HomeMy WebLinkAbout19640302_regular21 2/17/64 MAYOR BREDESEN'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED. recessed for a few minutes while Mayor Bredesen received felicitations (in song and verse) on the occasion of his birthday. CLAIMS PAID. List.dated February 17, 1964, was seconded by Tupa and carried:' General Fund, $9,075.81; Park, Park Sinking Fund and Golf Course Fund, $31,550.35; Waterworks Funds, $28,179.12; Liquor Dispensary Fund, $54,496.95; Sewer Rental Fund, $353.98; Improvement Funds, $627,210.76; Poor Fund, $154.90- TOTAL, $751,021.87. The formal business of the Council was MacMillan's motion for payment of the following Claims as!per Pre- Meeting's agenda's having been covered, Tupa moved for adjournment. by MacMillan and carried. Motion second'ed Adjournment at 9 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HELD MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1964, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL. Members answering Rollcall were MacMillan, Rixe,'Tupa; VanValkenburg and Bredesen. MINUTES of the February 3rd and 17th, 1964 Meetings were approved as submitted, by VanValkenburg, seconded ,by Rixe and carried. COUNCIL AUTHORIZES BUILDING OF APARTPENT AT SOUTHWEST CORNER OF VALLEY VIEW ROAD AND WOODDALE AVENUE UNDER PROVISIONS OF "COMMUNITY STORE DISTRICT" PORTION OF ZONING ORDINANCE. Mayor Bredesen announced that Council would conduct Public Hearing--continued from Hearing of February 17--on the proposed Rezoning from Community Store District to R-5 Multiple Residence District of the area at the Southwest Corner of Valley View Road and Wooddale Avenue, -He reviewed for Council and audience the communication dated February 27, 1964, from Mr. Kenneth W. Green, attorney for the proponents of the 80-unit apartment building proposed to be constructed on this site.. Letter stated that Mr. Green's clients "do not need and do not.desire rezoning from community store district to R-5--that they desire that the zoning continue as community store; they simply request the Council's approval and request the granting of a building permit for the erection of an apartment building under the current zoning of community store district". The letter went on to state that proponents are willing to eliminate the penthouses from the apartment to reduce the height, and are willing to meet the 40' height requirement of the cornunity store district by such excavation or other adjust- ments as are needed. Bredesen as to whether "the building will be basically the same, with the exception that the penthouses will be eliminated and building will be lowered to aeet the Mr. Green was present, and at a question from Hayor . 40-foot median at Valley View Road", he replied, lgBasically, yes." Mr. Flaskamp, attorney for the apposition,told Council that if proponents have decided to ask for permit under present zoning there is nothing for his group to say. build right up to the street. be the same as that formeUy proposed when rezoning to R-5 was being considered, Ppopanents said nothing to the contrary, constructed under the R-5 Multiple Residence requirements, but that inasmuch as proponents now wish to comply with Community Store requirements rather than attempt further to overcome neighbors' objections to the R-5*, there is little Council can do require R-5. a great deal since this particular property was rezoned ttComunity Store"; that there are only a very few parcels of undeveloped property in the Village zoned in.this manner. permit for building apartment at Southwest Corner Valley View and Wooddale Avenue under the conditions outlined in Mr, Green's communication dated February 27, 1964, and MacMillan so moved. A question was asked as to whether this action means that proponents may Manager Hyde said he presumes the setback will Trustee MacMillan informed audience that there may have been a better building Village Attorney Hasselquist added that village zoning ordinance has changed Mayor Bredesen entertained a motion instructing Building Inspector to issue Motion seconded by Rixe and carried. PEARCE SISTERS REQUEST REPORT ON ASSESSMENT FOR STORM SEWER: TO BE MADE MARCH 16. At a request from the Misses Katherine and M.E. Pearce, and Mr. A.C.Godward, that they be given a full report as to the status of their storm sewer assessment (the Pearces maintained they are being assessed $25,000 for a storm sewer for which their property receives no benefit; and Mr. Godward added that at one time, in about 1960, one plan showed storm drains on crosstown highway land, extended to take care of the Southdale and Pearce properties; that ibis plan was referred to him, and he reported that proposed assessment .was fair-but that this plan was later abandoned) Council referred matter to Village Engineer Hite for report at the meeting of March 16. Miss Katherine Pearce had told Council that pursuant to the statement of the Village Engineer, as recorded in the Minutes of Febr.17th relative to the 3/2/'64 : 2 Devco Petition for Rezoning, she had inspected plans and found nothing to show any proposed extension of the BarrieeRoad storm drain to her property line. 220-UNIT APARTIENT PROPOSAL AT BROOKSIDE AVENUE AND MOTOR STREET 1.IEETS WITH NEIGHBORHOOD OBJECTION: HEARING CONTINUED TO APRIL 6TH FOR TRAFFIC STUDIES. Public Hearing was announced on the petition of Dietrich-Frances Co:, Inc., 4824 I4arkey Ridge , Minneapolis , for the rezoning from Open Development Dlstrict to "R-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT" Of BLOCKS TWENTY( 20) AND TWENTY-ONE (21) , EMMA ABBOTT PARK, AND PART OF VACATED MINNEAPOLIS, ST.PAUL AND SUBURBAN RAILROAD UWT-OF-WAY", this property being located, generally, between the North Village Limits and Motor Street, and between Brookside Avenue and Cleveland Avenue extended North. Affidavits of Publication of ,"Notice of Hearing" in Edina-Morningside Courier February 20 and 27, of mailing, and of posting Notice, were presented, approved as to form and ordered placed on file* proposal in some detail, with the aid of Vu-Graph Slides, showing the area proposed for rezdning, and the land use of the surrounding area. He resrted that this is good, buildable land, that some of it is heavily wooded. the attention of the Council to Blocks 17, 18 and 19, Emma Abbott Park, which will be permanently set aside so that they cannot-be built upon, saying this is one ofthe considerations which caused Planning Commission to recommend favorably on the proposal. the project , of about 220 one and two-bedroom units to include both townhouses and walk-up