HomeMy WebLinkAbout19630624_regular6 /24 /63 I 14INUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDILIA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD NONDAY, JUNE 24, 1963, AT 7:OO P.H,, AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. Hembers answering Rollcall were E.lacHillan, Rixe, Tupa and VanValkenburg. VanValkenburg presided in I4ayor Bredesen s absence. Mr. I.IINUTES of the Regular tleeting of June 10, 1963 were approved as submitted, by motion Tupa, seconded by Rixe and carried. PUBLIC HEARING HELD ON PETITIOX OF STOI.7 DEVELOPXENT COMPAHY FOR REZONING OF ~ TRACT L, NELSON FAR1.I FOR FILLING STATIO:? PURPOSES : CONTINUED, davits of Publication and Posting of "Notice of Hearing", which were approved as to Clerk presented Affi- I form and ordered placed on file, and pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was called on the Petition of Stow Development Company for Rezoning of "Tract L", Nelson Farm from Office Building District to use as a Gasoline Filling Station. ation. the proposed alignment of W.77th Street (or "Industrial Blvd." as it was repeatedly referred to during the Hearing). Building District" belt which lies between a "14ultiple Residence District" belt on the North and the "Planned Industrial District" beginning on the South side of "Industrial Blvd." and extending to the South Village Limits, all being a part of the 200-acre tract knovm as the "Nelson Farm", owned by Stow Development Company. 14r. Hite explained in detail the relationship of this property to the industrial area lying across Highway 100 and to the South, and to the as yet undeveloped property directly across Highway 100, saying the Planning Commission recommends the same type of zoning for the undeveloped property as the present zoning of the Nelson Farm--with "Office Building District" and "Multiple Residence District" buffers between Planned Industrial Zoning and already developed residential plats. 14r. Hite told Council that the Planning Commission has considered the requested Villing station" useage for this land three times, and that each time it has unanimously recommended denial of said useage; that the Commission believes that, not only because of traffic but also because of the other characteristics of filling stations which differ from ordinary commercial uses--hours of operation, lights, etc--the proper place for a filling station is in the "Planned Industrial District" portion of this development, completely away from all residential buildings. Commission feels that should this land useage be permitted at this particular site there is every reason to believe that equal consideration must be given to request for the same land useage on the East side of Highway 100--which site is also close to a one-family residential development, Nr. Hite reported that Planning Commission, after its meeting of June 5 re-affirms its previous recommendations that petition for rezoning to "gasoline filling stationt1 use for Tract L be denied and that the Commission recommends a site in the Planned Industrial District for such filling station. Nr, Josiah E. Brill, Attorney for Stow Development Company, told Council that he and his client think the application should be granted as a matter of right; that there is no valid reason for denying it; that the Council has no valid r.eason for exercising discretion against the petition; that the Company owns land for 1500 feet in every direction from the site; that nobody owns any land who can give valid objection to the rezoning. for a filling station for the planned residential area in the development, because the site can be reached without crossing a heavily-traveled street. Mr. Brill stated that the owners of the "Butler" property directly across Highway 100 have told him they have no objections; that some twelve or fifteen building contractors who have spoken for building lots in the residential part of Nelson Farm have stated they prefer the station at this location rather than the location recommended by the Planning Commission. blr. Brill told Council he does not want litigation on this matter, but that the land value amount is-so considerable that litigation cannot be avoided if petition is denied--that his client has been offered more than twice as much for land as filling station site than for any other purpose. station at this point would put another directly across Highway 100. that this will depend on a number of circumstances; that the law has said that a gasoline filling station, in itself, is not a nuisance; that he does not want to deny there is a possibility of an additional filling station across the highway at some future time. Stating that upon =view of the matter of development of Nelson Farm he had received the impression that when developers were granted industrial zoning they were willing to accept a housing development immediately north of it, and that the filling matter was dropped at that point, tIr, Rixe ask'ed if this were so. that if anybody had asked at that point if developers were willing to waive all rights for filling station he would have said no. this a zoning that is a matter of legal right and that if Council does not act in With the aid of a Vu- -Graph Slide, Planning Director Hite reviewed the location of the tract under consider- This tract is on the \lest side of State Highway No. 100, and the North side of The tract is the eastern portion of an "Office He added, too, that the I . He added that petitioners believe this is an ideal site Trustee VanValkenburg asked if Mr. Brill does not feel that permission for filling Nr. Brill answered I I4r. Brill replied tlr. Rixe then asked 14r. Brill if he feels k 3 M 6/24/63 ( 825 .J 1 accordance with the request this will probably be a litigated matter. Mr, Brill answered affirmatively, citing the recent Supreme Court decision on the Olson case as his reason for believing as he does. Hasselquist pointed out that there is a difference, here, however; that the tract here under consideration is in an "Office Building District" and Judge Weeks ruled in the Pearce case that "Office Building" zoning is not commercial zon ing . Company has never asked for anything bu$ filling station zoning on this tract-- that it accepted Office Building zoning to get the plat accepted. the East-West street (Industrial Blvd.) will be heavily trayeled when industry in the area is developed, and that a filling station site at the location recommended by the Commission would mean that home owners wauld have to cross this street to get to this station; that the objection registered by Mr. Carl Struck, Hibiscus Avenue, a few meetgngs ago is not valid because these people are some 2,000 feet from the site. asked if it is not the intent