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Members answering Rollcall were NacMiLlan, Rixe, Tupa, VanValkenburg *and Bredesen,
MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of January 20, 1964, were approved as submitted, by
motion VanValkenburg, seconded by MacMillan and carried.
recognized and commended by the Council for:
Assessor" ,
Municipal Administration" from Institute for Training in Municipal AdminisCration" .
The Following Village employees were publicly
Charles Fietz , Deputy Assessor - Has been qualified as "Certified Piinnesota
George Langmack, Administrative Asst, - Has completed course in IITechnique of
Police Sgt. George Butler - Alertness in apprehending criminal.
Kenneth Rosland, Director Parks and Recreation - Resident compliment on
John Blaylock, Asst, Mgr,, 50th St, Liquor Store - Commendation for job well
Gretchen Alden, Clerk - Appointment as area correspondent for Int'l. Institute
skating rink maintenance.
done--on retirement, after LO+ years of service.
of Municipal Clerks
Trunk and Lateral Sanitary Sewer and Lift Station", published in Edina-Morningside
Courier January 23 and 30, 1964, and "Notice of Public Hearing, Proposed Installation
of Sanitary Trunk Sewer C-2", mailed to owners of affected properties January 22, 1964,
affidavits of which Publication and Mailing were presented by Clerk, approved as to
form and ordered placed on file, Public Hearing was called on the following proposed
existing sanitary sewer on the west side of State Highway #LOO across from Hibiscus
Avenue; thence generally Westerly and Northwesterly to County Road No. 18 and Iiortherly
along County Road No. 18 to W.l/4 corner of Sec, 6, Township 116, R.21; thence 1Jorth-
easterly to Indian Hills Road (all as set forth in detail in published Notice of
Pursuant to Wotice of Public Hearing on
Hearing and as given on map as part of mailed Notice of Hearing), with LATERAL
CONNECTIONS THERETO AND APPURTENANCES for platted lots along the route of the Trunk
Sewer, and LIFT STATION to be constructed in that part of the sewer line crossing
Nelson Farm.
A Vu-Graph Slide was shown of the route of the proposed Trunk Sewer, together with
the area proposed to be assessed therefor, and the cost of the proposed project was
given as follows:
this amount including $134,936.00 payable toc-1 Trunk Sewer District as C-2's
share of the cost of building the C-1 pipe and lift station C-2 will use, based
upon percent of total flow (27%) and comitted to C-1 at the time C-1 was
Proposed to be Assessed as follows:
klhere Trunk Sewer Only is Provided:
Unplatted area - $500 per acre
Platted property-$285 per lot
Any area zoned for multiple residence purposes would be assessed at five
_L times the rate proposed for single-family trunk assessment.
Where Trunk Sewer is used as lateral sewer by direct connection €rom
property and where lot connection is installed as part of this project'-
$750 per connection -- except that for lands zoned other than single
family usage, the lateral assessment is proposed at $7.50 per front
foot abutting on the trunk
th se proposed assessments being calculated on the premise that the 430-acre parc
and golf course will pay an assessment of $43,200 for Trunk Sewer and $2,250 for lateral
service, based on 208 of land buildable, and three lateral connections.
For the Proposed Lift Station Nelson Farm - $15,788.00 (Entire Cost)
proposed to be assessed against only that tract of land benefited by
said lift station, being a part of the Nelson Farm,
Manager Myde reviewed briefly the history of the project, stating it had been ~een before
the Council twice before, in 1956 and 1962; that since the Public Hearing of 1962, con-
siderable additional planning has been done by Village Engineers, consulting engineers
have been called in, and the result is now a plan which involves a shallower sewer than
that originally planned, which will need four or five small lift stations, which lift
stations are proposed to be constructed at the time laterals are constructed for the
for the area--total cost of trunk and lift stations being $789,212, as compared with
1962 projected total cost of $929,538.
which does not have Trunk Sanitary Sewer; that it comprises some 1800 acres,
owners of some 500 acres of which have requested the service.
PIr. Hyde said many questions had been received from the audience, and most of them had
He added this is the last area in Edina
In reviewing the Informal Public Hearing on this project, held Honday, January 27,
been answered; that the questions most pertinent to this Hearing are: 4
Answering Question 3 first, Mr. Hyde reported that we do not know, and Eden
trhy shouldn'Z the Park-Golf Course pay more?
Why aren't all the Lift Stations included as part of the project?
Vi11 Eden Prairie use Edina's sewer, and what will be charged if
What about the proposed Southwest Diagonal Sewer being tentatively
they do want to use it?
planned €or Eden Prairie-Bloomington? '
Prairie officials do not know, that they will ever have a need to use Edina's sewer--
that, because of the limited capacity of our sewer, we can give Eden Prairie capacity
only on a temporary basis, for which they would be charged on a Itper cubic-foot-per-
second basis--part of which charge would be put into the fund for capital improvements,
with Edina assessments correspondingly reduced.
ib. Hyde reported that although the line along Nine-Mile Creek in Bloomington and Eden
Prairie has been discussed, there is no information, now, on when it will be constructed,
or how it will be financed; that if the line follows the tantatively proposed Nine-Hile
Creek location, Trunk Sewer C-2 can be connected by a line down Normandale iioad.
Relative to the question concerning payment by the 430-acre Village-owned Park and
Golf Course, LSr. Hyde reported that he has been attempting to find out what other
communities have done along this line; that there are many forinulae followed and no
standard paractice. He added that Interlachen Golf Course was assessed on a "per
assessable front foot basis", which assessment equalled an assessment against 50%
of its acreage
As to the Southwest Diagonal Sewer and its relation to this proposed trunk line,
Discussion on the proposed project was opened by I&. Carl Eiken, 7200 Normandale
Road, who objected to the sewer's being routed through the middle of his land and asked
that it be re-routed to the boundary.
grant his request, but that if it could not be granted he would be compensated for
E4r. Hyde toLd him every effort would be made to
Engineer Hite added he feels re-routing can be accomplished.
