HomeMy WebLinkAbout19620924_regular"$2 / c 9/24/62 ;IIdJTES OF TilE RE2ULA.2 ;EETIi?G OF TiiE EilIIJA VILLAGE COU,{CIL, KELD 'iI3;3DAY, SEPTEFI3ER 2&, 1962, AT 7: 00 P .fE. , AT TdE CDIiJA VILLAGE; iikLL f.lembers answering Rollcall were Dickson , l:acldillan, Tupa, VanValkenbur?, and aredesen. ffIlIUTES of tile Regular Ileeting of August 27, 1962, were approved as submitted, by ?.lotion Tupa, seconded by Dickson and carried. :.fLIUT€S of the Regular IZeeting of September 10, 1962, were approved as submitted, by :.lotion Tupa. &fore Second could be had, Xr, VanValkenbur2 asked that Xinutes be amended to show the follor.ling, as part of the paragraph entitle6 "COUI~CIL APPROVES PURCiiASE OF SITE F0;P PU3LIC IIORiS GARAGE AND 'JAREdOUSE, SU3JECT TO APPROVAL OF VILLAGE ATTONIEY Oil STIPULATIOi?S OF PURCiiASE AGREEIWT" , (Page 237 of this 3ooF- beginning after the words "contained therein", the phrase, !land -including an agreement by the seller that Ready-Hix Operation will be off the prcperty by IIarch 1, 1963, or such later date as may be agreed on between purchaser and Ready-Xix , that purchaser will collect all rent from Ready-Nix accruing f rom the date of the closing of the sale; that if any costs accrue from the removal of the structure now on the permises the seller trill pay such costs; and assurance by the seller that the lease to Roy L. Lindgren, Sr. €or the residence he now occupies at 5136 Arcadia is to be for the life of Hr, Lindgren, Sr,, only,11 Tup then amended his ilotion, to approve iiinutes of rleeting of September 10, 1962, with the amendment offered by ilr, VanValkenburg , seconded by Dickson and carried. At September 10 Xeeting, question had been directed to seller regarding RetaininE Hall. September 24 Neeting that Xetaining Yall is in, needs no immediate maintenance, I Kotion €or approval of amended IIinutes (iiote: Planager Hyde reported at and should stay there.) ,- COUnSCIL APPROVES REQUESTS FOR VARIKdCES FROH ZONING OF!DIi?AdCZ REQUIREI!ENTS. Planning Director Hixe ?resented hff idavits of Mailing of iliiotices of Hearings" to owners of affected properties, and, pursuant to said ilotice, Public Hearings were Conducted on the following requests for Variances from Zoning Ordinance Requirements, EAST SIDE LOT LIiX. Kr, iiite reported that tiis variance is requezed for the purpose of remodeling hone on this lot (Lot 18, i3lock 6, Laauena Vist Addition; that Planning Conmission recommends favorably thereon. prior thereto. ~7as seconded by Tup and carried, POillT DXIVE (Lot 14, 3lock 1, Southdale Third Addition) - Ordinance requires 30- foot setback, favora3ly on this request, because of the terrain of this lot and the typi of home to be constructed there. none had been received p-ior thereto front yard serback was seconded by Didison and carried. Action was taken by Council as hereinafter recorded. 1. REQUEST OF 3R. E. 3. HAEDECKE, 5524 I.J.70Til ST., FOR 8-FOOT SETBACX FRON (Ordinance requires 15 Ft. 1 Ilo objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been raceived Dickson's motion granting request €or E-foot side prcl seeback 2. REfJJEST OF DX, X. D. XcCA!:P3ZLL FOR 25-FOOT FRO:?T YARD SETaACK AT 6700 iIr. Hite inforned Council that Planning Conmission has recoxmended ;do objections xere rezistered at the Hearing, and Tupa's motion pantino, request far 25-foot 11:GRiCA;'T XATZR fC'ORXS ASSOCIATIOJ - .. . llAVARD OF 14ERIT1' , awacded to Hanagement and Zmployees of the Edina ';later Department I'In recognition of an Excellent Safety Record in the ;!ater Vorks Industry", and the TROPHY FOR ltACdIEVEIEXi' IiJ TAE Ji-ilE~JO.R<S FI+D1l awarded to Edina Saterworks Supt. , Ben Yoehler , were presented by ilr. klyde, who reported that 3en Joehler is the first public official to recelve inis axard T .- SPECIAL ASSESS:IE;ITS LEVIED FOR IWPRQVEMEJJT COSTS , m1icatGd of Hailing of llRotices of Assessment Hearings" j publication having been in Edina-Xorningside Courier on Septenber 6 and 13, 1962, idotices, Public Hearings were conducted on the following proposed Special Asssss- ments for completed Improvement Projects, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded: SAiUTARY SEYER IIiPROVEtlEXT 1JO. 191 - In ifarcien Ave. from Johnson Drive to Gate Park Ko-Pdr:( Road fron Narden Ave, to Johnson Drive; Gate Park Road from Varden Ave. to Hrry. 110. 169. Total Assessable Cost was read as $17,034.16, proposed to be assessed against 36 Assessable Tracts, for $474.56 p'r Connection, as compared with the Improvement Hearing Estimate of $551.10. made from the floor, and none had been received prior thereto. motion approving proposed assessment was seconded by Tupa and carried unanimously, (See Resolution of later in Iketing, Adopting and eonfirming Assessment). 2, SAiilITAfiY SEBE;R I?IPROVE!4EIIT NO. 193 - In lialifzx Avenue froin tIanhole 400 feet South of !1.62nd Street to Crosstown Highway. Total Assessable Cost given as $7,368.20, proposed to be assessed for 20 Connections , at $368.41 per Connection, as Compared with Improvement Heaping 2sthate of $636.76. at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. ing proposed assessment vas seconded by VanValkenburg and carried unanimously. (See Resolution of later in liesting, Adopting and Confirninz Assessment). Clerk presented Affidavits of Pursuant to said 1. I?o objections were VanValkenburgIs ;lo objections were made Dickson's potion approv-, 9 /2 4/62 243 3, STREET IMPROVEFIEI\IT 140. C-84 - Grading & Gravelling in dalifax Avenue from South iinz of Roy H. Peterson's 2nd Addition to Crosstown Highvay. Total Assessable Cost was given as $4,352,52, proposed to be assessed against 1,577 assessabL feet, for $2.76 per Foot, as compared uith Improvement Hearing Estimate of $3-67 per Foot, received prior thereto. seconded by NacMillan and unanimously carried, Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). Payton Court to W.69th St.; and in I.1.69th St. fron Highway LOO to 3rittany Road. against eight Connections, for $1,554.91 per Connection, compared with $1,541,85 as given at Improvement Hearing Estimate. oral or written. by lfac:4illan and unanimously carried. Adopting and Confirming Assessment), South; In BentoTAve."rrom Stuart Ave, to Tracy Ave, was given as $7,052.32, proposed to be assessed against 16 Connections, for $440.77 per Connection, as compared with Improvement Hearin2 Estimate of $627.01, VanValkenburg's motion approving proposed assessment, was seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried. Concreto Paving in blest Woodland Road from ,Jooddale Ave. to Concord Ave. Assessable Cost vias given as $16,265.61, ?reposed to be assessad at $3.99 2er Foot, with Corner lots paying ?or all their front footage- and 1/3 tmir side footage. abutting-footage basis, the cost would havc baen $7-11. made to the proposed assessment, and none had been received prior thweto. Dickson's motion approving proposed assessment, was seconded by VanVzlkcnburT and carried. (See Resolution of later in XeetLnZ, Adopting ana ConFirminZ kssessment 1 , Total Assessable Cost?given as $6,669.68, ?roposecl to be assessed against 84,001 Sq, Ft., for $.0794 per Sq. Ft., as compared with Improvement Hearin2 Estimate of $,09. Mr, Hyde explained that the assessable district for 'chis improvement had been "surveyed and re-surveyed" in accordance with requests by property owners I?o objections were registered at *the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto, and Tupa's motion, that pro?osed assessment be approved, was seconded by VanValkenbur? add carried unanimously, Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirmine; Assessment), No objections registered at Hearing, and none Tupa's motion, approving proposed assessment, was (See Resolution of later in 4, MATERMAIill IMPROVEi-E;?T i?O, 158 - In East side of Highway 100 frox Total Assessable Cost was given as $12,439.28, proposed to be assessed No objections, either Tupa's motion approving yoposed assessment, was seconded (See Resolution of later in llecting, 5. 