HomeMy WebLinkAbout19640316_19640330_regular_adjourned3/30/64 c 5% \ MINUTES REGULAR MONDAY, OF THE ADJOURNED PORTION OF THE MARCH 16, 1964 H.E;ETENG,OP THE EDENA VZLLAGE COUNCIL, HELD ON NARCH 30, 1964 AT 7:OO PaM., AT EDINA VILLAGE HALL. .I I4embers answering Rollcall were MacMillan, TuQa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. a. MINUTES of the Regular Meeting of March 16, 1964, were approved as submiteed, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Tupa and carried. 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR REZONING OF NELSON FARM RE-CONTINUED TO APRIL 20, FOR NOTICE ELATIVE TO NEW RECOMMENDATION BY PLANNING COMt.IISSION .. ldayor Bredesen announced Continuation of the March 16th Public Hearing on the petition of Metro: U.S. for the Rezoning of part of the Nelson Farm to R-4 Llultiple Residence District, Office Building District, and Planned Industrial District all in accordance with "Notice of Public Hearing" published in Edina-Mornings-ide Courier ilarch 5 and 12. Itjeeting an :explanation be made by Mr. Hite, Planning Director, first; that the Proponents then speak; and that the Opponents, then state their views. Planning Director George Hite reported that at the time petitioners were in the process of developing their plan for land use of the Nelson Farm the Planning Commission had considered with them the possibility that "PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT" use for the area described as "The N.779 Ft, of the S..1/2 of Sec.9,T.116,R.2l,lying- W. of a line described as, 'Beginning at a pt,in the N. line of said S1/2 of Sec.9 distant 650 Ft. W, of the E. line of said section thence SWly to pt. distant 1400 Ft. N. of S. line and.1000 Ft, W. of E, line of saida Section 9" would be as good a use for this particular land as R-4 Multiple Residence District; and that at a Meeting subsequent to the Public Hearing of March 30, the Planning Commission had reviewed the proposed land uses once again and is now recommending that this particular tract be rezoned to "PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT" rather than to R-4 Multiple Residence District . for the petitioners, made a most detailed explanation of the plan for the Nelson Farm, explaining also the ownership of the property-which is now in the name of 'IEdina Plaza Corporation1'. owned by Metro-U.S. in MetPo-U.S. as well as President of Edina Plaza Corporation. with the aid of a diagram the proposed Zoning Districts in relation to the planned Highway #lo0 Interchange, the zoning as far west as Cahill Road, and as far north as V. 70th Street. After saying that the developing corporation had attempted to acquire additional land after paying $775,000 for the Stowe property, but could not do so because of the high land value, Mr. Dblgren showed a topographic survey of the stow property, calling attention to the "peat problem", peat being $he prevailing soil condition in at least one-third of the area. had purchased their p$operties as "residential" property and with the understanding that the Nelson Fanm-was at least in part in "Open Development" District--that this new proposal for Nelson Farm would devaluate this fine residential area in Lake Edina. compared the distance between the closest .residence in the Lake Edina area to the closest office building in the Rauenhorst Development directly to the south (this being some 300 feet) Mith the distance between the closest resident in the Lake Edina area to the Metro office property across Highiqay #LOO--this being some 1450 feet; the distance between the closest Lake Edina residenee and Rauenhorst industrial being 1100 feet, whereas the closest residence to Metro industrial would be 1500 feet. Saying that several beautiful homes had been constructed in the Lake Edina Third and Fourth Additions since the Rauenhorst's deyelopment was approved some two or three years ago, Nr. Dahlgren told Council he can see no way in which this proposed land use plan can possibly devaluate these residential plats. He added that in the development and planning of the large park adjacent to. Highway No. 100, planners have bent over backward to promote as much space as possible between residential developments and commercial enterprises, development on the Nelson Farm would be $24,000,000--which would mean $475,000 in taxes going to the School District each year; and that because there are no children indicated in a development like this, this $475,000 is clear profit. ment is a reasonable one, is convinced the people behind it are sincere, have adequate backing and are capable of carrying out the entire development; that it is their intention to inmediately invest in the entire road system-and that this development should have no deleterious affect on any development in any direction. Mr. John Grant, 4604 Bruce Avenue, who described himself as Ita resident of Edina since 1952, with childred in the school system", spoke in favor of the proposal, saying he feels taxes are important; that, figuring that about 170 of the 192 acres could be developed as residential, 425 homes at $30,000 average valuation would mean an assessed valuation of approximatel$f,400,000, whereas industrial park would bring an assessed valuation of some $3,300,000, producing $350,000 in taxes on residential properties as against $795,000 or $800,000 in taxes on industrial; that a residential development would add some 720 children, 480 being student age, to the school sgstem, as against I 1-b. Bredesen asked that, in the interests of the orderly conduct of the Mr, Howard Dahlgren of Midwest Planning and Research, Inc., Planning Consultants Mr. Dahlgren explained that Edina Plaza Corporation is 80% He introduced Mr. Tony Bernardi, 7109 Cornelia Drive, and officer l4r. Dahlgren explained I At the last Hearing (Narch 16) , objections had been made that Lake Edina residents Mr. Dahlgren ' I As to the tax base, Hr. Dahlgren reported that the approximate valuation of total To end his presentation, Mr. Dahlgren told Council be feels this proposed develop- 3 /30/64 i-5 9 none for the industrial development; that 480 students would cost about $211,000; thus a residential development would mean much less benefit to the school district than the industrial development. Mr, V. R. Rooney, 4809 Roycar Road, who stated that while he does not live near the proposed industrial development, and can understand the views 05 those who do, he does believe that the over-all economy of the cornunity must be taken into consideration; that the llshot in the arm" the school district will get from this type of development should be seriously considered in evaluating iis effect upon the community; that without some additional development of this kind to help with the tax burden, residents are going to find it difficult to maintain the present standards for education, let alone raise them. in favor of the development. Mr. Clark Gilman, 4508 Gilford Drive, who stated his business is industrial and commercial real estate, said he purchased his present home on Cilford Drive in 1962, well aware of the industrial development proposed across Highway #loo-- or the need for it. He added he does not believe the development proposed will hurt him or the value of his home, and lis quite convinced that it will not hurt anyone whoalives on the east side of Highway #loo; believes it will be an advantage to the Village of Edina. owners of the land immediately to the north of the Metro tract, reiterated the plea made at the last Hearing, that Metro be required to provide convenient access for his client. He stated Ring is willing to pay its share of the cost of the road. way across the Metro property, the project for two reasons: development; and 2, the fact that the Council, elected by the people, has appointed a Planning Commission, which in turn has employed qualified planning consultants who have approved the project; thus, everything which could have been done has been done to assure that the development is proper for the Village, and he fekls the residents should get behind this and support it, Park because he feels that some place along the line this type of development must start; and he feels it is about time some of the citizens get behind the Council and make the thing work. Mr.Erick Erickson, 5905 Fairfax Avenue, said he believes it is necessary to the community that this area be developed industrially, Mr. John S. Phillips, 4525 W. 70th St., stated he can't see why, when the community has so much to gain by the development it. he lives in the Lake Edina area and has an unobstructed view of the Metro property; that, even if Highway 100 is upgraded as planned he will still have an unobstructed view of the commercial development; that there had been about 100 residents at a meeting the preceding Tuesday evening, to which the Planning Commission had been invited, and which three of the Commission did attend, along with Mr. Hite; that the