HomeMy WebLinkAbout19621210_regular11/26/G2 m 3& CLAI'iS PAID, General Fund, $10,633.29; Construct<.on Fund, $110,017.38; Fark, Par!; Construction and Sxix Pool, $E,819,70; '7aterworks Fund, $1,519.73; Li2uor Fund, $65,780.21; Sever ??ental Fund, $356.72 ; and Iywovenent Funds, $213,62--Tot31~ $197,31Q 65. Tupals motion for 9aymen-i: of the fol1o::inz Claim, as per Prs-List ) &ate2 Xovembar 26, 1062, :pas seccnded by !!ac:iillan and carried. *'I~TE:; nr T;IE PEWLAT YEETIJ': qr TX EDIM '!ILLD,GE Cr?ili:CIL, 3ELD ':O!IDhY, DCCE:i3Zn 10,1962, AT 7:OO D.", AT T;E EDZXP ?ILTd4CE I-IALC. 'Te-qbers answwiny ncllcalL :.rere Dickson, 7'ac"'illm, Tuna, Van7!alkenDurc, and 3redesen. '"IXJTZS nF :I@?E'lX" 12, 19G2 A??WED PS A;'E:?DED: "1;:UTZS :IWE':3CP 26 19G2 cPp?l?'!ED ES S'&'"TTTI=D. 12, 1962, be arlended rel-ittve to the p?3yranh on Fqe 294, 3csk 25, entitled, ~~CW:JCIL ~;ICRS ?~UZST C)F ''2s. EUCEXIR :IELEVZ rr?n YEZWJTXC vwi OFE:: DEVZLW*E;~T DISTSICT TO AUTQ3"'r?31LC I'AnXX DIST"\CT----ll. reads, "Ik. ;;ire also reported that there is a +Clrellibz on the '?est ?art OF the ?ro?erty, and Yrs. Heleve is rnquestiny: that she be a1lo:;ed to subiri17ide Lgt 41 in order to Demit ssle a2 the Yest 155 feet to ;:re %de". Clerk reported, shoxld rezd, "Vr. fIite ~lso reported th& thera Is a d:;.sll;.n=: on the Yest ?art of the nrcperty, and 'frs, Heleve is requesting that she 53 3lloi:ed to subdivide Lot 41 in order to Termit sal5 of "A11 that Dart of Lot 4L Prin-, East of the 7est 145 feet thereof to 'IT, Gale". :Iinutes of ths Keetin7; of iicvember 12, 1962, be anended as requested by Clerk, that the amended l"inutes be approved; and that the Vinutes of the :'eetin.r, af ilovenber 26, 1362 be approved as subdtted, vas seconded by Tup and carried. Clerk s~kcd that the ':inUtes of the :'eet;.n? OF Kove-tbsr One scntenc 3 in this par82ra-h This sentance, the nickson's notion,that the c(1UIJCIL HOMWS n?EQUEST rnF, T:IO-FOOT SIDE YARD AT 406 JACKSON AVE:IUE. Director 3ite ?resented Affidavit of "failing of ";lotice of Kesrinc;" on the Planning above entitled request, exnlainins that the Planninz Cornmission has reconmended favorabl;r on the request, lots on Jackson Avenue fall off z.bru?tly, aild it is, therefore, necessary to construct garazes very close to the houses, and five-foot side yard setb3cks are impossible to achieve if double garages are built. made at the Iiearinz, and none had been received prior thereto, he is in favor, and asked if he cculd have the sme three-foot vzriance rrhen he vanted to build his yaraze, :-IC vas inforned that the r,renting of such variance is probable, but thst he rrould have to make formal ann1;cation to the Flaming Ccmission. Triliinance requirements vas seconded by ::acHfllan and cqrried. The re2son for this recoxnendation is that the rear There vere no objecticns A nei@hr reported Tuys's notion qrantin.r, requested three-foot variance fro-i Zcning DO35 TO. 3E LEASHED 'IEA?