HomeMy WebLinkAbout19640817_regular180 8/17/64 I.II>UTES OF THE REGULAR l*EETIi\IG OF THE EDIMA VILLAGE COUWCIL, HELD IIONDAY, AUGUST 17, 1964, AT 7:OO P.i4., AT THE EDIIJA VILLAGE IlALL Hembers answering Rollcall were I.iacLlillan, Kixe , Tupa and Bredesen. XLNUTES of the Regular Heeting of August 3, 1964, were approved as submitted, by motion Xacl3illan, seconded by Tupa and carried. COUMCIL COiJTIiJUES SPECIAL ASSESSIEMT HEARING 021 Si&ITARY SENER II*IPROVLLELIT i?G b , 3-88, SUB-TRUBL AND UTLUL, TO StPTEIlBER 14, FOk IiIVESTIGATIO,i? Oi4 TW UIJPLATTED TZACTS Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication, and oE isjailing to owners of affected progerties of "Notice of Assessment gearing on Sanitary Sewer Improvement ,ior 188, Sub-Trunk and Lateral Connections", publication having been in Edina-iJorningside Couries? July 30 and August 6, 1964. placed on file; and, pursuant to due notice given, Public Hearing was called on the proposed Special Assessment for the cost of CONSTRUCTION OF SUB-TRUNK AiJD LATERAL SANITAXY SEWER K?D APPURTEIIAKES AS FOLLOtJS : I Affidavits iqere approved as to form and ordered In Gleason Road from existing Sanitary Sewer manhole at centerline of Gleason Road and intersection of the North line of Section 6, Townshi2 116, Range 21, South 450 feet; then Gleason Road from South right-of-way line of Crosstown Highway to Valley View Road and proposed street in Lot 27, Auditor's Subdivision No. 196 fiqon Gleason Road to existing sewer manhole located at 1% corner of said Lot 27. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST, Tabulation of Proposed Assessment was given as follows: $18,851.99 for the Sub-Trunk Sexer, proposed to be assessed at $60.23 per Assessable Lot, against 313 Assessable Lots; this compared with an Estimate of $66.00 per Lot. TOTAL ASSESSABLE COST FOR LXtERAL CONHECTIOIJS , $62,963.62, proposed to be assessed against 59 Lots, for $1,067.18 per Lot, as compared with an Improvement bearing, Estimate of $1200.00 per Lot. For tbose tracts as yet unplatted, the llper lot" assessment is based on a formula oE 1-3/4 lots per acre. Attorney Charles Root, 5602 Garfield Avenue South, Ilinneapolis, speaking in behalf of the Evart Carlson Estate, objected to the proposed assessixent on the grounds that the assessment for the Carlson property (Lot 22, Auditor's Subd,ijo. 196) has been computed on the basis of 22 Acres, whereas his survey shows only 19.46 acres there. it €or 25.12 Assessable Lots. Xr. Folke Victorsen, 56U5 Apshire Blvd., owner of a part of Lots 18 and 19, and all of Lots 20 and 21, Auditor's Subdivision 110. 196, protested that there is no possiule chance of his platting 32 good lots from this land, because of its hilly contour. preliminary plat he showed the Council was for 27 lots. saying he had expected to plat with bir. Evart Carlson, but that plans have had to be changed because of Hr. Carlson's untimely death, properties will mean a higher unit assessment for a11 pro2erties in the assessable area, and Tupa moved for continuance of Public Hearing on Proposed AssessItent for Sanifary Sewer Impovement lio. 183 to llonday, Septerier 14, for investibation of the claims of i4essrs. Root and Victorsen. iJo other objections had been made from the ?loor, nor had written oujections been received prior to the Hearing. Be asked that the p?o$osed assessyent ba changed for this property to assess I He estimated that 20 buildable lots could be platted, although the He explained this by It was noted by the Council that any reduction in assessment for these two lIotion seconded b2 i.Iaci4illan and carried. COUISCIL LEVIES SPECIAL BSSESSdEIJT FOR STPXET IidPROVE1EiST iJ0. E-18 , POXfLAISD CEL-BiT COXXETE PAVING ifITH IdTEGRAL CUR3. Public Hearing was next called on poposed Assessment for Street Im2rovement No. 18, pursuant to "iJotice of Assessment Hearing on Street Im2rovement 110. E-18" published in Edina-2-lorningside Courier July 30 ana August 6, 1964, and iiotices of Hearing mailed to owners of affected properties, as per Affidavits of Publication and Idailing presented by Clerk, approve$ q~ &QDfp&-fiyd VITH IiJTEGRAL Cum on a number of miscellaneous streets throughout the Village, including the streets in "Edina Parklands" Addition and the South 2/3 of "Chapel Hill" Addition. Hearing'' puolished and set forth in the 14inutes of August 3, 1964, Page 176, this Giinute ijook. $245,331.48, Less 10% Village Share, $24,536.99, €or Assessable Cost of $220,794.49, proposed to be assessed against 21,796.1 Assessable Feet, for $10.13 per Assessable Foot, as compared with Improvement Hearing Estimate of $10.41, As to the proposed Chapel Hill Assessment, Council reviewed report that Lot I, Block 2, and Lot 9, alock 4, Chagel Hill--which have previously been assessed on a Qer-lot basis for STREET IGiPROVEiJEiJT NO. 3A-35--have not been included in the proposed Assessment for Street Improvement Bo. E-18, together with the thought that these two lots should be assessed for 1/3 of the street frontage for the long side of their respective lots--with an Assessment of $421.41 for Lot 1, Block 2, and an Assessment of $337.33 for Lot 9, Block 4--which would reduce the progosed assessment to the balance of the lots in Cha2el Hill from $1,039.00 to $1,020.40 per Lot. proposed "Per Lot" Assessmant in this particular area is computed by multiplying the ordered placed on file. This improvement covers the Construction of/C tL i4CKE;TIE j?AVIi?G The streets improved are listed in detail in the "Hotice of Public TABULATIOIi OF ASSESSLEXT was as follor~s : Total Construction Cost, The 1 8 1. 8/17/64 total assessable footage in Chapel Hill (South 2/31 by $10.13, then dividing this Total Cost by the total assessable lots. area is ppoposed pursuant to the petition signed in 1961 by Boran Builders, developers of the tract; asking that assessment be made in this manner. Public Works Dipector Hite reported to Council that a number of new residents in the area iqant the assessment levied on a "per foot" Basis, and, also, that they want the costs broken doim, street by street, throughout the entire Improvement, rather than combining all street costs into the one assessment, With ragard to the "Edina Parklands" assessment, it was reported that A, LI, iTorth Construction Company, developer of this Adhition, had agreed to pay for the cost of Asphalt Concretew :aviia@+with PCC Curb and Gutter, the cost of which rrould have been $9.75 per Assessa&le Foot; that purchasers had.subsequently agreed that they piqeferred the Portland Cement Paving with Integral Curb providing they would not be assessed more than $1.00 per assessable 2oot for it. lfr. iiyde business, Ilarvin Anderson has today deposited rrith the Village a check in the amount of $10,905,€33 ds part payment on the North liability, with the statement that the balance would be forthcoming as soon as VA and FHA a2proval had been obtained; and that as additional security the Village has a bond covering this sum--that the Assessment against Edina Parklands properties will, therefore, be the difference between the $10.13 per foot for the Portland Cement Paving with Integral Curb and the $9.78 per foot for Asphalt Concrete Paving with PCC Concrete Curb and Gutter--$.35 per Assessable Foot. of the South 2/3 of Chapel Hill Addition, requesting that the assessment be levied on the basis of a unit cost per front foot, rather than on a uniform cost per lot assessed. the fact that he had been obliged to pay corner-lot assessment while he had lived in another part of Edina and would now like the privilege of paying for only the Eootage of his own interior lot. Mr, Gordon Lewis, 6824 Chapel Lane, presented petition signed by the same ten Chapel Hill residents, requesting the "Street Iniprovement Ao.El8 be assessed on an actual cost basis for each section of the improvement and not on a uniform basis as is proposed." Hill are beinG unduly assessed for work done in other parts of the village." Levis referred back to the Notice of Improvement ilearing, which had listed the proposed Assessable Costs on a per street and per addition basis, rather than on an "entire improvementf1 basis, foot for Johnson Drive, as compared with the Estimated $10,01 for the Chapel Hill area, maintaining that the Chapel Hill area is now being charged for some of the greliminary base work done in other sections of the Village. Public Works Director Iiite reported that such an assessment would be very difficult to effec-c at this time because, once the Council had determined to pave these streets as one improve- ment, separate cost records were not kept on the various individual. streets. added that an assessment reflects not only the cost of the project, but the characzer of the area to be assessed--that in an area where -the long side of the poperty abuts the street, and lots are being assessed €or only l/3 of their footages, the assessable cost per foot would be greater than in an area where the full front footages were assessed. little about the "entire improvement" method of assessment until they learned that - this year's work is to be assessed on a "per street1' or "per platft basis. To this, ilr. Hite replied that for the jobs to be done Last year there were some differences in the work €or the various streets, but that these differences were relatively minor--and that is why these particular streets were grouped into one project; wheraas, in this. year's work, there were major differences in the condition of the streets poposed to be improved; thus the separate improvements €or the various streets. ilr. Tupa asked if it weren't true that some price advantage was obtained by securing bids on a large project, rather than on several snall ones, and i4r. Hite replied that there is some benefit obtained for the property owner in bidding larger projects Improvement No. E-18, including an assessment for 1/3 the long sides of Lot lD Slock2, and Lot 9, Elock LC3 Chapel Hill, and changing the Chapel Hill Assessment from a "per Lot" to a "per front €oottl basis oE assessment. Motion was seconded by i4acIIillan objected strenuously to paying on a "per lot" basis. against the poposed change in the Chapel Hill. Assessment from 'Iper lot" to "per front foot", but one thing that was not clearly brought out at the Hearing was that tils mailed "dotice of Hearing" had been sent Listing onZy the "per lot" basis and thus proaonents for this basis had no way of'knowing that any other basis would be considered at this Hearing. follows: was unanimously carried. meeting). The "Per Lot" assessment for this 7J , reported that, although A, r?. tlorth Construction Company has now gone out of i4r. Carl Noser, 6909 Shane Drive, presented a petition signed by ten residents ?3 a 0 Ga u Be reported, as one reason for his preference €or a per-foot basis, , Petition went on to say, "de believe that sections such as Chapel Hr. He referred to the Estimated Cost of $16.35 per He I Mr. Lewis told Council Chapel Hill residents had thought Trustee iiixe then moved that Council approve the Special Assessment for Street Before vote could be taken on the motion, Wr. A. L. Huggins, 6012 Erin Terrace, Mo objections were levied I Rollcall vote was taken on motion, and there were four ayes and no nays, as Iiacllillan, aye; Rixe, aye; Tupa, aye; and Bredesen, aye; and the niotion (See Resolution Adopting Amended Assessment, of Later in 182 8/17/64 -. ASSESSLEiJT LEVIED FOR STPJST II.IPROVEI.IEI?T 240. E-18 (MJiJICIPAL STATE AID STREET). ) Pursuant to Published and idailed "Motice of Assessment Hearing on Street Improvement 30. E-18 (S.k.P.20146-01)", affidavits of which Publication in Edina-1-iorningside Courier July 30 and August 6, 1964, and Xailing to owners of afzected progarties, were $resented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on fife, Public Hearing was called on the proposed Assessment for Construction of PORTLUD CZt.IEi?T CONCRETE PAVIHG HITH INTEGRAL CURB 124 BE2JTOIJ AVEIWE FROll TRACY AVEHUE TO ;.JEST PROPERTY LINE OF CRESCEWT DRIVE. Total Construction Cost, $41,689.77; Less portion to be paid €rom Gasoline Tax Funds for I-lunicipal State Aid Street, $32,711.27, €or an Assessable Cost of $8,978.50-- proposedto be assessed against 1,795.7 Assessable Feet, for $5.00 per Assessable Foot. 170 objections were made from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. seconded by f4acX.llan and unanimously carried, (See Resolution of later in meeting, Adopting and Confirming Assessment). Tabulation of Assessable Cost was given as follows: Tupa's motion approving proposed assessment was I COUHCIL LEVIES ASSESSi.IEI?T FOR STREET IIG'ROVE>EI?T NO BA-56, ASPHALT CONCRETE PAVING NITH IiJTEGRAL CURB. Courier July 30 and August 6, and of Mailing to owners of affected properties of Clerk presented Affidavits of Publication in Edina-Aorningside "Hotice of Assessment Hearing on Street Improvement No. i3A-56" , which affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Public Hearing was conducted on the construction oE ASPHALT COXCETE PAVIHG AXD PORTLAHD CEIENT COXCRETE CURB A;?D GUTTER 114': Pursuant to due notice given, Cherokee Trail from Gleason Road to Navaho Trail; Navaho Trail from Cherokee Trail to Indian Hills Road; Hawke's Drive from Tracy Avenue to Cul-de-sacb, Hawkers Terrace from Tracy Avenue to Hawkers Drive; Iieather L&e from Highway Ho. 169 to Cul-de-sac; Warren Avenue from klest 63rd Street to West 64th Street. TkBUEATIOi? OF ASSESSLEXT was given as follows : proposed to be assessed against 7,823.6 Assessable Feet, for $9,78 per Assessable Foot, as compared with $11.25 Impoveuient iiearing Estimate. Uanager Hyde reported that four residents have asked that Council give serious consideration to the assessment of the "Hawkes Lake!' area on a per-lot basis rather than on the "per-€oot" basis. thoroughly reviewed by the Council, and it was noted that this change in the proposed assessment would materially benefit the petitioners, OverhoLt, Pilcli, Hellekson and Stuermer, but would increase the assessment to the other eighteen lots in the area. It was noted that the petition €or a lrper-lotll basis of assessinent had been filed in October, 1963, after the iniprovensnt Hearing at which residents had been given a llper-foot*l Estimate. told Council that some of the petitioners must pay as high as $1500 if their petition is not honored. Council inquired as to the contents of the mailed Wotice of Assess- ment Hearin$, and it was noted that €or Hawkes Drive and f.iatJkes Terrace a statement vas made that determination would be made at this Hearing as to whether the assessment would be on a "per-foot" basis or a llper-lot'' basis. Drive, inquired as to the way the assessment for this area was originally proposed. Reply was that the "per-foot" basis had been given at the ImGrovement Hearing. Xr. Lee Kopp, 5701 Hawkers Drive, then told Council that all owners except the four petitioners, m ant the original llper-footll basis in the Hawkes Lake area, to bping the matter to a standing vote, but Council stated this was not necessary. It was consensus that the assessment for this area be on the originally proposed "per foot" basis. Cherokee 3ills area, inquired about assessment for the lot at the Vest end of Havaho Trail; was told to see Mrs. Wright about this, abide by his petition for a ''per-lottl basis of assessment ($1,102.74 ger Lot, computed by multiplying total number of assessable feet by $9.78, then dividing this total by number of assessable lots), and the mailed Wotice of Assessment Hearing"' which specified the "per-lot" basis of assessment €or this area. objections registered on the "per-lot" basis of assessnient for Cherokee Trail and' iJavaho Trail, and none had been received prior to iiearing. No objections were made from the floor, nor had written objections been received, on the proposed assessment for Heather Lane or Varren Avenue. i-lacMillan's motion, that the proposed Assessment for Street Improvement do. BA-56 be approved as submitted, on a "per-foot" basis for a11 streets except Cherokee Trail and Navaho Trail, which shall be on a "per-lot" basis, was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried, Assessment 1. RE-ASSESSI-IEIT FOR STBEET 11PROVEi.ENT NO. 3A-55 LEVIED. on the proposed Re-Assessment €or Street Improvement No. BA-55, pursuant to Published and irIailed "iJotice of Hearing on Re-Assessment for Street Improvement Hob BA-55" as per Affidavits presented by Clerk, approved as to form and ordered placed on €he. explained that this Public Hearing has been called to correct an error in assessing 5025 and 5121 Valley View Road for their full side footages on the assumption that they would not be assessed €or their Valley View Road frontages because this vas a County Total Assessable Cost, $76,53.4.81, The petition, including the plat accompanying it, was k representative for Petitioner Stuermer, 5704 ikwkes Urive, kip. J. Ii. Rentschler, 5604 Hairkes' He offered As to Cherokee Trail and Navaho Trail, tIr, Jack EIaverly, developer of the He also asked that Council There were no (See Resolution of later in tleeting, Adopting and Confirzing Council conducted Public Hearing It was - 83 8/17/64 Road, whereas it is now a village street, and these properties will be assessed for their front footages as soon as there is a major irmpovement on Valley View: The re-assessment will lower the footage on these two lots to 1/3 of their respective side footages, and will raise the unit cost per foot to all the assessable area from $10.42 to $11.25 per foot. over a nine-year period beginning in 1965. asked that re-assessment be made, stating he feels it is only fair, and that the new figure is about in line with the Improvement Hearing Estimate, There were no object.ions registered at the Hearing, and none had been received prior thereto. Tupa's motion that Re-Assessment for Street Improvement do. 138-55 (for Asghalt Concrete Paving with Portland Cement Concrete Curb and Gutter in kfilryan Avenue from Valley View Road to 1015 feet South, and in W.62nd Street from rlilryan Avenue to Valley View Road) be approved as submitted, was seconded by i4acl4illan and unanimously carried. Rixe then offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: (! The re-assessment will be made The resident at 5121 Valley View Road RESOLUTION ADOPTING &ID CONFIRUING ASSESSXEHT'S FOR STREET IMPROVEHENTS ?