HomeMy WebLinkAbout19621008_regular256 10/8/62 ?II!JUTES OF THE REGULAR HEETING OF THE EDIIJA VLLLAGE COU;JCIL,' HELD tIClNDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1962, AT THE EDIiIA VILLAGE HALL 'lembers answering Rollcall were Dickson , Eacllillan , Tupa , VanValkenburg and 3redesen. MINUTES OF bIEETIi4GS of September 24 and October 1, 1962 were approved as submitted, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Dickson and carried. aommi, GRAIJTS SPECIAL PEWIT FOR GASOLIHE SERVICE STATIO~I AT ~.49-1/2 ST. AND FRANCE AVEXUE. of Public Hearing on Petition for Permit for Gasoline Filling Station", which Affidavits and flotice were approved as to form and orderEd placed on file. Pursuant to said Ilotice, Public Hearing was called on the Petition of The Stow Conpany and "obi1 Oil Conpany for a Gasoline Filling Station on the 1Jorthwest Corner of France Avenue and 1!.49-1/2 Street, extending 135 feet Xorth from !J,59-1/2 Street and 135 feet !!est from France Avenue, on the following described property: "Tne South 27.5 Feet of Lot 20, all of Lots 21 and 22, and the Jorth 7,5 Feet of Lot 23, Auditor's Subdivision No. 172". Showing a Vu-Graph Slide of the area under consideration surrounding area, Planning Director Hite reported the Planning Conmission has recommended denial of the request for permit, for reasons contained in the Xinutes of the Seytember 5th Commission Heeting (which, Elr. Hite re?orted had not yet been approved by the Conmission because they have not met between that date and this). He also referred Council to the Flanning Conmission Ilinutes of August 8, relative to -this matter. Hite reported it krill face France Avenue, is a two-stall service station, rrith two driveways on France and two on V.49-1/2 Street; that the buildins meats all design standards, and the layout meets standards in relation to setbacks and screening, before on behalf of this petition, asked if Council had raceived a report from its engineers concerning traffic. the station will not add to the traffic problem -.,t this corner, but will alleviate it by creating additional visibility at this corner. report filed by Chief of Police :!ape 9. 3annett, the substance of which cas th3t the station operations rrould not have any serious effect on the traffic situation in t'nis area. Tlrs. "argsret Johnson, 4913 France Ave. SO.^ presented a petiti.cn signed by sixteen residents of the Xnneapolis side of France, and Ewing Avenue, objectin2 to ?reposed permit on grounds that 3 filling station wuld "Creatly de2reciate the value of our ?roperties, and make it a less desirable residential area in dnich to live"; and a like petition v:.:as filed by thirteen residents of-the 4300-Prance znd 3900-:F. 49th St. blocks. permit for Silling station, asking for &zoning to Connunity Store of fifteen feet inmediately to the 14orth of the presently zoned tract, and extension of the gasoline filling station permit to contain this Fifteen feet property under consideration is already zoned "Community Stare"; that there rrill b3 a ccmmercial operation on this cornw, 6netlier it is a gasoline statio3 or not, and that therefore the reason given in their objecting petitions is con?letely non- a?plicable to the matter. if this permit is granted, the oetitioners would immediately apply for multiple dvelling zoning for the North part of the property (abutting !J.49th St,); and bfr. aril1 re?lied that petitioners expect to apply for an apartment house on this corner, so that the people on the Edina side will be effectively screened frcn the easoline station. the premise that a gasoline filling station is not more detrimental to an adjoining residential neighborhood than other uses of the Community Store District; that there are other criteria to be considered (besides traffic considerations), such as the keeping of flammable liquids, the intense lightinz, late hours of operation, etc., which must be considered by the Council in detemininz this. Saying he feels that in view of the legal decision; arid'the report of the Chief of Police relative to traffic, he feels the Council has little choise but to issue the permit, Trustee Dickson moved that Permit for Gasoline Filling Station be granted. only mean expenditure of Village funds uith the high probability of having Council's decision reversed by the Courts, although he, personally, feels that there are other Cornnunity Store uses which Would be less objectionable to the neighborins residential properties. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication and Hailing of llilotice together with the Presenting a sketch of the site plan of the proposed station, I?r. :Ir. Josiah Brill, representing petitioners, reminding Council he had qoken He stated it is petitioners' petition that llayor 3redesen revieved I 3. ;lite re?orted that an arnended petition has bein made by qetitioners for iIr. aril1 asked that objecting petitioners be clearly inforned that the ifayor Bredesen asked fclr 3 confirmation of :Ir. 3rill's statenent to him that Mr. Hite reported that the Planning Commission and Nr, Brill do not agree on Xayor Bredesen stated he, too, feels .that to fight the permit would ' Trustee Tupa secohded Dickson's motion, and it carried, 10/8/62 ADDITIOX4L - ._. . FIVE-FOOT . _- . DEDICAT1Oi.J FOR STREET TlIDENIilG AT :I. 49-1/2 ST. AXD FR/U?CE ..) TEiKIL WF~;F!XED 1% PLAIlrIi.JG COllMISSION , TOGmlI !lm-l XEqUEST FO3 REZOilIilG OF ADDITIONAL 15 FEET TO, IIORTH OF PRESEXT ZOIIIIilG. KGasoli-e Station Permit, asked once aaain concernin2 Council's opinion on petitioners' offer to dedicate five feet for the widening of !1,49-1/2 Street, Manager Hyde said he thought this dedication would be of little value; that it certain1:y should not be accepted with petitioners' stiwlation that they be relieved of any assessment for the worK of wideniug the street. Mr, Stow told Council he feels that a five-foot extension would help the flow of traffic considerably; and Ilr. Brill added that Tlr, Stow has novr consented to grant this five feet without stipulation for alleviation OF assessment, matter of widening W,49-1/2 Street by five feet at this corner be referred back to the Planning Conmission for study and recommend3tion3 togethsr with the request for tlis Zoninz to Co.nmunity Store of an additional flfteen feet to the Xorth os' the ?resently zoned Froperty, and extension of the Gasoline Service Station permit to contain this fifteen feet. Yr. 2rill$ representing petitioners Tup moved that the I tlotion seconded by Dickson 2nd carried. TJATCPnlAiI AVEIIUE STP.EET ITIPROVEtu5EZJT ORDERED. contmfromTeptember 10th and 24th, €or Council investisation as to methods of assessnent and traffic control, was reconvened by Flayor 3rzdesen, it is the Pronosed flGradin% and Graveling and Asdialt Concrete PavinZ; of 'latamm ,Avenue Ercm 31ake Road to 813 Feet East". citi-ncl; th5 JJillage Attorney's opini-on that It rtould be nro?er and mandatnry for the Council to assess Interlachen Country Club in accordance with the impravenwit bcneFits to the Club; and recommended that residents be assessed an Estimated $3.00 Fer front foot, with the Club being assessed for the balmce, tias azain present to orotest use of the streat by commercial vchicles--semi-~railers, buses, etc. aeainst trucks of over four ton axle loads. the settling of the street after construction of the trunk seuer, Flr, Fralick inquired as to when it is intended to do the work. be necessar;r to delay until sprine, in view of the 5cmr construction now under my; that the Engineers will determine this. control of sneed; was answered that all possible vi11 be done to control sreed along this street. pro?osed assessment, all feeling that ?{re Hyde's recommendation is a fair one; This Public rIearinn, which had been Snecifically, ?Iana?er Xyde ?resented a memorandum m (23 b a 02 'fr. T'ralick Tlanager Hyde informed him the Council can ?est the improved street 53 Citing the trouble experienced Erom Hr. Hgde reprtcd that it m3y Tlr. rralick then inquired ahout Council discussed PTanager's recommendation, relative to (and Tupa moved th3t the Council go on record as establis'aing as a,nethod of )assessment for t'nis proposed improvement LILG i ollbwing : ( (Avenue as access to its ?arking lot) (the actual Total Assessable Cost as $1,658.00 bears to $6,777.00, ( (An amount which bears the same ratio'to the actual Total Assessable Cost as ($5,119.00 bears to $6,777.00; said amount to be pro-rated to the individual (properties on a "per front foot" basis. hlotion was seconded by Dickson and (carried. ( ( RESOLUTION ORDERING IIIPROVENEENT tllC Pro9osed Assessment to the Interlachen Country Club (which uses \laterman - An amount w'nich bears tha same ratio to Proposed Assessments to Residential Properties Abutting I.laterman Avenua - I Tuna then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ( STREET INPROVEMENT NO, A-154 3E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Pfinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the fol1owin.y pronosed imwovenent : COWSTTIUCTION '3F GRADING AND GriAVELIHG PiJD ASPHALT COIICRETE PAVIiTG 114 !IAT~RIIAU AlJEMUE FROPi BLAKE ROAD TO 813 FEET EAST and at the hearinss held at the time and place specified in said notice the Counci.1 has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the oertinent facts does hereby determine to Droceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby desiqnated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IP4PROVEYIENT ;?O. A-154, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abuttin;: the street to be improved. Jlotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and on 2ollcalltherc I >/ATERXAI? AVEWUE TO BE POSTED AGALIIST HEAVY LOADS. Avenuerposted to Four-Ton Axle Load as of now. Tu?a then moved that Xaterman Potion seconded by Dickson and carried. 