HomeMy WebLinkAbout19621112_regular11/6/62 "eeting convened at 8:45 ?.'l., at Villa3e 3al1, with Council ?lernbws Dj-ckson, "ac':illan and Tu?a actin? 3s Canwssing 3card for Village Zlection for this date , Tuesday, :lovenbar 6, 1962 * and absentee ballots in tiie eight Voting Precincts; and it vas then novad, seconded and carried thzt the Canvassing Board certify the returns of the Village Election held llovemfaar 6, 1362, to be as FO~~SWS: P??E - BALLOT- SPEC1 AL i UIIC 1T.Q.L CIIJCT "SI-IALL 9KS 3E :.?UU;QICI PAL JUDcZ :Pie.nbers canvassed returns of Votknf: ?:achines OX ADVISORY - LEASHED 12 3iO3THS OF TI-IE YEA??'' -.- iI0 - YES 7 1 773 447 2 1,101 3 845 4 1,339 5 697 s 281 7 643 8 842 TOTAL 6m 442 3 44 381 344 154 3 47 2 85 - 2,744 TRUSTEE - JUDTE- BER7.I 6 iTS TOTAL TEF.:? 3 YES, .TEE!; 6 W'S. 3RUCE 2. RICYPY?D E. TOTAL PEG. VOTE !7@TE -- L, 9, RIXE DCUALD S.3URRIS JAYIES 3LSC:J 1,163 1,372 926 3 12 1353 2374 1;313 1; 450 1,116 1,253 1,529 1,605 451 461 962 1,012 964 1,019 910 1,021 - 8,408 9,193 926 774 979 6 83 30 8 693 675 5 ,YE4 454 42 9 576 332 142 284 292 2,821 2288 2865 1923 2370 2395 2975 1473 1794 652 881 1396 1717 1556 1929 13632 16985 7;I;dUTES OF THE QEGULAI? PZETIXC 3F TdE EDIXA VILLAGE Cr?Ui3CIL, HELD ?OXDAY, XOVE'IBER 12, 1962, AT 7:30 P.Tr, , AT THE ZDIXA VfLLACf: HALL Although Regular Tine for Iketing is 7:OO T.'!., this !:@@tin2 did not convene until I 7:30 P.X. , because of School Board Dinner, td tt'nich Council and Administrative Staff had been' invited , - "embers answerin2 Sollcall sere Dickson , YacVillan , TuFa , VanValkenSurg and Sredesen. '.II;IUTES of Ilzetings of actober 1 and October 8, 1952, vier2 a??roved as submitted, by ?lotion Yan?aLkenburg, seconded by Tu?a and carried VALLE'I VIE:J 3F,RXICrLDZS TO 33 RE:!OW,D , fOrZ FURTHE? TRAFFIC STUDISS 2eporklnZ to the lal-ze audience present, that in accordznca with Ccuncll direction many traEfic counts have been taken on valley Vieo Timd and surroundin? straetr; durin: the past fe~ r:eeks, ?!ayor Sredesen asked I:r. Ceorze Hite, Flannin? Dirzctor, 20 ?resent the results of these counts. 31ith the aid of the Vu-?ra~,h, I:r, Hite a-x?laEned the results c'utained fron the counts taken relative to bcti wd.uqe cf traPfic, and turnfn,? mwcxents. The T5.rs.t t:.!o slides shvn 7:t-e the pasults oE -In "Origin and Dest Ination'' 3tudy mad)? bePore inst3xllxtion oF the ?~lle:r ?kc:: Sarricades; an5 31imr31 that 5% of th2 Ilest-bound trr.F-F.ic on !blley Vie:? road Z:?L=t turned :lorti-1 omtc -3ifn:wT 100, 105 turned South on Xiyhr.:a!r :io. 100, and that a surprising 318 ccnt.i.nu3d :?esterl:y across Xighvay ;Io. 102, onto ?zlley Viev Zest. Relative Zc Zast-bound tnffic on Ii'alley Vkr Rcad Sas-t, rasults shr3t:::3d that 66$ 100 to the Sout:i, snc2, qa.in, a surnrisin2ly hZy,h 225; cme frc~ ?alley ~iew ::est. Pel~tive tc Total Trsffic ?~lu~e, Tk, Hite reyrtad that 24-hour counts taken hefore the onenin.: of the Cross Town Ei$xray OP installation of the l?alley '?ie:.i barricades shoved a total vnlume. of 10,000 vi?h.i.cles per day on !!alley ~5-m ?c~d just East of I-IiThmy k, 100; 1900 vehicles'psr dqy on Concord Avenue just iqort'n of ':.60th Street, and 750 vehicles par day cn 7,GOth Straet just Esst of :-i.igii:.rl~y 100. ,L:e added that the 10,000 per-day fi2urz for V3lley vie!: Pcad vtzs as F~P a re?ort by the County; that actual count as taken by V5.llaze was 7,000 per day, He compar2d the above fic.,ures with thz results of