HomeMy WebLinkAbout19621126_regular11/26/62 'femlzers msvrer?-ny ?ollcall were Dickson, 'laciTillan, Tu?a 2nd ?anV~lI~enbur~. IIqor Fro Tern Dickson nresided in :layor Bredesen's absence. I'IiJUTEc of the "egular 'leetiny of October 22, 1962, Irere annroved a2 -,ubmit:tcd, by lW5m Tu?", seconded by f'anValkenbur~ and carried, of Hearing on Street Oiling €or 1962"; also affidavit of mailiny: of notice to affected 7roperty omers. Pursumt to Notice, Public Hearin2 GY~S held nn the proposed assessment of $,21 ?er assessable foot for properties abuttin? streets oiled, BS follows: Adam Avenue fron 3elmore Lane to Thbd Street Arthur Street from Ualoney Avenue to T~!atermm Avenue 3clrriore Lana froq John Street to Iiarkison Pivenue 3rclolcvie:r 4venue from !lest 58th Street to Tlest 59th Street Code Avcnuz from Benton Avenus to ?rove Str,c?et Dalmta Trail fro3 end of yesent Blacktop South tc South line of Lot 3, Dale Avenue from 'Test 56th Street to '!est 57th Stmet E!.?;n? Avenue fron 85 Feet South of Chomn Curve to :!35t 63rd Strcet C-rovs Ytreet Erm Traclr Avenue to Jo:inson. Drlve ,,m~:~ncn \venue -Frm Interlachen 3lvd. to "93t 52nd Strsst !i;ri*r;son i;venuc from ;lortli U511qe TJ?.ni-t-s to Ijelrlcre Lme I-ir,lhorn ."venue frog 'Test G4th Strent to r!h;.t :nZ Ctrest T,:~rl:xd. :?POT S.=~<ofiy ?..rjiad tc a?prQ:!:;, 114.7 -Fz,?t iIorth ,Jcl-tn Street fron i;!aloney Avenue to IJorth turn-around Jchn Street from Spruce Plzce to 3eLnnr2 Lane L.?Tw Drive frm 31ake Road to Edien PrairLe poad .<r?we Ci-rclc fron %loner Fvenue to and i ncluc-ijn-, turn-around Lcslie Lane Eiqcjm Jeffrey Lane to deA end '"ait Lane frc3 LierElane to Annamy Drive I'gloncy pivenue frcliis Sl&e 9oad to €111 end cf T.:alnney !.venuE '3i~t1ane fro3 Scuth lot line of 4704 'qerilrme ?i*!l;r mcl :iEl;~ to am2 inc1udbn.t ' 3lock 1, nserholt Hills Sally Addn. 77 rejr Lane frm 31.ake !bad to Kay-mr Dri.7~~ turn- amur12 .,. ,1 1-1.lrcd ,!.vznue fro-n \lest 63rd Street to :!est 64th Stmet nnrn:? Quenue Zroi North fTrillqc linnits to r'alone;r fivenu3 :7i.ll Pond 'lace fron Yestbrook Lqme tc ?!XES 77 p8mell Pv5nuc frm :lest 62nd street to 'last 63rd S'tr2e-t Phils.rco!: Lzne frm Jest 5Sth Strzet to TIr?oddele Avrmue ~. L'olS P.vmue FPCT !.rest 64th Street -to '!zst 65'ch Straet ~i~tlxl~c 4venue From Divis%on Street to 'lotor 3trazt 22ruce ?oad ii-09 31ake "ad to Grovs Flsce Tin,+.le Avenue fron Vest G3rd Stmet tc ;?est 64th Street T.'!n.jd.-._le Avenue from !'est 65t5 Strezt tn ',13st 66th street T.!atn.Cmm Avnnue frm Arthur Street '!est tci dwd lend ' J 2 t: e :PE an C i r c le '.fi.lliam Avenue From Vest 51st Street to Yest 52nd Strezt :!?-lrym P.venue 1Cro-n 7est 63rd Street to -?est 64th Street :?ar,t 43th Street frm Hi.ghway No, 100 to 2reoksido P.vanuo !!?st 56th Street From 3ernard Place to TIanssn ?o?d 'leqt 57th Street :fro3 Dale Avenue to 3ernard "lace 'kst 53th Stxet FrQm Tingdale Avenue to Code Avenue :?,??t 60th Streat fro3 Abbott As.erme to Drex Avanua '?a.q;% E2nd Street from !?i.lryan Ahvenue to Valley Viet-: Fosd '?a.