HomeMy WebLinkAbout19621022_regular271- 10/22/62 i'iI:?UTES nF THE QECULBR ";EETI:$IC OF TIiE EDINA VILLAGE COUMCIL, iIELD PIOXDAY, CfCT03ER 22, 1968, AT 7: 00 P.U. AT THE EDIXA VILL4GZ HALL ?$embers answerin? Rollcall were Dickson I Ilac7tillan , Tupa and VanValkenburq . Uayor Pro Tsm Dickson presided in ffayor aredesen's absence, $1,000,000 1TIPPI)VEI.TEIJT BONDS AXD~ $150,000 P4.W SYSTE!: BONDS SOLD. present7d affidavits showing publrcation in the officj.a.1 nevspzper md tile Ccnmercial Yest of notice of cal for bids on $150,000 Park System 30ndS and $1,000,000 Improvement Son& of the Villa.2e3 For which bids viere to Le received at this wetin2 in accordance with the resolution adopted by the Council cn OctoSer 8, 1962, Said affidavits were examined, found to ccanly with the ?revisions of rlinnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 475, and were aproved and oTdere?. placed on file, to said notice of call for bids, which ere theraupon opened znd read, and the bizhest aad best bid of each bidder was found to be as follows: The Clerk The Clerk t"ln announced that six sealed bids had been received pursuint $1,000,000 ImDrovcment 3onds Maturit:? Pr incipal Intewst I4aturity Fr incipgl Interest $150,000 Park Sys'tm 3onds Dates Pmount ?.ate % Date5 Amount T-r 1) 75ZGEZrL) . iIORTH'?E S TE ?i? !?AT I OIJ AL 1963 $15,090 3AUK OF "IIIJiJEAPOLTS : 1964 $100,000 3.10% 1954 15,000 ALLIS OX !!ILL1 A'IS 1965 100,000 3.10% 1965 15,000 J, 11, DAIX E COFlPANY, 1966 100,000 3.10% 1966 15,000 PIPE?, JAFFREY EHOPWOD ,1967 LOO ,000 3.10% 1967 LO ,000 CALD'1ELL-PHILLIPS E C0.1968 100,000 3.10% 1968 10,000 SCHAUCi3"SSY CO'IPAiJY , 1969 100,000 3,10% 1969 LO ,000 ifnODP,T!D EL'mOD E 1970 100,000 3.10% 1970 LO, 000 Cr)rlPAI'JY 1971 100,000 3 ,lo% 1971 10,000 1972 100,000 3.10% 1972 10,000 1973 100,000 3.10% 1973 10,003 1974 10,000 1975 10,000 Plus Premium of $588 22 on $1',150,000 Bonds Avera2e idet Interest ?ate - 3 ,LO% ' Net Interest Cost - $230,671,78 3 .lo> 3 10#?5 3,105 3 * LO3% 3 " 10"; 3 * 10:: 3.10% 3.10% 3.10% 3.108 3.10% 3,102 3.10% ' 1963 $15,000 2.00% PAL4E ,:JSBSEP, JACKSON 1964 $100,000 2.00% , 1964 15,000 2.00'. E CURTIS ,IIINLJEAPC)LIS : '1965 100,000 2.00% 1965 15,000 2.00% AIlD - COVMERCE TXUST C0,1966 130,000 2.40% 1966 15,000 2.40% KANSAS CITY NO. 1967 100,000 2,40% 81967 10,000 2.403 1968 100,000 2.40% 1968 10,000 2 . 40% 1969 103,000 2.70% 1969 10,000 2,708 1970 100,000 2.70% 19701 10,000 2.70% 1971 100,000 2,70% 1971 10,000 2.70% 1972 100,000 2.. 90% 1972 10,000 2.90% 1973 100,000 2.90% 1973 10,000 2 90'; 1974 10,000 2,90% 1975 10 $000 2.90% Plus Interest on all bonds at rate of 1,20% per annum for period Februarv 1, 1963 to June 1, 1963, iJo Premium. ]Jet Interest Cost - $202,000 Averags Net Interest Rdce - 2.70778 XALSEY STUART E CO., IBC, AiID ASSOCIATES 1963 $15,000 1964 $100,000 3.75% 1964 15,000 1965 100,000 3.75% 1965 15,000 * 1966 100 ,000 2,50% . 1966 15,000 1967 100,000 2.50% 1967 10,000 1968 100,000 2.50% 1968 10,000 1969 100,000 2 . 50% 1969 10,000 1970 100,000 2.50% 1970 LO ,000 1971 100,000 2.756 1971 10,000 1972 100,000 2.75% 1972 10,000 1973 lOQ,000 2.90% 1973 10,000 " 1974 10,000 1975 10,000 Plus Premium of $913.50 on $1,150,000 i3onds Met Interest Cost - $204,276,50 Average Xet Interest Rate - 2,7382%, 3.75% 3.75% 3.75% 2.50% 2.502 2.50% 2.50% 2.50: 2.75% 2.75% 2.90% 3 .OO% 3.00% 10/22/62 .. $1,000,000 Imnrovement 3onds Katurity Principal Interest Yaturity Principal Interest $150,000 Park System 3onds FIRST AT1 Od ktes Anount Rate % Dztes haunt Rate % T7EGiGG 1) -cjzzGE> 1) 1963 $15,000 HAFTFORD iTATI0:JAL BA3K 1964 $100,000 2,503 1964 15,000 A;JD TRUST CO!IPAXY OF 1965 100,000 2.506 1965 15,000 i-IARTFORD ,CCWECTICUT 1966 100,000 2.50% 1966 15,000 1967 100,000 2,505 1967 10,000 1968 100,000 2.502 1968 10 , 000 1969 100,000 2.938 1969 10,000 1970 100,000 2.30; 1970 10,000 1971 100,000 2.90% 1971 10,000 1972 100,000 2,90% 1972 10,000 1973 100,000 2,902 1973 10,000 1974 10,000 1975 10,000 Plus Premium of $430.91 on $1,150,000 hnds EIet interest Cost - $206,869.09 Average Net Interest Rate - 2,77303 1963 $15,000 L 3t&< OF 1964 $100,000 2.20% 1964 15,030 TiIE: !?IL'?AUKGE CO'IPiZX', 1966 100,000 2.203 1966 15,000 ST,J?AUL,'lAIIAGF1X: AIID 1965 100,000 2.20% 1965 15,000 'TLXAUXEE , :IiSOiISIK 1967 100,000 2.50% 1967 10,003 1968 100,000 2.50% 1968 10,000 1963 100,000 2.502 1969 10,000 197 1 100,000 2,832 1971 10,000 1972 100,000 2.802 1972 10,050 1973 100,000 2.90'; 1973 10 000 1974 10,000 1975 10,030 197 0 100,000 2,800 1970 10,000 Plus Intmst on all bonds at rate of 1.80.2 Fzr for qericd ;3ecqbe'r 26, 1932 to June I, 1953. :let Interast Cast - $207,012.50 Avers22 ::at Interest Rate - 2,77497 1963 $15,000 TJOiiLG ;IUVZE;J & CO. ,I~~C~ 1964 $100,000 2.50% 1964 15,000 ST, PAUL: KID 1965 100,000 2.50; 1965 15,000 "ERRILL LYIJC~I, PIE'CG , 1966 100,000 2,50?2 19G6 15,000 l'T~iX3? E S'IITH , ElfC , 19 67 100,000 2.505 1967 10,000 3.J.VA;i Z:JG;f G co., 1988 100,003 2,50& 1968 10,000 1::c 1853 100,303 2,50'3 1969. 10,330 DZ%l 'JITTER CQ., 1370 100,000 2.70; 1973 10,000 S~ZAE:St?~I,HA'I'~ILL E Cn, 1971 100,300 2.70% 1971 10 , 000 1372 100,000 2,803 1972 10,000 1973 100,000 2.83: 1973 10,000 1374 19,300 1975 10 ,a930 2.50% 2.50% 2,502 2.50% 2 ,50% 2,503 2,902 2.90% 2,90% 2.90% 2. so6 2,m 2'90% i ,20% 2.20% 2,200; 2.23% 2.50$ 2,505 2.80% 2.30% 2,802 2.90% 2 90$ 2.90Z 2,53% mnu- 2.50% 2 505 2.50% 2,732 2.70'; 2 , SO8 2.80% 2,802 2,80"; Plus Inzercst on all bonds at rate QE 1.80'; per 3nnuq fcr ?erlcd Deceiber 1, 1952 tc! June 1, 1963. iIet Intersst Cast - $208,270 .OO Avera2e ,rar Interest rste - 2.7518%. .I Tie intwest on s3id bcnds (bein3 the total interest to the stgted mzituritiss, less any prmiun offered) a.ccordin2 to the respective bid5 wzs then coaputed and re?ortei, Xenber Tupa then .i.ntroduced tha folloi+:ing Xesolution and moved its adopt ion : . PAXX S'ISTE?: XINDS nlID $1,000,000 if!- nv- ,u>r)LUTIO:i A,;lARDIijG SALE Q% $150,000 F?O','E?,'ZiJT SOlJDS. 3E IT ?SSOL?YrD by the Villaze Ccuncil of tile Village of Edina, *Iinne.-,ota, that the bid of PAB!E , IIG33Z:7iY JACXS0:I E CURTIS , ?IIi?:?EAFOLIS, ;.IIX4ESOTA and asscciates nsqsd t_hereh, to purchase $150,000 ?ark Systern 3onds and $1,000,000 Imyrovenent 3onds of thk Village, both issues to be dated a3 of Decenber 1, 1962, and to be issued as s?ecif&d in the official notice of sale thereof, is liereby found and declared to bs the bid most favorable to the Village received yrsuant to due notice, and shculd ba and is hereby accepted, said bid bein: to purchase said bonds at a price of par and accrued interest plus $-0- premium, bonds rnaturinz in the years stated belo:: to bear basic interest frcn date of issue until paid at the rate per annum set forth below opposite such maturity years, and to bear additional interest at the rate and for the limited period also set fbrth oyosite such maturity years, respectively: t 73 10/22/62 Period of Basic Rate Additional Rate Additional Interest 1963 to 1965,Incl, 2 ,oo% 1;2O% ptr annum Feb, 1, 1963 to June 1,1963 11 1; 11 11 11 It tt (1 11 1966 to 1968,Incl. 2.40% 1.20% 1969 to 1971,Incl. 2.70% 1.20% 1972 to 1975,Incl. 2.90% 1.20% c The TTayor Pro Ten and Clerk are authorized and directed to endorse an acceptance en said bld and on a cony thereof, and to return such copy to the brdder. The Treasurer is directed to retain the good faith check of said Xdder pendin5 delivery of the bonds and qayment therefor,, and ths good faith checks OF other bidders shall be forthwith returned to them. The motion for the adoption of the fore.join7 resolution trx seconded by Wmber Tuna than offared the following Ziesolution and moved its adoption: A RESOLUTIGJ T’IXIlJS THE FOW IYJD DETAILS OF $150,000 PARK SYSTEV SONDS AIdD LCVYIHG TAXES FOR THE PAYPlENT THE?EOF BE IT RESOLVED by the Villarlr,e Council of the Village of Edina, FIennepin County, Ifinnesota, as follows : 1, The VillaTe has heretofore sold its negotj-able coupon general obligation bonds designated as “Park System 30ndS” in the total nrincj-pal amount of $150,000 to PAIIJE, :?EB3EX, JACKSQIJ E CURTIS T’linnesota?, as lowest and best bidder, The voters on Tebruary 5, 1957 authorized the issuance oE $650,000 Fark System 3onds, bonds in the amount of $500,000 tiwe issued previouslv pursuant to such authorization, said bonds bein? dated flarch 1, 1957, originally authorized; the proceeds of this issue shall be used and are necessary to comrdete the improvement of the park system as originally scheduled, hereby found and determined to be in the best interest of the Village fsrthwitii to proceed with the issuance of said bonds, in number and numbered from 1 to (150) (301, inclusive, each in the denomination of ( $1,000) ( $5,000 1, and shall mature serially, lowest numbers f irst , irithout oation of prior payment, on December 1 in the amount o€ $15,000 in each of the and Associat6s of :!inneapolis, The $150,000 bonds now beinq issued represent the balance of said bonds It is 2, Said bonds shall be dated December 1, 1962, shall be (150) (30) )rears 1963 through through 1975. The serial numbers set annum set op?osite %.tu r i ty 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 1374 1975 1966-and in the amount of $10,000 in each of the years 1967 bonds of said issue maturing in the years and bearing the forth below shall bear interest at the respective ratas par said maturity years, from date of issue until paid: Years Interest Rate 2 ,OO% 2.00% 2 ,oo% 2.40% 2.40% 2 40% 2.70% 2.70% 2.70% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% 2.90% Each and a11 of said bonds shall bear additional interest, to be re?r,ssented by a senmate (set of) counon(s) designated as (a) lrBrr couyon(s), ai: the rate of 1.20% ?er annum from February L, 1963 to June 1, 1963. be ?ayable June 1, 1963, and semi-annually theresfter on June 1 and Decexber 1 ,of each year. AYET.‘ICAJ iJATIOX.1L BAI& in ST. PAUL !IIiJXES@TA ’I and the Villaga a,zrees . to ~3~7 the reason.able charges of such nayin2 aTent. substmt Lally the -Follot?l;_np, form: The interest on said bonds shall The nrinciml of and interest on said. bonds sh311 be ?a;t~Lrla at 3. Said bonds and the interest coupons to Ec thereto zttsched shzll lj5 In 10 /22/62 l!ILLACE OF EDIJA PARK SYSTE'.! 31liiIi) ($1,000) ($5,000) T;-IZ3E PRESEIITS that the \'%llap of Edin-1, !-Ienne?in Kinnesota, ackno:iledps itself to bs indebted 2nd for value received County Drcrnises to pay to bearzr the sun of TH3USA;?D DOLLhr?S on the 1st day of December, 3.9 at the rate of ner cent ( G) per annum frox the date hereof unt;fi -,aid nrincipal sum is paid, ?ius additions1 interest, represented by a separate (sst of) coupon(s) desiznated as "ill1 coupon(r;), at 196 to , 196: ; such interest being yyable June 1, 196q and seG"iannua11:y thereafter on tK 1st day of June and the 1st day of Deceqber in each year, and i-nterest to maturity being payable in accordance with and upon presentation and surrender of the interest couhons aD?urtenant in - . .. . . . . , in any co'in or currency OF the United States of %erica which on the date of napent is legal tender for public and pivste debts. For the pronpt and full myment of such wincigal and interest as the same res?ectivel!y becc-ae due, the full faith, credit and taxinp, powtrs of the Village have been irrev0cabl.l Fledged , yithout oy?tion af ?rior yqyrnent, and to pay interest therjon -5 the rate of per cent ( %) Der annum fron 9 hereto. 