13/5/62 SFZCIAL ASSESS?"E;IT H%P.?.I:!GS CO:TDUCTED. published in Edina-Zorningside Courier September 20 and 27, 1962, Council conducted Public ifear inrJs on the Eo1lo:rinT nro9osed assesswnts for com?leted fnprovenents , and action was taken as hereinafter recorded; of ;Jotices ;.rere presented by Clerk, approved as to fom and ordered placed on ??le. SA?JITP,Ff. l'P,U%(\ $,tJE< ii<D: C-1. at Totalk $5,459.16, proposed to be assessed agarnst 1,629.6 front feet at $3.35 per front fcot, levied against properties r.!:ii.ch ars recerving service frcx Lateral Sanitary Scvar r:ith a connection to San%tary Trunk Sewer ;lo, C-1; that these ?po?srties ?rere on t'ne boundary of the original district wonoyed tc be assessed, P~o~osal includes Trovision for assessment to bz spread over 16 years, 1963 throush 1978. objections were received at the Heariny, and none had been rec5ived rrior thereto, IEckson's motion for aproval of proposed assessment ;.:as seconded by VanV3lkenbur~ and unanincusly carried, Confirming fissessnent .I PL,IJT i40. 175A &iD '.IATSR':241:J I'fPRC)!rE~!Ei?l' IfO. 15214 - In Xorth line of Lct 1, a1QCk 5, Edina Highlands froxjrshire 31vd, to :lest line or' Lot 6, 3lock 5, Edins iiighlznds. 30th these Inproveqents are to serve the premises at No, 5304 Glenbrae Circle. Uanager Hyde read tabulations of assesment for these projects as follows: Sanitary Sewer Sanitary Sexer Inprovenent !IO, 175); for the'Tktermain - $736.07 (the same cost 2s that charged to neighboring lots for Watermain Improvement No. 152, explained that in the case of both improvements the actual construction cost vas less than that incurred for construction of the Lateral facilities to which this one lot is connected, but that it is considerzd only fair and equitable to make the same charge for these servTces as paid by those assessed for the original lzteral servkes, prior thereto, unanimously carried, Assessment.) Construction of Concrete Ca and Gutter in Virginia Lane €rm Concord Avenue to Yirginia Avenue. against 660.8 feet for $3 ,$4 per Assessable Foot, as conpared with $4.29 as Riven at Improvement Hearing. ' received prior to the Hearing , flac'.lillan ' s motLon approvinz assessqent as proFosed was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in :.lseting, AdoDting and eonfirmin? Assessnent), Construction'of Portland Cen"ent: Concrete Paving and Inteeral Curb in :.T. 70th Street from fii~h~iay >ioD 100 to France Avenue. Total Assessale Cost was read as $41,476.50, ?reposed to be assessed azainst 8,294.1 Assessable Feet at $5,00 per Foot, this bzing a standard assessment for streets designated as "State Aid" Streets. project was $198,066.95, State Aid (Gasoline Tax) Funds Dayin9 the balance. were no objections froq the audience, and none had been received prior to the Xearing. VanValkenburg's notion, approvin? assessment as proposed, xas seconded by Dickson and unani.nously carr ied Assessment). 5. Iknager Hyde ex?lainer thrlt the assessment for this St or9 Ses~er ITnwyxewCt has been divided into t~ro different rates, becausa of the Fact that a napt of the syiste-? hzs received Stat2 Ald, the Total Cost of th3t wrt of the sy3tem beinz $161,022.35, v~tth State Aid naying $33,550.99, leavLn3 $127,461.36 proposed to be ass%ssed against 4,059,279 Fssessable Squara Faet, for $.a314 per Square Foot, as ccxP3red with Improvement Hearing Zstinate of $.038, The cost for thizt ?art 02 the system to which State kid did not contribute ;.:as $67 ,n73 99 , ?roFcsed to Be assessed 3gsinst 2,362,425 Assessable Squsre Feet, for 5.02845 per Square Foot, as ccrnnwsd \!ith Inprovement 3earinz Estinate OF s.032. ner Square Foot. There :ras ane ohjec-ticn from the audience-that Chap1 Hills area should receive credlt for a stcrn se-s'e~ constructed by the developer before.this present project vas conceived; thst ?ro.nise of this credit had been made at neizhborhood meetinzs en this qroject dian it :ras propxed. constructed swer, Planning Diractor Hite bras desnatched to secure them, and Ccuncil continued this Hearin5 until thq could be secured, As a matter of infornation, that portion of Storm Sewer In?rove!nent iQc. 60 to which State Aid contributed was as follows: hook Drive frm 9-'.!i. Creek to 3illside Lane; 3rook Driva, to Y.70th St. on Limerick Lane; !!,70th St., Cahill ?d. to Antrim Pd,; Tracy Ave., !?.70th St. to W.66th St,; KaGuire ?mad, Tracy '4ve. to Antrim Xd. ; Antrim lid., ':cGuire Rd. to Valley View Fd. ; Valley Vie77 Xd, , Antrim to 425' 3. of Antrim Xd. ; e'napel Dr., Antrim Rd. to II. line of Lot 8, i3lock 4, Chapel Ilill. That portion of the system to which State Aid did not contribute is as fol10t:s: Y.68th St., 9-Xi. Creek to Limerick Lane; Easernent Line from intersection af Ely line of L.1 an ~~66th St, to Tracy; th* S. on Tracy hve. to Susan; also Galrray Drive frcrn !J,66th St. LO 3rook Drive. Pursuant to "lfotices of Assessment 3eearin~s" Affidavits of Publicaticn and :'ailing 1. PUSLIC HE/I.RIXG @2 P?'OPniiED ASSCSS'TEIIT , 3EINC SUFPLE:E~STAL ASSS;SS"TEilT Tr) 'Tabulation OF Assessment vas read by ?Imager ;-1yde, ::anager Hyde eglained that this assesment is nox beinz 20 (Sez ?esolution of later in llastinrj, Adopting and 2. PU3LIC 2EAXIJG 3;? PYOPOSED ASSESSUEiITS rO? SAi?ITARY LATEFAL SE:?EX I!PBV!E- -- -... --. . , , r7. For -the $1,753.63 (the same cost as th2t charged to neighborins lots for blr. Hyde There :.rere no objections raised at the I-learinz, and none had been received Tupa's motion aFprovinp7 asssssment was seconded by Dickson and (Sea Resolution of later in Fleeting, Adapting and Ccnfirrning 3. PUaLLC IIEARIMG ON PROPOSED ASSESSNENT FOR STPSET I?IPROVE!%3T IfO. i3-69-- Total Assessable Cost was read as $2,603.55, proposed to be assessed There were no objections frcm the floor, and none had been 4 .. PU3LLC HEAYIiTG OiJ PflOPQSED ASSESSENT FOP. STREET IIIP??OVE?-'EiJT HO. E-14-- . Total Cost of There (See Resolution of later in ?feetin%, ,Ado?ting and Confirming PUBLIC HEA2I:IG @:I PP,?POSED ASSESS'TEHT Fn2 STQVi SE!:ER II:P?.O?Et%i4T 1413, GO, Fiecause firm fi-Ewes could net be had at the ncnent, on cost oP developer- (See action of later in :.:cering). 31.1, 3rookvie:.1 Hts. 4th Addn., SVly to ;I.G6tli St, or its extension; th. :?. 10/8/62 259 E, ?USLIC HEARING OM PROPOSED ASSESSFENT FOR. STREET IbIPSOVEFIENT NO, E-9 --' 5 Cons%rL&fon omtland Cement Concrete Raving and Integral Curb in ';.?,69th Sf;', Antrim Road to VcGuire Rd.; Brook Drive, Y.69th St. to iJ. end of La3uena Vista Addn. ; McGuire Road, .F1,69th St, to Brook Dr. j Tracy Ave, , W.70th St I to N, end of LaBuena Vista Addn, ;. Galway Dr, , Spook Dr, to Y.66th St, ; Hillside Lane, ti.70th St. to !J.66th St.; Limerj-ck Lane, Hillside Lane to !l,66th St,; IJ,68th St., Antrim 'Rd., to k. 'end of The Heights 3rd Addn,; 5i,66th St,, Valley View Rd. to E, end of The Heights 3rd Addn,; I4.67th St,, Limerick Lane to E, line of The Heights 3rd Addn, Blanager Hyde read the Total Assessable Cost as $263,743.25, proposed to be assessed against 24,557.1 Assessable Feet, for $10.74 per Assessable Foot. He explained that, had the Estimate been fisured on the full-corner-lot assessment basis, rather than on the method of corner lots receiving assessment for only 1/3 Tneir side lot footage (in addition-€0 full front footage) the assessable. cost would have been $9,50 per Assessable Foot. Estimate given at Improvement Hearing was $9.57 per Assessable Foot, Reporting that he had had some meetings with a committee appointed by the neiqhborhood to review the costs relative to the proposed assessment, Kr, i-ldyde explained that the committee had asked for an explanation of the over-runs an the contract, He told Council that on Stabilized Base the contract ran over estimated quantities by about 8,000 Yards at 15$ per yard; that excavation over-ran estimated quantities by 10,000 Yards, because of poor sub-soil; that there were over-runs because of intersection chanps and because several residences were built during construction, Also explaining that there had been some questions by the committee relative to work orders issued by the Sillap on this project, Vr, Hyde referred to IJork Order Xo. 2041, in the amount of $4,399.53, which is for "Creek job on Brook Drive--retaining tiall and added drainage structures", 'Vr. Hyde reported that while this work tras done as a part of the paving project, if was actually reinforcenent of bridp over 9-i.Tile Creek, and should not be charged to this project, Public liearinz there vias sone considerable discussion as to whether or not this yrticular charge should be added to assessment for Storm Setter Improve- ment Tlo, 60--rr'nich proposal. met with objection from !!IT, Ford Detzel, 5809 "kCtuire Road, who inquired as to how such an assessment (for a bridge) could be justified. water from this area enters the system at this point, di-scussed was No, 2041A, 2mount $4,908.41, for "Limei-ick Lane and i-IilLs<.de inters9ctlon1', fs a just charge azainsi: this pro2ect, with the balance of $3,187.96 chwzsahle tc the Park Fund (wi-th $2,000 of this $3,187.96 being .3 credit