HomeMy WebLinkAbout19630708_regular7/8/63 33 4 ru 3 c9 in MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL , HELD MONDAY, JULY 8, 1963, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were MacMillan, Rixe, %pa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. I MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of June 24, 1963, were approved as submitted, by Motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Macl4illan and carried. PUBLIC HEARING,ON STOW DEVELOPMENT COMPANY PETITION FOR REZONING OF TRACT L, NELSON FARM FOR GASOLINE FILLING STATION USE, CONTINUED TO JULY 22. Attorney Josiah Brill, representing Stow Development Company, told Council he felt there was no need for another presentation on this petition; that Hearing had been continued from June 24, for the Village Attorney's opinion, and he hoped this opinion wo'uld be ready this evening. and Public Hearing was continued to July 22, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by RFxe and carried. reminded Council that one reason for the continuance from June 24 vas to give Pure Oil Company an opportunity to explain why, in the opinion of the Company, one site should be more valuable than the other. Mr. Brill stated he had talked with Mr, Edwards of the Company, who had told him that because of other matters the Company now has pending with the Village the Company prefers not to get into any controversy with the Village. Mr. E. C. Stow added Mr. Edwards has told him he will be glad to state the Company's position in a letter, relative to the comparative value of the two sites. Mr. Hasselquist reported that his opinion has not yet been completed, A little later in the meeting, Village Attorney Hasselquist WOLD PROPERTY ON VALLEY VIEW ROAD (4405) REZONED R-4 MULTIPLE FESIDENCE DISTRICT, FOR 14-UNIT APARTMENT BUILDING. In accordance with Published Notice of Hearing, Formal Public Hearing was held at this time on the Petition of Mr. Folke Victorsen for the Rezoning to Multiple Residence District R-4 of the Wold Property at 4405 Valley View Road. (Informal Hearing had been held June 24, on mailed notice, but it was discovered proper published notice had not been given). that the proposed 14-unit apartment building meets requirements of zoning ordinance in every respect except one--that of setback from front lot line--and that Mr. Victorsen is requesting (and Planning Commission recommends favorably on) variance from this requirement to permit a 25-foot setback. and its relation to other buildings in the area, was presented. 4440 Garrison Lane, objected to the size of the proposed building, saying he has had two appraisals and finds this apartment will depreciate the value of his property by about $l,OOO--and that property closer to the apartment will be depreciated by more than this. Saying that throughout the years the policy of the Planning Commission has been to use two-family and three-family dwellings adjacent to residential properties, Mr. Palen said he would have no objection to this use of the property, will make storm sewer construction necessary, for which the one-family dwellings in the area will be assessed, because the westerly lots are more shallow and the present pond between Valley View Road and Garrison Lane would have to be filled. Mrb Hite informed Council that there is now a drain from the pond; that this particular apartment willmot endanger the pond. There were no other objections registered, and none had been received prior 'to the Hearing. that several of his neighbors had not received notice, and Mr. Hite reported that notice was sent to owners of a11 properties within 500 feet of the site of proposed apartment, and that several property owners have talked with him concerning it. Mr,:'ViCtorsen asked that his petition be granted, saying he feels the lot is right for this use, that he has done a good job with the apartments he has already constructed in this area and that, if granted this request, will improve this neighborhood. Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: Mr. Hite told Council A plan of proposed building, Mr. Richard Palen, He added he is concerned that additional apartments to the west Mr. Palen complained VanValkenburg then offered the following Drdiiianbe; mding that ORDINANCE NO. 261-76 AN ORDIIIANCC ALENDIXG ORDIITAiYCE '140. 