HomeMy WebLinkAbout19631216_regular12/16/63 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, DECEMBER 16, 1963, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. I 263 Members answering Rollcall we're MacMillan, Rixe, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. WHITE OAKS SEWER HEARING POSTPONED, Public Hearing on the White Oaks Sewer has been postponed until spring; that owners will..receive mailed notification of new date at such time as it is definitely scheduled. Mayor Bredesen announced that the proposed Tupa's motion for approval of Minutes of December 2nd Meeting, as submitted, was seconded by MacMillan and carried. EDINA TO BE 75 YEARS OLD ON DECEMBER 18. Mr. Bredesen reported that Edina was incorporated as a Village on December 18, 1888. COUNCIL ASKS FOR REPORT FROPI LIBRARY CONSULTANTS, PURSUANT TO CITIZENS' REQUEST FOR IMMEDIATE ACTION ON NEW LIBRARY. Mayor Bredesen told an audience of about fifty persons that the Council is meeting tonight for its first formal discussion since receipt of the report of the Friends of the Library relative to new and improved library facilities, although each of the Council has studied and discussed the report informally. many letters advocating a new library, some of which letters asked for new facilities providing there would be no raise in taxes, Mr. Bredesen suggested that"citizens not confuse the facilities under discussion-that the reareation facilities constructed and under construction (swimming pool and golf course) are and will be self sustaining, whereas the library can be built from moneys provided from either one of two sources; private contributions, which the Friends of the Library feel is not possible, or from tax levy, Liquor Stores might be used for the library, but that a commitment was made at the time the municipal liquor store was established, that such profits be used for either park and recreation purposes, or to decrease the taxes by direct contribution to the General Fund of the village. Mr. Bredesen suggested that if it is decided by the Council to proceed with the building of a library, Council should seek the advice of professional librarians, familiar with all aspects of library operations, preferably coming from outside the Village and with no personal nor convenience preferences. Trustee VanValkenburg said that in his conversation with one member of the School Board it had been suggested that the demand for bigger and better school library might be worked out, with access to the public; that as part of the study for new library facility it might be well to work with the School Board for their suggestiions. Dr. Alan Mogck, Chairman of the Friends of the Library, presented to the Council a petition reading, "We respectfully request and urge that the Trustees of the Village of Edina take immediate steps to provide adequate library facilities for said Village," signed by 1941 persons. read the Resolution adopted by the Student 'Council after discussion with the student body concerning the library problem, asking that (1) library be built as soon as possible to assure adequate facilities for students; (2) that library have a special student section; (3) %hat library be open Saturdays, two nights and each afternoon until 6:OO P.E.I.; (4) that library have large reference section for school assignments; and stating that students realize that all their wants and ideas cannot be incorporated into the plans but feel the composition of the new library might be assisted by these ideas. members of the student body, reading in the same manner as the petition presented by Dr. Mogck. Relative to the location of a new library, Mayor Bredesen told group it is evident from the discussions he has had, that one library cannot completely serve Edina; that the Village has already been cut in two by construction of the Crosstown Highway, and will be further divided when Highway 100 is improved. He added that some 10,000 people can easily walk to the library at its present location, and that the land has been donated for either library or park purposes and will revert back to the owner if it is not used for one' or the other. Dr. blogck supported the Friends' recommendation €or a location at Valley View Road and W.66th Street on the grounds that this lo'cation has ready access to heavily travelled nearby highways and is close to Southdale, which predominates as the Edina Shopping Center in the minds of most Edina residents. Village Manager Hyde suggested that one of the big considerations is the plan for a future Regional Hennepin County Library to serve the southwest area. inquired of Miss Helen