HomeMy WebLinkAbout19640106_regularMINUTES VILLAGE AT 7:OO 1/6/64 OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, JANUARY 6, 1964, PIMI, AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL 275 1 Members answering Rollcall were MacMillan, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. NIWTES of Regular Meeting of December 16, 1963, and Adjourned Portion thereof, held December 30, 1963, were approved as submitted, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Tupa and carried. COUNCIL APPROVES KEZONING FROPI OPEN DEVELOPIGNT DISTRICT TO OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT AFTER PUBLIC HEARLNG, Public Hearing was called on the petition of 14rb R, L. Hawthorne for the rezoning from Open Development District to OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT of Lots 6 to 12, incl., Biock 7, Tingdale Bros b Brookside, and Lots 1 to 3 incl, Block 1, Grandview Heights. Courker December 19 and 26, 1963, was presented, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, as was Affidavi; of Mailing of Notice, sub@itted by Mr, Hite. 14r. Hite showed a map, setting forth the zoning of the area surrounding these lots, explaining that the Planning Commission has recommended favorably on the proposal, reserving the right to review building and site plans befsre issuance of a building permit. Showing Council a preliminary plan of the proposed office building, Mr, Hite stated it is proposed as a four-story, 45,000 square-foot building, parking to be beneath the building, but that these plans have not been finalized. reported that the Village has checked with the State Highway Department relative to future problems with respect to the proposed improvement of State Highway No, 100, but that it is expected that no serious problems will arise. to the proposed rezoning registered at the Hearing, and'none had been received prior thereto. with second reading thereof and adopt as submitted: Affidavit of Publication of Notice of Hearing in Edina-Morningside He also There were no objections MacHillan offered the following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense ORDINANCE NO, 261-79 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE NO, 261 (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIHA, ESTABLISHING ADDITIONAL OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, b'IIl\liJESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1b Section 10, Office Building District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the Revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding at the end of paragraph I of said Section 10, an additional sub- paragraph as follows: "(g) Lots 6 to 12, inclusive, Block 7, Tingdale Bros. Brookside, and Lots 1 to 3, inclusive, Block 1, Grandview Heights. Section 2. This ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and publication according to law. Hotion for waiver of second reading and for was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there r ayes and no nays, as follows: MacMillan, aye j Tupa, aye ; VanValkenburg, a nd Bredesen, aye; and the Ordinance of Ordinance as submitted COUNCIL APPROVES SUBDIVISION OF LOT 19, BLOCK 1, CODE'S HIGHVIEd PARK (5216 BENTON Public Hearing was called on the petition of i4r, J. H. Lentz, for permit to subdivide Lot 19, Block 1, Code's Highview Park into two lots, one of which would be 86.45 x 207', and the other, 100' x 86.39'. Planning Commission's recommendation was favorable to the 'proposed division only if petitioner can acquire the 30-foot public right-of-way immediately East of the proposed LOO x 86.39' lot, to make this lot 100' x 116.39' (Zoning Ordinance Requirements are 80' x 125'). It was noted that the owner of the property to the East of the public right-of-way (to whom this 30 feet will revert if right-of-way is vacated) agrees to acquisition by Nr. Lentz. VanValkenburg's motion, approving lot depth variance and subdivision into two lots providing 30-foot public'right-of-way is added to east portion of Lot 19, and scheduling Public Hearing on proposed Vacation of 30-foot public right-of-way lying between Lots 19 and 20, Block 1, Code's Highview Park and Block 3, Replat of Lot 6 and South 1/2 Lot 5, Block 1, Code's Highview Park for Monday, February 3, 1964, was seconded by Tupa and carried. %QUESTED SIDE-YARD AND FRONT-YARD VARIANCES AT 5304-06 i.7.70TH STREET GRANTED AFTSR AVENUE) INTO TWO PARCELS, SUBJECT TO ACQUISITION OF ADJACENT 30-FOOT ROADWAY. PUBLIC HEARING, Public Hearing was called on the request of Nr. C.D. Jachbsen for permit to construct double bungalow to within 22 feet of the street, to within eight feet of the northeast corner of the lot and to within 7.4 feet of the south- west corner, Mr, Hite reported Planning Commission's favorable recommendation and 1/6/64 J told Council