HomeMy WebLinkAbout19630923_regular9/23/63 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 23, 1963, AT 7:OO P.N., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL Members answering Rollcall were MacMillan, Rixe, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of September 9, 1963, were approved as submitted, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Macblillan and carried. REVISED PLANS FOR HERITAGE BOARDING HOME APPROVED. on the proposed Revised Plans for Heritage Boarding Home as first presented to Council by Planning Director Hite on July 22; being for a four-story building, rather than the 2-1/2 story building first approved. that he had contacted neighbors in accordance with Councills July 22nd directive, There were no objections from the floor, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior to this Hearing. favorable. Planning Commissionls recommendation was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Public Hearing was conducted Mr. Hite iFformed Council Planning Commission's recommendation is Tupa's motion for approval of Revised Plan in accordance with LOTS 15, 16, 17, 18 AND 19, BLOCK 3, BROOKVIEN HEIGHTS THIRD ADDITION REZONED FRObI OPEN DEVELOPNENT DISTRICT TO R-2 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT. was conducted on the petition of 14r. cb Db Jagobson for the Rezoning from Open Development District to R-2 14ultiple Residence District of Lots 15 to 19 inclusive, Block 3, Brookview Heights Third Addition, being five lots abutting W.70th Street on the north, across from the NSP building. the Planning Commission has .Tecommended favorably on this petition; that theSe five lots will be replatted into either three or four tracts with a minimum frontage of 100 feet. There were no objections registered at the Hearing, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior thereto. Notice of Hearing was pasred on officiaL-Village Eulletin'boards, and copies of notice mailed to affected property owners. Trustee Tupa inquired as to whether Village will receive the rear of these lots for park purposes, and Mr. Hite replied that owner will make this dedication of land. moving that Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as submitted: Public Hearing Planning Director Hite told Council ?- MacMillan offered the following Ordinance, ORDINANCE NO. 261-77 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. 261 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, ESTABZISHING R-2 MULTIPLE REXIDENCE DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: . Section 4 (Multiple Residence District) of Ordinance No. 261 of revised ordiy nances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the following sub-paragraph: I Section 1. Paragraph 1, f4ultiple Residence District Boundaries, of District R-2 : "(1) Lots 15, 16, 17, 18 and 19; Block 3, Brookview Heights Third Addition. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from.and after its passage and publication according to law, waiver of second reading and Motion for/adoption of OrdLnanbei was seconded by &pa, and on Rollcall there were five ayes and no nays, as follows: MacMill VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and nance was SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LEVIED FOR STORM SEUER IMPROVEMENT NO. 67. Action on this proposed Special Assessment had been delayed pending Engineer's investigation of the complaint registered September 9, at Public Hearing, by Mrs. J. A. Faching, 5928 France Avenue, that her property is not benefited by the improvement because it does not drain to the sewer, Village Engineer tlegner reported that elevations have been run, giving evidence that property does definitely drain to sewer, and that he has so reported to Mrs. Faching this afternoon. nothing to do but to recommend that this property remain a part of the benefited district and be assessed for the improvement. Assessment for Storm Sewer Improvement No. 67 be approved as originally tabulated, was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in Neeting, He added that there is VanValkenburg's motion, that . Adopting and Confirming Assessment) . ." PUBLIC HEARING ON SPECIAL ASSESSMENT FOR STFEET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-50 CONTINUED TO OCTOBER 7, FOR REPORT OF CHURCH ACTION. Hearing on this proposed assessment had been continued from September 9, pursuant to a request that the property of Good Samaritan Methodist Church be assessed for its full footage. Manager Hyde reported that a survey has shown that in dedicating for Wycliffe Road, in order to provide better lots for the subdivision, the Church stipulated there would be 9/23/63 193 no assessment Church can be the Church be approximately for street surfacing against its Wycliffe Road frontage-; that the ='& assessed for Curb and Gutter. Mr. Hyde's recommendation was that assessed its full Wycliffe Road frontage for Curb and Gutter, at $4.00 per foot--which will about equal the original assessment of-1/3 of frontage fir curb and gutter and blacktop, will meet this week, and suggested that Hearing be continued until a report*is received' from the Board. VanValkenburg's motion, that Hearing be continued to October 7, was seconded by MacMillan and carried. He added the Church Board PUBLIC HEARINGS CONDUCTED ON PROPOSED SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS: SEVERAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED. September 5 and 12, 1963 of several "Notices of Assessment Hearings1', which . affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and, pursuqtito said Notices, Public Hearings were conducted on proposed Special Assessments, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded: 1. STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 69 - Hawke's Lake Outlet, and Lateral Storm Sewers, all as recorded in the Notice.of Public Hearing. by Manager Hyde, showing Total Assessable Cost as $96,419.63, proposed to be assessed as follows: Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier Tabulation of Assessment was read OUTLET SEWER - At $.0039 per Square Foot against 7,542,313 Sq. Ft, PARK POND SEWER - At, $.00827 per Square Foot, against 1,738,780 Sq.Ft. LATERAL SEWERS - At $.02431 per Square Foot, against 2,164,743 Sq.Ft. Estimates given at the Improvement Hearing on this project were $.0045; $.0076 and $.0271 per Sq.Ft., respectively, improvement. the Village Hall relative to this assessment; that in one or two cases tracts have been deleted from the assessable district because it has been proved that they-are not benefited, but that the engineers have checked others and found them to be benefited by drainage to the system. M r. Howard Green, 5417 Grove Street, told Council it is proposed that he be assessed some 42,000 Sq.Ft. for his Lots 24 and 25, Warden Acres, at about $.03-1/2? per Sq. Ft.; that he is retired and living on a very small income; that this assessment, together with assessment for Sanitary Sewer, will be more than he can pay, Mr. Green's statement that he is only indirectly benefited, and Manager Hyde suggested that Public Hearing be continued to October 7 for further investigation. No other objections to the proposed assessment were made from the floor. VanValkenburg moved for continuance of Hearing to October 7. Rixe and carried. A map was presented, showing the areas proposed to be assessed for the above Manager Hyde informed Council that several persons have called at Some discussion was had about Motion seconded by HAWKES LAKE PUMP TO BE QUIETED IF POSSIBLE: COMPLAINT ON PUMPING OF HAWKES LAKE REGISTERED. No, 69, Mr. A. W, Weyh, 5625 Wycliffe Road, told Council he believes the improvement to have been necessary and is ail in favor of it. however, that the pumping of Hawke's Lake be delayed until the water level has reached a point higher than that for which pump is now set. He explained that the lake has been a "stinking hole" most of the summer. Engineer Wegner explained that the pump performs the function of keeping the elevation at 861 Ft.; that the low level is not the result of pumping--simply the result of the lack of rain. He added that the pump had originally been get to take the level down 18"; now pumps down only 6". investigate, and correct if Mr. Weyh is right. comp;laint on the noise of the pump, saying he and-his neighbors are unable to sleep when pump is running. possible-to do so. 2. STREET IMPROVEMENT "0. E-15 - Concrete Paving and Integral Curb in Tracypve. from 150 Ft, South of the South line of Benton Avenue, North to Highway No. 169-212. Tabulation of Assessment was read. Total Cost, $82,192.79, less $68,681.29 to be paid from Gasoline Tax Funds as a State Aid Road, the Total Assessable Cost being $13,511.50, proposed to be assessed against 2,702.3 Ft., for $5.00 per Assessable Foot. prior thereto. Rixe 'and unanimously carried. Confirming Assessment). 3. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 163 - Trunk Watermain with Lateral Connections thereto, a31 as recorded in "Notice of Assessment Hearing" (and otherwise known as the gleason Road Trunk). $lSU ,858. (32, proposed to be assessed as follows : FOR THE TRUNK MAIN -*For Platted Property, $.56 per Front Foot, with a 150- foDt maximum; For Unplatted Property, $150.00 per Acre. Front Foot and $150 . 