I. I4r. Darrell Boyd, 7204 Shannon Drive, read to the Council a petition carrying
some 60+ signatures, saking that "no proposed plat be accepted which requires
extensive modification of existing terrain which would destroy the natural beauty
of this areaf1, and, among other stipulations, that ''where new lots are adjacent to
existing residential areas and where a reduction in lot size is proposed, a buffer
zone of intermediate sized lots shall be established."
of the petition by saying it is signed by a group of Prospect Hills area residents
who do not oppose the trunk sewer as such, and feel that $285 per lot is not an
unreasonable price to pay for the service, but who are concerned that installation
of the sewer will accelerate development of unplatted property and wish to protect
the residential aspects of Prospect Hills and the surrounding area. Me added that
special concern is had relative to the 14.P. Johnson and Fjeldheim tracts, for which
some two or three lots per acre are planned, rather than the formula of 1-3/11 lots
per acre set forth as assessment for the Sanitary Trunk Sewer.
Hayor Bredesen, referring petition to Planning Commission for study, told
petitioners the Commission is guided in its recommendations, and the Council is
guided in its consideration of plats, by the provisions of the present Zoning
Ordinance; that the requests contained in the petition are constructive, but that
legal troubles could ensue if Council attempted to enforce stronger restrictions
than those set forth in the ordinance.
ldr. Boyd prefaced his reading
Petitions, signed by some 75 property owners;. requesting simply that "proposed
project Trunk Sewer C-2 be rejected and discarded in its entirety" was presented,
representing the Indian Hills, Valley View Road area.
Letters from J. A. Danens E Son, owner of 78 acres; R.H.P. Investment Co., owner
of 21 acres; Wayne L. Twito, owner of Lot 2, Block 1, Schey's Park View Addition; Q.
A. Collins, owner of seven acres; and Arvid Carlson & Son, Inc., owners of 37 acres,
all in favor of project, were read.
Mr. Herrill Gunderson, 5919 Dewey Hill Road, told Council the najority of actual
residents of the area oppose the project; that he objects strongly to being asked to
subsidize developers, who have no one living in the area at present and who are going
to make a profit in selling their new homes; that if developers and the golf course
want sewer they should pay €or it.
As to Mr. Gunderson's statement about the golf course, Hayor Bredesen reported
the Golf Course can be adequately served by a private sewage disBosal system at a
much less cost than the assessment proposed for the trunk sewer line--that the project
is not proposed because of the golf course. It was added that the 334 platted lots
3- 2/3/64
now existing in the assessable area would pay $95,000 of the proposed $704,212,00,
cost of the sewer; thus it is doubtful this could be considered as "subsidizing" the
as yet undeveloped tracts.
Hr, A. Sedgwick, Mark Terrace Drive, asked to go on record as seconding the
remarks made by 14r, Boyd concerning platting of property and size of lots, adding
that platting regulations even have an ef€ect on the school system. I4r. Sedgwick
went on to say that while he has no real objection to the trunk line, he is concerned
that if laterals are put into Mark Terrace Drive he will be in considerable trouble
with his neighbors because he was a proponent of a recently completed street surfacing
project here, after receipt of estimate from Village office that "sewer will not go in
for several years"--that he thinks Village should pay the cost of street surfacing
if laterals go in soon.
Nr. J. 0. Florence, 6716 Vest Trail, told Council he favors the project because
he would like to save others from the inconveniences and expense he, himself, has
experienced at his home; that every two months he has sewage flowing down his hill-
and that everyone else in his neighborhood of twenty-five homes is having some
difficulty with private sewage systems, to a greater or lesser degree.
Llr. life1 Jensen, 6939 Valley View Road, took exception to i4r. Florence's remarks,
saying private systems must pass Village inspections, and that, therefore, there must
be something wrong with Village specifications if blr. Florence is dissatisfied with
his system--that many people in Indian Hills have had private disposal systems €or
years and have experienced no trouble. 73
2, *
i4anager Hyde reviewed the matter of specifications on private disposal systems for
klr. Jensen, saying the troubles experienced by the Dr, \?right and Florence residences
had caused the Village to strengthen its specifications; that, at the time these two
resiaences were built, the Village did not require soil percolation tests--and that
the results of the percolation tests have caused the Village to withhold development in
areas where the soil cannot support private disposal systems.
ih, Jensen maintained that old residents are being forced out of Edina by large
scale residential developers and by industrial developments; that if the trunk sewer
must come, those who want it should pay for it.
14r. Norman Kautz, 6709 Nest Trail, said he has discussed the sewer with a number
of people in his area; that he and they are not opposed; that $285 to him is good
insurance; that he has had trouble with his new system, although it is working well now.
Mr, Gordon Schuster, 5809 Dewey Hill Road, speaking about the proposed $45,450
assessment for the golf course-park, said he was concerned about the proposed "use"
basis of assessment for this tract.
before, saying he feels the policy should be reviewed. lifayor Bredesen told 14r. Schuster
that, while the proposed assessment for this tract could not be definitely set at this
time (and not until the assessment hearing, after the work is completed), he is willing
to go on record as feeling the proposed assessment is too little--that the Village
should pay more.
high hills, would be about 50% buildable, and that on that basis khatild pay about
$98,000 as its share of the assessment,
to him that the Village should pay on the same basis as all the other property in area.