Elr. Jacobson has the written assent of the owners of the two adjacent properties, Nr, Jacobson owning one of these properties himself . inquired about this request relative to the proposed moving of the 70th street railroad bridge; was informed by Mr. Hite that on this particular lot the location of the bridge will make no difference. offered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. VanValkenburg's motion approving front-yard and side-yard variances from Zoning Ordinance requirements in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendations, was seconded by Macl5illan and carried . Lir . I4acklillan No objections to requested variances were 1 COUNCIL CONTINUES PUBLIC h€ARING ON PETITION FOR STREET NANE CHAT?G€--Wo67TH STREET BETIEEiJ .LLL.IERICK LANE AND CiWILL ROAD, TO 11W.66-1/2 STREET'I. Public Hearing was called on the petition of 14r. and tbs. B.K. Gudden, 6617 Limerick Lane, for change of the name of that portion of V.67th Street lying between Limerick Lane and Cahill Road to "1'1.66-1/2 Street". Notice of Hearing, were submitted, reviewed and ordered placed on file. told the Council he had received a call this past week from the one resident facing the street, all other lots facing either Limerick Lane or Cahill Road; that this resident is new in Edina, comes from an area where 111/211 numbers are used only for alleys, and finds 11\7.66-1/2 Street" distasteful to him. "Lori Lane" as a substitute name, and the other residents are not averse to this- they simply want something other than W.67th Street because of the confusion engendered by the fact that some house numbers south of W.67th Street are 1166001f numbers. inasmuch as Edina already has "Laura Ave. and 'ILois Lane", and Hinneapolis has "Laurel Ave." satisfactory to them, and VanValkenburg moved that Public Hearing be continued to January 20, for neighborhood suggestions on new name for street. by MacXillan and carried. Affidavits of Publication, Posting, and Piailing of 14r. Hite This resident suggested i4anager Hyde recommended that another name be substituted for "Lori Lane" It was suggested that neighbors be contacted for other names Motion seconded AND GARAGE DI.JELLING/AT 5523 ZENITH AVENUE SOUTH FOUND TO BE DANGEROUS AND SUBSTANDARD: ORDERED RENOVED WITHIlJ 60 DAYS. removal of the dwelling at 5523 Zenith Avenue South, owned by tirs. Adelia Merchant, Public Hearing was Falled on the matter of demolition and pursuant to "Notice of -Hearing" served by Registered MaiL on- December 26 1963, on the Chairman of the Board of Hennepin County Commissioners, the Director of Public Welfare for Hennepin County, and Mr. John T. Jest&, Advisor Clients' Resources Unit, Hennepin County Welfare Board; and on the same date posted on the premises at 5523 Zenith Avenue South. It was noted that Nrs. Merchant's address could not be obtained from the Hennepin County Welfare Department. reported to the Council that, pursuant to a report made by Edina Building Official Robert.Smith and Edina Sanitarian Is. H. Hensley on December 14, 1962, the premises were vacated by Mrs. &lerchant, and, insofar as is known by the Village, have stoad vacant since that time; that no repairs have been made since original report. Council reviewed report, listing some thirteen recommendations &or extensive repairs necessary to make dwelling habitable, none of which provisions has been met. Reportestated that dwelling contains no piped water, toilet, handwashing sink or bathing facilities; the exterior paint has worn off, exposing the bare wood, rusting nails, causing splitting and warping of the siding, leading to entrance of rain water, rotting of siding, sheathing and studs as well as inside dampness and falling of wallboard; oil space heater is not properly vented; electric wiring is faulty, etc. Hrs. Herchant was present at the Hearing, accompanied by MP. Donald Pascoe, 4316-44th Avenue South, biinneapolis , who explained he has been negotiating with Mrs . I4erchant and the Hknnepin County klelfare Department (which has an $'Old Age Lien" on the property) for some time relative to his purchase of the three lots; that I4rs. Merchant now says she is willing to sell; that he would like to divide the three lots into two parcels, bui1ding.a home for himself on one parcel; that he would like to remove the old house from the premises himself, rather than have the Village take action to have it removed. find dwelling and garage "Dangerous and Substandardt1 according to the provisions of Village Ordinance No. 148A, a demolition-removal order should be given, to settle the matter. I4acr.lillan then moved that the record show that the Dwelling and Garage located on the premises known as 5523 Zenith Avenue South, Edina--Lots 22, 23 and 24, Block 3, Seely's First Addition to Hawthorne Park--are hereby found by the Edina