Young, Director of the Hennepin County Library, as to whether the County Library will continue to serve Morningside if Edina goes ahead with its plans for a new facility. She explained that the matter of the location of a regional library is most difficult to determine because of population trends; that it is hoped a planning consultant can be employed for further study; that, with a one-mill Capital Improvements levy within the permitted five-mill levy, it will take some five years to begin the regional library program; that it is felt that the southwest area--Edina, Richfield, Bloomington and part of Eden Prairie should have first priority, Adding that he and the other Council members have all had He added he has heard some comment that profits from the two Municipal Mr. Don Bennett, President of the*Edina-Morningside High School Student Council, Mr, Bennett also presented a petition, signed by 265 He Miss young's answer was indefinite. . 12/16/6 3 For Storm Sewer Improvement no, 79 - All lots within the following described 266 I I i I I I I I I ! I boundaries: "Beginning at a point in the center line of Rutledge Avenue, said point being twenty feet (20') west of the northwest corner of Lot 6, Brookside Terrace; thence east along the north line of Lot 6, Brookside Terrace to the northeast corner of Lot 6, Brookside Terrace; thence southeasterly to a point on the north line of Lot 16, Brookside Terrace, said point being sixty-five feet (65') west of the northeast corner thereof; thence south and parallel to Brookside Avenue to a point sixty-five feet (65') west of the northeast corner of Lot 18, Brookside Terrace; thence west along the north line of Lot 18, Brookside Terrace to the northwest corner of Lot 18, Brookside T.errace; thence northwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Replat of Lots '9 and 10, Brookside Terrace; thence west along the south line of said Lot 1, Block 1, extended to a point on the center line of Rutledge Avenue; thence north to the point of beginning." Tingdale Bros, Brookside; Lot 1, Block 2, Grandview Heights; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Grandview Heights; Lots LO, 11, 12, 13 and 14, Block 7, Tingdale Bros. Brookside; and Lot 5, Block 7, Tingdale Bros. Brookside, all including vacated Hopkins Road. For Sanitary Sewer (and Hatermain) Improvement No. 208 - Lot 7, Block 8, Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by VanValkenburg, and on COUNCIL GRANTS LOT WIDTH VARIANCE OVER OBJECTIONS OF NEIGHBOR. December 2nd Public'Hearing was continued on the Petition of C. IJ. Rognas for permit to plat a 40-foot lot in the 6000 Block on Kellogg Avenue, being the North 40 feet of Lot 14, Block 19, Fairfax, At the December 2nd Public Hearing, Nr, Do L. Hargreaves, 6037 Kellogg Avenue, owner of property adjacent to this proposed lot, had objected on grounds that a 40-foot lot in the midst of 50-foot lots would devaluate his property. He reiterated his objections at this meeting, saying the property owners across the street have assented to the proposal because this 40-foot stretch has not been maintained but has been allowed to go to weeds, and the neighbors would rather see a structure there than the. weeds. Mr. Hite reported no objections but that of Mr. Hargreaves. on this proposal. Mr, Hargreave's home and the proposed dwelling; also that the dwelling will contain a garage as proposed by Planning Commission. that Council 'approve lot width variance, and permit the use of the North 40 feet of Lot 14, Block 19, Fairfax Addition as a buildable $ot, was seconded by Macfiiillan and carried. He asked that Council deny request, The Planning Commission has recommended favorably It was noted there will be a distance of some 16 feet between VanValkenburg's motion, RESIDENT'S REQUEST FOR ELIMINATION OF STREET PARKING ON FRANCE AND ~OTH STREET REFERRED TO POLICE DEPARTENT, Council received request from Mr. S. L. Huey, 3301 W.55th Street, for elimination of street p?rking on France Avenue and W.5Oth Street within at least one block of the intersection, Chamber of Commerce has appointed a committee to work with the Village on the traffic pmblems at this corner, problems should be controlled by the Police Department; added the City Traffic Engineer has reported his willingness to bar parking on the East side of France at certain hours providing Edina will do so on the West side. for referral of Ik, Huey's communication to the Edina Police Department. seconded by f-lact-Iillan and carried. Engineer Hite reported that the Trustee Tupa stated he believes traffic He then moved Hotion HEARING ON WEDNESDAY, DECEI~BER 18, BEFOI~E MINNESOTA RAILROAD AND WAREHOUSE CO~.INISSION, ON RELOCATION OF WHITING ST, GRADE CROSSING ANNOUNCED. by the Railroad and Warehouse .Commission at the Village Hall on December 18 at 1O:OO A.M., on the Village petition for the relocation of the Whiting St. Grade Crossing at the PINES Railroad Tracks, was announced to the public. This Hearing, to be held E 1-2 IHPROVEHENT PETITION ACCEPTED. to Schaefer Road; Schaefer Road from View Lane to Stauder Circle-South Knoll Drive: Petition for Blacktopping of View Lane from Hwy.