to use this road primarily for industrial traffic; and explanation was then made by Mr. Hite of the general traffic pattern in the entire development, and the Planning Commission's recommendation that the residential section be completely separated from the other zones in the develop- ment , with the "tie" north-south rdad allowed only at developer's insistence. Mr. Hite added that if it is impossible to prohibit filling stations next to residential properties all municipalities are in a difficult possit.ion. told Council it has been the intent to maintain Highway 100 in residential character. developed he would feel there could be some valid objection; that there area ten acres for multiple residences directly to the north of the site and these people are entitled to have their cars serviced. generally believed that the detrimental influences of filling stations do not extend beyond two houses adjacent thereto; the developer is willing to reduce valuation of abutting lots if this becomes necessary. Saying that there has been much talk about values, real estate sales, etc. , Mr, Hite explained that the matter of zoning becomes much more involved than this; that the Commission is attempting to make Edina a fine place in which to live, and is concerned about the people who are going to live in the Village just as much as about those who are trying to sell lots. language of the Court in the Olson case says that these things cannot be taken into account; that this is pure esthetics. Attorney Hasselquist inquired of petftioners as to whether an attempt has been made to convince oil companies to put filling station on the site had been made; that the oil companies will not do this because of the inaccessibility of'that site to the homes. Pure Oil Company's original idea was not to locate its station south of No. 494, and Mr. Stow replied that it was not, Mr, Brill stated that if the oil company would just as soon take the property recommended by the Commissioner petitioner would just as soon sell it to them. Mr. Hyde's next question was as to whether the elevation of the north property does not make it more desirable. answered that elevation is the same for both tracts, and Mr. Hite added that the south site is behind the interchange and cannot be seen. Planning Commission's* recommendation on zoning, added that since there is a question of legal right he moves to defer action on this petition until we get legal advice from the Village Attorney. Motion seconded by MacMillan and carried, Mr, Brill asked that continued hearing be scheduled for July 8, and was informed that hearing will again come before the Council on that date if there is a quorum; that, otherwise, it will be scheduled for July 22. that the oil company representative be asked to be present at Hearing, and Mr. Brill agreed to do so. Mr. Stow stated the proposed station will not be on Highway LOO--that there are two service roads and a 125-foot boulevard between the station and the highway. Mr. Hite explained that all property between the North-South r'tierr road and the highway right-of-way is being considered for filling station site. Mr. Don Anderson of Rauenhorst Construction Company, developers of the industrial property on the East side of Highway 100, expressed his surprise at the feeder road from the residential section into the industrial section of the Nelson Farm Development; added Mr. Hite has explained Rauenhorst's position when he stated that this Company will ask for the same zoning on their property as is permitted across the Highway on the Nelson Farm, Village Attoraey Mr. E.C. Stow, President of Stow Development Company, told Council the He added that Asking how much traffic is expected on "Industrial Blvd. '' , Mr. VanValkenburg He Mr. Stow reported that if the residential area had already been Mr. Brill reported it is Mr. Brill reported the , recommended by the Planning Commission. Mr. Brill answered that such attempt 1 Village E4anager Hyde inquired if Nr. Stow Trustee Rixe , stating he, personally, would be disinclined to oppose the Mr. Hasselquist suggested 6/24/6 3 FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS PERI4ITTED AS PRINCIPAL USE IN "OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT". Clerk Dresented Affidavits of Publication and Posting of "Notice of Public ilearing", which affidavits were approved as to form &d ordered placed on file; and pursuant to due notice given, Public Hearing was held on a proposed amendment to the "Office Building District1' section of the Village Zoning Ordinance, to permit Financial Institutions as a Principal Use is said District. Director Hite reported the Planning Commission recommends said amendment. No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: Planniqg MacI4illan offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council waive ORDINANCE NO. 261-75 AN ORDINANCE ANENDING ORDINAHCE NO. 261 (ZOXING ORDINAHCE) OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AS TO USES IN THE OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT THE VILLAGE CO"C~~b"~eT~Eo."FL~~~ OF FDrA, HINLJESOTA, ORDAINS : No. 261 of the Village, as amended, is hereby amended to read as follows: Section 1. / aragrspfi 2 8 "2. ecth 20 (Office Building District) of Ordinance Uses Permitted within the Office Building District. and used within the Office Building District for the following purposes: "(a) Principal Uses. "(1) "(2) Financial institutions." Buildings suitably designed may be erected,maintained Offices , business and professional, Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect upon its passage and publication. Motion for waiver of second reading thereof and adoption of Ordinance as submitted was seconded by Rixe, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: NaclUlan, aye; Rixe, aye; Tupa, aye; and VanValkenburg, ayeA and ,the Prdinance was * THIN CITY FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCJ$fTION GRANTED VARIANCE FROM SIGN .RGQUIREMDiTS FOR OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT. of Notice of Hearing relative to Twin City Federal Savings and Loan Association's petition for a variance from the sign requirements of the Office Building District Section of the Zoning Ordinance, to permit them to install a "time and temperature" sign on 17.66th street, just west of the Noolworth Building. sign area to 24 square feet, wheras this proposed sign has an area of 65 square feet, the greater portion of which is devoted to time and temperature. the Planning Commission feels the sign is a conservative one, recognizes the unusual nature of the sign, and has recommended that this variance be permitted. There were no objections from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. Tupa