due this 3rza For fill from this area used in the Hays Farm Park ?roosrty). rcyxted that the elimination of tvro charges--$4,399,53 and $3,187 '96, will reduce the ?reposed assessment to $10,44 per Assessable Foot; and that it is recommended that the proposed assessment be amended in this manner, He added that "ha neighborhood committee has inquil-ed as to why a penalty vras not charged to the contractor ; that in view of the circumstances under M'nich the contracror operated the Village did not feel that it was justifJed in exzcting a ?enalty. .intraduced amther member of the committee, who objected to a contract over-run n.F ~omd $1,350.00 saying that if Barton Contracting Comyany and the Villase had pursued the job diligently a great deal of this over-run could have been eliminated, because a larze nart of the charge is for a street in rdnich a storm sever was not gut in. He objected to assessment OF the $1,350 against this ?rcrfect; also asked that penalty be imnosed against 3arton for the delay in ccmpletlon of woject. assessment on the grounds that the road work has devaluated his pronerty rather than increased its value, because he has lost a driveway, Plr. Hyde explained that this is the properti in which underground springs were discovered, and that in addition to this, there were trees which had to be saved; that the Villaze has had meetings with tlr, Olson on the matter now under discussion, and has dclne the best it possibly could under most. unfavorable circumstances, were received on the matter of contract over-runs, and Yr, Hyde explained that contracts are awarded on unit prices because it is believed that contractors biddin:: on the frjob" basis would have to provide so much cushion to protect themselves the price of the jobs would be coqpletely prohibitive; that award on "unit" basis is standard practice, contract price of the three coordinated projects (Storm Sewer Improvement 80, 60 and Street Improvements Nos, E-8 and E-9) was sone $6,000 less than estimate, flr. Porter, Chairman of the neighborhood committee, asked to be allowed to thank !IC, Hyde and the other Villqe officials with whom the connittee had met, for the courtesy and attention given to the committee's requests. He brought a lauzh when he added, "It was more than we had expected," ~3s had by the Council concernincr, the two work orders under consideration for deletion of the assessment. Kayor Bredesen said he believes the bridze order is more appropriately charged to the Storm Sewer than to the Street Imnrovement; uhereunon Hr. Hyde suggested that it is difficult to tell whether to charge this to the area under consideration for assessment now, or to the entire area to the iIorthr.iest, He added that perhaps the cost should be paid from the Cencral Fund, I During the Hr. Hyde replied that it can be justified on the theory that Another work order fpir. Hyde told Council he believes that only $1,720.45 o-F this ilanager 3yde Blr. Frank Porter, Chairman of the neighborhood committee, Mr, R. D, Olson, 6900 Hillside Lane, objected to the Other questions He added that, injustification, the Some considerable discussion 2660 10/8/62 ) JS it covers the reinforcinz and bolsterinp, up of that papt of the street over the Creak. ':r. Kyde reolied in the qf'firmative, assessment for STREET I!TPXr)VE:IEXT NO. E-9 be amended by deductinp, therefrm :?ark Order ;To. 1098A in arnount of $4,399.53, and $3,187,96 of York Qrder Ifo. 23411?, :iiiich mounts are to be paid by General Fund and Park Fund resnectively, and rrhicn deductions will reduce ths assessnent frc;? $10.74 per Assessable Foot to $10,44 ner Assessable Foot ; and Dlckson so moved. (qee 3:esolution a? later in ;kctin? Asked by I"r. Tuva if this were actu2lly a "re?lace%ent and rapair" job, It was concensus of Council that the proposed (\ ?lot ion seconded ?an?alkenSurz and unaninouslg (carried. ( Amendh? Assessment ) * 7IaniZ:er Hyde report& that becmse it is ncw so clcse to the deadline for certification of assessrnlcnt to tne County Auditor, this amendmnt nqy not ba raflected in. the first year's assessnent, but that adjustment will be made in the second and succeeding assessment years. 3l-rlost irncossible to make correction in tine for certifi-cation to Auditor by Pctobsr 10. SZCElVE C?E:E)IT F3" DE~!ELnTZF-COi:ST~UCC"ED STOP'C SE'IER,, c&<c' b'f -cn& Stsir; S&;&- construcied by the develclner os' Ciapel ail1 vas $3,250 .00; anti Council disciissed the request received ear1ierthi.s evenin?, that the Chapel i-lill woperty owners be .s,iven credit on their proTor;ed assessment for Stom Smar Ho. 63, for this cast--rr'nich was &sorbed by them in the cost of their lots. reconmended al1o:rance of this credit to Chap1 IIill lots, ::ith amount of credit to be aljsorbad by the llReserve for Assessment account. Dicltson's notion, that woposed assesmlent for STO?!: SE'ICX I'IP3OVET'EiJT 30. 60 be amended to show a crzdit to C'napel Hill lots for anlount Daid €or Dsveloper-Constructed Storm Sei:ar. Hction seconded by VanValkenburg and unanimously carried. (See Resolution OF later in ( Once again Ilana.;r,er Hyde reported that it may not be possible to reflect this anendment in the Cirst year's assessaent (because it is necessary to certifIj assessments to County Auditor by October 104-but that adjustrnent will be made in the second and succeedin2 assessnent years, and Council agreed to this arranzement. Construct2on of- Cement Concrete Favinp, and Integral Curb in '*1,7(3th St, from Antrim goad to A-nundson's Addn., and in Antrim Road fron ?alley View Iioad to :1,70th St. iIan7ger Hyde explained that inasmuch as these are "State Aidvr Streets, the Assessakle Cost is $32,150.00, Droposed to be assessed against 6,430 feet at the standard assessment of $5.00 ?er Assessable Foot; that the Total Cost of the project was $134,036.27, >:ith State Aid Funds beino, used for the balance of the cost. received at the Hearing, and ncne had been received prior thereto. that proposed Assessment be approved was seconded by Dickson and unanimously carried, (See following Yesolution Adoptin2 and Confirming Assessment), Dickson then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Council asreed to this arran?ement, inssnuch 3s it is I 5. STOXII SZT?3? I':P?@?E:'U"iJT ;TO, 60 ASSESS:E;IT HEA?I;JC, FZCO.P~E;%I: C;lAPEL HILL TI? :Ir. Hite reported that the I'anqer SIgde .t >eeting, Amending Assessnent). 7. PU3LIC HEARLlC 03 PROPOSED ASSESSWJT FOR STREET IIIFRQVENENT il0, E-8 - There were no objecrions Tupa's moticn I ItESQLUTIGf ADDPTIITG AXD COIIYIR'IIiJG ASSESST'EiJTS FOX SUPPLE'1E;IT TO SAIJITAXY TRUiIK SCUEEP YO, C-1, SK?ITARY LATERAL SEVER ;JQ * TlAIIJ Itil?POVE:IZI?T 140 I 152P,, AlJD STREET IIEPRO?EfIENTS lTOS. B-69, E-8 , AND E-14: AXD f\I:EiJDIi?G ASSESS'IEiJTS F3R STOR:I SE'IER IIIPRC!VETEi?T IJO. 60 AilD STEET 1IlPROVEFZE;JT 210. E-9, ADOPTING SAID A'IENDED 175A, LATERAL IJATER- ASSESSIIE~ITS 3E IT RESOLVED by the Villageruncil of the Village of Edina, t"lnnesota, as follows: 1, It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assassaents for SUPFLEIE3T TO SNJITAZY TRUX SE'IE!: HQ. C-1, SMITAW LATERAL SEIIE!? 210, 1754, LATERAL .?OS. 3-69, E-8, E-9 AilD E-14, and each of them, have been calculated in accordance with the provisions of 'Xnnesota Statutes Sections 429.051 and 429.051; that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council muld meet to hear and pass upor! all objections, if any, to anend said pro?osed assessments as night be necessary, and to ado?t the same by resolution; that s3Lid yoposed assessments hava at 211times since their filing been open For Fublic ins?eCti.cn, and o??orrunit:l hzs. been 3iven to all Lnterasted mrson.; to ?resent their objecticns; and that each of the lots, ?ieces and prcels of land enumerat2d in t5e resqective assessments for SUFPLE'%i:T TO SKIIT4'XY TRUiIX SET!% ;J3. C-1, SXiITAT LATERAL SZ;!CP, iJ3. 1754, LATER,?L 2ATPPAI:~ 1:IFFQVETIXi' 110, 152P., .\;ID STREST I'fPY:(?\'E:IE;JTS ::OS. 3-69, Z-3, KID E-14 :-?as and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvewnt for vhhich such assessment is levied in the aqount set oposite the description of each such lot, niece arid aarcel of land, res?ectively. It is hereby found, determined and declared that each of the lots, pieces anti qarcels of land enumerated in the res?zctivo assessnlent .?or STREET Ir*PRni7Er'EiiT J@. E-9 iras and is srecially benefi-ted b;r the cmstructSon of sa55 5mwcvenent in m amunt. equal to the amount of footaze set o??osite the descriytion of each such lot, $ece and narcel of land, respstivel:r, multiplied by $10.44; this declaration amendinz rhe mount of the Fromsed assessment as heretofora calcuhted, by rsduclnq thz arlount of szid ~rcposed assessrlent as:3inst ewh lot, ?iece and rmcel of lsnd, ros?sctivel::, by =n mount equ21to the mount of footaze set opposite the descrtwtion of each Such lots ?Lscc and ?arcel of land .?ulTi?lled by $0.30. ?arcels of land enun2ratsd Sn the asscssnent for 5TQYI SC'IE? I'T,py+2\VE'1EiIT UO. 60 K3.S and :'ATZRI.IAIIJ 1fIPROVETIE:JT :J@. 152A, §TOT1 SEllER 1I~PROVEF:ZXT iJ0, 60, AiTD STREET 1'IFROVE;E~ITS 2. 