#169 . and Stauder Circie from Schaefer Road to Old Stauder Circle was received, and, by - motion Rixe, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, was accepted and referred to the Village Engineer for programming. 92/38/63 267 k SUMMONS AND COMPLAINT RELATIVE TO LACK OF ACCESS AT 6325 FRANCE AVENUE REFERRED TO VILLAGE ATTORNEY. This summons and complaint, filed with Clerk on December 11, is relative to an alleged "taking of access" at 6325 France Avenue during construction of tlie Crosstown Highway and the widening of France Avenue, and asks judgment of $10,000. Mr, Hyde recommended that the matter be referred to the Village Attorney for answer, adding he feels this is completely within the jurisdiction of Hennepin County, which has been named co-defendant . to Village Attorney was ordered, by motion Rixe, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. EDENMOOR RESIDENT'S TRAFFIC COMPLAINTS EFERRED TO POLICE DEPARTMENT FOR INVESTIGATION. JOE. Long, 5236 Edenmoor Street: Referral Clerk reported the following oral complaints received from Mr. -- Overholt Building occupants are using an access on Sherwood Road, (This access was denied the Overholt property when it was rezoned). The Stop Sign at the corner of Downing St, and Sherwood Road, stopping Sherwood traffic, is no longer needed, now that the readi-mix plant is closed--and should be removed; it penalizes Sherwood and Richmond Hills residents, Trucks from industrial properties to the East of Sherwood Road are using Village property as a roadway (not platted Downing Street) for access to Sherwood Road, $ I Mr. Hyde told Council the Police'have already recommended that the Stop Signs remain where they are, for the protection of the residents in the area, but that he will have the other two complaints investigated; and it was so ordered. RURAL HEWNEPIN PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE REPORT FOR NOVEMBER, ' 1963 was submitked, reviewed, and ordered placed on file, HOPKINS POLICE CHIEF PRQETZ' COMMENDATION TO EDINA POLICE AND FIRE DEPARTMENTS ACCEPTED FOR FILE. Council had received coDies of letter from HoDkins Police * * Supt., Wm. F. Proetz, commending Edina Police and Fire Departments for their efficient aid in the emergency at Hopkins Honeywell Ordnance Plant on December 6. Letter accepted with thanks and ordered placed on file. COUNCIL SCHEDULES PUBLIC HEARING FOR JANUARY 6, ON R.L. HAWTHORNE PETITION FOR REZONING FROM OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TO OFFICE BUILDING, LOTS 6-12, BLOCK 7, TIWGDALE BROS, BROOKSIDE, AND LOTS 1-3, BLOCK 1, GRANDVIEW HEIGHTS. Planning Commission action of December 4, recommending favorably on this petition for rezoning; Mr. Hawthorne's plan being for construction of a four-story, 45,000 sqb ft, office building in this area, Commission's recommendation was contingent upon reservation of the right of the Commission to review building plans and site prior to issuance of building permit. Public Hearing on petition for rezoning for January 6, 1964, was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, Tupa's motion, scheduling C. K. KATTER REQUEST FOR, REZONING LOT 2, BLOCK 1, UTTER'S ADDITION TO R-2 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT, TO RECEIVE PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 20. Mayor Bredesen reported receipt of a letter from Mr, C. K. Katter, asking for Hearing by the Council on this petition, which the Planning Commission has recommended be denied by Council, Denial by Commission was for reason that policy does not permit double bungalow construction on a site separated from the Cross Town by a service road, Mr. Bredesen suggested that inasmuch as Mr, Katter has a legal right to be heard by Council, public hearing be scheduled, motion, that Public Hearing on petition for rezoning be scheduled for January 20, 1964, was seconded by MacMillan and carried. VanValkenburg's FEBRUARY 3RD SET AS DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARING ON CHESTER JENSEN REQUEST FOR REZONING VALLEY VIEW ROAD AND WOODDALE AVENUE, Planning Commission's