Village Council to be Dangerous and Substandard structures under the terms of Zdina Village Ordinance No. 148A, in that said structures have become so dilapidated and deteriorated as to become an attractive nuisance to children who might pay therein to their danger, or as to afford a harbor for vagrants, criminals, or immoral persons, or as to enable persons to resort thereto f r t e or unlawful or immoral actions; that said 6 e! zme e6 cannot be repaired, with reasonable economy, so that they will no longer exist in violation of the terms of this ordinance, and that this Council hereby orders the Demolition and Removal of said dwelling and garage within 60 days from this date. unanimously carried. Village Manager Hyde Pictures of the dwelling, taken today, were shown to Council. tlanager Hyde recommended, that should Council urpose of committing nuisances s ruc ur&s Motion was seconded by VanValkenburg and I 1/6/64 ? CONTRACT AWARDED FOR SANITARY SEWER (AND WATERIVIAIN) IMPROVEMENT NO. 208--Relocat&3n of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain and Appurtenances in Arcadia Avenue from 460 Ft. N. of Eden Ave. to 875 Ft. N. of Eden Ave. final plans were prepared in accordance with preliminary plans'presented at the Public Hearing on this proposed improvement, and because owners of benefited properties are anxious to expedite this work, he had taken the liber$y of advertising for bids on the project without official Council order. firmation, and VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ( Village Engineer Hite reported that, because He asked for Council con- RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER (AND WATERMAIN) IMPROVEMENT NO . 208, AND CONFIRt4ING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BE IT =SOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The plans and specifications for the proposed SANITARY SErJER (AND WATERMAIN) INPROVEMENT set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids foim, heretofore prepared by the Village Engineer and on file in the office of the Village Clerk are hereby approved. Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvement is hereby approved: 2. The Engineer's action in causing to be published twice in the Edina- ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SANITARY SEWER AND \?ATERMAIN SEALED BIDS WILL BE RECEIVED and opened in the Council Chambers in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 W. 50th St., at 1l:OO A,M., Monday, January 6, 1964, and'the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO P.M. , on Monday, January 6, 1964, to consider said bids, being for the following: COHSTRUCTION OF SAiJITARY SEI;IER, WATERMAIN , AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING : Arcadia Avenue from 460 feet North of Eden Avenue to 875 feet Horth of Eden Avenue. Work must be done as described in glans and specifications on file in the office of the Village Clerk. $10.00 (by check), which deposit will be refunded upon return of said plans and specifications. deposit, bid bond or certified check payable to the Village Clerk in the amount of at least ten (10) percent of amount of base bid. to reject any or all bids. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. Plans and specifications are available for a deposit of No bids will be considered unless sealed and accompanied by cash The Council reserves the right GRETCHEN S. ALDEN Village Clerk 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Each and all of the terms of the foregoing advertisement for bids are Motion for adoption of the Resolution was secbnded by MacMillan, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows cMillan, aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution Manager Hyde then reported receipt of six bids, in response to the above advertisement, in Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin on December 26, 1963 and January 2, 1964. completion date of "two weeks after Notice of Award", at $7,275.00; Phelps-Drake,Inc., second-loat $7,894.00; and Northern Contracting Co., Inc., third-low at $8,147.00; that on an alternate bid, with June 15, 1964 completion date, Northern Contracting eo., Inc., was Low bidder at $5,584.50, Coburn E Meek, Inc., second-low at $6,275.00; and Phelps-Drake Co., Inc. third-low at $7,894.00. wwners of affected properties are anxious to have project completed, they prefer, for the difference in bid prices, to wait until June 15 for completion. recommended award of contract to Northern Contracting Co., Inc., on June 15, 1964 completion date, at $5,584.50, and it was so awarded, by motion Tupa, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Tabulation of bids showed Coburn and Meek to be low bidder on a Irlr. Hyde told Council that while Mr. Hyde EDINA-14ORNINGSIDE COURIER DESIGNATED AS "OFFICIAL PUBLICATION" FOR YEAR 1964. Sealed bid of Edina-Morningside Courier, for publication of Village legal notices at the statutory rate, was opened by Mayor Bredesen, this being the only bid received. VanValkenburg's motion, that Edina-Morningside Courier be designated Official Publication for the Village for the year 1964, was seconded by Tupa and carried. NOTIFICATION OF MINNEAPOLIS COUNCIL APPROVAL OF EXTENSION OF CONTRACT FOR INTER- CONNECTION- OF SANITARY SEWERS RECEIVED * Council's formal approval, December 13, 1963, of Ways E Neans Committee's Council was appraised of Minneapolis recommendation for extension of contract to June 30, 1964, under conditions reported by Manager Hyde at Edina Council Meeting of December 16. reviewed, and ordered placed on file. l?otification 278 1/6 /6 4 FNNEPXN COUNTY LEAGUE OF 1.IEJNICIPALITIES TO HOLD SPECIAL KEETING JKKJARY 9, OX UNDAY CLOSING ISSUE. ib. Hyde reported to the Council that Hennepin County 4eague will hold a meeting at the new St,Louis Park City Hall, 5005 llinnetonka (Boulevard, at 8:OO P.I4., January 9, for discussion of the Sunday Closing issue, with all League members invited to attend. a APPOINTMENT OF ALTEWATE DELEGATE TO SUBURBAN RATE AUTHORITY DELAYED ULSTIL JANUARY 20, The appointment of an Alternate Delegate for Edina to the Suburban Rate Authority, to replace Mr. H. C. Utley, was delayed until January 20. Dalen was asked for suggestions on persons with accounting and rate experience. Delegate BLACK TOP SERVICE COHPANY COMPLETION DATE FOR STREET It.IPROVEt4ENT NO. BA-56 EXTENDED TO JULY 1, 1964. some sealcoating to do on Street Improvement No, BA'56, which could not be finished this year because of inclement weather; that the Village would not allow this work, and that the Company now wants formal extension of compLetion date to July I, 1964. He recommended that extension be given, saying the Company was ready to comphete contract, had weather been good, of completion date be granted was seconded by Tupa and carried. Engineer Hite reported that Black Top Service Company still has -I ElacMillan's motion that recommended extension LEGAL ACTION TO BE TAKEN TO SECURE PAYMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS IN LAKE EDINA THIRD AND FOURTH ADDITIONS. Estow Corporation has not paid certain special assessments due in accordance with subdivision agreements for Lake Edina Third and Fourth Additions; that h. E. C. Stow had contacted his office while Hasselquist was out of the city, saying he did not intend to pay assessments and that Hasselquist would be contacted by Stow's attorney later; that there has been no contact from Stow's attorney since. VanValkenburg's motion, authorizing Village Attorney to take necessary legal action to secure payment of special assessments was seconded by l4acNillan and carried. Village Attorney Hasselquist reported to Council that COUNCIL AUTHORIZES BIDS ON TEN VOTING MACHINES, TVO SNOn PLOX BLADES, AND THkEE POLICE CARS,. Ten Voting Llachines, to be used in the 1964 Elections for the first time;' Manager Hyde asked Council authority to take bids on: suggesting thaf the new type of machine offered by manufacturers of Automatic- Voting Iqachines be considered (with automatic printer), and that new companies & be invited to bid. equipment would be received in time for use this spring. that they could be delivered by tilarch. recommend purchase of additional police cars at this early date, but that because of the bad delivery experience khis2ast time, when cars ordered for delivery November 15 were not received until January, 1964, he believes it is necessary to take bids just as soon as possible. VanValkenburg's motion, authorizing bids on Voting Machines, Snow Plow Blades, and Police Cars, all in accordance with Wanager's recommendations, was seconded by Tupa and carriedr Two Snow Plow Blades. Here, there was some discussion as to whether this Mr. Hyde suggested Three Police Cars. 14rr Hyde told Council that he had not intended to PUBLIC HEARIiJG ON PROPOSED SANITARY TRUNK SENER IMPROVEMENT NO . C-2 TENTATIVELY SCHEDULED FOR MONDAY, FEBRUARY 3. urgent need for a sanitary trunk sewer in the Southwest area if the land is to be developed (in some areas building permits cannot be given because of bad soil conditions which prohibit septic tank use), 14r. Hite presented a preliminary plan for Sanitary Sewer Improvement No. C-2. He suggested that Council authorize a public hearing on this project on February 3, in order that the project could be "winter work", should it be authorized, and it was so ordered, pursuant to additional information to be received January 20. Telling the Council that there is now some COUNCIL TO CONDUCT PUBLIC HEARING ON ADDITIOkAL SANITARY SEkIER AND HATERtIIAIN II4PROVENENTS FOR PARKWOOD KHOLLS AREA: DATE JANUARY 20. to Council