HomeMy WebLinkAbout19640706_regular1 7/6 ./64 147 Administration Course, ,C-4) Amendment COUNCIL REZONES PORTION OF WALLALE KENNETH PROPERTY FROM~~OPEN DEVELOPIENT DISTRICT" T0"R-4 MJLTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRIFT": CALLS PUBLIC HEARING JULY 20 ON PROPOSAL TO 1GZONE ADDITIONAL AREA IN ACCORDNCE WITH RECOIYlMENDATION BY THE PLANNING COMMISSION. Public Hearing, continued from Jbne 15, was called on the Petition of Hr. Wallace Kenneth for the Rezoning from Op n Development District to R-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT of a tract of land abut ing Coun%:g..-Road. No, 18 on the East, between the Pederson Dairy property and Hine-Mile:Creek. "KENNETH-HANSEH-PEDERSON LAND RE ONING PROPOSAL", dated June 30, 1964, and approved by the Edina Planning Commission at its July 1st Meeting as its firm recommendation for the Rezoning of the undevelo ed area beiween Iiighway No. 183and Parkwood Road , and between Nine-Mile Creek and he cementery. It was noted that this plan confined the proposed R-4 Zoning largely to an area Hest of the Trunk Sewer Line, except for the northerly part of the Kennet not been petitioned for rezoning, 1 Plan shows just one R-3 area, being to the Northeast of the trunk sewer linb, with one tier of R-2 lots on each of Wallace and HansenIpyoperties, and the balan e of the area to remain zoned for single family R-4 District as petitioned by Mrl. Kenneth, but Mr, Kenneth made no objection to 1- Mr. Hite presented a lay-out, entitled I Tract and an area still farther north, which had ' residences (Open Development Dis E rict). The proposed plan decreases the proposed 6645 Parkwood Road, inquired as further Council discussed further District to R-4 Multiple recommended by the Planning Commission for said moving that Council dispense and MacMillan offered the following Ordinance reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as AN ORDINANCE (ZONING ORDINANCE) OF submitted : R-4 MULTIPLE $SIDENCE DISTRICT THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLA OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Section 1. part of the Northwest 1/4 o i the Northwest 1/4 of Section 31, Township 117, "District R-4: Range 21, described as foll ws: 'Beginning at the Northwest corner of said Section 31; thence South alpng the West line of said Section 31, a distance of Paragraph 1, Mu tiple Residence District Boundaries, of Section 4, (NultipLe Residence District) of Ordinance No, 261 of revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby urther amended by adding the following sub-paragraph: 1'(6) That part of the West 1/2 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 30, and that 0 637.08 feet; thence Easterl' along a straight line to a Y the East line of the Horthw st 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4 straight line isf extended w uld intersect the East line point 730 feet West of of said Section 31, said of said Northwest 1/4 of .. .. 7/6/64 the Northwest 1/4 at a point therein Northeast -corner thereof; thence Northerly to a point in the North Line of said Sorthwest 1/4 of the Northwest 1/4, distant 625.1 feet Vest of the Northwest corner thereof- thencs N r h parallel with $he Ea& line of the !$est 1/2 f,tbe South est 1/4 of..&kcF%b&tkon..~- a* qistaqke’- af-’3_200 feet;- rrL a distance of 630- reeta ktkEgf l&f$xixQ&Zo the iprtheast a-t; an aype of .800-45! tQ a oin 555 fegt S ut--o t e lJ9r I n 30 and 260 $ et Ea t cf tge..kJesili 3.1 of said Section t ence est garaflef tQ the North fine oz -& e Southw St f74 of Se ion 30 30 a he West line of sa d uarter- ection a %stance of 555 feet South 89 the lorthwest corner of-tke gouthwest Sectim 2&, This ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon its passage . distit 631.73 feet south of the <, ‘v e&q.ct&p&Lfo-$he ’ eft at‘ an-angle- of 44 -15 . llne 02 the Squtpt b of Se it o . $.W8,2 Sac2ion~.30 ; th&.ce- South, yt~ theigoigt: of beginking;-ll ---,- 3 and publication . I .