$OS. E-18SAj .BA-56 ATJD BA-55 R€-ASSEESSi~EdT, AIEi?DIIJG ASSESSHENT FOR STREET IMPROVEI.iEi\TT JO. E-18 Ail2 ADOPTIMG SAID AbEMDED ASSESSIEITT EE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, ilinnesota, as follotrs: 1. for STREET IL4PROVEHENTS E-18SA and BA-56 and the proposed Re-Assessment for STECT LMPROVEi*5ENT NO. BA-55 provisions of Idinnesota Statutes Sections 429 051 and 429.061; that notice has been duly published and mailed, as required by law, that this Council wotild meet to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might be necessary, and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessments have at all times since their filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity has been given to a11 interested persons to present their objections; and that each of the lots, pieces and parcels of land enumerated in the respective assessments was and is specially benefited by the construction of the imsrovement for which such assessment is levied in the amount set opposite the description of each such lot, piece and parcel of land, respectively. pieces and parcels of land described in said respective assessments, and said pro- posed assessments are hereby adopted and confirmed as the proper special assessments for said improvements respectively. together tri-th the interest accruing on the full amount thereof from time to tinie ungaid, at the rate of five percent per annum from the date of this resolution, sliall be a lien concurrent with general taxes upon the proderty described therein and all thereof, 3, The total amount of each such assessment for STREXT ILIPROV€MEiST NO. E-18SA shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 15 yeax, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assess- ment from the date hereof to December 31, 1965, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1964, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1965 through 1978, collectible in the respective ensuing years. 4. The total amount of each assessment for STREET Li4PROVE~.IElIT AJO. BA-56 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 10 years, the first of said installments the date hereof to December 31, 1965, to be payable with tile general taxes for the year 1964, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's Lntepest on that: and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1965 through 1973, collectible in the respective ensuing years. 5. The total amount of each assessment for the E-ASSESSklENT FOK STREET IiIPROVEiE1T HO. BA-55 shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of nine years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date,-hereof '.to December 31, 1965, to be payable with the general taxes for the year 1964, and one of the remaining installments, with one year's interest on that and all subsequent installments, to be payable with general taxes for the years E965 .through 1972, collectible in the respective ensuing years Ai?D BE IT FURTHER EESOLVED AS FOLLOkIS: It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposec? assessment for STEET IJPXOVEA~ENT MO. E-18, has been calculated in accordmce vith the provi,' p Lon3 of Liinnesota Statutes Sections 429.051 and 429.063; that notice has been duly published and niailed, as required by labra that this Council would meet to hear and pass upon all objections and to adopt the same by resolution; that said proposed assessment has at all times since its filing been open for public inspection, and opportunity nas been given to all interested persons to present their objections; that at public hearing on said proposed assessment objection was raised against the method of assessment used. ihr making proposed assessment against Lots 9 through 20 incl., Block 2; Lots 1 through 10 incl., Block 3;; and Lots 10 through 28 incl., Block 4> Chapel I-lill Addition and against non-inclusinn of Lot 1, Block 2 and Lot 3, Block 4, Chapel Hill Addition; said basis of assessinent being the "per-lot" basis of assessnilent. It is hereby found, determined and declared that the proposed assessments and each of them, have been calculated in accordance with the 3 313 0 ..I' r3 u 2. The amounts so set out are hereby levied against the respective lots, The assessment against each lot, tract or parcel, together with interest on the entire assessment frorii ' 1. if any, to amend said proposed assessments as might Be necessary, 8/17/64 2, It is hereby found, determined that each of the lots, pieces and 2aPcels of land enurerated in the assessment, witii the axception of Lots 9 through 20, Block 2; Lots 1 through 10 incl. , Block 3; and Lots 10 through 28 incl. , Block 4, Cnapel Hill Addition, was and is specially benefited by the construction of the impovement for which such assessment is levied .in the amount set op2osite the description of each such lot piece and parcel of land rzspectively; and that the proposed assessment for STREET 11-IPROVEIIEdT 210. E-18.~11 11 be and hereby is, amended to show that each of said Lots 9 through 20tn8 f dck 2; Lots 1 through 10 incl,, Block 3; andLots 1 through 28 incl,, Block 4, Chapel Hill Addition is benefited by the construction of the impovernent for which such assessment is levied in an aiount equal to the per foot assessable cost of $10713 mulfj.plied by the assessable footage of each of said respective lots; and that said proposed assessmsnt is further amended to show that Lot 1, Block 2, and Lot 9, Block 4, Chapel Hill are benefited by the construction of STREET II.IPROVEHE14T NO. E-18 in an amount equal to $10.13 multiplied by 1/3 of the number of feet of each respective lot which abut said STREET IXPROVEIENT XO. E-18. E-18 as approved and herewith amended shall be payable in equal annual installments extending over a period of 15 years, the first of said installments, together with interest on the entire assessment from the date hereto to December 31, 1965, to be payable wgth the general taxes for the year 1964, and one of the remaining install- ments, with one gear's interest on that and a11 subsequent installmmts, to be payable with general taxes for the years 1965 through 1978, collectible in the respective ensuing years, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: E-18 , E-18SAY BA-56 and RE-ASSESSHENT FOR STREET IIPROVEIGWT NO. BA-55, the otmer of any lot, piece or parcel of land assessed hereby nay pay the whole of such assess- snent or any installment thereof without interest to the Village Treasurer and thereafter such paynient may be made with accrued interest to the County Treasurer; providedthat if any assessments or installments thereof be prepaid to the Eillage Treasurer, he shall prorqtly notify the Village Clerk and County Auditor, and the assessment or installment so prepaid shall be cancelled on tiie books of the County Audit or. The Clerk shall, as soon as may be, prepare and transmit to the County Auditor a certified duplicate of said assessments, with each then unpaid installrtient and interest set forth separately, to be extended upon the proper tax lists of the County, and the County Auditor shall thereafter cause said assessments to be I B 3. The total ai1roun-t: of each such assessment for STREET Ii4PROVEiIE;iJT i40. 1. Prior to certification of the assessments for STPGET IIiPROVELiEiJT 13fS. 2. collected in the manner provided by latt, Said duplicate shall be designated as the c ASSESSIWJJT ROLL FOR STiiEET I3PROVEIEk?TS NOS E-18 , E-18SAD BA-56 and AW-ASSESSLEidT FOR STREET Ii4PROVEXENT i10. BA-55, and all amounts collected in respect of the assess- nients therein contained shall be similarly designated by the County Traasurer and remitted to the Village Treasurer and by him credited to the ILIPROVEUEiJT BOBI) XDEI-IPTIOB FUiqD. i2otion €or adoption of the Resolution was seconded by 1 a LXllan, and on Rollcall them were four ayes and no nays, as follows: killage &&/J&& Clerk aredesen, aye; and the Resolution was adopted. COUXIL REZ0;JES GREATER PORTIOiT OF CAHILL ROAD-n.70TH STlEET AREA: RECOillGiiDS FUTURE REZOilILTG OF ST. PATRICK' S CHURCI-I PROPERTY. Council called a conbination Public Hearing on the proposed Rezoning of the Cahill Road-W.70th Street area: the first part of the Hearing being relative to the Proposed Rezoning of a number of properties in this area from Open Development District to R-2 and R-3 llultiple Residence District, Office Building District and C-1 and C-4 Commercial District, a11 in accordance vith the plan entitled "PROPOSED REZOiJIiJG CAHILL AND 70TH ST. HEST" Adopted by the Edina . Planning Commission July 28, 1964, and the "HOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARIiJG OH PXOPOSED IiEZOXffiJG OF CAHILL ROAD->I, 70TI-I STEET APGA" published in Edina-IIorningslide Courier August 6 and 13, 1964, copy of which was mailed to owners of affected progerties on August 4--and the latter part of the Hearing being relative to the Petition of the .Stow Company for the Rezoning €rom Open Developnent District to Community Store District (for purpose of gasoline service station) of tiie Southeast Corner of Cdnill koad and i.l.7Oth Street. It was understood that, should Council rezone in accordance with the proposal presented during first part of Hearing, there would be no need for the latter Hearing. The Plan approved by the Planning Commission July 28, as set forth in detail in the I-linutes of the Council ileeting of August 3, Page 173 this Xinute Book, was revisted for Council and audience by Planning Director Hite, with the he12 of visual aids. Br. Hite then reported that since this plan was developed there had been a request for two changes: 1. The shortening of the proposed C-4 District, with sub- stitution of C-1 District; and 2. The lengthening of the proposed Office auilding District just East of the present Cahill Road, which would shorten the proposed C-1 District, These two changes would effect a straight East-West line for the liorth line of the proposed C-1 District. :.lacdillan ayej Rixe, aye. Tupa, aye; and A/ ALT?fdM ilay o r i : . ilr. Hite explained that inasmuch as these 36 0 185 8/17/64 changes are minor the Village Attorney has ruled that a new ilotice of Hearing is not necessary. of several lots in the area, asked the purpose of the proposed Cahill Road Re-Aligniuent and inquired as to who had requested it. Cormnission and the Village Council have been considering this for some time; that the intent is to separate the industrial zone from the residential zone * by IIr. Gibbish how land acquisition will be paid for, Ilr. Hite replied that obviously this will come as property is platted, as part of the plat's street dedication. properties, or possibly partially by gasoline tax money, happen if owners of abutting properties don't favor this assessment in addition to the road already there. 1Ir. i-Iite explained that the situation could be likened to any ten-acre tract,to be platted; that re-aligned Cshill Road Mould be a part of the &at's street system and that there would be no extra assessmmt unless Cahill Road interfered with the plat. Idr. Gibbish, saying he represents okmers of some 400 feet of poperty on Hillside Lane, E-3 area on the iqorth side of W.70th Street and on the Southvrest corner of TiJ.70th Street, saying that R-2 Zoning would $e acceptable to this group but that they do not like the idea of apartments in these two araas. i.ir. Karl F. KSin, 6901 Limerick Lane, expressed himself as interested in the future of the property directly 3orth of tile Cameron Store. that a Final Plat has been approved for this area; that the Planning Commission is rsconimending single-family zoning for it. Gibbish's objection to R-3 development on the l?orth side of 1.T.70th Straet. that the proposed C-4 District, which is expected to be used for a Gasoline Service Station, be moved to the South away from Cahill School and the existing one-family dwellings 14r, Josiah Brill, Attorney for the Stow Corqany, reported that after same two years of discussions, hearings, etc., the Planning Coirimigsion has come up with a coiiprehensive recommendation for the area; that the Storr Company has agreed to adjust its plans to the Cornmission's recommendations; and that he feels the Cormission's plan should be adopted as proposed. Attorney Schwartzbauer confirmed Nr. Hite' s statement that the slight deviations from the original plan, as set forth at this Hearing, will not necessitate a new hearing nor invalidate the proposed rezoning, should Council wish to take action this evening, 1Ir. Hite then reported that the Planning Commission has recommended that no .actual Rezoning of the St.Patrick's Church Property at the Soutnwest Corner of I.J.70th Street and present Cahill Road be made at this time, although this property be marked on the Zoning l.fap as "Recommended for R-3 and R-2 Bultiple Residence Zoning as per Plan adopted by Edina Planning Commission July 28, 1964 and Public Hearing held by Edina Village Council August 17, 1964. Church Property in accordance with the Planning Commission' s recommendations and that the Planning Director be authorized and directed to mark the Zoning Haps of the Village in accordance with Planning Commission' s instructions. seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. with second reading thereof and adopt Ordinance as submitted: Hr. Rudy Gibbish, 6912 Hillside Lane, who stated.he is representing the owners Mr. Hite exglained that the Planning c' Asked The improvement of the street would be paid for by owners of abutting A ISr. Olson inquired about the cost of the street improvement and what would objected on behalf of himself and his neighbors to the proposed Jr. llite explained iir. George Armstrong, 6833 Brook Drive, asked