HomeMy WebLinkAbout19630722_regular7/8/63 IXiXJTES OF TIE PGGULAR HEETING OF TIE . EDINA VILLAGE COUXCIL, HELD HOXDAY, JULY 22, 1963, AT 7:OO P.X., AT THE EDIMA VILLAGE HALL I-Ienibers answering Rollcall were Uac14illan, Rixe , Tupa and VanValkenburg. Pro Tem VanValkenburg presided in Ialayor Bredesen's absence, Mayor H1;;IU'TES of Regular l4eeting of July 8, 1963, were approved as submitted, by' motion I.lacHillan, seconded by Tupa and carried. TRAFFIC ACHIEVENEXT AHARD FOR YEAR 1962, made by. International Chiefs of Police Association for excellence in traffic supervision, was explained to audience. Hyde reported that Edina is the only community.in the state to receive this award; one of four in the nation of 25,000 to 50,000 population, and one of 32 communities in the entire United States to be so honored, I+?: COUNCIL DENIES PETITIOU OF STON DEVELOPNENT COkIPANY FOR THE RFZONING OF "TRACT L", IELSOH FARH FOR FILLING STATION USE, Public Hearings on the petition of Stow Development Corporation for the rezoning from Continuation was had of June 24th and July 8th "Office Building District" of "Tract L" , Nelson Farm, for Gasoline Filling Station. Council had received opinion by Village Attorney pointing out that ll--petitioners do not have per se a legal right to the zoning which they seek and that the Council must judge the petition on its own merits, keeping in mind the effects of the petition on the community, health, safety, and welfare, and weighing such factors against the adverse effects upon the petitioner in the event a rezoning is denied." June 24 and July 8, 1963, arid to the Xnutes of the Planning Commission relating to the Nelson Farm Development and this petition, reviewing briefly the location of the site and the problems presented. the \?est side of Highway Xo. 100 is as yet undeveloped in this area, the East side is almost completely developed by the Lake Edina and Normandale Center Additions. Wite showed a plan of the Highway 100-W. 77th Street interchange, explaining that the statfon is pMQosed adjacent to the exit ramp from Highway 100 to W.77th St. for traffic traveling South on Highway 100, and that at the intersection of the ramp with #.77th St. the grade is ten feet above the grade of the surrounding property--which will make this station clearly discernible from the North--whereas a station south of 11~77th St. would be behind the-hump and not so easily seen, reasons for the Planning Commission's recommendation for denial oE the petition, Mr. Hite told Council the Commission feels that if the station is located south of 17.77th Street, in the Planned Industrial District Zone, it can provide the same amount of service without interfering with residential zone, are necessary in both cases, to get from Highway 100 into a station and return to the highway. being planned and discussion was being had with lab. Stobi relative to his proposed Nelson Farm Development, LIr. Stow had indicated he would like the same type of * consideration for his development as that given to Normandale Center; that the Planning Commission had not expected to have a request for a service station north of k7.77th Street; that the Commission is convinaed it would be inadvisable for any filling station to go north of Hi77th Street because, once a filling station is constructed where it is proposed, there is no valid reason to oppose another either south of k7.77th Street, or immediately to the west of this proposed station; that any precedent establishing a filling station north of W.77th Street will cause the Village a great deal of difficulty. lead him to believe I-Ir. Todd has no idea of the'limitations on the power of the Planning Commission; that to grant this petition would not establish a precedent because in this case all property for 1500 feet in every direction is owned by the petitioner and nobody else would suffer in any way from the granting of this permit; that he and the petitioner are convinced, and customer for station is convinced, that this is the proper site for this station; and that petitioners are the only ones who will kuffer any loss on residential property, should there be such a loss. lh. Brill asked for Council action tonight, Mr. Carl Struck, 4745 Hibiscus Avenue, stated, the objections of the Lake Edina Additions residents had been reported at the Village Council kleeting of Harch 25; that everybody around the lake has stated they do not want to see any revision of the zoning as already planned for the iJelson Farm; that what they are mainly concerned about is that if their objections are not voiced at this time, the next request will be for a hamburger stand with a big f4ashy sign, or additional signs north along Highway 100 to advertise this proposed filling station. 