-P,QU:JD: ALL DOG TO 3E LICEXSEB, iiscussions, and the advisory ballot of Xovmber G, Yayor 3redesen advccated the zqending of Village Ordhmce Ho. 33A to require that dags be lesshed year-round, :lana~er Hyde rsported that Folice Chief 3ennett has suggcst5d that Section 2 of the ordinance be anended to yovide for the lic&inz of all dozs over ninetg days old. (The present ordinance states, "Any person o:ming, harboring or 1:ee~ing a dc2 in the vLLtSage over ninety dags old, escept a dog t2iich is at all ti.rn9s kept confined on the oxner's ymises, shall secure a license for such 'do? fc0-I t5e 1,'ilLa~e Clerk". l~iere ms also sone discussion abcut msndiny the' ordtnan'ce refati773 to Section 16 , ::hich provides for the in?oundlnz 02 dcys tdiich :?we bitten, to incluZc all aninals rriiich have bitten--hut inzsmuch as Ordinance 20. 31-1, adopted in -,iay, 1962, dc3s Provide For this, it :EG decidzd not tr? inccrrorate this into tile proyossd mzndaent. After sone further discussion on Yropsed action, Dicksm ofyered the f@llO~in$ nrdinsnce, movin? that Council disptnse vith seccnd rzzdins therzof and adopt Ordinance as subnitted : Fursuant to recent -1 O'?.DI:IAXCE iiCl* 33/?-1 XJ @?DI:IFJCE 1I'TEi:DI;lG T!DI~IA.~ICC ;TO, 33A ( @??DIiTk:ICE LICEIiSI;Ts ii;JD nS%JLt?TI;lC DXS , ?"QVIDI:!G FnR 1'1FTJ;:DI;IG D3C:S, A:JD FTXSC~I~IIIC 93 DAYS OLD, 3i' "E(?iJI?JiiG TTIAT DQCS 3E F?';T??:ICTZD Ti) O:::fETIS' P2E'IS:SES u;&zSS. LEASGD., ,<.:ID 3'f Ci4tq2:TIXC PLACES PEIALTIES vCn'? ?InLPTI(?'IS) 3'T PE2UIPIiSG L1:C"LISES F'?? $.LL DQnS nx!E? P*STTiIC ::QTICE 0' I:TP~LI~JDI:.]C THE fEZEk CCXJCIL qF THE '!ILLAT;E OF EDIiIP, ORDE.I?!S: Section 1. 10 rz3d as follot:~: 2ectton 2, License '?zequired, af Ordinance 33,4 is hepcky 3n3ndod I 305 12 /10 /62 "Secticm 2 , LCcenso, Required. (in; in the T'illa-,e over ninety days cld shall securs a license Tor such do? from the ViIlqe Clerk. An;7 nerson otwniny, har3orjnz or keepin? a / The fee for such license shall be $3.00 for 5xh dog wzighinc under 30 .lbs., and $5.00 €or each dog r,reiT;'ninE 30 lbs. 1 or nore .If Section 2. Section 10, Xotice of In?oundi-nq, of said nrdinance 33R is hereby mended to read as follows: "SectSon LO, ;lotice of Imuoundinz, vrhcse omer is not known, the Clerk sfid1 i5nmediatelg pst in his office and in the offics of Chi& of Police a noti-ce of Impoundinp, in ~ubstantidlg,the following form : rJpon taking up and impounding any do? XOTICE OF' IVFOUflDIllC DO? To Ilhm It !yay Concern: Pate ¶ 19- I have this day taken up and impunded in the Tclund of the Village at St,, a dog corresponding to the followi-ns descri?tion: Sex Color Sreed Approx. A?" I or before 0' clock I?, , on the day of tlis sane !.rill be sold 01% killed as provided by ordinance, Notice 5.s hereby given that unless said dog Is cldmzd and rzdeamed on 9 19 r - SIG!:ED . EDI24A V1LLP.SZ CL%?K YJ?on taking and impunding any dog :.dios:~ ov?nersh?