moved that requested variance be granted. Planning Director Hite presented Affidavit of I-lailing Sign requirements limit Nr. Hite reported Motion seconded by Rixe and carried. COUHCIL CONDUCTS UNOFFICIAL PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION OF FOLKE: R* VICTORSEN FOR REZONING FROM OPEN DEVELOPMENT TO R-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT--WOLD TRACT SOUTH OF VALLEY VIEW ROAD BETWEEN KELLOGG AND OAKLAWN AVENUES: LEGAL HEARING TO BE JULY 8. It was noted that Council had scheduled this Public Hearing for July 8, and that legal publication of Notice of Hearing had not yet been made, but that mailed notice had been given that Public Hearing would be conducted this evening on this petition for R-4 Hultiple Residence District, proposed land useage being for a 14-unit apartment. action this evening, but will hear any objections and recommendations, relative to a decision after legal publication is made and Hearing held on July 22. Director Hite explained Et?, Victorsen's proposal in detail, explaining that a variance from the required front line setback is also being requested; that Planning Commission has recommended both Rezoning and granting of variance. Hr. Richard Palen rrTas present during Ih. Hite's explanation; reserved his remarks for legal Hearing. Mayor Pro Tem VanValkenburg told audience that Council cannot take, ' Planning COUNCIL ABANDONS PROPOSED STEET Il4PROVEbENT FOR I.I. 62ND STEET BETklEEN CONCORD AND ST.JOiiVS AVENUES. ment was conducted, with Hanager Hyde reporfing receipt of an 80% petition asking that proposed improvement be abandoned; that nothing be done to street except oiling and sanding, and this only on recommendation of street department. of the proposed improvement, and Manager recommended it be abandoned. Notion seconded by Rixe and carried. Continuation of June ZBth Public Hearing on this proposed improve- No one spoke in favor Tupa so moved, "TEZPORARY TURN-AROUHD1' PORTIOX OF EWING AVENUE VACATED. Affidavits of Publication and Posting of "Notice of Public Hearing" were presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, and, pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearing was conducted on the petition of Mr. and Nrs. R.E. Engelhart for the Vacation of the 'Temporary Turn-Around" portion of Ewing Avenue, just Nortfi of 11.62nd Street. No objections ;/rere made from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. 1. c I 6/2 4/6 3 127 Manager Hyde recommended Vacation, saying turn-around is no longer needed because the street has now been extended to the south. following Resolution and moved its adoption: ,.$, .,a < Tupa offered the RESOLUTION VACATING STFEET (TEMPORARY TURN-AROUND PORTION OF EWING AVENUE) WHEREAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on June 24, 1963 at 7:OO P.M., on the proposed Vacation of that portion of Ewing Avenue hereinafter described has been given and made, and a hearing bas been had thereon by the Village Council: NOW, THEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Minnesota, that that portibn of Ewing Avenue, as platted and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Hennepin County, Minnesota, and described as follows: "Beginning at a point on the South line of the North 165 feet of the South 263 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 28, Range 24, a distance of 270 feet East from the West line thereof; thence North parallel to the West line thereof a distance of LOO feet; thence East parallel to the South line thereof a distance of 30 feet; thence South parallel to the West line thereof a distance of 100 feet to the South line of said North 165 feet of the South 263 feet; thence West along said South line a distance of 30 feet to the point of beginning ,11 and "Beginning at a point on the South line of the North 165 feet of the South 263 feet of the Southwest Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of Section 20, Township 28, Range 24, a distance of 370 feet East from the West line thereof; thence North parallel to the West line thereof a distance of 90 feet; thence West parallel to the South line thereof a distance of 10 feet; thence South parallel to the West line thereof a distance of 90 feet to the South line of said North 165 feet of the South 263 feet; thence East along said South line a distance of 10 feet to the point of beginning . M u be and hereby is vacated. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Rixe, and-on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as fOllOWS: MacMillan aye; Ri aye; Tupa, aye; and A VanValkenburg, aye; and the Resoluwwas adoged. /ra / / COuII\CIL LEVIES SPECIAL ASSESSMEN& ON IMPROVEMENTS, AFTER PUBLIC HEARINGS. presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier June 6 and 13, 1963, of Votices of Assessment Hearings" on those special assessments proposed to be heard at this meeting. form and ordered placed on file, and pursuant to due notice given, Public Hearings were conducted on completed improvement projects, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded; STFEET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-35 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter in the numerous streets set forth in Notice of Hearing and in Resolution Scheduling Hearing (See Page 109, this Book). TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST was read as $136,547.85, proposed to be assessed at the rate of $6.89 per Assessable Footfor all properties abutting streets improved, except that Lot 9, Block 1, Woodhill will be assessed at rate of $3.74 per foot for Asphalt Concrete Pavement only, and benefited lots in Chapel Drive and Chapel Lane will be assessed at the rate of $706.47 per Lot because of a standing petition askiing the Per-Lot method of assessment. assessment of $6.89 is over the improvement estimate of $6.03 because improvement estimate was made on basis that corner lots would pay for full footage, whereas they now pay for only 1/3 th eir long sides in addition to full frontage. William Beesley, 6108 Abbott Avenue, objected to having to pay for a portion of corner-lot cost, saying he believes corner lots should be fully assessed for all footage. prior to the Hearing. 2. and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter in Ayrshire Blvd. from Hwy.#169 to Lochloy Dr. (W), Croyden Lanefrom Lochloy Drive to Doncaster Way; Lochloy Drive, and Duncraig Road. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST was given as $27,858.86, proposed to be assessed at the rate of $7.22 per assessable foot for benefited properties in Rosendahl's 2nd Addn. to Edina Highlands and at rate of $2.67 per assessable foot for benefited properties in Edina Highlands Addition. Block 1, Edina Highlands, asked for adjustment of proposed assessment for 159.3 Clerk Affidavits of Publication were approved as to 1. Nanager Hyde explained that the actual Mr. There were no other objections from the floor, and none had been received (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-37 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Mrs. Donnell, owner of Lot 6, I28 6/24/6 3 / feet for her curving lot, which although not a corner lot is one of the larger front footages in the area. assessment and, after conversing with Mrs. Wright left the meeting without further objection. 3. STREET IMPROVEkIENT NO. BA-39 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pave- ment and Concrete Curb and Gutter in N.62nd Street from Concord Avenue to Virginia Avenue. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $3,370.75, proposed to be assessed against 328.7 assessable feet for $11.35 per foot, as compared with improvement .estimate Overage for reason that assessment is based on new formula of corner lots paying only 1/3 of long frontage, with balance spread over entire assessable area. prior thereto. Paving with Integral Curb in Creek Valley Road from Valley View Road to W. Line of Creek oalley Addition; Tracy Avenue from S. line of Block 3, The Heights 5th Addn. to k7.66th St.; Susan Avenue from Tracy Avenue to Valley riew Road; Lois Lane and Grace Terrace, both from Tracy Avenue to Valley View Road. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST whs given as $80,644.38, proposed to be assessed against 8,365.6 assessable feet for $9.64 per assessable foot, as compared with improvement hearing estimate of $8.45; this overage because of corner lots being assessed for only 1/3 their long sides rather than the full footage contemplated in improvement hearing estimate. There were no objections to the assessment. Levying Assessment). She was asked to see I-lrs. Wright relative to her (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). . of $10.16. No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received (See action of later in Xeeting, Levying Assessment). 4. STREET 11.IPROVEI-ENT NO. E-17 - Construction of Portland Cement Concrete (See action of later in Heeting, OBJECTION HADE TO DUMPING OF CONCETE 18 PRIVATE PROPERTY. In discussion on the assessment for Street Improvement No. E-17, complaint was registered by a man . whom the tlerk understoodto state his name as 1.k. Wirt, that contractor for this improvement, or Barton Construction Co., working on another improvement, had ' dumped broken concrete into the back of his lots. He was asked to come into the office to see Village Hanager Hyde relative to complaint; that contractor will be made to clean up. e 5. STREET IMPROVEHENT NO. A-150 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement in the Alley between Hankerson and William Avenues and between 17,51st and W.52nd Streets. against 1,202 feet, for $2.60 assessable feet, as compared with improvement hearing estimate of $2.15, complaining about this project j that contractor Riegger Roadways has been asked to get back in to make correction; that project is still under warranty and work will be done. contractor had not put in required gravel, saying there is a big hole behind his home, where water stands, and that property owners had been promised by former engineer that an 2" inverted crown would be constructed to provide drainage, and this had not been done. assessment levy until this work had been completed, but Mr. Hyde stated the job' would be corrected in accordance with Engineering Department plans and specifications after soilborings had been taken, without cost to the Village. He recommended that assessment be levied at this time. (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment) , 6. SANITARY SEkJER IHPROVElENT NO. 201--In Waterman Avenue from 195.5 Ft. East of Bl&e Road to existing 1.ianhole 331.5 Ft. East of Blake Road. Total ASSESSABLE COST was given as $2,910.02, proposed to be assessed against two connections, for $1,455.01 per Connection. complaint of Roger llestby, that proposed assessment is much higher than improvement hearing estimate, three connections, whereas Llr, Robert Conn, owner of property on which two connections were to have been made, later notified Village he wishes only one. Hr. Hyde told Council that l4r. Conn has been planning to plat; that he still has a plat in this office although no specific arrangements have been made-to develop it. Mr. Hyde recommended that the total assessable cost be divided by three connections at $970.00 per connections; that two connections be assessed now and the third (to the Conn property) deferred until such time as this property is platted. been received prior thereto. 7. SAHITARY SEWER IHPROVEMENT NO. 192--On an easement line between Lots 8 and 9, Block 3, Creek Valley Addition, from Creek Valley Road to 296 feet South and there terminating. be assessed against three connections, for $1,449.80 per connection, as compared with improvement hearing estimate of $1,443.90. at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. in Meeting, Levying Assessment). 8. and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter in Scotland Heights Circle (on Valley View Road). against 286.5 Assessable Feet, for $11.17 per foot, as compared with improvement hearing estimate of $11.30. had been received prior thereto. A light moment in proceedings was had when Trustee Wacl4illan, subject to both the TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST was given as $3,125.20, proposed to be assessed I4anager Hyde told Council several calls have been received ' 14r. Donald Peabody complained of the cost; also, that Plr. Peabody asked for postponement of I-Imager Hyde reported to Council the This is because the improvement hearing estimate was based on . *. . There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and none had . (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $4,349.40, proposed to No objections were registered (See action of later STREET IMF%OVEMENT XO. BA-38 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $3,200.21, proposed to be assessed No objections were registered ae the Hearing, and none (See Action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment.) c;s 4 EL 3 f9 cn 1 6/24/63 I28 the last two special assessments, laughlingly asked that audience be informed that Councilmen, as well as other taxpayers, are specially assessed. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 179 - In East Service Drive of Highway 100 from Valley View Road to 675 Feet South. $5,283.35, proposed to be assessed against five connections, for $1,056.67 per connection, as compared to improvement hearing estimate of $1,559 47. 