HomeMy WebLinkAbout19630610_regular6/10 /63 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR IEETING OF THE .!3 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JUNE 10, 1963, RT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL 4 Members answering Rollcall were Macblillan, Rixe, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of May 27, 1963, were approved as submitted, by Hotion VanValkenburg, seconded by Tupa and carried. COUNCIL ORDERS STREET IMPROVEMENTS MID AUTHORIZES ADVERTISEIEBT FOR ALTERNATE BIDS, AFTER PUBLIC EARINGS. Morningside Courier May 30 and June 6, 1963, of "Notice of Public Hearings on Permanent Street Surfacing and Concrete Curb and Gutter, and, pursuant to said Notice, and a mailed notice to all affected property owners, Public Hearings were held as follows, all being for "PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER". Manager Hyde reviewed the explanation given in his Notice of 14ay 29, 1963, in which it was stated that if all the streets prop sed to be permanently surfaced are considered as - one improvement, the Estimated/~so~~s~~l~ortland Cement Concrete with Integral Curb is $11.16, and $10.40 for Bituminous Asphalt with Concrete Curb and Gutter; the Concrete Paving Assessment being proposed for 15 year term, Bituminous Asphalt for 10 year term. individual Estimates of Cost were given as set forth below; and while such comments as were made from the floor were interspersed throughout all the Hearings , they are being recorded, here ,in the interests of coherency: 1. IN JOHNSON DRIVE FROM HWY. NO. 169 TO GROVE ST: RIDGE PARK ROAD FROM JOHNSON DRIVE TO WARDEN AVE.: GATE PARK RD. FRO14 HWY. NO. 169 TO WARDEN AVE.: WARDEN AVE. FROM JOHNSON DR. TO GATE PARK RD. (Petition by A.W. North Construction Co. for Concrete Curb and Gutter and Asphalt Concrete Pavement, and submission of. $34,000 Bond to guarantee payment of costs of same). Estimate of Cost Assessable for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb was given as $57,466.20, proposed to be assessed against 5,438.86 Feet, for $10.57 per Assessable Foot; for Asphalt with Concrete Curb and Gutter, $55,591.06, for $10.22 per Assessable Foot. filed bond to pay for all lots in Edina Parklands except one (which had been sold before North took over subdivision); that this particular lot would pay'full cost whichever way improvement is made. Messrs. Gerald Shuster, 5512 Warden Avenue, and J. M. Rud, 5605 Gate Park Road, told Council their decision as to a preference in type of surfacing depends entirely upon the difference in cost between the two types proposed; that the subdivision had been sold by North to private owners with the understanding that "surfaced streets are paid for", and that they dislike bearing any additional cost. Mr. Rud added that at one time North had considered having work done under private contract, at a cost which would have been considerably less than the estimates given at this Hearing. Question was asked as to whether North could be held for difference in cost if Council orders Portland Cement Concrete Surfacing, but this was undetermined at the close of the Hearing. Question was also asked if it is the intention of the Council to apply the "one improvement" cost and Mr. Hyde replied that this is the intent, because of the lower unit prices received on a large improvement7 €4r. E. G. Lickteig, 5813 Johnson Drive, expressed his preference for Portland Cement Concrete. f; 9; f; Later in the Hearing, Mr. Rud objected to having to be assessed on a "one improvement" basis, citing the additional preparation costs applicable to Hearing No. 2, which will be partly absorbed by the assessment for this particular subdivision. area had already paid for this preparation work in the cost of lots and should not be required to absorb others' costs. excavation required now depends not only on what was done originally, but on how long ago it was done; that another factor in assessable cost is the number of assessable feet on each road (under the policy of assessing-corner lots only 1/3 of their assessable long sides, some streets have very little assessable footage). Question was raised as to damages to Portland Cement Concrete by construction trucks. Answer was that street will not be damaged by such travel. Park Road stated difference in costs between two types of surfacing is the primary consideration, asking if residents can delay stating their preference until costs are in. decision, but that preference of property owners will. be given consideration on July 8. DR. TO CUL-DE-SAC. (Petition by Grace Enterprises, Inc., for Concrete Curb and Gutter and Asphalt Concrete Pavement-35.02% of Footage). for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb was $16,991.25, against 1,039.24 Feet, for $16.35 per Foot; for Asphalt Concrete Paving with Concrete Curb and Gutter, $16,454.26, for $15.83 per Foot. Inquiry was made as to whether it is intent to apply "one improvement" assessment, estimated at $11.16 and $10.40 respectively, and answer was that this is the intent. the primary reason for the high assessable cost is that there are many long-side frontages here. f; f; f: Later in Meeting, Mr. Lickteig, 5813 Johnson Drive, asked if Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in Edina- As Hearings were conducted, Manager Hyde explained that Developer, A.W. North Construction Co. had rather than the individual improvement assessment, He stated that his Manager Hyde replied that amount of The owner at 5500 Ridge Mayor Bredesen.told group that final determination is the Council's GSee Council Action of Later in Meeting). 2. IN JOHNSON DRIVE FROM GROVE STs TO BENTON AVE.: LYLE CIRCLE FROM JOHNSON Estimate of Cost Assessable Mr. Hyde explained that 3 14 6/10/63 ..A this proposed improvement could be removed by voice vote, stating he is opposed to it. Stating he feels it is to the benefit of those in this area to have the work done now, Mayor Bredesen told audience final determination concerning removal of proposed improvement is with the Council, but that property owners' preferences will be heard before action is taken. (See Council Action of Later in Meeting). IN HALIFAX AVENUE FRO14 P7.62ND STREET TO CROSS-TOPIN HIGHPIAY. (Petition for Asphalt Concrete Pavement, signed by owners of 62.62% of footage). Estimate of Cost Assessable for Portland Cement Concrete with Integral Curb was given as $25,594.87, against 2,443.57 Feet, for $10.47 per Assessable Foot; for Asphalt Concrete Paving with Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter, $24,784.91, for $10-14 per Assessable Foot. Mr. F. J. Cihak, 6216 Halifax Avenue, inquired as to whether curb and gutter is included in both proposals; was informed that it is. preference for Portland Cement Concrete Surface. relative to this project. 