14r. John Knutson, 4733 Hibiscus Avenue, added that all Lake Edina residents are against any Commercial encroachment on this area, and in favor of keeping filling stations south of V.77th Street. Hrs. IS. D. Corah, 4805 Hibiscus Avehue, told Council she believes the station would not be used their way to and from work. Planning Director Hite referred louncil to the Minutes of its own meetings of With the aid of Vu-Graph slides he showed.that while Iir. Revieying the It was noted that two left-turns Planning Commission Chairman Todd told Council that when Normandale Center was Attorney Josiah Brill, representing petitioner, remarked that 1.k. Todd's statements ,by area residents; that they will go north, rather than south, to get service, on -. 7/22/63 -1 43 *&j Petitioner Stow told Council he believes the developer is the one to say ' what he wishes to do with his otm property; that if the objections raised here- tofore are to be considered, he would like to see a signed petition because he does not believe all the people in Lake Edina Additions are objecting; that there are some seventeen houses in Lake Edina about to be sold, and contractors have agreed that filling station at the proposed site will not harm these properties. He added, relative to Nr. Todd's statement concerning additional filling stations, that he has absolutely no plans to put a filling station west y"n. ' of the one now under consideration. I4r. D. A. Hegener, 4801 Hibiscus, reported that while, possibly, from Mr. Stow's personal standpoint there may be some reason for a filling station at this site, I3r. Stow said nothing about such a station at the time the Lake Edina homes vere purchased; that there are three filling stations to tne south, now; that Lake Edka residents are very concerned about this petition because they feel this station F70Uld open the door for future filling stations to the north and east on Highway 100. Mr, Stow stated it is not his intention to ask for anything else. 14r. Hite rleported that the Highway 100-W.77th street Interchange may not be constructed for five or six years, and that until such time as it is constructed the proposed station would need direct access to the Highway; that such develop- ment would congtitute a roadside commercial operation adjacent to residential property and that, as such, it would-be completely out of character with the development along the Edina segment of Highway 100. of a gasoline filling station is detrimental to living near it, but not necessarily detrimental to owning vacant property close to it--that this difference,is important and should be noted; that many complaints are received from persons living near filling stations, relative to noise and lights, but that never are complaints registered by owners of undeveloped properties near Highway 100, where the applicant's arguments could be presented relative to present non-residential development. Highway 100 from this proposed site, and the Halla property at Eden Avenue and Highway LOO, as examples. saying that the orderly and attractive development along the Edina portion of this Highway is in marked contrast to the development along similar 'type mad facilities in other communities, and that it represents an accomplishment in which both abutting land owners and the community can take great pride. said the value of' almost every parcel of property in Edina is affected by the character of the Highway 100 development because to most people in the metropolitan area Zdina is represented by their exposure to this well traveled roadway, Someone from the audience inquired as to whether consideration will be given to other applicants for filling stations along Highway 100, if this application is approved. Village Manager Hyde replied that this is exactly the problem--whether the Village has the power to draw the line, or whether the developer has the power to change zoning, is the problem to be faced. the Rauenhorst Company for rezoning for filling station use, north of 77th Street, easit of Highway 100 , saying "this situation is diametrically different and poses no problem at all." July 15, 1963, citing as the Company's reasons for preferring the "north of W.77th St." site, "We understand there is to be a certain number of residential lots in this development in addition to a number of apartment houses, and this will give the occupants of these homes an opportunity to patronize us a little more conveniently than if they had to go across the Boulevard for their services," and "property is on the right when a party leaves from the service road or from the freeway in the event3hey are going west and we do not anticipate a lot of traffic from the west as that traffic which will pass this corner to the east will practicaUy all originate in the development. Llr, Hyde inquired from Pure Oil Company representatives present at the meeting as to when the station will be built, and how access