counts talcen just this past v~ezl;-- xhich counts siior.red total voluple of 1,000 vehicles ner dq7 on Valley YistJ ?bad. just East of Xghxay :lo. 100, and 3,030 just Yest of Xooddale; 2600 veh.i.cles cn Concord just 3orth of 3.6Oth Street; 1500 on 1l.Gi)th St'rP-et just East of I-;igh:ray 100, 375 on 7.59th St. just East of Highway iTo. 100; 6000 cn :7ooddale Ava. ahcrut nldaay betwsen '.'alley I7hr Foad and Vr5Qth St. , and scxe 6,000 vehicles cn the Cross Tarn Highway (this last being Henne?in County estimate). lb. Hite addJd that volune for a nornal r.Zsident?aP street is 300 to 500 vehic.le-, asr dsy; that nighray ;To, 190 c3rriss sone 18,000 vehicles ?er day, ?layor 3redesen inquired as to tinether t3ere wc3re any questions r2lative to the results of tests, as reported oE tiie total ~701~~2 cme frm :Iiz'nway \? 1'40. 100 to the ilerth, .?'rc-q :-I?'.+\:,qr :fa. -7. 11/12 /52 29.3 iio questions !12re forthcornin?. CouncSLts action of September 24, barricading Valley ?ien ?1oad at Hi2hvay :Io. 100, in an attem~t to educate thru-traffic to use the Cross ToiJn Hiqhway, and thus rzlieue Valley Vie:.r Poad of excess traffic. He added that inasmuch as alnost 2-1/2 times as many vehicles were usin: '?2lley l?ie1w beL'c?r?e the barricade, the Council 5eems to have baen at least parti-ally successful in its attenpt. ?emindin: audience that t'ne Council had indicated st the time Valley View was barricaded, that i-t would onen Valley View a.fter sene 30 or 45 days and take additions1 counts ,to see if the closing had served its nur?osc and ''what would hanpen novr" , Ilr. Bradssen exorcssed his Farsonil a?Trsciation for th% forbearance excsrci-sed by all Edina res idents inconvenienced 3y this temporary closhg. added that iF the Council is corrzct 5-n !ts sr_ssumTtion that thru-trxffic ks notr been educqted to use the Cross-Toitrn Hi$i!say rat'iler than Sallq Vie..;r ?md, he wuld think the Vallsy View barricade could be reaoved permanently Dickson moved that barricades on IJalley View Road, Emt of :-Ii~hay iIo, LOO, be removed forthvritli. Xr. Tuna then su?;zested that Left Turns continue to be prohibited , either onto Hiqhway ilo, 100 from Vallsy Sicw, or onto Valley View .frm Hizhway Xo, 100, 5.; Yronosed relativc to turns; thzt the "80 Left Turn" signs ?:ill remain, Rxlpli Dunkr, 4624 Valley !Tie\+ Road, inquired 3s to vrhather thc Council intends to set a time lj.m,it for this next series of tests (traffic counts on Val1e;t Vi.cr.1 ninus barricades). 1963, vhich seem?d agreeable to a11 concerned, trafP5-c sL?;nal'vrill remln thn ssme, and another 1725 ,?,sl:ed 2s to trhethm t'nz siy. at th~ sntrsncs fron rralley VLB~V to the Cross To:m :r111 ~trl.7 u?. .-L~.rde o,:.mla4neri tkt the cnlp difference ulll be that th? birrica-ltz at Vz.11.3y ?~EZ and Iii~:ivr!r1y 100 irill cme out--but thst th3 rrordLn.1: of the siyn in question m3:7 have to be changed. on both sides of Valley Shr, and -this request vas ,pznted, rmovzl n? barr?ca.de ws carried. 1365, (Durinz iIearing both "for" and "a&nst" barricade ranoval gatitions filed), Yr. Bredesen then revimred for audience tha 'T ~e Motion seconded by Tup, tfanager Hyck c:cpLnined that no chanye Ilr. Fir, ;iyde suzzcsted that tine limit bs set For Jznuary 1, ?usstion m.3 raked as to T?hc3th?r '%na?:sr TI Valley Viev goad delegatlon asked that ?arkLnZ,be. slIo::.ed Dic!~-,en'~ mo<i_on For i.iatt=r contlnued to f?mt rnslstinn Ln Janurlry, T'-'p,C'I' C, ?,ZEc,ISTE;PED LAiJD STpVE'! 