to be allowed to arlipli€y tir. i-ie asked I' Xixe then moved that Council delay the proposed Xezoning of the St.Patrick's i4otion vas And Zxe then offered the following Ordinance , moving that Council dissense 1 ORDIiJAXCE NO. 261-95 PJT ORDIi?ANCE AI4ENDIMG THE ZONIidG OiWI1JANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIllA d3Y ESTABLISHING ADDITIOiih, R-2 AIJD K-3 i~lULTIPLE FGSIDEiJCZ DISTRICTS, OFFICE BUILDIHG DISTRICT,. bJD C-1 AND C- 4, COMME RC I AL D I ST RI CT S TBE VILLAGE COUiJCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIIJA, I.IIIINESOTA, ORDALidS : Section 4, (i4ulti2le Residence District) of Ordinance iJo. 261 of revised Ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amended, is hereby further amended by adding the followins sub-paragraphs : "District 53-2 : "(4) Section 1. Paragraph 1, Ihltiple Residence District Boundaries, of That part of the S l/2 of the NW1/4 of iiEl/4 of Section 8, Townsilia 116, Range 21 beginning at a point on the East line of said l/4-1/4 Section 873.5 Feet South of the Northeast corner of the iWl/4 of the lJEl/4 of Section 8; thence klest a distance of 190 Feet; thence South parallel to the East line of .said l/4-1/4 Section a distance OS 150 feet; thence East papallel with the North line of said section 190 feet; thence iIorth parallel to the East line of said l/4-1/4 Section a distance of 150 feet to the point of beginning. beginning at a point on the East line of said 1/4-1/4 Section a distance of 685.5 Feet South of the NE corner; thence West a distance of 233 feet; thence South 128 feet parallel with the East line of said l/4-1/4 Section; thence East 233 feet darallel with the idorth line of said l/4-1/4 Section; thence iqorth 128 feat to the point of beginning. "(5) That part of the NW1/4 of iJE1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21 8/17/64 That part of the S\11/4 of the SE1/4 of Section 5, Township 116, I '' -6 "(6) Range 21 beginning at a point on the South line 1061.75 feet East of the SS Comer of tiie SJ1/4 of SEl/4; thence llorth 113.3 feet; thence deflecting to the right at a radius of 564.85 feet a distance of 51.76 feet; thence East parallel to the South line of Section 5 234.88- said section; thence ,lest 237.25 feet to the point of beginninz.ll distance of fat; thence South a distance of 165 feet'to the Soofh line of "District R-3': "$8) That part of the S1/2 of the SE1/4 of Section 5, Township 116; Range 21 and the X1/4 of Section 8, Towmhip U-6, Range 21 described as follows: Beginning at a point on the South line 01 the SE1/4 Section 5, a distance of 1269.3 feet East of the SW corner of said section; th. 1Jorth 165 feet; th. West parallel to the South line of Section 5 a distance of 314 feet; th. deflecting to the SE at: an angle iJ45°51'20"1.? a distance of 236.9 feet to the South line of Section 5; th. 335 feet to the \lest R/B line of the I4pls. Northfield E Southern RR; th. Southerly along said \lest R/d line a distance of 262 feet; th. NU at an angle of N75°22!15t111 a distance of 310 feet; th. i.JorthiFesterly at an angle of N60°11'301"i? a distance of 360 feet to the North line of I?E1/4 of Sec.8-116-21; th. \lest along said line a distance of 180 feet to the point of beginning. That part of tile d1/2 of NE1/4 of l?E1/4, Section 8, Township 116, Range 21 described as follows: I Beginning on a point on the Hest line of 11E1/4 ilE1/4 Sec. 8 a distance of 873.5 feet South of the iW corner of said 1/4-1/4 Sec.; th. South along said line 150 feet; th. East parallel with the Ibrth line of said 1/4 1/4 Sec. a distance of 372 feet; th. iforth parallel with the \lest . line of said 1/4 1/4 Sec, a distance of X5Cl feet; th. defle.cting-.toIthe . ill1 at an angle of 43O45' a distance of 90 feet; thence at a radius of 260 feet to the Sd to a point 873.5 feet South and 160 feet East of tiie Nil Cor. of NE1/4 LJE1/4, Section 8; th. West along a line from this point and parallel to the ilorth line of said 1/4 1/4 Sec. 160 feet to place of beginning. That part of the 21 W1/4 of the i?E1/4 of Section 8, Township 116, Range 21 . described as folloxs: of the l1W4 1E1/4, Section 8;+%$. ilest parallel to the Borth line of said Section a distance of 233 feet; thence South parallel to the East line of said Section a distance of' 540.5 feet; thence East a distance of 233 feet to the East line of said 1/4 1/4 Section; thence lllorth 540.5 feet to the point of beginning. t1 I , "(9) . "(10) Beginning at a point 271.8 feet South of the i?E Cor. . Section 2. Paragraph 1, Boundaries of Office Building District, of I Section 10, (Office Building District) of Ordinance iSo. 261 of revised ordinances of the Village of Edina, as amsnded, is hereby further amended by adding after sub- (i) of said Paragraph 1, the fy as follows: That part of the NM1/4 iiTEl/4/ @Pine: e tibn 8, Township 116, Range 21, described Beginning at a pb& 33 feet South and 33 feet East of tiie Bil corner of the above-described:$ection; thence South 198 feet ; thence East 128 feet parallel to the iJorth'line of said Section 8; th. North parallel to the ;.jest line a distance of 169 feet; thence ilorthwesterly at an angle of iT60°11'30"\1 a distance of 52 feet; tiience i-lest parallel with the 3orth line of Section 8 a distance of 90 feet to the point of beginning. The Vest 136 feet of the iJorth 88.70 feet of Lot 1, dlock 2, Amundsson Tereake . That part of the 2JE1/4 XE1/4, Section 8, Township 116, Range 21 described as follows: deginning at a point 390 feet East and 592.5 feet Soutn of the 3il corner of the above described 1/4 1/4 Section; th. East 256.53 feet to the Mest It/? line of the Lipls., Uorthfield E Southern R.R. ; th. South along the above described R/H a distance of 440 feet; thence \lest parallel to the Mo rth line of Sec. 8 a distance of 290 feet; thence North a distance of 150 feet; tiience deflecting to the left at an angle of 43O45' a distance of 90 feet; thence in a 260-foot convex radius to the Northeast to a point 390 feet East and 617.5 fe& South of the HI? Corner of NE1/4 ITE1/4, Section 8; th. North 25 feet to the point of beginning." Section 3, Section 11, Commercial District, of Ordinance No. 261 of the Village of Edina, as amended, is-hereby further amended by adding at the end of Su3- paragraph 3 (Boundaries of Commzrcial District) the followin&: *I( 3) - C-1 COI-li-IERCIAL DISTRICT : (a) Range 21 described as follotrs: Beginning at a point 33 feet East of the Vest line of sai& lJ4 1/4 section and 594.55 feet South of the iiorth line of said l/4 1/4'kection; th. East 297 €eet; thence South 25 feet; th. in :a 200-Z~oX.eonueZ radius in a Southwesterly direction to a point 130 feet East and 819.55 feet South of the Borthwest comer of the i?E1/4 HE1/4, Section 8; til. !lest 97 feet to a point 33 feet East of the \:est line of said 1/4 1/4 Section; th. lSorth 225 feet to the place of beginning. (b) That part of the W1/2 of the ME1/4 XW4, Section 8, Township 116, -< .. Lot 1, Block 2, Amundson's Terrace except the iqorth 58.70 feet thereof.'l 8/17/64 187' If( 4) C-4 COiIiGRCIAL DISTRICT : (a) That part of the NIJ1/4 of tlie NE1/4 of the iJE1/4, Section 8, Township 116, Xange 21 described as Sollows: and 169 feet East of the NW Corner of said NW1/4 iJE1/4 iiE1/4; thence East 161 Seet; thence 1Sortl-r parallel to the Vest line of said 1/4 1/4 1/4 Section i4 distance of 81.3 feat; thence dortnsres'c at an angle of d6O01l'30"d a distance of 182.5 feet; thence South ,?mallel to the :lest line of said 1/4 1/4 1/4 Section a distance of 170 feet, more or less, to the point of beeinning, (b) The East 161 feet of tne Uorth 88.70 feet of Lot 1, Block 2, Amundson Terrace. deginning at a ,Joint 224.7 feet South Section 4. This Ordinance shall be in effect inmediately upon its passage and publicat ion. Rixe's motion for waiver of second reading of Ordinance and adoption as submitted was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall there were four ayes and no nays, as follows: adopted. bIac14illan, aye; Rixe, aye; Tupa, aye; and Iiayor Village Clerk C0Ui.ICI.L dOdORS PETITIO3 FOR FROIST YARD VARIAXCE 08 LOT 2, BLOCK 2, OVERIlOLT HILLS SALLY ADDITIOII. :layor Bredesen called Public Hearing on the Petition of LIP. Ralph Overholt for a variance from zoning requirements to permit the construction of a one family dwelling to within fifteen feet of the front lot line. the dailing of "dotice of Hearing" was presented, approved as to form and ordered placed on Eile. reviewed, and Planning Director Hite explained that this request has been made because of tile loc's contour, the rear two-thirds being marshy land, with a drop not far back from Dakota Trail. He added that the frontage of the lot is 182 feet, and that there will be a considerale distance between houses. do objectioiis were registered at the Hearing, and none had been received pior thereto. iiisnts to permit construction of dwelling to within fifteen feet from front lot line, was seconded by Tupa and unanimously carried. Azfidavit of Planning Cornmission's kutust 12th favorable recomaendat ion was llacAillant s motion, that Council approve variance from zoning require- PETITLOB FOR SIDE YARD VARIAdCE AT 4205 DUiJBERRY LAXE WITHDRAWB. Continuation of August 3rd Public Hearing was called on the Petition of Mr. Robert Loftus, 4205 Dunberry Lane, for variance from side yard requirements, Planning Department regorted that.L!rs, Loftus has requested the petition be withdra-m. Tupa moved that matter be closed. carried. 13r. Fredlund of the Idotion seconded by NaciiiLlan and CE FRO14 BUILDING HEIGHT RESTRICTIOiJS TO PEfLlIT- ,COiJSTRUCTIOX OF SIX STORY EUILDIidG Iiu' PEiITAGON PAM. of Dunn & Curry, 4820 i;l. 77th Street, for a variance from the buildinp: heiEht Public Hearing was called on the Petition - - restrictions of the Office auilding District section of the Village Zoning Ordinance (which limit building height to three stories or 40 feet, whichever is the lesser), to permit construction oE a six story building in "Pentagon Park", which is Located dorth of the 'I'exaco Station at W.78th Street and Highway LOO, otharvrise described as "Tracts A, I3 and C, Registered Land Survey Ho, 2050." Planning Comiission's favorable recommendation of July 28th was reviewed, and it rras noteu that tne poperty to the Hort'n of the proposed building is fairk- high aid rriL1 screen a part of the building; also, that low level lidiiting is proposed for parkiag lots, to eliminate interference with surrounding poperties. objections to the i.'rogosed variance were made from the floor, and none had been received by tne Clerk prior to the Public Hearing. variance bg appoved was seconded by Tuga and unanimously carried, Property is iJo Rixe's motion that the requested i33iOVAL OF "SIiJGLE-FAiIILY" 9EED iiESTKICTLOLJS FROH SOCITWkEST PORTI0;J OF KEGISTETGD LANU SURVZY 110. 590 ?Eili.IITTEU AT EQUEST OF OIINEII EiniJARDS, AFTER PUBLIC IiEiUIiiG. Pursuant to "llotice of Public Hearina Zelative to Deed liestrictions on K.L.S. 590 (Ldwards Tract on S, Side Hwy.$169 just East of Blake Road Extended South", dated August 6, 1964, Public Hearing rras called on the request of i,lr. V. E, Edwards, owner oE Registered Land Survey 140. 590., for reconsideration by the Council of its deinand that "single-farnily" deed restrictions be recorded for a11 that part of R.L.S. 590 not zoned it-3 Ihltiple Residence Zoning. bSr. Ek.3r.lards is trilling to povide these restrictions for the Eastern tier of lots, uut feels that because of the contour of tile land it is not feasible to so restrict tlie Southwestern portioiz of the tract. restrictive covenants for the Eastern tier, which appear to be in good order. ;ir. Buskirk, 5 808 Olinger Road, inquired about the po3sibilitjr of extending tile street in this plat to Olinger iioad, and Planning Director Hite reglied that one of the plans being considered is the extension of alake Road to Olinger Road. Attorney Schwartzbauer reported that i4r. Edwards has now deliverad 8/17/64 dr. 1.i. C. Olmstead, 5804 Olinger Road, inquired as to what zoning is being proposed by the property owner for this Southtrestern portion; was informed that no rezoning is being requested at the present time. I88 .J- A property owner living on Xestwood Court told Council he feels this land \should not be confined to single family dwellings; that Council should look forward to seeing double dwellings or a condominium-type development there; that unless this type of development is pomoted in Edina the Village will lose families whose children have been raised. >Ir. Al Godmrd, &o stated he had prepared the plat for Er, Edwards and had asked him to object to deed restrictions in this area, stated that deed restrictions deprive Councils of their right'to rezone; that forgiveness of deed restrictions is in the interest of the community, iIr. Buskirk.objected to any forgiveness of deed restrictions, saying he feels a buffer should 3e established by the owner of this property. eqlained that the property will be restricted next to Suskirk' s property. folloxing described pro2erty be rescinded, was seconded by Mac:.lillan and unanimously carried: i I4r. Hite Tupa's motion that the demand for single-family deed restrictions on the "That part of Tract B, Izegistered Land Survey lJ0, 590 lying :(est of a line starting at the 2iortheast Corner of said Tract I3 and extending South 195.86 feet; thence deflecting to the Southeast at an angle of N4°54'11'1ii and continuing in such direction to the South line of said Tract E." CO@iCJL APPROVES VARIANCE FR0i-I LOT COVERAGE REQUIREUEIJTS , PLANBED IiJDUSTUXL DISTRICT SECTIOiT OF ZONIi?G ORDIRKICE, FOR GE2SERAL PIOTORS BUILDUJG, on the Petition of Ed.ina Plaza Cor?. for a variance from the Lot Coverage Requirements Public Hearing was called of the Planned Industrial District- section of the Zoning Ordinance (which limit lot coverage to not more thm 30% of area), to permit the construction of a conbination Parts Distribution Center and Office by General 14otors Corporation in a building covering 50% of Lot; 3 to 7 inclusive. and 10 to 14 inclusive, Block 7, Edina Inter- Change Center. approved B to form and ordered placed on file. ilest 76th Street and Edina Industrial Boulevard, ;!est of Highway 100. for the variance is for a General Hotors Zuilding only, with the understanding thzt, should General Iiotors fail to build the variance rrould be null and void. Uith the help of several visual aids, ;Ir. Dahlgren explained General Ilotors' proposal, and just?- ' fication for the proposed variance. variance is requested comprises some 20.75 acres; that it is progosed to construct a building of some 440,080 square feet thereon, the first unit of which will comprise sliglitly more than 220,000 square feet, with 24,000 square feet of office sdace and 198,000 square feet of distribution area, 32,000 square feet of xhich will be provision for loading and unloading. Saying that the type of building proposed makes the 70% outside area required by ordinance redundant, idr. Dahlgren, by the use of an overlay, demonstrated that should several small buildings be constructed in this area there would be a need for conpliance with the 70% requiremant, whereas, with this building, the open space completely surrounds the one building, thus not detracting from the aesthetic characteristics of the district by this proposed increase in lot coverage. The additional 220,000 square feet would be built at a later time, and would serve as expansion space for the parts distribution center. which will. face south. concrete panels. the brick . for 96 cars for the office, space for 113 cars has been provided; ordinance requires space for 97 cars for the distribution center, irhereas space for 194 cars has been provided, together with space €or 250 cars for the expansion space. This building, 3r. Dallgren reported, will serve as a regional office for the Chevrolet Division of General Hotors, and as the main distribution plant for garts . for the entire G,X. line in this area. fhnager Hyde reported having had experience with General Zotors in another city in which he served as Janager, saying they were very good neighbors and citizens, and that in his opinion this proposed building would set an excellent pattern for future building in Interchange Center. LIr. Dahlgren said he feels this proposal is representative of the'type of aesthetic quality Edina is seeking in its industrial area and rqould be most beneficial to the Village. 