( (1JlacMillan then moved that the Village Council schedule a Public Hearing for laonday, July 20, 1964, at 7:OO P.M., on the proposed Rezoning from Open Development District to R-2, R-3, and R-4 MULTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICTS, respectively, the tracts so recommended by the Planning Commission for Rezoning on lay-out entitled “KEI?I?ETH- WSEN-PEDERSON LAND REZONING PROPOSAL1’ and approved July 1, 1964. Iiiotion was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. .on, . ‘ that Hearing would be continued to. July 20, Hearing was scheduled for that date, even though the Planning Commission had a recommendation’for the Council at this meeting. No discussion. COu1?CIL REZONES FROi4 “PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT” TO “(2-4 COL.fIERCIAL DISTRICT“. FOR GASOLINE SERVICE STATION IN SOUTINEST QUADRANT OF TRUNK HIGHHAY 100 AHD PROPOSED INDUSTRIAL BLVD. the petition of Idetro-U.S. Construction Co. and Phillips Petroleum for the rezoning of a tract within the Nelson Farm complex--now known as EDINA INTERCHANGE CEIJTER-L from Planned Industrial District to C-4 Commercial District. within Southwest Quadrant of Highway #LOO and the proposed Industrial Blvd., and rezoning petition is for purpose of permitting construction and maintenance of a gasoline service station on this tract. none had been raised prior thereto. that Council dispense with second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as submitted. Public Hearing, continued from June 15, was held, relative to I.’ Property is located There were no objections at the Hearing; Tupa offered the following Ordinance, moving ORDINANCE NO. 261-90 AN ORDINANCE ANENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA BY ESTABLISHING A C-4 COIMERCIAL DISTRICT. THE VILLAGE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS: Village of Edina is hereby amended by adding at the end of Sub-paragraph 3 (Boundaries of Commercial District) the following: Section 1. Section 11, Commercial District, of Ordinance No, 261 of the (1) - C-4 COMMERCIAL DISTRICT: * “A tract of land lying in Government Lot 4, Section 9, Township 116 North, Range 21, more particularly described as ‘follows: “Comm. at SE Corner of said Govt. Lot; thence rearing 3ly and along E. line of said Govt. Lot, dist. 785.0 feet; th. bearing Mly and at right angles to said E. line, dist. 525.0 feet to pt. of beginning of tract to be described; th. bearing Sly and parallel to said E. line, dist. 50.0 feet; thence deflecting to left on circular curve whose radius is 290.0 feet, to intersection pt. of said curved line with a line which is perpendicular to and which intersects the said E. line of said Govt. Lot at a dist. of 545.0 feet from SE Corner or’said Govt. Lot, as measured along said E. line; th. bearing Wly and along said perpendicular intersection line to pt. dist. 775.0 feet illy from said E. line; th. bearing Bly and parallel to said E. line, dist. 240.0 feet; th. bearing 61y to pt. of beginning; said tract being subject to a 40.0 feet roadway easement along Nly side thereof.” and publication. Motion for adoption of the Resolution’was seco Section 2. This Ordinance shall be in effect immediately upon its passage y t.SacI-Iillan, and on Rolcall there sen, aye; and 7/6/64 COUNCIL GRANTS SPECIAL PERNIT FOR NURSING HOME SOUTH OF' SJ.70TH STREET AND WEST 7 OF HIGHWAY 110. 100. Public Hearing was conducted on the Petition of Evangelical Free Church of America for permit to construct and maintain a NURSING HOME on "That portion of Government Lot 1, Section 9, Township 116, Ran ge 21, commencing at a point 920 feet West and 670 feet South pfthe Northeast corner of said Section; thence South parallel to the East line of said section a distance of 490 feet; thence East parallel to the North line of said section to the right-of-way line of Trunk Highway 100; thence Northerly along said right-of-way approx. 490 feet to a point 670 feet south of the north line of said section; thence West 720 feet to the point of beginning." Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Morningside Courier June 25 and July 2, 1964, of "Notice of Public Hearing"; and Mr, Hite, affidavit of mailing of Notice to owners of affected properties. With the help of a Visual Aid, Irlr. Hite explained that this petition involves the llOlson Tract" at the Southwest Corner of Highway No. 100 and W.70th Street--the north half of which tract is owned by the local congregation, which expects to build a church on it; and the south half of which is owned by the Church which is petitioning to build'a Nursing Home on it. Commission's June 10th recommendations, recommending approval for special permit for nursing home, with provision that lots on the westerly end of the property be used for single family homesites. that State Statute provides that residence in a nursing home does not establish "legal residence" in a community, thus eliminating welfare payment liability on part of the Village, Nursing Home, seemed satisfied when informed by Hr. Hite that it is proposed for the area between the Church and the Nursing Home. VanValkenburg's motion, that Special Permit for Nursing Home on the aforestated property be granted, with the same provision as that recommended by Planning Cqmmission, was seconded by Rixe and carried Notices were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Council reviewed the Planning It was noted, on review of this recommendation, There were no objections registered to the proposed One couple inquired as to where the.parking lot would be, and COUNCIL HONORS REQUEST OF MR* ROY He JACOBSON, 6517 BELMORE LANE, FOR VARIANCE FROM SIDE YARD REQUIREIENTS OF ZONING ORDINANCE. (pursuant to Notice mailed to owners of affected properties, as per Affidavit of Mailing approved as to form and ordered placed on file) on the Petition of Mr. Roy H. Jacobson, 6517 Belmore Lane, for a variance allowing him to construct a kitchen addition on an existing slab originally intended for a porch. from property line, whereas ordinance calls for ten-foot side yard for living side 05 structure. Dick Fridlund of thevillage Planning Department explained that this lot is on the South side of Belmore Lane, about 2-1/2 blocks West of Blake Road; that Idr. Jacobson's neighbor to the west has given his consent, and that the Planning Commissioh has recommended favorably on the request. No objections were registered at the Public Hearing, and no written requests had been received prior thereto. Requirements of Zoning Ordinance be granted. Council conducted Public Hearing Slab is five feet VanValkenburg moved thgt,requested Variance from Side Yard Motion seconded Rixe and carried. COUNCIL CONDUCTS PUBLIC HEARING ON PETITION FOR VARIANCE FROM SIDE YARD REQUIFEPIENTS "ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE" OF BORA" S EDINA MANOR. conducted on the petition of ldr* R. L. Martin, 5909 Halifax Avenue, for a variance from side yard requirements of the Village Zoning Ordinance, which would permit him to expand his garage to within four feet of the scuth lot line on Lot 3, Block 3, Boran's Edina Manor, in ordei that he mikht expand his present 1-1/2 car garage to a 2-car garage. recommendad favorably on the request, subject to receipt of a letter of assent from the property owner at 5913 Halifax--but that this owner does not assent. W. V. Pierce, 5913 Halifax Ave., told Council he objects to the proposal on two grounds-1, that he feels his neighbor tried to railroad this through while the Pierces were in Europe; and 2, that the property is torrenz title and has title restrictions which prohibit such a variance from the five-foot side yard rule without approval of the "architectural control committee" for Bora's Edina Manor. He added that he has no strong objection to the extension of the garage, and will withdraw his objection if his neighbor prill show him the plans and he sees just how they will affect his property, and if his neighbor can assure him that such a deviation from plat restrictions will not put a cloud on property titles. l.1~~ Fridlund suggested that Council withhold its action until the approval of Boaan's Edina Manor Architectural Control Committee is received, and it was so ordered, by motion Tupa, seconded by MacMillan and carried. OF ZONING ORDINANCE, AT 5909 HALIFAX AVENUE: DEFERS ACTION PENDING APPROVAL OF Public Hea-cing was Mr. Fridlund explained that the Planning Commission had Mr. I DR. KRISTOPHER HAGEN'S REQUEST FOR VARIANCE FROM SIDE YARD REQUIREMENTS OF ZONING ORDINANCE AT 5129 TIFTON DRIVE GRANTED, Public Hearing was conducted on request of Dr, Hagen to be pemnittedto project his garage into front yard 22 inches and convert rear portion into a family room. Garage is now five feet from West lot liae, and Zoning Ordinance Requirements require a minimum of ten feet for living area side yard. Planning Commission recommends approval, and Dr. Hagen has, assent of neighbor. No objections registered at Hearing. seconded by Tupa and carried. Rixe's motion that Variance be granted was . 