December 4th action, recommending favorably on this petition by Mr. Chester Jensen for rezoning for construction -of an 80-unityapartment building. surrounding zoning, Mr, Hite explained that this particular tract is now, and has been for some time, zoned Community Store District. Jensen's proposal does generate some controversy; that the building will have five stories as seen fpom Valley View Road, but that the rear of the building as seen from Garrison Lane and St.Johns Avenue will have seven levels, sketches of the proposed building, together with elevations, Mr, Hite told Council all parking, for both tenants and guests, will be inside the building; that access to parking will be from Garrison Lane and Valley View Road; that density as pro- posed will conform to requirements of R-5 District, but that setbacks will require a variance from the ordinance. Mr. W. D, Flaskamp, an attorney-representing the neighbors, requested that Council schedule Hearing no sooner than four weeks from tonight, and Mr. Glenn Ballard,liancy Lane, added his request that there be time before the Hearing for neighbors to become better acquainted with the proposition. VanValkenburg's motion, that Hearing on Rezoning and Setback Variances be scheduled for Monday, February 3, 1964, was seconded by Tupa and carried. FROM COMMUNITY STORE DISTRICT TO R-5 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT, BOUTHEST CORNER Showing a Vu-Graph Slide of the He added that Mr. Showing 268 12/16 /6 3 COUNCIL SCHEDUES PUBLIC HEARING ON CbD.JACOBSON REQUEST FOR SIDE YARD AND FRONT \ YARD VARIMCES AT 5304-06 W.70TH STREET: TO BE JANUARY 6. blr. Hite reported . Planning Commission's favorable recommendation on the request of tdr. Jacobson Y ' for permit to construct a double bungalow at 5304-06 W.7Oth St, 22 feet from the Street, eight feet from the Northeast corner and 7.4 feet from the Southwest corner. VanValkenburg's motion, that Public Hearing on'request for variances be scheduled for January 6, 1964, was seconded by Tupa and carried. J.Hb LENTZ REQUEST FOR PERHIT TO SUBDIVIDE LOT 19 , BLOCK 1, CODE'S HIGHVIEW PARK TO RECEIVE PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 6. recommending favorably on Mr, Lentz' request for division of his lot at 5216 Bengon Avenue into two parcels, providing the Village will vacate 30 feet adjacent, and Er. Lentz will add to his lot, was discussed. was to divide this lot into two parcels, the West one having a frontage of 86.lj5 feet along Bernard Place and a depth of 207 feet, and the East one having'a frontage of 100 feet on Benton Avenue and a depth of 86.39 feet. VanValkenburg's motion scheduling Public Hearing on Lot Division for Monday, January 6, 1964, was seconded by Tupa and carried, COUNCIL APPROVES THREE PRELININARY PLATS: recommendations of December 4, on the follodmg three Preliminary Plats, were reviewed by Council, and VanValkenburg moved that Preliminary Plats be approved in accordance with Commission's recommendations. Motion seconded by Tupa and carried. Planning Commission's December 4th action, 14r. Lengz' original proposal Planning Commission's favorable Plats approved, Winsor Addn., Cooper Addn., Meadowbrook Oaks Addn. COUNCIL JOINS WITH PLANNING COI.IMISSION IN COEUENDATION TO LEONARD Cs ODELL. Planning Commission's December 4th Resolution, commending Leonard cb Odell for his service on the Edina Planning Commission for the past eighteen years, being as follows : RESOLUTION LEONAm C. ODELL T?HEREAS, Leonard C. Odell on his appointment to the Planning Commis&ion of the Village of Edina on June 11, 1945, became one of the original members of the Commission when it was first created by the Council of the Village of Edina, State of blinnesota, and Commission since his appointment, and has been one of its most dedicated members, loyally devoted to the duties and the responsibilities of the Commission, and to the progress and welfare of the Village of Edina, and always given generously of his time, talents.and expenience, and has brought to bear upon the deliberations of the Planning Commission the benefit of his fair and impartial judgment, and has been continuously a well informed student and vigorous' advocate of a11 matters before the Commission which would best serve the Village; and by his service on the Commission during the greatest growth of the Village has contributed substantially and lastingly to the orderly planning and development of the Village in which he and many members of his family have long made their homes, and 'lWHF,IIEAS , Leonard C. Odell, .by his devotion to and in the fulfillment of his obligations as a member