3. It is hereby r'ounti, detexlined and declared that each of the lots, ?ieces and 10/2/62 specially benefited by the construction of the improvement for vl'nbch such assess- mnt is levied in the amount set opgosite the descri7tion of each such lot, piece and parcel of lan8, respectively, EXCEPT that all those lots and tracts: of land in CHAPEL HILL ADDITIOX, as the sane is filed and of record in the 7iegister of Deeds Office, IIennepin County, Minnesota, are hereby found, determined and declared to be benefited in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively, LESS an amount 'equal to $3,250.00 divided by the nuqber of lots, pieces and Yarcels of land in said CIiAPEL HILL ADDITION; this declaration amending the proposed assessment for STOR?.! SEWER IW?ROVEMENT 140. 60 foln NJLY those lots, pieces and parcels of land contained in said CHA?EL HILL P,DDITION, pieces assessments are hereby adopted and conEiFmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements, respectively. together with the interest accruing on'the full amount thereof Eron time to time unnaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes uDon the property described therein 'and all thereof, 5, The total amount of each such a.ssessment for .SUPPLE!,lE;IJT TO SANITAW TRUiU SEWER C-1 sahll be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of sixteen years, the first of said installments, to,zether with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to Decembe5.-~31, 1963, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1962, and one of tha remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1963 through 1977, collectible in the respective ensuing years, 175A, LATERAL i7ATERMAIIJ IElPROVEFlENT NO shall be payable in equal annual installments extendins over a neriod of ten years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1963, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1962, and one of the rernaininp, installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable vrith senera1 tases for the years 1963 through 1971, collectible in the respective ensuing yeam. shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first of said installnents, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1963, to be payable rrith general taxes for the year 1'362, and one 'of the remaining installments, v:tith one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be r?ayable xith generrll taxes for the year-, 1963 through 1965, collectible in the respective ensuhg years The total amount of each such assessaent for STREET IF?TZROVE?.TEt?TS ZOS, E-8, E-9 AXD E-14 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over 2 period of fifteen years, the first of said installments, together t.ri.th interest on the entire assessment from the date hereef to December 31, 1963, to be. payable with general taxes for the ysar 1962, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's inti-rest on thtlt and a11 subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1963 through 1976, collecttble in the respective ensuins years. CC amy lot, piece or narcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assess- ment or any installment thereof without interest to the '?illage Treasurer and thereaft& such pipent may be made wj.tli accrued interest, to the County Treasure-)?; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepid to the Village Treasurer, he shall prcbmptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the sss5ssment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Audit or. ., Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to-be collected in the manner provided by law. ibiOv 175A, LATERAL '.JATCRa!AIN IT~IPROVEHENT iJ0, 152A, STORTl SEVER IFIPROVE!.EXT 110. GO, AND STREET IMFROVEflENTS E-8, E-9, E-14 AMD 3-69, and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by her credited to the I 'b 4. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, and parcels of land described in said respective proposed, and amended The assessment against each lot, tract or oarcel, 6. The total amount of each such assessment for SPJITAXY LATERAL SE'IEP, i?O, 152A, AIJD STORfil SEYJER IYPF,OVEFlEi4T NO, 60 7. The total amount of each such assessment for STREET IHFROVET.!EI.IT NO, 8-69 8. 9. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the ow-w 10, The Clerk shall,, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to tlia County Said duplicate shall be designated as ASSESSME8T ROLL FOE SUPPLEMENT TO SANITARY TRUlX SEkIER C-1, SAIUTARY LATERAL SE!,IGR 1IPROVEZIE:JT DOND 2EDE!4PTION FUND. frotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by VanVallienburg, and on Rollcall there were fivw sysa and no nays ., as follows: ; Mac:Iillan, aye; Tu~a, aye; enburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and 10/8/62 CQHTRACTS AVllRDED FOR 171P??(3VE'fEi?T PROJECTS, September 7, for two proposed Impmvements; action on samt needing to be taken this even ins : CmnciL rzvierred bids opened 1. STEEET I;TPR!Y!E:IEilT iJO. A-154 - Construction of Grading and ?ravelling and Asuhalt Concrste Paving in ',laterman Avenue frm 3lake Road to 813 Feet East. flanager idyde reconmended award of Contract to Black Top Service Company at $5,404.70, as part of a "Tied" low bid on Sanitary Sewer for nortion of street, plus Street Improvement, (Sanitary Sewer portion had been awarded at an earlier meeting). recomnendation a was seconded by "IacTlillan and cirried. R03ERTS PLACE FROiI T!ILRYArJ AVE. TO WOLF AVE. : ?'.r)LF AVE, FRO71 ROBERTS PLACZ TO VALLEY VIE:! RD. : -._ ;7.621.ID . .->.. . STREET . . - rl?nrl VIL2YAZi AVE. TO VALLEY VIE:? RnAD, - Asnhalt Cozcrete Pavlrand Ccncretemand qutter, Village has been able to obtain no in:ormatim fron the State which xould le2d us to believe that the State will ?anticipate in the iinnrovenent of either Roberts Flace or Rolf Avanuc frca either its Vaintenance op-its Construction Fund (it has already been determined that the State cannot bz assessed for this imprcrvenent) . contract involvin5 Pclberte Fixe and Rolf Avenue, it has already ordered in the entir? yoposed Improvcnlant (See Resoluticn Orderin2 Sweet Improvenent Xo, 3A-55, Paze 232, 'Tinute 30Ck 251, with the understanding that a rmrtion of the im?rovement be dropped at a later date if State particination could not be secured, Fir, 3yde rayorted thxt becausa neither '.1,62nd Street fron :li.lrym Ave, to ?alley Vier "oad, nor :!ilrgan .4venue fron Valley Yiew Road to Pobcrts Place abut on State-oxneb properties, that, if ikprovenent is nade on Ynese str3ets, with Pull cast to be assessed to omers of abuttin? provzrties, the cost will be an Estjmated $11.63, as coapared 16th the Improvenent Hearing Cost of $13.44 without EIi&r:lay Farticipatlon and $9.99 with l-Ii$ixa:y pwticipatlcn. ?%tition from :lilryan :Ivenue for the vork, resardless of State partici+ion, (and a nisunders-tandin2 by himself and rhe Village Ennineer, vho belizved this sentiment ?rev3Lled on 'I .62nd Street also) lor:. bidder, 14orth:iest 3ituninous CO:, Inc. (bid of SeDtemSer 7) vas given perxission to go ahead rith vork on lfilryan Ave, from Valley Viev~ Road to 1015 Feet South, and on :?.62nd Strsei from 3ilryan Avenue to Valley View Pcad, at a contract ?rice of $19,508.03, using unit prices, and estbated quantities applicable to these two streets, fro3 the original bid of Septeqber 7--this becsuse of the necessity for doing this vork yet this fall, in line with the petition frm :iClryan Avenue, Vr. 3yde stated that while the Yilryan omers are 'satisfied vrith this arrangenent , conplaints have been received from the :!,62nd Street people that they did not mnt the improvement. a necessity for both 7ilryan Ave, and '1.62nd St. confirm avard of contract for Yilryan Ave, and !?,62nd St. a and raject that portion of contract for Rolf Rve, and qoherts ?lace, Dickson's motion, that Impmvenent as ori7inally ordered b!7 Council on Septeaber 10, 1962, be reduced by the elinination of Xolf Avenue fron Foberts Place to '?alley V.ierr P.oad and Roberts Place from Yilryan Aver to Rolf Ave. from sai-d improvsment; that Council reject all bids on that ?ortion of in?rovcment, and that Council confirm avrard of contract to ilorthvrest Bituminous Co,, Inc, for Construction of Asphalt Concrete Paving and Concrate Curb and Gutter in Yilryan hve, from Valley Vie1.r Road to 1015 Feet South, and in t1.62nd Street fron Yilryan Avenue to Valley Viev Road, at $24,157.06$ was seconded by Tups and carried. Tupa's motion, for award of contract in accordance with Vanager's 2. STREET II.EPP,OVET[EXT IN :!ILRYAN AVE, PE31: VALLEY VIEY RD. TO ROSERTS PLACE: I 'ir. Hyde raTorted that the lie therefore reccmended rejection OF that portion of the ?mindins the Council rhat He added that pursuant to the supplenentary - He stated, too, that because of topography curb and zutter t.tas Eie asked that Council PICK-UP TRUCIKs TO BE PURCrIASED FROM SOUTIiDALE lIOTORS . Tabulation of yids received tcday, pursuant to Advertisement for 3ids ?ublished in Edina-Xorningside Courier and Construction aulletin, September 27 and October 4, Tabulation shot:ed receipt of bids fron International Harvestw Co., Southdale Yotors , and Hull-Dobbs, with Southdale Ilotors presenting both lot-I and second-lo.;r bids. Recommendation was for acceptance of the Southd le Tot r bid $05 a gori BodSt a 1954 Ford Pruck--this bein2 the secand-lo:? bid and $86 abova the lox bid, vhich specified a !lomison Service aody, bid, by Southdale Yotors, in accordance xith I!anager's recommendat ion, was secoDded by Dickson and carried, Inspector; Service Body Truck, bg Bater Depzirtment, !lanager Hyde yesanted F-100 with KcCabe-Povers Service aody , /Z-$5,876,08;7$e83 T. F! .i$;k? %$i8e-fRnoflr Tupa's notion for xceptance of second-lar Standard Scdg Truck to be used by