90th principal and interest are ~ayable at ? This bond is one or' an issue of bonds in the agzrsgate principal amount of $150,000, all of like date and tenor except as to serial number, interest rate and maturity, issued by said Sillap,e for the purpose pf ?roviding mone~y for the improvement of the park system OF the Village and is issued pursuant to authority granted by the electorate at an election duly called and held, and resolutions duly adopted by the Village Council, and nursuant to and in full confornitg with the Constitution and laws of the State of Flinnesota thereunto enablinq . IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AXD PGCITED that all acts, conditions and things required by the Constitution and laws d the State of Flinnesota to be done, to happen, to %xist and to be performed precedent to and in the issuance of this bond have been done, have ha?ncned, do exist, and have been performed in regular and due forn, tine md manner as so required; that, prior to the issumce hereof, a direct, annual, irrepealable, ad valorem tax has been duly levied upon all of the taxable pro?ert;y in said ?illa.s,e for the years afid in amounts at least 5% in excess of suqs sufficient to ?ay the interest hereof and the principal hereof as tne same res?ectively becow due, and additional taxes, if needed, vi11 be levied u?on all of such property without limitaticn as to rate or arnount; and that this bond, tozether with all other indebtedness of said Villaze cutstandinq on the date hereof sn$ on the date of its actual issuance and delivery, does not exceed any constitutional or statutory limitation of indebtedness. I:f BITBESS III-IEFXOF, the Yi.ll,age of Edina, Hennepin County, Yinnesota, by its Village Council, 113s caused this bond to be +s~@g$ in its behslf by the signzture of the l?avor, -Ittested by the Village &Le&, and tiie cornorate seal to be hereunto affhed, and the interest coupons anpurtenmt hereto and the le2al onlnicn certificate on the reverse sid authenticated by the facsinile signatur bond to Le dated as of D?cwbsr 1, 1962, aof to be mecuted and Attest - .- . "I (SE4L) ;lo, 5 Henne?fn Ccunty, ':Lnncsota, xi11 ?a;. to bearer at mount shown hereon in lariFu1 money of the United St3Ces OF Pmerica, for tiie installnent of interest then due on its Park Systev 3,ond dated Decexber 1, 1962, 110. (Pacsinlile siSn2'ture) (2aesb-tile siznature) (Forn cf certificate to be printed on the reverse' side of each band, fcllovring a full cony of the le?aL minion on FQPT~ of 'Coupon) 3n the 1st d3y c2 June (December), 19 , the Irillqe of Edina, - , in the Villzge 'Iana7ei- 'layor the issun,). 10 /22 /62 275 t?L :-le certsf;. that the above is a full, tm3 and correct coyy OF the lepl opinion rendersd by bond counsel on the issue of nark srzte;? bonds OF the Villag2 of Edina, Hennenin Count-, Yinnesota, vhich ?Includes the within bond, dated zs of the date of delivery of md payment for the bonds. (Facshile sbnature) ( Facsi-mile signature) 4. Vi1la.p fiknagsr '!ayor Clerk and when so nrepared shall be executed in behal-F of the villap by the sigature of the ?layor and attested by the Village @feig and the corporate saal of the Villqe shall be affixed thereto, and the apyrtenant i.nterest couaon? and the leyal ophion certificate on the reverse side of the bonds shall be exacuted and authenticated by the minted, eny-lved or lithograyhed Facsimile signatures of said Yayor and Villqe Mngger. executed and authenticated, the same shall be dalivered bythe Treasurer to enesa~e~-a~~-a~~ke~~~ea~e~~-~~~-sarile-e~~~~-~e-~e~~~e~~~-~~-~~e.-~~e~~~~e~--- the purchaser thereof on receipt of the nurchase price and s2id ourchaser shall not be required to see to the ?ro?er aonlica-ti-on therwf. For the ?rn-nnt and full iayinent nf the princinal and interest nn sai-d bonds as the same res?ectively becme due, the full faith, credi-t and taxing novrers of thz Villaze shall be and ars hereby irrsvoc.7bly ?led?&. To Frovide moneys for the nayxent thereof, there is hereby levied upon a11 of thc taxable Yroperty in the Village a direct, annual, ad valorem tax dnich shall be spread upon the tax rolls for the years and in the amounts as follo~rs, and collected with and as a part of other zeneral taxes of the Village in the respective ensuing years: Said bonds shall be prayred under the direction of the Sillqe !.I ao r I-lhen said bonds have besn so 5. . Amount - Year - Year 4inount - 1962 $21,000 1969 $13,000 1963 21,000 1970 12 .ooo 1964 20,000 1971 12,000 1965 20,000 1972 12,000 1966 14,000 1973 11 2 000 1967 13,000 1974 11,000 1968 13,000 The proceeds of such tax shall be ?aid into the general oblizxtion bond rs- demption fund, and eqended therefron in accord.ance with Ordinance 1.10, 17 , adoated February 25, 1957, and said bonds and interest shall be paid from said fund and secured by all of the covenants contained in said ordinance. There is now on hand in said fund a sum not less than $21,000 in excess of amounts required for the payment of outstanding bonds and interest myable thsrefrorn under the provisions of Uinnesota Statutes 1961, Section 475.61; rrhich sum is hereby agaropriated irrevocably for the oayment of the ?resent issue, in addition to the Droceeds of the tax levies made herein, with the County Auditor of Hennepin County a certified copy of this resolution, tozether with such other information as the County Auditor may require, and to obtain from said County Auditor a certificate that the tax required by law for t'ne payment of said bonds has been levied, and that said bonds have been entered u?on his bond rezister, County 3re hereby authorized and directed to yepare and furnish to the yrc'nasar of said bonds, and to the attorneys approving the legality oB the issumc? thereof, certified copies of all nroceedings and records of the Villaze rel?tina to said bonds and to the financial condition and aflcairs of the Village, and such other affidavits, certificates md inforqation as be raquired to shot7 the facts relating tn the. leylitv .snd nar:.:etab'lit:r of said bcnds as the same a?qear from the books and :records under their custody and ,control or as othervise knom to them, and all such certified cmies, certificates and affidavits, includinq any heretofore furnished, shall be deemed reprssentxzttions of the Village as to the facts racited 'therain. Th.3 motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution vas seconded by VanVal!kenbar~? 6, The Village Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file 7, The officers of the Villap and the County Auditor of Henne?in 10/22/62 After further discuss: on , ilerlher Tum introilucad The Followin? rtesolution and 1 276 moved its adoption: PESOLUT1C);I DIRECT1;IG THE ISSUAIJCE OT $1,000,000 Z"?R3!JElE3T B3!SDS I CDZATIlIG ACC3U:ITS T;E?EFOP %ID P?0'1IDI;IG FCIR A:ID AWYQOPXt'TI~IG SPZCIAL AS- SE:SS;!Z;JTS AYD AD VAL3n?I.' TAXES FO? TAE PAYT'EiJT I THEREOF 3E IT RESOLIED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, :Tinnesota, 1. It is hereby found, determined and declared that this Council by as follows: resolutions duly adopted, has ordered construction of the various local improve- ments for the Villa.l;e as itemized in paragraqh 7 hereof, after notice given and public hearing held for each improvement in the manner rrescribed by Chapter 429, Yinnesota Statutes 1961; that a contrsct for the construction of each of saLd improvements has bean duly axarded,. after consideration of bids received pursuant to published notice and in accordsnce with the plans and s?ecifications which tiere approved by this Council; that the total estimated cost of said improvements is approximately $1,104,852.68; and that it is now necessary and in the best interest of the Village to proceed forthwith to issue zeneral obligation bonds of the Village to proceed forthwith to issue general obligation bonds of the Villaee oursuant to Hinnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429, in the amount of $1,000,000 to pay the cost of said improvements, ::innesota, and Asscciatb, to purchase said bonds at a. price of par and accrued interest and a $0- premium and subject to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth has heretofore been duly accepted by this body as the lowest and best bid €or this issue, 3. dated Dscenber 1, 1962, 1 throuzh (1,000) (200) inclusive, in denominations of($1,000) ($5,000) each. 3onds maturing in the years set forth below shall bear interest from date of issue until paid at the basic rata Der annum set opposite said maturity years and shall bear additional interzst represented by sepsrate 93" couDons aopurtenant to said bonds, at the additional rate per annum fro3 the limited period also set forth omosite said maturity ~ears,.respectively: Period of 2, the pro?osal of PAIL?€, f.lE39ER, JACKS03 € CURTIS, of ttinneapolis, Said bonds shall be denoninated Imnrovement 3onds, and shall be Said bonds shall be (1,000) (200) in number and nunbered fro? :Iatuqity Years Basic Pate Additional Rate Additional Interest 1964 and 1965 ' 2 00'; 1,2t)':j Feb.1,1963 to June 1,1963 1966 to 1968,Incl. 2.40% 1.20% Feb.l,1963 to June 1,1963 1969 to 1971,Incl. 2.70% 1*20% Feb.1,1963 to June 1,1963 1972 and 1973 2.90% 14 20% Feb.1,1963 to June 1,1953 i Interest on all of said bonds shall b2 payable on June 1, 1963, and semiannuallj theresfter on each December 1 and dune 1. numbers first, without opticn of prior paynent , on Dzcember 1 in the mount of $100,000 in each af the years 1964 through 1973. said bonds shall be payable at AYERICA2? IJATIOiTAL 3AIJX in ST. FAUL, FXiJI'JESQTA, and the 5rillaZe azrees to pa- the reasonable charayes of such paying aTent substzntially the folloxing form: Said bonds shall mature seria1l:y lovest , 30th Frincipal and Lnterest on 4. Said bonds and the interest coupons to be attached thereto shall be in WJITED STATES OF AtIERICA STATE OF 'II1CJESC)TA Cr)U;?TY OF HEIWEPXJ VILLAGE OF EDIiJA XXOTi ALL l*Zi: SI' Ti-IESE PXZSEJTS that the Village of Edina, Hennqin County ises to gay to bearsr the sum of Decer?ber, 19 froa the dare hereof until said princ2yal sun be mid zt the rate of sai-d principai sum at the rate of ?er cent ( 3) per annun, reprssented b~r a separate (set of) tr3'8 couDon(s) frcx 1363, and serniznnually thereafter on the first day of Dscembsr 2nd the First dzy of June of each year, interest to naturity beinz represented by and ?ayeble in accordance with and upon presentation 8nd surrender of the interest capons here-to apy-mzenant. i= any coin or currency of Vie United States of Anerica Aich the resnzctive d;i-tes of ?ap.ant is legal tender %or aub1i.c and nrivate debts. For tile ?p'onnnt and full 3apent of such yrinci?sl and interest as the same bcccne due the full faith, credit and taxing porrers of the Village are hereby irrevccably pledged, :!innesota acl:nowledFes itself to be indebted and For value received ~ron- TrIr)USA;ID DnLL?PS on the first day of dthout o?tion of Frior ?aymnr, ad to 9137 intwest tiereon, -9 I %) om annum, and to pay additional interest oa - per cent ( 3 18 ¶ to Y 19 . Interast il; Fayzble Trcn June I, 30th principal and interest are nayable at in 277 10 /22/62 This bond is one of an issue in the az:razat? princical amount of $1,300,000 211 of lik3 date and tenor exci@ as to serial number, maturity daw and interest rate, all issued For the pur?ose of defrayin.: expenses Lncurrad ar,Or to be incurred in constructing improvements in and for said ?illage, and is ksqued pursuant to and in full conformity with the Constitution and lam of the Stat3 OF Utnnesota thereunto enabli-na, and ?ursuant to resolutions duly adonted b57 tha Vil- lap,e Council, This bond is ?ayable primarily fron the Improvement 3ond Pedenption Fund of the Village, but the Council is required by lax to nay