HomeMy WebLinkAbout19621228_edina_village_councilSALAR'I SCHEDULE ADOPTED FOR VILLAGE EMPLOYEES FOR 1963. Pursumt to budyt discu~c' -, -,iais had zqrlisr this year, Yan-1ger Hyde prasmted a Schedule OF ??eccmmendpd ''i~xCmum S;113riG?y 2nd '!.qe V.stes for 1963", vrhich 5:fas reviewad at sone length by the Council. 'fr. Charl~:.~ ST;renc,on oF T-oc,al #49 was ?resent, to request 2n adjusiment unrward of $3.00 aer mont3 ifi ?roPosed r?te for Heavy Equipment and Light Enpi?ment Operators, pc'port, shmin? that most of the local conmunitics hme .xcedecl 'to thn, Union's request, Statinn; that he faels the 'meetinzs between tknagers and Union vere very effectivs, 3nd that it is uifortunate cns more meeting could not have besn he16 bcFore Councils took ,acticn, 'Ir, Svrenson said general Flqreenent has been raached on a11 but these two classif ic~at,irsns, iimager :-Iyde 5ras querj.ed as to vrhether the 1963 3udyt ?rovid.zs for this increzs3, s.nd ansvered afFim.ativeLy, request is ?ranted, nolice and fire salawies should b? adSusted accordinzly, considerib12 &iscussion and consi.deratiois-i of salaries cf surroundinq cmmunitiss., !Iayor 3Feds331i suypsted t?-iat the hroFoskd schndile 3e chanzed to meet the Union request 2nd that tha police and r'4r.I salaries bs changsd accordinc$y. th? followin:: Xesolution and noved its adonti-on: IIa ?resented a Be added he feels that if ths Union's 4.Fter Tu?a offerd n- --.LJ~LIJTI@~T 0 ESTA3LISHIi,IS SCBEDULE OF !il?XITlUii SALAEIES PJJD '.!AGE P.ATZS T3R 1963 3E IT R.ESOLlJED, That !laximum Salaries and l?aps for T,?lllla..;e Snl?lo:ya.?;; for the ;rear 1953 be estgblished as fol1or.r~: . 52. Y3:JT:i cEIT%"rZL RD'I1:IISTrlATIQ;J TiYancs Director $975 Deputy Assessor 565 Clsrk-Treasurer 620 Jdmlnistrative P.sst. 45 0 Qffice Clerical-fiscal-secretarial; Clerical T: (5) 331) As cjes sor 8 00 Dsputy Pksessor - Part Time 1.53 73er hour Clerical 11 (4) ' 380 Clnrical 111 (4) 43 0 Clerical 117 (2) 480 Trcsecuting Attorney 500 Lsp.1: ?sst. %nqer-Pl?.nni.ng Dj-rector 800 "USLIC SAFETY POLICE --??-- dlrnctor of Public Safety E Police Ciiief 975 Liautenants (2) 650 Szrzean-ts (4) G 10 Patrolinen : I - 3 yrs, Sarvice 558 11 - 2 yrs. Service 538 111 - 1 year Service 5 18 IV - Le3s than I, year Service 480 Dlsnatchers - Desk Clerks 370 Dispatchers - Desk Clerks-hourly 1,80 3cr hcrur 3% the total comnensation for members- of the Police Dcpartnen?, $25 aer iontk shall be considered as palpent For takj-nz at lzast 30 hour-; osy-c;utg train?-n.i frm tha sire Departnent i-n fire fiThtin2 techniques, -For aj-zinz in the cxtinguishin7 of fires, and For rpali.?yi.nz foy n,&- Cros-, .First aid csrti-Ficates. ?I% -* ,>.c ChiLi 715 P%st, Chief 650 Lieu'cznan-ts (2) 585 ? - 3 yrs. Service 558 11 - 2 grs. Service 532 I? - Lt25s than 1 year S3rvice Flrmsn 111 - 1 yr. Servi.ce 518 483 2.55 ner hour Vcluntetrs : +25 ?.3r nonth of thz cm?jcnsat:.on ?i;!rl flrcq.sn sl~a11 k,e ecnsj.dt.pi2d 2.25 Sa. DrTill 8. nint foi? suc3 duties outside norqal ,Fj.raT*.n's Ciutj.e,q 8% ~a~,r be ;1~~i7$~d b;? %h~ !T<ll~.y~s ':,2ntq7,2p I Sanitsrizn PU3LIC '!?QXS -y1 EAI'X:EG7L:Jr? Director-o" Public ' 25 675 Proym ljuprvisor 525 Psst. Fool 'lanqer (s) 415 Concessicn ?'zna=ar (si ) 1.75 per hour Pool Cashier (SI 1,25 ?er hour 3athhouse - Concassion Attendant (s) 1.00 per hour S::imin= instructors (s) 2,L5 ?er hour Life Fuwds (s) 2.05 per hour 77 aint%nance (T) 1.60 Fer hour 3zsaball and Craft SuTervisor (5) 40 3 3asaball Assistants (s) 1.60 ?er hour Hockey Ccaches (s) 1.90 qer haur Kink Attendants (s) 1;50 Der hour Playpound JJeaders (s) 2.00 7er iicur Skating slifing Instructors (s 5.00 ?er 5nst. class Park Xeeper - 