HomeMy WebLinkAbout19650125_special1/18/65 COMPARATIVE MUNICIPAL TAX RATE SCHEDULE PRESENTED TO COUNCIL. Manager Hyde presented to the Council Members copies of a listing by the Citizen's League of Hennepin County Municipalities' property taxes on an $18,000 home. The schedule listed St. Anthony as low at $330, Golden Valley second lowest at $385, and Edina third lowest at $388. Brooklyn Center was high at $535. LIQUOR FUND STATEMENT PRESENTED. MacMillan moved that the Liquor Fund Statement, dated November 30, 1964, be accepted and placed on file. Second by Tupa and carried. 35 CLAIMS PAID. Tupa's motion authorizing payment of the following Claims as per Pre List dated January 18, 1965, was seconded by MacMillan and carried: General Fund, $21,060.31; Construction Fund, 1164,935.82; Park, Park Construction, Swimming Pool and Golf Course Funds, $5,558.16, Water Fund, $4_,407.94; Liquor Fund, $89,049.21; Sewer Rental Fund, $406.15; Improvement Funds, $449.95; Temporary Improvement Fund, $1,320.00; TOTAL, $2$,79187.54. Council having covered its agenda, Tupa moved for adjournment. Motion was seconded by VanValkenburg and carried. Meeting adjourned at 7:35 P.M. Village Clerk � MINUTES OF THE SPECIAL MEETING OF �1 THE EDINA VILLAGE COUNCIL HELD AT THE EDINA VILLAGE HALL MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1965, AT 7:00 P.M: ROLLCALL was answered by Members MacMillan, Ri.xe, Tupa, VanValkenburg and Bredesen. PUBLIC HEARING ON GRANDVIEW IMPROVEMENT #E -19: Clerk presented Affidavit of Publication in the Edina - Morningside Courier on January 14 and 21 and Affidavit of Mailing to affected property owners on January 15, 1965. Affidavits were approved as to form and ordered placed on file. Pursuant to due notice given, Public Hearing was conducted on the proposed improvement- and action was taken by the Council as hereinafter recorded: A. CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND APPURTENANCES, RAILROAD BRIDGE WIDENING AND APPURTENANCES, LANDSCAPING AND APPURTENANCES, SIGNING AND APPURTENANCES, TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND APPURTENANCES, AND VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: On and adjacent to Vernon Ave. (Hwy. 169.) from M.N.S. Railroad Bridge southwesterly to 600 feet south of 53rd St. Interlachen Blvd. from Hankerson Ave. to Vernon Ave. (Hwy. 169). On a realignment of Brookside Ave. from W. 49th St. to Interlachen Blvd. On proposed road between Eden Ave. and Vernon Ave. (Hwy. 169) to be located alongside the southerly line of Enroth's First Addition. Mr. Hite explained that the storm sewer portion of this improvement is not being considered at this meeting. He presented plans for the proposed improvement explaining the purposes are to: 1. Improve the traffic circulation system. 2. Encourage and simplify the creation of a unified shopping facility by private interests. 3. Enhance the appearance of the area. Mr. Hite explained that two years ago a petition was received from Mr. Dick Enroth and others asking that something be done to improve this area. Subsequent study has included conferences with merchants and property owners, a consulting engineer in traffic, a civil engineering consultant, a landscaping consultant and with lighting companies in the area. There has'been considerable cooperation with the State and County Highway Departments. Mr. Hite showed the relative size and Location of other shopping areas with respect to the Grandview area and indicated probable trade areas. He presented drawings showing the plans of the Planning and Engineering Department for improvements in the area. Mr. Hite referred to the four page dittoed mailing dated January 15, 1965, which had been mailed to each property owner and most-of the commercial tenants in the area. This mailing included a letter of explanation, an "Estimate and Proposed Allocation of Costs," a suggested Assessment, Method, and a tabulation of the properties which would be assessed and the amount of actual and adjusted area proposed to be assessed. A copy of the mailing is attached to and made a part of these Minutes. The total estimated assessment was computed at $0.17297 per square foot of adjusted area. The total estimated project cost of $384,871 he suggested could be paid from three sources; assessments of $124,453; Village share from gasoline taxes, $183,632; Hennepin County Highway Department, $55,250. 