-p is ?;nom, the Clark sh?ll immediately notify the owner, "The date of sale or killing of the dog shall 36 on or al"ter the fifth day after the ?ostinZ of the notice or notification of the omer, unless that date falls on a Sunday or holidq, in vh.ich case i-t shall be on OT' after the f ollowinz day. If Section 3,. Section 17, Restrictions on Dozs, of said Ordinance 33A, is hereby amended to read as follov~s: "Section 17, Pestrictions on Dogs, "(a) between the hours of' 1O:OO P.M. and 7:OO A,!!, 20 prson shall keep or harbor a do2 :hich habitually barks or cries "(b) time unless it is leashed, or accomymjed by a ?osrsan havin.5 as effective control OVBF it by command as by leash, Xo do2 shall be permitted to Le off the ?remises of the owner at any "(2) any place; provided, however, that no nors than LO dogs over the a.2: of G months may La ke3t in a private kennel," Xo nor2 than 2 dogs over 6 months of aqe shall be ke?t OF harbored #at F'P,!'ELP. ?AI?;< FILL COiJT?ACT A:!A?DED TO PLEI-IAL BLACKTOF'?IN? C37?P,4ilTl. Iir , FIydG renortcd rzceivt of ten bids, i.n response to AdvertCsenent :for 3ids yblCshecl in Edina-IIorningside Ccuder and Constpuction 3ulletin for "u? to 25 #09CI Cu.'rd; .'I C1zn Fill for Paqela ?ark ,+$$js 'nav1n.r; bem taken Dgxxrnlier 3, Flehzl L:lac!;'cnyr,j-nz Ccxqany rras lovr bidder, at 3. and hiTh bid vas s.79. Reconmendation was for amrd to Plehal 31=7cktoi-~h~ Coq;i,3iLil, and \7mV?l-kenbu~~ so moved, per C.Y.; LT,,'I. Danens G Son seecond lo:.: zit G.57, r'cstion secondad ty Tun-, and carried., . .. 306 12/19 /62 Lts -3id 2ira~eri unci 'ii- the r\rs-sznt rules, rtithcxt ans!'ar Erm the 9sscciztlon. "m=,y- 3yde xs dtractca to 3n~7er the Assac; 3tion's inquiry, rn-vier.*in.; th% ~'?llqer s questions ,znd in Fornintl; the AssociatEon the '!j 1hfe ::3 11 b2 :lad to transriit Funds as scm as its cpstians er3 ansr?ered. TI::E-APGLIT - .".. F,SS?CIATIO*J ..+.'-* .. ~ Or PLUITI:IC CQ:TTXCTWS I;QJL~G c:3imwi:ic 'Y ~TZP SflFE1JI;IG ORDI;I&lCZ ~ Psscciation of Plunbinc Contractors and inquirine about Ccuncil action covering the instzllation of ::3tsr softenin? equipmsnt, was rad, this year r:erz rsviwad, Ijenerally, ?ro?csed by the Sillaze :.:as a gocd clne-that the ?rimar;r pur?ose for it is to secure sc'ne control ovtr mter softeners, to the requlrsnent which r:ould ?errnit only plurnbers to malie :rater softener installations, znd there :ms the recollection that, wrsuant to dirzction by the Council :?r, Hassclquist :ISS to have dram an alternate ordinanci under the mora liberd internretatlon of the state statutc + to reviev this natter and have alternate ordinance on azenda for Council consideration at an early date. h letter dsted October 2, 1962, fro7 ehe :'innescolis Discussions had earlier :IF, Iiyde told Council h.i? Feels the ordinance Scne mmbers oE the Council objected I l'anqpp Iryda was di-rected ?ETITI%):T FOX COiJC%TE PAVI;JG ;iTITH IIITEGRAL CUES, CQ:?COrCD A'XTUE FRO'; 60TH ST, TO TiAiLEY :Iife.? RQA~, 'ACCEPT-above