apart- ments, with a peripheral road, access to on-site parking from this road, a series of internal courts, outdoor recreational facilities including swimming pool, wading pool, etc. five stages, the first stage to comprise 32 town houses in the Northeast corner; with 48 apartments to be built in each of the 2nd through the 5th stages. Council was appraised of a petition in opposition to the proposal, bearing signatures of some 50 neighboring Edina and St.Louis Park residents, filed with Clerk this afternoon. Ave. ;St .Louis Park, who inquired as to disposition of the additional traffic to be engendered by such a large residential development,.and by someone who directed a question to the Council abouf what would happen to Minnehaha Creek. proposing some improvements this summer, to improve traffic in this area. explained these proposed improvements--the re-routing of Brookside Avenue into Interlachen Blvd. being one; and stated-that any '19 vement or changes to the Creek would require a permit from the Conservation, IF vision of Haters. He added the proposal does include some storage, where there is now periodic flooding, in the Northeast corner of the area; that this will neither add nor detract from the amount of water entering or leaving the site. Idre Frank Novotny, 4425 Rutledge Avenue, and Hr. R. A. Schmitt, 4377 Thielen Avenue, both expressed themselves as being much concerned about the traffic. Idr. Schmitt sited W.44th Street, the narrow bridge over the creek, the bad corner at 44th and Brookside, all as reasons why the impact of increased traffic should be thoroughly studied before Council gives consideration to allowing construction of this large develop&; and the matter of traffic came up several times during the ensuing discussion. Ehs Charaes Bateson, Planner for the City of St.Louis Park, told Council that for some time St.Louis Park has had Brookside Avenue projected right through the center of the property proposed for the apartment, ending at either Motor St. or W.44th Street, realizing of course, that should some development be proposed before its plans were fully formulated, there would have to be some changes in the Park's thinking. As to this particular plan, Mr. Bateson stated the Park feels it aligns itself satisfactorily with what now exists;.the buffer as shown on the . plan 'is adequate and acceptable to the City. the Village has no assurance that once this property is zoned it will be developed; and suggested it would be a good thing to have title to Blocks 17, 18 and 19 before balance is zoned, so that Edina and Park can develop as a joint park facility. llr. William Bale-, 4380 Thielen Avenue, asked that Council not consider this zoning request because residents have purchased property with understanding that neighborhood will be one of single family residences, because of the enormous size of the proposed apartment project, and because of the impact of traffic on this residential neighborhood. gentleman who expressed himself as a resident newly moved from Chicago, concurred in Mr.. Bale's requesi. Mr4 Dick Vogel, Attorney for*tie promotion asked if the traffic matter and the zoning matter before the Council tonight are not two entirely unrelated problems. Mr. Hite's answer was that he does not agree that these two matters are unrelated, but does agree that the increase in traffic from this development will not be too great and does not have much impact upon the traffic problem as it now exists. He added, at a question from the audience, that W.44th Street will have to be improved, regardless of action taken on this development. 300 more trips per day would be generated from this multiple residence development than from a single-fqily development; and Iilr. Hite stated he believes the improve- Planning Director Hite explained the He called Mr. Hite introduced Mr. Leonard Parke rchitedht for $a who explained the proposed project , being a multiple-dwelling project Mr. Parker added that it is proposed to develop the area in , . - Discussion was opened for the opposition by llrs. vonLorenz of 4332 Brookside Planning Director Hite explained that with regard to traffic, the Village is He I , He added that he understands that Nr, Ray Denison, 4500 Rutledge Avenue, and another Mr. Bredesen said he felt some ments proposed for this greater extent than the Council that 75% of the 23 3/2/64 year's work in this area will alleviate traffic to a expected 300 trips per day. access is from Brookside Avenue. '+ t Mr. Parker reminded 3a 30 0 z U u I Mr. Vogel explained that owners feel that if they can't help Edina they will be doing themselves no good; that this particular property is especially suited to an apartment development because (1) it is buffered on one side by the raieroad track, and (2) it can be landscaped and beautified-to receive this type of development. He added that the owners will be contributing to Edina insofar as the tax dollar is concerned, and that they will be bringing in fewer children than would a single-family development. Mr. Parker added that in presenting plans to Councils throughout the metropolitan area he has found that the assumption of many persons is that apartments are a blight on a residential neighborhood; that it is his considered judgment that because of this development residential property in the area will increase, rather than decrease, in value; that there is a valid concern about traffic but would like to point out that the traffic problem is not related to the people who live in the area. There were other objections from the audience, one lady saying she much disliked having the only "country" tract in the area used for apartments, and a gentieman suggesting that the proposal is "just too large" and there should be some way to agree upon a lesser plan. and Mr. Dietrich, one of the developers, answered rather heatedly that the. area of development (the Northeast corner for the first stage) is the idea of the Village, rather than the developer, to assure that the beat property will not be developed until last. until he sees the results of some of the proposed traffic improvements suggested by the Fillage this evening, he wishes Council would postpone action. For the proponents, Mr. Vogel asked that Council vote on issue at this meeting. Trustee M acMillan, saying he feels that the traffic question has not been completely answered, asked Engineer Hite if he could have a traffic report for the Council within two weeks. report in this short time; that, within four weeks he could have an estimate of the change rerouting