6 1/25/65 He pointed out that after the work is completed, and all costs are known, an assessment hearing would be held to determine the actual basis of assessment. 1 PROPOSED PROPEMIXES, TO BE. ASSESSED IUM THEIR "ADJUSTED AMIM" Enroth Addn., Lot 2 Pure. Oil Station ovaz:-Iolt Office Bldg. D.S� Gas" Tjovas" Coiffure Exquise Standard Oil Station City Service Station Inter lien Court Apartment -E. diva 1artuavy Phillips Oil Station 1 4 "21 ;-:?11C Oil StMtkln 33,G00 ESMI-M-27D ACT-UAL AUA Amrs—KED k-RMJ% Ltoky. Dollar, Cleaners, Liquor, eim. Complex 140,,300 Sq. Ft, 140,300 Sq. Ft, K I rt—,,pr Commplen 13-34,100 Sq. Ft. 134,100 Sqo Ft. Biltmore 1-10tal 143,300 Sq. Ft. 107't'-75 Sq. Ft. Enroth AdIdn., Lot 1 42,000 Sq. Ft. 42,000 Sq. pit, Enroth Addn., Lot 2 Pure. Oil Station ovaz:-Iolt Office Bldg. D.S� Gas" Tjovas" Coiffure Exquise Standard Oil Station City Service Station Inter lien Court Apartment -E. diva 1artuavy Phillips Oil Station 1 4 "21 ;-:?11C Oil StMtkln 33,G00 Sq. Vt. 40,000 Sq. rto 34,100 Sq. Ft. 40,000 Sq. Ft. 42.,800 Sq. Ft. 32'�00 Sq. Ft. 25,200 Sq. Ft. * 31,500 Sq. Ft. 191,600 Sq. Ft. 29A-00 sego Ftp 19,200 Sq. Ft. 281J.190 .. Ft. 115,000 Sq. Ft. 28,750 Sq. Yt. 26,200 sqa Ft. 26,200 Sq. Ft. m!'900 sq Ft. 22,350 Sq. Ft. 16,600 Sq. Ft. 16,600 Sq. Vt, 719,575 Sq. Ft. * 1/2 dg tot-at area estirated to bc-. gas station A--sr =-z9 gvs station Is rezoved ?.STPML7D Mt 017 ASSESSIM41 El Total EstlmBted Ccst Rate otal '�-Ssmssed Area te of Assessment $ 0.172-97 psr Sq. Ft. of Ldjusted r N-M Talz is only a suggested xethed fls asscssmamtq and is based upar-, ctest cstimates 19 any or C-11-1 0--F the project is 'authorizcd by the lftliage counzil, a srzeclal hew---InS will b^ codu i:P"d a' or all t*a;:! costs are detem-1:11med, at uhich t�--a ehe. manhad cad rate of will bn gurther comsideved by t1he Counzil and all benefited 1-�)7o-L.02:ty 0 =- zs C, 21V.111,11. OF, ASSESSIMW To be determined by Council at passessmwmt hearinr,, but usually 15 y earc K2 Is mtallcd in 1065 th First imtallm�nt would prezab 1Y b e mid - in 1967" Interest is ab-Irged on Umpaid, 6p-z--1:21 at 5k` v 1iz iamnu--' SOLES TED ASSESSOM-1 07TH OD COST cost to be Assessed $124,453. Less Storm Sewer (try be assessed separately) S b�So Plus Capitalized Interest @ YA per annum 8,68: o (for period betwean payment of contract and levirin,- of assesszent - esti=ted 18 months) .� " COST: R It is suWested that this total cost be assessed against all benefited properties on the basis of Dear "adjusted" site area. 1 %djusted2S site areas are suggested to be in the follG in3 listed ratios to their actual areas: Zoe Ratio C- (Gez Stations and Dpiti -eoans) 3g to 1 (Wasimm ad justed area to he not =re than 40,000 sqo at. or actual area -whichever is the greater.) C -2 (All Odder ca=Cercial) I to 1 Office and MDtel 341. to 1 Apartc t 1/4 to I M;A6ZMVIr,,U DISA XCI-P XUPRO-IMUMIT PROJECT ION 017 COSTS" _aj-78.a.370. Jkl , tots 25 1 _�,133,266, 75 and Pa-Vkap; 17 450. S 3 2,874. 22. 13 576� 78 Vv7aliside Ave,, a:2 .5011 $ x.2,25 ©0 1,00 510. 110.510. "Lin Road A re zi: LightivS Om, az�mta I 19 1 $ 31,200.- S 27,800 8 '12dlap. and 14,803. sS 5,7950 39 910084 61 2 .sm 29 4.208. 1 43 2 . - I .Q �1-- I -J'awdat-Y 15, 1365 G7a-advlei-i Szheppin- Area X--',nzchants and On U=daay, -3,miulat-j 23, ISIGS at 7: 00 PJL In the Edina Mlage Hall, the Edina Village :ail l cciaduct a public hearia,- c-a the E-easibility and desivabl-1. ity of coustvuc.tirr, and instaIM3 certain improvements; In the ex-exAviev Shop- plin.