to the Highway would be obtiined. Mr. Virgil Edwards replied he can take no position on this tonight; does not know when plans will be preparea; that it is customary for the Company to buy land ahead and build when the area develops, Edwards this petition is on the premise that this 'makes a great deal of difference to the Company and to the petitioner's property value. Mr. Edwards stated he did not discuss this matter with management and therefore is not prepared to make any commitment this evening, Ilr. Earl Niederloh, 7212 Trillium Lane, told Council he believes that in view of the objections registered here, the oil company might think twice about this location; that, personally, he would be ppposed to this location. Stow replied that the service station is anticipated for service to the approximately 305 families in the "Nelson Farm" area, - He added that the operation ' statiops. Hr. Hite called Council's attention to @&her properties along He cited the Butler property across Mr, Hite called Highway 100 "Edina's Front Door", He Mr. Brill volunteered to help to defend the Village against any petition by Council had reviewed letter from Pure Oil Company to Brill E Brill, dated Hr. Hasselquist told Hr. Mr. 1.4 4 7/22/63 . Trustee Rixe said that any action taken to make this land available for filling station use must necessarily include rezoning to Community Store District; and that recomendations for a substantial revision in the commercial sections of the Village Zoning Ordinance--which revision might, or might not, have a great bearing on action concerning petitions of this type--he feels that action of the Council would ordinarily be to delay decision pending action on the revision of the Zoning Ordinance. He reminded Council, however, that petitioner has requested immediate action, saying that because it is difficult to know at this time just how the new ordinance revision recommendations will affect petition, and becaus;! the Planning Commission and Council have given careful consideration to this petition relative to all the factors involved (including the precedent-setting probability,which while not the sole consideration is certainly one factor which must be considered; implications involving legal rights; and alternative proposals made to the developer for filling station site which seems considerably more advantageous in the orderly development of the Village) he moves for denial of the petition. Hotion seconded by 1IacIG.llan and carried without dissent. the Council will have before it in September the Planning Commission's COISI-CIL VACATES THAT PART OF WATENIAN AVENUE BETXEEi? BLAKE ROAD AND ARTHUR STREET. Public Hearing was called on the Petition of D. 14. Gavin, 6409 14endelssohn Lane, and others, for the Vacation of that part of Waterman Avenue lying between the West line of Blake Road and the East line of Arthur Street. Publication, Posting and Hailing of liotices of Public Hearing, which affidavits were approved as to f rm and ordered placed on file. street is/% very steep grade and, should petition be received to open it, Village would find it a difficult street to construct and maintain, saying that before Vacation is accomplished the Village must have easement from property owners for utilities. relative to easements for retention of their facilities on the north side of SJaterman Avenue, was also reviewed. A. Justus be an informal committee to see that these easements are obtained from owners of all properties abutting street, and these two gentaemen agreed. There were no objections to the proposed Vacation made at the hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. Clerk presented Affidavits of Village Iknager Hyde reported this latte8 He recommended Vacation, Northern States Power Company's communication knager Hyde suggested that Nessrs. Gavin and Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION VACATING STREET IJATERNAN' -AVENUE BETIEEi? BLAKE ROAD AI?D ARTHUR STREET VHEREAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of had on July 22, 1963 at 7:OO P.N., on the proposed Vacation of Waterman Avenue hereinafter described has been given and made, been had thereon by the Village Council: a hearing to be that portion of and a hearing has i?OW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, iiennepin County, Ninnesota, that that portion of I7ATERHAX AVENUE LYING BETkEEI? THE WEST LINE OF BLAKE ROAD AHD THE EAST LINE OF ARTHUR STREET, all as platted and of record in the office .of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota, be and hereby is Vacated. i4o-tion €or adoption of Resolution was seconded by l.iacl.iillan, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows : Ha VanValkenburg, aye; and the Resolution was ATTEST: (Village Clerk (Tupa's motion, instructing Village Clerk (part of i7aterman Avenue until