HomeMy WebLinkAbout19640921_regular9 /14 /ijii 223 3/24/54 - To Ttxaco, IilC. - $1,125.47 - General Fund air2 3/25/54 - To City of Xpls.- . 97.25 - ,;ater Fund aid .For prjment of tile following Claims as ier Prs-List dated SaJtedxi. 14, 1964: GYiiepal fuici, $26,051.77; Construction Fund, $15,388.75; Pa~k, Park Construction, jrrim Pool and Golf Course, $64,483.12; ilaterrTorl;s Fund, $8,075.73; i&uw Fun&, $209,531.Y0; Sewer Xaital Fund, $2,393.53; P.I.R. and Poor Funds, $1,571.47-- 'i'bTAL PI--LIST3 $327,692.27-- was seconded by Rixe arid capried, Ti& matinuts agsnda's navink besn covered xcondau UJ VanValkenburs and carried. Tuja moved for adjouriinent . riotion kdj&5$iiLant at 10 : 50 P. 11. NINUTES OF THE REGULAR I4EETING OF THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD HONDAY, SEPTEbiBER 21, 1964, AT 7:OO P.M., AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL blembers answering Rollcall were iiIacE.lillan, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen . LLIIISUTES of the Regular Meeting of September 14, 1964, were approved as submitted, by motion VanValkenburg, seconded by 14acMillan and carried. WljAAING Oil FEdCE IN BOULEVARD AT 5501 HANSEiJ ROAD CONTIZJUED Ii?DEFII?ITELY,,,. FOR^ , I ORDIdAiJCE PXLATIVE TO ALL STREET OhGTRUCTIOiG. i4rs, Stuart F. Atsatt, 5501 Hansen=, and her attorney, 14r. KLaverkamp, attenued the meeting to hear Council's disposition of the order by the Village Building Inspector for renioval from the Village boulevard of the Atsatt's swimming pool fence; this fence being five feet outside the ilindsor Avenue curb line. the Council that while Piinnesota law is not as clear as it might be, it is his conc1usion"tnat the Village has the right to regulate the use by tne abutting owner of the boulevard area of the property in which the Village has an easement for street purposes provided the Council finds that the abutting owner's use interferw with the use of the traveled portion of the street," municipalities the power to regulate the use of streets and other public grouncis, to prevent encumbrances or obstructions, by ordinance , but there appears to be no Edina ordinance which implements this broad grant of power to order removal of obstructions or encutbrances; that there remain two courses to follow to have the fence rei,roved, if Council wishes to so act: 1. A civil suit in ejectment to recover 2ossession of tile boulevard area, or 2. Criminal proceedings alleging a violation of ordinance do. 142, Section 16--but, that in his opinion, a more satisfactory solution of tna overall question of the use of boulevard-are is the adoption of an ordinance iiiiplenienting i4innesota Statutes Section 412.221, Subd. 6. IIr . Klaverkamp told Council that the Ataatts had made an effort in this particular situation to keeg all Villade ordinances; that they have been willing, since ilr. Smith wrote them, to remove the fence if there is any real reason to do so, but that the fenca does not interfere with the travelled portion of the street; that they feel tiiere will be no problem with snow removal, and are perfectly willin& to wait and see mat happens on snow removal; that the Atsatts would have to go to great expense to remove tne fence, and that there is no clear-cut law which states they must do so, He added that what the Atsatts do not like is the complaint by a neighbor wno does not even live on the street. the Village Hall" had approved construction of the fence in the boulevard; and, at iilr. Klaverkamg's statement that it was thought to be i4r. Waldo Wegner, former Village Lngineer, Nanager Hyde read a letter from Mr. Negner, disclaiming any sucll aj?proval. Mr. Hyde explained that the pool permit had been taken out by the swimming pool contractor, who has never called back to say the pool was finished, and that pool has thus had no official inspection. tliat someone had been out to inspect the pool after