111 508 I1 49 3 I 443 :anaTer 825 Pssistant t:ansgers (2) 5 40 Clerks-??ezular 2.40 3er hour Clerks-Part Tina 1.90 xr hour Pool ':ana-l,er (s) 455 I LIqULQT? STC)?SS (5) - Seasonal The abox713 ratss are b,ase rates until wch tim as tiis 7:i-llaTe Sqins to pa;^ the =~plo;ra=s' sham of hosvitslization and mdi-cal care, insurzncs, at r5ic'i time th? ratss xi11 be raduced b;7 thc zmount ?3id by ti13 ?ill.lrnz far Irtsuranc~. Yotion for zdo?t;cn al' Rssalutiori 'JBS seccndzd by Tunn, and cn "cllcall thera ~ vere five ay2s and no nays, as Pollovs: T)Sckson, "ye; :Iac:Gllan, 2173; Tu?a, q=; urz, aye; and 3r.sdesen, %ye; md the Resolution uas adoqted. 1 AFI 12 /2 a /6 2 31' 3 ?IIiIUTES OF TSWLAX YEETIIJG OF DECEY3ER LO, 1962 APPSOVED AS ATEI'DCD. Clerk called G!cil'3 attention to two errers in the 'linutes of the ?leetiny of Dscsmbzr 13: CO;TT?,'?CT A!.TA?DED TO PLEHAL 3LACKTOPPING COWANY ,'I the bid of Fkhal 3lacktomi.ng :-!as listed as $.57 p2r C,Y,--should have been $,56 ?er C.1, Sets January 14> 1963, as Hearing Date on EcZina Yortuary P.equest for %zoning €POX 9?en Develonment District to Community Store Di-strict---, should read "CCXJNCTL SETS 1. on Page 305 of Xinute 3ook 25, in the ?aragr@n entitld "PAYELA PAnX TILL 2. on hgc 307 of Minute Book 25, t?ie tit12 of the paragrmh beginning, "Council ,xmmw 14, 1963 , AS HEARIHC~ DATE ON EDIRR MORTUAW P.E~UEST FOP; REZO~I~? FIT? OPKI %%L~E$~EJ ./.s,TkIcT T? I? AUTO!!OB'ILE PAR~(I;.G DISTRICT' --if. ~kson's notion rccoxnendatians b.7 Clnrk, be aproved, was seconded by T.?anValkenburg and carrisd that Hinutas @-E D2cember 10, 1952, amnded 5-n accordance zith EASEj@IT FOR. SANITARY ,SE\jER IN LOT 16 BLOCK 4, LAKE EDINA SECOND ADDITION RELEASED. '9cqucst, addwssed to Kr. George xte, by "c:12 attorneys Fer-. and 1:rs. Vernon death, recent purchassrs of Lot 16, 31ock 4, Lake Cdina 2nd i^.dciition, Fcr ~~lzay? of a "snita.ry Swer in this ?ronerty, was ?r?sentcd tc the Council. :.Titi the raccmmnd.zt ion of fila Villa.-l,e Enztneer that Council releasa easemsnt bzcause It is no lonz?r nxdedr Yotion by .VtlnValkenburg, that :kyor and Clerk be authorized 2nd dlr2cted to siyn quit Clain Ds3d releasin? Sznitary Sewer Easamnt in Lot 16, 3loclc 4, Lake Edina Secsnd nddition vas seconded by l-lacf-;illan and carrjed. STAT!. _?ID. 39-NlS SOLD TO I'IPl?olJEIIE]\TT FUNDS, Council the n-d sale to Villa.re Im7rovemmt Funds of 20x5 $394,000 7-liessrs. Hyde and Dalen reviemd for the I of iiuniciml Sta-te-Aid Straet Bonds, 17-1, dilich was thernupon fully and distinctly read as follorrs: Trustee Tupa introduced Froqosed Ordinanc? 110. ORDINANCE NO, 17-1 AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING THE NJNICIPAL STATE-AID STREET BOND BUND THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1, There is hereby established a separate and snecial fund OF th3 Villaze to he designated as the "Ilunicipal State-Aid Street 3ond fund1', ~rhicb %ml shall be maintained by the Treasurer on the books OF the Villaga so lonrJ as any bonds payable therefrom shall bs outstanding, The bonds to be ?ayable frm said fund ;hall bs desi3nat:ed by resolutions of the Villaqe Council, but shall include only :anma1 obliytions bonds of the Villqe which are issued undsr and ?ursumt to the ?rovi?tons of I'innxota Statutes 1961, Section 162.18, and my acts amendatopy "cicreo+ or ~u??l~- mental ther-.to, and are qayable fron the maintenance and construction accounts of tho Villqe in tha municiml state-ai.d street fund oF tiis State OF 7'innssota. .. 