'JATERNAIN ItIPROVEFEi4T JO. 165 - In Stuart Ave, fron Grove Sts to 572 Ft. - Total Assessable Cost iio objections received, either at dearing, or prior thereto, (See Resolution of later in Ileeting, f?doptinc Assess.) 6. STREET 1;IPROVC:IEiIT JO. BA-36 - Concrete Curb and Cutter and Asphalt Total Ilr, Hyde explained that, had tne project been assssed on a full- do objections vera 7, STOKiI SEWER II~IPROVEPIEIJT NO. 59 - To serve ;Jest \roodland Road Area, (See 8. STORN SE1,lER IHPROVEI4l%T l?O; 45-- In W,55th St.- from York Avenue to Zenith Avenue and including Jlacktopping from York Avenue to Xersas Avenua, Total Assassable Cost was given as s.01856 per Square Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $,025. Total Assessable Cost is $3,654.19. lianager Hyde explained that this proposed assessment was up for iIearin5 once before; that in an effort to be completely fair and equitable all costs had been considered, including the installation of a culvert and drain by the Park Department, and had been totalled; that the Park Fund will assurne 1/3 of the total cost of the protect ($5,481,01), and the balance will be assess- able, rk, rrancis Ileisch, 5528 York Ave., told Council he believcs storm semr is not doing the job €or which it was intended; that after every rain the storm sewer floods, and water drains directly down into the park. IIr, Ilyde stated that this park job was put in ahead of watermain; that no significant amount of improvement has been done in the park area; that if them is any erosion it will be taken care of, 5421 Yorle, both objected to being assessed €or tho Storm Sewer Improvement trhan they are beneEited only by the culvert constructed by the Park aoard. agread that there is no question that the Park 3oard culvert does benefit their properties, llr. Hyde explained that the cost of the ?ark Drciin has been addzd to the other costs, and that the Park Fund is assumin2 1/3 of the Total Cost-- which, he said, he feels is a fair and equitable solution, he feels this is a matter of principle, rather than money--that those proposed to be assessed would have preferred a better job. Diclcson's motion, approving proposed assessnent, was seconded by VanValkenburg, and unanimously carried, (See Resolution of later in meetincj, Adopting anu Confirmin,?: Assessmnt), 1:essrs. G,J, Schilling, 5425 York, and C, PI, Curtis, They lk, Curtis said 3. STORiT SC!IZR II~fPROVEtlENT NO, 52 - (;*fain ilo, 2) - CoGmencin;: at ;line- Vile Creek and 1U.70th St.; th. East on ;;lest 70th St, to Zest Shore Drive: also on Rabun Drive fron U.70th St. Xorth 264 Ft.; also along the East line of Srniley's Addition from V.70th St, to Dunberry Lane, read as $73,333.24, proposed to be assessed against 3,337,850 Sq* Ft., for s.02212 par Sq. Ft,, as compared with $.0325 Improvement Hearing Estiqate. Hr. Charles Putnam, 6904 Creston Road, reported he had been told that when Storm Sewer was completed the accumrnulation of water in his area would lassm, but that there has been no lessening of water accumulation--because the water is in Creston Road; that he does not see how this improvement can possibly Total Assessable Cost vias benefit his lot. 9/24/62 for backyard drzinaze; that his lot is included in the assessment because that part of the let which ~ater is picked up, eventually, by the sewer. %ot one drop of water from Creston Road gets into this storm sewer", that he will be glad to meet with 14r, Putnam in the field and show him tkt drzinage is to the storm sewer, tir, Hyde told tlr, Putnam he would be glad to have his property re-surveyed; that the storm sewer was designed to drain the streets and not to drain the back yards. the improvement Hearing, and had advised at that time that the corner of Andover Road and Wooddale Avenue is a pocket which collects water from four directions; and that at that tine the statement tias made that this could not be so, because there was natural drainage to Vest Shore Drive; that something has happened since that Hearing--either an error in specifications or a lack of supervision over the contractor, because the blacktopping goes up hill for the first lots from this corner, and water cannot get to Yest Shore Drive, He added he represents his neighbor, Dr. Hyde reported it was his belief that blacktopping had been levelled off--that this is primarily a blacktopping, and not a storm sewer problem, and their respective neighbors, be checked. of proposed assessment, subject to investigation by Village of both complaints. Hotion seconded by Tupa and carried, Adopting and Confirming Assessment, ST0RI.I SEYER I?IPROVEf,iEL4T NO, 55 -- (Lateral 1 of Hain 3 - &ginning at pond approximately 200 Ft. Jest of centerline of Valley View Road and approxi- mately 250 feet South of centerline of Crosstown iiighway; th. IiEly along the Crosstown iiighway To a point approximately 150 feet :lest of the centerfine, of Xerxes Avenue. Total Assessable Cost was given as $84,616.fG, proposed to b2 assessed against 5,429,333 Sq, Ft., at the following rates of assessment: Improvement Hearing Estimate of s.0235). Hearing Estimate of $.0274). 244 is above street grade drains to the street, and this tlr, Putnam maintained that Saying ?Ire Putnam represents neighbor, also. 3r. J, C. Gilliland, 4445 Andover Road, told Council he had api)eared at in this complaint, also. Nr. -9 !.layor Bredesen asked that the complaints of EIessrs . Putnam and Gilliland, Dickson then moved for approval (See Resolution of later in I.!eeting, 10. For Open Development District Properties: - $.01346 (as cempared with For lfultiple Dwsllinz Froperties - $,Or683 (as conpared with Improvement For Office Suilding District - $,0202. For Regional Gedical & Shopping - s.0235, as compared with 5.0313 Improvement Hearing Estimate). I 110 03jections were recaived at the Nearing,, an4 none had been received prior thereto, by Dickson and unanhously carried. (See Resolution oP later in Hesting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment,) STORii SZXER I?;PROVENE:JT ;do. 58 - 3lake Road, Kapar Drive, Leslaz Lane Area. Total Assessable Cost was given as $21,328.64, proposed to be assessed against 409,009 Sq. Ft, in Valley Park (which had had soae previous storin sexer work) ax S.02974, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of s.02523; and against 333,740 Sq, Ft. at 5.02863, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of s.03412, surveyed and cut down slightly, since Improvement Hearing, registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto, Tupa's motion approving proposed assessment was seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried, VanValkenburz's motion approving proposed Assessment was seconded il. I:r. Hyde stared this assessable district has been re- i?o objections were (See Resolution of later in IIeeting, Adoptin2 and Confirming Assessment,) 12. STORJl SE'JER IFIPROVET4EMT 110. 