310 objectisns to the proposal were made from the floor, and no written objections had been received prior to the Hearing. lot coverage requirements of the Planned Industrial District section of the Village Zoning Ordinance to permit the construction of a General Hotors Building covering 50% of Lots 3 to 7 inclusive and 10 to 14 inclusive, Block 7, Edina Interchange Center, was seconded- by IhcXillan and carried. Affidavit of Llailing of lll.Jotice of Public Hearing" was sdnitted, The property is located bettteen ih. Hoimrd Dahlgren of &lidwest Planning Zesearch explained that the petition de reported thzt the property for bhicn the ' ~ Ilr. Dahlgran presented a sketch of the progosed building, the office ?ortion of The building will be constructed of brick between prestressed The expansion wall vi11 be of concrete, painted the sane color as' As to 2arking space, iIr, Dahlgren advised that while the ordinance requires space . Tupa's motion, for agproval of variace frorii i t. 8/17/64 ,189 i JVAChTIOlI OF UTILITIES EBSEi4E;;JT ON REAR LOT LINES OF LOTS 3 TO 7 IiJCLUSIE, BLOCK 7, &.ID LOTS 10 TO 14 IdCLUSIVE, BLOCK 7, EDIiiIA Iil'IERCHAdGE CLiTL'EII, APPROVED. tetition of ddina Plaza Corp. for the Vacation of tlie platted Utilities Zasement The >t the rear lot lines of Lois 3 to 7 inclusive, Block 7, Edina Interchaiige center, :or the construction of the General ilotors i3uilding , was discussed. as petitioner is sole owner of all the lots, the only conceril of the Council vas as to whether to vacate this easement for a11 of Block 7. raised adainst limiting the vacation of the easenient in accordance vith the ptition, dnd Tupa moved that platted utilities edsernent at the rear lot lines of Lots 3 to 7 inclusive and Lots 10 to 14 inclusive, Block 7, Edina In-terclranie Center be vacated. iiotion seconded by i.iaci*iillan and carried. \ Lnasrnuch No objectian was XPPOIiJTlEiJT OF STATE PRIHARY ELECTION OFFICIALS ilADE , Clerk presented Roster of Xondnees for Election Judges for State Primary Election of Septerher 8. ;Iaciiillan's motion €or appointment of the following persons with authorization to Clerk to rilake emergency substitutions, vas seconded by Tupa and carried: PECIIJCT ONE - limes .iiarjorie Rosuiter, Chairman; ilarjorie iIcCaLJ,, Borirer Mawthorris , Barbara Cox, and Joann Viken. P-RECIWCT TVO - Iimes, Ilellie Strate, Chaiman, Dorothea Obermeyer , Hellen 14. Hall, Frances Sonnenber&, and iiarion Bailey PECIJCT TXCE - ihes. Audrey Berglund, Xuth Volk , Doris Hortshorn, Cri.1. ueatzen and Firth Lipoy. iLenerson, Ursula Bezoier, Lloyd L. Porter and Gertrude Perlich. P?ZCLLJC'I' FLVE - iiriles , Lillie &der , Chairnan , Gladys I .;jarnes ,Gladis Caneron, Geneva Smith and Jarion D, Lyons. PilECI;ICT Si): - ilines. Dorothy l:ichardson, Cmirman, Jane Fleet and dyrtle Jpr. FiECIdCT SEVEL\I - i&iies, Alice ikFadzem Chair. , liyrtle Liichli , Adele Sfevard, '1, :I, Borsch, Archie Stone. PKECILJCT EIGHT - hes liuriel Tuomsen Chair. , Ada Elciiho~il , Grace Feigum, June Ureher 17 l? Gciiards E,XLl?G~i~ CY LGLCUE UNIT ( ALIBULANCI; ) A~~~~'*~~~FO~~~~U~~~,~~JT COI4PANY. i4r. l-lyde reported receipt of only one bid as the result of "Advertisement for dids- Panel Truck, Ambulance Conversion'' puulished in Edina-Aorningside Courier and Construction dulletin August 6 and 13; that of Astleford Equipment Cortipany in the net amount of $5,063,18, which, he said, was a savings of soirie $500 over last year's bid. Letter from Smith Ambulance Company, setting Sorth the availability of the Smith service to Edina residents, was reviewed by tne Council. ~ecom~nending that Edina continue in the emergency vehicle business, iIr. hyde requested award to Astleford Equi;?ment Coinpany for this net7 InternatioilaL unit. recommendation, was seconded by Rixe and carried, P&CIiICT FOUR - llmes Yvonne Ford, Chairman, Virginia Dash, Aalaitleaa Tupa' s motion, that purchase be made in accordance with iiandLer s CUUdTY ASKS COUiJCIL APPROVAL OF GRADES, SPECIFICATIOi~~S AiiD SPECIAL PXOVISLOiJS 01.' COU+T;Y-STATE AI0 H1G;idAY 110. 62 (CKOSST0I;II.I) fik,T&EiJ HiGi-l&W PIC). 100 hiiij PTiAC? AVZdUL;. Public Horks Director Hite presented to the Council lienne9ii-i County kii&~ay De2artment ' s 2lan for the Crosstown Highway between riighway 100 and Tracy Aveilue, together witn i-iighvay Departitlent's request foiq Council action tiiereon at tlie earliest possiile the, (See discussion under next item. ) fGKELtlLliT l?X DiVISIOlJ OF COST FOR GRADIigG, PhVIiJG, STORII SE;iE€: AliD UKIDGES FOB. Cl3OSS~i'O:!id bET\/EEkJ HIGntIAY NO. LOO AXD TRACY AVLiiUE DISCUSSED BY COUdCIE. Tosether witn the &an for the Crosstown ilighwajr between l-iighrray KO. LOO and Tracy Avenue, iir. hi-ce presented an "Agreement for Division of Cost for Gi-adind, Paving, Storril Se~ai7 and dridbes". be done at $1,631,629.19; Edina's estimated share to be $14,681.65, uein; 50% of the cost for the following work: Agreement estimated the Total Cost of the work to - Curb and gutter, driveway opdvement , sod. and adjust curb stoop boxes All construction costs, exclusive of drainage structures in connection on Rolf Avenue between Valley View Road and Xoberts Place. tritli the construction of the "nor+ch frontage road'l alonl;; Eoberts Place and dilryan Avenue from Rolf Avenue to W.62nd Street, All construction costs, exclusive of earth material excavation classified as "Class A Excavation" and "Class SG Excavation" and exclusive of draindue! structures performed in connection with construction of "south frontage road" along Jest 63rd Street from the east property line of !?arran Avenue easterly to ililryan Avenue and along dilryan Avenue soutnei3ly a;?$roximately 230 lineal feet to En ineer's Station 127+55. told Council that/6%!h7like immediate action on this cost agreernent as well as an 2lan appoval for the project. County requests partial payment will become "villaga streets", that their improvement will benefit owners of abutting properties, and that an assessrtient should be levied for this imgrovernent. to commit the Village, tonight, as to payment for the iniprovement, but that to tne best of his knowledge an assessment could not be held valid unless the proper Iri2rovament Hearing, with due notice given, is held before tne agreement is riiade, Some considerable discussion was had, and Tup moved that discussion be continued to blednesday, August 19, at 5:OO P.X., for €urtner investigation and regort by the attorney. County iiibnway Department in the meantime, to see if Council could delay action to Septernlei? 14, when the proper Improvement Hearings could be conducted. It was noted that the streets for rniich the Attorney SchFsartzbauer told Council that it has the authority dotion seconded by i4aci.Iillan and carried. hlanager Hiue asked to contact ne complaint of ilr. ::allace 3, Smith, 5440 Xerxes Avenue South, that uis eapolis Cater bill, corquted by an Edina meter, is too large, was considered by the Council, together with tne explanation tendered by Edina ;later Supt. Uoeiiker that the Edina ilater Department had checked this iiloter and found its registration to be correct and that i-linneapolis had given proper credit on the last bill for tile mis-reading of the meter. Tupa's motion directing Village Ihnager to notify iir. Smith by letter of Councills decision that no adjustmant snould be requested, was seconded by ilac3illan and carried. i J iXISiiEPI1.I COUiJTP PAN ,=SERVE DISTRICT' S PROGPSSS REPORT , Dated August 1, 1964 , was submitted to Council, reviewed and ordered placed on file. I \/PETiTi&EJ FOR SAJITAI";i SEJER 114 EAST ZOAD BETXEEH SKYLI.dE DRIVE XiD CUL-I)E-SAC ACCEPTED. Tnis one-otmer petition was pesented, and at the recomnendation of Puhlic Elorks Director Hite, was accepted and referred to Ifr, Hite for prograniming, Xotioxi was by Tupa, seconded by ;-iac;dillan and carried. \/OWkIL COiJTI1WES COiJSIDERATIOi4 ON FEilCE AT 5501 HANSEN ROAD TO SEPTbiIdEki, 14~. Tie matter of the requested removal of the fence at the S.F. Atsatt property, 5501 Hanson Road, was brought to Council attention. right-of-way. dr. iUaverkam~, attorney for the Atsatts, told Council the construction of the fence had been approved by %omeone in tne Vilbage Hallt1 at tne time it was constructed for the Ataatt swimning pool, but neither he nor Zrs. Ataatt could name this person. flr. ktsatt had requested by letter that council not consider this matter until September 34, because of his absence from the city this evening, and, by general consensus, matter was laid'over to September 14 , with Council asking legal opinion from Attorney Schwartzbauer. This fence is in tile street ,SU;?fikY-DS OIL COXPANY PETITIOi? FOR ZZOiJING OF GEORGE TRISLER PROPERTY FROLJ OPEB DEVELOP@EiJT AXD COXXJiJITY STORE DISTRICTS TO C-4 COXERCIAL DISTRICT FOX CO~?STRUCTION OF GASOLIiJE FILLIiJG STATIOlJ FEFERRED TO TklE VILLAGE ATTORiJET FOR OPIiJIOX. Compng for the Rezoning of the George Trisler property at the Southeast Corner of i-f.54th Street and France Avenue, from 02en Development Districc and Community Sfore District to C-4 Comercia1 District for purposes of constructing a gasoline service station. of Lots 6, 7 and 8, Block, Lot 4, Ivandale Park iTear Lake Harriet, a portion of which property District. Planning Coiamission s unfavorable recommendat ion of August 12 was reviewed, and letters of protest to the petitioned rezoning, by the Long Range Planning Committee of S-t.Peter's Lutheran Church and by Xr. Ralph Rapson, Architect, were submitted and ordered placed on file. that Council refer matter to the Village Attorney for his opinion relative to the construction of a gasoline filling station on the 125'x125' square now zoned Cornunity Store, and it was so ordered, by motion Tu?a, seconded by 2acl-Ellan and carried. Mr. Hite reviewed €or the Council the petition of Sunray-DX Oil Petition is for the >lest 30 feet of Lot 5, and all (a square of 125'x125') is now zoned Community Store Xr. Hite recommended Cormander CorporaCion for the rezoning to R-2 Kultiple Eesidence Districe of the hereinbefore-named lots , Seini; bzttreen I.I. 56th Street and Higiirray $169 and Detvean Chantrey Xoad and Dundee Road. been had on this same property a couple of years ago, on the petition of Jr. Dick Anderson, and that petition had been denied bec ause of objections by otrners of neighboring proaerties, and because the fate of Highway 169 had not then been known; that the Conmission has once again recormandad that land be used for double bungaloris, LiacXillan's motion, scheduling Public Hesring on aetition for lionday, September 14, vas seconded by Tupa and carried. ilr. Hite told Council that Public nearing had I ,s" COUJCIL SCiEDULES HEARIi?G FOE SEPTE3BER 14 O;J PROPOSED IIEZOiJING FROii OPE;{. BEVZLOP- XiiT DISTRICT TO OFFICE 3UILDIi.JG DISTRICT OF LOTS 6 hiJD 7, 3LOCL 1, EDE;?XOOR kDDITIOd. District" as the projyr lad use for the Village-owned proserty just ;Jorth of Downing Street, iras revieired uy Council, and PLxe s motion, scheclulinL Public iiearing for Septernber 14, on the proposal by the Village for the rezoninz of these lots from Open Developmznt District to Office Building District, gas seconded by Tup and carried. Planning Comdssion's August 12th recornmendation of "Office i3uilding Comiissionrs August 12th recommendation for the rezoning of 1 (situated between the "Lake Edina" residential development and the Kauenhorst Planned Industrial Dsvelopent on the East side of Highway 100) to R-2 i4ulti@e . 891 8/17/64 ilultiple Residence District for the northern portion and Office auilding District for the southern portion, was reviewed and discussed by the Council. Tupa's motion, that Public Hearing on proposed rezoning as recommended by Planning Coirmission. be held September 14, was seconded by fixe and carried. REQUEST FOR SIDE YARD, VARIAHCE AT 5117 LIEADOLi ROAD TO RECEIVE PUBLIC HEARIitlG mPlafiBEj? 14. Lot 7, 31ock 6, Brookview Iieights First Addition, having a seven-foot setnack on the west lot line , was reviewed, together with Planning Commission's recoinmendation of August 12, favorable to this request. setback. for variance, by motion Maci.Iillan, seconded by Tupa and carried. c nv np l4r. A. J. Schunk's request for permission to construct a home on Zoning Ordinance requires a ten-foot September 14 was scheduled as date of Public dearing on tnis request FJELDEIEI1.i ADilITIOI? PKELII4IMAil'J PLAT APPROVED. This 16-lot Preliminary Plat was presented carrying the Planning Commission's recommendation for approval, with - direction to developer to re$at Block 2 lots and provide sewer and water, Rixe s motion, that Preliminary Plat be approved in accordance with recornmendat ions by the Planning Commission , was seconded by LSacliillan and carried. II6DIANEAD LAKE VIEW ADDITION PRELIHINARY PLAT APPROVED SUBJECT TO COdSTKUCTIOiI %SAkiITTRY SEiER. i4r, Hite presented this four-lot glat of a tract north of Valieywjust southwesterly of 'Cheyenne Circle. It was noted that this is a new glatting of the property; that Council had recently delayed approval of plat until sanitary sewer is constructed. Hew plat shows a private driveway leading to Lot 3, which will be maintained by that proijerty owner. have access from Cheyenne Circle. because these lots have less than the required 75-foot frontage, Commission had recommended approval of plat, and granting of variances that developer iimadiately petition 'for sanitary sewer and that all poperty owners actively supsort the petition, of the Council, with Hr. Macklillan in particular voicing his objection to the building of four houses, here , without sanitary sewer, with the resultant objections of new property owners at the time sewer is contemplated. It was reported by I4r. Hite that sanitary sewer is about a half mile away from this tract, but that because of residential development in this general area it must ce-rtainly be anticipated within the next two or three years. that Preliminary Plat be approved subject to construction of, and not merely petition for, Sanitary Sewer to serve these lots was seconded by Rixe and carried. Lot 2 will Variances will be needed on Lots 2 and 3 Planning asking Some discussion ensued among the memters l.Iac:!lillan s motion PAkbiOOD lGtlOLLS 13TH ADDITI'Oitl PRELIZ.IIrJARY PLAT APPROVED. This plat, of a tract located iiest of Parkwood Knolls 11th Addition, South of Parkwood Knolls 12th Addition and abutting a portion of park property at its Southwesterly corner, was presented to Council carrying the favorable recommendation of the Planning Commission, made August 12. development involves an exchange of properties between the developer and tlie Park Board. less than the amount of land lost, but that it is a more useable site and the Park Board approves. accordance with Planning Commission's recommendation, was seconded by ilacidillan. L' ib, Hite asked that Council be aware that this He added that the total amount of land gained by the Park Board is ilotion by Tupa, that Preliminary Plat be approved in ! FIilAL PLAT OF COiJiJ HEIGHTS APPROVED. ' This Final Plat of three lots, wnicii had received agproval by the Planning Commission on August 12 providing de$3 02 Lot 2 is increased to 90 feet, was approved by the Council in accordance with Planning Commission's recommendation , by motion Tupa, seconded by ilacl-Tillan and carried. ; FIiSAL FLAT OF GLEASOiJ SECOlJD ADUITION APPROVED BY COUNCIL. Tiiis Final Plat, which ha6 received Planning Commission's recommendation for approval as OS i4ay 2151964, was presented to the Council for action. Nest of Chapel iiills Congregational Church on Highway 169. that Final Plat be approved in accordance with Planning Commission s recoriiinendations , was seconded by Tupa and carried. The 28-lot plat is located dorth and ilacISiLlan' 8 rflotion I AIR COIdDITIONIMG FOR ERAEPIAR CLUBHOUSE REFERRED TO PAM BOARD, 1.lanager Hyde told Council that air conditioning for Braslmar Clubhouse dll cost auout $6,300. He recoiirmended that this be referred to Park Board for further consideration, and it- was so ordered. I POLICE CESIEF'S REPORT FILED KELATIVE TO TRAFFIC COiJTROL ,CONCOi2.D AVEl?UUE FROU SOUTilVIEJ LAiTG TO VALLEY VIEW ROAD. Council revieried recommendations by Police Chief dennett cr trafzic control on Concord Avenue, made pursuant to petition filed by residents. Trustee IIacllillan reported ilr. K, J. Sundquist's request for a sto2 sign at cornel? of Concord and School Road, and it was noted that iir. Bennett recoimleiiCls one for corner of Concord and TJ,59th Street. tlir, tlacllillan told Council, also, that- he uauerstands tne Concord School is keeping the glajjground closed until ahout five minutes before school starts, and that school children play in the street. sul;gested Council ask School Board to check this, de Bennett ragort accepeed for study. 