7/6/64 I COUNCIL HONORS REQUEST OF MR. CHESLEY CARLSON, 5225 MINNEHAHA BLVD., FOR SIDE YAW VARIANCE FROM ZONING ORDINANCE REQUIREIGNTS. mailed to owners of affected properties, as per Affidavit of Hailing presented by Pursuant to "1Jotice Of Hearing", -- Mr. Dick Fridlund, approved as to form and ordered placed on file, Public Hearing was conducted on the petition of Mr. Chesley Carlson, 5225 Ninnehaha Blvd., for permission to enkarge his existing porch area for conversion into a vamily room. Mr. Carlson wishes to come within five feet of his property line. registered at the Public Hearing, none had been received prior thereto, and Planning Commission had recommended favorably, on June 10. approval of request was seconded by Tupa and carried. No objections were VanValkenburg's motion for COUNCIL APPROVES 14. S TOMPERAASEN =QUEST FOR LONG-WAY-OF-LOT FACING, LOT 1, BLOCK 2> EDINA HIGHLANDS LAKESIDE ADDITION, mailed to owners of affected properties, as per Affidavit of Mailing presented by Mr. Dick Fredlund.of the Village Planning Department, Public Hearing was conducted on the petition of Mr. M.S. Tommeraasen for long-way-of-log facing €or proposed home on Lot 1, Block 2, Edina Highlands Lakeside Addn. (facing proposed for Ilycliffe Road). no objections were registered at Hearing. of long way of lot fatzing was seconded by Tupa and carried. Pursuant to "Notice of Hearing" Planning Commission had recommended favorably (June 101, and VanValkenburg's motion for approval COUNCIL APPROVES STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PLAITS 1&A AND 7C FOR IHPROVEMENT OF TRUNK HIGHWAY NO. 100 BETWEEN HIGHNAYS NOS. 494 AND 7. Engineer Hite again presented for Council consideration the E4innesota State HighWay'Department's Plans, entitled "Layout No. 14A, S.P.2733-25 (T.H.100s130) from Jct. F.A.1; 494 to Jct. 62nd St. & T.H. 169" and "Layout No. 7C, S.P. 2733-25, S.P.2734-12 & S.P. 2735-52 (T.H. 100=130) from C.S.A.H. 62 to T.H.V, reviewing for Council and audience the features of the plans, as originally presented and discussed at the Council Meeting of June 1. (See Page 124, this Book). to the date of construction, and Mr. Hite said it is planned to start that portion between Highway No. 7 and the Crosstown Highway in 1967; no date set for the southern portion of the improvement. interchange at W.66th Street means Edina will "perpetuate that ghastly street through Lake Cornelia". because there are areas adjacent to it which cannot reach Highway 100 via the Crosstown Highway, Someone in the audience inquired as to what had happened to the pedestrian overpass at Valley View Road, and Mr. Hite answered that insofar as he knew this had never been considered. about the elevation of the highway, north of 50th Street. He was informed that there will be an elevation, but that it won't be as much as the State had originally provided. VanValkenburg then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Mr. F. L. Frizell, 5437 Normandale Road, inquired as Question was asked as to whether the Mr. Hite replied that 66th Street must be perpetuated One member of the Council inquired There were no other questions raised at this time. RESOLUTION APPROVING LAYOUT NO. 14A S.P.2733-25 (T.H. 100=130) FRO14 JCT. WHEREAS the Csmmissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 within the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from the junction F.A.I. to Jct. 62nd St. & T.H. 169; and MEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Depart- ment of Highways, Saint Paul, Iriinnesota, being marked, labeled, and identified as Layout No. 14A, S.P. 2733-25 (T.H. 100=130) from Jct. F.A.I. 494 to Jct.62nd St. E T.H. 169; and VHEREAS copi'es of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and I%tIEREAS the term "said preliminary plans1' as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and to incorporate the preliminary plans as in the foregoing recitals particularly , identified and described; NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improve ment of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered Trunk Highway Number 100,within the F.A.1.494 TO JCTo62ND ST, E T.H.169 ' - limits of the Village of Edina be and hereby are approved. I Motion for adoption of the Resolution was sec fiye ayes and no nays, as follows : lkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and Ma aye; Tupa, aye; , And VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: 7/6/64 RESOLUTION APPROVING LAYOUT NO. 7G S.P.2733-25, 2734-12 G 2735-52 - (T.H. 100=130) FROM C.S:A.H. 62 TO U 1 .