63 - In-~orth-line of Lot 3, alo& 1, Harriet Lawn Addition, from centerline of the alley in said Block 1. to a noint 15 Ft. East of the ilest line of Xepxes Avenue, pro2osed to be assessed against 46,395 Sq, Ft. at s.03254, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $.028954. or mitten, by Dickson and carried unanimously. Adopting and Confirming Assessment.) to pt. 252 Ft. X,, th, illy a distance of 30 Ft, $8,762.70, proposed to be assessed against 916,600 Sq. ft., for $.00956, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $.01117. at Hearing, and none received prior thereto. Tupa's motion approving proposed assessment was seconded by flacI4illan , and unanimously carried, (See Resolution of later in Fleeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment.) Mirror Lakes Dr, to Elirror Lakes Dr,; th, Sly to Hawke's Lake, Cost given as $15,670.47, proposed to be assessed at s.01323, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $,0141, against 3,184,465 Sq. Ft, Smith, 5212 Dundee Rc,ad, asked that lots at the South end of Dundee Road be assessed at a greater rate than the balance of the property, because they are a "natural drainage basin", Hatter of contribution to drainage problem r~as explained, as well as notification to him that only that part of his lot which drains to Dundee Road will be assessed. motion approving proposed assessment was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. (See following Resolution), Assessilble Cost given as $1,509,69, i'fo objections received, either oral VanValkenburg's motion approving proposed assessment was saconded (See Resolution of Later in Ueeting, 13. STORU SEX% II4PROVEIdENT 30. 64 - In Oxford Ave. front Interlachen 3lvd. Total Assessable Cost given as iJ0 objections registered I 14. STORM SEIER 1I;IPROVEMEMT NO. 65 - In :1,56th St. from 170 Ft. J. of Total Assessable b, G.i4 . No other objections filed, ibcllillanls 9/24/62 m Dickson then offered the following Rasolu-tion and moved its adoption: _I + RESOLUTIOIJ ADOPTING AllD CO;4FIRMIA?G ASSESSMEilTTS FOR SAIdITARY SEHER INPROVEMELJTS NOS 191 AdD 193 : STORTI SEKER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 45, 52, 55, 58, 59, 63, 64 AND 65: WATZREVIAIM IYPROVEiJIENTS IlTOS, 153 AHD 165 : AXD STREET IMPROVZMEiTTS JOS ,BA-36 A3D C-84 3E IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, E.linnesota, as follows : It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments for SAiJITARY SE!.IER IYPROVEMENTS i?OS, 191 AIdD 193 : STORN SEWER IBlPROVE14EiJTS iJOS, 45, 52, 55, 58, 59 ~ 63, 64 AMD 65: WATERMAII.1 IIIPROVEIIENTS iIOS. 158 AidD 165: ALID STREET IMPROVEMENTS 140s. 3A-36 AND C-84, and each of they, have been calculated in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sections 429,051 and 429,061; that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assess- ments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said pro- posed assessments have at all times since their filinp; been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and narcel of land, respectively, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assesments for said improvements, respectively. The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent Fer annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon 1, 2, The amounts so set out are hereby levied azainst the respective lots, the property described therein and all thereof, 110s. 191 AND 193; STORM SEHER IMPROVEIIENTS :{OS, 45, 52, 55, 58, 59, 63, 64 and 65, AiJD STREET 1IlPROVEPiE:TT 110, BA-36 shall be payable in equal annual install- ments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1963, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1962, and one of the remaining installments, with one yearls interest on that and all subse- quent installments, to be payable with general tases for the years 1963 through 1'371, collectible in the respective ensuinz years. shall be payablz in equal annual installments extending over a period of thre pars, the first of said installments, topther with interest on thz entirci assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1963, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1962, and one of the remaining installments, .tritli one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1963 and 1964, collectible in the resnective ensuinc years. owner of any lot, piece or parcel of iand assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof witnout interest to the Villase Treasurer-and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments'thereoE be prepaid to tha Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify tne Villap Clerk and County Auditor,. and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor, County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each Then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. be designated as the "HSSESSMEXT ROLL FOR SAiqITARY SEVER IIIlPROVEIEiITS XOS, 191 AND 193, STORH SZdER IIIPROVEHENTS HOS, 45, 52, 55, 58, 59, 63, 64 AZD 65, ilATEKi4AI:6 INPROVEMEIJTS i40S. 158 AIID 165 '. AND STUET 1I:PROCfETEiJTS 30s dA-36 AHD C-84; and all amouiits collected in respect of the assessments tiierzin corrtained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the IMPROVZMEitT 30ND P3DEMPTCOIJ FUiID, WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS 158 G 16 3, The total amount of each such assessment for' /SANITARY SE\ER IMPROVEI4EiJTS 4, The total amount of each such assessment for STREET IIIPROVE!IE;?T 150. C-84 5, Prior to certification of the assessments to the County Auditor, the 6. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, preqare and transmit to the Said duplicate shall ldlotion for adoption of the Resolution was secpqed by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: son, aye; MacKillan, aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; a e Resolution wa 9/24/62 STREET XA:ES CHIWGED IA CHAPEL HILL ADDITIOI?, Publication in EdLina-;lorning:side Courier September 14 and 21, 1962, of Posting, and of thiling "iiotice of Public Hearing on Petition €or Change of Street i?ames", and pursuant to said Notice a Public Hearing was conducted on the oetiticn received at last meeting for change of name of the following streets: Clerk presented Affidavits or' 246 "Shane Drive" to "ERII'J TZRRACE".; That part of "i:,69th Street" located in Cnapel Xi11 Addition to l'SHAHE DRIVE" At the Hearing no objections were registered to the nroposed name changes, and none had been received prior to the Hearing, following Ordinance Ordinance as submitted: i= VanValkenburg offered the moving; that Council dispense with second reading and adopt QRDINAIJCE :TO , 164-23 XO . 