entitled petition ::as submitted, and, by motion Dickson seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, was accepted and referred FU3LIC HEARL'IiC SCHEDULED FQQ FE39UAQY 11, 1962 03 FE?UEST S)r "T!. :?ALLACE XEIilETId FQR ?'ULTIPLE: EESIDE1JCE ZO:II:IcI Fn'i PEDERSO3 DAIRY PROPEXTY AXJTTIXC COWITY EOAD 18. Planning Diractor Xite reviewed tmn the Council the :Jallace 'Xznneth ?reposal for ":ultiple Xesidence develomcnt on the GO-acre Federsen Dairy ?r@??rty abutting County Yead Xo. 18--this b=ing the most ambitious nulti?le rasidmca pror'osal vith which the Council has bsen confronted, and involving ovar a ten-year period scie 900 ayartwnt units, Planning Cmmission is now cons iderinz the upyxding of the "''ult irle Xesidenc# portion of the Zoninz Ordinance; that the Comnission feels 3, I:ennet'nr s rsqusst far rezoning should be heard in public hearing, but not until its nev ?ultiple Residence requireqents have been considered by the Council, *vihic'n should be some timz in January, irithin the ilopkins School District. Scme considerable discussion rms had, and Vml73lkenburg moved that Council schedule Public Hearing For the first regular meeting in February. Yelative to this request, Xr. Hite re?orted the flr. Hste also rqorted that this ?ro?csed deaeloy-ent is located ::ation seconded by Tupa and carried, PUSLIC 4EAP,IIIG SC;IPDULSD 'E?? JAllUAEY 28, 1963, 0;J P!?UEST FOrl FGZ0:IL;~G Oi? NELSO:! .I PA?ll. a~~roxinately 200 PC~~S, and enccqpassing Qwn DeviLe?icnt, !'ul-ti?le ?esidu,nce I QfFica 3uildin3, an2 ?13nneil indllstrLa1 area3 j this Trcnosal havinz bean hefore the PlaminS Cc-nission rvny tims over the past trro years, Ccmmission's recommendation; of December 5, that Public Fiaarinys be scheduled an rhe request for razonin? frcm @can Deselopient to Planned Industrlal Dlstrict, of Trscts 5 ,C ,D ,E ,F ,C- ,;i ,LT 3nd X; frm Q?en Dsvelo-xncnt District to '?f;ice 3uildiny District of Tracrs 4 and "; and Fro71 Oven Dev;lo?nant 3istrict to ::ulr:L?le Yesidence District of Tract :I--but e::cludiny Tracts T, and :::I, :%ich hs7.7e bcsn monosed as s?tJs +or y.sQlint servl'ce station and an snirtnznt bu+-ldin=--bec3use it is felt that these trzcts ?re ;1 nQor lccaticn far t\is tpe n~ land use-- :.:2s reviewed. Sezcning on Xelsm Fgrm b~ scheduled fcr ,a&-: 23, *in xcordance t*it'.i nlanninz Cca?issicnrs recmnendatiens, b,r. 'rlite t=tl!ied at scr;le lm$h an this propmed developsent, bsinz for - The Plannin? ?snVal~:enbur~ then noved that Public lie2rfnrJs on Sj;uZzt fcp 'Totion seccnded b:~ ilickson 2nd c3rcicd. and 7'avelle Qrivs, ?rit?i .s cne-story,4500 square Foot office haildin? on the ::ly Pzrt of the lot, :.~zi1i 13;-scussed at SQTS lenzth. Ccmission is reluctmt to reccmend ?errnit for mother Fillin? statkn zit this lccation (one is situated dircctlv ;!orth of the one proposed), but did recomend the proposal made for the entire tract, providinz the statbcn is moved to the north so that none of its structure includtng islands !.