of the Planning Commission has deservedly won the high respect and sincere gratitude of all who from time to time, over many years, have served with him on the Commission, and of the members of each succeeding Council of the Village, and of all citizens of the Village: Whereas, Leonard C. Odell has served continuously as a member of the Planning 'WEREAS, Leonard C. Odell has served well and with distinction, and has "NOW, THEREFORE, to LEONARD C, ODELL who has served as a member of the Planning Commission for more than eighteen years, and therefore longer and more continuously than any other member, and who has elected to resign from the Commission to devote himself &o other tasks now demanding heavily of his time and ability, we, the members of the Edina Planning Commission, by this Resolution, express our sincere personal regret that other pressing responsibilities now prevent him from continuing as a fellow member of the Commission; and by this means we also proudly remind LEONARD Cs ODELL that the magnitude of his work and the quality of his influence and direction while serving on the Planning Commission are best evidenced by the Village of Edina itself, of which he has been and will continue to be recognized as a distinguished citizen and humble servant. 12/16/6 3 269 "RESOLVED FURTHER, that this Resolution be submitted to the Council of the , Village of Edina with recommendation that it be spread upon the minutes of the proceedings of the Council and that a copy thereof be presented to Leonard C, Odell." Trustee Tupa then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council af the Village of Edina that it adopt and confirm the foregoing Resolution,. adopted by the Edina Planning Commission at its meeting of December 4, 1963; that said Resolution be written into the records of this Meeting, and that copy thereof be presented to Leonard C. Ode11 . RESOLUTION Motion for adoption of the Resolution was second aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bre VanValkenburg, and on HENNEPIN COUNTY M&HWBAPBb&S GENERAL HOSPITAL AMBULANCE SERVICE POLICY ANNOUNCED BY HENNEPIN COUNTY. Manager Hyde reported he has received official notice from Hennepin County relative to Proposed Public Emergency Ambulance Service, effect 12:OO Midnight, December 31; this area to be served from Bloomington Maintenance Station of Highway Department at 81st and Wentworth Ave. South. MINNEAPOLIS EX'ZENDS SANITARY SEWER CONTRACT TO JUNE 30, 1964, that as the result of a meeting held with Minneapolis officials and.Edina officials IbA Hyde reported on December 4, the City will extend its Sanitary Sewer Contract with Edina until June 30, 1964, without prejudice on the part of either party to the contract, upon payment by December 31, 1963 of $56,216.84 of the $78,145.85 total billings dated July 31 and December 31, 1962, and July 16, 1963, and payment of two-thirds.of the City's future billings computed in the same manner as the present bills; that check'has been made up for $56,216.84 €or approval with other claims this evening. COUNCIL APPROVES CONTRACT WITH ANIMAL RESCUE LEAGUE FOR 40-HOUR WEEK PATROL. I4r. Hyde presented to the.Council a new agreement with Animal Rescue League, providing for the 1. 2, ' 3, 4, following: December 31, 1966, additional equipment, through Saturday, as scheduled by the Director of Public Safety. patrolto be staggered as to time of day of patrol,) Payment by the Village to League of $11,700.00 per year for regular patrol; $6.50 per case for each case attended outside reguLat patrol hours; $1.25 per day board for each dog and $1.00 per day board for each cat kept at the League. Three-year term, beginning January 1, 1964 and continuing until (IYIr. Hyde said the League wanted this before buying A 40-hour patrol per week, between hours of 7 a.m. and 7 p.m., Monday (This Dog Pound at League shelter, 845 France .Ave, Mr, Hyde recommended approval of the new agreement, and VanValkenburg so moved. Notion seconded by Tupa and carried. COUNCIL TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING JANUARY 6, ON PETITION FOR STREET NAME CHANGE. The request of Mrs, B.K. Gudden, 6617 Limerick Lane, for change of the name of that part of W.67th Street lying between Limerick Lane and Cahill Road to "W.66-1/2 Street", was read. Mr. Hite recommended that Council hold Hearing on this petition, and VanValkenburg moved for Public Hearing on January 6, 1964. Tupa and carried, Motion seconded by 12/16/63 i4ANAGER TO REPORT BACK TO COUNCIL ON FIVE-YEAR CENSUS. believes Edina's population will have reached 35,500 by January 1, 1965, whereas Nr. Hyde reported he ' its 