Brookside Avenue would make in the area trafific pattern- - but that this is the very best he could do. personally, believes traffic does have an affect on zoning, insofiar as safety is concerned, Mr..Bredesen also suggested that traffic studies be made. MacMillan then moved that Public Hearing be continued to April 6, to give the Engineer time to make studies of present and projected traffic relative to proposed traffic improvements and proposed apartment dwelling project. Tupa stated that in deference to. the wishes of the residents, and in order to get a better understanding of what is required for more efficient traffic pattern, he would second Mr. MacMillan's mothion.. VanValkenburg suggested that Engineer's report include recommendation as to provision for Sanitary Sewer and Water in this area. There was some objection on the matter of lack of guaranty of development; Mr. Schmitt said he feels that the developers' intentions are good, but that Mr. Hite .replied that he could not have such a Reporting to Mr. Vogel that he, &. Discussion was had on the motion: and Motion unanimously carried. COUNCIL DELAYS ACTION ON REZONING OF BERTELSON-RAUENHORST PROPERTIES PENDING AGREEMENT ON PARK. Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier February 20 and 27, 1964, of Posting, and of Mailing tca owners of affected properties, a "Notice of Public Hearing It on the rezoning of the following described properties :* FROM OPEN DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT - 1. The Proposed Bertelsen Plat, as follows: &b.TO R-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT - Lots 1 and 2, Block 1 and Lots 1 2. a.TO R-3 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT - Lots 13 through 19, Block.2 through 12, Block 2. .f* The proposed Rauenhorst Registered Land Survey, as follows: a. TO R-3 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRZCT - Tract A. b. TO R-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT - Tract B. C. d. TO OFFICE BUILDING DISTRICT - Tracts C, D, E, F and G. TO PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT - Tracts H, I, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T and U. this area lying, generally, South of W.73rd St. and between France Ave. and Highway LOO. Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file; and pursuant thereto, Public Hearing was held on these petitions, being by Minneapolis.Builders Supply Co. for the Bertelson property; by.Rauenhorst Development Co. for the other tract. Planning Director Hite told Council this plan, entitled "Plan C'l, has the Planning Commission's favorable recommendation. With the aid of a drawing he explained the pian in some detail, pointing out the proposed R-1 and R-2 Districts; and telling Council this plan, revised a pumber of times, is for the rezoning of between 110 and 115 acres to a number of different zoning districts. Mr. Harold A. Dickson, 7312 Eest Shore Drive, appearing on behalf of the South Gardens Associations, inquired about R-5 zones; was informed that R-5 zoning is not under consideration this evening; then asked concerning proposed park area in the 24 3/2/64 Bertelson Tract, and was informed by Mr. Hite that the matter of the park has not yet been settled, andsthat the recommendation of the Planning Commission for approval is contingent upon.the Park Board and Mr. Bertelson's arriving at a satisfactory agreement on the additional park area. comments from the floor, and none had been received prior to the Hearing. Mayor Bredesen entertained a motion to continue Public Hearing until park matter is settled, and VanValkenburg so moved. carried. company has several applications for permits pending and would like rezoning now; that delay will work hardship on them. had attempted to get in touch with Park Department today, but was unable to do so-that be believes the matter can be worked out. Upon advice that Park Board will meet next Nonday evening, VanValkenburg moved that Public Hearing be continued to March 16 MGtiontGeconded by Rixe and carried. There were no other Motion seconded by Rixe and Mr. Rauenhorst asked for re-consideration by Council, saying his Mr. Bertelson told Council he I smThBt -n'a%teT of taddition, to Park might. be settled. . VARIANCES FROM SIDE YARD SETBACK REQUISMENTS OF ZONING ORDINANCE GRANTED AFTER PUBLIC HEARINGS. "Notices of Public Hearings" on the following petitions for variances from Planning Director Hite presented Affidavits of Mailing of side yard requirements of zoning ordinance;' and these affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. with Notice, and action was taken as hereinafter recorded: to construct addition to home at rear of attached garage, eight feet from side lot line (ordinance requires ten-foot side yard). from the floor, and none had been received prior to Hearing. had recommended favorably on request, as of January 15. VanValkenburg's motion for approval of petition for variance, was seconded by Tupa and carried. PETITION OF GENE BENNETT, 4901 BROWNDALE AVENUE - Petition for permit to enclose present garage for use as porch and build new garage on NE side of house, set back 20 ft. from Country Club Road, rather than 30 feet bequired by Zoning Ordinance. at its meeting of Pebruary 5. had been received-prior to Public Hearing, variance in accord with Planning Commission's recommendations, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Public Hearings were conducted in accord 1. PETITION OF E. E. SAMUELSON, 4503 W(EV1EIJ DRIVE - Petition for permit There were no objections Planning.Commission * 2. Planning Commission had recommended favorably on this request, There were no objections from the floor, and none VanValkenburg's motion, approving I TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEHENT NO. T-4 ORDERED AFTER PUBLIC HEARING. Affidavit of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier on February 20 and 27, 1964, and Affidavits of Posting and of Mailing to owners of affected properties, a "Notice of Public Hearing" on a proposed tree trimming improvement. These notices contained a listing of several streets in the White Oaks" area, stating the proposal was to trim trees along these boulevards. Hyde explained that Notice is in error; that Bridge Lane is the only street where it is proposed to trim boulevard trees. 