Commission found it extremely clear that the residents attending the meeting were diametrically opposed to the Commission's recommendations, residents have not employed an attorney to place their objections before the Council, but will have rppresentatives of their resident group state these objections. He expressed himself as ' Attorney Louis Sachs, representing Ring Construction Company and Associates, He asked that F7,74th Street be extended from Highway #loo, all the ?3 23 0 Mr. John Hopkins, 53rd and Wooddale, expressed himself as being in favor of * 73 v 1, the tax benefits to be received from such a Mr. E. B. Haedecke, 5524 W. 70th St., expressed his support for the Industrial Edina should think about rejecting Re. John Knutson, 4733 Hibiscus, was the first objector, telling the Council He added that Mr. Ray Jones, 5232 W.70th Street, reported that the develo ment plan for . Nelson Farm which was supported by the Lake Edina grouphs a year suppo a& ed now. Regarding soil conditions, he cited San Mateo, Calif., where an extensive area was filledfor the purpose of building homes-and many $26,000 to $30,000 were built onit. stated the physical property information at hand is inadequate for zoning information; that the Planning Commission has acted too quickly. Mr. Jones asked who actually owns the property under consideration,- He requested that the plan originally adopted for the area remain untouched. Mr. Jay A. HoJlmes, 4700 Phlox Lane, called Council's attention to a November 2, 1962 engineering study, which, he stated, indicates land in question is desirable for residential use; that this is not compatible with information provided by representative of the Planning Commission and Mr, George Hite; that there is strong evidence that this land is useable for residential construction, He added he is also concerned that after zoning the land residential the Planning Commission is now recommending an industrial use for it--that a hundred homes have been built'adjacent to this property. Edina under the assumption that the land across Highway 100 was to residentially ; that he is alarmed because this proposed industrial/wouf only the immediately surrounding area, but could lower property lralues throughout the entire community, As to adverse soil conditions, Mr. Stirat said he had contacted builders who have built many homes in Edina, that they tell him land for homes in Edina is becoming scarce and that they are interested in lots across Highway LOO but have not been contacted by Planning Comission or Council about this matter, He urged that Council vote "No" on the proposal. He Mr. J. R, Stirrat, 7228 Monardo Lane, reported he purchased his home in Lake e d velo 2ev ggF+td ect not 60 3/30/64 1Jlr. Delaey, 6808 Dakota Trail, said that while he doesn't live in this particular present time, he is concerned with the industrialization Of Edina; he ~ area at believes it is a residential. community and should remain that Way; that Edina's good tax situation results from fact that we have had topnotch construction.of.residential building, zoning would open the Village to suit; that the Village has been sued by the Pearce sisters, who won their suit--but that the refusal to rezone the Pearce land has nothing to do with a refusal to zone the land now under consideration. Stating that Itwe do have a legal right to bring action if land is not zoned reasonably, Mr. Delaney said he believes this particular plan is arbitrary, capricious and unreasonable, and that Village would be subject to legal action if land is zoned in this fashion; that plan zoned some years agwwas accepted by the people* has completely reversed its recommendations relative to the property shown on the map as Open Development District, He reviewed at some length the events prior to the original zoning of the Nelson Farm, quoting from the "Gardner Report" of February 28, 1957, the recommendation that this land be zoned for residential purposes; then the deliberations leading to the partial rezoning in 1963, which the residential property owners in the area had learned to live with as an llacceptable compromise", contained about 500 signatures, Mr, Struck asked that Council honor this petition and vote "Nor1 on the proposed plan. while he is not an advocate of this particular project, never having heard of it until tonight, he has been through zonings in many places apd has found that whenever there is a petition to rezone, there are objectors, with residential owners believing their properties will be devaluated; and that this is simply not true, to the arguments this evening, he has heard no objection other than l1I don't like it"! that certainly Edina should have some industrial development which should be beneficial to all the taxpayers-and that he thinks the Council knows more about this than the objectors and should act accordingly. Mr, M, V, Stuart, 5108 Danens Drive, said he feels the Council's obligation is to preserve the character of Edina property, that industry has its place, but has no place in the midst of high class residential property, the varying comments relative to taxes, asked if the industrial development would be of help to the Edina-Morningside School system, replied that the net effect of the industrial development (higher real estate valuation, and no children) would be of benefit to the school district, said that while the approach of the developers has been cooperation rather than pne of legal rights, at the same time legal rights do become important here; that from a legal standpoint the property owner does have the right to use his property as he sees fit, subject to the greater right of the cornunity insofar as its health, safety and welfare is concerned. to be one of having to look 1400 or 1500 feet away at an office or industrial building, Mr. Skaar inquired as to how this could possibly concern health, safety or welfare. He added that everyone who looks at the Foshay Tower has the right to object because he must look at an office building, should this objection be considered valid. Mr* Stuart cited the traffic hazard at W670th Street and Highway 100 from just two sm9ll plants on W.70th Street; and an explanation of the proposed road pattern, separating industrial area and routing traffic to the Highway 100 interchange was reviewed, . be built on the property because he had put dirt on top of peat; that there is not one word of truth in this statement; that Estow Corp, didn't move any dirt on any peat and didn't change the terrain of,the residential property one bit. Hr, Holmes told Councii, "You have 500 signatures on an objecting petition, and a jampacked Councilroom tonight, and these are pretty good reasons why this proposal should be denied", and 14r. Struck added, "We have 52 homes around Lee Edina, which will devaluate once this Industrial Park is int1, Mr, Delaney cited Court ruling in Minneapolis on March 24th, denying petition for rezoning, even though petitioner made strong argument that rezoning would provide for the only economic use of the property, Question was raised on the future zoning of the area north of W.74th Street, and Mr, Hite replied it is only fair to state that a portion of the land will be zoned to something other than single family residential, and that this will.be.specially true as far north as 9-Mile Creek and over to Northern States Power. because Planning Commission has now recommended change in the proposed zoning to PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, rather than to R-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT a new Notice of Hearing would be necessary, and consequently this Public Hearing would be COmmiSSiOn'S new pe&omm&ndations, I He added that residents have been advised that to prohibit indkrial . Mr. Carl Struck, 4745 Hibiscus, asked why, within one year, the Planning Commission Presenting a voluminous IIPetition Against Rezoning", which he said l4r. George Townsend, 5121 South Blake Road, an attorney,,infomed Council that He added that, listening . Mr, Gerald Knippenberg, 5805 Stuart Ave., expressing himself as 'lpuzzledl' by School Board Member IJillis Shaw I Wr. Robert Skaar, attorney pepresenting Metro-U.S. and Edina Plaza Corporation, Saying that the main concern expressed here tonight seems Mr, E. C. Stow told audience that a,statement had beem made that houses couldn't I I i Discussion continued for some additional time, and Mayor Bredesen announced that ' . continued to Monday, April 20, at which time Council will also hold Hearing on .I 3/30/64 LAKE EDINA THIRD AND FOURTH ADDITIONS STREET SURFACING AND CURB LAID OVER TO APRIL 6. Attorney William Whitlock reported that as he reads the contract with Estow Corporation, the Corporation does not have the obligation nor the right to pave Lake Edina Third and Fourth Addition Streets-that only the Village can do this work and assess same=-after the proper improvement and assessment hearings. This report was