00 per Acre, respectively , had been given at Improvement Hearing. Assessable Cost of this portion of the Improvement was $117,009.17. FOR THE LATERAL SERVICE CONNECTIONS - $73,748.85, proposed to be assessed against 14,047.4 for $5.25 per Front Foot, as compared with $4-50 Estimate given at Improvement Hearing. During the discussion on the Assessment for Storm Sewer Improvement He asked, . Mr. Weyh maintained it is still pumping 18'l; Mr, Wegner to Mr. Weyh also registered a He was'informed the pump will be quieted if it is No objections were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received VanValkenburg's motion that Assessment be approved was seconded by (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Tabulation of Assessment was read, showing Total Assessable Cost as Estimates af $.42 per 9/23/63 An area map was shown, showing route of main, assessed. llr. Hyde explained to the audience that than estimated because several tracts oppropercty, and area proposed to be the Lateral cost is higher unplatted at time of c Improvement Hearing but expected at that time to use the Trunk Main as a lateral, are being platted to face side streets and therefore can be assessed for the trunk only. Mr. Melvin Jensen, 6939 Valley View Road, objected for himself and Mr.C. E. Maybach, 6933 Valley View Road, on the grounds they had not received notice of the Improvement Hearing. Jensen and Mr. Maybach as having been included in the mailing. also objected on grounds that the assessment would force him to sell off his property and that he cannot be served by the trunk main without enormous " expenditures for laterals. employed some seven years ago, to design the over-all water system, and that this trunk main had been constructed in accordance with his recommendations; that one of the main reasons construction was necessary was to provide water service to the new Junior High School and the Catholic School. who settled in this area ten or fifteen years ago have paid their own way by investing in their own wells and sewers. He voiced his objection "at this continual digging into the pockets of residents to pay-for commercial enterprisestt, asking how residents are going to be paid for the investment they mademin their own wells years ago. that the two schools can hardly be considered Itcommercial enterprises"; that the life of a well is about fifteen years and his investment in a well should be almost written off. future; whether there will be another trunk down County Road No. 18. Hyde repliied that there may be another trunk main in this general area, but that it will not be on County Road #18; that this area cannot be assessed for another trunk main. into Indian Hills ; could not be answered at this time. could not be dropped in favor of an assessment ifor the future trunk, which, he stated, could better serve his tract. trunk was planned to serve the area proposed to be assessed, now; that, inasmuch as Mr. Jensen's property can be served by present trunk main it should be assessed its share of cost. Mr. L. J. Riegert, 6704 Indian Hills Road, suggested that the'assessment be made on a "per connectionll rather than a "per front foot" basis. Mr. Hyde stated that this method of assessment had been studied, that because there is so much unplatted property in the area there is great chance of error in' estimating number of potential connections. received no written objections prior to the Hearing. that the Assessment for Watermain Improvement No. 163 be approved, was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried, (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). Mailing List was presented, showing both Mr. I4r. Jensen Mr. Hyde explained to the audience that a consulting engineer had been Mr. Warren Reynolds, 6401 Indian Hills Road, complained that the residents It was suggested to klr. Reynolds Mr. D. K. N elson, 6709 Indian Hills Road, inquired as to plans for the Mr. Question was then raised as to the price of Laterals Nr. Jensen then asked if the assessment proposed against his property Mr. Hyde answered that this present ... No further objections were registered from the floor, and the Clerk had MacMillan's motion, 4. SANITARY SEWER IHPROVEMENT NO. 183 - District Sewer (Sewage Metering Station and Connecting Main at T.1.65th St. and Xerxes Avenue) and Lateral Sewer in Heritage Drive and Barrie Road. Total Assessable Cost for the District Sewer to be $40,367.97, proposed to be assessed on an area basis, at $bo111 per Square Foot, as compared to Improvement Hearing Estimate of $.Oll4. Total Assessable Cost for the Laterals was given as $17,956.92 , proposed to be assessed against 1,165,277 Sq.Ft . , at $ . 01541 per Sq.. Ft. as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $.01523. Council that it has been proposed to assess the District Sewer over a ten-year period, but that request has been made for a 20-year assessment on this portion of the improvement, and that he would recommend the 20-year term, the Laterals to be on a 10-year *em. VanValkenburg's motion, that Assessment be approvgd as tabulated, with 20-year term for District Sewer portion of improvement and 10-year term for Lateral portion, was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confikming Assessment) . 5. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 162 - Lateral Watermains in Barrie Road and Heritage Drive. Tabulation of Assessment was read, showing Total Assessable Cost as $28,105.32, proposed to be assessed against 1,287,463 Square Feet, for $.02183 per Sq,Ft. , as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $.0194. were registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. and unanimously carried. Confirming Assessment). Tabulation of Assessment was read, showing Mr. Hyde told * No object'ions VanValkenburg moved. for approval of Assessment. Notion seconded by Rixe (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and 9/23/63 -195 _- - 6. Road to the Sly R/W of Crosstown Highway, thence to Centerline of Highway; Barrie' sr STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 68 - In Heritage Drive from 150 Ft. E. of Barrie Road from Heritage Drive to 150.5 Ft. South. (Branch 1 of Lateral 1 of Main 3). Tabulation of Assessment was read, showing Total Assessable Cost to be $8,380.31, proposed to be assessed against 650,645 Sq.Ft., for $.01288 per Sq.Ft. as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $ . 0127 . There were no objections registered from the floor, and the Clerk had received no written objections prior to Hearing. Manager Hyde reported receipt of a letter of inquiry from Miss Katherine E. Pearce relative to this proposed assessment, saying an answer would be forwarded to her tomorrow. She inquires as to how the Storm Sewer benefits her property, the answer being that water from the north end of this tract drains to the pipe; also, as to whether this storm sewer will take care of the water draining onto her land from the bungalows on Xerxes Avenue, the answer to this being that the storm sewer does not take care of this water and neither the bungalow property nor that portion of Miss Pearce's property abutting the bungalows is being assessed for it. Miss Pearce's last inquiry was as to the total amount of the assessment, which will be $1,628.03, computed at $.01288 per Sq.Ft. x 126,400 Sq.Ft. motion, that Assessment be approved, was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried. (See Resolution ~5 later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). VanValkenburg's 7. STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-40 - Asphalt Concrete Paving and Concrete Curb and Gutter in Heritage Drive from Crosstown Highway to Xerxes Avenue. Tabulation of Assessment was read, showing Total Assessable Cost to be $15,512.21, proposed to be assessed against 2,559.77 Assessable Feet, for $6.06 per Assessable Foot, as compared with $6.82 Improvement Hearing Estimate. No objections from the floor, and no written objections received prior to Hearing. Assessment be approved was seconded by MacMillan and unanimously carried. (See Resolution Adopting and. Confirming Assessment). I VanValkenburg's motion that 8. to approx. 1250 Ft. East; Easement betw. W.69th and N.70th Sts.; W.7Oth St. from WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 136 -- In W.69th Street from Pumphouse at France Ave. Easement to France Ave. Tabulation of Assessment was read as follows: Total Assessable Cost for the W.7Oth Street line, $15,699.78, proposed to be assessed equally against Glacier Sand E Gravel id Southdale Properties at $7,849.89 Each. $12,9517 . 96, all proposed to be assessed against Southdale Properties . were registered at the Hearing, and no written objections had been received prior thereto. Tupa's motion approving Assessment was seconded by VanValkenburg and unanimously carried. Total Assessable Cost for the W.69th Street and Easement Lines, No objections (Assessment to Southdale Properties is to be at $7.07 per Front Foot). (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment).. 9, STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. BA-51 - Asphalt Concrete Paving and-Concrete Curb and Gutter in Drew.Avenue from W.66th St. to North line of Lot 2, Block 4, Southdale Acres. $4,251.70, proposed to be assessed against 610 Feet, for $6.97 per Foot, as compared with $8.47 Improvement Hearing Estimate. from the floor, and none had been received prior thereto. moti6n approvLng assessment was seconded by MacMillan and unanimously carried. (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). Tabulation of Assessment was read as follows: Total Assessable Cost, No objections were registered VanValkenburg's LO. TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO, T-3 - Trimming, Cabling, and Removal of Boulevard Trees in Rolling Green and Hilldale Areas and in miscellaneous streets as set forth in Notice of Hearing. Tabulation of Assessment was read as follows: able cost, $7,025.25, proposed to be assessed against those lots and tracts of land on which boulevard trees were trimmed, etc., at the rate of $7.25 per tree trimmed, $16.00 per tree removed, and $6.00 per tree cabled. registered at the Hearing. * had been che,cked by the Park Department and adjusted. Assessment be approved was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. (See following Resolution Adopting and Confirming Assessment) Total Assess- There were no objections Such objections as had been received prior thereto MacMillan's motion that VanValkenburg then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ADOPTING AND CONFIRMING ASSESSMENTS SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 183: STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 67 AND 68: WATERMAIN IMPROVE- MENTS NOS. 136, 162 AND 163: STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. BA-40, BA-51 AND E-15: TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. T-3 BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, as follows: It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments for SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 183, STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 67 AND 68, WATER- E-15, AND TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. T-3 and each of them, have been calculated in accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Sections 429.051 and 429.061; that notice has been duly published, as required by law, that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assess- ments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to all interested persons to present their objections; 1. MAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 136, 162 AND 163, STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. BA-40, BA-51, AND 9/23/63 and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited.by the.construction of the improvement or which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land,.respectively. pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said pro- posed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements respectively. parcel, together with the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from tzme to time unpaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, shall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the property described therein and all thereof. IMPROVEIENT NO. 183 and TRUNK WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 163 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 20 years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1964, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1963, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subse- quent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1964 through 1982, collectible in the respective ensuing years, 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, k The assessment against each lot, tract or 3. The total amount of each such assessment for SANITARY DISTRICT SEtER 4. The total amount of each assessment for STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. E-15 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 15 years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereto to December 31, 1964,.to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1963, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1964 through 1977, collectible in the respective ensuing years. IfiiPROVEESENT NO. 183, STORM SEWER.IMPROVEMENTS NOS, 67 AND 68, LATERAL WATERMAIN INPROVEMENTS NOS. 136, 162 AND 163, and STREET IlIPROVEMENTS NOS. BA-40 AND BA-51 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereof to December 31, 1964,.to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1963, and one of the remaining installments, with one yearts interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1964 through 1972, collectible in the respective ensuing years. 6. The total amount of each assessment for TREE TRIMMING IIPROVEMENT NO,.T-3 shall be payable in one installment, together with interest on the entire assessment fromthe date hereof to December 31, 1964, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1963. owner of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby may pay the whole of such assessmenti or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurersand thereafter such payment may be made with accrued interest, to the County Treasurer; provided that if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Village Treasurer, he shall promptly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on the books of the County Auditor . The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installment and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the properntax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be collected in the manner provided by law. ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 183, STORM SENER IMPROVEMENTS 5. The total amount of each assessment for SANITARY LATERAL SEWER 6. Prior to certification of the assessment to*the County Auditor, the 7. Said duplicate shall be designated as the NOS. NOS. 67 AND 68, WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. BA-40, BA-51 AND E-15, AND TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. 136, 162 AND 163, STREET IMPROVEHENTS T-3, and all amounts collected in respect of the assessments therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Treasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the IMPROVENENT BOND REDEMPTION FUND. VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the RURAL HENNEPIN PUQLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE REPORT €OR AUGUST, 1963, was submitted, reviewed and ordered placed on file. ERNST & ERNST APPOINTED AS AUDITORS OF VILLAGE RECORDS FOR YEAR 1963. Clerk submitted letter from Emst & Ernst, Minneapolis, relative to appointment as auditors for year 1963, and VanValkenburg moved that Ernst & Ernst be appointed as auditors for the 1963 Village records. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried, 9/23/63 PETITION FOR REMOVAL OF ASPHALTIC CONCRETE TRIANGLES ON BENTON AVE. BETWEEN TRACY AVE. AND CRESCENT DRIVE was presented, together with a memorandum dated September 16, from Village Engineer Wegner to Manager Hyde. willingness of the neighboring property owners to maintain the triangles in grass. Mr, Wegner's memorandum listed as his reasons for,recommending denial of petition 1, Maintenance costs of grassy plots (neighbor interest may.be good for a few years, but this usually deteriorates to the place where Village maintenance is required) . 2. Snow removal problems, if the triangular areas are raised. 3. Dust and dirt problems. 4. Advantage to neighbors in using asphalt triangles as parking space. to maintain like areas, and where Village has had to assume maintenance after interested neighbors have moved or grown tired of this work, saying the Village simply does not have the staff to properly maintain areas of this kind. Tupa moved that Council accept Village Engineerls recommendation and deny petition, forwarding copy of recommendations to petitioners. VanValkenburg and -carried. Petition cited the Manager Hyde cited instances in which neighbors have promised Motion seconded by PETITION FOR VACATION OF ALLEY BETWEEN MONROE AND JACKSON AVENUES AND BETWEEN BELMORE LANR AND MALONEY AVENUE TO RECEIVE PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 21. Petition . for Vacation of the Allev between Monroe and Jackson Avenues in the 400 Block was " filed with the Council. for Monday, October 21, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Tupa's motion scheduling Public Hearing on the Petition IMPROVEMENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED. reviewed, and by motion Tupa, seconded by MacMillan and carried, were accepted and referred to the Village Engineer for programming: The following Improvement Petitions were submitted, 1. OILING - Pine Grove Rd., Blake Rd. to W. Highwood Drive. 2. PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER - Beard Place, W.62nd Street to W.63rd Street. OVER-ALL LAND USE PLAN FOR OSCAR ROBERTS PROPERTY (RAUENHORST CONSTRUCTION COMPANY) W.72nd Street on the North, France Avenue on the East, and South Gardens Estates and Lake Edina Additions on the West; this being a plan for future use of the gravel pit areas. generally favorable to this plan (which encompasses R-1, R-2,R-3, R-4 and $-5 Residential Zoning, Office Building and Planned Industrial Zoning),.modifying it in only three minor respects.; that plan has been explained to neighborhood groups in the additions abutting this land, and that they are generally in accord. One of the modifications recommended is the substitution of R-4 Multiple Residence for RJ5 in that tract now shown as R-5, until such time as more information is-received. relative to proposed R-5 development. this plan, Council mfght want the opportunity for further study, Mr. Hite reported there is no need for immediate action. He informed Cbuncil that Planning Commission's recommendation is Suggesting that because of the scope of Report accepted. COUNCIL SCHEDULES PUBLIC HEARINGS ON (1) PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO ZONING ORDINANCE TO PERMIT LODGES AS PRINCIPAL USE IN OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT, AND (2) PETITION OF EDINA MASONIC LODGE FOR THE REZONING OF THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF W.7OTH STREET AND HIGHWAY LOO FROM OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT. Council reviewed Planning Commission's recommendations of September 11, 1963, relative to the petition of Edina Masonic Lodge for the rezoning of the Southwest Corner of W,7Oth Street and Highway 100 for the purpose of constructing a Lodge Hall thereon. Commission's recommendation was favorable. Mr. Hite explained it is felt that Lodge Halls and Clubs which are private and non-profit organizations should be a permitted "principal use" in the Office Building District (rather than a use permitted by Special Permit), and suggested that if Council wishes to schedule a Hearing on the Masonic Lodge petition, Hearing on the ltprincipal user1 amendment also be held. October 7, 1963 on both the ttPrincipal Uset1 Amendment to the Office Building District portion of the Zoning Ordinance proposed by Mr. Hite, and on the Masonic Lodge's petition for rezoning, was seconded by Rixe and carried. VanValkenburg's motion, that Public Hearings be scheduled for 'IBILTMORE EAST" MOTEL CONSTRUCTION PLANS APPROVED. September 11th recommendation for approval of construction plans for "Bi1tmS;re East" Motel was reviewed; this to be a 38-unit motel to be situated at the/c8%er hwest of Highway 100 and Eden Avenue . 1963 and numbered ttSK-411 was submitted to Council. that Plan be approved in accordance with Commission's recommendation, and that Clerk be directed to publish Ordinance No. 261-65 (which rezones site) upon compliance by owner with stipulations set forth by Council February 5, 1963 (Page 23, Book 251, was seconded by MacMillan and carried, Planning Commission Is Sketch of the proposed building, dated March 1, VanValke nburg's motion, REQUEST FOR REZONING OF 4832 VALLEY VIEW ROAD FROM OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO R-2 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT DENIED. VanValkenburg moved for denial of this request, pursuant to Plannning Commission recommendation of September 11.. seconded by Rixe and carried. Petitioner, Elmer Nordstrom; site, NE Corner of Motion 198 9/2 3/6 3 Valley View Road and Highway 100; reason for recommendation for denial of petition, does not meet minimum area requirements for double bungalow. Council. Tupa's motion, scheduling Public Hearing on request for rezoning for Monday, October 7, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Tract is located at the Northwest Corner, Boundary Blvd. and Computer Ave. SUBDIVISION OF LOT 29, BLOCK 1, SOUTH HARRIET PARK 2ND ADDN. DENIED UNTIL SUCH TIME AS ACCESS IS AVAILABLE FOR EAST 1/2 LOT. Mrs. E. A. Gilbert, owner of Lot 29, Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addition, was present to support her petition for permit to divide the lot into two 60x128-1/2' lots. Address of lot is 5241 Halifax Ave. A house is presently situated on the west 1/2 lot, abutfing Halifax Avenue; the east 1/2 lot will be landlocked unless a road is constructed in the middle of Block 1, South Harriet Park 2nd Addn. as far as Village Pumphouse Property, from W.52nd Street. Mr. Hite told Council the matter of this road has been proposed, but is a most controversial subject; that while some abutting property owners have evinced an interest, others are violently opposed. Mrs. Gilbert told Council that she had spoken with "someone" in the Village office before she purchased her property, and had been told it could be divided. Planriing Commission's recommendation for denial of petition for subdivision until such time as access is available for the east half of the lot, was reviewed; and Vupa moved that recommendation of Planning Commission be accepted and petition denied. "IDYLWOOD FIFTH ADDITIONt1 PRELIMINARY PLAT APPROVED. approval of this Preliminary Plat, a four-lot plat of property on East side of Blake Road just south of Pine Grove Road, was seconded by Rixe and carried. pursuant to Planning Commission's recommendation of September 11. I Notion seconded by VanValkenburg and carriedi VanValkenburg's motion for Motion made "DUBLIN HILL". ADDITION FINAL PLAT APPROVED. This Final Plat, being for an eight-lot subdivision located North of the TJ.70th St, water reservoir (formerly known as Hedges - Addn.) was approved by motion Tupa, seconded by MacMillan and carrieh. pursuant to Planning Commission's September 11th recommendations. Approval . COUNCIL AUTHORIZES PRELIMINARY PLANS FOR STORM SEWER TO DRAIN PROPERTY AT 5516 DUNDEE ROAD. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Peyer, 5516 Dundee Road, were present to plead for relief from a very serious drainage problem at the back of their.lot. Manager Hyde reported to Council ghat a proposed Storm Sewer between Hidden Lane and W.56th Street on Dundee Road had been abandoned after Public Hearing on July 24, 1961, despite the pleas of Mr. and Mrs. Peyer. Village Engineer Wegner told Council that at the present time there is no way the Village can take care of this problem, except by a very expensive storm sewer. Informing Council that the drainage for several lots included in the proposed assessment for the Hawkes Lake Outlet Storm Sewer now drains into the Peyer back yard, Mr. Wegner recommended that this area be removed from the assessment roll for this improvement, in favor of a connection charge to be paid at such time as a lateral is constructed to serve the area; (This area, as shown on a Vu-Graph Slide, comprises all but the front 50 feet of Lots 3,4,5 and 6, B1. 3, Mirror Lakes Meadow Wood Addn., Lots 1, 2 ,Hirror Lakes Meadow Wood 2nd Addn., Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, Highwood Addn. to Edina Highlands, Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Idylwood 2nd Addn., and the southern part of Carson's Hill Addn.) or, if such connection charge is not feasible, that assessment be deferred until such time as Lateral is constructed; also, that because the present lateral in \?.56th Street serves no more than the front 50 feet of these same platted lots, any assessment levied for the Lateral Storm Sewer against. the rear portions of the lots be cancelled; that this area be required to pay for the lateral (if and when constructed) to drain the Peyer lot-which gets the water from the rear of these particular properties. As a stop gap solution, Mr. Wegner suggested that the Peyers establish a ponding area in the lot next to them, which would need the permission of the owner of this lot. solution for the Peyers is the construction of a storm sewer. as to the possibility of the Village's contacting the owner of the vacant lot for permission, and then grading it down, but Mr. Negner reported the Hillage will, by this action, acquire certain undesirable responsibilities which are not within the Village's prerogatives. ment, Mr. Peyer told Council the assessment is a minor problem; that his principal and most serious problem is the flooding of his rear yard.. Mr. Peyer reported that when he purchased his property the rear yard drained to the South, but since that time the drainage has been blocked by the filling of the lots to the south. of the home to the south, stated the re& problem arose when Mr. Stocke, builder of the Peyer home, built a walk-out basement type home instead of filling this lot. He added the Village Building Inspector should have prohibited the walk-out type building. Messrs. Carroll and Peyer were in agreement that the recommended "ponding area" is just a stop-gap solution. sewer system to drain the Peyer lot be engineered in order that Council may decide whether or not to bring it to Hearing, and it was so ordered. I He added that the only real Manager Hyde inquired Stating that he would be appreciative of relief from assess- Mr. Carrol1,builder Manager Hyde suggested that preliminary plans for a storm 1.99 9 /2 3/6 3' COUNCIL AUTHORIZES PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR WATER WELL ON GOLF COURSE, TO ACT ALSO AS EMERGENCY SUPPLY FOR WATERWORKS SYSTEM, Referring to Banister Engineering Company report dated September 5, 1963, entitled "Re: Edina, Minnesota, Golf Course Well", copies of which report had been forwarded to the Council, Mr. Hyde reported that the substance of the long report 'is that, for an estimated additional cost of $25,800 the Village will be able to construct a well of sufficient size to serve as an "emergency" water supply for the Village water system. well