Plumbing CAfI FOR IIATER DEPART'?EXT TO 3E PURCHASCD FWX SOUTHDALE n2TW.S. Tabula<<on'of 3$ds'-t&&i- Octdber a', on Ckk 2-Door Sedan, to replace a 1959 rambler . Ainerican used by the Flirter Department. Fairlane, beiing Southdale rfotors, low bidder at net bid, includin? Trade-In on Xanbler, of $1,394.61, and iiull-Dobbs Ford at net bid of $1,498.91. ~73s for axard of bid to Sout'ndale Eotcrs, and Tuna so voved. ?iacl:illan and carried I Tlr. +de presented Two bids tiere received, both on 1963 Ford Recornendation ?lotion seconded by ST.JOXJS AVEWE LOTS 23' received zn17 bids on thc zzk of four lots on St.do:?ns Avenue, Tn rzswnse to its XDS, !k. Hyde reportcd that the Village has not advertisement, snrl is therefore free to negotiate for the sale OF these lots, bain? Lots 1,2 93,4,310cf: 2 , Valley Viex Terrace 3rd Pddition, 10/8/62 263 VALLEY VIE?? ROAD 3ARRICADE ???TESTED 3Y PESIDEiITS Iii AREAS TO XOnTE &ID :!EST. i'tr. .J. 2. Lozleben, 4813 :I, 60th Street, open& tha discussion on the \?all57 T:ievT noad 3arricade by raquestinq that !.1,53th Street and '7.60th Strse-t be barriczded for the term. of the trial Valley Vieu ?Dad barricade. ;-Ie told Council that yoperty owners on these streets do not feel they should assume. the trafEic that formerly traveled Balley View Soad. Dr, E, F, Allis, owner of ccrmmercial propzrty on the idorthvest corner of Valley Viev Road and Yooddale reported that he was given a Demit by the Srilla.Se to construct -r bushess buildin:: at this location; thzt the barricading of Valley ?iew has already cut off considerable of his tenants' business; thzt if T1.59-th and ;!.Goth Streets are barricaded, too, access to these business will be nearly impossible. Ilrs, J. G. Veisbrod, 6116 Birchcrest Drive, renorted rasidents in this area have a very dangerous hairpin turn to make to get to their homes from the Crosstown Hightray; that they were promised a bridge ac~oss I-It~hmy #LOO. for their children, and service roais for access, She added thst only ten fmilies had purchased thelr homes on Valley View east 'of #lo0 before it was made a heavy-traffic street, Tlayor Bredesen i-nformed audience that the Council ha.s closed Valley View for a 30-to-45-day trid, hoping to educate thru-traff ic to use the Crosstotrn 'Highway, Drive, re?orted that if :1,59th and IJ.60th Streets are barricaded, in accordance with sug,zestion by Vr. Losleben, turnin:: movements off and onto Highrray 100 will just be rushed further iIorth. Streets had been presented to Council earlier this evening, siped by some YO r2sident.s in the immediate area. as being at corner of 66th and Wilryan, reported that the barricading of Valley Vj-ew Road is severely handicapping those from 'Jest side of Highway 100 who wish to use the bus which terminates at Valley View Road and Concord Avenue. Flrs, H, J, True, 4733 School Road, asked that Y,59th Street be posted prohibiting left turns, citing danger at this intersection; and %.-o True asked that the center stri? on Highway 100 be continued North. Shmitka, 5121 9,59th St., objected to the island's being extended at3 far north as !lest '-1.60th St., saying that entrance onto Hizhtray 100 is extremely hazardous because of 60th Street i-Iill, reported that Y.6Oth Street is now getting a11 the conmercial traffic vhich formerly used Valley View Road, use the Cross Town Highway, because it doesn't help anyone". 6101 Ashcroft Avenue, stated that Cross Tom traffic is increasing since the barricading of Valley View Road. qusstioned the authority of the Council to close Valley View %ad, inasmuch as tli2 barricading of the street cuts off one area of the village fro% another area. School Road and ?f,60th Street the same consideration as that accorded to Valley View Road and for the same period of time. FTr. ?fayne Rubel, 5112 3enton Avenue, reported that the primary interest of the residents in his mea is getting safely across Highway 100. speaking for idormandale Lutheran Church, asked that Valley View Road b4 opned to traffic east and nest , permnently barricading Valley View is improved the street vi11 be barricaded. T~7dley View road asked that barricades be left u? prmanently. objections stated here tonight 3y residents of other streets, vho arc ex?ariencin; 3n increas2 in traffic, saying there is no Jore re3.son vr%y \?alley Vim Doad residents should hme this traffic than that any other street should ha~re it. fi lady, vho described herself as the mother of vnrce small children, asked that action be taken to control 60th Street traffic. She added that, novr, she is fearful for the sai'ety of children rralkin.z-to school, ths3t sh3 cannot let her smaller childrsn out of the house, b1ocl;ade Valley View Road zt ths point where it goes into Crosstom Hightray. 7%. ;-bycie stated this has been ccnsidered, but bacause of traffic movement at -tiiis particular location, sign must be very clearly stated. suzg,i.,sted sizns for southbound traffic cn i-Iishvmy 100 ~ 5113 'f. 59th St, , prohibiting left turns at 59th and 60th Streets, CouncS1, and audience was notified that Council excscts to take no zcticn on the V8lley Vieti Road barricade until Jovenber 12. FIana,pr I-Iyde to ?ost an informational sizn at Vallev 'clievr ?ooad and Trcsent over?ass of Crosstown Hizhway, the closing of Valley View Road," signed by representatives cf some 29 families in the Birchcrest area, was 'left with Council, .. 1 flr. John Gibson, GO12 3irchcrest Petition for barricading I.1.59th and fl.6Oth One gentleman, who described his rasidence !fr. R,C, ifr. Sherman Eolian, 4820 il.60th St,, Nr, Glenn Carlson reoorted that "no one will Mr, YcDepmott, The gentleman at 66th and llilryan Hr, Dan Leach, School Road, asked that Council 3ive !1,59th Street, One gentleman fmm Rolf Avenue, Question was asked ccncarning pox'babil5ty. 0-F and 'tias informed that when Hightray LOO One resident from the East side of He cited t%e One man asked if it is Fossible to i:r. ?. 1. &nnsd;r Soma discussicn vas had IS<: 3irecticn vias Tivan to Petition , simply stating "'.?e !.dsh to prot-zst IIID EDIUA TAXPAYERS ASSOCIATION PETITIOIJS FOX STOP SIGIIS OiI STPEETS THAT EIJTZR TR,4C~AjIE~U~. on entrances to Tracy Avenue and for Speed Limit qigs alonz Trac~7 hvcnuc vras AIlD SFEdD LUIIT SIGidS ALOI'JG Ti?,4C'I AY2XUE. - Fatition for Stop Sinns .. supported by TIr. Kennoth 0. Olson, President of the Association. 1.y~. 3on Berryhill, 5616 Grove Street, added his plea for a sto? sip in the vicinity OF Grov? Street and Tracy Avenue, for traffic fron Hizhvay $E9. ?IP. Dick RO~FS, 5708'Tracy, spoke for traffic control at Tracy ,Avenue and 'jarden Avenuc, for the new TJethodist Church, SO U? immediately, but !4rv Hrde informed them that Spead Limit si.zns could request for Stop Signs should be referred to 10 /8 /62 Police Department for racomendation before action is taken by Council, iianager' Hydo directsd to install spsed limit signs, and matter of Sto? Signs referred to Police Department for investigation and ra?ort, SSJTH GARDZ? kSSOCIATfQ21 REQUEST fr)R TERFIIXATIOi1 OF DUW AT '1.78TN ST. AND 264 FIWJCE AYEXJZ SUBAiIITTED, signed by South Garden Association residents, notLfyin(l; the City of 3loonington of opposition to the pay dump on France and 78th Street, because of the tfsmoke, ash, smell and other health hazards", together tdth a request by South Garden Associaticn that Edina officials request the City of 3loonington to terminate the authority under which the dunp now ogerztes. August 29, sent to r:r. Joe Garrison, operator of the dump, with a co?y sent to City Council of 3loorningtcn Xanazer Hyde subrtitted f o~ Council review a peritcon Council revierred the letter dated C9UXCIL FORWALIZES SEPTZIi3ER 24TH ACTIOif ARPBOVLIG FEdCETIZ TLP:TS FOR HIGKIAP 100 aETI!ELJ 0.03 I:I. SO, OF r7,64TrI ST, AiJD VALLEY VIE;? ??r)AD. "anapr Hyde reqarted that 3e?artment requires a fcrnal resolution for its files, following Resolation and moved its adofl-tion: althouzh the= s fencing plm has been itanroved b~r "otion, the i-Ii.c$rmy II&c!filfan offered the P5;SOLUTIQiI APPROYEJG SPECIAL PS0,VLSIOJS Far: S. P. 2733-35 (T.H. 100-130) - :;LIIii[ZS3TA PPnJECT U 030-1(31) €'E;ICI;JC ~ 9UAFD RAIL AiID PE9SA3GIT 3l\PEICADES dET-IEE;I 'I!EST @+Til STPEET PJJD VALLEY VIZ! TOAD 111 EDIilf, !!SEl?EfiS, the Ccxnissioner of Highways has ?raparzd plans, snecial prnv?.;inns and specifications for the ii?rovement of a part of Trunk HiSi1i-q 3unber 130 renun7bered as Trunk Highway Xumber 100 t.iithin the cor9orate linits of the VLlla3e of Zdina fro3 0.03 'file South of Vest 64th Street to Valley 1Jiew ?cad; and IIHERERS, said plans sre on file in the office of the Depaptment of Highwq~s, Sdnt Paul, Tlinnesota, bein:: narked, labeled, and identified as S.P. 2733-35 (T.iI.100-130); and i-Iighvays, Saint Paul, Cinnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as S,P. 2733- 35 (T.H. 100-130) Ilinnesota Project U 030-1 (311, which, tcgether with the :finnesota Department of Highways SFecifications for Highway Construction on file in the office of the Co-R?lissioner of Highways, constitute the specifications for said immovexent of Trunk Highway IJumber 130 renumbered as Trunk Hightray :luxbar 100; and identified are also on file in the office of the Villaze Clerk; and the body of this resolution shall be deerned and intended to mean, refer to, and incorporate the plans and special provisions in the foregoing recitals F3rticularly identified and described. 