261 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL R-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUIICIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIiIA, MIWNESOTA, ' ORDAINS : Section 4 (Multiple Residence District) of Ordinance No. 261 of revised ordinances Section 1. Paragraph 1 , Multiple Residence District Boundaries, of of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby-.amended by addiiig the following sub-paragraph under District R-4 : District R-4 : "(3) The East 133 Ft. of West 658.5 Ft. of II. 268 Ft. of W1/4 of NE 1/4, except road - Section 30, Township 28, Range 24 (Parcel No. 7420)". Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after - its passage and publication according to law. 136 7/8/63 Hotion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance seconded by Rixe, and on Rollcall there were I-lacI4illan, aye; Rixe, aye; Tupa, aye; as submitted was nays, as follows: BBdesen, aye; and COUNCIL GW?TS REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FROM R-4 DISTRICT ZOXING %QUIREI*lENTS FOR SETBACK FROM FROXT LOT LINE--4405 VALLEY VIEH ROAD. offering of the Ordinance rezoning of the property at 4405 Valley View Road to R-4 Multiple Residence District (see action immediately preceding this) , VanValkenburg moved that the requested variance of ten feet from the front lot setback requirements of the R-4 District be granted, and that apartment building be permitted a setback of 25 feet from front lot line. and carried. In conjunction with his Motion seconded by Rixe COUI?CIL DETERI4INES TYPE OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING TO BE USED: SOl4E STREETS TO GET ASPHALT CONCRETE. OTHERS PORTLAND CEIENT CONCRETE. An audience of interested ~ property owners was present to hear the results of bids taken today on CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER in the streets on which Public Hearings were conducted on June 10. taken on PORTLAND CEIENT CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CURB, AND OX ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING WITH CO?ICRETE CURB AND GUTTER. Manager Hyde reported that bids were Tabulation of bids was presented, , showing receipt of four bids for the Portland Cement Concrete Paving, and three bids for the Asphalt Concrete Paving with Portland Cement Curb and Gutter. Low . bid for Portland Cement Concrete Paving with Integral Curb was Woodrich Construction Company at $318,099.00. Low bid for Asphalt Concrete Paving with PCC Curb and Gutter was Blacktop Service - Co. at $316,300.25. High bidder in both cases was Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc., which bid $365,354.75 Second low bid'was Arcon Construction Co., at $348,068.75. Second low bid was Riegger Roadways, Inc., at $318,498.50 on the PCC Paving and Curb and $323,567.00 on the Asphalt Concrete Paving with PCC Curb and Gutter. the streets (with exception of Benton Ave.,Barrie Road and Cahill Rd., which are known to be definitely Portland Cement Concrete) are surfaced by one method or the other; that alternates were set up in the specifications in order that there might be a base bid will mean higher prices for all concerned. "typical" street, Mr. Hyde reported that if contract is awarded on the base bid with 100% of streets being surfaced with PCC with Integral Curb) the Estimated. L8S s8&& be $10.93 per Assessable Foot; with 100% of streets being surfaced with Asphalt Concrete with PCC Curb and Gutter the Assessable Cost would be $10.43 per Assessable Foot, whereas if there were a deviation from base bid, to award 55,000 Sq,Yds. of Portland Cement Concrete Paving to low PCC Contractor and 13,000s%&&lt bidder, the cost would be $11.13 pe .AsFgssable Foot; at 40,000 Sq.Yds. of Pet! and 25,000 Asphalt with 14,500/8%; tbe cost would be $11.38 per Assessable Foot for the Portlandaement and $11.06 for the Asphalt Paving; and at 30,000 Sq. Yds. of PCC and 34,000 Base with 20,800 Lin.Ft. CEG, the cost would rise to an Estimated Assessable Cost of $11.50 per Assessable Foot for the Portland Cement Concrete id would decrease to $10.71 per Assessable Foot for the Asphalt Concrete Paving with Concrete Curb and Gutter. bids received, all streets be improved by construction of Portland Cement Concrete Paving with Integral Curb, saying the 10% PCC subsidy by the Village will make PCC less than Asphalt Concrete as to assessable cost. attention to the 10% subsidy, saying that the cost of Portland Cement Concrete Paving is actually $12.00 per foot on the low bid, not $10.93; that the taxpayers are bearing the balance of the cost. Bituminous Paving Association, presented a booklet illustrating Edina streets aid parking lots paved with asphalt paving. He asked that Council seriously consider the asphalt concrete bid--even