ma.turin2; principal and interest out of any funds in the treasury if moneys on hand in said sinldny Fund account are insufficient therefor. IT IS HZE3Y CERTIFIED, COVEIIAXTED AiiD AGPEED that a11 acts , condition-, and things required by the Constitution and laws OF the State of flinnesota to Lc done, to exist, to hanpen and to be performed preliminary to and in the issuance of this bond in order to make it a valid and bindin? Senera1 obligation OF s2id ?illa?e according to its term have been dona, do exist, have haFpen2d 3nd have been oerforrned as so required; that orior to the issumce hereof the Village lras covenanted md agreed to levy special assessments U?Q~ yroyerty beneFited by said irnprovewents which special assessments are collectible in the years and in anyre- :ate amounts not less than 5% in excess of sums sufficiant to p13y the intn,re-,t en and principal of the bonds of this issue as they resmctively bccom due, and has irrevocably pledged and appropriated said assessaents in such azzrezate mountz to said sinking fund Improvement aond Account; if necessary to pay such y-incipal and interest, ad valorem taxes are required by law to be levied on all tsxable proyrt-r in the Sillase without. limitation as to rate or mount, should said assessments mesently levied prove insuEficient; and that the issuance of this bond does not cause the indebtedness of the Village to exceed any constitutional or statutomy limitation of indebtedness. IN !TtTMESS WEREOF, the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, State of liinnesota, by its Village Council, has caused this bond -to be executed by the signature of the ?layor, attested by the Villa2e Vanazer, and s3aled with the Villa3e seal, and has caused the interest coupons appurtenant hereto and the 1e;..31 oninion certificate on the reverse sida heredf to be executed and authcnticated bsr the facsimile siznatures of said offi dated as of December 1, 1962. d has caused this bond to be Attest : -aM- Village blanazer (SEAL) :lo (Form of Coupon) S __I_ 9n the first day of June (December), 19 , the VillaZe of Edsna, - TT nennPnin County, Vinnesota, rrill Fay to bearar at , in the avunt shorm hereon in lawful money of -the United States of hiepicz, far -she installmznt of interest then due on its Improvement Bond dated Decambzr 1, 1962, IIC. (Facsimile siyature) (Facsiqile 2iznatuw) 0 - Villaz: T:andpr : %:?or (Form of certificate to be printed on the revarse sidz of esch bond, follow in^ a full CO?~ of t?is lezal onhion on th3 issuae,) !le certify that the above i-s full, trus and correct coy of the ley1 mi-nion rendered by bond counsel on the issue of bonds of the Vi'llagc of Edina, Ifinnesotcl, which includes the within bond, dqted as of the date of delivery of and naymznt for the bonds. (Facsimile signzturs) (F'acsinile s5pxture) -. Villa..3;e TTangger I 'a.,ror 5. SaLd bonds shall be ?reoared under the dirscti-on of the Vlllaze Clcrl: and shall be aycuta,d on behal-F of the Villay by the si-gnatur" 05 the ITayor, at- tested by the @em% and the cor9orate seal shall be affixed thereto, and th2 inter- mt coupons attached to said bond3 and the 1qal qinion' certi'Ficate on t1-12 rcv2riz sido thereof shall be executed and authenticatqd 3v the yinted, enpav3i or litho- Zraphed facsimile sipatures of said !:aycr and'&@T ?inen said bonds h3.v~ b=;.cn so 9:iecutl.d and authentic-ated, they shall be delivern,d by the Treasurer to the ?UP- chaser thereof u?on Fayment of the yrchase price in accord+nce with the centract of sale 'nerstofora made and executed, and said purchasar shall not ba obli2a-i-cd tc s;3e to the aydication 0-€ the purchase pricz, This body has heretofore by Ordinanca Jo. 14, dated Smtcmher 12, 1955, duly created an Tm?rovement 2ond Sedemptlon Fund the provisfons of t7hiCh aj.8 ap?licable to these bonds as !.re11 as all other bonds issued pursuant to Chapter 429, ?iinnesota Statutes 1961, created .EI. spxial fund for each of the imyovements listed in naraysJra7;i 7 belox which funds shall be or arP- in 'she form "Fund for nacrer 6, There is hereby created or there has heretctfore Lsen Imnrovemcnt 278 10/22 /62 . ,fn, !*; sn;cial sssesrgrlents levied, and to be levied, r.!ith resnect to each - hycroveqent sfiqmarized in $aragra$i 7 below sfiall be credit;l?-d to its im9rovemen-t fund as nezded until the cost of such improvement shall have been fully paid, Out of the proceeds of the bonds issued hereunder there shall also be credited to such accounts such suns as are necessary], vhen conbined t-rlth available funds from other sources, to 3ay the cost of each of sald improvements, improvement shall be used solely to pay the cost and expanses of the making thereof as such expenses are incurred and allowed, provided that excess sums, if any, in said accounts may be transferred .in accord with the provisions of OrdLnance !To. 14. and perform all acts and things necessary for the final and valid levy of snecial assessn=nts for the paypent of the cost of each of said im?rovements, such portion of the cost to be assessed or having been assessed being in ea& case 100% of the estimated cost of the improvenent to the Village. Such assessments :.:ill, be made payable in ten equal annual installmsnts, except that the assessnents for black- topping improvements xi11 be payable in five installments and those Tor paving vi11 be payable in fifteen installments together with 'interest at the rate of five per cent per annum on the balance of the assessnents rem=6ning unpaid from time to time; will be spread won the tax ralls of the Sillaye coxmencinp, not later than 1963. The estimated cost of each of the inprove-ants to be financed frcm the pro- The fund of each 7. The Village hereby covenants and agrees Viat it has done or will do ceeds of this issue are as folls!-rs: CUE3 & GUTTER AidD BLACKTOPPIXG - -. - Street Improvement NO. BA-38 Street Imirovement Street Improvement Street ImDrovemen t Street Improvenent Street Improvenent Street Improvement Street Improveaent Street Imw ovem Bnt Street Improvement Street Imr>rovement S-treet Izprovement Street Improvement Street Improvanent Street Improvement Street Inpr ovenent Street Iqrovenent BLACKTOPPIilG Street Improvment Street Irnproveaent CUX3 AilD GUTTER ' Street Improvenent Xc?, 311~39 NO, BA-40 140. BA-43. 140. 3A-42 i?~, BA-43 1?0. BA-44 140. BA-45 30, BA-46 Ho. SA-47 >IO. BA-48 NO. 36-49 210, BA-50 T~o, 3A-51 No, 3A-52 110. 36-53 I$o, i3A-54 140, 3-74 30, c-33 ido, C-84 SdXITA4Y SETlZfi Sanitary Se:i.er Improvement Sanitary Sewer ITprovement Sanitary Serrer I-npovenent Sanitary Sev:er Lqarovenent Sznitary Sewer Iivrovernent Sanitary Sexer Tmprovamcnt Sznitarg Sewer Improvenent Sanitary Sewer Iqxovenent Sanitary Sewer Im?rovement Sanitary Sewer Improvenent Sanitary Sewer Inprovement Sanitary Sever Improveaznt Sanitsry 'SSW~F Innroveaent Sanitary Ser.rer Improvenent Sanitary Sewer Improvment STO2.I; SE!:ER . '' '. .Stern sawer Storm Sewer Stom Sever Storm Sever Stom Sewer Storm Sewer Storm Sewer Storin Sewer Ia?rovemnt Imarovernent Improvement Improvement Improvenent In~rovcment Imyovenent Improvement Yo. 179 iIo, 181 i?s. 186 Ne. 187 iJo, 188 ;do. 189 ;io. 191 :lo. 192 30, 193 ;io, 194 ;io. 195 No. 196 Ilo. 197 30. 198 No, 18s ire. 65 :To. 66' 30. 67 :To, 70 140. 71 20. 73 ifo, 74 30, 75 $2,970.13 4,446,74 14,491.25 10,300.22 6,114,09 12,159.41 96,580.87 3,636.65 G ,760.85 4,377 . 71 11,142.96 10,878.89 32,091.53 3,810.53 46,445.51 5,764.53 11,234.87 $283,206.71 $12,003.70 2,402.35 - $ 14,406.05 $ 5,707.51. $ 5,737.51 $ 3,912.46 4,562.51 $ 8,474,97 $ 5,456.94 13,202 .OO 12,347.73 8,205,09 1% ,503.83 16,ac)G. 79 4,043,40 7,551,08 13,133.92 3 ,221.61 17,,612*94 9,952 95 75,434.99 35,340.73 3,330,40 $242,159.40 $15,362.85 39,677.30 2,434,55 96,326.99 13,342.43 5,584'27 9,935.49 13,195,lO R I $196,908.93 279 10 /22 /62 -?Y 'latermain Imorovemznt ilo, 163 $160,914.90 :!atarmsin Imnrovement i,ro, 164 30,381.51 '.late ma in Im?rovenen t Xo, 165 5,926.13 'I ii atsrnain Inprovement :lo, 166 20,032.35 Vat armain Improvement iJo. 167 29,371.19 $246,626.08 CO;I3IFIED FRIIJECTS '- Sani'tarv Sewer Improvment) No, 175A T ratermain Improvement ) No, 152A $ 1,392.G5. $ 1,392.65 PA 'I I i? G St met Improvement No. E-11 $ 11,189.79 Street Improvement NO, E-12 9,447.09 Street Improvement ;?o, E-17 85,333 45 $105,970.33 TOTAL $1,10 4,85 2 G 8 8, The full faith and credit of the Villaze shall be and arz hereby irrevocably pledged for the nrompt and full payment of the principl of and interest on said bonds. Said bonds shall be ?rimarj-l;{ nayable From the Im?rovement 30nd Redemption Fund created by qrdinance ;,Joe 14, on a ?arity vrith improvement bonds heretofore issued pursuant to said ordinance, but if mcneys in said fund should at any time be insufficient to pay all ?rincipal and interest due on such bonds, j-nclud;-nz this issue, the V?Jlage covenants and agrees that it vi11 provtdc suffi- cient noneys to restore such deficiency in the manner set forth in said ordinance. T'n2 special assessments and taxes heretofore levied and an?roprhted to the In- provement Sond RedemFtion Fund, togethw with the cash balance nov on hand in sai-d fund, are estimated to be collectible in the years requCred and in amounts suffi- cient to produce sums very substantially more than 5% in excess of tile annual amounts of principal and interest to become due on a11 Improvement Bonds payable from said fund, includinp, the issue herein authorized. presently required to be levied for the pa-went of nrincioal and interest on this issue, under the provisions of Uinnesota Statutes 1961, Sect?-on 475,61. iiovrever, the obliga.tibn of the Villaze is eywessly recopizad and affirmed, to lsvy -1 t8x u7on all taxable property within its cor?orate limits, ttlthout li-mitation as to rate or amount, if found necessary :For the papent of such yincipal or interest. T'ne Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to file trith tile County Auditor of Hennepin County, a certified copy of this resolution and to obtain from said County Auditor a certificate setting forth the rqistration of said bonds in his ragister in accordance with the provisions of Yinnesota Statu-tm 1961, Sac t i on 475.63, as amended, The officers of the Village and the said County Aud3.tor arz hereby authorized and directed to prepare and furnish to the Furchaser of saic ban& and to the attorneys apyoving the le@ity of the issuance thereof certified co$es of 111 proceedings and records relatin2 to said bonds and to th? fj.ntncia1 affair.; of the ?illqe, and such other affidavits, certificates, and inFormtinn 3s be required to show the facts relating to the lezallty and rnaket3zbili.tst of said Lonil; as the same appcar from the books and records under the;-r custody and contrGl QP a? otheruise l~notm to them, and a11 such certified coFles, certificates and affidavitr,, includj-ng any heretofore furnished ES to the facts recited therein. Accordi-nzly, no tax is 9, 10, ..1 shall be deemed representations of the Vi.llay rl lhe motion for the adontlon of t'w Foregoin; resolution vas tiu1:r I. secondsa by nenber I~anValkenbur~ y.7oted in favor ther2of: ana uyon vote bein? taken thzraon, the followin? ?