194 LpIIlG '!%STGnL': ?r A L1i.T.E C0'1~XTCI:IS .C,T 9. F?I;l'I' C(?q;IC?. TIIEP.EOr : Ti-IEilCE FU:l;IT.?TC SOIJTHESLY P.T P.IGiIT !,?$5LES T9 SnUTlIEnL" LZ:!Z r?F SMiI T"?,CT, E;(C~T ?~,4iS*, the Qctober 10, 1962 Neetin.: of the Planning Comnjssion, which set Forth in detail the Cornmi-ssion's favorsble reconmendation on the above request , The ?ro?erty undel- cons:-deration for %zoning is bounded on the east by the DX Service Station, on thi3 north by Eden Prairie Pd,, on .the south by T.H. 169 and on the trest by 31aka ?cad; all surroundin: properties escept DX Station pro?erty bein2 zoned Oncn Dcvelo?msnt District, resident i-a1 ciiaracbr of the surrounding poverty "i:ultipbe 7.esidence" zcminz is nors m?ronriate for t'iis tract than is it-, present "Connunity Stora" desipztion; SddTng that no on5 can tell, now, why the Cornnunlty Store Zonins vas ziven to 'tile oro?lsrty, (Zoninz 7m.s rnade in 1937). tIr. :-lite stated that there have pecantly bean p-ronosals for Community Store uses, cne bein2 For a super-market, and it is qenerally believed that the Kingbay proposal, for ccnstruction of fivz 12-unit 2-1/2 story apartment buildings , is the bdst mooosal received; that it meets or c:-:ceads ordinance requirements in all matters, and Planninz Commission riccamends request be yranted. received orior thereto. that ?ro?erty be rezoned in hccordanca :.~ith Planning Commission's recommendation, w.s secondad hy Dickson, and on rollcall vote there ver3 five ayes and no nags, as fol1or.r~: Dickson, aye; FTac?Killan, aye; Tuna, aye j VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and motion carried unanimously. (Sel; Ordinance adopted later in Meetinp,) , -~ Ti1 TI-IE lJQnTjl LINE QF SAID T?ACT D7:S.T. 257.86 TO. :JZT;T%?,T,'; FRO71 TliZ 'ic?ST L$l;?TE?l;Y -.' - . ..--.. Planning Director Hite referred Councii to the 1:inuttm of TIr. Hite siated the Commission is of' the opinion that because or' t!Ic No objections were made at the Heariny, and none had baen YactUllan! < motion tf&$j;jg~ fio:jp?s ~~UEST 3~ WS, EUGENIA HELEVE FOX RZZc3:KliQ FRO?: OPE11 DGVEL?P:EJT DICTR~CT To 'ETiTiiSfLz ?A>K-I~K DFTR~C?,,CIF ITH,~:~'- $D.+T ny LQT 41, AUD.. su3D. XI. 172 V~IJG EAST OF :,JEST 145 PZET THEDSOF; XIU OF SU3Di?ISI@I? QF SAIR LCI'I' 41 mm :?EST 145 FgkT- ?HEI?mt. ~ Amavj-ts of Publication and of !railing of ::otic3 of lie.&--& ifere' subhi%%ed, a?proved as to form and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant to said ;Jotice, Public Heari.ng was conducted on the above entitled request-, Planning Director ilite raported that Yrs. ;-ideve wishes to sell the east part of her property to Yr. Frank Gale, omer of :!,50th St, Xational Tea Store, provided it can be rezoned to Automobile Parking District. a sketch siiawing the relationship of the property under consideration for Pezoning to surrcunding ponertizs, adding that Kr. Cale does not wish to use the proDerty for parking lot at this tine, but :sill hold it in reserve. :Ir, Hitc also rzported that there is a dvellinz on the Yest part of the nro?erty, and Xrs. Meleve is requesting that she be alloxed to subdivide Lot 41 in order to $ernit sale of the :.!est 155 feet to I-ir. Salz, and none had baen rec9ived prior thereto, Pezoning. frcr? Opan Developlent District to Autonobile Pa&inz District, and .For Fernission to subdivide Lot 41 be pmted in accordance with Planning Coxmission's October 10 , 1962 recow-endation, was seccnded by Dickson and unanirrously carried. (Sse Ordinance adopted lster in :Teeting, Rezoninz), T;iO LOTS-(THZ ?