He asked if the Village had ever used this basis
He suggested that this tract, with watery, swampy lands, and extremely
Mr, Schuster said Engineer Hite had recommended
As to development, Mr. Schuster told Council he has sixty acres of beautiful
rolling land, suitable for some Lo-Jely homesites--but not 1-3/4 per acre--but that if
the sewer ia installed, there is going to be pressure to use a11 possible homesites--
that sewer extension will hasten the change in the face of Edina, and that Edina will
grow until land is full and then it will die,
Saying that development will come whether we like to see it or not--that it
cannot be stopped and that it is best to plan for it, rather than to have it proceed
in a haphazard and disorderly manner, with resultant public health hazards and in-
conveniences, 14r, Hyde reported that the intersection of Highways #494 and #lo0 has
been classified as the most accessible intersection in the metropolitan area, and the
area around it the most productive of growth,
llrs. Paul Durbahn, 7712 GLasgow Drive, said she lis concerned that she and her
neighbors will have to pay for the trunk, and will never get laterals because they are
on the borderline of the Village, far from the trunk main; and a lady on W.78th Street
inquired as to what could be done if this area needs lateral service soon, inasmuch as
there is considerable undeveloped property between them and the trunk line. i4r. Hyde
said that development of the presently vacant tracts will not be long in coming, and
that as development continues between the Indian Hills area and 78th Street, laterals
will be extended; and Mr, Hite added that if serious public health troubles develop
in this area, present policies concerning laterals--which are now installed only by
petition--can be relaxed, and Council can extend laterals through undeveloped land,
this being an emergency matter,
Dr. Warren Brown, Abercrombie Drive, reviewed briefly the statements made by i"* those in the area now having troubles with their private sewage disposal systems,
' saying that when people get to the point of sacrificing health for the price of a
trunk sewer he feels they are being "penny wise and pound foolish", that he- feels
the project should be expedited,
Trustee Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption, saying
he offers the Resolution in view of the facts that the proposal has been under
discussion for over nine years, that during that time some public health problems
have developed, that the Village has progressed to its present size from an area of
farms and comfields, and that progress cannot be stopped:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Hinnesota, that this Council
heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed
improvement :
Commencing at the existing sanitary sewer on the west side of State
Highway I100 across from Hibiscus Avenue; thence west approximately
300 feet to the west side of Nine Idile Creek; thence south, approxi-
mately 800 feet, to the north line of the south half of Section 9,
Township 116, Range 21; thence west along said north line and the
north line of the south half of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21,
and Dewey Hill Road, to the center of Section 8, Township 116, Range
21; thence northerly and westerly aLong proposed streets and property
lines to a point on Shannon Drive, approximately 500 feet north of
Dewey Hill Road; thence southerly along Shannon Drive to Dewey Hill
Road; thence west along Dewey Hill.Road to proposed Gleason Road;
thence northerly along proposed GLeason Road approximately 900 feet;
thence westerly and northwesterly through park property north of Edina
Golf Course to the center of the Novtheast One Quarter (NE1/4) of
Section 7, Township 116, Range 21; thence northwesterly along proposed
streets and easements to Valley View Road; thence westerly on Valley
thence northerly along proposed streets to the intersection of Sioux
Trail and Sally Lane; thence westerLy along Sioux Trail to County Road
i-o* 18; thence northerly along County Road No. 18 to the west 1/4 corner
of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21; thence northeasterly on a proposed
easement, approximately 500 €eet, to Indian Hills Road and there
Road to a point approximately 500 feet east of County Road 130.18;
and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council
has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised
of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of
said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to
in all subsequent proceedings as SANITARY SEWER Xi+IPROVEi.IEHT NO. 210, and the areas
to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows:
SANITARY SEWER - All lots and tracts of land abutting the above described
location of the sewer.
FOR THE PROPOSED LIFT STATION - All lots and tracts of land within the
following described boundaries: Government Lots Three (3) and Four (4)
in Section 9, Township 116, Range 21, and the east one half (E1/2) of the
Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21.
FOE THE PROPOSED C-2 TRUNK SANITARY SEWER - All lots and tracts of land
within the following described boundaries: I
"Beginning at the intersection of the
#lo0 and the south line of Government
Range 21; thence northwesterly to the
west right-of-way line of Highway
Lot 2, Section 9, Township 116,
northwest corner of said Lot 2;
thence northerly along the westerly line of Section 9, Township 116,
range 21 to a point on said west line distant 200 feet south of the
center line of County Road No. 28 (W.70th St.); thence northwesterly
parallel to and 200 feet south of said center line to the inter-
section with the north Line of Lot 1, Block 2, Amundson's Terrace;
thence westerly along the north line of Lot 1, Block 2, Amundson's
Terrace and its westerly extension to the center line of Cahill Read;
thence south along'said center line to a point distant 271.8 feet south
of the north line of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21; thence west
parallel to and 271.8 feet south of said north line of Section 8 to the
east line of Carolane Addition; thence south to the southeast corner of
Lot 2, Block 1, Carolane Addition; thence westerly along the southerly
line of Carolane Addition to the northeast corner of Lot 4, Block 2,
Hondo Addition; thence south to the southeast corner of Lot 8, Block 1,
Hondo Addition; thence northwesterly to the southwest corner of Lot 6,
Block 1, Hondo Addition; thence north to a point on the west line of
Lot 4, Block 1, Hondo Addition, which point is 20 feet south of the
