HomeMy WebLinkAbout19630128_regular1/19/63 3 b, d b 3 es m negotiated bid, bids were taken days . Chairman and accordingly cannot be awarded,' It was pointed ouk that on January 9; that bidders may withdraw their bids after 30 Stevens took a poll of the Park Board, and it was unanimous e that the Board recommend to the-Council that the Council award bid to T.D. Gustafson Company on the base bid, providing the Council awards a contract for the Basic Earthwork on February 11, Manufacturing Company representatives they would be allowed to explain their proposal to the Village Council before award was made. was directed to inform the two low bidders of.what has taken place, and to ask T.D. Gustafson Company to extend the time for withdrawal of low bid until after February 11, Mr. Brauer stated he had told Tor0 Assistant Manager Hite ' Proposal No, 3--PLANT MATERIALS-was delayed pending a firm recommendation by the .Park Board on revised specifications , EMPLOYEE INSURANCE DISCUSSED. Mr. Dalen asked authorization to expend up to SO0 for expert analysis of retention schedules, etc., relative to proposals now received for employees' insurance, MacMillan's motion granting this authority was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, -*-. MacMillan's motion for adjournment wahseconded by Tupa and carried. Meeting adjourned at 3 : 40 Po M. MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 28, 1963, AT THE VILLAGE HALL, AT 7:OO P.Q* Members answering Rollcall were MacMillan, Rixe, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. COUNCIL ZONES 5101 HANKERSON AVENUE FROM OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO AUTOMOBILE PARKING DISTRICT. Clerk submitted Affidavit of Publication in Edina-Morningside Couryer January i7 and 24, 1963, of "Notice of Public Hearing on Petition for Rezoning from Open Development District to Automobile Parking District", and also Affidavits of Posting and Mailing of said notice. approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Hearing was conducted on the petition of Edina Mortuary for the Rezoning from Open Development District to Automobile Parking District of "The North 35 Ft. of Lot 14 and South 1/2 of Lot 13, Block 1, Brookside Heights (5101 Hankerson Avenue). properties, Planning Director Hite explained the proposal. of Edina Mortuary for the rezoning of the tract immed'iately North of the Mortuary propepty. He reported that it is not the plan of the mortuary owners to develop this property immediately-that they are securing it with the plan of holding it until such time as additional parking facilities are warranted, He told Council, too, that the additional parking area will be treated in exactly the same manner as present parking facilities; that there will be no additional access to Hankerson Avenue, and the parking lot will be screened, with special treatment on the screening for the property directly to the North, in order to satisfy that property owner. Mr. Dick En*oth, an owner of the mortuary, was present and corroborated Mr. Hite's statements. audience, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. Tupa offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted : Affidavits were Pursuant to Notice, Public With the help of visual aids showing land use.of the surrounding There were no objections from the Trustee ORDINANCE NO. 261-71 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 261 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL AUTOMOBILE PARKING DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Sectipn 1. Section 5, Automobile Parking District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended is hereby further amended by adding at the end of paragraph 1 of said Section 5 an additional, sub- paragraph as follows : "(i> The North 35 Ft, of Lot 14 and the South 1/2 of Lot 13, Block 1, Brookside Heights .It Sectipn 2, This Ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon its passage and publication. 14 1/28 /63 Motion for waiver of second reading, and adoption of Ordinance as submitted, was seconded by E.iacMillan, and on Rollcall there we PUBLIC,HEARING* ON-REZONING FOR NELSON FARM CONTINUED TO FEBRUARY 11. mesented Affidavit om of mice of mlic Hearing on Petition for Clerk Rezoning from Open Development District to Planned Industrial District , Office Building District, and 1-lultiple Residence District," published in Edina-Morningside Courier January 17 and 24, 1963. were also presented. Pursuant to notice, Public Hearing was conducted on the petition of the Stow Company for the following: Affidavits of Posting and Mailing of said notice Affidavits approved as to form and ordered placed on file. 1. 2. 3. Rezoning from Open Development District to PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT Rezoning frm Open Development District to OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT Rezoning from Open Development District to IIKJLTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT all as set forth in the "Nelson Farm Preliminary Land Use Plan" prepared by Mr, A. C, Godward dated December 1, 1962 as approved by the Planning Commission on December 5, 1962. Because the planning of this property has taken some years, Mr, Hite presented to the Council a review of the past Planning Commission and Council actions on it. With the use of visual aids he outlined the proposed land use in some considerable detail, together with the road plan and its relation to Highway No, LOO and Interstate Highway, to remain "Open Development1' zoning, and will contain some 125 residential lots, which will be "siggle-family" lots, with the exception of the few lots which abut "Multiple Residence" or "Off ice Building" zones--which few lots will be "double dwelling" lots, The