such time (was seconded by HacNillan and carried. COGTRACT AHARDED TO SWAZJSOH EXCAVATING COHPANY FOR SITE VORK FOR GARDEN PARK: DIVISION & RUTLEDGE PARK: JACKSON & BELGORE LANE PAW. Bids, showing receipt of four bids today on site work for the pove three parks, including all basic grading, drainage, fill materials, and topsoil. Swanson Excavating Company, Hoplcins as low bidder at $31,685.00; Karl I(rah1, Edina, second low at $32,898.00; J.A. Danens E Son, Edina, third-low at $36,972.00; and ILE. Kraft, Inc., Richfield, high bidder at $37,060.00. Engineer's Estimate for this work was $38,000, low bidder, Swanson Excavating Company, and I4acNillan so moved. Tupa and carried. t1anager Hyde presented Tabulation of Tabulation showed Park Board's and Manager's recommendation was for award of contract to Motion seconked by BID EJECTED FOR CONCETE WORK FOR ABOVE-NALIED THREE PARKS. Tabulation of bids taken today on a11 paving, baseball backstops, play apparatus, etc., for the above three parks showed receipt of only one bid, that of Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc., at $28,472.00, compared with Engineer's Estimate of $18,000. Recommendation was for rejection of this bid, with authority to revamp specifications and then re-bid on . 7/22/63 revised specifications, and Tupa so moved. Motion seconded by MacT4illan and carried. CONTRACT AWARDED TO CARBOHIC HACHINE COMPANY FOR ICE CUBE HACHINE AHD TWO IERCHANDISERS. Tabulation of bids received aoday for one Ice Cube Machine for the 50th Street Liquor Store, and two Merchandisers, showed two bids; that of Carbonic Hachines, Inc., in total amount of $3,188.00, and that of Ace Ice Company, Inc., amount $3,510.00. Hr, Hyde's recommendation was for award to low bidder, and Tupa so moved. Hotion seconded by Rixe and carried, COU;?CIL DELAYS ACTION ON AMBULANCE BID PENDING KNOHLEDGE ELATIVE TO APBULAIJCE SERVICE FROM WZTHODIST HOSPITAL. ' on a 1963 panel truck suitable for conversion to an ambulance--that on International Ambulance, bid by Astleford Equipment Co., Inc., at $5,133.00, with an alternate including utilitg cabinets, at $5,262.80. iulr. Hyde told Council this one bid is somewhat higher than was expected, and asked that action be held for 30 days, until he can check more specifically with Methodist Hospital to see if the ambulance service proposed for Methodist at the time the County took over General Hospital is to materialize in the near future. Tupa's motion that Council delay action pending Mr. Hyde s report on Methodist Hospital ambulance service was seconded by Rixe and carried. Tabulation of bids taken last Friday, showed only one bid PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING REPORT FOR JUNE, 1963, was received, reviewed, and ordered placed on file, OILING PETITIONS ACCEPTED. and by motion MacMillan, seconded by Rixe and carried, were accepted and referred to Village Engineer: ' 1. Brookview Ave., W.63rd St. to W,64th St. The following petitions for Oil were submitted by Clerk, 2, W,65th St., Josephine Ave. to Service Rd. of Highway #loo. 3, 4. 5, Roberts Place, Wilryan to Rolf; Rolf Ave, , Roberts Place to Valley View Road. W,56th Street, Bernard Place to Dale Ave. Vandervorlc Avenue, Hollywood Road to Division Street. BILTLfORE NOTOR HOTEL'S APPLICATION FOR ON-SALE BEER LICENSE APPROVED. Application by Biltmore Motor Hotel, Inc, , .for License to Sell Beer, On-sale, was presented by Clerk, together with approval by Police Chief Bennett. Tupa's motion that license by granted for balance of license year was seconded by f4acMillan and carried. PUBLIC HEARING TO BE AUGUST 12, ON PETITION FOR CHANGE OF NAME OF "HONDO DRIVE" TO "LANHA1.I LANE". Petition, signed by Nr. Q. A. Collins and others, for the above street name change, was reviewed by Council, and MacMillan moved settinn Public Hearing on petition for Monday, August 12, at 7:OO P.M. Tupa' and carried. Motion' secondez by VALLEY VIEW ROAD EAST OF I4IGHWAY 100 TO GET FURTHER TRAFFIC STUDIES PURSUANT TO PETITIOII FOR REllOVAL OF RIGHT-TURN RESTRICTION AT HIGHkIAY 100 FOR TRAFFIC GOING dEST. Mr. James Larson, Attorney for the Valley View Merchants Association, supported a petition filed this morning by Valley View merchants, and another signed-by over 100 area residents, both requesting removal of the right-turn restriction for traffic traveling west on Valley View Road, so that such traffic may turn to go north on Highway 100, believes it was the purpose of the barricade, and the subsequent right-turn restriction, to force thru-traffic to use the Crosstown Highway--and that most of this traffic does now use the Crosstown; but that the effect of this right-turn restriction--which prevents traffic from turning off Valley View to go North on Highway 100--is simply to divert neighborhood traffic to the north, onto Concord Avenue and W,6Oth