2JO!!, THE;?, 3E IT RESOLVED that said plans and special provisions for the hmovenent of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered as Trunk Hishway Munber 100 within the limits of the V'illa~e of Edina be and hereby are approved; and special ?revisions be and they $are hereby approved and consent is hereby Ziven to any and all changes in grade occasioned by the construction of said Trunk i3ig'nway i4u.nber 130 renu-nbered as Trunk Highway Xumber 100 in accordance vrith said plans and special provisions, ~ME??EP,S said special provisions are on file in the office of the De2artmen-t oE dated :Tag 1, 1959, IIHEXEAS coDies of said plans and special provisions as so marked, labeled and :7HEQEAS the tern "said plans and special provisions1f as hereinafter used in , BE IT FURTHER RES@LT?ED that the elevations and zrades as shom in said plans I PETIT1O;J FOR SA;JITARY SZYER E;iTE:JSIOX TOR EAST P.MD, OFF SKYLINE DRIVE REFERRED TO VILLAGE EiIGIlIEER F(d9 PROr3RA:IP:IBG. Lots 26 a= 27, Skyline Addition, was submitted by Clerk, and, by !lotion VanValkenburg, seconded by Dickson and carried, was referred to the Village EnZinzsr for programing. $1,,,7pP- :&A?>!. FOP DJ;;AGES FO? 111 JURIES SUFFE9ED Til FALL AT 50TH MD HALIFAX R.EFERPED Tq JlfSLJRfiJCE, CASPI-ER AXD ?ILLAGE ATTOF$IEY, mace, was suhitted SU31:ITTED AHD This petition , signed by otmers of The clah of !lrs,. Illlda C, Hoag, 5015 Jay reviewed, and ref erred to Insurance Carrier and SillaZe At'torney for investigation, rcI FIIJAL- PLAT- OF a1'~1d4~~E:1 AC%S-LAYSO:I FEPLAT" APPROVED SUSECT TO PLPiTITIIIG CWIISSIO~J APPF?J7,AL, Lots 1 a<d 2, :farden ,Ftcrdsft ation that it be ap?roved subject to Planninz Ccnaission's aprctral* Bowtheast corner Higi?r:ay 20. 159 and Trscy Avsnue, and involves no nev roads, This Final Platy being The subdivisim into four lots,nof "tne Ys1/2 OF presented by Plannins Diractor FIite, 15th reccmend- Flat lccatecl at - -.. 2 -- -- 265 10/3/62 *lac'jillan'~ motion, that Final Plat of Cardm Acres subject to aporoval by Planning Commission vas seconded by Dickson and carried, ELECTION OFFICIALS APPOINTED FOR YOVEr43EF: 6T3 r;EIJEPAL-VILLAGE ELECTIOil , ?aster -:-on 0- placed in noxination by Clerk, and VmVa1kenbix-g mcved for anpoi-ntment of offjctals named on szid roster. carried e Larson Ye?lat be a?woved \. Yotion seconded bv Dickson and PUBLIC HEARIXGS @:I I~TPWVE'I.IE16TS SCXDULED FOP FIQ;\ID(\Y, QCT03P 22. GieflJy revwthe CoFil the imyovemsnts For rThi-cii he rzcommends Fublfc lienrin~s on October 22 , and VanValkenburg offerad the follouinz Desolution and moved its adoption: Enzineer 'Ic?nzs RESOLIJTIOJ PFOVIDIIIS FOR PU3LIC HCAPI'lSf OiI AXD 4SPHALT REPLACEVEHT 1F'lPROVEZ.IEiJTS PROPOSED SANITARY SE'TE?, STOT'I SETJEP, 'JP.TEl?'lAILl BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edins: as to the feasjbility of the prooosed SA;JITP.?Y SEVER, 'dATERHAIII, STQW SETUP AiJD ASPHALT PJPLACEVEYT IflPWVEF'ENTS described in the three (3) Forms OF iTotj.ce of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such 3'.mprovcaents, sa?d report 3's herebv anproved and directed to be phced on file In the office of the Village Clerk, Edina Villa9e Hall, to consider in public hearing the views of all oersons interested in said ?roposad improvements, place and rrurposg of said meeting to be published in the official newsflaper once a rreek for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meetinz:, trhich notice shall be in substantially the follovin;: forms : 1, The Village Engineer, havin$ submitted to thz Council a Frelimiriary report 2. This Council shall meet on Fbnd?y, 9ctober 22, 1962, at 7:OO Pallr, in the 3. The Clerk is herebv authorized and dir-tcted to cause notice of the time, (1) NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING 014 STOP,?! SET!ER ." GDGIA VILLPGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on !Ionday, 9ctober 22, 1962, at 7:OO P.F.I., to consider the followin.5 proposed improvement to be constructed under the authority granted by 74innesota Laws of 1953, Chapter 338. T'ne approximate cclst of said improvement is estimated by the, Village Engineer as set forth below: COHSTRUCTIOH OF VILLAGE STORb? SEWER AUD APPURTENAi6CES IN THE FOLLO!?ING: ES TI NATED COST Zalifax Lane from a point in existing storn sewer line 330' S, ofJJ.54th St.; thence S, to a point 3' N. of the S. line of Lot 1, Block 4, Elmwood I' Terrace ; thence !I, to Plinnehaha Creek, $ 9,77.87 The area Froposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Storm Sewer includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at a point on the If. line of Lot 2, B1, 1, Elmwood Terrace, said point being 15' i4, of the N,E, corner of said lot; th, S, and parallel to the E. line of said Lot 2 to a point on the S, line of Lot 1, 31. 1, Elnnond Terr, ; th, S!Ily to a point on the N, line of the 21.55.47' of the S, 164,97' of the E, 197.67' of the H.E.1/4 of the 1T.E. 1/4 of the N.E. 1/4 of: Sec.19, Twp,28, Ra, 24, dist, 140' :I. of the N.E. corner thereof; th, S. to a point on the N, line of Lot 2, 31. 2, Elmwood Terrzice, said point being 140' !?I. from the-N.E, corner of said lot; th, SCly to a point on the E. line of Lot 2, 81. 2, Elmwood Terrace, said point being 50.04' S. of the iJ.E. corner thereof; th. E. to a point on the E. line of France Ave,, said point being 20' S, of the S,Yi corner of Lot 4, 31. 5, 3oodbury Park Wear Lake Harriet; th. 14. along the E, line of France Ave, to the S, line of 'Jest Fuller St,; th. E. along the S. line' of Vest Fuller St. 3. dist. of 227' ; th, NVly to the S,E. corner of Lot 13, Bl. 4, Ivandale Par?< Hear Lake ilarriet; th, N:iTly to the J.!?, corner of Lot 12, B1. 4* Ivandale Fark Near Lake Harrie't; th. I(. to the ZsZ, corner of Lot 6, 31, 4, Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet; th, E, to the H.E. corner'of Lot 3, 31. 4, Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet; th, S. cn E. lins of Lot 3, 31, 4, lvandale Fark ilear Lake Zarriet a dist. of 30'; th, E, znd parallel to the IJ, line of Lots 1 and 2, 31. 4, Ivandale ?ark Xear Lake Harriet, to th3 E, line of slid Lot 1, 31, 4, Ivandale Park 2ear Lake Harriet; th, ;,?E~v to the S,U, corner of Lot 16, 31. E, %avthorne Park Second Division; th, MEly to a point in Lot 16, 31, 6, ilawthorne Park Second Division, said point beinp, 30' E. of and 5' i?. of the Sa\?, corner of said Lot 16; tho 14, and parallel to the center line of S. E~7inz AVP-. to a wint in Lot 30, 21, 6, Hawthorne Park Second Diyision, said point bein2 30' E, OF a.nd 5' S, of the N,F?. corner of said Lot 30; th, N!Jly to the iJ,TqI. corner 01 Lot 30, 31.6, 3avrthorne Park Second Division; th. !.T, to the N,!J, corner of Lot 1, 31. 5, i4azthorna Park Second Divison; th, SF?ly to a point in Lot 1, 21, 5, Havthorne Park Second Divlsion, said noint beinz 30' 1J, of and 5' S, of the M,E, corner of said Lot 1; tls, S. ?arallel to the center line of S. Evlinr: Ave, and to a yoint on the S, 1j.m OF Lot 4, 31. 5, Iiawthorne Park Second Division, saLd point bein2 30' E. of the S,E, cerner of said Lot 4, 13lock 5 iiavrthornen .Park Second Divis;..on; th. S!Tly to the i?.!T, corner of Lot 6, 21. 5, Hawthorne Park Second Division; th, 7. to the N.E. cornar of I 10/8/62 Lot 25, 31. 5, ;-:awthorne Park Second Division; ,24, 31. 5, Havthorns Park Second Division; th, 31. 1, South 3srriet Park Seccnd Addn.: th. '?, th. SYly to the Serf, corner of Lot S"!ljr to the X,E, corner of Lot 17, to a ooint on the 3. line OF Lot 17, Block 1, South HwEiet ?ark Second AdditLon, said noint being 25' corner of said lot; th, S:.117 to a point in Lot 18, 31. 1, South harriet Park Second Addn., said point being 35' :I, of the E. lot line and 147' ;I. of the S. lot line of said Lot 18; th, Y, to a point in Lot 18, 31. 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition, said ?oint being 143' ?I, of the E. lot line and 147' 24. of the S. lot line of said lot; th. S. to a ooint on the S. lot line of Lot 18, 51, 1, South Harriet Park Second Addn,, said mint being 143' :J, of the S,M. corner of said lot; th. S'Jly to a point on the S. line of ?1,54th St., said point being 30' E, of the i1.E. corner of Lot 10, South I"id2e Addn., th. S. to a point on the S. line extended of Lot 8, South ?id=e Addn., said point being 30' E. of the S,%, corner of said Lot 8; th, SEly to Foint of beginnin?." Eron the il.€, GRETCHEN S, ALDEX Village Clerk (2) HOTICE 9F PUBLIC HEARI3GS OJ LRTESAL SA'IIITARY SEVER, LATERAL :?ATZR?'AI,i? TRUX SATEI?'IAIiJ, ABD ASPIf ALT CORCPETE PEPLACEFIEXT EDIQA VILLAGE COUlJCIL ~i.11 meet at the Edina Villsge ilall on :;onday, October 22, 1962, at 7:OO €'.;I., to consider the Followin:! yoposed inorovaments to br- constructed under the authority granted by Yinnesota La:m of 1953, Chapter 398, of said improvements is estimated by the Villase Enzineer as set forth belcx: 1. CQXSTRUCTIOiI OF SI LLAGE LATERAL SPJ.IITA2Y SE!ER AND APPURTEIIAXES The ayprosinate cost ESTIXATED COST : 13 TIE FOLLW7IIJG : A. Laracla Lane fron Parkwocd Road to 450 feet north 2 C0;iSTTIUCTIOH OF VILLAGE L.4TE??AL 'JATER'7AIN AiID APPURTE3AIICES I3 THE FOLLOXIIS: A. /$arkwood Xd, fro1 a notnt 115 feet, more or less, north harkwood Lane from Parkvood rid, to the south line of dLondonderry Xd, frm the north end of Stauder Circle /Parkwood Rd, froin Londonderry Rd, to Lsrada Lane r/Larada Lane fron ?arkwood Rd, to north line of $ 9,102,32 of the north line of Lot 1, Block 2, Parkwocd Knolls 4th Addition to Londonderry Rd, Ppkwccd Knolls 4th Addn, south to Parkvrood Pd, Parkviocd Knolls Addn. $35,334.99 3, COidSTRUCTIOiJ OF VILLAGE TRUXX KID LATERAL :IATEEIIAI;I AXD APPURTEIJANCES IiJ THE FOLL3:IIJC; : A, dhew Lane from Xighway $169-212 to Schaefer Rd.; Achaefer Yd, fron View Lane to the 2esterly line of Parkwood :(nolls 11th Addn . ; distance of 525 feet; distance of 525.07 feet; 10' E. of the centerline of Londonderry Ed. extended S. /Londcnd@rry Rd. frcrn 10' S. of Farkriood Knolls Addn. PI, to :lest Stauder Circle; (:Jest Stauder, Circls fron Londcnderry Rd. :I, to Londonderry nd. ; V/Londcnderry Rd. fron '?est Stauder Circle to a ?o?'nt on Parhiood Qd. 115' more or less, IT. of the X. line of Lot 1, 31. 