northwest corner of said Lot 4, Block 1; thence northwesterly to the
northeast corner of Lot 2, Prospect Hills; thence westerly to the
northwest corner of Lot 3, Prospect Hills; thence northwesterly to the
northeast corner of Lot 6, Prospect Hills; thence westerly to the north-
west corner thereof; thence northwesterly to the northwest corner of
Lot 7, Prospect Hills; thence westerly to the northwest corner thereof;
thence north to the northeast corner of Outlot 1, Elm View First Addition;
thence west to the northwest corner of said Outlot 1; thence north to a
point which is 189 feet west of the east line of Section 6, Township 116,
Range 21 and 600 feet south of the centerline of County Road No. 39;
thence west to a point which is 500 feet west of the east line of Section
6, Township 116, Range 21 and 600 feet south of the center line of County
Road No, 39; thence north to a point which is 500 feet west of the east
line of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21, and 200 feet south of the
center line of County Road No, 39; thence west to a point which is 200
feet south of the intersection of the center lines of County Road #39 and
Gleason Road measured at right angles to the aenter line of said County
Koad #39; thence northerly to the intersection of said center lines;
thence northerly along the center line of Gleason Road to a point which
is 200 feet north of the north line of the southeast 1/4 of the southeast
1/4 of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21; thence west parallel with said
north line to the east line of Block 3, Indian Hills; thence northerly
along said east line of Block 3, to the northeast corner of Lot 2,
Block 3, Indian Hills; thence west to the southwest corner of Lot 2,
Block 1, Cherokee Hills; thence north to the southeast corner of Lot 3,
Block 2, Indian Hills; thence westerly to the southwest corner of said
Lot 3; thence northerly to the northwest corner of said Lot 3; thence
east to the northeast corner of said Lot 3; thence north to the northeast
corner of Lot 2, Block 2, Indian Hills; thence westerly to the northwest
corner of said Lot 2; thence southwesterly to the southeast corner of
Lot 1, Block 7, Indian Hills; thence westerly to the southwest corner
thereof; thence northerly to the northwest corner thereof; thence north-
easterly to the most southerly corner of Lot 2, said Block 7; thence
northerly to the northwest covner thereof; thence northerly to the south-
west corner of Lot 9, Block 1, Indian Hills; thence northerly to the
northwest corner thereof; thence northerly to the southeast corner of
Lot 18, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196; thence westerly to the southwest
corner thereof; thence northerly along the westerly line of Lot 18 a
distance of 120 feet to the northerly line of Lot 19 Auditor's Subdivision
No, 196; thence westerly along the northerly line of Lot 19 and its west-
erly extension to the southeast corner of the northwest 1/4 of the north-
west 1/4 of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21; thence northerly along the
easterly line of said northwest 1/4 of the northwest 1/4 to the southeaa&
corner of Lot 4, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196; thence westerly and north-
westerly along the southerly line of said Lot 4 to the southeasterly right-
of-way line of Highway #169-212; thence southwesterly to the southeast
corner of Lot 3, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196; thence westerly along
the south line of Lots 3 and 1, Auditor's Subdivision ifo* 196 to the
west line of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21; thence southerly along
the westerly line of Section 6 and 7, Township 116, Range 21 to the
southwest corner of Section 7, Township 116, Range 21; thence east
along the south lines of Sections 7, 8 and 9, Township 116, Range 21 to
the west right-of-way line of State Highway No. 100; thence north along
said right-of-way line to the point of beginning."
blotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by VanValkenburg, and on
:I h
Publication, Posting and Mailing of "Notice of Public Hearing on Petition for Rezon-
ing from Community Store District to R-5 Multiple Residence Districtf', were.presented
by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on file.
Public Hearing was held on the petition of blr, Chester Jensen, 5221 W.62nd St., and
others, for the Rezoning from Community Store District to R-5 NULTIPLE RESIDENCE
DISTRICT of the following described tract of land:
"That tract of land situated in Section 19, Township 28N, Range 24k1, described
as follows: 'Beginning at the Southeast Corner of the Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of
the Southwest Quarter (SW1/4); thence West along the South line thereof 400.0 feet;
thence North and parallel to the East line of said Southeast Quarter (SE1/4) of
Southwest Quarter (SWl/4) 411b0 feet to the center of Valley View Road as travelled;
thence Southeasterly along the said center line of Valley View Road 422.0 feet to
the East line of said Southwest Quarter (SW1/4); thence South 282,O feet to the
place of beginning. 'I1
Wooddale Avenue,
surrounding area, Planning Director George Hite pointed out for the large audience
present the uses of the surrounding lands,
recommended that the property be rezoned from Community Store District to R-5 Itlultiple
Residence District, and that applicants be permitted to construct an 80-unit apartment
building on this tract,
posed apartment building which is now and will continue to be controlled by the
'Village for water storage; that the pond is there nowI and will always remain,
added that the Planning Commission feels R-5 l4ultipl.e Residence District is more
compatible with use of surrounding lands than is Community Store, and that the
proposed apartment will be an asset to both the Village and the surrounding area.
proposed building, saying it will be five storied high €rom the level of Valley View
Road at Wooddale, with penthouses on the fifth floor being set back to as not to
accentuate the height. The building will be six stories-plus-penthouse from the
floors will contain enclosed parking garages, storage rooms, and other facilities
€or common use, such as recreation and laundry rooms; that the lowest level will open
out onto a large patio or promenade area which contains a swimming pool.
pool will be contained on the property owned by petitioners, and not as part of present
I1pond1'). He added that there will be no outside parking, and no outside deliveries--
that ail parking for both residents and guests will be contained inside the building.