4800 Block on Tomes Road, objecting to general improvement for reason that there is not a sipgle boulevard tree in this block. petition for Blvd. Tree Trimming had been for Bridge Lane; that action had been taken to initiate public hearing for entire area before survey was made, and that notices had been sent out to area before it became apparent that'only Bridge Lane trees need trirmning. was $10.00 per boulevard tree, and Manager Hyde added that the Village will probably have this work done by our own force, rather than take bids. Meadow Road, asked that his very large boulevard elm be included in the improvement, saying he feels that an assessment of $25 or $30 would be reasonable for this improvement. clieck this tree &d make estimate for Mr. Duffy. Mr. R. L. MacPhail, 2 Bridge Lane, and others on Bridge Lane, assenting to improve- ment, and there were no dther objections offered. following Resolution and moved its adoption: Clerk presented Mayor Bredesen and Efanager Mm H. 0. Berg presented petition from Manager Hyde told audience that Estimate of Cost for the proposed improvement on Bridge Lane Mr. W. H. Duffy, 4707 Manager Hyde told Council this could be arranged; that crew could Mayor Bredesen read letter from VanValkenburg offered the RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT TREE TRIMMING IMPROVEMENT NO. T-4 BE IT RESOLYED by the.Counci1 of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on tne following proposed improvement: Maple Road from W.48th St. to W.50th St.; Townes Road from Sunnyside Rd. to W.49th St. ;. Tomes Circ e; White Oaks Road; Meadow Road; I.1.48th St. from Maple Road to France Ave.; W.4 il th St. from Maple Road to France Ave.; Bridge Lane and at the hearing held at the time and-place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement as follows: TRIIIIMING BOULEVARD TREES IN THE FOLLOlJING STREETS, with bolting and cabling where deemed necessary: TRIMMING BOULEVARD TREES , with bolting and cabling where deemed necessary, IN BRIDGE LANE AND AT 4707 MEADOW ROAD that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent 25 3/2/64 therefor shall include all lots and tracts of land abutting Bridge Lane, and 4707 Meadow Road. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there Mayor Bredesen was excused from the meeting at this time, and Mayor Pro Tem VanValkenburg presided for the balance of the meeting. THREZ SEVEN-GANG HYDRAULIC MOWERS PURCHASED FOR GOLF COURSE AND PARKS. Hyde presented tabulation of bids taken today, together with the recommendation of the Park Department for award, covering Three Seven-Gang Hydraulic Mowers. two bids had been received; $5,078.40 for Park Unit and $10,409.60 for 2 Golf Course Units-Total, $15,488.00; and high bid of Minnesota Toro (Toro Mower) at $6,705.00 and $12,230.00 respectively, with Total of $18,935.00. for award of the Park Unit to Minnesota Tore; of the two Golf Course Units to R. L. Gould * recornended award is fair and would give all equipment-a good test. for award in accord with Park Department recommendations. Rixe and carried. Manager Only the low bid of R. L. Gould (Jacobsen Mower) at Park Department's recommendations dated this date were After reatiew of the recommendations, Tupa stated he believes this He then moved Motion seconded by CONTRACT FOR BUS TRANSPORTATION FOR SWIMMING INSTRUCTION AWARDED TO KOTTKE BUS SERVICE, ANOKA. Transportation for Swimming Instructions. Heretofore, this bus transportation has been furnished by the Edina-Morningside School District, at 51C: per mile. Hyde reported to Council that before taking these bids he had called Mr, Don Pryor of the School District and informed him of the Village's intentions, and had been told to go ahead--that the District could furnish buses at no lower a rate than that of last year. Service, Anoka, which serves the Anoka Schools, at $.35 per Mile or $4.75 per Hr. for 48-Passenger Bus, and $.40 per Mile or $5.00 per Hour for a 54-Passenger Bus, being the low bid. $5.75 per Hr. for a 54-Passenger Bus. Hr., respectively; and Colubia Transit was high bidder with $.31 per Mi. plus $2.00 per Hr., and $.32 per Ni., and $2.00 per hr., respectively. was for award of contract to Kottke Bus Service, Anoka, at $.35 and s.40 per mile, depending on size of bus needed; he infomed Council that on the basis of the low bid the Village should save some $2,000 over what was paid to School District last year. in accordance with Manager's recommendation, was seconded by HacMillan and carried. "PETITION" FOR SANITARY SEWER AND WATER TO SERVE 5717 HIGHWAY NO. 169 REFERRED TO VILLAGE ENGINEER FOR PROGRAMMING. Manager Hyde recommended that the letter received from Mr. Elmer F. Eike, 5717 Highway 169, asking for Sanitary Sewer and Water, be treated as a petition and refetred to the Village Engineer for programming. He added that this is a difficult situation because serving Mr. Eike's property will mean tunneling under the Highway. and referral to Village Engineer was seconded by Rixe and carried. PETITIQN FOR WATERMAIN IN WOODCREST DRIVE ACCEPTED. Woodcrest Drive from Park Place to 5500 Noodcrest Drive was filed, reviewed, and by motion Rixe seconded by MacMillan and carried was accepted and referred to the Village Engineer for programming. 'Pro Tem Manager Hyde presented Tabulation of bids taken today on Bus Mr. Tabulation showed receipt of four bids, that of Kottke Bus Bloomington Bus Company was second-low at $.48 per Mi. or Richfield Bus Company bid $.55 and $.60 per Mr. Hyde's recommendation Tupa's motion, that contracr be awarded to Kottke Bus Service, Inc., I.. Tupa's motion for acceptance of petition Petition for Watermain in RESIGNATION OF MR. PAUL FOSS FROM PARK BOARD ACCEPTED WITH REGRET. Mayor/accepted with regret the resignation of Mr. Paul Foss from the Park Board. tendered because - of ill health. U. OF Ma CIVIL DEFENSE CLASSES TO BE HELD MARCH 12TH FOR MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS. Announcement was made of these classes, to be held at Prudential Building, with -- invitation to all municipal officials to attend. PETITION FOR VACATION OF UNNAMED STREET BETWEEN LEE VALLEY CIRCLE AND SOUTH LINE OF CAROLANE ADDITION TO HAVE PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 6. filed February 28, for Vacation of an Unnamed Street lying between Lee Valley Circle Clerk presented petition -- and the South line of Carolane Addition. wes no longer any need for the street, and recommended Public Hearing on petition. MacMillan's motion, setting date of Public Hearing on Petition as April 6, was seconded by Tupa and carried. Planning Director Hite told Council there 26 .. 