1960 Official- Census was 28,501; that the 1963 Minnesota Legislature special mid-decade eensuses beginning in 1965; that the population growth Edina is experiencing should result in considerable additiqnal liquor and cigarette tax revenues. Because it is advocated that an early request be made to the Census Bureau by the communities wanting this special census, Hr. Hyde told Council he will write to the Census Bureau to get costs, and report back to the Council. Under the present program the requesting municipality would agree to provide necessary office space, equipment and qualified enumerator candidates, and to pay all costs. . COUNCIL TO HAVE SPECIAL MEETING DECEMBER 30, AT 5:OO P.M., TO PAY CLAIMS. Hyde reported that. because the Council has changed its me'eting dates to the Mr* first aid third f.londays, there will be a number of year-end claims which should be paid before January 1. VanValkenburg's motion, that Council meet on Monday, December 30, at 5:OO P.H., to pay bills, was seconded by Mact4illan and carried. POLICE DEPARTNENT-FIRE DEPARTHENT COORDINATION DISCUSSED . In a detailed report dated December 11, 1963 and entitled llPolice-Fire Manpower Utilization" Manager - Hyde ,approved the recommen ations of Director of Pub& Safety, Wayne W. Bennett ,for the training/@ P8%e Department Personnel to augment the fire fighting force. of Public Safety stem from the fact that the Volunteer Fire aepartment personnel has decreased to eight members, and there seems to be no interest on the part of Edina citizens for the growth of this department, and, too, the fact that some of the present volunteers work out of the Village and thus cannot respond to day-time calls. training of police for fire duty during day-time hours and week days when volunteer response is almost non-existent, the fire fighting potential at the scene of a fire would be doubled over that now achieved. men to the police department on January 1; 1964 and no additional personnel tothe fire department. without police assistance, would require ten personnel, or fifteen volunteers more than present." It was also recommended that salary increases be allowed both police and fire personnel, so that Edina personnel would be paid the same as the base t4inneapolis scale plus $10.00 per month additional, beginning January 1, 1964, with an additional $10.00 per month added in January of 1965 and 1966, so that i~ 1966 Edina police and fire personnel would be receiving $30.00 per month more than the same position in Ninneapolis, will fit into the 1964 budget, and Ur. Hyde replied it will exceed the budget by some estimated $7,80O--which would be just slightly higher than the cost for one additional man. would solve the problem of the decrease in the size of the volunteer department, and was answered affirmatively. additional personnel, should the Village acquire 'an additional fire station, and Mr. Hyde explained that St.Louis Park has moved into a new station without the necessity of additional personnel, and it is hoped Edina can do the same. added that it will be necessary to purchase additional equipment. discussion was also recommendation for an increase in uniform allowance from the budgeted $60.00 per year to $100.00 per year, and payment of Off-duty-police and paid firemen responding to calls and drills at the same rate as that paid to volunteers. Concensus, informally, was for approval of recommendation, but formal action was delayed pending review of salaries and wages schedule later in meeting. $ The recommendations of the Village hlanager and the Director lir. Bennett's recommendation stated, in part, "Through complete This would be accomplished by adding two To accomplish this same purpose in the fire department alone, I Trustee Rixe inquired how this program Mr. MacMillan asked if , in Nr. Hyde's estimation, tiie program l4r. VanValkenburg asked about the need for He Brought out in , UNION REPRESENTATIVE APPRECIATE OF SALARIES AND WAGES BUDGETED. Nr. Larkin lkClellan, representative of Local No. 49, expressed his appreciation at the salaries and wages budgeted for the Public Uorks and Engineering Departments .for 1964, saying he believes they are fair to the employees and fair to the taxpayers, of Edina. Saying that the Suburban 14anagers had met with Union representatives earlier in the year, to attempt to work out a fair scale for employees, Mr. l-lcClellan coinplimentfed Mr. Hyde and the other Suburban Managers for-their efforts in behalf of their municipalities, and their fairness to their employees. I COUNCIL ESTABLISHES I*!AXLMUI.I SALARIES AND WAGES FOR VILLAGE EMPLOYEES FOR 1964. Hanager