HomeMy WebLinkAbout19630225_regular2 /25 /63 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1963, AT 7:OO P.M., IN ' THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL "a' ? Rollcall was answered by MacMillan, Tupa and VanValkenburg. VanValkenburg presided in Mayor Bredesen's absence. Mayor Pro Tem MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of February 11, 1963, were approved as submitted, by motion Tupa, seconded by MacMillan and carried. ACTION TABLED BY COUNCIL ON WALLACE KENNETH PETITION FOR REZONING FROM OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT--TRACT OF LAND LYING EAST OF. COUNTY ROAD NO. 18, BETWEEN PEDERSON DAIRY AND NINE-MILE CREEK, Affidavyts of Publication and Posting of "Notice of Hearing" , publication having been in Edina-Morningside Courier February 14 and 21, 1963. approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and, pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was held on the petition of Mr. Wallace Kenneth for the Rezoning from Open Development District to Multiple Residence District of certain properties lying East of County Road No. 18; and between Pederson Dairy and Nine-Mile Creek,. Planning Director Hite reviewed in detail the Kenneth proposal, explaining the topography of the land proposed for rezoning of this 60-acre tract. reported the Planning Commission is considering a substantial revision of the present "Multiple Residence District" section of the Zoning Ordinance-which will set standards for some five different types of "multiple residence" zoning; and is recommending that this area be rezoned "R-3" (residences containing three through ten dwelling units, at a density of approximately ten through twelve units per acre) at its eastern boundary and as shown on the visual aids presented by Mr. Hite, with the area toward County Road No. 18 being zoned "R-4" (residences containing five or more dwelling units, at a density of approximately sixteen through eighteen dwelling units per acre). In both recommended districts the buildings would have a height of not more than two stories. Commission recommends an "R-2" (double bungalow) zone between the Kenneth property and the present Parkwood Knolls plat. Mr. Hite reported on the road pattem, saying thalt: in no instance (except for possible extension of Interlachen Road to County Road No. 18) would there be a link between single-family and multiple residence zones, the Kenneth plans but are not intended to be exact plans. Planning Commission has asked for Council hearing on the matter in order to have some criterion as to what to expect on additional proposals of this type, Mr, George May, 6645 Parkwood Road, told Coun-cil he and his neighbors think the development of the proposed "R-4" area abutting County Road No. 18 would be a very good thing, but that they are not in accord with the "R-3" district as proposed by Mr. Kenneth and to the East thereof; that they believe this would be undesirable for Parkwood Road residents. He said he feels some consideration should be given to development of a buffer strip so that single family homes will not abut apartment buildings, and suggested a small park as such a buffer. Mr, V.L, Oliver stated he feels the proposal extends too close to Parkwood Road and will devalue property valtles and work a hardship on the Parkwood Road residents. Petitioner Kenneth reported that same of the land he proposes to develop is swamp, with 30 feet of peat; that County Road No. 18 will eventually be raised slightly, which will require additional €ill; that the buildings must be piled- that in working with Edina an attempt has been made to conform with the requiped road pattern, and that every attempt has been made to set standards for a development in which anyone would wish to live; that these will be first-class apartments, with balconies, patios, concealed parking, five swimming pools; that while no definite plans have been completed as yet, there will be a plan to set aside certain properties for plantings; that, should any part of the 60 acres be chopped up into buffer zones it would not be possible for anyone to develop the property, considering soil problems, special assessments, etc, Mr, May told Council Mr, Carl Hansen (developer of the Parkwood Knolls area) feels that if apartments are put into the "R-3" area, he must put apartments and duplexes in as a buffer to protect his own property. Mr. Lou Crosby, 6644 Parkwood Road, stated it is the general reaction that a buffer zone between the Parkwood Knolls area and the "R-4" area would be good, particularly as this/iSlow area and could be preserved for wild life refuge, thus enhancing the value of both Parkwood Knolls and the Kenneth property, later in the meeting, he would suggest rezoning the Kenneth property R-P along County Road 18, Mr. Carl M, Hansen reported he feels just as the Parkwood Knolls neighbors do; that if there is to be a 200 to 300-foot buffer between apartments and his