164 EiITITLED ''All ORDIY'klJCE HA!IIi?G AHD lGHAt.IIXG CERTAEJ ROADS, STREETS AI?D AVEiiUES OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AN ORDI;lAi?CE AI.E?DIIQG VILLAGE OF EDIiIA ORDINAI?CE THB VILLAGE CO- OF '.rrIZ VILLAGE OF EUINA, II;IWi.IESOTA, ORDAIdS: Section 1, Ordinance iio. 164 of the Village, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding after section 37 the following: ?Section 38. "Shane Drive"1ocated in Chapel Bill Addition, as the same is of record in the office of the Resister of Deeds of Hennepin County, is hereby renamed llZXIX TERRACE11. "Section 39. That part of W.69th Street" located in Chapel Hill Addition, as the ssme is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of HennspFn County, is hereby renaned "SHAXE DRIVE". Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in effect frcn and after its passage and publication. f.;otion €or waiver of second reading, and adoption of Ordinance as submitted, was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as PUSLIC H%fiRiilG CQiITIXJZD TO OCTOSER 8Ti , FOR FURTBER STUDY 311 CVJidCIL ,Oil I PXOPOSZD STREET iXPS0VZ:;Z;IT FOR IIATL;RikIia' AVZi4UE FROT.; i3LAKE ROAD TO 813 FT. E. This Public iiearing, w;iZch has been continued fro3 Septernbsr 10, was called by Hayor dredasen, iianager Myde reported that nothing further ims been had from Iilterlachen Country Club relative to any contribution to tne cost 02 this pro- posed impovexent. now, to I"orce the Club to pay an assessment for anything but its abuttin2 footage, added he feels that in vier( of comFarative useage of the road, the Club should be willing to pay mors than its lllegally assessable" cost. ::r, D.3. Fralick, 6309 IIaterrnan Ave. , informed Council that residents are willing to accept the improvement providing weight load and speed can be controlled, Xrs. Fralick added that there are ten small children on the street, and that truck and bus traffic &on2 this narrow street is safety. traffic control. traffic/*fe street is simply graded and oiled; was informed by Xanager Hyde that restriction enforcement chances would be better with pernanent ly surfaced street. authority to restrict and control traffic. Village Attorney investigate - 1. Country Club Vacating a sufficient portion of the street to prevent access froq the club to the area; and TUpa moved that Public Hearing be continued to October 3, for the investigation recommended by I&, Bredesen, VanValkenburg and carried. Xayor aredesen, stating that there is no way v:e know of, a great hazard to their 14ayor 3redesen asked if it is Possible to restrict truck Ibs. I-lestby, as the mother of two mall children, added her plea for 2r. Hyde read the opinion of the Village Attorney concerning Council Hayor Bredesen suggested that for a greater share of the improvement: and - 2, Possibility of legally assessing Interlachen Possibility of Hotion seconded by SAXITARY SEdER I:4PROVEpIEIJT XO. 201 (In Haterman Ave. from 195.5' E;. of Blake Rd. 331.5 Ft, -TRACT AVARDZD TO LOJ 3IDDSR IF CO3TRACTOR YILL ACCEPT. the Sanitary Sever, inquired as to why this contract could not be awarded, was told that because this was such a small project the bid for it had been tied to the Street Improvement Project in Xateman Avenue, in an effort to secure better prices for both projects; that Council cannot award contract until matter of Street Improvement for ilaterman Avenue is settled, Council act to award the Contract for Sanitary Sewer to the low bidder on the tied bids, providing contractor will accept the job, and Dickson so movea, Hotion seconded by Tupa and carried. €lr. ilestby, who is now constructing a hone on ;laterinan Avenue, and needs He It was then suggested that Low bidder is alack Top Service Company, 9 /24/62 at $7,898.20 for combined bid, $2,493.50 of which is for Sanitary Sewer, 247 COhTRACT AWARDED FOR "FJILRYAN AVEiJUE" PORTION OF STREET I!~~PROVEI~fZWT JO. FA-55, PKOVIDIkG CONTRACTOR TlILL ACCEPT JOd Flanaoer Hvde told Council that word has I i .- now. been received: that the State has no legal authority to pay any assessment I i for this project; the technicality being that even though they have condemned abutting properties and own them for highway purFoses they claim they are not the "fee owners" but have only easements for highvrzy purposes, He added that the State might possibly be sold on doing at least some oE this work from its Ilaintenance Fund; but the Village has not yet had a chance to contact the Highway Department relative to this. justified in recommending a General Fund subsidy, and Gas Tax help cannot be had. He recommended delaying action on award of bids for another two weeks for further investigation on the "Yaintenance Fund" miroach to the Mr, Hyde stated he does not feel Iiighbray Department Street Impovernent iqo. 3A-55 includes Vilryan Avenue from Valley View Road to Yoberts Plac2 Roberts Place from Wilryan Ave, to Rolf Ave, Rolf Ave. frorli Roberts Place to Valley View Road i1.62nd St, from Iailryan Ave, to Valley View Road, Iik. Frank J. Cardarelle, petitioner for the Wilryan Avenue improvement, told Council the ililryan neighbors want their the Eollovring : portion of the sham of thc improvemenr whether or not the balance is constructed, Original petition had been for ililryan Avenue from Valley View Qoad to V,62nd Strcet only-- and this is the portion of the improvement in which Ilr, Cardarelle and his neighbors are interested, contacted to see if he will do this portion of the project for the same unit prices as bid on the entire project; and Dickson moved thrlt Contract be awarded to low bidder on Street Imnrovement Xo. 3A-55, €or the :filryan Avenue from Valley View Road to N.62nd Street, provided low bidder will accept this portion at the same unit prices bid for the entire Improvement. I4otion seconded by Tupa and carried, Dickson tnen moved that action on the balance of the contract be delayed to October 8, €or further inveskigation on mems of getting help from the State, To substantiate his request for immediate construction of the Uilryan Avenue Improvemnt Mr Cardarelle had presented Petition for Innrovevent signed by himself and four others. Ur. Iiyde suggested that the Contractor be Ilotion seconded by Tupa and carried. COUlJCIL SCHEDULES PUBLIC HEARING FOR OCTOdER 8, Old FETITIOA? FOR PERMIT FOR GASOLIiIE: SERVICE STATION AT 1IORTil;EST COXEX I! , 49-1/2 STRUT AiJD FRfdCE AVENUZ , i4ayor raported that Attorney for Petitioners has requested that a Public be conducted as soon as possible on this Petition; and suggested that it be scheduled for October 8, Plotion seconded by Tup8 and carried. to the traffic report requested by Council at last meeting, Dickson so moved, Ilanager Hyda reported he has Police Dapartment statistics relative BEER LICENSES FOR idEX SILTMORE LAIJES OWNER APPROVED. receipt of applications for 9n-Sale and Off-sale 3eer Licenses for blr. Verl J. I1 Gus" Young, Austin, Minnesota (who expects to move into Edina as soon as he can find a house), the new owner of SILTf40RE LAAES, ile reported that Police ch'aracter check is favorable to issuance of license. approval of licenses to applicant for sale of beer at 3iltmore Lanes was seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried, Nanager Hyde reported Tupa's motion for RURAL HENHEPIN PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE REPORT FOR AUGUST, 1962 was submitted; revienad and ordered placed on file , CDIiIA TO PARTICIPATE IX RURAL HEIdNEPII? COUdTY NURSIIJG DISTRICT FOR YEAR 1963, Council reviewed form of resolution transmitted by the l?ursin2 District, relative to continued participation. Manager Hyde recommended continued parti- cipation, and informed Council that per-capita cost will be the same as that for 1962. Tupa offered the following Resolution an6 moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RELATING TO PARTICIPATION IN THE RURAL iiEiWEP1if COUiqTY mkEAS, pursuant to llinnesota Statutes NURS II9G DISTRICT Sections 145.08 and 145.12 provision has been made for a public health nursing district in that portion of Hennepin County outside the City of Ninneapo'lis ~ and WETGAS, pursuant to such authority such a public health nursing district has been organized and has WEREAS, it is deemed district and to provide it XOIJ, TilEREFQRE, BE IT Cdina, that this political health nursinz district of that it narticinate in the an apportionment basis its been in operation for several years, and necessary to continue the operation of such nursiny: with adequate funds for its proper operation. RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of subdivision continue to ba included in the aublic rural fiennepin County, organized on January 4, 1952: benefits thereof; and that it azrees to support on pro rata share of the cost of the administration of -- such district provided, however, thzt for the period January 1, 1963 through December 31, 1963, this cost shall not exceed $,25 Fer capita on the basis of the official 1960 Federal Census, 9/24/62 * 132 IT FURTMZR RESOLVED, that this resolution shall be decmd an agree- ment to continue to participate in such nursin: district on the basis herein- bafore specified with all other political subdivisions adopting similar resolutions. ?lotion €or adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on Rollcall r COUilCfL APPROVES SUPi'LE;.IEiiTARY AGRZEISZNT VITA RIC3FIELD, RELATIVE; TO SAiJITARY SEXEX AiQU HAlJ2R?.IAIIIS Oil XLRXES AVEiWE , IIanager Hyde presanted for Council's considGation a "Supplementary Agreement", proposed by Richfield and setting forth in foraal rerms the understanding arrived at some time ago between Edina and Richfield relative to payment by Edina residents for connection to watermains constructed by Richfield in Xerxes Avenue betireen ?I .66th and W.70th Sts,, 11.71st and ;J.71-1/2 St., and Plashburn Circle and :-1,78th St. flr, Hyde recommended execution of agreement. and directing the Kanagcr and Xayor to sign agreement on behalf of the Village, was seconded by Dickson and carried, VanValkenburg's motion, authorizing 1flIPROVEfE;IT PETITIOlJS ACCEPTED. Inproveinent Petitiz: St, to Y.64th St, Drive and Chapel Lane in Chapel Hill Addition, Dickson's motion accepting Improvement Petitions and referring them to Engineers €or programming was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. LEAGUE OF HIX\!ESOTA XJilICIPALITIES NOTIFICATIOiJ OF ,WGIOIdAL I4EETINGS was submitted, reTewed Ynd ordered placed on file. Clerk reported the filing of the following 1. 2, FOR CUR3 AiJD GUTTER &.ID ASPiiALT COXRETE PAVIIqG - ;larren five., X.63rd COXCRETE PAVING ?IITH I;?TEGRAL CUm - X,&9th St,, Erin Terrace, Shane VALLEY VlEY ROAD TO i3E i33ARKICADED AT ZAST SIDE OF HIGKIAY 100: :IIGHYAY 100 TEAFFIC SIGAkL TO REtlAIil, OX T::JO-PiIASE BASIS, OH 30-DAY TXIAL. A YO-minute discussion tras had as the result of klanager Xyde's notifLcation to the residents abutting Valley View Road East of Highway 100 that the intersection of Valley View t-iith High 100 will not be completely closed because of the necessity of providing for purely local traffic, including School buses, A delegation of residents living East of Highway Ifo, 100 was present to protest the 30-day trial period for leaving intersection open; and an equally large, or larger, delegation attended to plead that the traffic signal remain in operation, so that lrilest-Side'l children might have a chance to cross ijighway 190 in sazety on their way to school. through traffic on Valley View Road from Higiivay 100 To France Avenue: (1) Allowing parking on Borth side of Valley View: Xooddale: (3) Requiring east-bound traffic to stop at 64th St,: (4) Reducing 35 IlI?;i speed zone east of Brookview to 30 MPH: (5): Prohibitinz throuzh truck traffic: (6) Installation of informational signs south of Crosstown to induce Jest-bound traffic to use Crosstown instead of Valley View, It also contained plans by the State and County to - (1) Install center strip of raised asphalt on Wwy, 100 fron just north of Valley View intersection through 60th St. intersection: (2) Prohibit all left turns from Highway 100 into Valley View: (3) Change traffic signal at Valley View- Highway 100 intersection to two-phase: (4) Shorten time for east-west traffic as much as possible but still allow time for pedestrian to cross #la0 on green light. a prepared statement listin2 several objections to the proposed plan, and recomending that "the Council give further consideration to re-instatement of the orisinal arrangexents made by the State (for the Closins of the WA.ley Vietr-Hightqr $109 intersection); that if this is not feasible, the East side of Valley Vier; be barri- caded to all traffic at ;looddale Avenue. During discussion, this point of viet: vms ably supported by Ksssrs. 3.D. l\ur$1y,4720 Valley Vim, V.J. Keenen, $4604, Chas, Phillips ,34828, and I ,?I. darkla, #480S--rrho recited thsir difficulties with through-traffic of peat volume, and considerable hewy truck traffic this Fast seven years. "l!est-sidersl' presented patition asking that stop lights be kept in o7eration and tvrin lanes open until such time as the Cross-bridge and service roads ar? completzu. Arzument for this request vas, chieizly, that children +!'no nust walk to school have no safe way oE crossins iiighway 100 without this light, coapetently presented. As a compromise, it was segested that - 1. the East side of Highrray 100: 2. signal, for the purpose of vehicular turns fro3 :.lest: Valley \riw onto Hi$wqr 100 and pedestrian crossin:: at the intemection: and 3, Ilr. Hyde's letter had listed the following Village sters for aiscouraginz (2) Haking all Valley Vierr traffic ston at lir, R.R. Dunker ,4624 Valley View Road, led the '1East-3idcP delegation, reading This posi-cion, too, vias very Valley View i-zaad be barricaded at Traffic Signal remain in opration,as a two-hhase Installation of "Dead End" or 9/24/62 a49 other Informational Signs at the IIiodern Iledicina 3ui'Gin~ south of 66th street, to kee? !!ast-bound through traffic off Valley View Road. 1Jier.r