HomeMy WebLinkAbout19630812_regular8/12/63 3lIBUTES OF THE FEGULAR IIEETIIJG OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUMCIL, HELD I4OiTDAY , AUGUST 12, 1963, AT 7:.00 P.3. , AT THE EDIlJA VILLAGE HALL biembers answering Rollcall were 14aclki.llan , Tupa , VanValkenburg and Bredesen , NAME OF 11HOHDE3 AYElfUEWIAXGED TOrlLANHAH LANE''. Petition of 14r. Q. A. Collins for change of the name of "Hondo AvenuPto LKJHA1.I LANE, pursuant to Notice of Hearing published in Edina-Xorningside Courier July 25, 1963, posted July 30, 1963, and mailed to affected property owners. Manager Hyde explained that I4r. Collins is obmer of all property abutting the street; does not like the name of "Hondo Av&nugY,has had the name "Lanham Lane" approved by the Post Office. from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. offered the following Ordinance , moving that Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: Public Hearing was held on the He recommended that petition be granted. There were no objections VanValkenburg ORDINANCE NO. 164-24 AH ORDIiJAITCE AIIEXDING VILLAGE OF EDINA ORDIFKTCE NO. 164 EXTITLED "AH ORDIIJKJCE HAIlING AtiD RELJAi*lIBG- CERTAIIJ ROADS, STREETS AND AVEiWZS OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIHA TiiE VILLAGE COKJCIL OF TE VILLAGE OF EDIiJA, l*IINI4ESOTA, ORDAIiTS: amended by adding after Section 39 the following: Section 1. Ordinance ;To. 164 of the Village, as amended, is hereby further "Section 40. Nondo Avenue located in Hondo Addition, as the same is of record in the office of the Register of Deeds of Nennepin County, is hereby I renamed ."LAlTHAI.I IiA;JE1l. Section 2, This Ordinance shall be in effect from and after its passage and publication. Xotion for waiver of second reading and adoption of Ordinance as submitted was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were fo an, aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; the Ordinance I PUBLIC HEARIXG POSTPOXED TO AUGUST 26, OM REVISED PLAHS FOR PULRE OIL STATIOX AT Ht7Y. $169 A$ID SUi*MIT AVENUE. i.Ianager Hyde reported that the Planning Commission had not had a quorum at its August Heeting, and, therefore, had held no hearing on this matter, He suggested that Council postpone its Hearing for another two weeks, until August 26, and it was so ordered. this evening, No one was present for a Hearing COuiJCIL POSTPONES HEARING OX REVISED PLANS FOR HERITAGE BOARDING HOI-E. This Hearing was also postponed to August 26, by order of Council, on Iknager's report that Hearing nad not been held before Planning Commission in August because of lack of quorum. COUHCIL APPROVES SIDE YARD SETBACK OF EM FEET FROH SIEST LOT LINE OF LOT 6, BL. L, ' IENDELSSOHX HEIGHTS (6404 LETqDELSSOHN LANE ) . Hanager Hyde reported that Petitioner Hancock has received the written consent of all adjacent property owners for this variance from Zoning Ordinance Requirement of a 13-1/2 foot setback from his west lot line; that there is a sewer e'asement of 20 feet on the next lot , which will prevent any structure's being located within its limits; that those members of the Planning Commission present at the August 7th Meeting had recommended granting of variance. prior to this Hearing. Tupa moved that permission be granted for 10-foot setback from i7est Lot LGe. 110 objections were raised from the floor, and none had been received tiotion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. HIPJUTES of the Regular Heeting of July 22, 1963, were approved as submitted, by motion Tupa, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, TEN-FOOT SETBACK FROH WEST LOT LINE, LOT 2, BLOCK 3, SOUTH GARDEN ESTATES FOURTH ADDITION APPROVED--(4405 FOIJDELL DRIVE). I4r. Harold J. Swanson for this 24+2 foot variance from Zoning Ordinance require- Public Hearing was held on Petition of ment of a 12-foot side yard for this lot. has received the assent of i4r. J.I.7. IJindhorst, owner of adjacent property at 4409; that the garage at 4409 is 10 feet from lot line, which places Hindhorst garage and Swanson home farther apart than is requirad by Ordinance; that those members attending the August 7th Planning Commission Meeting have both recommended approval of petition. Manager Hyde told council Ilr. Swi&on VanValkenburg's motion, granting petition for 10-foot set- L Ab,.. . -- 7- 8/12/63 back from West Lot Line, Lotl 2, B1. 3, S. Garden Estates 4th Addn. , was seconded by Tupa and carried. COUl?CIL APPROVES SUBDIVISION OF LOT 1, REPLAT OF BLOCK 1, EMMA ABBOTT PARK, IiJTO TWO PARCELS. Public Hearing was conducted on the petition of Nr. Ralph J. !!tc€lorrow for permit to subdivide Lot 1, Replat of Block 1, Emma Abbott Park into two parcels, one of which would have a frontage on Division Street (164 feet), and a depth of only 100 feet (Zoning Ordinance requires minimum depth of 120 feet). reported that petitioner has secured the assent of all adjacent property owners; that those members of the Planning Commission attending the August 7th meeting had both recommended approval of petition. No objections were raised from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. Subdivision of Lot 1, Replat of Block 1, Emma Abbott Park, into two parcels as petitioned , be permitted. iilanager Hyde Tupa’s motion, that Notion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. AI.IBULAHCE BID REJECTED. Stating that the one bid received July 19th for Ambulance Conversion was somewhat higher than estimate; that we have still not received definite word as to whether Methodist Hospital will have its own ambulance service after January 1, and, that should this not be the case, he feels different arrange- ment could be made for ambulance conversion (station wagon) at less cost, Mr. Hyde recommended that the bid of Astleford Equipment Co. Inc., in amount of $5,262.80 be rejected, and that the matter of other bids be held for 30 days, for further information on the IJIethodist Hospital ambulance. VanValkenburg so moved. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. CONTRACT FOR PTATER SUPPLY WELLS NOS. 12 AND 13 AUARDED TO KEYS WELL DRILLIXG COI*lPANY. for the Northwest part of the Village, Hr. Hyde reported receipt of five bids, that of Keys Well Drilling Company being low at $64,070.00 ; Layne-Minnesota Company, second-low, at $64,180.00; Nueller Brothers Company, third-low at $65,290.00, and high bid being that of McCarthy Vel1 Company at $88,600.00. Hyde told Council these two wells will be deeper than Wells 10 and 11 (which were awarded at $49,835.00 in 1962); that there has been some increase in wages for well drillers since 1962; and that the low bid is slightly under the estimate of $65,000.00. with the low bidder. and had done a very satisfactory job; that he would recommendzaward to Keys. Tupa’s motion, that contract for Water Supply FJells Nos. 12 and 13 be awarded to Keys Well Drilling Company , was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Presenting a Tabulation of Bids covering bids taken today on two wells Ek. Trustee Tupa’inquired as to whether the Village has had past experience Mr. Hyde replied that they had drilled the Hansen Road well CONTRACTS FOR PUBLIC \?ORKS BUILDING AWARDED : GENERAL CONTRACT TO ARKAY BUILDERS , INC. ; ELECTRICAL AND MECHAXICAL CONTRACTS TO HARRIS BROS. PLUtIBING CO. presented to the Council Tabulations of Bids tbken Friday, August 9, 1963, on the Iilanager Hyde - Public Works Garage, showing the following: Arkay Buildkrs , Inc. , lor? bidder at $234,785.00; The Jacobsen Company, second-low at $237,803.00; C. W. Borresen Const’. Co., third-low at $239,770.00; and Haugle- Leek, Inc. , high bidder at $258,583.00. Plumbing Co. , low bidder at $25,539.00; Parsons Electric Co. , second-low at $27,183.00; and P1idtor.m Electric , Inc. , $27,900.00 , third-low; high bid being that of Sterling Electric Co. at $32,480.00. Co., low bid at $51,764.00; second-low, Metropolitan Mechanical ConBractors, Inc. , second-low at $53,455.00 ; and Bowler Company, third-low at $53,509.00 ; high bid being that of Lamb Plumbing E Heating Co. at $73,995.00. % Summary of three low bids showed Total Construction Cost of $312,088, as compared with Architect’s Estimate of $268,557. I.Ir. Hyde reported that bids had been taken, with alternates €or elimination of either one or ;two bays; by eliminating two bays the total construction cost would be $277,857.00. He explained that the additional alternate, for a retaining wall, was entered only as a means of securing prices. considered. $46,800 additional over base bid. which should be stored indoors--most of which is now stored outside because of lack of storage space--Mr. Hyde told Council that he, Engineer Wegner, and Public !Jorlcs Supt. Batko all feel the entire s3ructure should be constructed at this time. said he feels the plan does not represent a fancy building, but does include all needed features, and that practically all of the space to be provided will-he used immediately. told Council that the expenditure necessary for the entire structure would still leave nearly $300,000 balance for 1963. ON GENERAL WORK: Nine bids received. On the Base Bid, including two bays, ON ELECTRICAL WORK: Eight bids received. On the base bid, Harris Bros. ON illECHANICAL WORK: Six bids received. On the Base Bid, Harris Bros. Plumbing He recommended that this bid not be Low bid of the nine received was that of Arkay Build6rs , Inc. , at Reporting to Council that the Village has some $364,000 of mechanized equipment He Presenting a report prepared by Finance Director Dalen today, Mr. Hyde Figures presented were these: ~ - - - 8/12/6 3 GENERAL FUND: Balance at December 31, 1962 $247,252.00 Estimated Xet Additions, 196 3 78,198.00 $378,450.00 Sale of Old Public Works Garage to School District 53 ,000.00 LIQUOR FUi?D: Balance at December 31, 1962 Estimated Earnings, 1963 $212,368.00 250,000.00 $462,368.00 Less Authorized Transfers -211,915.00 $250,453.00 $627,903.00 TOTAL ESTILIATED CURENT FU2iDS - Less Total Expenditure for Public Works Garage-- NET - ESTIZATED CURREMT FUNDS - December 31,1963 (Construction and Architect) -$330,000.00 $297,903.00 I Hr. Hyde presented a tabulation of the space required for each of the various Village departments, showing that of the 44,035 square feet available, the \later Department is expected to use some 1,500 Sq.Ft., Sewer Department approximately 1,100 Sq.Ft., and Park Department almost 13,000 Sq.Ft. ; the balance to be used for General Fund Departments--Street, Engineering, Police and Fire. the largest "overage1' on the estimate was that on excavation, which ran some $18,000 in excess; that soil conditions on this site are spotty, with some parts good and the balance very bzd. Engineer Xegner reported he feels this construction will be needed eventually; that arrangements other than contracting for full construction (such as Village's purchasing materials and doing work by force labor) might be employed to get this at cheaper cost; that he feels retaining wall will not be needed immediately. two less bays. them later w0Uld mean a larger total expenditure than to award contract for entire structure now. Garage be awarded to Arkay Builders, Inc. on Base Bid; that contracts for Electrical and Xechanical Work be awarded to Harris Bros. Plumbing on their respective base bids. Hotion seconded by Tupa and carried. I4r. Hyde added that by far Ilayor Bredesen inquired about the need for the retaining wall. Some discussion was had by Council on the advisability of awarding contract with It was concensus that to eliminate the bays this year and have to add VanValkenburg moved that Contract for General Work for Public Works C0U;;fCIL GRAiTTS REQUEST OF AUTOI4OBILE CLUB OF IXGGIEAPOLIS FOR PERHIT TO INSTAL& TI.JO-17AY RADIO TRAXSKITTER AT EDIXA VILLAGE RESERVOIR, DUBLIII ROAD & W. 70TII STEET. Council had reviewed request of Automobile Club of Hinneapolis , dated August 9, for permission to "install a 60 foot telephone pole, properly set in the ground, on the Horth side of the service road which is mid-way between the pumphouse and the end of the reservoir (at Dublin Road and W.70th St.), a transmitter, to be contained in an outside housing 54'1x2011x18'1 , strapped to pole approximately 3' from ground level; and, on top of pole, a 20' antenna similar to a deep sea fishing rod, with a 110-volt power supply attached to pole"; this being for use in two-Iqay radio communication with emergency service vehicles. t4r. k7. B. Craig, Secretary-General Kanager of Automobile Club, was present to support the Clu3's request. highest in this immediate area; also reviewed fqr Council the other reasons for request, as contained in letter-the large number of Club members living 5.n Edina; rolling countryside which causes blind spots for present signal system; and an area which incurs a large demand for service. 