if it is necessary to postpone award--saying that what the Council is attempting to do is of utmost importance in planning for the future; that if an informal effect is desired for Edina, then a natural shade material such as bituminous asphalt must be used. pavement were to cost a great deal more than Portland Cement Concrete, it would still be worth the difference to preserve the beauty of the community. representative of Portland Cement Association then reported that the difference of $1,700 between the two low b'ids should mean only about six cents per front foot difference in cost between Portland Cement and Asphalt Paving; that Edina.now has many beautiful concrete streets, which enhance the attractiveness of their neighbor- hoods; that he offers Portland Cement Concrete Pavement as the best pavement on the market. suggesting that new bids be taken. detail. IJanager Hyde told Council that these bids are based on all - separation if Council so ordered, but that any deviation from the Taking Garrison Lane as a with 7,200 Lin.Ft. PCC Curb and Gutter to 10t.r Asphalt Paving Mr. Hyde recommended that, on the basis of Trustee Tupa called Mr. Haney, representative for Hinnesota He added that if asphalt A I4r. John D. Telfer, 5717 Hawkes Drive, questioned the method of taking bids, Hr. Telfer told Council that in his neighborhood Asphalt Pavement is The method of taking bids was explained in 137 7/8/63 preferred; that he feels it looks nicer, and petition was signed for it. A question was raised as to Portland Cement Concrete's longer life, with request for the cost of maintaining Asphalt Concrete Pavement. Mr. Hyde told Council that firm figures are not available for maintenance in Edina; that we are attempting to re-seal every three to five years, at about 25$ per square yard. for Portland Cement Concrete. has been constructed is very bad; that the cost depends on base over which the PCC is poured, and that in some places this will mean considerable money. Mr. Hyde stated we have had difficulty with about 2,000 lineal feet, out of eighteen miles laid. In summing up bids, Mr, Rixe stated it is evident that unless we can go to a preponderance of PCC, we will have considerably higher assessable costs for both 100% PCC or 100% Asphalt Paving. all stating their preference for Asphalt Paving. Iqavaho Trail, Walter Weissinger, 6536 Navaho Trail, W.E. Mitzo, 6504 Cherokee Trail, and Mrs, E. L, Unger, 5508 Cherokee Trail, all spoke in favor of the Asphalt Paving. l4r. Jack Kaverly, developer of the Cherokee Hills area and ownersof more than 51% of the property proposed to be assessed, asked that if Council cannot see fit to award Cherokee Hills on a basis of Asphalt Pavement it be dropped from this improvement, andbids taken on Asphalt Paving for it alone. fir. Gerald Shuster, 5512 Wardem Avenue, inquired again as to arrangement with A. W, North Construction Company concerning payment for street surfacing; and Mr. J. M. Rud replied it is his understanding North will be required to pay the cost of Asphalt Concrete with Curb and Gutter; that property owners must pay the difference between PCC and Asphalt Concrete if they want PCC and it is higher than Asphalt. Mr, Wegner concurred in Mr. Rud's statement. At one point in this diScussion relative to Edina Parklands street surfacing, 14r. Rud stated that property owners have no real preference, but that if exceptions are going to be made by the Council, this area would prefer to be dropped €rom this pDoposal and bid alone; then, later in the evening stated that if the differen ce in cost is less than $1.00 per assessable foot, the area would prefer Portland Cement Concrete over Asphalt Paving. reason for assessing streets on the total cost of all streets; asked why streets cannot be assessed individually. all concerned are received when bidders can bid on large quantities. Larson maintained he feels it is unfair to be assessed for somebody else's project . Mr, Telfer, 5717 Hawkes Drive, told Council that for the same price he would much prefer Asphalt Paving. that Asphalt driveways have proved to be unsatisfactory; that he wants PCC pavement--to which Mr. Telfer replied that specifications for asphalt streets are stronger than those for mere driveways. of "concrete all the way". Cement to have it, He added that the sentiment on Heather Lane is over- whelmingly for Asphalt. pull out from the general improvement to get Asphalt, they will do so. Mr. Ostlund, 6301, saying he had been waiting for bids, stated his preference for Asphalt. Mr. C, Peterson, 