2, Par!:mod Knolls 4th Addn. C0;SSTXUCTICXJ OF ASPHALT CCCJCPZTE S!E?LACZ'IEiIT 011 TiIE FOLLr)T?C:IS : P,, &arada Lme fron Park:ioad Rd. to :I, fine of Parkercscd Knolls L,4%ir?i?7c03 ?d, frm Larada Lane to Londcnderry Rd , ; i/fiondondarry Wd. fro3 S. lins of Farlniood Knolls Addn. to harkvocd Yd. fron intersection of Londonderrg Fld. and +ktauder Circle fro7 Parlmocd Rd. to Londonderry Rd , ; /Parkwood Lane fro9 Parkwood Rd. S. to S. ltne of Thence S!.?ly at a deflection angle to the left 68O30' a TQence E?ly at a deflection angle to the rizht 56OOO' a Thence 3, 10' S, of Parknood Knolls Addn, to a point $81,106,30 4. 2. Par?twood 3d.j Stauder Circle to Londcnderry Yd.; . farhood ;inolls 4t'l I\.ddn , Sa ,535 69 The apez proposed to be assessed for the cost of thz pronosed Lateral Sanitary Sav:er under 1-8 above includes Lots 3 CS 4, Block 2; Lots 1, 2 8 3, alcck 3, all in Dar!aood :<nolls P'ddn .. Tie area proposed to b-3 assessed for the cost of the pro?osed Lateral '!atermin under 2-1? above includes Lots 3 E 4, 31. 2, Lots 1 thru 7 incl., 31, 3; Lots 2 thru 5 incl., 31. 5, all in Parkrood ::nolls Addn,; Lots 6 thru 9 Lncl., 31. 1; Lots 1 thru 6, incl., 81. 2, all in Parkwood bolls 2nd Addn, ; Lots 5 thru 9 incl., 31. 1; Lots 1 thru 9 incl., 31. 2, all Ln Farl;r.racd :<nolls 4th Addn,; and 1 unplatted lot for Parcel (0375) in Sec, 30, T.117, X,21. 297 10/8/62 The area pronosed to be assessed for the cost of the pro?osed Lateral i7atermaf iindSr 3-A above includes Lots 2 E 3, Block 6, Parkwood dnolls Addn.; Lots 1 thru 5 incl. Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 2nd Addn. ; Lot 1, slack 1, Parkwood Knolls 9th A&~n.; Lot 1, Eilocl: 1, Parkwood Knolls 10th Addn.; Lots 1 thru 6 incl,, Slock 2, Lots 1 tliru 8 incl., Block 3, Lots 1 thru 6 incl,, 3lock 4, all in Parkwood Knolls 11th Addn,; 9 unplatted lots in Parcel (2720) in aec, 30, T. 117, 7.. 21; 8 un~latted lots in Parcel (0375) in Sec. 30, T. 117, 2, 21; Lots'l thru 4 incl,, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Trunk :.latermain under 3-A above includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Comnencing at N,Y. corner of Sec,31,T.l17,R..21; th, S, along the center lina of Cty. Rd.#18 to center line of Roushar Rd.; th, E. alon? center line. OF Roushar Rd. to center line of State Hrry,#lG9-212; th, NEly alonq center lhe of State Hwy.8169-212 to W, line of Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn, extended S, to center line of Hwy,#169-212; th, NIJly, XEly, I?, , 1J\lly, and idEly along I!, line of Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn. to H.E. corner of Lot 1, B1. 1, Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn,; th. HVly to S.E. corner of Lot 5, Bl, 2, Parkwood Knolls 5th Addn.; th, 1I'ITly to S,E, corner of Lot 5 B1. 2 Parkwood Knolls 5th Addn, ; th. NVly a1on.t; rear lot lines of Lots 1 thru 5 of said B1, 2, to center line of Schaefer Rd,; th, il, alonz center line of Schaefer 'id, to i?, line of Sec. 319T,117,R.21; th, t!. along id, line of said Section to Wl/4 corner thereof; th, $1. aloq E, line of SU1/4 Sec. 30, T.l17,R,21, a dist. of 215'; th, lWli2 Vly and SVly parallel to and 215' ii*? !!, , and Sly of center line of Parkwood Rd, to N.:J. corner of I$.El/4 02 N.;J,1/4 of Sec. 3l9T.117,R.2L; th. N, along 14. line of Sec, 3l9T,1l7,R,21, to 9oint of Lots 1 thru 4 incl,, 3lock 1, rl beg inning , It . The area proposed to be assessed for Replacement under 4-A above includes streets pronosed to be improved. (3) I6r)TICE OF PUBLIC SANITARY SEIsIER, the cost of the propxed Asphalt Concpete all lots and tracts of land abuttin2 the GRETCHEN S. ALDElT Village Clerk HEARI8CS ON TlATEi?%UN, AND STORM SEVER EDIN.4 VILLAGE COUXCIL will meet at the Edina Villa.;e Hall on llonday, October 22, 1962, at 7:OO P.M., to consider the followinq yoposed improvements to be con- structed under the authority granted by Flinnesota Laws of 1953 The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village Engineer as set forth below: ESTTHATED COST 1, CONSTRUCTIO~LJ OF' VILLAGE SAHITARY SEVER AND AP?URTEMAI;ICSS Cha?ter 398, IN THE FOLLOIII11C; : ~T?est Shore Drive from Hibiscus Ave, to Hriy.fj100 yPoppy Lane from \?est Shore Drive to Hr2ry.1'#100 g.!::ellog,g Ave, from Hibiscus Ave, to 466' S, +,5edurn Lane from Vest Shore Drive to Kellogg Ave. *,Hibiscus Ave. fpom Vest Shore Drive .to Kellogg Ave, THE FOLLOWIISG : $62,925.15 2, CQHSTRUCTIOIJ OF VILLAGE WATEF%AfN PsND APPURTENANCES Iid j.I1ibiscus Avet from :Jest Shore Dr, to Kellogg Ave. I/";Jest Shore Dr. from Hibiscus Aver to ilwy,#lOO v qpy Lane from Yest Shore Drive to II./~y,#100 Jedum Lane from 'lest Shore Drive to Ksllogq Ave, Ir;;;~-llogg Ave, from Gilford Dr, to S. line of Lake Edina 4th Addn. East Ssrvice Dr. of Hi/iy,#lOO fro= West Show Dr, to Poyy Lane $75,236 I 59 3. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE ST09rl SEIIER AlJD APIUQ.TEIJA,ICES 11.1 Tl-LE FflLLOI!IIIG : /:lest Shore Drive at the intersect?-on of ??. curb line 3nd ii. line of Lcit 21, 31, 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addn. extended Ely; r)n an easenent line b$tr:.een Lots 15 and 16, 3lock 1, Lake . Edina 3rd ,"idn, from !Test Shore Dr, to Lake Edina; rjn an easement line between Lots 7, 8, ,md 9, 310~1: 1, Lske Edina 3rd Addn. from :!est Shore Drive to Lake Zdina $ 5,978.90 Th,? pro7osad to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sanitary Sever under L a.bcsvc includes Lots 1 thru 21, incl;, 31. 1; Lots 1 thru 12, incl., 31, 2; Lots1 thru 13, incl., Block 3; Lots 1 thru 3, incl., B1. 4; all in Lakz Edlna 3rd Addn. ; Lots 7 thru 13, hcl, , 31. 2; Lots 1 thru 7, incl, , 31, 3; Lots .1 tliru 8, Lncl,, 21. 4, all i.n Lake Edina 4th Addn.;.and 7 unnlatted lots in Tract A of R,L.S, 2679, Sec. 3lgT,28,R.24. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the yopsed watemain under 2 above includes Lots 1 thru 21, incl,, El. 1; Lots 1 thru 12, j.ncl., 31, 2; Lots 1 thru 13, incl., 31. 3; and Lots 1 thru 4, incl,, 31, 4; all in Lake Zdina. 3rd Addn,; Lots 1 thru 9, incl,, 31, 1; Lots 1 thru 13, incl,, 31. 2; Lots L thru 7, incl., 31. 3; Lots 1 thru 8, incl., 51. 4, all in Lake Zdina 4th Addn,; ad 7 unplatted lots in Tract A of R.L,S, #G79, Ssc, 31, T.28, P,,24. 10/8/62 The area yroFosad to be asssssod for -the ccst oE the prooosed sTorm semr 268 under 3 above includes a11 lots and tracts of land within the folloving described boundaries: "Conmencinz at center of intersection of Hibiscus five, and :lest Shore Dr, S,; th. SSly to X.E. corner of Lot 21, B1. 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addn,; th. Silly along 16. line of Lot 21 a dist. of 35' ; th. Sly, SVly and illy parallel to and 35' 1Tly and Ely of the X. line of Vest Shore Dr. . and the E line of Poppy Lane to a point on E. line of Lot 4, 31. 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addn., said point being 35' IJ. of S.3. corner thereof; th, S. to 3.W. corner of Lot 5, B1. 2, Lake Edina 3rd Addn.; th. S. to S+21e corner of Lot 8, 31. 2, Lake Edina 3rd Addn,; th. SE1y to the 1d.W. corner or' Lot I, 31. 3, Lake Edina 3rd Addn. ; th, 1TEl;r to a point on the E, line of said Lot 1, said point being 35' S, of ;{.E* corner thereof; th. E., HEly, SEly, and ;fly parallel to and 35' S, of the S. line of :Jest Shore Dr. . to a point on the iIly line of Lot 12, €31. 3, Lake Edina 3rd Addn. , said point being 35' S. of the i?,W. corner thereof; th. iily to the I?.:]. corner of Lot 13, B1. 3, Lake Edina 3rd Addn.; th. Nly to S.Y, comer of Lot 1, Bl. 4, Lake Edina 3rd Addn,; th. IIEly to a point on il, line of said Lot 1, said point beinE 35' E. of H.Y. corner thereof; th, Hly parallel to and 35' E, of E, line of Ikst Shora Dr. to a point in Lot 4, 51, 4, Lake Edina 3rd Addn,, said point bein3 35' S. and 35? E, of 7,t.l. corner of said lot; th, E. parallel to and 35' S, of S. line of Hibiscus Ave, to a point in Lot 4, B1. 2, Lake Edins 4th Addn,, said point being 35' S, and 35' 9, of 11,E. corner of said Lot 4; th, 3, to center line, of Xibiscus Ave. ; th. :I. to point of bezinning." t GRETCKEN S. ALDEi? Village (!lei-k were five ayes and no nays, as follows: VanValkenburg , aye ; and Bredesen , aye ; and Di COU!?CIL AUTHOPIZES BIDS FOP. 1F:PROVE'IENT PRQJECTS , LETTING TO 3E OCTOSER 22. Village En2ineer TJegner advocated taking bid: October 22nd on several inprove- nents, for which plans have been prepa'red, and VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption : 3rief review was made of projects,. RESOLUTIOiT APPRC)VIXG PLAXS AtID SPECIFICATIOX FOX I?lPROVZ!iE:$T~ DIRECTING ADVERT1SE:IEHT FOR BIDS D PROPOSED SAiJITARY SE:?ER , '.IATER!4AI:J1 A:JD STOR'I SEPER 3E IT YSSOLVED by the Sillage Council of the Village of Edina: A;iD STOW SE!EP. I'IPE(fVE15E:ITS set forth in the follo!.rin:: Advertise-nent for 3ids fom, heretofore preparad by the Village Engineer and no!