Hyde presented to the Council his schedule of recommended maximum salaries and wages for all Village employees for the year 1964; those salaries recommended for Police and Fire Departments being contingent upon Council approval of the coordination plan discussed earlier in this meeting. approval of the Police-Fire Coondination Plan and for adoption of the following Resolution: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SCHEDULE OF l*lAXIIRJM VanValkenburg then moved for SALARIES AND WAGE RATES FOR 1964 BE IT RESOLVED, that Idaximum Salaries and Wages €or Village Employees for the year 1964 be established as follows: 12/16/63 2 7 :i. GENERAL ADMINISTRATION Finance Director Assessor Deputy .Assessor Clerk-Treasurer Administrative Assistant Office Clerical-fiscal-secretarial : Clerical I (5) Clerical I1 (4) Clerical fII (4) Clerical IV (2) Prosecuting Attorney Legal Planning Technician PER MONTH '$ 1,025 (A) I' I 850 (A) 580 635 500 335 385 435 495 500 650 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE 5'; Director of Public Safety E Police Chief 1,025 (A) Lieutenants ( 2) 667 Sergeants (4) 627 Patrolmen 3 years service 575 2 years service 535 1 year service 535 First Year ' FIE && Dispatchers-Desk Clerks __. Chief Assistant Chief Lieutenants Firemen 3 years service 2 years service 1 year service First year Vo1unteers f:55 49 5 7 35 667 627 575 .555 535 49 5 (Monthly) 396 (Hourly) $1.90 $5.00 per Call up to 2 Hrs. $2.65 per Drill and $3.00 per Hr. thereafter 25 Of the total compensation for members of the Police Department, $30.00 a month shall be considered as payment for taking at least 30 hours off-duty training from the Fire Department in fire fighting techniques, for aiding in the extinguishing of fires and for qualifying for Red Cross first aid certificates. h': $30.00 per month of the compensation paid firemen shall be considered as payment for such duties outside normal firemen's duties as may be assigned by the Village Manager. .*. .*. .*. *.'.'* Off-duty police and paid firemen responding to calls and drills shall be paid the same-as volunteers. ELECT1 ON Judges and Clerks Chairmen PARKS AND RECEATION Director ' Program Supervisor Pool Manager (s) Assistant Pool Manager (s) Concession Manager (s) Pool Cashier (s) Bathhouse - Concession Attendant (s) Swimming Instructors (SI Life Guards (s) Maintenance (s) Baseball and Craft Supervisors (s) Baseball Assistants (s) Hockey Coaches (s) . Rink Attendants (s) Playground Leaders (s) Skating-Skiing Instructors (s) Park Keeper - I11 I1 1. Golf Hanager-Pro Golf Course Superintendent Golf Course Rangers, Starters, Cashiers, Lunch Counter Clerks $1.25 per Hr. $2.00 Addl. 725 600 46 5 415 1.75 per Hr. 1.25 1.00 2.15 'I 2.05 I' 1.60 It 415 Mo. 1.60 per Hour 1.90 'I 1.50 ' 2.00 It 5.00 inst.class 520 Month 500 447 !' 625 600 It 2.00 per Hour LiOUOR STORES 2 7.2 - Hanager Assistant Hanagers (2) Clerks - Regular Clerks - Part Time 12/16 /63 (s) - Seasonal (A) - First 1/2 of increase January 1; Second 1/2, July 1. INSPECTORS Plumbing Building HEALTH Health Officer Sanitarian PUBLIC trows AND ENGINEERING Director of Public Works and Engineering Civil Engineer Chief Engineering Aide - Engineering Aide IV Engineering Aide I11 Engineering Aide 11 Engineering Aide I I $875 (A) 555 2.50 Hr. 1.90 Hr, 550 600 25 725 950 (A) 725 (A) 625# 6 10# 550# 500# 400# Superintendent, Public works 795 Superintendent, Water 725 Foreman - (Street, sewer, water E parks) 620 Office Clerk 456 Heavy Equipment Operators 565 Light Equipment Operators 500 Maintenance Man 447 The following rllinimum rates shall be paid: Heavy Equipment Operators - $515 monthly for not more than the first six months' service. Light Equipment Operators - $460 monthly for not more than the first six months' service. Maintenance Man - $380 monthly for not more than the first three months' service, and $400 monthly during the fourth, fifth and sixth months of service Mechanic Mechanic Helper Janitor Sewer-Water Utility Nan COURT - Judge 565 ' 485 40 5 500 600 Special Judge 25 per diem . Clerk of Court 315$ c: - 3/4 time d - Starting rates may be 20% less for the first 3 months of service and 10% less "Deputy Clerk 355 for the second 3 months. Motion for approval of Police-Fire Coordination Plan and for adoption of the foregoing Resolution was seconded by Tupa, a no nays, as follows : Bredesen, aye; 'and motion and Resolution were un Macl-lillan, aye; Rixe , aye j T COUNCIL TO SETTLE DISTRICT COURT APPEALS AGAINST ASSESSLENT FOR STORM SEklER 12.3PROVEHENT NO. 50 (LATERAL NO. 8 OF I4AIN NO. 1) AND TO HOLD HEARING ON REDUCTION OF ASSESSMENT FOR . PROPERTIES EAST