6345, asked for a street, and for paving of Asphalt. Mr. J.W. Magoffin, 6340, asked for Asphalt. One man spoke up to say he doesn't care which surfacing is used; that he wants a street and does not want Warren Avenue left out. Engineer Wegner recommended that Portland Cement Concrete be used in Warren Avenue because of the increasingly heavy traffic load this street will bear until such time as the Crosstown Highway complex is completed. Hills and Hawkes Drive-Hawkes Terrace areas and Warren Avenue and Weather Lane are paved with asphalt the cost for this improvement would be approximately $11.25 per Assessable Foot, and for the balance of the streets, if paved with Portland Cement Concrete Paving, the cost would be $10.41 per Assessable Foot. Mr. Herman Gross, 5708 Hawkes Terrace, speaking for himself and Mr. Bruce Larson, stated the Hawkes Terrace property owners would just as soon have Portland Cement Concrete. petition for this area was for Asphalt Pavement and he feels it should be honored. I%?, Rud recommended that Edina Parklands go Portland Cement Concrete and that all other areas do the same, stating that this way the improvement will cost a11 a lot less money. He added this is the basic reason the Village is taking the 10% subsidy Mr. Tupa told audience that Edina's experience in some areas where PCC types of surfacing; that, ideally, bids should be let on either There was a good sized delegation present from the Cherokee Hillst; area, Messrs. N.E. Olson, 6540 Mr. Bruce Larson, 5710 Hawkes Terrace, asked if there were any particular Mayor Bredesen stated that lower prices for Mr. Mr. Jacobsen, 5700 Johnson Drive, protested The owner at 6208 Halifax Avenue expressed himself as being in favor Hr. Dick He&.: suggested that Council allow those who prefer Portland Mr. Robert Watson added that if Heather Lane has to Some discussion was had relative to Warren Avenue. At this point, an Estimate of Cost was given as.follows: If the Cherokee Mr. Telfer, 5717 Hawkes Drive, told Council the VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption : 7/8/63 ESOLUTION ORDERING IhIPROVEI~ENTS STFEET IlIPROVELENTS NOS BA-56 AND E-18 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Hinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvements: IN TBE FOLLOV7ING: . CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANEXT STREET SURFACING AND CONCETE CURB AND GUTTER 1. 2. 3. 4, 5. 6, 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12 13. Johnson Drive from Highway #169 to Grove St.. Ridge Park Road from -Johnson Drive to Warden Ave. Gate Park Rd, from Hwy,#169 to Warden Ave. Warden Ave. from Johnson Dr. to Gate Park Road. Johnson Drive from Grove St. to Benton Ave. Lyle Circle from Johnson Dr. to cul-de-sac. Halifax Ave. from t1.62nd St. to Cross-Town Hwy. Erin Terrace from Chapel Dr. to Shane Dr. Chapel Lane from Shane Dr. to 85', more or less, Shane Dr. from Erin Terrace to Erin Terrace. south of Chapel Dr. Cherokee Trail from Gleason Rd. to Navaho Trail Navaho Trail from Cherokee Trail to Indian Hills Pass Hawke's Drive from Tracy Ave. to cul-de-sac Hawke's Terrace from Tracy Ave. to Hawke's Dr. I- Heather Lane from Hwy. #169 to cul-de-sac. Harren Ave. from 17.63rd St. to W.64th St. Concord Ave. from Valley View Rd. to W.60th St. Garrison Lane from Wooddale Ave. to St. Johns Ave. Cahill Rd. from B.66th St. to 11.68th St. 11.67th St. from west line of Brookview Heights 4th Addn. to Cahill Road Benton Ave. from Tracy Ave. to west property line of Crescent Drive. Barrie Road from W.66th Stb to Heritage Drive. and at the hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of the following improvements : A, CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND CEE*EkIT COIJCETE CURB AND GUTTER in the following streets: Cherokee Trail from Gleason Rd. to lyavaho Trail Navaho Trail from Cherokee Trail, to Indian Hills Pass Hawke's Drive from Tracy Ave. to cul-de-sac Hawke's Terrace from Tracy Ave. to Hawke's Drive Heather Lane from €Iwy.#169 to cul-de-sac Warren Avenue from M.63rd St, to V.64th St. B. CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEIENT CONCETE PAVING NITH INTEGRAL CURB in the following Streets: Johnson Drive from Hwy.#169 to Grove St. Ridge Park Road from Johnson Drive to Warden Ave. Gate Park Rd. from Hwy.