as access to neighborhood sho&ng center, and from Pastor Carlson of Jormandale Lutheran Church of 30 to 45 days Valley View Road be barricaded at East side of iiighviay 100; Valley View-#100 Stop Light be operated on two-phase basis, and informational signs be installed as suggested, Notion seconded by VanValkenbur2 and carried, dUSES PERMITTED TO TURi\TAROULID AT 54Tli A!lD OREV UJTIL dOVEt13ER 15, i4anaaW dyde read to the Council letter of September 21, fro.1 Hr, S, A. Caria, PianagW of Operations of Twin City Lines, Inc, , repovtinz the Company is attmpchz to acquire 54tn and Evring as a terminal; that if they are nnsucc%sful in this attempt they will then send rdnatever service is necessary to Southdala and terminate the remsining service on thair 2roperty at 44th and Francs. Xr, riyde added he had subsequently received a call from IIr, Gerber of the Company, who had asked for a 45-day extension of the permit for the 54tn and drew Turn-Around, in order that schedules might be changed, Nr. Hyde stronzly reconmended that permit be extended to dovember 15, and it was so ordered, by motion Ilacllillan , seconded by Tupa and carried, rl There were some objections to this, from Jest-siaers who wish to us3 Valle) who felt this arrangement rrill lldivide the Villap" , Further discussion was had by Council, and Dickson moved that for a Feriod APPEALS FILED FROII SPECIAL ASSESSMCNT FOR STORII SE:JER IIFPROVE14EdT iI0. 50 (LATLRAL 8 OF NAIJI 1) , the Cpecial Assessment levied August 27 for Storm Sewer Improvernent i?o. 50-- appeals being those of: 1, John T. i3essessen and Laurel T. ;3essessen, okiners of Lots 3,4 and 5, Jormandale , 2, IIormandale , 3, 4, Gunnar rI, Danielson, owner of Lots 4 and 5, dlock 19, Normandale. 5, 6. R. G. Soderberg and Adele V, Soderberg, owner of pwt of Lot 5, Clerk reported receipt of six Xotices of Appeal from Peter Luzaich and ilyrtle Luzaich, owners of Lot 3, alock 17, Harold C, Harris, owner of Lot 2, 3lock 1, Normandale, Carl D, Brown and Lucille 3rown, owners of Lot 3, Block 12, ilornandalc. dlock 16, dormandale. All appeals referred to Village Attorney Hasselquist for his action. Cr)UiKIL SCHEDULES PUBLIC HEARIilGS Oid PROPOSED ASSESSIIEHTS TOR llOidDAY , OCTO3ER 9. Informing the Councii that Special Assessments for completeu construction improvements must be in the County Auditor's Office by no later than October 10 to be spread on the 1962 Tax Rolls; and that the Special Assessxent Clerk tids been able to compile costs and tabulate the assessment rolls in time to publish the required notice for Hearings to be held Octobar 8, IIanager i-lyde asheu for confirmation of publication of Notices of ilearings made September 20th, and to be made again on September 27, be heard on October 8, and Iiactfillan offered the following Resolution anu moved its adoption: ' Review was made of the pojects pro2oscd to RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSlEdT HE ARI 14 GS - S UPPLENEI i TAL ASSESS KXT TO S AN I TARTI SEHER IIIPROVEPIEldT NO, C-1: SAdITARY SELTER IflPROVEMEi~T NO. 175A: STORIl SEHER INPZ0VZE;IIEIIT 110. 60 : i-JATERfIAIi? IMPROVEMEi~T 80 152A: STREET IflPROVENEiITS iqOS. B-69 , E-8 ,E-9, E-14 32; IT RESOLVED b'y the Council of tne Villaze of Zdina as follows: 1, Tins Clerk ana Engineer having calculatcci the proper amounts to be assessed for the improvements set forth in the I'our (4) iu'otice of Hemin3 forms hereinafter recordad, and the amounts proposed to be assessed azainst LLha respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within tk districts affected by the said improvements, and said assessments havinq been filed with the Clzrk, the same are hereby approved, and the Clerk snall-keep tile .same on file in her office anci open to public inspection pendin;: hsarings thereon at, hgreln prov.id.sc2. notices of hearings hereinaftzr contained, to p3ss upon sziici poposcd assess- ments; and the Clerk's action in publishing notices of said haarrings in the official nevrspaper in sccordanca with law, is nerrjhjr ratified and confirmad: 2, T??is Council shal1,meet a-i: the time and $ace spscificd in the forms of (1) JOTICZ OF ASSESSiGdT iiEA8LiG OiI SUPPLEHEi?TAL ASSESSilEiJT -TO SAXITARY TRUNK SEXER 110, C-1 JOTICE IS HEREaY G1VEY;that the Council of the Village of Eaina trill meet at the Edina Village Hall on Nonday, Octobar 8, 1962 at 7:03 o~clock P.FI,, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the .proposed asssssrnent for the above improvement, This assessment is noti on file in the office of ?lie Villaze Clerk and open to public inspection, Tne lots and tracts of land proTosed to be assessed for tne above ars as r'ollor.r,s: CiiEROiCEE HILLS ADDITIOiI - Slock 1, Lots 1 thru 7, inclusive, CHEROKEE HILLS TdIRD ADDITIOJ - 3lock 1, Lots 1 tliru 4, inclusive, EL11 VIE;:.J ADDITIOX - Slock 1, Lots 7 thru 11, inclusive, Assessments for the above improvement prill bs 2ayable in sixteen equal 9/24/62 onsecutive annual installments over a period of sixteen gears, with first year entire assessment at the rate of 58 Fer annun fron t'ne date of the resolution levy- ing the assessment to December 31, 1963. added interest at the same rata €or one year on all unpaid installments. pay the vhole of the assess-nent :$ithcut interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make paynent with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. ail ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUJCIL. with the taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the To each subsequent installment will be The owner of any property assessed for the cost of the above improvement nay GETCHEJ S. ALDElT Village Clerk (2) i1OTICE OF ASSESStlEIIT HEARIifG ON LATERAL :IATERW.Ii'T 110. 140, 175A, CUR3 E GUTTER NO. 3-63 l52k, LATERAL SAIIITARY SE!IER iJOTICE IS HEFGBY GIVZJ, that the Council of the Village of Edina will meet at rhe Edina Village Hall on bnday, October 8, 1962 at 7:OO o'clock P,14., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the above improve- ments. open to public inspection, ;Iorth line of Lot 1, 31ock 5, Edina Highlands from Ayrshire 3lvd. to Yest line of Lot 6, Slock 5, Edina Highlands, Edina Highlands Addition, In Virginia Lane from Concord Avenue to Virginia Avenue, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the street improved, Assessments for Sanitary Sewer and Yatermain will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the Taxes €or the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levyin2 the assessment to December 31, 1963, intepest at tiie same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, installments over a pericdi 01 five years, with first year payable aith the taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum frcn the date of the resolution levyins the assessment to 3ecember 3i, 1963. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installmcnts. o? the assessment vithcut interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or inaka payment vith accrued interest to the County Treasurer, 37 O3DER OF ThE VILLAGE; COUIXIL. These assessments are nov on file in tile office of the Villa;3e Clerk and COXSTZUCTIOii OF VILLAGE SAlJITARI' SEXIER AiJD t!ATZR!!AIN AS FOLLOUS : The area proposed to be assassed for the cost of the above is Lot 6, aloek 5, CO;4STRUCTIO;? OF COi?CRETE CUM & GUTTER AS FOLLOYS: To each subsequent installment will be added Assessments for Curb E Gutter will be payable in five equal consecutive annual I The owner of any property assessed for the above im;arovements may py the rrinols GIIETCHEIJ S, ALDZi Village Clerk (3) IIOTICE OF ASSESSIILIT dEARIiIG 0.1 STREET IZFROVENLITS J1BS. E-8, 3-9, E-14 dOTICE IS dEREa'l GIVEii, that the Council oi the Village of Edina will meat a7: the Edina Village Hall on Uonday, Oc-cober 8, 1962 at 7:00 o'clock P.11., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessnent for the above im?rove- mants. to public inspection, These assessments are now on file in the office of tile Village Clark and opan CC)XTRUCTIO;I OF COXCEETE PAVEIElfT AHD IXTEqRAL CUX3 AS FOLLOX : iio. 2-8 - In Antrim Road frcm County Rcad 20. 39 to Jest 70th Street In Jest 70th Street fro2 Antrim Road to Cahill Boad, iio. 2-9 - In ;lest 69th Street from Antrim Road to !.lcGuire Road; 3rook Drive 2roz !lest 69th Street to ilortii En& of LiJuena Vista Addn.; YlcGuire Road from Yest 69th Street to 5rook Drive; Tracy Avenue €rm Yest 70th Street to ;forth End of La3uena Vi-sta Addn.; Galway Drive from arook Drive to :lest 66th Street; hillside Lane frcm \lest 70th Street to Yest 66th Street; Limerick Lane frcm Hillstde Lane to Jest 66th Street; ilest 68th Street I'ro.;l Antrim Xoad to Easr end 01 The Heights 3rd Rddn. Jlest 66th Street frorn Valley View Eoad to East end of the Heights 3rd Addn, Yest 67th Street from Limerick Lane To East linz of The ifeights 3rd ttiddn. 1Jo. E-14 - In Jest 70th Street from Highway 30. 100 to France Avenue, Tine area proposed to be assessed. for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts or" land abuttina the streets improved. 9/24/62 i - 5. el Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in fifteen equal consecutive annual installments over a period of fifteen years, first year payable viit'n the taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessment at tha rate of 5% par annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1963, added interest at the sa.me rate for one year on all unpaid installments, whole of the assessment without interest to the County Treasurer on or before December 15, 1962, or make nayment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COU3CIL, To each subsequent installment will be Tne owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pzy the GRETCIIEl? S. ALDEN Village Clerk (4) NOTICE IS dEREBY GIVLEN, that the Council of the Village of Edina Prill meet at the Eciina Village Hall on Monday, October 8, 1362 at 7:OO o'clock P.I,I., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the above improvement. JOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARIXG Old LATERAL STORR SEdER NO, 60 This assessment is now on file in the office 02 the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, .-. - COi~GTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORH SEMER Ai?D APPURTENANCCS AS FOLLOW : Starting on Brook Drive where it crosses Nine-Nile Creek and extendin2 Starting on 3rook Drive and extending Sly on Limerick Lane to !Jest 70th Starting at Cahill Road and extenaing Xly on \lest 70th Street to Antrim Road; Starting at Hest 70th Street and extending ;41y on Tracy Avenue to Vest 68th Street 5 Startins at Tracy Avenue and extending klly and Nly on IkGuira Road to :lest 69th Street; thence turning Uly on West 69th Street to Antrim Road; turning Iily on Antrim Road to Valley View Road; thence turning Fily on Valley View Road to a point 425 feet iJest of Antrim Road; Starting at Antrim Road and Chapel Drive and running ;?est on Chapel Drive to the Irest line of Lot 8, dlock 4, Chapel Hill to intercept the esisting Storm Sewer ; Tdly to Limerick Lane; 4th Addn. intersects Nine-Mile Creek; thence running Sklly on easement on the Ely line of said Lot I, alock 1 to West 66th Street or its extension; thence Vest on Hest 66th Street to Tracy Avenue; thence South on Tracy Avenue to Susan Avenue ; Also commencing at the intersection of Yest 66th Street and Galmy Drive; thence Sly on Galmy Drive to its intersection tritn 3rook Drive, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land vithin the folloxing described boundwies: tt3esinning at a point on the Aorth line of Sec. 8, T.116, R, 21 and rile extended Hest right of way line of Cahill Road; thence South 33 feet alonz said extension; thence SVly to a point which is 300 Feet Yest of said ri-yht.of way line and 210 feet South of the said ilorth line of Section 8; thence ;last in a straizht line to the SE corner of Lot 1, 21lock 1, Carcllane Additi.on; tilerica SJly to the SE corner of Lot 3, 3lock 3 of said Gzirolane Addn.; thence W1y to a point vhich is 320 feet South of the South line of said Carolane AGdn, anti 140 feet East of the Sly extension of the Irest line of said Carolane F,ddi-tion; ti1 NiIly to a point, said Toint being 305 feet South of the wid dortii line of said Section 8 and 300 feet East of the East line of Lot 1 and 2, Prospect Hills; thence NYly to a point in the said East line of Lot 1, Pros?act iiills distant 120 fset South of the North line of said Lot 1 and Lot 4 of said Prospect Hills to the lJly line of said Lot 4; thence iJWly'to point in the North line or' said Section 8 and the North line of Tract "A" Registered Land Survey 80. 971 distant 200 feet Vest of the most E.ly corner of said Tract ttArt; thence Xilly to the SE corner of Lot 21, 3lock 4, Chapel tiills; thence Yest to the Si1 corner of said Lot 21; thence NWly to a point in the lot line batwean Lots 23 and 24 of said 3lock 4 distant 50 feet SI-Jly to the NI corner of said Lot 23; thence I?!lly and Xly along a curved line parallel to the Hly line of Chapel Lane in said C'napel liills to its intersection with the i?ly line of Lot 27 of said 3lock 4; thence i?orth to a noint in the i;lortn line of Lot 32 of said alock 4 distant 35 feet ilest of the ;?E corner of said Lot 32; t'nance East to the said ;iE corner; thence i?Ely to a point which is 290 feet iiorth of the i?orth line of 31cck 1 of said Chapel Hills and 315 feet Vest of the ilest line of Scotland Heights; thence SEly to the most Sly corner of Lot 4, Slock 1 of said Scotland Heights; thence East to a point in the ;Jest line of Lot 12, alock 2, Tila Heights 2nd Addition; said point being 35 feet ilorth of the Si1 corner of said Lot 12; thence East along a line parallel to the South line of last described 3lock 2 to the liest lins of Lot 10 of said 31ock 2; thence ilorth along the Uest line of said Lot 10 to a point in-a line dram parallel with and la3 feet SEly of the SEly right of \\ray line of County Road No. 39; thence IJEly along the last Wly on Brook Drive to Hillside Lane; .Street; Starting on iIest 68th Street where it crosses dine-Flile Creek and extendine Commencing at a point where the Eljy line of Lot 1, Block 1, i3rookviet.r 2eiThts , 252 9/24/62 described Farallel line to a point 86 feet South of the South line of :lest 66th Street as laid out in the said "The Heights"; thbnce HEly to the center radius point of the arc at the Sd corner of Outlot iT0. 