/EST 145 FE?" OF TJ9T 41, AilD "THAT FGR'I' OF LOT 41 LYIiIC EAST OF THE He prasented Tnera were no objections nade at the Fublic Searing, Tu~a's motion, that requests for *IjUSLLC HE,??I:JG HELD ?:J PETITTO:? OF "U?X OIL CO'T'AXY FQR F.EZ[rXI;ft, Ft6Y! OFElYT DC7!EL'3E)- L' YE;(? :~Is:T?TC~T :ci?i:.y;u;r;' :jb-? DTSTELCT I'LNY 6,*7, 8, 9- MID io , ,SL'ICX 4, mri:~~ ~I-E;? XEICFITS~~ (II~TH-IEST I .. CQKJER su:::;~T p,l:E;;iuZ .l\;i~ HIWI;:AS m. ~GY 1, P~D FQY SPgCJAL PEFXT -. . FQ? ._ and 'Tailin: of Xotfce of Xearin~~subnittxl., appoved as to fom and ordared >laced OR file. above entitled Petition by Pure nil Colnnmy, that this raquest had CCI~~ befor2 the Planninz Cmmissien last .?uystj "car it Ls COP mzoninx and S?ecial Penit for a easoline Sexvice Station on the ;Tcrth srda OF iiiz:?::.ay 169, just '.Tcsr oT SuinTit Avenue. for -1 !%scline Service Stztion, ti12 plan is a "little diWEcrantl' t?an noat. rrssenting a sketch s.hw?-nZ site ?lan and proposed buUdiing, ?.*r, :-lite xxprtsd th3.t the buildinz, as actually pro?osed for this location, is red brick and qkissr 3.- :-lite told Council tht Fur2 Oil Co3pan:r has gene to rather elajorate efforts to ?lease the nei7hbcrs ?:hose hcnes on Hsnl:erscn Rvenua back to the service stztion site; that it .is hlanned to set the building vhst the rear lot line of file proprty, r;.ith ?rovisTcns mads for screening of yroperty , es3;ciall:I that Pyi-ng to the '.!est; that the fillin2 statim site is six to eight het lowr than The Hankerson Aven3e-?royorties, and that it is proposnd to censtruct a lauvred fsr?ce :.7hich ::ill cmpletely scrzen the station fro-? these pro?erties. ; also, that lig3ts tiill be set zt the rem of the lot, ained either east or sauthe-lst, added that the sfte is not ltkely to be developed for residential purposes hcsuse of surrounding ccxiercid devdapent, and that tho- currmt gro?osal is in Fteepinc vith developent tzlattern to this tine; also, that the Comission is considering the zoning,to Office Building District of the ares. (5 lots) directly to tha north QF this site. '.Ir. Hite introduced F,lr. Jim I-iavkes, Plannkz Consultant far Fure Oil Co-npany, who reviexed both traefic plan (whEch includes an islmd at entrance to site to alleviate cangestion), and Senera1 site ?lan, elevation of building had besn of sene concern to t'le neizhbors; that, not:, :,.iti-l rzductfon of grade, building :7i.l1 not ,b% above the fence; that lip,ht standarirs !.till be seen by neighbcrs, houevar, ffr. Havrkcs renorted that th? intent of this Flan is service to the surroundin(; residential area, Charles Sprin? Avenue nroperty owners, Ts still opposed to the $an, ;ir, Hite asked that Council note the Plannhs Coxnissicn's Octobsr 10th reccmmendation for agwoval of Fure Oil Cor??anyr s pstttion Is continzent upon the Ccmpany's observing oprations hours for the station of 6:OO A.Y. to 1O:OO ?.''.? and ~5th the CcnTang's understanding that the Village niy at sone future date prohibit left turns onto the site, and also turning only one directlon, that no such restrict?-ons be established for ono ?articular location--that , in the first place, this fizhts vith State Statutes j and that like restrictions should be established for all stations, or restrictions should be eliminated. Pr aS?Lf;JE EC.!~STKi'IO;! .,. .I rS:l SAID F?OPE??TY. P,r: idavlts a? i?