#169 to Harden Ave, Warden Ave. from Johnson Dr. to Gate Park Rd. Johnson Drive'from Grove St, to Benton Ave, Lyle Circle from Johnson Dr. to Cul-de-sac. Halifax Ave. from 8.62nd St. to Cross-Town Hwy. Erin Terrace from Chapel Dr. to Shane Dr. Chapel Lane from Shane Dr. to 85 I , more or less , south of Chapel Drive. Shane Dr. from Erin Terrace to Erin Terrace Concord Ave. from Valley View Rd, to I.J.60th St. Garrison Lane from Wooddale Ave. to St.Johns Ave. Cahill Rd. from W.66th St. to 17.68th St. i.J.67th St. from west line of Brookview Heights 4th Addn. to Cahill Road . Benton Ave. from Tracy Ave. to west property line of Crescent Drive Barrie Rd. from 17.66th St. to Heritage Drive. 7/8/63 139 that said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all ,- I) subsequent proceedings as follo-c.rs : Y NAME OF IMPROVEMENT A. (CONSTRUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AND PORTLAND B. (CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE PAVING WITH and the areas to be specially assessed therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved by the respective improvements. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was se were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Mac VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen , aye ; and CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER) STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-56 INTEGRAL CURB) STREET IMPROVEUENT NO. E-18 Village Clerk CONTRACT FOR STREET IMPROVEbENT NO. BA-56 AWARDED TO BLACK TOP SERVICE CO.: FOR STREET IMPROVEI4ENT NO. E-18 , TO WOODRICH CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. made of the bids received (as recorded in foregoing proceedings), and Macl4illan moved that award of contract for construction of Street Improvement No. BA-56-- Asphalt Concrete Pavement with Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter--be made to low bidder, Black Top Service Company, at Base Bid Unit Price plus Bid Addition for deduction of quantities applicable to Street Improvement No. E-18; and that award of contract for Street Improvement No. E-18 be awarded to low bidder, Woodrich Construction Company, at Base Bid Unit Price plus Bid Addition for deduction of quantities applicable to Street Improvement No. BA-56. . seconded by Tupa and carried. (Note: Contractoto-Blacktop Service Company awarded at Estimated 17,410 Sq.Yds. 6" Compacted Class 5 Gravel Base at Base Bid Price of s.68, plus $.20 Addn., and on 17,410 Sq.Yds. 2" Bituminous Surfacing @ Base Bid price.of $1.07, plus $.22 Addn; Contract to Woodrich Construction Co. awarded on 46,290 Sq.Yds, 6" Portland Cement Concrete Pavement with Integral Curb at $3.59 Base Bid plus $.18 per Sq.Yds Addn., and on 5,300 Sq.Yds. 8" PCC with Integral Curb at $4.63 Base Bid, plus $.18 Addn.) Total Contracts, based on Estimated Quantities, are Woodrich Construction Company, $255,501.55, and Black Top Service Company, $71, 341.12. Review was again . , Motion was ' BLACKTOP REPLACEMENT CONTRACT AWARDED TO BURY G CARLSON COIJIPANY, Review was made of Asphalt Concerete Paving Replacement Bids, taken today, in response to advertise- ments for bids in Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin. Tabulation of bids showed receipt of three bids, Bur$ E Carlson, Inc. being low bidder at $21,892.50 , Black Top Service Co. , second low at $22,635.00, and Riegger Roadways , Inc, , high bidder at $25,800.00. was foraward to low bidder, Bury E Carlson, and MacMillan so moved. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. . Engineer's Estimate was $26,525.00. Recommendation ACTIOi? Oi? REQUEST FOR SALARY INCREASE FOR COURT CLERKS DELAYED PENDING FURTHER SURVEY. increased for the Deputy Clerk of Court to $385.00, and for the Clerk of Court (who works bring these salaries into line with those of other Village office employees doing comparative work, increases of office employees during the past three years. discussion was had, and Mr. Rixe moved that increases be granted, effective July 1. Motion was lost for want of a second when Village Manager Hyde told Council he believes Mr. Burris' list of comparative salaries is not complete and would like the opportunity of making a more complete comparison. directed to get this additional information for Council, and Mr. Burris informed that whatever action is taken will be effective as of July 1. Hunicipal Judge Burris appeared before the Council to request salaries "3/4 time") to $360 per month, retroactive to January 1, 1963, to Mr. Burris presented a table of salaries, showing Some considerable Mr. Hyde. OILING PETITIONS ACCEPTED. and by motion VanValkenburg seconded by MacPlillan and carried, were accpted and The following Oiling Petit ions were submitted by Clerk, 1 referred to the Village Engineer for programming: I. Benton Ave., Bernard Place to Hansen Road. 2. 