~7 closer thm 35 fsst ts the 'izvelle prcperty linzj and the entire west ?ro?e,rty llne cE the st3tion slte 3-k screened, CemLss.i..cn qualified its racc-nm&l3tFcn by askinr., that final site . and building plans 11.9 3n?r0~ed by the Cc-nntssian before Ordinmce becmles effectiva or building pzmits ar.3 issued, Tupa's nloticn that Public i-ie3rinn, on m?uP3t For >special Penit For Gasolinz Service Staticn, and .yo?cszd Yezoning ?;"rc? Co-yunit:,r Store Distrlct to '?-ZFfce 3uildin.l District 21% sch(.-duled Tor neylar ::eytinZ OF Jamar:T X3. It x:es 3p33ken-t the ?lannLny: P i'otion .;scended b:y !lickson and cqrr'i3d. 1. Request of I. Erwin . . Kurqqou, For division of Lots 39 and 38, 3loc!. 1, 3nuth ilsrriet D3rk 2nd Addit;-on ihto four lots, w$th two of the lots .faciny '1.52nd St., and 'navin? lot de?th of 118,8 feet. line, for garage, at 4517 Cxx-x Avenu~, VanValkenburg's motion seconded by Tuna and carried. 2. ?equest of Alden S. Syverson For 3 l,6-foot setback from the south lot schedulinz Public Hearin: for Yonday, lJanuary 14,1363, was "AUTO':133ILE P/\,?XI:JG D1ST"ICT" COUNCIL SETS .JAZJUA?Y 14, 1963 AS HCAP1;TG DF,TE 9>i EDIJA i"ln'?TUAW ?@IJEST T?'? 35 FT. QF LOT 14 hiJD SWTH -- 1/2 OF LOT 13, 3LnC1: 1, 3 an aria1 nliotograph of the Uortuary area, Vr, :-lite told Council the fTortuary is mxious to have this ?ro?erty rezoned, to nernit Future ex?ansion of the iiortuary prkin_n lot; that it is not antici-qated th2t it uill be used i-Tmadiately, but will be needed within the next three to five years; that access to the nax lot \70Uld be through the existinn, lot, with no additional access to :iankerscn Avenue, and that the landscaphg $an would be simi-lar' to that used in thu present lot, vith the ne97 north lot line b%i-ng screened in a manner acccqtable to adjacent proprty omer. The nroperty under consideration for rezoninz has a frontwe on Wankerson of 60 feet and a dqth back to th5 Pure Oil sitc o€ 136 feet. Tupa moved that Council schedule Public Yearin5 for %nday, January 14, seconded by Vacl5llan and carried. PE'Z'O: TI, T G PP 9' 1 OPEiJ DC VE LO"? iEilT DI S TRI C T T L'CfJXflSJ2X- USJm~ OF " ?T On TH MSLDE XEIGI-ITS. Shoiriny 'Tr. 3ite requested that Hemin2 be scheduled on this request, and 'Totion "BP7hDVXE ADDLTIOII-SECQi?D WPLAT" FINAL PLAT P,PPP.OVED. Cmmission's December 5th reconmendation for approval, and Dickson moved far aprovzl of Final Plat in accord with Commission's reconmendation Yotion seconded by Tuna and carried. Council rvie:.red Plannhz . IT .I?pcr remrtsd th8t tecz?lse the t'nr5a homes located nn Pas'i.:!!csod T,;rn,s atx not 5-n nead QE S-rni_ta.ry Lateral Se\.rer ;It this tixe (t'i-: T-riv-'tC sei e Syr2t:zmS ars li~or1,:ing :a?ll) ~ because of the unbertainties of/?lattmT, directly tc th2 south and west (stre& alL,gnments hav3 not bem ccnpletely ~iorked out), and because it tias been xssi-ble to lessen the deep cuts Involved in