@5tiny Pursuant to said ;Jotice, Publk Hearinc vas conducted on thz Plsnniny! ndrector T-iite e:cylzi.nsd Statin? that !!hile the yoyosal is - He He told Council the 14r, Nite told Council that 'Tr. 5041 ilankerson Avenue, xho has infor~iP3 re?re%ented the H_.mkerson I:r Henry ifaverstock protested Ccr;mission's action relative ta hours of oFeraticn, He stated that it vmuld seem faLr and reasonale i1/12 /Gi ,]In 2ccorda.nc.i with action taken by Council. at Public Hzarings held this eveninq on sr3vet-4, zonin?; ?eti tions, Dickson offered the follorrinz Qrdinmcs, movin7 for xaiver OF second reading and adontion of Ordinance as rsad: ORD1;JANCE ;I?, 261-70 AX ORDTWAiTCE AVEiJDIMG OTDIiI41JCE 20. 261 (Z0,JI;IG o?DIilAXCE) np THE VJL'LlGE or EDIiIA, ESTA3LISfIIiIG ADDITInN4L I'ULTI'LC I?ESIDE;JCE, 4UTfIiIQ3ILE PAfKIIJG, !.;ID C3':'1U:IITY STO2.E DISTPI CTS T3C !rILL,2GE ClnUIJCIL r)r THE VILLACZ rlr EDIiIP., ~'II?~IESQTP,, r)PDAI;IS : Ssc,tion 1, Section 4, '7ulti?18 Yesidancz District, of Ordinance iTo, 2G1 of -the rlsviszd nrdinaricas cf the T?illaze oi EdLna, 3s awndsd F-; her&;r furthzr axlznded LV addin? ;~t th.3 en6 of ?-iraqrarlh 1 of said Section 4 an add'tional suh-mrqrd1 2s f'ollo-7.; : "(c) TiJt ?art of Tract C, Fexisrarcd Land Survey 194 Zlr5n.r 'ksterly oT - 1 lint cmmencinq at a mint in t!i$ :Iortyl line of s2i-d trxt di-tznt 257,35 feet 'Testerlv Froq the mst E3~terl77 cornzr therer??, thcncz runnin? Southerly at riliht an2les to the Soutfier1:;r lin; of said trqct, 3:iCzFt Paad, " "(rr) Lots EjZ 7, 8, 9 md LO, Block 4, ';randviev Heizhts". 296 11/12 /62 I ~~:!si' I--I.~<~+KYE~~" jin. 202 ,*-:ime:m I;:.PXO>:.~E;IE:I? \In.. ~'IO, mu s~c~rcf SmEr I::PW.G- 'IEJT ;IO. 77. Financing Apeenznt, sl-,ned by oFficiels of Estov Cornoration; that the agrcensnt doer; not include 2rovision for an escrow acccunt for street Ciprovment; that the required bond has also b3en furnished. He asked t'nat Council Fom311y confir3 its infcrDa1 action taken Octobar 24 , approvinp agreement and avrardinc CQiiTRACT l3T' SAXTAP.? SEYER L'~?P,QVE71E:IT 110, 202 T!ATER'IAIiI 1fSPRQI"E"EIIT Iln, 170, A!ID cTW'/ SEZEP Ir.!PPRO\E:33?T IIO. 77 to 10x7 bidder, Peter Lametti Construction Co., at $95,090.20. VanValkenburg so noved. :'anayr :iyde raForted that thre illa age nas now received the UttlitK Yotion seconded by 3acllillan and carried. I ~~IX-'IILE CSEK :!ATERS:-IED DISTRICT TO CC):IDUCT EEAR1;JG 071 TUESDAY ,. iiOVZ:?i3EI! 20 P,T 8:OO PgY., EDTilA '!ILLAC;E HALL, PS2LATIVE: TO IIDQPTIO;I Oc RULSS R;?D ?%r]UL,?,'TIO:IS :IanaSer Hyde announced date and time of !leeting, sayins Edina e:c?ects to enter no 'ob-jections to proposed rules and replations, repcrt back to Ccuncil, Trustee I:ac:llllan to attend and SPXCTAPY SEYER PETITIO:? FOP. BARFXC ROAD, V.65TH ST. TO :.?.66TiI ST, FILED. Fetition &hit= znd, by motran Tupa seconded by Dickson and carried, reEcrr3d to ?,'illage Enzineer for prograqaing, kGGZT3T P;ID 3VTD ~33 STrZET SUw,4CI:?G I'? EDI:?A FAWLAlIDS, :?IT3 ASSESS'EiIT QVfS THPEE-YEA? PERIOD, APS)RQ\!SD, Ccuncil of ayxexent and bond for Trillage instzllation 03 street surfxing in Zdinz Parklmds, rrlth assesswnt to be over thrc2-year Qeriod 2nd full oapant of assassns-nt to be paid at tins title is transferred nrior to end of assessnent 9eriod. Tupa so novcd, "lotion seconded by Dickscn and carried. . Plmninc Director Hite reccmendGd ayroval by CQ.iDE:2:ATIn;i X?AnD FFOY ttDA'IIS 40 ,ICEStt ,?P?ZALED. Davis heirs navs .ia?aJlcd the 'CcTniTsicners' awrd OF $43,750 for theis h-O-qcr3 tract (cut of ryhich thay -nuqt ?zy s~ie $8,000 in taxes and s?ecial assessnsnts); that they are askinE $135,000 for this ?rcmZrtp. meetin? on the matter tc-Iorrc):?, 'k. Hyde asked Cor Cnunctl nolicy on price, told Ceuncll he undersrands rhpt iC the Irilla.ye lets this 20 to a??