~acIliLlan~ aye; Tupa, aye; Dickson, q~e; whereupon said resolution vas declared was siyed by the Thyor Pro Tern, rrhich rms a;jsste,d ,/ COUNCIL A!!AF.DS BIDS FOR POLICE CARS OJ BMIS OF llIL?DIVIDUAL LO~US1l , tflaria-s,cr ilgtie Tabulation shoved nresentednj-on of Bids talcen today on four Police Cars, receipt of fouf; bids--from Hull-Dobbs at Total Bid on a11 cars, $5,742.00; South- dale Ford $ $5,829.44; Suburban Chcvrolet Co., $5,931.53 ; and Ilopltins ffotor Sales, $G,17i).OO, It was noted that bidders could bid on '[any or all" items, and that the total of low bids on individual cars vms some $81.66 lover than the lowest "total" bid. individual vehicles, as follnws: Ilull-Dobbs on Rord F300-2 Dr,, at $1,094,00, and on a Country Sedan zt $2.,S~B.O0; Southdale Ford on a Ford r300 at $1117.45; and Suburban Chwrolet on a 3iscayna 2-Dr, at $2,160.89, for a total 0,' $5,G60.34, Vr. #John Patterson of Southdale llotors asked For award of all cam to his cen?an:r on ba3i-s that they are local firm and only $34 hi$ on first three itens, Jake :Fiesen of Hull Dobbs reForted nroposal had called for "total net bid", dnich rrould entitlo, his conyany to a~ard on all fcur. This last st#cement :rag corrcctccl by Mr. %,xis who read Prey the proFosa1 form. made on basis of loti bj.d in each individual cat~33r~7~ ms seconded by VanVdl;enbu-L.T -4 Fdanager Hyde reconmended award on the basis of the Low bids on the f:r. Tupa's motion, tIht nurchase be carried. 280 10 /22/62 Y CXIT3ACT I'c3R SOIL SHREDDP, 2,';AXDED TO 'ZCCI? CO?EPAi?IIY. Tabularion or' bids taken toda;y on 2 Soil Shredder was presented by i.Ianagcr Ifyde, s:iowin.s, raceipt vF bids frca three firns--?* L, Sculd on a Lindifi F3 24 :Gth screen attachent, $2,800; '"innesota Toro, Inc, on a ?oyer Vdel 25, at $2,597.00, and Zeco Ccimany an a LLndi? F3 24 xtth screen attachqent at $2,551.50, I:r, Hyde reconended mard to lomst bidder, Zecc Cczqany, at $2,551,50, and it :ras so moved by Ifactfillan, seconded by Tuna and czrried, IilPP.ClfrE:?EiTT PETITIO3S ACCEPTED. The following Fetitions fer inprovements uera submittad b:~ Clerk, and by notion Tu?a, seconded by VanValkenbur2 and carried, were accent2d 2nd referred to Villz~e En93ineer. For nroprwd,nz: i t -..&.^.,. . .. .~ 1, 2, 3, BLACKTO? ND Gl?3 BXD WTTEP - Hairkes Terrace,??a&es Drive, and Hmkes 3LAC!<Tr3? PJD CUR3 UD GUTTER - Cherokee Trail, Gleason Xoad to Indian BLACKTO? AXD CUX3 A:ID CUTTER - 3avaho Trsil, Cherokee Trztil to Indian Lake Drive, :dills Pass. 3ill.s Paad. C(?U?TCIL SCFI-IXDULES HZ4RIliS F?X XOPE~TBER 12TH nPi l?ZZ(?:IT:lC %ID SPECIAL PEPXT Planning Corrmission on the following ptitions for remsiin~ and for s2ecial permits, sugzes-ting that Public Hearings be scheduled on these aetiticns for the np"t regular rleeti,nz: DISTRICT TO XULTIPLE FESIDEXE DISTRICT - "That Dart of Tract C, Registared Land Survey 194 lying 'Iesterly of a line commencing at a point in the 2orth line of said tract distant 257.86 feet tlestcrly fron the most Easterly corner thereof, thence running Southerly at right angles to the Southerly line of said tract, except road", - this being the westerly portion of thz Levis E, Jones property .bettieen Eden Prairie Rd. and Hwy,#169, just East of Blake Road. - Petition by ilobil Oil Co, and The Stow Co, for REZC).ifIlJG FROX OPES DEVEL0P;IEIIT D1ST"TCT TO CC)':'IUUITY STllRE DISTRICT oF "That part of the South 42.5 Feet of Lot 20, Auditor's Subd, 80, 72," and for SPECIAL PETilIIT PO? A GASOLIUE SE?I7ICE STATION thereon - This being a fifteen-foot wide strip just ;forth of the area recently zoned for this petitioner. Petition of Eugenia ileleve for REZOXilq FRO:? OPEI? DZVELWIXE:TT DISTRICT T3 AUTO;103ILE PAFXIRG DISTRICT , "That part of Lot 41, Aud, Subd, 110, 172 1ytng East of the T7es.t 145 Ft. thereof," - This tract lying South of the ikticnal Tea Store and directly East oT the premises at 5027 Halifax Avenue, TO COXXUiTITY STOPE DISTRICT, AlBD FOR SPECIAL PERIXT FOR GASOLINE SERVICE STATIOH nn "bots 6,7,8,9 and LO, 3lock 4, Grand View Heights - at idortkwest Corner of Sumnit Avenue and flightray ;lo. 169-212. 33 "Lot 6, 331ock 4, Parkvoed Knolls 11th Addition", bein2 at ;forthvest Corner of View Lane and Hizhway LJo, 159-212, p"-- u.liT<6jj$-:- ~ Plmni<< Kectck ,-rite Teqorted favorable recoxmendation by the J1. 3equest of I(ingb3y Ccnstruction Co. for P?ZO:BI~IC; FRY: Cr>fY:UWl'Y STOP3 J2. J L 3, /Le* Petition of Pure 03.1 Co-npany for FiZOl?IWC FRO3 OPE3 DEVEL3Pl'EiJT DiSTRICT Q~* Petition of 13r. Carl X. EIansen for SPECIAL PERtlIT FOR TWbI'AYCLY D:ELLLilt, v"At this time, lir. Josiah E. 3rill repre enting The Stow Companyl asked that the Council consider his oral request /f!8raE&$l&?fT03 OPEN DEVELOPP:XiIT DISTRICT TO XJLTIPLE ESIDSX!E DISTRICT (for apartment house purposes) the tract abutttnz 11,49th St, and France Avenue (this tract being directly iiorth ~f the ares, for which rezoning has been formally requested (see Item 2 above), and is legally described as "the lforth 122.5 Feet of Lot 20, Auditor's Subdivision 30, 272';. tlr, Hite reported that this request has not yet been considered by the Planning Conmission, and should receive the Cc-xaission's consideration before tiearins is held, as a Regula2 Xeeting of the Conmission is scheduled prior to the next Kegulzr tIeetin3 of the Council, it was suggested that Public Hearing be scheduled for Xoveqber 12, with the understanding that it xould not be held if Coniission had not acted, Inasmuch T(. i.o~ion i' on all the above Rezoninz and Special Permit requests and petttions be scheduled €or :tonday, Xavember 12, Yotion carried. was then made by ?acYillan, seconded by Tupa and carried that Public Hearinys - JPUSLXgA ~Efir,I~T$S~ Cct;iDUCTED- El, Pj???OSED~ ~Jf!PR9VEYEiITS, Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Ebina-Yorninzside Ccurier Dctober 11 and 18, and of '%iLinq, of Yiotice of Public Haarings cn Lateral Sanitary Seww main, and Asphalt Ccncrete Pe~lacernent" ~ rrhicii a-iif <davits ::era syroved as tr\ form 2nd ordwe2 ?laced on file, conducted, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded: APPURTE,TFJiCES 1:; LA7ADA L,GC rF.6 PA'.lr;'lO?D ?OAD YO 453 FSET J*??TH e esplarned that this is actua1l;r 8 re-hearing on this pro!ect--x.iiich orizinallp kard by fne Council as a Dart of the improvement proposed for SA:iI.r;?.irl SEXIER L~:?P.C)PE'~:Ei;T iin. 1200 (Parhcrscod Knolls area), but which :!as not includsd in this yroject bec3usa, OF ~ln opposition-rctiti.cn signed by ouners of all the aro?ert;r abuttinq the srrtet; that there is evidence that one rssidence on Lsrada Lane does hsve a semr ?robl=n; that the trunk sewer has been orderzd in, and it just is not sensible to axcluie this one street fro? rhis project. Later21 ;?atemain, Trunk ,later- Pursuant to. sai6 ilotice , the f olloxinz Public Xearinzs wars dl. PUFLI_c_ ,.Ii-.A?Ii?G- QIJ PTFPOSED Cp;JSTSUCTLO:? OF LATERELL 5P;ILTATY SEIGT: KSD "1anag-x- Fi7d.a Ke gave as Estimate of Cost $9,102,32, pro?osed to be 288 10/22/62 a?!ainst fi-ve lots at $1,820.46; or, on an overall bxis as part of entire SRXTATl S%I.E:: Z:;PEr)VE::T%I4T 20. 200, at $1,825.27 per Lot. iir. Gerald Carroll, renresentinc t;-ir3z of the Larad3. Lane proprty owners told Council that the Vilhge Sani-tary GnnJin3w hrls advised 'chat the Trouble at 5404 Larada Lane is a- "drainaze" rathzr than a ":;ew.~-~' problorn, ;and that there is no need basis sham for construction of this 2ropo.se.d improvement. Manager Hyde advised that need has been I;ho!-m--that it is ,a mirsta1:a to leave three houses out of this improvement, ;idvised there is no danger. tip, Ilyde presented 1%' Hensley's re?ort, addinq that it is stronzly recommended that this dewer line he mt in, been up for qutte some tilne and sewa,ge systems have been wor?cing, Tlr. Carroll asked that proprty owners be allowed to make a private supvey to determina need. point, I:r, Hyde read :From 'Ir. Hensley's report, that "Detergent flmq into the b3senent of 5409 Londonderry Road from the back yard of 5404 Larads. Lane" believes 3 private survey ~~ould just further delay matters, about 5400 barada Lane, which is considerably depressed frorn Fapkwood Soad, saylng a sun? pump would make cost prohibitive to this Droperty omer, !*!ep%r re7orted that t'ne sewer is designed as a "yavity" system. Sone discussion was had by the Council, and VacMillan offered the following Resolution and moved < Kr, Carroll *re.rorted Ilr. Henslay has Stating that houses have At this sajring hz (Vr. Hyde) Nr. Carroll inquired Villagz Engineer . its adoption: RESOLUTION AUENDING AUGUST 13 , 1962 RESOLUTIOY QFDERINS SAWITAXY SEWER ITIPRCIVEI-TENT Idc). 200, TO IIJCLUDE; IiJ SUCH IIIPROVEI.iE13T COXSTRUCTIoi? QF SAidITARY LATEPAL SEYTEE IN LAWDA LAXE 3E IT QXiQLVED by ne Council-of the Village of Edina, tlinaesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearinq to be duly wblished on the following proposed imnrovcmen'c : Parkwood Rd. from Larada Lane to Londonderry Rd, (X. end); V' Stauder Circle from Parkwood Rd. to Londonderry Rd. (X., end); J Londogderry Fd, fron Park~frood Rd, to E?, Stauder Circle; J Parkvrood Lane fron Parkwood Rd, to S. line of Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn, ; From center line of Parkbiood Lane and S. line of Parkv:ood Knolls 4th hddn, , 7, alon.: S. lot line of Lot 9, alock' 2, Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn, t'o Y, line of Padwood Knolls 4th Addn , Prom center line of Parkwood Sd, and N. lot line of Lot +1, Block 2, Parkmod :<nolls 4th Addn. , !I, to V. line of Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn, ; Larada Lane from Farkwocd Td. 450' i?, and ;tt the hearinz held on said proposed im?rovement on .",uzust 13, 1962, this Council did, by Resoluti-on duly ?a.ssed and ado?ted, order the construction of s3.id ~ro?osed innrovernant i.n all locations listed in'said notice of hemin3 except in Lard7 L~E fiq@m Pari:vrood ??03d 450' N. ; and did by said 3esolution establish the ares gpcnassd to be zsse-,s.?d, and designate the proncsed imyovement as SAHITAY,' SE'..!E? I':??nE?'E:fT 2g. 200: and 3E IT FURT;IC?! RESOLVED, that this CouncEl subsequently caused noti-ce cl: he,yp?ny to 5'3 duly pu3l?shad on the follovfnz mo?osed inw-t?vemsnt: Larada Lane from Parlwoo3. ?de 450 iJ. and at the hearing held at the time and olace specified in said notice -the Council. has duly considered the views of all ?ersons interested, and beinr: fully advise? cf the pertinent facts does hereby determine to procaad with the construction oF -,aid 4rnnrovemnt 2,s an integral Dart of SAiJITFRl SE!,?E? I~'TRn%2il%i~IT IJ?. 200 : znd 32 IT TUFTHE? F?.ESOLED that the Resolution entitled lrPESQLUTI?i.I nQ2:"I,fr, I:rPPr)v%'~EiiT--S,4NITBt'B SZ!IBF: IVPl9VErTENT 14r). 230 ,Ir dully 73ssed and ado?c3d by tills Council AuZust 13, 1962, as recorded; is hereby mended Ly escludin? frcn said Sesolution th2 $iretse, "exce3t that said 2mprovenen-t shall bs reduced. by t!ie elinin- aticn of Lzrada Lane frm Parkvrood Td, 450' iJ. from sei6 pro?osed improvement". 32 IT FUnTHi;l? RESOLVED that the area to be speciallv zssessed for said inprovenznt shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the strezts propsed to be irn?roved, CO?JSTRUCTICXl OF SP.XCTAP,Y LATERAL SEkJER AND APPUP.TENANCES Ii,? : C?:.IST?rJCTIO;I OF Sb.UITARY L4TFP.4L SETIER AXD /?PPURTE!IANCES Ill : 10/22/62 J PE3LIC WEi'i'iIX 33 PFCIPOSED L4TERAL :IATER'IAIil I!rPR\ZOYEI?EilT 111 PAWl03D PD . 4R. 115 FT., 7IQRI: O?xS - . ~ - . i3. . . OFT, -.* a.. ~ - LINE - -" - OF LQT 1, BLOC!< 2 TO L(3;lDD:IDERRY RD. : PRP!KJOOD LrZJE FRU4 PTEEOOD ROAD TO S . LIIIE 93F ?AY-<kIOOD KlJOLLS PAW'fOOD XIIOLLS 4TH P.DB;I, XbKi..:~ L~iDciiiDi~Yf ED.- FROII 2:'' EXD OF STAUDEX CIRCLE SOUTH TO PAWJOCID ED.': i>AF$%&D 'KbAD kROT: &Q;I~'?fDg6$i' XQADmAjG : LP.?AD;"; LFiIC 'Fg0:I' PA'?%.