it was finisned. Klaverkamp presented a petition, signed by nine kiindsor Avenue neighbors of the Atsatts, assenting to the fence's present location. Some discussion was had on Village Attorney William W. Hhitlock advised He added that the Statute givlss ' Claim had been made by the Atsatts that "someone in &irs. Atsatt stated, however, Ilr. 224 (I 9 /21/6 4 2 * fhe fence's'being a traffic hazard because of its height and tne possibility of cnildren's darting into path of oncoming vehicles. a like obstruction across the street, represented by two pillars; also, that this street is not as heavily travelled as some@ As to snow removal damage, Hr. Klaverkaiip said he felt sure his clients would be glad to sign a waiver of damages if Village so desired. Idayor Bredesen stated he would like to see the Council adopt an ordinance making it possible €or the Village to have all boaevard obstructions removed-- hedges, fences, pillars, etc, ; and VanValkenburg moved that Hearing on matter of removal of Atsatt fence be continued indefinitely, looking toward Ordinance granting Village power to remove a11 street and boulevard obstructions; and instructing Village Attorney to prepare such Ordinance for Council consideration. VanValkenburg's motion was seconded by Tupa and carried. that all the ktsatts are asking is that the fence be allowed to remain in the boulevard until such time as the boulevard is going to be used for travelLed roadway It was noted that there is BIr, Klaverkamp added li4PROVEiEIJTS PETITIONS ACCEPTED AND REFERRED TO PUBLIC WORKS DIECTOK- FOR PROGW- manValkenburg, seconded by- i4acLIillan and carried, were accepted and The following Imp?oveinent Petitions were presented by Clerk and, referred to Public ilorks Director for programming: per-connection basis for 58 lots. 1. 2. 3. Oiling - Alley between William and Bedford Avss. and between iT.5lst St. . 4. Lfatermain - Brookview Ave. between W.56th St. and Voodland Zoad, and 5. Sanitary Sewer and Watermain Improvement for "Edina Grove", to be on a Sanitary Sewer - Valley View Road from Cheyenne Trail to 300 Ft. Llest. and Interlachen r3lvd. between Brookview Ave, and Uooddale Ave. on Woodland Road, of Lot 5, to ;1.64th St. Permanent Street Surfacing and Curb - Vilryan Ave, from South Lot Line EDI3A PLAZA COFPPRATIOi$'S REQUEST FOR PERMJEI.IT GRADE CROSSING AT BUS3 LAICE ROAD- I? I'~.DIluA-.._rr~TE-~Ch~~~E CETITER" H08OF3D. Edina Plaza Corporat Son 'S request for - the following easements : "That portion of the following easement which is contained within the right- of-way lines on Bush Lake goad, Edina Interchange Center, Eennepin County, iiinn: 'A 20-0 foot-wide strip of land located in the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of Xnnesota whose centerline is described as follows : Beginning at a goint on the East line of Lot 6, Block 3, Eaina Interchange Center, Distant 10.06 feet liorth of the Southeast Comer of said Lot 6; thence extending Westerly on a line parallel with and 10.0 feet (measured perpendicular) distant from the South line of said Lot 6 to a point on said parallel line distant 351.53 feet from the Vest line of said Lot 6 (Heasured pergendicular) : thence deflecting to the right along a circular curve whose radius is 383,06 feet to its intersection with the Vest line of Lot 5, dlock 6, and there terminat- ing. l and . 