-,t 63rd Street from Psrnell 4venue to 121 feet Cast Yest 63rd Street F~om Valley Vlebr %ad to '.!ilrym .qv$nue '.Jest 64th Street fro9 Ti.7arren Avenue to Holborn /\,venue ':!est 66t'i Strzet from Hi$nray No. 100 to Tin7dale .?venue 7, 'rQiql< f\TJ%W,.Ie fP0v1 >lest 5L$;t& StFeZt tG '?est 5s.t.h ?tiq2et Vilhye Encinser '?egnw mcomended thst the ?ra?oSad aswssnent For -the rXlin2 of 'V.62nd Street frm 'lilryan Avenue to Valley l?ie.;r Foad be abandonad, for thz reason tht a Curb and 21acktogj-nz In3rovement had been ordzmd i-n on this street vcry sOon after it.rr;?s oiled, and there ws consequently little iF an:? bene Fit 4ron the Oilinz. carried. There rrere no objections made aqainst the bzlance of the nroFo-,ed asyessnent, an6 fbciiillan oFfereJ the folloving ?esolution and moved its ado?t.i.on: ?!ac!Cillan so moved. 'lotion seconded by Tupa and ll,& /62 3E IT ?ESOL?ED by the \rillaee Council of the Yillaqe of Zdina, :!innesota, as ,, f ollom : 1. It is hereby found, deternined and declared that the ?ronoszd assessment for 1962 STFEET QILIidS T'rPRWEYE1IT has been calculated in accordmce with t3e povisions OP !Liinnesota Statutes Section 429.351 and 429,061; that notice has ken duly published, as reyired by law, that this Council :.rould meet to hsar and p~,s u?an all objections, if any, to amnd said ?ro?osed qssessment as miyht be necessary, and to adopt the sme by resolution; that said ?roposn,d ass%ssment has at all tims since its filin2 been o?en for ?ublic inspection, and opportunity has hem .r,iven to all interested Fersons to ?resent their objections; and that each of the lot-,, pieces and parcels cf land enunlerated in the respective assessments vas and is qecially benefited by the constmctlon of the improverncnt for xhlch such asszss- r.ent is levied in the mcunt set oymsite thc description of each such lot, ?iece and ?arcs1 of land, res?zctFvely (exce?t that the ?reposed aqsessient For those lots and tracts of land abuttin: T!, 62nd Street betwen :?ilxyan Avanue and ?8lley Pier-: Road shall be deleted frm said clssessqent roll, and cancelled), and ?arcels of lsnd descri-bed in said assessmnt, and said proposed assess-rent is hereby ado?ted sn6 confzim.ed as the Dropor syzcial assess-nent For said tnprovsnent . The assessnent against exh lot, tract or parcel, taptiler vith the interest accmin? on the full maunt thereof, at the rzte of five pe-ccmt yep annuq Fron the 2q-k of thir resolutkn, shall bz a lsen concurrent .~,..i.tIi zeneral ttl%tes u?on the y-wsrty de-;c?-ibed therein 3nd all "iiel-2o-F. The total aqcunt of s2,zch suc3 asssssymt 55311 be ?2;~&le , to~ether 16th interest cn the .artire assesment frm t=la date herao-i' to December 31, 1353, with the qeneral tgxes for the year 1962, collectible in the year 1963. Prior to certif?.cxtian of the assessment to the County faudftor, the wner of my let, ?5~c or psrcel o? 1mC sssesssd hereby zmy ray the -:!helc OF suc!i L~SSJSS- nznt cr an:! 3-istallTant tkemcf ::itiiQUt int.n,rest to the VtlL3ze Treizurzr and thert- zft.).r such 2;1yq%nt may 53 ??,de, vith mcrued intsrest , to tile County Tr,-.asur.2r; >m- vi.L=d thst if any asssssnznts or lnstallrilents themof be ?repaid to tlis Vlllqa I reasurer he shall ?rc?.l?tly net if-- the VSllage Clerk and Count;i Auditor, mC the assesswnt or instsllisnt so y-a?aid shall bz cmcelled en the books of thz County nb,uditcr, AudTtor 3 certified du?licate of said assessments, with oach then un?s+.d Instdlwmt and interest set forth se?arately, to be extended ugon the ?roper tax lists o? thc County, znd the County fiudStor shall tiiereafter CZUS~ said assesmerits to bz cclkctod in the maaner provided by 121.:. Roll for 1962 STPZET QILIilG I"?nr)IrEYE:JT,lr and all ancunts collected in rssyct QE tht assessments there9n cmtained shall be simi lerly dasiznated by the Countv Treasurer and rzmitted to t'ne Villaf,e Treasurer and by him credited to the Shkinz Fund Iicccunt of the Permanent Improvement Tevolvinz Fund , :rc\ticn for ado?ticn of the To-sclution was seconded bj Tup .;rere four ayes and no nays, as Follows: ?.?ac5,11 ution vias ad I ' 2. The anounts so set out are hereby levied apinst tha rzsypactive lots, ?