12 /2 8/62 Stction 2. Tis Council shall lsvy a tax for the 2re"rs and in tI1e ailounts - 314 rea_uired to prcducs suqs not less thah 5; in excess of each principal and interzst papents cn such bends, as such payments shall resp2ct:velg beccme due, Section 3. The taxes levied and ap7ropriated to sudi fund shall be ir- rsvocabl5, exce9t that vhen and as such munlci?al state-aid street fund noneys are actually received and irrevocably appopriated to such fund, the tzxes TziyaSle in the succeeding year mq be rsduced b:J the amount OF such appropriation, at the tim and in the manner proTJidzd by 1:innesota Statutes 1961, Section 475.51. Section 4. Thz noneys in tha fund s'nsll be used solely for tina papent of ?he principal and intersst ::hen due on the bonds designated by such rssolutions, and Eor the prepapcnt an2 radsa$ion 03 said bonds vhen and if the sm3 bxo-~t ?ra?ay- zble according to thzir terzs, provided that such rnoneys la;? hh Snvasted as wthor- Imd by 'linnesota Statutes e- Section 475.66, Section 5. The full faith and credit of the \Tillage shall b2 and Is hera- by irrevccably ?ledTed FOP tine prumt and full papent of the 2rincipal and interest on all bonds mde payable Frcm the 7'uniciyl State-Aid Straat 3orid Fund. L~TE the noneys in said fund should be insufficient to terest due th-l Ccuncil dial1 ?rovi.de sufFicient n0ni.y~ for such ?ayment 2rci any other funds of tie ?illq=p, and such funds may be reimbursed Fro? the ?rccwds of taxes appropriated to the "'un%ci?al Statc-Aid Street 3ond Fund; and the Villap shall have the pomr and authority, and it shall be the duty of the Council, to levy zddi- tional ad valorem taws u?on all of the taxable prcaprty citiiln its cormrate limits to the estent require6 to rasbore any dzficiency in said fund for the ?aywnt of said bonds and interest If at any i' all such ?rinci?zl m6 in- r:hich -levy may bz made r;tithartt limitation as to rate or a-Iount. The notion for the ado?tion of the forezoing ordinance iias duly szconded b~3 Trustet Tiac'lillan, and u7on vote being taken thereon, the following vot5d in fzvor therar': Dicl:sen, aye ; ITac";illzn , aye ; Tupa , aye ; BanValkenbur-:, ap ; and 3redesen and the followiny: voted against the saqe: (30 was declared duly nass5d and adopted, and was aye ; Trustee Tupa introduced the l'ollowiny Resolution and moved its adqtion: RESOLUTIOX ,4??ARDIX SALE AXD ESTA3LIS:-;I:TG I'ORX AND DETAILS OF $394,594.12 I'IU:IICIPAL . STATE-AID STEET 30:IDS 3E IT YESOL?2D by the Council of the Vill~ge of Sdina, Vinnesota, a3 1, f Crll0~'TS : Under and >ursuant to the provisions of ifinnesota Statutes 1961, Sec- tion 162.18 , the Ccuncil is authorized to issue negotiable cou?on eeneral obligation bonds of the Villase for the purposa of prosidins Funds fop establishinz, locatin?:, relocating, constructing, reconstructing and impoving streets desiznated 3s munici- pal state-aid streets, and to purchasa such bonds For the account of any one or more of its municipal funds, including debt redemption funds, provided that such bands shallmatura in not exceedin% five years Fro2 their respective dates of issua, in principal amounts not exceedin2 in any calendar year, Itith the 9rincipal Smcunt of all other nuniciFa1 state-aid street oblizations rnaturinc in such year, the total amount of the last annual allotment preceding the bond issue, received by the Villqa fro3 the construction account in the municipal state-aid stmet fund of the State o€ 'linnesota. portion of the cost of the following designated projects, each of .;:thich has been duly authorized and constructed or contracted to ba constructed, ;rith amroval of the Highway DeFartment of the State OF Ilinnesota, as a part of the munici2al state- aid street system established b:y the Village and aQproved by the Higlii.:ay Departrnsnt : It