to serve only the Golf Course, as originally planned. construction of the larger well. would be fed directly into the system, also requesting that, if the Couhcil agrees that this plan is feasible, he be given authority to have plans and specifications drawn and bids taken. MacMillan's motion, accepting report and granting authority This additional cost being over the estimate of cost for a small He added this water would not be treated, and Mr. Hyde recommended for plans, specifications and 'advertisement for bids, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, I ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS FOR MOBILE CRANE AUTHORIZED. Council reviewed memorandum from Village Engineer Wegner to Manager Hyde, advocating purchase of a "Mobile Crane". Mr. Hyde informed Council that money has been appropriated towards the purchase of a new grader, that while the grader is needed, the Engineer feels the Mobile Crane (combination dragline and backhoe mounted on truck) is more urgently needed. Wegner reported the equipment we now have is not heavy enough to do the work we need it for; that rugged equipment is needed for underground repair during the winter, VanValkenburg's motion, for advertisement for bids for Mobile Crane, was seconded by Tupa and carried. MINNEAPOLIS SUIT FOR SEWER PAYMENTS WITHHELD BY EDINA DISCUSSED. Council discussed repmts by the metropolitan newspapers, that Minneapolis will sue Edina for the sewer payments being withheld, here. Moulton several times since Edina filed its claim for overcharge, each time requesting an audience with Mr. Moulton on this claim, without result. as to Edina's procedure, should Minneapolis file suit, but inasmuch as no papers have yet been served no action was taken, Mr. Estimate of cost on this equipment is between $23,000 and $25,000. .I Manager Hyde reported he has seen Mr. Frank Some discussion was had . R,G.SODERBERG APPEAL FROM ASSESSMENT FOR LATERAL SANITARY SEWER NO. 197 AND LATERAL WATERMAIN NO. 167 referred to Village Attorney for action. received Mr. R.G. Soderberg's formal "Appeal from Assessment" against his property , "that part of Lot 5, Block 16, Normandale Addition lying southerly of the north 60 feet thereof". Clerk reported having . Appeal referred to Village Attorney Hasselquist for defense by 'Village, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Rixe and carried. I ' STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT'S "LAYOUT 7-A" FOR CROSSTOWN HIGHWAY FROM HIGHWAY #494 (ROWLAND ROAD) TO TRUNK HIGHWAY 100 (62ND STREET CROSSING) was referred to the Village Engineer for study and report. CLAIMS PAID. List dated September 23, 1963, and additional Claims as hereinafter set forth, was 'seconded by Rixe and carried: Claims as per Pre-List-General Fund, $42,661.09; Construction Fund, $294,740.68; Park, Park Construction E Swim Pool, $12,482.91; Water Fund, $13,825.30; Liquor Fund, $68,213.13; Sewer Rental Fund, $1,228,68; Improvement Funds, $1,000,000.00; P.I.R. Fund, $1,540.00--TOTAL, $1,434,691.79. and No, 23758, to Calvin Cooper for Sanitary Sewer Easement, amount .$500.00. Motion by Tupa, for the payment of the following Claims as per Pre- Additional Claims : No. 23757, to Texaco, Inc. for Gasoline, amount $1,384.09, VILLAGE ENGINEER WEGNER TO LEAVE EDINA FOR POSITION IN IOWA. that this will be Village Engineer Wegner's last meeting-that he has resigned to accept a position as Directer, Center for Industrial Research and Service, in the College of 'Engineering at Iowa State -University. Mr. Wegner for his very fine job for Edina this past year, accepted his resignation with regret, and wished him well in his new position. Mr. Hyde announued Council and Manager commended ACTION ON 1964 BUDGET DELAYED TO FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, AT 5:OO P.M.- Council discussed at some length the proposed budget relative to salary increases requested by Local No, 94. requested, again, that the Library be the priority "capital improvement" considered in that part of the budget setting up $50,000 for capital improvements. She asked about $'the future of the library"; was asked by the Council to submit a report. Council also discussed the matter of General Fund VS. Assessment Basis on Curb and Gutter Replacement. tentative appropriation for Curb and Gutter Replacement, and to treat such work in the same manner as sidewalk replacement is treated; i.e., assessment. After some further discussion, VanValkenburg moved that Mayor Bredesen be a committee of one to work with Manager Hyde relative to salaries for report to Council at 5:OO P.M., Friday, September 27, and that Council delay action on budget to that time. Mrs. Maynard B. Hasselquist ," representing the "Friends of the Library", . I It was decided informally to remove from the budget the Motion seconded by Rixe and carried. 28 9/2 3/ 63 CONSTRUCTION WOm PROGRESS REPORT PRE3ENTED.- fb. Ilegner presented to the Council 'his "Report Of Construction Work Progress through September 10, 1963. Report accepted. WEQIAL~~SSESSIENT~ HEARINGS. SCHEDULED ' FOR. OCTOBER-".'ITH IGETING. reported that because of the change of Meeting Date from the 2nd Monday in October to the 1st Monday, it has been necessary to make publication of several Notices of Assessment Hearings without Council authorization, on the supposition that Council would approve October 7th as the date for these Hearings. asked for a Resolution for Hearings, and VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: As one of his last official acts, Manager &de He RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARINGS: SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 182, 204 AND 207: MENTS NOS. 62, 70, 85 AND 76: AND STREET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 160 AND 164: STORM SEIER IMPROVE- A-153, A-154, BA-33, BA-46, BA-47, BA-52, BA-53, BA-54, BA-55 ' AND E-10 BE-IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edha as follows: for the improvements set forth in the ten Notice of Hearing forms hereinafter recorded, and the amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective pieces and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed.assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved; and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided. of Hearing forms hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments; and the Clerk's action in publishing said Notices of said hearings in the official newspaper in accordance with law, is hereby ratified and confirmed: NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT N0.182 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed 2. This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in the ten Notice (1) " EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall dn Monday, October 7, 1963 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the pro- posed assessment for the following improvement. * This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. ~- SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 182 - - - CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY SEVER, LIFT STATION, FORCE MAIN AND APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOWS: In Eden Avenue from Highway No. 169 to Arcadia Avenue;' In Arcadia Avenue from Eden Avenue to Hopkins Road. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes IlBeginnbg at the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Wanner Addition; thence all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: North along West line of Block 1, Wanner Addition to Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Edenmoor Addn.; th W. to SN cor. of Lot 2, Block 2, Edenmoor Addn.; th N along W. line of Lot 2, Block 1, Edenmoor Addn. to intersection with S. right-of- way line of Eden Avenue; th NWly to intersection of N. right-of-way line of Eden Ave. and E. right-of-way line of T.H. 169; th NEly along E, right-of-way line of T.H. 169; th NEly along E. right-of-way line of T.H. 169 to intersection of W. right-of-way line of Brookside Ave.; th SEly along H. right-of-way line of Brook- side Ave. .to NE cor. of Lot 2, B1. 3, Grandview Heights Addn.; th SEly to a point on E. right-of-way line of Brookside Ave. 95:85 feet N: of the S. line of Lot 22, Bl. 2, Grandview Heights Addn. extended to intersect with the E. right-of-way,line of Brookside Ave.; th E. to a point on W, right-of-way line of Arcadia Ave. 100 ft. S. of NE cor. of Lot 7, B1, 8, Tingdale Bros. of-way line of Arcadia Ave, to NE cor. of Lot to NW cor. of Lot 1, B1. 1, Grandview Heights line of Hopkins Road to intersection with the Sly along 17. right-of-way line of T.H. 100 to line of Eden Ave,; th SWly 586 ft. to a point th S. to a pt. on the S. right-of-way line of Brookside Addn.; th S. along 11. right- 1, B1. 2, Grandview Hts-Addn.; th SEly Addn.; th SEly along S. right-of-way W. right-of-way line o# T.H. 100; th intersection with the/right-of-way on N. right-of-way line of Eden Ave.; Eden Ave. 120 ft, NEly of the inter- section of the E. right-of-way line of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway and the S. right-of-way line of Eden Ave.; th S. and E, on a bearing of 2? 