HomeMy WebLinkAbout19640803_regular8/3/64 1*IINUTES OF THE REGULAR I4EETIUG OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUL?CIL, HELD HONDAY, AUGUST 3, 1964, AT 7:OO P.14. ,. AT THE EDINA VXLLBGE HALL, Liembers answering Rollcall were Naci.Iillan, Rixe , Tupa, VanValkenburg and ' Bredesen. 2IINUTES of the Regular 14eetings of July 6 and 20, 1964, were approved as submitted, bg motion VanValkenburg, seconded by fixe and carried. COWL!IL ORDERS DIVERSION STRUCTURE FOR LAIC2 CORNELIA. continuation of the APPURTEIWJCES, on the Pond Northeast of Lake Cornelia between the Cross Town Highway and the Village of Edina Swimming Pool. the reason this Public Hearing is being held is to give the owners of properties abutting Xnnehaha Creek a chance to state their recommendations and objections, inasmuch as they did not receive notice of the July 20th Hearing because they will not be assessed for the project. by Engineer Hite, who stated the Total Estimated Cost is expected to be $6,665; the Village Share, $1,333; amount to be assessed $61.29 per Lot. no objections made by those proposed to be assessed for the improvement; however, Mr. Robert R. Bredt, 5616 Chowen Ave, So., presented a substantial petition, signed by owners of properties and residents bordering isinnehaha Creek from France Avenue to Xerxes Avenue, asking that the proposed project be rejected, and a letter of objection, from Dr. 1J.P. Bjornnes, 5628 Cnowen Avenue, was read. Council that while he and his ntXghbors understand they have no vested interest in the Southdale air conditioning water which is now being diverted into i-linnehaha Creek, it is only human nature to want to keep what one has; and the Ialinnehaha Creek residents feel it, is unfair to take any water away from the Greek at this time; that any diversi that the Douglas Barr report clearly indicates that Idinnehaha Cree& will get no less water than it is presently getting, and Engineer Hite added that the amount of water proposed to be diverted into Lake Cornelia is almost exactly the amount available from the new buildings in the Southdale complex; that the present flows now flowing over the north wier are not high enough to trigger the Lake Cornelia structure. Llr. Herrill Finch, 89 Woodland Circle, apologized to the Council and to Br. Bredt for the concern he had previously registered over this project. Saying he and two of his neighbors had met with Mr, Hite on the Thursday after the July 20th Public Hearing, and had at that time become convinced they would not be hurt by this proposal and I4innehaha Creek would have no less water than it now has because of the proposal, he said he feels that the Village administration is just as interested in 14innehaha Creek as it is in Lake Edina or Lake Cornelia. Lir. Bredt stated he feels the area East of France Avenue will be hurt more than that Vest of France, and tlr. Hite assured him that the poposed structure is a simple affair and that it will be a simple operation to reduce or stop it if there is some substantial effect on the Creek. Llayor Bredesen annbunced July 20th Public Hearing on the proposed COIJSTRUCTIOii OF A DIVERS103 STRUCTURE, PIPE FROM THE DIVERSIOIJ STRUCTURE; TO LAKE CORNELIA, AND I I-layor Bredesen explained that Proposed project was reviewed briefly There were Xr. Bredt told of waters should wait until the expected en*tra prater is available. Some discu+ion 2 was had, during which Llr . Bredesen told,. t delegation I TEXTATIVE P.ROP0SALS FOR ENHANCEHENT OF CREEK OUTLINED. During discussion about the Creek, Lh. Hite told audience that most of the water which keess the Creek flowing is rain water, not air conditioning water; that some plans-are being considered for the enhancement of the Creek; i.e, the enlargement of Lake Pamela--which is comparatively easy because the Village owns the property--and storage of the water from the entire Lake Harvey-Concord-School area, which now drains directly into the Creek at approximately Philbrook Lane and is out of the Village within an hour. Nr. Hite said this last plan will be more difficult to execute . There were no other objeqions registered, and, saying his law partq r (who also this diversion proposal, {VanValkenburg offered the following Resolu lives along the Creek) has become convinced that the Creek will not tbuffer i its adoption : 9 because of . on and moved RESOLUTION ORDERING IIJPROVEIENT STORM SEtJER IIIF'ROVE~-SIENT NO. 86 BE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina; Ihnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed improvement : COHSTRUCTION OF A DIVERSIOH STRUCTURE;, PIPE FROl.1 THE DIVERSION STRUCTUE TO LAKE COFNELIA, AND APPURTEI?ANCES AT THE FOLLOHING LOCATIOX: northeast of Lake Cornelia between the Cross Town Highway and the Village of Edina Swimming Pool and at the Hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of a11 persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to prpceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STON4 SEWER IMPROVEI-EXT iJO. 86, and the area to be specially assessed therefor shall be as follows: Ls. 1 thru 9 incl. ,bl.2,Woodhill Addn. ; Ls. 1. thru 3 incl. $1.8, Creston Hills; Ls. 8,9 ,LO ,14,15,16,17 & 18,131.1, Southdale Third Addn.; Ls. 1 thru 17 incl.,Bl.l,Southdale First Ad&.; L.1,Bl.l On the pond IT? 8/3/64 Southdale Second Addn.; Lots 1 thru 5 incl.,Bl. 1, Southdale Fourth Addn.; and Ls. 1, Bl. 1, Creston Hills; Ls,. 1 thru 22 incl., B1. 4, Lake Edina 2nd Addn.; and Ls. 1 thru 21incl., B1. 1, Lake Edina Third Addn. PROPOSED SAMITARY ,SEWER Ii.IPROVEl*IENT FOR ZENITH AVE. FROPI 980 FT. Sa OF W.6OTH ST. TO 1230 FT, ,5. OF \?.GOTH ST. ABANDONED. Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in Edina-i-1orningsi.de Courier July 23 and 30, 1964, of "Xotice of Public Hearing" on the entitled proposed improvement. receipt of the iJotice, each of the owners of properties proposed to be assessed for it have called him, stating they don't want it; that this includes the petitioner for the improvement. asking that the Contract for Sanitary Sewer Improvement Xo. 223 be eliminated from the composite improvement contract awarded to Peter Lametti. Hr. Hite recommended that the Sanitary Sewer project Be abandoned and that the contract therefor be deleted from the composite contract (contractor has agreed that this deletion may be made). Peter Lametti. composite contract. Public Works Director Hite told Council that since This Public Hearing had been scheduled pursuant to the petitioner'= VanValkenburg moved that the project be tabled and contract removed €rom Motion seconded by 1dacl4illan and sarried. COtiNCIL ORDERS STREET INPROVEIIEIJT FOR HALIFAX LAHE FRO11 WOODLAND CIRCLE TO 14. LIiJE OF COLONIAL GROVE THIRD ADDITION. Edina-Morningside Courier July 23 and 30, 1964, and of Mailing to owners of affected properties of "Motice of Public Hearing"; and, pursuant to due notice given, Public Hearing was conducted on the proposed COI\ISTRUCTIOi\l OF STABILIZED BASE AND ASPHALT COlICRETE HAT-& Halifax Lane from Woodland Circle to the Horth Line of Colonial Grove Third Addition. Public Works Director Hite told Couhcil that the street is in such a state of disrepair it is his feeling that maintenance alone is not the answer--that it would require "extraordinary" repairs. I4r. Hite recommended the construction of Stabilized Base and Asphalt Concrete Mat €or the street, giving an estimated assessable cost of $253.14 per lot, for the two lots abutting the street. Circle, told Council the street is a disgrace to the neighborhood in its present state, and that he does not oppose paying his share toward improving it. VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in There were no objections raised at the Hearing. Mr, Anderson, 66 Woodland RE SOLUT I OM ORDERIW 6 I NPROVEt-1ENT STREET IMPROVEME1JT NO. A-15 8 dE IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina, ibIinnesota, that this Council heretofore caused notice of hearing to be duly published on the following proposed i rrlprovemen t : CONSTRUCTION OF STABILIZED BASE ALJD ASPHALT COMCRETE MAT OfJ HALIFAX LAiJE FROM WOODLAHD CIRCLE TO THE NORTH LINE OF COLONIAL GROVE THIRD ADDITION and at the hearing held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvement; that said improvement is hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as STREET IMPROVEMEdT NO, A-158; and the area proposed to be assessed therefor includes Lot 1, Block 1, and Lot I, Block 2, in Colonial Grove Third Addition. i-lotion for adoption of the Resolution was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there ayes and no nays, as follows: 1-lac urg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and t *-Dick Xredlund explained to the Council that at the time petitioner John Ericson, 5932 Grove Street, purchased his Lot 14, Block 2, he was given to understand that the rear line of the property extended some ten feet beyond the actual rear line; that Mr. Ericken sodded and landscaped his property, and that it would be a genuine hardship for him to have to shorten the L.- yard. Explanation was given in Public Hearing on the petition of Xr. Erickon for addition of ten feet of Lot 13, 81.2 to his Lot 14. Planning Commission had recommended the arrangement; there were no objections filed' and Tupa moved for approval of request, in accordance with Commission's recommendation. Notion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. This action reduces the South side yard of L.13,B1.2 to five feet, and the lot width of said lot to 70 feet, Clerk presented Affidavit of Liailing by Planning Department of Wotice of Hearing" on the petition of St.Patrick's Catholic Church for a variance from Zoning Ordinance setback requirements to permit addition of a classroom within nine feet of the front lot line. Requirement is for 30-foot setback, it was , explained that building had been constructed, and addition,hplans approved by Village Building Department, before St .Patrick's Lane was platted and cut through--that Church officials were most disturbed when they discovered proposed addition is now in violation of setback requirements, Planning Commission had recpmmended favorably on proposed variance, there were no ,objections filed at the Hearing, and Tupa moved that Council approve variance. tlotion seconded by Llacblillan and carried. CO~~CiL CD:TLLUUES _HEBBGIFOR 7.5-FOOT SIDE YARD SETBACK AT 4205 DUNBERRY LAiJE. Planning Director Hite told Council this office has received a request by telephone that this matter be tabled, but that Llr* Robert Loftus, petitioner, has not given office the requested letter confirming. given at the Public Hearing called, after presentation of Affidavit of Railing of "Motice of Hearing", 14r, Hite requested that the Hearing be continued two weeks to give letter time to arrive, and VanValkenburg so moved, by Rixe and carried, There were no objections nor recommendations made from the audience at this meeting, i Oiq PETITIOX This explanation was Hotion seconded COUWCIL AMENDS FEBRUARY 17. 