<xes . 3. PI 4. 'iiie Clerk shall, 3.5 scon as may be, vepare and trarisiit tc tFle County I S35.d du$.:.ca-re shall be designated c's the ".hsssssnznt on 3ollcall thera I 1 liay"or Pro Ten PU3LIC HEASIXG HELD OE C3AXE I:! RnUTT: PO'? PAX7:COD 'r30LLS LZTEYAL SZ?% I"IP?:OVE!'CiIT (X3. 200). Clerk nresented P.ffidavlts of Fuhlic'ation in Edins-rbrilinyside Courier Jovember 15 and 22, 1962, and of 'Tailing to affected property orrners, oE ",Jotice of Public Hearing on Lateral Sanitary Sewer'', rrhicli affidavits were approved as to form and ordered ?laced on file. Proposed Canstructrcrn of San itarg Sever and A??urtenances "FPO": EXISTIX TPUX SEYIE? '2WnLZ LTATED 150' 'T. KID 159' S, OF CEZTER 7F SEC.31,T.l17,R.21; TrI, ;J, 0;J P, LLiIE 150' :I. OF KID FARALLEL TQ TBE 2-S 1/4 LINE OF SAID SCC. 31 A DIST. OF 873'; TII. 1i.E. (72 A DEFLECT103 AJGLE TO T;-IE ?ICHT OF 7O25' A DISTRIICE OF 395' ; T:-IE;JCE :I, O:? 1% LIiE OF L3iIDO:TDERRY i>,nA2D ?;ID T3E SOUTH LIilE OF PA?K'JOnD XIOLLS ADDI71Q;J: TI-I. ;4, 011 TiiZ CEilTER LEIE OF LOXD3'lDEPRY 20AD A DIST. OF 339': A:JD STAUDE? CIRCLE mw: THE CEiJTE4 LI3E OF LWD3XDERr.i' W4D EAST 465' .I1 This involves servinz the preprty abutting Stauder Circle 55th lateral sewer frm Stauder Circle, rather than frcm the rear lot lines, as Eornarly pronosed; and also involves a change-in route of one connection to the Trunk Line (substitutinsj Londonderry Eo3d and Londonderry Yoad extended South, for Parlxocd Lane). For $2,162-23 per Assessable Lot, !witten objections against the iTprovement had been rzceived prior thereto. ?ran Carl IT. Hansen Co., cbjecthg to nro?osed assessrtlent asahst Parcel 2720, Sec.31, T.117,F.21 for the reascns that (1) mrt of this tract f-s ?ark boundary, and (2) Qart wculd be subject to assessnent :.:hen Future imcrrovemsnt is wovided in the araa, vas read and discussed, Planning Director I-Iite told Council there is sox? nwit to ?*r. Pursuant to said :Totice, Fublic Hearin- !:tas hRld on DEFLECTIKJ AIIGLE TO TE LEFT OF 8015' TO A POI:~T AT THE I;~TE?SECTIQ:~ or TI-IZ CE~ITSR t Engineer's Estimate of Cost was given as $25,109.00, There were no objecttons ma& at the Xearing, and no Lettar 11/2 6 /G 2 30, I Hansen's objection--that this parcel is as yet un?latted and the villa^^ is meraljr estimgti.ng the number clf tracts into vhich it ~511 be divided. horraver, that the pro?erty will undoubtedly ba divided by the timc the ?ro?osed imnrovewnt is ready for assessment mad? at that ti-rne--that this is not the pqer time For an "assessmmt obf~ction", Sone dj scussion vas had by tha Council, 3nd VanValkenbury offered. the follovrin:: r.esolutton and moved its ad.oytion: . i4e addcd, and that any requi-red ad justmmt can La ' RESOLLITLOX ArK3IDIiaG OCTQ3Er: 22 1952 "ESOLUTIO3 (ATEWDI1dI: AUGUST 13, 1962 PXSOLLITIQX) OP.DEF'.INC SANITARY SEVE?? ITIP??OVEt.fEE:T XQ, 200, TI? IIICLUDE IM SAID TROPOSED II!PROVENEIJT CE?TAIi\I ADDIT1O;IAL BE IT RESQLSED by thb Council of the $.?illazn of Edina, Yirinwota, that this Council her2tofore adopted Qctober 22, 19G2, ordered construction 0-7 S/\,!TSTAl?Y SE'.?C? I"Pn~'5'~?'ZilT 1,JO. 200, belnz Parkvood Rd, Fron Larada Lane to Londonderrg ?d. (2, 2nd); Stwdzr Circls from Fmkrmod Trd, to Londondorry "d-. (;I+ end) ; Lendonderry Yd. from Parl~wood ?d, to I.1, Stwder Ctrcle; Psrl::~oad Lm.5 fron Pa.rkvrood Rd. to S. l?'