS OF INSURANCE THE VILLAGE COUi?CIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDII\IA, MIilTNESOTA , ORDAINS : by adding thereto the following Section 5a: catering food vehicle license shaLl be issued for a catering food vehicle from which ice cream, sherbet, frozen or frosted desserts or ice cream products are sold and served until the applicant shall have filed with the Village Clerk proof that he is insured, for the period of the license applied for, against liability for death, injury or property damage caused by any of the vehicles to be licensed, in the following minimum amounts for each vehicle: Section 1, "Sec. 5a, Insurance Policies Required of Ice Cream Vendors, Xo Ordinance No. 151A, as amended, is hereby further amended Death or injury of any one person: persons in the same accident: $100,000 300,ooo Death or injury of two or more Property damage per accident: 50,000 Such policy shall bear an indorsement of the insurer to the effect that the same cannot and will not be cancelled or in any manner terminated without first giving the Village Nanager at least 15 days' notice of cancellation or termination thereof." ' Sec, 2, The provisions of this ordinance shall apnly to existing as well as future holders of catering food vehicle licenses, insurance required by Sec, 5,a.above shall be filed by present licensees within fifteen days after the effective date of this ordinance, and failure to do so'shall cause the license or licenses of such licensees to be suspended until such proofs are filed, passage and publication. The proofs of Sec. 3, This ordinance snall be in full force and effect upon its DiScussian was had relative to regulation of hours of operation, in considering this ordinance, and it was concluded that should Council regulate operating hours of ice cream vendors in accordance with suggestions made by residents such regulation would in effect be prohibition against any operation, VanValkenburg's motion for adoption of the foregoing Ordinance do. 151A-2 COUNCIL AUTHORIZES PRESENTATION OF CLAIM TO CLAIMS COIIIPIITTEE OF P11;UEAFOLIS COUMCIL Oitl SEkTER RATE OVERCHARGE, what has happened concerning the suspected overcharge made by Minneapolis to Edina for costs of sewage treatment and maintenance of Minneapolis vrholly-owned interceptor sewer. submitted a tabulation to Mr, Frank Moulton on June 27, 1962, asking that it be analyzed and reviewed--and that if Village had erred in its conclusions the city so advise; that, having heard nothing from this letter he had again written Mr, PIoulton; that about trio weeks ago Mr. 9odein, City Engineer, had called, saying it would take some time to get the information together in order to reply to the Village, and that as of this date he (Nr. Hyde) has had nothing definite from I4r, Bodein, complexity of the charges the Village is not completely certain that it is = correct in all points of its claim to'Mr. Moulton--but that to the best of our knowledge the overcharge is some $80,00O--that, to this date Edina has asked only that the City either confirm or refute the Village fizures, considerable discussion was had, and Dickson moved directing Manager to prepare claim for presentation to Claims Committee of Hinneapolis Council, with authorization to presenz said claim at the end of two weeks providing no answer is had by Mr. Bodein or Mr. lloulton before that time. 14otion bias seconded by VanValkenburg, and carried, Playor Bredesen inquired of Mr, Hyde as to Ib. Hyde replied that %~.ching~~ had happened: That he had Mr. Hyde admitted that because of the Some 8 /13 /62 PU3LIC HEARING TO BE COXDUCTED O;? STORM SEkJER EXTENSION FOR ST0RE.I SEVER IM HALIFAX LANE : SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEPIBER 10. tlr. Hite informed Council that the watershed area for the Halifax Lane Storm Sewer has expanded since France Avenue was paved; that a considerable area abutting France Avenue on both East and tiest--which has never paid for storm sewer--is now draining into this system Which consequently needs extension, Nith the aid of a Vu-Graph slide he explained to the Council the boundaries bSdthebpres6ntly benefited district, reporting it is proposed to assess that property which has not formerly been assessed for storm sewer for this proposed extension--with the Village bearing that cost apportionable to that part of the benefited district located in Minneapolis, because the Village permitted Hinneapolis to use the Village system in return for the Village's using the Hinneapolis systen on W.54th Street. Petition for extension of the Storm Sewer before sinter, signed by