14anager Hyde reported that Mrs, C.L. Freigang had called him, asking that her property be relieved of this assessment. He explained that Mr, Freigang had originally petitioned for this improvement, but that owners of intervening properties had refused it, whereupon the Freigangs (6133 Normandale ,Rd. ) had installed an elaborate private sewage system. properties had petitioned, and when sewer was installed it had been constructed .to serve the Freigang property as well as the rest; that the service is there for the property if it is needed. Mrs. Freigang had told Mr. Hyde her husband (now deceased) had had an understanding with someone at the Village Hall that assessment relief could be obtained. IYirs. Freigang, but feels there is nothing to do but make the assessment as calculated, Mr. Hyde recommended levy. Levying Assessment). of the North line of Town Realty's Edina Terrace to a point 525 feet South. .TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST was given as $3,522.65, proposed to be assessed against 13 connections, for $232.05 per Connectionzfor those lots which have already been assessed for Sanitary Trunk Sewer No. 35, and $300.05 for the seven lots not heretofore assessed for Trunk Sewer No. 35. Improvement hearing estimate for this improvement was $251.63 per connection. registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). of Grove Place extended to 240 ft. E.; Alley E. of Grove Place from Belmore Lane to centerline of Streetcar r/w; Streetcar r/w from alley E. of Grove Place to I'laple Hill Road; Maple Hill Road from centerline of Streetcar r/w to existing manhole 89 feet North. to .be assessed against six connections' for $1,392.98 per connection, as compared with improvement hearing estimate of $1,381.00. Mr. Hyde called Councilts attention that the Village will be bearing a cost of this construction ($5,158.07) in line with its action taken at the improvement hearing; this because residents complained they should have been included in a large sewer project constructed in this general area some years ago at the approximate cost for which they are now being assessed, (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). No objections were filed. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEKENT NO. 186 - In Valley View Road from Chap&. Ca.'toiSfl.FatricK!s3La.TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $10,376.00, proposed to be assessed against sixteen conz;lections for a District Sewer at $506.50 and against 5 connections for a Lateral Sewer at $454.40 per connection, compared with improvement hearing estimates of $693.72 and $454.40 respectively. No objections registered. (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). to West 68th Street extended. to be assessed against nine connections for $19551.38 per connection as compared with improvement hearing estimate of $1,720.97. 140 objections registered. (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). 14, SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 195 - In W.48th Street from Rutledge Ave. to 250 Ft. East. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $2,566.68, proposed to be assessed against two connections , for $1,283.34 per connection as compared with action of later in Mieeting, Levying Assessment). 9, TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as Shortly thereafter, owners of intervening Saying he would sincerely like to help (See action of later in evening, 10, SfNITARY SEVER IMPROVEMENT NO. 184 - In York Avenue from 23 Ft. North There were no objections (See 11. SAXITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 185 - In Belmore Lane from Alley E. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST was given as $8,354.34, proposed . 12, 13. SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 194 - In Brook Drive from existing Manhole TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given at $13,962.42, proposed . - improvement hearing estimate of $1,608.07. No objections registered. (See 15, SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 198 - In Vandervork Avenue from 2513 Ft. South of Division Street to 600 Ft. South of Division St. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST, $3,379.32, proposed to be assessed against fourteen connections, for $241.38 per connection, as compared with improvement hearing estimate of $409.11. No objections registered. (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). aR~-~e~t~aR~-€eHleR~-€eRe~e~e-€~~~-~~-6~~~e~ in Alley between York and Xerxes Avenues and hetween W.54th and W.55th Streets. $2,412.289 proposed to be assessed against 1,194.2 Assessable Feet, for $2.02 per Assessable Foot, as compared with $2.18 improvement hearing estimate. registered. 17. in View Lane from South Knoll Drive to Schaefer Road; Schaefer Road from View Lane to Highway No. 169; Schaefer Circle from Schaefer Road to Cul-de-sac. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given at $14,054.31, proposed to be assessed against 3,470.2 assessable feet, for $4.05 per foot, as compared with $4.41 improvement hearing estimate, No objections registered. 16. STREET II~IPROVEMENT NO. A-149 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as ' No .objections (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment 1. STREET IIbIPROVEMENT NO. A-151 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement (See action of later in Meeting, Levying ' Assessment), 6/24/63 18. STREET 114PROVEI.IENT NO. A-152 - In Hindsor Avenue from East lot line of Lot 2, Block 5, Westchester Knolls Addition, Nest to Cul-de-sac. ASSESSABLE COST given as $2,443.82, proposed to be assessed against 552.9 assessable feet, for $4.42 per foot, as compared with improvement hearing estimate of $7.32. Pavement in this street. (See act ion of later in Heeting , Levying Assessment) . Curb and Gutter in Tower Street from St.Johns Avenue to Concord Avenue. ,TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $6,125.67, proposed to be assessed against 1,138.6 assessable feet, for $5.38 per foot, as compared with $6.04 improvement hearing estimate. No objections registered. Assessment) . TOTAL This improvement is for Construction of Asphalt Concrete No objections were registered to'proposed assessment. 19. STREET IHPROVEIENT NO. B-74 - Construction of Portland Cement Concrete (See action of later in Neeting, Levying 20. STREET 1MPROVEI.IENT NO. BA-34 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter in Park Place from W.54th to W.55th Street. 