that one owner in Knoll Drive between Schaefer Road and Parkwood Road 1.lanageq Hyde--reported is now having considerable sewage disposal trouble; also, that this street and two additional streets are without water service, scheduled for January 20. I4acl-lillan offered the following Resolution and moved its 'adoption: He suggested that Hearing be Preliminary plans were presented and reviewed, and RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC HEARING PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN INPROVEI4ENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: as ta the feasibility of the proposed Sanitary Sewer and Watermain improvements described in the Form of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the esti- mated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. This Council shall meet on Monday, January 20, 1964, at 7:OO P.M., in the Edina Village Hall, to consider in public hearings the views of all persons interested in said proposed improvement. 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report 2. . 1/6/64 279 . 3, The Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time,'I a place and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in sub- stantially the following form: \ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER AND WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, January 20, 1964, at 7:OO P.M,, to consider the following proposed improvements to be con- structed under the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village as set forth below: 1, CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE SANITARY SEWER AND ESTIMATED COST APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: Knoll Drive from Schaefer Road to .Parkwood Road $20,531.28 2. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: Parkwood Road from Larada Lane to Knoll Drive Knoll Drive from Parkwood Road to Schaefer Road Schaefer Road from Knoll Drive to Stauder Circle $12,258.40 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Sanitary Sewer under 1 above includes Lots 3 thru 7 incl,, Block 4, Parkwood Knolls Addition, and Lots 1, 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls Addition, under 2 above includes Lots 3 thru 7 incl., Block 4, Parkwood Knolls Addition, and Lots 1, 9, 10, 11, 12, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls Addition. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by VanValkenburg, and on Rollcall The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed watermain GRETCHEN S, ALDEN, Village Clerk were four ayes and no nays, as MacMillan , aye ; Tupa , aye ; VILLAGE TO TAKE BIDS FEBRUARY 13TH, Oii IRON REXOVAL PLANT AND PUHPS FOR BELNOFG PARK WELL, Mr. Hyde reported to Council that the response to construction of Village watermain in the Parkwood Knolls and Northwest areas has been tremendous; that in order to assure these new water users of iron free water by the beginning of the summer season, bids should be taken now for iron removal plant and pumps. Re added that the building will be largely the same as that at Wooddale and GJ.5Oth Street, but ,will contain no toilets because the Park Department feels the building is situated too far.from the center of the play area in the park. authorizing advertisement for bids in accordance with Manager's recommendations, was seconded by MacMillan and carried, - He Tupa's motion, SKYLINE AREA TQ BE "BLITZ-CHLORINED", the Village, Mr. Hyde reported there is only one area remaining, where complaints are being fairly constantly received on red water; that this area will be "blitz- chlorined" in the near future in an attempt to.remedy this situation. BLAKE ROAD PRIVATE DISPOSAL SYSTEH STILL CAUSING' DIFFICULTIES, information, Mr, Hyde told Council that the private sanitary sewer disposal system on Blake Road, which has been under consideration by the Council relative to installation of a village sanitary sewer, is continuing to be a public health nuisance, with effluent from this system forming sufficient ice on the road that it had to be broken up by the maintenance crew; that legal action may have to be taken to order constant pumping. Relative to general water service throughout !r Again as a matter of 1965 OFFICIAL CENSUS APPROVED. by the Council, he has checked with the Census Bureau; that the Bureau's estimated cost of a 1965 census, presuming the Village ail1 have 35,500 people by January 1, 1965, is $6,385.00, $2,470,00 of which the Bureau wants now; that, in addition to this immediate payment the Village will gay directly to local persons the cost of enumeration, etc. liquor and cigarette taxes Edina would show a profit of about $15,000 the first year, Mr. Hyde recommended that Council authorize the mid-term census, Van Valkenburg's motion, that 1965 Census be authorized by Village Council, and that Village Manager Hyde be authorized and directed to sign contract therefor and make whatever othen arrangements are necessary, was seconded by MacMillan and carried. Mr. Hyde reported that, pursuant to recent action Stating that on an approximately $3.11 per capita share of 1/6/64 COUHCIL EXPRESSES EGRETS JATL'DEATH OF PLANNING COMKCSSION MEMBER WILLIAM A. + WILKINSON. Informal expressions of regret at the passing of 14r. William A. Nfdkinson, long-time member of the Planning Commission, were expressed by members of the Council. formal expression of sympathy to family. 