~?!al, nc-7, the heirs -m.rst be pzid $35,OcIO; then, $2 the iury -. anrds ;?ore tha to ?sy For thz Fropwty, the \7i11agq2 nusc institute a ctvilGiBPto hz*Je i-ts rlcneg riturned. 3. 37d52 was eskad how nuch diffzrence the VClltlcjels rezusal to take the ?ro?erty wohllri n~ke to th? School 3c3rd's plans, He reywttd he Salie-ves it wuld not nake %reat deal cf GifEerence, although it rrould cut d~:m the recrsation area. on his raccrds at zi valuation ~f $33,000. Sene considerable discussion rras had by Ccuncil, ..rith Trustees DLckson and Tuna both stating they r:ould be opaosed to pa;rinZ an7 more than the $43,750 anardcd by the Ccxdssioneys. papent, T'r, VaiValkenbur~ stated he thouzht th.o,r? muld be S~QU examption if :.?a do not take possession InTediatelg, heirs znd rqresentatlv2s 2nd remxt back to Council an results of meeting, ':anapr 8:rde rerorted 'ch3 Statin? that there rrill be a 2% tsle '5lls.ce rrls:ie..; T?lllazz Assessor barns rmorted the pro?art;t is csmied P,s to the $35,0U0 'lanager Hyde directed to nezt vith Di317is FRQFQSED GAS PRAXCFITSE LFJD WET TO DECE3EY lOTH :'ESTI:TG YO? FURTXEP STUD'i Uniforn Suburban Franchise Zor ';inneapolis Sas Compawy, dated ilovember 9, 1962, was discussed. and study, :!ayor 3redessn di-d eqress his views on some Fodnts: provision in the "Joint and Cooperative AgrzeTnent" for paIyment for sarvice on the . 3oard of Directors of tho "Gas ?ate Regulatory ?iuthorit:yll. provision for rtqment of a noninal fee to each Diractor, from the funds of the gas agency. figure is weighted too strongly to Emember comunities, rather than to the amount of money bein2 spent--that not enough importance is being to the sate ypr, and that if the purpose is to set reasonable rates, then rate nayers should have ncre of a 57oice than those :.?no are not I;as consumers. Yr, Hgde reported that there is no need for imnediate action, and iIacnillan moved that the Gas Pranchise be l3id ovBr to the first meeting in Decamber for Further study. 7anValkenburg and carried, .. Saying that he had not had sufficient tine for conpletc revieir 1, There is no I-:e advocated a 2. He said he believes the "one-vote-for $SOCj,OO Birn revenue" . Hotion seconded by EDXJA 71RE'iE:I TQ FPSSEIT 3ILL TO LSGISLATU??E FQ9 "EDEIA FIn.EKEJ'S ?E:TSII);J S?S"E':", 3. Hyde re?orted that Edinz has been holding $50,000 due PERA, tryin; to zet ansmrs Eroa PEPA relative to status of members OF the Faid Fire Denarbnent. i'ost of Edina's gresent xiid firenen have cone frcn the ranks of the volunteers, vhrc they had their om ?aid nsnsron systen, financed largely Fron ycfits From the annual Firenon's Dances,. of belonging to its Firenen's %lief Association its members k:era.not nenbers of PEPA, and has h2d snSci31 legislation for its own pension fund; that our Firemen have E! proposed bill ready for enactment at this next session (rrith vhich 1%. Hyde disagrees in theory, becaus2 03 the size of the vrou ) For its om "Edina Flrmen's necessity for PE3A clarification, it would be rtell ta hwe theq 20 ahead vith tislr The Tiichfield Fire Departinent has discovered that bec3uso- Pension Systen" ; that ~ nerhaps, because of the msz-zzxk~t .'nge8. - of nointin2 u? the ERX 11/12 /62 I Y1-m. 