made as the result of March 16th action of the Village Council to continue PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER IN LAKE EDINA THIRD AND FOURTH ADDITIONS until this Meeting, after Mr. E. C. Stow ha$ informed the Council he.expected to have Victor Carlson & Sons, Inc., do this work under contract to tlia corporation. Mr. Whitlock stated that as he understands the matter, the Village is willing to amend %he agreement to permit Estow Corporation to do the work at their expense; that, accordingly, he has been in contact with Mr. Brill, and should have some report from him by.the next regular Council meeting, April 6. Mr. E. C. Stow told Council he can save $90 per lot by having the work done at the corporations expense; that he doesn't know why this agreement was changed from the form used in Lake Edina 2nd Addition, and that he can see no reason why the Village should object to his having the work done. Village Attorney Hasselquist told Council this present agreement had been changed because Mr. Brill, attorney for Estow Corp. had asked that it be changed. MacMillan's motion, that Public Hearing be continued to Monday, April 6, was seconded by VanValkenburg, 6 1 i COUNCIL ORDERS PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER IN STUART AVENUE FROM GROVE ST. TO 60 FT. SOUTH OF CENTERLINE OF BENTON AVENUE, AND IN BENTON AVENUE FROM STUART AVENUE TO TRACY AVENUE. Hearing on March 16, which Hearing had been continued to this meeting for the purpose of making some arrangement to serve Mr.J. N. Haw, 5808 Stuart Avenue, whose home lies just south of the end of the proposed Stuart Avenue portion of the improvement, and who.had asked that this improvement be extended to serve his lot. as part of this improvement, will install a 12-foot bituminous driveway from Benton Avenue to the south end of Mr. Haw's lot (160 feet), and will agree to maintain and plow 100 feet of this 160 feet, and that Mr. Haw will be assessed the same as anyone else on the project, confirmed this . VanV~&fi&~~~~~hen moved approving the project, motion was seconded by Tupa and/carried. Improvement). This proposed project had received Public Mr. Hite told Council an agreement had been reached whereby $he Village Mr. Haw was present at the meeting and See Resolution of later in Meeting, Ordering HEARING ON RICHMOND LANE PERMANENT SURFACING AND CURB IMPROVEMENT RE-CONTINUED TO APRIL 6, PENDING WRITTEN STATEMENT BY MR. LE VOIR. Proposed PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB AND GUTTER IN RICHMOND LAND FROM This Public Hearing, on RICHMOND AVENUE TO WINDSOR AVENUE, had been continued from March be, because of the objection from Mr. V. LeVoir that this improvement may cause nis rear yard to be flooded. drain off even wizh the curb. Mr. VanValkenburg inquired as to whether Mr. LeVoir must do any work on his yard to have this accomplished, and Mr. Hite replied that there is some work he must do, but that he understands this--that the plan has been amended, that there is 1% grade across his lawn. Trustee Tupa advocated that Village have a written agreement with Mr. LeVoir relative to the work he must do, and Mr. VanValkenburg moved continuing Hearing until April 6th, pending receipt of such written assurance from Mr. LeVoir. Motion seconded by. Tupa and carried. Mr. Hite told Council the Engineering profiles show this lot will PROPOSED PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB IMPROVEiIIENT IN ST.JOHNS AVENUE FROM VALLEY VIEW ROAD TO W.6OTH STREET ABANDONED AFTER PUBLIC HEARING. Hearing on this above entitled proposed project had been continued from March 16, because sufficient mailed notice had not been made. at $12,732.00, proposed to be assessed at $8.07 per AssessabLe'Foot, of if by lot, at $748.96 per Lot for the 17 lots abutting the street. 6125 St.Johns Avenue presented opposing petition, signed by owners of fifteen of the seventeen affected lots, Manager Hyde recommended that proposed improvement be abandoned, with understanding that there be no further maintenance on the street unless there is a petition €or oil, and VanValkenburg so moved. seconded by Tupa and carried. Manager Hyde read Estimate of Cost Mr. McClellan of Motion COUNCIL CONTINUES PUBLIC HEARINGS ON SANITARY SEWER, WATERMAIN AND STORM SEWER FOR ROLLING GREEN AREA TO MONDAY, APRIL 20, FOR VOTE BY FULL COUNCIL, "Notice of Public Hearings on Trunk and Lateral Sanitary Sewers and Lift Station, Trunk and Lateral Watermains and Storm Sewers,'' published in Edina-Morningside Courier on March 19 and 26, 1964, and the Notice mailed to owners of affected properties on March 20, 1964, Public Hearings were-held on the following Improvements, and action was taken by the Village Council as hereinafter recorded: Pursuant to 3/30/64 I. LATERAL SANITARY SEWER AND LIFT STATION - Merilane from 625' N. *of 62 Interlachen N. to Cul-de-sac.; Bywood West from 900' N. of Interlachen to Annaway Drive; Annaway Drive from Merilane west and north to cul-de-sac; Rolling Green. Parkway from 300' north of Interlachen to Annaway Drive; Crescent Terrace from Rolling Green Parkway to 328' west; Mait Lane from Merilane to Annaway Drive. proposed to be assessed against.sixty assessable lots for $3,700.23 per Lot (connection). to 625 feet north; Bywood Vest from Interlachen Blvd. to 783 feet north assessable lots for $2,555.84 per Lot (connection). ESTIPlATED TOTAL COST OF LATERAL SEWER AND LIFT STATION was given as $222,013.62, 2, LATERAL SANITARY SEVER, TO FLOW BY GRAVITY - Merilane from Interlachen Blvd. ESTIMATED ASSESSABLE COST - $35,781.78, proposed to be assessed against fourteen 3. LATERAL WATERMAIN - In Merilane from Interlacheri Blvd. north to cul-de- sac; Rollinn Green Parkway from Interlachen Blvd. north to Annaway Drive; Bywood I West from Iiterlachen Blvh. north to Annaway Drive; Annaway Drive- from Merilane west and north to cul-de-sac; Crescent Terrace from Bywood Vest to Rolling Green Parkway; Mait Lane from Annaway Drive to Merilane; Interlachen Blvd. from west right-of-way line of Mirror Lakes Dr. extended west to Bywood West; In easements from Nenilane cul-de-sac to Circle West cul-de-sac, and from Mait Laine north and northwesterly to Annaway Drive. per Lot (connection). Green Parkway to pond betw. Lots 4 and '5, B1. 1, Gunnar Johnson's Rearrangement of Rolling Green; Commending at intersection of Annaway Drive and Mait Lane to pond between Lots 54 and 59 Rolling Green Section Two; Commencing at intersection of Merilane and Mait Lane to existing storm sewer lierilane (400' north of Annaway Drive) to pond between Lots 1 E 2, B1. 1, Gunnar Johnson's Rearrangment of Rolling Green. ESTIMATE OF COST - $14,795.66, proposed to be assessed against the same 60 lots as are assessable for the Lift Station Sanitary Sewer, at $245.59 per Lot. Elanager Hyde told Council and large audience present that many private sewage systems have been failing in the Rolling Green area, and there are some vacant lots in the area which cannotsbe improved because there is not public sanitary sewer. He added that the watermain is being proposed at this time in order that the two improvements could be considered together ; thus saving future street replacement costs if water must be installed later. he said that they are a lrmustll if the streets are to be improved. 'Igravity" system for Sanitary Sewer at the last Public Hearing have now been transferred to the "lift station" system; and that this transfer has been made to effect the least total cost; that, however, there are some five lots which could be served by deepening the sewer, but that the total cost will be greater if this is done . of opinion about the Watermain Improvement, there is'no question in his mind but that the Sanitary Sewer problem is a definite health problem and should be so recognized and corrected; that he is also concerned with the storm sewer correction, so that streets can be improved. wha-are away, told Council the Sanitary Sewer proj-ect was 'before the Council at the time Nr. Clausen built his home; that subsequent to the Council's disapproving the project at that time Mr, Clauson put in a private system which is' working satisfactorily, and that lie has an excellent well, which has been tested and shows no pollution. He told Council Mr. Clausen feels it is unfair for Council to change its mind, now; and asks that because a11 lots on Rolling Green Parkway except Lbts 21 and 29 (at inter- section with Annaway Drive) are opposed to the Sanitary Sewer, this part of the improvement be eliminated. and 8. a. Haertel, 4812 Rolling Green Parkway. will look at his property (north part of Lot 241, they will find it is higher than the portion which it is stated can be served from Interlachen. for the proposed improvements will total some $5,150 on a parcel for which he spent less than $30,000; that he has no sewage trouble, no water trouble, no storm sewer problem; and the installation of the improvements would make