1,291.1 assessable feet for pavement at $5.35, compared with $8.52 improvement hearing estimate; 1,121.1 assessable feet for curb and gutter at $2.76 compared with $3.34 improvement hearing estimate. Total assessment, $8.09 as compared with $11.87 improvement hearing estimate. Mr. Harry Hanson, 5400 -Park Place, being assessed for 80 feet, complained he is being assessed too much; that assessment should be for no more than 62 feet, inasmuch as part of the work was done for W.54th St. and not Park Place. 14anager Hyde told Council that after Mr. Hanson's call bad been received at the office, Engineer Obermeyer had re-measured the assessable footage and still feels 80 feet is the correct assessable footage for this lot. Nr. Obermeyer will meet b?. Hanson and check again. (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment) . TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $3,094.24, .proposed to be assessed against 21. STREET-IMPRUVE&3lT NO. BA-41 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter inschowen Avenue from C~oSstoFm,: Hjgliway to W.62nd Street. to be assessed against 1,714.7 assessable feet, for $6.39 per foot, as compared with improvement hearing estimate of $7.80. No objections registered. (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). STEET IZ'lPROVEMENT NO. BA-42 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter in York Avenue from Crosstown Highway to 485 feet South. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $6,563.40, proposed to be assessed against 947.1 assessable feet, for $6.93 per foot, as compared with $8.43 improvement hearing estimate. No objections registered. (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). STREET 1I.IPROVEMENT NO. BA-47 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter in Ewing Avenue from 120 Ft. South of Chowen Curve to 649 Ft. South of 17.62nd Street. $12,139.91, proposed to be assessed against 1,828.3 assessble feet, for $6.64 per foot, as compared with $8.55 per foot improvement hearing 'estimate. registered. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $10,956.93, proposed I 22. 23. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as No objections (See action of later in Meeting, Levying Assessment). -- 24. STREET ILIPROVEHENT NO. BA-45 - Co&ruction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter in St.Johns Avenue from Lakeview Drive to Golf Terrace. against 582.8 assessable feet,.for $6.18 per foot, as compared with,$8.46 improvement Levying Assessment). TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $3,601.70, proposed to be assessed . hearing estimate. No objections registered. (See action of later in Heeting, 25. STREET II4PROVEUENT NO. BA-48 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter in Rolf Avenue from W.63rd Street to tJ.64th Street. against 1,490.8 assessable feet, for $7.68 per foot as compared with $10.12 improvement hearing estimate. Heeting, Levying Assessment). and Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter in Boundary Blvd. between E. Service approx. 500 Ft. to proposed alignment of W.77th St.; k7.77th St. from pt. approx. 350 Ft. 8. of Computer Ave. Ely to pt. approx. 250 Ft. E. of Computer Ave. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $106,294.90, proposed to be assessed against 2,879.84 assessable feet, for $36.91 per foot. No objections registered. given after Watermain No. 166, and action of Council, Levying Assessment). STORM SEWER Ii4PROVEI4ENT NO. 730- To serve Normandale Center Development (Registered Land Survey No, 1050). proposed to be assessed against 835,150 square feet, for $.01132 per square foot. Bo objections registered. action of touncil Levying Assessment). TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given at $14,746.38, proposed to be assessed against 1,950.58 assesaable feet, for $7.56 per foot. given after Watermain No. 166, and action of Council, Levying Assessment). TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $11,449.34, proposed to be assessed No objections registered. (See action of later in 26. STRGET Il4PROVEI4ENT NO. BA-44 - Construction of Asphalt Concrete Pavement Drive of Hwy.100 and Computer Avenue; Computer Ave. from Boundary Blvd. to North r. (See explanation 27. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given at $9,453.90, (See explanation given after Watermain XO. 166, and 28. SAXITARY SEWER ILbIPROVEMENT NO. 196 - In Computer Avenue and W.72nd Street. No objections registered. (See explanation 13% 6/24/63 29. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 166 - In Computer Avenue and W.77th St. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST given as $17,087.08, proposed 'to be assessed against -5 1,950.88 assessable feet, for $8.76 per foot, (See following explanation, and action of Council ]Levying Assessment). No objections registered. PROPOSED ASSESSMENTS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-44, STORM SEWER IlPROVEMENT NO, 73, SANITARY SEWER XNPROVEMENT NO. 196 AND WATERMAIN IMPROVEMEIJT NO. 166 FURTHER EXPLAINED, Manager Hyde explained that these four assessments, levied against the Rauenhorst Development, Normandale Center--Total Amount for four assessments being $147,582.26 is actually more than half paid, a check for $79,231.48 having now been received from Rauenhorst; that tracts still unpaid are the Dunn & Curry and Texaco Tracts, and that it is proposed to make levy on three-year basis, at 6% interest on unpaid balance. No objections registered. Tupa then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING ASSESSMENTS FOR STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. A-149, A-150, A-151 AND A-152, B-74, BA-34, BA-35, BA-37, BA-38, BA-39, BA-41, BA-42, BA-43, BA-44, BA-45, BA-48, AND E-17: I SANITARY SENER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 179, 184, 185, 186, 192, 194, 195, 196, 198 AND 201: STORM SEWER IMPROVEIilENT NO. 73 AND WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO 166 BE IT PESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota as follows : It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments for STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. A-149, A-150, A-151 and A-152, B-74, and E-17; SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 179, 184, 185, 186, 192, 194, 195, 196, 198 and 201; STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 73 and 'GfATERMAIN IMPROVEl~ENT NO, 166, and each of them, have been properly calculated in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes Sections 429.051 and 429.061; that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at a11 times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the improvement or improvements for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively . lots, pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and sai'd proposed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements, respectively. tract or parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, except for those assessments for SIREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-44, SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEPENT NO. 196, STORM SEHER IMPROVEMENT NO. 23-AND WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 166, interest on which shall be at the rate of six percent per annum, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. 