makin2 ccnnection to the Trunk Semr by eliminatin~ a conn'cctlon frm Farkr;.ood Lane and re-dasizn inp to eFPect this connwtion from Londonderry Road Extended chang.?d--vhich means Flat Parkwood Lane vi11 not be served by Sanitary Sw3r st this tCme; also that, inasmuch as this short strezt :.:ill not be servad r!i'ch to re-surface tbe street, vhich Farkvood Lane homes will be served r.iit!i these utilities, ?:r. '!egner re?ortcd that Par!:y.rood Lane utilities vi11 be instadlsd togzthszl vitii utillti-es in future "Farkmmd Knoll-," develonments ranove Parkwood Lane constmction from the three qrorlosed hpmmmxrks, md the offered the fo1lo:sing Pesolution and moved its adootion: ftiFur$- - the clesip has been ' Sanitary Sewer, it is impractical to inst311 the :!atarmin utility t'iemin 3 or At a questi.cn From the Ccuncil as to tha method by 1Tr. Yegner ,asked Ccuncil sctlon to formally . -1 3Jc,nitary sewnr connacticn to trunk foom the Sanitary Sewer Inprovenent. Tu7a FESOLUTLOiJ DECVEASIN? SCOPE Or I r'FRQVEB"EBTS SA:IIT,".RY SEYER II?FQVEfEHT XO, 200 : UATEW'IAI;J IIlF'WVE'iEIJT RO. 169 : STREET 1::PPOVE;IEidT ):(!.A-155 3E IT VXQLlEP by the Village Council OF the Village of Sdina: 308 12 /1O/62 b .rest alcng scuth lot line 02 Lot 9, 3lock 2, narkmcd ::nolls 4th f-ddition rcc! -:ss-t En? OF Fwk:ooCt Xnolls 4th Pddition. Tl?O'I *IATZY''AI'i 1:'PRWE'EXT ill). 169 - Construction of Lateral :!atemain and A?pwtenancss in : Tarksocd Lzne frm P*k~oocl had to south line of *wk:ocJ Knolls 4th fdditien, ?lacenlent in: Parhood Lane frm Farkvocd Read to south line of Parkvocd Knolls 4th :.ddition. is hereby accepted, zaproved and ordered >laced cn fils. I'ilPOVE!Z?i' 169, and STPZET 17iP??WXVE3T A-155 shall ba , ad hereby Fs in accordmce with said recc-mendation. imirovernents shdl be, and kcraby are, decrzased by eliminating therefrom all lots. and tracts of lznd abutting Parkwood Lane fro2 ?ar€;::cod Foad to south line of Parkroc3 Xnolls 4th iddition; and the area pro?osed to be assessed far S$:!IT,",Xi' SZ'IER I;P'IWC??EiTT 200 shall be further decreased by elj-minatinz therefro-n all lots and.tracts of land duuttinc that easement from center line of Parkrrood Lane and south line of Parkwood Knolls 4th Addition \rest along scuth lot lina of Lot 9, 31ock 2, Parkxood Xnolls 4th fiddition to west line of Park:.rood Knolls 4th Add2 t i on. FXQ" STFZZT I'3Rn~,G"E:!T 30, A-155 - Construction of k?halt Concr3te ?,e- 2. Tns sco?e of the ::.crk for SL2JTT.2PY SE:IE'i L'"TQ5'E"EiiT 200, Y?.TE?"P.I'I decraassd 3, The ar?as Froposed to be assessed for the cost of said respective R :lotion for kdqtion of Eesolution was seconded by ':actlillan, reported that the ouners of the three hones no:": lccated on Parkwood Lanz have been notified of tha ?illage's ?reposed action in eliminating this streat frcn the improvements; that no objection has bee Resolution vas as follo:5.s: Dickson, aye; ! and 3redec,en, aye; and tha Fesolution