selling his house difficult, that he would have to take a loss on it. As th the elevation of Mr. Bungaard's lot, Mr, Hite stated the break in the road occurs on the north part of Lot 24, with the area North of this break draining north, and the area south draining to Interlachen Blvd.; that this same situation exists on lqferilane , and other areas and Rolling Green Parkway south of Annaway Drive might not be included in the Sanitary Sewer Improvement, an estimate was made without these two streets--which would be $3,276.00 per Lot for the Lateral Sewer for each of the 47 remaining lots in the Lift Station area to be assessed for said Lateral. Rolling Green Lateral Sewer be eliminated at this time, these lots would still be assessed for the proposed Lift Station because it is proposed to serve these lots at such time as they want and need sewer. for Lift Station, but Rolling Green Parkway and Crescent.Drive lots would not be ESTIMATE OF COST - $95,155.43, proposed to be assessed against 79 lots for $1,204.50 4. LATERAL STORM SEWER - Commencing at intersection of Annaway Dr. and Rolling ' Insofar as the storm sewers are concerned, Saying that there is some question as to why certain lots which were in the I .. Nr. Francis T. Ryan, Mait Lane, said that while there seems to'be some difference Mr. John Holton, representing Mr. and Mrs. R. Clausen, 4820 Rolling Green Parkway, He submitte'd letters of opposition from 1.lessrs. Clausen Mr. .Ernest Bungaard, 4912 Rolling Green Parkway, told Council that if engineers He added that the asssessments 1 Ihnager Hyde reported that in anticipation of the possibility that Crescent Terrace, -.- It was pointed out that, should the Thus all 60 lots would pay $442.07 Estimate 63 3/30/64 lots in the lift station area from the originally estimated $3,258.16 to i $3,276.00. Mr. Ed, Belanger, 4708 Annaway Drive, owner of Lot 47, reported that two He added that he has no years ago when these same improvements were being proposed by the Village he had indicated that the main problem was the storm sewer. problem with either sanitary sewer or water and is opposed to development of these two improvements in this area. Explaining in some detail the route taken by surface waters, Mr, Belanger told Council tfiat the 45 o)r 50 lots proposed to be assessed for this improvement are not the only contributors to the problem--that Meadowbrook Golf Course, Interlachen Golf Course, and the area directly north of Rolling Green a11 help to create this problem. the ponds; that he does feel that streets can be drained into the ponds and thereby improve the street drainage situation. He added that the over-all problem still has to be solved, and Maaager Hyde told Council that even a complete storm sewer would not solve the sanitary sewer problem. Mr. Herbert Lefler , representing Mr. W. Shelley Walsh, owner of Lot 11, Rolling Green Addition, filed with the council a memorandum "Objecting to the inclusion of Lot 11, Rolling Green Addition, in that portion of the Proposed Sanitary Sewer Project for Rolling Green to be served by Lift Station rather than Gravity Lines". told Council he had been told by the Engineering Department that the street grade breaks right at his client's property; that this property could be served by gravity line without "significantly"* raising the total cost, whereas the change from lift station district to gravity district would save his client some $1,380 according to estimate. also take Mr, Walsh's lot out of the storm sewer district. that this Lot 11 would still be included in the Storm Sewer Assessment because the drainage on the sur€ace is to the North. He added that elimination of this lot from the Lift Station area would raise the cost to the balance of the area. 14r. Lefler-told Council Mr, b7alsh is not opposing the Sewer--he simply wants it engineered so that he can be served by the gravity system. not objecting to any improvement which is necessary; that where there is any evidence of pollution, obviously something has to be done about-but that he takes the same stand as Mr. Holton as taken, being that the Sanitary Lateral Sewer is not necessary in Rolling Green Parkway; that the Storm Sewer and Lift Station should be installed if necessary, but that there is no need for watermain because each home owner has his own well, there is no evidence of pollution, and city water would mean a duplicate investment inasmuch as property owners would need their own wells to water their lawns, the Sanitary Sewer in Rolling Green Parkway, and defer the entire watermain project until there is a real need for it. in in the boulevard portion of the right-of-way, later, and Mr. Hite replied that there are so many trees he would call this installation ''almost an impossibility". number of his neighbors, told Council there is almost complete opposition in Rolling Green to installing water at this time. He asked that this be separated from Sanitary Sewer and Storm Sewer projects and deferred. and was told by Mr. Hite that this would depend on how much of the street had to be damaged to install the main. $1,500 50 $1,700 per lot, adding that if it weren't for the large bouleraard trees the watermain project could easily be deferred. Mr. E.H. Kinney, 4904 Rolling Green Parkway, owner of Lots 24, 25 and 26 asked that Council vote down all three projects, saying his lots would derive no benefit. should be done at this time, but objects to paying penalty for this project when non-assessed areas contribute to part of the problem. He requested that Rblling Green Parkway be eliminated completely from the proposal, from Interlachen to Crescent Drive . Mrs. Stanley Berglund, 4808 Bywood West, reported she had been in favor of the project when it was proposed a couple of years ago, but has spent over $2,500 to make their private system acceptable and feels it is unfair for Council to change its mind now; that the Raymonds and the Hawkinsons have the same thing. his private sewage system after last meeting. is a "must"; that private sewage systems are causing a public health pr?oblem;_that he .is sorry he did not vote for this improvement the last time it was presented. Mrs. Stenson, Bywood West, asked that the entire improvement-sanitary sewer, watermain, storm sewer be installed at this time, saying residents may well be faced with streets torn up again in the next two years, if they don't put water in now years ago, two years ago, and is opposed to them today; doesnlt need sewer and doesn't need water Mr. Hite replied that the proposed storm sewer will drain the streets into This memorandum was ordered placed on file. Mr. Lefler He inquired as to whether this change would Mr. Hite's reply was . Mr. J. Roscoe Furber, 4805 Rolling Green Parkway, expressed himself as Mr. Furber asked that Council defer Mayor Bredesen inquired as to whether it would be possible to put the watermain Mr. D. E. Balch, 4909 Bywood West, saying he is speaking for a substanfial Trustee MacMillan inquired as to the cost of putting water in at a future time, He estimated cost per lot at $1,500; Mr, Hyde, at He added he believes that the partial solution of draining water into ponds Mr. Jones, owner of Lot 49, reported he had spent over $2,500 in improving Mayor Bredesen told Council he feels that installation of the Sanitary Sewer Mr. Frank Tracy, 20 Merilane, said he was opposed to the fmprovements four 3/30/64 Dyscussion was had on the number of others which need pumping, in addition to sewage systems being pumped regularly, and some seven lots which have soil that is unsuitable for absorption of household sewage. that some bf the pumping represents "preventive maintenancell--that it is not all because of failing systems. pumped only twice in Irf years. area are now "grossly polluted". Sewer Problem, but that if some streets can be left out of the improvement it is @ne with him. offering Resolution from the improvement Rolling Green Parkway and Crescent Terrace; that the STORM SEWER IPlPROVEMENT be approved as presented; and that the IJATElU4AIN IElPROVEMENT be abandoned . Motion was seconded by VanValkenburg; and on Rollcall there were three ayes and one nay, as follows : MackIillan, Nay, Tupa ,' aye ; VanValkenburg , aye ; and Bredesen, aye ; and the Resolution was lost on a three to one vote. iUn voting, MacMillan stated he was voting Nay because he was in favor of having the three proposed improvement approved in their entirety. Trustee PiacEiillan then offered a Resolution approving proposed SANITARY SEiJER, STORM SENER AND WATERMAIN Il~SPROVEMENTS as presented. Rollcall was begun, with HacMillan voting aye, and Tupa voting nay, and was not finished as it was apparant that Resolution lost for lack of four-fifths vote of the Council, Some discussion was then had, and at the suggestion of Mayor Bredesen that a continuance of this Hearing be had, Tupa moved that Public Hearing on Proposed Sanitary Sewer, Watermain and Storm Sewer Improvements for Rolling Green Area be continued to Monday, April 20, for consideration by full five-man Council. MacMillan and carried. blr. Reimann, 4904 Bytrood \Test, reported The owner at 20 Merilane added he had had his system The audience was made aware that six ponds and one swamp in the Rolling Green Mr. Reimann, Bywood West, reported he is all in favor of solving the Sanitary . Trustee Tupa moved/that the SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEL4€NT be approved; eliminating I . Motion was seconded by SANITARY SEWER FOR BLAKE, SCRIVER AND LAKE RIDGE ROADS ORDERED IN AFTER PUBLIC HEARING. Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier IVIarch 19 and 26, 1964 of "Notice of Public Hearings on Trunk and Lateral Sanitary Sewers and Lift Station, Trunk and Lateral i?atemains and Storm Sewers", and of mailing Notice of Public Hearing to owners of affected properties. Said Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file, and pursuant thereto the following Public'Hearing was conducted and action taken as hereinafter recorded: PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER ItjPROVEMENT IN BLAKE ROAD FROM INTERLACHEN BLVD. TO 100 FEET SOUTH OF SCRIVER ROAD: SCRIVER ROAD FROM BLAKE ROAD TO CUL-DE-SAC: LAKE RIDGE ROAD FROM BLAKE ROAD TO CUL-DE-SAC. proposed to be assessed as follows: Estimated Assessable Cost is $52,659.05, $2,000 per Lot against 21 Platted Lots; these lots having direct access to the sewer, and at $355330 per-probable lot in Parcels #5400, 2200 and 4000, Section 29,T.117,21, with 18 lots estimated for Parcel 5400, 2 lots for Parcel 2200, and 10 lots for parcel 4000. &. George Townsend, 5121 Blake Road, saying he has no problem with his private disposal system, and realizes most of the problem is caused by the system of %he Sheas, added he has spent considerable money for his private system but feels khat the public sewer is inevitable and thinks it should be done. He told Bouncil his only question is as to whether the line must go way up -to Interlachen Road, or if it can be put in cheaper by going down the other way on Blake Road. bir* Don Hamilton, 5117 South Blake Road, owner of Parcel No. 2200, reported that Dr. Evans, owner of Lots 43 and 44, Auditor's Subdivision No. 325-south of this proposed project--is .going to need sewer for his large properties in order to subdivide; that if the sewer is deepened in Scriver Road Lot 36 can be served (Lot 36 is the Shea property); and that the length of the run from Lake Ridge Road down to the Evans property is 980 feet, whereas it is 1200 feet of run if constructed the way proposed.He added- that Dr. Boos, to the north, does not want the sewer. Blake Road at Dr. Evans' property that these properties could not be served from Blake Road unless a lift station were installed. could be put in at a shallower depth, but that this would mean a lift to serve the Hamilton and properties to the south later on. any better than anyone else in the neighborhood does, and certainly thinks something should be done about it. Scriver and Lake Ridge aoads as presented. mously carried. . Mr. Hite replied that portkons of Parcels #5400 and,,#4000 are so low compared to He added that the Lake Ridge Road sewer Dr. Shea told Council he and his family don't like sewer flowing in the'street &iactSillan-moved for approval of the proposed Sanitary Sewer Improvement in Blake, (See Resolution of later in Meeting Ordering Improvement). Motion seconded by VanValkenburg &d unani- rch 19 and 26, 1964, and of mailing of Notice of Hearings to owners of affected properties-which Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. three proposed improvements, and action was taken as hereinafter set forth: Pursuant to said Notice, Public Hearings were conducted on the fdllowing 1. PUBLIC HEARING ON LATERAL SANITARY SEWER IN: Meadow Road from West 48th Street north to Cul-De-Sac.; White Oaks Road from Meadow Road west to Cul-De-Sac.; On an easement %e 6 5 3/30/64 line between Lots 5 and 6, Aud. Sub. #319 from Meadow Road southwest to Townes Road Cul-De-Sac; Townes Road from Cul-De-Sac to 200 feet west; Private Drive from Townes Road north to south line of Lot 9, Aud, Sub. #319. assessable lots at $2,740,53 per Lot (connection) . north to Cul-De-Sac; White Oaks Road from Meadow Road west to existing watermain at Cul-De-Sac, against ten assessable lots, 6th Addition; thence southerly on Meadow qoad to the intersection of Meadow Road and White Oaks Road; thence southerly to lpw point (Lots 12, 13, 14, 15, White Oaks 4th Addition and Lop l', 2, 3, 4, White OaKs 5th Addition), TOTAL ESTIMATED COST read at $11,043.09, proposed to be assessed against 378,489 Square Feet, for $.0292 per Square Foot. Manager Hyde told Council the Sanitary Sewer Improvement has been initiated because of request for sewer, and because Village survey has shown some evidence of well pollution, He added that if the sani'tary sewer improvement is approved, it should be with the idea that residences be required to hook up within one year to protect wells. As to Watermain and Storm Sewer, Mr. Hyde said that from time to time there has been request for the Storm Sewer; that if improvements are to go in they should all go in before streets are rebuilt. insofar as the Watermain improvement is concerned, the only purpose of the main will be to provide city water to 4600 Meadow Road block, and one residence between W.78th and W.48th Streets; that this matter should be discussed by these people and no one else. On the Storm Sewer, Mr. Burdick told Council it seems a strange procedure to drain water from the private property of one person to the private property owned by 24 or 25 other residents of the area; that the White Oaks Improvement Association gained title to the White Oaks Meadow back in 1940, and have maintained it since; that it is inconvenient that surfac.e water be drained from the Grzeskoviak property to the meadow because this additional water will create a pool and public hazard, As to the Sanitary Sewer, Nr. Burdick said it is his understanding that this is a serious problem for a vewy few homes in the area, but that better than 75% . of the residents in the area, *and probably 90% of White Oaks Improvement Assn,, are satisfied $5,000 is/warranfed nor justified. are having troubles cannot correct their own private sewage systems--or why the sewer cannot be installed in such manner as to connect with the one on Townes Road. sewer, they all believe in maintaining a sanitary condition in the area, that they do ksant further consideration by engineers as to whether problem properties can be corrected in other ways, longer takes sewage, that he has had it pumped twelve times in the last three years; that a septic tank is no longer permitted, and he must install not only a drainfield but an aeration system; that he is much in favor of the sanitary sewer system. as serious as Mr, Heffelfinger's, he must pump his sewer system every three or four months; that while he is appalled at the cost, he is very much in favor of sanitary sewer. He added that his neighbor, Mrs. E, S. Platou, 4700 White Oaks Road, is also in favor. he believes he does represent some of the sentiment of his neighbors, and believes he and his neighbors are happy with their present sewer and water systems. address is 4607 Meadow Road. private sewer and water systems, the street from Mr. Grzeskoviak, said he is aware there is a little pond on Mr, Grzeskoviak's property, but that in 1962, a wet year, the property was not flooded, that the road has never been flooded, and that he can see no real danger or anything affecting community health in this little pond. property adjacent to an improvement equals the cost of the improvement, the Council is certainly authorized to assess the cost of the improvement entirely against the one lot; that if the Grzeskoviak lot is drained at great expense to all the people in the area, each of the presently vacant lots will be worth at least $7,500. the storm sewer improvement be dropped. The owner at 3904 W.48th Street, owner of Lot 16, told Council it would cost him $2,000 to connect to sanitary sewer, besides the assessment for the improvement, total being 75% of his original investment in the property, Mr, George Pierson, Meadow Road, informed Council that he and his neighbor, Mr. Rogers--both residents of Morningside, and thus able to either take advantage of these improvements or leave them alone-are in opposition to storm sewer and water proposals but "middle of the roaders" on the sanitary sewer. TOTAL ESTIMATED COST read at'$95,918.70, proposed to be assessed against 35 2. PUBLIC HEARING ON LATERAL WATERMAIN IN: Meadow Road from W.48th St, rCOTAL ESTIMATED COST read at $11,013.59, proposed to be assessed at $1,101.36 3, PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED STORM SEWER commencing at Lot A, White Oaks I Mr. Allen Burdick, President of the lihite Oaks Improvement