8/17/64 SIDZJALiLti Ti) BE: COilSPXdCTED 014 'I.IEST SIDE OF C0;CCORD AVEiWE 6ZTiiZEii SOUTilVId:,I LLE a?D SCrIOOL ROm. COl?T&CTS ABliFS)ED ON Ii4FOXi.IhL BIDS, TO VLClW CAUSh I- E SULI AD liOULE SOD COiZG+iY. :ir. i-lite reported to Council that installation of curb and gutter on the IJest side of Concord Avenue has now been com2leted. the construction of side,.ralk in this stretch at once, in order that it could be completed before school starts on September 8, saying the School and VillaGe properties are the only 2roperties to be assessed €or this irrpovement. Jr. Hite recommended that Council dispense with formal bidding because of tiie urgency of comQletion of the work. Inc, in the amount of $4,465.00; this being the contractor for the current installation of curb and gutter in Concord Avenue, and that of Victor Carlson E Son Co, for $4,400.00, adding Crown Sidewalk has also now agreed to install for $4,400. He recommended that Council award contract to Victor Carlson E Son, Inc., adding that because some sod will need replacement he has also secured a quotation from Houle Sod, amount $600, for this work, and rscomlnended that award Be made on this quotation. ment be ordered, that poperties proposed to be assessed therefore be the School and Village pro2erties abutting Concord Avenue between Southview Lane and School Road, that the Iqrovement be designated as SIDEifALX IHPROVELIENT 30. S-3 and that contracts for Sidewalk Construction and for Replacernen? of Sod be awaraed to Victor Carlson E Son Co, and Houle Sod Company in accordance with Xr. Nite's recommendation, was seconded by Rixe and unanimously carried, lie recommended tle presented two quotations, that of Crown Siderralk, Tupa moved that proposed Sidewalk Irqpove- "i.iOTORCPC&E LIVEZY1l ORDIXAiJCE ADOPTED. Lhnager Hyde presented to the Council gpoposed "ORDIXAiICE iTO. 184--AN ORDIIIAiJCE REGULATIiJG €AD REQUIRING LICENSING OF XUTORCYCLE: LIVERIZS &?D PIiOVIDLillG A PEBALTY" , which the Council discussed, was noted that the license fee and the amount of liability insurance to be required by this ordinanca have been le€t blank, Attorney, that ritost municipalities which now have ordinances requiri? a $30 or $34 license fee, was reviewed. police insgection of licensees is to be required, $100 license fee be established. As to insurance, l.lr. Hyde recommended Personal Injury Liability of $25,000 per person, $50,000 per accident and Property Darnage of $5,000, following Ordinance, moving that Council dispense with second reading and adopt Ordinance as read: It The corrunent of the Village iianager Hyde recommended, ho:?ever, that if fixe offered the ' ORDIiTki\lCE ;IO. 184 &4 ORDIWAZJCE FSGULATING AVD iGQUIR1HG LICEWSIiJG OF MOTORCYCLE LIVERIES fND PROVIDIBG A PEiJALTY . TIiF: VILLAGE COU1biCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDIiJh, 14IL.II~ZSOTA, ORDAI1fS : words used herein shall have rficanings as follows: l'i.iotorcycle'l mans every motor vehicle having a saddle €or the use of the rider and designed to travel on not more than three wheels in contact with the ground, including notor scooters and bicycles with motor attached, but excluding tractors. for a consideration, but not selling motorcycles. motorcycle business in the Village without a license hereunder, or permit such a business to be established or carried on u2on pxwrnises owned or leased by him.. Ordinance ;To. 20 of the Village, including the penalty provisions thereof, shali apply to all licenses required by this ordinance and to the holders of such licenses, Section 1. Definitions, For the purposes of this ordinance, certain ";lotorcycle business" means the business of leasing or furnishing riiotorcycles Sac. 2. License Required. i?o person shall establish or carry on a Sec. 3. License, Procedure and Control; Penalties. The grovisions of Sec. 4, License Fee. The fee for the license required by this ordinance shall be $100 Ger annum. Sec. 5. Liability Insurance. Every applicant for license shall file a public liability insurance policy insuring the applicant and any of his employees, lessees or permittees in the arliount of not less than $25,000 for injur?jr to or death of any one person, an6 $50,000 for injury to or death of more than one person in any one accident, and $5,000 property damage in any one accident, whenever such in-jwy, death or pro2erty damage is caused by the negligent operation or use or the defective condition of any motorcycle belonging to tiie applicant or used by him in the motorcycle business. The Chief'of Police shall, upon request of the Kanager, investigate and submit a written report on traffic condi- tions in the inmediate vicinity of the applicant's proposed ?lac& of bu-' amess, particularly during Saturdays, Sundays and holidzys. conditions not to be suitable to the operation of a Triotorcycle business in the place proposed 232 the applicant, he may deny issuance of the license. Sec. 6. Report on Traffic Conditions. If the i.Ianager deems such Sec. 7. Lessee EIust iiavs Driver's License, Etc. 30 licensee shall. let or €urnish a motorcycle to any person not holding a valid driver's license issued by the State of ilinnesota. any person, tiie licensee shall give him adequate instruction in the safe operation of the motorcycle, and shall require him to demonstrate his ability to operate the motorcycle safely. Before surrendering possession of the motorcycle to 8/17/64 Sec. 8. Licensee to 1-fake Record of Lessee. Before letting, leasing or furnishing a motorcycle to any person the licensee shall make a permanent and legible record of leased or furnished, and furnished. leased or furnished by a licensee to any person under L8 years of age unless such person furnishes to and leaves with the licensee a statement from his parent or guardian consenting to the letting, leasing or furnishing of a motorcycle to such person. SecI 10. Licensee to Keep Records. The records required by Sections 8 and 9 shall be kept for not less than one year and shall always be open to in- spection by the police officers of the Village. provision of this ordinance shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and subject to a fine of not to exceed $100, or imprisonment for a aeriod not to exceed 30 days, with costs of prosecution in either case to be added. imposed dn any one licensed hereunder in addition to suspension or revocation of license This ordinance shall be in full force and effect immediately upon its passage and publication, (a) (b) (c) the motor vehicle license number of the motorcycle let, leased or the name, age and address of the person to whom the motorcycle is let, the number and dates of issue and expiration of his driver's license, Sec. 9. Lease to Persons under 18. A motorcycle shall not be let, Sec. 11. Penalty, Any person ~?ho violates or fails to comply dth any Such penalty may be Sec. 12. i-Iotion for adoption of Ordinance, with waiver of second reading, was seconded by Tupa, and on Rollcall thepe were four ayes an&nays, as follows: flacXAlan, PsDEgSPiI- DAIW PROPERTY DEED FGSTRICTIONS AkIENDED. illr. HPie reported that back in 1958, when the present site of the Pederson Dairy pasteurizing plant bias rezoned from Open Development District to Cormercial District restrictions on the balan'ce of the Pederson land for Ogen Davelopriien-t District uses only as one of the prerequisites for the zoning. nor7 a request for removal of these restrictions and recornmended that Council . approve the amendment of these restrictions to require that the land be used for Open Jevelopment District and/or E-3 LIultiple Residence District prposes only. that Council approve of amendment of deed restrictions on that part of the Pederson farm not zoned "Commercial District" to provide for use of land for Open Development District and/or 11-3 i4ultiple Residence District, was seconded by Tupa and carried, CLAIiiiS PAID. dated this hate, was seconded by PSacNillan and carried: Construction Fund, $225,093.48; Fund, btrimming Pool and Golf Course, $32,866 31; Water Fund, $63,912.74; Liquor Fund, $59,408.47; Sewer Rental Fund, $663.11; Improvement Funds, $469, 252.71-- Total, $884,344.56. Council required deed He advised that there is LiaciIillan's motion i4otion by Tupa, for payment of the following Claims, as per Pre-List General Fund, $33,147.74; Park, Parking Sinking Fund, Park Construction SALE, OF, FOUR Br?00KVIEk! HEIGHTS THIRD ADDITION VILLkGE-O;G?ED LOTS AUTIIORXZED , FOR liOT LESS Ti" $3,000 PER LOT. advertise for bids for the sale of the four lots recently acquired by the Village Finance Director Dalen asked %or authorization to in ijrookview Heights. considered by the Council, authorize advertise for bids for these lots in accordance with ik, Dalen's suggestion. He suggested that any bid under $3,000 per lot not be Some discussion was had, and Rixe moved that Council iIotion was seconded by i4acilillan alid carried. SPECIAL ASSESSXEHT HEARINGS SCHEDULED FOR i4dNDAY SEPTEkIBER 14, 03 i6Ui.IEROUS CUFIPL~TED IKF'ROVEi~Ei4T PROJECTS. Nanager Hyde reported to tha Council the need to conduct Special Hearings not later than September 14 on a large number of completed inipovernents, in order that the pager work might be completed and assessments certified to the Hennepin County Auditor not later than Octobsr 10, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption : iilacI4illan RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR SPECIAL ASSESSiriEPiT HEARIMGS k?fiTEPi4ALW IMPROVEMEIJTS NOS. l68,169,17l,l72,173,174, 175 AiJD 176 : SAHLTARY SEIJER 1NPROVE:IIENTS WOS. 199 , 200,203,205,206,208: STORH SEllJER I;LPROVEIGNTS 110s. 72 AiJD 79: STP&ET INPROVEUEZTS XOS, A-155, B-75, (2-85 NiD 0-76 i3E IT RESOLVED by the Council of the Village of Edina as follows: 8/17/64 1. The Clerk and Engineer having calculated the proper amounts to be assessed for the inprovements set forth in the and the amounts proposed to be assessed against the respective lots, pieces and parcels of land rJithin the districts affected by said improvements, and said progosed assess- nents shall keep the same on file in her office and open to public inspection pending hearings thereon as herein provided. Hearing €orms hereinafter contained Clerk's action in psLishing/~~~i~~~l8~~~8id hearings in the official neirspaper in accordance with law is hereby authorized and directed, 18 Hotice of Hearing forms hereinafter recorded, having been 3iled with the Clerk, the same are hereby approved; and the Clerk 2. This Council snall meet at the time and place specified in said 18 i$otice of to.pass upon said proposed assesslitents; and the (1) NOTICE OF ASSESSZIEMT HEARI1IG 014 WATENIAIM XiIPROVEIEiqT 190. 168 EDIBA VILLAGE COUHCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on ilonday, September 14, . 1964, at 7:OO o'clock P.Li., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the follor-ring improvement. the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. ZiJ : This assessment is now on file in CO3STRUCTION OF TRUiJK (.IATEPUAIN, LATERAL CO1GIECTIOXS TEETO, AND APPURTEiYMCES View Lane from Highway 110, 169 to Schaefer Road Schaefer Road from View Lane to illy line of Parkwood Knolls 11th Addn. j th. SVly at a deflection angle to left 68 Deg.30 l-lin, a distance of 325 feet; th. Wly at a deflection angle to right 56 Deij;. a distance of 525.07 feet; th. ti. 10 feet S. of Parkwood Knolls Addn, to a point 10 Ft, E. of centerline of Londonderry Road extended South. St auder Circle. Londonderry Road from 10 feet South of Parkwood Knolls Addn. Horth to \lest Flest Stauder Circle from Londonderry Road Borth to Londonderry Road Londonderry Road from West Stauder Circle to a point on Parkwood Road 115 feet, The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the Trunk ilatermain includes all more OP less, North of the iJorth line of Lot 1, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 4th hddn. lots and tracts of land vritbin the following described boundaries: "Commencing at tile M:l corner of Sec, 31,T. 117,R121; thence S along centerline of County Road #18 to centerline of Roushar Road; thence East along centerline of Roushar Road to centerline of State Highway $169-212; thence XEly alonb centerline of State Highway #169-212 to I.1, line of Parkwood Knolls 8th Addition extended South to centerline of Highway 8169-212; thence Wly, XEly, H., iWly and ??El;. along 3. line of Parkwood Ibolls 8th Addition to NE corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Parkwood Knolls 8th Addition; thence iWly to SE corner of Lot 5, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 5th Addition; thence NIIly along rear lot lines or' Lots 1 tiiru 5 of said Block 2, to the centerline of Schaefer Road; thence idorth along centerline of Schaefer Road to the iJorth line of Sec.31,P.l17,R,21; thence iT. along the W. line of said Section to the H1/4 corner thereof; thence lTorth along the East line of the SkW4, Sec.30,T.137,R.21, a distance of 215 feet; thence MBly, Vly, and SUly parallel to and 215 feet M., fT., and Sly of the centerline of Parhood goad to the NU corner of the NE1/4 of the iN1/4 of Sec. 31,T.117,RS21; thence kkst along the Horth line of Sec.3l9T,117,R.21, to point * I ' - of -begZnning,i The p.?operties proposed to be assessed for Se-c..,> 3O-,-T.117,R.21 Parcel #410 Parkwood Knolls Addition Block 5, Lots 7 and 8 Block 6, Lots 2 and 3 Parkwood Knolls 2nd Block 1, Lots 1 thru 5, incl. Parkwood Ymolls- 4th Block 1, Lots 1 thru 3, incl, Parkyood Knolls 9tli Block 1, Lot 1 Lateral connections are as Eollows : Parkwood Knolls 10th Block 1, Lot 1 Parkwood Knolls 11th Block 1, Lots L thru 4, incl. Block 2, Lots 1 thru 6, incl. Blod: 3, Lots l. thru 8, incl. Block 4, Lots 1 thru 6, incl. Parkwood Knolls 12th Bloclc 3, Lots 1 thru 6, incl. Assessnent for Trunk ilatermain will be payable in twenty equal. consecutive annual. installments over a period of twenty years, with first pear payble with the taxes for - the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessmnt to December 31, 1965. To each subsequsnt installmmt .trill be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. Assessments for Lateral connections to Trunk Hatermain will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year pay&le with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interast on the entire assessnent. at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965. rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interast to the Village Treasurer on or before Dscember 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same The owner of any property assessed for the above impovements may pay the whole BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUl?CIL. Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk (2) 8/17/64 NOTICE OF ASSESSi4EMT HEARIIJG OM 895 I .. iJATER14AIN IbPROVEIIEMT iJ0. 