33' for a distance of 748.5 ft.; th S. and W, on a bearing of 89O 38'. for a. distance of 193.2 feet to a pt on the E. right-of-way line of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway; th allong the E. right-of-way line of the Minne- apolis, Northflield and Southern Railway to an intersection with the S. .line of Lot 3,nBlock 1, Wanner Addition extended; thence along said S. line of Lot 3, Block 1, Wanner Addition extended to the point of beginning." annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the-same rate for one year on all. unpaid installments. Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive 9/23/63 The otnier of any property assessed for the whole of the assessment without interest to the December 15, 1963, or -make payment with accrued BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. 201 above improvement may pay the Village Treasurer on or before interest to the County Treasurer. / (2) GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk NOTICE OF ASSESSENT HEARING ON WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT N0.160 .EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, October 7, 1963 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon a11 objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement, the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. This assessment is now on file in WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 160 - CONSTRUCTION OF WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONS AND APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOWS: . In Eden Avenue from Highway No. 169 to Arcadia Avenue; In Arcadia Avenue from Eden.Avenue to Hopkins Road. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive those lots and &acts of land receiving said Water Service Connections. annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village. Clerk (3) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARINGS ON LATERAL WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT N0.164 AND SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS NOS. 204 AND 207 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, October 7, 1963 at 7:OO otclock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessments for the following improvements. file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: AS FOLLOWS: In Cherokee Trail from Gleason Road to Indian Hills Pass Navaho Trail from Cherokee Trail to Indian Hills Road Indian Hills Road from Navaho Trail to Indian Hills Pass Indian Hills Pass from Indian Hills Road to Gleason Road. These assessments are now on LATERAL WATERMAIN NO. 164 - CONSTRUCTION OF VILLBGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. AS FOLLOWS: In Barrie Road from West 65th Street extended to 460 feet South all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets-improved. AS FOLLOWS: SANITARY SEWER NO. 204 - CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above impovement includes SANITARY SEWER NO. 207 - CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND APPURTENANCES On an easement line between Arthur Street and Griffit Street, located between Lots 3 and 4, Block 14, Mendelssohn Addition and Lot 1, Block 1, Davies Addition, and Block 15 , Mendelssohn Addition. The property proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement is DAVIES FIRST ADDITION: - Block 1, Lots 1 and 2; Block 2, Lot 1 Assesments as follows: for the above improvements will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or besore December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 62 (4) EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, October 7 , 1963 at 7:OO otclock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the pro- posed assessment for the following improvement. the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. In Eden Avenue from a point just East of Highway No. 169 to a point just West of Highway No. 100, and then into ponds on "Our Lady of Grace Church" property, and including earthwork around said ponds. This assessment is now on file in STORM SEWER 62 - CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOWS: The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes 202 9/23 /63 all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at intersection of West right-of-way line of Trunk Highway No. 100 with centerline of Hopkins Road; thence Northwesterly along the centerline of said Hopkins Road to interaection of Hoplkins Road and Arcadia Avenue centerlines; th N to intersection of centerline of said Arcadia Avenue and a line extended that is parallel to and 100 feet South of the North line of Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Block 8, Tingdale Bros. Brookside Addn.; th W. along said line to an intersection with East right-of-way of .Brookside Avenue; th North and Northwesterly along said right-of-way line to an intersection with South right-of-way line of Trunk Highway 169.; th North to an intersection with centerline of T.H. 169; thence Westerly to the Northeast corner of Lot 30, Block 3, Grandview Heights Addn.; thence West along North line of said Lot 30 and along the North line of Lot 5, Block 4 of Grandview Heights Addn. to intersection with East line of Lot 6, Block 1, Brookside Heights Addn.; th North to the Northeast corner of said Lot 6; th Nest along.North line of said Lot 6 and long North line of Lot 9, Block 2, Brookside Heights Addn. to an intersection with center- line of alley (vacated) in said Block 2; thence South along said centerline of alley to an intersection with centerline of West 51st Street; thence West along said center- line of West 51st Street to an intersection with centerline of ITilliam Avenue; thence South along centerline of William Avenue to an intersection with centerline of West 52nd Street; thence West along centerline of West 52nd Street to an intersection with centerline of Grandview Lane; thence South along centerline of Grandview Lane to an intersection with a line extended through the Northeast corner and the Southwest. corner of Lot 5, Block 2, of the Replat of Part of Grandview Plateau; thence South- westerly along said line to the Southwest corner of said Lot 5; thence South along the Hest line of Lot 6, Block 2, of said Replat, and along said line extended to a point of intersection with a line parallel to and 130 feet South of the South right-of-way line of West 53rd Street; thence East along said.line a distance of 250 feet; thence Northeasterly to the intersection of said South right-of-way line of 'West 532d Street and the \?est right-of-way line of T.H. 169; thence East to the intersection of the centerlines of Eden Avenue and Sherwood Road; thence South along the centerline of Sherwood Road to an intersection with the South line of Section 28, Township 117, Range 21; thence East along said section line to an intersection with the East right- of-way line of Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway; thence Northeasterly along said East right-of-way line to intersection with S. right-of-way line of Eden Avenue; thence Northeasterly along South right-of-way line of Eden Avenue to the West right- of-way line of Trunk Highway 100; thence.Northwesterly along the West right-of-way line of Trunk Highway 100 to centerline of Hopkins Road, point of beginningO1' annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. one year on all unpaid installments. the improvement assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. . I Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN So ALDEN Village Clerk (5) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON STORM SEWER Il4PROVEMENT NO. 70 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, October 7, 1963 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. This assessment is now on file in the office STORivI SEVER NO. 70 - CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES AS FOLLOWS: On a proposed easement line between Interlachen Blvd. and Hollywood Road and lying on the t< line of Edina Terrace Addition. Road to Division Street. Cleveland Avenue from Div,ision Street to the S. side of the former Minneapolis, St.Pau1 & Sburban Railroad right-of-way. On a proposed easement line from the S. side of the former Minneapolis, St. Paul E Suburban Railroad right-of-way to the N. side of said proposed easement line to Minnehaha Creek; all on a proposed line of Cleveland Avenue extended. West 48th Street from Brookside Avenue to Rutledge Avenue. all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: thence West along the North line of said Lot 30 and along the North line of Lot 5, Block 4, of Grandview Heights Addition to the intersection with the East line of Lot 6, Block 1, Brookside Heights Addition; thence North to the Northeast corner of said Lot 6; thence Nest along the North line of said Lot 6 and along the North line of Lot 9, Block 2, Brookside Heights Addition to a point-which is 25 feet West of the East line of said Lot 9; thence Northwesterly to a point on the North line of Lot 8, Block 2, Brookside Heights Addition which is 60 feet West of the East line of said Lot 8; thence Northeasterly to a point on the North line of Lot 7, Block 2, Brookside Heights Addition which is 40 feet West of the East line of said Lot 7; thence North- Rutledge Avenue from Hollywood Division Street from Rutledge Avenue to Cleveland Avenue. Division Street from Cleveland Avenue to Vandervork Avenue. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes "Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 30, Block 3, Grandview Heights Addn.; - $03 ) 9/23/63 easterly to a point on the North line of Lot 6, Block 2, Brookside Heights Addition which is 25 feet West of the East line of said Lot 6; thence Northerly to a point on the North line of Lot 1, Block 2, Brookside Heights Addition which is 25 feet West of the East line of said Lot 1; thence Northerly to the inter- section with the centerline of Interlachen Blvd.; thence Westerly along the centerline of Interlachen Boulevard to the intersection of the centerline of Beverly Hills Second Addition; thence Northerly along the east line of Lot 11, and Lot 3, Block 4, Beverly Hills Addition to the Northeast comer of said Lot 3; thence Northerly to the intersection with the centerline of Hollywood Road; thence Westerly along the centerline of Hollywood Road for a distance of 150 feet; thence Northwesterly to the Southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1,aBeverly Hills Addition; thence Westerly for a distance of 40.7 feet along the South line of Lot 1, Block 1, Beverly Hills Addition; thence Northerly to a point on the South Xine of Lot 5, Block I, Emma Abbott park which is 45.7 feet West of the East line of said Lot 5; thence Northerly to a point on the North line of Lot 1, Block 1, Emma Abbott Park which is 45.7 feet West of the East line of said Lot 1; Thence to a point in Block 16, Cleveland's Subdivision which is 50 feet North of the South line and 65.7 feet West of the East line of said Block 16; thence Easterly along the North line of Lots 10 and 8 of Block 15 in Cleveland's' Subdivision extended to the centerline of Vandervork Avenue; thence Northerly along the centerline of Vandervork Avenue estended to a point 50 feet North of the South line of the Minneapolis, St.Pau1 & Suburban Railway right-of-way (vacated); thence Easterly parallel with the South Line of the Minneapolis, St. Paul & Suburban Ra2lway right-of-way (vacated) to the intersection of the canterline of Rutledge Avenue extended Northerly; thence Southerly along the centerline of Rutledge Avenue to the intersection of the North line of Lot 2, Block 1, Replat of Lots 9 and 10, Brookside Terrace Addition extended Westerly; thence Easterly to the Northwest corner and along the North line of Lot 2, Block 1, Replat of Lots 9 and 10, Brookside Terrace Addition 20 t6e Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence Southeasterly to a point on the East Tin-e of Lot 11, Brookside Terrace Addition which is 56 feet North of the South line of said Lot 11; thence Easterly along the North line of Lot 18, Brookside Terrace Addition to the East line of said Lot 18; thence Southeasterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 33, Brookside Terrace Addition; thence Easterly along the North line of Lot 33, Brookside Terrace Addition to the intersection of the centeyline of the Minne- apolis, Northfield and Southern Railway; thence Southerly along the centerline of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern Railway to a point directly East of the Northwest corner of Lot 22, Block 2, Grandview Heights Addition; thence West to the Northwest corner of Lot 22, Block 2, Grandview Heights Addition; thence Northerly and Northwesterly along the East right-of-way line of Brookside Avenue to the intersection with the South right-of-way line of T.H. 169; thence Northerly to the intersection with the centerline of T.H. 169; thence Westerly to the Northeast corner of Lot 30, Block 3, Grandview Heights Addition which is 'the point of beg inn ing . annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes €or the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. same rate-for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. - * Vandervork Avenue; thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 3, Block 1, i, Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (6 1 NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 75 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, October 7, L963 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. This assessment is now on file STORM SEWER NO. 75 - CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: On platted Road between Wycliffe Road and Tracy Avenue from Warden Avenue to Grove Street; 2nd Replat; 85 feet South of the NW corner of said Lot 5 and there terminating. all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: thence West to the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 2, Lyle 2nd Addition; thence Northwest to the Northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence Northwesterly to a point on the center line of Stuart Avenue, said point being 13s feet North of the North line extended of Lot 5, Block 2, Broadmore Addition; thence 'Northwest to a point which is 25 feet North and 15 feet East of the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Broadmore Addition Eliason Replat; thence Northeasterly to a point 50 feet East of the Southwest corner of Lot 11, Warden Acres; thence West to the Southwest corner In Grove Street from platted Road to West line of Lot 5, Block 1, Broadmore South on West line of Lot 5, Block 1, Broadmore 2nd Replat a distance of The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes "Commencing at the Southeast corner of Lot 2, Block 2, Lyle 2nd Addition; ' 204 9/23/63 of said Lot 11; thence North on the West lot line of said Lot 11, a distance of 20 feet; thence East parallel to and 120 feet North of the South line of said Lot 11 to the East line thereof; thence Southeasterly to a point on the South line of Lot 10, Warden Acres, said point being 70 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence East along the North line of Grove St. to a point 40 feet East of the Southwest corner of Lot 3, Block 2, Fridlund's Addition; thence Northeast to a point on the East line of said Lot 3, said point being 40 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northeasterly to a point in Lot 2, Block 2, Fridlund's Addition, said point being 40 feet West and 70 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof; thence South to a point on the South line of Lot 1, Block 1, Broadmore Addition 2nd Replat, said point being 40 feet West of the Southeast corner thereof; thence Southeasterly to the centerline of Benton Avenue and the West line of Tracy Avenue; thence South to the point of beginning." annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December -31, 1964. rate €or one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive I To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (7) EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, October 7, 1963 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the pro- posed assessment for the following improvement. the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. FOLLOWS: - In Halifax Lane from a point in existing storm sewer line 330 feet South of West 54th Street; thence South to a point three feet North of the South line of Lot 1, Block 4, Elmwood Terrace; thence West to Minnehaha Creek. all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: point being 15' West of the Northeast corner of said lot; thence South and parallel to the East line of said Lot 2 to a point on the South line of Lot 1, Block 1, Elm- wood Terrace; thence Southwesterly to a point on the North line of the North 55.47 feet of the South 164.97 feet of the East 197.67 feet of the NortheastU4 of North- east 1/4 of Northeast 1/4 of Sec. 19-28-24, distant 140 feet West of the NE corner thereof; thence South to a point on the North line of Lot 2, Block 2, Elmwood Terrace, said point being 140 feet Mest from the Northeast corner of said lot; thence South- easterly to a point on the East line of Lot 2, Block 2, Elmwood Terrace, said point being 50.04' South of the NE corner thereof; thence East to a point on the East line of France Ave., said point being 20' South of the SW corner of Lot 4, Block 5, Wood- bury Park Near Lake Harriet; thence North along the East line of France Ave. to the South line of West Fuller St. ; thence East along the South line of West Fuller St. a distance of 227'; thence Northwesterly to the SE corner of Lot 13, Block 4, Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet; thence Northwesterly to the Northwest corner of Lot 12, Block 4, Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet; thence North to the NW corner of Lot 6, Block 4, Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet; thence East to the NE corner of Lot 3, Block 4, Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet; thence South on the East line of Lot 3, Block 4, Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet; a distance of 30'; thence East and parallel to the North line of Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet, to the East line of said Lot 1, Block 4, Iv&dale Park Near Lake Harriet; thence North to the NE corner of said Lot 1, Block 4, Ivandale Park Near Lake Harriet; thence North-. I: easterly to the SW corner of Lot 16, Block 6, Hawthorne Park'Second Division; thence Northeasterly to a point in Lot 16, Block 6, Hawthorne Park Second Division, said point being 