Northwestern tract , planned for "Planned Industrial" zoning, will be screened from the residential zone by a ridge. the tract, proposed to be zoned "Planned Industrial", will be served by an extension of V.77th Street, which will intersect Highway #lo0 at a I'traffk interchange". will separate the "Planned Industrial" from the "Open Developmentlt zoning. Mr. Hite told Council the Planning Commission has recommended the rezoning being considered at this Hearing; that there is still one tract in the area on which developers and Commission have not reached an agreement, but that this tract is not included in this Hearing, and between Highway No. 100 and CahiIXRoEid; IS-Thd S6uthtreSt'Iportion of the tract is proposed to be zoned "Planned Industrial" to Cahill Road, with an Office Building District abutting Cahill Road directly to the North, between Cahill Road and the Railroad. his neighbors he had found most of them violently opposed to the rezoning. He asked what protection these people have against rezoning way to W.70th Street. Mr. Hite replied that the Planning Commission favors development of residential properties directly to the North of the Nelson Farm tract, with the possible exception of the strip lying along the railroad right-of-way. Mr. Louis Sax, an attorney representing owners of the property directly North of the Nelson Farm tract, reported that while his clients do not objectto the present proposal, they want t.0 make sure they will not be hemmed in by industrial development and multiple resident zoning without some recounse. Mr, Hite repeated his statement to Mr. Webster relative to Commission's recommendation for this property, also showing Mr, Sax that the greater portion of the Nelson Farm tract abutting his clients' property is proposed to be residential zoning. Mrs. Paul Durbahn, 7712 Glasgow Drive, asked if there are any plans for protection against rezoning of the property between Glasgow Drive and Cahill Road. Mr. Hite answered that the only definite recommendation is that CahilL Road be the West boundary of "Planned Industrial." zoning North of old Highway No. 5. plan, Nr. Hite answered that at this time Bloomington's position is that they would oppose any rezoning beyond their "business district" zoning--which does not extend as far west as the Railroad right-of-way. Mr. E. C, Stow told those present that, with 125 residential lots to protect, the Stow Company will do everything possible to create adequate buffers between residential and commercial tracts. allow Council to review preliminary proceedings, was seconded by MacNillan and carried. OF Tracts E, C, D, E, F, G, H, J and K; OF Tracts A and M OF Tract N - It was shown that the northern portion of the 200-Acre developfient is planned The Southern part of A buffer of I'Office Buildiqg" and I'M ultiple Residence" zoning The Nelson Farm lies between W.74th Street &iid::the South Village Limits , Mr. Bruce Webster, a new resident on W.7Oth St., stated that in talking with Asked by one M.78th Street resident if Bloomington is in accord with this VanValkenburg's motion, that Public Hearing be continued for two weeks, to I 1/28/63 '1 Mr. Hite adaed that, should Council take affirmative action on the request for rezoning, flrecordablel' legal descriptions of the affected tracts must be in '!- the hands of the Council before a rezoning ordinance can be adopted. and Mr. Brill, his attorney, were agreeable to this, SNOW PLOW PURCHASED FROM LITTLE FALLS MACHINE SHOP. Januarml963, on Snow Plow and Pump, showed receipt of four bids-Little Falls Machine Shop, $995.00, low bidder; Public Works Equipment Company, $1,178.00; Hayden-Murphy Equipment Cor, $1,160 .OO; and Road Machinery and Supplies Company, $1,266.88. so moved. Mr. Stow Tabulation of bids received ~ Recommendation was for award of contract to low bidder, and VanValkenburg Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, COUNCIL FORMALLY PROTESTS CANCELLATION OF 44TH STREET BUS. 'wyoman, asking Councills aid in keeping the 44th Street bus in operation, was read; and several of the councilmen reported receiving letters and calls protesting cancellation of the line. being held, here, tomorrow, at 10:30 A.M. At a suggestion 'by the Mayor that the Edina Council go on record with the Coinmission as protesting the possible cancellation of this service, VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Letter from a St,Paul It was noted that a Public Hearing on the matter is RESOLUTION PROTESTING CANCELLATION OF BUS ROUTE WHEREAS, the Village of Morningside has requested the Railroad and Warehouse Commission of the State of Minnesota for an order cancelling the Minneapolis Transit Company bus route on West 44th Street from France Avenue to Bookside Avenue, and WHEREAS, many residents of the Village of Edina have protested the proposed cancellation of said route, and WHEREAS, it appears that there is a reasonable amount o€ patronage on this bus route: . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that it is opposed to the cancellation of said bus route, and that the Railroad and Warehouse Commission be notified accordingly, Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and Mac PUBLIC EMPLOYEESf RETIREMENT, ASSOCIATION ASKS INTEREST FOR FUNDS WITHHELD. Managemeported receipt of letter from P.E.R.A., dated January 22, 1963, asking that interest be paid by the Village of Edina for the funds withheld by the Village, Manager Hyde read to the Council draft of a letter to P.E.R.A., reviewing reasons why funds were withheld, and asking, again, for infomation on the matter of P,E.R,A. coverage for firemen. other formal action taken, Letter approved by Council; no DR, J. A. JACKSON,-4717 DUNBERRY LANE, APPOINTED TO PARK BOARD FOR UNEXPIRED TERM OF, HIBBERT HILL. -ne, as a member of the Park Board for the unexrdred term to Mr. Hibbert Mayor Bredesen's appointment of Dr. J.A, Jackson, 4717 Hill (to January 1, 1964) was confirmed by motion MacMillan, seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried. FR-ANCE AVENUE PAVING SUIT COSTS ALLOCATION ONCE AGAIN DISCUSSED- A letter BIrom Mrs wx Hardy- France Avenue, relative to the Village's paying costs of the France Avenue Paving suit "because this served as a test case" was read, occasioning further discussion on allocation of these costs. that the Village should not pay these costs because such payment would be unfair to the great majority of taxpayers, who were no way involved in this suit. motion, that Mrs. Harvey be so notified, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. It was the concensus Rixe's ORNAMENTAL STREET LIGHTING SYSTEM FOR COUNTRY CLUB AREA TO RECEIVE ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATION, Engineer Wegner reported that an informal hearing on plan for new street lighting system in Country Club area had been held: 'that some 70 Dersons , _- ~ attended, most of whom were not in favor of the project,. and most of whom indicated a desire to retain present type of standards and glassware, and same degree and intensity of light. which he is now investigating, and that he will have further report for the Council at a later date, COLJNCIL,ACTS- TO CORRECT ERROR IN LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF ALLEY VACATED, Clerk reported that one property owner is having difficulty in giving clear title to property abutting the vacated alley between Drew and,.Ewing Avenues and'6etween W.57th and W.58th Street, because of an error in setting forth the legal description of this alley when it was vacated in 1947, and Girected to do whatever is legally necessary to correct error, was seconddd bv Rixe and camjed. He added that several constructive suggestions were made, VanValkenburg's motion, that Clerk be authorized 1/2 8 /63 SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY RELIEF BOARD CONTRACT APPROVED FOR 1963. Resol- for renewal of contract with Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board, Clerk presented being the same contract as that renewed continuously since 1954; and VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION RENEWNG CONTRACT WITH SUBURBAN HENNEPIN COUNTY RELIEF BOARD BE IT RESOLVED, That the Contract heretofore submitted, signed and executed by the Suburban Hennepin County Relief Board of the County of Hennepin for and during the year 1954 for the administration and supervision of poor relief in the Village of Edina be, and the same is hereby accepted, approved, renewTd and extended for and during the year 1963 with the same force and effect as though said Original Contract, above described, were sedated and resigned and executed 3s of the date herebf . Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by MacMillan, and on Rollcall aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and there were five ayes and no nays, as COUNCIL ASKS STATE HIGHWAY COMMISSIONER TO CERTIFY AMOUNTS REQUIRED FOR PAYMENT OF MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET BONDS, Finance Director Dalen informed Council that to comply with legal requirements for State Aid Street Bonds recently issued, the State Highway Commissioner must be authorized and directed to certify to the State Auditor the sums of money required for said bonds, following Resolution and moved its adoption: VanValkenburg offered the RESOLUTION - RELATIVE TO MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET BONDS WHEREAS, the Village of Edina has issued bonds in the amount of $394,594.12 exclusively for the purpose of establishing, locating, relocating, constructing, reconstructing or improving its State-Aid Highways or Streets in accordance with law, and said obligations are payable, that amount of their future State-Aid allotments as is permissible by law and needed to pay the principal and interest thereon, which principal payment shall be made from the construction account of such State- Aid Fund and the interest payments made from their regular State-Aid Maintenance allotment, all as detailed herein: Principal Due Interest Due (2-1/2%) WHEREAS, said Village has irrevocably pledged to the sinking fund from which From State Aid Construction From State Aid Maintenance Year Fund Fund 6-15-63 0 $9,864.85 12-15-63 0 9,864, 85 6-15-64 - $94,594.12 9,864,85 12-15-64 7,500 -00 6-15-65 100,000,00 7,500.00 12-15 - 65 5,000 . 00 6-15-66 100,000 , 00 5,000 00 - 12-15-66 2 , 500 , 00 6-15-67 100,000 roo 2,500,OO - NOW, THEZFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, that the Commissioner of Highways be and is hereby requested to keep a bond record in his office for the ViLlage of Edina. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Commissioner of Highways be and is hereby requested upon receipt of this resolution to annually certify to the State Auditor the sum of money required for the principal and interest on said bonds, as evidenced by detailed reports of the annual expenditures. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconde were five'ayes and no nays, as follows: MacMilla VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the R CLALMS PAID. January 28, 1963, was seconded by MacMillan and carried: General Fund, $11,066.80; Construction Fund, $62,585.11; Park, Park Construction and Swimming Pool, $417.99; Waterworks Fund, $6,550.36; Liquor Fund, $56,080.58; Sewer Rental Fund, $401.47; and Joint Sewer Cistrict No. 1 Fund, $1,043.08--TOTAL, $138,145 . 39 . Motion by Tupa for payment of the following Claims as per Pre-List date d The meeting's agenda's having been seconded by Rixe and carried. *- e.,