The audience was interested in having the building'located in relation to the
present pond and swamp* Hr. Hite explained that the Village has water storage rights
for $he area to the south and west of the proposed building, and will continue to keep
such rights--but that the building will be constructed on property which is now
partially subject to flooding--this being the southerly approximately one quarter
of the property owned by petitioners--all of which is North of the floating bog in
the present pond; that the pond will remain in the control of the Village.
added, at another question from the audience, that at the time the storm sewer project
was designed it was anticipated that a building would be built on the tract now under
consideration and that there would be complete runoff; that, therefore, capacity of
pond is sufficient to take this runoff. A question was raised as to improvement of
14r. Trieberg said the proponents of the building proposal will do
no work beyond their own property line; that they have no authority for such work,
and it is the responsibility of the Village.
Hr. Trieberg was asked by someone from the audience concerning the certainty of
the promenade and swimming pool set forth as part of the plan, and answered, t'At the
present time we plan to include swimming pool and promenade".
that parking regulations which have to be met are established by the Village at 1-1/2
stalls per dwelling unit--and that experience with apartments in other areas has
shown this to be more than adequate.
of several in the audience that 1-1/2 stalls per dwelling unit would be insufficient
to accommodate the type of residents who would rent luxury apartments.
One lady, who said she lived in the residence closest to the proposed building,
said she feels this is a huge building for the area into which it is proposed to go;
that it is not in keeping with the general area surrounding it, and that it is not
fitting for the Village of Edina to allow it.
though the building is large, he feels that if he were living in this residence he
would sooner live next door to the proposed apartment than to many of the establishments
permitted under the Community Store District Zoning without any hearing,
I4r. Bill Flaskamp, 5309 Minnehaha Blvd., who described himself as 'attorney for a
group'of disgruntled home owners' told Council the area surrounding proposed apartment
is predominantly one of $22,000 to $35,000 single family homes; that this proposal is
for the largest encroachment on residential property yet considered in Edina; that the
area home owners are all wi+g to let the Community Store Zoning continue in existance
and take their chances on construction of a small commercial development, rather than
this massive building.
Pursuant to Notice given,
This property is located at the Southwest corner of Valley View Road and
Showing a Vu-Graph Slide of the area proposed to be rezoned, together with the
He reported the Planning Commission has
He reported there is land to the west and south of the pro-
Ib. Trieberg, Architect for the proposed apartment, presented sketches of the
Explaining the interior plan, Mr, Trieberg told the group that the lower two
Mr. Hite
, the pond-swamp.
A question was then asked concerning provision €or parking, 14s. Hite replied
Some discussion ensued, it being the opinion
Mayor Bredesen suggested that even
Mr. Flaskamp presented petitions, signed by some 111 persons
in the Valley View Road,St.Johns Ave., Ashcroft Ave.,
ing to the apartment proposal and asking that Council
rezoning. For the information of the Council he also
Garrison Lane area, all object-
deny the Jensen petition for
presented an aerial photo,
showing those protesting, those in favor, and those not contacted, within a radius
of 500 feet of apartment proposal, the sentiment of area residents being overMhelmingly
against the proposal.
petitioners need not come before the Council 5oC-a.hearing on this project; that under
the terms of the Village Zoning Ordinance multi-family dwellings are permitted in both
fhe Open Development and Community Store Districts; that proponents would have a
perfect right to apply for a building permit and, if it were not granted, to test
the problem in the court for arbitrariness and capriciousness,
understanding of proponents that there is not unanimity in the neighborhood as to
whether neighbors want to retain the swamp OD have it dredged for a lake.
that proponents have checked the neighborhood, and find that many of the names on
the opposition petition are there only because of a tendency for people to sign to
be in agreement with their neighbors.
apartment with that of several large commercial establishments in his attempt to shorg
the excessive size of this building compared with those of surrounding residences,
and compared the number of dwelling units in this establishment with the dwelling
units on Country Club and other Edina streets, to make his point that apartment
will mean a great increase in the population of a very small area. He added that
three apartment pnoposals now before Council for consideration will mean a 5% increase
in the Village's pppulation.
building on the proposed apartment site, because traffic and noise for an office
building cease at 5 plm., whereas apartment noise continues until late in the evening,
hood that the building is wholly out of proportion to exzting structures which
surround it.
going to develop the pond and promenade--that, knowing the water, he €eels it is
ludicruous to suggest that there be sailing there.
discussion one objector had mentioned that it won't take long for Edina to reach its
saturation point on apartments at the rate they are now being proposed, and to this
Hr. Green replied each proposition should be considered on its own merits; that it is
the number of people in apartment units which should be considered, rather than the
number of dwelling units. He added he feels the Council cannot, realistically, delay
this project; that his clients have a legal right to build a hotel at this site,
right now.
dwellings within 500 feet of the proposed apartment, and lives in one of them, said he
is all fot the apartment; he believes it will be an asset to the neighborhood and the
entire community; he too believes that if theproponents wish to be hard about this
matter they can come right in, now, and build,
Hr. White, 6205 St.Johns Avenue, inquired about the proposed setback of the
building, asking if his setback meets the requirements of the R-5 Zoning for building
over three stories high.
granted for the setback from Valley View Road at Wooddale Avenue.
are very optimistic.
swimming pool and promenade shown as part of the proposal for the apartment, asked
Xr. Green, "Does this proposal include promenade and swimming pool?
tlr. Green's reply was , "This is the plan, absolutely."
I-irs. Ballard, Nancy Lane, inquired about rentals through the County as to those
apartments now in existence, saying practically none of them are 100% rented;
replied rhe Planning Commission has requested an economic analysis relative to apartment
Llr. Hyde reported that if the building
valuation is approximately $1,000,000, total tax levy will be about $36,000, of which
the School District will get roughly 2/3, the Village 12% and State and County the
what goes on this site, and klayor Bredesen replied that, personally, he doesn't want to
be a party to legislating somebody else's business. He added he would like to have the
Village Attorney's opinion.