'lr. II;7de rn-Forted that after the Richfinld ths indivi-dual firzmen reczived rafunds of their 7ire Dqertment vn contribution yexq , but that the VillaSs of %&field hes n3t vet recsived its For the22 nen; alqo, that Edina has been holdln? back its xiymnt becmse no msvers me Forthcomhg frm the Pssccj3tior-J 7s to the had 12% fE?A -t h r ou f;h the cont r ibut ion to W?A onP7 - current status oF it-, Sirmen. iTo Fornal action yras tat:en, hut It YJ?~ ay-2~3 thEt Crrt..nzn should 70 ahead irit!i dan for s?eci?l lezislation. DQG LE,gS;ILiIC ACTIGi DELAYZD FO? "U?THE? STUDY. Scm discuzsion :I?$ h-.d on thz iattsr oE the 2-1/2 to 1 vote of idovember 6, fa\ror;-nn 1013 laashin? year-round, Kayor Brzdesen told Council he is still qposei to a full-t?-ne dog mtchzr and do2 nound--that hz thj-nks this is aluxurg ;.?e cannot ;It-F?ord, d.i.rsc-kcl to investiqate and renort on costs of wtrol .md imnoundinz, and sction on do2 lsas'nh:: !sa5 tabled ?endi-n? said rsnnrt, ?$anacf~r Wjtda ';:as COUi,lCIL AUTHOTiIZES PUECFIASE OF LOT 48, AUDITOR'S SIJSDIVISIOH XO. 176, FOR !TOT r50RT: T:I4rl,000, FOP ~~WQKSTDE AVENUE -. REL~CATIO>~. Planninz Director Hite revi2:reci tar Council plms foryne Brooksi.de Avenue 9eloca-iion.. :ie reForted that, subsequent to Council's September 10, 1962 action authorizinz condemnation of the west mrt of this lot, Dr. Hornick, omer of that ?ortion, has also acquired the east part of the tract; that there is a house on this eastern ?ortion; that Dr, Hornick is wi.llhz to sell the entire trxt for $14,000; thzt Villay Assessor Kearnc, €eels thq progerty is not worth this much money. Yr, Keams told Council the house is in ver-7 poor condition, and lot is not a good building lot. was had by Council, and Dickson ?loved for notification to Dr, Hornick that the ViJ-lage wU.1 nurchase the entire tract for not more than $13,000, and that if thls is not satisfactory to him, condemnation prcceedings will be instituted. Hurd, rs?rcsenti.nE absentee owner, vms nresent; said he felt he could hark Dr, Ilorni-ck's answer within ten days , Sow further discussion A Zlr, Dickson' s mot?-on vas second.id by SanVal1~:enbur~ ;Ind carried, G0LJ;bTY Cr);KIISSIONC", DTSTRICTS DISCUSSED : MO FnENAL PCTIn;? TAKE!. ?epo?+tadTriefly on thz matter of re-districtin? for County Connis6 onzrs ~ askiny: 'knagw liyde I if Council h.1~ a definite opinion on the nztter--oF aepsrati.on of Cclunt:r G&mi..r;si&n -3r districts batmen the suburban area and the City of ?!inneanolis. 110 action taken, PTJZLTC YE4T,I?JI; SCI-IEDULED FQP P,DDITI(?NAL "F,4;7iXT.;C)OD GJOLLS" L/?TCPAL SE'EI1, Prl?sent fny nrelbinarv nlans and estim2tes ~ ?illaZe Gnzineer Ycyer ashi that Cr?unc<l schedule a Fublic Hearin? for Xovmber 26 wor!c in t'le Parlcr.7ood Knolls area, in order thst this work rnizht be rlcm vith the balance of Sanitary Setrer T?.l?rcIve;nent Xc. 200. . DSck5on offered the fc?llo~wi.n~ "c3soluti.m snd novcd its adoqti.on: on sdditionzl Sanitary? Semr / ?.ESOLUTIO2,I PP37IDTIlG FOR PU3LIC HEh?IilC ?R(?PQSED. SP.ilIT,&?Y SETfE? ~~TP?fi~.'E?~EijT 3E IT ?ESl%!TD b:7 the Council of the xJllLz7e of Edina: Ths! Village Engineer, having submittsd to t3e Gounc.i.1 ,z prel?