-, Ar , 02-licial llotice of Hearin,- is enclosed. :'a sw:e, You h that this project h been in tha planning, 9-or about Leo zt-s, lqpz as cc:--2s 2--wir yot-te desire to transal-orn, your -area from a diSOTG.an:k2;Cz1 a--rcl CC2 3C--;ter1 coliection of ftclosp,4mdently sited roadside cep raial sites into aii �ad integrated llshoppinz distrAct", adequately and con-venn".eptly by ,, tell desiGned mead -.:ay system. The Improv-,-ments, to ba Conzid"o-red L"IL em is -nua-&T 25th hezzinZ; represent thlose facilities tit can T-r-3 created thzctI34 PutAir- or Municips& contrzat. They aze intended to supple- M--nt your c Live-SIZZ:zaly.- in nzvy and it-mrouccl facilities, Together those public ancl prlv�. °.,te i r per ens s-nd fe-Pilftics shautd enieble you to CECZ-te the Rind of distTlet you hca"'., Lix-`rd C2 the -total cost of the ,prc-posed is,-qprovezents le planned to :r"z c's'z'lzssri tkc beacglitinv,- co=riazzclal proportles. Subjcr-t to t1he OpproVal of tkT Ccuncil, and tha Couaty and State Hi-,k-may &-,part-,,2ntz r-Ost 09 the ecot vAll be. 9-im-aiced by Mle,-,e, County and State -CuriAs. Details en tha coTht i alUgations ere prownted in the en@Iesed materl-21. A130 en13,10smars, is ,;� sn'--c'C'Sted method of sqre:zdl the assessed portion 0b the total coot Cg-cir-i-st tLQ benax,itins provzTtlos, Tk ,a =,. %3 9,km CLZAC- zed Fj-".L-h taiz lettw sprescats In a vary generali=d 1wcAy the VU2ZL'Z,- ZZd 02 th,- proposed additionak ing-O= vlon and other drzulr3s uill to presented -it L-ea-,JnSa saa you., Ccorgae C. Eli i 1/25/65 Mr. Don Donovan of Donovan's Furniture Company questioned how this would affect access to his property, and was advised that this matter would be included in the Highway #100 Improvement design consideration. Mr. Jack Rixman of the Kroger Company questioned the width of driveways into adjoining properties and the location of such driveways. Mr. John Kolb of Shell Oil questioned the fact that plans did not show an exit from the street to their property at 5201 Vernon Avenue. Mr. Doug Olson asked about the possibility of dead - ending Hankerson Ave. and leaving W. 52nd St. open for access to Highway 169. Mr. Robert Soelberg of Bob's Brookside Service, 5200 Interlachen Blvd., questioned possible assessments in relation to a proposed bridge and also questioned access to his station. Mr. Virg Edwards of Pure Oil questioned how a customer would be able to go north after leaving his station at 5100 Vernon Ave. He would like to have Summit Ave. retained as a through street. Mr. Harry Brooks of Standard Oil suggested the possibility of changing the crossover on the median strip to give better access to the Standard Station at 5209 Vernon. In response to all of these questions, Mr. Hite stated that each would be considered on an individual basis, and that he would meet with merchants and property owners individually in order to attempt to develop a satisfactory solution to any particular problem. Mr. Rixman questioned the proposed method of assessment, stating that he did co not consider it quite fair. He suggested that it might be fairer to assess M each property on the basis of its "actual" area rather than the proposed e, "adjusted" area. -!Z4 Mr. Hyde stated that improvement projects have to follow state law, and that by the time the assessment hearings are held, two of the Council Members may have changed. He further pointed out that the proposed assessment basis was only a tentative one, subject to change. Mayor Bredesen commented that the suggested Village (gas tax) share of the project cost seemed very liberal in relation to the portion proposed to be assessed, and suggested that this matter be given further consideration. There being no further objections or discussion of the proposed improvement, VanValkenburg, noting that there are various details to be worked out and approval of County and State Highway Departments as to their shares of costs being pending, offered the following Resolution and moved its adoption: RESOLUTION ORDERING IMPROVEMENT PERMANENT STREET SURFACING, CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER, STREET LIGHTING, RAILROAD BRIDGE WIDENING, LANDSCAPING,, SIGNING_, TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENT #E -19 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE VILLAGE COUNCIL, VILLAGE OF EDINA, MINNESOTA, that this Council heretofore caused notices of hearings to be duly published on the following proposed improvements: CONSTRUCTION OF PERMANENT STREET SURFACING AND CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER AND APPURTENANCES, STREET LIGHTING AND APPURTENANCES, RAILROAD BRIDGE WIDENING AND APPURTENANCES, LANDSCAPING AND APPURTENANCES, SIGNING AND APPURTENANCES, TRAFFIC SIGNALS AND APPURTENANCES AND VILLAGE STORM SEWER AND APPURTENANCES IN THE FOLLOWING: On and adjacent to Vernon Ave. (Hwy. #169) from M.N. 6 S. Railroad Bridge southwesterly to 600 feet south of W. 53rd St. Interlachen Blvd. from Hankerson Ave. to Vernon Ave. (Hwy. #169). On a realignment of Brookside Ave. from W. 49th St. to Interlachen Blvd. On a proposed road between Eden Ave. and Vernon Ave. (Hwy. #169) to be located alongside the southerly line of Enroth's First Addition. and at hearings held at the time and place specified in said notice the Council has duly considered the views of all persons interested, and being fully advised of the pertinent facts, does hereby determine to proceed with the construction of said improvements, and said improvements are hereby designated and shall be referred to in all subsequent proceedings as #E -19. The areas to be specially assessed therefore shall be as follows: . The area including Lot 50, Auditor's Subdivision #176; Parcels 5400 and 5050 Sec. 28, T. 117, R. 21; Lots 1 and 2, Enroth's First Addn.; Lots 29, 30, 31, 32, Block 3, Lots 6, 7, 8, 90 10, Block 4, Lots 11 through 19 incl., Block 3, Lots 16 thru 20 Incl., Block 4, Lots 13, 14, 15, Block 4, Lots 1 thru 6 incl., and Lots 20 thru 27 Incl., Block 3, all in Grandview Heights Addn.;-Lot 4, Block 3 and Lot 3, Block 1, Edenmoor Addn.; Lots 1, 2, 3 and 12, Block 16 Grandview Plateau; Lots 15, 16, 17, 18, 199 20 and S. 15' of Lot 149 Block 1, Brookside Heights Addn. Motion for adoption of the Resolution was sec o de by Tupa, and on Rollcall the Resolution was unanimously adopted. ATTEST: Mayor Village Clerk •f 1/25/65 COUNCIL APPROVES FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR MUD LAKE AND NINE MILE CREEK WATERSHED. Mr. Kendall Stevens, Chairman of the Park Board, asked the Council to help resolve the question of Mud. Lake and the Nine Mile Creek Watershed. He is apprehensive that any further substantial delay might necessitate piecemeal decisions as projects develop. He is also fearful that the State Legislature might not continue to appropriate funds for Conservation Development which could be used to accomplish a development of this type with a lake and storm basin. These conservation funds amount to approximately $150,000 annually. Mr. Stevens feels, after-meeting with the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District, that they are quite anxious to cooperate with us in an advisory capacity. Their function is to serve as a regulatory or control board. Hopefully, a lake could result which would have recreational purposes as well as a park. The Park Board proposes that a feasibility study be entered into jointly by the Village of Edina and the Nine Mile Creek Watershed District. The cost of approximately $7,500 would be shared, with Edina paying about $5,600. The.study should take three or four weeks. Stevens further proposed that the Engineering Department would provide as much of the field data as they can. This should lower the cost of the study. Mr. Hite said that an estimate had been prepared indicating that land acquisition toward development of a lake would run about $300,000. He has contracted the group that administers Federal Open Space Program money and they are certain that the project should qualify for a 20o to 30o share of the land acquisition cost.being paid by Federal funds. VanValkenburg moved that the money be granted for the feasibility study. Seconded by Tupa. Motion carried unanimously. Council having covered Meeting's agenda, MacMillan moved for adjournment. Motion was seconded by Tupa and carried. Meeting adjourned at 8:45 P.M. l Village Clerk 1