25r. Hyde told Council he had suggested to Xr. Craig that perhaps a nominal rental fee would be in order, but that Xr. Craig had pointed out that Automobile Club is a non-profit organization and that this transmitter would benefit Edina residents. Nr. Craig presented to Council the written assent of Xessrs. Vilson, 7008 Dublin Road, and Gross, 7012 Kerry Road, and 3rs. V.L. Ivey, 7001 Dublin Road, stating Hr. ifedges, 6000 9.70th Street, objects. will interfere with residential radio and television reception; was told by Mr. Craig that there will be no such interfe~ence. plantings to screen the pole, during which Mr. Craig reported Club's readiness, to make such plantings if Village deemed necessary. the idea of rendering better service to the citizens of Edina, he would move that Council grant the Automobile Club permission foh this transmitter, by VanValkenburg and carried, COUNCIL APPROVES EDINA * S PARTICIPATIOX IN RURAL HENNEPIW COUifTY NURSING DISTFSCT BOR 1964. liursing District for formal action approving municipality participation during the year 1964, and also notifying Village that its assessment for the year 1964, based on 1960 Census of 28,501 at 26-1/2$ per capita, is $7,552.77. VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: I He raported the Club would like to use this site, because it is the . Mr. Bredesen inquired as to whether operation of the transmitter Some discussion ensued relative to Trustee Tu2a stated tfiat, with Hotion seconded I Manager Hyde reported the receipt of request from Rural*Hennepin County FESOLUTION RELATING TO PARTICIPATIOX IN THE RURAL HEMNEPIH COUNTY NURSIHG DISTRICT XEREAS, pursuant to l4innesota Statutes, Sections 145.08 and 145.12 provision has been made for a public health nursing district in that portion of Hennepin County outside the City of Xinneapolis, and KHI3?EAS, pursuant to such authority such a public health nursing district has 8 /12 / 6 3 853 been organized and has been in operation for several years, and district and to provide it with adequate funds for its proper operation: that this political subdivision continue to be incLuded in the public health nursing district of rural Hennepin County, organized on January 4, 1952; that it participate in the benefits thereof; and that it agrees to support on an apportionment basis its pro rata share of the cost of the administration of such district provided, however, that for the period of January 1, 1964 through December 31, 1964, this cost shall not exceed 26.5C per capita on the basis of the official1960 Federal Census. BE IT FURTI-IER PSSOLVED, that this resolution shall be deemed an agreement to continue to participate in such nurs 5g district on the basis hereinbefore specified with all other political subdivisions adopting similar resolutions. Motion for adoption of Resolution was secon WI-IEIIEAS, it is deemed necessary to continue the operation of such nursing NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE GOVEFNING.BODY OF the Village of Edina pa, and on Rollcall there were edesen, aye; and the Resolution w Village Clerk IIAIJAGER HYDE AND TRUSTEE VAHVALKENBURG APPOIHTED AS EDINA DELEGATE AiJD ALTEIUATE TO HENNEPIN COUNTY LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES. Reauest of the Leasue of HenneDin Countv .L Y L Municipalities for the appointment by each member municipality oE an official delegate and an alternate delegate to the League, was reported by Planager Hyde. Some discussion was had, and MacMillan offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption : I LE S OLUT I ON DE SI GNATING RE PfiE SEHT AT IVE AHD ALTE P3iATE REPRE SEd TAT1 VE TO THE HEMNEPIN COUTJTY LEAGUE OF I4UMICIPALITIES WHEREAS, the Village of Edina is a member in good standing of the Iiennepin WHEREAS, the Village of Edina desires to continue its participation in the IJOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That the Village Council of the Village of County League of Municipalities, and Hennepin County League of Municipalities. , Edina hereby designates WARREN C. HYDE as its representative to the Hennepin County League of Uunicipalities for the period of August 12, 1963 to June 20, 1964. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina hereby designates JAMES VAi? VALKENBURG as its alternate representative to the Hennepin County League of Plunicipalities to serve during the absence or dis- ability of the above named represenaative. Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there NORTHERN STATES POWER CO!4PAHY S NOTIFICATION OF LOWER RATES FOR ELECTRICITY reviewed. Northern States Power Company's July 30th letter of notification of a decrease in rates for "Residential Service" and for "All Electric Residential Service" will be effective beginning with bills based on regular meter readings taken on and after August 29, 1963, was read, discussed, and ordered placed on file. VILLAGE 14AIJAGER IIECONPENDS THAT NORTHERN STATES PONER COMPANY BE ENCOURAGED TO INSTALL POWER LINES UNDERGROUND. reduction in residential rates, Manager Hyde recommended to Council that the Company be encouraged to make its service extensions underground. Bell Telephone Company is now putting all its wires undergound, he added that NSP still does not like this type of construction, although the general trend throughaut the country is in this direction. Mr. Hyde reported that Edina has the first subdivision in a long time (Valley Vista) to contract with MSP for completely underground wiring, As part of the discussion on Northern States Power Company's Reporting that Northwestern COI4PLIZIEMT FOR PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT RECEIVED BY COUNCIL FROPI EDIMA- NORNINGSIDE LITTLE LEAGUE. Letter from - 14r. Robert C. Bates. President of Edina- 14orningside Little League, expressing ''our extreme pleasure with the complete cooperation we have received from your Park and Recreation department this season", was received with thanks and ordered placed on file. I54 8/12/63 BEQUEST FOR ADDITIOXAL BUS SERVICE AT 62XD AiVD XERXES REFERRED TO Til121 CITY RAPID TRANSIT COXPAiSY. The July 31st request of Hrs. Jessia A. Jones, 3111 __ - - - Heritage Drive, for additional buses to Southdale, and for later service on Sundays, was read and ordered referred to the Bus Company. Tt71N CITY LIQUID PROPAXE GAS ASSOCIATION'S NOTICE OF SUIT TO RESTRAIN HINiEAF'OLIS GAS COlfPANY FROL! SALE OF LIQUID PROPANE GAS BELOI.1 COST was reviewed and ordered placed on file. $500 CLAIH FILED FOR DAUAGES ALLEGEDLY SUSTAIXED IX XED HOIII14G OPERATIOX. Hyde reported that Xr. Duke Raymond has filed claim with Village in amount of ilr. $500 for damages to his property, allegedly sustained as the result Village weed mowing; that claim will be promptly referred to legal staff and insurance company. 