owners of four lots on Halifax Lane, was submitted and ordered placed on.file, Hr, Hite sugsested that Public Hearing be conducted on August 27, but because of quantity of business already scheduled for that evening, 10. I Dickson moved that Public Hearing be scheduled for September Notion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. COUNCIL TO COiJDUCT PU3LIC HEARIiTGS SEPTEiIBER 10, ON SAiUTARY SEUER A2iD STREET II-~PROVE!.fEMTS FOR NATERI-IAN AVENUE FRON BLAKE ROAD EAST, Mr Site reported that, pursuant to instructions by the Council for preparation-of plans €or Sanitary Sewer for two lots on llaterman Avenue, and for Asphalt Paving for Uaterman from Blake Road east to dead end, plans are now prepared and ready for Public Hearing, Dickson's motion, that Public Hearings be conducted September LO, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, ELZCTIOA JUDGES APPOIi?TED FOR SEPTEI-DER llTH PRIEIARY . of nominees for Election Judges for the September 11, 1962 Primary Election; and MacHillan moved for Council appointment of the following : HcCall, Jane Hawthorne, Grace Ode11 , Ethel Link, Camille Kortum , I-lillicent Tome, #illiam Kaiser, and Mary 1.10s~. Frances Sonnenberg, Helen 14, Hall, Dorothea S, Obermeyer, Clifford HBSS, Doris Hartshorn, Helen Yalkup, Erma Hoyt, Mary Ann Haemig. DISTRICT ;?O, 3 - Mrs. Florence Hallberg, Chairman; Xmes. Audrey jerglund, Constance Ryan, Ruth El, Zipoy, Ruth 14. Volk, Betty tripp, Clarice Loheyde, Fiarian Xelson and Marie Pringle, DISTRICT WO,, 4 - Mrs. Helen L. James, Chairman; Hmes. Hary Ryan, Betty Ann WcKaig , Eunice Carlson , Louise Finch, Ursula Bezoier , Yvonne Ford , Clerk presented list DISTRICT 30. 1 - Mrs. Plarjorie 5, Rossiter, Chairman; f4mes. Ilarjorie DISTRICT NO, 2 - 14rs. Nellie Strate, Chairman; Fmes, Narian Bailey, Dorothy 3usch , Shirley Johnson. DISTRICT NO. 5 - Mrs. Gale T. Kesler, Chairman; hes. Lorraine S, Hasselquist, Gladys Barnes, Anna Taggetz, E,B, Genepa Smith. DIST-HCT ii0. 6 - PIrs. Olga Bye, Chairman; Nmes. Hilma Myhr, Ida Makela, and E, L. tiodlin, Gladys Cameron, Haedecke and Spencer, Myrtle DISTRICT NO. 7 - Nrs, L. E. Jones, Chairman; Kmes. Margaret 1.1, Borsch, Alice tiIcFa&ean, Lela Hagen and Adella Stewart. - DISTPICT 8 - Mrs. Dorothy Posselt, Chairman; blmes. Ada S, Eichhorn, Glennis Englund, Harold C. Hughes, Adele Olson and Muriel Thomsen, Dickson seconded Nacl4illan's motion, and it carried, CqJTRACT WITH, BLOO:.fI~GTOH FOR SAlUTARY SEWER , WATERNAIII AlJD ST0RI.I SEHER TO R@IWHORST-'S, "NORIIAXDALE CENTER", AS REVISED, APPROVED BY EDIIJA COUI\ICIL, Hanager Hyde informed Council that he n0.w has a report from Llr, Ray Olson, Hanager of the City of 3loomington , that Bloomington does have the- permission of the City of Ninneapolis to serve the Rauenhorst "Normandale Center" area with Sanitary Sewer and Water; that, subsequent to Council's action or' June 11, 'approxEng the Bloomington-Edina contract relative to this service,- the contract has been revised in accordance with suggestions made by Attorney DeForest Spencer of the Dorsey-Owen Office; that the $5,000 originally charged by Bloomington for storm sewer has been deleted in re$Qrn for Edina's permission to aloomington to discharge of storm water into Edina at Edina-Bloomington boundary and Xooddale Avenue; and that there is a charge in context, favorable to Edina, relative to the "hold harmless" clause, approval of the revised contract. VanValkenburg's motion, for approval of revised contract , as recommended by Manager$ was seconded by FTacMIillan and carried, Hr. Hyde recommended SCHOOL BOARD REJECTS ALL BIDS FOR VALLEY VIEU SCHOOL-PARK SITE COXT-WCT. Wr. Hyde reported School Board has rejected bids for the above entitled contract; and that, consequently, no action by Council is necessary tonight--that 3oard expects to take new bids in near future. 8 /13 /62 3IDS AUTHORIZED FOR PROPOSED IIIPROVEIIEXTS : Ik. Hite , as Acting Village 1 9 9 t. Cngineer, presented plans for several proposed improvements, requesting that bids be taken for consideration by the Council at its meeting of September 10, b- and Dickson offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTIOU APPROVIXG FLAIJS AlJD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED STREET, SANITtLPY SEWER AND STORH SEWZR IIIPROVENEJTS , AND DIRECTIXG ADVERTISEflEIJT FOR 3IDS 3E IT RESOLVED by the Village Council oE the Village of Eaina: The plans and specifications for the proposed STREET, SANITARY SEXER, AND STORH SEVER IEIPROVEIIENTS set forth in the following Advertisement for aids form, heretofore preTared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved, 2. Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice of bids for said improvements: 1. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-biorningside ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEivlEijT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, PORTLAND CEIIENT PAVIiJG WITH, INTEGRAL CUR3, GRADING &?D GRAVELLING SAIJITARY SEWER AND STORM SEUER SEALED DIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 d. 50th St., at 2:OO P.M., Friday, September 7, 1962, and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P,M,, on Monday, September LO, 1962, to consider said bids, being for the following: 1. COMSTRUCTIOid OF ASPHALT COBCRETE PAVENEMT AIdD PORTLAND CEHENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: A. llilryan Ave. from Valley View Road to Roberts'Place Roberts Place from Wilryan Ave. to Rolf Ave. ; Rolf Avenue from Roberts Place to Valley View Road West 62nd Street from Uilryan Ave. to Valley View Road, 2, CONSTRUCTIOR OF PORTLAND CEMENT PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CUM IN THE FOLLOIJING: A. 'blilryan Ave. from Valley View Road to Roberts Place Roberts Place from Wilryan Ave, to Rolf Ave. Rolf Avenue from Roberts Place to Valley View Road IIest 62nd Street from I;lilryan Ave. to Valley View Road 3. Cql?S'i'RUCTIOiJ OF GRADILJG, GRAVELING, AND ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVIiJG IN TdE FOLLOiIIlJG : A. 'Jatemnan Avenue from Blake Road to 813 feet east, A. 4, COI'?STRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEiJER AND APPURTENANCES Iid THE FOLLOWING : Haterman Ave. from 195.5 feet east of Blake Road to existing manhole 331.5 feet east of Blake Road.. Starting at a point on Halifax Lane approximately 300 feet south of W, 54th St.; thence westerly 400 feet to Minnehaha Creek. 5. COI?STRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SENER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOVING: A. IJork must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. deposit of $10.00 (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specificaaions. accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. d'f ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, Plans and specifications are available for a No bids will be considered unless sealed and GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk 3, hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement . Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are Hotion for adoption Rollcall there were aye; VanValkenhurg, ATTBT : of the Resolution was secom by VanValkenburg, and on four ayes and no na aye; and Bredesen KRAEHZR E SONS, INC. GRAYTED PERMIT FOR GRAVEL VASHING OPERATION Oil i?ELSOIJ FARM. Iir, ;-lite's report of August 8, recommknding that Council approve the Edward Kraener G Sons Inc. request for permission,to operate a gravel washing operation on the Ilclson Farm, was reviewed. Report stated that Kraemers will be operating under the Stow mining permit. requested for a period concurrent with that of the mining permit, and VanValken- burg so moved, It was recommended that Council grant pwmission Motion seconded by Dickson and carried. 200 8/13 /62 c li&$ICIPAL COi4~4ISSION ORDERS DETACMrTEIJT OF LAlIDS FROFI EDIldA ; ANIJEXhTI0i.i TO HOPKIIJS , Cle-ed receipt of notice from the 14unicipal Commission of Order dated July 24, 1962, detaching from Edina and annexing to Hopkins the foliot7ing described tracts; this Order having been made by the Commission pursuant to petitions by Edina and Hopkins for this action: "That part of the ilorthwest' quarter (144 1/41 of Section 30, Tokmship 117, Range 21, and of Blocks 5 and 6, 'Vest I4innea- polis Heights ,I1 described as follows: idorthwest corner of said Section 30; thence East along the i4orth line of said Section 30 to its intersection with the East .line of Jefferson Avenue as dedicated in the plat of said ltikst Hinneapolis Heights" extended to the iJorth line of said Section 30, being the point of beginning of the tract of land to be described; thence South along said East line of said Jefferson Avenue and its extension to a point in the IJest line of Lot 26, 31ock 6, West Hinneapolis Heights ,I1 distanrC 30 feet i?orth of the Southwest corner thereof; thence Easterly on a line 30 feet i?orth of and parallel with the South lines of Lots 1 and 26, Block 6, and Lots 1 and 26, Block 5, said ":.lest Kinneapolis Heights", and the.extensions of said lines, to the center line of Nonroe Avenue as dedicated in the plat of said West Xinne- apolis Heights"; thence Northerly along the