1964 RFSOLUTZON VACATING STREETS IN NORNANDBLE THIRD ADDITLOX , PSLATIVE TO THE VACATION OF kJHZTING AVENUE Planning Director Hite reviewed for Council the action Vacating streets in Normandale Tnird Addition, including i-ihiting Avenue, subject to the compliance with certain requirements which have not yet been met--thus precluding the recording of the Vacating Resolution to date. He then reported the July 28th request of L.P. Pederson, Hennepin County Highway Engineer, that the Village delay Vacation of that part of Hhiting Street which will be within Construction Limits of the Cross Town Highway, for the reason that utility relocation problems have not been settled, This involves a 24" gas main relocation . February 17th Resolution, to accomplish the Vacation of only that portion of Hhiting outside Crosstown Highway limits. Resolution and moved its adoption: Hr. Hite recommended Council's amending VanValkenburg offered the following . F?SOLUTION AHENDING FEBRUARY 17, 1964 ''RESOLUTIOX VACATUG STREETS - CERTAIIJ STREETS 114 NORI*IAIJDALE THIRD ADDITIOP A II __ - .BE IT,RESQLVEDLBY THELEDIN& VILEAGE COULJCIL, that that Resolution entitled "PXSOLUTION VACATIPG STREETS-CERTAIB STREETS IIJ NOXW?DALE THIRD ADDITIOP , as set forth in this Liinute Book, ;io. 27, Page No. 15, is hereby amended to read as follows: "iJHEEAS, two weeks' published notice and posted notice of a hearing to be had on February 17, 1964, at 7:OO 3?.Ll., on the petition of General ilortgage Investr~ients of St.Pau1, Inc., for the Vacation of the following described streets has been given and made: 'All of Xest 64th Street and khiting Avenue as laid out and platted in Normandale Third Addition, lying between the Easterly line of County Road 39 (Valley View Road) and the \Jesterly line of the iiinneapolis, Horthfield E Southern Railroad right-of-way' and 'All of Dell Street and Northfield Avenue as laid out and platted in llormandale Third Addition, lying "desterly of the Uesterly line of the Gnneapolis , 2orthfield E Southern Railr6ad right-of-way' and a hearing has been had thereon by the Village Council: "30i.1, TiiEEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Sinnesota, that the following streets be and hereby are vacated: All of West 64th Street as laid out and platted in Horrnandale Third Addition, lying between the Easterly line of County Road 39 (Valley View Road) and the Uesterly line of the Ihneapolis, ldorthfield E Southern Railroad right-of-way, Addition, lying Easterly of a curved line (concave to the Southeast and having a radius of 2989,76 feet), said curved line being drawn from a point on the North line of rlhiting Avenue distant 998.64 feet East, measured along said . Nopth line from the Easterly line of Valley View Road, to a point which is distant 14.03 feet South of the Southwest corner of Lot 30 in said Addition. Afl of Dell Street and Horthfield Avenue as laid out and platted in Horrnan- dale Third Addition, lying Vesterly of the Westerly line of the i-linneapolis , EJorthfield E Soutnern Railroad right-of-way." 1, 2. That part of ,biting Avenue as laid out and platted in Normandale Third 3. Ifotion for adoption of the Resolution was were five ayes and no nays, as follows: VanValkenburg, aye; and Bredesen, aye; 3(3 Y w u LJ 8 / Li /6 4 COUNCIL SCHEDULES PUBLIC HEARIHG ON PROPOSED REZONING FOR CflllLLL ROAD-F7.70TH ST, AREA FOR I.IOI\IDAY , AUGUST 17. of Tuesday,xly 28, relative to Cornmission's recommendations on the proposed l'Proposed Rezoning Cahill and 70th St, West", tracks, west to about the West line of the present Cahill Road; tnen 13-2 14ultiple Residence District, West to Limerick Lane, plan shows Industrial Zoning abutting \I. 70th Street from the Railroad Tracks , ilest to a new road labeled on the plan as "Cahill Re-alignment". of the new road is shown a "C-4 Commercial" site--which would be the site of the Gasoline Service Station petitioned by the Stow Company, of \?,70th Street and the present Cahill Road would be an Office building District; and directly South of this and the C-4 Commercial Zone, between Cahill Road and Cahill Re-Alignment would be a C-l Commercial arear Cahill Road , abutting W.70th Street from Limerick Lane to about 80 feet East would be one R-2 Nultiple Residence tract; then an R-3 Zone which would extend to Cahill Road, and south on Cahill Road to about 330 feet north of Cahill Re- Alignment; then another R-2 IvIultiple Residence Zone, abutting Cahill Re-Alignment. Directly South of Cahill Re-Alignment would be an R-2 Zone; thence Easterly and iqortheasterly an R-3 Nultiple Zone; and, between the R-3 Zone and the Industrial District, an additional Office Building District, to complete the plan, Iilr. Hite recommended that Hearing be scheduled for 1.londay , August 17. inquired as to what would happen to Mr. John Cameron's Cahill Store if this plan is adopted; was informed that the store is a 'non-conforming land use' under the present Zoning Ordinance; that 14r. Cameron's position would not change insofar as the store is oancerned-that he would be able to make repairs to the stom but'not enlarge or remodel it. At Mr. l4acNillan's remark that he considers this to be an arbitrary decision in respect to a man who has been in business in this area these many years, Mr. Hike reported that the Planning Commission, in making its decision, gave consideration to the inadequacies of the site--with no possibility of adequate parking provisions , and hopes this area will be suitable €or multiple residence zoning. Bridge; was told by &lr. Hite that Village, County and Railroad Company have entered into the three-way agreement on this, but that he doesn't know when it will Le done. blr. Tupa's next question was with regard to the location