land, no harm is done--but that if apartments are built up to his line, he will have to build apartments and doubles, too. Clerk presented Affidavits were He Mr. Hite stated the He presented building plans which he stated are typical of He added that the He added, with the Eastern portion rezoned R-2, rather than R-3, -* ,I 4-3 .4' 2/25/63 Asked by Mr* Hyde what he would do if the "R-B1'area is not rezoned, Mr, Hansen said that if single family dwellings are built next to his land, he will build single dwellings, also, present plan to have the same type of homes as is now in the present Parkwood Knolls area, and Mr. Hansen replied affirmatively, Mr. Jack Kuehn, 6637 Parkwood Road, suggested that Council delay any definite decision in order to give Parkwood Knolls residents time to consider; that, for instance, the low property might be developed into a "buffer lake", Planning Director Hite reported the Planning Commission's recommendation is predicated on the adoption of the new amendment to the Zoning Ordinance; that, without this amendment the Commission has no recommendation to make. He added that to this date the Village has not required a developer to set aside certain definite lands for buffer or water areas, and that whether this requirement could be legally made he does not know. setting for an apartment development; that these will not be ordinary,barracks-like apartments; that there are plans for broad open areas, well landscaped. it might be advantageous to walk this property, because the importance of the topography in relation to the Parkwood Knolls area can be readily seen on the ground , seconded the motion and it carried. considered the proposed amendment to the Multiple Residence District of the Zoning Ordinance, Mr, Crosby then asked Mr, Hansen if it is not his Mr, Kenneth reiterated that the whole attempt, here, is to make a park-like Plr, Hite suggested that before the plan is considered further by the Council., WacMillan moved that action on Mr. Kenneth's petition be tabled, Audience was informed that a new Hearing will be held after Council has Tupa COUNCIL APPROVES SIDE-YARD VARIANCE AT 5633 WOODDBLE AVENUE. petition for a Side-Yard Variance from Zoning Ordinance Requirements was considered in Public Hearing, pursuant to "Notice of Hearing" mailed to owners of affected properties, as per affidavit of mailing presented by Planning Director Hite. Hite reported that Mr, Haegaard wishes to construct a bedroom over his attached garage, which extends to within six feet from his North lot line; that, because Ordinance states "living area" cannot be closer than ten feet to the side lot line, Hr, Haegaard has petitioned for this variance; and that Planning Commission has recommended that request be honored, the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto, motion, that Zoning Variance be granted, was seconded by Tupa and carried, Irlr. Roger Haegaard's Mr. There were no objections registered at MacMillan's THREEzFOOT..SETBACK FROM SOUTH LOT LINE APPROVED, 5401 INTERLACHEN BLVD, presented Affidav-f Mailzg of "Notice of Public Hearing" , which was approved Ms, Hite and ordered'placed on file, Pursuant to required Notice, Public Hearing was conducted on the petition of Nr, Oscar Naustdal, 5401 Interlachen Blvd,, for permit to build to within three feet of his South lot line, that this South lot line is immediately adjacent to the "High-Line" easement, on which there will be no building-and that, thus, an open area will be preserved. been received prior thereto, by MacMillan and carried. Mr. Hite explained There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and none had Tupa moved that permit be grantedr Motion seconded: HEARING SeDULED FOR !!ARCH 11 ,- 1963 ON PROPOSED AMENDMENT T0"MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTVCT" SECTION OF ZONING ORDINANCE. proposed prozsions to the Zoning Ordinance, as set forth in the amendment Mr, Hite explained in some detail the recommended by the Planning Commission --this amendment being a revision of the "Multiple Residence" section, and standards for five Nultiple Residence Districts, as follows: Amendment as now proposed will establish regulations R-2 - Two-Family Dwellings. R-3 - Residences containing three through ten dwelling units, at a density of approximately ten through twelve dwelling units per acre residences having a height of not greater than two stories. R-4 - Residences containing five or more dwelling units, at a density of approximately sixteen through eighteen dwelling units per acre, and having a height of not greater than two stories. R-5 - Residences containing five or more dwelling units, having a height of more than two stories. R-6 - Residences containing five or more dwelling units, at a density of approximately eighteen through fifty dwelling units per acre, and having a height of not greater than four stories said Trustee Tupa inquired as to whether the Planning Commission is following