3. Millpond Place, Westbrook Lane to MNGS Railroad R/W. Warden Ave, , Johnson Drive to Tracy Ave. BIDS TO BE TAKEN FOR SITE WORK AT JACKSON-BELMORE LANE AND DYVISION-RUTLEDGE PARKS. Council reviewed July 1st Minutes of Park Board, in which recommendation was made that bids be taken for site work in the above-named two parks, and Tupa moved that recommendations of Park Board be accepted and that bids be authorized. seconded by HacMillan and carried. Motion 7/8/63 40-HOUR PER WEEK ANIEIAL CONTROL SERVICE REXOf.It4EI4DED BY POLICE CHIEF. report by Police Chief klayne Bennett, recommending 40-hour per week animal control service by Hennepin County Animal Rescue League in preference to either service by Canine Patrol Service (which does not furnish its own dog pound) or patrol by Village-employed personnal and pound service by Edina Pet Hospital. Hr. Hyde told Council that some thought has been given by Animal Rescue League to hiring an aaditional man, to make this recommended 40-hour per week service possible--but that this will depend on services requested by other communities (Richfield may be wanting additional service, which, together with Edina's additional hours, would justify League's employing an additional man). Saying that all of us feel there should be more dog control service, I4r. Hyde suggested that further negotiations with Animal Rescue League be authorized; and Council so ordered, directing Hanager to attempt to secure more flexibility in patrol hours, with some patrol on weekends. Council reviewed LIQUOR STORES TO SELL ICE CUBES. take bids on one Ice Cube !.lachink and two ''l.ierchandisersll, for the Liquor Stores, saying he had checked with Liquor Control Commission and finds it is legal for municipal stores to sell ice. with a merchandiser at each store. was seconded by I4acMillan and carried. Finance Director Dalen requested permission to The machine will be located at the 50th Street Store, Tupa's motion, that Council take bids on July 22, I " PLAiJNE D PROPOSEDJCOUHERCIAL DISTRICT" ORDINANCE TO BE READY FOR COUNCIL CONSIDERATIO€;l BY SECOND REGULAR IIEETIMG IW SEPTEMBER. Council reviewed the Hinutes of the June 26, 1963 Heeting of the Planning Commission, relative to Commission's recommendation for delay of action on any request for commercial rezoning until the second reblar meeting insSeptember, by which time the Commission will have ready for Council. consideration a major revision of the *lcommercial" sections of the Village Zoning Ordinance. Meeting, immediately after presentation of rezoning proposal at Cahill Corner. 1 At the request of Planning Director Hite, (See action taken later in STOY REQUEST FOR REZOXIXG TO 'lCOMHUNITY STORE DISTRICT" SE CORNER, CAHILL ROAD G W.70TH STEET DISCUSSED. Pursuant to suggestion by Mr. Hite, Council reviewed Planning Commission Ninutes of June 26, relative to Commission's suggestion that action on the above entitled request for rezoning be delayed pending action on Commission's revision of commercial sections of Zoning Ordinance. VanValkenburg moved that Commission's recommendation be accepted and action on this proposal be delayed accordingly. Attorney Josiah Brill, representing Mr. E. C. Stow, stated the proposal has now been before the Commission for many months, that in accordance with requests by the Planning Director and Planning Commission his client has spent about $3,000 employing Planning Consultants and Market Researchers, that contract for purchase is about to come due; that a petition of some 68 people, assenting to the proposal, has been presented to the Commission, and that he sees no way in which this plan will conflict with provisions of the new ordinance, and honestly hopes the Council will approve the plan now. Planning Commission Chairman Todd' told Council that the Cornmission has spent considerable time on ordinances this past six or eight months, including this proposed Planned Commercial District revision ; that the Commission would like to avoid haphazard commercial development in Edina, and is convinced it can do a better job with this new ordinance. added that without going into the merits of the Stow proposal there are some members of the Planning Commission who are not convinced that this particular place is one desirable for a community store area. objection. Saying the Commission has no desire to delay, Mr. Todd told Council he is sure there is no urgency on the part of people to be served, for these services. Saying it is his sincere opinion that the best interests of the Community will be served if the Commission takes its time and does the job right, and then relates the provisions of the revised ordinance to the application, Mr. Todd asked that . action be delayed. ' He He cited proximity to Cahill School as one (See action following) . PLANNING ElDMMISSION 'S RECOIlI4ENDATIOlJS FOR DELAY OF ACTION ON ALL REQUESTS FOR COIB4ERCIAL REZONING After Planning Conmission Chairman Toddhad finished speaking, Trustee VanValkenburg's mofion=.zthat.