'A 20.0 foot-wide strip of land located in the Village of Edina, County of Hennepin, State of liinnesota whose centerline is described as follows : Beginning at a point 50.0 feet blest (measured pergendicular) of the East line of Lot 5, Block 7, Edina Interchange Center and along a line parallel to and distant 70.0 feet South (Lleasured Perpendicular) of the lJorth Line of said Block 7; thence extending due West along said parallel line to a point 63.05 feet West (I-leasured pergendicular) from the East line of Lot 2 in said block 7; thence deflecting to the right along a circular curve having a radius of 764.49 feet and a delta angle of 6O-18'-23"; thence bearing Xorth 83O-41'-37" Vest to a point on the West line of Lot 1 of said Block 7, distant 37.42 feet South of the Horthwest corner of said Lot 1, and there terminating, in order to maintain a railroad grade crossing across Bush Lake Road. stated he could see no objection to the grade crossing, adding that in this case the great majority of the railroad traffic will be at night. told Council that while he is not comgletely silre of procedure lie believes the request €or grade crossing should be by permit rather than by easement. motion, that request for Grade Crossing at the location cited by Edina Plaza Corporation, be approved in principle, and that Village Attorney be instructed and carried. Manager Hyde I Att.orney \?hitlock Tupa's to do the things necessary to effect such approval, was seconded by VanValkenburg > ULES PUBLIC HEARINGS Oi(r ~PETITIOHS FOR REZOIiING AliD ZOi4IL"IG VARILuiCES. Council reviewed at some length the Planning Commission's recommendations relative to several requests for Rezoning and Zoning Variances, as made at Commission's meeting of September 16. Council schedule Public Hearings on the following petitions for tionday, October 5: After some consideration, VanValkenburg moved that I m 30 0 4 U u 25 9 /21/64 1. Petition by IJ. H. Brouillette for Rezoning from Open Development District .? to K-2 IXJLTIPLE RESIDENCE DISTRICT of Lots 13 and 14, Block 9 , Brookside Heights (5145-5141 William Avenue) for the j?urpose of constructing a double bungalow. Petition by R. E, Jenkins, 6221 Brookviekr Avenue, for variance for addition to his existing single car garage. Petition of dilliam H. Gilster, 3913 J.48th St. , for variance perrilittkng construction of double garage to within five feet from west side yard. Proposed Amendment to Planned Industrial Section of Zoning Ordinance, Amending Paragraph 6 , Sub-paragraph (b ) ( 3) Lot Coverage to read as follows : "(3) Lot Coverage, area OF any lotFract or parcel shall be covered by buildings or structures, excegt that the following schedule of maximum allowable lot tract 0% parcel coverage shall apply when tne total Building floor area on a site is contained within a single building, and when the total area used for loading terminals , docks , and berths is completely enclosed within the same single building : r' 2. 3. 4. Not more than thirty per cent (30%) of tae total Total Building Ground Hax. Allowable Lot , Tract Floor Area Parcel Coverage 100,000 - 1'39,999 Per Cent 35 * 200;000 - 299i999 40 403,000 and over 50 300,000 - 399,999 45 and motion was seconded by Tu2a and unanimously carried, 5. Petition by ilr. Roy 11. Peterson for Kezoning from 1,-4 'co R-5 ilULTIPLE PWSIDEIICE DISTRICT, and the necessary variances, for the purpose of constructing a 12-story, 134 unit apartnient building on Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, Cassin's Keplat whether the "water problem" had ueen worked out, and ilr, &-lite replied that complete agreement had not yet been reached. Trustee VanValkenburtg inquired, here , as to VanValkenburg then moved that Pwlic Hearing on tire Peterson's petition be scheduled for Octouer 19, subject to solution of the water problem to which he nad referred. i-lotion seconded by Tupa and carried. PUdLIC dL+RIdG SCHEDULED FOR OCTObER 19 OiJ RE-CLASSIFJCATIOkJ OF "CCJiI~UJiJITY- ST0.U'' Adi)"COiiii6hCiAL1' JISTKICT PROPERTIEL AND "REGIOI\IAL SHOPPIdG DISTRICT" ZSRC)PEiITIL+ TO 11PL~Ji4@ COiuIl33CIA~ relative to the lieclassificatcon of Community Store, Regional Shopping, and Commercial District properties to "Planned Commercial District" was reviewed by Council, and VanValkenburg moved that Public Hearing on Reclassification be scheduled for ilonday, October 19. September 16th report to the Planning Conmission 14otion seconded by Tupa and