Association, that ith the present situation; that they feel the cost of nearly neitXe He asked why the particular residences which He added that while residents are not anxious to face an assessment for Mr. Mark He€felfinger, 4617 Townes Circle, explained that his septic tank no MI?. Michaelson, 4702 White Oaks Road, said that while his problem is not yet Mr. M. Holt said th'at while he does not expressly represent any group of people, His Standing vote should about 25 people satisfied with As to the Storm Sewer, an owner who identified himself as living directly across He continued that if benefits of He suggested that 3/30/64 \ At a question about the possible rerouting of the sewer west to Townes Road, rather than bringing it down to 48th Street, Mr. Hite replied that the White Oaks portion can be run North and then west to Townes Road, but that when and if the Meadow Road system were installed (and there are now wells on Meadow Road contami- nated withnitrates) this sewer would then be much more expensive for these people. Sewer Improvement be abandaned; that the problem is the Sanitary Sewer. the area contaminated, contamination, private sewage systems are down in the water-bearing strata, and that this can &danger wells in the entire area, down fifty or sixty feet, engineering study as to route of sanitary sewer, abutting Headow Road, proposed to be assessed for the Sanitary Sewer, only Lot 25 and continuing Public Hearings on Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvements for White Oaks mea until Monday, April 20. Mr, C, t4, Wheeler, 4634 France Avenue, suggested that the proposed Storm Hayor Bredesen told audience that report to Council shows some six wellsiin He asked Village Sanitarian, Jim Hensley, the cause of this 14r, Hensley replied t'hat it is quite evident that some of these He added that some of these sewage systems are I Mayor Bredesen suggested that Hearings be continuead to April 20, for further Mr. George Hardisty , 4717 Meadow Road, reported that of Lots 14 to 25, incl., ' is in favor. VanValkenburgt%hen offered motion abandoning proposed STORM. SEWER IMPROVEMENT, Motion seconded by IYlacMillan and carried. PRESIDENT OF WHITE OAKS ASSOCIATION CONPLAINS ABOUT 48TH STREET DRAINAGE TO WHITE OAKS MEADOW. Oaks Meadow, t4r. Allen Burdick, President of White Oaks Improvement Association,.told Relative to previous discussion about drainage to the Hhite Council that for some years now flooding of the White Oaks-Meadow has been caused by drainage into the meadow down 48th Street from France Avenue; that he would like to have this stopped, done to direct water in this manner, and Mr. Hardisty reported the whole project south of 48th Street directs water into the Meadow. Manager Hyde demurred that he knew of nothing the Village had COUNCIL APPROVES TRUNK WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT FRO13 INTERSECTION OF W.70TH ST, AND FRANCE AVEo, SOUTH ON FRANCE AVEe TO We76TH ST,; TH. WESTERLY TO WATER WELLS SN R0L.S. 30. 938. at the intersection of W.70th St. and France Ave,; thence southerly along France Ave. to W.76th St.; thence westerly along proposed W176th St. and proposed W.76th St. extended Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier Islarch 19 and 26, 1964, of "Notice of Trunk and Lateral Sanitary Sewers and Lift Station, Trunk and Lateral Watermains and Storm Sewers", and of Mailing "Notice of Public Hearing, Proposed Installation of Trunk Batermain" to owners of affected properties, which affidavrits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. audience the proposed route of the improvement, and the area proposed to be assessed therefor. laterals, at $0.015 per sqb Ft. to be assessed, would total $36,421.05. unifoimly against all properties in the area benefited by the trunk main at $93.30 per acre. No objections to the proposed improvement were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto, VanValkenburg's motion that Improvement be approved, was seconded by MacMillan , and on Rollcall was unanimously carried (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Ordering Improvement.) COUNCIL APPROVES "DEWEY HILL ROAD" TRUNK WATERMAIN AND LATERAL CONNECTIONS THERETO. Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier March 19 and 26, 1964 Trunk and Lateral Watermains and Storm Sewers,1t and of Mailing to owners of affected properties Hill Road Area", Idarch 18, 3964. placed on file; and, pursuant to due notice given, Public Hearing was conducted on the following proposed improvement: CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE TRUNK WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES AND LATERAL CONNECTIONS THERETO IN THE FOLLOWING: less Vest of the SE corner of the N1/2 of Sec.9,T.116,Rb21; th. along proposed streets within that part of the South half of Sections 8 and 9, T.116,R.21 which is between State Hwy.No. 100 and Cahill Rd., to the center line intersection of Dewey Hill Rd. and Cahill Rd.; th. westerly along Dewey Hill Rd, to intersection of Gleason Rd. as recorded in Schey's Park View 3rd Addn. plat; thence NWly and Nly along said Gleason Road and proposed streets in unnamed proposed plats to intersection of Gleason Rd. & Valley View Rd. and there terminating. With the aid of a Vu-Graph, the proposed route of the main, and the proposed assessment area, was shown the audience. Total Cost was read as $222,005.75, of which an Estimated $18,390.00 will be borne by Village Water Bepetme& Fund for a connecting link from Well No. 14 to the 12" main at Dewey Hill Road. Against the "e4Eatro-U.S." property (Old Nelson Farm), $74,024.50; against areas in the trunk district (except Metro-U.S.) which abut the trunk line and can use it without further laterals, $500 Public Hearing was called on Proposed Watermain Improvement "commencing 1' to Village Well Site in R,L.S, No. 938. I With the aid of the Vu-Graph, Engineer Hite showed Council and Total Estimated Cost of the project was read as $83,312.50, proposed to be This, with 2,428,070 Assessable Square Feet proposed * assessed to properties which could be directly connected to the main without additional The balance of $46,891.45 will be assessed .-a of "Notice of Public Hearings on Trunk and Lateral Sanitary Sewer and Lift Station, "Notice of Public Hearing-Proposed Installation of Trunk Watermain, Dewey Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered c Commencing at a point 120' more or less S. and 50' more or Estimated Assessments are proposed as follows: 36 0 3/30/64 per dwelling unit per connection, for $25,000. some 500 of these connections, for $25,000. would.be levied against all properties in the trunk district, except the Metro-U.S. properties, at $82.35 per lot, or $144.11 per Acre. It was noted that properties zoned "Open Development District" which are neither a platted lot nor a parcel of less than 2-1/2 acres area are proposed to have their trunk watermain assessment deferred until they are platted, rezoned or otherwise developed, provided that deferment will be for not longer than five years and the interest on the assessment will be 6% rather than t.he usual 5%. Mr, Carl Eiken, 7200 Normandale Road, inquired about the assessment status of his acreage; was informed this will be deferred for five years unless the property is either.platted or rezoned; that interest will be 6% rather than 5% on assessment. Mr. Gordon Shuster, 5809 Dewey Hill Road, inquired as to what portion of the assessment the Braemar Park and Links will pay; was told this assessment will be figured the same way as that of the trunk sewer, that the park will pay on the basis of 1/2 its area at the same rate per acre as other residential acreage in the assessment district. the trunk main, and replied that it will have no use--that the park has its own system. and Mr. Hite replied the park could use the well without the main; that it has a pressure tank. Hill Road up again, if watermain is not put in now; and Mr. Hite answered that no firm estimate can be given on this. that if there is no need for the Watermain at this time, perhaps this improvement could be deferred until time to pave Dewey Hill Road and then be proposed. Tupa, and unanimously carried. Improvement). It is'estimated there will be The remaining amount of $104,591.25 6'7 Mr. Hite was asked what use the park would have for Inquiry was then made if Well No. 14 could be used without .the main, Inquiry was made #as to how much it would cost to dig Dewey . Mr. Darrel Boyd, Shannon,Drive, then suggested VanValkenburg then moved that Improvement be approved. Motion seconded by (See Resolution of later in Meeting, Ordering VanValkenburg then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENTS STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. 1964-9; SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEIvlENT NO. WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENTS NOS0178 & 179 211 ; BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearing to be du1y.published on the fallowing proposed improvements : A. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER IN STUART AVE. FROM GROVE ST. TO 60 FT. SO, OF THE CENTERLINE OF BENTON AVE. : BENTON AVENUE FROM STUART AVE. TO TRACY AVE. Bo CONSTRUCTION OF SANITARY LATERAL SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN BLAKE RD. FRO4 INTERLACHEN BLVD. TO 100' S. OF SCRIVER RD: SCRIVER RD. FROM BLAKE RDo TO CUL-DE-SAC: LAKE RIDGE ROAD FROM BLAKE.RD. TO CUL-DE-SAC. C. CONSTRUCTION OF TRUNK WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES AND LATERAL CONNECTIONS THERETO "COMMENCING AT INTERSECTION OF Wo70TH STe AND FRANCE AVE. : THENCE SOUTHERLY ALONG FRANCE AVE. TO W.76TH ST.: THENCE WESTERLY ALONG PROPOSED W.76TH ST. AND PROPOSED W.76TH ST. EXTENDED TO VILLAGE WELL SITE IN R0L.S. NO. 938. D. CONSTRUCTION OF TRUNK WATERMAIN AND APPURTENANCES AND LATERAL CONNECTIONS THERETO "COMMENCING AT A POINT 120' more or less, S. AND 50', more or less, WITHIN THAT PART OF S.1/2 OF SECS. 8 AND 9, T..116,R.21, WHICH IS BETWEEN WEST OF THE SE COR, OF N1/2 OF SECo9,T.ll6,R.21; THO ALONG PROPOSED STREETS STATE HWYoNO. 100 AND CAHILL RD. TO CENTERLINE INTERSECTION OF DEWEY HILL RD. AND CAHILL RDe: THO WESTERLY ALONG DEWEY HILL RD. TO INTERSECTION OF GLEASON RD. AS RECORDED IN SCHEY'S PARK VIEW 3RD ADDN. PLAT: TH. NWLY AND NLY ALONG SAID GLEASON ROAD AND PROPOSED STREETS IN UNNAMED PROPOSED PLATS TO INTER- SECTION OF GLEASON RD. & VALLEY VIEW ROAD AND THERE TERMINATING. and at the hearings held at'the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements; that said improvements are hereby designated as follows: A Above B Above C Above D above NAME OF IMPROVEMENT (Temporary Designation) STREET IMPROVEMENT N0.1964-9 (Permanent Designation) GANJITARY SEWER Mor 211 (Permanent Designation) WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT N0.178 (Permanent Designation) WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 179 that all improvements except Street Improvement No. 1964-9 shal.1 be referred by their respective designations in a11 subsequent proceedings, and that Street Improvement No. 11964-9 designation shall be superceded by a permanent designation at such time as it is determined by the Village Council the type of permanent surfacing which shall be constructed kq for said improvement; that the areas to be specially assessed for said respective improvements shall be as follows : 3/30/64 kOR STREET IHPROVEHENT 1964-9 -.1 Lot 4, Block 3, Broadmore Addn.; Lots 1 thru 4 incl., Block 1, Broadmore Addn. Eliason Replat; Lot 1, Block 1, J. E. Danielson's Addn.; Lots 8 thru -11 incl,, Block 1, Broadmore Addn.; Lots 7 thru 9, incl,, Block 1, Broadmore Addn. 2nd Replat; Lots 1 thru 5 incl., Block 2, Broadmore Addn the streets proposed to be improved. following described boundaries: "Commencing at a point in the east line of the NW1/4, Sec.32,T028,R.24, said point being 240' S. of the NE corner thereof; thence W. 240' S. of and parallel to the N. line ofthe said NW1/4 to the W.line of said NW1/4; thence N. to the NI? corner of Sec.32,T.28,RO24; thence 61. along the centerline of W.70th St. a distance of 145'; thence S. parallel to and 145' W, of the E. line of Sec.31, T.28,R.24 to the centerline of W.72nd St.; thence W. along the centerline of W.72nd St. to the E. line of South Garden Estates 3rd and 4th Additions extended N.; thence S. along the E. line of South Garden Estates 3rd and 4th Additions to the SE corner of Lot 10, Block 1, South Garden Estates 4th Addn.; thence S. along the S.line of the N1/2, Seca31,T.28,R.24, to the SW corner of the NE1/4 of said Sec.31; thence S. along the W. line of the SE1/4 of Sec.31,T.28,R.24, to the SW corner thereof; thence E. along the S. lines of said Sec.31 and Sec.32,T028,R.24, to a point which is the W. line of M eadow Lane I1 Addn. extended south; thence N. along the W. line of Meadow Lane I1 Addn. to the center line of W.76th St..; thence E. along the center line of W.76th St. to a point which is the W. line of Lyndale Builders Addn. extended S.; thence N, along the W, line of Lyndale Builders Addn. to the center line of W.75th St.; thence NWly to the S.E. corner of Lot 7, York Hills Addn.; thence N. along the E. line of Lots 7, 8, 9, lo, 11, 12, & 13, York Hills Addn. to the NE corner of Lot 13; thence E. along the N. line of Lot I, York Hills Addn. extended, to %he center of Sec.32,T.28,Re24; thence N. along the E. line of the NW1/4 of Sec.32,T.28,R024 to point of beginning.11 and tracts of land abutting the said watermain. FOR WATEREIAIN IMPROVEMENT .NO. 179 - All lots. and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: Hwy.#lOO and W,7Oth St.; thence 17. along the centerline of W.7Oth St. to the W. property line of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Southern R. R. right-of-way; thence SWly along the W. right-of-way line of the Minneapolis, Northfield and Sout.hern R.R. to the intersection with the N. line of the S1/2 of the N1/2 of Sec.8,T.116,R.21; thence Wly along said line to the NM corner of Lot 6, €31. 1, Prospect-Hills 2nd Addn.; thence Nly to the NE corner of Lot 3, B1. 1, Prospect Hills 2nd Addn.; thence Nly along the S. line of Prospect Hills Addn. to the SW corner thereof which is also the NE corner of the S. LO acres of the NE1/4 of the NEJJ4, Sec.7,T.116,R.21; thence Wly along the.Nb fine of said S. 10 acres to the NW corner of said S. 10 acres; thence Sly to the SW corner of the NE1/4 of the NE1/4 of Sec.7,T,116,R.21; thence W. along the S. line of the NW1/4 of the NE1/4 and the NE1/4 of the NW1/4 of said Sec.7 to the centerline of Valley View Road; thence Sly, i7ly, and Nly along the centerline of Valley View Road to the S. line of the NE1/4 of the NT?l/4 of said Sec.7; thence Wly along the S. line of the NE1/4 of the NWl/4 of said Sec. 7, to a point 950' E. of the W. line of Sec, 7, T.116,R.21; thence S. parallel to and 950' E. of the W. line of said Sec. 7 to the S. line of the N1/2 thereof; thence W, along the S. line of the NU2 of said Sec. 7 a distance of 400'; thence S. parallel to and 550' E. of the W. line of said Sec. 7 to the S. line of Sec. 7, T.116, R. 21; thence E. along the S. lines of Sec. 7 and Sec. 8, T..116,.R. 21, to the SE corner of said Sec. 8; thence N. along the centerline of Hwy.#lOO to point of be&inning." and tracts of land abutting the said watermain. FOR SANITARY SEVER INPROVEMENT NO, 211- All lots and tracts of land abutting €OR 17ATERlrlAIN II4PROVEMENT NO. 178 - All lots and tracts of land within the I _. FOR LATERAL CONNECTIONS TO PROPOSED WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO, 178 - All lots "Commencing at a point which is the centerline of I FOR LATERAL CONNECTIONS TO PROPOSED WATERMAIN IMPROVEMENT NO. 179 - All lots Motion for adoption of the Resolution was second Tupa, and on Rollcall there were. Valkenburg, aye; and GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF DEWEY HILL ROAD FROM CENTER OF SECTION' 8, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 21 TO k7EST LINE OF SAID SECTION 8 (E.LINE OF SCHUNEMAN PROPERTY TO BRAEMAR PARK) TO BE CONSTRUCTED WITHOUT PROPERTY ASSESSENT, FROM STATE AID FUNDS. Affidavit of Mailing of "Notice of Public Hearing on Proposed Street Improvement--Dewey Hill Road" to owners of affected properties; and pursuant to due Notice given, 14ayor called public hearing on this project, which will involve the changing of the grade of the street and the widening to a 36-foot traveled wiiith. read at $44,307.20, and property owners were informed that there will be no assessment against them--that it is proposed to pay for the work from State Aid gas tax revenue; that the street' improvement is being proposed, now, because of the necessity for - digging for the Sanitary Trunk Sewer. on record as being 100% in favor of the project; Mr, Merrill Gunderson was happy to Clerk presented * The Estimate of Cost was J Mr. Grodon Schuster, 5809 Dewey Hill Road, went U u 69 3/30/64 learn the grade would be cut only four or five feet abutting his property, rather than the "approximately eight feet" originally estimated by the engineers, and Mrs. Norgren, 6009 Dewey Hill Road, did not object to the improvement, but asked that provision be made so that property owners could have access to their homes during both this construction and the sanitary sewer construction. Tupa's motion, that the GRADING AND GRAVELLING OF DEWEY HILL ROAD FROM CENTER OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 116, RANGE 21 TO FEST LINE OF SAID SECTION 8 be approved as proposed and designated as STREET IMPROVEMENT NO. C-86, and that payment therefor be made from STATE AID FUNDS, was seconded by MacMillan, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the motion was unanimously carried. c MacMillan, aye; Tupa, aye; REPORT ON PEARCE STORM SEWER ASSESSMENT DELAYED. Mr. A1 Godward, representing the Pearce Sisters, had been informed this report Mr. George Hite reported that' would not be forthcoming this evening, CONTRACT FOR "POLE TYPE STRUCTURE1' AT BRAEMAR PARK AWARDED TO MARCUS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY. Marcus Construction Company, Prinsburg, Minn., on the "pole type structure" for the Braemar Park, and reported Park Department's recommendations that award be made to Marcus Construction Company at Base Bid of $3,955.42, Plus Alternate #1, $269.50 and Alternate #2, $536.80--Total, $4,761.72. MacMillan so moved. Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. At a question from Mr. Bredesen as to final word on location of the building, Mr; Hyde stated it will be located in the popple grove, tanager Hyde reported that investigation has been made of the low bidder GRADE- AND SURFACE COUNCIL APPROVES PRELIMINARY PLAN AND PROFILE FOR/IMPROVEMENT OF FRANCE AVENUE FROM W.69TH STREET TO HIGHWAY NO. 494. Mr. McKay of the Hennepin County Highway Department reviewed briefly for the Council the plan and profile for the improvement of France Avenue from W.69th St. to Highway #494. preliminary approval, if possible, so that County could go ahead with its program. Council queried Mr. McKay as to when this work will be done. This plan, entitled "Frazice Ave. - 6311 - From F.A.1. 494 To 69th St." shows a considerable change in grade contemplated, and divided highway all the way. the Gas Company has a 24" gas main to relocate--which will probably mean that, at best, the north-bound lane can be improved this year, the south-bound lane next year. there had been agreement on the profile, and that this has not been changed. VanValkenburg's motion, approving the General Layout and Profile for the improve- ment of France Avenue from W.69th Street to Highway No. 494 as presented to this Council this date, was seconded by Tupa, and was unanimously carried. He asked that Council give Mr. McKay reported that 14r. Hite reported that a meeting had been held about a year ago, at which COUNCIL DESIGNATES W.6OTH STEET FROM FRANCE AVENUE TO XERXES AVENUE AS A "MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET". heavily-traveled street a number of times, recently, in relation to improvement of other cross streets in the area and the comparative traffic carried by other streets. Xerxes Avenue be designated as a Municipal State Aid Street, and MacMillan offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Council had informally discussed the improvement of this I Engineer Hite recommended that W.6Oth Street between France Avenue and RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING MUNICIPAL STATE AID STREET WEST 60TH STREET BETWEEN FRANCE AND XERXES AVENUES WHEREAS, it appears to the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Minnesota, that the street hereinafter described should be designated a Municipal State Aid Street under the provisions of Minnesota Laws of 1959, Chapter 500: Edina, Minnesota, that the street described as follows, to-wit: be and hereby is established, located, and designated a Municipal State Aid Street of said Village, subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota. directed to forward two certified copies of this resolution to the Commissioner of Highways for his consideration, and that upon his approval of the designation of said street or portion thereof, that same be constructed, improved and maintained as a Municipal State Aid Street of the Village of Edina, to be numbered and known as Idunicipal State Aid Street Motion for adoption of Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were NOW, THEFGFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Village Council of fhe Village of WEST 60TH STREET BETWEEN FRANCE AND XERXES AVENUES BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village Clerk is hereby authorized and redesen, aye; and the Resolution was 3/30/64 COUNCIL WPROVES CLAIM OF HARRY COOPER FOR MOVING AND MILEAGE EXPENSE AND FOR INVENTORY. Harry Cooper, Jr, Golf Pro, for $49.00, Mileage for Jan., Feb. and March; Noving expense, .$144.00; and Inventory for Resale, .$858.64--PotaL, $1,002.64. motion that Claim be paid was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Manager Hyde presented to Council for action the Claim, No. 25150, of Tupa's 70 NORMANDALE GOLF, INC. ON-SALE BEER LICENSE APPROVED FOR YEAR 4/1/64-4/1/65. Appli- cation for renewal of On-sale Beer License at Normandale Golf, for year April 1, 1964 to April 1, 1965, was presented. seconded by Tupa and carried. There being no further business to come before this meeting, MacMillan moved MacMillan's motion that License be approved was D for adjournment . Motion seconded by Villsge Clerk KCNUTES OF THE. REGULAR MEETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL, HEGD MONDAY, EDINA VILLAGE HALL APRIL 6, 1964, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE Members answering Rollcall were hiactlillan, Rixe, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. FIREMAN ROBERT J. BURESH was recognized by the Mayor and Council on his completion of Course in Municipal Fire Administration, by International City Manager's AGSn. 7.. I: - COUNCIL ZONES TO R-4 MULTIPLF, RESIDENCE DISTRICT, BLOCKS $20 AND 21, EMMA ABBOTT PARK - (NORTHIJEST CORNER. BROOKSIDE AVE. & MOTOR ST. 1 FOR 220-UNIT APARTMENTS. SUBJECT TO __ AGREEHENT WITH PETITIONER RELATIVE TO MAINTAINING QUALITY OF DEVELOPMENT . Mayor Bredesen announced Continued Public Hearing on the.petition of Dietrich-Francis Co, foxthe Rezoning from Open Development Disirict to k-4 MULTIPLE. RESIDENCE DISTRICT o€ Blbcks 20 and 21, Emma Abbott Park, for the purpose of construction of 220-Unit Apartments thereon. Hearing had been continued from the March 2nd Heeting to this meeting for the purpose of Council's securing report on traffic in this-areas and the effect this proposed development would have on traffic, and also for the purpose of ascertaining availability of sanitary sewer,and water supply, to this area, Mr. Hite submitted to the Council a report entitled "Traffic Study and Report for the Village of Edina, Minnesota--Brookside Avenue E 44th Street Area", dated April 6, 1964, by Bather Engineering, Traffic Consultant at Excelsior, Minnesota. indicates that the 220-unit apartment development will not cause a traffic hazard on Bither IJ.44th Street or Brookside Avenue. As to the Sanitary Sewer and the Water Supply, Mr, Hite told Council there will be no difficulty at a11 about the Sanitary Sewer inasmuch as it is now very near the property; but that the Watermain is several blocks away--that, in this case, the simplest means of obtaining water would be from St.Louis Park, although it could reach the development by bringing it east on Division St. and then North on Rutledge Avenue, or brought from the East (48th Street), watermain, saying he is quite concerned about who would be assessed and how much the assessment would be. 1962 because of the high cost and the small amount of assessable property. added he wants to be sure that if water is put in it goes close to his residence so that he can hook up to it, population concentration than a single family development, asking if this is going to appreciakly influence the schools, and if taxpayers are thus going to be assessed even more for school services. To this last, Mayor Bredesen replied that from the information the Council has had, apartments will contribute very few students to the school system; that the property will contribute more taxes per student than private dewellings do. had a number of discussion since the March 2nd Hearing, in attempting to get oriented to this project, and that in view of the fact that no one could come up with a positive proposal other than singLe family dwellings for the use of this land and everyone seems to appreciate that owners should be able to make some use ofthe property, it was the hope of the people that the Council could somehow work with- the developers to assure maintenance of what appears to be a high quality project. He said the neighbors feel it is. probable that builders may see fit to downgrade the development later, should the economic situation change or should it prove impossible to fully rent those units constructed within the next couple of years. He added the residents surrounding the proposed development would appreciate any- thing the Council could do along the line of enforcing a continued high standard fo? the project . Mayor Bredesen reminded Mr. Bale that Council cannot force development, but that maintenance of a high standard is-being encouraged by the requirement that the le'ast desirablelproperty be improved first and the most desirable land be utilized I This report fib. Richard Flumerfelt, 5825 Division St., inquired about the route of the He added that proposed water improvement was rejected in He He added that this area is certainly a higher Mr, William Bale, 4380 Thielen Avenue, told Council he and his neighbors have * last Y