&I* I WHEREAS the Commissioner of Highways has prepared preliminary plans for the improvement of a part of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered as Trunk Highway Number 100 witnin the corporate limits of the Village of Edina from C.S.A.H. 62 to north corporate limits; and WEREAS said preliminary plans are on file in the office of the Department of Highways, Saint Paul, Minnesota, being marked, labeled, and identi- fied as Layout No. 7C, SOP. 21733-25, 2734-12 E 2735-52 (T.H. 100=130) from C.S.A.H. 62 to T.H. 7; and WHEREAS copies of said preliminary plans as so marked, labeled and identified are also on file in the office of the Village Clerk; and WHEREAS the term "said preliminary plans" as hereinafter used in the body of this resolution shall be deemed and intended to mean, refer to, and to incorporate the preliminary plans as in the foregoing recitals particularly identified and described: of Trunk Highway Number 130 renumbered Trunk Highway Number 100 within the limits of the Village of Edina be and hereby are approved. NOW, THEN, BE IT RESOLVED that said preliminary plans for the improvement Motion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Rixe, and on Rollcall there / COUNCIL PURCHASES SURVEY UNIT FROM INTERNATIONAL HARVESTER COMPANY AT HET' BID OF 31,633.59. Manager Hyde reported that, once again, the Village had received only one bid on a Survey Unit--this time in response to Advertisement for Bids in Edina-Morningside Courier and Construction Bulletin June 18 and 25, 1964; this bid being by International Harvester Company in the Net Amount (New Unit, less trade- in on one 1961 International Travelall) of $1,633.59 on a Model C-1200. (Earlier bid had also been by International at $1,437.21 on Model C-1000). Mr. Hyde told Council that this unit has been checked out with the Minnesota Highway Department, which finds it satisfactory for its crews; that it is a heavier, better piece of equipment than the Model 1000. Harvester Company, and Tupa so moved. carried. He recommended its purchase from International Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and MINNEAPOLIS IJOTIFIES EDINA IT WILL EXTEND TO DECEMBER 31, 1964 THE DATE OF CANCELLATION OF CONTRACT FOR INTERCONNECTION OF SEWERS, Notification by Mr. Leonard A. Johnson, Ninneapolis City Clerk, of the City Council's June 12th action extending to December 31, 1964 the date for cancellation of contract for interconnection of sewers, was submitted, and by motion Macblillan, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, was ordered placed on file. COUNCIL DELAYS ACTION ON INCREASE OF DUES FOR HENNEPIN COUNTY LEAGUE OF MUNICIPALITIES FOR TWO HEEKS, PENDING FURTHER STUDY. .notification by the Hennepin County League of Municipalities that dues for their fiscal year, July 1, 1964 to June 30, 1965, for municipalities of 20,000 population and over, will be $1,667.29. Dues for period July 1,'63 to July 1, '64 were $1,126 for this same population group. doing a very fine job, he feels they may be "trying to go too far too fast", Hr. Hyde asked for additional time to make report to Council, and Tupa moved that Council delay action for two weeks for further study. and carried, Manager Hyde placed before the Councib the . Saying that while he knows the League has been Notion seconded by MacIJIillan II"IROVEI4ENT PETITIONS ACCEPTED. and VanValkenburg moved that petitions,be accepted and referred to the Village The following Improvement Petitions were submitted, Engineer with instructions for Public Hearings on major improvements at his earliest convenience. Notion seconded by MacMillan and carried: OILING - West 62nd St. from Ryan Ave. to 87 feet West. OILING - Harrison Ave. from Belmore Lane to Maloney Ave. OILING - VanBuren Ave. from 400 Belmore La. to 425 Maloney Ave. OILING - Warden Ave. from Tracy Ave. to Turn-Around at HawkesI'Lake. OILING - W.56th St. from Dale Ave. to Hansen Road. OILING - Tingdale Ave. from W.63rd St. to W.64th St. OILING - Grove St. from 5724 Code Avq,.to property line. PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CURB - DONCASTER WAY from Ayrshire Blvd. to SANITARY SEWER - WEST TRAIL, from County Road 18 to West Line of Indian Bills Road. Highland Park. 152 7/6/64 COUNCIL COIPIENDS EDINA CITIZENS AIJD FIRhIS FOR THEIR HELP IN CIVIL DEFEHSE ACTIVITIES Hanager Hyde reported that Divil Defense Director Wayne Bennett is most gratified by the cooperation received relative to the provision of.Civi.1 Defense Shelter fa'cilities , the signing of these facilities and the stock$iI,ing of Civil Defense supplies, and has asked that the Village Council express its appreciation to those who have volunteered their help. and moved its adoption: VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution RESOLUTION WHEFGAS several persons and firms have given full cooperation in providing Civil Defense Shelter facilities, signing of these facilities and the space for . stoskpiling of Civil Defense Emergency Survival supplies; and . WHEREAS, the providing of these facilities serves the best interests of the citizens in the defense of the United States of America, the State of Minnesota, the County of Hennepin and the Village of Edina: commended by the Village Council of the Village of Edina for said cooperation and u THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the following persons and firms are sense of 1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- duty to their fellow citizens: Mr. Howard Hinterthuer and the Home Uutual Insurance Company, HI?. E-lilton Bistodeau and the Southdale Red Qwl Store, Southdale Center kSr. William Crear, Jr. and Nr. Harlan Wilson of Southdale and Southdale Hr. Karl Hau hild, Sr. and Hauschild Incorporated, 5050 France Ave. So., Mr. Eugene Oredson and the First Edina National Bank, 4100 West 50th St., Hr. Donald Pryor and the Edina-Morningside School District, Edina. 40d8 West 65th Street, Edina Xedical Center facilities, Edina Edina '.i Edina AND WHEREAS, the transportation of supplies from the Twin City Arsenal, New Brighton, to the Southdale Center and other sheAter facilities designated, were made possible without charge to the community of Edina by Hr. Robert Short, President, Admiral-Merchants Hotor Freight Incorporated, 120 South 6th Street, First National Bank Building, Xinneapolis , Ninnesota: *. THEREXORE, BE XT RESOLVED that 14r. Robert Short and Admiral-lderchants Motor Freight Incorporated are to be commended for this contribution to the Civil Defense Program of the Village of Edina and express its appreciation for the interest, facilities and expense, by said persons and firms. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was. se were five ayes and no nays, as follows: , aye; Tupa, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; an BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED by the Village Council of Edina, Hinnesota that it 8 COUNCIL SCIiEDULES PUBLIC HEARINGS AT PLANNING DIRECTOR'S EARLIEST CONVENIENCE ON FOLLOWI1JG ZONING HATTERS : recommendations, favorable to the following petitions: AUTOMOBILE PARKING DISTRICT of Lots 14 &d 15, Block 21, Fairfax Addition (NE Corner Valley View Road and Booddale Ave. Shell Oil CO.. fpr tQe Rezoning from Community Store District to C-4.CDHMERCIkL DISTRICT Vernon Avenue) €or Gasoline Service Station. and a PROPOSED AIENDHENT TO THE PLANNED INDUSTRIAL DISTRICT, which will - Council reviewed Planning Commission's JULY 1st ,, 1. Valley View Drug, for the Rezoning from Open Development District to . 2. of Lots 1 and 3, Block 1, Enroth's Addition (5205 1, 2. 3. Add "Offices" as a Principal Use of the District. Allow Warehouwing as an Accessory Use to Offices, in District Establish design and location requirements for loading facilities and for screening. and the Commission's recommendations unfavorable to the following petitions: Ordinance, to permit extension of existing garage to within one foot of south lot line, Lot 7, Block 6, Fairfax Addition (5824 Fairfax Ave.). 