HomeMy WebLinkAbout19621106_canvassing_board_for_edina_village_election11/6/62 "eeting convened at 8:45 ?.'l., at Villa3e 3al1, with Council ?lernbws Dj-ckson, "ac':illan and Tu?a actin? 3s Canwssing 3card for Village Zlection for this date , Tuesday, :lovenbar 6, 1962 * and absentee ballots in tiie eight Voting Precincts; and it vas then novad, seconded and carried thzt the Canvassing Board certify the returns of the Village Election held llovemfaar 6, 1362, to be as FO~~SWS: P??E - BALLOT- SPEC1 AL i UIIC 1T.Q.L CIIJCT "SI-IALL 9KS 3E :.?UU;QICI PAL JUDcZ :Pie.nbers canvassed returns of Votknf: ?:achines OX ADVISORY - LEASHED 12 3iO3THS OF TI-IE YEA??'' -.- iI0 - YES 7 1 773 447 2 1,101 3 845 4 1,339 5 697 s 281 7 643 8 842 TOTAL 6m 442 3 44 381 344 154 3 47 2 85 - 2,744 TRUSTEE - JUDTE- BER7.I 6 iTS TOTAL TEF.:? 3 YES, .TEE!; 6 W'S. 3RUCE 2. RICYPY?D E. TOTAL PEG. VOTE !7@TE -- L, 9, RIXE DCUALD S.3URRIS JAYIES 3LSC:J 1,163 1,372 926 3 12 1353 2374 1;313 1; 450 1,116 1,253 1,529 1,605 451 461 962 1,012 964 1,019 910 1,021 - 8,408 9,193 926 774 979 6 83 30 8 693 675 5 ,YE4 454 42 9 576 332 142 284 292 2,821 2288 2865 1923 2370 2395 2975 1473 1794 652 881 1396 1717 1556 1929 13632 16985 7;I;dUTES OF THE QEGULAI? PZETIXC 3F TdE EDIXA VILLAGE Cr?Ui3CIL, HELD ?OXDAY, XOVE'IBER 12, 1962, AT 7:30 P.Tr, , AT THE ZDIXA VfLLACf: HALL Although Regular Tine for Iketing is 7:OO T.'!., this !:@@tin2 did not convene until I 7:30 P.X. , because of School Board Dinner, td tt'nich Council and Administrative Staff had been' invited , - "embers answerin2 Sollcall sere Dickson , YacVillan , TuFa , VanValkenSurg and Sredesen. '.II;IUTES of Ilzetings of actober 1 and October 8, 1952, vier2 a??roved as submitted, by ?lotion Yan?aLkenburg, seconded by Tu?a and carried VALLE'I VIE:J 3F,RXICrLDZS TO 33 RE:!OW,D , fOrZ FURTHE? TRAFFIC STUDISS 2eporklnZ to the lalq-~e audience present, that in accordznca with Ccuncll direction many traEfic counts have been taken on valley Vieo Timd and surroundin? straetr; durin: the past fe~ r:eeks, ?!ayor Sredesen asked I:r. Ceorze Hite, Flannin? Dirzctor, 20 ?resent the results of these counts. 31ith the aid of the Vu-?ra~,h, I:r, Hite a-x?laEned the results c'utained fron the counts taken relative to bcti wd.uqe cf traPfic, and turnfn,? mwcxents. The T5.rs.t t:.!o slides shvn ~:tre the pasults oE -In "Origin and Dest Ination'' 3tudy mad)? bePore inst3xllxtion oF the ?~lle:r ?kc:: Sarricades; an5 31imr31 that 5% of th2 Ilest-bound trr.F-F.ic on !blley Vie:? road Z:?L=t turned :lorti-1 omtc -3ifn:wT 100, 105 turned South on Xiyhr.:a!r :io. 100, and that a surprising 318 ccnt.i.nu3d :?esterl:y across Xighvay ;Io. 102, onto ?zlley Viev Zest. Relative Zc Zast-bound tnffic on 7i'alley Vkr Rcad Sas-t, rasults shr3t:::3d that 66$ 100 to the Sout:i, snc2, qa.in, a surnrisin2ly hZy,h 225; cme frc~ ?alley ~iew ::est. Pel~tive tc Total Trsffic ?~lu~e, Tk, Hite reyrtad that 24-hour counts taken hefore the onenin.: of the Cross Town Ei$xray OP installation of the l?alley '?ie:.i barricades shoved a total vnlume. of 10,000 vi?h.i.cles per day on !!alley ~5-m ?c~d just East of I-IiThmy k, 100; 1900 vehicles'psr dqy on Concord Avenue just iqort'n of ':.60th Street, and 750 vehicles par day cn 7,GOth Straet just Esst of :-i.igii:.rl~y 100. ,L:e added that the 10,000 per-day fi2urz for V3lley vie!: Pcad vtzs as F~P a re?ort by the County; that actual count as taken by V5.llaze was 7,000 per day, He compar2d the above fic.,ures with thz results of counts talcen just this past v~ezl;-- xhich counts siior.red total voluple of 1,000 vehicles ner dq7 on Valley YistJ ?bad. just East of Xghxay :lo. 100, and 3,030 just Yest of Xooddale; 2600 veh.i.cles cn Concord just 3orth of 3.6Oth Street; 1500 on 1l.Gi)th St'rP-et just East of I-;igh:ray 100, 375 on 7.59th St. just East of Highway iTo. 100; 6000 cn :7ooddale Ava. ahcrut nldaay betwsen '.'alley I7hr Foad and Vr5Qth St. , and scxe 6,000 vehicles cn the Cross Tarn Highway (this last being Henne?in County estimate). lb. Hite addJd that volune for a nornal r.Zsident?aP street is 300 to 500 vehic.le-, asr dsy; that ni&~~y ;To, 190 c3rriss sone 18,000 vehicles ?er day, ?layor 3redesen inquired as to tinether t3ere wc3re any questions r2lative to the results of tests, as reported oE tiie total ~701~~2 cme frm :Iiz'nway \? 1'40. 100 to the ilerth, .?'rc-q :-I?'.+\:,qr :fa. -7.