3. One owner expressed No other comments were made -I (See Council Action of Later in Weeting) . 4. IN ERIN TERRACE FROM CHAPEL DRIVE TO SHANE DRIVE: CHAPEL LANE FROM SHANE DRIVE TO 85 FEET, I40RE: OR LESS, SOUTH OF CHAPEL DRIVE: SHANE DRIVE FRON ERIN TERRACE TO ERIN TERRACE. of assessable footage). Estimate of Cost Assessable for Portland Cement Concrete with Integral Curb was given as $42,111.63, against 4,205.72 feet, for $10.01 per Assessable Foot; for Asphalt Concrete Paving with Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter, $39,038.38, for $9.28 per Assessable Foot. 14r. J. T. McGouan, 6008 Shane Drive, inquired as to whether it would be possible to go both Concrete and Asphalt in the one subdivision. blacktopped, he suggested that Shane Drive be concreted and balance of subdivision surfaced with bituminous asphalt. a possibility, but that he .would recommend against it because of the cost ; ,also, that because of the location of the break between blacktop and proposed Portland Cement Concrete, difference will not be as noticeable as it would be in some places. Hr, E. A. Plcister, 6821 Chapel Lane, inquired as to how petition can now be changed in favor of blacktop (Asphalt Concrete). Nayor Bredesen stated final determination of type of surfacing will be the Council's, but that Council will hear preference of property. owners before making decision on July 8. in leeting). (Petition for Portland Cement.Concrete Paving, by owners of 84.75% Reminding Council that part of Chapel Drive is already Village Engineer GJegner informed him this is (See Council Action of Later 5. .IN CHEROKEE TRAIL FROM GLEASON RD. '.TO NAVAHO TRAIL: NAVAHO TRAIL FRQM CHEROKEE TRAIL TO INDIAN HILLS ROAD. Concrete Curb and Gutter, by approximately 65% of assessable footage). (Petitions for Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Estimate of Cost Assessable for Portland Cement Concrete with Integral Curb was given as $38,723.53, against 3,288.78 Assessable Feet, for $11.77 per Assessable Soot; for Asphalt Concrete Paving with Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter, $33,842.68, €or $10.29 per Assessable Foot. about the condition of Gleason Road, access road to this subdivision; was informed that this is scheduled for blacktopping this summer. whether cost of improvement includes repair of lawn, and tlr. Wegner answered lawns will-be repaired for a distance of four feet back from the curb. to Council as to whether it is intended to vote on all projects as a group, and Mayor Bredesen answered that bids will be taken both Portland Cement, and Bituminous Asphalt; after which one opinion was given that this rustic area lends itself best to the Bituminous Asphalt. Mr. E. L. Unger, 6508 Cherokee Trail, inquired as'to why the stretch between Navaho Trail and Indian Hills Pass is not included; was answered by Mr. Hyde that sanitary sewer is not yet in this area; and ESr. John Haverly, developer, added that unt'il the property is platted he does not want to install sewer. Mr, Haverly added that he still owns over half of the land abutting these streets, and would like to see Bituminous Asphalt installed; also stating that most of his purchasers bought their lots with the understanding that assesament would be on a "per-lotyt basis. 14r. 14. Lease, 6517 Cherokee Trail concurred in statements preferring Bituminous Asphalt and a pro-rata assessment. 4 4 Later in meeting two ladies expressed themselves as being divided in their opinions, one being in favor of Portland Cement Concrete, and the other in favor of Bituminous Asphalt. I Wr. N. E. Olson, 6540 Navaho Trail, inquired Question was raised as to Question was made (See Council Action of Later in Meeting). 6. IN HAWE'S DRIVE FROM TRACY AVE. TO CUL-DE-SAC: HAWE'S TERRACE FROM TRACY AYE. TO HAk7KE'S DRIVE. and Gutter, by owners of 69.82% of affected properties). for Portland Cement Concrete with Integral Curb was given as $25,002.00, against 2,288.39 Assessabtl Feet, for $10.93 per Assessable Foot; for Asphalt Concrete Paving with Concrete Curb and Gutter, $23,391.44, for $10.22 per Assessable Foot. Mr- Bruce Larson , 5710 Hawkes Terrace, sponsor of petition, expressed surprise at the cost, saying $7.50 had been given him as an estimated cost at time he inquired prior to circulation of petition. He was unable to state who had.given him this information, and it was reported this Estimate was accurate before corner lots were given the 1/3-long-side assessment. 4 f: $: Later in meeting, one owner reminded Council that petition is for Asphalt Concrete, saying he believes this petition should be honored. (Petition for Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Concrete Curb Estimated Cost Assessable --- (See Council Action of Later in Meeting). 6/10/63 e& 7, IN HEATHER LANE FROM HIGHWAY NO. 169 'TO CUL-DE-SAC. (Petition for Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Concrete Curb and Gutter, by owners of 59.85% of affected property). Pavement with Integral Curb was $11,702.16, against 1,015.08 Assessable Feet , for $11.53 per Assessable Foot; for Asphalt Concrete Paving with Concr?&te Curb and Gutter, $10,745.76, for $10.59 per Assessable Foot. 5608 Heather Lane , stating his preference for Bituminous Asphalt without curbing, was read. Mr. T.E. Emmer, 5609 Heather Lane, inquired as to whether curb and gutter is necessary, and Manager Hyde explained that from a technical standpoint curb and gutter is considered a necessity where there is either an extremely flat, or an extremely steep grade, because in either of these cases blacktop feathers and breaks off at the edges without curb and gutter. Stating there are only going to be seven homes on this short street, and practically no traffic, Mr, Emmer asked for Bituminous Asphalt without curbing. Mr. Warren Epple, 5617, concurred in this request, citing Kellogg Avenue as a street which has held well without curb and gutter; and Messrs. Richard Heeb , 5605 , Samsel,' 5600, and Bob Watson, 5604, also asked that curb and gutter be eliminated. 9: * 9s Later in meeting question was raised as to whether entire cul-de-sac will be surfaced. Answer was that plans are available in office for inspection. Next question concerned maintenance of an island in middle of cul-de-sac. Answer given was that Village considers maintenance of such islands too costly; that neighborhood maintenance does not work well over period. of time. it was reported that grade is only .52 of 1%, and it was determined that curb and gutter be included as part of proposed improvement. in Meeting). Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Concrete Curb and Gutter, by owners of 53.28% of affected property). Pavement with Integral Curb was $16,4T04.85, against 1,823.38 Assessable Feet, for $11.13 per Assessable Foot; for Asphalt Concrete Paving with Concrete Curb and Gutter, $14,&88.52, for $19.39 per Assessable Foot. Warren Avenue, spoke in favor of the Bituminous Asphalt, in preference to Portland Cement Concrete, stating the block directly to the south is Bituminous, but asked concerning diversion of traffic onto Warren Avenue when bridge goes in at Wyman, saying *Warren Avenue residents would like this traffic situation alleviated; that they want no more traffic on their newly paved street. sure what arrangements will be made, Manager Hyde said W.66th Street west of 6324 Warren, asked if Bituminous will take the increased traffic on Warren Avenue; was advised by Manager Hyde that Bituminous and PCC are designed to take the same axle weight, whereupon Mr. Gilbert stated his preference for Bituminous if it will take the traffic. Mr. G.J. Ostlund, 6301 Warren Avenue, asked to go on record as being in favor of "nothing at all" at this time. he asked that Warren Avenue improvement be delayed until we know what is going to happen to the Crosstown Highway. Mr. R. J. Hibbard, 6333 Warren, asked to go on record as favoring the Bituminous over the PCC. Suggestion was also made that the entire "Normandale 2nd Addition" area be improved as one project, and group was reminded that this proposal had been made some time ago, with no agreement on part of property owners, (See Council Action of Later in Meeting). 9. IN CONCORD AVENUE FROM W.6OTH STREET TO VALLEY VIEW ROAD. (Petition for Portland Cement Concrete Paving with Integral Curb, by owners of 75.91% of affected property). , Integral Curb was $11,946.79, against 920.88 Assessable Feet, for $12.97 per Assessable Foot; for Asphalt Concrete Paving with Concrete Curb and Gutter, $11,277.64, for $12.25 per Assessable Foot. advocated the Portland Cement Concrete Paving, for the reason that this street carries both school bus and city bus traffic. G.R.Hovde, 6021, agreed with Mr. Pratt. (See Council Action of Later in Meeting). 1-la Estimate of Cost Assessable for Portland Cement Concrete Letter from Mr. F.A. Tarkenton, Upon examination of plans , (See Council Action of Later . 8. IN WARREN AVENUE FROM W,63RD STEET TO W.64TH STREET. (Petition for Estimate of Cost Assessable for Portland Cement Concrete Mrs. H.C; Albrecht, 6312 Stating he is not completely Mr. Lyle Gilbert, . Normandale Road may be cut through, which will help this problem. Stating his taxes are up 50%, Estimate of Cost Aseessable for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with Mr. D. B. Pratt, Jr., 6017 Concord, Messrs. D.D.McLaughlin, 6013, and io. IN GARRISON LANE FROM WOODDALE AVENUE TO ST.JOHNS AVENUE. (Petition foE ZPsphalt Concrete Pavement and Concrete Curb and Gutter. bv otmers of 65.08% of affected property). Pavement with Integral Curb was $13,058.93, against 1,093.74 Assessable Feet, for $11.94 per Assessable Foot; for Asphalt Boncrete Paving with Concrete Curb and Gutter, $11,759.14, for $10.75 per Assessable Foot. Garrison Lane, inquired as to whether pavement will be extended into the inter- sections at Wooddale and St.Johns. Answer was that extension into intersections will not be made. (See Council Action of Later in Meeting). reported Public Hearing cannot be held on this proposed improvement, because Sanitary Sewer is not yet in the street. LINE OF BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS 4TH ADDN. TO CAHILL ROAD. Concrete Paving with Integral Curb, signed by owners of 42.48% of affected property). Estimate of Cost Assessable for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb was $12.27 per Assessable Foot, or Total of $31,056.10. from the floor, and none had been received prior thereto. Later in Meeting), Estimate of Cost Assessable for Portiand Cement Concrete Mr. G. E. Baarsch, 4500 No other comments relative to this improvement. 11. IN VANDERVORK AVENUE FROM HOLLYWOOD ROAD TO DIVISION STREET. Manager Hyde 12, IN CAHILL ROAD FROM W.66TH STREET TO W.68TH STREET: W.67TH STREET FROM WEST (Petition for Portland Cement No objections were filed (See Council Action of 6/10 /63 '13. RJ BEHTON AVENUE FRON TRACY AVENUE TO PEST PROPERTY LINE; OF CRESCENT -DRIVE. It was explained that the Assessable Cost per Foot for this project will be $5.00, the Village using a portion of its share of the State Gasoline Tax to pay the balance Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb, for a 36' wide street, and 18' on either side of the pond. street width be increased to 20 feet. Engineer Wegner replied that the 18 feet will provide one lane for traffic and a parking lane, whereas the State really desires that there be no parking on its State Aid streets-that, for that reason he feels it will be impossible to increase width. Ikmagement Company for Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb). of Cost was given as $46,647.31, against 4,276.63 Assessable Feet, for $10.91 per Assessable Foot; for Asphalt Concrete Pavement with Concrete Curb and Gutter, $10.00 per Assessable Foot. improvement. VanValkenburg then moved, ordering the IMPROVEMENT OF ALL STREETS ON WHICH PUBLIC HEARINGS HAVE BEEN HELD AT THIS MEETING, BY CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACIHG AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER THEREIN, and authorizing advertisements for bids for said improvement on alternate bases of: PAVEMENT WITH INTEGRAL CURB; and 2. PORTLAND CEIENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, said bids to be taken July 8, 1963, realizing the Council will decide on July 8th which way said streets will be improved. and no nays, as follows: I-SacHillan, aye; Rixe, aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the motion was unanimously adopted. L f the cost fot this Municipal State Aid Street. The improvement is proposed for Mr. Roland Danielson, 5529 Benton, asked 'that the ''pondt1 (See Council Action Later in 1-leeting). 14. IN BARRIE ROAD FRON k1.66TH STREET TO HERITAGE DRIVE. (Request by Southdale Estimate No objections or recommendations made relative to this proposed 1. CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEHENT CONCRETE CONSTRUCT.ION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND Notion was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall vote there were five ayes COUNCIL CONTINUES PUBLIC HEARING TO JUNE 24 , Of? PROPOSED BITU1.IINOUS ASPHALT SURFACING ON W.62ND STREET FROM ST. JOHNS AVENUE TO CONCORD AVENUE. on this proposed improvement pursuant to "Notice of Public' Hearing" pthlished in Edina- Horningside Courier May 30 and June 6. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication, which was approved as to form and ordered placed on file. of assessable footage, asking for surfacing with either Portland Cement Concrete or Asphal=t Concrete was reviewed. It was noted that street is already curbed. of Cost was given as $5,569.45 for Asphalt Concrete Paving, proposed to be assessed against 690.46 Feet, for $8.07 per Assessable Foot. Hr. S. J. Carlson, 4605 17.62nd Street, told Council that taxes have increased considerably since this petition was filed, and concensus of opinion is now that petition should be rescinded. Tupa's motion that Public Hearing be continued until June 24, for firm commitment by petitioners, was seconded by t4acE.Iillan and carried. Public Hearing was conducted Petition signed by owners of 66.37% Estimate COUNCIL VACATES ALEY IN BLOCK 13, HENOELSSOHN ADDITION, SUBJECT TO SUBI*IISSION OF . UTILITY EASEMENTS. Public Hearing was conducted on the 100% Petition for the Vacation of that North-South Alley lying in Block 13, Mendelssohq between tSaloney Avenue and Belmore Lane and between Blake Road and Griffit Street, pursuant to "Notice of Public Hearing" published in Edina-Norningside Courier on May 23 and 30, 1963, and posted Nay 20. Mrs. E. S. VanBergen, 6416 Maloney Avenue, asked that Vacation be accomplished in order that she might sell some of her property for an additional lot. no resident-objections filed against Vacation, but conimunications from Northern States Power Company and Northwestern Bell Telephone Company, asking that easements be granted for existing pole lines be granted, were read. One gentleman inquired concerning a drain tile now in the alley and disposition of drainage if this tile was put out of existence. ment and a storm sewer easement. following Resolution and moved its adoption, with instructions to Clerk to delay the recording of said Resolution until proper 'Utilities Easements had been submitted: There were He was informed that a new drainage system will mean a storm sewer assess- After some discussion, VanValkenburg offered the RESOLUTION VACATING ALEY (ALLEY IN BLOCK 13, MENDELSSOHN, BETFEEN MALONEY AVENUE AND BELMORE LANE AND BETFEEN BLAKE ROAD AND GRIFFIT STREET). WHEREAS, a majority of the owners of the land abutting on the North-South Alley lying in Block Thirteen (13), I4endelssohn and between Naloney Avenue and Belmore Lane and between Blake Road and Griffit Street, have petitioned for the Vacation of.said alley: and said petition on June 10, 1963, at 7:OO P.M., has been given and made, and a hearing thereon has been had by the Village Council: Hennepin County, Hinnesota that: I T.lilEREAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, "All of that North-South Alley liing in Block Thirteen (131, Nendelssohn and lying between Maloney Avenue and Belmore Lane and between Blake Road and Griffit Street, as the same is recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, shall be and hereby is vacated" 6 /10/6 3 COUNCIL GRANTS TWO VARIANCES FROM ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIREMENTS : 'PLACES CONDITIOIG ON ONE. affected property owners "Notices of Hearings" on the following two applications for variances from Zoning Ordinance Requirements. Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file, and, pursuant to due notice, Public Hearings were held and action taken as hereinafter recorded. Planning Director George Hite presented Affidavits of Mailing to respectively 1, PETITION OF V.E. STEWART.FOR GARAGE SIDE YARD OF LESS THAN ONE FOOT AT 5809 TRACY AVENUE. With the aid of a Vu-Graph Slide Mr. Hite explained that there sewer is a seventeen-foot/easement on the north part of the Stewart lot, which precludes building a garage on that side of the house, and that the proposed garage, on the south side of the hause will bring the garage to less than one foot from the south lot line--but that there is a ten-foot easement for watermain immediately south of this south line--which will insure a tenpfoot space between buildings. The Planning Commission had recommended the granting of this variance, at May 15th meeting, No objections were made at the Hearing, and-none had been received prior thereto, Tupa's motion that variance be granted was seconded by'MacMillan and carried. WIDE LOT, intent of Petitioner Johnson to move his present garage and porch from the south side of his residence at 5808 Code Avenue tothe north side of said residence; thus allowing him to plat a new lot, providing a 70-foot width lot will be permitted. Mr. Johnson's present tract is 159.5 feet wide and 307 feet deep, and his plan will leave him with one lot 89.5 feet wide and 307 feet deep, on which his home is located, and the aaditional lot 70 feet wide and 307 feet deep. be serviced hy sewer and water. splitting the 307-foot deep lots into two parts is remote because of the difficulty of bringing a street into the rear area. meeting the Planning Commission recommended the granting of this variance subject to the garage's being moved and fixed up and the material stored in the yard removed and the yard cleaned up. variance--but only subject to completion of relocation and repair of garage and cleanup of yard, Mr. Charles F. Pearson, 5121 W.58th Street, objected on the grounds that the platting of this 70-foot lot would change the whole neighborhood, inasmuch as most lots are over 80 feet in width and most houses wider than 50 feet. Mrs, C.J, Melander, 5804 Code Avenue, asked for assurance that variance would not be permitted until garage is moved and yard cleaned up. granting variance subject to relocation and repair of garage and cleanup of yard, was seconded by Rixe and carried. 2, PETITION OF OSCAR JOHNSON FOR VARIANCE PERMITTING PLATTING OF 70-FOOT Showing a Vu-Graph Slide, Planning Director Hite explained it is the Both lots will Mr. Hite reported, too, that the possibility of Mr. Hite told Council that at its May 15th Mr. Hite recommended that Council grant this MacMillan's motion, CONTRACTS AWARDED FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 206 AND 207. Tabulation was presented, showing bids received this morning on the above entit9ed improvement projects, pursuant to Advertisements for Bids published in Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin May 30 and June 6. Tabulation showed receipt of eight bids, Orfei E Sons, Inc. being low bidder at $41,056.51, Phelps-Drake Co., Inc., second-low at $44,775.04, Peter Lametti Construction CQ. , third low at $49,329.25, and Cobnrn and Meek Co. high bidder at $82,064.50. for award of contract to low bidder, Orfei E Sons, and VanValkenburg so moved. Motion seconded by MacMillan and carried. Engineer's recommendation was CONTRACT FOR WATERMAIN FOR WELLSNOS. 