of travelled %st 70th Street in relation to platted Hest 70th Street, and NP. Hite informed him t11at the travelled roadwaj; benterline is slightly north of the platted centerline, VanValkenburg's motion for Public Hearing on proposed Rezoning on l-jonday, August 17, was seconded by Tupa and carried, Council reviewed Planning Commission bfeeting i-linutes ' rezoning of the Cahill Road-W.70th Street area, as set forth by the plan entitled Plan makes provision for R-3 Aultiple Residence Zoning on the North side of d.70th Street from the Railroad 1 On the South side of W.70th Street, Directly dest Bt:.the--Southeast corner On the ',?est side of the present Trustee MacEiillan Trustee Tupa inquired as to the widening of the 'i.J,70th Street HEARING SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 17, OM PETITIO14 FOR BUILDING HEIGHT VARIANCE TO PERIXtT SIX-STORY BUILDING IN "PENTAGON PARK". . Council reviewed Planning Comr,iis&ion' s July 28th recommendation, favorable to the petition of Dunn and Gurrv for a'variance in building height restrictions in the Office building District section of the Zoning Ordinance, to permit construction of a six-story building in "Pentagon Park" located north of the Texaco Station at W.78th Street and Hwy.#l00. requirement is €or maximum height to three stories or 40 feet, whichever is greater. Trustee VanValkenburg inquired as to whether Edina has fire equipment to serve such a building; and Plr. Hite replied that we have access to this equipment. (Through the Southwest Fire League, Bloomington's and St.Louis Park's fire equipment is available to us if needed), variance for i+fonday, August 17, Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. DIVISION OF LOT 3, BLOCK 1 , CAROLINE ADDITION ,AND PORTIO1J OF ,,VACATED STPZET , INTO TWO BUILDABLE LOTS, APPROVED. Planning Commission's favorable recommendation on the entitled action, made July 28, was reviewed by the Council, both the two new lots will conform to ordinance requirements, i4r. Hite reported that the property is not served by sanitazly sewer, and recommended that Division be approved subject to acceptable soil percolation tests, and it was so moved, by Tupa, seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Ordinance Tupa moved scheduling Public Hearing on petitioned It was noted that COUXCJL APPROVES PKELININARY PLAT OF SOUTHDALE ACRES SECOND ADDITION , SUBJECT TO EASEIENTS. Council reviewed Planning Commission's July 28th favorable action on this Preliminary Plat, recommendation for approval being contingent only on acquisition of certain easements, on which Faimfiew Hospital and the Nedical Building are located; that the property has lieretofore been divided into many-papcaLss and is now simply being combined, Rixe's motion that Preliminary Plat of Southdale Acres Second Addition be approved in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendations was seconded by Tupa and carried. €4r. Hite explained that this is the property COUNCIL. APPROVES FINAL PLAT OF DAHLQUIST ADDITION , INCLUDING 33,55 FOOT FROIJTAGE ER LOT 2., BLOCK'1, approved by Planning Cornisdon despite the fact that one large lot has oniy a 33.55 foot road frontage. frontage for Lot 2, Block 1, be accepted by Council. and 'arried. This two lot plat, just Morth of Braemar Park, had been Tupa moved-that Plat be approved, and that 33.55 foot itiotion seconded by VanValkenburg 8/3/64 -1- 174 RAUENHORST REGISTERED LAND SURVEY HAS FINAL APPROVAL. to the Registered Land Survey filed by Rauenhorst Construction Company, for the property south of W. 7&th Street and between France Avenue and approximately Wooddale Avenue, after review of Planning Commission's July 28th favorable recommendation. carried. Council gave Final Approval Motion for approval was by VanValkenburg, seconded by Tupa and U.S. HAILiNG CORPORATIOii TO BUILD ON TRACT 3, RAUENHORST R.L.S, advised that U.S. Hailing Corporation will build a 60,000 to 65,000 square foot Council was office building, North of W.76th Street and West of France Avenue. V. B. EDUARDS REGISTERED LAND SURVEY RECEIVES FINAL APPROVAL. Planning Commission's July 28th favorable recomniendation on this R.L.S., for area just East of Blake Road extended south, and south of Highway No. 169, was reviewed, and Tupa moved for approval of Registered Land Survey in accordance with Commission's recommendations, Hotion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, DsED, ,E,ST$ICTJONS FOR V. B,.EDVARDS X. L. S . DISCUSSED : REQUEST FOR PGCO1SSIDERATION 17, Planning Director Hite reported that, as of July 1, the Tlanning Commission had recommended that deed restrictions on approximately four acres of the Edwards property, lying southwesterly of the proposed road, be lifted--but that if petition were to be submitted for R-2 zoning on this property it be denied. Commission's recommendation had been made pursuant to Ilr, Edwards' request for the lifting of single family deed restrictions here, Whitlock advised the Council that the proposed deed restriction €or the property east of the proposed road does not protect the property to the East; it protects only'the balance of the Edwards property, I4r. Edwards explained to Council that it is economically unfeasible to build single family dwellings on the southiqest four acres because of the topography, and also because of an involvenent concerning sanitary sewer, He demurred at having to broaden the deed restriction on the eastern portion of the property to protect residents outside his own area, saying these people did not ask him what they should do with their property