-Council delay action -on any. petition for commercial rezoning until second regulac meeting in September in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendation-- was seconded by Rixe and carried. WTIL SECOI?D REGULAR IEETIMG IN SEPTEMBER ACCEPTED BY COUNCIL. COUiKIL AUTHORIZES PREPARATION OF PLAlJS FOR TVO NEV WATER WELLS. had on the "voluntary sprinkling ban" recently established by the Council, and the subsequent "no pprinkling" ban" over this weekend. become very apparent that we cannot build back overnight in our reservoir; that pumps have been working 24 hours a day for at least fourteen c2ays; that the two ne~7 wells should be on the line by August 15, which should help considerably. 'Engineer Vegner asked for authority to have Banister Engineering Company begin plans for two new wells to be located on a site as yet to be determined, in the Northwest area, and €or storage,, with the aim of having these two additional wells ready for next summerk sprinkling season. Hotion authorizing preparation of plans was made by Rixe, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Discussion was tlr. Hyde told Council'it has I 63 -4 iL T3 p7 m 1 7/8/63 CITIZEN ASKS FOR MORE WATER. Mr. A. A: Teeter, Jr., 4500 Drexel Avenue, asked that Council follow through on its plans for two additional wells--and secure more, if necessary to eliminate the annual sprinkling bans. It was explained that Edina's difficulty results in the great disparity between the volume of water used per day during 95% of the year (for which the present system is entirely adequate) and the great volume used for sprinkling during the summer dry spells--this being the highest per-capita volume in the country; that the Council feels it is impractical to burden water users with high rates year- around for the privilege of full-time sprinkling ten or iwelve dagSvr$gh year. Telling Council he would be willing to pay higher rates2 &5°?,daer sald he believes that taxpayers may be paying as much in repairs for ruined lawns as they would be paying in increased water rates. He also suggested that Council spend attitional moneys for laboratory equipment, saying the Hater Superintendent 's present laboratory is one which %auld make any high school kid stick up his nose". CLAIMS PAID. Tupa's motion, for payment of the following Claims as per Pre-List dated July 8, 1963,--General Fund, $57,371.78; Construction Fund, $132.45; Park, Park Construction E Swim Pool Funds, $3,486.08; Water Fund, $8,331.65; Liquor Fund, $22,990.18; Sewer Rental Fund, $145.28, Poor and PIR Funds, $3,958.18--TOTAL, $96,415,60--and Park Construction Fund Claims $3: %hunts of $4,621.23 to Harrison, Brauer E Rippel and $14,662.60 to T.D. Gustafson Company, Was seconded by Rixe and carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting, Tupa moved for adjournment . Motion seconded by MacMillan Adjournment at 9:50 P.M. VilIage 'Clerk MINUTES OF OF REVIEW, 5:OO P.N., THE NEETING OF THE EDINA BOARD HELD THURSDAY,.JULY 11, 1963, AT IN TEE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. Pursuant to "Notice of Board of Review Meeting", published in Edina-Horningside Courier June 27 and July 4, 1963, the Edina Board of Review convened at the Village Hall on Thursday, July 11, 1963, at 5:OO P.M., Trustees klacI4illan, Rixe, Tupa and VanValkenburg acting as the Board. Elr. VanValkenburg presided. Village Assessor Kearns presented his books of valuation, which were reviewed by *he Board, in the presence of Mr. Kearns, County Supervisor of Assessments, tlayne Johnson, Assistant Village Manager Hite and Clerk Alden. No one complained to the Board, either that the property of another is assessed too low, or that his own property is assessed too high. 1-fr. Johnson reviewed for the Board the policy for assessment of public utilities. Tupa moved that Board approve Books of Valuation as submitted for year 1963. Plotion seconded by MacMillan and carried. T'nere beina no further business to come Liefore this meeting it was adjourned v by motion Tupa, seconded by Rixe and car I'