carried. P~LIIlINARY PLAT- FOR NORTHWEST CONJEK W. 70TH STREET AND FRANCE AVElJUE APPROVED. Council reviewed Planning Commission's September 16th recommendation for approval of a Preliminary Plat for the property located at the Northwest corner of k?.70th Street and France Ave., across from Southdale Ford. (See Planning Commission Ginutes 9/16 , entitled "State Development". Plat be approved in accordance with Commission's recommendation , was seconded by dacilillan and carried. Tupa's motion, that Preliminary PBXLIt*iId~\&Y. ,PL,AT FOR- SUBIIIVLSION OF LOT 6, iiLOCK 1, EDIiqA IIIGHL-ANDs EJTP Tr/O LOTS FPROV&U., i4r. \I. E. ilonnell, 5257 Lochloy Drive, €or permission to divide his existing lot into Planning Commission's recommendation for approval of the request by two garcels, was reviewed, and VanValkenburg moved that Preliminary Plat be approved in accordance with Comriiission's recommendation Plat as proposeh was shown to Council by i41?, Fredlund, Hotion seconded by Tupa and carried. SIGN ORDIiJkdCL REVISION ,TO- BE. EXPECTED. Hr. llite called Council's attention to the need for-in the Sign Ordinance, and the fact that the Planning Coinmission will be studying a revised ordinance some time in October. SAL FOR PRIVATE Ii.IDUSTIIIAi, PARK AGkiiJ dEFOiiE THE PLMiJIiiG COi4IIISSIO~i -ai1 the new proposition by Fabri-Tek, as presented to the Planning Commission on September 16 and to be further considered by the Commission in October. GH~HY &qD COUi4TY ROAD 28). Hr, iiite asked that Council review in I STOX-i Sg,;.IER EASEi.IEiiT TO BE QUIT-CLAIIED TO EDIiJk VILLAGE COi4PAiJY , AiJ OEIO LIIILTCD ~iJEZSIIIP. -r Easement received by plat dedication. He recommended that the Easement be deeaed by the Village to "Edina Village Company", an Ohio Limited Partnemhip, for the. reason that the easement is not needed by the Village, storm sewer having been constrncteu in a different location. Location of easement is as follows: !'AstriG of land twenty feet (20' ) in width, the center line of which is described as follow: Soutiidale Acres Addition; tnence south along the east line of said Lot 1, bearing south 00O 01' 23" east a distance of six nundred sixty-four and forty-six hundredths feet (664.46'); tiiance west at a bearing of north $go 59' 26" east a distance of five feet lJr. George Hite reported receipt of a request for Village vacation 05 'Commencing at the northeast corner of Lot I, block 3, 226 f 9/21/64 VanValkenburg's motion, that easement be quit claimed to Edina Village Company as per the request by Devco and I4r. Hite's recommendation, was seconded by Tup and carried. HEARING# SICH€DULED FOR OCTO$EN 19 ON DE~IOLITIOlq OF DrIELLING AT. 6720 ,ROUSHA,% RPBD,,. xuilaing Inspector's Report, that the dwelling and outbuildings at 6720 Roushar Road violate Village Ordinance iio, 148A and Ordinance No. 149 in that they have become so dilagidated and deteriorated as to serve as harborage for vagrants and are an attractive nuisance for cnildren who might play therin.to their detriment; that these buildings show evidence of vermin infestation, was supplemented by pictures of the dwelling, saed and barn. Tupa's motion, that the Building Inspector's report be accepted, and that Council conduct Public Hearing on October 19, on the report, to determine if these are dangerous and substandard buildings and should be removed. Uotion seconded by VanValkenburg and carried, 6775 VALLEY ViEW ROAD (LOT 4,. gLt?C,lC. 2 FOR SECOIID tiATERZ4AIIi COHN€CTIOt4 PROVIDING "DECLARATION OF IJOB-DIVISION OF PROPERT-Y" IS E"XECUTED. Briggs, 6776 ValXey View Road, €or relief of the "second connection" assessment levied against his Lot 4, Block 2, Valley Vista for kiatermain Improvement No. 163, amount $577.50. Hr. Briggs maintains he does not intend to divide this large lot, and states ne is willing to sign a legal instrument, directed to the prososition that he will not subdivide and