(;IQOD EOAD TO "%,-''LI%''d6e P-fiK6 t66R ''I\-,- - These t~o proposxnprovements Herr3 discussed topther, both being the result of requests Fron the Parkwocd Knolls area resedznts for a vatermain irr3rovz- nent, nox, (rather than at sme undetermined tine in the future after streets .have, been resurfaced subsequent to construction or' Sanitary Se:rer In?rovenznts) so that cost of one blackton re?l+lcenent oroject could be elininated. AS ZSi'l:iATE OF C9ST Oil THE PROPOSED TRUIJK :IATERttAf:f IHPRWEf fCYT (T?IT3 LATEfiAL C@?II?~CFIOi?S - .. . . mE?STQ), T!PJASEIF: HYDE read Engineer's Estimate of Cost as ?3L91Ub.3U, 7roposed to be assessed in one of two tiays: 1. At the Estiqated ?ate of $929,87 for the LateralConnections to the Trunk !"ah (property on the route of the Trunk Line, vhere no additional pipe vi11 be necessary to serve property), and $63,96 for the Trunk 'kin itself, to be assessed against all the property benefited by the Trunk Ikin, hcludin;: the property proposed to be assessed for the L3teral Connections, as well as the property not on the roate of the Trunk Pain; or, tin alternate proposed for Council consf-deration, as Follo!:.~: 2. At the Estimated ?ate of $929.87 for the Lateral Connections to that pro?erty in the Parkwacd Knolls area, where the lots are excepti nally 8 403" $O%!"~?O%$ zhe€@, per Lot in ths "Parktrood Knolls 11th Addition" area,/%erg IBts are muc than in the reminder of the Psrkwood Knolls area to be served--and $88.09 per Lot for the 'lkunk ?lain, to be assessed azainst all property beneFited by the Trunk %in, including the oro?erty nroposed to be assessed for the Lateral Connections, as ue11 as the property not on the route of the trunk. per Acre. -yY i! $650 .OO -na - In both cases, unplatted acreage would be assessed on the basis of 1.75 lots AS ESTIYATE OF C?ST ON PROP3SED LATEFAL TJATXRIAII? II!FR(ZVE'IEiTT, :ir. Hyde read Zstimate of Cm35,334,99, proposed to be assessed against $38 Assessable Lots, for $929.87 per Lot, $52.50 per Lot Trunk Assessment, with Lateral Costs being $988.00, as t'nen pro?osed. He pecovmended mooosed "Alternate Assessment" €or the Trunk Tiain with Lateral Connections, saying the $650.00 per lot Estimate was based on the average 1961 levy for 'latemain Laterals; that the lots proposed to be assessed at this rate constitute "average" Edlna lots in area and front footage, as conparad with the other Parkwmd Knolls lots, rihich are a great deal larger than averaze, Knolls area and omex- of the lots abutting \Tiera1 Lane, protested tine plan, and asked that ?;r. Hansen be allowed to constructcthe 1-raternain in \riex Lane at his om eqense. 1%. Vangaard exolained that View Lane does not need a 12" main; that Lk, Hansen oms 35 to 39 lots along View Lane and can get a 6" nain for $18,907,00 ~hich rrould mke his cost considerably less than that proposed to be assessed for Lateral Connxtion. is not constructed in Vie.: Lane it nust be construct2d sonexhere else, md the Vie?: Lane ?ro?erties ~511 have to bzar their yrticn of the cost anyvay. Frs. AlEred Pavelka inquired as to the anlount of her assessment. She ms informed that her property will be assessed the Trunk Charge only, at the rate of 1.75 Lots Der Acre, €or her 20-acre trsct. A 3rs. Anderson, omer of acreage cn Roushar bsd and County Road 310. 18, inquird as to xhethsr ths assessment will include her pro?erty, ihat her poyerty muld be included unless the proaertg is taken €or County Road :Ioe 18 befors the assessmsnt is levied. t!rs, Andersan objected to this plan, stathg she has been Tiszn no deflnite infomation by t\e County, that she 4s unable to do anything zith the yroperty because it is knom that the County will "take scne of It somtime"; that she feels it is com?letely rironrj to saddle property owners with an assesment under the circumtanced , he believes the cost of mter servcce should be proportioned equs1l.r anon2 all lots, xhether they are larrl,e or small, HE! added that :-:hiLC these improvements are supposedly beneficial to yroperties, he has fcund that many rsal estate ?co?le feel it insdvisable to buy Eciina DroTerties because of the assesmznts already levied, and to be levied, thereon. Ilr. Gerald Carroll objected to the proposed imgrosement, on behalf of the owners of 5400, 5401 and 5404 Larzda Lane. Early in the discusston, %xi. Jensen, Stauder Circk, protested the present plan Eor bringing Smitary Sewer into the back of her lot, whereas xatemain ict.rl1 be ccning into the straet, not be served with sewer. that Sanitary Sewer Dkns be reviewed with consideration toxard bpinghg sewer in frcn the faont and serv5.nz other lab on S3audcr Circle-riiich will require a new Public Hearinz, for the area on Jovenbzr 23; that, if !latemains are authorized, bids for them d.11 Tlr, Hyde cited for the pouo the Prelixinary Estimates made this summer, being ,I tor. :Jangaard, representing 14re Carl 11. Nansen, dcveloner of the ?arkrrood :'mazer Eyde reccmended against this propcssl, statin? th3t if the 12rf nain . Sha was In.Fomed Ilr . Alfred I>avel?:a objected to the FroDossd "alternate" 3ssessment saying She also reported that the Pond lot next doar, prill After sone discussion, Village Engineer Xegner sul2;gested It vas so ordered, Xanqer jI$e rsported that it is now the plan to take bids on Sanitary Severs 10/22/52 283 Sme discussion vias had by the Council as to the alternate assessment .proposals for the Trunk YJatermain and Lateral Connections thereto; and, with notice to those present that this is not an "Assessment Hearlinf and that, b" made, llacXil1an moved that the Council zo on record as favorin3 an ~,ssess- ment formula as recommended by the Villaze 14anager. Tum and carried. llacl~lillan then offered the following Yesolution and moved its adoption: -therefore, the Council cannot finally deternine the anount of assessment to Motion was seconded by \ PES OLUTI ON OP,DERIY G I VIPROVEPIENTS T.JATERMAIM IMPPnVEflEIfTS NOS 168 AIJD 169 3E IT DES3LVED by the Council of the Vil1a;e of Zdtna, Vinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of heaTinqs to be duly published on the following ?reposed improvements : 1. COi.JSTRUCTI(3'i OF Pp9POSED TFJJiiK !?ATER!?ATM LATERAL C9KJECTIC);JS THEPET3 P,HD APFU'ITENAWCES , IF1 : View Lane From Ili,%ht?ay #169 to Scha-Jfer Road; Schaefer 9oad from View Lane to Westerly line of Parkwood Knolls 11th Addn, Th. Southwesterly at a Deflection AnTle to Left GE030' a distance of 525 Pt. Th. Northwesterly at a Deflection Angle to Rizht 56OOO' a distance of Th, \!est 10' South of Pmkwood Knolls Addn. to a qoint 10' East of Centerline Londonderry ?,ad frm 10' South OF Fwlmood Knolls Addn,, 3orth to ?:est !-Test Stauder Circle f ron Londonderry ?oad iiorth to Londonderry ?.oad Londonderry Road fron :lest Stauder Circle to a point on Parkvmod Road 115 Ft. 525.07 Ft. of Londonderry Road extended South Stauder Circle more or less, IJorth of the North line of Lot 1, Block 2, Parhood Knolls 4th Addn . 2, Cr)iJSTXUCTION OF PWPOSED LATERP.L UATCF'!IAIi~I IYPROVEWIT P;JD P,TFUSTC(J,r\iICES Parkwood Road fron 115 Tt,, aore OF less, Xorth -of the Xorth linc of Let 1, ZLT'?, 12/13/62---- Parhood Lane fro3 ?arkrood ?.oacl to South line of Parlmxd Knoll-; 4th kidri. Ill: Slocl~; 2, Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn, to Londonderry noad hndonderry 2oad frm idorth end of Stauder Ci.xle, South to Farlm-od ?oosd Parkwood Toad fron Londonderry Road to Lard3 Lan2 Larada Lane from Parkr.rood "lad to th2 ilorti? Line of Par1;riond ;<noll-, ?ddi 1; fm .mi at the hearinzs held zit the time and ?lace syxified Fn s?Ld notlc.2 the Council 11.3.~ duly considered the vlem of all c3rc;ons interested advised of the bertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed !.iith the construction of said improvements; that said improvemnts are hl.irel:,r desizna-ced ,.--- and shall 5e referred to in all subsequent nrmxdinqs 3s. r'ollo~.!~: 1, 2. and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follovis: -Ind bein? full.! CriIST?UCTI3i~J OF PROPQSED TRUiJX !?ATEX;-IAIiJ, LZTZRAL C3:CGCTIL?iI3 'i'2Wr.F) CCSISTPUCTIr?N OF i?PQPE)SED LATERAL '.?ATERTTP.II: AXD APPUi?TZiI!GTCES, a11 as XID P~?F!J??TE~IAIICES , all as herei-nbefore s2t forth - V,4TE2",:i4.1;I It'??O1;T?'.EilT iIq, 1-6;:; here fnbefcre set forth -- ......................... irATET?i.Tfl,Ij IT ;FpiJ[TE':ElJT ;,ig. 16 21 FW VATERMkIii ItlFR9VEPEiijT iq0, 168 - All lots and tracts oF lznd dthh .t:i3f fdlowinc: described boundaries : R.21; thenc2 S. alonC; center line of County Yoad $18 to c",nter line of Youshar Td.; thence E, aloq center line of Roushar Road to center liane 0rF State 3:r;1.#169-212; thence NEly along center line of State Hwy.#l69-212 to ':. line oi' Tarkwcod Xnollr; 3th Addn. extended S. to center line of Hwy.#l69-212; thence .K!ly, iEI.y7 X,, X!ly, and iEly almg 7, line of Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn, to i1.E. corn5r OF Let 1, Zloc!: I, Pm1:vood Knolls 8th Addn. ; thence lJ!lly to S ,E, corner of Lot 5, ~Loc!; 2, Parkwood Knolls 5th Addn. ; thence X?ly ,alonz rear lot lines of Lots 1 thru 5 of sa$-d Block 2, to the center li.ne of Schaefer Pmd; thence North alone center line of Schaefer 9d, to the Ilorth line of Sec. 31, T, 117, R.'21; thence 71. along the H. line of slid Section to the N1/4 corner thereof; thence Xorth a1on.r the East linl-. of the SV1/4, Sec. 30, T. 117, ?, 21, a distance of 215' ; thence XIly, Yly, and Si.llx,r narallel to and 215' X, , ;I. , and S1.r of the center llne of ?ar?-cwood ?d. to the N.'I. corner of the lJ,E.1/4 of the X.!.I.1/4 of Ssc. 31, T. 117, ?, 21; thence !!est along the Xorth line of Sac, 31, T. 117, 2, 21, to 3oint of be$nninZ.l' incl, , 31ock >-p"yots 2 thru 5 incl., Block 5, 311 in Parkwmd KnolLs F.ddn, ; Lots 6 thru 9, incl., Ellocl.: 1, Lots 1 thru 6 incl., Block 2, a1.l in Plzrkrtood Knolls 2nd Addn; Lots 5 thru 9 incl., Block 1, Lots 1 thru 9 incl., ;?lock 2, a11 in Parlitroad Knolls 4th Addn.; and one unplattzd lot For Parcel (0375) in Sec. 30, T. 117, s.21. ttCommencinz at the i.4 .?I, cornsr of Scc. 31, T ,117, FOR ?iATER!.IAIN I!IPROVEXEXT HO. 169 - Lots 3 and 4, 31ock 2, Lots 1 thru 7, 10/22/82 4. -3JjIG n;i ?%3F?SED BI_,AC%T@P PXFLACE1EilT I'IPR(3VEr:EilT I;i LRRADA LA. FR. ~:IDCEiDET%Y ED, : LOi!D[)?IUE!?Fi' RD. FRO'1 S, LI96 OF PAPXI;'OOD KiJOLLS ADU2.I. TO ;I. PhRK:I'XD PA&<I.JOOD RD. TQ ;I. LIX OF ?AR%Y$OD XHOLLS ADDX. : PA!?I%I.IOI)D ED. F2. LARADfk LAIlE "(3 Rq. : PARKTIOOD XD. FROX IHTEP!3ECrl'IOJ QFULO3DDHDERW RD. KID STAUDGR CIPCLE: TO L%JD'XTDEI73Y PD. : STAUPEZ- CIRCLE. Fl?Om%<:I9C)D ??D. - .--.. TO LQiiDCL?DEYU RD. : PP,F.!-!-I.I@3D L.4. F!?T! FA??.Z?XID 9. S. TO S. LEE OF PA?r?lOr)D i<iIOLLS%'H ADD;I, ix?ro&kkis herstoFora pro?oscd for tin4 Parkvocd Xnolls 'area has includ2d a cost fop 3lacktop Xeplxsnent in those streets vhich are no:r surfaced, Zr. !-I!rda read an Estimate of Cost in mount 02 $1,045.28 per Lot, as co.n?,-rccl 75th Prsllninary stimatz of $970.11, as 7ade in J~u~ust, Ha ra?oPted thzt this work is not proposed for immediate construction--that it denends on the ::eather and on the stabilization factor; that if everythina is favorable the work my be done in thz fall of 1953, but that if unforseen difficulties are encountered it will not be done untll splnq of 1964. Tiere !ere no ohiections to this yrqosed i.m?rovemant, -md Tu73 oFFer.3d the follokzing %solution and movsd %ts ado?tion: .- L- I--.. Xenindinc audience t!iat none of tha -l ,I XES OLUT I 0:J QRDE X IG I;.IFXQVE I IZIT STFSET ItiPROVEtZIT iIO* A-155 3E IT I??SOLVED by the CounclL of th- Villqe a% Edina, llinnesota, tnat this Council heretofore caused noti-cu ol' hearin2 to be duly published on t?ie follorfiny: ~roposed imy ovement : CCXISTQUCTIOil OF' ASPiIP,LT CQ'TCFZTZ PEE'LACE:kSIT Od TFIE FCILL3TII:I'! : Larada Lans frcm Parhood ?d. to M. line of Park~iooZ Xnolls Addn, ; Parkr.iocd T.d. frm Larcida Lane to Londondemy ?d. j Lmdonderry Rd. froT S . line of Parkmod Knolls ?.ddn. to X , ?ar!:::.ood ??d. ; Parkxocd ?d* fro? intersection of Londonderry Fd. and Stauder Circle Stauder Circle from Tarhood Rd, to Londonderry Rd. ; to Londonderry Rd. ; ?LI:I,12/10/62-Qark!