1I.PZOVE'IIIELJT PETITIONS ACCEPTED, The following Improvement Petitions were reviewed and, by motion Tupa, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, were accepted and referred to the Village Engineer for programming: OILING - VanBuren Ave., Belmore Lane to Worth Village Limits OILIBG - Benton Avenue, Code Avenue to Bernard Place OILING - Josephine Avenue, 11.64th Street to V.65th Street. PERI4AlSENT STREET SURFACE AND CURB - Jefferson Ave., Haloney Ave. to Belmore Lane, VALLEY VIEH ROAD TRAFFIC COUNTS PRESEIYTED: COuiJCIL DETERMIHES TO KEEP "NO TURX" SIGN AT HIGHtJAY 100 UNTIL SEPTEIblBER 9. for traffic counts on Valley View Road (given as result of a substantial petition filed July 22nd asking that traffic moving West be allowed to turn right onto Highway LOO), Hanager Hyde presented Mr, Wegner's report, dated this date. Report was based on two 1963, while right turns were allowed onto Highway LOO, showing 3,356 vehicles, the latter, between August 7 and August 11, 1963, while right turns onto Highway 100 were prohibited, showing 3,007 vehicles. These counts were compared with counts taken in the summer of 1962, while Valley View Road was fully open and Crosstown Highway had not yet opened, which showed 10,540 cars per 24 hours; in the fall of 1962 when both Crosstown and Valley View were open, showing 7,200 vehicles on Valley View; in October, 1962 after Valley View Road was barricaded at Highway 100, showing 1,000 vehicles per 24 hours, and in December, 1962, when right turns were allowed, showing 2,203 vehicles per 24 hours. reported the "1Jo Right Turn" sign was not installed until June 13, because it was necessary to wait for special sign to be made up; that between this date and the August reading, traffic had decreased only 10%; that the office has had a great many calls complaining of the right turn prohibition, and that he can still see no good reason for it, businessmen of Valley View Road, asking that right turn prohibition be eliminated. Xayor Bredesen asked Ur. Hyde when the Village may expect information about the Highway 170. 100 Service Road; was answered that construction will not be for a minimum of three years, to the best of Mr. Hyde's knowledge. if the Highway Department has made a definite commitment on this, Ilr. Hyde told Council that it seems impossible to get information from the Department relative to Highway 100--that the Village has written and called repeatedly about both the Valley View and the 70th Street intersections, with no results. He added there is evidently some reorganization of District offices at at this time and Edina seems to be in two Districts, neither one of which has full jurisdiction. Engineer Vegner recommended that a letter be directed to the Commissioner, asking for commitments on both Valley View (service drive) and traffic signs at the 70th Street intersection, and it was so ordered. Wallace LiLja, #4717; R. R. Dunker, #4624; Lawrance Kamps, fj4628; and Robert Lee, 4705 Valley View Road, 2.i. Hutton, 4808 H.62nd St.; J. L. Ripleyj 5925 Concord Ave.; and EIr. James Larkin Attorney for the Valley View businessmen's associatidn. saying that to Valley View Road residents anything that can be done to decrease traffic even ten percent is a benefit. He asked to go on record as definitely recommending continuing the "IJo Right Turn" provision; also that stop signs be installed on Valley Yiew to cut dorm speed. radar be used on Valley View between Vooddale and Highway 100. as soon as Crosstown Highway was opened; and sr. Lee added that several million dollars have been spent for the Crosstown Highway and he feels it should be given a fair ;trial; that th& Valley View !'No Right Turn" provision should be kept. enforcement of the "140 Right Turn" provision. Pursuant to instructions by the Council 24-hour readings, the first between Islay 10 and Hay 12, Nr. Hyde Clerk submitted petition, dated August 9, filed by Asked by Ilr. Bredesen Those speaking in favor of keeping the "?To Right Turn" provision were IJessrs. Those asking that right turns be permitted were EIessrs. CarE Kirk, 6121 Ryan; I4r. Lilja opened discussion by expressing his surprise at 14r. Hyde's remarks, . Later in meeting he requested that Xr. Dunker called Council's attention to old commitment to close Valley View 1-b; Kamps said he believes traffic could be further reduced with stricter I- , 8/12/63 Mr. Kirk cited the slight traffic reduction after installation of the Wo Right Turn" provision, saying all of the residents East of Highway 100 and South of Valley View Road are seriously inconvenienced by this prohibition; that it is not right to inconvenience so many people for the benefit of the few residents who would prefer no street at all. Nr. Xutton asked that some thought be given to the families who must take side streets to get onto Highway LOO without benefit of the automatic sema2hone. Mr. \I. L. Ripley, who stated he lives across from Concord School, told Council that from his observation traffic has increased quite considerably in his area since Valley View signs were installed; that this is a dangerous place for increased traffic because of the schools. Hr. James Larkin, speaking on behalf of the petitioners for removal of the 940 Right Turn" provision, called Council's attention to the many public hearings at Council' lleetings, asking that, in view of the fact that traffic counts are now in, the Council make its decision now. He added he believes this restriction is diverting traffic to neighboring residential streets rather than to the Crosstown Highway. In answer to I4r. Kampsf statement relative to enforcement of the flIilo Right Turn" provision, Iqr. Hyde reported that 47 tickets have been issued since signs were installed, Police Lt. Merfeld was asked if engorcement could be intensified at this corner; replied that police will do their best but that police are called off their traffic duties for emergencies and other duties; also, that they have other areas which must be patrolled. Mr. Dunker asked Idr, Merfeld if, in his opinion, stop signs along Valley View would cut speed. Idr. tlerfeld replied that, in his opinion, stop signs tend to increase, rather than decrease speed because motorists become impatient at frequent stops. Asked by I4r. Lilja whether radar had been used on the street, Mr. Merfeld was unable to make a definite answer, saying there have been so many requests for radar he is unahle to state definitely whether or not it has been set up on Valley View. agreed that Valley View should receive a radar check, Saying that considerable money and effort has already been spent in attempting to train through traffic to use the Crosstown Highway rather than Valley View Road, Nr. Bredesen suggested that the "No Right Turn" provision be extended to September 9, for the purpose