Street, and other streets in the neighborhood. Nr. Hyde reported that visual observation indicates the Eing-sized signs recently installed in the vicinity of the Modern Uedicine Building have cut down Valley View traffic; that we did not get large "No-T~rn'~ signs at Highway 100 until this last week and thus have not had much time to study results. between now and the next regular meeting, and a report made to the Council at the meeting of August 12, and suggested that perhaps the easiest solution would be to t.ake the "Ho-Turn" signs down without too much publicity, after thru-traffic has had the opportunity to become aware of the restriction. traffic counts on streets north of Valley View, also, and iIr. Hyde agreed this should be done, representatives have talked with him, concerned about the safety of persons attempting to enter the Highway from the streets north of Valley View. Mr. VanValkenburg suggested that in order to get the matter settled once and for all it might be well to have a well-publicized Hearing, so that all concerned might attend; that Council has had criticism from Valley View Road residents that thru-traffic increased considerably before the "No-Turn" restriction was enforced. Action deferred for traffic counts and report by Village Nanager on August 12. Briefly reviewing Council action to date, PIP. Larson stated he He suggested that traffic counts be taken Attorney Larson asked for Village Engineer Wegner reported that two Highway Department 33 4 b 3-47 7/22/63 PETITICN FOR HIGHER LEVEL IN HAWKE'S LAKE TO BE ANS\ERE;D BY VILLAGE EI.SGII?EER. I Petition for Village maintenance of a hggher water level in Hawkes Lake was submitted by Village Engineer FTegner, who explained that the water level is down '"1 because of the current lack of rainfall and not because of village pumping; that ' pump was adjusted some nine *months ago to lower the level of the lake not more than six inches below the high point after water reaches the upper level heretofore - established. Village Engineer Wegner directed to so advise petitioners. 74 -- PUBLIC HEARINGS BEFORE; THE PLANNING COMNISSION AIJD COUNCIL SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST TRUNK HIGHWAY 169 AND SUMMIT AVENUE. Considerable discussion was had pursuant to Pure Oil Company's submission to the Planning Commission of new plans for its station at Trunk Highway 169 and Summit Avenue, change in plans involving substitution of a lldrive-throughll bay at the rear of the station for former stalls opening from the front of the station. Commission were reviewed, being for denial of this new plan. The objection to the new plan is that it brings the "service" department of the filling station operation close to the residences abutting the station at the rear, wheraas home owners, who objected to the idea of a station at all, were given the understanding it would be constructed and operated on the plan originally submitted. Mr, Bernand of Pure Oil Company told Council the Company must change its design to keep pace with competition , that this particular llthrough-bay" design was not available at the time the original presentation was made; that it will provide additional service for customers, and will cost company 30% more to construct. Mr. Bernand stated it was thought that matters would be expedited if the neighbors had an explanation of the new plan, inasmuch as they were not present at the time the new plan was submitted to the Planning Commission, and that Mr. Edwards of the Company has contacted each of the resident property owners. Mr. Edwards told Council he had made a full explanation to the owners of all houses abutting the station at the rear, fully explaining the plan to each one, and asking them to sign a letter of assent to the new plan, and securing the following results: Mrs, Robinson, new resident at 5025 Hankerson, does not wish to sign letter of assent because she is new in neighborhood, although she built her new home with full knowledge that a filling station was going in at this site; Mr. and lbs, Hubbard at 5029 Hankerson did not sign, but only bacause they do not understand blueprints or plot plans--that it makes no difference to them which plan Pure Oil uses; Mrs. Louise Long, 5037, has signed letter of assent; Mr. and I4rs. Sandhoff, 5045, prefer not to sign at this time; Mr. Franklin Walsh, 5041, has signed his assent; and I4r. Nils Olson, 5049, prefers not to sign at this time. Mr, Edwards presented Council with letters confirming his statements, and with letters of assent from those who have signed them, including Mr. Richard E. Enruth of Enroth Corp., owners of the mortuary property. Mr. Bernard told Council that Planning Director I-Iite had said this new design was superior to that of the first plan--but not at this location because of the objections of the neighbors, and