is necessary for the ?illage to bomo:rr the following sums, to pay a Cost to be Sorranod State-$,id Project Ilo, 20-152-03 20-152-04 20-145-03 23- 151-51 27-145-01 27-145-02 ' Total Cost to be 3orrewed on ffunicipal State- Aid Street Bonds 69,701.79 58,480.18 46,922.44 22,596.79 155,831.77 $394,594.12 $ 11,001.15 12 /2a 162 Tils total nrinci?al mount of such bonds, as herein directed to b; issued, :rill not ei:c?ed in any calendsr year the total amount of the last annual allotment ?rsc%dint thi-s .issued receiv3d bg the Villzi.lge frox the construction account in the municiqzl state-Aid strzat fund of the State, such annual allctmznt-;1,-iTing b?en in the an0un-i: of $194,562,@O we nov outstmdinz. SUCJ~ and sold, as prm?-did I;n m.rayayh 2 of this rzsclution, ;Io other municipal state-aid street oblicytions of tha '!ill?c? It is hereb:? diractzd zhzt such bonds sl-Iall ha Eortlirri'cii is- I964 1 $ 49,594,12 2 $ 45,003 . .- ---I $ 94,534.12 1965 3 20,000 4 45,000 5 $ 35,000 100,030 1966 6 20,000 '7 45,000 8 35,000 100 ,DOC 1967 9 20,000 10 40,000 11 40,000 100,nOO To-tal $lQ9,594.12 $l75,000 $110,000 $394,594.3.1 The STillq? Treasurer shall resister the bonds 3s to til2 paymnt of nri_nci?al, i:hich re&tration shall be by endorsement on the bonds of a certificste or r+zyi;tration, recitj-n? that the princinal thereof \rill bs myable only to such ?^rson is Ly qucli rqistratlon ar)?ears to be the owner thr?,reoP or his lezal rsnrcsentative, and th? Tre2surcr shall keep a ??rnanent record or' the bonds SO res;-stered. 3. The bonds shall have no attached interest coupons, and ;hall lis TLrn-.c- *L4 Traphed in substantially the following form: UITITED STATES OF A'IEiXCA STATE OF "'INHESr?TP. COUiiTY r)F HF1CJEPI:I KNOW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS that the VFlla~:1- of Edina, in thi. Count;? of H2nncpi.n and State of Ilinnesota, for valus rec&.ved acl:no.c:led-r,%,s itsel? to bz in- debted 3nd nronises to pav to b5arer or, if this bond is rqistered, to th~ rqiz- tered holder hereof, the Frincipal sur? of on th-. 15th day of June, 19 , or, if this bond is ?repayable as noted b31ow, on an 3arlier d3te on which it shall have bsen duly called for redemption, 2nd ?remises tc psj interest on said principal sum from the date hereo? until n2id at the rat2 of two and fift:y hundredths Der cent ( 2 .SO% ) per annum, myable semiannually on the 15th day of Jun3 and the 15th day of Decmber in each year, tsrast are payable at the office of the Villaq?- Trcasurep, in Edinz, Yinnsscti, i.n any coin or cui-rency 01 the United States o€ Pmerica rr'nich on the respective date; of payment i-s lzgal tsnder for public and private debts. oayment of such Drincipal and intersst the full. faith and credit of the Vills~z of Cdina hwe been and are hereby irrevocably pled~ed. Both ?rinciq31 and in- Tor the ?rnmnt and Full Tnis bond is one of an issue in the az,grcp,ate nrincipal mount $394,594.12, all of li?:s date and tenor except as to serial nunbcr, dencnination and maturity, and a11 issued for the pur?ose of establishinz, locatin:, relocatinz, con- structing, reconstructing and in?rovinZ municipal state-aid streets rtithin the Vil- lage, in accordance xith resolutions duly adopted by the S'lllaa,e Cwxdl, and pur- suant to ani in full conformity with the provisions of the Constitution and 1~:s of the State of ?:innesota thereunto enabling, including t"lnneslata Statutes 1361, Sac- tion 162.18 and Chanter 475. This bond is transfemble by delivery, Qxcqt vfnile ragistered as to ?rin- cipal in the naw of a hotdcr on the bond register of the Villa~e kept for that Fur- pose at the off'ice of the llillaze Trzasurer, rrith such razistration no&d hereon b;* sald TreasurO-r. 