centerline of said I-lonroe Avenue to the Horth line of said Section 30; Commencing at the then Yesterly along the "llorth line of said point of beginning , I' PROPERTY FOR GARAGE, LIQUOR STORE, DISCUSSED. Council's direction of the last meeting, he had Village acquisition of tracts for a Garage, and Section 30 to the Hanager i-fyde reported that, contacted owners relative to for the third Liquor Store; that he can get-no firm commitment on the Garage propzrty until next month, third Liquor Store, Mr. Hyde reported he had conferred with t5e KDDeger fepresentatives; that they have offered the property at $20,000, which is about $1.10 per foot. discussion was had pertaining this certain location relative to arp6her location on Highway Mo. 169, to the north of the property owned by Xroeger. with alage Xanager saying he feels that for a long-term investment the Kroeger property would be the better of the Bwo locations. for a price more favorable to the Village. COUiJCIL AUTHORIZES SALE OF BONDS TO FINANCE II~SPROVENEMTS DURING 1962. A Tabulation, szoowing needs for park improvements durinz years 1962-1969, inclusive, Nr. Dalen asked for authorization to prepare the necessary documents for sale of the f ollotaring bonds : &s to the Some Mr. Hyde directed to go back to the Kroeger interests I Presenting $150,000 Park Improvement B onds $1,000,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds (2-Year) For Improvement Projects to be assessed. $ 400,000 State $id Improvement Bonds A discussion was had by Council on Mr, Dalen's proposal, and VanValkenburg's motion, that bonds be sold at such tine as Mr. Dalen isin readiness for sale, xas seconded by Dickson, and carlied by four ayes and no nays, as follows: aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye;. Dickson, aye; 14aci<illan, RESIGYATIOII OF JOHZ T. FOLEY FRO11 PLAIINIlTG CO~.INISSIO~? ANNOUNCED : NOI.II:IATIOXS REQUESTED. IIayor Bredesen announced that IGr, John T, Foley is resigning fron the Planning Commission for the reason that he is moving out of the Village, and requested noninations fron Council for new member to fill tlr, Foley's unexpires tern, to be given by next Council meeting if possible. Hr. Foley's resignation accepted with regret, TRAFFIC 03 HIGHBAY i(0. 100/TO 3E SPECIALLY PATROLLED. traffic carried by Highway No. LOO in Edina, after baseball and football games, Trustee Dickson asked if the Highway could not receive special attention from the Polics Department, Xanager Hyde informed Hr. Dickson that Police )rill do everything they can to expedite flow of traffic on #lo0 on ball game days, SPEED 011 1NTERLACHE;I TO STAY AT 30 MFH, reason why spied on Inxerlachen Blvd. could not be increased over 30 tiP1-i. 24r. Hycle rzplied that surveys have been taken which show that speed can safely be increased--but that because of amount of bicycle traffic, and because of objections of residents abutting Interlachen Uvd. the Council has taken no action, AFTER dALL GAMES Citing the specially heavy I pfr. Ilacf.lillan asked if there were any spcial 8/13/62 %. 201 VILLAGE. COUr.ICIL OBJECTS TO .COilTIilUED TO OPERATIOU OF BLOOFIINGTOX DUMP AT 7WkI ANU FRAiKE. position concerning the Public Dump at 78th St. and France Avenue, that the Village Attorney's office has done some reaearch on this matter, and that the Council may either bring action against the operator of the dump or could make demand on Bloomington to revoke license, Hr. Hasselquist suggdsted that some actionbe taken to have this nuisance abated. that, inresponse to objections by owners of neighboring properties, the administration has talked with administration at 3loomington about the nuisance which the dump constitutes to Edina residentis; feels that an objection by the Council is the next step. Dickson moved that letter be sent to owner of dump, with copy to Bloomington Council, setting forth Edina's complain@, was seconded by MacMillan and carried, Village Attorney Hasselquist inquired as to Council's Saying Planager Hyde stated CLAIMS PAID, Dickson's motion, for payment of the following Claims as listed on Pre-List dated August 13, 1962, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried: General Fund, $10,102,76; Construction Fund, $8,029.76; Park, Park Const., Park Sinking and Swimming Pool Funds, $22,050,48; Waterworks Fund, $25,179.48; , Liquor Fund, $54,989.11; Sewer Rental Fund, $514.04; Improvement Funds, $312,157.85; Poor Fund, $10.00--TOTAL, $433,333.48. Adjournment was moved by MacIllillan, second of motion by Dickson and carried, Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P,N, Village Clerk