3. The total amount of each such assessment for STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS, A-149, A-150, A-151, A-152 and B-74 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of five years, the first of said install- ments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1964, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1963, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and a11 subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years I964 through 1967, collectible in the respective ensuing years. NOS. BA-34, BA-35, BA-37, BA-38, BA-39, BA-41, BA-42, BA-43, BA-45 and BA-48, and for SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 179, 184, 185, 186, 198, 19@, 195, 198 and 201 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of ten years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1964, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1963, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1964 through 1972, collectible in the respecrive ensuing years. NO. E-17 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of fifteen years, the first of said installments,together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1964, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1963, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and a11 subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1964 through 1977, collectible in the respective ensuing years. 1, BA-34, BA-35, BA-37, BA-38, BA-39, BA-41, BA-42, BA-43, BA-44, BA-45, BA-48 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective I ' The assessment against each lot, 4. The total amount of each such assessment for STREET IMPROVEMENTS 5. The total amount of each such assessment for BTREET IMPROVEIEMT I32 6 /24/6 3 6. The total amount of each such assessment for STKET II4PROVEblENT NO. BA-44, SANITARY SEWER I.I.IPROVE?dENT NO. 196, STOal SEVER IHPROVEHENT NO. 73 ,' and WATERHAIN 114PROVEHENT 30. 166 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of three years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment (at 6% per annum) from the date hereof to December 31, 1964, to be payable with general taxes for the year 1963, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1964 and 1965, collectible in the respective ensuing years. Prior to certification of the assessment to the County Auditor, the owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed 'hereby may pay the whole of such assessment or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. Said duplicate shall be designated as the "ASSESSI4ENT ROLL FOR STREET hPROVEI4ENTS NOS. A-149, A-150, 7. 8. A-151, A-152, B-74, BA-34, BA-35, BA-37, BA-38, BA-39, BA-41, BA-42, BA-43, BA-44, BA-45, BA-48, AND E-17 ; SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEbENTS NOS. 194, 195, 196, 198 AND 201; STORM SEWER IIPROVENENT NO. 179, 184, 185 , 186, 192, 73 AND WATER4AIN IHPROVE- BENT NO. 166," and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the IMPROVEI~IENT BOND REDEMPTION FUND. .. I advertisement and 20, 1963, for 2 tennis courts each at Normandale, Highlands and Cornelia School Parks, bids were taken this morning. of Carlson-LaVine, Inc. at $30,367.00 plus $4.00 per Ton for Aggregate, and that of Northland Constructors, Inc. at $31,200.00 plus $5.00 per Ton for Aggregate. Recommendation was for award of contract to Carlson-LaVine, Inc., and Rixe so moved. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. Tabulation showed receipt of two bids, that CHAIN LINK FENCE CONTRACT AVARDED ON ALTERNATE (ALUMINUI-I FENCE) TO NqCHOR POST PRODUCTS COMPANY. of six bids on the base bid, steel fencing, and two bids on alternate, aluminum. On the base bid, Cyclone Fence was low bidder at $4,500.00, bidder having erred in his calculations, $6,587.00; and third-low was 14oorhead 1-lachinery E Boiler Co. at $6,993.00. the Alternate, for Aluminurn Fence, Anchor Post Products was low bidder at $7,760.00, and Moorhead Machinery E Boiler Co. was high bidder at $8,193.00. Some considerable discussion was had as to award of contract. award to the low bidder on the Aluminum Fencing, stating he feels difference in costs will be more-than compensated by the lack of maintenance needed for the aluminum. (Anchor Post Products Co. at $7,760.00) was seconded by Rixe and carried. I-lanager Hyde presented Tabulation showing receipt this morning Second low bid was that of Anchor Post Products, Inc. at On Village Engineer klegner recommended Tupa's motion for award of contract to low bidder on Aluminum Fencing IRON XEXOVAL PLANT CONTRACT AWARDED TO JEiiRY BAER HEATING & VEHTILATING CO. Tabulation of bids received this morning in response to Advertisement published in I Edina-1-iorningside Courier and Construction Bulletin Ju13g 6, 13 and 20, shoved receipt of two bids: Jerry Baer Heating and Ventilating Co. on Base Bid at $168,663.00, with no bid on the Alternate, and Barbarossa and Sons, Inc. on Base Bid at $198,000 and on Alternate (with Turbomatic Filter Equipment) at $179,000. award to Jerry Baer Heating and Ventilating Co., at $168,663.00, with completion date of March 1, 1964. Recommendation was for Rixe so moved. 14otion seconded by Tupa and carried. FII4AHCII?G OF #ATER IMPROVENENTS DISCUSSED. Revenue Bond Issue" of some $300,000 will be needed this fall, to finance the Iron Removal Plant and new wells. Finance Director. Nanager Hyde reported that a Vaterworks Action delayed pending detailed report by RURAL HEHNEPIN PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE REPORT FOR MAY, 1963 was submitted, reviewed and ordered placed on fig. 6 /24 /63 I33 PETITION FOR APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR ENFORCEMENT OF DOG LEASHING ORDINANCE Appropriation of Funds for Enforcement of Dog Leashing Ordinance, filed without REFERRED TO PUBLIC SAFETY DIRECTOR BENNETT. Clerk submitted Petition for comment by ten residenes in the neighborhood of Hansen Road and W.6Oth street. Manager Hyde told Council that Mr. Bennett has been investigating ways and means of providing better enforcement, but as yet has made no recommendations. referred to Mr. Bennett for further study. -'Trb / Petition IMPROVEIENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED AND REFERFSD TO VILLAGE ENGINEER FOR PROGRAMMING. The following Improvement Petitions were submitted, and by motion Tupa, seconded by MacMillan and carried, were accepted and referred to the Village Engineer for programming: 1. 