HomeMy WebLinkAbout19621001_edina_village_council10/1/62 ::IIIUTI=S OF THE I-IEETIlJG OF THE EDIMA VILLAGE COUlJCIL, HELD IIOI?DAY, OCT(33ER 1, 1962 AT 7:30 P.'T. AT THE EDI2A VILLAGE HALL Xernbers answering Rollcall vere Dickson , llaclfillan , Tupa , VanValkenburg ilnd Bredesen. The Proposed i3udget for 1963, as presented by the Pillage ?tanager, was explained by the Nanager and the Finance Director. 'Ir, Hyde pointed out that the proposed salary and wage levels for public works employees were based primarily on the amounts agreed upan by many of the suburban municipalities after considering requests from Local 49 of the International Union of Operating Engineers, An explanation of the reasons for the increase in assessed valuation was given the Council, and it vas pointed out that there had been an increase of slizhtly more than 4% in the assessed valuation due to new buildings. Judge Burris anpeared to present his budget request and gave the Council a tabulation shor.lin5 increases in volume of court cases. After considerable discussion and consideration of various expenditures, it was agreed that the proposed expenditures for 1963 should not increase more percentage- wise than the increase in assessed valuation due to new building. This resulted in decreasing the proposed expendi-tures from $1,514,037 to $1,464,550 w'nich requires a tax levy of 26.59 mills, or a decrease of 1,73 mills from the present Village rate. Hr. VanValkenburg offered the following Ordinance and moved its adoption: ORDINANCE NO. 16-6 OXDIIJANCE ADOPTING BUDGET FOR THE VILLAGE OF EDIlJA FOR THE YEAR 1963, AND ESTABLISHING TAX LEVY FOR THE YEAR 1962 PAYABLE IN 1963 THE VILLAGE COUXCIL OF T3E VILLAGE OF EDIIUA, 'IIIJNESOTA, DOES ORDAIH AS FOLL0:JS: * Section 1. The Budget for the Village of Edina for the calendar year 1963 is hereby ado$ed as hereinafter set forth; and funds are hereby appropriated therefor: GXERAL FUND LI_1 GENERAL GOVERNEIEMT IIayor and Council $ 9,770 Administration .- 59,032 Finance 36,714 Assessing 41,684 Legal Services ' 17,963 14un ici pal Court 27,090 Library 3,763 E le c t ion 2,390 Planning 10 , 835 TOTAL GENERAL GOVERNMEI4T PUaLIC . .. ._ ;.!QRKS - Engineering $111.473 - - Highways 348 ; 812 TOTAL PUBLIC SORKS PROTECTION OF PERSOX AND PROPERTY Police $232,343 Fire 118,832 Civilian Defense 6,351 Public Health 13,859 Animal Control 5,400 Inspection 21,986 TOTAL PROTECTIOii OF PE3SOHS AND PROPERTY ilON-DEPARTVEiJTAL EXPENDITURZS con t inzn ci e s $ 20,605 Settlement of Suits 500 Special Assessments on Village Property 27,000 Unallocated Capital Outlay 3,332 Capital Improvements 50,000 TOTAL t:ISCELLANErSUS AND CO:?TItIGEKIES PARK FUXD Supervision and Overhead $ 209,241 $ 460,285 $ 398,771 $ 101,437 61.169.734 Recreation I la in t en an ce Capital Outlay TOTAL FAW< FUND $ 32,j.w 40,250 52,518 11,245 $ 136,160 10/1/62 Section 2. established as hereinafter set forth: Estimated Recei-ots other than General Tax Levy are heraby GEXERAL FUND Village Share-State Liquor and Cigarette Taxes $74,000 Licenses and psrmits 46,755 Departmental Service Charges 122,320 Transfer from Liquor Fund 87,343 'lunicipal Court 45,000 Other 37,975 State Apportionments-Highways 19,000 Transfer unappropriated surplus $ 12,000 Registration Fees 20,000 Other 500 TOTAL GENERAL FUND $434,390 PARK FUND Transfer from General Fund TOTAL PAXK FUND 37 ,GGO $ 70,160 PARK COHSTFUCT1OI.J - FUND TrZ from General Fund $ 80,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED RECEIPTS $584,550 Section 3. mrsonal property in the Village of Edina a tax rate sufficient to nroduca the amounts hereinafter s8t forth: That there be and hereby is levied u?on a11 taxable real and For the General Fund 5735,344 For the Firemen's Eelief 9,000 For Fire Protection 9,000 For i3onds and Interest 45,000 TOTAL $sao,ooo For the Park Fund 66,000 10,526 For the Poor Fund For I-Iennepin County Park Q.eserve District 5,130 This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its adoption Section 4. and publication according to law. Rotion for ado?tion of the Ordinance was secondeci by Dickson, and on Rollcall thsre viere five ayes and no nays, as follows: Turn, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and i3redesen ATTEST : Diclcson, aye; FTacFGllan, a!rc; adopted. .I .., . . Acting .Village Clerk ~ Upon recommendation of the Village Manager , an increase in salary for George Hite, who has assumed the duties of Assistant fianager in addition to his planning responsibilities of $50 per month effective October 1, 1962, bras approved. There being no further business, Dickson moved for adjourninwit, secondea uy idpd and carried. Adjournment at 10:30 p.m, Motion Acting Village Clerk