that if , within the next ten years, the 1ot:is sub- divided for reasons beyonu his control, this assessment will be paid in full to the Village. Xr. Hite explained, with'the help of a survey of the lot, that this is an exceptionallj large corner lot at Rosemary Lane and Valley View Road; that the Village had put a Valley View Road connection in for the property at the request of Hr. Hugh arenner, developer of Valley Vista; and that €sir. Brenner had subsequently had one installed for the lot on Rosemary Lane. flr. Hite recorrmended relief of the assessment, but only on condition that Gr. Briggs is willing to provide non-division of property deed restrictions on the lot; not in the event that this becomes just a deferred assessment, VanValkerhurg's motion, that Village remove assessment if and wlnen proper agreenent is filed, was seconded by Tupa and carried. VALLEY VISTA) TO BE ELIEVED OF ASSESSI*%NT blr. George Hite reviewed for the Council the request of EIr. Jerome C. COUJCJL CEsCTJFJFS- C.ERTALJ ASSZSSiGiqTS TO LAND COi,ILdISSIOi'lER. Clerk reported to Council that certain lots and tracts- ofled %ithin Trunk Watermain District No. 171 (5') to point of beginning; thence continuing west along said line bearing 89O 59' 26" east a distance of one hundred seventy-three and tnirty-eight hundredths feet: (173.38') and there terminating."' - and Lateral ilaterinain District 140, 172 were State-Owned Lands at the time of Council determination of Assessment Levy, and asked that Certification be made to the Land Commissioner in order that collection of assessments can be made at time of sale of lots by State. VanValkenburg offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: ' RESOLUTIOd DZTEiUUIJIBG TOT& AMOUHTS TiiAT dOULD HAVE BEEH ASSESSED AGAINST CERTAIN PARCELS OF TA'L FOREXITED LAi?DS IF SUCH PROPERTIES HAD BEEd SUBJECT TO ASSESSI.IELJT AT THE TIME OF DETEj?.ilIi?ATIOi$ aY THE; VILLAGE COUNCIL OF TflE FOLLoi.iIlJG SCdEDULES AND T)IRECTIA'~G TtriE VILLAGE CLERK TO PREPAICE; AN A.!jSTRkCT SHOkJIMG THE DESCRIPTIOH OF EACH PARCEL OF LAND FORFEITED TO Ti-IE STATE FQR dOi?-PAYMENT OF TAXES AND THE TOTAL ALlOUi\lT THAT WULD HAVE BEZiJ ASSESSED AGAINST EACH PARCEL IF IT HAD BEEN SUBJECT TO ASSESStEiJT: AdD DIECTING SAID VILLAGE CLERK TO CERTIFY THAT SAME TO THE COUIJ'TY AUDITOR PURSUATJT TO THE PROViSi0:JS APTER 394,' LAbiS OF MINdESOTA 3E IT fiES0 Edina of the total amounts of money to be assessed in the proceedings of the iinprovements listed below, certain parcels of land had been forfeited to the State and were therefore not subject to assessment: does hereby determine that each of the parcels of land hereinafter described would have been assessed the amounts set opposite each such described parcel, if such parcel had not been tax-forfeited lands and therefore not subject to assessment, and the Village Council does hereby determine that each of said parcels ha5 been benefited in an amount equal to and in excess of the amount set opposite each of said parcels: cil of the Village of Edina, Idinnesota: IIMIIEAS, at the time of the determination by the Village Council of the Village of WOI.I, THEREFORE, Pursuant to Chapter 394, Laws of iilinnesota 1941, the Village Council b;A~BK-lAiii i:PPKOVE14E:?T i<O.. 4064 ' Lot 12, Blocm, i3endelssohn (Parcel 4900, Plat 76180) $499.63 Lot 12, dlock 12, i4cndelssohn (Parcel 4900, Plat 76180) $113.38 Lot 7, Block 1 (Parcel 114, Plat 77860) $113.98 Lot 8, Block 1 (Parcel 116 a Plat 77860) $113.98 Lot 9, Block 1 (Parcel 118, Plat 77860) $113.98 Lot 10, Block 1 (Parcel, 120, Plat 77860) $113,98 I?ATEH4AI$ JLPilOVEXE2?T XO 416 4 HEST 1!11?3EAPOLIS €EIGHTS : 9/21/64 227 Yhe Village Clerk is hereby directed to make an abstract shotring the description of each parcel of land forfeited to the state for non-payment of taxes at the tiire of the determination by tne Villaga Council of tile amounts to be assessea in tiiese