and he sees no reason to ask them what he should do, but did agree to broaden these particular restrictions at the request of the Council7 told that deed restrictions would be required for all of the Edwards tract except that rezoned €or multiple dwellings, VanValkenburg moved that Council consider the Edwards request for the lifting of restrictions at a public hearing to be held Honday, August 17. Village Attorney Because residents had been ;.lotion seconded by Rixe and carried, I LES HEARIiJG FOR AUGUST 17, OB LOT COVERAGE VARIkJCE, LOTS THREE TO SEVEN AND TEN TO FOURTEE21 , BLOCL SEVEN, EDINA INTERCHANGE CENTER. Commission recommendations of July 28 were reviewed, relative to >the proposal of General Hotors, Inc., for a building to accommodate a distributors' office, a regular sales office for Chevrolet, and a warehouse, including all loading and unloading facilities--which building would cover a 50% lot coverage of Lots 3-7 and lO-lQ, Block 7, Edina Interchange Center, whereas zoning ordinance restricts lot coverage to 306. Planning Commission's recommendation was favorable to the proGosa1. Mr. Hite explained that the justification for granting the variance is that the employee ratio would be low, thus requiring less than normal space for parking. At Trustee's Rixe's question concerning a "specific proposal*' by General Xotors, i4r. Fredlund reported that the building plan presented was one used in other parts of the country; that a specific proposal will be ready by August 17. be scheduled for August 17, was seconded by Tupa and carried, Planning VanValkenburg's motion, that Public Hearing on lot coverage variance HEARING ON. PR-OPOSED STREET NAi-lE CHANGE SCHEDULED FOR AUGUST 17. change of street name. of that part of "Interchange Blrid,"lying within Edina Proposal for Interchange Center to EDINA IWDUSTRIAL BLVD." , &d VanValkenburg moved that Public Hearing on proposed Street Name Change be scheduled for Honday, August 17. . COUNCIL G.m?TS AUTHORITY TO TAKE BIDS FOR IJEW Atl.WLANCE, AFTER SOXE DISCUSSIOIT. Council received recommendation for a new ambulance, Mr. Hite reminding Council I that this matter had been before it once before, but that at that time General Hospital's proposal for suburban ambulance service was also being considered. He told Council that the old Edina ambulance has now peached the point where it must be re9laced if Council wishes to continue ambulance service, concerning the advisability of continuing the service, and, if continued, of making a charge for it. ambulance service, and i4r. Hite replied tnat Hennepin County finally withdrex its service because nobody used it. should provide this service, I&. Hite replied he believes it is a good public relations service, and 2s probably as much appreciated as anything the Village provides. Hite told him that no labor cost is added because the vehicle is operated by the Fire Department; that while he does not have a dollar amount, CiborEt 500 of €56 D52artinen-t 's calls involve. this emergency vehicle. VanValkenburg's motion authorizing bids was seconded by Tupa and carried. Discussion ensued ih, Rixe raised the question about Heninepin County To Llr. Rixe's question as to whether we Hr. Rixe inquired about the cost of maintaining the service, and i4r. 8/3/64 . COUIICIL SCHEDULES SPECIAL ASSESSIGMT HEARINGS ON SEVERAL IMPKOVEHELJTS FOR -4 MOiTDAY, AUGUST 17, 1.964. Clerk reported that, upon completion of Special Assessment for several improvement projects , Notice of Hearing had been published Hearings held on August 17. moved its adoption: ' in Edina-Llorningside Courier, so that statute on publication night be met and VanValkenburg.offered the following Resolution and F?J3OLUTIOlJ PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSMENT HEARINGS : STREET II4PROVEMEiJTS NOS. BA-55, BA-56 AiqD E-18, AND SANITARY SEMER It4PROVElGiJT NO. 188 BE IT KESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows: assessed for the improvements set forth in the five iiotice of Hearing forms hereinafter recorded, and the amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land within the districts affected by said improvements, and said proposed assessments having been filed with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved; and the Clerk shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided. 2. Notice of Hearing forms hereinafter contained, to pass upon said proposed assessments; and the Clerk's action in publishing notices of said hearings in the official newspaper in accordance with daw is hereby approved; notices being as follows: 1, The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be This Council shall meet at the time and place specified in,the five (1) NOTICE OF ASSESStZENT HEARING Or? SAXITARY SEWER LHPROVEbIENT IJO. 188 SUB-TRUNK AND LATERAL CONNECTIONS EDIiJA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Honday, August 17, 1Y64 at 7:OO o'clock P.N., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. This assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection: COIJSTKUCTION OF SUB-TRUilK AND LATERAL SMIITARY SEWER AND APPURTEMNJCES AS FOLLOdS : In Gleason Road from existing Sanitary Sewer manhole at centerline of Gleason Iioad and intersection of the iJ line of Section 6, Township 116, Range 21, South 450 feet; Gleason Road from South right-of-way line of Crosstown Highway to Valley View Road, and proposed street in Lot 27, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196 from Gleason Road to existing sever manhole located at NE corner of said Lot 27. The properties proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement are as follows: SUB-TRUiK Indian Hills Addition Auditor's Subdivision No. 196 Lots 9, 10 and 11, Block 1 Lots 17 thru 24, Incl. Lots L and 2, Block 2 Lots 26, 27, 29, 30 and 32 Lots 1 and 2, Block 7 Cherokee dills Addition Sharpe-Bakke Addition Lots 1 thru 13, incl., Block 1 Lots 1 and 2 Lot 1, Block 2 Valley Vista Addition Lots 1 thru 15, incl., Block 1 Lots 1 thru 5, incl., Block 1 Lots 1 thru 4, incl,, Block 2 Outlot 1 Cherokee Hills Second Addition Cherokee Hills Third Addition LATERAL CONIlECTSOiJS Lots 1 thru 6, incl, , Block 1 Auditor's Subdivision No. 196 Outlot 1 Lots 23, 24, 26, 27, 29, 30 and 32 Sharpe Bakke Addition Lots 1 thru 5, incl., Block 1 Lots 1 and 2 Lots 1 thru 5,incl., Block 2 Valley Vista Addition Lots 10 thru 15, incl., dlock 1 Cherokee Hills Fourth Addition Assessments for the above improvements will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessriient at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assess- ment to December 31, 1965. at the same rate for one year on a11 unpaid installments, The owner of any property assessed for the above improvements may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, to make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUIJCIL. Gretchen S. Alden To each subsequent installment will be added interest Village Clerk (2) NOTICE OF HEARING 011 RE-ASSESSNENT FOR STREET IMPROVEMENT do. BA-55 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Plonday, August 17, 1964, at 7:OO o'clock P.id., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed re-assessment for the following improvement. This re-assessment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, COiiSTKUCTION OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVIiE AND PORTLkiIU CEXEilT COXCRETE CURB AXD GUTTER IiJ: Wilryan Avenue from Valley View Road to 1015 feet South and in kJ.62nd Street from Wilryan Avenue to Valley View Road, 8/3/64 The area proposed to be re-assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land ahutting the streets improved. Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in nine equal consecutive annual installments over a period of nine years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire re-assessment at the rate of 5% per annum to December 31, 1965. To each subsequent installmsnt will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of the re-assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUfiCIL. Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk (3) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON STREET II*lPROVEl4ENT IJO. BA-56 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Eionday, August 17, 1964 at 7:OO o'clock P.X., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. GUTTER IN: This assessment is now on CONSTRUCTIOI? OF ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING AHD PORTLAXD CEIELJT COIJCRETE CURB & Cherokee Trail from Gleason Road to i5avaho Trail; XJavaho Trail from Cherokee Trail to Indian Hills Road; Hawk's Drive €rom Tracy Avenue to Cul-de-sac; Hawke's Terrace from Tracy Avenue to Hawke's Drive; Heather Lane €rom Highway 150. 169 to Cul-de-sac; klarren Avenue from West 63rd Street to West 64th Street The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first. year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY OrWER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. Gretchen So Alden I Village Clerk (4) NOTICE OF ASSESSENT HEARING ON STREET ILiPROVE14EIqT 140 E-18 EDIIJA VILLAGE COUiJCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on t,londay, August 17, 1964 at 7:OO o'clock P.tl., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to tile proposed assessment for the following improvement: In the ofEce of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. CONSTRUCTIOii OF POR'i'LX5D CEI*lENT COBCRETE PAVIiJG WITH IhTZGIWL CURB AS FOLLOXS : This assessment is now on file Johnson .Drive from Highway ;Joe 169 to Grove Street Ridge Park Road from Johnson Drive to Warden Avenue Gate Park Road from Highway No. 169 to Ilarden Avenue Warden Avenue from Johnson Drivs to Gate Park Road Johnson Drive from Grove Street to Benton Avenue Lyle Circle from Johnson Drive to cul-de-sac Ealifax Avenue from Hest 62nd Street to Cross-Town Highway Erin Terrace from Chapel Drive to Shane Drive Chapel Drive from Shane Drive to S? feet, more or less, South of ChaGel Drive Shane Drive from Erin Terrace to Erin Terrace Concord Avenue from Valley View Road to Vest 60th Street Garrison Lane from !looddale Avenue td .::ldst line of ilillers Addition Cahill Road from West 66th Street to West 68th Street West 67th Street from West line of Brookview Heights 4th Addn. to Cahill Road Barrie Road from Vest 66th Street to Heritage Drive. I The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above impovement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets imjpoved. Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in fifteen equal consecutive annual installments over a period of fifteen years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965. same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUHCIL. Gretchen S. Alden To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the Village Clerk 8/3/64 . (5) NOTICE OF ASSESSMEWT HEARIHG OM STEET II~IPROVEt'i~NT NO. E-18 (S. A. P. 20-1146-01) EDIIJA VILLAGE COUfJCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on idonday, August 17, 1964 at 7:OO o'clock P.I.I., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. CONSTRLJCTIOB OF PORTLAND CEIJENT CONCRETE PAVING WITH INTEGRAL CUM in The area proposed to be assessed for part of the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the street improved. Assessment for the above improvement will be payable in fifteen equal consecutive annual installments over a period of fifteen years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assess- ment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on a11 unpaid installments. The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Trea- Durer. ilY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL. Gretchen S. Alden I4otion for adoption of the Resolution was s were five ayes and no nays, as fOllOWS: Ma VanValkenburg , aye j and Bredesen This assessment is now on ' Benton Avenue from Tracy Avenue to West property line of Crescent Drive Village Clepk n Rollcall there BOARD OF REVIE\? IEETING TO BE WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 5. continued board of Review bleeting, to be kJednesday, Council was reminded or' August 5, at 5:OO P.14. Four members of Council to attend. CWiJCIL SCHEDULES FIRST REGULAR IGZTIiJG OF SEPTEI4BER FOR &IONDAY, SEPTEi,lBER 14. Couiicil 7as reminded that Honday, September 7, the date of -the first Regular Meeting in September, is Labor Day; that Tuesday, the 8th, is Election Day. Discussion was had as to date of First Regular Meeting, and Rixe moved that it be set for Uonday, September 14. carried. Motion seconded by VanValkenburg and unanimously COUiJCIL CONCURS IN PAW, BOARD'S FECOMt4ENDATLOM FOR SALE OF 3.2 BEER AT BRaHAR GOLF COURSE. sale of 3.2 Beer at Braernar Golf Course (made July 13), and LIacLilillan moved that Council concur in Board's recommendation, and authorize On-sale of 3.2 Beer. Hotion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, Council reviewed Park Board's recommendation favorable to the COI4PLIJ4~MT.ARY TICKETS FOR PLAY AT BRAENAR COURSE. PROHIBITED, July 13th recommendation for prohibition of complimentary tickets at Braemar Park Board's was reviewed and discussed, and MacIjlillan moved for Council acceptance of Board recommendation. I4otion seconded VanValkenburg and carried. THILIGHT RATE FOR BRAEMAR PLAY ESTABLISHED. of July 24, had recommended establishment of Twilight Fees in amount o€ $1.25 for Patron Card holders and $1.75 for Non-Patrons, to be in effect seven days a week, and Rixe moved that thtitse rates be established in accordance with Board's recommendation , Park Board, at its Special Heeting "SENIOR CITIZEMS RATE" ASKED: TO BE DISCUSSED. himself other than to.say he is a '!Senior Citizen", asked for special rates for A gentLeman who did not identify the older citizens, who are able to play nine holes but not able to go the entire 18. APPROVAL. a special rneeting held July 24, relative to sponsorship of a Pro-Amateur Tournament at Braemar on September 21. donate some $1500 as prize money. publicity for the course, Mayor Bredesen stated his approval of the proposal, and it was unanimously agreed by Council that tournament proceed in accord with Board's recommendation, Hr. Bredesen informed him this is under discussion by Park Board. PR-0-AMATEUR TOUNJAMElJT, SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEHBER 21, PXCEIVES COUNCIL' S EXTHUSIASTIC Council reviewed discussion and recommendation of the Park Board, at It was noted that an anonymous donor is willing to Saying he feels this will be excellent Bl?AEI.IAlI GETS KEN VENTURI AND BOBBY NICHOLS FOR GOLF CLINIC AUGUST 11. George Hite reported formally to Council that Ken Venturg, 1964 USGA Champion, and Bobby fiichols, PGA Cjihmpion, will conduct a Golf Clinic at Braemar, fiugust 11. accepted. Report enthusiastically 8/3/64 GULF COURSE RECEIPTS TO DATE REPORTED TO COUHCIL. dated today, showing sale of 550 Patrons' Cards ( representing some 735 players) Park Department'ls report, for a total Income from Sale of Patron Card at $8,268.00, plus $9,031.00 receipts, which included 2,100 Greens Fee Tickets, at $5,752.00 and Grill Receipts at $1,675.00, was presented by- George Hite. Patron Cards has been well above estimate, and that play on the course has been good, but that the extrercely hot weather this last few days has slowed play some,' with only about 150 rounds yesterday (Sunday). twelve days of operation (July 22 to August 3). NO~,.I~~DALE-fJIC~~,rD FINAL PLAT APPROVED. Final Plat of t1>rormandale-6icklund Replat" was presented by Planning Director Hite. the Planning Connission had approved the plat back in Islay, 1964--that it had been considered as long ago as 1960 but approval had been held then, pending installakon of Sanitary Sewer and Watermain, which are now being constructed, VanValkenburg's motion, that Council approve Final Plat, was seconded by Tupa and carried. South of Vb65th St., between Parnell and Virginia kve. Xr, Hite reported that the sale of Report accepted. Report covered Mr. Hite informed Council that Plat is division of Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 19, Bormandale Addition, COUl?CIL- REJECTS K. F. HARVEY BID OF $5,150 FOR LOTS 6 &ID 7, BLOCK 1, EDEHLIOOR ADDN. Reviewing for Council the $5,150 bid received from LSr. K. F. Harvey on Lots 6 and 7, Block 1, Edenmoor Addition, I-Ir. Hite told Council he had investi- gated the valuation of these lots with Assessor Kearns--who has stated that the lots would have a value of at least twice this amount, should they be rezoned in accordance with Llr. Harvey's bid. Commission has not as yet made a firm recommendation on the proper zoning for this area. of $150 be returned to Lip. Harvey, and that the Planning Commission be asked €or a zoning recommendation for the property. acceptance of Hr. Hite's recommendation was seconded by i4aci4illan and carried. * i4r. Hite reported that the Planning He recommended that this bid be rejected, that the good faith check' VanValkenbury's motion €or CLAiL.IS PAID. :,lotion by Tupa, confirming payment of the following Claims, paid during July, subsequent to last July I-Ieeting: No. 26241 - For Change - $500.00 26242 - Drama Publishing Co. - $55.00 - Parks Fund . 