.ne of Fark~rood 3-mlls 4th 4,dc?!n. ; rrc~ center line of Parkrrood Lam and S. lina of Parl.:vood Knoll.; 4th Addn., \?. don,? S. lot line of Lot 9, 31ock 2, Parlwod Knolls 4th :?dd.n, tn !,I. lint oC Parhinod Knolls 4th Rddn. ; Prm center line cf Tarkwood Fci. and i.4. lot !_?ne of Lot 1, 31mk 2, F-arl:r.rsoci Xnolls 4th P~ddn., '.I. to !I. lin9 of Parkmod '/\nolls 4.th Fddn, ; Lard? Lene frm ParJwood Ed, 450' ;I. j ;.nd did byr said p.czsolutions establish ti13 area ?ronosed to be sssessd For ssid wcFosed Sanitary Sewr Im?rovevent >To, 2011: .znd 3E IT WnTBE?'. ?.ES;~LVXJ, thzit this Council subseq-uently caused notics OF hmrin?, SP,Isl I TATf L 4TEYAL SET IEP, CCGJSTRUCTI OX c by Resolution Adonted Au~ust 13, 1962, as mendsd by %sclut?cn Cf?;~JST?.UCTIQ:I OF SPiTITAR'I LATEP?iL 9ET?EF KID APTU"?;EiTP,7TCSS I;? : .. io be duly nubli-shed on the s"ollorr%n7 yopcsd im?rovsm3nl: Cr);dSTRJJCTIf?r*I OF VILLbLGz L.qTE2fiL SAIIITAn.7.f' SCv?EP ,A,?i2 .ii.?PlJQTE.iir;ICZS I:I 7'3s J?LLWlIITC: fr53 =xistin,? Trunk Sewer lnanhols loc.:.'ced 150' '!e and 150' S. OF thz c~2ntsr of CJec. 31, T. 117, 2. 21; thence >I. on a lin-. 150' 'I. of ;md n?w.llel to thc ;I-S 1/4 line of said Ssc, 31 a distsnce of 873'; .t\%nce X.E. on a deflectton angle to thn, ri$t cf 7O25' 2 distancc of 395'; thence 11. on'a deflection angle to the ln,ft of 3O15' to 5. Faint at the intersection of the center line of Londcnderry Foad and the S. lina of Psrlrvrood Knolls Addition; thince ,,I, on tbe cente? line of Londonderry W, .a distance of 339' ; Stauder Circle from the center line of Londonderry 9oad East 465 Feet and at the heawiny: held at thz time and place sycified in said notice the Ccluncil has duly considwed the views of a.11 persons interested, and h35ny: Eully advised of the pertinent facts does here3y determine to ?roczed !rith the construction of sard improvement as an intezral part of SANITRTtY SET.!EP. TVPROYEISIIT ?IO. 200; and that said proposed construction shall be, and hereby is, ordered as part of SAI.J.ITAI?Y SEVER IPIPF,@VE?E:JT NO. 200, 3E IT FUSTHEi? SESOLVED that the area to be spxially assessed for said $MITAW SEXIER I!??ROVEMENT NO, 200 shall include a11 lots 2nd tr3cts of land abuttin:: tli9 streets proposed to be improved. . flotion for adoption of the Resolution was sxonded by !kc!TiZ1Lsn, and on r"ollcal1 there mre four ayes and no nays, as follows: :lacrl;illan, ,kp; ma, aya; CCXITQACT FOTi SAFJ1TAP.Y SEXEP. TET?ROVEI.IEIITS 1JOS. 199 AliD 200, !lATG??!.5b,11i Li???@VCY'i=iITS ti?$.' :i68 A;.J.D 'ASPHALT C~NCRETE mmIc YEPLP,CE:.IE;IT ITIPP,QVEVE:JT i:o, ~~-155' A'IASDED TO NORTilERi~J COI'T9ACTI;.Jr?, CCI'IPFJIY, Tabulation of 3ids taken Novcnber 23rd glie3e projsct; Iras and Construction Bulletin, wep3 presented , sliovin~ reca??