-roed Lsne froa Park>:ood Rd, S. to 8. line of ParZnrood Knolls 4th Addn. and at thz hearins held at thz time and Place specified in said noti-ce the Council has duly conside,red the views of all "rsons interested, and bein2 fully advised of the pertinent facts doer; hereby d$tern.ine to procesd :rith the construction of said i-nprovecnent; that s3id imnrovement is hereby design2ted and shall be referred to in all subsequent proce2dinZs as STPZZT IYPEOVEYEENT YO. A-155, and the area to be spscia1l:y assessed therefor shall be as follov~s: abutting the st-reets pro?osed to be improved, All lots and tracts of land I C t'otion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by VanValkenburg there vere four ayas and no nays, as Eo1lor.r~: Xac:$illan, aye; Tunh aye/j"anValkenbur- , a7je;And Dicksen, aye; and the Besolution vas adopted.- B - and c)n Fallcall . /5. PUB.J,$C.-G 311 FFCIF~SED STOP:' SEUER 1:IPROVE"fElfT 13 HALLFA'X LME FRO': h POiXT I:l EXiSTIiJG ST0P:l SE'ILR LIifE 330 FEET SOUTH OF :?EST 54TH STPSET; THEllCC S@UTH TO A POIiIT 2OR'r.H OF TlIESCUTH LIZE OF LlaT 1, ELI!C:< 4, EL!;YOOC) TERRACE: THEHCE TIEST TI! 'lI1J;J$HAHA CPXEX. !k, Hyde eqlained that this Public Hearin? is actually a Re-Nearing on' a than;; in ;cute for the proposed Storm Sewer heard and approved by th- Council at its meeting of September 10 (Sea pages 233 and 234, this Xnute Bock); that the trro propwty ovners troll :I'non it is necessary to secure an easement to construct the line in accordance vith the dan procJoscd September 10, have renained adansnt in their objections against grantlno easement; that it seems sure that natter of easenent vzould cone to condemnation, and that avard to Fropzrty ovners is certain to be hizhy in relation to easement area; that prorzerty owner concerned will give easement now moposed, d.thout charge--but that chanye in plans for -construction, necessitated because of disaqraement concernin? easements, has increased the Estimated Cost of the ?reject frm vi11 no?: create a strain on the drain runninq on the ilorth side of his pro>ertg, s.rhich would cause this pipe to burst, Village Cnzineer '?egner informed ;!r. Peite that a ?art of the changed design is a 1arZ:sr pine, to nrevent just this. su3gested that, in vier oF the yeat difference in cost bet::esn the ty:o plans, ft 1:ould have been 2ood business to find out fust Z:iaC"rly hoir nuch xquisi-tion of th3 ?ro?erq fm the first plan would have cost. conCsnna-cion amrds ads rxently, that casts r.:o111d be at 133st equull to tne 6ifl"nrptnce in cost betmen rhe t:?o qlans; also, that these procaedin2s take tine, and it is felt to be contrary to the public interest to delalr the project nora than is abzolutely necassarg. objections had 52en received frior thersto, and Tu?a olfzred the io1lo.r.inT Resolwtion and nove? its Xlo?tion: $3,927 to $9aQ%77 r$i&he t~!$&lo,j..~v to $, 0295 .;/ !k. %%glas "r,$te, %&1 this ?lan Ilr. G. A, 3urdick :k. '-Iyde rsplied thslt 'le Feel.: 711~3~ in v!vr nF - ihere r;rere no other cbjections raised at the Xcarin:, and no rrritten ?ZS%AJ!i'ZOJ CHA14GIllG $NTE AXD DZSI5;J Or STORIf SE'Z.3- I~FP~\O\rEI!ENT'~TO. - 7K,- h:JD DECF3ASI:JG AREA -? . .PROPnSED TO 3E- AS$ES$Eb Ti-lERCFO?. 3E IT P!S3L?ZD by t4c Czuncil oi the Y,'illap of Edina, 'linnesota, tilit t:lis Council, b;' Pesolution ado;ll.t%,C Seqtz-her 10, 1962, approt'ad, and ordsred canrtruction of t:?~ - 285 13 /22/62 I'rsllo1,rinq oroposcd imnrovement : "C~?HSTRUCTICI;J Or VILLAGE STOF1 SE:E;P ATID ,~PPURTCIlAXES , 5tmtiny at a Foint on Halifax Lane anwoxiwtely 300 feet south of- Y.54t'n Strzat; thence westerly 400 feet to I'hnehaha Creek," 11 I._ 1 has rJesi.r,nated such Dronosed imDrovsment as Storm Sewzr Improvement ilo. 76, and has dt;rerni-ncd -cha area proposed to be assessed therefor? . been determined by the Villaze Enzineer that it is in the nublic interest to change the route and design of said proposed STOR77 SE'ER 1iIPROVE'FE:dT iJO. 76, to the follothg: CWSTRUCTIOiJ OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTEXAXCES in Ilali-Fax Lane from a point in zxisting storm sewer line 330 Eeet South of ;Jest 54th Stmet; thence South tc a mint 3 Feet Horth oE the Sout'fl line of Lot 1, Block 4, Elmwcod Terrace; thence !Jest to Hinnehaha Creek j 1 3E IT FURTHER RESOLVED that, subsequent to the adoption of said Zesolution it has that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on said proposed,improvement, and zt the hearing held at the tire and place qecified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and beinz Fully advised of the pertinent facts does hpb,$od,",t"p$",eb$h$ &ts',a &nrthe public interest to change the route ,dE~ign;~nd/~~rS~OR'I SE@R IP?P?f%ud!:J?' ir0. ?b in accordance with the reccmendations of the 17;llwe En-rincar. Tho cahstruc$i6fl-b$ said S-TOEn SEYER IFIPRQVEYEilT NO. 76, as follows: 3C IT FURTHER RESOL\r%D, that this Counail'doqs-harebp dete~ine ?ro-$roceed with COIJSTRUCTZOJ Or VILLAGE STORY SErIEl? AND P,PPUP,TENA:JCES in XaliEax Lane from a noint in existinz storm sewer 1i.m 330 Eeet South of Hest 54th Street; thence South to a point 3 feet North of the South line of Lot 1, 31ock 4, Elmwood Terrace; thence Jest to Minnehaha Creek, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall. be as follotrs: - All lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginn. at a pt. on I?, line of Lot 2, 31w 1, Elmwood Terr,, said pt. bein2 15' I?, of the NE corner of said lot; th, S. and parallel "co E, line of said Lot 2 to a pt, on S, line of Lot 1, 31, 1, Elmwood Terr; th. SVly to a pt. on the N, line of the 11, 55.47' of the S. 164.97' of E, 197.67' nf i?E 1/4 of :IE 1/4 of NE 1/4 of Sec, 19, Tvtp. 28, 2. 24, di-st. 140' 2, of 2.E. COP~~P thered; the S, to a pt. on N. line of Lot 2, 31, 2, Elnvood Tem, said pt, beins 140' :I. From ?$*E, corner of said lot; th, SEly to a nt, on E, line of Lot 2, Bl, 2, Elmwood Terr. said nt, being 50.04' S. of 1J.C. corner thereof; th, E, to a pt, on E, line oE France Ave,, said pt , being 20' S. of S;T corner of Lot 4, Fil* 5, '.loodbur;i Park Uear Lake Eiarrit; th. N, along E. line of France Aver to S, line of TI, Fuller St,; til. C, along S, line of West Fuller St. a dist, of 227'; th, N!Jly to S,E, comer of L. 13, 31.4, Ivandale Park Xear Lake Harriet; th. X!Uy to Xl comer of Lot 12, 31. 4, Ivandale Tar]: 3ear L-lkc Harriet; th. 11. to HE corner of Lot 6, 31. 4, Ivandale hrk Uear Lah l-Iarrizt; rh. C. to ZE corner of Lot 3, 31. 4, Ivandale Park ;Tear Lake Harriet; th. S, on C, line of Lot 3, 31, LCs Ivandale Park 8ear Lake Harriet a dist. oF 30'; thence E, an6 y~~allsl to If. lin2 of Lots 1 and 2, B1, 4, Ivandale Park ;Jew Lske Xarriet, to E, line of ?a+d Lot 1, Bl. 4, Ivandale Park :Tear Lake Harriet; th. '?* to ;IZ corn3r of s3i-d Lot 1, El, 4, Ivandal?, Park Near Lake Harriet; th, 1JEly-td-the SfJ corner of Lot LG, 31. G, Hairthorn3 Park Second Divi.-,ion, said pt, bein2 30' east of and 5' north of the ST! corner of said Lot 16; ti?, 11 and narallel to center line of South Evrinq Ave., to a pt. in Lot 30, 31. E, Harrt'ncrrne Park Second Division, said nt. being 30' E, of and 5' S, of il!l corner of sqid Lot 30; th. NBly to U!! copner of Lot 30, 31, 6, Hatrthorne Park Second Division; th. '!. to Jl corner of Lot 1, 31. 5, Hairthoime Parh Second Division; rh, S:'lj. to J wc. in Tht 1, 31, 5, Havthorne Park Second Division, said ?t, being 30' I!. of an6 5' S. ST iTC corner of Lot 1; th. S; parallel to center line OF South Ewi.nq Ave. 3nd to cl ~~t, on S, line OF Lot 4, 31. 5, Hawthorne Park Second Division, said ?to kin2 30' E, of SE corner of said Lot 4, 31. 5, Hawthorne Park Second Division; th. SIZy to bJ'T cornep of Lot G, 51, 5, Hadchorne ?ark Second Division; th, Y. to HE corner of- Lot 25, 31. 5, Hawthorne Park Second Division; th, SIJly ta Si4 corner of Lot 24, 31. ti, Iiaxthorne Fark Second Division; th. S:!ly to NE corner of Lot 17, 31. I, South Iiarrjet Park Szcond Fddn; th. 7, to pt, cn 11, line of Lot 17, 31. 1, South Harriet %'ark Second Addn, , said noint bai-ng 25' \!, from 1IE corner of said lot; th. S'71y to a nt, in Lot 18, 31, 1, South Hmrjnt Park Sscond Addn, , said ut. being 35 7 of E lot line md 147' 11 oE S LOT line of slid Lot 18; th 'J to pt. in Lot 18, B1, 1, South Harriet Park Sscond bddn,, said Tt. bovinq 143' I: of E lot line and 147' 3 of S lot line of sdd lot; th S to pt on S lot line OF Lot 18, 31. 1, South Harriet Park Second Addn said 3t. bein2 143' :T OF Sf7 corner oT s?id lot; th SbJly to a nt on S line of T,$,54th St., said noint being 30' E of ;?E corner of Lot LO, South Ridge Addn., th S to a pt on S line extmded of Lot 8, South Ridze Addn., said nt bein? 30' E of SE corner of said Lot 8; th SEly to Doint of be&miny.rr 'lotion For adoption of Resolution was seccnded by "~acllillan, and on Rollcall there .tiere Dickson , aj7e j and the Resolution was adopted four ayes and no nays, as follotrs: liac?lillsn, a;re; Turn, aya; to omers of affected Qrc?erties, of Yiotice of Public Hearinp on Sanitary Smtr, :!atemains, and Storm Sewer". to form ad orderad placed on file, Dickson called Public HearinrJ,s on the following woposed improveaents: kf fidavits vere mproved, Xotice vas approved as Pursuant to notice cljivcn, T'agor Fro Ten 1, CCXlST1IUCTIQ;l OF VILLAGE SAYITARY SE:!ER AiJD APFURTE3A;lCES 13 : Zest Shore Drive fro3 Hibiscus Ave. to Hviy, 20. 100 Poppy Lane fron 3est Shore Drive to Xxy, ;lo, LOO Kellogg Ave. fron Hibiscus Av=+ to 466' S. Sedun Lane fron !Jest Shore Drive to Kellc;:f, Ave. Xibiscus he. fro7 T?est Shore Drive to Kellozg Ave, c 2, C0:ISTRUCTIOil OF VILLAGE 'IATER'IRTN PYD APPURT%;QA;?CES I:l : Hibiscus Ave. frm Yest Shore Dr. to Kellozz Ave, West Shore Dr. fro3 Hibiscus Aver to Hwy, No, 100 Poppy Lane frm !Test Shore Dr, to IIiry, ~Jo, 100 Sedum Lane from :test Shore Dr, to Kello~g Ave. Kellcgg Ave, frcx Gilford Dr, to S, line of Lake Edina 4th Addn. East Service Dr. of Xviy. ;To. 100 frcm :!est Shora Dr, to Po>q Lime. I 3. Cn:IST".CTIOJ OF YILLART STOYT SEYIEF! PJD APPUSTCiIAXCES IiI : Sest Shore Dr. at the intersection of :?* curb line and J. line of Lot 21, 3lock 1, Lake Edins 3rd Addn, extended Easterly; In Easmsnt line bztxaen Lots 15 and 16, Xock 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addn, frcn 'Test Shors Dr. to Lake Edina; In Easemnt line betveen Lots 7, 8 and 9, Block I, Lake Edina 3rd Addition, fro3 !lest Shore Drive to Lake Edina. i3ecause the same prieral area is affacted by the three inprovments, Public :-Iearinrr;s concurrently. Zstinates of Cost vere 2iven as folloxs: assessed a3:ainst 78 lots, for =m Esti-nted $306.73 ?er Lot. FO? PSOPOSZD SA~JTTAT~ SETJP T!lPRn~?E"KIT - $62,925.15, p-opsed 'to bz FW P99PWZD ':ATEnO"RI;I LI:FRWC'%XT - Total Estimated Cost, $75,236.59 , of xhich $10,421,00 xi11 be paid by Villap as cost of oversizinz frcn lateral-sized to trunk-sized main, leavin? Estimated $62,627,18 to he sssesscd against 34 assessable lots, far' $666.25 ?Z-T Let , FF)P FFrZTtsSD STOF'!" SE'TE? II'??Q\?E?iZiU - $5,978.90, nrorosed to be asse-,-,ad against 197,288 Assessable %pare Feet Foot. for $.0303 SeF fss=ssable Squara "r. Hyde addzd that bids en th8 *projects wsre taken this nolains, pursuant to P-dvertisewnts for Bids published October 11 snd 18, in %di-na-!:ornin~~.ide Couritr - and Construction 3ulletin; that Seven bids had been received, the Total Low 3id being that of ?et*r Lacatti Construction ConFang at $98,090.20; nsxt lov b2?