this Mr, Hite confirmed. Planning Commission T.L. Todd told Council that the facts that the station is depressed below that of abutting properties to the rear, that there will be a fence to buffer station from abutting properties, and that service was to be at the front of the station were all factors considered by the Commission in recommending approval for rezoning; that in the Planning Commission's discussion relative to the new plan it was felt there would be more noise at the back of the station, adjacent to residential properties and thus greater objection this way than the other; that Planning Commission denied on this basis. Saying there has been some change of attitude in this area since the original rezoning hearing, because there has been some change of ownership since thak time, Mr. Hite told Council he believes the Planning Commission felt that if neighbaring residsnts approve change the Commission would approve. Nr. Todd concurred in th&s statement. only plan approved by Pure Oil Company, and what makes this plan so desirable for this particular location, designs, which it adapts to different locations; that this design puts work areas together, gives more sales space, and is generally more functional. meeting, and Rixe moved that public hearings be held before the Planning Commission and the Council on August 7 and 12, respectively. carried. Oid MATTER OF PETITION OF PUPZ OIL CONPAIJY FOR CHANGE IN FILLING STATIO11 PLAHS AT Minutes of July 10th Meeting of Planning I m Mr. Todd inquired of lilr. Bernand as to whether this new plan is noir the filr, Bernand replied the Company has several different Hr. Hyde suggested a public hearing before the Council at its August 12th Motion seconded by Tupa and i(E>Il?ETH-HAidSEN PROPERTIES OVERALL DEVELOPXENT PLAN REJECTED I14 ACCORD WITH PLA1JiJING COMPIISSIOd RECOMfENDATION, Kenneth-Carl Hansen Properties was presented together with Planning Commission arecommendation for denial. extension of Interlachen Blvd. to County Road 18. July LO were reviewed, and its, was concensus that Plan be denied in accordance with Commission's recommendations. .. Overall Development Plan as presented for the Wallace Plan showed provision for a five-acre park, and the Planning Commission Minutes of 7/22/63 lJ- 2 W HERITAGE HOI-IE BUILDING PLAT TO HAVE INFORllAL PUBLIC NEARIHG 011 AUGUST 12. I4r. Hite /presented new plan for "Heritage Boarding Home1', this being a four-story building. Site plan was also presented. iL LO requirement by F.H.A. for additional yard space, Planning Commission has recommended this new plan. that at the time this area was rezoned for Heritage Home, some persons to the North objected to the height of that building. objectors .be notified of the new plan and asked to come in to the Council Heeting on August 12 to state their objections, if any. neighbors most immediately to the north also be-notified; and it was so ordered. b1r. Hite pointed out that when plan was originally \- approved it was for a 2-1/2 story, 24-foot high building; that new plan is pursuant 1.h. Hite told Council that He reminded Council, though, Hr. VanValkenburg asked that previous Hr. Tupa suggested that two PETITIOX OF C. C, VOLK, FOR REZONING LOT 4, BLOCK 1, CLIFTON TERRACE (6325 BROOKVIEH AVElJUZ) TO R-2 1-NLTIPLE ESIDETJCE DISTRICT DENIED. This lot, on the east side of I Brookview Avenue between Valley View Road and V.64th Street, has access to neither Valley View Road nor the Crosstown Highway, and, as Hinutes of July 10 Planing Commission Meeting showed, the Commission feels this is not double bungalow property, and has recommended for denial of petition. COUNCIL APPROVES PLANS, PROPOSAL AND DIVISION OF COST AGREEPENT FOR XERXES AVENUE Plan, Proposal, and Division of Cost Agreement were presented to the Council IPIPROVENENT (SAP-631-01, COUNTY PROJXCT NO. 6217, COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 31). relative to the improvement of Xerxes Avenue between I?. 54th and W. 62nd Streets. Manager Hyde told Council Hr. Wegner has been negotiating with the County for some time, and that the County has agreed that Edina should have the same type-of cost agreement as Hinneapolis , Hr. Vegner told Council that, by this agreement, Edina residents will pay only the costs of their sanitary sewer and watermain connections, plus 75% of curb and gutter and 75% of driveways; that County will pay all other costs--storm sewer, retaining walls, side slopes and sodding, etc. if this contract includes payment €or Village equipment now being used on the street, and Hr. Wegner replied that it does not, because this work is being done by the Village as repair after sewer and watermain connection construction, until such time as the County work begins. division of cost agreement, and Tupa moved for approval of Plan, and for execution of contract entitled "Agreement for Division of Costs for Grading, Gravel Base, Storm Sewer, One Course Concrete Pavement and Other Related Improvements of County State Aid Highway Ho. 31 from West 62nd Street to Hest 54th Street". seconded by Rixe and carried. tlr. Tupa asked Manager Hyde &ked for approval of plans and I4otion XERES AVENUE \lATERL.IAIW, CONSTRUCTED BY RICHFIELD BETUEEN W, 74TH AND k?. 76TH STREET, DISCUSSED. Some discussion was had relative to Richfield's constructine: a watermain I ia Xerxes Avenue between W.74th and 11,76th Streets without so informing Edina, in order that Edina might conduct a Public Hearing. Now, itir. and Hrs. Yaautbauer, 7404 Xerxes , in attempting to provide water service €or prospective buyers, have contacted Richfield in an attempt to secure water service, and find that Richfield's requirements are somewhat different than those set forth for Edina property okmers in the stretch from W.66th to 'si.7Oth Street, etc. Manager Hyde suggested that he and t4r. Wegner meet with the Richfield Engineers to get this difficulty resolved. Mr. Rice, 7412 Xerxes Avenue, added that he may want to connect th this main someday, and wants to be sure he knows just what he must do. Mrs. Krautbauer asked for quick action, and was informed 1-lessrs Hyde and Wegner will try to have the information for her by Wednesday. ACTION OM SALARY INCREASES FOR COURT PERSONNEL DELAYED PENDIBG IEETING OF JUDGE MID 14ANAGER. last regular meeting, but that he and Hr, Burris have been unable to meet. suggested that a meeting of Messrs. Hyde and Burris be had before Council takes action. 14r. Hyde told Council he now has the figures which were requested at the It was DETAILED CONSTRUCTION PLANS FOR THE PUBLIC WORKS GARAGE REVIEWED: BIDS TO BE TAKEN AUGUST 9, COIJSIDERED BY COUNCIL AUGUST 12. Public Works Garage were reviewed. Detailed construction plans for the new knager Hyde reported that advertisement has been entered for bids.to be taken on Friday, August 9, and considered by the Council at its meeting of the 12th, bids containing several alternates which will eliminate either one or two bays, and also an alternate on the sheet piling requested by Hr. Begner. COUNCIL TO MEET WITH PARK BOARD THURSDAY, JULY .25, OX PLANS FOR GOLF COURSE CLUL HOUSE. to go over preliminary plans for the golf course club house; that the Council is invited to be predent. W?. Hyde announced that the Park Board will meet at 4:OO P.L.I., on Thursday . COLRKIL CONSIDERS CHANGING IEETING DATES IF SCHOOL BOARD CANHOT DO SO. 14r. Hjjde reported that a Committee of the School Board has been appointed to consider changing the dates of its meeting so they will not coincide with Council I4eeting .dates, but that nothing official has been heard fromthem as yet. Council Meeting dates if School Board elects to keep its meetings the Second and Fourth Mondays, He recommended changing Action delayed pending adviae from School Board. 7/22/63 i llBUDGETARY1l NEWS LETTER APPROVED. keeping residents informed, another newsletter be prepared , relative to the budget for 1964; and Council's opinion was that "this is a good idea". $1,000 ,OOO/IMPROVEP.IENT BOND SALE AUTHORIZED FOR AUGUST OR SEPTEMBER. asked for authority to prepare for sale of $1,000,000 Temporary Improvement Bonds in September at the latest, to finance improvement contracts awarded; with bonds to be sold either publicly or to our OVM sinking funds, for a period of not more than 90 days. He stated he feels this is not the time to sell Permanent Improve- ment Bonds because of the 'number of communities now in the market. Tupa's motion authorizing Temporary Improvement Bond Sale in accordance with Finance Director's recommendation, was seconded by Rixe and carried. Mr. Hyde suggested that in the interests of TEMPORARY Hr. Dalen I.IEI~IORA1JDUM ,EXTITLED llDEPARTbIENT HEAD SALARIES" SUBljIITTED TO COUNCIL. Manager Hyde submitted a memorandum, dated this date, entitled "Department Head Salaries", comparing school officials' salaries withsthose of village officials. I HEW LIBRARY BRIEFLY DISCUSSED. from Mr. Arthur Nelson of the "Friends of the Library" relative to progress on Mr. VanValkenburg reported he has received a call plans. a Village'appropriation in the near future. Mr. Hyde told Council he feels the "Friends" may possib1y.be requesting CLAIMS PAID. Tupa's motion, for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List dated July 22, 1963: Gmeral Fund, $22,171.62; Construction Fund, $186,581.60, Park, Park Construction and Swim Pool Funds, $28,972.45; Water Fund, $5,087.02; Liquor Fund, $53,931.58; and Sewer Rental Fund, $349.74--Total, $297,094.01; and of 'Claim No. 23133, amount $60.00, from Park Fund, was seconded by MacivIillan and carried. Heeting's agenda's having been covered, Macllillan moved for adjournment. l4otion seconded by Tupa and carried. Adjou