-t of seven bids. idorthcm Contracting Company vrzs low bidder at $302,513.80 Cc.npny was second-low at $305,027.20. Cnginee,r's EstFmate for Construction vias $396,543 .lo. Sever and Tfaternain vork is to be finished by Auzust 1, 1963, and 'chi3 i\.s?'ialt Concrete Replacement ?ro-ject by Auzust 1, 19'j4, Villagn Enzineer I!t=;n-.,r asked that Council award to lox -3iddzr, Northern Contracting Con??sny, so th?t mrk on Trunk Sever might be started, Co?ipany in accordance xith Engineer 3 reconmendat ion, ~71s sconded b;r ?m?al%enbur~ and carried Dursuant to Advertisements for aids in Edina-1TorninZside Couriar Srmnson Exc8vatin~ Explaining that all Ssn5tar:r Phel?s-Drake vas third-low at $312,012.24. Tuya's motion, awarding contract to iIorth2m Cantmctin? TU3LIC iCP.LT1-I. iTUSSI::G n!FC?PT WR ccTo33?; 1962 ::as subnitted orderzd placed on Bile, E'TZrET?- ?*,- ?fi???J,SC??K? $4?4.57 r@R ST, FATR?CK'S C?UP.C:-I 0:I ST,p-jYiiXICX'S Lp;!E; P;I;FZT.R)z;D VILLI\SE ,!IT"iW:JEY, tlis nieting, to sup?apt +i_s r2rittsn riequcst cor reTnbursswnt by the T:i.11az'c in the mount of $494.57 a or a T:aternnin Connccti.cn yantsd te st ,~-'stric:,'s Chui-c'i fnr their ?arsonaye on St.?atric?.:*s kine, !!r, ;-lite Gxplzincd tli-lt '*re Twrison hsd ?ut this Rain in St,?&riclr's Lme at his om emens=, as s ?mt ~f his develoomnt; and That he feels he should now be reiqbursed for the share a:? the cost irhich t'ne .Churc\ :muld ordinar?.?! have Sorm, hzd this bzi3~ 23 ay?%msnt oroject, :-:e dso repartied thzit th? Church is ?re?csed to be ass~sseci -xr-frcnt-foot bz~3.s FQ~ ;i la-ttrjrzL zlmz 1:aLle:r Vie:.? %a6 (:Aii.c? !rculd ordiilzr?tr n,ntitls the Church to all the lateral sl;rvi.c*~ it :roubd nscd), but t?mt the Churc3 . has chosen to ccnn5ct tn the St,Patrick's Lane Latcr31 for its narscnage, rath2n thm to the Valley tric:z -xh6 :fr. Xte reecmended that the re;u"st For reivbursa- mnt of costs L-e first rzffsrrcd to the ~lillqc Attorna;r; then, th3t ?Then the entir*z Church assessvent is subqitted, a portion of the assesslrent be rztumed tc '7~~ -2.rrriscn. m.rt of the C'nurch asseswent to :Yr, Gzrrison; th3t he dczs not see hov the Tb~Illap can act fcr '%. Gsrrison. tlr, Garrison stated ha has talked tn Church o.Wicials, and that theit are ::.illinq to oay him if it Is le@ to do so; that 'ns is here at the meting to see i1 he can leplly accept ?a;Tnent icrc-n the Churc5 inasmuch as thera vias no q,r!enent made betvnen him and the Church beforz this connecticn :.:as mad%. DOG LEASiiiXG ACTIO:? DELAYED TO DZCEY3ER 10 ',IEETIilC, Several commnicstions asking that Council tz?:e acticn on 12-wnths' do2 leashinc:, pursuarit to the rasults of the ilo\?S?ber 6th advisory ballot , vere rsceived and revievrsd, members of the Council reported they had received cslls and letters on this sane subject. ReFort frc-n Police Chief Bennett was 3uhitted for DerussL by Council, rebtive to costs of full-time dog catcher, and do2 pound, had, but actian ?:as deferred until metin2 oE, Decenber 10, for full renreszntat?.cn or' Council. ravie:red and TZmm C?:IiIECTI@IT '"r, ?wrTscn ;:?ts przsent at 3 I P.ttorney Rasselquist reT6rted there is no authcritg for return of 'latter referred to Village Attorney for his advice. Several Sme discussion vas II@P,?I;.JG SCXEDULED F@F DECZS3ER 10, ON REqUEST FO? SIDE YARD VAftIFIHCE FRW ZC):ITlIG OEDI;?i?XCE AT 406 JACKSOiI AVEIKJE. Planning Director Hite recc-nnended thst _Fu:u'lic ke&?ni on the <bo& entitled request &e scheduld for ?:onday, Decer?ber 10, and it M~S so ordered, by Yotion van Val ken bur^, seconded by Tu?a and carried, CLA@A?!ArZ, SECp;JD ADDITIW FI'lAL PLhT APPWVED. South of Grove Street, 2nd to the '.lest of Stuart Avenue, vas prasented b!? Vr. Hlte vith the cmment that "Qutlets 2, 3 and 41r it is inpossible to provide actual ?lattin2 for this ar3a bzFore ths surrcundinz property is