4 z It was concensus that Council join with Planning Commission in NAYOR PRO TEE1 FOR 1964 TO BE JAI-IES VAN VALKENBURG. of Trustee James VanValkenburg as blayor Pro Tern for Year 1964 was confirmed by Mayor Bredesen's appointment Council. OFFICIAL DEPOSITORIES FOR YEAR 1964 DESIGNATED. that the designation of Franklin National Bank need not be renewed at this time, inasmuch as this designation was for the term May 13, 1963 to May 13, 1964, but that degignation of the other three depositories will terminate before the next It was reported to Council . regular meeting. VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK) BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED that the First Edina National Bank, Edina, Minnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as an Official Depository of the public funds of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Ninnesota, for the period of one year from this date. And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SIGNATORY RESOLUTION FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Hayor, Llanager, and Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with First Edina National Bank of Edina (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks will be signed by the Mayor, Manager, and Village Treasurer, The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. I Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Tups, aye; VanVaaenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was MacMil i-iayor 0 And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF BOND FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assignment by its depository, the First Edina National Bank of Edika, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: U.S.A. Treasury 3-5/8 Notes due 2-15-67 $200,000.00 U.S.A. Treasury 4-3/4% Series A Note due 5-15-64 500,000.00 Total $700,000 . 00 t.Iotion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by pa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: MacKllan, flupa, aye ; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was ad ted, -7 1/6/64 I And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 3, ESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED that the First Southdale National Bank, Edina, Minnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as an official depository of the Public Funds of the Village of Edina, lounty of Hennepin, Ninnesota, for the period of one year from this date. Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: MacMillannupa,*aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was ado ed. P And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: SI GNAT0 RY RES0 LUT ION FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Mayor, Village 1-lanager and Village Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they hereby 'are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of all business of the Payroll Account of the Village of Edina with First Southdale llational Bank of Edina (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority.on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to sign checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Hayor, Village Manager and Village Treasurey. and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. The bank is hereby authorized BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the persons holding office as Wunicipal Judge, Clerk of Municipal Court and Deputy Clerk of Municipal Court for the Village of Edina be, and they hereby are, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business by the blunicipal Court Account and the Clerk's Bail Account of the Village of Edina with First Southdale National Bank (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary to sign checks against said accounts, which checks shall be signed as follows: Municipal Court Account - By 14unicipal Judge and Clerk of Court Clerk's Bail Account - By Clerk of Municipal Court or Deputy Clerk of Municipal Court. The Bank is hereby authorized and directed to honor and pay any checks against such accounts which are signed as above described, whether or not said checks are payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. Motion for adoption .of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Mac e; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGNMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU OF' BOND FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, That the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assignment by its depository, the First Southdale National Bank of Edina, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral for the Village of Edina Public Village $10,000 $10,000 $ 5,000 Village $ 5,000 - Funds deposited in said depository: of Edina Improvement Bonds : due March 1, 1966 @ 2.70% due March 1, 1967 @ 2.70% due Sept. 1, 1970 @ 3.0% of Edina Park System Bonds due March 1, 1972 @ 3,70% $25,000.00 5,000 .OO U.S. Treasury Series E, 3-3/4% Notes due U,S.. Treasury 3-3/4% Bonds due August 15, 1964 August 15, 1964 150,000.00 50,000.00 U.S. Treasury 4% Bonds due August 15, 1972 100,000.00 U.S. Treasury 4% Bonds due August 15, 1973 TOTAL 100,000.00 $430,000.00 1/6/64 Motion for adoption of four ayes and no nays, and Bredesen, aye; and Rollcall there VanValkenburg, were aye ; And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION DESIGNATING DEPOSITORY (MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK) BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina that Uidland National Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota, authorized to do a banking business in Minnesota, be and hereby is, designated as official depository of the Public Funds of the Investment Accouat of the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, Ninnesota, for the period of one year from this date. Notion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was a MacMillan Tupa, aye ; VanValkenburg, aye ; And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: . SIGNATORY RESOLUTION MIDLAND NATIONAL BANK BE IT RESOLVED, that the persons holding office as Nayor, Manager and Treasurer of the Village of Edina be, and they are hereby, authorized to act for this Village in the transaction of any banking business with Midland National Bank of Hinneapolis (hereinafter referred to as the bank), such authority including authority on behalf of or in the name of the Village from time to time and until written notice to the bank to the contrary, to si@ checks against said account, which checks shall be signed by the Mayor, Village Manager and Village Treasurer. authorized and directed to honor and pay any check against such account which is signed as above described, whether or not said check is payable to the order of, or deposited to the credit of, any officer or officers of the Village, including the signer or signers of the checks. The bank is hereby Notion for adoption four ayes and no and Bredesen, Village Clerk And VanValkenburg offeped the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION APPROVING ASSIGWMENT OF SECURITIES IN LIEU-OF BOND tIIDLAND NATIONAL BARK BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village Council of the Village of Edina approve the assign- ment by its depository, Nidland National Bank of Minneapolis, Minnesota, of the following securities, as good and sufficient collateral fop the Village of Edina Public Funds deposited in said depository: $125,000 U.S. Treasury 4% Notes, Series A-66, Due August 15, 1966. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: lacMillan,fl Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adop ed. A And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING USE OF * FACSIWILE SIGNATURES BY PUBLIC OFFICIALS IBESOLVEI), That the use of Facsimile signatures by the following named persons: ARTHUR c. BREDESEN, JR. - MAYOR- - NARFGN C. HYDE - VILLAGE NANAGER e GRETCHEN So ALDEN - VILLAGE CLERK-TREASURER 1/6/64 2 8 3 on checks, drafts, warrants, warrant-checks, vouchers or other orders on public funds deposited in FIRST EDINA NATIONAL BANK, FIRST SOUTHDALE NATIONAL &UK, and I4IDLAND' NATIONAL BANK OF PSINNEAPOLIS be and hereby is approved, and that each of said named persons may authorize said depository bank to honor any such instrument bearing his facsimile signature in such form as he may designate and to charge the same to the account in said depository bank upon which drawn, as €ully as though it bore his manually written signature, and that instruments so honored shall be wholly operative and binding in favor of said depository bank although such facsimile signature shall have been affixed without his authority, Hotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: bIacMil1 e; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was TWO APPOINTIGNTS MADE TO PLANNING COMI4ISSION: OXE DELAYED TO JANUARY 20. ' Advising Council that three appointments should be made for membership to the Planning Commission at this time (Griswold term expires; Odell, whose term would have expired, resigned