proceedings, and showing, in accordance with this resolution, tnp' total amount that would. have been assessed against each parcel of land if it nad Dean subject to assessment. to the County Auditor of Hennepin County for presentation to the Board of County Commissioners of Hennepin County. The said Village Clerk shall certify such abstract aye ; VanValkenburg, COUilCIL CAiJCELS AD VALOREXI TAXES FOR PAYIbENT OF I1~IIPROVEi4:EiJT BONDS AiJD I;i6TEREST, PAYkf3LE. )iJTH, GEdERAL. TAXES 111 1965. sufficient moneys in some of the Improvement Funds, and in the Park Fund, for Finance Director Dalen reported there are cancellation or reduction of Ad Valorem Taxes payable in 1965. action by the Council accordingly, and Tupa offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: He advocated RESOLUTIOi? CAL\ICELLING IMPROVENENT FUNDS AD VALOEid TAXES COLLECTISLE \KITH 1964 GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES -- HI-IEREAS, the Village Council of the Village of Edina has, by Resolution adopted IIarCh 2, 1953, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of princigal and interest of its Sanitary Sewer Impovement No. 53 Fund; said ad valorem tax in tile amount of $18,000 being collectible with and as a part of other general taxes far the year 1964; and WEEAS, the Village Council of the Village of Edina has, by Resolution adopted October 26, 1953, levied a special ad valorem tax €or the payment of principal and interest of its Southdale improvement Fund, said ad valorem tax in the amount of $19,600 being collectible with and as a part of other general taxes for the year 1964; and !JHLEAS, PIinnesota Statutes, Section 475.26, permits the cancellation of said levies providing moneys are on hand for payment of principal and interest for said bond issues; and it has been determined by this Council that the required moneys are on hand for the payment of said principal and interest; that those ad valorem tax levies made by Resolution of this Council adopted 14arch 2, 1953 and October 26, 1953, and collectible with and as a part of other general property taxes in said Village for the year 1964, be and hereby are cancelled; and iLiiXEAS, the Village Council of the Village of Edina has, by Resolution adopted February 25, 1957, levied a special ad valorem tax for the payment of princi2al and interest of its Park System Bonds; said ad valorem tax in the amount of $52,000 being collectible with and as a part of other general taxes for the year 1964; and the General Obligation Bond Iiedenption Fund) permits the cancellation of all or part of said levy poviding moneys are on hand for payment of principal and interest for said bond issue; and it has been determined by this Council that the required moneys are on hanci for the payment of all of the interest and a part of the princigal of said bond issue; that $15,600 of that ad valorem tax levy made by Xesolution of this Council dated February 25, 1957, be and is hereby cancelled. JE IT FUK'I'IER RESOLVED that the County Auditor of Hennepin County, IIinnesot a, be authorized and directed to cancel tne above descrimd ad valorem tax levies ad 'to delete said levies from taxes to be spread for the year 1964. iqOk1, THEREFOW, bE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina IJHEFGAS, Ordinance do. 17 of the Village of Edina (An Ordinance Establisning iWd, Ti-iCliEFiliit;, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of tne Village of Ldina Hotion for adoption oE the Resolution was tliare irere four ayes ad as follows: and dreciesen, aye; and the Resolution y liaciiillan, and on Rollcall Tuga, aye; VanValkenburg, aye; I Ch&l+" PAID: dated this date, was seconded by UacIlillan and carried: Srriin Pool and Golf Course, $11,848.49 ; Xaterworks Fund, $30,078.13 ; Liquor Fund, $53,563.55; Serrer Rental Fund, $644.81 and Poor Fund, $100.00--POTkL, $337,289.08. i4otion by Tupa for payment of