'bile so rqistercd, no trmsfer 'nereo3 shall be v3lld urik~s Ride on such register by the rzgistered holder in ?,erson or by his attorneg duly aut!ior- izzd in mitin2 2nd sinilmly nctd heraon; but this bond may bz dischar?"d fro7 ragistraticn by bein?; in 1'1;s manner transfsrrsd to kamr, and thereupon transfer- 3bXi-Q 337 dellvery shall b. restored; but thz bond r13y ayin and frcn ti~i tc time 5s razistered in tile naxs of a holder or transfwred to baarer as before. E The bonds of this issue are each su3ject to redcm?tion and wa?a;ment at the oDtion of the ?illage on'the 15th day of Juna OT the 15th day of Dcce-;lber im- I-.izd%tel;,r precedin? thelr rzspct5-ve stated naturi ty d3tes. ;lot less than tzn da;rs pior to the d3te s?xi2iad €or the -rmaynant and r.?-de-\Tti,cn 0-F any Sond, Xh3 !'LL- 1322 vi11 mail notics QF thhe csll theroof For redem?tion to the address of= th? n~~is- tered e-mer as shorn cn its bond rzzister, and interest on the bond shall caase at the dzte spxified for rzdenption, unlzss the bond is then ?rasznted for 7q7n;nf and papent is rzfused. IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED AND RECITED that a11 acts, ccnditions and t^:?i.np rquired by the Ccnstitution and lm-, of the St-lte of "innesota ta he done, to hap- PSI?, to exist and to be yrfomed przcadent to and In tile issuance of this bond, in clrder to Take it a vali_d yenera1 obligation of the Villztp accordin2 to its terns, ha\7t bean done, hava ;iaDpened, do exist and hava been xrformed in re2;ular and due fern, tine and nznnzr a5 SO required; that the issuance of this bond did not cause the indebtedness Qf ti% T'illap to exc5ed any constitutional or statutcqr 1i.attation; that prior to the issuanca a€ this bond a direct, annual, irrspalable, 26 VELZQF~RI tax has been duly levied upon all of the taxabls pro?!srty 5.n thc Village for the years and in awunts not less than 5% in excess of suxs sufficient to na;' th3 inter- est hereon and the principal hereoE as the sans respctively beccm due, and 3ddi- tional taxes, iE required for such puqxse, may be levied u?on all such pronerty without limitation as to rate or a-cunt; and that the Villase has alw irrsvccsbly pledzed and a?popriated to the sinkin5 fund frcn which this bond is 2a:rable an mount of the moneys allotted and to be allotted to the '.'illacje fro3 its account in the municioal state-aid street fund of the State of 3innesota sufficknt to ?ay such princi?al and interest vhen due, znd that the ta above described nay be raduced by the amounts of such moneys OP other moneys actually on hand and ayxxnriated to the sinking fund. I IN KtTNEESS VHEREOF th? Village of Edina, "Iinnasota, bg it-, Village Council, has caused this bond to be executed in its bsh Village lfanager and its official seal to be af to be dated as of December 15, 1962. Countersigned: ( SEAL) Village !Imager CERTLTICATE OF GSISTEhTIfXJ The xithin band has been rezistered on the bond register kept at ths office of thp_ Village Traasursr in Edina, Ilinnesota, and the princiyil heraof vi11 be pay- &le only to such person 3s b;r such rezistration appears to b3 the omer herso? or his legal repesentzt ive . NO IJRITING HEREON EXCEPT BY THE VILLAGE TREASURER Date - SiEnaturz of Triasurer 12/28/52 4, The bonds shall be ?repared for executicm under'the direction of the Villa~e Clerk and shall then be executed an behalf o€ the Sillaze by the siTnatures of the 1.1ayor and Villap ,Clerk, who shall affix the corporate seal of the Villap tc wch of the bends, T'ne name of the fund for whose sccount ea.ch bond is ?urcha.t;sd shrlll >e inserted