platted, "Qutlot 3" is a strip 60 feet in width, zhich can be used as an extension of Arbcur Avenue tc the south and east Avenue, but hich can be replatted lnto buildin:? lots/%%fd yoh plartln;? prccedure dictate the extension of Arbaur Avenue in 3 direction differmt than that shown by "Outlot 3". reccmendation for a?proval 02 rind Flat, accordance with Cc-nnission's reccifiendation vas seconded by YanValkenSurg and carried. TnTs Final Flat, of 3 tract just have been ?urnoseL;r 30 desiped because ta'gcnnec~hr.lj~~~~t~~~~l@t~ er 1.1 T:r, iiite raported Plmnino, Ccmission's :4ovcmber 14th Tupa's lotion ?or ayprrval in SC;-IEx-'S, FAX< ,VIEV THL"!D ADDITIG? FI3AL FI2.T IZPFEOVED. a Tract Xorrh OF Dewey Hill bad and, generally, Sat of Qleason ?c3d Extended South, :rzs presented, carrying; PlanninZ; Conmission's rxoxwndaticn for a2nroval. Dirsctor ;lite reported that reccmendation 5 s mdc 6th qualification that a?~cz'al is subSect to dwislor3r's sipin; of utllstics ayamsnt, and also rrith the under- standin2 that no EuildinS ser-red :rith Smitary Semr. 7- usfcr3 - sfped utillt;es a7re273nt, 2nd -5th undzrstanding thyt no buZldlnq Tcrxits :rill issue Ear any lclt not served bv sanitary sw:er, c3.rried. This Pin31 Plat, bein; af PlannLny pernits vtll b3 issued For En;? ?art OF the 3131: not He added that the I?illa3o nust r\rovid2 Trunk Se:!ar lzteral servic? cm 'ti2 hsd to this ?ht, Sow discussion vzs h;iZ (sez ns:ct .naragravh), and TU-? 7tovted -For mprwal of Final Plst subj3ct to suhissicn 0" I I'otion seconded by %cT:illan and _. 11/26/62 That certain procedural rules and regulations, under study by the Xine-Xile Crzal- '!atershed Distri.ct for some time ;Jove-nber 29, formal act ion necessary. were adopted a.t the meetin.2 of He explahed rules, and soTne discussion rras had theraon. IJo CFOS S TO!?N HI GHI IAY -TRACY AVENUE IIJTERCE KlGE f.'ODI FI CAT I Oil P PPPOVE D . Hite presentedXCounci1 consideration "LAYWT Gr--Trunk Mi$~~~ay 169 from Gleason Yoad to Trunk Hightray LOO (SOP. 2763-01)11p dated July, 1962, vhich ?lzn shmrs a nodificaticn of the Crosstown (9~,~~;;169 )-Tracy Avenue Lnterchanzc as amrcv",d by Ccuncil on June 25, has been riloved from the Southvest quadrant to the Northirest ?u;ldrant; that the ?urcoss o€ the change in alan is to more adequataly accomodatc :?flat the 1:ifmray Denartment now considers IT? 11 be the more nredcrnlnent trafr'ic movsment . 'lessrs ,lite and !:ey:n=r concurred in the opinion that this nodiftcaticn is an 5-mm.revnJc, Trunk iliyhTr3z.i 190 (S.n. 2763-01)"1, dated July, 1962, be amroved, '?ot?.on seconded by Tum and unanimously carried, GR~\LJUP,I~C~~TS @SDE"ZD TO SUPPO?T l?r)XP,;.IIJE S:'..?3nPJ. r;jcomm=ndeC! t'wt Council nroceed undtr Sec.261.02 ~ ''inn. Stxiites 1961, to ordfer the ?3ternal yrand?arents to suY7oet Roxmne Sanborn, 3. minor child currcntkr betny: wvcrted hv Erlina. Soqe dlscussion had, and Tuna offered tiie follovhq Fe;olution 2nd nov3d its adopion: Planning Direct or %. 