He asked why it must be so large, unless this is simply a matter of economics.
recommended that as a last report a study could be made of alternate proposals.
out about the proposal, relative to development of the pond, etc; that from comments
made tonight, proponents will work up to the line of their property only; that they
have no obligation nor even right -to do anything else; and that apparently they do
have the right to build anything they wish.
to an area of homes, not one of apartments, bIr. McDemott suggested that while it might
be too late to save this particular spot, the Planning Commission should review similarly
zoned tracts ,
1-k. Kenneth Green, attorney for the proponents, told Council he believes
He stated it is tne
He added I
Fir, Glenn Ballard, Nancy Lane, compared the square footage of this proposed
Mr. Ballard said he would prefer to see an office
i-ir. Richard Aaron, 6112 Kellogg Avenue, said there &s unanimity in the neighbor-
He added that the proponents of the apartment plan suggest they are
Nr, Green replied the sailing is a Village problem--not the proponents', During
I Hr. William Olson, 4516-18 Valley View Road, who stated he is the owner of two
Hr. Hite replied that a setback variance will have to be
Hr. Flaskamp told Council he feels Idr. Green's comments concerning court action
Trustee VanValkenburg, saying there seems to be some general confusion about the
Is this the elan?"
Hr. Hyde
Request was made for tax information.
l-lrs. Milliam Olson inquired as to whether we really have very much to say about
Sir. Berg, 6109 St,Johns, suggested that the issue is simply the size of the building.
Hr. Hugh McDermott, 6101 Ashcroft Avenue, said he resented the information handed
Adding that in moving to this area he moved
2/3/64 Q
As to the size of the building, Architect Trieberg reported that the height,
will never exceed 65 feet from aater level, including penthouses. He added that
the area between the proposed building and surrounding single family dwellings is
considerable--that the St.Johns Avenue lots are deep lots and there is a Village-
owned tract some 100 feet wide between these lots and the building; thuscthere
should be some three hundred feet between the buildng and nearest residences;
also, that he feels Mr. Ballard's statements of comparison of Zloor areas are
not quite fair in that this building is multi-story, with a11 parking inside,and
the others are mostly single story, with outdoor parking.
area was being included in the floor area at the apartment but not in the other
buildings .
matter, regardless of Nr. Green's suggestions concerning court action. Mr.
Bredesen replied that these court actions must be defended by expenditure of the
taxpayers' moneys; that the Council does not wish to go to Court unless there is
some good chance of winning.
the two attorneys he will, with the permission of the Council, request an opinion
from the Village Attorney on this matter, and continue the Public Hearing until
February 17, pending receipt of said opinion. No objections by the Council and
it was so ordered.
He added that basement
Nr. Ballard suggested that the Council set forth its own feelings on this
He added that in view of the differences expressed by
Affidavits of Published, Posted and Nailed "Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed
Vacation of Unnamed 30-FOOt Public Right-of-Way", which affidavits were approved
as to form and ordered placed on file, Pursuant to due notice given, Public
Hearing was conducted on the proposed Vacation of that Unnamed 30-Foot Public
Right-of-Way lying between Lots 19 and 20, Block 1, Code's Highview Park and
Block 3, Replat of Lot 6 and S1/2 Lot 5, Block I, Code's Highview Park; this
r/w extending for 139.57 feet, more or less North of the North line of Benton
Avenue. The matter of' this Street Vacation first came before the Council relative
to the J,H. Lentz petition for subdivision ofLot 19, Block 1, Code's Highview
Park into two buildable lots--and the Planning Commission's recommendation that
subdivision be permitted only if Nr. Lentz is able to add the public right of way
to his lot. Nr. Samsel, 5208 Benton Avenue, owner of Lot 3, Replat, asked to
be heard concerning 14r. Lentz' petition, saying he is in favor of allowing Mr.
Lentz to nave a 100-foot lot, and that he is mt in favor of sacrificing a 30-
foot strip to permit Mr. Lentz to have a 130-foot lot. He added he would
recommend Vacation of the 30-foot strip, so that he could use it himself.
were no objections from the audience to the proposed Vacation.
by Northern States Power Company that their overhead electric distribution
facilities are presently occupying this right-of-way, there being no objection
by Company to vacation of street providing proper easements can be secured for
continued use
adopt ion :
Clerk presented
Clerk read Notice
VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its
WHEREAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had
on February 3, 1964, at 7:OO P.M., on the proposed Vacation of that Unnamed 30-foot
Public Right-of-way Lying between Lots 19 and 20, Block I, Code's Highview Park and
Block 3, Replat of Lot 6 and South 1/2 Lot 5, Block 1, Code's Highview Park, said
Right-of-way extending for 139.57 feet, more or less, North of the North line of
Benton Avenue, has been given and made, and a hearing has been had thereon'by the
Village Council:
Hennepin County, Ninnesota, that the following be and is hereby Vacatid'i
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina,
LOT 5, BLOCK 1, CODE'S HIGHVIEW PARK, said Right-of-way extending for
139.57 feet, more or less, North of the North line of Benton Avenue, all
as platted and of record in'the office ofthe Register of Deeds in and
for Hennqpin County, Minnesota."
and Bredesen, aye; and the Resoluti
(VanValkenburg then moved that Clerk be directed to withhold recording of Resolution
(Vacating Street until such time as Morthern States Power Company advises it has received
(proper easements. Motion seconded by Rixe and carried.
Vacation of Street, Council reviewed Public Hearing of January 6, Dn Nr. Lentz' petition
to subdivide Lot 19, Block 1, Code's Highview Park.
objections to a proposed 100-foot lot; Mr. Samsel, 5208 Benton, who lives next door to
Relative to foregoing discussion about
St was noted that there were no
1. the proposed 100-foot lot, said he sees no objections to it; and Planning Director.