10 AND 11 AWARDED TO PETER LAMETTI CONSTRUCTION COMPAI.JY. published in Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin May 30 and June 6, was presented, bids being for Construction, through Village-owned property, of main for Water Wells Nos. 10 and 11. Tabulation showed receipt of six-bids, Peter Lametti Construction Company 'being low bidder on a late completion date of August 3, 1963, at $10,321.45; Barbarossa & Sons, Inc., second-low at $10,905.77, and Northern Contracting Company, third low at $12,011.50. award to Peter Lametti Construction Company, at $10,321.45, and Rixe so moved. Motion seconded by MacMillan and carried. Tabulation of Bids, taken today in response to Advertisements for Bids Recommendation was for LAYNE-MINNESOTA AWARDED CONTRACT FOR PUMPS FOR WATER WELLS NOS. 10 AND 11. Manager Hyde presented Tabulation of Bids taken June 10, for Wumps for Water Wells Nos. 10 and 11, in response to Advertisements for Bids in, Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin May 30 and June 6. bids, Layne-Minnesota being low bidder on base bid, at $22,446.00; Crane and Ordway Co, , second-low at $23,667.00; McCarthy Well Drilling Co., third-low at 824,523.00; and Bergerson-Caswell Co. high bidder at $24,750.00. was for award to Layne-Minnesota at the low base bid of $22,446.00, plus an addition of $590,00 for Sparling Meters in lieu of Dah1 Flow Tubes, for a total of $23,036,00. MacMillan's motion for award of contract to Layne-Minnesota Company in accordance with Manager's recommendation was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Tabulation showed receipt of four Recommendation COMPLIMENT TO SERGEANT ROBERT CHRISTY, ON SUCCESS OF SAFETY PATROLS PICNIC, FILED BY SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS. by Edina School Principals and the Director of Elementary Education, Manager Hyde explained that this is the first year the Edina School Patrol has had its own Submitting to- the Council the complimentary letter signed 8 -( 6 /LO / 6 3 d picnic; that plans were in Sergeant Christy's charge; and that the picnic was a huge successI Letter received by Council with thanks, and ordered placed on file. HZARING SCHEDULED FOR JULY 22, ON PETITION FOR XACATION OF WATERI*IAN AVENUE BETWEEN WEST LINE OF BLAKE ROAD AND EAST LINE OF ARTHUR STREET. Vacation Petition was submitted, and VanValkenburg's motion, scheduling Public Hearing thereon for Monday, July 22, at 7:OO P.Z.I., was seconded by Tupa and carried. . JACUS RESIGNS AS SCHOOL BOARD WPRESENTATIVE ON PARK BOARD, EFFECTIVE JULY 1, Council accepted with regret the resignation of Mr. Willis A. Jacus, as the School Board Representative on the Edina Park Board, effective July 1. I4r. Jacus did not file for re-election to the School Board. UTLEX ACCEPTS APPOINTMFJNT AS ALTERNATE DIRECTOR OF SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY. Hr. H. C. Utley's acceptance of the appointment as Edina's Alternate Director of Suburb'an Rate Authority was read and ordered placed on file. STOM DEVELOPIENT COMPANY'S PETITION FOR FEZONING OF "TRACT L". NELSON FARtl. FOR GASOLIlUE FILLING STATION, TO RECEIVE PUBLIC HEARING JUNE 24. June 5th recommendation, unfavorable to the petition of Stow Development Company Planning Commission's for rezoning to permit Gasoline Filling Station on Tract L, Nelson Farm (West side of Highway #loo, just north of proposed alighment of 1?.77th St.), was reviewed, . Planning Director Hite stating the Planning Commission recommends Off ice Building District as the most appropriate zoning for this sife. Discussion ensued, with Attorney Josiah Brill saying that "if Council'S,zdmind is made up to follow the recommendations of the Planning Commission he would ask that a decision be made tonight, but that if a public hearing .is wanted he can see no harm in it." Hr. E. C. Stow told Council Stow Development Company now owns everything within 1000 to 1500 feet of the tract proposed for rezoning. reminded Council that Public Hearing must be conducted before any property is rezoned, and VanValkenburg moved that Public Hearing on Stow Development Company's petition be scheduled for tfonday, June 24, at 7:OO P,H. and carried. Village Attorney Hasselquist Elotian seconded by Tupa COUNCIL DENIES R.L. HAIITHORNE REQUEST FOR R-3 EKILTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT AT NIi CORNER FRANCE AVENUE AND CROSSTOVN HIGHWAY. recommendation against the granting of petition by R.L. Hawthorne for rezoning to R-3 Multiple Residence District, for purpose of. constructing eight-unit apartment building at NI.J Corner France Avenue and Crosstown Highway, was reviewed. l4rs. H. Bourgerie, 6317 France Avenue, objected on grounds that such construction would alter character of neighborhood (now one and two-family dwellings). Planning Commission has recommended that land be used for construction of two double bungalows. accepted, and request for R-3 I4ultiple Residence District Zoning be denied, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Planning Commission's June 5th VanValkenburg's motion, that Planning Commission Recommendation be PETITION BY FOLKE VICTORSEN FOR R-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT ZONING FOR WOLD PROPERTY ON SOUTH SIDE OF VALLEY VIEV ROAD BETWEEN KELLOGG AND OAKLAVN AVENUES TO RECEIVE PUBLIC HEARING JULY 8. fourteen-unit apartment building on this 26,000 Sq.Ft. tract (just west of the eight-unit apartment owned by petitioner, and across street from a Texaco Fzlling Station) has received Planning Commission's favorable recommendation, as of June 5 , together with recommendation that zoning variance permitting ten-foot front setback be permitted. VanValkenburg's motion, that Public Hearing on petition for Rezoning and Variance be scheduled for Monday, July 8, at 7:OO P.III., was seconded by Tupa and carried. This request, for the purpose of constructing a COUNCIL SCHEDULES HEARING FOR JUNE 24TH ON PROPOSED AHENDNENT TO "OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT" SECTION OF ZONING ORDINANCE, PERMITTING FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS IN SAID DISTRICT, AND ON REQUEST OF THIN CITY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION FOR VARIANCE FROM SIOV PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE. recommendation of the Planning Commission, favorable to the petition of Twin City Federal Savings and Loan Association for a variance from the provisions of the . Office Building District Section of the Zoning Ordinance (which limits sign area to 24 Sq.Ft.), to permit them to erect a sign of 65 Sq.Ft., on II.66th Street just West of the I.loolworth office building; recommendation made on basis that "time and temperature" portion of sign is a public facility. Llr. Hite recommended that Public Hearing on petition'for variance, and Public Hearing on pmposed amendment to office building district, to permit financial institutions as a principal land use in said district, - be scheduled a and VanValkenburg moved scheduling Public Hearings for Monday, June 24. Planning Director Hite reported to Council the .Hotion seconded by 14acXillan and carried. COUTJCIL APPROVES RESIDEI?TIAL PRELIHINARY PLAT FOR ltJENSEtJ FARhll. Planning Director t Hite presented to the Council a drawing entitled "James Investment Company (Widwest Planning and Research Incorporated, 1-finneapolis , Minnesota, March, 1963) ,- being a subdivision of the Jensen Farm, along Nine-Mile Creek and east of Valley View Road, into 142 lots, with a dedication of a strip of land along Nine-Nile Creek and a I b 3 6 /10/6 3 'k 2.3-acre parcel open to negotiation for purchase for park purposes. Planning Commission has recommended favorably on lot and street alignment, as of their June 5th 14eeting, approved was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried. 3. MacNillan's motion that Preliminary Plat for Jensen Farm be "SIOUX TRAIL" FINAL PLAT APPBOVED SUBJECT TO COMPLIANCE BY DEVELOPER WITH RESTRICTIONS INPOSED BY PLANNING COMMISSION. Presenting Final Plat of "Sioux Trail", a fourteen-lot subdivision just south of Ker-Mil Heights, Mr. Hite reported that the Planning Commission has recommended approval of this Final Plat subject to the following restrictions: 1. 