2. OILING - Peacedale Ave., W.62nd Street to W.64th Street. OILING - W.64th Street, Warren Ave. to Holborn Ave. ; Holborn Ave., W.64th Street to Hhiting Street; Whiting Street for first 100 Feet beyonij Holborn Avenue. 3. OILING - York Avenue, W. 55th Street to W. 56th Street. 4. OILING - TingdaletAvenue, W.63rd Street to,W. 64th Street; 5. ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVEMENT - William Avenue, W.50th Street to W.5lst Street. VILLAGE ENGINEER'S RECOMMENDATION FOR "SMITH E LOVELESS LIFT STATION" ACCEPTED. Council heard Village Engineer's recommendation for Smith E Loveless Lift Station for Hilldale Sanitary Sewer Improvement, relative to a complaint registered by Mr. Robert D. Halverson, 4410 Sunnyside Road, that Tex-Vit "Duplex Pneumatic Ejector Station", at $1,200 less than the Smith E Loveless, was not accepted. Rixe's motion, that Engineer Wegner's recommendation be accepted, and that Village Manager be directed to reply to Mr. Halverson's complaint, was seconded by Tupa and carried. LEASING OF 30 FEET OF MNGS RAILROAD RIGHT OF WAY ADJACENT TO BIRCHCREST PARK APPROVED. Mr, Hyde reported that MNGS Railroad is willing to lease to Edina 20 feet ,of its 50-fOOt right-of-way adjacent to Birchcrest Park, and will, in addition, fence off this 20 feet from the remaining right-of-way. Lease can be had for the token amount of $1.00 per year. lease, and MacMillan so moved. He recommended execution of the Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. LOT 2, BLOCK 13, CLEVELAND'S SUBDIVISION OF EMMA ABBOTT PARK TO BE PURCHASED FOR PARK PURPOSES. the Park Board having recommended its purchase for amount of $1,375.00, as part of the Rutledge-Division St. park. Mr. VanValkenburg asked Mr. Rosland how many more lots are needed to complete this particular park. Mr. Rosland reported plan is to acquire one more lot on the same street as Lot 13 is located; two lots in the very cen'ter of the park are being negotiated, now, and that in the future it is hoped two lots which now have houses on them can be acquired. Purchase Agreement 6or'the above described lot was presented, COUNCIL ASKS FOR OBSERVANCE OF VOLUNTARY SPRINKLING BAN : ODD-NUMBEED HOMES TO SPRINKLE ODD-NUMBERED DAYS : EVEN NUMBERED HOMES ON EVEN-NUMBERED DAYS. Mr. Hyde reviewed for the Council past years' requests for observance by the public of a voluntary sprinkling ban from Noon to 8:OO P.N., to enable pumps to keep ahead of demand. He 2eported that after some analyses by Supt. Woehler, Engineer iJegner, and I4r. Banister, it is recommended that we go to the odd-and-even-number ban, with odd-numbered homes sprinkling on odd-numbered days, and even-numbered homes sprinkling only on even-numbered days. Mr. Wegner added this would put only half the pull which we now have on the system; that with full sprinkling allowed reserves are being raided; that the system has been pumping 15,000 gals. per.ihinute these past days (22,000,000 gals. per day). that if this does not prove satisfactory we may have to return to the Noon-8:OOP.M. ban. and that residents be asked for their cooperation in enforcing same. Mr. Wegner reported, too, Concensus was that odd-even ban be put into effect as a temporary measure COUNCIL DIRECTS ENGINEEER TO PLAN ADDITIONAL TRUNK WATERMAIN DISTRICT FOR BLAKE ROAD, ARTHUR STREET, WATERMAN AVENUE AREA. Saying he has had several calls from people who have petitioned for water service (but which service was denied when planned large trunk district was abandoned at request of South Blake Road area residents), and that it seems too bad not to provide water if it is needed, Village Engineer Wegner asked Council policy on a small trunk district for the immediate area which has petitioned, and some contiguous area. Engineer to prepare preliminary plans for such trunk district, for further Council study preparatory to bringing matter to public hearing. Council directed COUNCIL AUTHORIZES BIDS FOR PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE. date, Manager Hyde reviewed for Council ways and means for financing the long- In a written report dated this awaited pablic works garage. He presented Architect David Griswoldis plan and estimate of $268,000; and Council spent considerable time reviewing the plans. It was noted that the garage will afford almost an acre of storage space. Mr. Wgner requested that when bids are taken they include sheet steel piling, for additional space. bids be taken as soon as plans can be prepared for bidders. Plan was discussed thoroughly, and Mr. Hyde recommended that MacMillan's motion, 134 6/24/63 approving plan for Public Vorks Garage and authorizing advertisement was seconded by Rixe and carried. SALE OF PRESENT'PUBLIC woks GARAGE SITE TO SCHOOL BOARD AUTHORIZED. reported that Newcome E Lawrence, appraisal f&rm employed by the School Board, for bids, Hanager Hyde has appraised land and improvements at the present public works garage site at $53,000--which he believes to be fair. to sell the property to the schools for this price. recommendation be accepted was seconded by I.IacI4illan and carried. He recommended that the Village offer Rixe's motion that Hanager's AUDIT REPORT FOR YEAR 1962 REVIEWED: VATERf.IORKS AND SEVER RENTAL FUND OPERATIONS DISCUSSED. filed by Ernst E Ernst for the Year 1962. of $13,047.97 in 1962 as compared with a Net Income of $3,839.69 in 1961, was discussed, Xr. Dalen explaining that Water Sales were down by almost $11,000 in 1962 because of the wet year, whereas Depreciation is up some $6,000. Loss of $9,984.01'in the Sewer .Rental Fund was ais0 discussed. Some discussion was had relative to raising rates for both these utilities, but action was*delayed pending outcome of negotiations relative to Metropolitan Sanitary Sewer District. With Finance Director Dalen the Council reviewed the Audit Report Waterworks Fund, which showed a-Met Loss Operating CLAII4S PAID. dated June 24, 1963, was seconded by Rixe and carried: General Fund, $16,785 . 79 ; Construction Fund, $37,333.56 ; Park, Park Construction and Swim Pool Fund, $2,729.59; Waterworks Fund, $2,136.44; Liquor Fund, $35,013.24; Sewer Rental Fund, $334.15; Improvement Funds, $7,720,50--TOTAL, $102,053.27. Tupa's motion for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List DEATH AT SIJIf.lf.IING POOL REPORTED. Council of the drowning which occurred at the Edina Swimming Pool on the 22nd. tlessrs. Hyde and Rosland made a report to the The meeting ' s agenda s having been covered, Tupa moved for adjournment . , Hot ion seconded by #aci.iillan and carried.