1 of said "The Seights"; thence East to a point on the :lest line of Lot 2, Block 3, said point being 40 feet Borth of the North right of way line 02 \lest 66th Street; thence continuing East and parallel rrith an2 40 feet Nortn of the ;?orth riz3:?t of way line of Jest 66th Street to a point on the Zast line of Lot 1, 3lock 1, the Heights 3rd Addition, said point being 40 feet Morth of the SE corner of said Lot 1; thence Ely, SEly and Sly along a line which is drawn parallel with and 40 feet East of the E1y right of way line of Cahill Road as laid out in the plat of 3rookview deizhts 4th Addition to its intersection with the Xly line of Block 9 of Lduena Vista; .ch Xly, SXy and SEly al-onz the illy line and Illy line of said 3lock 9 to its intersection of the Ely extension of the South line of Lot 2, Block 8, of LaBuena Vista and the 3ly line of Block 9 of said LaSuena Vista; thence Sly along the said Y1y line of Block 9 to the P.1, of the arc which has a radius of 46.14 feet at the SJ corner of Lot 4 of said Slock 9; thence SEly to a point in the Ely line of Lot 3, Slock 1, Otto's 2nd Addn, distant 40 feet SEly of the most Hly corner of the last described Lot 3; thence Silly on a line parallel 15th the 'Jly line of last described 3lock 1 and distant 40 feet SEly of said Bly lins to its inter- section with the Sly line of last described i3lock 1; thence i4Yly 40 feet to the mosr 'Jly corner of said 3lock 1; thence Sly along the Vly line of Outlot 2 of said Otto's 2nd Addition and the :Test line of Tract 'lC'' Rejistered Land Survqr ;do. 710 to the Xorth right of way line of !?est 70th Street; thence East along the said right of way line to-t'ne East line of last described Tract "C"; thence South alonz the extended last described line 33 fezt to the point of Bezinnin=." annual installments over a lerioci of ten years, with first year payable with taxes for the year 1962 collectible in 1963, with interest on the entire assessnent at the rate of 5?6 per annum from the date of the resolution levying-the assessment December 31, 1963. To each subsequent installment rrill be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, Assessnents for the abcve imProvenent krill be payable in ten equsl consecutive to The owner of any property assessed for the above inprovemant nay ?ay the rrhole of the assessment wi&ut interest 1962, or make payment vith accrued 3Y ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUiCIL. to the Villase Treasurer on or before December 15, ifiterest to the County Treasurer, GRETCHCIT S. ALDE:I Village Clerk I :lotion for adoption of the Resolution was secon there were five ayes and no nays, as fOllOk7S: anValkenburg, and on Rollcall , aye; IIackUlan, aye; Tup, anValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, age; an LIQUOR STOZZ LAiiD PURCilAS'i DELAYED PEdDIilS FURTHER IilF~RKATIO3, Jfanazer Xgde reported receipt of letter from the Knogzr interests; and, stating that after an examination of the site in the field he feels no action should be taken until ;.:obi1 Oil Conpany's plans are knom, !.layor Bredesen asked that action be delayed pending this determination, L;O action taken, CATZRIXG VEHICLE LICZ;ISE CLARIFIED. Village Sanitarian Hensley's memorandum to 1.Ianager i-Iyde, clsrifying the interpretation of that portion of the Food License pertaining to Catering Vehicle Licenses (Fee $103) was read--this license to be required fop only those vehicles rdnich transport focd into the Village when said fooO is sold fron the vehicle--the license for delivering preparad food to private parties, churches, or public gatherings Being $5.00, under the "raadily perishable food vehicle" classification. regulation is most difficult to enforce, ana suggestion was made that an amendment be worked out. The general concensus was that even this typz of $1,000,000 IIIPROVEIZIT E30i:DS TO BE LOYG TEKi RATHER THKT TEI-iPORARIES, Director DaGn came before the Council to report that Attorneys feal that because of the present condition of the market the $1,000,000 aond Issue authorized by the Council at its meeting of August 13, should be long term, rather than the 2-year temporary issue authorizec. de requested authorization to sell ?emanent bonds, together with the other bonds authorized August 13, with sale to be October 22;' the million dollar issue to mature 1964 throuzh 1373, Tupa's motion authorizing sale of bonds on October 22nd, all in accordance with Finance Director's recoinmendation, was seconded By VanValkenburg and carried, TRXJSFERS TO PAP;< _. FUiiD TO 3E CANCELLZD UPOiT SALE 3F PA?! 1I.IPROVE:I.IEiTT 2OIiDS. Dalen also requested that Council cancel authorized Transfer of Funds from Liquor Fund to Park Fund, in amounts of $25,000 and $80,000 (authorized by actions taken June 25, 1962 and October 2, 1961 (3udget Ordinance) respectively, upon issuance and sale of the Park Lmrrovement 3onds. Tupa's motion that Transfsr 02 Funds to the Far); Fund, as heretoZore authorized by the Council, be cancelled Finance I Xr. 9/24/62 in accordance with Finance Director's rscoinmendation, was seconded by 253 VanValkenburg and carried. CLAINS PAID, List dated September 24, as follows, was secondsd by VanValkenburg and carried: General Fund, $41,362,38; Construction Fund, $260,704.12; Park, Fark Construction & St&n Pool, $24,964.86; :laterworks Fund, $6,531.31; Liquor Fund, P.I.R. Fund, $2,648.60 -- Total, $416,148.61, Motion by Tupa, for payment of the following Claims as per Pre- rSr q5~~757.51; Sewer Rental Fund, $565,27; Improvement Funds, $23,104.06; and 3UDGET i1Z;ETIlfG TO 3E XOlJDAY, OCTOSZR 1, &minding Council that 3ud:get must be approved and Tax Levy certified to County Auciitor by October 10, i'lanazer iiyde asked that Council meet on budger matters at tile earliest possiblc time. Iieeting date set-for Monday, October 1; time, 7:30 F,i;. CnUi?CIL ATPROVES STATE HIGKJAY DEPAP,TVE:IT ' S PLA2 PO'? 'lFEdCIL;G ,GUAr?D FAZL 6 !?kXi:Ad~,,i' 3ARRiCADES, HIGHIIAY 10Q SErl':JZZii Is. 03 111 SO. OF ;!. G4Td ST. ArlD VALLE'I' VIZIl ROAD, Kanager Hyde reported the State's requcst for aTproval of this x, r.eceived at this office just recently; and recommended Council approval. de added that the State trill do the best it can relative to the request racsn-tl;r rsceived for the straightening of the jog in Fqan Avenue, but that pati-tionsr cannot be satisfied cmpletely . secondad by Dickson and carried, GENX COIIIFLAIUT O;? HOTE ELEVATION, AiJD DRAIXAGE PRO3LE?IS, REV1E';IZD. 110 ACTIOid TALGid. The complaint TO the Council by ?Tr. Rus;tll J. Gerde, 6112 rians.jil Eoad, that his lot is being damaged because the Village has allowed the construction of a home next to his, at a hi$ier elevation than his owm, was revietreci at some length, some of the Council having been out to the property to investigate, 140 action taken, VanValkenburg s motion approving +an was I_ The azenda's having been covered, i4acklillan moved for adjournment. seconded by VanValkenburg and carr ilotion