of seeing whether Valley View traffic can be further reduced. replying to the statements of those asking for elimination of the provision, he stated he realizes it is somewhat inconvenient to have to drive three or four extra blocks each morning and evening, but that Valley View Road residents have also experienced considerable inconvenience because of heavy traffic. He added that while the streets in the neighborhood of Valley View may have experienced some additional traffic because of diverson from Valley View, these streets still do not have the traffic carried by such streets as Arden Avenue in the Country Club, Turn" provision be extended, but asked that all the people concerned be gotten together for the meeting on September 9, and that final decision be made at that time, saying that Council is getting nowhere with these repeated partial hearings. Hyde tonight, Macl4illan moved that the Wo Right Turn" provision be continued to September 9. on September 9. It was In Hr. VanValkenburg agreed with Nr. Bredesen's suggestion that the "No Right I - Saycng he would like additional time to study the figures presented by Ilr. I4otion seconded by Tupa and carried, Ilr. Graeber of Edina-Morningside Courier was asked to publicize Public Hearing HEARIHG AND BIDS FOR WATERMAIM 114PROVEI4ENT TO BE HAD, ON EITGINEER'S RECOP~!i~lERDATIOI?. Village Engineer Wegner reported the Engineering Department has bean readying plans and estimate for a proposed trunk and lateral watermain improvement for the service to Arthur Street, Tlaterman Avenue and Circle and Elake Road as petitioned, and which may include Interlachen Country Club. quite complete, he asked for authority to advertise for Hearing and Bids upon completion, stressing urgency for completion of project, if approved, this fall. Tupa's motion, authorizing and directing Engineer to advertise for Hearing and Bids upon completion of plan, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Saying that plans are not as yet 1963 ANNUAL TRAFFIC INVENTORY, based on 1962 data and prepared by National Safety Council, was submitted for Council perusal. COURT CLERICAL SALARIES IfJCREASED, retroactive to July I, 1963. Manager Hyde reported he and Judge Burris had met relative to increases in the salaries of Court personngl; ;that the recommendation is for an increase of $20,00 per month in the salary of the full time Deputy Clerk, $15.00 per month for the 3/4-time Clerk of Court; that no agreement was reached as to when increases should become effective, Mr. Burris believing they should be retroactive to January 1 and Hr. Hyde recommending July 1. month in salary of Deputy Clerk of Court and $15.00 per month in salary of Clerk of Court, retroactive to July 1, 1963, was seconded by Tupa and was unanimously carried . VanValkenburg's motion, for increase of $20.00 per 8/12 /6 3 VILLAGE TO FILE NJSVER BY AUGUST 14, 014 SUI-li40i$S NJD COHPLAILTT FOR DECLARATORY JUDGIENT IN HATTER OF COUNCIL ACTION RELATIVE TO PETTTIDE FOR REZOHIIJG "TRACT L, lJELSON FARIP. Declaratory Judgment" filed with the Clerk July 25, Nr. William Whitlock of the Reviewing for Council the contents of the 'Tomplaint for firm of Dorsey, Owen, Flarquart , Nindhorst and klest, reported that answer will be filed by August 14; that the matter is expected to be set ahead on the' calendar and is expected to come to trial some time the latter part of this year. -. COUliCIL CHANGES 1EETING DATES TO FIRST AND THIRD LSONDAYS , BEGIXNIIJG OCTOBER, 1963. Relative to the possibility of changing Council Lleeting dates to avoid conflict with School Board Ueetings on the Second 14onday, Mr. Hyde reported the School Board would prefer not to change its date; that Horningside now meets on the First and Third tfondays, and that if Council is willing to do so, perhaps changing Village Council fleetings to First and Third Mondays would be in the best public interest. being two weeks between the fourth iiionday in September and the first Honday in October. Council be established as the First llonday and the Third Monday of each month, beginning October 1, 1963, was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. He advocated October 1 as the best time to change, there VanValkenburg's motion, that the Heeting Dates of the Edina Village SPECIAL ASSESSHEHT HEARIUGS SCHEDULED FOR I.IONDAY, SEPTEIBEX 9, 1963. Hanager Hyde notified Council that several Special Assessment Rolls have now been prepared, covering completed improvements; that Public Hearings must be held soon if assessments are to be following Resolution and levied-this year. moved its adoption: KSOLUTIOX PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSILENT 67, 71, 74 AND 77: STREET ILPROVEI~EBTS NOS. NOS 197 AND 202 : IIATERillAItT IIIPROVEI.IEI\TS XOS . After brief review, Tupa offered the HEARIXGS : STOW4 SEV€R 1EIPROVEIIE:TTS IJOS. 66 , BA-49 AXD BA-50 : SfNITARY SEWER Ii.IPROVEIE?JTS 167 AND 170 3E IT PZSOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows: 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed for the improvements set forth in the eight Notice of Hearing forms hereinafter recorded, and the amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved; and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office gnd open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as hersin provided. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the eight liotice of Hearing forms herainafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assess- ments; and the Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to publish notices of said hearings in the official newspaper in accordance with law; said notices to be in substantially the follor.ring form: 2. (1) NOTICE OF ASSESSHENT HEARING ON STORU SEVER 140. 66 ..CLIIHA YILLBGE,COUiJCIL ,will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Honday , September 9, 1963, at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances as follows: This assessment is STOW4 SEIEII NO, 66 - Along Crescent Drive from Hestridge Blvd. to Park Lane; Park Lane from Crescent Drive to North line of Lot 9, Block 2, Valley View Heights; th SVly across said Lot 9 to the XEly corner of Lot 10, Block 2, Valley View Heights Addn.; th Sly along the Ely line of said Lot 10, to Valley View Road; th SEly to the NYly corner of Lot 24, Normandale Third Addition; th Sly along the Hest lhe of Lots 24 and 30 of Normandale Third Addition to the center line of West 64th Street; th 17ly along Vest 64th Street a distance of 75 feet; th Sly to Hine Kle Creek; and A lateral along the South line of Lot 11, Block 2, Valley Ibriew Heights Addition from Hillside Road Ely to the SE corner of said Lot 11. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement shall be as follows: VALLEY VIEW HEIGHTS ADDITION Block 1, Lots 4 thru 15 Block 2, Lots 1 thru 12 Block 3, Lots 7 thru 14 and Lots 19 and 20 Block 4, Lots 1 tliru 4 ' Block 5, Lots 2 thru 11 REGISTEED LAND SURVEY NO. 519 ' Tracts A and B 8/12/6 3 1'5 7 Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 58 per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. EY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. Gretchen S. Alden To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any property assessmd for the above improvement may pay the whole Village Clerk (2) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON STORM SEWER iJ0. 67 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Zilonday, September 9, 1963, at 7:OO o!clock P.tl*, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. STORfl SEWER NO, 67 Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances as follows: In Halifax Avenue from Horth line of Tract ITff Registered Land Survey $4437 extended to a point 65 feet Southwest; North line of Tract rrC1l Registered Land Survey #437 from Halifax Avenue to a point 140 feet Easterly. The arza proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Commencing at a point in Lot 1, Block 4, Boran's Edina Manor, said point being 50 feet South and 50 feet West of the Northeast corner thereof; th South parallel to and 50 feet Westerly of the \Jest line of France Avenue to the South line of Lot 12, said Block 4; th West to the Southwest corner of said Lot 12; th North to the Bortheast corner of Lot 16 said Block 4; th \Jest along the iJorth line of said Lot 16 to a poin? 50 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof; th Hortherly and Easterly parallel to and 50 feet Easterly of the Easterly line of Grimas Avenue, parallel to and 50 feet Easterly of the Easterly line of Halifax Avenue, parallel to and 50 feet Southerly of the Southerly line of Grimes Lane to the point of beginning." Assessments for the above improvement will be payale in ten equal aonsecutive This assessment is now on file annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. same rate for one year an all unpaid installments. whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, Gretchen S. Alden To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The otmer of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the Village Clerk (3) NOTICE OF ASSESSI4ENT HEARIXG OM STORM SEWER NO. 71 EDIiTA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, September 9, 1963, at 7:OO o'clock P.H., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances as follows: of Susan Avenue. a11 lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: ST0Ri.q SEWER NO. 71 - In Valley View Road from Nine Mile Creek to 87 feet South of the center line The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes "Commencing at a point on the center line of County Road No. 39, said point being 55.0 feet North of the center line of !?.68th Street; th East to a point on the East line of Lot 11, Block 2, The Heights Addn., said point being 35.0 feet iJorth of the Southeast corner of said Lot; th North and along the East line of said Lot 11, to a point on a line drawn parallel with and 100.0 feet SEly of the SEly right-of-way line of County Road No. 39; th MEly along a line parallel to the center line of County Road No. 39 to a point 85.0 feet South of the South line of IJ.66th Street, as laid out in The Heights 5th Addn.; th SEly to a point on the East line of Lot 1, Block 1, The Heights 5th Addn., said point being 12.65 feet NEly of the SE corner of said Lot; th SEly to the intersection of the GE-eeme8nuth line of W.66th St, extended NWly and the Uest line of Lot 3, Bl,. 1, The Heights 4th Addn. extended SkUy; th North along extended West line of said Lot 3 to the.NW,corner thereof; th East along North line of Block 1, The lleights 4th Addn. to the NE corner of Lot 2, B1. 1 thereof; th NWly to a point on the SEly line of County Road 140. 39, said point being 338 feet North of the North line of W.66th St.; th West perpendicular to SEly right-of-way line of County Road No. 39, a distance of 33 feet; thence SWly along center line of said County Road 130; 39 to the point of beginning." $58 / 8/12/63 Assessments for the above improvement vi11 be payable in ten equal consecutive f annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the t;u:es for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. same rate for one year on all unpaid installmsnts. of the assessment without interest to the Village Traasurer on or before December 15, 1968 , or make payment with.:accrued intehst to fine C6unty- Treasurer. BY' ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUXCII; Gretchen S, Alden HOTICE OF ASSESSKENT HEARIfTG O;? STOW SEIER 30. 74 To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The ovmer of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the F7hOle Village Clerk (4) I EDIiIA VILLAGE COulrTCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Konday, September 9 , 1963 at 7:OO o'clock P.I.i., to hear and pass upon a11 objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. the f ollotring: This assessment is now 03 file in the of€ice STOW SEYER NO. 74 - Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances in Beginning at a point on the Horth line of Lot 10, Block I, Birchcrest 4th Addition extended Vly, said point being 16 feet East of the center line of I-XJGS Railroad; th North parallel to and 16 feet East of the center line of IIiJES Railroad a distance of 92.4 feet; th \lest to a point on the East line of Lot 4, Block 9, Countryside Addition, said point being 20 feet Iiorth of the SE corner thereof; th Illy 192.6 ft to a point which is located on the South line of said Lot? 4 4xtended Wly and there terminating. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Commencing at a point which is the center line of Benton Ave. and the center line of I.Ihneapolis, Horthfield and Southern Railroad; th West along the centerline of Benton Ave, to the Vest line of Crescent Drive extended Hortherly; th So South along the Best line of Crescent Drive to a point 65 feet North of the South- east corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Edina Countryside Addition; th'ilest 65 feet North of and parallel to the North line of Countryside Road to the Vest line of Lot 10, Block 1, Edina Countryside Addition; th South 25 feet along the \lest line of said Lot 10; th SEly to a point on the South line of Lot 11, Block 6, Countryside Addition, said point being 25 feet East of the SH corner thereof; th SEly to a point on the South line of Lot 5, Block 7, Countryside Addition, said point being 20 feet East of the SB corner thereof; th SEly to a point in Lot 12, Block 8, Countryside Addition, said point being 60 feet East and 100 feet North of the S'il corner of said Lot 12; th SVly to a point on the South line of Lot 10, Block 8, Countryside Addition, said point being 70 feet East of the SH corner thereof; th South to a point on the South line of Lot 7, Block 8, Countryside Addition, said point being 70 feet East of the SF1 corner thereof; th East 30 feet along said South lot line; th SEly to a point on the South line of Lot 3, Block 4, Valley View Heights, said point being 140 feet East of the SH corner thereof; th SEly to a point on the East line of Lot 4, Block 4, Valley View Heights, said point being 55 feet South of the l?E corner thereof; th East to a point on the Hest line of Lot 2, Block 5, Valley View Heights, said point being 35 feet South of the HIJ corner thereof; th SEly to a point 60 feet East and 50 feet South of the Northwest corner of said Lot 2; th fJEly to a point on the East line of Lot 5, Block 9, Countryside Addition, said point being 50 feet iJorth of the SE corner thereof; th North along the East line of said Lot 5, to the NE corner thereof; th East at right angles to the center line of Hinneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway; th lily to the point of beginning. *' annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 58 per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to Becember 31, 1964* same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Trea- surer. BY ORDZR OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL Gretchen S. Alden I Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole Village Clerk (5) i?OTICE OF ASSESSIENT HEARIlTG Oi? STOIGI SEVER NO. 77 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Honday, September 9, 1963, at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. ' This Assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. STOR:! SEtER I~.lPROVEIENT NO, 77 - Construction of Village Storm Sewer and Appurtenances in : Hest Shore Drive at intersection of Vest curb and line and North line of On an easement line between Lots 15 and 16, Block 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addition Lot 21, Block 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addition extended Easterly; 8/12/63 from !Test Shore Drive to Lake Edina; 15 9 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes On an easement line bet~een Lots 7, 8 and 9 in Block 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addition from West Shore Drive to Lake Edina. all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Commencing at center of intersection of Hibiscus Avenue and \Jest Shore Drive South; th SWly to NE corner of Lot 21, B1, 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addn. ; th Stfly along the IJ. line of Lot 21 a dist, of 35 feet; tli Sly, SWly and I?ly parallel to and 35 feet i4ly and Ely of N. line of \Jest Shore Drive and E. line of Poppy Lane to a point on IJ, line of Lot 4, Bl. 1, Lake Edina 3rd Addn., said point being 35 feet N of the SW corner thereof; th S to the NW corner of Lot 5, B1. 2, Lake Edina 3rd Addn; th S. to the SH corner of Lot 8, Bl. 2, Lake Edina 3rd Addn; th SEly to the IJW corner of Lot 1, Bl, 3, Lake Edina 3Bd Addn.; th NE1y to a point on E line of said Lot 1, said point being 35 feet S of the NE corner thereof; th E, IJEly, SEly and Nly parallel to and 35 feet S of the S line of West Shore Drive to a point on the Nly line of Lot 12, B1 3, Lake Edina 3rd Addn., said point being 35 feet S of LJW corner thereof; th lily to the NW corner of Lot 13, B1 3, Lake Edina 3rd Addn. ; th Nly to Sld corner of Lot 1, Bl 4, Lake Edina 3rd Addn. ; th NEly to a point on the I? line of said Lot 1, said point being 35 feet E of the NW corner thereof; th Nly parallel to and 35 feet E of the E line of West Shore Drive to a point in Lot 4, B1. 4, Lakk Edina 3rd Addn, said point being 35 feet S and 35 feet E of the NI.7 corner of said lot; th E parallel to and 35 feet S of the S line of Hibiscus Ave. to a point in Lot 4, B1. 2, Lake Edina 4th Addn., said point being 35 feet S and 35 feet of NE corner of said Lot 4; th N to center line of Hibiscus Ave.; th W to the point of veginning. " annual installments over a period of three years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUISCIL Gretchen S. Alden Assessment for the above improvement will be payable in'three equal consecutive The otmer of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole Village Clerk (6) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON STREET IPIPROVEPENTS NOS. BA-49 E BA-50 CDIIIA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, September 9, 1963 at 7:OO o!clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the pro- posed assessment for the following improvements. in the oEfice of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. AS FOLLOYS: These assessments are now on file CONSTRUCTIOIJ OF BITUMINOUS SUWACE TREATMENT AIYD CONCETE CURB & GUTTER I STREET IEIPROELIENT 1TO. BA-49 Grove Street from Tracy Avenue to Wycliffe Road Vycliffe Road from Grove Street Xorth to Dead End Grove Street from Uycliffe Road to Olinger Road The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvements includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964, same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment vithout. interest to the Village Treasurer on or before Deceinber 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. UY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUiJUIL Gretchen S. Alden STREET II4PROEIIENT NO BA-50 To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the 'he owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole Village Clerk (7) 2IOTICC OF ASSESSIIEMT XhRIiJG OM LAZERAL.SA1UTARY SE\JER.NQ? 22 02 LATEIRAL iJATERMAIiJ XO. 170 EDIWA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, September 9 , 1963 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the pro- posed assessment for the following improvements. in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: Hibiscus Avenue from West Shore Drive to Kellogg Avenue \lest Shore Drive from Hibiscus Avenue to Highway No. 100 Poppy Lane from West Shore Drive to Highway No. 100 Sedum Lane from West Shore Drive to Kellogg Avenue Kellogg Avenue from Gilford Drive to South line of Lake Edina 4th Addition Cast Service Drive of Highway No. 100 from West Shore Drive,to Poppy Lane. These assessments are now on file LATERAL WATERMAIU NO. 170 - Construction of Village Watermain and Appurtenances in : 8/12/63 LATERAL SAITITARY SEHER ITO. 202 - Construction of Village Sanitary Sewer West Shore Drive from Hibiscus Avenue to Highway 30. 