-v,xry r~~~rt as 'co the 'c3,sibility of the proposed Sanitary Serrcr Innrovelent dcscrlbd h til? Fcrm of i,Iotice of :haring set forth belov, ,ad as to the estimzted cost OF such imyrovsnent, said report is heyeby anproved and dirzcted. to h ?l,xeci on Fi.15 ?.n c1m ofcice of the Yillaz? Clerk. the Edim Villaze Hdl, to consider in aublic heari.ny the vict.rs of a11 yersons inrerestad in sS5-d proposed imarovenent phce and nur?,cse of said meetin? to be publishsd tn the offic-ial nei.Tsr,r-7wr ence 3 ireek fcr tvo successive trseks, tne second of which ?ublications is to be not less than three days frcrn date of said msetin?, which notice shall LE! in sub- stgmtially the Follnving for-: 1. il 2, This Council shall qat on Kondtly, :,Iovember 26 1962, 2t 7:QO P.i?. , in 3. The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed *co cause notic2 of the tine, NQTICE OF PUSLIC !EA??X~ Qil LATERAL S AII I T ARY SF?E T! CDI:IA YCLV.GZ C3lUICIL ~rl meet at the 5:dlna \'illqa FIall on !-!onda;7, iIo.ircrSer 26 , 1962 , at 7:OO P.11. , to consider the Fcllowin,? ?ro?osad im?rovment to he con- structed under the authority granted by Yinnesota L~!Is of 1953, ChaFter 398, Tn? m?ra.:iaato cost of said imFrovement Ss 2stimsted by the ?illaZe as set forth belovr: 298 11/12/62 C3;1ST!YJCTIO:I 9F SILLACE Lf,P,TC?AL Sg!ITA?'.v SE;ICP A'?D AFFUXTZTKICES I;I TitE: FOLLQ;ll:fG: ESTI*TI.n;TED Cr.lS'i' Frcm existing Trun?: fjet:3r 3anhole located 150' ::. and 150' S, of the cen'ter of Sec, 31, T. 117, $. 21; th, 3. on a line 150' :?. of and narallel to t\e :I-S 1/4 line of said Sec, 31 a distance of 873'; thence 1J.E. on a deflection anyle to the rizht of 7O25* a distance of 395'; thence 11. on a deflection anzle to the left of 8O15' to a point st the intersection of the center line of Londonderry %cad 2nd the S. line of Parkmcd Knolls Addition; thence X, on rhe center line of Londonderry Xd. a distance of 339'. Stauder Circle fro-n the center line of Landonderry Road East 465 feet. $28,109.00 The are2 rlrroposed tc? bz assessed for the cost of the proposed Lateral Smitar.7 Serqer above Lncludes Lots 7 and 8, 3lock 5, Lots 2 and 3, Block 6, Fcirkwocd Knolls Addition; LQ!~ 1, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 9th Addition; md S unplatted Lots in Parcel i.10. 2720, Sect 31, T, 117, ??, 21, i I SRZTCIIE3 5. ALDEiJ Villa3:s Clerk '-lotion for adoption of the ".solution vas seconded by ?an?alkenburz, and on fiollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as foll~i.:~: Dickson, ayz; ?"ac"?illan, SXXI ??:.!OVAL PLAX v!YIE*EXl : RJBLIC YF!!<S SUPEP.I:TTE;IDE;IT COYIKJDED FC)? :I@"\X. 'ir. Fjde reported on dzns Tide by the Publlc :!orkc; Cre:~ for sno:r'rmoval @perations , sho-in-, the Council t5e routes set up for snov plouinz, sandin?, catchbasin naintenance, etc, If, Ilyde made a Taint of the olan for reversal of direction of qlorring on resldential strcets, after each storm, so t3at all areas in tha Tourteen roates will receive "first $or:ed" advxitap during the rrinter. and Council for his 2ood work. TFGfiSU-r,f.E.R'S. -XPQ?T KID LIQUOR STAT3EHT AS AT SEPTEII33. 30, 19G2, :.:erZ whnitted, ap?rovcd 3116 ordered -1=tced on file, CLiI-::S, PAID,, da&d iIov&er 12 Pensral Fund, $113,782.07; CcnstructScn Fund, ;15,7G6,82; Fark and Par!: Constructian, $3,042,13; -1 (a~er A xtprovenznt %rids, $72,398.71; Poor rund, $225,20--Total, $270,335.d5, Ik. 3atl:o, FuSLic '!arks Suporintendent, was cc-msnded by "F. Xyde I Tu?a's notion Eor pipent of the fa1lo:rinz Cldns, as p31r Pre-Li-st 1362, :.?as seconded by Van!rall:enbur~ and carried : Fund, $924.95; Liyor Fund, $64,751.96; Sc:!er ?ental Fund, $137.95; . -