in 1963, and Wilkinson, whose term would have expires January I, 1966, has passed away), Mayor Bredesen asked for suggestions from the Council for a replacement for'Mr. Wilkinson, to be made to him by January 20, Uith Council's unanimous confirmation he appointed Mr. Alfred H. Hiatt, a former member of the Commission, for a three-year term beginning January I, 1964, and re-appointed Iklr. David Griswold for a three-year term beginning January 1, 1964, , PARK BOARD MEMBERSHIP INCREASED TO TEN: FOUR APPOINTMENTS WADE, ONE DELAYED TO JANUARY 20. him by Park Board Chairman Stevens that membership on the Board be increased Mayor Bredesen reported to the Council the suggestion made to to ten, in order that work might be more evenly distributed among committees, Hayor Bredesen concurred in 14r. Stevens' recommendation and, upon discussion Council agreed, list of appointees, for three-year terms beginning January 1, 1964: Re-appointment of Gilbert Giebink , 5400 Dundee Road Re-appointment of Mr. William W, Lewis, 5825 France Avenue Re-appointment of Dr, J, A, Jackson, 4717 Dunberry Lane Appointment of Mr. Paul Foss, 6708 Cornelia Drive Mr, Bredesen then presented for Council confirmation the following and asked for Council suggestions for an additional appointee, to be made to him by January 20. VanValkenburg's motion, increasing Park Board Membership to ten, and confirming Mayor Bredesen's appointments, was seconded by MacPlillan and unanimously carried. I COUNCIL GRANTS AUTHORITY FOR ADVERTISEMENTS FOR BIDS FOR YEAR'S SUPPLY OF BUDGETED EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES. the authority to take bids on the year's supply of those items budgeted for 1964, including, but not limited to, Sand, Gravel, Rock, Road Oil E Tar, Gasoline, Diesel Fuel and Fuel Oil, from time to time during year as such supplies may be needed, was seconded by MacMillan and carried, VanValkenburg's motion, that Village Manager be given COUNCIL SALARIES ESTABLISHED FOR 1964. Discussion was had as to Council Salaries for the coming year, and VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARIES OF THOSE ELECTED OFFICIALS WHOSE SALARIES HAVE NOT ALREADY BEEN ESTABLISHED BY STATE STATUTE OR VILLAGE RESOLUTION BE IT RESOLVED that the salaries of Elected Village Officials, whose salaries have not been heretofore established, be hereby established as follows for the year 1964: Arthur C. Bredesen, Jr, , Playor - $200.00 per Month Hugh J . MacMillan , Trustee - $100.00 Lawrence W. Rixe, Trustee - $100.00 Frank J, Tupa, Trustee - $100.00 " James VanValkenburg, Trustee - $100.00 If Motion for adoption of Resolution was were four ayes and no nays, as follows aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution was AT T: e; VanValkenburg, I "Village Lz&dd- Clerk VILLAGE 14AHAGER'S SALARY SET FOR YEAR 1964. VanValkenburg and harried that the Village Manager's salary for the year 1964 be It was moved by IllacMillan, seconded by established as $l,5Q.O per month, effective January 1. 1/6/64 DESTRUCTI.OH OF OLD RECORDS APPROVED. relative to the lack of filing room in the Village Hall, and VanValkenburg Destruction of old records was discussed offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION FOR DESTRUCTIOl? OF CERTAIN RECORDS DATED JANUARY 1, 1953, TO AND INCLUDING DECEMBER 31, 19 53 WEEAS, H.S.A. 412.841 authorizes the destruction of certain Village records more than ten years old; and WHEREAS, a list of records has been presented to the Council with a request in writing that destruction be approved by the Council; and I.IHEREAS, the Village Attorney has approved the destruction of such records in writing: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, kII1J1?ESOTA: (1) the folloging classes of records described in the list submitted to the Council: All orders, vouchers and checks) Dated January I, 1953 through All receipts and correspondence) December 31, 1953 The Finance Director is hereby authorized and directed to destroy a. b. CLAIHS PAID. List dated this date, was seconded by I.facI*lillan and carried: Fund, $548.60; Liquor Fund, $7,465.08; Improvement Funds, $1,750.00 and Poor Fund, $98.06--TOTAL, $14,6 56 . 81 . Tupa's motion for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre- General Fund, $1,386.42; Park and Golf Course Funds, $3,408.65; Uater TEASUEE* S,lZPORT,BS- Al: HOVEMBER;30, 4963, was submitted, reviewed and ordered placed on file. Council $10,700 of Liquor was sold at the 50th Street Store on December 31; that while sales will not quite reach the year's projected quota of- $1,500,000, they will approximate $1,480,000 . As an informal supplement to this report, Manager Hyde told Council's having covered meeting's agenda, Tupa moved for adjournment. seconded by lifacNillan and carried. Notion Adjournment at 7 : 59 P . M. #