2. Elba, Inc., 317 Hadison Ave. Request for permit to add the South six feet of Lot 17, Block 5, West Minneapolis Heights, to Lot -16; making Lot 17 a 40- I 1, blr. Robert Savre for Variance from Side Yard Requirements ,of Zoning foot lot and providing a side yard for Lot 16. Hearings before the Council, even though the Commission's recommendations are unfavorable.. VanValkenburg moved that Council conduct Public Hearings on the above five Zoning Matters at the earliest convenient bpportunity . blotion seconded by MacMillan and carried. On these last two petitions, it was reported petitionens have requested I .. . -. 7/6/64 7 PRELI~~INARY PLAT OF ~~OVERHOLT HILLS:' APPROVED. VILLAGE NEED I~OT ACCEPT RESPONSIBILITY FOR PRIVATE ROAD, ATTORNEY RULES. recommendation of July 1, relative to the Preliminary Plat of "Overholt Hills. Council reviewed the Planning Commission's Recommendation 'was for approval of Lots 1 through 4, Block 3, and Lots 1 through 3, Block 4, with recommendation that Lots 4 and 5, Block 4 be made into one lot; and that the matter of the proposed private road between Blocks 3 and 4 be referred to the Village Attorney for an opinion as to whether the Village must someday assume responsibility for maintenance. matter of responsibility for the private road, and Village Attorney Whitlock agreed with Trustee VanValkenburg that responsibility need not ever assume responsibility for maintenance of the road. of Preliminary Plat of "Overholt Hills" was seconded by MacMillan and carried. Discussion was had by the Council on the VanValkenburg's motion for approval MATTER OF DEED RESTRICTIONS FOR EDWARDS PROPERTY (PART OF REGISTEED LAND SURVEY 590) SOUTH OF HIGHWAY NO. 169, JUST EAST OF BLAKE ROAD EXTENDED, REFERED BACK TO PLANNING COMMISSION. June loth, that deed restrictions on the Southwest tier of lots bordering R-3 Council reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendation of Multiple Residence Zoning be removed--but that if petition for R-2 zoning is submitted for this property it be denied. Mr. V. B. Edwards, opmer, had petitioned €or the removal of these restrictions for this tier of lots on the basis that it is economically unfeasible to build single family homes in this area, on June 15 at Public Hearing to require such restrictions--that there were people at that Public Hearing who are not present at this time, who left the Hearing with the assurance that said restrictions would be required. he felt the people were not concerned about this particular tier-of lots as they were about the East tier. be referred back to the Planning' Commission, with the reminder that both the Planning Commission Minutes of June LO, and the Village Council Minutes of June 15th Public Hearing ask for said restrictions--and looking to a new Public Hearing if there is any firm change in Commission's recommendation. seconded by MacMillan and carried. Mayor Bredesen called Council's attention to fact that Council had acted l4r. Hite told Council VanValkenburg moved that the matter'of deed restrictions Motion ~-. GOLF COURSE CLUB HOUSE FLOOR COVERING TO BE PURCHASED BY MAYOR AliD PiANAGER, WTH AUTHORITY OF COUi?CIL. for the Club House will cover averything but the floor covering--which, he believes, will probably cost somewhere between $3,500 and $4,000. He presented to the Council samples of floor covering of different kinds; carpet; plastic; rubber; together with their various prices--and a half hour bas spent discussing the best type for appearance, durability and cleaning properties, including a "spike test". Because Council did agree that floor covering must be purchased, but could not decide upon the type--except that the food and heavy traffic areas have the material shoun by the "dark green'' sample presented to the council--VanValkenburg moved that the Mayor and Village Manager be appointed a Committee of Two for the Purchase of Club House Floor Covering. Manager Hyde told Council he believes the money allocations Motion seconded by Rixe and carried. PARKING RESTRICTED ON SOUTH SIDE OF HEST 60TH STREET BETWEEN FRANCE AND XERXES AVENUES, BY REQUEST OF STATE HIGHUAY DEPARTMENT. Street between France Avenue and Xerxes Avenue is not being widened to the full width approved by the State Highway Department for Nunicipal State