169 . EDIIJA VILLAGE COUNCIL trill meet at the Edina Village Hall on Zonday, September 14, 1964, at 7:OO o'clock P.N., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement. file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. Parkwood Road from a point 115 feet more or less Xorth of the 3or'cli line of Parkwood Lane from Parkwood Road to approximately 130 feet South Londonderry Road from the North end of Stauder Circle South to Pa-rkwood Road Parhood iioad from Londonderry Road to Larada Lane La-rada Lane from Parkwood Road to North line of Parktrood Knolls Addition. ' are as follows : This assessment is now on CONSTRUCTIOIJ OF LATERAL IIIATERillAIB IPIPROVEilENT AHD WJPURTENAHCES IN : Lot 1, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 4th Addn, to Londonderry Road The properties proposed to be assesGed for the cost of the dove improvement Sec. 30,. T, 1179 R. 21 'Parcel #410 Parkwood Yaolls Addition Block 2, Lots 3 and 4 Block 3, Lots 1 thru 7, incl, Parkwood Knolls. 2nd Block 1, Lots 6 thru 9, hcl, Block 2, Lots 1 thru 5, incl, Parkwood Knolls 4th Block 1, Lots 4 thru 9, incl. Block 5, Lots 1 thru 6, incl. Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive Block 2, Lots 1 thru 7, iacl, annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable ~5th the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest 011 the entire assessirlent at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resoLution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965, same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment irithout interest to the Village Treasurer on OP before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Trea- -urer. BY ORDEZ OF THE VILLAGE COUiSCIL, Gretchen S, Alden To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the rrhole Village Clerk (3) NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING ON iJATERlIAIl? IiEROVEKENT itlo. 171. EDIilA VILLAGE COUJCIL. will meet at the Edina Village Hall on iloaday , Septei~~ber 14, 1964, at 7:OO o'clock P.i.I,, to hear and pass upon a11 objections, if any, to the $PO- posed assessment for the following improvement, the office of the Village Clerk and open to p5lic inspection. C016STRUCTIOIJ OF VILLAGE TREJK WATERI4AIiJ LATERAL COMNECTIONS TilERETO A;JD AfPURTEiJI'dCES IN THE: FOLLOdZIJG: This assessment is now on file in "Commencing at a point on the West line or' Parkwood Road, said point bein:: 251.11 feet, more or less, North of the South line of Sec. 30,T.117&21; th, SW.y at an interior angle measured to the right of 66OOO' from the Uest line of Parkwood Xoad; thence along said line a distance of 117.3 ft, to the beginning of a curve, said curve havins a delta of 22O and a radius of 303.82 ft a distance of 116.66 ft; thence Westerly along tangent oE last descryled curve a distance of 616 ft; thence Mortherly at right angles a distance of 1030 ft; thence XUly at a deflection angle of 44O15' a distance of 924 ftt; thence Mortherly 30 ft East and parallel to the :Jest line of Sec. 30,T.117,R.21 a distance of 2126 ft to a point LO ft Xorth oE the centerline of daloney Ave. and 30 ft East of the center line of County Road #l8; thence East along Xaloney Ave. to Arthur Street; Jackson Avenue from I4aloney Avenue to Belmore Lane; Belmore Lane from Jackson Avenue to 100 ft Zest and there terminating," The area proposed to be assessed €or the cost of the above Trunk Watermain includes a11 lots znd tracts of land within the following descrioed boundaries: "Conmenciiig at the lJEJ corner of Sec. 30 ,T. 117 ,Re 21; thence Ely along the dorth Village limits to the NE corner of Sec,30,T,117,R,21; th. Sly along the E. line of said Sec, to the centerline of Llaloney Ave. ; thence iJly along the centerline of lIaloney Ave, to the E, line of IbIendelssohn Re-arrangement of Block 23 extended; th. Sly to tile SE corner of Lot 1, Rearrangement of Block 23, Nendelssohn; th. Wly to the SI? corner of- Lot 2, Rearrangement of Block 23, dendelssohn; th. S. to the HE coimer of Lot 2, Jlock 1, Eendelssohn Sorensen Replat; th. TJly to the NU corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Llendelssohn Sorensen Replat; th. Sly to the iE corner of Replat of Part of Block 22, kndelssohn; th. Nly to the IJIJ corner of Replat of part 05 Block 22, ilendelssohn; th, Wly to the iJW corner of Replat of part of Block 22, 3endelssohn; th. Sly 70 feet along the II, line of Replat of Block 22, Ilendelssohn; th. tJly to the NE corner of Lot 6, Block 1, Victorsen's Interlachen; th. illy to the NIJ corner of Lot 5, Block 1, Victorsen's Interlachen; tk. iJ1y to the NE corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Victorsen's Interlachen; th. Ely to the SE corner, part of Block 21, Xendelssohn; th. IJly to the SE corner of Lot 3, Block 1, Nendelssohn Addn. Gross Replat; th. iJly along the 11, line of Lots 1 and 2, 3lock 1, i4endelssolin Addn. gross Replat to the centerline of Llaloney Ave, ; th. illy along the centerline of lfalonejr Ave. to the \I, line of Griffis Sub. of Block 18 extended; th. Sly along the rJ. line of Griffis Sd. of Block 18, to the SE corner of Lot 7, 'EJillarda Sub of Block 17, 2.iendelssohn; th. Yly along the S. line of Lot 7, Villards Sub. of Block 17, ifendelssohn and lrlly along the So line of Lot 4, Block 1, Elanche Addn. to the SI/ corner of Lot 4, Block 1, Blanche Addn. j th. Sly to the iJE corner of . 8/17/64 Lot 5, Block 1, Kanson's 3rd Addn.; th. Illy to the iW corner of Lot 7, i3lock I, 196 I- Hansen's 3rd Addn.; th. Sly along the Y. line of Hdnson's 3rd Addn. to the centerline of IJaternan Ave. extended; thence at a bearing of S.24°13'40"~f. a distance of 219.31'; th. Ely and parallel to Nateman Ave. exteded a distance of 330' to the centerline of VanBuren Ave, extended; th. S, 460' to the S,line of the lJIl1/4 of Sec.30,T.ll7,R.21; th, Ely along the S. line of said W1/4 to center of Sec.30,T.117,R.21; th. Sly along the E,line of the SW4 of Sec,30, T.117,R.21 to 215' iJ, of the SE corner of S111/4 of Sec.3O,T,ll7,X.21; th.lJl~Ily, $71~ and S7ly parallel to and 215' 11. Road to the i.T8 corner of the idE1/4 05 the W1/4 of Sec,3l,T,ll7,R,21; th. irly along the fJ. line of Sec,31,T,117,R,21 to the GY corner of Sec.31,T.l17,R.21; th. X. along centerline .of County Road No. 18 to point or' beginning." above trunk Hatermain ape as follows: ( ?I,, and Wly of the centerline 02 Pprkwood The proaerties proposed to be assessed for Lateral connections to the Parcels #410 and 520 in Sec, 30 ,T, 117 ,R. 21 Lot 2, Block 2, Davies First Addition Lots 1 thru 4, Block 1, Hanson's Second Addition Parcel #6205 in Block 16, liendelssohn Addition Tract h, Registered Land Survey 30. 246 Lots 14 thru 25, 3lock 14, \Jest LIinneapolis Heights Addition Lots 1 thru 13, Slock 13, \Jest Xinneapolis Heights Addition Lot 1, ;.lillardf s Subdivision 03 Block 17, Ikndelssohn. Assessments for Trunk :latermain r.2.11 be payable in twenty equal consecutive annual installments over a period of twenty years, rrith first year payble with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessmmt to December 31, 1965. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. equal consecutive annual installments over a geriod of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965. be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Traasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest &IO the County Treasurer. BY ORDER OF TI& VILLAGE COUl1CIL Gretchen S, Alden Assessments for Lateral connections to Trunk Uatermain will be pzyable in ten To each subsequent installment trill The ovmer of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole Village Clerk (4) NOTICE OF ASSESSiIENT HEAEUJG OX \?ATERUAIIJ 1NPROVEi.IEIJT NO 172 EDIIJA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on hionday, September 14,1964 at 7:OO o'clock P.i4., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement, This assesment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, ?lashington Avenue from 2taloney Avenue to North Village Limits Adam Avenue from i4aloney Avenue to North Village Limits Jefferson Avenue from Maloney. Avenue to Horth Village Limits iladison Avenue from iktloney Avenue to Xorth Village Limits Nonroe Avenue from ilaloney Avenue to Horth Village Limits Third Street from klashington Avenue to l4onroe Avenue Third Street from VanBuren Avenue to Harrison Avenue Belmore Lane from lfonroe Avenue to 220 Ft East Belnore Lane from Jackson Avenue to VanBuren Avenue Vanijuren Avenue from Xaloney Avenue to Ilorth Village Limits Harrison Avenue from XLoney Avsnue to 1Sorth Village Limits Tyler Avenue from IIaloney Avenue to Belriiore Lane Arthur Street from Ilaloney Avenue to cul-de-sac Belmore Lane fmin Harrison Avenue to Griffit Street Dearborn Street from delmora Lane to 400 ft ilorth Arthur Street from Belmore Lane to 400 ft North Griffit Street from Llaloney Avenue to lJorth Village Limits Blake Road from llaloney Avenue to iJorth Village Limits Tlaloney Avenue from Arthur Street to West line "of 31ock 9, IJendelssoIin hddn. John Street from LIaloney Avenue to 420 ft North Kresse Circle from Xaloney Avenue to cul-de-sac Spruce Road from Griffit St. to alley between Blocks 7 E 8, tiendelssohn Adh. John Street from Belmore Lane to Spruce Road Grove Place froin Belmora Lane to Spuce Road Alley between ;Ilocks 7 E 8, ilendelssohn Addn. from Belrrtvre Lane to Spruce Road Belmore Lane from Joiin Street to East line 02 Sec.30,T.ll7,R.21 John Street from i-laloney Avenue to cul-de-sac. all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. C0;ISTRUCTIOLT OF VILLAGE LATERAL UATERHAX$I ND APPURTEiMCES AS FOLLOs.IS : The area proposed to be assessed for -the cost of tile above irlipovament includes 8/17/64 119'4 Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive installrrients, payable annually over a period of ten years, vith first year payable with the taxes for the gear 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of tne resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965. interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, of tile assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before Deaember 15 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, BY ORDER (3F THE VILLAGE COUi4CIL. Gretchen S. Alden To each subsequent installment will be added The owner of any property assessed for the above impovenent may pay the whole Village CLsrk- (5) HOTICE OF ASSESSflEiJT HEfiRIiiG OiJ -. \IATERXAId IZl!?ROVEdEi"T L?O 175 EDIdA VILLAGE COUiJCIL will meet at the Edina Village I-iall on i-londay, Septeirher 14, 1964 at 7:OO olcloclc P,i.I., to hear and pass ulJon all objections, if any, to the pro- posed assessment for the following improvement , the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. CONSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE TRUNK WATERMAIN, LATERAL CONNECTIONS THEBETO RiJD APPUETEUaCES IN THE FOLLO'JING: This assessment is now on file in Arthur Strreet from Ida bney Avanue to Materman Avenue The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above Trunk ilaternain includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries : "Coininencing at a point on the east line of Sec,30,T.117,R.21 a distance of 75 Zeet south of the NE corner thereof; th, south along the east Line of said section to tiie centerline of Ihloney Ave. ; th. ifly along the centerline of Maloney Ave, to the east line of Rearrangernmt of Block 23, Mendelssohn extended; th. Sly along the east line of said Block 23, to the SE corner of Lot 1, Rearrangement of Block 23, 2endelssoi-m; til. illy to the SI-! corner of Lot 2 of said Block 23; til. south to the iJE corner of Lot 2, Block 1, Ilendelssohn Sorensen Replat; th. Wly to the LG? corner of Lot 1, Block 1, i-lendelssohn Sorensen Replat; th. Spy to the NE corner of Replat or' Part of Block 22, ilendelssohn; th, Uly to the 1421 corner of said Replat; th. Sly 70' along the west line of said Replat; th, Wly to the NE corner of Lot 6, 3lock 1, Victorsen's Interlachen Addition; th. Illy to the Xi7 co-mer of Lot 5, Block 1, Victorsen's Interlachen Addition; til. illy, Ely, and Uly along tiis west lines of Lots 7 and 8, Block 1, Victorsen's Interlachen Addition to the id61 corner of said Lot 8; th. ilorth along the west lines of Lots 2 and 1, Block 1, ilendelssohn Addition Gross Replat extended to the centerline of i4aloney Ave.; th. $?ly alone the centerline of i-Ialoney Ave. to the west line of Grlffis Sub. of Block 18, i4endelssohn's Addn. extended; th. Sly along the nest line of said Subdivision of Block 18 to the iJE corner of Lot 2, Lampe's Sub, of Lots 8 thru 23, kiillards Sub of Block 17, Xendelssohn Addition; th. Wly along the north line of said subdivision to the EJE corner thereof; th. south along the west line of said subdivision to the XE corner 02 Lot 5, i3lock 1, Hanson's 3rd Addition; th. Wly, along the north lines of Lots 5, 6 and 7, Block 1, Hanson's 3rd Addition to the NW corner of Lot 7, Block 1, Wanson's 3rd Addition; th. Sly along the W. line of Lot 7, extended to the centerline of \.laterman Ave.; til. at a bearing of S.2Y013'40"west a distance of 219.31'; th. Sly on the centerline of abandoned 7th Ave. East a distance of 64'; th. Ely alonc a line 264 ft S. of E1/2 of the SE1/4 of the SE1/4 of the XI1/4, Sec.30,T.l17,X,21 exended to the west line of Schwantes Addition;th. north along said west line to the center line of ilaterman Ave. ; th. east along the centerline of Waterliian Ave. to the west line oE Block 29, l.lzndelssohn Addition extended; th. south along the west line of said Block 29 to the MiJ corner of Lot 2; Block 1, Wayne Terrace Addition; tli. east along the north line of said Block 1, Wayne Terrace Addition to the iJE corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Wayne Terrace Addition; th. ilEto the P.I. 2oint df curve on County Road iS0. 20, said point described by Iiennepin County Gigiir-IaY Dept. alignment of iiarch 3, 1350; til, SEly along the centerline of County 3oad ilo. 20 a dis-'came bf 170.60 ft; th, MEly to a point 125 ft south of and 135 ft west of the i,IE corner of B1ocl.c 28, iiendalssohn Addition; th. north on a line 135 ft west of and parallel to tnc cast line of Block 28, LIendelssohn Addition, a distance of 30 ft; th. Ely 95 ft south of and garallel to the north line of said j3lock 28 to the west line of ilirror Lake View Addition; th. Sly along the W. line of said Addition to the SLI corner of Lot 1, alock 1, Liirror Lake View Addition; th. Ely along the south lines oE Lots 1, 2 and 3, Block 1, ilirror Lakes View Addition to the SE corner of Lot 3, Block 1, iiirror Lake View Addition; th, south along the east line of said Addition a distance of 153 ft; th. east parallel to and 253 Ft S. of tiie S. line of ilaterman Ave. a distance of 705 ft; th. I?. 50 ft E. of and parallel to the \I. line of Sec.29,T.117, R.21 to a point 75 ft S. of the 50 ft E. of the iJH comer of Sec.29,T.ll7,R.21; til. il. to point of beginning.'' Trunk ;Jaterinain are as foUows : r;) a Q .2 ' I The poserties proposed to be assessed for Lateral connections to the above Lofs lthru 24, incl., Griffis Subdivision of Block 18, iIendelssohn. Assessments For Trunk Watermain will be payable in kwenty equal consecutive annual installments over a period of twenty years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% L>er annum Erom the date of the resolution levying the assessrmit ot December 31, 1965. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the saiile rate for one year on all unpaid installments. 8/17/64 Assessments €or Lateral connections to the Trunk \latemain will be 2ay;zble in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, rfith first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965. be added interest' at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. The omer of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. To each subsequent installraent krill BY ORDER OF TWE VILLAGE COUiTCiL. Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk (61 iJOTICE OF ASSESSIIEf?T HEARING OX I BATEMAI1T fNPROVEi*EWT. NO 176 EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village >all on Xonday, Septenber 14, 1964 at 7:OO o'clock P.i.I., to hear and pass upon all object.ions, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement , in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, Haterman Avenue 5ron Arthur Street to Waterman Circle Waterman Circle, easement line between Vaterman Circle and Tyler Court and ikndelssohn Lane born ihloney Avenue to Blake Road Blake Road from 3aloney Avenue to Haterman Avenue ?faterman fivenue from Blake Road to 860 Et East On easement line across the west 20 feet of part of 3lock 22, i4endelssohn. a11 lots and tracts of land abutting the straets improved. annual installnients ovep a period of ten years, with Sirst year payable with the taxes for the year 1954 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the pate of 5% per annum from the date of tile resolution levying the assessment to Decenber 31, 1965. sam rate €or one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before Decamber 15, 1964, or make payment wPch accrued intersst to the County Treasurar. BY ORDER OF TSLE VILLAGE COUXiL. Gretchen S. Alden (7) i60TI& OF ASSESSXEXT HEARIXIG 03 This assessment is now on file COi.TSTRUCTIOH OS VILLAGE LATERAL \;IATERI.TAII? Al?D tZPPURTENAXCES AS FOLLOiIS : on Tyler Court - all between lifaterman Avenue and I.Ialoney Avenue The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any groperty assessed for tile above iiqrovement may pay tile whole Village Clerk SKFZJITARY SZrlER 114PROVEiEiiT 30. 199 EDIWA VILLAGE COUiJCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on iionday, September 14, 1964 at 7:OO o'clock P.K., to hear and pass ugon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following improvement * in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection, COiJSTRUCTiOi? OF VILLAGE 'rC-llr TRUi?K SAiJITARY SEVER EXTEIJSIO;*I, LATZlXL COXGCTIO2IS "Commencing at a point in the S1/2, Sec,31,T.117,R.21, located 685.70 ft X. of the centerline of Halnut Drive extended and 150 ft S. of the 8. line of said half-section; proceeding 'illy 150 ft S. of and parallel to the 13. line of said half-section a distance of approximately 472 ft; th. Wly at a deflection angle of 35O right a distance of 415 ft; th. NWLj at a deflection angle of 51O right to a point loca-ted on the S. line of Parcel 4600 in the NU2, Sec.31,T.117, R.21, a distance of approximately 547'; th. Wy along the S, line of said parcel a distance of 105 ft; th, lily along a line 480 ft 11. of and parallel. to the.E. line of Parcel 4600 to the 1T, line of said parcel a distance of 159.87 Et; th, lWly to a point on tine If. line of Parcel 3801, 1$1/2, Sec,31,T,117, R.21, located 500 ft X. of the :?E corner of said parcel a distance of approximately 300 fF; til, Nly on a line parallel to and 500 ft 'El, of the E. lines of Parcels 3810, 3200, 4800 and 4400, J1/2, Sec.31,T.ll7,R.21, to a point 370 ft 8. of the S. line of Parcel 4400, a total distance of approximately 640 ft; tho i?Uy at a deflection angle oE 41° left, to the S line of Parcel 4200, N1/2, Sec.3l,T,117,R.21, a distance of apprximately 356 ft; th. NXly at a deflection angle of 50O right to a point on the M line of the i41/2, Sec,31,T.ll7,R.21, a distance of approxiroatcly 642 ftj th. Mly on a line 225 E-t IT. of and parallel to the E. line of Parcel 0520 located in the S1/2, Sec,30,T.ll.7,R.21 a distance of 1200 ft; th NHly at a deflection angle of 44O left to a point 13 ft \I, of the E. line of County Road No. 18 a distance of approximately 935 ft; tho Nly on a line 13' \J. of and parallel to the E. line of County Road NO. 18 to the center line of 14aloney Ave. located in the IW2, Sec,3O,T.ll7,R,21 a distance of approximately 2100 ft; th. Ely on the centerline of Ilaloney Ave. to the point of termination, a distance of 146.42 s'eet.IP The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of Sanitary Trunk Sewer Extension 'rC-l'3 includes all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaxdes: ''Conmencing at a point on the I?. line of Lor 5, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn., said point being 75.46' X. of the SI! corner thereof; "th. XEly along the :!.line of Parkwood Knolls 8th fiddn, to the iikf corner of Lot 2, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn. ;th, Elly along the SiUy line of Lot: 1, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 8th Ada, to the This assessment is no^ on file TEETO, AiJD APPURTEiJAlJCES , Ii? THE FOLLO'IIIHG : I I i. 89 8/17/64 ' STI comer thereof; th, ilEly along the N6Jly line of Lot 1 , .31ock 2, Parkwood I Knolls 13th Addn. to the iW corner thereof; th. Wly 60' to the SW corner of View Lane as slatted in Parkwood Knolls 8th Addn. ; th, NEly along the W line ,of View Lane to the SE corner of Lot 5, Block 2, Parkwood i<nolls 5th Rddn. 5 th, Wialy along the SNly line of Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 5th Addition to the E, line of Schaefer Road; th. \I, along the S, line of Lot 1, Block 2, Parkwood Knolls 5th Addition extended 30' to the center line of Schaefer Road; th. north on said centerline to the south line extended east of Lot 12, Block 5, Parkwood Knolls; th. 'd. SUly along the iJEly line of Lot 13 of said Block 5 to the SE corner of Lot 8, of said Block 5; th. Nly along its E, line to the NE cQrner thereof; th. iTWly to the ME corner of Lot 2 of said Block 5; th. i.li?ly along the i,iE line of said Lot 2 extended, to the centerline of Parkwood Road; th. SI-Jl.7 alonf said centerline to the Sly extension of the I? line of Lot 3, Block 3, Parkwood l<nolls; th, ;Jly along the Ely lot lines of Lots 4,5,6 & 7, of said Block 3, to the i4. line thereof; tho E to a point on the Sly line of Lot 16, Auditor's Subdivision So. 325 which is 313.85' E. of the SH corner thereof; th. Mly to a point on tile 11. line of Lot 12, Auditor's Subdivision do. 325 iJhich is 319.125' E of the iJM corner thereof; th il to the SI.! corner of Lot 5, Auditor's Subdivisiorr 30, 325; th M. to tne intersection of the center lines of Tyler and Haloney Avenugs; til B along the centerline of 3aloney Ave. 329.64'; th. S. along the W line of Lot I, Block 1, Hanson's 2nd Addn, to the S;J comer thereof; th SEly along the SE line of said Lot 1, extended a distance of 127.28'; th. S. along the '\I, line of Block 1, Haison's 3rd Ad&, a distance of 388.16' to the centerline of Waterman Avenue; th SWly at a deflection angle to the right 24°131401r a distance of 219.31' ; th W, at a deflection an@e to the right of 65°46'20'' a distance of 330'; th. S. at a deflection ansle to the left of 90° a distance of 460' j th W, along tlie S. line of the X1/2 of Sec.30,T,L17,R.21 to a point 647,54' E, of the W. line of said section; th. 3. at a deflection angle to the right of 89°17'201' a distance of 648.06' to the i;i line of Sec.30,T.ll7,R*21; th. Sly along said kl line and the $1 line of Sec,31,T.l17,X,21 to the SW corner of N1/2 of the S2/5 of the W5/8 of the S#l/4 of Sec.3l,T.l17,R,2$; til. E. to the SE corner of the 14 1/2 of the S 2/5 of the H5/8 of the S;I1/4, Sec.3l,T.l17,R,21; th l\r to the HE corner 02 the M242' of the E 180' of the rJ 1635.30' of the SI-J l/4 of Sec. 31,T.L17,R,21; th. E to beginning." includes Tracts rrarr and "b" in Registered Land Survey 1\10. 246; Parcel #520 in Sec. 30 ,T, 117 ,R1 21 and Parcel $846 in Sec. 31,T. 117 ,R. 23.. Assessments for Sanitary Sewer Trunk Extension will be payable in twenty f twenty years, with first year payable $e!!?$?@6$ consecutive annual installments ovy with the taxes for the year 196Y~ad% in eres on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of tlie resglution levying the assessment to Decerrher 31, 1965. year on all unpaid installments. annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the Year' 196r Payable in 196& payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessrrient to December 31, 1965, interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, i ' iiilly and 3 a Q cd ll;E C;r The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of Lateral Sewer Connections To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one Assessments for Lateral Sewer Connections will be payable in ten equal consecutive . To each subsequent installment will be added The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole BY ORDER OF TiiE VILLAGE COUiSCIL. Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk (8) NOTICE OF ASSESSHENT HEARIiJG 014 SANITARY SEWER IkiPROVELiENT BO, 200 EDEJA VILLAGE COUBCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Ilonday, September 14, 1964 at 7:OO o'clock P.I4., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the'yro- posed assessment for the following improvement, tire office of the Village Clerk &d open to public inspection. From existing Trunk Sewer manhole located 150 feet Vest and 150 feet Cast of the centerline of ~Sec.31,T.117,R.21; th. North on a line 150 feet Hest of md parallel to the SI-S 1/4 line of Sec. 31, a distance of 873 feet; th. ifE on a deflection angle to the right of 7O25' a distance of 395 feet; th on a deflection angle to the left of 8O15' to a point at the intersection of the centerline of Londonderry Xoad and the South line of Parlcwood Knolls Addition. Parlwood Knolls 2nd Addition to 465 feet East of the centerline of Londonderry Road to Londonderry Road This assessment is nokr on file in CONSTRUCT1 OH OF VILLAGE LATERAL SkiJITARY SEWER AED fiPPUF.TEiJliiX!ES : Londonderpy Road from South line of Parkwood Knolls Addition to the Borth line of Stauder Circle from the i\forth line of Lot 2, Zlock 1, Parkwood l<nolls 2nd Addition Parkwood Road from the iqorth line of Lot 2, Block 1, Parlcwood Knolls 2nd Addition Parkvrood Xoad from Londonderry Road to Larada Lane Larada Lane frojn Parkwood Road to Xorth line of Parkwood Yaolls Addition On North line of Sec.3l',T.l17,R.21 from the centerline of Parkwood Road k1es-t a distance of 570 feet. - The poperties propesed to be assessed for the cost of the above irtiprovert1ent are as follor~s: 280 c Sec. 30 ,T. U7 ,X. 21 Parcel $410 Sec. 31,T. 117 ,R. 21 Parcels 82725 and 2740 Parkwood Knolls Addition Block 2, Lots 3 and 4 Block 3, Lots 1 thru 7, incl, Block 5, Lots 2 thru 8, incl, Block 6, Lots 2 and 3 Assessments for the above improvement 8/17/64 Parkv~ood Knolls 2nd Block 1, Lots I $hnu 9, incl. Block 2, Lots 1 thru 7, incl. Block 1, Lot 1 Parkwood Knolls 9th Parkwood Xnolls 10th Block 1, Lot 1 will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with €irst year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965. same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COU1BCIL, Gretchen S, Alden To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the D The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole Village Clerk i (9) IBOTICE OF ASSESStEiJT BEARINGS ON SUJITARY SEIER 114I?ROVEHE~IT NO. 203 IIATERbIAIN IMPROVEillEiJT i.iO 173 STREET 1l.PROVEI~EBT XOo B-75 . ,_ EDIiJA VILLAGE COUiJCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Ljonday, September 14, 1964, at 7:OO o'clock P.14. , to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the progosed assessment fop the following improvements. office of the Village Clerk and open to public insgection, COiJSTRUCTIOlj OF VILLAGE SSBITAXY SEllER SERVICE CONECTIOl\IS AiJD hPPURTEiTAHCES I:? THE FOLLOVIUG: {Test side of Xerxes Avenue from Vest 54th Stret to West 62nd Street. as fol1or.r~: . These assessments are now on file in the The properties proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement are Parcels #4205, 4265, 5620,5630 and 5640 in Sec.20,T.28,R.24 Brookline Addition - Lots 1 and 2 in Block 1; Lots 3,2,3,4,5,7,8,9,10 arid 11, Harriet Lawn - Lots 1,2,3,5 and 6 in Block 1 Xarriet Lawn - Lot 11 in Block 1; Lots 1,2,4,6,8 and 9 in 3lock 8 Town Realty's Edina Terrace - Lot 2, Block 1 Toi:Jn Zealty's Edlna Terrace Second - Lot 1, Block 1 Block 2 I COXSTRUCTION OF VILLAGE I.lAl'ERUAIIT SERVICE COIJIJECTIONS AXD AE)PURTEIJANCES 13 THE FOLLOWIilG : West side of Xerxes Avenue from West 54th Street to Vest 62nd Street. The pro2erties proposed to be assessed €or the cost of the above improvement are as follows: liarriet I;fanor Second - Lots 11 ad 12, Block 1; Lots 1,2,4,6 and 9, Block 8 Seeleys First Additioii to Hawthorne Park - Lots 4,5,6,7,8,9 ,lo ,11,12 and 15, Block 1; Lots 1,2,7,8,13 and 14, Block 4. COWTRUCTIOH OF COiJCL%TE CURB AiJD GUTTERt IN THE FOLLOfJIilG: Yest side of Xerxes A-Jenue from \lest 56th Street to West 62nd Street. The arda prqosed to be assessed for the cost of the ahove improvement includes all lots and tracts 05 land abutting the :?est side of Xerxes Avenue from Hest 56th Street to ;lest 62nd Street. will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a Jeriod of ten yeaxs, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 pay&& in 1965, r.rith inteerast on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum from tile date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965, To each subsequent installtiient will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid installnents. Assessments €or Concrete Curb E Gutter will be gayable in €ive equal consecutive annual installments over a period of five years, with first year payable with the taxes €or the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annum f%om the date of the resolution levjring the assessment to Dacer?Ser 31, 1965. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the sane rate for one year on all unpaid installriients, of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. BY 0-RDER OF THE VILLAGE COUJCIL, Gretchen S, Alden Assessments €or Sanitary Sewer service connect ions and Ilatermain service connections I The owner of any property assessed for the above inprovemen$s may pay the whole Village Clerk (10) PIOTICE OF ASSESSL-IENT HEARIidG OiT LATERAL IJATERIlAIPI IMPROVEliE>?T NO. 174 EDIXA VILLAGE COUdCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on iiondajr, September 14, This assessment is now on file in the office 1964 at 7:OO o'clock P.II., to hear and pass ugon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for* the I"olfoi.ring impovenient. of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. 8/17/64 Cl)d STRUCTIOJ OF VILLAGE WATEN4AIM AND APPURTEdABCES AS FOLLOilS : Cooper Avenue from Orchard Lane to Circle East-Circle llest Circle East from Cooper Avenue to East line of dlldale fiddition DiVision Street from East line of Hilldale Addition to 150 feet East Circle dest from Cooper Avenue to Cul-de-sac Circle East from 400 feet 14orth of Cooper Avenue to Circle blest Spur Road from Circle East to Cul-de-sac. The properties-proposed to be assxssed for the cost of tile above improvement Parcels 87400, 7600 and 7800 'in Sec. 29, T. 117, R, 21 Lot 1, Brunts Addition dest 1/2 o€ alock 16, Emma Abbott Park Lots 9 thru 17, incl,, Block 1, Hilldale Addition Lots 1 thru 11, incl., Block 2, Hilldale Addition Lots 1 tnru 9 , incl., Block 3, Milldale Addition Lots 1 tnru 7, incl., dlock 4, Hilldale Addition Lot 1, Block 1, Killdale-LaLone Lots 1 thru 6, incl, , Block 1, Neadotrbrook Oaks West 164 feet of Lot 1, Block 1, Replat of jjlock 1, Emma Abbott Park Assessments for the above irnpovernent will be payable in ten equal consecutive / are as follows: annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the yeap 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessincnt at the rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to Decemuer 31, 1965, same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before Ijeceriber 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County "rea-. surer To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the Trie owner of any poperty assessed for the &ove imgrovenent may pay The whole BY ODEX OF THL VILLAGE COUL?CIL, Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk (11) NOTICE OF ASSESSRENT EEARING Od SAWTAR'f SEirJER liPROVEiiIEiJT 140. 