the Blinneapolis requirements. Ordinance; that some requirements are the same as those established by the City, some are more restrictive, and that some provisions in the Minneapolis ordinance are not included in this proposed amendment, blac%.llant s motion, schedulhg Hearing for bionday, March 11, at 7:OO P.E.I., was seconded by Tupa and carried, Mr, Hite stated that this is not the Minneapolis 2 125 /63 COUNCIL DENIES REQUEST FOR FOUR-PLEX AT 6204 FRANCE AVENUE SOUTH. Director-'Hite presented Mr. Richard Mayer's request to the Council, carrying Planning 7 Planning Commissionls recommendation for denial. of France Avenue have developed as sites for double dwellings; that the Commission feels there is no justification for four units on this particular property, feels the surrounding properties will be improved by having this old house removed and a four-plex in its stead. Tupa moved that Council accept the recommendation of the Planning Commission , which is to deny the request. Motion seconded by MacMillan and carried. He explained that both sides He added there is an old house on the property, now, and petitioner J.A,DANENS & SON GRANTED PERMIT FOR NOT MORE THAN TWO YEARS FOR STORAGE BUILDING, ON PROPERTY SOUTH OF BELL TELEPHONE BUILDING AND EAST OF AMUNDSON ROAD. Director Hite reported that J. A, Danens and Son, Excavating Contractors, have been searching for a suitable site for a storage building; that they had originally requested a permit to konstruct this building on "Marth Hill" near the Hays Farm, but that this request had been denied; that the Planning Commission has now necommended approval of a site immediately south oE the Telephone Building at 5405 W.70th Street, and between Amundson Road and the MN&S Track, Mr, Hite reported the proposed building will be a "Butler-Type", 5O'x15O1 , 16' high; that it will be used for storage only, and not as a part of the daily operations of the excavating business; that the Commission recommends that permit be issued on a temporary basis, for a period not longer than two years, after which time Council would consider renewal on an annual basis. It is intended that all storage be inside the building. recommendat'ion be accepted and that temporary, two-year permit be issued for storage building. Planning , Tupaf s motion, that Planning Commission's Motion seconded by MacMillan and carried, NURSERY SCHOOL REQUEST DENIED ON RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING COMMISSION. Mrs, Rolane Weisbrod, 6116 Birchcrest Drive, was present to request, again, that her petition for permit for Nursery School at 6116 Birchcrest Drive be granted, Planning Director Hite reported the Planning Commission recommends that Nursery Schools not be permitted in single-family areas, Telling Council, she feels that operation of a Nursery School in the area would be a help to Edina people, Mrs. Weisbrod presented a petition signed by eleven persons, in the Birchcrest- Code neighborhood, in assent to this operat'ion, She stated she had talked with several other neighbors who do not object, but who did not wish their names to a?pear on the petition, Mr. Smead, 6L17 Code Avenue, objected to use o€ a residential area for commercial enterprise; Mr. Howard Kootz, ,6104 Birchcrest Drive, told Council he feels a Nursery School, with 30 or 40 children daily, and people coming into the neighborhood to drop them o€f and pick them up, is not condusive to the peace and quiet expected in a residential area. Glasgow, 6129 Birchcrest Drive, and Mrs, J. W, Conroy, 6121 Birchcrest Drive, both objected to Mrs. Weisbrod's proposal, on the grounds that a Nursery School is a commercial operation in a residential area. MacMillan's motion, that Plannins Commission's recommendation for denial of request be accepted, was seconded by Tupa and carried. - Mrs. C.H. PROPOSED COURT LEGISLATION REVIEWED FOR COUNCIL BY MUNICIPAL JUDGE BURRIS, . Mugibmudge Donald S, Burris reviewed for Council two bills relative to Municipal Courts , which will be before the Legislature at this session: Citizens League recommendation for establishment of a County Court for Hennepin County; and The Wnif orm Court Bill for Suburban Hennepin County", sponsored by the Suburban Judges Association. Both proposals were reviewed in detail. Suburban Bill would permit establishment of a common court by two municipalities, and if such court were established, if the Municipal Judge would be elected from both communities, No action taken by Council. 1. 2 Trustee MacMillan inquired if the Mr, Burris' answer was in the affirmative to both questions. RURAL.HENNEPIN PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE Report for January, 1963, was reviewed and ordered placed on file, OIL PETITION ACCEPTED" Street to IJ.66th Street was accepted and referred to Village Engineer for programming, by motion MacMillan , seconded by Tupa and carried, Petition for the Oiling of Tingdale Avenue from W,65th U.S.BENCH, CORP,- GRANTED LTCENSE FOR BENCH AT 50TH AND WOODDALE, approval of installation of advertising bench at 50th and Wooddale Park, Park Board's providing advertising is restricted against liquor or cigarettes , was reported. MacMillan's motion, that Board recammendation be accepted and restricted license be issued, .was seconded by Tupa and carried. 