30' East of and 5' North of the SN corner of said Lot 16; thence North and parallel to the center line of South Ewing Ave. to a point in Lot 30, Block 6, Hawthorne Park Second Division, said point being 30' East of and 5' South of the NW corner of said Lot 30; thence Northwesterly to the NIJ corner of Lot 30, Block 6, Hawthorne Park Second Division; thence West to the NW corner of Lot 1, Block 5, Hawthorne Park Second Division; thence Southwesterly to a point in Lot 1, Block 5, Hawthorne Park Second Division; said point being 30' \Jest of and 5' South of the NE corner of said Lot'l; thence South parallel to the center line of South Ewing Ave. and to a point on the South line of Lot 4, Block 5, Hawthorne Park Second Division, said point being 30' East of the Southeast corner of said Lot 8, Block 5, Hawthorne Park Second Division; thence Southwesterly to the NW corner of Lot 6, Block 5, Hawthorne Park Second Division; thence West to the NE corner of Lot 25, Block 5,F Hawthorne Park Second Division; thence Southwesterly to the SW corner of Lot 24, Block 5, Hawthorne Park Second Division; thence Southwesterly to the NE corner of Lot 17, Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition; thence West to a point on the North line of Lot 17, Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition, said point being 25' West from the NE corner of said lot; thence Southwesterly to a point in Lot 18, NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON STOBI SEWER IMPROVENENT NO. 76 This assessment is now on file in % STORM SEWER NO. 76 - CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES AS The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes "Beginning at a point on the North line of Lot 2, Block 1, Elmwood Terrace, said I ' -. . ' 1- 9/23/63 205 Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition, said~ point being 35' West of. the $. .m East lot line and 147' North of the South lot line of said Lot 18; thence West to a point in Lot 18, Block 1, South Harriet Park Second Addition, said point being 143' West of the East lot line and 1471 North of the South lot line of said lot; thence South to a point on the South lot line of Lot 18, Block 1, South Hareiet Park Second Addition, said point being 143' West of the SW corner of said lot; thence Southwesterly to a point on the South line of West 54th Street, said point being 30' East of the NE corner of Lot 10, South Ridge Addn.; thence South to a point on the South line extended of Lot 8, South Ridge Addn., said point being 30' East of the SE corner of said Lot 8; thence Southeasterly to point of beginning. 'I annual installments over a period of ten years, with the *first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 Qayable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. i Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive To each subsequent installment' will be added interest at the The owner of any property 'assessed for the &ove improvement may pay the whole BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (8) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARINGS ON STEET IMPROVEMENTS NOS. A-153 AND 154 (BLACKTOPPING) EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, October 7, 1963, at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the pro- posed assessment for the following improvements. in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. These assessments are now on file BLACKTOP NO. A-153 - In Lexington Avenue from Wooddale Ave. to St.Johns Avenue BLACKTOP NO. A-154 - In Waterman Avenue from Blake Road to 813 feet East. The area propwed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvements includes Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in five equal aonsecutive all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. annual installments over a period of five years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. % GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk (9) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARINGS ON STREET IMPROVE- MENTS (BLACKTOP CURB & GUTTER) NOS. BA-33, BA-46, BA-47, BA-52, BA-53, BA-54 AND BA-55 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, October 7, 1963 at 7:OO o'clock P.M., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the pro- posed assessments for the following improvements. These assessments are now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. BLACKTOP CURB & GUTTER IMPROVEMENTS AS FOLLOWS: BA-33 BA-46 BA-47 In West 65th Street from-France Avenue to Valley View Road. In West Shore Drive from West 70th Street to Dunberry Lane and In Dunberry Lane from Creston Road to West Shore Drive. In West 44th Street from Browndale Avenue to Coolidge Avenue (AC Pavement and PCC Curb E Gutter both sides of street); West 44th Street from Coolidge Avenue to West line of Lot 3, Block 1, Arden Park 3rd Addition (PCC Curb E Gutter only) In Mirror Lakes Drive from North line of Lot 25, Rosendahl's Edina Highlands In Dundee Road from the North line of Mirror Lakes Meadow-Wood 2nd Addition In West 56th Street from Dundee Road to State Highway No. 169-222. . BA-52 In Ayrshire BLvd. from Dundee Road to Glengarry Parkway; Addition to West 56th Street; to Edina Highlands to West 56th Street; BA-53 In Goya Lane from Highway No. 169-212 to Cul-de-sac. BA-54 BA-55 In Ryan Avenue from West 62nd Street to Valley View Road. In Wilryan Avenue from Valley View Road to 1015 feet South; and In West 62nd Street from Wilryan Avenue to Valley View Road. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvements includes Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in ten equal consecutive all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same 9/23/63 rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the improvement assessment without interest to the.Village Treasurer on or before I December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk '(10) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. E-10 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, October 7, 1963 a t 7:OO o'clock P.M. , to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the pro- posed assessment for the following improvement. office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. BITUMINOUS CURB, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, AND SIDEWALK IN: This assessment.is now on file in the I STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. E-10 - CONSTRUCTION OF GRADING, PERMANENT STREET SURE'ACING 2 Eden Avenue from Highway No. 169 to Highway No. 100. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at intersection of \?est right-of-way line of T.H. 100 with centerline of Hopkins Road; thence Northwesterly along centerline of said Hopkins Road to inter- section of centerlines of Hopkins Road and Arcadia Avenue; thence North to an inter- section of centerline of said Arcadia Avenue and a line extended that is parallel to and 100' South of the North line of Lots 5, 6 and 7 of Block 8, Tingdale Brothers Brookside Addition; thence West along said line to an intersection with the East right- of-way line of Brookside Avenue; thence North and Northwesterly along said right-of-way line to an intersection with the South right-of-way line of T.H. 169; thence South- westerly along said South right-of-way line of T.H. 169 to'its intersection with center- line of Sherwood Road; thence South along the centerline of Sherwood Road to its intersection with*the South line of Sec, 28, Township 117, Range 21; thence East along apolts, Northfield and Southern Railway; thence Northeasterly along said East right- of-way line to its intersection with an east-west line 703.7 feet South of the South right-of-way line of Eden Avenue; thence West 193.2 feet; thence North -Bo a point 120 feet South of the South right-of-way line of Eden Avenue; thence Northeasterly, along a line parallel to and 120 feet South of the South right-of-way line of Eden Avenue, to its intersection with the West right-of-way line L* of T.H. 100; thence Northwesterly along the l?est right-of-way line of T.H. 100 to its intersection with centerline of Hopkins Road, the point of beginning." annual installments over a period of fifteen years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1963 payable in 1964, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1964. rate for one year on all unpaid installments. the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1963, or make payment with accrued interest'to the County Treasurer. . 'said section line to its intersection with the East right-of-way line of the Minne- I Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in fifteen equal consecutive To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same The owner of any property assessed forthe above improvement may pay the whole of BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk . Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seco five ayes and no nays as follows: Rixe, and on Rollcall there were MacMillan and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution w There being no further business to come before this meeting, Rixe moved for adjournment to Friday, September 27, 1963, at 5:OO P.M. Adj ournment at 10 : 10 P . 14 . n seconded by'Tupa and carried. I Village Clerk