2. 3. Building permits will be issued only on lots where adequate percolation tests have been taken. All properties, whether or not already served by private 'sewage systems, will connect to sanitary sewer when said sewer is installed. All improvements which can be damaged by water must be constructed at an elevation of 868 feet or higher. Question was asked concerning access, and Mr. Hite replied that permit has been granted for temporary access to County Road #18, with understanding that at time service road is constructed, access will be only to service road. motion for approval of Final Plat subject to compliance by developer with all restrictions imposed by Planning Commission was seconded by Tupa and carried. VanValkenburg's "MOCCASIN VALLEY REPLAT" APPROVED AS FINAL PLAT. recoinmendation for approval of this three-lot replat on Valley View Road near Indian Hills was reviewed, and VanValkenburg moved for Council approval of Final Plat in accord with Commission Is recommendations. and carried. Planning Commission's June 5th Motion seconded by Tupa "PARKLAND VIEW' FINAL PLAT APPROVED. This plat, being a two-lot subdivision at Johnson Drive and Highway No. 169, was presented carrying Planning Commission's recommendation for approval. Plat, VanValkenburg moved for Council approval of Final Tupa seconded motion and it carried. "ENGELHARDT ADDITIONt1 FINAL PLAT APPROVED. Planning Director Hite presented this Final Plat of three lots between France and Ewing Avenue near W.62nd Street, with Planning Commission's June 5th recommendation for approval, for approval by Council of Final Plat, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Motion by VanValkenburg, 14ASTER PLAN FOR DEVELOPMENT OF PARK APPROVED. Parks and Recreation Director Kenneth Rosland explained in detail the Master Plan recommended by the Park Board for the development of "Garden" Park, just west of Hansen Road and South of Highway No. 169, which showed plans for three baseball fields, a football field, room for four tennis courts, plans for two parking lots and a playground area, with the balance of the park to be kept as natural as possible. Mr. Rosland reported that Park Board's budget for development this year is $27,500.00; that development will be by contract to Harrison, Brauer, Rippel, consultants ; that one of the baseball fields cannot be developed, now, because of the quantity of. fill required (which is estimated by consulting engineers to cost in the neighborhood of $17 ,OO.O if purchased--but which may be obtained more economical4.y during several years by accepting such free fill as is available). informed Council that several neighborhood meetings have been held and that neighbors appnove plan with the exception of one parking lot--and that objections may have been overcome even in this last case, inasmuch as parking must be either in a lot or in the street. Warden Avenue, had stated his 100% approval of the plan, complimenting Edina on its park development. and for authorization to take bids for development. and carried. and Mr. Rosland answered that it is hoped this can be covered, but that the expense of the project will have some bearing on this. I M r. Rosland Earlier in the evening, Nr. Gerald Shuster, 5512 Rixe moved for approval of the Master Plan for Garden Park Motion seconded by VanValkenburg A question was asked concerning a propose?i drainage ditch in the park, WATER SOFTENING INSTALLERS MUST NOH HAVE LICENSE. recommended the adoption of an Ordinance regulating installation of water softening equipment, and requiring licenses and permits for installers. had by Council on the provisions of proposed Ordinance No. 68, and VanValkenburg offered the following Ordinance and moved its adoption: Once again 14anager Hyde Some discussion was ORDINANCE NO. 6$( AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE INSTALLATION FEQUIRING LICENSES AND PERMITS, .OF WATER SOFTENING AND FILTERING EQUIPMENT, AND ESTABLISHING FEES THEREFOR- THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: ' Section 1. Who .May Install Water Softening and Filtering Equipment. I Nothwithstanding the provisions of Ordinance No. 66, Section 1, any person who is engaged in the business of installing water softeners, though not licensed by the State Board of Health as a master plumber or journeyman plumber or licensed by the Village as a plumber, but who is licensed hereunder, may install or connect water softening and water filtering equipment to a private residence water distribution 0 6/ LO /6 3 system, provided provision has previously been made therefor for that purpose, pr prcivided such connection may be made by connections to a domestic water heater or provided it is not and openings left a use of cold water necessary to rearrange, make any extensions or alterations of, or addition to, any pipe, fixture or plumbing connected with the water system except to connect the water softener. Sec. 2. License Required. No person shall engage in the business of installing, leasing or servicing water softeners connected or to be connected to a private residence water distribution system without being licensed to do so hereunder, or unless licensed as a plumber under the provisions of Ordinance No. 66. following in the application for a license: partnership, association or corporation, the name and address of such partner- ship, association or corporation ; addresses of all pertners; if the applicant is an association or a corporation, the names and business and home addresses of the majority of the owners thereof; and cation in connecting water softening equipment. Sec. 3. Application for License. The appl'icant shall state the His name and business and home address, or, if the applicant is a (a) (b) If the applicant is a partnership, the names and business and home . (c) A description of