Aid Streets, parking must be prohibited on one side of the street. the South side of W.6Oth Street because fewer houses face the street than on the North side. Engineer Hite reported that because W. 60th He recommended prohibition of parking on Maclqillan offered the following Resolution and moved its Adoption; RESOLUTLON AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AGRELMEhT BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF EDINA AHD CO~rlMISSIONER OF HIGHWAYS, STATE OF t4INNESOTA MHEREAS, the Commissioner of Highways of the State of Minnesota has submitted to the Village Council for execution, an agreament relating to restriction of parking on those streets and avenues wherein Municipal State Aid Funds are used in improving said streets and avenues, NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT KESOLVED by the Village Council of Edina, Irlinnesota, that the Idayor and Village Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to execute for and on behalf of and in the name of the Village of Edina an agreement between the Village and the Commissioner of Highways wherein the Village agrees to restrict parking as follows : To the North side of the street only on that part of WEST 60TH STmET LYING BETWEEM FRANC% AND XERXES AVENUES. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was sec Bredesen, aye; and the Resolution 154 7/6/64 COUHCIL PURCHASES $1,000,000 "LIQUOR LEGAL LIABILITY" COVERAGE FOR EDINA WJNICIPAL LIQUOR STORES. Finance Director Dalen reported that he has now received four quotations on $1,000,000-Combined Limits "Liquor Legal Liability" coverage, that of Marsh E HcLennA, for American Home Mutual Company, $5,858.22; American Casualty Company of Reading, Pa. at $4,144.00; and General 14utual Agency and Brandow, Howard E Kohler, Inc., both bidding on Chicago Insurance Company coverage, at $3,105.00. Some considerable discussion was had by the Council as to the necessity €or this . coverage, with Trustee VanValkenburg informing Council he feels that tge Village has little choice, and Attorney Nhitlock agreeing. would recommend that the low bidder be awarded the bid--but that because two bids are identical he would like to recommend that the CounciJ. purchase this year's coverage from one, and next year's coverage from the other. was asked to draw, and drew General Mutual Agency. Council purchase recommended insurance from General Mutual Kgency for this forthcoming twelve months and from Brandow, Howard & Kohler, Inc., for the succeeding twelve months. ' Mr. Dalen told Council he Reporter James Talle . VanValkenbug then moved that Xotion seconded by Tupa and carried. i3USIR%S INTERRUPTION INSURANCE FOR MUNICIPAL LIQUOR STORES PURCHASED FRO11 BRANDOW, HOHARD & KOHLER AT $165.77 PREKWM. Mr. Dalen recommended Durchase of Business . Interruption coverage for the Hunicipal Liquor Stores, based on "50% of Grossr1, at $165.77 per year. This will also be with Chicago Insurance Company. VanValked-urg so moved. blotion seconded by Rixe and carried. BOARD OF EEVIEV EETING TO BE WEDiJESDAY, JULY 15, 1964, AT 5:OO P.14. reminded Council of Board of Review Meeting. Clerk * Two members to be away. TREASURER' S REPORT OF RECEIPTS, DISBURSEMENTS, CASH BALANCES AND IIJVESTMENTS FOR HAY, 1964, and REPORTS OF GEi?ERAL AND PARK FUNDS REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES FOR THE FIVE NONTHS ENDING MAY 31ST, were presented, together with LIQUOR FUND STATEMENTS AS AT MRIL 30; and were breifly reviewed and ordered placed on file. . -1 CLAIHS PAID. Tupa's motion for payment of the following Claims: No. 25960, Bishop Travel Serv., Inc. J.H. Hensley - $136.05 25961, Texaco , Inc. , Gasoline 1,384.07 25962, Internal Rev. Serv., Special Tax Stamp 54.00 25963, Petty Cash 157.48 and Claims as per Pre-List dated July 6, 1964--General Fund, $19,252.75; Constmction Fund, $1,934.05; Park, Park Const., Swim Pool and Golf Course, $4,731,51; Waterworks Fund, $32,751.59; Liquor Fund, $38,333.68; Sewer Rental Fund, $632.81; Improvement Funds, $14.86; Poor Fund, $227.31; TOTAL, $97,879.56 was seconded by Mac~~~illan and carried. The evening's business having been concluded, Tupa moved for adjournment. seconded by i?aci.iillan and carried. FIotion Meetijrg adjourned at 9:00 P.M. Village Clerk