1 3/2/64 COUNCIL TAKES ACTION BY RESOLUTION TO EFFECT TRADE OF PARK LANDS. Clerk reported that Village Attorneys desire Council to formalize action taken recently with regard to trade of park lands and acquisition of certain other lands for park (See Council action of December 2, 1963, Page 257, Book 26, and action of January 20, 1964, Page 289, Book 261, as an aid to Court procedure. Resolution and moved its adoption: MacMillan offered the following - RESOLUTION WHEREAS, it is necessary, advisable and in the public interest that the Village of Edina acquire certain land situated in the Village of Edina for public park purposes, said property being described as follows, to-wit: Lot 3 and 4, Block 1, The Heights Third Addition, according to the plat thereof on file or of record in the office of the Registrar of Titles in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota. . -I WHEREAS, in order to acquire said property the Village of Edina has entered into.that certain contract providing for an action to be brought by Roycar, Inc., a Minnesota Corporation, at the expense of the Village to release from the restriction that it be used for park purposes the property situated in the Village of Edina and described as follows, to-wit: That part of the tract of land designated.as PARK in the duly recorded. plat of THE EIGHTS, lying Westerly of a line 60 feet Easterly of and parallel with the following described line: Beginning at a point on -. the South line of said PARK, distant 154.72 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence Northeasterly to a point on the North line of said PARK, ,distant 182.67 feet East of the Northwest corner thereof and there terminating, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Henne- pin County, bSinnesota. . WHEREAS, a copy of said contract is attached hereto and made a part of NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Village of Edina proceed to procure this resolution. the above firet-mentioned lands pursuant to the terms of the aforementioned contract for the purpose hereinbefore set forth, and that the aforementioned contract be and is hereby approved, and that the execution thereof by the Village on February 5, 1964 is hereby ratified, and that the Village Mayor and Manager be instructed and directed to execute all other documents, do all other acts necessary or desirable to be executed and done to fully perform and carry out the covenants and agreements of The Village contained in said contract, except execute deeds to be given pursuant to said contract, and said Hayor and the Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver all deeds to be given pursuant to said.contract. Motion for adoption- of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: Ma kenburg, aye; and the Resolution was adop And Macfilillan offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, a portion of the plat of The Heights, located in the Village of Edina, has been dedicated to the public for park purposes and is presently heid by the Village of Edina-for such purposes, said portion being described as follows, to- wit : according which dedicated, and it is deemed to be in the public interest that all present or future plans or intents for such use be abandoned and that said unfit portion be permitted to revert to the former owners thereof freed from said dedication, said unfit portion being more particularly described as follows, to-wit: PARK, in The'Heightsho the recorded plat thereof. WHEREAS, a certain portion of said park is ddemed unfit for the purpose for ' That part of the tract of land designated as PARK in the duly recorded plat of THE HEIGH'IS, lying Westerly of a line 60 feet Easterly of and parallel with the foUowing described line: of said PARK distant 154.72 feet East of the Southwest corner thereof; thence Northaasterly to a point on the North line of said PARK, distant 182.67. feet. East of the Northwest corner thereof and there terminating, according to the map or plat thereof on file and of record in the office of the Register of Deeds in and for Hennepin County, Minnesota. Beginning at a point on the South line NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by' the Village Council of the Village of Edina that the above described unfit portion of park property be abandoned as a park; and that the mayor of the Village and Village Clerk, be authorized and directed to execute and deliver a Quit Claim Deed releasing said lands to the person or persons adjudged entitled thereto, upon the filing with the Village Clerk of a certified copy of a Decree vacating said portion of said plat, and releasing said dedication, pursuant to Minnesota Statutes Section 505.14. 1 27 3/2/64 Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as followsi MacMillan, aye; fixe, aye; Tupa, aye; and \ NEW AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE NECESSd FOR'STATE AID BONDS. Council Finance Director Dalen's report that $100,000 State Aid Bonds due June 15, 1965 will be called by Edina June 15, 1964; that the State has been notified of this prior call and now requires a new Amorfization Schedule, adopted by Council Resolution. Manager Hyde read to Tupa offered the following 'Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ,AMORTIZATION SCHEDULE FOR STATE AID BONDS WHEREAS, the Village of Edina has issued bonds in the amount of $394,594.12 exclusively for the purpose of establishing, locating, relocating, constructing, reconstructing or improving its State-Aih Highways or Streets in accordance with law, and said obligations are payable, that amount of their €uture State-Aid allotments as is permissible by law and needed to pay the principal and interest thereon, which principal payment Shall be made from the construction account of such State- Aid Fund and the interest payments made from theip regular State-Aid Maintenance allotment, as detailed herein: WHEREAS, said Village has irrevocably pledged to the sinking fund from which - Principal Due Interest Due (2-1/2%) Fund Fund Year From State Aid Construction From State Aid' Maintenance 12-15-6 4 $2,500.00 - 6-15-65 ' 6-15-66 12-15-6 6 6-15-6 7 12-15-65 .. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT hereby requested to keep a 2,500 00 2,500.00 $100,000.00 2,500 00 1,250 . 00 100,000.00 1,250 6 00 RESOLVED: That the Commissioner of Highways be and is , bond record in his office for the Village of Edina. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the Commissioner of Highways be and is hereby requested upon receipt of this resolution to annually certify to the State Auditor the sum of money required for the principal and interest on said bonds, as evidenced by detailed reports of the annual expenditures. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Iiixe, and on Rollcall there Manager Hyde reported that the Planning Comission's recommendations are now in the hands of the Village Attorneys (Mr. Schwartzbauer) for draft into legal terminelogy; won't be ready for Council consideration for at least a month. COUNCIL TO HOLD PUBLIC HEARING APRIL 6, ON PROPOSED REZONING FRO14 "COMMERCIAL DISTRICT'' TO "PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT1'. Planning Director Hite recommended that Council conduct a Public Hearing in the near future on a proposed rezoning from "Commercial District*1 to "Planned Industrial District!' of the area once ' zoned for Western Meats--llThat part of the'East 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21, lying South of W.78th St." Motion by MacMillan, setting date for Public Hearing on proposed Rezoning, was seconded by Rixe and carried, Hearing Date being Monday, April 6. HEARING TO &-CLASSIFY MULTIPLE RESIDENCE PROPERTIES SCHEDULED FOR APRIL 6. multiple residence areas under the new Mugtiple Residence Ordinance, and Tupa moved for Public Hearing on April 6. ~ Mr. Hite recommended that Council conduct a Public Hearing to re-classify certain Motion seconded by MacMillan and carried. PARK PROPERTY PURCHASES RATIFIED' BY COUNCIL. there is nothing in the Council Minutes formaliy authorizing burchase of Lot 2, Manager Hyde informed Council that Block 1, Niederloh Addition, although he knows this matter was discussed with the Council (See Park Board Minutes of November 12, 1963) . ratify purchase of this property as per purchase agreement dated November 21, 1963, for $6,000, and payment of $404.70 in special assessments. He asked that Council He also requested confirmation of purchase of Lot 2, Block 13, Cleveland's 3/2/64 Subdivision of Emma Abbott Park for $1,450.00 (See Mdnutes of Park Board Meeting of January 13, 1964.) land hereinbefore discussed, wds seconded by Tupa and carried. MacMillan's motion, confirming purchase of two tracts of MARCH 16TKJTO BE DATE FOR PUBLIC HEARINGS ON STREET IMPROVEMENTS: NEW METHOD OF ASSESSNENT FOR COST OF IMPROVEMENT OF CROSS STREETS DISCUSSED. to the Council on several proposed street improvements which should be done this t5r. Hite reported year, including a number of cross-streets, situated in areas where residential streets have already been improved. of the Village cross-streets are improved as a part of an over-all area improvement and abutting properties are assessed for only one-third of their footage, with the balance of the cost being spread against the entire area Council consideration a formula for assessment of those/b%s proposed for improvement this year, this formula being as follows: Reminding Council that in the newer sections Mr. Hite presented for 1. Assessment on a per foot basis for 1/3 of the footage of abutting * 2. Assessment of/*ke-Ba&aaee-of the cost over all benefited lots in an , properties. a part area, including incentive to having these streets improved, and in lieu of heavy maintenance costs. abutting properties, at $90 per lot. Payment of the balance of the cost by the Village General Fund, as an 3. There was some considerable discussion by the Council on Mr. Hite's recommendation, and Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLId HEARINGS PROPOSED STkEET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER IMPROVElIIENTS BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina: 1. The Village Engineer, having submitted to the Council a preliminary report as to the feasibility of the proposed STREET IMPROVEUENTS described in the Form -of Notice of Hearings set forth below, and as to the estimated cost of such improvements, said report is hereby approved and directed to be placed on file in the office of the Village Clerk. Village Hall', to consider in public hearing the views of all persons interested in said proposeii improvement . and purpose of said meeting to be published in the official newspaper once a week for two'successive weeks, the second of which publications is to be not less than three days from date of said meeting, which notice shall be in substantially the following form: 2. This Council shall meet on Mondayblarch 16, 1964, at 7:OO P.M., in the Edina The' Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause notice of the time, place 3. NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGS ON * PERNANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER HDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Monday, March 16, 1964, at 7:OO p.m., to consider the following proposed improvements to be constructed under-the authority granted by Minnesota Statutes 1961, Chapter 429. The approximate cost of said improvements is estimated by the Village as set forth below: - - - ESTIMATED COST A. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREETS SURFACING IN THE FOLLOWING: 1. Ashcroft.Ave. from Valley View Rd, to W.6Oth St. $ 5,550.44 2. William Ave. from W.5lst St. to W.52nd St. $ 13, 620.50 B. 'CONSTRUCTION OF PORTLAND CEMENT CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: A< Concrd Ave. from Southview Lane to W.6Oth St. $ 13,430.55 CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN THE FOLLOWING: C. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND PORTLAND CENENT 1. Oxford Ave. from W.5lst St, south to cul-de-sac William Ave, from W.5lst St. to Interlachen Blvd. jankerson Ave. from W.52nd St. to Interlachen Blvd. $ 43,453.11 2. Merold Drive from Grove St. to Wycliffe Rd. $ 19,027.69 '3. Dubiin Circle from W.70th St. to end of cul-de-sac $ .8,665.19 4. West Shore Drive from Hwy.#lOO to Hibiscus Ave. hibiscus Ave. from West Shore Dr. to Kellogg Ave. ikeilogg Ave. from north line of Lke Edina 4th Addn. $?dum Lane from Kellogg Ave. to West Shore Dr. Poppy Lane from West Shore Drive to east service lane ' to South line of Lake Edina 4th Addn. of Hwy.#100 $ 100,931.25 5. StXohns Ave. from Valley View Rd. to W.6Oth St. $ 15,278.76 6. Stuart Ave. from Grove St. to 60' South of center line of Benton Ave. ,Benton'Ave. from Stuwt Ave. to Tracy Ave. $ 22,032.87 , . 3/2/64 29 . 7. View .Lane from Highway #169 to Schaefer Rd. I Schaefer Rd, from View Lane to Stauder Circle Stauder Circle from Schaefer Rd. to north line of Parkwood Knolls 12th Addn. $. 64,385.76 J 8. Richmond Lane from Richmond Ave. to Windsor Ave. . $ 4,331.57 9. 15,087.45 10. 