-nz c7rfei and Sons, Inc,, at $98,445.58; third low, ilorthern Ccntracting CO., 3t $98,800.10; and hSgh bid being that of i3arbarossa E Sons, Inc,, st $213,804.50-- as conpared with Engineer's Construction Estimate o€ $119,036.25. 1-k reported, tco, that the ['illage is now in receipt of a letter fro% Brill & Eiri.11, attornegs for Estow Coryorati-on, ovrners of Lake Edina Third and Fourth Additions, objecting $0 the Yillage requirements that the owners be required to surface the streets; that the qree-nent yesented by Village is bxsically the same as for Lake Edha Yr, J.E. 3rill stated his objection is merely to the provision which requires a bond at this time, for strzet surFacing wlni-ch might not be done for scxe tin=; that he and his clients believe the Villsge should wait until lots are sold, so that peocle can decide what type of surfzcin? is desired; that surfacinz of street beCorc most of hones are constructed n<ght be actually detriqmtal, rather than beneficial, to the property, because ground prill not have settled sufficientlgr for Frotection of the surfacing. a real hardship, and it is felt that it is unfair of Council to require bond, nor-:, Asked by Trustee PanValkenhurz whether the objection is against payin3 for the bond, or paying for the street surfacin2, flr. Brill replied that benefited property nould pay for the surfacing. Planning Director Tirte reviewed for Councll and audience the ?revisions of Village Ordinance 30. 263, Sec. 5, xhich require the developrs of plats to either have street, sewr and :.rater ktprovenents cmpkted at hj_s ovm expense, or si.gn a sub- division finzncing qpee-rent and file a bond to assurz performance thereof, 3, aril1 argued that it is do datriTent, but rather is profitable, to the Villap to finance and assess utilitks, because of the difference betxeen a.ssessntent and bond interest rates, Yr. E, C. Stow re?orted he 11ad bean uillinz to finance his om sever and miter utilitiss, but that the rnatter of the oxr-sized water l5ne hxl cox?lic3tcd this; thqt Secauso of dela~i enccuntersd in wiF:?-n? arranyesents for distribution of costs he 3ad cansiderad it best to file petition for Vilhp inprovenents. 'Ir. Hite stated th2t Silla23 m~r install a 12" watemain and assess abuttin2 properties for 6" main; and tliat f'r. Stox's capany mag install the balance of the vaternain utility, togsther :~:?th sanitary sewer and storrl swzr; under this cond4tion he does not o1-.1i$qte hinsalL' -to 3ap for the straet surfxln?. (2nd kddn. Vr, 3ri11 added that the requirement for street surfacinc imposes I fry- Sttrset SurFacLnZ, vith Pfr, Stoif askin? th3t the Villqe return to the Escro:r armngcment made 2or Lake Edina 2nd Addition. oF the escror: arrangemsnt , bond must be filed Fn accortiance TCth SnEineGr's Full estimste of cost for the street ~io~k. Some additional discussion follo~ixl, with th2 Council agreeing to %, Stow's request for escrow arranpnent; and, at a question from Kr. 3r?-11 as to whether Estow Cormration t+rould bs r,tillin.s tn sign the same ayeement AS the one for Lake Edina 2nd P,ddition, and Frovide a bond, too, Flr. Stow reolied in the affirmative. hs is certain that an agreement can be satFs"actori1y lrorkzd out, and askd for an opportunity to talk vith Village Attorney Easselquist and other officials within the next feu days. and Vac'lillan offered the following Fesolutton and moved its ado?tion: Ee im.s infemed that, rzgardhss I";* Brill then told the Councjl There were no objections to the maposed imyovements, RESQLUTION ORDERIiJG 1""iPRC)VEVENTS SANITARY SEIJER Il1PPr)VEPfENT X9. 202: WATER! 5A IIJ I IIFWWE HE??T Id 0. 17 0 ':I STORV SE!IEF 1biPROVEi:E;JT iJ0. 77 BC IT RESOLZIED by the Council of the Village of Cdina, Kinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearinzs to be duly oublishzd on the followiny, proposed improvements: 1. CO:JST€?UCTIOiI OF VILLAGE SATd1TAR.Y SE'JER AND APTURTEXAillCES 13: Yest Shore Drive frcn Hibiscus ,be, to ihy. LJo, 100 ?oqy Lane from Hest Shore Drive to Hqr. !Io, 100 Kello.cJ,y Ave. from Hibiscus Ave, to 466' S, Sedum Lane from Yest Shore Drive to Kello~,~ Ave, Hibiscus Ave, fron !lest Shors Drive to Kellonr: Ave, 2 COINSTFUCTIO?J OF VILLAGE T.TATESKAI:J AlID ATFURTEAATJCES I11 : Hibiscus Ave. from Yest Shore Dr. to !t<ellogz Ave. \?est Shore Dr, fpom Hibiscus Ave. to Hwy, i40, LOO Poppy Lane from West Shore Dr, to Ihry, 30. 100 Sedum Lane from West Shore Dr. to Ke1lo~:n; Ave, Kellogg Ave, from Gilford Dr. to S. line of Lake Edina 4th 4ddnb East Service Dr, of Hwy. No. 100 fro7 :.?est Shore Dr, to Popy Lane, 3, CQNSTRUCTLON OF VILLAGE STOP,;.? SEMEP AND A?TU?TElJAiICES IN: Lot 21, Block 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addn. extended Easterly; Addn, fron \-lest Shore Dr, to Lake Ed+-na; 3rd Addition, from Yest Shore Drive to Lake Edina 'Yest Shore Dr, at the intersection of ?I. curb line and 3. line of In Easement line between Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, Lake Edina 3rd In Easement line between Lots 7, 8 and 9, Elock 1, Lake Etiina and at the hearings held at the tine and place spzcified in said notic? the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed :dth the construction of said improvements j that said improvements are hereby desiqnated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as follorrs: 1 C@?STWCTION OF VILLAGE SAWITARU SEflER AHD APPURTEiIAiJCES IN ALL STREETS HERE IN BE FORE NAI'E D - - - - - - - - - - L- --de 6s AX I T AEY SE!IEP, 1 ?,?PROST: I IEI4 T xq, 202 2. CONSTRUCTIOX OF VILLAGE YATER?.IAIX AND APPURTENANCES I?f ALL STPZETS HEREINBEFORE WAMED-------------------I.ATEF',f.:AIN I?,IPROPEi.ICNT NO. 170 3, COESTP.UCTIO;$ OF VILLAGE STORY SEYIEX &,ID PiPPLTRTENAII'CES IL~ ALL LOCATIONS HEREIHBEFORE MAZIED-----------------STO?,il SEYEP 1'PROVEP'E:I~IT irr). 77 and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall. be 3.2 follovs: 1 thru 12 incl, Block 2; Lots 1 thru. 13 incl, Block 3; Lots 1 thru 3 incl, i?loc!; 4; a11 in Lake Edina 3rd Addn, ; Lots 7 thru 13 incl, , Zlock 2; Lots 1 tIiru 7 incl, 3lock 3 ; Lots 1 thru 8 incl, , 3lock 4; all in Lake Fdina. 4th ,4ddn, ; and 7 unnlattzd lots in Tract A of ??,L.S. Mo. 679, Sec, 31, T. 28, R. 24, For Tfatermain Improvement :loe 170 - Lots 1 t5ru 21, hcl,, Slccl: 1; Lots 1 thn~ 12 incl, , 31ock 2; Lots 1 thru 13 incl., 3lock 3; and J,ots 1 thru 4 incl. 3lack 4, 311 f-n Lake Edina Third A.ddn,; Lots 1 thTu 9 incl,, Block 1; Lots 1 tIlcu 13 incl., 91ocI: 2 j Lot; 1 thru 7 incl., 3locl; 3; Lots 1 thm 8 incl, ~ 3lock 4; all in Lako Edina 4th Addn.; and 7 unplatted lots in Tract W of P.,L,S. ;foe 679, Secv 31, T'28, R,24. followin3 describeti boundaries : Pi7e. and :!est Shore Dr. S.; th, S?ly to ;E corner of Lot 21, 21, 1, Lzlte Edina 3rd Addn. ; th. Si-fly dong 1-1, line of Lot 21 E! dist, of 35' ; th. Sly ~ Wly and illy 7zrall91 to 2nd 35' iily and Sly of t3e II. line of 'k3t Shore Dr, and E, linn of Po?y Lane to a ?t. on B. line of Lot 4, 31. 1, Lake EdCna 3rd Addn,, sa7.d 7ain-t b.;in= 35' X. of SI! corner thereof; th. S. to :I.!?. cornw of Lot 5, 91, 2, Lake Edha 3rd Ptddn. ; th. S. to S:.T corner of Lot 8, 51, 2, Lake Edina 3rd Pddn. ; th SC1.r to :TV corner of Lot 1, 31. 3, Lake Edina,3rd Pddn.; th, idEl~7 to ?t, on C, line of said Lot 1, said pt. being 35' S, of i.JE corner ther%mf; th. E,, ;El\!, SEly, and 14117 For Sanitary Sewer Improvement Bo, 202 - Lots 1 thru 21 incl., Sloclr 1; Lots For Storm Sever Improvement 110. 77 - ALL lots and tracts of land within -th? Commencing a% ceiiter of inteersect ton of iIiL kcix ?arallel to and 35' S of the '3 llnc of 'lest Shore Dr, to a ?t. on the Xl~t line of Lbt 12, 31. 3, Lake Zdina 3rd Fddn., said pt, bein.r, 35' S of :I*? corner theraof; th Aly 30 X? corner ole Lot 13 , 91. 3 , Lake Edina 3rd Addn. 5 th, 31~t to S'T corner of Lot 1, 31. 4, Lake Ed%na 3rd Rddn, ; tk liE11g to a ot on the iI line of said Lot 1, said pt being 35' E of the iJ'I corner thereof; th Illy ?arallel to md 35' E of the E line of Vest Shore Dr, to a nt in Lot 4, 31. 4, Lake Cdina 3rd I?ddn.-, said yoint being 35' S and 35' F of the XI corner of said lot; th E, yrallel to and 35' S of the S line of Hibiscus Ave. to a pt in Lot 4, 31. 2, Lake Edina 4th Rddn. , said pt being 35' S and 35' :I of the corner of said Lot 4; tfi i,T to the center line of Hibiscus Ave, ; th :f to the point of beginning." :lotion for ado$ion of fesalution was seconded by VanVal there :.:are four ayes and no nays, as follot7s: VanValkenburg, aye; and Dicltson, aye; and the Xe iIacI / !layor Pro Tey a' v'k143D- ?F' C@:aTP,ACT 'FQ? SAXITA3;i SEXTI I'IPROVEWIT II9. 202, 'IATEYAIII IWROVE2EilT iJ0. 170, MlD STOF'l SE'IEY -. L:IPROVEf!EHT iao, 77 DZLAYED, PENDIidS SUB!:ISSIOIT !.:ID APPEWAL OF SU3D17JISIW FTNlLiJCTiIG BOXD, Ilr, drill asked, cn behalf of his client, Estox Corporation, that Council award contract to lorr bidder, tonight, for the above named improvenmt3. was delayed pending submission of si,gned agrement, and bond, by lovnzrs af Lake Edina 3rd and 4th Additi-ons. At th? recommend3tion of I:ana-r,er IIyde, awwd of contract 4Oy:rcI-q r,RA:iTS APyxwAL n;: cmF COURSE pLms.:- AUTiIOPIZES BIDS, r'r. ;<endall T. Stephens, Chairman osc the Park aoard, intrcduced ;7r, Hibbzrt :ILll, d-~o has been serving as Chairman of the 3oard's Golf Course Project, Yith the aid of the Vu-Graph, relief map, sketches, qnd a typed reQort, ?!r. Hill presented to the Council and to the audience detatled plans and estimates of cost on the mrk necessary for the develornent QF the "Golf Course" portion of the Hays Fam Co2munity Park. Zeportinn, that estimates include developnent of an 18-hole course, a par-thrze course, a drivinp, rao;?, and a club house, and roads, Z'r. ail1 gave as the estinlate of coSt, $825,000, He added that ultimste developnent of the Hays Farm ?ro?srty will rquire about $300,000 in addition, kut-fha%-tkk ui~~-r2~~~~e-ee~?~~~~-??~~-~~e~~~~~~s~ matter of rad construction, stating that original estimates on road construcrion costs conteTplated that ?;at be removed and solid backfill re?lace it; t>zt the 3card is of the opinion that roads on top of peat--&ile they nay n,at rough and cause soxe addition31 maintenancs--are rrorth buildhz in this qznner, and that the astimates given tcnlght 111.3 on this basis, Sstinatcs as quoted by 'fra Hill. are given briefly, for the racord, as follwis: TOTAL GOLF CTJfSE (18-hole md Par-3 ACCESS ?'n,iD; KID ?AnL3:IG R"ZA GZ:TS?1?L PA"K L'PFFTE'flJTS Yr, lii.l.1 elaborqtcd so-evhat on the $ 550,130 $ 115,330 ( ?Including plant nstarials , sntranc= develormant , mter sumly , elect52cal service and lighting, and desiyn and project enEineerinz fees $ 58,900 GOLF CLUZ, X!'JSZ $ 103,900 TOTAL ;; 825,OdO :ir. Hill told Council the 3o3rd is of the o$nion that ravenue Frm the 2olf facility xi11 cwar not cnly o99rat%nf; costs, but also debt szrvice. Asked 517 irusxee ;'ac"illan viiarrlcr ticve tiill be a zeneral PsseSisqBnt the cost, "r, Sill i-e?orted th3 3mrd Fully expects revxms to cc~~lateely cam;' the project; md That liquor funds r'c in reserve, iF they shculd not. SFeaking of tha cluk hcuse, '%. Nil1 stated it v~ill include provisions for Zolfers only; that Lt is not contemplated that tii5ra be a larzs roo7 For nublic pad ies . Trustes Dickson inquirzd as to \diether it is planned that the par-throe course will be constructed Cirst. l!r, Ki.11 replied that t'o2 Bcard ::ill try TO have it finished first, but r.:ould like to have the enti.1-a project started at the same tine, iie added that if vork is started no:.: the entirz project shculd be ccyplet4 by 1965; that such peat dredzing as is necessary vi-11 bc much less eqensive as winter ?!ark; and th3t there is the proble?t' of "yo::iny: tile" to ccnsider. 