3ite exnlsi-ned that the "trum?et" pzirt of the interchange (znd "ac"ill;m noved thzt "Lzycut EY--Trun!: Xy'i?iay 159 ?rc?t n JwScn Posd to Villqe Attorney 3iss?l:ui st e -" P2SnLUTIOI~ DIRECTTiJ': 'f".. AID TTS. %:O?GE SPiiJ3Wi1, VAITDPARENTS QF "QXAXiJE S/Vi3nl'9, A ?i3Qp PE7SOiI, T3 FU'3:3ISH HER SrJPP:OP,T AS PEqUI?ED 9Y SECTIqiT 261.02, T:II?IJESOTA STATUTES 1361 BE IT ?ES3LX:3 by the Villa~e Counxl of tiie Village of Cdina, llinnesota, as follow: 1. Thir; Council has been advised by reputable scurces that the p3ternal ,.l;rznd- parznts of Po:canne Sanborn, a rninor, who js currently bein: suppoTted .?s 3 mor ysr:on by the 'Villap of Edina, are peoQle of sufficient mD-s.ns to su?port said zrsndchild, The Council has further been advised that such other persons as are liable for said mor perscn's suqport under the 9rovision.F; of Section 261.02, "Sinnesota Statutes ar"3 Einanciilly unable to assuie such sun?ort, a notice in substantially the follmhz form: 2. Thsrefore, the Village Clerk is hereby directed to s&nd to said zr=mdqarentq "TO Try, and llrs. George Sanborn, Box 142, 5prinz Park, rTfnnn,sota: You are hereby notified that Roxann? Sanborn is a 2oor Rersnn unable to supmrt herself and that under the provisions of Secticln 261.02, f'innesota Statutes 1961 , you a minor, are liable to furnish such sunport. as grand?arents of said yoor person, '7 LOU are, th..refore, directed to forthwith furnish sumor's to said l'amne Sanborn in such amounts as will adequately provide for her nsed-,; if you fail to do so, the Villaqt of Edina vi11 brinz action ayainst you for all past and future payments msde by the Villqe -in suymrt of said Roxanne Sanborn, BY OSDEX OF TFE VILLASE CflULJCIL' Gretchen S, Allden Villa~z Clerk Edina, %nnesota 3. The Village Attorney shall take such further acti.on as he deems eqedient to insure conlpliance with the Foregoing. i'otion for adorition of the foregoing Pesolution vas duly seconded by VanValkenbur?, and won vote bein2 taken thereon, the follotiinp; voted in favor thereof: BTac'G.llan ~ lution rra.; declarzd r:as attasted by CriU!I,T'I 5QA"B'S PROT9Sk.L F9Y "CITY-SU3U".3" COUfITY COT~l!~ISSIQ'IEY DISTPICTS 'ECTS TIITI1 C3UjdCIL. DJSFAVOR. %-districting, which would re-district on the basis of four "city-SSurb" and cne "suburbrural" district was discussed. will approve this plan tmorrov. !Ire Dickson susgestad the Councll 20 on rzcordas disanprovinz. dlsapproval vith this gerr+vmandering, unanimously I The proposal of the. Kenna,pin County Board, ~SQP County Cornmj-ssianer F-flanazer Iiyde reported he believe-, the Board VanValkenburg moved that the Council indicate to t?ne 3oard its Mot? on seconded by Tupa and carried, 11/26/G2 m 3& CLAI'iS PAID, General Fund, $10,633.29; Construct<.on Fund, $110,017.38; Fark, Par!; Construction and Sxix Pool, $E,819,70; '7aterworks Fund, $1,519.73; Li2uor Fund, $65,780.21; Sever ??ental Fund, $356.72 ; and Iywovenent Funds, $213,62--Tot31~ $197,31Q 65. Tupals motion for 9aymen-i: of the fol1o::inz Claim, as per Prs-List ) &ate2 Xovembar 26, 1062, :pas seccnded by !!ac:iillan and carried. *'I~TE:; nr T;IE PEWLAT YEETIJ': qr TX EDIM '!ILLD,GE Cr?ili:CIL, 3ELD ':O!IDhY, DCCE:i3Zn 10,1962, AT 7:OO D.", AT T;E EDZXP ?ILTd4CE I-IALC. 'Te-qbers answwiny ncllcalL :.rere Dickson, 7'ac"'illm, Tuna, Van7!alkenDurc, and 3redesen. '"IXJTZS nF :I@?E'lX" 12, 19G2 A??WED PS A;'E:?DED: "1;:UTZS :IWE':3CP 26 19G2 cPp?l?'!ED ES S'&'"TTTI=D. 12, 1962, be arlended rel-ittve to the p?3yranh on Fqe 294, 3csk 25, entitled, ~~CW:JCIL ~;ICRS ?