'West 62nd St. from €wing Ave. to Abbott Ave. $ 37,150.87 11. Beard Place from W.62nd St. to Beard Ave. . $ 22,659..55 12. W.59th St. from Concord Ave. to Oaklawn Ave. ,Rosemary Lane from Valley View Rd. to end of cul-de-sac $ Beard Ave. from N.62nd St. to Cross-Town Hwy. W.6Oth St, from Concord Ave. to Wooddale Ave. W.6lst St. from Wooddale Ave. to Brookview Ave. $ 72,503.30 13. W.5lst St. from Oxford Ave. to Hankerson Ave. $ 15,782.37 L. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement under A-1 above includes Lots 1 thru 7 incl.,.and lot 9, Block 1, Valley View Terrace 2nd Addn.; and Lots 1 thru 7 incl, Block 2, Valley View Terrace 2nd Addn, under A-2 above includes Lots 1 thru 12 incl., Block 8, and Lots 13 thru 24 incl., Block 9, Brookside Heights Addn. under B-1 above includes Lots 1, 2 and 3, B1ock 1, Stocke E Hanson's Concord Terrace; Lots 13, 14 and 15, Block 1, Concord Grove; Lots 13 thru 24, incl., Block 8, Fairfax Addn,; Lots 13 thru 24 incl., Block 9, Fairfax Addn.; Lots 1 and 2, South.Concord Addn.; Parcels #7630, 4910, 5000, 5200 and 5600, all in Sec. 19, Twp.28, Range 24. under C-1 above includes Lots 2 thru 20, incl., Block 1, Brookside Heights; Lot 1 and Lots 5 thru 23 incl., Block 2, Brookside Heights; Lot 1 and Lots 6 thru 14 incl., Block 3, Brookside Heights; Lots 1 thru 8 incl, Block 6, Brookside Heights; Lots 17 'thru 24 incl., Block 7, Brookside Heights; Lots lthru 12 incl., Block 9, Brookside Heights. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement under C-2 above includes Lots 1 thru 13 incl., Block 2, Edina Highlands.Lakeside Addn.; Lot 1 and Lots 16 thru 24 incl., Block 3, Edina Highlands Lakeside Addn. under C-3 above includes Lots lthru 8 incl., Block 1, Dublin Circle. under C-4 above includes Lots 1 thru 21 incl., Block 1, Lots 1 thru 12, incl., Block 2, Lots 1 thru 13 incl., Block 3, Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 4, all in Lake Edina 3rd Addn.; Lots 1 thru 9 incl., Block 1, Lots 1 thru 13 incl., Block 2, Lots 1 thru 7 incl,, Block 3, Lots 1 thru 8 incl., Block 4, all in Lake Edina 4th Addn.; Reg. Land Survey #679 (Tract A) S1/2 of Sec. 31, T.28, R.21. under C-5 above includes a Lots 1 thru 9 incl., Block 1, Valley View Terrace 3rd Addn.; Lots 1 thru 8 incl., Block 2, Valley View Terrace 3rd Addn. under C-6 above includes Lot 4, Block 3, Broadmore Addn.; Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 1, Broadmore Addn. Eliason Replat; Lot 1, Block 1, J.E. Danielson's Addn.; Lots 8 thru 11 incl., Block 1, Broadmore Addn.; Lots 7 thru 9 incl., Block 1, Broadmore Addn. 2nd Replat; Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Block 2, Broadmore Addn. 8 under C-7 above includes Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 11th Addn.; Lots 1 thru 6 incl., Block 2, Lots 1 th*u 8 incl., Block 3, Lots 1 thru 6 incl., Block 4, all in Parkwood Knolls llth Adan.; Lots 1 and 9, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn.; Parcel 2740, South line of Parkwood Knolls 12th Addn., N1/2 of Sec. 31, T.117,R.21; Outlot 1, Parkwood Knolls llth Addn. uncer C-8 above includes Lots 1 and 16, Block 2, Lots 5 and 6, Block 3, Richmond Hills Addn. under C-9 above includes Lots 1 thru 9 incl., Block 1, and Lots 1 thru .4 incl., Block 2, Valley Vista Addn. under C-10 above includes Lots 1 thru 7 incl., Block 3, Lots 3 thru 22 incl., Block 2, Lots 2 thru 8 incl., Block 3; Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 4, all in Edina Bel-Air 5th Addn.; Lot 1 and 2, Block 2, and Lot 1, Block 3, all in Edina Bel-Air 6th Addn.; Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot 2, Block 1, Lhad Addn.; Lot 1, Block 2, Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 3, Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 4, all in Fanners 2nd Addn.; Lots 1 thru 6 incl., Block 2, Lots 1 thru 6 incl., Block 3, and Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Block 4, all in Erickson's Addn.; Lots 1 thru 4 incl,, Block l., and Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 2, Katter's Addn.; Lots 1 thru 8 incl., Block 2, and Lots 1 and 2, Block 3, all in Evans Addn.; Lots 2 thru 9 incl., Holts 2nd Addn. to Edina; Lots 9 thru 24 incl., Block 3, and Lots 9 thru 16 incl., Block 4, Town Realty's Edina Terrace;-Parcels #3610, 3620 and 6410, in Sec. 29, T.28, R.24. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvemant The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement The area prop,osed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement The area proposed to be*assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement 3/2/64 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement under C-ll above includes Lots 1, 5, 6 and 7, Block 1, and Lots 5 thru 12.incl., Block 2, all in Edina Bel-Air 5th Division; Lots 1 and 2, Block 4, Farmer's 2nd Addn,; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 3, Erickson Addn.; Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 4, Ericksoa Addn.; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Katters Addn.; Parcels #3610, and 3175, Sec. 29, T.28, R.24; Outlot #4, Katters.Addn. - under.C-12 above includes Lots 7 thru 18 incl., Block 3, Lots 7 thru 18 incl.,' Block 4, Lots 7 thru 18 incl.,.Block 5, Lots.7 thru 18 incl., Block 6, Lots 7 thru 18 incl., Block 7, Lots 7 thru 18 incl.,.Block 89 Lots l.thru 24 incl., Block 9, Lots 1 thru 24 incl., Block 10, Lots 1 thru 24 incl., Block 11, Lots 1 thru 24 incl., Block 12, Lots 1 thru 6 incl., and Lots 19 thru 24 incl., Block 13; Lots 1 thru 6 incl. and Lots 19 thru'24 incl, Block 14,Lots 10 thru 15 incl., Block"18, Lots 7 thru 18 incl., Block 19, Lots 7 thru 18 incl., Block.20,+Lots 1 thru 16 incl., Block 21, Lots 1 thru 22 incl,, Block 22, Lots 1 thru 24 incl., Block 23, and Lots 13 thru 24 incl.,.Block 24, all in Fairfax Addition; Lots 1 thru 13.incl., Block 1, Lots 1 thru 8 incl., Block 2, all in Valley View Terrace Addn.; Lots 1 thru 8 incl., Block 1, Lots lthru 7 incl., Block 2, all in Valley ,View Terrace 3rd Addn.; Lots 1thru.7 incl., Block 1, Valley View Terrace 2nd Addn.; Lots 1 thru 16 incl., Block 2, Valley View Terrace 2nd Addn. under C-13 above includes Lots 9 thru 20 incl., Block 2, Lots 9 thru 20 incl., Block 3; Lots 9 thru 20 incl., Block 4, Lots 6 thru 11 incl., Block 5, Lots 1 thru 7 incl., Block 6, Lots 1 thru 6 incl., and Lots 18 thru 24 incl. , Block 7 , Lots 1 . thru 6 incl,, and Lots 19 thru 24 incl., Block 8, Lots 1 thru 6 incl., and Lots 19 thru 24 incL., Block 9, all in Brookside Heights Addn. e "9.0 The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the proposed Improvement GRETCHEN Sa ALDEN Village Clerk MacM Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by MacMillan, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: and VanValkenburg, aye; and the Resolution Mr..George Hite told Council plans and specifications are prepared for Sanitary Trunk Sewer No. C-2; that bids should be taken just-as soon as possible in order that work might be expedited. MacMillan offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Aeer some reviewe and discussion by Council, . . .RESOLUTION APPROVING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR * PROPOSED SANITARY TRUNK SEWER NO. C-2 (IbIPROVEMENT NO. 210) AND DIRECTING ADmRTISEklENT FOR BIDS , BE IT RESOLVED.by the Village Council of the Village of Edina: I. The plans and specifications for the proposed SANITARY TRUNK SENER C-2 (SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEWNT NO. 210) set forth in the following Advertisement for Bids form, heretofore.prepared by the Village Engineer and now on file in the office. of the Villagq Clerk are hereby approved. 