Hite reported, too, that in view of lack of interest by property owners in the area,
he can see no real reason why the 100-foot lot cannot be permitted. VanValkenburg's
motion, granting zoning ordinance variance for the subdividing of Lot 19, Block 1 ,
Code's fiighview Park into two lots, was seconded by Rixe and carried.
on Three Police Cars and Three Pick-Up Trucks.
on the Cars and five bids on the Trucks.
On Police Cars, Elidway Ford Company was low bidder, at $4,780 ,OO' Net; for
three cars with two trades; Bob Knowles Ford Co, was second low, at $4,970.88 Net;
and SubGban Chevrolet Coo was third low at $5,045,87 Net.
three trucks with two trades;
Net ; Midway Company second low , at $4 , 346 , 50 ,
l-fajor Hotors on the Trucks.
as to advangages and disadvantages of leasing equipment,
Tabulation of Bids was presented, covering bids taken today
Tabulation showed receipt of six bids
1, .
2, On Pick-Up Trucks, Major I4otors Company was low bidder at $4,200.00 for
Bob Knowles Ford Company was third low at $4s500.00
Recommendation for award of bids was for I-lidway Company on the Police Cars and
Council asked that award of bids be delayed for two weeks pending investigation
PUBLIC HEALTH NURSING SERVICE REPORTS -- One for the month of December, 1963, and the
other a Summary Report of Services for Year 1963--were submitted, reviewed by Council
and ordered placed on file.
Saying subject of meeting is Dutch Elm Disease, Mr. Hyde suggested Council make a
special effort to be present.
Letter requesting re-activation of petition presented last year for Sanitary Sewer
and other improvements in Tingdale Avenue between W,65th and W.66th Street was read.
Mr. and t.lrs. John ti. Fraaz, 6540 Tingdale Avenue, the authors; told Council they are
having considerable trouble with their private sewage disposal system, and have
received notice from the Village to have it repaired; that other residences en the
street have had trouble.
be referred back to rillage Engineer for study, with direction to schedule Rearing
as soon as possible, and it was so ordered.
Half Section Plat showing boundapy as it is now, and boundary as it wiL1 be after
change proposed herewith, ?.lr, Hite told Council this change will move the Edina-
Hopkins Boundary from the center of the lots in Trolley Line Addition, North to the
centerline of 2nd Street.
VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption:
Hanager Hyde suggested that petition for Sanitary Sewer
He recommended aoption of approving Resolution, and
WHEREAS, The City Council of the City of Hopkins has determined that the
detachment of certain lands from the City of Hopkins and the annexation of said
lands to the Village of Edina, which lands are more fully and in detail hereinafter .
described, will be for the benefit of the City of Hopkins and fop the benefit of such
lands, which determination was made by said City of Hopkins by a Resolution concurrent
herewith; and
T.RIEREAS, Everett F. Garrison and Catherine E, Garrison, husband and wife,
Earnest i?. Hansen and Hazel C. Hansen, husband and wife , and the Village of Edina, a
Minnesota municipal corporation, the fee owners of the land being detached, have
consented in writing to the detachment of said lands and to the annexation of said
lands by the Village of Edina:
Commission acting under Hinnesota Laws 1959, Chapter 686, Section 6, as amended by
Mnnesota Laws 1961, Chapter 645, Section 6 and as amended by Ihnesota Laws 1963,
Chapter 807, Section 11, the following described parcel of land now located in the
City of Hopkins shall be detached from said City of Hopkins and is hereby annexed to
the Village of Edina, which parcel is located in the County of Hennepin and State of
Hinnesota and is described as follows, to-wit :
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, That upon the order of the klinnesota Xunicipal
All of that part of Trolley Line Addition lying Horth of the
South line of Section 19, Township 117, Range 21, except
that part thereof lying and being in Outlot 1 of said Trolley
Line Addition, all according to the recorded plat thereof,
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That a certified copy of this Resolution, together
with a certified copy of the concurrent Resolution of the City of Hopkins, be filed
with the 1.5 e ta blunicipal Commission puraaant to the laws hereindove described,
and that the ®gherk of the Village of Edina is hereby authorized and directed to
file such certified copy of this Resolution as hereinabove set €orth.
"tf 53
BE IT, FURTHER REZOLVED, That upon the issuing of the order of the 1 1
Minnesota Municipal Commission authorizing detachment and annexation, the Hayor
and the Clerk of the Village of Edina are hereby authorized to do all things
necessary to be done in the transfer of the rights of the City of Hopkins in
and to any municipal improvements located within said detached land to the
Village of Edina; which transfer shall include, but not be limited to, the
rights of the City of Hopkins in the dedicated streets on the plat of Trblley
Line Addition, which pursuant to these Resolutions shall be annexed to the Village
of Edina as if said premises had originally been a part hereof.
&- I
Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were
five ayes and no nays, as follows: MacM
VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; a
'Village Clerk ' W
and audience that, pursuant to Council's direction of some six weeks ago he has
written to several library consultants, and expects to meet with an out of state
consultant of considerable rgputation within the next week relative to Edina's
library problems,
will be involved with Hennepin County's plans for a Regional Library, and said
that subsequent to Mayor Naftalin's suggestion made recently (that the Minneapolis
Library be given to Hennepin Countyfor operation) a meeting has been scheduled
by Edina, St.Louis Park and Bloomington to discuss possibly pulling out of the
County system in favor of their own cooperative library, In view of the many
facets which must be covered, relative to library location, Manager Hyde asked
that Council wait another four weeks for his report, Manager to report at Meeting
of March 2.