OF HIGHVAY NO, LOO. report, Lateral 8 Storm Sewer," which set out in detail the recommendations of Attorney Edward J. Schwartzbauer of the firm of Dorsey, Owen, Narquart, Windhorst and West, who has been acting €or the Village in the matter of the appeals taken in District Court from the assessment for Storm Sewer Improvement No, 50. In his memorandum, Mr. Hyde concurred with the recommendation made by Nr. Schwartzbauer. Some considerable discussion followed, its adoption: Nanager Hyde presented to the Council a detailed entitled "Proposed Settlement of Suits Against Village for Assessment of and VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution ana moved 9f 12/16/63 RESOLUTION RELATIVE TO ASSESSMENT ADJUSTPlENT FOR STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT NO. 50 (LATERAL NO. 8 OF MAIN NO, 1) BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, as follows: recommended a settlement of the District Court appeals taken from the Resolution of the Village Council enacted August 27, 1962, adopting and confirming assess- . ments for Storm Sewer Improvement NO, 50 (Lateral #8 of Ilain #1), and the Council hereby concurs in such recommendation, therefore, the &iyor and the Village Manager are hereby authorized to execute, on behalf of the Village, written Settlement Agreements providing for 1. The attorneys for the Village and the Village 3lanager have (a) the deferral of any assessment for the aforesaid lateral against the property owned by the appellants John T. and Laurel T, Bessessen, Harold cb Harris, Gunnar H. Danielson and the East one-half of the property owned by appellants Peter and Myrtle Luzaich until such time as such property is served by such lateral in that surface waters falling upon such property flow into such lateral; the reduction of the assessment against the pr.operty owned by appellants Delores I, and Robert 5, Swenson, Carir D. and Lucille Brown and the West one-half of the property owned by appellants Peter and Myrtle Luzaicli to an assessment computed by multiplying four cents ($,04) by the number of square feet in the property owned by such appellants and previously taken into account in computing the assessment for such lateral; and the dismissal with prejudice of the appeals by the mentioned property owners b 2. (b) . (c) The Village Manager is authorized and instructed to serve and publish notice, in accordance with law, of a public hearing to consider the reduction of the assessment heretofore levied against that property located East of Normandale Boulevard for Lateral #8 of Main #1, Storm Sewer Improvement No. 50, to an assessment computed by multiplying four cents ($,04) by the number of square-feet of such property previously taken into account in computing the assessment for such lateral, on the 17th day of February, 1964, Such public hearing shall be held t4otion for adoption of the Resolution was se were five ayes and no nays, as follows: Mac VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and t CLAIIrlS PAID, List dated December 16, 1963, was seconded by MacPlillan and carried: General Fund, $161,937.25; Construction Fund, $173,444.90; Park, Park Construction E Golf Course Funds, $1,276,630,39; Water Fund, $59,769.44; Liquor Fund, $252,475.53 ; Improvement Funds, $400,000.00 ; Sewer Rental Fund, $57,260.33 ; Joint Sewer District No, 1, Permanent Improvement Revolving, and Poor Funds, $112,305.44--TOTAL, $2,493.823.28. Tupa's motion, for payment of the following Claims as per Pre- CONSTRUCTION PROGRESS REPORT PRESENTED. Work, through December 16, 1963, was presented to Council as a matter of information, Report of the progress of 1963 Construction reviewed, and ordered placed on file. BROOKVIEW HEIGHTS FIRST, SECOND AND THIRD ADDITION TAX-FORFEITED LOTS APPROVED AS llNON-CONSERVATION AND FOR SALE" SUBJECT TO COUNTY BOARD'S APPROVAL, County Commissioner Swanson's letter informing Finance Director Dalen the County needs Village action classifying these Tax-Forfeited Lots--Lots 1, Block 7, Brookview Heights First; Lots 8, Block 4, and 20 and 21, Block 7, Brookview Heights 2nd; and Lots 1 thru 7, Block 1,lthru 5, and 11 thru 14, Block 3, Brookview Heights 3rd-- Defore conducting special sale, (See Minutes of October 21, 1963). motion, that the Village classify saia Lots Won-Conservation" and "For Sale" , subject to County Board's classification, was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. VanValkenburg's I There being no further business to come before this meeting, Rixe moved for adjournment. Motion seconded by MacI4i d carried, Adjournment 9:00 Paid., to 5:OO P.M. , Monday, December 30,