the following Claim, as Ger P!re-List General Fund, $19,393.25; Construction Fund, $221,660.45; Park,larkConstruction, 9/21/64 PRO-Ad TPUl3dMii,i4T h SUCCESS :, COUr3CIL THAMS EDINA CITIZEW FOR THEIR I$CTIATIVE- AidD AID. Reporting that the Pro-Am Tournament held at Braemar Links today was a reas' success, Lfanager Hyde the tournament had generally been made possible through the initiative of Zessrs. Richard Enroth and Jack Adam and the generosity of UP. Arthur Ryden. - He recommended that Council show its appreciation by resolution. ;4aci.Iillan offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption : RES0 LUT I ON WHEREAS, two Edina citizens, &ir. Richard Enroth and Z4r* Jack kdams , conceived the idea of, and by their efforts carried through to a most successful conclusion, the First Annual Braemar-Ryden Professional- Amateur Invitational Tournament at the new municipal golf course on September 21, 1964, and tour-nament : Edina that the contributions of Lir, Enroth and Br. Adams be publicly acknowledged by this Resolution, with the sincere appreciation of the Village of Edina for their fine work. w WEREAS, much benefit will redound to Braemar Golf Course as a result of the NOi.J, TiiEREFOE, BE IT RESOLVED by the i4ayor and Council of the Village of uGa, and on Rollcall therz d bredesen, aye; and the Resolution w 4,-* &%/ ;(..- AJ,~~,. gre6t generosity and support for the Village's new municipal golf course, Braemar, And Hac>lillan offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RES OLUT I 014 WHEREAS, .Zr. Arnold Ryden, . a citizen.aE Edina, made it possible through his >y$t to be host to a nost successful Professional-Amateur Invitational Golf Tournament HHEEAS, much benefit will redound to I3raerflar as a result of the tournament: NOi.i, TIEREFORE;, BE IT RESOLVED by the Hayor and Council of the Village of Edina that Xr. Ryden's participation be publicly acknowledged by this Resolution, with the sincere alpreciation of the Village of Edina for making the tournament possible. . on September 21, 1964; and I were four ayes and no nays, as follows: i.lacl.ii11 SXOji, GATS. PATEdT ISSUED , ih. Hyde informed the Council that tile SiiOIi GATE PATEXT has now been issued, being i?atent iJo. 3,148.466 and dated September 15, 1964. PUBLIC 30~~~. TROGRESS iEPO&T, showing status of contracts as of Septeirber 21, was sd uy irk. Hite, and briefly reviewed by Council. T:.JO-'E@- JHJ3tOVEZEJT BOXDS TO BE SOLD Ii\T NOVEtiBER, ALlOUNT $1,200,000. Director Dalen asked authorization to proceed with the necessary preliminary work for sale of a $1,200,000 issue of Temporary Improvement Bonds, to be of two-year he feels bonds could be sold in November. of Council. Finance . duration, to finance various improvement projects approved by Council. He said Authorization granted, by common consent ST0,K.j SEyFg g4PRO.m R ;JEST r.IIiJXEAPOLIS HEIGHTS AEA TO BE DELAYED. A gentleman in the audience inquired about the dearing, which had been proposed for this meeting, on a Storm Sewer Improvement for the West IJinneapolis Heights area. fie was informed that this Hearing has been delayed, pending further study by the Engineers; that those interested will receive mailed notice at such time as the proposal is ready. This man told Council he is in favor of the project because he will have a river of water in his yard if something isn't done soon. in tne itlorth part of the area, near the old Streetcar Right-of-klay. He lives SEMII?A& ,@- STREET LIGHTING-,. TO, BE HELD OCTOBER 1. Hr. Hyde extended Northern States Power Coin$any'svitation to Council to attend a 24unicipal Street LightinE - - - Conference on October 1, at Old Log Theater, Excelsior. There being no further business to come before this Reeting, Tupa moved for adjournmsnt ,/ :.lotion seconded by HacMillan and carried. Adjournment at 7: 35 P.H. to Mednesday, September 23, at 4:30, for consideration of budget.