the experience of each person named in the appli- Sec. 4. License Fee. The annual license fee for the license required by this ordinance shall be $25.00. - See. 5. License Procedure and Control: Penalties. The provisions of Ordinance No. 20 of the Village, including the penalty provisions thereof, shall apply to all licenses required by this ordinance and to the holders of such licenses. Sec. 6. Permits: Fee. No water softening devices shall be installed or connected to any water pipe or main unless a permit for such installation or connection has been issued by the Building Inspector. shall be $3.00. under or under Ordinance No. 66. installation or connection, no additional permit shall be required for subsequent interchange of water softening devices or units using the same water pipe connections with no additional cuttihg of the water pipe. by the Building Inspector or his agent. softening devices to any private residence water distribution system shall be made so as to comply with Ordinance No. 67. until the licensee shall have executed and deposited with the Village Clerk a bond in the penal sum of $2,000, with corporate surety approved by the Village Manager, which bond shall be conditioned that the applicant will in all respects faithfully perform all things by him undertaken in the making of connections, repairs and installations of. water softening devices of any kind with water mains or pipes connected with any private residence water distribution system, and will save theVillage harmless from all actions or damages consequent thereto, and that. he will pay all permit fees and penalties imposed upon him and will strictly compLj? with and do all things required by the ordinances of the Village. with copper tubing, shall use only type rrL1l copper conforming to A.S.T.M."Standard Specification for Copper Water Tubes," serial designation B 88-55. of said code of specifications marked rlOfficial Copytr have been filed for use and examination by the public in the office of the Village Clerk and are incorpor- ated into this ordinance by reference, to the extent reference thereto is made above . and publication according to law. The fee for each permit No such permit shall be issued to any person not licensed here- When a permit has been issued for such an S'ec. 7. Inspection. Every such connection shall be subject to inspection Sec. 8. Regulations. All installations and connections of water Sec. 9. Surety Bond. No license shall be effective under this ordinance Sec. 10. Type of Copper Tubing Required. Any such connection if made Three copies Sec. 11. This ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage Wotion for adoption of Ordinance as submitted, with waiver of second reading, was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were five a s and no nays, as follows: MacMillan , aye ; Rixe , aye ; Tupa , aye ; VanValkenbudaye ; and Bredesen , aye ; and I L the Ordinance was adopted. APST : COUNCIL AUTHORIZES BIDS FOR PBNEL TRUCK FOR USE. Council reviewed Police Chief Bennett's memorandum to Manager Hyde, recommending replacement of the 1950 Ford Panel Truck now being used as an ambulance. Nr. Hyde recommended that Village take bids on a new Panel Truck, which would be converted by the Village €or ambulance use, and which he feels can be obtained for less than the $4,700 quoted €or a ready-to-use ambulance. Tupa moved that bids be authorized as outlined. Rixe asked for a review of the service provided by this vehicle, 1 2 :I ' 6/10/63 and review was made by Mr. Hyde, who stated this vehicle is used only as an emergency vehicle, and only for transportation to Methodist Hospital; that if accident victims wish transportation elsewhere they must secure a private ambulance. He added that ambulance companies do not have an ambulance stationed at Nethodist Hospital at all times. Rixe seconded Tupa's motion authorizing advertisement for bids, and motion carried. "HAYS FARM" PARK NAME TO AWAIT FURTHER RECOMMENDATIONS BY PARK BOARD. No action was taken relative to officially naming "Hays Farm" Park, inasmuch as Park Board had made no further recommendations. MANAGER REPORTS ON PROGRESS OF SUMMER ECREATION PROGRAM, AiUD MAYOR ADVOCATES CLOSER CONTROLS ON SWIMMING POOL MONEYS AND INVENTORY. Informa report was made by Manager Hyde on porgress of the Park Department's summer recreation program, reporting that Total Fees for reareation other than swimming are $17,735.00 as of June 8, as compared with a $18,006.'00 total for 1962. the sale of Pool Tickets, it was reported that 2215 family season tickets have been sold, and 682 single season tickets, for a total of 2,897 season tickets sold as of June 8, compared with total pf 3,470 in 1962; that receipts as of June 8 were $31,051.00 as compared with $29,247.00 in 1962; that $681.00 has been received for non-season cash admission from June 1 through June 8. commended Park Department on success of its program, and Mayor Bredesen stated that while he believes the Pool is being run very efficiently, he would suggest that receipts be picked up oftener, to protect pool personnel, and that stricter inventory controls be placed on concession supplies. As to Council CONTRACT WITH POST OFFICE FOR USE OF POST OFFICE "CHANGE OF ADDRESS" CARDS FOR VOTERS REGISTRATION LISTS APPROVED. Manager Hyde reported that Administrative Assistant, George Langmack, has made arrangements to secure the use of Post Office change of address cards for use by the Village in keeping registration filed current, at the rate of five cents per card. this contract, saying he believes use of these cards will be a great help to Village administration office, Past Office was seconded by MacMillan and carried. LEAGUE OF MINNESOTA MUNICIPALITIES CONVENTION TO BE HELD AT MANKATO, JUNE 12, 13 AND 14. Mr. Hyde extended an invitation to all members of the Council to attend the League Convention. He recommended approval of VanValkenburg's motion approving contract with JUDGE WEEKS'ORDER RELATIVE TO THE REZONING OF THE PEARCE TRIAVGLE EVIEkED BY VILLAGE ATTORNEY, Copies of Judge Weeks' Order of June 7, 1963, relative to the rezoning of the Pearce Triangle, and the memorandum accompanying said order, were submitted to Council by Village Attorney Hasselquist; who reviewed the memorandum, which states in part, * 9: $:'!On April 22, 1963, the Village Council of Edina were requested to rezone the triangular tract of land in accordance with the Decree of this Court as affirmed by the Minnesota Supreme Court. Specifically the Council was asked to rezone the triangular piece or Tract B so that application could be made for a permit for a gasoline filling station. rezoned for commercial use but have refused to approve its use for a gasoline station under the belief that it would unduly increase traffic surrounding the triangular'piece. This