-? on fila in the office of tine I'illaze Clerk arz hsreby ziF?raved , 2. Courier and the Constructton 3ulletin ths followhq notice for bids for said iii?rcrvenents : 1. The ?lans and saec5.fications for the pro?osed SP.Z?ITAYY SC:!%F',, :?STZP'"AI:T T'ne Clerk shall cause to be published t:;ice in the Edina-*tTorninqsicie ADI%RTISE::EIIT FOR BIDS SAiIIT,4RY SEVER ~ VRTES"IAI;I I PHD STORI: SEIERS SEALED 3IDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village 'Yanqer in the Edina Village Hall, 4531 :J.SOth St,, at 1l:i)O Ifonday, Octobar 22, 1962, and the Edina Vlillaga Council will meet Tt 7:OO P,':,, on '.;onda;7, October 22, 1962, ta considel. said bids, bein3 for the follor+:inz: I, C[>IISTEUCTIO:I OF '!ILLt4C, SAINITIZRY SElfER AT4D ATFUBTET %ICES Iil 'f,E FOLLO'.:I;J? : A, Yest Shore Drive fron 'rIibiscus Ave. to H.;!g.;~lOO Poppy Lane from T,?est Shora Drive to Ht~~7,tEloO Kellogg Ave. fro.? dibiscus Ave. to 466' S. SedaT Lane frcn :!est Shore Drive to Xellcgg Ave, Hibiscus hve. fron 9e3t Shore Drive to Xellozg .Five, 2. CCC6SPFUCTZO;d OF PI LLArjE :lATER'?AIH NJD APPU?TEIXTCES I;! TIIE FQLL9:!IilZ : A, Hibiscus Ave, fro? :lest Shore Dr, to Xe11ozg Ava. :!est Shore nr. frcn Hibiscus Ave, to Iir.iy,$lOO Poipi Lane from Sest Shore Drive to Hwy.$100 Sedun Lane Trm Yest Shore Dr. to %ellog2 Ave, :/\ellog9 five, Erc-n Gilford Dr, to S, line of East Service Dr. of iIwy,#lOO fron !!est Shore Dr, Lake Edina 4th Addn. to Pappj Lano., *. 3 CGJSTSUCTICXJ OF VILLAG'% STDY.1 SGIIERS A;ID AFTU2TEiJARCZS 111 TiiE FOLLO:fI;dG: A, Uest Shore Drive at intersection of 'I, curb line and I?, line of Lot 21, Block 1, Lake Xi-na 3rd Addn. extended easterly; On an easement line betvzen Lots 15 and 16, 3lock 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addn, fron !led Share Dr. to Lake Edina; OR an easement line betwen Lots 7, 8, and 9, Block 1, Lake Edina 3rd , Addn. frci :lest Shore Drive to Lake Edina. 10/8/62 269 3, 1Ialifax.Lane from a point in existing storm semr line 330' S. of V.54th St,; th. S, to a point 3' 14, of the S1 line of Lot 1, B1. 4, Elmwood Terrace; th. !*T, to 2linnehaha Creek, !lark must be done as described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk, deposit of $10.00 (by check), which deposit will be refunded upn return of said plans and sp3cifications. accompanied by cash deposit, bid bond or certified check 2ayable to the Villaee Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) Fwcent of amount OF base bi-d. 3Y ORDER OF THE EDIiJA VILLAGE COUi6CIL. Plans and speciEications are available for a Xo bids will be considered unless sealed and The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids, GRETCHEH '3, ALDEi'4 6 Village Clerk Each and all of the terms of the forngoing advertisement for bids ars 3. hereby adopted as the terms and condTtions of award of the contract for said imnrovement. Votion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Dickson, and an Rollcall diPPR.AISAL FOR 40-ACRF DAVIS TRACT $43,750 ,OO, YIanager Hyde reported he hw received word that the Appraisal- for the 40-acre Davis Tract, just I'lorth of the School-owned property on Valley View Road, is $43,750.00, rrinich amount includes $8,752 delinquent taxes; that this is about the valuation expected by the Village. BOND SALE FORMALLY APPROVED, timi' 'r&tive to ?ne sale of bonds, Finance Director Dalen $resented Resolution for Council consideratj-on, pertinent to said sale, TuFa offered the following resolution and moved its ado$ ion : Pursuant to the discussions held fron time to After review b57 Council, RESOLUTIOX PROVIDIIJG FOR PU3LIC SALE OF $150,000 PAFX SYSTQ4 BQIJDS AHD $1,000,000 IMPROVEME~~iT BOlJDS 3E IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Yinnesota, as follows : 1. form of notice hereinafter contained for the purpose of receiving and con- s;-dering sealed bids for, and avarding the sale of $150,000 Park System Sonds of said Village, authorized to be issued by vote of the electors votin? at an election duly called and held, and $1,000,000 ImpTovernent 3onds to be iswad nursuznt to the authority of Chapter 429 af vzrious local improvements, 2.. The Clerk has heretofore been authorized and directed tn cause notice of the tlme, ?lace and purpose of said neetln? to be publlsh2d at least ten days in advance of the time of said meeting .in the official ner.rspa?or of the VCllage and in the Commercial Hest, a Feriodical ?ubli,_shed in Pinneapolis, ?;innesota vrhfch notices are in substantially the folloxing forin: This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the ?,!innesota Statutes, for the Financing giving financial news and of general circul3ttioi-1 thkou+out the state, !JOTICE r)F SALE $1,150,000 GEliERP..L O2LIGATiO;J 30idDS VILLAGE 3F EDLNA ~ I-IEXINEPLY CDGJTY TfI:JiJESCITh i?OTICE IS iIEXZ3Y GIVZll t'nat the Council of the Village oE Edinl, :* Irnn~zsata., .irill meet at the Village Hall, 4SOl :lest 50th StrGet, Edin3 24, Vinre- sota on lfonday, October 22, 1962, at 7:OO o'clock P,?f,, Central Standard TCn.s, to open, receive and consider bonds OP th% Village in the aggregate amount of $1,150,000, including $l,r100,000 Ivprovenent 3onds to be issued yrsuant to Cha?ter 429, 1iinneso-k Statute-,, for thc financing of the construction of various water main, sanitary and storrq semi- and strezt improvements, in antici~ation of the collection of snecial assessments levied and to ba levied therefor; and $150,000 Park System 3onds, to fie iszued pursuant to Chapter 475, Minnesota Statutes, for the finmcinz of the acquisition of pwks and playgrounds, and to be payable ?rimariljj fro3 taxes u5on all taxable propzrty within the municipality, levied pior to the issuance OB the bonds. The full faith and credit of the Village will be pledged for the payment OF both issues, with interest, and for the lev37 of any additional ta'xes necessapy for deficiencies, The bonds of both issues mill be dated as of December 1, 1962, 2nd will bear interest at a rate or rates to be desiznated by tha succsssful bidder, payable semiannually on June 1 and Decenber 1 in each year* The Improvenent Bonds vfll mature serially in the mount of $100,000 on December 1 tn each of the yeaws 1964 through 1373, without option of orior papent. The Park System aonds dl1 mature serially on December 1 in the amount of $15,000 in each of the years 1963 through 1966 and $10,000 in each of the ~reql*s 1967 sealed bids for and award the sale of general obliration -1 270 10/8/62 1975, vithout owtion of prior paynent, the 2urchaser r-rithout cost and xithin forty-five days after the date of sale the printed and executed bonds of each issue and the approving lezal opinion thereon of 'iessrs . Dorszy , Oven together vith the custmary certificate evidencing absence of threatened or 2snding litigation affecting the validity of the bonds, mailed or delivered to the undersiped Clerk, and must be received at her office ?rior to the time of the meeting, companied by a cashier's or certified check or bank draft in an mount not less than $23,000, payable to the Villaee Treasurer, to be retained by the Village as liquidzted dama2es if th~ bid should be acce?ted and the bidder shall fail to comdy therewith, cost, conputed to the stated maturities of the bonds at the cou?on rate or rates specified, less the mount cf any premium offered, Each coxpon rate stated, and the aggregate interest rate vhen represented by more than one set of coupons, must be an integral multiple of 1/4 or 1/10 of 1% per annum. 3ids must spcify a uniform rate of interest from date of issue to maturity for all bonds maturing on a single date, but may specify an additi-onal rate of interest to be Fayable on any or all bonds For any portion of their tern, reprssented by suylemental couFons. The bcnds will be issued in the denominaticn of $1,000 o~ $5,000 each, 2s specified by the purchsser vithin 48 hcurs after the sale. than the par value of all of the bonds, ?ius accrued intere%t, rrill be considered. The Counc5.L reserves the right to reject any and all bids, to ::-.,ive any Snfor3alitp in any bid, an6 to adfourn the sale iB deened ex2edient. The Village t.:ill furnish and deliver to !:arquart , Yindhorst G Mest, of :Iinneanolis , Yinnesot3, Sealed bids marked "Bid for $1,150,000 qeneral Obltgation 3onds" nay be Eac?i bid must be unconditional and must be ac- 30nds will be preferred on the basis of the lorrest net interest I ~Jc! oral bid and no bid For less 3Y n?DE2 nF THE VILLAGE C'I'J;:CIL GRETC3E:f S , ALDZJ Village Clerk 4801 'lest 50th Street Edina 24, "?innseota 3, Each and all of the terns and movisions of t:ie foreyoin? nctice are hereby sdopted as the terns and conditions OF said bcnds and sale thereof. f0r.n of . of the :fotion for adoation of the foreZoin2 resolution was duly seconded by Vember VanValkenburg, and u?on vote beinq takzn thereon, the Followinc: menhers voted in I CLAI:IS PAID. dated October 8, 1962, vas seconded by Dickson and carried: $11.06.69; %ter Fund, $1,067.70; Liquor Fund, $25,596-94; Set+sr ?ental Fund, $132.76; P.I.X. and Poor Funds, S144.29-Tota1, $36,979.69. ?:c;tion by Tup, for ?aynint of the follovinn, ClaiTs, as per Prs-List General Fund, $3,316.59; Constructicn Fund, $254.72; Park 15 Park Canst. FunGL, The meeting's a7enda's haviq been covered, 'iac'lillan naveci for adjcurnwnt. Xotion seccnded TUPS and carried. b.djournmentAst 10:40 P.::, .