2/25/63 PROPOSED IHPROVEMENT OF XERXES AVENUE BETWEEN We 54TH AND \?, 62ND STREETS RECOMMENDED: HEARING TO BE SCHEDULED AT ENGINEER'S EARLIEST CONVENIENCE. -de reportTd the County is proposing a major street improvement in Xerxes Avenue from W.54th Street to We62nd Street; the widening of the travelled roadway to 40 feet, curb to curb, with permanent surfacing and curb and gutter; the only part of which would be assessable to owners of abutting property being the curb and gutter, and installation of sewer and water ties to the curb, for those properties/d%eady served, Mr. Hyde added that there are some portions of Xerxes Avenue which already have sidewalk, that from a safety standpoint it is a necessity, and that he feels the Council should at least propose it, along with the curb and gutter; also, that if the improvement is approved there are a few big trees which must come out, although there are not as many as €irst supposed, be scheduled at Engineer's earliest convenience, was seconded by Tupa and carried . ot HacHillan s motion , that Public Hearing on proposed improvement MANAGER REPORTS ON COMPLAINT RELATIVE TO ADMINISTRATION OF DOG ORDINANCE' Manager Hyde reported on the complaint received from Mr. A,'A. Teeter, 4500 Drexel Avenue, as recorded in minutes of February 11th meeting* Manager authorized and directed to write to Mr. Teeter, incorporating details of Police Chief Bennett's report. PUBLIC SAFETY REPORT FOR YEAR 1962 was ordered placed on file. commended Pxlic Safety Department for its clear and informative report, Council. I WEPORT ON WATER FOR NORTHWEST SECTION OF EDINA, MINNESOTA" FILED: COUNCIL SCHEDULES HEARING FOR HATER IMPROVEMENT FOR MARCH^ 25, 1963. Presenting to the CouncilTanister Engineering Company's "Report on Water for Northwest Section of Edina, Minnesota", dated February L4, 1963, Mr, Hyde stated the report covers four alternate methods of serving the "Northwest Angle" with water-1. Extending the present Edina water system: ing a separate water district: 3, A single conqection to the Hopkins water system; and 4. I4ultiple connections to the Hopkins water system. He added that the initial outlay would favor a connection to the Hopkins water system, but that because Hopkins is unwilling to give an economical rate, it looks as though, from a long-range standpoint, it ~tould be better to extend the present main northerly from Parkwood Road. is receiving calls from residents in the Northwest Angle, inquiring about be scheduled for March 25, ation for Hearing on March 25, was seconded by Tupa and carried, 2. Temporarily establish- Mr. Hyde added that this office I .water service, and suggested that a Public Hearing on the proposed improvement BlacMillan's motion, accepting Manager's recommend- NEWS LETTER ON TAX BILLS AUTHORIZED, WITH ADDITIONS. Because of the re- evaluation this year, Manager Hyde suggested that a one-page news letter be sent to taxpayers, explaining exactly what has happeded; this to be cleared with School Board before transmittal. Council was in agreement, feeling that the Village Assessor should not be obligated to bear the brunt of "increased taxes", inasmuch as the increase is largely the result of higher levies by State, County and School; however, it was suggested that the newsletter contain other items in addition to the "Taxes" storyL SIGN_ ADVERTISING. EDINA MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE RECOMMENDED. Fhat , now that the Hays Farm Golf Course -is under construction, a sign Mr , Tupa suggested advertising the course be installed at a point where it can be-seen &om the Highway, Council in informal agreement. HOSPITALIZATION VOTE €EPORTED: VANVALKENBURG TO SERVE ON EMPLOYEES' COMMITTEE, Manager Hyde rep-that employee vote in favor of Northwestern National Life Insurance Plan was 97; that in favor of remaining with Blue Cross-Blue Shield, 27. He added that Mr. VanValkenburg has volunteered to serve on the committee to run the plan, and MacMillan moved that Mr. VanValkenburg's o€fer be accepted6 Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. CLAIMS PAID, Pre-List dated February 25, 1963, was seconded by MacMillan and carried: Construction and Swimming Pool, $4,529.45; Waterworks Fund, $2,987,45; Liquor Fund, $4O,26le21; Sewer Rental. Fund, $849.55; Improvement Funds, $1,562,95; and PIR Fund, $59,45--Total, $107,128,13L Tupa's motion, that Council pay the following Claims, as per General Fund, $14,683.17; Construction Fund, $42,194.90; Park, and Park There being no further business to come before this meeting, meeting was adjoukned at 9:40 P.M., by motion MacMillan, sec Village Clerk