Hr. !leper VILLAGE CfiXJBT COLLECT T.JATEP.'lAIY CGWECTIOX CHARGE FOR EVERETT CAWISQX. Dursumt to 'k, Everett F. Garrison's request for reimbursenent for a comecticn by St.?atrick's Church to the Garrison-constructed watermain in St ,Patrick's LmP, 'Jillsae Artorney Nasselquis-t 3ovenber 26--that the Villao,e does not have the authority to assess thn, Church and pay rlr. Garrison. the Church could be made, but t5at the Village should have no Dart in it. rziterated the opinion given to the Council at its meetins of He added that it an arranF;ement betreen :Ir. Carrison and . SALP,P.IES , TIA'SS A"1D 3OSTITALIZATIO:I BEBEFITS FOR VILLAGE EIFLr?YEES TO 3E DISCUSSED DECEo'JFER 27. on tnese nat'ters at this meeting, but that becausa of comp1esit:T of hosyitalizaticn :Ianapr 3yde told Council he had hoped to hare firn reccmnendztions Dlms he must defer this re?ort to ths next neeting of the Council, SECCLID 7iEETI:JG OF DECE'TSEl? TO 3E T:IUF,SDAY, DECEK3ER 27, AT 4~30 I?'?!, Inasnuch asthe data of the second rezular meeting in Dxembar falls OR C'nristroas Eve, and there is usually little business to conduct this last meeting of the year , ':anar;.,er Hlrde reccxnended that Council schedule date of neetin: €or Thursday, Decexber 27, It ~3s so orderad, by coT?mon censent of Council. 12 /ro /G 2 SQIJ'i'':i9.&E .LI,arJO? ST@?!E LEASE APPR3VEn: AIJQTFIZF FI1,T ;'ZAT:S AT SAVE XATZ e Ylansger Jiyde nr?sented to Council Southdale 3 fim -moposal for a five-year leascfor -the present Southdale Liquor Store an6 storage snace, being 1547 Sq. Ft, of store area, and 1600 Sq.Yt. of storage space. Yr. 3yde reported that the new leaso calls for an increase over and above what ve are currently paying, includinz all charzes cf qnroximtely 15%, or $1,736.20 per year. He added he feels this is still reasondlle, in viev of the volume of business at thk location, Some discussion vras had ralative to a ten-year lease, in view of antici?ated develoynents in surrounding municipalities, five-year base be zccepted, and that Village ask for o?tion to r.3ne.r.1 for an additional five years at the same pica, and Dickson sa movzd. Kotion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. FIVE SEAYS, ',/ITf: 03TIr);I T13 EEiK77 FOE f4r + Hyde recommended that the Fro9osal for T?CRSTJT,R'S YEPORT DATED OCTOSE?. 31, 1962 LI?UO?. DIS?Ei?SAr\Y 3ALKICE S-IEET -9l??AP,ATIVE STAilEtlEiJT OF IXCntIE AXD EXTEiISE FOR TEi? :;@i4'1'3S EiJDED OCTOXR 31., 1961m 1962, AXD STATEMENTS OF GE:?ER.AL FKID NJD PARK FUiJU P.EYZ:liUCS hID EXFEidDI'l'UFXS FOE TEH WONT:-IS Ei?DIXC OCTOaER 31 (I 1962 rrcre suhitted by Financz .. Director Dalen, revievied md ordsred nlacad on file, T?.A:ISFE% OF APPROPRIATIOYS FOR. 1962 3UDGET APPROVED I Finance Directtor Da1.m pres z n t ed C 0' I' E11 DE D T?Ai?S FE 3 " Par the Year Ending December 31, 1962, recomcndinz tbt Ap?ro?riations Tmnsfars be made at this meeting, mosrsd its adot ion : S T ATE ! IEII T OF EST PI ATE D EXPUD I TU% S AjlD VanValkznburg offerzd thz follor*ring Resolution and ".ESOLUTT(?7,J AUT8Q?KCZI~JG 19 62 3UDG:ET AP?