Mr, Hyde told Council
He called attention, too, to the fact that Edina's program
Planning Commission will meet on Wednesday, February 5, and at that time willact
Wr. Hite reported the
on a formal recommendation to Council.
Hite presented Messrs. Robert Obemneyer, Ray Drake and David Hanson of the Engineering
Department, and they were complimented on a fine job on plans and preparations for
Sanitary Trunk Sewer Improvement No, C-2.
list presented at the last meeting by Engineer Hite, entitled "Possible 1964
surfacing and curb" projects, which list was supplemented by a detailed "1964 Street
Surfacing Programt1, showing estimates of cost, etc., on the streets proposed to be
the Street Surfacing Program for March 16,
This list was partly composed of a number of recommended "street
14~. Hite asked that Council tentatively authorize Public Hearings on
West Llinneapolis Heights Streets surfacing to be postponed to next year.
I4r. Hite recommended that West Minneapolis Heights Streets, which have no surfacing
now, be allowed to remain unsurfaced for another year, until some formal plans have
been formulated €or a much needed storm sewer in this area.
VanValkenburg's motion, accepting Engineer I-Iites report, and scheduling Public
Hearings on proposed Street Surfacing and Curb Improvements for laonday, Barchzk6,
was seconded by Tupa and carried.
TRUNK WATERHAINS, Plr, Hyde recommended that the Engineerng Department be directed
to prepare plans for two proposed Trunk Watermain Improvements, in non-serviced
areas where considerable development will undoubtedly take place within the next
year or two--
1, 12" Trunk Watermain in W,76th St. from Wells #lo and #11 to France Avenue,
and in France Avenue from W.76th St. to W,70th St.
2. Trunk Watermain in Dewey tiill Rd. from Hwy.#100 to Gleason Road ektended,
and in Gleason Road extended, from Dewey Hill Rd., north to Valley VieiJ Road.
Without formal action, Council agreed that Public Hearings should be initiated
this year on these proposed improvements.
just does not have the personnel to plan the extensive improvements needed at the
proposed "Grandview Shopping Center Highway Widening Improvement", Wr. Hyde asked
for authorization to employ consultants for preparation of preliminary plans, and
it was so ordered, without formal action,
Saying the Village
ELECTRICAL ORDINANCES , Manager Hyde suggested that, inasmuch as a determined
effort is now being made to get Ordinances codified, some direction should come
from the Council as to plans for adopkion of Hearing, Plumbing and Electrical
Codes . He told Council the Village has no control Over either electrical or
$2 r' . 2/3/6Q
I heating work; that the Hinneapolis Plumbing Code seems to be the most extensively
used in the metropolitan area, and probably should be adopted by reference, rather
than the State Code we now have. Some discussion was had on these matters, and
it was decided that Edina should look toward adoption of I4inneapolis Plumbing and
Heating Codes.
inspector is required, this should be half-time inspector and half-time electrical
maintenance man.
Electrical Code.
As to the Electrical Code, b1r. Hyde said he feels that if and when an electrical
It was concensus that provision be made in Codification for
Ordinance No. 123-1, An.Ordinance which would provide for a license fee of $10
per annum for each truck-used to deliver milk or mi& products in the Village (and
which would no longer require a flat $100 for each milk plant whose products were
delivered in the Village, but only for those milk plants actually situated within
Village Limits) was discussed and then referred back to the Village Sanitarian for
clarification at the next meeting.
Codification, and also providing €or a "Perishable Food Vehicle" license of $5.00
per annum per vehicle was discussed briefly, and it too, was referred back to E4r.
Hensley for clarification.
Both discussions revolved around fees for truck fleets, there being no
distinction made in the proposed license fees for same.
Ordinance No. 151A-2, An Ordinance Amending Food License preparatory to
known as ParcelNo. 8550, Plat Mo. 74280, is still in the hands of the Hennepin County
Land Commissioner, having been classified by Hennepin County as Won-Gonservation and
for Sale" last year, and not having been picked up by the Village; that the small
circular tract is paved as part of Circle Drive, and that it would be to the public
interest to acquire it for street purposes.
and moved its adoption:
Report was made that the unnumbered circular tract in Circle Drive, otherwise
Tupa offered the following Resolution
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, i4innesota, that
the Village Attorney be authorized and directed to file llAppLication by Governmental .
Subdivision for Conveyance of Tax-Forfeited Lands* for the following property contained
in Hennepin County Auditor's List 11553-C", said property to be used by the Village of
Edina for Street purposes. I Brookview Heights 1st Addition - Plat No. 74280
Parcel No. 38393 - 1955
Unnumbered circular tract in Circle Drive - 8550'
BE iT.FURTHER RESOLVED that the Mayor and Clerk of this Village be, and hereby are,
authorized and directed to sign said application on behalf of the Village of Edina.
were five ayes and no nays, as follows: MacNil ; Tupa, aye; Vanyalken-
TREASURER'S REPORT, As at December 31, 1963, and Liquor Dispensary Fund Statements as at
November 30, 1963, were reviewed and ordered placed on file.
this date: General Fund, $25,680.23; Park, Park Construction, Golf Course & Swim Pool
Funds, $9,791.36; Baterworks Fund, $13,729.99; Liquor Fund, $41,319.89; Sewer Rental
Fund, $24,579.41--TOTAL, $115,100.88; and For ratific ation of payment, Janaary 22, of
Claim No. 24711, amount $1,384.09, To Texabo, Inc., for Gasoline, was seconded by
VanValkenburg and carried.
Tupa's motion, for payment of the following Claims as per Pre-List dated
Neeting's agenda's having been covered, VanValkenburg moved for adjournment.
seconded by Rise and carried. Adjourn *
Viliage Clerk