therein, and the bonds shall be deposit2d in safelkse?inz hy the ViLlqe Treasurer for the account of thg respPctive funds, and the Traasurer shall then trmsfer the Furchase price of the bonds ?urcliased bv each fund, to-1ri.t the ?ar value thcreof Flus accrued interest thereon to the date of such transfzr, to thz :Funds of the respective state-aid grojects in thz amounts stated i-n yra~rarlh 1 of this resolution, and the accrued interest shall be &?esited to the- cy-.di_t 05 the Istunic;-@. Stata- Aid Strset Sond Fund created by npdinanc,i Jc?. 17-1 &t?d. kczib;2r 23 1362, ,. 1963 1964 1365 1966 ."mount $114,868.97 112,875 110,250 107,625 Th-. Trocmds of such tax shaL1 be paid into th.e fIunicipal Ctate-,ICd Wmet Send rund and exrlsntled therefrom in acco-rdance :ii-tli Ordinancz 30, 17-1, adootcd Tkcem'iar 28 1962, 3rd the Qonds and interest shall Sa paid fron that Fund and s~!cur.-d f:y all cf the covenmts contJined in that ordinance Tnere j-3 -3130 irrsvocably plzd.r,=.d 3n.l aopronriated to this fund an amount of the moneys allotted and to bi allottad to t:hd Villaze fron its account in the municipal state-aid streat fund of the Stata of Fiinnesata, suffi-cient to pay such princi?al and interest 16ien due, and u?on rsccint oE such moneys from tine to time the taxes herein levied shall be rduced by the 3mounts so received, in the manner provided in said cfrdhance. 6. The Village Clerk is hereby autliorizXl and directed to file vith the County Auditor of iIenne?in County, Ilinnesota, a certified co?y of this reqolution, toqether with such other information as the County Auditor nay requirz, and to obtain frm said Auditor arior to the delivery of the bonds herein described a certi-Fic3tc theit said issue has been entered upon his bond register. 7. The offi-cers of the Village and the County Auditor of %ame?in County are hereby athorized and directed to mepare and furnish to the vurchaser nf said bonds, and to the attorneys qmroving the legality of the issuance thereof, csrtifiad co$es of a11 ?roceedinzs and records of the Village relating to said bonds, ;tnd such other affidavits and certificares as may be rquired to s1ior.r the facts relatin? to the logality and marketability of the bonds, as such facts a??eas from the 'crilla~e'.; books and records in their custody and control or are othervise knortn to tIicm, and all such certified copies , certificates and affidavits, including any 'neri3tofore Furnished, shall be deemed representations of the S'illap as to the correctness of 311 statem2nts contained therein, Tlotion for ado?tion of the foregoing resolution was dulj seconded by Tyustw I.:ac'lillan, and uFon vote being taken thereon, the followin$ voted in favor th2reo": Diclcson aya ; RacMillan It aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye ; and 3radesen, aye ; and the following voted against the same: (30 Hay Votes), IrherenTon the resolution vias declared duly passed and adopted, an6 was si by the Vayor and attested by the CLAIMS PAID. dated Dexer 27, and Su??lement dated December 28, was seconded b;r Dickson and carried: Construction, Liquor Fund, $183,405-48; Sewer Rental Fund, $355,33; Improvement Funds, $1,395,493.32; Poor, PI?, and State Aid Im?rovement Funds, $412,002,04--Tot4z1, $2,333,219,13, Tupa's motion, for payment of the Following Claims, as per Pre-List General Fund, $44,409.30; Construction Fund, $229,565.11; Park, FarI,&y Srrim Pool and Park Sinking, $28,602.55; Yaterworks Fund, $39,395,01; TY:EAS[!FER'S ?EP?FT, siievring Cash Balances, Investments and Collateral a3 at iJovembzr 30 , 1962 was submitted by Tinanca Director qalen, revie:.red and accavted. 318- 12 /28/C2 ... .