Court cannot at this time make an order approving the action of the Council nor can it make an order disapproving the action of the Council. The reasonableness of the Council's action depends upon the present factual situation with respect to the use of the triangular piece of property of the plaintiffs," replied he would suggest that the Police Department/%%l?r%&'pattern in this area and that the Planning Commission study proper uses for the property. Planning Director Hite reminded Council Planning Commission has already recommended that the most appropriate use for this triangle would be for street right-of-way. Matter of land useage for Pearce Triangle referred back to Planning Commission for recommendation, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Rixe and carried. - The Council has Asked by the Council, What do we do not.13'' Mr. Hasselquist COUNCIL FORMALLY SCHEDULES JULY 8 FOR BIDS ON STREET IMPROVEMENTS AND BLACKTOP REPLACEMENT. Pursuant to action taken earlier in this meeting, and a request by the Village Engineer that bids be taken for replacement of asphalt concrete paving destroyed by construction of underground utilities, VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption : RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CUR3 AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS, AND ASPHALT CONCRETE REPLACENEIJT , AND DIRECTING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: AND CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS, AND ASPHALT CONCRETE EPLACEMENT, set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. the Construction Bulletin, in accordance with law, the following notice for bids 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed PERMANENT STREET SURFACING 2. The Clerk shall cause to be published in the Edina-Morningside Courier and for said improvements, and Asphalt Concrete Replacement: -. - L22 / 6/10/6 3 ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS PORTLAND CENENT CONCRETE PAVING WTH INTEGRAL CURB, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEMENT COXCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, . SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the Council Chambers in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W.5Oth St., at 11:OO A.N., Nonday, July 8, 1963,. and the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.W., on Nonday, July 8, 1963, to consider said bids, being for the following: ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING 1. CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEbGNT CONCRETE PAVING IUTH INTEGRAL CURB IM THE FOLLOVING : Johnson Drive from Hwy.#169 to Grove St. Ridge Park. Road from Johnson Drive to Harden Ave. Gate Park Rd. from Hwy.#169 to Warden Ave. Warden Ave. from Johnson Dr. to Gate Park Rd. Johnson Dr. from Grove St. to Benton Ave. Lyle Circle from Johnson Dr. to cul-de-sac. Halifax Ave. from M.62nd St. to Cross-Town Hwy. Erin Terrace from Chapel Dr. to Shane Dr. Chapel Lane from Shane Dr. to 85', more or less, S. of Chapel Dr. Shane Dr. from Erin Terrace to Erin Terrace. Cherokee Trail from Gleason Rd, to Navaho Trail. Navaho Trail from Cherokee Trail to Indian Hills Rd. Hawke's Dr. from Tracy Ave. to cul-de-sac. Hawke's Terrace from Tracy Ave. to Hawke's Dr. Heather Lans from Hwy.#169 to cul-de-sac. Warren Ave. from I.1.63rd St. to W.64th St. Concord Ave. from Valley View Rd. to W.60th St, Garrison Lane from Wooddale Ave. to Sf.Johns Ave. k7.67th St. from I.I. line of Brookview Heights 4th Addn. to Cahill Rd. Benton Ave. from Tracy Ave. to 11. property line of Crescent Dr. Barrie Rd. from V7.66th St. to Heritage Dr. . Cahill Rd. from 11.66th St. to I1.68th St. 2. CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEkENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOIIING: Johnson Dr. from Hwy.#169 to Grove St. -Ridge Park Rd. from Johnson Dr. to Warden Ave. Gate Park Rd. from Hwy.#169 to Warden Ave. Warden Ave. from Johnson Dr. to Gate Park Rd. Johnson Dr. from Grove St. to Benton Ave. Lyle Circle from Johnson Dr. to cul-de-sac. Halifax Ave. from W.62nd St. to Cross-Town Hwy. Erin Terrace from Chapel Dr. to Shane Dr. Chapel Lane from Shane Dr. to 85', more or less, S. of Chapel Dr. Shane Dr. from Erin Terrace to Erin Terrace. Cherokee Trail from Gleason Rd. to Navaho Trail. Navaho Trail from Cherokee Trail to Indian Hills Rd. Hawke's Dr. from Tracy Ave. to cul-de-sac. Hawke's Terrace from Tracy Ave. to Hawke's Dr. Heather Lane from Hwy, #l69 to cul-de-sac. \?amen Ave. from I.1.63rd St. to W.64th St. Concord Ave. from Valley View Rd. to V7.60th St. Garrison Lane from Wooddale Ave. to St.Johns Ave. Cahill Rd. from 8.66th St. to W.68th St. W.67th St.' from M. line of Brookview Heights 4th Addn. to Cahill Rd. Benton Ave. from Tracy Ave. to V. property line of Crescent Dr. Barrie Rd. from W.66th St. to Heritage Drive. 3. CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING (REPLACEXENT) IN THE FOLLOIIING : Rutledge Ave. from Division St. to Hollywood Rd. Eden Prairie Rd. from Blake Rd. to Hwy. #169-212 Blake Rd. from Hwy. #169-212 to Eden Prairie Rd. Gleason Rd. from Hwy. #169-212 to S. line of Sec. 31, T. 117, R. 21. I Work must be done %d described in plans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications, No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash deposit, 'bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of $10.00 The Council reserves the right to reject any or all bids. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN" Village Clerk 3. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvements and Asphalt Concrete Paving Replacement. .6/10/63 I23 Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were i lkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; a LIQUOR DISPENSARY EPORTS AS OF APRIL 30, 1963, were approved as submitted and ordered placed on file. CLAIMS PAID. was reviewed: Park Construction and Swim Pool, $75,797.32; Waterworks Fund, $11,853.86; Liquor Fund, $24,867.02; Sewer Rental Fund, $417.87; Improvement Funds, $14,893.62, and Poor, J.S.D.#l and State Aid Funds, $101,118.78, for TOTAL of $452,942.70. Mayor Bredesen inquired concerning Claim No. 22700, amount $436.20, to James Hensley, for transportation for conference. amount ($400) was approved in budget for 19631; covers transportation to Hawaii, for the Annual Education Conference of the National Association of Sanitarians. Tupa moved that Claims be padd. Pre-List dated June 10, 1963, showing claims in the following amounts, General Fund, $217,627.39; Construction Fund, $6,366.84; Park, Manager Hyde explained that this Motion seconded by PlacMillan and carried. The meeting's agenda's having been covered, Rixe moved for adjournment. seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Motion , 9djjurnnmen-t at 10 : 03 P. M.