205 EDIiiA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet a-t the Zdina Village Hall on LIonday, Sqtember 14, 1964 at 7:OO o'clock P.11., to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to tile po- posed assessment for the following improvement. the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. Coopr Avenue from Orcnard Lane to Circle East-Circle klest Circle Jest from Cooper Avenue to Cul-de-sac Circle %ast from Cooper Avenue to East line of iiilldale Addition Circle East from 400 ft iSorth of Cooper Avenue to Circle dast Uivision Street from bast line of dilldale Addition to Oxford Avenue Zaselnent line 20 feet South of Lot 11, dilldale Adaition from Cooaer This assessment is no\? on file in COiJSTRUCTIOiS OF VILLAGE SfiNITARY SEt.lE,lC AiilD APPURTEXANCES AS FOLLOilS : Avenue to Edst line of Rolling Green Addition Laseiflent line 30 feet East of Roll& Green of Lot 8, Hilldale Addition to 20 feet Lot 9, Hilldale Addition Easement linz 20 feet East of Rolling Green of the South line of iiilldale Addition Spr Road from Circle East to Cul-de-sac. The pro2erties proposed to be assessed as follor7s: Addition l'rom the SouTh line South of the Soutu line of Addition from 20 feet South to 280 feet South for the cost of the above impovernent are Parcels #7400, 7600, 7800 and 8000 in Sec.29,T,117,R.21 Lot 1, drum's Addition iiest 1/2 of block 16, Emma Abott Park Lots 9 thru 17, incl,, Block 1, ;iilldale Addition bots 1 thru 11, incl. , Block 2, Hilldale Addition Lots 1 tmu 9, incl., Block 3, iiilldale Addition Lots 1 thru 7, incl., Block 4, Hilldale Addition Lot 1, Xock 1, Hilldale-LaLone Lots 1 thru 6, incl., Block 1, Meadowbrook Oaks dest 164 feet of Lot 1, 31ock 1, Replat of Block 1, Emma Abbott Park Lots 13, 14 and 15 in Rolling Green Addition. Assessments fop the above improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at tile rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levyin;: the assessment to December 31, 1965. same rate €or one year on all unpaid installrnents. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make gaplent with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any property assessed for the above inpovement may pay the whole BY OR3E3 OF TkIE VILLAGE COUi4CIL. Gretchen S, Alden Village Clerk 8/17/64 ivOTICE OF ASSESSUEITT HEiiRIX OH bktUTARY SEhER Ii.1PROVEI.IZNT 110. 206 , ZDIJA VILLAGC COUlfCiL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on ;4onda;r, Sepaiber 14, 1964 at 7:OO o'clock P,iI., to hear and gass upon all objections, if any, to the pro2osed assessment for the following improvement. in the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. Grove Street from johnson Drive to Hansen Road Hansen Aoad from Grove Street to Benton Avenue Yest 60th Street from Hansen Road to Hansen Road Hansen Road fiom Grove Street to Railroad Tracks H+sen Road from Liest 60th Street to Benton Avenue all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. annual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes €or the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interast on the entire assessment at the rate of SSO per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to Deceaber 31, 1965. same rate for one year on all unpaid installments. of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer oa or before Dccenber 15 p 1964, or make payment xith accrued iuterest to the County Treasurer, BY 0aER OF THE VILLAGE COUi?CIL. Gretciiea S, Alden This assessrfient is now on f ?le COi4STRLJCTIOJ OF VILLAGE SAHITARY SGdER MJD AF'PURTEL.IRJCES Ill : The area proposed to be assesseci for the cost of the above imsrovernent includes Assessments for the wove improvement will be payable in ten equal consecutive To each subsequent installnent will be added interest at the The owner of any poperty assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole Village Clerk S&iLTARY SEJER 11lFEOVE:JENT ;TO. 208 (13) iiOTICE OF ASSE;SSI.ICi?T HEBRIilG 02 EDIi1A VILLAGE COUiJCIL will meet at tne Edina Village I-Iall on :Ionday, Segtexber 14, This assessment is now on Eile in the office 1964 at 7:OO o'clock P.ii., to hear and 2ass ugon all objections, if any, to the proposzd assessrcent for the following irqrovenent, o€ the Village C1ei.k and o?en to public inspection. FOLLOXJG: krcadia Avenue froiil 4GO feet iiorth of Eden Avenue to 875 feet ilorth of Eden Avenue. Lot 7, Block 8, Thngdale &os. ilrookside; Lot 1, Block 2, Grandview rfeibilts; Lots 1 and 2, Block 1, Grandviekr Heights ; Lots 10,U ,12,13 and. 14, Block 7, Tingdale dros. Brookside and Lot 5, iilock 7, Tingdale d??OS. Brookside, annual installments over a deriocl of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for tne year 1964 payable in 1965, with interast on the entire assessment at the rate of 5% per annm from the date of tw resolution levying the assessment to Dacember 31, 1965. To each subsequent installrmnt will ue added interest at the same rate for orre year OR all unpid installments. Tile owner of any progerty assessed for the above improvement may pay the whole of the assessment without interast to the Village Treasurer on or before Decemer 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. RELOCATIOB OF VILLAGZ SAiJITARY SEdER &TD dATEr\l.ZfrIlT AJD hPPURi'E&XLS Iii TEE The area pro2osed to be assessed for the cost of the above iriproveinent includes Assessnents for tile abovs iriiprovernent will be payable in ten equal consecutive BY OIWER i>F TEE VILLA= COULICIL, Gretchen S, Alden Village Clerk (14) i4OTiCE OF ASSESSi*E6P HZARLIIG oil STREET II4PKOVEHEMT 150, A-155 EDDU VILLAGE COUJCIL trill neet at the Edina Village Hall on ilonuay, September 14, 1964 at 7:OO or clock P.J., to hear and pass uiJon all objections, if any to the ?ro?osed assessment for the following imgrovement. This assessment is now on file in She offics of the Village Clerk and ogen to public inspection. Larada Lane from Parkwood Xoad to iqortk line of Parkwood i(lio1ls Ad&. Parkwood Road fron Larada Lane to Londonderq Road Londonderry Road from South line of Parkwood Knolls Addn, to ilorth Parktrood Road Parkwood Road from Intersection of Londonderry Road and Stauder Circle to Londonderry ;id Stauder Circle from Xorth intersection of Londonderry to South line of Parkwood Knolls Parh~ood Lane from Parkwood Road to a point 75 feet South of the South line or' Parkidood - Tile area pmposed to be assessed for the cost of the above impovenent includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the streets improved. iissessriients for the above improvement trill be payable in five aqua1 consecutive annual installments over a period of five years, with first year pajable with the taxes €or the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at the rate of 58 per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31,1965. To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the same rate for one year on all unpaid iHpeaef;iea installments. assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or be€ore Decerrber 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. COHSTRUCTIOd OF ASPHALT COXCiXGTE EPLACEdENT 041 THE FQLLi) JIdG : Addition Road. The owner of any property assessed for the above impovement nay ?ay the whole of th BY OIiDZR OF THE VILLAGE; COUiICIL. Gretchen S. Alden Villdge Clerk e 8/17/64 HOTICE OF ASSESSfiiEilT !-IZAFJidG Oia (15 203 STORE SEVER Ii-iPXOVLSiEilT, iiO.72 EDIilA VILLAGE; COUiK!IL will meet at the Edna Village i-Iall on iionday, Septenber; , 14, 1964 at 7:OO o'cloclc P,I>I,, to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proGosed assessment for the following improvement. file in tlie office of the Village Clerk and open to 2,Slic inspection. C06STRUCTIOJ OF VILLAGE STOiU.1 SEiIER AlJD APPURTEijAdCEs Ill THL F0LLOI;II;G : In Valley Vista Addition from existing Pond IJEly a distance of 430 feet to a pro2osed manhole located approximately 340 feet East and 678 feet, more or less, IJorth of the Ski corner of the iN1/4 of the Si-11/4 of Sec, 5, T, 116, R,2L. all lots and tracts of land within the following described coundxries: being 50 feet East of center line of Gleason Road; thence East along the centei? line of Valley View Road a distance of 500 feet; thence ilorth to a yoin's 200 feet South of the ilorth line of Lot 31, kud, Suh, 110. 196 and 338 &et ;:est os' -the East line of said Lot 31; thence iEly to the lJE corner of said Lot 31; thance South along the East line of said Lot 31 to the centar line of Valley Vierr Xoad; thence East along the center line of Valley View Road a distance of 65 feet; thence South parallel to and 60 feet Vest os' the East line of 8lock 4, Chapel Hill Addition to a point in Lot 25, Block 4, Chagel Hill Addition, said ;joint being 40 feet South of the North line of said Lot 25 when measured at right anzles thereto; thence SXy to a point on the Vest Line of said Lot 25, tiie said point being 40 feet South of the IT\/ corner of said Lot 25; thence X'dly to a point on the center line of Et.Patrick's Lane, said point behg on the ITorth line extended Yesterly of Lot 9, Block 1, Elm View 1st Addition; thence iJorth along the center line os' St, Patrick's Lane a distance of 60 feet; thence on a deflection angle to the right of 30OOO' a distance of 185 feet; thence on a deflection angle to the left of 90OOO' a distance of 400 feet; thence North to the point of beginning." annual installments over a period of ten years, with s'irst year papble s.rL-iih the taxes Por the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessment at tile rate of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965. same rate for one year on all unpaid installments, of the assessment without interest to the Village Treasurer on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurar, This assessment is now on The area'.iropbsad- t6 be, .assessed for the cogt. of' tlie .&hove irliprovenlent includes "Commencing at a point on the center line of Valley View Road, said poiat 73 3t) 8 cc rJ u Assessments for the above improveriient will be gayable in ten equal consecutive To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may 2ay the whole BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUNCIL,. Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk (16) ;JOTICE OF ASSESSi4EX?T HEARING ON STOXI.1 SEWER IHPROVELEIJT NO. 79 E13ZiJA VILLAGE COUNCIL will meet at the Edina Village Hall on Xonday, September 14, 1964 at 7:OO o'clock PIPI,, to hear and pass upon a11 objections, if any, to the pro- posed assessment for the following improvement. the office of the Village Clerk and open to public inspection. From the existing manhole LOO feet blest and 70 feet North of the NW corner of Division Street and Rutledge Avenue to a point 320 feet North oE the iJorth line of Division Street. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above irqrovenent iilcludn,s all lots and tracts of land within the following described boundaries: "Beginning at a point in the centerline of Rutledge Avenue, said point being twenty feet (20') west of the northwest corner of Lot 6, grooksi.de Terrace; thence east along the north line of Lot 6, Brookside Terrace to the northeast corner of Lot 6, Brookside Terrace; thence southeasterly to a yoiiit on the north line of Lot 16, LIrooksi.de Terrace, said point being sixtj-five feet (65' 1 west of tiie northeast corner thereof; thence south and parallel to Brookside Avenue to a point sixty-five f~st (65') west of the northeast corner of Lot 18, Brookvide Tcmace ;-:thence. .west along. the north line of Lot 18, arookside Terrace to the northwest corner of Lot 18, brookside Terrace; thence northwesterly to the southeast corner of Lot 1, Block 1, Rqht of Lots 9 and 10, B%OOkSide Terrace; LII~LLCB vest aloiig the south line of said Lot 1, Block 1, extended to a point on the center line of Rutledge Avenue; thence north to the point of beginning." aniiual installments over a period of ten years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, witn interest on the entire assessment at tiie rate. of 5% per annum from the date of the resolution levying, tiia assessniant to Decarfier 31, 1965. sam rate for one year on all unj?aid installments. The owner of ariy property assessed for tiie above ilmproveinent may pay the whole of the assessinen-t without interest to the Villa,ce Treasurer on or before iiecenba.. 15, 1964, or rnake payment with accrued interest to the County TrasureP. This assessment is ~OIJ on file in COXTRUCTIOii OF VILLAGE STORM SEt-JER AiJD APPURTEiJAiJCES I1,4 THE FOLEOilIiJG : J-1- _,- Assessrnents for the above improvement will be payable in ten equal coasecutive I To each subsequent installment will be added interest at the dY ORDER OF Ti& VILLAGE COU~$CIL. Gretchen S. Alden Vi1la;l;e Clerk 204 3/17/64 STPGET IHPROVEIE;ITT iJO.0-76 EDI;JA VILLAGE CouiICIL will neet at the Edina Villade liall on llonday, .. \'September 14, 1964, at 7:OO o'clock P.X., to hear and pass ugori a11 objections, if any, to the 2roposed assessment for the folloiring improvement. ment is now on file in tile office of .die Villabe Clerk and open to pblic inspection. . COJSTRUCTIOX OF OIL STABILIZED JASE IS: i;allogg Avenue from :!est 54th Street to Xest 55th Street. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the above improvement includes all lots and tracts of land abutting the street improved. Assessments for the above improvement will be payable in thr2e equal consecutive annual installments over a period of three years, irith first year jlayable with the taxes for the year 1965, with interest on the entire assess- ment at the rate of 5% ijer annum from. the date of the resalution levjin;; tlie assessment to December 31, 1965, interest at the same rate for one year on all ungaid installments, wlhole of the assessment without interest to the Village Trsasurer on or befora Decerber 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer, The assess- To each subsequent installment will be added The owner of any property assessed for the above improvement may pay the BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COUliCIL. Gretchen S. Alden Village Clerk (3-8) i4OTICE OF ASSESSiE??T HEAKLITG Oil OPEXUIG, GRADIiTG K4D GRAVELIiIG :ro. c-85 EDIXA VILLAGE COUiJCIL will neet at the Edina Village Hall on iionday, September 14, 1964 at 7:OO of clock POX, , to hear and pass upon all objections, if any, to the proposed assessment for the following imnproverrient. ment is now on file in the office of the Village Clerk and o2en to public ins2ection. STBEET : This assess- COiiSTRUCTIOif OF THE OPEiJIiIG , GRADIiTG &ID GRkVELIilG OF TiiE FOLLO'JIiTG VILLAGE VanBuren Avenue from 2nd Street South to approximately 150 feet South. The area proposed to be assessed for the cost of the abovs iqrovement includes Lots 3 and 4, block 1 and Lots 1 and 2, Block 2 in Trolley Line iiddition, Assessnents for the above improvement will be payable in three equal con- secutive amual installments over a period of three years, with first year payable with the taxes for the year 1964 payable in 1965, with interest on the entire assessrrznt at the rate of 58 per annum from tlie date of the resolution levying the assessment to December 31, 1965. will be added interest at the sama rate for one year on a11 unpaid installments. xhole of tile assessment without interest to the VillaLe Trmsurm on or before December 15, 1964, or make payment with accrued interest to the County Treasurer. To each subsequent installment The orrner of any property assessed €or the above improveriiznt may $ay tile BY ORDER OF THE VILLAGE COU2JCIL. Gretchen S. Aldek Village Clerk "Resolution Providing for Special Assessment Hearings, Watermain impovemmts ilos . 168, 169, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175 and 176; Sanitary Sever Inpovenents iios. 199, 200, 203, 205, 206, 203; Storm Sewer Iinprovements lIos. 72 and 79, Street Impovements iios. A-155, B-75, C-85 and vote there were four ayes and no nays iupa, aye; and 3redesen, aye; and the r7 ATTEST : The evening' s agenda' s having been covered, Tupa moved fo~ adj ournmnt . seconded by Eke and carried. Xot ion Adjournment af;/710:00 P.;I.