3oard reccrtnendations for developent of 3oE ccurse on Hays Far3 3s ilccented, 2nd that Council authorizn the takin2 of bids on the ?reject. "Iotian seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. Smsone frcT the audiznce inquired as to the fees proposed, and ::as inforned that plans are not definite, but consideration has bzen Ziven to a ?rapaid ranlily Fee of $225 for Edinz rzstdents; $125 €or Edina individu31 Prepid Fees; $2.25 no,r gme on aeekdays ; $2.75 for weekends and holidays, " - Iir. Dic?:son suET;psted that Council a??rove, and t? ac"'i1lan moved that Park 10/72/62 lTEL1'TIIIAW PLPT OF ?JPOAD'W!! ADDITICI?.I SECOITD PEPLAT rre;enteci with P1anni.n:: Commission's nctc?ber 10th recmlaendati on Enr q.-D?rovaJ.. Tuos moved f~r aTnrova1 of Praliminary Plat in accord iri-th Commission recamendat ion, :lotiion secnndxl by van Val ken bur^ and carried. Thk Preliminary lvas CLAGl?AiIAR SECnidD ADDITICIN, PFELIVIldAZV FLAT AFFROVED . recmmendation on this Preliminary was that it De aFproved subj zct to provi.sion for emergency outlet at south end of proposed road. develooer :.rill install sani-tarv sewer and watzr. ayxroval of Preliminary in accordance wit:? Corln?.ssicn's rcccvmendation ria3 seconded by ?lac7~j.llan 3nd carried , Planning Ccirdssicn s i'r. Hite added that the ?anT!alkznbur2's rnoticn for DIVISIOJ OF PB?T OF 3LOCX 22, VEiDELSSOHI? ADDITIOIJ APPRnfrED, QctcLtr 10th rqcommendation was favorable to the subdivision of that ?ro?erty 1:zally dcscr;bed as "T'J.75 Ft, of S. 310 Ft, of Bl, 22 and 2, 75 F't, of S. 310 Ft. of E. 90 Ft. of 1.71/2, Lot 22, VenZelssohn't (Farce1 6770, Plat 76180) Into two buildable lots, bein? (1) T7.75 Ft. of S, 235 Ft, of 31, 22, Ekndelssohn"; and (2)'t1?, 75' 02 S. 310 Ft, of S.1/2 of ;?.1/2 of 31, 22, TIcndeLssohn'! Tupa moved For aoarr?val 0-E subdivision in accordance with Conmission's recornnendaTion, ant5 motj-on was seconded by ElacVlj.llan and carried. Planning Ctimission's DIVJS10;J Op LOT 41, AIJD, SUBDIVISIOX 172 TI? 3E DISCUSSED AT TI% 07 ZQilIJC HEARIilC. Planniny Dtrector Hite explained that this pronosed Lot Division (semrztinn 01 East 45 feet froq bslance of lot) will denend on outcome of Zonin? 1ieari.ny sc'isduled for 2ovember 12, and suzgested that action be delayed wnding t'iis hcarin,?. So ordered. PETITIOiI DEADLINE FOP, 1963 VOfk SET 3VER TO DZCE'13EP. 15, aack,lo?Tnot as zreat now as it has been in the oast ferr years, Enyinecr !kZner suzzested that the custornarg Xovember 15th petition deadline be extended. Tupa's motion that petition deadline be extended to December 15, was seconded by Yac?:illan and carried. Saying the :Engineerirq 3IDS Tr) 3E TA::EX iInVEFI3ER 23, IYF. SAXITAR'I SE'IE? I!PFOVCT~ELITS H9S. 199 AIID 200, TAT;I:;'AId IrlF?3trCTiEIITS 168 fdTD 169 AIQI) STFEET I!:PROVEI'CIJT ii3. A-155 Plans For thesn proj xts rrere revi erred by Council, at the rscomendation of Villay F;nTinel;r l-l, in. '1, on Stauclcr Cirkls frm S. line of LondonderrT{ Pd. Eron 'J. Stauder Cj rcle to of the iJ. line of Lot 1, Bl. 2, Parkwood Farlarood Knolls fidddn. to ;!, Lmdondery ?'d ; 7nin-t on 'J?rkirond "d. 115' , marc3 or hsc;, AI, Knolls 4th @ddn. 10/22 /52 2, C!?:.ISP?.UCTT711 Or VILLACE LPTZFP.L ?!ATEY''AIiJ R:ID APrU?TE;IAi3CES I:J TiIG TOLL3lfIiIZ: ('!kTCK?PIliI I'~!F".?E~Z;IT i!Q. 169( Parkxcod 33. iron ?t. 115 feet, more or less, M, of ;I. line of Lot 1, 31. 2, ?arkvocd Knolls 4th Addn, to Londonderry -Rd. ; Parkwocd Lane fron Tarkwmd Fd, to S. line of Parktmod Knolls 4th Addn.; Londonderry Ild. fro3 11, 2nd of Stmder Circle S, to Parkwmd .Rd. ; Parkxood Xd, frcrn Londrnderry Fd. to Larada Lane; Larada Lane frm Par!a?ocd !?d. to il. line of Parkvrotsd Knolls Addition, C@iJSTRUCTIC)~l OF ASFBALT CGJCnXTE TAVEIEXT Qll TrIE PQLL0I.IIZC: (STREET I?IPR0VE!:EITT Larada Lane fro3 Parkwcod Pd. to X, line of Parkcood Knolls E.ddn. j Parknocd Rd. Eron Larada Lane to Londdnderry Rd,; Londcnderry ?d , frcm S . 1i.ne of Parkr.rood Knolls Ad&. to i4 .Parkmod Rd . ; Parkwood Rd, from intersecti.on OF Londonderry Rd. snd Stauder Circle to Londonderry r>,d ; Stauder Circle frcn 11. intersection of Londonderry rid, to S, line of Parkwood Knolls Addn. ; Farkwood Lane frcn Parhocd Rd, S, to S. line of Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn. ! 3. :$(I, A-155) ,."I) ,I, . , 4, C0i'fSTRUCTIO;i OF VILLAGE "C-1" TRU:Jq SAlIITARY SEllER EXTE,dSIO;I LATERAL C3II:JECTI OXS TEETO, PJD APPUXTEXAiICES IX TIE FOLLO!;'I;JS: Commencing at a pt. in the S1/2, Sec,31,T.L17,R.21, located 685,70' !I. of center line of Valnut Drive extended and 150' S, of 11, lhe of said halP-section; th. . proceeding :?ly 150' S, 0% and parallel to W. line of said half-scct?.on a dist,of a7prox. 472'; th. X!!ly at a deflection snglc to 35O ri&t a dlst, of 415' ; til. XIly at a deflection anzle of 51O rizht to a Ft. located on the S. line of . Farce1 4600 in the ;.J1/2, Sec,31,T,l17,~.21, a dist, of a?prox, 547'; th, TTly along the S.fi.ne of said parcel a dist , of 105' 5 th. 3ly alonz a line 480' !:.of and parallel to E. ltne of Parcel 4600 to X. line of said parcel a dist. of 159.87'; th. IJ:Ily to pt, on !?. line of Farce1 3801, W2, Sec, 91, T,117,R.21, located 500' :!.of 3.C. corner of said parcel a dist. of anprox. 300' ; th. 3l.-r on a line parallel to and 500' '1, of E, lines of Parcels 3810, 3200, 4830, and 4430, :J1/2, Sec.3l,T,117,D.21, to-a pt, 370' !I, of S. line of Farczl 4400, a total dist. of anprox. 640'; th. k!ly at a deflection aqle of 41O leR, to S, llne of Parcel 4200, :?1/2, Sec,3l,T,ll7,%,2L, a dist. of a?prox, 3%'; th. ibiZly at a deflection angle of 50° right to a pt, on 2, line of 31/2, Sec,31,T.117, R.21, a dist. of appro:<. 642'; th. :Ily on a line 225'!1. of and gwsllel to E. line o€ Parcel 0523 located in S1/2, Sec. 30,T,117,?.21 a dist, of 1200'; th, i?i?ly at a deflection angle of 44: .. left to gt. 13' I?. o€- Z. line 01 County Road ;lo, 18, a dist. of aoprm, 935'; th. ?lPj on a lhe 13' 7. 05 and ?arallel tn thz E. line ai County Toad ilo. 18 to center line of 'tdoney Ave. Located in X1/2, Sec. 30,T.117,??,21 8 dist.'or' a??rox, 2130'; th. Z1y on center X.ne of (SA:JITRl?Y SE'IZR IT~Fr?WEYE:IT iJOw 199) 1. ..alons;r he. to pt, of teminqtion, a dlst, of 146.42'. 5. CC:!ST?UCTIQ:I r>?' l!;'LLLrcZ LATZ"\.llL S%JIT.'I?)! SEE'? /LID ."LTFU!'.TE IP3CES 1,: THE T3LLtl'IIiIC: (SP;;'IITA?'i' SZ:!E? I:Y?T"I','Z'tiC:IT ;!9, 208) 3x7 existin? Trunk Semr ':,xihole located 150' :I and 150' S of centar of Sec.31, T,117,?,31; th.:!. on a lina 150' !I, of and parallel to :I., S,1/4 line o2 33Fd Sec. 31 i: dist. OF 273'; th.;l.E. on a deflecc?'.on anyla to ri+t of 7O25' a dkt, of 39St ; th, ;,I. on a deflection anzle to lzft of E"15' to ?t, at the intersection ~f centar linz cl" Londonderry P.d, and '3. line of Fark.:coed Lnolly kdh. Lmdonderry %Ti, Fro? ''I. line of Far'ramcd Knoll-, !idtin. to ;I, line e? Par!.:::ocd XnoLl-, 2nd i?.ddn. Staudw Circle fro2 .i. linz of Lot 2, 31, 1, Tark:mod :.bolls 2nd fiddn, to 455' Z. of centr line OF Londonderq ?d+ Parhocd ?d . Erc-n ;I line of Lot 2 B1, 1, Parloto&. Xnolls 2nd Addn. to Lclndcn- Zlerry W, j ParXwccd Ed, fro71 Londandesry ??a. to Larada Lane; Larada Lane from Farkmcd 3d, to J. linq of ?arkwood Knolls Pddn, On 1:. line 02 Sec. 31,T.117,R.21 frm tinter line OF Parkwcsc! n.d. 2. a d4st.oE 870' 2ork nust be done as described in alms and s?ccificitions on file in the offict of the Village Clerk. (by check), >lhich diposit !rill be rafundcd uyn return of said dms and spzcifications. JO bids will kc considared unless sealed and accmminleti b;7 cish dcnsit, bLd bond or certifid checl; pz;rable to the viiia~e clerk in the mount of 87: least ten (10) ?zrcant of amunt of base bid, 3Y OZDEF! OF T3E EDUA ?rILLAGE C9UKCIL. ?lam and specificatioas sre ava!.l<ble for EI dqosit of $10.00 The Ccuncil rzserves'the ri-qlit to rejs,ct any nr all Stds. nl- dLTG'-IZ;J S. P.LDE,I W113~S ClePk ' --3; adopted as the terns and condltions of award of the contract fop said hprouement. Each and all oE t3c terms OB the fcrenoing advertiscnsnt for bids 8re hereby ?"otion for .adoption of Fesolusion SJZS seconded by :lac ATTEST : 10/22/62 w 9998 - COUiICIL APFOIldTS i4E:I ELECTIW OFFICIALS. qct&ar 8th action a9pointing Election 3oards in accordance vith her recommendat; cp , .;he had Learned that 3oards are not in “Party-3zlance”. ?resent in: 3 new roster of official-,, she asked that the follo.c.rin~ appointments be mada to the aoard, to efFi2ct said party balance : Clerk raported that, after Council * J r?:ECIMCT NO. 1 - Ymzs, Narjorie S. Rossiter, ”‘srjorie YcCall, Graca Odell, PPXCIiJC? iI0. 2 - I*~-:es, l4elli.e Strate, Dorothea S Obermeyer, Doris Hartshorn, Vi-llim Kaiser, I.‘isurane Xeville I Sarbara Ccx Zma Xoyt and I-Iarisn Bailey. Sylvia Loheyde, Betty Tripp, 9uth PI. Zipoy and Yuth Plotnicky, Korthof , Eunice Carlson , Louise Finch, Ursula 3ezoier, Sheila Lu?f and Tkry Ty an . PP.ECII4CT i40. 5 - Fines, Lil, Kesler , Gladys 3arnes E ,3, Haedecke , Clxdys Cmeron, Geneva Smith, flarian Lyons and Anna Taggatz. PPJCINCT i?O. 6 - Nmes, Ol~a Bye, Hilma Syencer, El ffodlin, Kyrtle ??jlir, and Helen C, Kni.$it. PPECIMCT ;TO. 7 - T‘mes, E, L, ,Tones, Tiarzaret :?, 30TSCh, Lela Hasen, lZlice VcFadzean, Adella Stewart and YYrtle Kiichlf , PPECIkICT $I@. 8 - %es, Kursel Thonsen, :Iarold C. Iluqhes, ,&,dele Olzon, Ada S, E?-chhorn, Ruth Johnson, T.:J, Treat and ,Tom lTaldock John Ritchie and {Toanna V;-l;en, Frances Sonnenberg, Helen T‘, :{all, Lila flanse, Patricia Holstein, PFECIWCT Xfl. 3 - Xnes, Florence Flallbep? Audrey Ser?lund, Ruth V, TIolk , Xetty aentzen , Xuriel &ell, PRECIHCT 110. 4 - PTrnes, Helen L, James, Yvonns rord, Alamzda Kenerson, Josiz with the lady li-,ted first in each Precinct to act as Chai.rnan of the respect?.ve Soards. Tupa’s motion makin? aFpointments a3 suEsested v7a9 seccnded by Yacilillan and carried, ‘JIICF!ZiiS , !:innesota Statutes, Section 475.26, rier-dts the cancellation or ssid levv xavidin:: moneys are on h.md for papent of nrsnciwl snd interest For sqid bond issue; and it has been deterclincd by -this council thst the rqilred nloneys are on hmd for the valment of said ?rinci?al end interest: ;IO‘:, TIIZWFPE, 3% IT DFSnL?CD by th2 !rillase Council of the T?ill,=.r=~;~’ cF Ed?-na chat th3t ad v~lorem taj< lev; nade by Yesolution of t’iis Council ;Ido?ted r)c’cob*sr 13, 1952, and collectible with and as a part of other yenera1 tac3‘; in 3ai-d \Tillage for the year 1962, ba and hamby are cmcelled. 3C IT FURTXEP RESQLVZD that the County Auditor of iIennsqin County, *“inn*3sota, 30 authorized and dirxtezd to cancel the above descF;_bcd zd valorm tax lcvtl 2nd to delete said levy from taxes to be spread for t?iz ;rear 1962. TXAISiJFZ” ’ S YEPORT, Ai4D LI?UOP, STOPS STATEIIEIITS , AS AT AUWST 31, 1962 ~ 1.15~ nrcsented for Council review. CLALTIS PAID. 63ted Octoher 22, 1962, was seconded by ilac’lillan and csrried: $45,882.53; Construcrion Fund, $161,782‘47; Park, Park Const, and Srrim Pool, $6,829.61; Yatervorks Fund, $9,469.32; Liquor Fund, $51,611.34; Sever *ental rund, $413.24 and Improvement Funds, $236‘70-- Total, $276,225.21, Tii-.rc being no further business for t’iis rketjn:., I1acr’$illan moved for ad4curnncn-t. sl . I- Tuaa’s motion For nclpent of the Followinp Claim, ar, ?er Tr-J-L-ist General rund, i’oti on seconded b.7 ~~mVall:enbur?: and -