2.. The Clerk shall cause to be published twice in the Edina-Morningside Courier and the Construction Bulletin the following notice for bids for said improvements: - \ ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS SANITARY TRUNK SEWER .. "C-2" SEALED BIDS will be received and opened in the office of the Village Manager in the Edina Village Hall, 4801 West 50th Street, at 11:OO a.m., Friday, April-3, 1964, and. the Edina Village Council will meet at 7:OO p.m. on Monday, April 6, 1964, to con- sider said bids being for the following work CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE "C-2" TRUNK SANITARY SENER, LATERAL-CONNECTIQIVS THERETO, AND APPURTENANCES ALONG THE FOLLOrJING DESCRIBED LINE: * Beginning at a point in the west right-of-way line of State Highway 100, said point beipg 834.79 feet north, as measured along said west right-of-way line, fmmthe south line of the N l/2 of Sec. 9, T. 116, R. 2l;thence west along a line drawn parallel to and measured 834.79 feet north, measured at right angles from the south line of the N 11'2 of said Sec. 9 to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to and measured 7.5 feet east, at right angles, from the west line of the east 1/2 of said Sec. 9; thence south along the last mentioned parallel line to its intersection with a line drawn parallel to and'measured 389 feet south, at right angles, from the north line of the S 1/2 of said Sec. 9; thence west along the last mentioned parallel line to a point 350 feet west, as measured a-long said parallel line, from the east l&ne of Sec. 8, T. 116, R. 21; thence along a line deflecting to the right at an angle of 32*-48', to the intersection ofusaid line with a line drawn parallel to and measured 50 feet south, at right angles from the north line of the S 1/2 of said Sec. 8; thence west along the last mentioned parallel line to its intersection with the west right-of-way line on the M. N. E S. Railroad right-of-way; thence northwesterly to the intersection of the centerline of Dewey Hill Road and Cahill Road; thence west along the centerline of Dewey Hill Road to the east line of Sec. 7, I 38 3/2/64 T.116, R. 21; thence north along said east line a distance 865 feet; thence deflecting to the left at an angle of 89O-41' 39" a distance 810 feet; thence deflecting to the right at an angle.of 32O a distance of 470 feet; thence along line drawn parallel to and measured 30 feet north, at right angles, from the north line of the S 1/2 of the N 1/2 of Sec. 7, T. 116, R. 21; thence west along the last mentioned parallel line a distance of 190 feet; thence deflecting to &he right at an angle of 70° a distance of 280 feet; thence deflecting to the left at an angle of 96O a distance of 150 feet; thence deflecting to the right at an angle of 20° to the centerline of Valley View Road; thence westerly along the centerline of Valley View Road to the west line of the E 1/2 of the I? 1/2 of Sec. 7, T. 116, R. 21; thence north along said west line and continuing north along the west line of the E 1/2 of the W 1/2 of Sec. 6, T. 116, R.21to the north line of the SW 1/4 of the SUl/4 of said Sec. 6; thence west along said north line to the east right-of-way line of County Road No. 18; thence north along the last mentioned east right-of-way line to the centerline of Valley View Road and there terminating. The bids must be submitted on the proposal forms provided in accordance with contract documents, plans and specifications as prepared by Orr-Schelen-Mayeron E Associates, Inc., Consulting Engineers, 1104 Currie Avenue, Minneapolis, Minnesota 55403, which are on file with the Village Clerk of Edina and may be seen at the office of the Consulting Engineers. Copies of Proposal Forms, plans and specifications for use by Contractors submitting a bid may be obtained from the Consulting Engineers upon deposit of $25.00 per set. This deposit will be returned to Contractors who submit a bonafide bid and who return the plans and specifications in good condition within fifteen (15) days after the opening of bids. One half of the amount of the deposit will be refunded for each of all other sets of documents so returned. No bids will be considered unless sealed and filed with the Village Clerk of Edina and accompanied by a cash deposit, cashier's check, bid bond or cerfified check payable to the Clerk of the Village of Edina, for ten (10%) per cent of the amount bid to be forfeited as liquidated damages in the event that the bid be accepted and the bidder shall fail tO enter promptly into a written contract and furnish the required bond. a line deflecting to the right 'an angle of 7O030'. to its intersection with a 1 THE VILLAGE OF EDINA RESERVES THE RIGHT TO RJECT ANY AND ALL BIDS. BY ORDER OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL. GRETCHEN Sa ALDEN Village Clerk 3. hereby adopted as the terms and conditions of award of the contract for said improvement. Each and a11 of the terms of the foregoing advertisement,for bids are Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: . MacMillan, and VanValkenburg, aye; and the Resoluti CLAIMS PAiD. dated this date, and confirming payment February 24 to Texaco, Inc,, amount $1,344.49 for Gasoline-General Fund: General Fund, $12,192.07; Construction Fund, $152.00.; Park, Park Const. & Golf Course Fund, $12,247.54; Waterworks Fund, $17,255.84; Liquor Fund, $28,773,37; Sewer Rental Fund, $529.68; Improvement Funds, $1,054.93--TOTALI $72,205.43. Tupa moved for paymen he following Claims as per Pre-List Motion seconded by MacMillan and carried. The evening's agenda's having been wvered, MacMillan moved for adjournment. seconded by Rixe and carried. Motion Adjournment