~UZST C)F ''2s. EUCEXIR :IELEVZ rr?n YEZWJTXC vwi OFE:: DEVZLW*E;~T DISTSICT TO AUTQ3"'r?31LC I'AnXX DIST"\CT----ll. reads, "Ik. ;;ire also reported that there is a +Clrellibz on the '?est ?art OF the ?ro?erty, and Yrs. Heleve is rnquestiny: that she be a1lo:;ed to subiri17ide Lgt 41 in order to Demit ssle a2 the Yest 155 feet to ;:re %de". Clerk reported, shoxld rezd, "Vr. fIite ~lso reported th& thera Is a d:;.sll;.n=: on the Yest ?art of the nrcperty, and 'frs, Heleve is requesting that she 53 3lloi:ed to subdivide Lot 41 in order to Termit sal5 of "A11 that Dart of Lot 4L Prin-, East of the 7est 145 feet thereof to 'IT, Gale". :Iinutes of ths Keetin7; of iicvember 12, 1962, be anended as requested by Clerk, that the amended l"inutes be approved; and that the Vinutes of the :'eetin.r, af ilovenber 26, 1362 be approved as subdtted, vas seconded by Tup and carried. Clerk s~kcd that the ':inUtes of the :'eet;.n? OF Kove-tbsr One scntenc 3 in this par82ra-h This sentance, the nickson's notion,that the c(1UIJCIL HOMWS n?EQUEST rnF, T:IO-FOOT SIDE YARD AT 406 JACKSON AVE:IUE. Director 3ite ?resented Affidavit of "failing of ";lotice of Kesrinc;" on the Planning above entitled request, exnlainins that the Planninz Cornmission has reconmended favorabl;r on the request, lots on Jackson Avenue fall off z.bru?tly, aild it is, therefore, necessary to construct garazes very close to the houses, and five-foot side yard setb3cks are impossible to achieve if double garages are built. made at the Iiearinz, and none had been received prior thereto, he is in favor, and asked if he cculd have the sme three-foot vzriance rrhen he vanted to build his yaraze, :-IC vas inforned that the r,renting of such variance is probable, but thst he rrould have to make formal ann1;cation to the Flaming Ccmission. Triliinance requirements vas seconded by ::acHfllan and cqrried. The re2son for this recoxnendation is that the rear There vere no objecticns A nei@hr reported Tuys's notion qrantin.r, requested three-foot variance fro-i Zcning DO35 TO. 3E LEASHED 'IEA?-P,QU:JD: ALL DOG TO 3E LICEXSEB, iiscussions, and the advisory ballot of Xovmber G, Yayor 3redesen advccated the zqending of Village Ordhmce Ho. 33A to require that dags be lesshed year-round, :lana~er Hyde rsported that Folice Chief 3ennett has suggcst5d that Section 2 of the ordinance be anended to yovide for the lic&inz of all dozs over ninetg days old. (The present ordinance states, "Any person o:ming, harboring or 1:ee~ing a dc2 in the vLLtSage over ninety dags old, escept a dog t2iich is at all ti.rn9s kept confined on the oxner's ymises, shall secure a license for such 'do? fc0-I t5e 1,'ilLa~e Clerk". l~iere ms also sone discussion abcut msndiny the' ordtnan'ce refati773 to Section 16 , ::hich provides for the in?oundlnz 02 dcys tdiich :?we bitten, to incluZc all aninals rriiich have bitten--hut inzsmuch as Ordinance 20. 31-1, adopted in -,iay, 1962, dc3s Provide For this, it :EG decidzd not tr? inccrrorate this into tile proyossd mzndaent. After sone further discussion on Yropsed action, Dicksm ofyered the f@llO~in$ nrdinsnce, movin? that Council disptnse vith seccnd rzzdins therzof and adopt Ordinance as subnitted : Fursuant to recent -1 O'?.DI:IAXCE iiCl* 33/?-1 XJ @?DI:IFJCE 1I'TEi:DI;lG T!DI~IA.~ICC ;TO, 33A ( @??DIiTk:ICE LICEIiSI;Ts ii;JD nS%JLt?TI;lC DXS , ?"QVIDI:!G FnR 1'1FTJ;:DI;IG D3C:S, A:JD FTXSC~I~IIIC 93 DAYS OLD, 3i' "E(?iJI?JiiG TTIAT DQCS 3E F?';T??:ICTZD Ti) O:::fETIS' P2E'IS:SES u;&zSS. LEASGD., ,<.:ID 3'f Ci4tq2:TIXC PLACES PEIALTIES vCn'? ?InLPTI(?'IS) 3'T PE2UIPIiSG L1:C"LISES F'?? $.LL DQnS nx!E? P*STTiIC ::QTICE 0' I:TP~LI~JDI:.]C THE fEZEk CCXJCIL qF THE '!ILLAT;E OF EDIiIP, ORDE.I?!S: Section 1. 10 rz3d as follot:~: 2ectton 2, License '?zequired, af Ordinance 33,4 is hepcky 3n3ndod