~',3?~IATIOiJS TP,KEFE?,,S 13C IT FGSCILVED by trlJ5llage Council of t'ne VLllzge of Edina. a5 follo:;.~: th2 ;rear 1962 are unex7ended unencumbamd and not neednd.; and that "cic;;.r balances shall be Transferred to other appro?riations as hereinafter set fort:?: p-:pp JLI~ a,AL FUND It is hereby.deemsd that czrtain aF?ro?r?ati'cns n=1d9 b.1 this Council for '=ZI,IEr,AL FUISID ?'I':\:FE:"S FYY?: T?,KISFE?S To: 'Taylor md Council $250,0ij Assess in2 $850.00 ? hnn in 2 400.03 Legal Services 3,000 ,00 Zng incor in2 1,200.03 Library 150.00 Fubl%c f!orl:s 5,3c)0.09 ?dice Protection 1,33il. DL7 Con t in Zen ci~s 1 8,700.00 Public Koslth 750.90 In s ? n c t i on s 330 80 C2nt -m. 1 S c r v ices ViLlaze iI3U 1,4i]O,OO nutlay 2,600 .OO Equimen'c herarion 12 ,Oc73, Zir , Civil Defensn- 903.00 "ire "otection L,30(J,OO. Ssttlenants of Suits 1,000.0~ hind Control 550 30 S ?s c i a1 As s ,ss men t s on Silla~e Prqmty LOO .OO IJn a 1 1 oca t 8 d C a? it a 1 Central Services: General 700.00 %rage 1,600.00 $22,753 .OO $22,750.'90 34~1; qy1j-J PARK' FUND TRAXSFER FROP4 : TRANSFER TO: Cap,l-t-,L fluthy $1.,073.07 $1,075 00 $1,075.J? by nickson, 2nd on "01lc;t.lL i. ,21,075.00 4ch in istra ti on 'lotion For ado2ticn of the Resolution ms SEC thzre weri Fivz ayes and no nays, 2s folio .aye ; ?anValkenbur? aye ; and 3reda- Cenzra.1 Fund, $12,210+61; Construction Fund, $8,503.12; Ftrk, Far'.: Construction and %rim Pool, $10,377.84; Vater Fund, $509+91; Liquor Fund, $45,G46.54; Ser:-.r Rental rund, $967,71; Ivprovenent Rmls, $103,003,02; 2nd Poor rund, $11).30-- Total, $181,533.75, CP~":ZllDAT?O:T TQ FTRE EID POLICE DZTARTpEiITS %AD, lettw OF co?mendation to Fire md Folic5 Deq=wt-rants for their quick r3srlrclnse and efficient work in extinyishing a Eire at his ho-rie, 6114 7r;rtnce Pva, 3n., was mad by Council and ordered placed on file. "r, Rici13rd E. fiennlnq's 'ir. David Peiber, City r(anager of the Cit17 of ?!orris, I'innssotq, 1735 Trust2e Tup's quest at the meetin:. 3 /O 12/10 /z ?2. X133ERT :ILL T2SIC:JS FW': FA?:; i3;OARD. 'Iayor 3redasen rs~ratfully znnounced the rssiqnatlcn 07 '-;rs Hiblyd jill fron the Pa~k Board, ou shn inCr that Council recognize ':r, Hill's /servxct toWhe Villasc durin.: this wst five years, by form1 resolution. !le sueqested Dickson offered the follo:.Jinp Eesolution snd novcd - its adoption : their regrets at his rzsignation fro? the Zdina Park Soard, and extend to him their thanks fop his devotion to the fulfillrlent OF his duties. 3EZT PUDTX? ?%"3LT7ED, that this Yesolution be s?rsad u?on the ml 1 nutes OF this neeting and that the Village ?Tanager is diracted to send 3 ccy a? thFs Fssolution to Hibkert ?:. :-I;-11. rrere five syes and no nays, as fol10::s: Tiera bein2 no further business, Tupa moved for adjournment. ?anValkenburg snd carried, fleetiny adjourn Ilot;-on second& by .