26243 - Internal Revenue Service - $24.00 - Federal Retail Beer Dealers 26244 - Citizens State Bank E Joseph J. Ruzic - $9,000.00 - Return of and approving payment of the following Claims .as per Pre-List dated this date: General Fund, $9,704.83; Construction Fund, $404.97; Park, Park Construction, Swim Pool and Golf Course Funds, $16,330 . 47 ; Waterworks Fund, $10,350.77 ; Liquor Fund, $27,373.96; Sewer Rental Fund, $19,836.21 and Poor Fund, $389.03--TOTAL, $84,390.24--was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Stamp. Deposit - Sioux Trail Second Addn. - Construction Fund FLOODING COjIPLAINT REGISTERED : STORTil SEWERS TO BE STUDIED THIS WIIITZR, Xr . Irwin Chriss, 5801 Concord Avenue, registered the complaint that his basement had beBn flooded to the ckiliny twice during the past six years; that he had been told the first tine this occurred that "something would be done" to give his property relief, but that nothing has been done to this time, insofar as he can ascertain. Referring to his recent report on Storm Sewer Problems, Ib. Hite told Council Z4r. Chriss does have a very real problem, and that it is one of the most difficult in the Village to solve, because it involves such a large drainage arza. that from preliminary studies it appears that the present storm sewers to serve this area are too small; that the system must be re-designed and that this will involve a new special assessment and the resultant public hearings. informed 1.k. Chriss that public hearings will undoubtedly be held this winter, He said iir. Hite TFEASURZR.'S REPORT AIJD, LIQUOR FUPJD REPORT FILED. Dispensary Fund Report, for period ending June 30, were presented, reviewed, and Treasurer's Report and Liquor ordered placed on Zile. C0U;lfCiL TO COXD'JCT PUBLIC HEARIHGS EIOHDAY, SEETEUBER 17 ON 'tD&JGEROUS AND SUB- S'~'~;~T~ZU~RD~~ DI.IELL1UGS * Council took cognizance of coriiplaints received relative to the condition of dwellings at 4529 Vandervork Avenue and 5820 St.Johns Avenue, and reviewed Building Inspector's report on the Vandervork residence, with pictures, and pictures of the 5820 St.Jonns Avenue dwelling; and Zxa moved that Public Hearings be held idonday, September 17, 1964, at 7:OO P.i.1. to determine whether these buildings are "dangerous or substandard buildings" within the terms of Ordinance ;io. 148A, and, if so, whether the structures must be repaired, or vacated and repaired, or removed and demolished. . Lfotion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. REPORT BY EWGIIJEERIiJG DEPARTXEIIT, dated July 31, 1964, and showing "Status of Public Horks Contracts in Effect" was presented, reviewed and ordered placed on file. IXPROVEXE!?T PETITIONS ACCEPTED. and, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by Rixe and carried, were accepted and referred to Village Engineer for programming: 1. Oiling - Sioux Trail,Sal.ley Lane to Cy.Rd0#18; Sally Lane, Sioux Trail to Dead End, 2. D7Ri.j. STREET SURF E CURG - i.J.53rd St.,H~w.#169 to 417.9' \I. The following Improvement Petitions were presented, Oiling - St.Jo1ms Ave. , Valley View Road to 11.60th St. 13/3/64 1x9 i\rATER RATES .DISCUSSED. A report on"l4ill Rates, Taxes, Water Rates and Assessments" by Trustee Naci4illan, was the occasion for a discussion on water rates. St Louis Park, Richfield and Bloomington. Edina's Water Rate be raised fromthe graduated rate of 20$ per LOO Cu.Ft. for 1st 3,000 Cu.Ft., 19$ for Next 3,500 Cu.Ft. and 18$ for consumption of everything over 6,500 Cu,Ft6 be raised to a flat rate of 25$ per 100 Cu.Ft,, to provide for future water storage needs. It was thought, too, that this increase might tend to keep sprinkling down some. was of the opinion that this raise was not needed yet; and Engineer Hite requested that action be delayed until a report on LO-Year Projection of Expenditures for Capital Improvements can be made. Report showed comparison oftaxes and water rates in Edina, Hayor Bredesen suggested that Finance Director Dalen It was so orderedr Council's having covered this meeting's agenda, I.lacMil1an moved for adjournment. itlotion seconded by Rixe and carried. MLWTES OF THE ADJOURiED PORTION OF THE JULY 15, 1964 MEETING OF THE EDliJA BOARD OF REVIEW, HELD kLGDNESDAY, AUGUST 5,1964 AT 5:OO P.H., AT EDINA VILLAGE HALL r3 23 0 :e u U Council Menbers acting as Board of Review were Idacf4illan, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. No one appeared before the Board to complain that the property of another was assessed too low, or who considered himself aggrieved by the assessment of his own property. Assessor liearns gave an unconfirmed figure of $1,791,000 as the gain in Real Estate Valuation over that of last year, and stated that the Personal ?roperty Valuation should gain just 3ligfitly. change to IBilI. Totalling has been delayed because of 14ac€.lillanfs motion, that Valuations for the Year 1964 be approved as presented by the Village Assessor was seconded by Tupa and carried. The meeting's business having been accomplished, Tupa moved €or adjournment. Motion seconded by MacMillan and Carrie%. Adjournment at 5 : 15 P I4.