100 Poppy Lane from Vest Shore Drive to Highway 140. 100 Kellogg Avenue from Hibiscus Avenue to 466;feet South Secum Lane from West Shore Drive to Kellogg Avenue Hibiscus Avenue fpom Vest Shore Drive to Kellogg Avenue includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved: annual installments over a period of three years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 6% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. Tine owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF TiiE VILLAGE COUNCIL Gretchen S. Alden l$'o and appurtenances in: The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above 'improvements Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in three consecutive I 'Eo each subsequent installment will be added intersst at the Village Clerk (8) NOTICE OF ASSESSi-IENT HEARINGS OX LATERAL SAXITARY SEUER NO. 197 LATERAL klATERI4AIN NO. 167 EDIMA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Honday, September 9, 1963 at 7:OO o'clock P.L, to hear and pass upon all objections, ff any, to the pro- posed assessnent for the above improvements, the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. Appurtenances in : Tkese assessments are now on file in LATERAL SANITARY SEVER NO. 197 - Construction of Lateral Sanitary Sewer and Sherwood Avenue from 11.64th Street to 315 feet South Sherxood Avenue from W. 66th Street to 230 feet Nortn of 17. 65fsh Street Best 65th Street from Ryan Avenue to Parnell Avenue Parnell Avenue from V.65th Street to 11. 64th Street Ryan Avenue from 17. 64th Street to 175 feet North and 570 feet South Ryan Avenue from 11. 65th Street to 300 feet South West 64th Street from Ryan Avenue to Parnell Avenue West 66th Street from Sherwood Avenue to Brittany Road. I LATERAL VATERtIAIN NO. 167 - Construction of Village Hatermain and Appurtenances Sherxood Avenue from W.64th Street to W. 66th Street in: f-l. 66th Street from Brittany Road to Sherwood Avenue Ryan Avenue from 185 feet North of W.64th Street to the lrorth line of N orth line of Lot 3, Block 17, Normandale Addition, from Ryan Avenue to Vest 65th Street from Ryan Avenue to Parnell Avenue Parnell Avenue from W. 64th Street to I.i. 65th Street Vest 64th Street from Sherwood Avenue to Parnell Avenue Lot 3, Block 17, Hormandale Addition Shemtood Avenue The area. proposed to be assessed for the cost of the improvements listed above Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in ten equal consecutive includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1363, or make payment with accrued interast to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL Gretchen S. Alden The owner of any property assessed for,the above improvements may pay the whole Village Clerk Eotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded were four ayes and no nays, as follows : Haci.Iillan cilillan, and on Rollcall there Tupa, aye; V'Valkenburg, aye ; 8/12 /6 3 d following : 1. Richfield will permit connection of Edina properties to the Xerxes Avenue main provided: Richfield the entire cost of constructing the connection necessary to bring service to the lot line of such property owner. Such property owner shall also pay a connection charge equal to the front foot charge for the property--$2.95 per front foot for residential property; $3.45 per front foot for commercial property--which may be paid either in cash or on yearly installments over a ten-year period upon execution of an agreement with Richfield In event that owner defaults in paying charges for water service, Richfield shall have right to discontinue service and terminate connection j Edina agrees to cooperate with Richfield in collecting amounts due, including assessment of water charges if necessary. in the above location, upon payment of the sums hereinafter 2. Each property owner desiring such connection shall pay in cash tp 3, 4, ?IT. Hyde told Council there has been some confusion in the matter of these connection charges, because Richfield has previously had an $85.00 charge (which included tap, service line, and curb stop and box) but that Richfield cannot no longer make such arrangements for its own residents and .this no longer applieci for Edina residents connecting , VanValkenburg's motion , that Mayor and Manager be authorized to execute agreement on behalf of the Village of Edina was seconded by Tupa and carried. JUiTIOR COLLEGE PROPOSAL DISCUSSED. Todd, who had recently attended meeting for discussion of the Junior College being proposed for the metropolitan area, Hayor Bredesen asked for Council opinion on this matter. I-le suggested that perhaps a meeting be called of interested civic clSs, and that matter be given to them for their study and recommendation, or that the matter be referred to the "Ci'ciiens! Committee oa Education". Some general discussion was had, and action withheld pending future infopmation from Elr. Todd. Saying he had received a report from Mr. Lea CHURCilES EVIilCIBG ;JILLIIJGNESS TO PAY TAXES. by asking if anyone else had read that the Hethodist Church had taken some action relative to its willingness to pay tzxes on its real estate. Counqil there has been recent discussion in the Presbyterian Church, and he feels most churches will soon come to this. some acceptance by the churches of their civic responsibilities--that they do require police, fire and other services from the municipalities in which they locate and should be willing to pay for these services. plus tax exempt church-owned tax-exeapC homes , would benefit greatly by the taxing of church properties. Trustee Tupa opened this discussion Ilr. IlacrIillan told Hr. Ilyde added he €eels there should be Edina, with some twenty- CLAIIIS PAID. Tupa's motion, €or payment of the following Claims as per Pre-List dated August 12, 1963, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried: General Fund, $11,155.11; Construction Fund, $864.28; Park, Park Construction and Swim Pool, $191,756.26; \later Fund, $34,436.55; Liquor Fund, $49,964.37; Sewer Rental Fund, $402.93; Improvement Funds, $532,746.44; Poor Fund, $411.28--$821,737.22. TEASUPGR'S REPORT, AND LIQUOR FUND STATEMENTS AS AT JUNE 30, 1963, were filed for review. Council's having covered agenda, MacIlliJJ,an moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. /- Village Clerk